Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 05, 1905, Page 6, Image 6

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MIA; cms
Johnson Multnomah, second. 34 feet 2
Inches: Bailey Y. M. C. A., Third. S3 feet
S inches.
16-pound hammer throw Won by
Baker Multnomah, 121 feet 2H Inches:
Johnson Multnomah, second, S2 feet 9
Inches. No third.
Throwing 5C-pound weight Won by
D. O'Sulllvan, Anaconda, Mont-, 21 feet
4 Inches.
Discus throw Won by A. Johnson
Multnomah. SO feet H Inches.
Broad Jump Won by Kelly Multno
mah, 21 feet 9?i Inches; Friessel Mult
nomah second, 20 feet 5 inches; Gam
mle Multnomah, third, 19 feet 4 inches.
220-yard hurdles Won by Friessel
Multnomah, Livingston Y. M; C. A. sec
ond. No third. Time. 0:27 1-5.
a nn today $3,
Local Team Victorious in
Amateur Athletic Union
Championship Games.
Parsons Runs 100 Yards In Ten
Flat Gilbert Makes New Pole
Vault and Kelly a New
Broad-Jump Record.
100-yard dash By Parsons, of Call-
Lk fornla, time. 10 seconds.
Pole vault By A. C. Gilbert. of
Multnomah; height, 11 feet 1 Inch.
Broad Jump By Dan Kelly, of
Multnomah; distance. 21 feet 9
Junior Roord Equaled.
220-yard dash By H. Groman, of
Chicago; time, 22 2-5 seconds.
The Multnomah Amateur Athletic Club
of Portland -won the junior championship
meet under the auspices of. the Amateur
Athletic Union at the Fair grounds stad
ium yesterday by scoring 69 points to 26
for their nearest competitors, the Olympic
Club team of San Francisco. ,
Yesterday's events were merely the
Junior contests, and were not as interest
ing from a spectator's point of view as
will be the games .on schedule for today,
for when a contestant won an event In
the Junior competition he was immediate
ly disqualified from further participation,
for he became a senior under the rules
of the A. A. U. This rule practically put
the Olympic Club out of the competition
at the sart, for their hopes of victory
'were centered in the chances of Victor
idga winning enough seconds and thirds
to give them the necessary majority to
win. LIdga was Jockeyed out of the meet
"by Friessel and Kerrigan in the 233-yard
high hurdles, when they deliberately per
mitted him to finish first. The Multno
mah boys worked thls,.trlck smoothly, for
the Olympic Club man had entered -with
the intention of taking second or third
place, but the local men, who were in. the
lead, practically stopped after taking the
last hurdle, and their opponent breasted
the tape In the lead. Lldga's protest to
.Secretary Sullivan was uncalled for, as he
was simply out-jockeyed, and should have
shown true sportsmanship by letting Jt go
at that. Several of the standing Junior
championship records were broken, and
others equalled by the competitors In yes
terday's games.
The first Junior record to be smashed
Teas the 100-yard dash, when Parsons, of
California, made the distance in 10 flat,
which Is fWo-flfths of a second better
than the previous A. A. U. Junior record.
A. C Gilbert, of Tale, entered under the
colors of the 'Multnomah Club, broke the
Junior record for the pole vault
ing 11 feet 1 Inch, which Is 1 Inch hetter
f nan tie previous record of Bascom John
H. Groman, of Chicago Club, equalled
the A. A U. Junior record of 222-5 seconds
for the 220-yard dash. In this event For
rest Smlthson, bf ,the Multnomah Club,
wrenched his leg as he was overhauling
Groman in the stretch, and could not hold
his speed and finished second.
Several of the competitors who were
entered In the last events were disquali
fied by winning in earlier contests, which
left some of the entries with a single- com
petitor, as was the case In the two-mile
run and the 56-pound weight-throwing
events.. Mays being the only starter in the
two-mile run and O'Sulllvan having no
opponent In the weight-throwing.
New Mark -In Broad Jump.
Tin TTalt V fsy-r.a. f0...V., TT.I
I versfty student and now a member of th
Multnomah Club, broke the Junior record
ijn the broad Jump, when he set a new
I marK or 21 feet 3 Inches. The previous
I record was 21. feet 2W Inches. Kllv mnria
Ills Jump on hfs first trial, and as he is to
compete against tne cracK jumpers. Hall
of the Olympic Club and Friend and Pat
terson of Chicago, in today's events, he
did not try to better that mark.
Tjie competitions on thn nrotrramme
for today are composed of the cracks in
I tne senior events, and the talent en
tered comprise the very best men in
the country. Ralph Rose, of the Chi
cago team; Plaw, of the Olympic Club,
ana w. w. coo, of the X. Y. A. C., are
three men who are holders of world's
I records at the weights, and the com
petition between these VOtinir rrianta
will be of the keenest variety, for each
iwui use his utmost endeavors to win
I tne different events in which they are
entered, and to make new records i.
D ghtbody, Clyde Blair. Frank Ver-
ner. xi. Groman. Sanford Lvon and A.
I Rose, of Chicago: Archie Hahn and
"Waller, of Milwaukee; Charles Par
sons, w. n. Garcia, A. A. Glarner. Vic
tor Lldga. Fred Bunress aim A a Rinr.
hart, of the Olympic Club; Forrest
bmitnson. Dan J. Kelley, Frank Frles-
sei ana a. ituykendall, of the Multno
imah Club, are some of the track mn
I who are to compete in the foot races
on today s programme.
Games at 2:30 Today.
Several experts who have looked"
over the entries for today's meet, state
Ithat they look for the 100-yard dash to
I be made in less than ten seconds. The
games this afternoon will start prompt
ly at 2;30 o'clock, and all those attend
ing the Fair today canot afford to miss
tnese games for it may be the last A.
A. V. meet to be held in this city for
many years. .
Summary of Events.
The summary of yesterday's events
Is as follows;
100-yard dash Won by Parsons
Olympic Gearhart Olympic second.
Kelly Multnomah third; time, 0:10.
sou-yard run won by Garcia Olym
pic. Hanson Multnomah second. Mays
Multnomah third; time. 2:07 3-5.
iro-yard nigh Hurdles Won bv LIdga
uiympic, Friessel Multnomah second, O.
Kerrigan Multnomah third: time. 0:18.
ttunnmg nign jump won by O. Ker
rigan, iveuy MUltnoman second. No
third place as only two men competed.
Height, 6 xeet l inch.
One mile run "Won by Glarner Olym
pic, Hanson Multnomah second. Mays
laiuitnoman tniru; time 5:09 l-o.
440-yard run '"Won by A. 11056, Chi
jcago, F. Burgess second. No third. Time,
0:55 1-5.
220-yard dash -Won by Groman Chi
icago, Smlthson Multnomah second,
Gammie Multnomah third; time.
0:22 2-5.
Pole vault Won by Gilbert Mult-
jnomah. 11- xeet 1 Inch-;- Livingston
Portland Y. M. C. A.,-second, 9 feet. No
Two-mile run Won by S. Mays
iMultnomah, only starter; time. 14:331-5,
Puttinsr 16-BOund shot Won bv
James Multnomah, 37 feet 4 Inche; A.
New York 7, St. Louis 3.
NEW YORK, Aue:. 4. The New York
Americans took the second came of the
Eories from St. Louis with ease. Attend
ance, 4500. Score:
SL Louis ....3 11 2j New York ....7 10 2
Batteries Newto nand Powers: Howell
and Sugden.
Washington 6, Chicago 5.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 4. Washington
won a hard struggle against Chicago to
day. Attendance, 2200. Score:
R.H.E.I R.H.E.
Washington .6 S 0 Chicago 5 10 2
Batteries Owen. Walsh. Bmlth and Sul
livan; Patten and Klttredge.
Detroit 0-3, Philadelphia 8-2.
PHILADELPHIA. Aug. 4. Philadelphia
and Detroit broke even today in a double
header. Attendance, 10,900. Score:
R.H.E.I R.H.E.
Philadelphia .3 11 2j Detroit 0 9 2
Batteries Donovan and Drill; Plank -and
Second game:
R.H.E.I R.H.E.
Philadelphia. 2 S 2 Detroit .3 2 1
Batteries Kltson and Clark; Henley
and Barton.
Boston 7t Cleveland 5V
BOSTON. Aur. 4. Boston and Cleveland
played a free-hitting game today. At
tendance, 7000. Score:
R.H.E.' B-H.E.
Cleveland ....5 10 ij Boston 7 5 1
Batteries Gibson. Dlncen and Annbrua-
ter; Ferry, Joss and Buelow. w
Chicago 2, Boston 1.
CHICAGO, Aug. 4. For sir Innings to
day's game was a pitchers' contest. Chi
cago in the eichth scored twice on two
singles, a double and an out. Attendance,
0000. Score:
R.H.E.J R.H.E.
Boston 1 4 lj Chicago .......2 4 0
Batteries Lundgren and Kllng; .Willis
and Morgan. -
Umpire Johnstone.
Pittsburg 7, New York -5.
PITTSBURG. Aug. 4.---Pittsburg out
played New York at every point until the
eighth inning, when Hildebrand took
stage fright and gave the first three New
Yorkers bases on balls. Attendance, SOW.
R.H.E.I R.H.E.
New York ...5 5 3 Pittsburg .....712 2
Batteries Hildebrand, Lynch and Peltx;
Ames, Taylor and Bresnahan.
Umpires Emslle and Bausewlne.
Terrific Blow in Eleventh Round
Decides Fight for Him.
COLIMA, Cal., Aug. 4. The largest
crowd by far in the history of the Golden
State Athletic Association crowded the
pavilion here this evening to witness the
scheduled 25-round contest between Jim
my Gardner and Rufe Turner,
Gardner won the fight in the first three
seconds of the 11th round with a terrific
right to the body. Turner showed to the
better advantage In the first two rounds
only. After that the fight was all Gard
ner's. All through the fight Gardner dis
played remarkable cleverness- In ducking
and blocking. Turner was unable to reach
him with any effective blows.
Canadian Amateur Regatta.
ST. CATHERINES, Ont. Aug. 4 With
one or two exceptions; the e'ents In the
first day of the regatta of the Canadian
Association of Amateur Oarsmen were
without excitement, and the events were
almost featureless. Summary:
Junior doubles, final Argonaut R. C,
Toronto, won; Ottawa R. C, Ottawa,
second: Rat Portage R. C, Rat Portage,
third; time, 8:30.
Senior pairs, final Argonaut R. C won;
Toronto Argonauts second; time, S:22 2-5.
Junior singles final Craig, Detroit, won;
Graham. Toronto, second; Flagg, Dons,
third: time. 9:10.
Intermediate single?, first heat Sprlnks,
Toronto R. C. Toronto, won; McAllister.
Hamilton R..C. Hamilton, second; time,
Intermediate single, second heat Coul
son. Hamilton R. C, won; Freeh, Penn
sylvania R. C, Philadelphia, second;
Wark. Hamilton R. C, third; time,
Directed by Chief, or Police, He
3Ieets an Oregon City Car and
Takes Man In Custody.
At the direction of Chief of Police
Grltzmacher, Detective Joe Day yester
day, at 1 o'clock, went to East Madison
and Water streets, and arrested F. A.
Williams. The latter was on board an
Oregon City car, bound for Portland, and
was taken into custody on suspicion of
being a bicycle thief. - He was locked up
in the City Hall, pending an investiga
tion. Williams Is believed to have stolen a bi
cycle belonging to Chief of Police at Al
bany, Or. The theft was reported to
police headquarters here early yesterday
morning. At noon. Chief of Police Burns
pf Oregon City, telephoned to Chief
Grltzmacher that he had picked up' the
wheel, and that the manwho:had It had
escaped by running and boarding a car,
bound for Portland,.
Reprimand Officer Schneider.
The Police Commissioners yesterday
found Patrolman EL A. Schneider, of the
Upshur-street police Station, guilty of
drunkenness, and ordered that he be rep
rimanded and deprived of pay from the
date of his suspension until yesterday,
-when he was restored to duty. His light
punishment was due to his previous good
Action In the cans of Policemen Evans.
and JOdon and Night Driver Pride will
probably be taken this afternoon.
A noncommissioned officer la the Hun
garian army will be tried by court-martial
for giving the word of command in
"tM Hunrarlan lanrusxe.
Giants Lose. Game by Giving
' Him' Poor Support.
Commuters Add Another to Scries of
Victories, Crowding Score Into
Two Innings Tlogan
''Holds-Down Giants.
Yesterday's Result.
Oakland, 5: Portland. 1.
Seattle. 7: Lot Angelen. 2.
Tacoma, 1; San FrancUco. 0.
Standlnr of the Club.
Won. Lett. P.C
Seattle ...3 0 1.000
Oakland 3 1 .720
San Frandico 2 I .ftG6 a 1 2 .383
Portland 1 3 .250
Los A&geles 0 3 .000
SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 4. (SpeciaL)
Esslck was hi good form today, but
his team gave him miserable support.
As a result, Oakland annexed another
of the series. The Commutors turnc! the
trick In the fourth inning, when Esslck
slipped a cog. Franks and Devercux
12th day. "Weather fine. Tr. fast. F. St. D. Skinner, presiding judge. F. E. Mulholland, starter
fl71ft FIRST RACE Sir and a
O I Olf Three-year-olds and upward.
Index. Horse.
Wt. SL M k Str.
589 Great Mogul, a.109 3 1 1 1 1
S71E Paul E. Jones.4.104 5 5i Sh 4s 3
Little Aaeie. 5..10T s
S716 Pure Dale. 5 107 4.
8714 Bert Davis, a. ...109 6
2 25
2h 21 Si 4
4 34 5 6
S595 El Principe. r4.. 103 2 S 7
S714 Resigned. 4 ,.-;..ao2 1.
STl& Ione. sv ....... t.. 107 7
S702,Urbano. 5 9
P P P ?'
3h 4n S S
9 9 9 9
Tlmo-O:233i; 0:49; 1:15; 1:22.
Mogul place 7-5, show 7-10. Jones place 2, show L Adele
show 6-5.
Winner. L. C. Williams ch. g. by The Hero-Minnie Miss
man. . I
Good starU Won all driving.
R 711 SECOND RACE Six and a half furlongs. Selling.
a t jl Four-year-olds and upward. Value to first COO.
Index. Horse. Wt. St. Vz Str.
S718 El Verracco. 4...109 2 4 41 4 1
726 Dr. Sherman, a.103
? ai :'
7 7 5i 5 6
1 ? P 6 Sh
6 3 V- V 41
5 li li li 3i
3 7 7 7
S705 Holly Berry, 6...102
S714 C. Schwelzer. 4.. 109
S4S5 Patsy Brown. 4.104
S702 S Christopher a.103
3716 J. H. Bennett, 5.109
lime-v;tari 1.1s,
Verracco place 7-10, show 1-3. Sherman
Berry -how 1.
Winner. Mrs. W. J. Spiers' b. g. by Santlago-Llzzle B.
Scratched Gyros. Ulloa.
Good start. Won all driving.
RTZO THIRD RACE Five furlongs. Selling. Three-year-O
O4C olds. Value to first X1G0.
Index. Horse.
Wt St- U ?i Str.
5SS5 Alencon 109
S719 .Mabel Bates ...J07
SS93 Light of Day....l02
8S33 Brigetta .102
S5S Lady Nlnora ....107
SSM Bill Short 104
8eS3Trentard 112
8S93Tart 107
3 1 1 1 1
1 .. 2h 2i 2 2
5 .. 4i 4 V Sl
4 .. 21 3 3n 4
7 .. P P
6 6 S
2 .. S 8
5i E
6 6
7 71
8 8
Time 0:24: 0:49i: 1KG
Alencon place 2-5. out show. Bates place 1, ahbw 2-5; Day
show 1-3.
Winner, S. M. Williams' ch. g. by St. Carlo-Gold Lace.
Good start- -Won pulling up. Balance driving.
scored a hit each and McLean's error
with a base on balls sent' three mon
home. Runkle was responsible for an
other run in the fifth and a couple of
hits sent another man home.
All Oakland's scoring- was done, in
two Inninars. Hogan occupied the box
for the Commuters. He was steady and
held the Giants, to five hits. .
The score: V- . .
Van Haltren. ct 4 1 0 4 0. 0
Franeka. ta 4 1 1 4' 4 1
DunteavV,.U 3 1 1 4 0 0
Krtigar. lb s 4 - J 1 JD 0-. t
Kelly. 2b. ..v .1 1 0 2 4 0
Hecan, p 2 0 0. 0 10
Devereaux. 3b... 3 0 1 1
Stanley, c .-.. 3 0 0 1 .3- U
Croll. rf : 3 0 0 1 0. 0
Totals n. 29 3 4 27 14 3
Atz. S3 4 1 2 2 0 1
McCrsdle. rf 4 O O 4 0 0
Flemlnp. If 3 0 0 2 0 1
Householder, cf 3 0 0 0 0 0
Van Buren. lb 4 0 0 10 1 i
McLean, c 4 0 1 4 1 1
Gates; 2b 3 0 110 0
Runkle. 3b.... 3 0 0 0 0 2
Esslck. p 3 0 1 1 5 0
Totals 31 1 3 24 1$ 0
Portland 0 010000001
Hits 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 05
Oakland 0 0 0 3 2 0 0 0 " 3
Hits 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 4
Two-base hit Dunleavy.
Sacrifice hit Dunleavy.
Stolen base KruRer.
First base on errors Oakltnd, 2; Port
land. 5.
First base on called balls Off Hogan, 1; off
Esslck. 2.
Lett on basesr-Oakland. 5; Portland. 3.
Struck out By Hogan. 1 : by Esslck, 3. .
Hit by pitcher Householder.
Time or trame One hour and 30 minutes.
Umpire Bray.
AVins Easy Victory, Shutting; Off
. Angels' Batting Streak.
SEATTLE. Wash,. July 4. Seattle made
It three straight from Los Angeles this
afternoon, taking the game 5 to I It
was an easy victory for the locals. Dil
half furlongs. Selling." o 700 FOURTH
Value to first 5160. ,OiOO Handicap.
Fn. Jockey. Op. ci. to first sav.
I1 C. Williams 3 7-5 -index. Morse
2n Rettig
S727 Toupee, 4
....10) 2
3s Loague 7
4 T. Clark 3-2
5 T. Stewart 5
(S723)Sea Air. 3....
2, S723 Conreld. 3
41 S655 Tocolaw. 4
5. S72J Phalanx. 3
uranam 6
? B. Powell
5' S721 Good Cheer. 4...1K
A, Powell
9 Reed
30 SO. S723 Estella J., 3
15 IS (8S33) Whisky "King.
reld show 1-2:
Winner." .airs. uaonei s or. g. Dy x enny- lores.
Scratched Funnys Id e.
Good start. Won all driving.
Fn. Jockey. Op.
Pi Loague 5-2
' Index. Horse.
? t. btewart 4
Si T. Sullivan 6
4rLl. Powell 3
5 13. PoweU 3
6 Slhnott 10
7 T. Clark 3
9-2 S713 T. Lieutenant. 4.109 5
6 6415 Lustig. 4 107 3
7-2 S593 Rodolfo. 4 409 6
7-2 (S713)Matt Hogan, a. .104 4
15 fi97 Bountiful. 4 ....104 2
7-2: S713 Metlakatla. 4 ..
S513 ElChlnuanua a.u
1 1
place 8-5,how 7
Fn. Jockey
Herbert 1
Loague 3
B. Powell 2
Bock 30
T. Stewart 4
, i Index. Horse.
a ima Wntercure. a
30 8717 Blissful. 5 -...101
6 (e3Sa)DIamante, o 103
15 S7221Dlxelle. 3 82
Graham 8
R. Butler
ci inn orcc Tdhollltn S
CWllllams 50 100 (SS13)Merwan. 5
Watercure place 3, show 3-2. Blissful place 2-5, out show.
Diamante show IT-10. , ' , -
Winner T. A-JDavIes ch. g. by Watercress-Lena's First.
Good starL Won all driving.
lon's men struck a batting streak in the
last inning, but were shut off just when
they were well started. Some bad Los
Angeles errors were responsible for much
of the run-getting. Score:
Seattle 1 1 0 2 010 0 -5 11 2
Los Angeles 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 9 5
Batteries C Hall. Harper and Blanken
shlp: W. Hall and Spies.
Umpire Davis.
Wild Throw Scores Only and Win
ning Run.
TACOMA. Wash.. Aug. 4. It - was nip
arid tuck between Tacoma and San Fran
cisco today, the home team winning by
a narrow margin. Emerson and Hltt
pitched star ball, and the only run scored
was on a wild throw by Hltt. Score:
San Francisco 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0" 2 1
Tacoma 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0' 1 5 1
Batteries Hltt and Wilson; Emerson
and Graham. -
Umpire Perrlne.
Fighting Lacrosse Tomorrow.
Two old rivals who have not much love
for each other, the Portlands and the
Seattles. will play their first lacrosse
match this season tomorrow afternoon
at 2:30 o'clock, at the baseball grounds.
Twenty-fourth and Vaughn streets, when
surgeons and an ambulance will be in
order. Last season, when these clubs
faced each other for the first time at
Seattle the fight was so fierce that one
of the Portland players sustained a
broken arm. and four other players on
both sides were severely Injured. Police
will be present tomorrow to see that a
"free-for-all" does not take place, but
all the same a warm time is expected.
The Portlands: Sanderson, Hyatt, Porter.
Campbell. C. A. Stewart, McKay. Jen
nings; Hawes, Hamilton. Williams, Dan
McNlcoll and McDougall. The Seattles:
McDonald, Yorke, Williamson. Greene,
O'Brien. Wallace. Hall, Milne, Hague.
Cameron. McGance and Graham. This
list Includes several International players,
and It will be hard to say who will come
out the victor.
RACE Six furlongs. Harry B. Smith
Three-year-olds and upward. Value
SLUJa j Str. Fn.
Jockey. Op. CI.
5 4i V V-
.101 4
i 3i 3h 2h Wright
.102 5
112 6
97 1
6n P 5J 3l
31 vl 24 4h
P- li lh5i
4h a 6 6
T. Stewart
B. Powell
T. Clark
B. French
5 9
6 7
100 8 .. S S S 7
6.11S 7 .. ? " ? 8
Time 0:21; 0:4S; 1:14'.
Tounee place 6-5. show 3-5. Sea Air place 2, show- L Con
FIFTH. RACE Six furlongs. Selling: Four-year-olds
and upward. Value to first 2C0:
Wt. St. H 4 Str. Fn. Jockey. Op. Cl-
31 P
P 11 Hoffman
4 6
3 15-5
8 7
3 2h B. Powell
4 21 2H 3n Loague
lh 31 4 4 Graham
65 61 5 55
T. Sullivan
6i 5s
W. Smith .
T. Clark
61 5h 7 7
Time Oil; 0:45; 1:15.
Lieutenant place 2, show L Lustlg place 1, show 3-5. Ro
dolfo show 1. . . ,
Winner. H. Stover's ch. g. by Brutus-Princess.
Scratched Sacred us.
Good start- Won all driving.
SIXTH RACE One and an eighth miles. Selling.
Three-year-olds and up. Value to first $230.
Wt. SL U 1 Str. Fn. Jockey Op.
1 S 2s 2 2 lh W. Smith 6
4 2 P 1 14 2 Graham 1
3 5 6 5 41! 3ns Loague 4 9-2
5 4J 4 31 V- 4'i J. Clark- 3 1S-5
2 6 5 4 S 5 Sandy 6 9-2
G 11IS S 6 B. Powell 3 4
Time 1:551.
Jand polished,-well
turned, artistic
Pedestals, in golden
oak, mahogany and
weathered oak finish,
sixty inches high,
twelve -inch top and
Good Cheer Receives Heavy
Play, but Finishes Out
side the Money.
Second Race Is AVon by EI Verraco
Lieutenant Is Given Hard
Ride" by Hoffman,, and
Captures Fifth Race.
Toupee, Mrs. F. Gabriel's Tenny-Flores
gelding, won the Harry B. Smith Handi
cap yesterday afternoon at Irvlnston
track, and once more the "muchly" touted
good thing. Good Cheer, met horses that
made her look cheap. The bulk of the
mjoney went In on the chestnut daughter
of Fonso, and. while she ran a good race,
taking- Into account the rough journey
she had. the fact of the matter Is that
she met several horses that can take her
measure any time they are right. Graham
rede a nlce'race on the winner. He took
Toupee back to fourth place until
straightened away for the wire; then he
set to work on him and won by a length.
Sea Air was second, and she did her best
to beat Conreld a head for the second
The bill, on the whole, was a good one,
and the favorites split the card. Water
cure, another of those Latonla birds,
after taking the overland route, won the
last race. The Watercress gelding re
cently changed hands. His owner sold
him and bought Dfccelle. Both were In
the same race, and because DIxelle had
won a couple of smashing good races, she
had quite a following, while Watercure
raced practically unbacked. DIxelle
showed nothing because she never had a
chance to get Out In front. At that she
was only beaten a nose for the small end
of the purse- Blissful looked like the real
good thing in the race, but she turned
wide entering the stretch, In spite of all
that Graham could do. It is doubtful
whether she could have won even If she
had clung to the rail, for Watercure had
to go round the field, and then won com
ing on the extreme outside all the way up
the stretch. Diamante was played, but
he suffered hard racing luck from begin
ning to end.
The opening race of the card was won
by Great Mogul. Paul E. Jones, who was
second, was Interfered with at the start,
but came again, but was never in a
place where he could extend himself. Lit
tle Adele wanted to run out in the grass,
and Loague had his own troubles all the
way. He finally did land her third, and
would have been a contender but for this.
Pure Dale, who was chalked up the favor
ite, dogged It badly. El Principe can do
better, and will bear watching the next
time he meets such company.
El Verraco a Winner.
Loague gave El Verraco the kind of a
ride he likes and he won the second race
by a length and a half. The boy avoided
the early pace until the scramble for
home came, then he set down on him
and hustled him to the front so far that
he had enough left to stall off th& deter
mined bid that T. Stewart made with
Dr. Sherman, who hung on gamely. Holly
Berry got "hers" after the barrier went
up and after being bumped about con
siderably; she came on and was going
strong at the end. Charley Schwelzer
was In a pocket all the way and got lost
in the seams. Sir Christopher, after lead
ing for three-quarters of the way, stopped
as if he had been shot and faded away to
Alencon. the heavily played good thing
in the third race, made the field behind
him look very cheap. He opened at evens
and there was such a continuous stream
of money played on him that he went to
the post at 3 to 5. A bet on "him was like
money In the bank, for when Herbert
made his move with blm going down the
back stretch It was the dust that his
heels kicked up for the rest of them.
Mable Bates did her best: and like Alen
con. she was the best of the rest. Light
of Day, after dropping out of It, rounded
the far turn, came again and closed with
a rush that landed her Inside the money.
The rest of them were of little account In
the company they found themselves ln-
Ijleutenant Wins Fifth Race.
Harry Stover, who Just now Is over In
England, or on his way, with Kennel-
worth, whom he sold recently for 5CO.O0O
to English parties, won the fifth race
with The Lieutenant. The Brutus-Prln-
ceas gelding got the ride of his life at the
hands of Hoffman and it took this ride to
win for him from Lustig. Hoffman be
gan flogging The Lieutenant right after
the start and he never quit swinging bte
bat until he flashed under the wire. R
dllfo was handed out to the few as the
reat candy, and when they entered the
head of the stretch it looked as if he was
going to win. Loague gave the bird .
good ride, but he stopped as If hit on
the head with a hammer, and the boy hal
all he could do to land him third.
Today's Entries.
The card for this afternoon is about aa
good as could be gotten up at any meet
ing. The feature of the day will be the
Multnomah handicap, in which there aro
seven starters. Whiskey King, who made
hi3 flrat 3tart at the meeting yesterday. Is
entered to start, but It Is doubtful
whether he will go. for he pulled up
very lame after his race. The others are.
Judge. Corn Blossom. Brlarihorpe. St.
George, Jr., Epicure and Mladanoa. It
will be a tough race and the winner lleo
between Judge, Epicure and Corn Blos
som. Today's entries follow.
First race Five and one-half, furtess.
selling, 4-year-olds and upward:
Ind. Horse. Wt.
Ind. Horse. Wt.
S70S Almoner ..!
StiSS Nullah .,..167
SOOa Nanon ....102
Se80 Caraelatta aS
S72U "Miss Raph.lfc
S723. Sagdcn ...".WO
8731 El Verracco 109
SS1 'Indina 102i
8706 'Rosebud ..102
8702 C. Lamar.. 104
S707 Seventy ...100
8702 B. Cotton. 100
Socond race One and one-sixteenth miles,
selling. 3-year-olds and upward:
Ind. Horse. Wt.1 Ind. Horse. Wt.
8725 Chablls ...1031 S714 Dr. BernayaWXS
8079 Prestolus ..1051 8725 naclv 10
871S 'Eva McG . . 081 8725 'Penance ... 3
8722 "Past Master lOOf 8728 Moor 110
8720 'Fllle d'Or.lOSi 8730 Little Adeln-lOO
S72S Hogarth ..110 S704 Can't TelL. 00
Third race Six furlongs, selling, 3-year-olds
and upward:
Ind. Horse. Wt-I Ind. Horse. Wt.
S721 Doublet ...100 Srt28 Hlpponax ..14
8007 Susie Chrtsl02t 8720 Gyros lfttt
(5708) 'Procrastla. 1041 8732 Aleneen ... 0
8717 You You... 07 8720 Moffregor -.98
Hush 104i 8720 Mountebankl04
S708 'Haven R.. 091
Fourth race One mile.
th Multnomah
handicap. 3-year-olds and
Ind. Horse. Wt.) Ind.
8717 Briarthorpe 94f S70S
(8703) Judee 110! 8717
upward,, value
Horse. Wt.
St. Geo. Jr.19
Epleure ...108
8659 Mindanao . 1001 ( seed) Corn JK..1H
8733 W. King... 115)
Fifth race Five and one-half furlenss.
special purse. 3-year-olds and upward:
Ind. Horse. Wt.1 Ind. Horss. Wt.
(8715) B. Mahan.l07 8703 Follew Me. 100
S715 D. Boland. 03; 8715 H. L. Frank.U0
(S721) Sterling T.101 S727 Lureae 101
3721 My Surprise 9S
Sixth race One mile and 50 yards, seltlns.
4-year-olds and upward:
Ind. Horse. WtJ Ind. Horse. Wu
(8711) Harry Beckl07 S734 'LhsUjc .v..MS
(8060) Expedient ,107 S711 Uberte ....i7
8007 'Golden L.M02 8711 'Iras ltO.
Apprentice allowance.
Races at Saratoga.
SARATOGA, Aug. 4. Results of races:
Handicap, six furlongs Lady AmeMa
won. Rose of Dawn second, Incantation
third;, time. 1:12 4-5.
Five and a half furlongs The Irishman
won, Klnley Dale second, Rubylat third;
time. 1:271-5.
One mile Hugo won. Lady Ellis second,
Bellendlan third; time. 1:41.
Mile and an eighth Lord of the Vale
won. Au Re'olr second, St. Bellane third;
time. 1:54 1-5.
Mile and three-sixteenth Leila "wn,
Hippocrates second, Gray Lad third: time,
2:01 2-5.
Five and one-half furlongs Hestan
won. Bauble second. Dodlnda third; time.
Baseball Men's Quarrel Settled,
PITTSBURG. Pa., Aug. 4. The charge
of assault and battery preferred by Bar
ney Dreyfuss, presldeht of the Pittsburg
baseball club, against J. J. Ward, who
assaulted Dreyfua3 in his private box
during the gamo In Exposition Parlr, was
withdrawn today by Mr. Dreyfuss. Pre
vious to the hearing the defendant, who
wag introduced to President Dreyfuss as
Father Walsh, apologized for his con
duct, and the suit was then withdrawn.
Breaks Two-Mile Cycle Record.
OGDEN. Utah. Aug. 4. W. E. Samuel
son, of Provo, Utah, broke the world's
record for two miles at the local saucer
track. Riding from scratch in a two-mila
lap -handicap professional race, he did tho
distance in 3:4S 1-5. This is 4-5 of a second
better than any prevlouo record.
Fastest of All Motor-Boats.
BRIDGEPORT Conn.. Aug. 4. A trial
trip Just made by a motorboat built from
plans of Charles H. Herres-hoff at tha
plant of the American Boat Manufactur
ing Company, here, 13 said to have dem
onstrated that the boat is the fastest ever
Pacific Coast Golfers Win.
CHICAGO, Aug. 4- (Speclal.)-'In tha
preliminary Olympic golf tourney play to
day William Fairbanks, the Pacific Coast
champion, and R. L. MacLeay. of Port
land, defeated Hunter and Smoot In a
hard-fought foursome. 2 and 2 up. Fair
banks finished the IS holes in TS.