Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 05, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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    the mmin (mxns, satukday, august 5, 1905.
clal.) An attempt was made yesterday
to assassinate Govomui Ciolyplne. of
Saratoff Province, while he -ras driv
ing. Three shots were fired at nim,
but without effect.
attempt of Francis Mitchell
at- the City Jail Is
Failure. .
'Frank Grigware, Jack Golden, Prank
O'Connor and Francis Mitchell,
Apprehended hy Detectives,
Held as Suspects.
At 8:30 A. M. yesterday Detectives
Kerrigan and Enow landed Prank
Grigware and Jack Golden In the City
-Jail. Both were booked on suspicion.
It being believed they are room
thieves. They had false mustaches In
their possession.
At noon Kerrigan and Enow locked
up Francis Mitchell, another of the
S&ne an Intimate friend of Grigware
and Golden. Last night at 7 o'clock
he was detected by Policeman "Wilson
In an attempt to break Jail by tunnel
ing out from an upstairs cell. He
nearly succeeded, y scraping the
plaster away with a spoon. He re
cently broke Jail in Tacoma.
Frank O'Connor, arrested by Tollce
men Anderson and O'Brien, by direc
tion of Captain Bailey, is the, fourth
member of the gang. He has already
been identified.
A sranjr of allesed room-workers has
"been rounded up hy Detectives Kerrigan
.and Snow and Policemen Anderson ana
O'Brien, whose desperate character was
antlv illustrated hy a daring attempt at
iAJlbrftttk. made last nlcht by Francis
Mitchell.,- "With a spoon, he scraped away
n laree amount of plaster from the bot
tom of his cell on the third floor of the
Citv Jail, and was about to realize the
successful culmination of his scheme
when detected by Policeman "Wilson, on
reserve dutv at headquarters.
Mitchell's attempt to escape last night
was not his first effort in that direction,
It was but a short time ago that he suc
ceeded in escaping from the City Jail at
Tacoma, and is regarded as a thoroughly
bad man.
Policeman Wilson was seated In the as
sembly-room, on the second floor of the
buildinc. beintr on reserve duty last night.
His attention was directed to the celling
above, when a metallic sound was heard.
He glanced up and saw that considerable
nlaster had been removed from the cell
ing, which was also the flooj; of the cell
above. He reported Immediately to Cap
tain Moore. An investigation revealed
the fact that Mitchell had been scraping
plaster from the floor all day. As he re
moved It, he dumped it unaer ms cou
After the discovery. Mitchell was re
moved to & more sebure cell on the
ground floor by Jailer Robson, where ho
was closely watched throughout the
nlsrht. He was sullen, and made threats
that he would yet "get even" with the
Detectives Kerrigan and Snow started
out shortly after daylight yesterday morn
ing to round up the gang they had learned
was In Portland. The detectives had lo
cated the rooms of Frank Grlgware and
Jack Golden Thursday, and had searched
everything the men had stored. After
a long wait Kerrigan and Snow left, as
their quarry failed to put in an appear
Shortly after 7 o'clock yesterday morn
ing Kerrigan and Snow again went to
the room occupied by Grigware and Gol
den. and caught the two in bed. They
were made to dress and walk to police
headauarters. They were booked by Act'
ing Captain Quinlan, on suspicion, at 8:30
Kerrigan and Snow then searched the
city until noon, at -which time they suc
ceeded in locating and arresting Mitchell
Crops Fall In Iarge Sections and
Government Does Nothing. x
ST. PETERSBURG. Aug. 4. It Is feared
that there will be a recurrence of the
great Russian famine of a few years ago,
when Rev. T. de Witt Talmage and a
number of, Americans visited this country
and distributed provisions with a bounti
ful hand. At that time hundreds of thou
sands of Russians suffered because of the
shortage of the crop and the world-wide
relief was gladly accepted by the govern
ment. 'Sow, because the war witn
Japan is on. It is doubtful whether the
government will be willing to confess its
weakness and allow outside aid, no mat
ter how many people may be starving In
the interior of Russia, '
According to the reports at hand from
the provinces there will be a total failure
of the crop in many districts of Central,
Eastern and Northern Russia, and, as a
result, the famine in store for the affect
ed districts will undoubtedly far surpass
the famines in the years 1E91 and 1837.
From the governments of vjatka, .tut
san saraton. samara, tuaiennottiav,
Yamboff, Orel and RJash, the Zemstvos
report a total failure of the crops so xar
as Winter and Summer corn, peas, beans
and cattle food are concerned.
A bad harvest is predicted from the
governments of Moscow, Novgorod, Tula,
Kursk, Tver and Tskoff, while on the
other hand. Southern Russia has a fair
But the misfortunes In the districts of
Central. Eastern and Northern Russia are
likely to be all the worse because the men
In the districts mentioned have been
called in as reserves, and all that remain
behind are women, children and old men.
incapable of work and unable to procure
bread for themselves and for their fami
Tn eonsenucnee the women of many vil
lages have revolted and have marched in
crowds to the local police stations, where
they declared that they did not want to
die. and that they would not leave the
central police stations until their hus
bands were restored to them.
Up to the present time the government
hasTnalntained an attitude or absolute in
activity towards all of these manlfesta
tlons. and it is believed that nothing will
be done until, as usual. It Is too late and
until famine, typhus and scorbut have
broken out.
This year, seeing that most of the rail
roads have handed over the larger part
of their rolling stock io the management
of the Siberian Railway for war pur
poses, the provisioning of the famine dis
trlcts will naturally Involve far greater
difficulties than usual, as the railways
cannot even cope with the ordinary trade
and commerce, at the same time taking
care of the forward movement of the
troops constantly going on in the direction
of Manchuria.
Warnings to prepare for all eventuali
ties and to buy cereals for the threatened
districts are daily being received by the
Ministry of tho Interior from the Zemst
vos, but the government does nothing, and
to all Intents and appearances it would
seem as though it Is relying upon
miracle to resurrect the burned-up crops.
Should famine among the peasants of a
large part of Russia bo added to the
troubles growing out of the war with
Japan, it is believed that rebellion among
the peasants will be increased, and it may
be difficult If not impossible to put down
the uprisings in the future. Indeed, it
may be next to Impossible for the gov
ernment to carry on the war with Japan
in case the troops are absolutely required
to suppress rebellions in central, rtortn
era and Eastern Russia, caused by fam
It is believed that these representations
of the Zemstvos regarding the famine pos
sibilities have been giving the Czar more
trouble than all of the other questions
combined and that they were the subject
of several earnest conferences with M.
Wltte before the departure of M. Wltte
for America on his errand of peace. If
the situation should become too bad it
is likely, that the peace-at-any-prlce pol
icy may be pressed home upon M. Wltte
and the staff at the Peace Commission
But Forest Areas Will First
Be Reserved.
Question of Reform Causes Division
in Many Families.
ST. PETERSBURG. Aug. L The lino
of cleavage between the supporters of the
autocracy and the supporters of the
Zemstvo Is sharp. There are reports of
divisions in the different families, of cool
sranc. He is si years oi age, ana was ar
rested at Second and Couch streets. Grlg
ware is aged but 13, and Golden 2L While
there is not yet any specific charge
against Mitchell, the others are charged
with vagrancy, and, unless something
more serious can be brought against
them, they will be compelled to leave the
Golden is a brother of Joe Golden, who
was arrested here with Munk Fenton sev
eral months ago for raising Canadian
money orders. It will be remembered
that while in custody of Deputy United
States Marshals, Golden and Fenton made
a break for liberty on a crowded street.
JPenton has never been captured, but
Golden was soon caught, and is now in
Jail In Vancouver, B. C, awaiting trial.
Letters found In a coat evidently belong
ing to Jack Golden showed that he and
Grigware were trying to secure funds to
pay for an attorney for Joe Golden in
his fight against the Canadian officials.
Two false mustaches were found by
the detectives In the pockets of coats
hanging ln the room occupied by
Golden and Grigware, and it is pointed
out by the detectives that this is at least
a. very suspicious circumstance against
the prisoners, who have been unable to
explain for what reason they had them.
Reservation Now Being Examined
for Selection of Land After
Indians Take Allottmcnts.
Settlers "Will Enter.
ington, Aug. 4. Before the Yakima In
dian reservation. In Eastern Washington,
is thrown open to entry. Its most valuable
timber lands are to bo embraced In a
unable to obtain any seed whatever from
the Government, but had to go down Into
their pockets to buy what they needed.
Naturally, they have set up a howl.
In all probability, nothing will come of
It, as the department officials state that
the seed was sent to the farm of Messrs.
Hull and Wadsworth for experimental
purposes, and altogether within the In
tent of the law. Mr. Wadsworth. being
at the head of tho committee which ap
propriates money for the Government
seed distribution and which frames leg
islation for that department, will prob
ably be In a position to shunt any Inves
tigation that may be directed at his farm
or the men who supplied It.
Move to Reorganize Reclamation
Service Will Be Turned Down.
ington, Aug. 4. It is evident from mur
murings that have been heard of late
that an attempt will be made at the
coming session of Congress to bring about
a reorganization of the Reclamation
Service. There Is dlsgruntlement In
states where the Government has failed,
as yet, to undertake the construction of
Irrigation works; there is a different kind
of grumbling la other states where cer
tain politicians have been unable to un
load upon the present service certain
4- wnrf t Vi looW nr thA I nesJ oeiween orouier ana sister, mouier
-ri .1 " - Z t.V. I and son, of prayers to leave the service
and of young officers forbidden to visit
their homes on account of their advanced
views. The situation is In many respects
similar to that of the American Civil War,
when families were divided and brothers
often fought with opposing armies.
Attempting to Prevent Train's De
parture, They Are Jlet "With
Deadly Volley 20 Killed.
clal. Twenty
Aug. 5. (Spe
striking' employes of
the Novorosslsk-vladikavkaz Railway
were killed and 22 wounded In an en
counter brought about by the strikers
trying, to prevent a man train s de
parture. After the strikers, had killed
a Cossack, "they advanced menacing:
1Y whereupon, the troops fired on
them," says the official account re
celved here today.
In -consequence of disorders in Ekat
erinoslav, the Governor of this district
has issued a proclamation warning the
people that strictest measures will be
taken to preserve order. In several
of the riots Jewish houses were bom
barded with stones and the inmates
replied with bullets. Several persons
were wounded. v
Assassin With Bad Aim Shoots Three
Times and Misses.
SARATOFF. Russia, Aug. 5. (Epe
When Ready to Die, He Shoots Him
self and Leaves Farm to
His Indian Wife.
SEATTLE, Wash., Aug. 4. Suffering
from an Incurable cancer, John Anderson,
a farmer, living near Union City, Hood
Canal, bought ten gallons of whisky and
a phonograph In this city two weeks ago,
and, after a spree of ten days' duration. In
which time he drank the liquor and lis
tened to the music of the machine, he
wont into the woods near his cabin and
shot himself through the heart.
Anderson was one of the pioneers of the
Sound, and had lived on a little ranch four
miles from Union City for more than 20
years. He was married to an Indian
Woman, and to her he left all of his pos
(Continued from First Pas.)
called on Mrs. Taggart. They sent roe
out to play with the children. I returned
unexpectedly to the house, and In Tag
gart's bedroom I saw Mrs. Taggart and
Captain Bash In an indecent position.
Neither of the parties saw nor heard me.
for I was In my bare feet and kept con
cealed. Captain Taggart scolded his wife
once when she came home with Captain
Bash at 2 o'clock in the morning-."
Barrel of Whisky Bottles.
R. F. Christie, of Orrville. said that he
lived at the Hurd house while Mrs. Tag
gart lived there, and saw her and Billy
Taggart eat together, and on several oc
casions saw him go upstairs with her to
her room.
Mrs. Peter Everly, who lives next to
the house occupied by Mrs. Taggart in
Orrville. said that on one occasion she
saw Mrs. Taggart and Billy leave the
house In the evening and return to Jt
about 5 o'clock the next morning; that
phe frequently saw "Billy" bringing quart
bottles of whisky to the house, and after
Mrs. Taggart left the house they hauled
away a barrel of Quart whisky bottles.
A number of new floatingSummer homes have been built this year.
Some of them are beautifully furnished. Marion HacRae describes
and Fred Routledge pictures them. These houseboats show a big
improvement over the original model made by 3Ir. Noah for his
For the first time in his life, William T. Stead, editor of the
Review of Reviews, at the ago of 55 visited a theater recently.
This noted reformer, honest but erratic, unconventional, impetu
ous, says he missed heaven and found hell. He submits to an in
terview by a New York correspondent and repeats what he told
"W. R. Hearst. His estimate of Pinero, England's foremost play
wright, is a choice bit of criticism and will be enjoyed by all who
care for vigorous English and the exposure of dramatic rottenness.
A most interesting letter from Berlin detailing how 4000 persons
are imprisoned yearly for lese majeste simply showing disrespect
for the Emperor. The law is barbarous. Onty one witness is
needed. A discharged servant, for example, could, out of revenge,
cause his employer to be incarcerated. Such cases are on record.
Under the German system everyone must be an informer.
Thus he is regarded by his people. Curiously, Frederic Haskin
has the same topic as our Berlin correspondent In Japan it is
unlawful to talk about the ifikado, but the attitude of the popu
lace toward the ruler presents a marked contrast with that of
the Teuton nation.
In the " Shades of Our Fathers" series which conclude tomorrow,
Washington and Jefferson propound some econonmic and social
questions of National interest In response there is an answer
from one of the Judges of the United States Supreme Court
This is a genuine letter, but The Oregonian is not authorized to
reveal his name.
A story of the range by Hugh Herdman, dealing with the friend
ship of two cowboj's outside the pale of civilization.
Dexter Marshall, who has been writing articles on "Men and
Women We Read About," tells of the disappointed ambitions of
men whose wealth is their chief claim to distinction.
Cyrus. H. Walker, of Albany, the first white child born in "The
Oregon Territory," writes recollections of mountain climbing in
Oregon. His first ascent was in 1S57, and one of his companions
was Marcus Whitman.
Government expert at the Lewis and Clark Exposition discloses
interesting facts regarding the protection of shipping.
An illustrated article describing how a sister state is exploiting
its mineral riches at the Lewis and Clark Exposition.
Dalrymple Condemns Mayor
DOnae's Policy. ,
Scotch Expert Says Municipal Own
ership of Street Railways "Would
Fall Under the Prevail
in? Conditions..
CHICAGO. Aus. 4. (Special.) James
Dalrynsple, la his advisory letter to
Mayor Dunne, said the plan o the tenta
tive ordinance is the most practical solu
tion of. the traction situation In Chicago.
This statement is made upon the author
ity of ono who stands close to Mayor
Dunne, and this recommendation Is as
signed as the reason why the letter from
the Glasgow municipal tramway man
ager has not been given publicity by the
administration which Invited him to Chi
Mr. Dalrymple advises municipal own
ership In his letter, but warns Mayor
Dunne that It would be out of the ques
tion for the city to expect to make
success of operation under present polit
ical conditions in this city, and especially
If the traction companies are to be paid
the values which the present owners paid
for the lines.
Should Not Buy Francliises.
"While he does not mention the tenta
tive ordinance by name, what he recom
mends to Mayor Dunne Is that the city
announce Its Intention of taking over the
lines in the near future and prepare for
that event, hut for the present allow the
traction companies to "continue to oper
ate in the streets for a sufficient time to
work out their present franchise values."
This, he holds, would Insure success for
the municipality in both ownership and
operation, when It takes .over the lines.
by simply paying for the physical prop
In his letter, which Is lengthy, and
which contains many references that are
held to be side-slaps at members of the
administration cabinet and others inthe
traction situation. Including some Alder
men. Mr. Dalrymple points out tnat it is
unlikely that the present owners of the
traction companies, especially the Clty
Railway. would part with their proper
ties, including franchises, for Ies3 than
they paid. This would mean $36,000,000,
at least, for the City Railway Company,
without rehabilitation.
Childish to Parallel Lines.
The Scot further declares that the
project of paralleling the lines of the old
companies Is childish, according to this
City Hall man. Mr. Dalrymple takes the
position that the traction lines now In ex
istence are now in the right streets, and.
with the exception of a readjustment or
terminals, the lines should stay there,
and that any attempt to parallel them
In other streets would make operation
hazardous and Impossible, so far as the
transportation is concerned. To parallel
the existing lines by municipal lines on
other streets would place the municipal
system at such a disadvantage as almost
to Invite failure.
Thp diseases of Summer arc nu
merous and can only be avoided
by careful attention to diet, and
the regular and judicious use of
Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey.
Hot. 3ultry days and breathless
nights are now at hand, and thousands
of men, women and children are suffering-
from the exhau-stlng- heat. Doctrn
everywhere are alarmed ar the unusu
ally large number of deaths from diar
rhoea, dysentery. cholera morfc-
chills, typhoid and other fevers, due ta
Impure water, the consumption of u-
rlpft fruit and vegetables, and other
In the treatment and cure of thes
Summer complaints It has been show-
by medical science that the only sr
remedy lies In the regular and 1-1 -clous
use of Duffy's Pure Malt
key, which drives the poisonous ger -j
from the system, renews and builds
the wasted nerves and tissues and e-
riches the impoverished blood asl
gives new strength and vitality lo
every organ of the body.
Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey
Is a form of food alreadv digested, as It ajcrees with the most delicate stomar z.
It makes the old young and the young strong. Duffy's id an absolutely pure dis
tillation of malt without fusel oil, and is the only whiskey recognized by tne Gov
ernment as medicine.
CAUTIOX When yon ask for Duffy's be sure you set the genuine. Look, for
the trade-mark, the "Old Chemist," on the Inliel, and be certain the weal over
the cork Ik unbroken. All druggists and grocers, or direct, 91.00 a. bottle. Duffy
.Malt Wnlskey Co., Rochester, X. V.
G. H. Main. 'Seattle: Emma. L. Powell.
Charlton. la.; Grace M. Atherton, Carson.
Xev.: E. Glass. Gardiner: M. Cunningham.
Illinois; Mrs. M. Brown. Miss Grace Hard
in?, uajion. or.: J. F. Campbell and ramiiy.
Spokane: J. D. Law lor and wife. Miss Law
lor. "VCalla Walla; William Roberts and wife,
Millar. Idaho.
Tho Imperial G. F. Stone. B. F. Sweeney.
Seattle;- I. Alsherman and wife. Roseburg;
Bertha Arlen. Lena Arlen. Francis Arlen.
Edith Arlen. Clinton; Mrs. Ada Rene. Se
attle; J. E. Clarke. Tacoma; T. B. Gray. San
Francisco; F. McLean. Mary Dacres, Joseph
ine Finn. Walla Walla; J. L. Acree, J. Baker,
H. G. Forrester. Doth-rn; A. F. Caats. Aber
deen; W. F. McGregor and wife, Astoria; J.
EslyamiBon and wife. Lltcbford; J. L. AVhlte
ly, S. Hawthorn. Oshkosh; M. Cole and child.
Fenaieton: w. Trultt. Moscow; w. K. Eaton.
W. H. Harris. Caldwell; W. L. Tarbcll and
wife. Colorado SDrtnfts: S. D. Butler. C. C.
Cample, Denver: E. J. Marks. Mrs. J. E.
Marks, canyon City: J. A. Stratton. Boston:
P. B. Munson and maid. Minneapolis: Mrs.
J. H. Robblna. Hlllsdate: D. B. Wilson. G.
Wilson. Sioux City; C. H. Pearson. Minne
apolis; A. T. Dye. Anderson; J. K. Cunnlng-
nam. untario; J. A. Stone and wire. Oak
land: S. E. Erickson: G. Durcan. Goldfleld:
W. J. Halderman. C. W. Halderman. Astoria;
J. E: Frlggert and wife. Riddle; R. Harold
Miller. Baker City; Mrs, F. Harklns. Med-
rord: Miss H. a. Dwyer. Los Anseles: L.
T. GUlett. Pomona; C. F. Dougherty. Baker
City; B. D. BoasTtfeH and -wife. Boswcll
The St. Charle W. If. Flefer. V. S. A.:
Mrs. Clara Stewart. Medford; I. Smock. Sher
wood; J. Brugard. St. Louis; W. L. Bretsch.
Downs; J. Blalock, Redding; C. Wilson, Mc-
Mlnnvllle: A. C. Harwood. Collnger L. L
Hartey, Livingston; F. Larson. J. BeiahL
Warren; J. Cassldy; S. L. Overton, Halsex
J. W .Thompson. Brownsville; W Gauser.
B. A. Norton. Hood. River; G. H. Clark. As
toria; G. D. Goodhue and family. A G Am.
strong and family. Salem; J. J. Jones. Den
ver; G. J. Balks and wife. Mrs. M. Eheard,
Orange City; L. M. Chattln. wife and chl.i
Temple; W. E. AVllIs and family. Pruvwt e
W. I Bretsch. Downs; J. K. Poweil. Ha;es
G. H. Harvey, A. Erickoon. Denver. W E
Wallbrldge and wife. Heppner; B. Petersen
Idaho Falls; Mrs. Curteman and children De
lano; J. V. Waroe. Wlnlock; W. Miller. Baker
City: F. C. Say lor. Colfax; J. CMne. Arthur.
L. Ceeps. Banks: J. V. Harllss. Mo!a"a W
E. Ledger. Ylsalla; K. E. Hapgood. Pcrtcr
side; O. Moore. Newbcrg; F. Bonewltz. A
ton: Miss X Thomas. Cameron; EX J Tay'-r.
Arthur;, B. Butts. M. Farr Goble, J
Burkhardt and daughter. Oregon City. R. Kin
ney. R. P. Long. Prlnevlllef C. C. Blair and
wife. Belolt: F. Paradels. Carson; Mrs. J It
Jarvla. White Salmon: Mrs. Ada Glb Sa
lem: W. Beard and wife; W. G. Rhude JCrrta
Yamhill; A. G. Kelly. Knappa; J. W. Thonwa.
Molalla; C. W. Heart. Seattle; F Fe.Jcr,
W. S. Flyner. Buttevllle: I. Tuke. A A
Parrett and wife. W. Wilson and wlfeJ A
Magallon and family. Walla. Walla R P
Talt, La Grtnde: J. W. Cutrlght and fam
ily. Lincoln: Mrs. E. W. Jewell. Mrs. A, F.
Vlllnock, Chicago; Etta Vsun. Seattle.
American plan.
noirL Tacoma.
Hates. J3 and U5t
Hotel Donnelly. Tacoma. Washington.
European plan. Rates 75 cents to $3.51
per day. Free buss. -
forest reservation. How large this re
serve will oe or just wnere it will oe
located Is not now known. J. B. Lelberg-.
of the forest service, has Just been sent
to the Yakima Indian reservation to make
a personal Investigation of all Its timber
lands. He will ascertain what lands are
desirable for a forest reserve and, what
are not. Based upon his report, the Presi
dent wlll Issue a" proclamation creating
this reserve.
From what little knowledge Is available.
It Is believed the most valuablo timber
on tho Yakima reservation Is yellow pine.
"When all allotments to Indians are com
pleted, tho reservation will be thrown
open to entry under the lottery system.
Just as the lands of the Uintah reserva
tion. In Utah, are now being opened. Per
sons desiring to make entries will be re
quired to register their names at desig
nated points, and on a given day, probably
some time next Summer, there will be a
big drawing, and the names of all per
sons registering will be picked from the
box one at a time. The person whose
name Is first called will be permitted to
make the first entry, and others In order.
There Is much good land on the Yakima
reservation, and It is anticipated that
there will be many more settlers than
there will be lands. No definite steps
looking to opening the reservation will
be taken this FalL
Two Congressmen Involved In Agri
cultural Department Fraud. -
ington. Aug. LAs has been expected,
.scandal has developed in other bureaus
of the Department of Agriculture beside
the bureau of statistics. This time the
bureau of plant Industry, which, controls
the distribution of seeds, plants, shrubs,
etc, comes In for criticism.
Fifty miles down the Potomac River,
below "Washington, two members of Con
press J. A. T Hull, of Iowa, and James
"W. "Wadsworth. of New York, the latter
chairman of the committee on agrlcul
ture own a large farm. It Is reported
that last Spring the department sent to
this farm about J30O worth of seed for
use there. This would, perhaps, have
gone unnoticed, but for the fact that
farmers 03dln adjolalac property xers
schemes in which they or their friends
are interested.
The majority of tho members of Con
gress will be Inclined to set aside any
bill proposing to reorganize the Reclama
tion Service, for this reason: The Na
tional Irrigation law went Into effect only
uiree years ago; mere nas not been time
to test any single project built under that
law; therefore. It Is not known to a cer
tainty whether the Reclamation Service.
as now organized. Is a success or a fail
ure, tnough every Indication Is In Its
favor. Moreover, the criticisms of' the
service are not on broad grounds", but
local ones, and with much that Is Im
portant to occupy Its time. Congress Is
not apt to give an ear to the man who
has a tale of woe.
It may be set down for a positive fact
that any bill proposing to reorganize the
Reclamation Service so as to nlace it
within the reach of politicians will not
be passed, for the President will not
stand for It, and he has a good deal of
Influence with Congress on matters of
tnis sort. The service is todav non
partisan and nonpollUcal; tho President
wants it Kept so.
Crop of Investigation
ington. Aug. There Is talk of a num
ber of Congresional Investigations at the
coming session, but it is too early to as
certain positively what plan will be fol
lowed. If the Investigating fever sweeps
over the Senate and House, there Is very
apt to be an Inquiry into the workings of
the Department of Agriculture, which
have permitted the perpetration of such
gross fraud as has been recently un
earthed. There will also be an inquiry
Into the late accident on the gunboat
Bennington, which may result in a mate
rial change In the naval personnel law.
and It Is also hinted that Congress may
make a thorough Inquiry Into the man
ner In which the President has expended
the J10.000.CCO which was originally ap
propriated for the Panama Canal.
Members of the postal committees be
lieve It would be well to have a compre
hensive study made of the operations of
the Postofflcc Department, to ascertain
exactly why the postal service is always
operated at a loss, and to determine the
best means of marang tne service self-supporting.
These are all mere rumors, but It is
moro than likely the coming session will
be enlivened with a series of Inquiries:
they could do no harm: they might result.
The Portland E. T. Hart. Massachusetts;
L. M. Palma. Victoria B. a; J. C. Bu
chanan. Tacoma; Miss Kenney, Minneapolis;
E. Mandel. Chicago; W. Bruce, Columbus.
O.: J. C. Stubbs and wife. R. F. WlUon.
Chicago; H. C Barroll. Chicago; Mrs. I. N.
Robinson. Toronto: S. M. Fairbanks and
wife, city; D. C. Wells and wife, J. J. Hol
lock. New York; C W. Whltehouse. To
ronto; F. A. Moyer, New Tofk; Mrs. Van
stenaugn. u. van stenaugn, Lacrosse; w. ti.
Greer. Toronto: T. A. Graham, aan Fran
cisco; C L. Frost, New York; H. Selby, San
FrancUco; A. Muston. C. M. Graves. Spo
kane; H. S. Cotter, Detroit; E. R. Warner.
Denver; H. P. Clancy Chicago; D. Wilson.
Kansas City. Mo.; A. C Churchill and
wife. Kewbenr: J. D. Thomson and wife. Mt.
Holley: J. H. Houston ana wire, jioores
town. Jf. J.; J. Black and wife. E. A. Moore
and wife. Winnipeg;. W. J. Bernard and
wife. Miss M. Bernard. Seattle: Mrs. R. A.
Bruggeman Chicago: T. Eberle. Butte; D.
O'Dav and wife. W. D. Rees and wife. New
York; 8. Conn. B. W. Freer. San Francisco:
Gentle. Mrs. o. L. .ucuean ana aaugn-
ter. New York; Mrr. S. M. Smith and niece.
Dea Moines. Ia.: E. W. Lindaulst. Butte: P.
Musto and wife. E. Musto, L. Musto, F.
Musto. Stockton, CaL; R. S. Woodward ana
Ife. Mls L. D. Gill. Miss L. Woodward. C
Riaiar. New York: R. B. Whiteside and
wife. R. Whiteside. W. Whiteside. M. White
side. Dulnth: J. I. Frost. New York; H. L.
Arthur. MlnneaDOlla: W. B. Chintz, unio:
F. S. Hays. Boston: T. Mayer, wife and
child. Omaha: S. Friedenthal. New York;
Macbeth. London, onu: J. r. aigier.
Erie Ps: R. A. Perry. San Francisco.
Th Perkins Dr. H. J. Ingersoll ana wire.
1003: A. Miller. New York: A. G. Vent. 1003:
H. E. Engelhardt. Cincinnati. O.; C A. Pal
mer. Bridal Veil, or.; J tj. jaauer. jjryaru.
Or.; Tt Danlev and wife, city: C F. Florer.
Martha Tracy, Red Oak. Ia.; C. E. Humick
and wife, Chicago; Grace Grewback, Olyra-
pla; T. J. riewnill. inaepenaenco: j.
Gardner. Klober; H. M. Ganett and wife,
Tlnti: v. Ctidlhca Seattle: JZ. Powell. E.
Patterson. C T. Powell. Axus. Or.; Mattie
Williams. Kittlo V. Ranson. Payetta. Idaho:
1m Patil. Walla Walla: Mrs. H. Mullln.
WnnA River: Miss L. V. Johnson. illSS il. C".
Johnum. Oak Park. I1L: T. E. Lwls and
-trifv. Wallace. Wash.: Henry Muntser. Al-
tm Mtintser. M11Q1 iiuntzer. Ullis Aiuaurf.
Butte; John F. Burke and wife. Anaconda.
Mont: G. W. Young and wife. Seattle: WIU-
Inrn TTnl Xlnlll Hansel. X1 Is. UllI
nalre. Wis.: T. M. Swan and wife. Jack
eti-.r. v.rrs. D - "R D. Gorbv and fam
ily. Olenn's Ferry. Idaho: J. H. Mctten and
brother. Lewlstown. Mont.: W. E. Allison.
Mitchell. Or.; J. H. Devlin. 1305; C. W. Spen--r
Tji Canter. Wash.: E. L. Koehler. Aber
deen; C. Volkel and wife. Moungs, la.; Sofia
Ludell. MISs Clara ivoenirr, Jiucaun,
F. Kitsch and wife. Philadelphia; O. Mc
Allister. Kansas City; M. McDonald, Salem:
J F. Duffy. Seattle: B. A. Angei. UKian;
Greatest of all fraternal events the "Woodmen of the "World,
of these good men will celebrate at
Genuinely hnmorons sporting events. TJnliie any yet seen, in Portland.
Special Fireworks display.
All these to he seen for 10 cents admission to grounds children 5
cents. D'Urbano's Hoyal Band of Artists, Chutes, Maze, Bumps,
Laughing Gallery, Merry-go-Eound, Miniature Railway, Perris "Wheel,
Dancing Pavilion, Sunrise Tea House, Mid-Air Slide, Oozy Summer
Houses, Children's Swings, the Geisha's Jinrickshas and the beautiful
picturesque "Oaks Tavern." Straight to the entrance on the O. W.
P. & Ey. Co.'s cars, 5 cents. Open daily until 1A.M.
The event of all events. Two weeks,
commencing Monday evening,
August the 28th. Pain's stu
pendous, thrilling spectacle.
And gorgeous $2000 nightly dis
play of Pain's Manhattan Beach
100 miles by Troll oy
For $1.00.
Personally conducted.
Leave First and Alder streets
Every day except Snnday
At 9:40 A. M. Return at
4:30 P. M with 2 hours
For lunch at tho
stacada Hotel
On the Clackamas River.
inger stores
354 Morrison st.
540 Wlfflams avc
402 Washington st.
121 Tenth st.
Main St.,
Oregon City, Or.
Dr. Lyon's
Tooth Powder
Cleanses and "beautifies the
teeth and purifies the breath.
Used by people of refinement
for over a quarter of a century.
Very convenient for tourists.
$j&jZ3.& Sewing Machines Rented or Exchanged
Look for the Singer Sign
when in need of a Sewing Machine or Supplies.
Needles for all maHes of Sewing Machines
And Tobacco Habits Cured By
Mrs. T. J. Foster. Salem. Or., -writes:
"About nine months ago I purchased
treatment oi your Trib at Stone's Drutr
Store for a friend. He had been a hard
drinker for ten years. X must say he has
never touched a drop of liquor since the
first -vreelc he commenced taking Trib. 2
am very glad he has been cured and you
may uo this letter any tray Tou like so
lone as tou do not change tne -word I nr."
Remember, we give you an abiolate guar
antee with every treatment of Trib we e!l
to cure the liquor or tobacco habits. Price
$12.50, a full four-weeks: treatment and
cure. . V
Wasfclagtoa fit- Cor. tk.
Safe T&tdbetoo.
tT The BestHot Weather Medicine g