THE MORNING OREGONIAN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 5, -1905. ASKSICL TO TAKE ESI CONTROL Louisiana Turns Yellow Fever Epidemic Over to the Government. HOPES TO GIVE CONFIDENCE In Response to Governor's Request, President Instructs Surgeon General AVymnn .to Act. jjlore Gases. Reported. - NEW ORLEANS, Aug. 4. With no in tentlon of admitting the lever situation to be beyond control, but in tho hope of reviving confidence here and elsewhere in the South, official and business interests decided today to send a request to Presi dent Roosevelt to have the United States Government assume full charge of the struggle now in progress to wipe out yel low fever from New Orleans. The public approves of the action taken. Expecta tions are that within the next two days Surgeon-General Wyman, with all the re sources of tho Government, will be en listed actively in the campaign. The action taken was the result of a meeting held late today at the Cotton Ex change. It was the consensus of opinion that, if Government control was resolved upon, there would be an Immediate res toration of confidence throughout Louis iana and the other states in the South where there has been criticism of the local authorities for not sooner making public the existence cfr the fever. It was the belief of those present that General Wy man will be able to send a force of phy sicians to New Orleans thoroughly equipped for the handling of a ycllow-'i lever situation, because of the pestilence I in Cuba, Mexico and at different points in the United States, and that the Gov ernment would have the facilities for en forcing a scientific campaign not pos sessed by the local authorities. Panic Quickly Allayed. Immediately after the meeting a tele gram signed by the Mayor and other in terests represented was addressed to Gov ernor Blanchard telling him of the action taken. The announcement of the action taken at first created some alarm in the city, growing out of the fear that it meant that the situation had grown entirely be yond control, but that alarm was allayed when it became knpwn that the authori ties had acted simply in the belief that prompt action now in turning over the direction of affairs to the Marine Hos pital service, in whom there is supreme confidence here, would almost certainly avert an epidemic. At a conference at the City Hall it "was decided that Mayor Behrman should Issue a proclamation requiring every duhI ness house in the city to close its doora on Wednesday next in order that em ployes might take a hand in the general cleaning movement that has been Inaug urated. The Mayor decided to borrow an additional 510.000 from the fiscal agents to aid in the work. Today the Board of Health instituted a new rule jjpqulring Jts inspectors to. make prCmpt report xf cases. To that xrder. was due the fact that 20. cases had been announced early in" the afternoon as oc curring during the day. Yesterday .the 3 o'clock report "was two deaths. The an nouncement at G o'clock that there were M cases and five deaths was due to the lact that the Inspectors turn their capes in in bunches late in the evening, and had a most disquieting effect on ihe public, which had been led to believe that the situation was improving. One Haven of Refuge Open Hundreds of people ere temporarily moving out of New Orleans into St Tam many Parish. St. Tammany is practically the only nearby haven to which local peo ple can go. The parish has refueed to put on a quarantine and has opened its doors to all refugees. That is due to the fact that a case of yellow fever wag never developed there, even In the most serious epidemics here. Oases have been taken to the parish, but. whether the patient recovered or died, there hap never been any extension of thhe infection. The reason for the immunity of St. Tammany Is that the stegomyia has never existed there. ' Because of the rigidity of the quaran tines Instituted by Texas and some of the parishes in Louisiana, the Southern Pacific has suspended and has also rofused much of the freight. ouerea io it. ueneral Freight Agent Fas, however. Issued an announcement s today that, beginning on Saturday, tho road would again serve freight for Texas points. v - PRESIDENT TAKES ACTIOX. Instructs Surgeon-General to Tnke Charge of Epidemic. WASHINGTON. Aug. -(.-President .Roosevelt tonight forwarded to Surgeon General Wyman, of the Public Health and Marine Hospital Service, a telegram from Governor Blanchard. of Louisiana, re questing that the United States Govern ment take control of the yellow fever sit uation in New Orleans. The President directed the Surereon-OpMomi tn toi every step in his power to meet the sit uation in New Orleans, and to notify him what further action Is advisable and possible for the Federal authorities to take. President Roosevelt further said: Pleae take every step In your power to meet the eituaUon at New Orleans and comply with the rcauest of the Governor and the other authorities and notify what further ac tion Is advisable and possible for the Federal authorities to take. Would like full report Irom you as to what should be done. Please confer with the Surgeon-General of tb Army and Navy. If In your Judgment this Is wise. Dr. Wyman has acknowledged the President's telegram, and will make a report to him tomorrow. tneriton. La., shots were exchanged be tween guards and a negro who was try ing to run thequarantine. Grant parish has introduced a shotgun quarantine and stopped all trains and shut herself oft completely from mail Fervlce. La Fay ette, La., has issued orders that only mall and disinfected frolght shall go into the parish. Tensas parish has quarantined all passengers, baggage and household goods, fruit and fabrics. Precautions as radical as these have been taken In many other sections of' the South, and there Is apparently as great a panic now prevail ing as at any time during 1S97. the bulk of the country laymen refusing to put their faith in the mosquito theory. Although the report of 54 new cases In the preceding 24 hours would ordi narily have a tendency to cause alarm, people find assurance in analysis of the detailed report made by the Board of Health. It is shown that of the 51 cases. 29 were rooted out of concealment by Captain Farrar Richardson, of the Marine Hospital Service, and his assistants. The rate of infection is increasing below Canal street, but the disease is making feeble progress above. The exodus from Louis iana towns where fever Jias appeared continues. XAVY CAPTURES HOSTILE BOAT Mississippi Patrol Vessel Seized by Loulslann'6 Lugger. NEW ORLEANS. Aug. 4. A dispatch from Rlgolcta says: The Louisiana Naval Resorve, under Lieutonant Ivy. In the Oyster Commis sion lugger Muncz, took possession in Ship Island Canal today of the Missis sippi patrol-boat Typo. Fever Suspects at New York. NEW YORK, Aug. 4. Four fever suspects were taken from the steamer Neuces, from Galveston, today at quar antine, and transferred to Hoffman Is land for observation as to the cause of abnormally high temperatures. One was a steerage passenger and the others roomber3 of the crew. Missouri Erects a Barrier. ST. LOUIS, Aug. 4. Tho quarantine order Issued by the Missouri Health Board against districts affected by yel low fever will be enforced along tho eastern borders of the state as far north as St. Louis, along the entire southern border and along the wostcm border as far north as Kansas City. Charleston Proclaims Quarantine. CHARLESTON. S. C Aug. 4. Mayor Rhett has proclaimed a quarantine against yellow fever points, to take effect Sunday, August e. VALUATION IS TOO .HIGH Morton Reduces Estlmnte Put on Equitable Real Estate. NEW YORK. Aug. 4". Two experts have been appointed by President Paul Morton to value every piece of real es tate in which the Equitable Life As surance Society has an interest, says the Tribune today. He is stated to have taken this action yesterday when he received the reports of expert ac countants. These reports. It is alleged, indicate the possibility of extensive overvaluation. The society i owns in this country and abroad real estate valued at, approximately. $3G,000,000. According to the Tribune, it is thought possible that this amount will have to be reduced, while the valuation of par cels on which loans are outstanding may have to be reduced by at least 10 per cent. The last report to the State Insur ance Department gives tho value of real estate owned by the society at 486,S&5,647. Of this sum. buildings oc cupied by the society in New York, .Boston St. Louis, Des Moinee. Denver, Memphis, and in Paris, France; Mad rid, Spain; Vienna, Austria; Berlin. Prussia; Santiago, Chile; City of Mex ico, Mexico; Sydney. N. S. W.. and Mel bourne, Australia, are stated to be worth 531.573,150. while buildings in New York City. Jersoy City. Milford. N. Y., West Orange, PIscatawa. Bay onne and Bergen Point, N. J., are val ued at over $5,000,000. EMBARGO OX. ALL TRAFFIC Ull Parts of South Shut Doors on t All Travelers. .NEW ORLEANS. Aug! -Extreme measures which some of the country dis tricts are taking to guard themselves from yellow fever threaten to put a stop to traffic. The most radical action thus far taken is that of the police board of Calcasieu, the second largest parish In the state. It has passed - resolutions or dering that all traffic, travel and inter course between Calcasieu and points east, north and west shall cease at once, and that no one shall be permitted to enter the limits of the parish until further or ders. In consequence of this resolution, the Southern Pacific has been ordered from loday to run no more trains through Cal casieu, which means an abandonment of the through service of the line to the West The Kansas City Southern trains have also been stopped. It is said that the quarantine in a day or so will be extended to all other trains. The effect Is to stop all mall train service. Rapides has shut her doors on every thing except mail and fuel olL At Mer- SHOULD GOVERNMENT RULE? Iroquois Club Committee Considers Life Insurance Problem. CHICAGO, Aug. 1 Three hours of dis cussion of life insurance problems by the committee of the Iroquois Club yesterday left only one question in the minds of the investigators. It Is: "Is Congress authorized under the present federal -constitution to enact legislation placing the companies under supervision?" The pos sibility of Improved state regulations is not regarded with so much hope, A sub-committee of four attorneys, who have made a study of the life in surance laws, was appointed to look into the question of constitutional limitations on Congressional action and to report to the regular committee at the end of two weeks. It is also requested to investi gate any measures to make more effec tual the supervision of the state super intendents. Tho committee members will confine their attention almost entirely to learn ing if the insurance business may be classed as interstate commerce, and thus come under the Jurisdiction of Congress. If the decision is reached that the legis lation required Is beyond their authority, measures for securing a constitutional amendment will be considered. There are now two bills for the fed eral regulation oflnsurance pending in Congress, one fathered by Congressman Morrell and the other by Senator Drydon. who suggests a comprehensive system of control. Neither has been acted upon, and the question of federal Jurisdiction had been presented to the Supreme Court. It is, to the support of the latter proposi tion that the Iroquois Club and Its sup porters probably will turn. THE DAY'S DEATH RECORD E. F. Daniels, Conl Merchant. CHICAGO. Aug. 4. Edwin F. Daniels, president of the coal company bearing his name, died suddenly at his residence last night, as the result of an operation. Mr. Daniels was active among the em ployers from the OUtSet Of th tunrrmtftrV ? strike. It was at his suggestion that tho real issue of the strike was forced when the teamsters employed by the Edwin F. Daniels Coal Company were ordered to deliver coal to tho Montgomery Ward house. The nervous strain under which he'-Tvorked Is believed to have been re sponsible to a great extent for his Illness. Hewas 57' years old. John Loughlln, Buffalo. BUFFALO. N. Y.. Aug. 4. John Lough lln ex-State Senator and one of the best known lawyers of this city, died today of apoplexy. CHOLERA INFANTUM. Child Not Expected to Lire from One Hour to Another, but Cored by Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea itezn edy. Ruth, the little daughter of E. N. Dewey, of Agnewville, Va., was seriously 111 of cholera Infantum last Summer. "We gave herupanddld. not expect her to live from one hour to another, he Bays. 'I hap pened to think of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera .and Diarrhoea -Remedy and got a bottle ci It from the store. In five hours I saw a change for the better. We kept on giving it, and before she had taken the half pf one, small bottle she was welL" This remedy is for sale by all druggists. TRAINS m BEHIND Strike Affects Northern Pas senger Service. . . CAN ROADS MOVE CROPS? MUSICIANS Are Here From Many Points Operators Say That Will Be Test. Officials Claim Strikers Are Beaten Engineers and Conductors Refuse Aid. ST. PAUL. Aug. 4. Although conditions approaching a tie-up have not yet devel oped as a result of the strike of the telegraphers on the Great Northern and Northern Pacific Railroads. Increasingly serious delays are being caused In the moving of traffic. Tonight tho effect of the strike Is becoming .manifest In the mov ing of passenger trains, which the offi cials by strenuous efforts have been able so far to keep practically on schedules. Information given out at the Union Sta tion at St. Paul shows that, while nearly all the morning trains of both roads were on time, midday and afternoon trains have been coming in at all hours. ' The Northern Pacific North Coast Lim ited, due at 6:50 P. M.. will arrive tomor row morning at 7:40. The Twin City Ex press on the same road, due at 7:40 this morning, arrived at 4:30 P. M., nearly nine hours late. Train No. 6 was 30-minutes late. The Groat Northern has been more fortunate today, the "Flyer," due at 2:45 being slightly less than three hours late. The Fast Mall, on the same road, due at 10:40, will arrive shortly after mid night. Crop Movement Will Be Test, What the outcome of the 'situation will be Is problematical. The railway officials say that they are taking all the business offered, and will be able to take care of It. The operators, however, are aware of the difficulties with which freight Is boing moved and predict that, when the heavy movement of crops begins present ly, the tie-up will be realized. Perish able freight was received today in many cases without prepayment, and refrigera tor cars started In an attempt to make local deliveries where possible. No guar antees are being made to deliver at points where stations have been closed. Iron ore traffic at the head of the Lakes Is moving without delay. Reports from official sources on the number of union deserters and the number of stations operated vary widely. General Manager Horn, of the Northern Pacific, and General Superintendent Slade, of the Great Northern, pay that they are contin uing to get men from the union ranks, and President Perham declares that these statements are greatly exaggerated in each case. . Opening More Stations. Numbers of stations are being opened on both roads, clerks from the general of fice of the roads and old employes, beside dispatchers, being used to augment the ranks of the strike-breakers. Those who are not telegraphers are assigned to smaller stations to take care of the freight and express matter. Mr. Horn, In commenting on tho day's developments, said tonight: "The striking operators have absolutely failed to tie up the Northern Pacific or to Interfere to any great degree with the movement of trains. Our freight and .pas senger service Is being maintained effect ively and without a break." Engineers and Conductors' Stand. The difficulties In train operation will be greatly Increased by union rulings re ceived tonight by conductors and engi neers employed by the two systems. Grand Engineer W. S. Stone, of the Order of Railway Engineers, has instructed the membors of that body to cease assuming any of tho functions of the telegraphers, and E. C Clark, head of the Order of Railway Conductors, has Issued a like or der. Tho telegraphers say that much of the success the roads have had In moving trains is due to the aid given by members of these two orders. , Claims of the Managers. In a statement as to strike conditions on the Northern Pacific Railway, General Manager Horn said today: Perishable freight is moving in excellent chape today over the entire Hue. Fast freight is moving on schedule. Passenger fctrvlce is being handled without delay. Tho Nopth Coast Limited from the Pacific Coast has been on time all the time since the strike started and is cloie to Its schedule to day. General Freight Agent J. B. Balrd. who returned from the West today, says traffic on the entire line is moving about as usual. Superintendent Albee of the Pacific division reports all his branch line freights moving and business on the main line In fine shape. Striking operators assaulted the telegra phers at Easton and wrecked the station, but "have been arrested. All trains between Portland and Seattle carryjng Exposition travel are being handled without delay and through trains from the East are arriving on time.' The Idaho division Is well In hand. All but two branches are working and men ore coming back hourly. Similar conditions prevail on other divisions. There has not been a delay of Importance to freight or passenger trains. Since the strike started there has not been a single wreck or any other trouble. Men on all divisions are be ginning to apply for reinstatement. General Superintendent Slade, of the Great Northern, today summarized the strike situation as it affected that road as follows: Trains No. 2. 4. 7. 10, 12. 18. 13 and 20 ar rived at the Union Depot at St. Paul during the past 24 hours on time and only one train was late. The train was delayed by heavy baggage and express work. Our reports from all divisions show passenger trains generally on time and freight trains running on sched ule. Many agents and operators who Joined tho strike have requested re-employment and have been assigned to their duties. In one case the local chairman, after being pre sented by his superintendent with the tacts in connection with the causes leading up to the strike, wired bis resignation as chair man to Mr. Perham and returned to work. Defections from the ranks of the strikers continue and advices from our superintend ents indicate a larger number of stations open today than yesterday. CLAIMS THERE IS XO STRIKE Great IXortlicrn Official Says Oper ators Aro Beaten. SPOKANE, Wash., Aug. 4. "Thero Is no telegraphers' strike; the strike Is lost." announced H. A. Kennedy, assist ant general superintendent of the Great Northern, this afternoon. "The men were half-bearted on the start, didn't believe in the strike at all. and most of them would he glad to have the old status of telegraphers restored. We now have SI agents and operators working on the 'Spokane and Cascade divisions over half of the normal force. Agents have In structions to ship all kinds of freight as heretofore." Every wire but one of the Western Union Company was out of business for nearly 24 hours and the local office is eight hours behind on its work. Tonight several wires are working, hut there Is still troublbe west of Pasco and east of Missoula. "Every office on the Idaho division of Ihe Northern Pacific is open for business, with the exception of one on the main line and one branch office of the Clear water line said Alfred Beamcr, supcrln- National Summer School of Music in Annual Session at Grace M. E. Church. Everett Grand Used As we have often stated, when it comes to musical events, where nothing but the very finest pianos are used, our house is Invariably consulted. As usual at the opening of the National Summer School, our house was consulted and an Everett Grand selected for use. A Knabe Grand was also selected for use In connection with Dlerkc's band at the Fair. There is not a place at the Fair, where music plays an Important part, but ono or more of our pianos are used. We are proud of the position we occupy ln this respect, and it Is our object during the Fair to place as many of our pianos as possible throughout this Northwest territory. With this object In view we are making a very substantial reduction In price, which means to the customer a distinctly high-grade piano at a price less thamls usually charged for "pianos of an inferior quality. Visitors to the Fair will find it to their interest to call in and In spect our goods and learn prices. Our easy-payment plan applies to all. Allen & Gilbert Ramaker Co. CORNER SIXTH AND MORRISON tendent. "I do not Intend you to Infer from this that we have opcratora at every office, but with the exceptions noted every office is open for all freight and passenger business. The embargo has been taken off perishable freight to all offices except the two mentioned. Sixteen of the men who werft out on strike have come back and gone to work. When the strike started, we had three main line offices open cast of Spokane and nine west. Now we have a total of 24 telegraph offices open, or Just double the original num ber. We are certainly through with the O. R. T.. although we never recognized the order, simply negotiating with a com mittee of our own employes with whom Mr. Perham appeared as counsel. A few strikers will be taken back if they want to come, but there aro a lot of them who can't come back at all. One reason for this will be fewer vacancies. "There will be no blacklist The strik ers can go anywhere they want to work and there will be no statement Issued or report made to any otlfcr road, not even to the Great Northern. Intimately con nected as they are. The only case In which tho men's connection with the Northehm Pacific could crop up in the future would be in event of some other company's applying to us for service records." We Are Sole Agents for Young's Famous $3.00 'Hats for Men EXCURSION' FROM , BAY CJTY Big Celebration Planned for San Francisco Day at Fair SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 4. Special.) Under the auspices of the Merchants. As sociation, the Board of Trade, the Cham ber of Commerce, tbc Manufacturers and Producers Association and the Mer chants' Exchange, a famuV excursion will be run toPortland next month for the purpose of celebrating San Francisco day, September 17, at the Iwis and Clark Exposition. A. special train, equipped with Pullman drawing-room sleepers, dining-car and composite smoking car, will leave here on Monday evening. September 14. arriv ing In Portland Wednesday morning. Sep tember 1G. On the next day a programme of exercises will be held in the California building on the Fair grounds. The presi dents of the commercial bodies named will frame the programme. For the round trip a special rate, exclusive of berthsand meals, of $30, with tickets good for 15 days, will be made, providing that not less than 123 participate In the ex cursion. At a special meeting of the executive committee of tho Pacific Commercial Mu seum, it was decided to send H.'W. Fur long to Portland as a-delegate to the Trans-Mississippi Congress, and also to examine the Philippine. Japanese .and other exhibits with a view to acquiring them for the Pacific Commercial Museum exhibit in the Ferry building here, which Is to be considerably enlarged soon. SAY STRIKE'S BACK IS BROKEN Xcarly All Offices in West Filled and Trains Running. SEATTLE. Wash., Aug. 4. All Coast business of both the Great Northern and Northern Pacific Railroads is practically on a normal basis. At the Great North ern offices In this city it was reported yesterday that all offices of the system west of Leavenworth were in the hands of operators and agents, with the excep tion of Index, Sultan, MarysvHle, Hamil ton and Rock port. Five positions re mained to be filled at the time of closing the city offices, and it was reported today that these vacancies would be taken care of by this morning. Superintendent Scott, of the Great Northern, wired that all regular passen ger and freight trains were on time." Su perintendent Weymouth, of the Northern Pacific Installed new agents and opera tors at Hartford. Woodinville and ArllnK ton. and at night officials of both roads stated that the end of the strike is near. The return to work of a very large ma jority of the Northern Pacific operators had an encouraging effect upon the local offices, and It was freely stated that the back of the strike was broken. SAY STRIKE IS A FAILURE Managers of Railroads Claim Suc cess In Handling Traffic. ST. PAUL. Minn., Aug. 4. Commenting upon today's developments in the teleg raphers' strike upon the Northern Pacific system. General Manager Horn said early this evening: "The striking telegraphers have abso lutely failed to tie up tho Northern Pa cific or to interfere to any great degree with the prompt movement of trains. Pas senger and freight service is effectively maintained. Jn spite of the fact that we are Involved in what President Perham. of the telegraphers' order, calls the most complete walkout on record. Mr. Per hara's lieutenants are scattered over the entire system. TAnquaray at Spokane. Hunt on the Coast, Dermpdy at Helena, Delaplaln at Fargo, yet trains are moving promptly and excellent service Is being afforded shippers and the traveling public "When Mr. Perham calls this the most complete walkout on record, he knows what he Is talking about, for he has been involved in affairs of this kind for ten years. Yet. complete as was the obedience to the strike order, the North ern Pacific has not been prevented from maintaining its usual passenger service without a break nor from moving perish able freight promptly or handling other freight without serious delay. "The company yesterday and today has notified all its connections that it will ian,wolfe Greatest 111 Hosiery Bargains Values up to $1.00 Hosiery on Sale at 25 cents Enthusiastic crowds of shrewd purchasers stormed our Hosiery counters yesterday and were loud in their praise of these greatest of all Hosiery bargains. Come to day and get your choice of these. Values up to $1.00 Hosiery on Sale at 25 cents 35c Men's Half Hose on Sale Today 19c Midsummer Sale; Every Article in the Cloak Store Greatly Reduced $1.75-$1.5Q Waists 85c bl Wash Shirtwaist Suits l-" T t ftt rrn - a- PC .neguiar o.ou at- su. t O "Ppcmlai- 5fi 7K f ft 3fi On TK .Keguiar $b.vd to .ou at 54,yo Eegular $12.50 to $10.50 at S6.25 Eegular 20.00 to $17.50 at $9.So Women's White Linette Walking Skirts; regular price 1.50, today 85p lUW Wmea's Natural Tan Linen Walking Skirts; regular price $z.zo, xoaay spJL.av A GREAT SHIRTWAIST BARGAIN Women's Waists, broken lots, odds and ends; all this season's newest, up-to-date styles. Some of fine quality white lawn hemstitched, some embroidery trimmed; also white, tan and navy lawn, with small figures and dots. Pull new leg-o'-mutton sleeves; the backs are made in the newest plaited and tucked styles; regular price 1.75 and 1.50, your choice today S5c White Silk Gloves Two-clasp Amsterdam double-tipped finger Milanese Silk Gloves, Fosterine embroidery, in white; special values at 50, 7o, $1.00 and $1.25. i LONG SILK GLOVES. 25 dozen 16-batton length Silk Gloves in white, gray and champagne, all sizes; special value at $1.00 85c Silk Ribbons 33c IN THE RIBBON STORE-3500 yards Taffeta and Satin Taffefa All Silk Ribbon in a large variety of colored polka dots; regular price t 6oc, today 33 25c Neck Ghous 18c 1000 Chiffon and Valine Neck Chous, in white, black and all colors; regular price 25c, today I8i New Neckwear Today we place on sale 100 dozen "Women s Neckwear, the largest assortment shown this season in Point Gaze Lace Stocks. Embroidered Hemstitched Collars, Novelty Lace effeets, Tailor-made Wash Stocks, Turnovers and a complete line of Collar and Cuff Sets; real value 35c, today 25 New Chemisettes Complete assortment White Lawn Chemisettes, embroidery and lace trimmed, at 25, '50, 75 and $1.00. New Wash Belts Fine Wash Belts in open-work and embroidered patterns; sold everywhere at 35c and 40c, spe cial price today 25 Book Store On Sale at 50c MONSIEUR BEAUCAIRE By Tarkington. SKY PILOT By Ralph Connor. receive perishable freight for shipment to points on its lines. Such freight is mov ing promptly and will be handled on reg ular schedule tomorrow. It is being ac cepted in less than carlot shipments with out prepaid charges to all but a few points. "We are adding to the men at work on the line at the rate of from 40 to 50 a day. Reports from all the divisions show substantial progress in reopening stations. Freight trains are moving with decreasing difficulty over the mountain division, and the situation on the entire east end of the system Is very satisfac tory, i "We are now in shape to promptly han dle all our freight and passenger business without serious delay. Slnco the strike began the entire system has been free from wrecks, accidents or other physical trouble. We are hampered by the strike, but business Is moving over all divisions Just the same." General Superintendent George T. Slade. of the Great Northern, tonight made the following statement: "Strikers are manifesting considerable dissatisfaction at numerous Great North ern points over the manner in which the Atrlke was called, and we are receiving many applications from men who wish to return to work. The local strike chair man on a division which includes 4G0 miles of. line, yesterday wired' his resignation to President Perham. of the strikers, and re turned to work. President Perham, I un derstand, denies this. The man Is at work today and his action nas resulted in the return of a large number of men whom ho represented as chairman. "Today's reports show an Improvement of conditions on the Great Northern. Sta tions are being reopened and on many districts the situation is practically nor mal again." "With reference to reports of wrecks circulated by the strikers and a report that notice had been issued by te North ern Pacific last nigfit that It would not accept perishable freight from . connec tions. Mr. Horn said: "We will accept all the business that Is offered to us. Reports to the con trary are false. Reports of .wrecks . and other troubles are equally false. Not a single train has been tied up and not a slnsle wreck has occurred since the strika began." Yakima Fruit Again Moving NORTH TAKIMA. Wash., Aug. 4. (Special.) What at flrst promised to be a big: loss to the fruitgrowers of Ta- Dyspepsia Don't think yoa can cure your dyspepsia In 'any other way than by. strengthening and toning your stomach. That Is weak and incapable of performing its functions, probably because yoa have Imposed upon it In one way or another over and over again. Yoa should take Hood's Sarsapariila It strengthens and tones the stomach, and permanently enrea dyspepsia and all itomftch troubles. Accept no substitute. klma. owing to the striking telegraph operators, has resolved ltself Into a condition that Is now more favorable. After waiting two days, the commission men decided to buy fruit for shipment. One carload was sent out last night and four cars are being loaded today. The railway company says It is able to haul all fruit to the Sound- and Eastern markets. The express company Is today shipping the. limit. Drowned Alone In Deep Hole. VANCOUVER. Wash.. Aug. -(Special.) George Taylor, son of R. J. Tay lor, of this county, who was supposed to have been lost in the vicinity of Yacolt. on the Suison Creek, was found to have been drowned In the Suison. in a deep hole, where he Is supposed to have slipped off a sloping rock. He was alone at the time, and was unable to swim even a few strokes. His body, was brought into Vancouver this morning by the party who have been searching for him since last Monday. It was found necessary to car ry him for several miles through the heavy timber and brustt. where there was not even a trail. Young Taylor was well known in this county and well connected. He was about IS years of age. Rebuild Bridge Over Santiam. ALBANY, Or., Aug. 4. (SpecIaL) The County Courts of Marlon and Llnij Coun ties have decided In Joint session to re build the bridge spanning the Santiam River at Mill City. This bridge connects the two counties at that place, and Is of great service to residents of the mountain district. By some unknown means, one of the timbers of the bridge was broken recently. The new bridge will be built a short distance above the old one. away from'the mill of the Curtlss Lumber Com- pany. The cost to the counties- will be about J4C00. Big Attendance of Teachers. LA GRANDE. Or.. Aug. 4. (Special.) The annual institute of the Union County toachers closed today. There was an en rollment of 85 teachers. This proved the most successful and interesting institute ever held in the valley, and was so feira--ly attended by visitors that the High Schooi auditorium was Insufficient to a commodate them, making it necessary t3 hold afternoon sessions In the Courthouse 87.30 BUFFALO AND RETURN $S7 JO. On August 14 and 15 the Great Northern Railway will sell excursion tickets ta Buffalo and return at rate of JS7.S0 for the round trip, tickets good going via Great Northern Railway, returning same or any direct route, stop-overs allowed on return trip, limit 60 days cast of Chicago, SO da -3 west. For additional Information call on or address H. Dickson. C. P. & T. A.. Great Northern Railway, 122 Third stret. Port land, Or. SIGK HEADACHE Positively cured by tliesa Iilttle PU13. They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsix, Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating'. A per fect remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi ness, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongue Pain in the Side, TORPID LIVER- They Regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. SmaH PHI. Small Dom, Small Price AWARDED Grand Prize Louisiana Purchase Exposition, Sr. Louis. Paris 1900, Buffalo 1901, Chicago 1893. ROSENTHAL 149 THIRD ST. SOLE AGENTS For These Celebrated Shoes Experienced Salesmen Wanted