Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 05, 1905, Page 15, Image 15

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p speculators practically
Out of the Market.
rers Must Now Go Direct to the
rarmcrs" for Their Supplies.
Front Street Again Bare
of Deciduous Fruits.
HOPS Speculators' holdings near-
lly all disposed of.
TRVIT Market bare of deciduous
I fruits.
VEGETABLES Firmer prices for
POTATOES Market steady with
j light receipts of choice stock;
POULTRY Chickens weaker owing:
to slower demand.
EGGS Good inquiry for strictly
fresh Oregon.
BUTTER No change in local'sltu-
GROCERIES Advances In sago
and tapioca. Canned salmon firm.
Tactically all the Oregon hops held by opec-
Ltors have been deposed of. Only about
bales can be accounted for, and of these
fO bales are held by Krebs Bros., who will
cell beore September or October. Buyers
est now go direct to the grower for their
;ds. It is believed some 8000 bales remain
Lid in first hands in the state. The grow-
fe holding very firm, which accounts 'for
tscnt lull in the market. There are
Ir'cf orders here and at Salem, but dealers
it almost impossible to fill them. Should
growers continue to stand together as
HI, it is likely they will force . the market
a notch or two, something that could not
done while the speculators were unload-
Ittggo. of Dallas, sold the last of his hold-
js yesterday. 85 bale at 18 cent. , This
usaction and the purchase by A. J. Ray of
bales from Trulllnger. of Liberal, at 16,5
Ints, was all the business reported.
Rome of the bear dealers arc sending out
Sports that the English crop- la estimated at
13,000 to 700.000 hundredweight. The wide
ngc in the figure shows the lack of value
such estimates and discloses the fact that
ey are purely guesswork. The London Times
its last report on English hops placed the
Indltlon of the growing crop at 98 per cenL
it average output in the past 15 years has
hen -450,000 hundredweight. This report was
lade two weeks ago and the crop is Just
pw enterlnc on the critical season, the period
then in past years the greatest damage has
ben wrought.
(Hopmen declare, that It is not the size of
he English crop, but that of America, that
the leading factor in the making of prices.
uere is a normal demand in England for
sout 0,000 bales of American hops, and no
tatter what their crop will be, they will re
quire that amount from this side. Uneatls-
irtory reports continue to come frpm the
irds of California and New York, as well as
it state, and it Is undeniably this fact thai
a- lately stiffened the market
caches Advance Under a Strong Demand
California Melons Palmed Off for Oregons.
The market 'was almost bare of deciduous
iruit yesterday. A car arrived In the after-
toon, but too late to be of service. Peaches
s-ere In very strong demand and Roseburg
Prawforda sold up to 60 cents and $1. Two
tans of peaches are due today.
There was much indignation on Front street,
Caused by an effort made to palm off small-
Hie Lodl melons as Oregon fruit. No Oregon
vatermelons are expected before the 15th of
als month. Three cars of Lodl melons came
In yesterday, also one can of Exeter canta
oupes, two cars of lemons and a mixed car
3f lemons and oranges. Grapes were over-
lentlful and sold as low as Jl a box.
There was a good demand for tomatoes and
he price advanced to COffSS cents. Green corn
ras a drug on the market and dropped to
75 cents a sack. Potatoes are steady with
ttvr arrivals of strictly good stock.
ceipts Are Good, but the Demand Is
Light Poor Eggs Arriving.
The chicken market is rather weaker under
fairly large receipts and a light demand. Hens
mge in price from 12V41S4 cents, and on
Springs 10 icents is the top, with most rales
ade one cent under this. Very few turkeys
coming In and the market on thorn Is
Spring turkeys are quoted up to 23$?24
hi old ones at 1S19 cent. Ducks and
Ire very clow sale.
Is a good demand for strictly fresh
it many of the arrivals are poor. The
?t holds at about 22 cents.
pre are no further developments in the
r situation. Trade Is fairly good and.
ti are quoted firm.
Grocery Notes.
Sago and tapioca have advanced S5 cents
Dried peachea are scarce and firm. The
rflrat arrtal of new peaches is looked for soon.
The market is stiff on canned salmon, par
ticularly Fraser River sookeyes. The trade
looks for an advance all along the line, on
both Alaska and Fraser River goods.
Bank Clearings.
Bank clearings of the Northwestern cltiea
yesterday were as follows:
Clearings. Balances.
Portland '. $352,517 $ 00,423
Seattle 081.650 200.61)5
j T&coma 4.16,400 15,073
SpOKane 441,036 59,417
Grain, Flour. Feed. Etc
FLOUR Patents. J4.505.10 per barrel:
straights $4 4.25: clears. $3'.75&4; Valley.
$3.00 (J 4.25; Dakota hard wheat. $6.5007.50;
Graham. $3 50 4; whole wheat. $4 Q 4.25; rye
flour, local, $5: Eastern. S5.S0 05.90; cora
xneai, per bale, J 1.10 2.20.
WHEAT New club. 78B75c per bushel; jjcw
bluestem. 78080c per bushel; new Valley, 76c.
BARLEY Old feed. $21.50222 per ton; new"
feed, $204221. rolled. $2324. .
OATS No. ,1 whits teed. $26330 per ton;
gray, $20.
MILLSTUFFS Bran. 519 per ton: mid
dlings, $24.50; shorts. $21: chop. U. S-.
Mills. $19.- linseed dairy feed. $18; Acalfa
meal. $18 per ton.
CEREAL FOODS Rolled oats, cream. 90
pound sacks, $0.75; lower grades. $5 CCS;
oatmeal, steel cut, 50-pound sacks. $8 p'er
barrel. 10-pound sacks. $4.25 per bale: oat
meal (ground), 50-pound sacks. $7,30 per
barrel. 10-pound sacks. $4 per bale; split
peas. $5 per 100-pound sack; 25-pound boxes,
1140. pearl barley. $4.26 per 100 pounds; 23
poSnd boxes. $1.25 per box; pastry flour. K-
rjuna sacKs, per oaie.-
HAY Timothy, old. ner trm-
Slie-li-CO. clover. $899; grain, S9; cheat!
$7 BOfiS.
Vegetables, Fruit, Ete.
DOMESTIC FRUITS Apples, table. $1,500
f M rwr KnT- now OrwTl Tr. -u. 7
cote,0c per crate; peaches. 75c$l per
cratej -plums; 75c per crate; blackberries, Bjj
6c per pound; cherries, 50c per box; canta
loupes, $i.502.2S crate; pears, $2.25 per box;
prunes, &5cfr$l; raspberries. $1.25 per cratt;
watermelons. lL40c per pound; crabapples,
5Dc per box; nectarines, $1 per box; grapes,
TROPICAL FRUITS Lemons, choice. $4.50
35.50; oranges, navel. fanc, I2.50ff2.73 box;
choice. $202.50; standard. $X.501.75; Mediter
ranean sweets. $2.5032.75; Valencia. $3,259
3.75; grapefruit. $2.5003 per box; bananas.
5Hc per pound; pineapples, $2,5054 per dozen.
FRESH VEGETABLES Artl choices. 50e
dozen, bcuns, l4c per pound; cabbage. 15)
IVlC. per pound; cauliflower. 75w00e per doxen:
celery. 565e per dozen; corn. 75c per
bag; cucumbers. 15025c box; egg plant. lic;
lettuce, hothouse, 25c per dozen; peas. 205c
per pound; peppers. 15c per pound; tomatoes,
60085c per crate; squash. 5c per pound.
ROOT VEGETABLES Turnips. $1,230
1.40 per sack: carrots, 51-2501.50 per sack:
beets $1L25 per sack: garlic. 12 He pet
ONIONS Red. $L25 per .hundred; yellow.
$1 25
POTATOES Oregon, new. 5Oc0$l; Califor
nia. new. E5c0$l.
RAISINS Loose Muscatels. 4-croun. 754c:
5-layer Muscatel raisins, "He; unbleached,
seedless Sultanas,'. 6Sic; London layers. 3
crown, whole boxes of 20 pounds, $1.85; 2
crown. $1.75.
DRIED FRUrrs Apples, evaporated. 6Q
OVzC per pound; sundrled. sacks or boxes,
none; apricots. SHSOc; peaches. 801OW:
pears, none; prunes, Italian, 4 5c; French, J
-wS5c; ngs, uaiuornia Diacics. nez do
white, none; Smyrna, 20c; Fard dates. 6c;
plums, pitted. Cc
Butter, Eggs, "Poultry. Etc
BUTTER City creameries: Extra, cream
er. 22l4g25c per pound; state creameries:
Fancy creamer-. 21Vs325c: store butter. 140)
EGGS Oregon ranch. 2202214c- per dozen;
Eastern. 20021c.
CHEESE Oregon full cream twins. 1201214c:
Young America, 13013&C.
POULTRY Average old hens. 12fefl3c;
mixed chickens, 12013c; old roosters, 10
JOlie; young" roosters. 11012UC: Springs-. 1A to
2 pounds. 1515U;c; 1 to lb pounds. 150U6C;
dressed chickens. 171014c; turkeys, live, .lSglOc;
turkeys, dressed, choice, 2O022ac; geese; live,
por pound, 607c; geese, drested, per pound,
8010c; ducks, old. 13c; ducks, young. 10014c:
pigeons, $101.25; .squabs. $222.50.
Groceries, Nuts, Etc.
COFFEE Mocha, -02Sc; Java, ordinary.
1822c; Costa Rica, fancy. 1820cr good,
lCCgUSc; ordinary, 10 12c per pound; Co
lumbia roast, cases. lOus. $14.25; 50s, $14.25;
Arbuckle. $15.25; Lion. $15.25.
RICE Imperial Japan No. 1, $5.374. South
ern Japan, $3.50; Carollnaa, 5&6&c; broken
head, 2c.
SALMON Columbia River. 1-pound talis,
$1.75 per dozen; 2-pound tails. $2.40; 1-pound
flats. $1.85; fancy, 10 Hi-pound flats. $1.80;
Vi -pound fiats, $LI0; Alaska pink 1-pound
talis. 85c; red. 1-pound tails, $1.30; sockeyes,
1-pound talis, $1.85.
SUGAR Sack basic. 100 pounds; Cube.
$5.75; powdered. $5.50; dry granulated.
$5.40; extra C, $4.90; golden C. $4.80; fruit
sugar. $5.40; advance over sack basis, as fol
lows: Barrels. 10c; half-barrels, ,25c; boxes.
50c per 100 pounds (Terms: On remittance
within 15 days, deduct Uc per pound; If
later than 15 days and within 30 days, de
duct He per pound; no discount after 30
days.) Beet sugar, granulated, $5.30 per
1U0 pounds; maple sugar. 15016c per pound.
SALT California. $11 per ton. $1.60 . per
bale; Liverpool, 60s, $17; 100s. $16.50; 200s.
$16: half-pound. 100s. $7; 50s. $7.50.
NUTS Walnuts. 134c per pound -by oaclc. 3c
extra for less than sack; Brazil nuts, 15c;
filberts. 14c: pecans, Jumbos, 14c; extra large.
15c; almonds, I. X. L-. ICHc; chestnut. Ital
ians. 15c; Ohio. $4.50 per 25-pouna drum; pea
nuts, raw, 7c per pound; roasted. 9c; pine
nuts. 1012ic; hickory nuts. 7c: cocoanuts.
7c; cocoanuts, 35090c per dozen.
BEANS Small white. 3H0Uc; large white.
Sttc; pink. 3Vi08lic: bayou. 4Hc; Lima. 6!fcc
Hop., 'Wool. Hides, Etc
HOPS Choice 1904. 17QlUc per pound.
"WOOL Eastern Oregon average best, 180
21c; lower grades, down to 15c, according to
.shrinkage; Valley. 2027c per pound.
MOHAIR Choice. 3lc per pound.
HIDES Dry bides. No. 1, 16 pounds and up.
lC01CVic per pound; dry kip. No. 1, 5 to 10
pounds 11015c per pound; dry calf. No. 1.
under 5 pounds 17018c; dry salted, built and
stags, one-third less than dry flint: (culls,
moth-eaten, badly cut, ecored. murrain, hair
clipped, weather-beaten or grub--. 203e per
pound less); salted hides, steers, sound. CO
pounds and over. 9010c per pound: 58 to 60
pounds. S409o per pound; under 50 pounds
and cows, 809c per pound; salted kip. sound.
15 to 30 pounds, 9c per pound; ealted veal,
sound, 10 to 14 pounds. 9c per pound; ealted
calf, sound, under 10 pounds. 10c per pound;
(green unsAlted, lc per pound less; culls, lc
per pound test). Sheep skins: Shearlings, No.
1 butchers' stock. 25030c each; abort wool. No.
1 butchers' stock. 4O05OC each; medium, wool.
No. 1 butcher stock, 60080c; lone wool. No.
1 butchers' stock. $101.50 cacn. Murrain pelts
from 10 to 20 per cent less or 12014c per
pound: horso hides, salted, each, according to
tire, $1.5003; dry, each, according to size, $1
01.50; colts' hldec. 25050c each; goat eklnt.
common. 10015a each; Angora, with -wool on,
2501.50 each.
TALLOW Prime, per pound. 3J504c: No. 2
and crease. 203c.
FURS Bear skins, as to size. Ns. 1, $2.50
010 caoh; cubs, $102: ttadger. 25050c: wild
cat. with head perfect. 2505Oo; houte cat.
5010c; fox. common gray. 50070; red. $30
5; cross, $5015; sliver and black. $lOU02Ou;
fishers, $506; lynx. $4.5006: mink, strictly
No. 1, according to else. $102.50; marten,
dark Northern, according to tltze and color.
$10015; marten, pale. pine, according to lxe
and color. $2.5004; muskrat, large, 10015c;
skunk, 40050c: civet or polecat. 5010c; otter,
large, prime skin, $0010; panther, with head
and claws perfect. $205; raccoon, prime. 300
50c; mountain wolf, with head perfect. $3.50
05; coyote. 6O0$1; wolverine. $008: beaver,
per skin, large. $500; medium, $304; small.
$101.50; kits. 50075c.
BEES WAX U ood. clean and pure. 2O022e
per sound.
CASCARA SEGRADA (Chlttaa barkl
Good. 33Ho per pound.
GRAIN BAGS Calcutta. 707HC.
Frqyislons and Canned Meats.
HAMS 10 to 1 pound, la&c per pound;
14 to 1C pounds, lSJic; is to 2u pounds,
lUc: California iplcnic), 9c; cottage fenm
9c; shoulders. He; boiled nam. 21c; boiled pic
nic ham. bonelsss, 15c
BACON Fancy breakfast. 10c per pound;
standard breakfast. 17c; choice. lSMa Eng
lish breakfast, 11 to 14 pounds, 14Hc; peaeb
bacon. 13Hc
DRY SALT CURED Regular abort clears.
lOUc dry salt, llc smoked; clear backs. 10c
dry salt, 11c smoked; clear bellies. 14 to 17
pounds average, none; Oregon exports. 20 to
25 pounds, average. HUc dry salt. 12Uc
smoked; Union butts, 10 to 18 pounds aver
age, none.
PICKLED GOODS-Pork. barrels. $1S; half
barrels. $9.50; beef, barrels. $12; half barrels.
SAUSAGE Portland ham. ISc per pound:
minced ham. 10c; Summer. choice dry.
17&c; bologna, long. l"c: welnerwurst, 8e;
liver. Cc; pork, 9c: blood, 5c; headcheese, Cc;
bologna sausage, link. 4 Vic.
CANNED MEATS Corned beef, pounds, per
dozen. $1.25; two pounds. $2.35; six pounds.
$8. Roatt beef fiat, pounds. $1.23: two pounds.
$2.25: six pounds, none. Roast beef. tall,
pounds, none; two poundis $2.S5! six pounds,
none. Lunch tongue, pounds. $3.15.
LARD Kettle rendered, tierces OHc. tuba
9c. 60s 9c. 20 10c. 10s 1034c. 5 10Hc
Standard Pure: Tierces 854c. tubs 0VC 50p Vic.
20s 9Vlc 10s 9Hc. 5s 9Xc Compound: Tierces
6c tubs 6Vic, -60s CUc 10s C!4c 5s CTic.
Dressed Meats.
BEEF Dressed bulls. 102c per pound;
cows. 3H04Vic; country steers. 405c
MUTTON Dress ed fancy, Cc per pound;
ordinary, 405c
VEAL Dressed. 76 to 125 pounds, 6VS07c;
125 to 200 pounds. 406c; 200 pounds and up,
304HC .
PORK Dressed. 100 to 150. "tJTVtc; 150
and up. C0'7c per pound.
TURPENTINE Cases, 80a per gallon.
WHITE LEAD Ton lots. 7ic; 600-pound
lots. 7c: less than 600-pound lots. Sc.
GASOLINE Stove gasoline, cases. 23 Vic;
Iron barrels, 17c; 6A a eg. gasoline, cases, 32c;
Iron barrels or drums. 26c
COAL OIL Cases. 20V4c; Iron barrels. 14c:
wood barrels, 17c; 63 dee., cases, 22c: Iron
barrels. 15V4C
LINSEED OIL Raw. 5-barrel lots, 62c; 1
barrel lota. C3c; cases. CSc; boiled. 5-barrel
lots. 64c; 1-borrel lots. 65c; cases. 70c
Wool at St. Louis.
ST. LOUIS. Aug. 4. Wool Steady; territory
and Western mediums, 28030c; fine medium,
23026c:. fine, 160 lgc
Fatal Quarrel About Horse Eace.
HUNTINGTON. W. Va.. Aug. ..2ap
taln "William Crocker, a prominent -hotel-keeper
and horseman, was fatally Injured
In an encounter today -with F. H. Ttrg
man, of this city, F. H. Ingram and "Wal
ter Mayhew. of Ohio, all well-known
horsemen, and an unknown jockey, who
escaped into Kentucky. The other men
have been arrested. The cutting" grew
out of a controversy between Crocker and
Ingram- over Crocker's horse being ruled
out of a race yesterday.
Teach Ia tin at AVhitworth.
FOREST GROVE. Or,, Aug. 4. (Special.)
Jflss LIberta Brown, .of this city, has
accepted a call to the chair of Latin in
Whltworth College. Tacoma. Miss Brown,
upon hor graduation from Pacific Univer
sity In 1899. received a scholarship In Co
lumbia University. New York, where sho
tookjthe degree of Master of, Arts in 1903,
distinguishing herself by brilliant work in
Latin at that institution. Last year she
taught the Yakima High School.
"Whltelaw Reld. the American Ambas
sador, yesterday entertained at. luncheon
a number of his American friends, -who
are -visiting London.
Large Offerings of Northern
Wheat at San Francisco.
December Option Declines Sharply
Despite Firmness at Chicago
and Abroad Fruit Season
Reaches Its Height.
SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 4. (Special.)-Tbe
slump In the local wheat market during tbe
past few days Is attributed to Urge offerings
of Northern wheat here at less than option
prices. Weakness continued today, and De
cember was freely sold down to 1.42. despite
the firmer tone of Chicago and foreign mar
kets. Cash -prices closed weak, buyers hav
ing withdrawn for tbe time being. December
barley, affected by the wheat decline, had a
sharp drop, but became steadier In the final
dealings. Cufh barley and other grains were
fairly steady for choice lots and easy for
lower grade.
Receipts of leading descriptions of Summer
fruits were lighter. The season has about
reached Its height. Surplus stock? of peaches
and pears are still heavy, but are expected
to be largely reduced' In a few days, when
firmer prices may be seen. The market Is glut
ted with common apples. Fancy shipping plums
are ecarce. Seedless grapes- advanced sharply.
Lemons and oranges -are easier. Mexican
limes are hither.
Prices for potatoes are bo higher, but a
steadier tone was reported In river kinds, as
the low values have awakened a shipping de
mand. New Merced sweets- are more plentiful
and lower at 3 to 3Vi cents. Onions are'
in heavy supply and generally weak. Fancy
Lima beans are scrace and higher.
Butter Is steadier, with more movement.
Cheese is well sustained. Eggs are unsettled
and irregular. Receipts, 67.000 pounds butter,
20.900 pounds- cheese. 44.1M dozen eggs.
VEGETABLES Cucumbers. 200-iOc; garlic,
304c; green peas. 304c: string beans. 507c;
tomatoes. 20035c; egg plant. 5Oc0$l. '
POULTRT Turkey gobblers. 18020c;- roost
ers, old. 440-4.50: do young. 44.5006.50; broil
ers, small. 4202.50; do large. 4202.50; fryers,
4303.50; do young, 4304.
BUTTER Fancy creamery. 23c; creamery
seconds, 22c; fancy dairy. 22c; dairy seconds,
EGGS Store. 18023c; fancy ranoh. 28030c;
Eastern. 17024c
WOOL Spring. Humboldt and Mendocino. 28
0dOc; Nevada. 10020c
MILLSTUFFS Bran 421021.50; middlings,
f 260 28.
HAY "Wheat, 5f-013.5O; wheat and oats;
48.50012.50; barley. 46.5000: alfalfa. 4600;
clover. 47010; stock. 4506; stratr, 3O05Oe per
bale. .
POTATOES Early Rose, nominal; Salinas
Burbanks. 5c941.
CHEESE Young America. HH.iffllc: East
ern. 1505Hc.
FRUITS Apples, choice, 41.15; osamon, 40c:
bananas. 750043; Mexican limes. 45.5006; Cal
ifornia lemons, choice. 43.50; common. 41.50;
oranges, navels, nominal; pineapples. 41.5003.
HOPS lGH01Sc per pound.
RECEIPTS Flour. 14.800 quarter sacks;
wheat. 1604 centals; barley. 17.603 centals;
oats. 2383 centals; beans. 1629 sacks; potatoes.
6930 sacks; bran, 1480 sacks; jntddllngs, 15
sacks; hay, 1187 tons; wool. 123 bales; hides,
Union Pacific and St. Paul ParUclr
pate in the 3Iovcmcnt Con
fidence In Grain Crop.
NEW YORK. Aug. 4. The exchange had
quite a lively hour following the opening to-,
day and the market showed more consist
ency and strength during that period than
at any time during the week. A' good effect
was produced on sentiment by the fact that
tnich eubstantial market leaders as Union
Pacific and St. Paul were fully partlclpatant
In the movement, to the exclusion to some
of the less Influential specialties which have
made up mueh of the market's prominence
on recent days. But the effort to carry prices
higher seemed to have exhausted itself with
this 'spurt, and the later trading reverted
to the class of specialties which may be
moved with much less effort. With the sub
sidence of the early active demand, a drop
ping tendency' In the standard stocks became
observablei The heaviness had no mere news
to explain It than did the early strength.
The active buying of the first hour was pro
fessedly based on growing confidence ' In the
grain crops, and It was sought to convey the
Impression that information was available to
the buyers on this subject through the ar
rangements for securing supplies by tbe great
cereal-producing companies.
The preference tor less conspicuous market
Readers in the later movements turned to some
of the high-priced railroad t locks which the
extraordinary market course of Lackawanna
has helped to make attractive. Record prices
for Central Railroad of New Jersey and for
Northern Pacific, with the exception of the
comer in the latter stock, -were the conse
quence. American Smelting was another stock
to touch to a. new Thigh record prlcV A num
ber of minor stocks made their appearance on
the tape for the first time la' months, to be
moved upwards with a dash on llgbr transac
tions. The Coalers and tbe Southern group
rested after their previous advance.
The early atrength in Union Pacific waa ex
plainable by the reports of net earnings for
that system and for Southern Pacific for
June, which made their appearance during
the day. showing an Increase over the pre
ceding June, which reported nearly 41.000,000
for the two systems.
The check to buying which showed In the
later market may have been due to considera
tion of the bank statement. It was notice
able, however, that an easier tone was reported
in the market tor time loan and for call
loans there was hardly any demand tor' what
was offered. The sub-Treasury has with
drawn something over 44.000.000 during the
week thus far. notwithstanding the Govern
"ment Interest payable August 1. New York
contlnuesr to gain cash on the interior move
ment, but not sufficient to offset this drain,
so that a decrease of over 42.000.000 In the
cash jltem of the banks la indicated tor to
morrow's bank statement.
London supplied no business to this market,
the holidays there extending until next Tues
day serving to discourage new business.. The
Irregular tone of the later market continued
up to the closinr.
Bonds were steady: total sales, par value,
43.03S.000. United States bonds were un
changed on call.
sales. High. Low. bid.
Adams Express ..
Amalgamated Copper. 13,100
83:4 834
374 374
00H 09fc
29i 30U
02 .
. ... '
Am. Car & Foundry.
do preferred
American Cotton OIL
do preferred
American Express ..
Am. Hd. & Lth. prd?
American Ice
American Linseed Oil
do preferred ......
American Locomotive
6.S00 49V4
300 112
do preferred
112 nm
Am. Smelt. & Refin. 52.SO0 1284 126: 127H
Am. Sugar Refining-. 4,000 1434 142 142U
Am. Tobacco pfd.... 300 S7K 97 9tu
Anaconda Mining Co. 1.300 115& 115U m"
Aicnuna v.vju
tchlwn 9,900 S7U S7U
do preferred 100 102H 102U 102U
Atlantic Coast Line. 1.200 164U 163H 163U
Baltimore & Ohio... 10.900 11RH 1" 114H
do preferred 8S
Brook. Rapld Transit 2.000 TOTi 69 70
Canadian Pacific 3.90-J 156155; 155
300 211 210 209
2.500 554 U 51
3,400 39i 37 3S
400 8li 81H "
2.400 20V 20U 204
Chicago Gt. Western.
cni. & Northwestern 4.700 2lb4 215 -is
Chi., MIL &. SU Paul 11,500 1813 180H lSU?i
Chi. Term. & Transit
do preferred 100 33H
C, C. C. & St. Louia 200 99H
Colorado Fuel & Iron. 2.100 46H
Colorado &. Southern. L900 29H
do 1st preferred,
30 H,
ao za preferred.... l.lOO I 4U
insouaa:ea uas..
Com Products ....
300 192h 192 191H
do d referred 45
Delaware i Hudson. 5.100 19TJ4 197
Utl., .LACK. Bz. We?t ..... -UU
Denver & Rio Grande
do preferred 100
Distillers' Securities. 100
Erie 18.300
j do lit preferred.... 1.600
do 2d preferred.... 1,100
General Electric ....
Hocking Valley
Illinois Central
International Paper.,
do preferred
200 17S
400 93U
200 171U 171
1.200 , 19!i 19H
100 7Si 7Si
International Pump..
do preferred S2
Iowa Central 1.100 29U 2SH 2S&
do preferred 500 55 Vi 54 55
Kansas City Southern 26j
do preferred 500 58 53 57i
Louisville & Naehv.. 5,100. UT.i 14614 Hs
Manhattan L. 200 166U 1634. 160
Met, Securities .... 3.200' 83W 82a 82U
Metropolitan St. By. 19,300 1294 122; 127
Mexican Central .... 10.300 23H 22tj 22H
Minn. & SL Louis... 1.70O 70 68 68
M.. SU P. & S. S. M. 1.100 13Stj 1324 13SH
do preferred 1.103 165 162j 165
Mlesouri Pacific 1,900 100 "4 100 100
Mo.. KarA & Texas 100 29 2S5i 2S4
do preferred 63
National Lead 13,800 4BX 48Vi Si
Mex. Nat. R. R. pfd. 33
New York Central... 3.700 1471 147 147
N. Y.. Ont. &. West. 3.100 53 53 52T
Norfolk & Western. 900 86i 851 85i
do preferred 90
North. American .... 100 101 101 100
Pacific Mall 100 434 Wi 42
Pennsylvania 59.500 1434 142 1434
People's Gas 2.S00 1074 106& 1061
P.. C. C. &. St- Louis 75
Pressed Steel Car... 3,800 46 45 45
do preferred 200 954 04 W4
Pullman Palace Car 23S
"Reading 6,700 107 106 1064
do 1st. preferred.... ..... 94;
do 2d preferred.... 200 92 92 914
nepuDiic sieei .bOO 21
do preferred 2,000
"Rock Island Co 14,600
do preferred 500
Rubber Goods
do preferred ...... ......
St. L. & S. F. 2d pfd. 200
SU Louis Southwesu 400
, do preferred 300
Southern Pacific .... 16.100
do preferred 600 118
1174 iit;
Southern Railway ... 14.200 35?i
do preferred 400
Tenn. Coal & Iron.. 4.300
Texas & Pacific ..... 700
Tol.. St U & West
do preferred ICO
574 574
Union Pacific 42,000 1314 1304 130H
do preferred 974
V. S. Express 1224
u. i?. maity 90
U. S. Rubber 3.500 52 514
do preferred 300 111 110
U. S. Steel 13.400 354 354
ao preferred 20.700 1044 104
VIrg.-Caro. Chemical
do preferred
do preferrtd
Wells-Fargo Exprers.
Westlnghouse ElecL.
Western Union
Wheeling & L. Erie.
Wisconsin Central...
do preferred
Northern Pacific ...
Central Leather ....
do preferred
ul 1 Wl nil' W
1.200 344 33
100 1064 iog-; 106
100 19
200 245
200 934
1.700 244 24
2.900 53 51
7.100 210 204
600 434 434
200 105 1044 104i
Total sales for the day. 556,200 r hares
BONDS. NEW YORK. Aug. 4. Closing quotations:
U. Sref. 2s reg.1034
do coupon 1034
V. S. 3s reg.... 1034
do coupon 1034
U. S. new 4rreg.l32
do coupon 132
U. 8. old 4s.reg.101
do coupon 104
D. & R. G. 48.1014
Nor. Pacific 3s.. 105 4
Nor. Pacific 4s.. 774
So. Pacific 4s... 944
Union Pacific 4s. 1194
Wis. Central 4s.. 9a 4
Jap. 6s. 2d ;r. .. 994
Jap. 44s. cer... 924
Atchison Adj. 4s 07 I
Stocks at Load on.
LONDON. Aug. 4. Consols for money,
00 3-16": consols for account. 90 5-16.
Anaconda 54 'Norfolk & West. 8S4
Atchison 8042 do preferred... 96
do preferred... 1054 (Ontario & West. 54H
Baltimore & O..H8 (Pennsylvania ... 734
Can. Pacific 1604'Rand Mines 04-
Chen. & Ohio... 564.'Reading 544
C. Gt. Western.. 264! do 1st pref.... 484
a. M. & St P.. 1854' do 2d pref 474
DeBeers 174 So. Railway 364
D. &. R. Grande. 324) do preferred. ..1014
do preferred... SOU So. Pacific 664
Brie 434 Union Pacific 184 4
dc 1st pref.... 87 I do preferred... 994
do 2d pref 764)U. S. Steel 34
Illinois Central. 1754 do preferred., .107
Louis. & Nash.. 152 Wabash 194
Ma. Kas. A T. . 294t do preferred... 414
N. Y. Central. ..1514iSpanIsh Fours... 92
Mosey, Exchange. Etc.
NEW YORK. Aug. 4. Money on call, easy;
Lhlghest, 2; lowest. li; piling rate, 2; last
loan. 2; closing bid, 1; offered at 2. Time
loans slightly easier; 30 days. 3 per cent; 60
and 90 days and four months, 34034; six
months. 34f?4 per cent Prime mercantile
'paper. 4044 lr cenu
Sterling exchange firmer, with actual busi
ness in bankers' bills at ft.S65504.866O for
demand and at 44.S97504.84SO for 60-day bills;
posted rates, 44-85404.874; commercial bills,
Bar silver. 594c
Mexican dollars. 454c
Government and railroad bonds, steady,
LONDON. Aug. 4. Bar silver, quiet, 274d
per ounce.
Money. 14014 Pr cent
The rate of discount In the open market for
short bills is 1 3-16 per cent; do for three
months bills, 1 3-16 per cenU
SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 4. Sliver bars.
Mexican dollars, nominal.
Drafts Sight 5c; do telegraph. 74c
Sterling on London Sixty days, 41.854; do
sight. f.S7.
Dally Treasury Sta4emeat.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 4. Today's statement
of the. Treasury balances In the general fund,
exclusive of the 4150,000,000 gold reserve,
Available cash balances 4129.440.595
Gold coin and bullion 50,555.543
Mining Stocks.
SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 4. The official
closing quotations for mining stocks today
were as follows:
.Alpha Con
Best & Belcher.
Caledonia .....
Challenge Con..
4 .03(Julla 4 .03
.07Justlce 03
.17iMexIcan 1.35
.14Occldental Con... .87
1.25 Ophlr 7.25
.42Overman 15
Potosl 11
Savage 66
Scorpion .? 10
See. Belcher 03
Con. Cat. & Va.. 1.35
Sierra. Nevada.... .37
Sliver Hill....... .94
Union Con .42
Utah Con OT
Con. Imperial... .01
Crown -Joint 11
Exchequer 52
Gould & Curry.. .1
Yellow JackeU... .21
Hale & Norcross 1.80
NEW YORK. Aug. 4. Closing quotations:
Adams Con 4 .22jOntarlo ....JL... 42.00
Alice 53 Ophlr -. 0.75
Breece 42 Phoenix 02
Brunswick Con.. .14 Potosi .10
Comstock Tun... .07 Savage 63
Horn Silver L75SIerra Nevada.... .34
Iron Silver 3.35)Small Hopes 28
Leadvllle Con... .OSlStandard 1.40
Little Chief 0tf
BOSTON. Aug. 4. Closing quotations:
Adventure ....4 6.00!Mohawk 4 55.50
Allouez 33.751 Mont C. lc C. 2.63
lAmalramated. 84.00; Old Dominion. 2S.00
Am. Zinc 10.00'Osceol& 100.00
Atlantic IS-25. Parrot 25.50
Bingham Sl.OOjQulncr -.1 03.00
Cal. & Heel a.. 675.00lShannon 7.73
Centennial .... 23.25Tamarack .... 123.00
Copper Range. 70.73iTrinlty 8.50
Daly West.... 13.75 United Copper. 17.25
Dominion Coal 77.00 U. S. Oil 10.25
FranWln 12.SS.Utah 45.75
Granby. 7.3S! Victoria ...... 4.00
Isle Royals..,. 22.13 Winona 12.00
Mass. Mining.. 91.25Wolrerlne 119.00
Michigan 14.50
Coffee and Sugar.
VKW TORV. Atir. 4. The market for aattem
futures closed steady, net unchanged. Total
7.20c; December. 7.3507.40c; March, 7.60c;
May. 7.70c; July. 7.7507.80c Spot Rio, steady;
No. 7, S4c
Sugar Raw, steady: centrifugal. 96 test,
4 3-32044c; molaseea sugar. 3 3-16034c: fair
refining, firm; crushed. 46; powdered. 45.40;
granulated, 45.30.
Nctt York Cottoa Market.
NEW YORK. Aug. 4. Cotton Spot closed
quiet 40 points lower; middling. lo.40c; mid
dling Gulf. 10.90c Sales. 1900' bales.
Futures closed steady. August. 10,35c; Sep;
t ember. 10.42c; October. 10.60c; November,
10.6c; December. 10.71c: January. '10.80c:
March. 10.89c; April, 10.90c; May. 10.9tc -
Central of ?T. Jersey.
Chesapeake & Ohio.
Chicago & Alloa....
do -preferred
Business Is Expanding in a
Wholesome Manner.
Percentage of Idle'Machlncrr Stead
ily Diminishes Bank Clearings
for July Break Records'.
Railway Gains.
NEW YORK. Aug. 4. Dun's weekly review
of trade tomorrow will say:
Business continues to expand in a whole
some manner that promises well for the fu
ture. Reports from the leading branches of
manufactures are unanimous in telling of
an increased volume of orders and. the per--centage
of idle machinery steadily dimin
ishes. Better prospects for the crops removes the
only handicap that Impeded the revival ot
trade, and favorable weather for a few weeks
will assure unprecedented production In the
aggregate, although the yield of cotton will
fall considerably behind last year.
Railway Earnings Show Progressive Gains,
Soys Brads t reel's..
NEW YORK. Aug. 4. Bradstreet's tomor
row will say:
Trade and Industry Improve as crops ma
ture. Fall business, while not yet In full
swing, shows signs of expansion, and West
em trade opens a week earlier than last
year. Weather conditions have favored crop
growth and harvesting. Fear of rust damage
to Spring wheat has disappeared.
Bank clearings for July break all records
for the month and railway earnings show
progressive gains on" the best Summers in
previous years, with an increase of 8 per
cent over July. 1904; the fiscal year showing
5 per cent Increase In gross and -t per cent
gain In net over the preceding year.
Wheat, including flour, exports for the
week ending August 3 are 1,041.696 bushels,
against 723.314 last week. I39J9S this week
last ,y ear and 3.040.C20 In 1003. From July 1
to date the exports are 4,373,443 bushels,
against 6.565.475 last year.
Business failures for the United States for
the week ending August 3 number 17S.
against 197 last week ot 1904.
Bank Clearings. '
NEW YORK. Aug. 4. The following table,
compiled by Bradstreet. shows the bank
clearings at the principal cities for the week
ended August 3. with the percentage of In
crease and decrease as compared with the
corresponding week last year:
P.C. P.C.
Inc Dec
New York 41,609.991,327 51.6
Chicago'- 183.122.343 19.5 '
Boston" 141.714.370 21.4 ....
Philadelphia 133.794.066 41.1
St Louis 41.027.773 5.2
Pittsburg 50.266.3S9 23.5
San Francisco ... .19.235.680 23.2 ....
Cincinnati 22.793,300 5.3
Baltimore 23.774.549 23.4 ....
Kansas City 22.089.813 6.7 ....
New Orleans .... 19.956.4S3 95.5 ....
Minneapolis 14.143.143 13.2 ....
Cleveland 13.787.275 1.4 ....
Louisville 11.S24.547 5.6
Detroit 12.504.957 18.9 ....
Los Angeles 9.114.112 52.6
Seattle 7.244.493 75.8 ....
Portland. Or 3.926.384 26.2
Salt Lake City 4.597.770 70.0 ....
Spokane. Wash ... 2.670.317 29.8
Tacoma 2.040.030 S2.7 ....
Total. U. S 42.520.375.514
Outside New York. 910.381.187 21.8 ....
Montreal 4 27.S37.902 43.5 ....
Toronto 18.520,503 27.1
Vancouver. B. C... 1,669.761 .... 3.1
Victoria. B. C 581.130 16.6
Total. Canada 4 6S.18S.007 10.9 ....
Balances paid in cash.
Prices Quoted Locally for Leading lines
The following prices on livestock were
quoted In the local market:
TATTLE Best Eastern Oregon steers, 439
3.23; good cows. 42$2.S0; common cows. 41.50
81.75; calves. 125JJ150 pounds. 45 2008 250
pounds. 43.50g-.
SHEEP Best Eastern Oregon and Valley,
43.23; medium. 43; lambs, 44.50.
HOGS Best large fat hogs. 40.25g6.50;
block and China fat. 40&6.26; good feeders, 43.
Prices Current at Kansas. City, Omaha and
KANSAS CITY, Mo.. Aug. 4. Cattle Re
ceipts 3000; market strong. Native steers.
41.2594.75; na'tlve cows and heifers. $2Q
5.25; stockcrs and feeders. 42.75 4.40: bulls.
42.2583.73; calves, 43.50 0; Western steers,
43.3095; Western cows. 4204.
Hogs Receipts 8000; market 5&10c high
er. Bulk ot. sales. 43.SO&3.00; heavy. 45.75
3.S0; packers. 4 3. SO 5.03; pigs and light
Sheep Receipts 3000; market strong: mut
tons. 4-1.1365.15; lambs. 45.2306.30; range
wethers, 44.003.23; fed ewes, $3.75 tj 4.30.
SOUTH OMAHA. Aug. 4. Cattle Receipts
100; market steady to strong. Native steers.
43.735.50: cows s.nd heifers. 42.73 4.40;
Western sters. 43.13Q4.50; Texas steers,
42.7563.75; cows and heifers, 4293.70; can
ners. 41.50 G 2.40; stockers and feeders, 42.50
94.25; calves. 45 J 5.50; ljulls, stags, etc.
Hogs Receipts 7000; market 5c higher.
Heavy. 45.60 95.70; mixed. 4 1.30 5.70; light,
44.7095.75; pigs, 44.759 3.50; bulk of sales.
Sheep Receipts 3500; market stronger.
Westerns. 44.7595.03; ewes. 43.7594.
CHICAGO. Aug. 4. Cattle Rscelpta 2500;
market steady. Good to prime steers, 45.25
?3.00: poor to medium. 43.7595.10; stock
ers and feeders. 52.2504.20; cows. 42.499
4.40; heifers. 42.2394.80; canners, 41.309
2.40: bulls. 42.4094; calves, 4397; Texas
fed steers. 43.3095; Western steers, 43.509
Hogs Receipts today. 15.000; tomorrow,
9000: market 3 10c higher. Mixed and
butchers. 43.3090.10; good to choice heavy,
45.0096.074; rough heavy. 45.4093.80;
light. 45.75 16. 15: bulk of sales. 45.60 95.80.
Sheep Receipts 12.000; market steady.
Good to choice wethers. 4494.85; fair to
choice mixed. 44 9; Western sheep. 449
4.83; native Iambs, 4597.30; Western lambs.
Metal Markets.
NEW YORK. Aug. 4. A further reaction was
reported In the London tin market, spot clos
ing, at ,149 15s. and futures at 1143 10s. Lo
cally the market was quiet and easy, with
spot quoted at 32.624932.674c
Copper also was lower abroad at 163 lis 3d
for spot and 63 15s for futures In the London
markeu Locally, the situation showed no
change, with the market quiet at 15.4749
15.50c for Lake and Electrolytic, and 14.874
915c for casting.
Lead was unchanged at 4.6094.70c In the
local market but declined to 14 18s 9d in
Spelter was unchanged at 5.70c In the local
market and at 24 In London.
Iron closed at 49s 4d In Glasgow and at
46s 144 In Mlddlesboro. Locally. Iron was
unchanged. No. 1 foundry Northern Is quoted
at 41625917; No. 2 foundry Northern-. 415.75
918.50; No. 1 foundry Southern. 415.75916.73.
and No. 2 foundry Southern soft. 415.50916.
Dried JYnlt at New York.
NEW YORK. Aug. 4. The market for evap
orated apples continued firm for both future
and spo supplies. Common to good are
quoted at 44fftic; prime, 64964c: fancy,
For prunes, the spot situation Is unchaaged
with quotations ranging from 4H964C ac
cording to grade.
Apricots seem In strong position, but with
out sufficient business to help prices. Choice
are quoted at SgSUc: extra choice, 844c;
fancy. 940,10c.
Peaches are dull and unohanged. Chlee are
quoted at 109104c; extra choice, 10t?M4c;
fancy. 11c e
The combination among raisin grower on
the coast, or the agitation In that dlreeUon
is strengthening the views of holders, and
prices show a hardening tendency. Loose
muscatels are quoted at 4i 864c;. seeded rais
ins, 346"c; London layers, 4191.15.
Dairy Produce In the East.
CHICAGO, Aur. 4. On the Produee Ex
change today the butter market waa firm;
creameries, 17922c; dairies, 16918c Eggs,
easier at mark, cases Included. 154e; flcsts,
174c; prime. 184c; extras. 21c. Cheese, firm,
NEW YORK. Aug. 4. Butter Western fac
tory common to extra. 15-gl7c; Western imi
tation creamery extra, 194c; do firsts, 1S9
IS 4c
Cheese and eggs Quiet and unchanged.
Slump in Corn Caused by Selling or
One Million Bushels by a
Leading Long.
CHICAGO. Aug. 4. Decreasing receipts In
the Southwest Imparted a firm tone to the
wheat market here today. Fresh reports of
damage In the Northwest added to the strength.
At the close, wheat for September delivery
was up 4e. Corn was down 1491Hc Oats
show a less of 4c Provisions are up 74c
to 224c.
Strength In the wheat market developed early
In the session. At the opening, sentiment
was a trifle bearish. Initial openings on Sep
tember being off a shade to 494e at 844c
to S44c Throughout the greater part of the
session commission houses were fair buyers.
The market closed firm, with September at
Heavy liquidation by a prominent long
caused weakness In the corn market. Total
sales by this trader were eald. to be in. the
neighborhood of 1.O0O.0OO .bushels. The market
closed weak with prices practically at the
lowest point of the session. September opened
Memo 4c lower at 544c to 544c. sold oft to
534 and closed at 5349534c
There was weakness in the oats market. The
break in corn gave added Impetus to the down
ward course of prices. The market closed at
the lowest point of the day. September opened
4c to 4c lower at 274c to 2Sc. sold oft to
274c and eloped there.
.Provisions made a sharp advance late In the
session on active demand from leading pack
ers. An advance "of 5$10c In the price ot
live hogs aided the upturn. At the close Sep
tember pork was up 224c at 413.624; lard was
up 124915c at 47.524. and ribs were 74
higher at 43.174-
The leading futures ranged as fellows:
Open. High.
4 -S44 4 .854
. .86 .864
. .884 .594
Low. Close.
4 .844 4 .85V4
.Ti -S64
SS4 .S4s
Sept. (old)...
SepU (new).
Dec. (old)...
Dec. (new)..
55W .554
September ..
December .
.. .28 .28
.. .284 -2S4
.. .30 .304
..13.374 13.C5
..13.324 13.45
.30 .304
October . .
13.374 13.624
13.20 13.40
September 7.424 7.524 7.40 7.524
October 7.524n 7.60 7.474 7.60
September 8.10 8.174 8.05 5.174
October 8.20 8.274 8.124 8.274
Cash quotations were as follows:
Wheat No. 2 Spring. 41.0591.10; No. 3, 05c
941.05; No. 2 red. S64c
Corn No. 2. 5549554c; No. 2 yellow, 36c.
Oats No. 2. 274c; No. 2. white. 29e; No. 3
white. 2392S4c
Rye No. 2. 59960c.
Barley Good feeding. 36808c: fair to choice
malting. 4194Jc.
Flaxseed No. 1, 41.26; No. 1 Northwestern.
Timothy seed Prime, 43.25.
Mess pork Per barrel. 4IS.6O9 15.65.
Lard Per 100 pounds. 47.4597.474.
Short riba sides Loose, 48.0398.15.
Short clear rides Boxed, 4S.5098.674.
Clover Contract grade. 412.50912.73.
Reee-.pts. Shipments.
Flour, barrels 22,700 178,600
Wheat, bushels 130,000 425.500
Corn, bushels 700.700 188.000
Oats, bushels H.lOrt 493.200
Rye. bushels 203.800
Barley, bushels 110,000 100,000
Grain and Produce at New York.
NEW YORK. Aug. 4. Flour Receipts. 17,
400 barrels: exports. 16,100 barrels. Market,
dull and unchanged.
Wheat Receipts, 12,000 bushels. Spot, firm;
No. 2 red. 8S4c elevator f. o. b. and 904c
f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 Northern Duluth, ?1.1C4
f. o. b. afloau Except for a alight opening
decline, due to favorable Northwest reports,
wheat was firm all day with a fair trade.
It responded to rust talk, complaints of poor
threshing returns, a bullish Modern Miller
report and adverse Russian crop news, closing
494c net higher. September. 884988 15-16c;
closed 8S4c: December. 9049014c closed
914c; May. 9245034c. closed 934e.
Hops Firm.
Hides, wool and petroleum Quiet.
Grain at San Francisco.
SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 4. Wheat, steady;
barley steady.
Spot quotations:
Wheat Shipping. 41.451.55; milling. 41.574
Barley Feed. 4191.024; brewing, 41.0591.10.
Oats Red. 41.1591.35.
Call board sales:
Wheat December. 41.424.
Barley December. 974c
Corn Large yellow. 41.37491.424.
Wheat nt Tacoma.
TACOMA, Wash.. Aug. 4. Wheat Un
changed, quoted by millers, club, 74975a; blue
stem, 78c
Passengers on Crowded Excursion
Xarrowly Escape Drowning..
'JETW YORK. Augr. 4. Engineer Wil
liam Moody rolled with his -engine down
a steep embankment at Bayonne. N. J..
today, and was drowned. The engine
plunged out ot sight into deep water.
The crowded excursion train on the Cen
tral Railroad of New Jersey was left
marooned and with passengers panic
stricken, on a trestle above the bay, saved
from the same fate only by a broken
coupling-pin and the bravery of the lost
engineer, who went to his death while In
the act of setting the emergency brakes.
The train was running from Atlantic
City, and had Just passed over a bridge
at moderate speed, when the engine ran
into an open switch, and was derailed,
along with the tender and two baggage
cars. At this point the rails are laid on
a steep embankment, which forms the
bridge approach, and the engine and
tender toppled over the embankment.
The coupling-pin between the tender and
first car snapped, leaving the coaches,
which, fortunately, stopped, on the em
bankment Tne fireman saved himself by
Jumping. No passengers were injured.
Made His Living by Marrying.
ASHEVTLLE. N. C Aug. 4. Two let
ters and a photograph received tonight
from Fort, Worth. Tex., indicate that the
body of an Englishman which has lain
unidentified In a receiving vault In this
city for nine months Is that of a man
who claimed to be "Lord Douglas.' but
who was. In fact, known to the police ot
Fort Worth as a bigamist. The photo
graph and description accompanying it
fits the body perfectly, as can be ascer
tained from such a short examination.
The., letters contain evidence of
the statement that Douglas was married
to at least four women. The Mesdaraes
Douglas known at present are women
In California and Colorado, from whom
the first Mrs. Douglas has heard.
All of the women claim, according to
the letters, to have been deserted shortly
after marriage, and Mrs. B. E. A. Doug
las declares that Douglas robbed her of
all her money and Jewelry.
Perpetrator of Swindles In -Many
Cities Is Captured.
CHICAGO. Aug. 4. Charged wlta
swindling merchants in 21- cities out of
thousands of dollars, Norman E. Roberts,
alleged money-order raiser and forger,
was arrested last night at a sub-postal
station. Roberts said he was a salesman
until a few months ago. He Is 27 years
old and comes from New York.
Roberts method has not differed from
that of several other swindlers, including
one woman, who have been sent to the
penitentiary from Chicago within the test
three years. The forger buys a money
order at a sub-station, usually for 25
cents and payable to 4ome other person.
Then all the writing Is erased with chem
icals and the blanks are filled out for
any amount under 41C0. In Chicago the
signature of Postmaster Coyne was
forged. The raised order then la offered
by the swindler to some business man
In exchange for a small purchase and
the remainder, which the forger receive?,
represents the amount of his dishonest
Roberts itinerary Included New York.
Boston. Providence. R. I.: Pawtucket. R.
I.: Woon:?ocket. R. I.; New London.
Conn.; Baltimore. Philadelphia, Harris
burg. York. Pa.; Norfolk and Richmond.
Va.; Cincinnati and Dayton. O.; Indian
apolis, Chicago and Milwaukee.
Marriage Licenses.
John Devier. 30: Mary Devler. 2S.
At Napa (Cal.) Insane Hospital. July 31.
George Lucius Davis, a native of Massachu
setts, aged 55 years. 11 months and 22 days.
Remains brought to Portland for Interment.
At 277 Portland boulevard. August 2. Mary
Elizabeth. Infant daughter of Mr. ami Mrs.
H. A. Conner, a native of Portland, ase-1 I
years and 21 days.
At 285 Lincoln avenue. August 3. Miss Maud
Mary Theresa Frances McGraw. a native of
Oregon, aged 22 years. 10 months and 3 days.
At 327 East Nineteenth street. August 3.
Mrs. Catherine Glafke. a native of Germany,
ased 75 yearr. 4 months and 19 day.
At Oregon City. August 2. Harry W. Wat
kins, a native of Portland, aged 29 years. 5
months and 1 daji Remains brought to Port
land for interment.
.Building rermits.
Women of Woodcraft, basement fer halt pur
poses, southeast corner Tenth and Taystc
streets. J2264.
Peter Bauer, barn on Falling street, near
Grand avenue. S50.
M. Balbato, repair to dwelling en FJfth
street, near Sheridan. 4175.
T. O. Connor, repair of dwelling, oorncr East
Seventh and Beech streets. 425.
L. R. Pullen. repair of dwelling at 1133
Michigan avenue. 4500.
J. D. R. Brown, repair of dwelling on Pattern
avenue, between Jessup and Jerret streets.
Real Estate Transfers.
I. A. Hlbbard to B. A. Henslee and
wife, west 4 lots 5. south 19 feet
of west 4 lot 0. block G. city ...417.000
D. S. Rand to H. S. Rowe. part block
N. M. Fatton's Tract 1.270
T. L. Eliot and wife to United States,
part ot W. W. BaKer D. L. C. sec
tion 12, township 1 north, range I
west 3.0Q0
B Selling and wife, trustees, to G. It.
Perclval. lots 1. 2. 29, SO, block 10.
Laurel wood Park 400
C. Beck to G. B. Van Waters, lots C.
7. block 215. Couch Addition ...... S.000
B. Selling et al. to R. E. Sycamore
Co.. part of southeast U of south
west H section S, township 1 south,
range 2 east 1
W. J. Townsend to N. E. Walsh. lot
6. block 1. East Portland Heights
Addition 2.000
Title Guarantee & Trust Co. to G. De
Konlng. east 45 feet lot 4. block 21,
First Addition to Holladay Park
Addition 57S
B. M. Langto and husband to M.
Twaddell. lot 7. block 1. Mount Ta
bor Villa Annex 200
H. S. Green to A. V. Green, west 50
feet lot 7. block 148. Caruthers Ad
dition to Caruthers Addition 1.000
J. E. Scott and wife to F. Relnklng.
lot 2. block 101. Caruthers Addition 210
M. C. BanHeld et al. to M. C. Ban
fleld et al.. right of way on part
block 50. Carter's Addition 1'
K. V. LlvelJ- et al. to C. Lohkamp.
lot 12. block 10. Lincoln Park I
Board of School Trustees to K. Ward,
parcel land beginning 181.34 feet
west of intersection ot north line
of Washington and west line of 10th X'
K. Ward to Board of School Trustees.
same 1
H. E. 5Ilddleton to N. Blnford. lot 5.
block 14. Woodlawn Addition 107
Point View Lrod Co. to J. Near and
wife, lots 3. 4. block 2. Point View 190
F. D. Thomas and wife to R. D. Bird,
lot 3. block 21 Lincoln Park 1.200
J". S. Brownewell and wife to A. H.
HInnekamp. lot 24. block 24. Alblna 3.450
H. Slnshelmer to C. T. Klngsley. block
57. Woodstock 800
C. H. Gilbert et al. to H. E. Northup.
lot 8. block 91. Carter's Addition;
lots 1. 2. .25. block 2. Lents Addition 1
C. O. Ellison et al. to W. Palmer.
undivided part A. N. King D. L. C. 1
Portland Trust Co. to A. A. Dlmick.
lot S, block 216. Holladay's Addi
tion 2.300
F. .C. Goodin et al. to S. P. Mock, lot
10, block 45. Sellwood "175
Josephine Hoes to John Hoes, lot 9.
block 1. North Villa I
W. F. Smith and wife to L. K. Har
per, lot 14. block 4, East Portland
Heights 300
G. B. Van Waters to Mrs. Maud O.
Van Waters, lots 6. 7, block 145.
Couch Addition 13,000
Mutual Savings Bank of San Fran
cisco to E. Flnnlgan. parcel land be
ginning 200 feet south of south Una
of Caruthers In west lino 6th 200
Look Into Humptulips Timber.
ABERDEEN. Wash.. Aug. 4. (Special.
A party of capitalists from Warren. Pa.,
headed by Minor Crary, have gone Into
camp on the Humptulips River, and ox
pect to remain all Summer. They will be
Joined later by other Eastern men. Includ
ing Peter Crary. the principal stockholder
In the Gray's Harbor Electric Company.
They will take trips Into the timbered
country during the Summer, and. It is
said, will make extensive Investments la
timber land.
If Baby Is Cutting Teeth
Be sure and use that old and well-tried rem
edy. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, for chil
dren teething. It soothes the child, softens
the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic
and diarrhoea.
tlk kl ritban. Tako no alJler. Kfss
I)acrtM SabcUtafcUaa mmi Imlte
tlm. Bay of yor Dnmln. r ns4 4. la
a "RtlUr for LaUlM," in Utur, by
ItDnuilio. t.u ... l. , i r
ttl yJ. Xadbom Sar. rUUU l3l
Biz 43 is a Tam.oinAt
remedy for Gonorrhoea,
I u1ee1.3porma.19rrD.caft,
Whites, unnatural di
. truirt. cnarxei. or aoy loummv
IlnTats e.auctaa. tlon of mucous cits?
riltErm CHEMICAL OS. braae.. Xon.utrlatent.
u.s.x. 7. for seat in slain wrapper.
OT axsress. s-raMia. foi
fl.CQ. or 3 settle. JCTi.