1 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, SATURDAY, , AUGUST 5, 1905. OPEN FIGHT FDR CITY CONTRACTS Barber Asphalt Company Asks ;for Modification of Specifications; z., CHARGE PAVING MONOPOLY Warren Construction Company Un derbid Tjy Rival $5,135.09 on Second-Street Work a'nd $3,420.28 on Couch. lie first gun in the skirmish of what promises to be a battle royal oer the question of street paving contracts of Portland was fired at the pession of the Executive Board yesterday aftornoon, Vhen the Barber Asphalt Paving Com pany entered Into competition with the Warren Construction Company In bidding for the work of paving Second street, from the north line of Morrison to the Bouth line of Gllsan, and Couch street from the west line of First to the east line of Fourteenth, under the specifica tions calling for Warren's bltullthlc pave ment In conformity with the petition of a majority of the property-owners. Upon the Second-street contract the Barber Asphalt Paving Company bid $27, 173.70. or 5L70 a square yard, as against $32,319.69, or $2 a square yard, of the War ren Construction Company, each offering to maintain the street In good repair for a period of ten years at 2& cents a square yard per year. On the Couch-street proposition the Barber people bid $26,160.83, and. the War ren Construction Company J29.K57.il, both offering to keep up repairs ten years on the 2&-cents-a-square-yard basis. Ac companying the bids of the asphalt people was the following letter, which was road to the Board by Auditor Devlin, and which was productive of somewhat of a sensation: "To the Honorable Executive Board of the City of Portland: "Gentlemen Explanatory and as a part Df our attached bid for the improvement 3f Second street, we most respectfully Bubmlt the following: The ordinance for this improvement calls for a bltullthlc pavement, and the specifications for the pavement require the use In its con struction of Warren's Puritan brand of -ements and others materials. 'Bltullthlc s an arbitrary word that has been adopted and Is used by the Warren Con struction Company as a trademark to distinguish Its pavements of the kind in question from pavements of the same kind made by other people. As such trademark, the word Is the exclusive property of said company. 'Warren's Puritan Brand' is the trademark adopted and used by the Warren Construction Company to designate its particular brand af certain materials that are used lnsthe making of pavements. This brand is ex r'uslvely owned and controlled by said company. "We are able and ready to put down, nnder any other name or without any name, the same identical pavement that the Warren Construction Company puts Sown under the name 'bltullthlc,' and we are able and ready to lay such pavement Dn Second street in strict accordance with the specifications prepared therefor, ex,- ;pi oniy that wo cannot use warren a Puritan Brand of materials; and we are ible and ready to back up our assertion with our contract, our bond, our money and our work. "If the mention in the ordinance and ipeclficatlons of this particular trade marked name and these particular prl rate brands is to preclude the making of the same identical pavement under iny other name than 'bltullthlc' or with any other1 materials than War den's Puritan brands, all competition :n bidding is stifled, the calling for and Opening of bids is a farce, and the Warren Construction Company is given m absolute monopoly of this kind of work. The monopoly thus created in cludes not only the pavement proper, sut extends to the grading, sidewalks, iurbing, stone blocks and all other items comprised In the Improvement, ts the contractor who cannot furnish barren's Puritan brand of materials sannot bid at all, and the cqmpany who iontrols that brand will charge what t sees fit or all the items embraced ,n the Improvement. "We therefore make this bid for the im provement of Second street on the condi tion that if it is accepted and. the work twarded to us. some name that Is not trade-marked will be used instead of bltulithlc In our contract, and the specl Scations will be modified by substituting !or "Warren's Puritan Brands any lan ruage which describes and deflnes the na .ure and qualities of the materials to be sed, or by adding after each mention of 'Warren's Puritan Brands,' the words 'or any other material of like character that Is equally as good,' or any other language Jf similar Import. In other words, we bid in the work exactly as called for in the rdinance and specifications, and only ask for the elimination therefrom of those private trade-marked words and brands tvhich absolutely prevent competitive bid ling. "As required by your invitation for bids, pre enclose a check for $3S18, payable to the order of the Mayor of. the City of Portland, which is to be forfeited as fixed tnd liquidated damages in case we neglect tr refuse to enter into a contract and provide a suitable bond for the faithful performance of said work In the event the contract is awarded to us. 'If this contract is awarded to us, we are able and ready to give any special bond or security you may require to fully ndemnify and save harmless the 'City of Portland, and any and all property-own-irs from any and all expenses, damages and lltication on account of any claims !or infringement of -any alleged patents ii connection with our construction of this pavement. "We also submit herewith a proposal .o keep and maintain said proposed im provement In good condition for the period f ten years for the price of two and one naif cents (2&c) per square yard per year. Tours respectfully. Barber Asphalt Pav ing Co., by Charles Craney, Attorney-in-fact." Th difference between the bids of the the rival concerns amounts to $5li5.99 on the Second-street contract, and $3426.28 Tor that of Couch street All were re ferred to the street committee of the Ex ecutive Board, which is composed of R. L. Sabin. chairman; Max F. Flelschner and Richard Wilson. The Barber As phalt Paving Company, through Charles Craney, as manager, also submitted the following in relation to the purchase of the old material on Second street: "Attached to the original petition for the Improvement of Second street is a communication from tne Warren Con struction Company to Frank Kiernan. In which said company says it will agree to allow 60 cents per square yard for the old itone blocks on the street; unless the property-owners xan get a better price lor them from other parties. There is' nothing in the oroinance or specifications or Invitation for bids for the improve ment of Second street that calls upon any contractor to state what he will al low for these old stone blocks. ,but in lubmitting our enclosed bid for this im provement, we desire to say that If the stone blocks are to be removed and taken by the. contractor, we will allow and pay 60 cents per square yard for all the old stone blocks now on the street." Immediately after adjournment of the Executive Board. Chairman Sabin and M. F. Flelschner, of the street commit tee, held an informal session In the City Engineer's office, at which were also present, besides City Engineer Wanxer, W. - L. Archambeau, representing the Warren Construction Company; Frank Kiernan and Attorneys W. M. Davis and Dan J. Malarkey. who appeared for the Warren Construction Company and the .aarber Asphalt Paving Company, re spectively. Tnls meeting, which lasted about an hour and a half, was charac terized by a hot argument between the two lawyers on the bltullthlc question, and resulted in a general discussion of about every' phase of the street-paving situation. In which Malarkey made a strong point in the contention that, while the charter calls for competitive bids in all street work, there was no possibility of such competition where the specifica tions call for a certain brand of paving material that is protected by a trade mark. He contended that a monopoly In street paving, such as the specifications in question created on their face, was contrary to American institutions produc tlvo of fraud and favoritism, and sub versive -of good government. He said that no fair-minded person should object to competition, and that there was noth ing in the construction of the so-called bltullthlc pavement that anyone in the paving business could not duplicate, and tnat the specifications, and not the name, determined the kind of improvement, and that the city authorities should prepare and submit specifications without mo nopolistic earmarks, and then Insist upon a strict compliance therewith by tho con tractor to whom the work was awarded. Malarkey insisted that he did not want to be understood as obstructing street Improvements In any way. "AH we want," said he, "is to be given an op portunity to compete." He held further that tho Warren Con struction Company was endeavoring to create a monopoly in this Instance, and that property-owners on the two streets affected would pay dearly for the use of a trade-marked word. Frank Kiernan related the circum stances attending "the circulation of the petition for the street improvements, and was fearful lest the present difficulty would result in deprMng the property owners of the use of the streets in case the matter became a subject of litigation, as now seems likely. Malarkey replied that he felt certain Mr. Klornan was not anxious to foster monopoly, and reiterated that the Bar ber people had no wish to Intorfcse with street improvements in any manner to cause delay. Attorney W. M. Davis said that It was useless to listen to MY. Malarkey's argu ments, and threatened that if the Board awarded the bids to the Barbor Asphalt company the Warren Construction Com pany would enjoin them and throw the matter into the courts. He contended that the Barber concern had been tried and found wanting, and could not get one third of the property-owners anywhere for their bituminous macadam. "Iet them go before the people who are famil iar with the two pavements," said ho. "It "has had Its day, and there must be some thing rotten In Denmark when they re sort to such 'knocking methods as send ing out anonymous communications 5n an endeavor to create public sentiment against the Warren people's system of paving In various cities." Davis charges that photographs of a section of Chestnut street, St. Louis, had been sent broadcast over the country in which a brick pavement was referred to as bltullthlc. He admitted that the Warren Construction Company enjoyed a monop oly of this peculiar grade of pavement, but stated that it was a monopoly in which the property-owners seemed well satisfied to let conditions remain as they are. The Executive Board may have to re ject .the Barber Company's bids on the ground that they do not strictly conform to the ordinance and specifications. In such event, the matter will have to be de cided by the Council, in which body was recently introduced ordinances the pass age of which would put a stop to the mo nopoly complained of. ROBBERY BY WHOLESALE Member of St. Liouis Gang Confesses Plundering. Hundreds of Houses. ST. LOUIS, Mo., Aug. 4. (Special.) Ed ward Burthardt, 18 years oldV-who was ar rested with a gang of three men and two women, charged with committing whole sale robbery all over the city, confessed to Chief Desmond today that the gang had robbed 330 ' houses. He refused to tell where they were, but told the Chief he would turn state's evidence and turn up much of the booty if guaranteed that he would not be prosecuted. Burthardt detailed to tho Chief the method of the cantr'a oivrattnnB tta enM 'ho and the only one of the gang not ar rested would go to a lodging-house that promised to be a good field and engage a room. After they had become familiar with the premises they would invito their accomplices to visit them. The visitors would ransack tho house and the lodgers would disappear. Proposals for Street Work. The Executive Board, at its regular meeting yesterday, received proposals for the following street work: East Stark, from the center line of East Ninth to the east line of East Ninth Joplln & Meeks, $139.99. This firm was the only bidder. ,East Stark, from the east line of East Ninth tothe West lino of East Twen tieth Concreto Construction Company for work as a whole, J1S.363.0S; J. R. O'Nell, seven blocks, $6900; Joplln & Meeks, seven blocks, $6704.10; X. G. Lundstrom, seven blocks, $7141.49. Monroe street, from the east line of Borthwlck to the east line of Mississippi avenue Bechlll Bros., $625.07; Joplln & Meeks. $667.70. East Main street, from the west line of East Twenty-sixth to the east line of East Thirtieth Stevens Bros.. $555.16; Mil ler &. Bauer, portion, $172.04; Bechlll Bros., $545.55; Joplln fsMceks. $489.01. Seventeenth street, from the north line of Elizabeth to the south line of Clifton Franey & Keating, $624L64, for sand fin ish, and $591L84 for screening finish Con crete Construction Company, $6748.40. All the bids were referred to the com mittee on streets. Street Work Accepted. At Its meeting yesterday the Executive Board accepted the following street work: Davenport, from the west line of Gover nor's Park to the north line of Patton county road; Thurman, from the west line of Rugby to the west line of Peter Guild donation land claim; Ford, from the south line of Washington to the outh line of Madison; East Second, from the north line or Holladay avenue to the center lino of Hassalo; Irving, from the west Une of Fifth to the cast line of Seventh;' sewer in Melinda avenue, from the west lino of Fanny G. King tract to a connection with the sewer in Melinda avenue at second bend. The improvement of the following streets was referred to the appropriate committee upon various technical grounds: Twenty-fifth, Monroe, Fremont,. East Ninth, Jackson and Twenty-first. The bids on Eas Twentieth, Clackamas and Wasco streets were all rejected and will be rcadvertlsed. Isador Wormser, the New York banker and son of a California pioneer, was op erated on for the removal of a gallstone at Saratoga, N. Y Thursday nlghj. He was slightly Improved yesterday. DEEP CHANNEL TO SEfi NEEDED Major Roessler Is Impressed Witfi Importance of River Improvements. SOON SUCCEEDS LANGFITT Contract for First Work on Cclllo Canal Soon to Be Let New Corps Engineer Has Efficient Record. Major S. W. Roessler, of Washington, D. C, reached the city yesterday after noon to become the successor to Major W. C. Langfitt as corps engineer In charge of fortifications and river and harbor improvements and engineer of the 13th lighthouse district. The new officer has not as yet learned when he will take charge of his office here, the change being dependent upon the return to the city of Major Langfltt, who is. at present in the Pugot Sound district, where he Is mak ing an investigation of projects recom mended to the department, but not yet approved. Major Roessler brings to the city the information that his precedeccor has been appointed, upon the dato of his leaving Washington, as a member of the Board of Inspectors of Rivers and Harbors, which board was created by an act of 1S02, the duties of which shall be to examine and pass upon all original projects for the improvement of rivers and harbors before final action by the Department of War or tht Board of Engineers, and before Con gress has taken any decisive action. Major LanSfitt has joined the bther mem bers of the board, and Is now making an investigation of work projected In the Pugct Sound district, upon which an ex amination was ordered at the last session of -Congress. He will not return to Port land until the middle of the week, and until that time no announcement can be made as to the date of the transfer of the office here from the old officer to the new. Major Roessler can as yet say nothing of his plans for work to be done here, as he has not had time to become familiar with the details of his office or of the work to be done or under way in the district, but on Monday he will join Colonel Heuer, division engineer from San Francisco, who will arrive in Portland for an examination of the work now being done at the mouth of the Columbia. The new officer anticipates a pleasant as well as a busy time In his new home and position, as In addition to the work now on hand the contract for the com mencement ofwork on the canal at Celilo will be let In a short time and construc tion will be commenced there. "The work here Is of great magnitude as well as of great Importance." said Major Roessler, at the Hobart-Curtls last night: "but I. do not wish to say any thing as to what will be done at this time, not having become acquainted with the details of my office as yet. The work at the mouth of the Columbia will also bo of great value to the state. The ten dency of commorce to bring Into use ves sels of deeper and deeper draft makes it essential that the channel to the sea be made deep and kept deep. It Is also es sential to the commerce of the whole state that a deep-water channel be main tained from the harbor of Portland to the sea, for the prosperity of the state de pends In a reflected manner at least upon the shipping centers of the state." The Major predicts that it will not be long before the Government demands state assistance before granting appropri ations for harbor Improvements. "As shown by the action of Congress a short time, ago in asking the State of Pennsylvania to contribute to the Im provement fund for deepening Delaware River, the tendency of Congress Is to ward asking aid from the state in carry ing out river -and harbor Improvements. The change may not come for some years yet, but the sentiment of Congress tends that way." Major Roessler Is a veteran In the engi neer service, having graduated from West Point with the class of 1S77, and entering Immediately into the service, has been 2S years In the work. For the first two years after his graduation he did post graduate work in the school for engineer officers at Wlllett's Point, now Fort Tot ten. The next year was spent In New York as assistant to General Toner, presi dent of the board of engineers. Following that, three years were passed at West Point as instructor In civil and military engineering. After leaving West Point. 1, years were spent on river and harbor work at San Francisco, and on the Sacramento River. The next 2 years were passed as Adjutant of the Battalion of Engi neers at Fort Tottcn, while another 2V years were spent as Instructor In electri cal and torpedo cngineerinsr at the same place. Memphis was tho next camping place, where for five years Major Roessler was district engineer officer In charge of a stretch of 400 miles of the Mississippi River below Cairo. The next move made the Major returned to Fort Totten. where for 2Vi years he was Instructor -In civil engineering at the engineers' school, after which another five years were passed at Portland, Maine, as district engineer of ficer In charge of.r ror and harbor im provements and fortification work In th State of Maine. The next year was spent as assistant to General McKenzIe. Chief of Engineers, at Washington, where Maj or .Koessier was engaged In looking after the preparation of the Baltimore Harbor. Fort Monroe and Fort Washington, pre paratory to the Joint army and navy maneuvers held there last June. It Is from, this position that the Major comes to Portland. SSIALIi CRAFT ARE IDEE. Launches Cannot Find Passengers Since the Cruisers Sailed. After doing a trood business for th ntt few weeks of the season, especially while me war vessels were in port, the launch owners have seen the river "go dead." and as a result are being taken elsewhere. The run to me uaw is in ine nan as or one company, and only a fair trade Is being done. With the departure of the revenue cutter Mc Culloch there aTe no special vessels In the harbor which visitors are anxious to sec. Several boats built for rh Aimmor f will be a dead loss on the owners' hinds. Two months ago the boathouses at the foot of Morrison and Stark struts crowded with people. For some reason the thousands of people uptown can only be Induced to go to the river when taking one of the manr trios on thi rniumWn Yesterday the fruit stand at the city Land ing, iooi or stanc street, retired from business. Within a very short time there will be some bargains In launches ni!v found. HER TJ3LE HAS BEEN U EATEN Bnt Telegraph Appears to Hold tho Sternvrhecl Record From Astoria. The statement of CaDtaln Scott that th Telegraph beat the record for the run up the river from Astoria to Portland-brought forth many denials yesterday. It la stated that the T. J. Potter has made the 115 miles, more or less. In 5 hours and SO minutes. This was made on several Saturday night runs, when she came straight through with a crowd from the beaches and made no way stops. Captain W. H. Patterson says thaff he has brought the steamship Columbia from Astoria In exactly the same time. It was when the vessel was fresh and clean that she made this time, remarkably fast for a seagoing vessel of tho Columbia's class. Until the Spencer or some of the local boats lowers the Telegraph's time of 5 hours and 55 minutes, it will probably stand as the record for sternwhcelcrs. The Telegraph yesterday went to the yards of the Portland Shipbuilding Com pany, at Fulton, where a false keel will be removed and a heavy coat of paint ap plied. She Is to be ready for whatever run Is-chosen by the middle of next week. CALLS 3IAY BE INFREQUENT No Other Pacific Const Steamer to Follow Topeka for Several Days. What steamer of the Pacific Coast Com pany will follow the Topeka to Portland to carry south the surplus which the Har riman boats cannot take is as much a mystery as ever. The Harrlman office has announced that the next Pacific Coast steamer will call August 12. The Pacific Coast office cannot say what boat It will be, and the Harrlman office Is saying nothing. The Topeka left down yesterday morn ing, and sailed from Astoria at 6 o'clock in the evening. She took less than 100 pas sengers, as many of the staterooms were occupied by people from Seattle. The To peka will be transferred to the San-Francisco-Eureka run as soon as she reaches the Bay City, and wilt not be seen again on the North Pacific Coast for some time. It is possible that the Senator, one of the largest Pacific Coast steamers, will call here next, Ilford's Cargo Nearly All On. Having loaded 3,000.000 feet of lumber at the Inman-Poulsen mill, the freighter Jlford was to go down to the Victoria dol phins late yesterday afternoon, but will not move until today. She will complete her cargo of 3,500,000 feet of lumber for Taku Bar, China, by Monday, and Is ex pected to start down the river Tuesday.. The bark Drumcraig Is to begin loading at the same mill Monday. The Comerie. also under charter by the Pacific Export Lumber Company, Is expected from Alaska within ten days. All take lumber to the Orient. ?farlne Notes. They schooner S. T. Alexander, 675 tons. Is listed to come to the Portland mills from San Francisco for a cargo of lum ber. The Sellwood ferryboat John F. Caples will be Inspected by the United States In spectors today. Yesterday the remodeled towboat Ottawa, of the Oregon Round Lumber Company, was Inspected. Laden with 1203 tons of wheat, the steamer Czarina left down yesterday, bound for San Francisco. She will prob ably make several trips for wheat cargoes, having been chartered by Taylor, Young & Co. Towed up the river by the towboat M. F. Henderson, the oil barge Santa Paula discharged WOO barrels bf oil at the gas dock yesterday. The Whlttier, her usual escort, went on to Puget Sound, after leaving her at Astoria, and will call In for her on the return trip. Domestic and Foreign Ports. ASTORIA. Aug. 4. Condition of the bar at 5 P. M-. smooth; wind, Mtuh; weather, cloudy. Arrived down at 3:30 and railed at 10:53 A. M. Sltarncr F. A. Kllburn. for San Francisco. Reed, from San Francisco. Arrived down at 5:15 and Milled at G:45 P. M. Steamer City of Topeka. tor San Francisco. San Francisco. Aug. 4. Arrived Steamer City .f Puebla. from Victoria; steamer George Loomti, from Seattle. Sailed Steamer Samoa, for Gray Harbor. BABIES' BIT IT THE FI FATHER OF THE EXPOSITION IS ARRANGING PROGRAM3IE. Prizes of All Kinds Will Be Given for Little Tots of Every Color, Size and Description. When Dan McAlIcn, the Father of the Exposition, was told that one day at the fair should be set aside in his honor, lie Immediately decided to give the babies of the State of Oregon the benefit. He issues an Invitation to every baby, black, white, lean, fat, rich or poor, to be pres ent and compete for the long list of prizes which will be offered. Babies' day will be in September, and just as soon ag the exact date Is decided upon notice will be given through tho newspapers and all parents are earnestly requested by Mr. McAUen to enter the little one? In the largest show of this kind ever given on the pacific Coast. No mattor If the baby Is not pretty there will be a prize for the ugliest; and if the little tot is thin there'will be another prize for the leanest. The smallest and the largest, the fattest tfnd the prettiest, the finest blue-eyed brown-eyed, gray-eyed and black-eyed babies, each In a class to themselves; the finest baby of each nationality repre sented; the finest in certain districts in town and country, and last, but not least Important a prize for the best-natured and for the worst behaved baby. The lat ter Mr. McAUen will tender personally, for he knowa- that babies cannot always be good, and feels a keen sympathy for Infants who act as he Is said to have done on sundry occasions in his extreme youth. A feature of Baby day will be a mam moth parade. In which, every clilld en tered will be expected to take part. Those who can conveniently do so are requested to decorate their baby carriages with flowers or other decorations, but if parents coming from the country and other towns cannot do this the pretty faces of their little ones will suffice. , A march will be made around the Ex position grounds, and the judges will be selecting the prizewinners on the quiet, for they will probahly be mixed with the crowdi It is particularly desired that out of town residents from every pectlon of the state will bring their children up to 3 years of age for this occasion for the committee In charge wishes to make a fine display of the future citizens of Ore gon. All who want information on the sub ject may obtain It by writing to Miss Mc Keown. secretary, care of McAHen & Mc Donnell. Third and Morrison streets. Portland. For district? communicate with any of the following ladles: Mrs. F. M. Branch, SSEast Thirty-fourth; Mrs. Nor rls Cox, Babies' Home; Miss Mabel De vers, 2S3 North Twenty-first; Misa Aphia Dlmmlck. Tenth and Morrison; Mrs. Katherine Daly, 573 Irving; Mrs. A. J. Farmer, 650 East Madison; Mrs. George Flanders, 5S0 Elizabeth; Mrs. Henry God dard. 455 Going; Mrs. Kent. Mrs. Kings bury or Miss Winifred Mosher, Sixth and Sherman: Mrs. L. H. Wells. 607 East Ninth: Mrs. B. S. Pague, 61S East Morri son. This committee of ladles has kindly consented to assist Mr. McAUen with the details of the day and Is very busy look ing for babies to enter. Breaks Record of Receipts. County Clerk Fields yesterday submit ted a report to the County Court showing the amount of business transacted In his office during the month of July, and he state? that It Is the largest for any month since he. has been in office- Receipts were. Route Selected by Japaaeo Govern ment for Conveying Japanese Peace Enrojs to the United State. S. S. MINNESOTA SaJIInjr From Seattle AUQUST lOTH FOR JAPAN. CHINA, HONGKONG. GREAT ftORTHERN STEAMSHIP CO. Operating: the New Twls-Screw Steamers "MINNESOTA" "DAKOTA" (Length 630 feet.) (Beam 738 feet.) The enormous dimensions of these vessels Insure steadiness and comfort at sea. Electric reading- lights orer each berth. For full Information apply to any railroad agent or to A. D. CHARLTON. A. G. P. A. 233 Morrison Street. H. DICKSON, 122 Third Street. Portland. W. VT. KINO. General PaengerN Agent, Seattle. 54773.55. and expenses were: Salaries. riSSS. 33; supplies, J937.1L A comparative statement for the month of July for the past five years shows the following: Ex pense to county. 1901, 51304.05; 1902, JSS3.31. Profit to county, 1903, $221.18; 1S04, $63.27; 1905. J19SS.12. B0YV1LLE AT BEACH. Juvenile Court Sends Second Com pany to Sea View. This morning another happy crowd of boys will. start from the Courthouse for a ten days' outing at Sea View, under the supervision of officers of the Juvenile Court. This work will be assigned to the Juvenile Improvement Association, after that body has become thoroughly organ ized. The boys are given a trip to the seashoro for recreation and Instruction, and are promlsed.a good time. They were all examined by County Physician Gray yesterday, and were all found to be In good health and eager for the trip. They are not boys who have been called before the court for committing misdemeanors or who-ln any way have been guilty of any offense, but slmRly a crowd of young sters who want a vacation, and Judge Frazer and his associates have provided the means. The O. R. & N. Co. furnishes the transportation, and numerous mer chants have contributed liberally. The boys who went to the beach a week ago will return to make room for the others. Several more partls will be sent 'down before the season closes. The names, ages and residences of the present party are as follows: Max Goldstaub, 9, 705 Vancouver; Her man Gumbert, 10. 12G Seventh: Wilson Mc Laughlin. 10. 293 Sacramento: Lloyd Camn. 10. Tenth and Hoyt; Edward Kelly. 11, 473 Flanders: Ralph Chase. 10, 222 Mill; Frank Nelson, 12, 533 Loring; Roy Kerns, 9. 329 Fronts Virgil Catching. 11, 51North Ninth; Arthur Hansen. 11, 40& Second; Vincent Planclch. 11. 306 North Twentieth; Henry Addis, 13. Russellvllle; Albert Olscn, 10, Nineteenth and Thurman; Marcus Gum bert. 13, 126 Seventh; Emerson Wilcox. 10. 70 North Ninth: Chester Davis. 12. 524 Railroad; Lonnle Barrett, 9. 417 Tilla mook; Frank Dunn, 11. 345 East Oak; Roy Barrett. 11. 417 Tillamook; Arthur Olson. 13, 375 Nineteenth; James Curtain, 15. C63 Overton; Edward Pausch, 12, 43 First; Arthur Eastman. 13. 461 Gllsan; Henry Skow, 13, 615 Pettygrove; Cecil McCart ney, 13, 6SS Upshur; Floyd Frank. 11, 520 Stark; Amos Frank, 12. 520 Stark. GIVEN CHANCE TO GAIN NAME Youth Guilty of Theft Sentenced and Given Parole. Dell Hayward, a youth aged 16 years, who stole a violin and a razor from the residence of Charles BIAkeley, waa sen tenced to one year In tho Penitentiary yes terday by Judge Frazer, and was paroled during good behavior. He was ordered to report to the Prisoners Aid Society as often as the society shall direct. Judge Frazer gave him the advice usual In such cases, telling him hla life and habits must be exemplary, and he must work and gain the respect and confidence of the community. Dell Hayward is one of a family of ten children, and he said he stole to buy necessities for tho family, his father being out of work and they were in want. THE TAVERN ENTERTAINS For genuine hospitality theresls no place of entertainment In the West that can equal The Tavern. It caters strictly to the best element of people, and prides itself on the excellence of its service. It is the grill that is making Portland famous. Opposite Oregonian building. SPECIAL ALASKA EXCURSION $65. Steamer Cottage City, August 12, call ing at Indian villages, Skagway, Sitka, etc, out 11 days. For full Information call Pacific Coast Steamship Company, 249 Washington street. Phone 229. ESCAPERN0NG WINE The finest product of the scappernong, tho native North Carolina grape. A de licious, refreshing white wine. Moderate ly sweet a ladles' wine. W. J. Van Schuyver & Co., Inc., distributors. SrECIAI, EXCURSION RATES. Very low Ninety-Day Tickets East Offered by O. It. & N. August 24. 25, September 16 17. the O. R. & N. sells SO-day special excursion tickets to Eastern points; stopovers grant ed going and returning. Particulars of C. W. Stinger, city ticket agent O. R. & N. Co.. Third and Washington streets, Portland. EVER TREAT YOU SO? Coffee Acts tbeJonah and Will. Come Up. A clergyman who pursues his noble calling In a country parish In Iowa, tells of his coffee experience: "My wife and-1 used coffee resularly for breakfast, frequently for dinner sfnd occasionally for supper always the very best quality package coffee never could find a place on our table. "In the Spring of 1S95 my wife was taken with violent vomiting which we had great difficulty in stopping. "It seemed to come from coffee-drinking, but we could not decide. "In the following July, however, she was attacked a second time by the vomit ing. 1 was away from home filling an ap pointment at the time, and on my return I found her very low; she had Uterally jrpmlted herself almost to death, and it took some days to quiet the trouble and restore her stomach. "I had- also experienced the same trouble, but not so violently, and had re lieved It, each time, by a resort to medi cine. "But my wife's second attack satisfied me that the use of coffee was at the bot tom of our troubles, and so we stopped It forthwith and took on Postum Food Coffee. The old symptoms of disease disappeared and during the nine years that we have been using Postum Instead of coffee we have never had a recurrence of the vomiting. We never weary of Postum. to which we know we owo our good health. This is a simple statement of facts." Name slven by Postum Com pany. Battle Creek, Mlch. Read the little book, "The Road to WeavlUc." la each package. Why Des pair? The St. Louis Medical and Surgical DIspeunary will cure you. Rolfiing Succeeds Like Success Don't give up the ship, even though it be the ship of life and sunken deep beneath the ocean waves of doubt and discouragement. Our past success Is a guarantee of the future to you. This Institute was founded long- be fore any other In Portland or elsewhere In tho Northwest- We treat and cure hundreds every month, who suffer from Pelvic and other diseases of men, such as Hydro cele, Varicocele, Stricture, Stomach. Kldaey and Bindder Affections, Vital Weakness, Nervous" Decline, Im po tency, Nocturnal Losneit and alj that long train of symptoms and troubles whteh arise from youtnful errors or other excesses. Wo have a new specific treatment for Gonorrhoea which is prompt, sure, safe and painless. Syphilis and all Mood taints we cure to stay, cured, and do not resort to poi sonous mineral a. Varicocele. Hydrocele, Piles, Rectnl Ulcers and Cancer we cure effectually and without the use of the knife. Consultation and examination free. Write for symptom blank and book If you cannot call. Office- Hours: 8 A. ST. to 5 P. If.; Sundays. St Louis KS"" Dispensary Cor. 2d and Yamhill Sts.. Port land. Or. HAND SAPOLIO FOR TOILET AND BATH Haters rfaghea4 by aeedltnrark catch every stain and look hopelessly dkty. Haati Sapelle removes mot only tb dirt, but also ths loosened, Injured CHtkle, and restores tha flngars tm ikmtr natural beauty, !4Ur O ROGERS AK2 DSUQQIST TRAVELERS' GUIDE. Cltr Tlcfcet Office. 122 Third SU Pbon 630. 2 OVERLAND TEAINS DAILY O The Tlycr and tha aat Man. Jm SrUEKDID SERVICE UP-TO-DATE EQUIPMENT CO URTEOCS EMPLOYES Tor tickets, rates, folders and lull Infor mation, call oa or address H. DICKSON. City Parsenger and Ticket Art.. 122 Third street, Portland. Or. JAPAN -AMERICAN LINE S. S. KANAGAWA MABXJ. For Japan. China and all Asiatic Ports, will leave Seattle about August 19. mm DAYS ON jbw O PUGET SOUND O "The Mediterranean of the Pacific. ' PUGET SOUND BRITISH COLUMBIA $23.75 Pay for 5 daya' round-trip to TACOMA. SEATTLE. nERETT. BELLINGHAM. AN ACORTES. WASH.; VANCOUVER. BRITISH COLUMBIA, etc Leaving Portland August S and 11. ttrst class transportation, meals and berths In cluded, via Northern Pacific Railroad, and The palatial ocean-going steamships UMA TILLA. QUEEN. CITY OF PUEBLA. For full Information apply Pacific Coast Steamship Co.. 240 Washington at., booth Manufactures building. Fair grounds; Puget Sound & Alaska Excursion Buroau. Good nough bid?.. 5th and Yamhill sts., Port land Or. North PacificS. S. Co.'s STEAMSHIP ROANOKE, 2400 TONS Sal la from Columbia Dock No. 1 for Sbb Krnaclaco and Los As Kelts, cnlllBt; at Eureka en rente. SATURDAY, JULY 29, 8 P. M. SATURDAY, AUG. 12, 8. P. M. SATURDAY, AUG. 26,8.PM. Ticket Office, 251 Wash. St. H. YOUNG, Agt, Columbia fcr Scenery Pertfand, Cascade Lwks, The Dalles Regulator LineSteamers Steamers leave Portland dally at T A. M., connecting at Lyle with Columbia River & Northern Railway Company for Goldendale and Klickitat Valley points. Bally round trip to Cascade Locks, steamer Bailey Gatz ert, leaves 8;30 A. M., returns 5:30 P. M. Bock foot of Alder it. Phone Male OIL S.F.& Portland Steamship Co. Operatinx tho Only Passena;er Steamers for San Francisco Direct. "Columbia" (3000 tons), August -I. 14. 24. "St. Paul" (2300 tons), August 9, 19, 29. From Alnsworth Dock at 8 P. M. REDUCED ROUND-TRIP RATE. $25.00. Berth and Meals Included. JAS. H. DETVSON. A-ent. Phone Main 263. 248 Washington St. ALASKA FAST AND POPULAR STEAMSHIPS Leave Seattle 0 P. M. "Dolphin," Aug. 14. 23. "JeeTersoa," Aug. 10, 20. 29. CALLING AT KETCHIKAN, JUNEAU. DOUGLAS. HAINES. SKAGWAY. 'Connects with W. P. 4 Y. route for Atlln. Dawson. Tanana. Nome, etc. CHEAP EXCURSION RATES. On excursion trips steamer calls at Elika. Metlakahtla. Glacier. Wraceel. etc.. In addition to regular ports of call. Call or send for " Trip :o Wonderful Alaska." "Indian Basketry." "Totem Poles." THE ALASKA S. S. CO.. Frank Woolsey Co.. Agents. .252 Oak St. Portland. Or. China, Japan and Manila Boston Steamship Co. and Boston Towboat Co.. From Tacoma and Seattle. Steamship "Lyra" leaves on or about July 29.1903. Steamship "Pleiades" leaves oa or about August 20. 1005. Steamship "Shawmut" leaves oa or about August 30. 1905. - For rates, freight and passage apply to Frijxk Waterhouse, managing agent. Seattle, or to Frank Woolsey Co., agents, 252 Oak st.. Portland. - Excursions to Alaska Seattle to Nome and St. Michaels. Steam shtn "Ohio" leaves Seattle about August 3. 1&05. Steamship "Oregon" leaves Seattle about August 15. 1P05. Apply Kraak Woolsex Co., 230 Oak st., Portland. Wkttto Star- Steuaashlp Compasy, 607 Kcst svreBk fsaULa TRAVELER'S GUTDX. union Pacific S TRAINS TO THE EAST DAILY. Through Pullman standards ant tourtx sleeping-cars dally to Omaha, Chicago. Spo kane; tourist sleeping-car dally to Kansas City; through Pullman tourist sleeping-car (personally conducted) weekly to Chicago. iteciinmg csair-cars (seats free) to tn s aily. UNiON DEPOT. Leaves: j ArtW SPECIAL tor the East Dally I rwilT via Huntington. SPOKANE FLYER i5:10 P- M. 8:00 A. XL -rLL 1 I Dally. 1 DaUy For Eastern Washington. Walla Walla. Lewlston. Cbeur d'Alena and Great Northtra points. v ATLANTIC EXPRESS .... r T... . for the East via Hunt- 5JT,.PrrI- T tLhV4, lngtoa. Dally. Dally. RIVER SCHEDULE. FOR ASTORIA aads:00 P. M. 8:09 P.M. way points, connecting Dally, Dlly. with steamer for Ilwa-j except except co and North Beach,! Sunday. Sunday, steamer Hassalo, Aah-I Saturday, t. dock (water per.) 1 10:00 P. M. "T. J. Potter" Xor Astoria and North Beach as follows: August 1. 8:15 A. M.; August 2. 7:30 A. M.; August 3. 7:30 A. M.; August 4. 0:00 A. M.; August 5. 11:13 A. M. FOR DAYTON. Ore gon City and Yamhill Rter points Ash-t. dock (water per.) 7:00 A. M. Dally, except Sunday. 5:30 P. M. Dally, except Soaday. !00 a. it. t About TOR. TPVWTTSXfW TVillv 5;0O p. M. I4aho and way points: except from Rl parte. Wash. I Saturday. Daily, except Friday. Ticket Office. Third and Washington. Telephone Main 712. C. W. Stinger. City Ticket Agt.; A. L. Craig. Gen. Passenger Act. EAST SOUTH LeaTes. UNION DEPOT. O V'JiltLAN U ilX PKESS TRAINS Cor Salem, it ox. burg. Aahlaad. Sacramento, Uj iea, San Frascij co, Mojave, Los Angele. El Paso. New Orleans ana ths East. Morning t r a I a connects at Wood. Arrlvsa. 8:45 P. M. 7:23 3C. 8:80 A. M. 3:55 P. Mi ours uui) except Bundar with tnun I (or Mount Angel, Ellverton. Browns ville, EpriagaeUl. fVendlla aua Na tron. Eugene passenger connects at Wood sum with Mt. Aa. gel and Sllvcnoa locaL oryallls passenger iheridan paseesger Forest Grove Passenger 8.-0O P. 1L :0:2S A. M, 7:30 A. M. 4:50 P. M. $10;45 P. M. 3:50 P. M. 83 A. V. Jl:50 P. M. Dally. JDally except Sunday. PORTLAND-OSWEGO SUBURBAN SSKVIC AND YAMHILL DIVISION. Leave Portland dally for Oj j:o at T.ZZ A. M.; 12:50. 2:05. 4. 3:3. 6. 0:33. 7:45. 10U P. M. Dally except Sunday. 3:30. 0:30. 5:33. 10:25 A. 31.. 11:30 P. M. Sunday only. 3 JL U. Returning from Oswegi. arrives Portlaai dally 8:30, 10:10 A. M.. 1:33. 3:u5. 4:55. lira. 9:53. 11:10 P. M. Dally except dusday. :25. 7:25. 9:30. 11:45 A. M. Except Mon day. 12:25 A. M. Sunday only. 10 A. M. Leave from seime depot for Dallas and. la tcrmedlate point dally. 3 P. M. Arrlvs Part land. 10:10 A. M. The Independence-Monmouth motor line operates dally to Monmouth and Alrlle. con necting with 3. P. Co. trains at Dallas a&4 Independence. First-class (.yes from Portland to Sacra mento and San Francisco. S20; berth. S3. Eecond-class fare, 313; second-class berth. SZ50. Tickets to Eastern points and, Europe. Alss Japan. China. Honolulu and Australia. CITY TICKET OFFICE, corner Third sa Washington streets. Phone Mala 710. TIME CARD 0FJRA1NS PORTLAND n.v rl.T. Depart; -Arrlvs. Yellowstone Park-Kansas City, St. Louis Special for Chehalls. Centralis, Olympla. Gray's Harbor. South Bend. Tacoma. Seattle, Spokane. Lewls- . r..x. RHllnn. nan- Vex. Omaha, Kansas City, Et. Louis and Southeast. 8:50 a m 4:34 North Coast Llmltea elec tric lighted, ror Tacoma. Seattle. Spokane. Butte. Minneapolis. St. Paul and tha East 2:00 pm t.CO a z Paget Sound Limited for toenails Centralla, Ta- Sma and S.attl only... 4:30 pm 10: a rwlr. City Express for Ta "coma. Seattle. Spokane. Helena. Butte. Tellow- ilone T Park. Minneapolis. iL Paul ssd ths East. .11:43 p a 3:30 9 a . jj Charlton, Aeslsta&t General Pasea ger Ag'ent. 255 Morrison U. corner Tairi, Portland. Or Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. UNION DEPOT. Dally. For Maygcrs. Rainier. Clatakanle.N Westport. Clifton. Astoria. War renton. Flavel. Ham mond. Fort Staves. Gearhart Park. Sea side. Astoria and Sea. :hore. Express Dally. Astoria Express, Dally. Daily. 8:00 A. M. 11:30 A. M. 2:30 P. M. Sat. only. 7:00 r-. K Ex. Sat. 9:50 P. 5S C A. STEWART. J. C. MAYO. Comm'l Agu. 243 Alder st. O. 7. P. A. Phone Mais OOd, For South -Eastern Alaska Steamers leave Seattle 9 P. M. S. S. Humboldt. S. S. City of Seattle, S. S. Cottage City. July 29. 31. Aug. 4. 8. 12. Excursion S. 8. Spokane leaves August 3. 17. For San Francisco direct. Queen. City of Puebla. Uma tilla. 9 A. M.. August l. . - Portland Office 249 Washington st. Main 220 C. D. DUNANN, O. P. A. San Francisco. Oregon City Boats Leave Portland (week days). 5 A. M- 11:30 A. M.. 3:30 P. M. Leave Oregon City 10 A. M.. 1:30 P. M 3:30 P. M. Sunday specials leave Portland. 3:30. 9:Q and 11:30 A. M.; 1:30. 3:30 and 5 P. M. Boats for Salem and way leave 0:43 A. 5L dally except Sunday. Oregon City Trans. Dock, foot Taylor a. PHONE MAIN 4C fC s