Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 04, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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Subject of the Debate Among
Czar's Counselors.
Difficult Problem in Arranging
Peasant Representation in Na
tional Assembly Bright
. Future Foreseen.
peror.'s counselors today resumed at Pe
terhof the consideration of the National
Assembly project, penetrating deeply into
the nature and extent of the representa
tion to be granted. The problem of ac
cording a voice In the proposed assembly
to all classes and interests, without giv
ing undue weight to the representatives
of the- uneducated peasantry, comprising
67 per cent of the whole population, and
of not throwing the control of the assem
bly to demagogues, is one of the crucial
oolnts of the whole system and is cause
for the greatest perplexity, both to those.
who drafted the original Boullgan project
and to the Ministers by whom it is to
be revised.
Thirty-eight sections were considered at
Tuesday's session, but these were unln
portant in comparison with the topics
now under consideration. Though no de
tails of the discussion of Tuesday have
appeared in print, several papers com
ment on the Importance of the confer
ences and base on them great expecta
tions of a brighter future for Russia.
The discussion lasted until nearly 7
o'clock in the evening. The members of
the commission returned to St. Peters
burg without having finished their con
sideration of the project. Tomorrow,
which is the name day of the Dowager
Empress, Is a general holiday, and all
high functionaries will go to Peterhof to
offer their felicitations.
Fastest Time on Record, Next
Cresceus, Made at Readville.
Exciting Finishes.
READVILLiEi Mass., Aug. 3. Cali
fornia and New York met today at the
Readville track and, when tho contest
of speed ended, tho honors were award
ed to the Pacific Coast. In one of the
finest speed contests ever seen on any
racecourse. Sweet Marie defeated Ti
verton, two out of three heats, thereby
winning for her owner a purse of $5300.
William Garland, of Los Angeles, owner
of Sweet Marie, 2:04 i, and A. B.
Gwathney. of New York, owner of Ti
verton. 2:04, the two best trotters1 of
last year. vo months ago matched their
steeds for ..5003. v I
It was 2:30 o'clock' when Alta. McDon-J.
eld, behind Sweet Marie, and John
Howell, with Tiverton, appeared for the
ursi. neat, tne latter ge.ung ine poto
on the toss. After two preliminary
scores all was in readiness and the
first time down they gt the word,
with Tiverton a saddle girth In the lead.
This advantage he increased until he
swung down the stretch for home, when
Sweet Marie reached his wheel, but
the gelding won handily by half a
length. The time, 2:05, was the trot
ting record of the year.
In the second heat, McDonald had
Sweet Marie right to her stride and
went away with Tiverton at a whirl
wind gait. For a few strides the mare
showed in front and then the gelding
forged ahead, leading at the .quarter
by a length. This time. McDonald made
!h!s drive earlier, reaching Tiverton at
the three-quarters. From there to tho
wire was witnessed one of the most
Uesperate finishes ever seen on a track.
The 6000 spectators in the grandstand
were aroused to the highest pitch of
excitement and, when Sweet Marie
flashed under the wire a winner by a
neck, the applause was deafening and
continued until the driver had 'dis
mounted and weighed in. Time, 2:04.
In the third and final heat, Tiverton
rushed to the front, but Sweet Marie
yoked him on the lower turn. Howell
pushed Tiverton to the distance post.
Then he, realized he was beaten and
considerably eased his horse, the mare
jogging home a winner by an open
length. Time. 2:06.
The time of the three heats was, with
the exception of the Cresccus-The Ab
bott race at Brighton Beach, the fast
est ever trotted. In the opinion of ex
perienced horsemen, the time today was
superior, as The Abbott was withdrawn
after the second heat and Cresceus went
the mile accompanied by a runner for
a pacemaker.
Match race, trot, purse $5000 Sweet Marie
won seer.nd and third heats and race; Tiver
ton won flrat heat; time by quarters, 0:52,
1:03. 1:344 2;05; 0:31. 1:02, 1:33H.
2:04; 0:32, l:03i, l:34i. 2:06.
At Saratoga.
SARATOGA, N. Y., Aug. 3. Results
of races:
Seven furlonss Oarsman won. Dandelion
second, leraellte third; time. 1:26 1-5.
Steeplechase, short course Caloorahatehla J
won. Garter Knot second, Frank Somen
third; time. 4:31.
Six furlong Ruth. W. won. Hooray second,
Belden third; time. 1:14 3-5.
The Alabama, one mile and five-sixteenths
Tradition won. Klamesha second. Gold Ten
third; time. 2:16 2-5.
One mile Military man won. Mad Mullah
second, Rubric third; time, 1:41.
Tlve and pne-half furlongs Mohawk II won.
Juggler second. Belle Snicker third; time. l:OS.
Burns Throws Montana Cowboy.
DES MOINES, la.. Aug. 3. .Farmer
Burns defeated Jack Carrl, the "Mon
tana Cowboy," In a wrestling match
bere tonight, taking the first and third
iaiiH. arn won toe secona alter a
hard struggle.
The National Lead Company has In
creased its capital stock to $50,000,000.
The Cuban Congress Is expected to ad
journ without passing the bill opening
the Cuban market to American rice and
encouraging rice culture in Cuba.
New York will build a new Manhattan
terminal of the Brooklyn bridge at a cost
of 55,000,000 to avert the crush which oc
curs dally during the rush hours.
The National Board of Fire Underwrit
ers is considering a motion to suspend all
business in Arkansas in consequence of
the new law against the fire insurance
trust in that state.
Fire caused the explosion of the nitro
glycerine department of the Xltro Powder
Company at Eddyvllle, N. Y., yesterday,
but the employes fled ir time to escape In
Jury. A Baltimore & Ohio passenger train
dumped the track near Johnstown, Pa..
yesterday. Miss Mabel Beech, of Somer
set, Pa., was fatally Injured; Miss Emma
Vlckery, of Wlnber. Pa received internal
Injuries that may cause her death, and
several others were so badly Injured that
they had to be taken to hospitals.
Henry'J. Hardy, Jr.. of Xew York,
formerly a broker on the Chicago Board
of Trade, filed a petition In bankruptcy
yesterday, scheduling liabilities of T37.O00
and assets of $3700.
Santa Fe County. Xew Mexico, is in the
hands of a receiver, having issued rail
way aid bonds to the amount of 51.OM.O00
which it cannot pay and which are held
mostljby Xew Tork banks.
J. H. Mansfield & Co.. a Xew York
brokerage firm, has disappeared. leaving
no explanation except the notice: "Busi
ness temporarily suspended; will resume
in a few days." A crowd of female victims
read It.
William J. Bryan, Jr.. aged 16 years,
who Is a student at the military academy
at "Winona Lake, Minn., was operated on
at Chicago yesterday for an abscess on
the right knee due to inflammation that
begaSwlth a corn on his foot.
The Mississippi Valley & Gulf Railroad
Company has been organized to build a
road from some point in Iowa on the
Mississippi River to the Gulf. W. J. Aden,
formerly assistant general manager of the
Rock Island road. Is president.
In consequence of the dispute with the
National Bank of Hayti about the at
tachment of customs receipts by creditors
the Haytian government has announced
that the treasury service will be confined
to Haytian officials.
Lee Gives Interesting Testimony
Missouri Bribery Trial.
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo., Aug. 3. Ex-Lieutenant-Governor
John A. Lee re
sumed his testimony today in the trial of
Senator F. H. Farrls on the charge of
bribery- Lee's denial at a former trial of
Farrls' statement that he (Lee) wrote the
letter fiendlns the 57000 In question back
to D. J. Kelly, of New York, representa
tive of the baking powder Interests, was
taken up in a severe cross-examination
by the defense. Several checks from
Kelly to Lee were Introduced and identi
fied, but were not admitted in evidence
by Judge Davis, who ruled that the In
quiry should be limited to transactions
that took place in St. Louis. This pre
cludes the introduction of a number of
letters and checks which the defense in
tended to offer as evidence.
When the cross-examination was com
pleted the state took the witness on re
direct examination. Lee testified concern
ing the letter, purporting to return 57000
to Kelly, which at the former trial, he
had denied writing, but yesterday ad
mitted that he had written it, saying
that he had written the letter because he
feared that there might be trouble at
some time, and the letter was fir the
purpose of covering up the transaction
concerning the conveyance of the 57000.
but that he did not return the 57000 to
Moves to Enjoin 'Councllmcn From
Supporting Car Franchise.
SALT LAKE, Aug. 3. A temporary
injunction was issued by Judge Arm
strong In the Third District Court to
day, restraining three Mormon mem
bers of the City Council from voting
for or against a proposed franchise to
the Utah Light & Railway Company,
tiow pending before the Council. The
three members restrained are Rulen S.
Wells, W. J. Tuddenham and A. S.
Barnes. Wells Is one of the presidents
of the seventies and the other two men
hold minor church offices.
The ground on which the jccslralning
nordcr is issued is that these three men,
jjby virtue of their membership in the
Mormon Church, are interested in the
proposed franchise, as the church owns
stock 1n thv Utah Light &. Railway
Company, and the president of the cor
poration, Joseph F. Smith, is also pres
ident of the Mormon Church.
The corporation has a monopoly of
street railway transportation and elec
tric lighting In this clt3 The proposed
franchise is designed to consolidate and
extend existing' franchises held by the
Iilvely Movement in Boston 3farket
at Stiff Prices.
BOSTON, Mass.. Aug. 3. (Special.)
There has been a large movement in
Oregon wools here this week, includ
ing the celebrated Baldwin clip, which
brought a stiff price. For the averan
run of staple. 25 cents is the market
and most of the large business during
the last two or three weeks has been
at that price. The scoured cost of No. 1
staple is close to. if not fully, 75 cents.
There Is a brisk demand for the val
ley wools of Oregon and liberal sales
have been close around 33 cents. Idaho
wool. In bags, moves steadily at 22 to
3 cents for an average and 24 to 25
cents for choice, a scoured cost of 70
to 72 cents being indicated.
p Gen. J. It. Carnaliai., K. of P.
INDIANAPOLIS. Aug. 3. General
James R. Carnahan, Major-Gcneral of the
uniform Rank. Knights of Pythias, died
today at his home in Woodruff Place, after
an Illness of two weeks. The cause of
death was stomach trouble.
James R. Carnahan was born at Day
ton. Ind., November IS. 1S4L Joining the
Knights of Pythias In 1S74, he founded tho
uniform rank and was elected its first
Major-General in 1ES4. which position he
held ever since. He left a widow and
three daughters, Mrs. H. G.'Ashbrook. of
Gleveland; Mrs. M. Steel Bright, of Su
perior. Wis., and Mrs. Ralph Hess, of
Fort Collins, Colo.
Bishop R. K. Hargrove, Methodist.
NASHVILLE, Tcnn., Aug. 3. Bishop R.
X. Hargrove, of the Methodist Episcopal
Church South, is dead at his home.
Ohio Brings Northern Treasure.
SEATTLE, Aug. 3. The steamship
Ohio, Captain Downing, of the White
Star Steamship Company's fleet,
reached port from Nome tonight after
an uneventful voyage of a little, more
than -eight days. Her officers report
that the storm which has raged off
Nome roadstead for the past month has
finally cleared away and that the work
of lightering cargoes from -steamers
has commenced. The storm tied up a
large number of the small coasting
fleet and river steamers, the loss to
these companies being estimated at
The Ohio brought $250,000 in treasure
am'66 passengers.
Oscar on Board German Fleet.
STOCKHOLM. Aug. 3. King Oscar,
who was recently created a German
Admiral by Emperor William, today
visited the German squadron, which
arrived here last night. His Majesty
gave a fete tonight in honor of the squad
ron. Kaiser Leaves Copenhagen.
COPENHAGEN. Aug. 3. The German
imperial yacht Hohenzollem, with Em
peror William oa board, sailed today for
(Continued tram Flrtt Page.)
bavo taken vigorous tep to protect the
rights ol LouUiana fishermen to flh In Lake
Borgne and the rights of Louisiana, water
craft to navigate the waten of the lake and
The Times-Star has received the follow
ing signed statement today from Governor
Vardaman. of Mississippi, concerting the
clash between bis state and Louisiana:
Jackson. Mlaa,. Aug. 3. The xnuch-talked-ot
conflict between the State of Mississippi and o far as X know, U without Justl
fl cation in -fact. If the4 quarantine, guard of
MUsltBlppl have been guilty of indiscretion,
it has not been reoorted to me by the officers
In charge of the guards, and I cannot believe
that they have done anyimng wrong.
7 have instructed the guards to remain on
Mludfsippl soil and to be careful In the en
forcement of the quarantine regulaUons pro
mulgated by the MUlssJppl State Erd of
Health; not to do anything Improper. Tho
Intimation of an armed conflict between the
States of Mississippi and Louisiana, wnose
friendship has been so cordial and of such
long ctandlng. Is absolutely ridiculous to me.
I shall not permit the quarantine guards or
other MUsUsIppians to violate the rights of
Louisiana or her people, and I am sure the
honorable Governor of Louisiana reciprocates
that sentiment.
Militia and Armed Posses Block
Travel Through South.
NEW ORLEANS, Aug. 3. The excite
ment in the country districts seems to
have grown more acute with the discov
ery of cases at various points, m tnis
connection the doctors here are disposed
to question whether all the cases that ap
pear can propeny oe tracea to .e w
A 'whole tralnload of passengers cn
the Iron Mountain Road has been held
up in Concordia Parish, removed from
any habitation for some time. The
passengers have been loud In their tel
esrraDhlc nrotests to the Railroad Com
mission, declaring that they have had
neither food nor water, and that noth
ing has been done to relieve them from
a. distressing situation. Efforts are
being made to move the train.
Monroe, La., with fever on three
sides of her. has put rnilitla and armed
citizens on. every road leading Into her
limits. New Iberia, lu, has put a cur
few law into effect-
Columbus, Miss., has decided to guard
against infection by the use of rifles.
Many of the smaller towns are passing
mosquito ordinances.
Alexandria has completely bottled
herself up, but in order to save herself
and the parish from starvation she has
permitted the running of a train, thor
oughly fumigated, three times a week
to bring in provisions and other sup
plies. In Mississippi, the State Board has is
sued an address to the people, reading
that all public meetings, such as gather
ings of lodges, etc.. shall be discontinued
for 30 days.
The Marine Hospital Service is gradual
ly bringing about a better quarantine un
derstanding with the authorities In other
states, with the end of enabling travelers
to proceed to their destinations after due
Promises Redress to Louisiana and
Inquires for Facts.
WASHINGTON. Aug. 3. Secretary
Shaw has notified Governor Blanchard, of
Louisiana, that, if any unauthorlred acts
and abuses of discretion have been com
mitted by the revenue cutter Winona,
now assisting the Public Health and Ma
rine Hospital Service in the campaign
against yellow fever, they will be cor
rected as far as possible. This declara
tion of the Secretary followed the receipt
of several dispatches from Mr. Blan
chard, complaining of the action of the
cutter in interfering with fishing vessels
belonging to the people of Louisiana, and
specifically referring to a case In which,
it is said, a boat was captured and towed
Mr. Shaw has also asked for a report
of the operations of the Public Health
and Marine Hospital Service and the rev
enue cutter Winona in the work along the
Gulf coast, with a view to ascertaining
the exact condition of affairs which has
given rise to the complaints of Mr. Blan
chard. Mr. Shaw's reply to Mr. Blanchard
An authorized by law, revenue cutter "Wi
nona has been detailed to assist Public Health
and Hospital Service in maintenance of quar
antine established by the State of Mississippi.
The State of Mississippi having established
quarantine, pleas advice If, In your opinion,
the act of Congrecs approved February 15.
1S33, has been violated, and it so. wherein.
The act of Congress referred to In Mr.
Shaw's telegram directs the public health
service, under the supervision of the Sec
retary of tho Treasury, to assist state au
thorities In maintaining quarantine
against infectious disease and clothes the
Secretary with power to enforce quaran
tine regulations whenever in his judgment
the public health requires It.
Conceal Disease and Take Wrong
Diet Until Too Late.
NEW ORLEANS. Aug. 3. Conceal
ment until the cases are almost hope
less and utterly inadequate treatment
of patients until they fall into the
hands of a doctor, arc considered as
partly responsible for the heavy mor
tality among the Italians who havo
fallen victims to yellow fever. It is
said investigations have shown that
heavy food like macaroni and cheese
have been taken after the fever has
attacked them. That means almost cer
tain death.
Milk is the principal diet, with alka
line waters and the Juice of water
melon to work on the kidneys. To al
lay nausea, the doctors prescribe small
pieces of Ice to be dissolved in the
mouth. Many of the Italians die be
cause they do not get this treatment
until too late. Comparatively few out
side of Italians have been attacked,
and some of these exceptions are little
the worse for their illness.
Vardaman Will Strengthen Quaran
tine on Mississippi Gulf Coast.
JACKSON, Miss., Aug. 3. Governor
Vardaman today ordered out additional
troops to reinforce the soldiers doing
quarantine duty on the Gulf coast. The
Governor has Instructed Adjutant-Gen
eral -Fridge to keep blm fully advised of
the situation and more - troops will be
sent. If necessary, to maintain the quar
antine and keep yellow fever out of Mis
Government Says It Is Only Means
of Carrying Infection.
WASHINGTON. Aug. 3. The Public
Health Service has issued a circular on
ika srY&tlon of yellow fever. The direc-
tlons given look to the suppression of
the mosquito a? the only means of pre
venting Its spread.
"No mosquito, no yellow fever," Is the
motto in big black letters at the top of
the circular. The document continues:
The Infection of yellow fever is carried by
raciqulto and by no other means is the
infection spread. Persons take the Clt ease- by
being bitten by mosquitoes that have bitten
yellow fever patient. Ttie mosquitoes, " to
become Infected, must bite a yellow fever pc-
tlent durlnc the first three days of the at
tack. The first three days, therefore, are the
most Important time for preventing the ac
cess of a mosquito to a fever patient. It Is
often difficult to decide during the first three
days whether a patient has yellow fever, hence
the necessity in threatened communities of
placing a moequlto bar Immediately around
every patient who has fever of any kind, and
for three days at least.
More Suspects in Xew York.
NEW YORK, Aug. 3. Ten persons
with fever symptoms, two of them
passengers and the rest members of
the crew, were removed from the
steamer Advance, nt quarantine, today,
and taken to Hoffman's Island. The
steamer came from Colon, having on
board eeveral employes of the Isthmian
News of Death of His Wife Induces
Him to Try to Obtain Posses
sion of Rich Estate.
SALEM, Or., Aug. 3. It Is reported here
from an authoritative source that ex
Judge E. J. Dawne. of the United States
District Court, Alaska, who disappeared
20 years ago, while under Indictment here
for forgery and embezzlement, and who
was supposed to have been dead all these
years, is alive, holds high office in a for
eign country and Intends coming back
here to claim part of an estate of a de
ceased widow, valued at JSO.CO0.
Judge Dawne was formerly a promi
nent citizen and official here. He had
accepted the appointment of United
States Circuit Judge for the District
of Alaska, and removed with his fam
ily to Sitka in September, 1SS5, Becom
ing Involved In money troubles here
and learning that Indictments had
been found against him, he fled the
country under the pretense of going to
Fort Wrangle on duty, and was never
heard of again until recently.
His former wife. Mrs. Frank Kellogg,
now deceased, returned from Alaska
with two children and instituted pro
ceedings for divorce and secured a de
cree by default In June, 1SS7. Later her
father, William Miller, of this city, died
leaving her an estate of $80,000. Feb
ruary of this year Mrs. Kellogg also
died, leaving two sons, William S. and
Raleigh M. Dawne, of Yamhill County,
the only heirs to the estate.
Judge Dawne, now a high official in
a foreign country, learned of the sit
uation through correspondence with
friends here and will apply for the
reopening of the decree of divorce on
the ground of failure of service. If ho
succeeds In the suit he will come in for
personal property and a life estate In
the real property of the estate of his
deceased wife.
Divorce Suit Reveals Drinking Hab
its of Army Officers' Wives.
WOOSTER, O.. Aug. 3. With a request
from Captain Taggart's attorney that the
court order Mrs. Taggart to permit her
husband to see their two sons, the Tag
gart divorce hearing was resumed today.
Judge Easton ruled that both parties had
equal rights in. the children, though they
were temporarily under the mother's care.
The first witness, Howard Taggart,
brother of the plaintiff, said he lived with J
the Taggarts at Fort Thomas. Ky., from
1S33 to 1S9S. He described a visit of Lieu
tenant RIther to the Taggart house, where
he had an Interview with Mrs. Taggart
In the parlor at 1:30 A. M., while Cap
tain Taggart was a .-ay. The witness dis
covered Rlthers presence, he said, and
the latter hurried away and did not call
A week later, Mrs. Taggart handed the
witness an anonymous letter, asking him
if he knew the writing. The letter ad
vised the Captain to watch his wife, de
claring that RIther was taking her to a
resort in Newport- The witness said he
never mentioned Rlther's early morning
call or the letter to his brother.
Mrs. Taggart's alleged capacity for beer
was given as five glasses at one sitting
when the witness described a drinking bout
between Mrs. Taggart and the wife of an
other officer at Fort Thomas. The con
test was for the championship of the gar
rison, tho witness said, and the contest
ants were backed by officers. Mrs. Tag
gart told him afterwards, the witness
said, that her opponent won the match,
drinking nine goblets of beer to Mrs. Tag
gart's five. Howard Taggart also testi
fied that his sister-in-law drank habitual
ly with the officers and prided herself on
taking her whisky straight, laughing at
the men for using water with it. The
Captain, the witness said, objected to his
wife giving their sons beer.
William and Edward to Heal Breach
Between Nations.
BERLIN, Aug. 3. No confirmation Is
obtainable tonight of the report that a
meeting has been arranged between Em
peror William and King Edward, but the
news Is regarded by the press in general
as probably true, as It is assumed that
both rulers are anxious to assuage the
emblttcrment between the two peoples.
Ministerial Convention Today.
The Young People's Alliance Convention.
Evangelical Association, at Jennings
Lodge campground, last night completed
its work of the day. The main features
were the address of President S. A. Sle
wert, who reviewed the work of the year,
presentation of the missionary banner and
the normal graduation In charge of Dr.
Shupp. Topics of interest to the young
people were discussed. Esther Fankhau
ser, Luly C Guyer, J. A. Good, Mrs. A.
E. Myers, F. W. Lanner and Minnie Fer
rier were the principal afternoon speak
ers. Last evening. In the pavilion tent,
the closing programme was held. Pres
ident S. A. Slewert spoke on "What for
the Coming Year?" Rev, JX. H. Wett-
laulfer. of Oregon City, delivered the
convention sermon.
This morning at 9 o'clock, tho ministe
rial convention will open. Morris Hever-
llng, Theodore Shauer, R. F. Jameson,
S. A. Slewert, W. H. Wettlaufe, F. Bens.
J. J. Hoffman, Dr. N. Shupp and R. D.
Strerfeller will be the principal speakers.
Following and In connection with this
convention, which will be continued until
August 30. will be held the conference
campmeetlng. The opening services In the
camn this morning will be the sunrise
prayer meeting. Young People's meeting
will be in charge of the Y. P. A. president.
Tells of Deliberate Murder of
Friend at Oakland.
All Lay In Wait With
Bludgeons and When
Cook Appeared He '
T. W.
Struck From Behind.
OAKLAND. Cat, Aug. 3. Percy Pem
broke, one of a trioof boys who are under
arrest charged with the murder of T. W.
Cook, has made a full confession. In his
cell the boy broke down1 and told Sheriff
Barnett the full story of the crime.
Three - boys, all under 17 years of age,
deliberately - planned to hold up their
friend and acquaintance. Thomas W.
Cook. They laid in wait for him armed
with bludgeons of lead pipe. When
Cook appeared. Pembroke declares, Blaker
stepped ..behind him and dealt blm a
stunning 'blow with the pipe.
Cook fell and Pembroke ran from the
scene of the crime, leaving his compan
ions, John Snelder and George Blaker, to
complete the deed. Pembroke exonerates
Crowhurst, another of tho suspects.
Nome People Are Exercised and
Threaten Drastic Measures.
SEATTLE, Aug. 3. Advices received
In this city tonight from Nome by the
steamship Ohio state that the people of
Nome are up In arms against the Gov
ernment officials and their actions in
filing upon valuable mining claims.
The Nome Nugget in a long article
charges the officials with using illegal
methods and taking advantage of their
position to possess themselves of many
valuable claims which are obtained by
relocating. The Nugget prints compara
tive tables showing the number of
claims held by the Government officials
and their relatives or assistants, and
also the number held by the leading
mining and business men of Nome and
Officers of the Ohio report that the
people are greatly exercised over the
matter and are talking of drastic meas
ures If the authorities at Washington
do not investigate the matter.
Franco-Russian Reciprocity-.
French and Russian commissions have
reached a substantial agreement as to
the terms of a new commercial treaty.
The French delegates left today for Paris.
after an audience with the Emperor at
Peterhof. The treaty provides for lower
duties on French products, and probably
will Include a provision against Increasing
the French minimum duties on Russian
products during its life.
Skin Diseases
are cured by
T and I
Eaiontd by tht Htiical PrefeuloR.
By destroying germSj they as
sist nature to accomplish a cure.
Send thirty-five cents to pay ex
pressage on Free Trial Bottles.
Sold by Leading DrorrUU.
Kot teaoiae nslei libel belli j i!faSire:
62M Pxlnoe Street. N. Y.
Writ f rap free lnfonaatloa about
What Schilling's Best does
for a family: saves all care
lamrisx axtracai
and settles
once for all.
those questions
Jit Jtxir rroctr t ; saaeylscVs,
Delicate enough for tho softest
skin, and yet efficacious in Temovinj
sny stain. Keep tho skin in perfect
condition. In the bath gives all th
desirable after-effects of a Turklsc
bath. It should be on every wash
1 "On and Off like a Cct"B
S Made in original designs of E
S in style, quality and finish
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Some Manufacturers and Wholesalers say, "We don't lose often enough
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Do you die often enough to justify Lffe Insurance ?
Do you bum out often enough to "take Fire Insurance?
Insurance Is to cover a certain risk to protect you from a calamity.
Any moment may bring the news of a loss that will uipe out your years profit
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Our Credit-Indemnity Bond
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gar that threatens them.
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biguous clauses.
Covers all forms of Insolvency and
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Payment to PelleTfeoldrr TaitTaree Tears 83.12T,93.G8, which xanutsthat
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The American Credit-Indemnity Co. of New York
Capital Tull Paid, 51.000.000. S. L PHEL.VN, President.
302 Broadway. New York City. Broadway and Locust St.. St. Louis. Mo.
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Arm You Staying Cjo
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Harfina Soap
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Speedily allays Irritation of scalp and skin.
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Quality versus Quantity
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Credit Insurance
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sent tree, write now.
Bemuilful Women
realize that lnxsrl&st hair of
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may be xolden. black
er brown, bnt irhea
It becomes gaj
or faded there is
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of aze. tbonzh
she may feel as
yoenz as erer. Un
der these e!rraxi
stances rray hair Is
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nd Tromen.
JKmapm You Looking Yosmgm
'Always brings back the color and beauty of yonti
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It soothes and heals the scalp, stops 1 teller and
promotes fine hair srowtb. Large COe. bottles.
Take nothing wlthoat Phllo Hay Co. slzutsre.
Fret Soap Off tr SS&T
Sim this coupon, take to any of the foUffwrsjr
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health and a 25c. cake Harflna Medicated Soap.
Beat for hair, bath and toilet, both for 60c.. es
sent by Phllo Hay Specialties Co.. Newark, N. X.
express prepaid, on receipt of 60c and this adr.
Followlnr drogxists snpply Hay's HilrhealOt
and Harflna Soap In their shops only:
Fourth .and Washlnxtoa Sts.
We treat successfully all private ner
vous and chronic diseases of men, also
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(without mercury) to stay cured for
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operation or pain. In IS days.
We stop drains, the result of self
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fjxual vigor of any man under 50 by
means of local treatment peculiar to
We Cure Gonorrhoea
In a Week
The 'doctors of this Institute are all
regular graduates, have had many
years' experience, have been Known la
Portland for 15 years, have a reputa
tion to maintain and will undertake no
case unless certain cure can be ef
fected. we undertake or charge no fee. Consul
( X JbV LB