THE MORiXG OKEGONIAN- FRIDAY, AUGUST 4, 1905. DRIVEN FROM KEY Montana Union Miners Terror ize Operators. SIGNIFICANT THREATS MADE Hope WIth ICoose Makes Basin Op erator Flee Both Parties to Strike Claim to Bo Gaining Ground. BUTTE, Mont., Aug. 3. Ralph E. Spurrier, a telegrapher and formerly a member of the. Mill ana Smeltermen's Vnion at Butte, refused, to Join the striking- operators on the Northern Pa cific road and tonight several hundred Bmeltermen ftelJ a meeting and marched In a body to the depot, sur rounded the structure and compelled Spurrier to quit work under pain of "being escorted out of town," an ex pression which is significant in Butte circles. Other operators were looked for, but none were found. A dispatch tonight from 'Clancy, a division p'oint on the Great Northern about 50 miles north of Butte, says that the miners there drove the operator from the only boarding-house in the town because he refused to stay with his comrades on strike. The man had to be fed by the division superinten dent In the latter's car. At Basin, 40 miles north of Butte on xhe Great Northern, miners and mill men requested an operator to ceae work. The telegrapher armed himself with a rifle and defied the miners, until about 60 gathered with a long rope with a noose in the end, when the man weakened, and several hours Jater left the camp. TRAINS MOVING BEHIND TIME Railroads Claim to Move More Traf fic, but Operators Arc Confident. ST. PAUL, Aug. S. The second Jay of the telegraphers strike on the Great Northern and Northern Pacific Railways ended with the railway officials as serting that the strike has already been broken and the officials of the Telegraphers' Union declaring that it Sias only begun. Both sides profess great satisfaction tonight and each maintains that the struggle will be ended within a fortnight. In spite of the difficulties presented by the walkout of the telegraphers, the railroads have been able to keep the more important trains very near to the schedules. Through trains from the Coast arrived in St. Paul today on time, with the exception of the North Coast Limited on the Northern Pacific, which was not seriously delayed. The time freights are being successfully handled. The abandonment of a number of way freights was most serious disable ment of traffic today. The railway officials claim that there has been a notable break In the strike, all the operators on one branch of the inir cone back to work ana 30 rr nN more having signified their willingness to do so. Many substitutes were placed tfu,ring the day and men from different parts of the country are being exam ined and .put to work as rapidly as they arrive. Reports "disprove the representations of the strikers that the freight traffic has been completely paralyzed. There has been much delay at many points in the handling of local freight, but this class of traffic is gradually being taken care of. The officials say that there is no accumulation-of freight at terminals and that no shipments will be refused tomorrow. Rumors of a sympathetic strike of the trainmen have been in circulation and, although conferences have been held with this plan In view, it is de clared tonight that such a move Is not impending. President Perham, of the Order of Telegraphers, said tonight: "We are bound to win and wo can fight it out alone. I would not think of consenting to a sympathetic strike.'1 The telegraph companies are send ing to cities where they have Indepen dent offices, but communication witn the smaller towns Is uncertain. SAYS TRAINS ARE NOT BEHIND General Manager Horn Takes Op timistic View of Strike. ST. PAUL. Minn., Aug. S. General Man- ager H. J. Horn, of the Northern Pacific, tonight made public the following state ment of strike conditions on the system: "There has not been, since the tele graphers' strike started, a single serious .delay resulting from the action of the telegraphers in leaving their posts. Through lines are running on time today. Morning trains from the Pacific Coast reached St Paul on their schedules, and the North "Coast Limited, from Portland, pulled Into the St. Paul Union Station this afternoon, after a run of 2000 miles, without a delay of Importance. x he company is receiving perishable freight in both carload and less than car load lots, and is accepting shpiments to all points on Its lines. Fast freight serv ice is well maintained over the entire sys tem. Other freight is moving -subject to some delay. Traffic on the whole is be ing handled in a thoroughly satisfactory manner. "It is not to be supposed that the with drawal of several hundred telegraphers can be met without Inconvenience and an noyance, yet freight and passenger serv ice is not seriously interfered with, and the strikers have failed completely, so far as it was their Intention to tie up or blockade traffic On the Paciac Coast, the heavy Lewis and Clark Exposition travel In and out of Portland is being ; handled without the least delay or incon venience to passengers. "On the Pacific division. 60 per cent of positions are filled. As compared with conditions prevailing yesterday, the com pany has Increased the number of oper ators at work hy 23 per cent. A number of additional men left St Paul this after noon for points West and will be at work tomorrow morning in reopened telegraph stations. Four Important stations on the Dakota division were reopened for busi ness this afternoon in charge of competent agent-operators. Nine stations on the Minnesota division were this afternoon supplied with operators and reopened. On the Montana division the only important office still remaining closed is at Lom bard. Two minor offices on this division are also closed. "Reports received during the day Indi cate a very substantial improvement in conditions over the entire system, and the Qiflcers of the company and their sub ordinates uniformly advise me that they are fully able successfully to meet the situation. There have been no wrecks or accidents since the strike began, contrary to reports issued from President Perham's headquarters and circulated by the strik ers' general 'committee. The entire sys tem Is free from collisions or other physi cal trouble. "At numerous points division superin tendents report that striking telegraphers are already Indicating their willingness to return to work in a few days. In the meantime, new men, previously put through rigid examinations for fitness and knowledge of their work, are being sent forward with aJI speed to fill vacancies. Late this afternoon. Superintendent Blan chard, of the important Superior division, which includes the Duluth Short Line and Northern Pacific mileage In the head of lakes district, wired me as follows: " 'Have Just returned from Ashland, and everything is satisfactory over the ontlrc first district. Have not had one moment's delay to passenger or freight trains by reason of strike. Have sufficient opera tors at work satisfactorily to handle the company's business. I anticipate an even greater improvement tomorrow.' "We are now satisfied of our ability successfully to meet the situation and of the certainty of neutralizing the action of the telegraphers In leaving tholr positions. Perfect safety of travel and reasonable promptness in the handling of freight traffic are and have .been absolutely as sured since the beginning of the strike." FULL EFFECT NOT YET FELT Perham Says Traffic Is Delayed and Ranks Remain Solid. ST. PAUL Aug. 3. Presjdent Perham of the Order of Telegraphers, said today: "The -full effect of the strike will not be felt by the companies until four or five days have elapsed. But 1 am well satisfied with present conditions. I am constantly receiving reports from all parts, of both systems to the effect that passenger trains are delayed and that freight traffic is paralyzed. "The stories about our men going back to work are absolutely untrue. Thoro has been no break In our ranks. "There is a charge being made against us that I would like to contradict It Is said that by my orders, the men who went out 'turned their board? red.' that is, displayed danger signals to all arriv ing trains, and that this was done merely to embarrass the company and delay traffic It was done, but it was done to protect life and property. Some agents or operators who were called out would be sure to have train orders not yet delivered. Perhaps some of these orders could not be delivered for 12 hours. Now, If the man were to leave their posts and fall to deliver the orders, ser ious accidents, of course, might happen. I could not tell what operators had train orders to deliver, so I instructed all operators to turn their boards rod on quitting. This would force the trainmen on every train to stop at the station and make sure there were no orders be fore proceeding. "As for the report that our men have been tutting the wires there's no truth in It All our men are instructed to do nothing unlawful." MAY INVOLVE "WESTERN UNION Operators Object to Railroad Busi ness on Commercial Wires. Entanglements whereby the Western Union, may be drawn Into the telegraph ers' strike of the Northern Pacific and Great Northern seem probable results of the present trouble on the two northern railroads. There Is considerable Interfer ence already with Western Union business because of the large number of points where the railroad operators also handle the telegraph business. Portland being remote from the center of strike activities up to this time on either of the affected roads, the people here hardly realize what a hard fight is being made by the tele graphers. It is understood that if the Western Union attempts to assist the rail roads by handling their business strictly of a nature that should go over railroad wires, unlooked-for contingencies may be presented. Today or tomorrow, it Is announced through telegraphers channels, all- the op erators between Portland and Puget Sound, including those on the Western Washington branches, with very few ex ceptions, will walk out They did not obey the xeneral order because of a misunder standing between the officials of the or der, which has now been corrected. Up to this time there has been no interrup tion to traffic on this end. and officials arc engaged In trying to strengthen their forces. ALL TRAINS RUNNING LATE Roads Move Traffic Under Handicap. Strikers Remain Confident. SPOKANE. Wash., Aug. 3. Every train, freight and passenger, moved on this division of the Northern Pacific to day. but almost without exception tho trains were late, the latenoss ranging from 40 minutes to four hours. On the Great Northern trains were moving with more regularity, those trains not on time being delayed by causes not connected with the strike, according to Groat Northern officials. Striking telegraphers and their fam ilies continue to come to Spokane, where they are cared for by the strike committee. The strike leaders main tain that they control the situation and declare their men have not weakened. The committee asserts that the rail roads will be compelled to yield within two weeks, while the officials of tho roads say the running of trains accord ing to time card Is made easier each day. The roads expect to have all the operators necessary by the middle of the month. ARTISTIC PICTURE FRAMING HIGH-GRADE WATCH REPAIRING VERY REASONABLE PRICES NEW MEN FOR SEATTLE LINES Northern Pacific Has 200 on Road. Trains Arc Running:. SEATTLE. Aug. 3. (Special.) Twenty seven of the 40 operators employed by the Northern Pacific on the Seattle division are out today, but the other 13 are work ing. The company is oporating trains without delay on the division, and is for warding new station agents to take the places of those who struck. It Is announced hero today that 100 new operators, are on their way West to be distributed along the line of the Northern Pacific, and that 100 others are in Chi cago about to start West The Great Northern operators on the Coast line. J?7 strong, are still out NONUNION MEN DRIVEN OUT Sympathizers With Strikers Force Them to Leave Keys. DEVIL'S LAKE. X. D.t Aug. S. While no particular damage has been caused by the Great Northern telegraphers' strike as yet the situation threatens tQ become serious shortly. All nonunion operators sent here by the Great Northern Rail way were today forced to leave their keys and the city by sympathizers of the strikers. So far. passenger trains have run only a little behind time. Some regular freights are running, but no extra freights. Great Northern Is Cheerful. ST. PAUL, Aug. 2. General Superin tendent Blade, of the Great Northern, today gave out the following: "The situation is somewhat Improved, but two of the passenger trains in the last 24 hours arriving at the St Paul depot behind their schedules, and these were but 12 to 15 mlutes late. Our passen ger trains arrived at Seattle yesterday on timo without exception and our freight trains are moving nicely. We are filling the places of a number of the men who have gone out Protection will be guar anteed to all men who work." Trains Run on Pacific Division. TACOMA. Aug. 3. Reports of Improved conditions in the strike situation came to THE WOMAN'S STORE SILVERFIELD'S FOURTH AND MORRISON Extraordinary Sale of Suits $40, $35 and $27.50 Suits $13.45 ' For Friday and Saturday only we offer the ladies of Portland a special value in suts never before equaled by any firm, in the city and surpassed by none in the land. When we say we include all $40, $35 and $27.50 suits, every single suit at these prices is included in the sale. A splendid stocE of silK shirtwaist suits, made of an excellent grade of taffeta siIK m all the most desirable colors. The most fashionable suits ot Panama cloth, mohairs, tailored serges, voiles and broadcloths in all the latest tailored blouse and jacKet effects. The suits are finely finished with silK braid and button trimmings, sKirts are fashionably cut and full pleated, jacK- ets nave me popular leg-o -mutton sleeves. We offer this extraordinary special in order to maKe room for our Fa& stocKs. Visit our department on on Friday or Saturday and see for yourself the "excellence of the suits we offer at $13.45 FURS Our Fur Parlors, situated on the second floor, contain the finest assortment of fine fur garments on the Coast Repair ing and remodeling at reduced rates. mWolfe Si Co. 6000 Prs. Fine Hosiery Values to $1.00 Pair 25c ? Few stores in the entire world have ever equaled these hosiery bargains. Are on Sale Today at Our resident New York buyer, Mr. Henry L. Mcrsereau, covered himself with glory b making a most brilliant purchase of fine Hosiery, which is offered to the Portland public by us today. The assortment is most bewildering, the styles beautiful, quality of highest grade. Values are up to $i.oo pair 6ooo pairs to choose from; black and" colors, all the newest shades tans, biscuit, champagne, sage, Alicj Roosevelt, gray, navy, brown, Dresden, emer ald green, black lisle, lace boot and allover lace; some pretty fancy stripes, plaids, etc. No other store in Portland has ever iLWf attempted to give as wonderful hosiery bargains as we offer today. A word to the wise Come early as there will be a big rush. One hundred extra feet of counter space. Extra help. 6000 Pairs Fine Hosiery Values to $1.00 Pair on Sale Today at 35c Men's &-Hose Today 19c There will be lively selling in the Men's Store today; 3000 pairs, new up-to-date llJWj Half Hose. Regular price 35c, today 19 3000 pairs to choose from, a magnificent assortment fancy stripes, also plain blacks, All sizes in the lot. Buy all you want today of these 35c Half Hose at 19 23c Midsummer Sale; Every Article in the Cloak Store Greatly Reduced Wash Shirtwaist Suits Regular $4.50 at S2.75 Regular 6.75 to 6.00 at S3.75 Regular 8.75 to $7.50 at $4.95 Regular $12.50 to $10.50 at $6.25 Regular $20.00 to $17.50 at $9. 80 They May Not Last During the Forenoon No Phone Orders Filled 49 women's white Linette Walking Skfrts. nj" Regular price $1.50 today OOC 37 women's natural tan Linen Walking ijq Skirts. Regular price $2.25, today P They May Not Last All Day No Phone Orders Filled S1.75-$1.50 Waists 85c A GREAT SHIRTWAIST BARGAIN 550 women's Waists, broken lots, odds and ends; all this season's newest, up-to-date styles. Some of fine quality white lawn hemstitched, some embroidery trimmed; also white, tan and navy lawn, with small figures 'and dots. Full new leg-o'-mutton sleeves ; the backs are made in the newest plaited and tucked styles ; a large variety, only .a few of each style. Regular price $1.75 and $1.50. Your choice today.. 85 Another Popular Sale Today 15.000 yards of Standard Calicoes, Prints and Ginghams. Goods that are used by everybody at prices less than you always pay for them. A popular sale of popular goods at prices that will make this a success like all Lipman-Wolff popular sales always are. V&VZyc Chambray 8c Standard quality Chambray, 30 inches . wide in light blue, tan, red, green and navy; regular price 1212c, today. ...8 Standard Calico 5c Standard Calico, navy, cadet, vred, pink, gray, black and white, white grounds with different colored dots and figures. A representative and comprehensive as sortment. You have never seen prints like this offered at onlj' 5 10c Percales at 7c Best staple brand Percale, 2S inches wide, in navy, cadet, gray, black and white, in figures stripes and dots, all dress styles; always sold at 10c, today 7J2 25c to 50c WASH GOODS 25c This will be a busy day in our "Wash Goods Store. No old goods, all this season's newest styles and colorings. "Wash Goods, Batiste, Organdy, "White Waisting, ephyr, etc. Regular price 7oc, 60c, 50c, today 25 Northern Pacific headquarters today, and tho train service maintained was much better than on "Wednesday. Passenger trains nn the Pacific division were but slightly delayed, and several freight trains were moved without trouble. The opera tors, while not admitting defeat, are ready to acknowledge that the company Is meeUng the situation much better than they expected. A number of operators were sent to Ellcnsburg today, and were assigned to stations where most needed. Conditions on Great Xorthern. 1IINOT. N. D.. Aug. 3. During the last 1$ hours there has been a big Improvement In the telegraphers" strike situation on the MInot division of the Great Northern Railway. Twelve operators have returned to work. About IS per cent of the stations between Wllllston and Grand Forks are In working order. All branch lines on this division are running as usual. More freight was handled west of MI not today than during the .past week. Passenger train No. 5, from the East was one hour late and No. 2 from the west was 45 minutes late. There are about "0 strikers on the MInot division. They are orderly and have done no damage to railroad property. May Tlo Tip Express Companies. ABERDEEN. Wash.. Aug. 3. SpcclaL) Business men were notified today that all expected express shipments must be telegraphed for. In order to get them through before the express companies are tied up by the telegraphers strike. HhsIi to Uintah Is Over. GRAND JUNCTION. Colo., Aug. 3. The Uintah registration rush In this city ap parently Is at an end. Only about 100 homeseekers came In on today's train. Three of the eight register clerks were relieved from duty here today and ordered to report" to W. A. Richards; Commission er of the Iand Office, at Prove, Utah. NEGRO DESPERADO SLAM HAD KILLED TWO AND INJURED FOUR PERSONS. Hunted hy Posse With Dogs, and With Price on Head, He Is Shot Dead. lEWISVTLLE. Kan., Aug. 3. After kill ing two persons, seriously and probably fatally shooting two others, and slightly wounding two more, Ike Kinney, a desper ate negro, was killed In a river bottom at Doclla. six mllea south of Lewis ville, at noon today, after a hot fight with a posse of citizens that had surrounded him. Kinney killed a negro at Stamps on "Wednesday, fled, and. while being pursued by a posse, shot and killed EL R. Ferguson. At 3 o'clock this morning, three miles from Lewlsville. the negro met Mr. and Mrs. Stewart, of Greensburg", and Immedi ately began firing. After shooting and seriously wounding both, the negro told them that' he thought they were mem bers of a posse, and told them he was very sorry he had .fired on them. Later this morning about 23 men with doga- started on Kinney's trail. A few members of the searching party finally lo cated Kinney In a bottom near Doella. a plantation postofficc. As soon as the posse had arrived and began to close In on the negro he opened Are. C. F. Nash lost a finger. Alvin Barham was shot through the neck and seriously wounded. Then W. C Nash pent a bullet Into the negro and he tumbled over dead. Fifteen hundred dollars had been offered for the capture of Kinney, dead or alive. Foresters Will Settle In Canada. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., Aug. 3. The cxecutlvo committee of the Order of For esters, at a meeting of Its convention to day. Indorsed the plan for the purchase of big tracts of land In Northwest Can ada for settlement by members of the order. Railroad Brevities. James C. Havely. chief clerk In the office ot Chief Engineer Boschke. of the Harrlman lines In Oregon, who has been employed In the service of the O. R. & N. since - 1SS3, has resigned to accept a similar place with tho "Western Pacific. O. R. & N. train due from the East at 7:15 o'clock In the morning Is now served breakfast from a dining-car before arriv ing In Portland. It has been found that Eastern travelers get uy early and are anxious to be through with breakfast be fore arrival. The car Is utilized to serve dinner on the train departing at 6:15 o'clock In the evening, and the buffet in the Spokane car has been abolished. Traffic Manager "Woodworth. of the Northern Pacific, arrived In Portland yes terday afternoon occupying his private car, accompanied by General "Western Freight Agent Henry Blakeley, who has come to the Coast to assume his new duties at Tacoma; Assistant General Catarrlets Believe Nasal Catarrh, allay inflamma tion, Boothe and heal the mncoug mem- Drune, sweeten ana pnniy the breath. Best gargle for Sore Throat. 50c. or 1. Druggists or mail. Dyspeplets Give instant relief in Sonr RtnmAr'h Heartburn, Nausea, all discomfotta of indigestion and dyspepsia. Ples3ant and economical. Medium size, 2oc; Large, $1; Pocket, handsome aluminum bonbonniere, 10c. Druggists or mail. O. I. HOOD CO.. Lowell. Mass. Made ky I HOOD I It's Good Freight Agent Fogarty, who succeeds S. G. Fulton at Portland, and R. F. Brets. division freight agent, with headquarters at Seattle. The party devoted yesterday afternoon to meeting the traffic repre sentatives of Third street and fhe evening was given up to a glimpse of the Exposition. The waltr Is ot German origin. It was-first introduced in Almaclc's Club. In London, in 1813. Tutt's Pills Cure Ali Liver Ills. f Doctors7Say; Bilious and Intermittent Fevers which prevail in miasmatic dis tricts are invariably accompan ied by derangements of the Stomach Liver and Bowels. The Secret of Health. The liver is the great " driving wheel" in the mechanism oi man, and when itis out of order, 'the whole system becomes de ranged and disease is the result. Tutt's Liver Pills Cure all Liver Troubles.