Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 04, 1905, Page 16, Image 16

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Friends Urge Appointment as
United States District
Senator Fulton Says Xothlnc as .to
Recommendation, and United
States Attorney Heney Is
Not for Anyone.
Gordon G. Gamraans, of the law firm of
Gammans & Malarkejr. of Portland, may
be the next Federal Judge for the District
of Oregon, to nil the place left vacant by
the death of Judge Bellinger and the res
ignation of W. TV. Cotton, the appointee,
provide'd his friends are able to convince
the Department of Justice and the Presi
dent that he Is the man for the place,
Mr. Gammans Is a man who has just
come into the race, but he Is recognized
by those who know him to be an eligible
man for the position. He Is a man of
legal mind and Judicial tendencies, and of
experience. Many friends in Portland and
throughout the state are Interesting them
selves In his behalf, and have hopes that
he will be prominently in the running
when the end of the course is reached.
Judge Bean, of Salem.
Judge Bean, of Salem. Is still being
placed before the department by his
friends throughout the state. Since the
first telegrams were .ent out, some days
ago. from Portland lawyers, others have
been written In different district, and, af
ter being signed by many of tht. promi
nent lawyers and business men of the cit
ies, have been sent to the President and
the department.
Senator Fulton was in the city yester
day and the day before, and It Is thought
that he was here to Investigate the Judge
ship question more than he has done be
fore, but he left the city without making
any statement on the subject.
It is commonly supposed jthat United
States District Attorney Heney will have
a great deal to do with the appointment
of the Judge to sit upon the Federal
Bench In Oregon, but Mr. Heney says he
wishes to keep bis hands off. It is argued
that Mr. Heney has a great deal of influ
ence with President Roosevelt, and that
his recommendation would make or mar
the chances of any candidate.
Heney Takes Different View.
Mr. Heney takes a different view of the
question, however. He does not want to
take any hand in the appointment one
way or the other, so long as a good and
capable and reputable man is named for
the place. The District Attorney argues
that It is an Oregon position, and it is of
interest to Oregon and the people of the
state. The official, when he is appointed,
will be an Oregon man, who will deal with
Oregon problems, and for all of these
reasons Mr. Heney contends that It Is not
the place of some one from California, or
any other state, to dictate In any degree
who shall be the roan to fill the office.
He will, therefore, keep out of the discus
sion, and will take no part In any way,
unless the man who Is ultimately about to
be chosen Is someone unfit for the place.
In that event, Mr. Heney would- consider
it to be his duty to interfere in the ap
pointment and to notify the President that
an unfit man was about to be given the
"fc one In Portland seems to know a
thing new about lue controversy, and It
is not expected that any disclosures will
be made until the time comes that the
appointment will be made by President
Hoosevelt and Attorney-General Moody.
Resident Suggests Defense Against
Ravages of the Army Worm.
The army worms that are ravaging sec
tions In Eastern Multnomah County, have
invaded the gardens of Portland. Francis
D. Morrison, of TVoodlawn, reports that
a swarm of the worms went through. his
garden one night last week, laying It
completely bare. Fuchsias were also at
tacked. In Brooklyn several gardens have
been attacked, but In one placo on East
Ninth street a lot of unslacked lime saved
a garden after one portion had been at
tacked and destroyed.
A resident of Brooklyn noticed that
beans wore withering and that the leaves
were being riddled, and also that
.tomato plants were not thriving. He
procured a quantity of lime, allowing It
to become alr-slacked, and he covered the
plants and the ground with It. with the
result that 'the untouched portion of the
beans were saved and the tomato plants
soon revived and are growing finely.
Jefferson-Street Edifice "Withstood
Big Plre of 1873.
TVorkmen are engaged in tearing down
the old Congregational Church, at the
northwest corner of Second and Jefferson
streets, which was erected about 35 years
ago. It is a frame structure with a tall
steeple, and recently haB been used as a
meeting place for" independent religious
denominations. This building is one of
.the few which withstood the disastrous
lire 'in August, 1S73, which devastated
Front. First and Second streets, in that
neighborhood. The timbers will be used
to erect a new structure at the corner of
First and Hall streets, the building permit
for which was issued' yesterday, and
which is to be erected at a cost of 51500.
Great Up-RIver Trip Is Best Made on
the Undine
.Scenery that Is uneaualed In America
awaits the sightseer up the Columbia
River. The steamer Undine, making ex
cursion trips to Cascade Locks and re
turn. Is the tourists' best opportunity.
From Taylor-street dock. S:30 A. M. Re
turns S P. M. Round trip JL50. Telephone
Main 613.
O.'R. & X. Announces -Cheap Rate
, to Buffalo August 14 and 15.
Very low rate, long-time tickets to Buf
falo.' New York, account Supreme Court
Session Foresters of America. Particulars
of C. TV. Stinger, city ticket agent O. R.
& N. Co., Tblrrf and Washington atretU,
The Meier Sb Frank Store's 8 1 6th Friday Surprise Sale
2000 New Shirtwaist Suits
$4.50 to $6.50 Values $ 1 .48 Each
There'll be lively selling In Portland's leading Cloak and
Suit Store toq'ay 2000 of this season's prettiest Shirtwaist
Salts $4.50 to $6.50 values at $1.48 each is the magnet
that we expect will attract a record-breaking attendance.
Great special purchases from prominent New York manu
facturers enables us to offer:
Every suit of this season's mannfactnre Linens, duck,
crashes, chambrays, lawns, in white, black, pink, grays, tons,
blues, checks, stripes, mixtnres and solid colors Prettily
made up Fancy strapped, tucked and surplice effects Skirts
pleated or plain flared The greatest, the handsomest lot of
shirtwaist suits ever offered for the money All sizes and
styles to please every fancy Suits that we have sold thou-
sands of at $4.50 to $6.50 each you can
& buy today at, each .
No mail or telephone orders filled See big Fifth-street win
dow display Sale commences promptly at eight o'clock
The Meier & Frank Store's 818th Friday Surprise Sale
3000 Pairs "Onyx" Hose for Women
Values to $1.00 Pair at 29c the Pair
Every woman in town should buy liberally of today's
great surprise sale of "Onyx" Hosiery The entire
sample line of the manufacturer to be sold at the lowest
price ever known Every good style and color
is included Fine lisles in black, tan, champagne,
brown, grays, white, pink and blue Silk embroidered
clocks, fine black lace lisles, allover lace and lace-boot
effects, fine drop-stitch hose Plaid, striped, figured
and dotted hosiery A wonderful array of new, up-to-date
styles in all sizes You all know "Onyx" hos
iery so well that there's little need dwelling on their
good qualities Sale commences at promptly 8 o'clock
this morning You can buy one or a hundred pairs
The shrewd buyer will anticipate her needs for many
months to come No mail or phone orders g
filled See window Pair . . v
All Parasols at One-Fourth Off Regular Prices
Choose from our entire stock of Parasols at 25 per cent reduction from the regular selling prices.
Plain and fancy Silks, Pongees, Piques, etc.; this season's very best styles in great variety.
$34.00 to $38.00 Silk Suits $20.85
"Women's high-grade Silk Shirtwaist Suits in solid colors, change
able Silks or fancy Silks, -waist or blouse styles with plaited or
flounce skirts in brown, black, green, navy, mahogany and fancy;
made of superior quality Taffeta Silks; pretty styles in great as
sortment; regular .$34.00 to $38.00 values, on sale
today at this wonderfully low price Second
Floor $20.85
Our entire stock of Women's high-grade White Suits, $18.00 to
$50.00 values, at exceptionally low prices.
Lace and Embroidery Bargains
1500 yards of Cambric Embroideries and Insertions, three inches
to nine inches wide; good patterns; values up to 20c q
the yard, for, 3'ard '.
Fine Valenciennes Laces and Insertions, splendid pat- Ofi
terns, values to 40c doz. yard, for, doz. yards UC
Fine Valenciennes Laces ad Insertions, values up to 80c OA
dozen yards, on sale today at, dozen yards t.'C
"Women's elbow-length Kid Gloves, in opera shades,
sizes 5Y2 to 6 ; our best $2 values; on sale today. . . V
Dress Trimming Bargains Today
Colored Appliques, black and white Chiffons, Medallions, Persian
Bands, Bulgarian trimmings, etc.; values up to $2.00 on OQn
sale today at this low price, yard 5-7C
Narrow Persian Bands, Chiffon Appliques, Novelty Bands, black
spangles on silk net; values up to $1.00 the yard; 5-k
on sale today at the ridiculously low price of, yard
Narrow black-spangle trimming, pink and white insertions, zig-a?
braids, red, blue, brown and white; values up to 50c the er
yard; on sale for, yard Jk
Great special values in Kuchings today.
The Meier (& Frank Store's 816th Friday Surprise Sale
2000 Pairs of Women's Low Shoes
Phenomenal Values at $1.92 the Pair
A Friday Surprise Sale of Women's Oxfords that offers
the best shoe bargains of the season 2000 Pairs of new,
up-to-date low shoes Tans, brown kid skin, black vie!
kid, natent colt and kid in all sizes and widths Johnson
Bros.' best $3.00 product at $1.92 the pair Here are
the details Worth investigating
Tan Russia calf Blucher Oxfords, military heel; tan idd Blucher
Oxfords, extra low heel; brown kid Blucher Oxfords, military
heel; brown kid Blucher Ribbon Ties, light soles; black vici kid
Oxfords, patent tip ; patent colt and patent kid Ox- j
fords, best styles ; choice of all above lines today, pr. P
Art Department
Friday Specials
Stamped Doilies, Center-Pieces
and Scarfs for Hardanger em
broidery; choose from the en
tire stock at. .ONE-THIRD OFF
Burnt Leather Pillow Covers in
Lion's Head and Japanese de
signs, regular $4.00 c5
to $5.00 values, ea. ..r2d
'Spachtel" and hemstitched Bu
reau Scarfs with one row of in
sertion, 50c values,
sale for
Stamped Pillow Covers in poppy,
tulip, cross-stitch and floraL de
signs; regular 25c values, on
sale today Second -j q
Floor at, each I OC
200 Hand Bags at 89c Each
Great special sale of 200 Hani
Bags, fiitted with card ease and
coin purse; black, brown and
tan seal leather and walrus
- leather; very attractive Bags
and the best value ever qa
offered at, each Or C
Alligator Leather Hand-Bags,
blue, brown, green and tan, fit
ted with coin purse;
reg. 75c value, for rC
Fine showing of new Taffeta Silk
Girdles and Belts, largest dis
play in the city and very unus
ual values at, each 50?
New Wash Belts of embroidered Linen, plain and seal- c
loped effects, white only; just the styles you want 0JG
The largest and best selected stock of Trunks and Traveling
Bags in the city will be found on the third floor. Every good
style and size is included. Prices the lowest.
August Blanket Sale in Progress.
10lt i1w.1 STay Oreson Blankets; full size and weight; the beat e? e
53.00 values, for this sale, pair
10-4 all-wool gray Oregon Blankets, extra heavy, $4.25 value...".."....KLr.7
11-4 nil-won 1 frra.i Ornirnn ninnbAti .in .,.!... ..i.
5-lb. all-wool mottled Blankets, extra tine quality; best'ji.Vo"
uiauc uu, sate price, pair
6-lb. all-wool mottled Blankets, extra heavy. S55o" vaVuV "oA'raiV VnV. . ..i.rr
Blankets. 10-4 sire, great value, pair $-4.27
$5.00 whit wnnl
$6.00 white wool Blankets,' 11-4 size, great valuepalr
i.uu wiuie wooi xuanKets, ii-i, extra nea-y, pair ..
Camping Blankets at the lowest prices.
Great August Clearance Sale
of Boys' Clothing.
Boys "Wash Kilts, entire stock at half price;
styles the best; ages 2 to 5 years
$ 1 .00 Kilts 5oc ea. $ 1 .25 Kflts 63c ea.
$1.50 Kilts 75c ea. $2.00 Kilts $1 ea.
Boys' all-wool two-piece Suits, double-breasted
and three-piece Suits; broken lines of $5.00
and $6.00 values; all ages; on lf
sale at the very low price of ?JU
Boys1 two-piece Suite, good, serviceable mix
tures; broken lines of $2.25 to mi
$3.00 values $ I .0
Boj-s' all-wool two-piece Suits, neat gray and
brown mixtures, age 9 to 16 yrs. ; ff 1 QQ
regular $3 and $3.50 values, for. . .H "0
Russian Blouse Sailor Suits with Knickerbocker
trousers, very best styles and materials; pret-
luuut- ana tnmmea ; grana values at
g- amii at, cae...........,.9Sc
31.00 SbKb nt, each 80c
yi.50 Suits t, each 1.19
$25 Salt at, each fi.S3
31.75 Salt at, each $1.35
2-TrO Salts at, each im
Boj's Blouses and "Waists in light and dark Percales
all sizes; great special values at, each 1 zfO
Entire stock of Boys' Washable Suits, white and colored on
sale at greatly reduced prices. '
All Russian Blpuse and Sailor Suite at low prices.
Lace Curtains.
Great special sole of rmtnrifacttirers'
odd lots of Domestic Lace Curtains
All grades, best patternsValues from
$1.50 to $4.50 pair, at prices afront
one-half their real valge Don't miss
these grand bargains Third floor.
115-51.75 qualities of white Nottingham Ica
Curtains. 50 Inches wUe by 3 yards lon; floral
border and allover designs; not over 6 nairs
of any one pattern; wonderful value at, palr.&Sc
J2.00-S2.25 grades of white Nottingham and Mad
ras Weave Curtain, plain and detached flsrured
centers, with fine lacy borders, -15 and 50 . , ' "
inches wide by 3 yards Ions; per pa!r...$1.2o
52.50 quality of white Nottingham Lace Curtains
floral borders and allover figures; 50 to 54 Inches
wide by 3 yards long:; great xalues, pair. .$
J3.00 and $3.25 white Madras Weave Lace Curtains
Brussels patterns; greatost values ever , - J
offered : $1.97
$4.25 and $4.50 white Scotch and Cablo Net Lac
Curtains: plain centers with cluny and Renais
sance effect Inserting and edges; oe
greatest values; per pair .t. o5
Women's Knit
"Women's low-neck, no-sleeve rib
bed Lisle Yests. pink, blue and
white, all sizes; best 35c '5rlN
values, on sale for NvjC
women s Jight-weight me ribbed
high neck, long-sleeve Corset
Covers, sizes 3, 4, 5; best 60c
values, on sale at 43 6
"Women's Swiss ribbed pink cir
blue Vests, lace edge or fancy
yoke, 65c and 75c values, on
sale today at 43
Jewelry Specials
for Today,
Bead Necklaces, turquoise and
pearls, great special
value at OC
Curb link Bracelets withVpadlock
and key, silver; grand q
value at
Sterling Silver Hat Pins, large as
sortment, 35c values 26
Sterling Silver Embroidery Hooks,
Stalettes, special 19
1000 good Brass Extension Rods,
54 inches long, suitable for
hanging any kind of lace cur
tains; wonderful value today
Third Floor at, each 7
Ribbon Sale
New line of print "warp and Dresden
Ribbons; three and four inches wide;
also a fine line of taffeta and
satin taffeta Ribbons four and
Ave Inches wfde; full assortment of
colors, blue. pink, white, cream, mals.
navy, brown and black. Greatest of
all ribbon bargains, at this low price.
18c the yard
Grand clean up of satin Sfervelleux
Ribbons; fancy printed warp taffetas:
flno black and white, ombre shaded
ribbons, purple, cardinal, navy, tur
quoise French Faille Ribbons; etc.,
etc values up to 65c yard; on
sale at low price of OlC
Women's fine colored bordered Hand
kerchiefs, mercerized novelties In
grand variety: new 50c Hand
kerchiefs, each JJC
Fine Swiss hemstitched, embroidered
and scalloped embroidered Handker
chiefs, double hemstitched, mercer
ized Handkerchiefs; 25c and . c
35c values IOC
Fine chiffon Neck Ruchlng, shell plait
ed, effects; all colors; n
25c values on eale for -. IOC
Sir Walter Raleigh Neck Riiching, fine
Swiss lace trimmed: box plaits with
double edge bead heading;
values to 5c: for, yard
Drug and Stationery Specials
Wood back hand Scrub Brushes: pure bristles, sale price Ida
Pialn- hand Scrub and Vegetable Brushes, sale price 3c
Barando Castile Soap, 2-lb. bars, 25c value, sale price...... K 18c
4-lb. bars White Castile Soap, largest bar. sale price .r 30c
luiici opunges; extra nne quality: great vaiue. . . ............. ,
4-row imported pure Bristle Tooth Brushes, each, sale price...
. - Jttpiiupae wodu looinpicKs, iuc values, doi...,
N. N. Shampoo, for washing the scalp; 25c values, box ....l:
Violet de Parme Toilet Water, with sprinkle cork ....2:
x-asiraan s iripie extract .Fcrruraes, all popular ouors; l-oz glass ln
stoppered bottles; great value , 1"C
Hygienic Ice Covers; keeps Ice one-third longer: 25c values 15c
Scissors and Shears; guaranteed steel; all sizes, pair ...10c
Carter's Photo Paste, 4cj Thomas' Fountain Pen Ink, 7ci Stafford's Indelible
Ink, 19cj "Wire Pnoto Racks, 7cj Eaton-Hurlburt's fine linen Paper In all
shades, regular 50c values on sale for today at this low price 30c
Corset Covers 5 0c Vals. 29c
Great odd lot of women's Cambric Ccr
set Covers; lace and embroWery
trimmed; ery best styles. In all sIzm:
best 50c values on sale for, each. 20c
$4,00 SJKIKTS $2.39
200 women's whlto Cambric Skirts,
trimmed In embroideries Val. and
Torchon laces edgings and insert
Ings and tucks; full widths ani
lengths; regular $3.50 to
54.00 values for $.39
Sole Portland agents for "La GrecQue'
Corsets. A Fre'nch corset for Amer
ican women, suitable models for
every figure Expert fitters.
The Great "August Linen Sale"
Is attracting an increased number of buyers every day The lar
gest and best linen stock on the Coast for your choosing and at
saving prices Look to your linen needs
64-Inch half-bleached Table Damaskr all pure linen; very best patterns;
great special value at this low price, yard
72-Inch half-bleached all linen Table Damask, our best 90c grade, for this
sale at the unusually low price of. yard
Full-bleached Satin Damask Table Linen, big assortment of patterns;
regular SI. 00 aualltv. now on sale at yard ,
All our S1.25 grades of full-bleached Satin Damask Table
Linens, handsome patterns, for this sale at, yard.. 91.08
All our $1.50 grades of Satin Damask Linens go ci
on sale at the low price of, yard 1 .
All finest Satin Damask at August sale prices
Hemstitched Damask Table Cloths; grand value, c . A
2ii yards long, 91.74; 3 yards long, each
Hemstitched SatIrtDamask Table Sets, all finest grades
on sale at special prices
J10.00 Sets 9 7.15 J12.50 Sets 9 0.20
$15.00 8ets 9IOJ9.; J20-J22 8ets fH.lO
.Hana-embroiderea Tea ciotns. 36; 36 Inches i
$3.00 grades 92.4.1 $6.00 grades 95.15
$4.50 grades 9&0 $7.50 grades 96.43
Fringed white Marseilles Bedspreads, regular to rC
$2.o0 values, for this 3ale at only.. $.Uj
$4.0J styles, for low prire of J.Jj
$3.50 colored satin Marseilles Spreads ..92.83
$2.5fL grades Satin Damask Napkins reduced to q
this price, dozen lo
$3.50 grades Satin Damask Napkins, on sale at Q
the low price of, dozen .)00
Bleached double Satin Damask Table Napkins, ce
regular $7.50 grade, for, dozen
Hemstitched Satin Damask Traycloths, size .
17x23 inches; great special value at
Hemstitched Satin Damask Traycloths. size .
20x2S inches; great special value at IC
Hemstitched Satin Damask Traycloths, size
22x32 inches; great value at this price, each......o2C
Hemstitched Damask Table Cloths, two yards . .
long; unequaled value at, each l0-
Great Sale of Men's Clothing Second Floor
Men having garment needs to supply cannot afford to over
look the very unusual bargains we are offering in all styles
and grades of Men's Apparel Comparison will quickly
convince you of the superiority of our merchandise
Entire stock of Men's Outing Suits, single and double-breasted styles
in Homespuns, Tweeds, Cheviots and fancy Flannels; very best
patterns; splendid variety
$ 7.50 Outi'g Suits $ 5.89
$ 8.50 Outi'g Suits $ 6.10
$ 10.00 Outi'g Suits $ 7.65
$12.50 Outi'g Suits 9.35
$13.50 Outi'g Suits $10.15
$ 15.00 Outi'g Suits $ 1 2.35
$ 1 6.50 Outi'g Suits $ 1 3.45
$ 18.00 Outi'g Suits $ 14. 15
$20.00 Outi'g Suits $ 1 5.40
$22.50 Outi'g Suits $ 1 6.85
Men's medium-weight Suits jn fancy Worsteds, fancy Cheviots and
fancy Tweeds ; all new up-to-date styles from lead- fl f e
ing manufacturers; regular $20-$22.50 Suits, today. P Of
Men's Linen Dusters, $1.00, $1.50 and $2.50 each.
Men's "White Duck Trousers for $1.00 and $1.50 pair.
Men's Bath Eobes, special values at $2.50 to $10.00.
New line of Men's "Wash Vests Just received by express.
Men's Bathing Suits in great assortment.