7 12 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, AUGUST 4, 1905. NEGLECT HASTENS DEATH IiACK OF FACILITIES AND DELAY IX CARE OF SCHWARTZ. Prisoner Suffering With Delirium Tremens Dies in Cell in the City Jail. Lack of proper facilities upon the part of the city, and neglect upon the part of some officials, are alleged to be reasons for the hastening, at least, of the death of Samuel Schwartz. From an attack of delirium tremens he died at 4 o'clock yes terday morning in a cell of the City Jail. Schwartz was a Chinese gin "flend," and has no relatives in Oregon, so far as known. He was an outcast, and for years had wandered about, earning by odd Jobs sufficient means only o keep soul and body together. "Wednesday morning he was picked up by a policeman and locked up in the City JalL "When found to be in a bad condition. Assistant City Physician Slocum was summoned, and ordered that doses of some decoction be given the pris oner, and turned his attention to other and more important business. "When Captain Moore came on duty he found Schwartz suffering, as do all gin drinkers, and continued the applications of the decoction that i9 usually dealt out to prisoners with delirium tremens. It was known that Schwartz was in a crit ical condition. Captain Bailey took up the matter when he assumed command of headquarters at midnight, and Jailer Lillls gave special attention to Schwartz. On several occa sions LIUIs reported to Captain Bailey that Schwartz was suffering greatly and was In a dangerous condition; that he was likely to die at any moment. During the early hours of the morning Schwartz re fused to take the decoction, and grew worse. At 2 A. M. City Physician Zan tele phoned to headquarters and inquired of Captain Bailey if anything needed atten tion from him. He was told there was not, and was not again called until after it was discovered that Schwartz was dead. Captain Bailey thought there was some hope, and tried to call Dr. Zan and Dr. Slocum. but could get neither by tele phone. Coroner Fmley was notified when it be came known that death had relieved Schwartz of his sufferings, and took charge of the body. He announces there will be no inquest. Funeral arrange ments have not yet been made. "I do not think I am to blame," said Dr. Zan, "because I asked If I was needed at 2 A. M. and was told I was not. I sup posed Schwartz was getting along all right" "I did not realize Schwartz was so ill. as he was in the common drunk cell," said Captain Bailey. I did not hear Jailer LI1 lis say that the man was dangerously 11L I do not consider that I am in any man ner responsible for the death." "I think all was done that could be for Schwartz," eald Chief of Police Grltz inachcr. "His critical condition was known from the start, but we have no fit place for such prisoners: the hospitals re fuse to take them, and we have to do the best we can. "What we need is an emergency hospital, where such sufferers as he can be taken and properly cared for. "Until such time as that, the police can only use the means at hand, which aro totally Inadequate and Insufficient." FAIR FOR JYEW ZEALAND International Exposition Planned for Next Year. The official notice of the New Zealand International Exhibition, to be held at Hagley Park, Christ Church, New Zeal and, has been Issued, and contains valua ble information to those who may wish to islt the exhibition. The date of the opening will be November 1, 1906, and the exhllbtlon will continue until tho first week In April. 1307. The object of the exhibition is educa tional, and is intended to demonstrate the resources and possibility of the colony as one of the world's food producers, fac tors to show Its vast mineral resources and to draw attention to its wonderful scenery and to the opportunities offered to sportsmen. Perhaps the principal object will be to bring before the world the great opening for industrial enterprises in New Zealand and to induce capital to turn that way. Invitations have been, or will be, sent to all governments to participate in the exhibition, which is expected to be world-wide in its scope. $87.50 BUFFALO AND RETURN $87.50. On August 14. and 15 the Great Northern Railway will sell excursion tickets to Buffalo and return at rate of $87.50 for the round trip, tickets good going via Great Northern Railway, returning same or any direct route, stop-overs allowed on return trip, limit 60 days east of Chicago, 90 days west. For additional Information call on or address H. Dickson, C. P. & T. A., Great Northern Railway. 122 Third stret, Port land, Or. Those who wish to practice economy should buy Carter's Little Liver Pills. Forty nllls in a vial; only one pill a dose. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. Aug. 3. Maximum tempera ture. 72 dep.; minimum. 58. River reading at 11 A. 1L, 6.S feet: change In past 24 hours, fall. 0.3 of a foot. Total precipita tion. 5 P. M. to 5 P. M., none; total since September 1, 1804, 34.08 inches; normal. 46.31 Inches; deficiency, 12.23 inches. Total sunshine August 2, 1005, 6 hours and 20 minutes; possible. 14 hours and 45 minutes. Barometer (reduced to sea level) at S P. M.. 30:01. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. Wind. n 5 fiTATIONS. Baker City Boise Eureka Xamloops, B. C. North Head Focatello Portland Red Bluff. Roscburg Sacramento ...... Salt Lake City., San Francisco... Spokane Seattle Tatoosh Island.. 88! S8 64 82 60 SS 72 84 0.00 8'NW Cloudy T 20SW ciouay 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 6 W sisw 20jS 12 S, 7INE OiS Clear Cloudy Cloudv PC Cldy. 0.00 0.00 'Cloudy uiear Clear Clear 76 O.OOUO'NW 74 O.OOllClS T 41SE T 16 W 02: C2 00 Clear 0.00112 W Ft, ciay. iPt. Cldy. 70'0.00l 8!SW CO0.02!20S Cloudy T trace. "WEATHER CONDITIONS. Cloudy, -unsettled weather continues In the North Pacific States. Light rain has fallen along the North Washington coast and a thunderstorm wlh moderate rainfall has oc curred at Focatello, Idaho. It Is cooler east Of the Cascade Mountains. The indications are for showers Friday in Northwestern Oregon, Washington and Northern Idaho, and for cloudy and threat ening weather In Eastern Oregon and South ern Idaho. WEATHER FORECASTS. Forecasts made at Portland for the 2S hours ending at midnight, August 4: Portland and vicinity Showers. South westerly winds. Western Oregon Fair Bouth, showers north portion. Westerly winds. Washington and Northern Idaho Show ers. Southwesterly winds. Eastern Oregon and Southern Idaho Part ly cloudy and occasionally threatening. , ' EDWARD A. BEALS. District Forecaster. A Gen OF An unprecedentedly heavy Spring season's business has left us with broken lines that must be disposed of to give way to Fall Sea son's Goods now constantly arriving and fill ing our shelves to the limit. Largest Exclusive Carpet House in the West J. G. MACK & CO. 86-88 THIRD STREET - ffKL XSTSCXAX. rna. KftrrKUBViUNimfi Eoropecn Pits AUCTION SALES TODAY. At the Portland Auction Rooms. CXi. Jlrst st. Sale at 2 P.M. C L. Ford, Auctioneer! At Gllman's Auction Room. 413 Washington street, at 10 o'clock A. M. S. L. N. Gilman, Auctioneer. MEETING NOTICES. Multnomah Camp, No. 77. W. O. W.. will hold regular session tonight In their hall. East Cth and East Alder. A class of candidates will be initiated. Re freshments 'will be served. All visiting neighbors cordially Invited to meet with us. M. O. WILKINS. C. C. J. M. WOODWORTH, Clerk. PORTLAND LODGE. NO. 53. A. F. & A. M- Stated communica tion this (Friday) evening. 7:30 o'clock. Work in E. A. degree. All entered apprentices Invited to attend. By order W. M. 1. W. PRATT, Sec MACCABEES. PORTLAND TEXT NO. 1. meets every Friday night at Elks Hall, Mar quam bldg. Initiation; drill of Uniform Rank. All Maccabees are welcome. E. M. LANCE. R. K. ROSE CITY CHAPTER. NO. 6. O. E. S. A regular communication this (Friday) evening at 8 o'clock, K. P. Hall. Marquara building. By order W. M. SARAH B. GUERIN. Secretary. DIED. GILMORE In San Francisco, August 2, Mrs. Caroline Proctor Gil more, beloved mother of Fred M. GUmore. McGRAW In this city, at 8 A M., August 3. 1005. Maud Mary Tereaa Frances, beloved daughter of Arthur and Mary MeGraw, aged 22 years 10 months and 11 days. Funeral notice later. AERNE In this city, at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Frank Q. Freeburger. 440 E. 8th Pt., on August 3, 1005. Mrs. Dorothy A erne, aged 66 years. Funeral announce ment later. MGRAW In this city, on August 3. 1105. at the family residence. 285 Lincoln St.. Maud Theresa Francen MeGraw. aged 22 years, 10 months, 0 days. Funeral announcement later. - FUNERAL NOTICES. W ATKINS At Oregon City. August 2. 1805, Harry W. Watklns. aged 29 years. The fu neral services will be held at Flnley's Chapel today. Interment Rlvervlew. Services pri vate. GLAFKE At her borne. 327 East Nineteenth street. Thursday morning. August 3. Cath erine Glafke. aged 76. beloved wife, of Fred erick Glafke. Sr., and mother of Fred, Will Sam and Charles Glafke. and of Mrs. Kate Johnson. Mrs. Llbble Brayton and Mrs. Net tle Ludlam. Funeral from the house. Friday, at 2 o'clock P. M. Interment at Rlvervlew Cemetery. Friends Invited. CONNER In this city, on August 2. 1805, at the family residence, 277 Portland boulevard. Piedmont, Mary Elizabeth Conner, aged 1 year, 21 days, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Conner. Funeral today, Friday. August 4. 1805. at 10 A. M., from the above residence. Friends of the family wpectfully Invited to attend. Services at the grave private. Interment Rlvervlew Cem etery. PICKENS In this city. August 3. 1805. Mrs. Mary Pickens, aged 28 years. Friends are Invited to attend the "funeral today at 0:30 A. M.. at Dunning. McEntee & Gilbaugh's Chapel. 7th and Pine sts. Interment Mount Calvary Cemetery. DUNNING. MENTEE GILBAUGH. eessors to Dunnlnr It Campion, undertaken and embalmers. modern In every detail, 7th and Pine. Phono Mala 430. Lady assistant. EDWARD HOLMAN CO., 'Undertakers and embalm ers. have moved to their ucvr build inc. Third and Salmon. Lady uItaat, Telephone No. 507. JT. P. FINLEY SON, runeml Director, cor. Sd and Madlsoi . Offlco of County Cor ser. Lady assistant. Telephone No. 9. P. 8. DUNNING, Undertaker. 414 East Alder. Lady auULaat- Telephone East it. ZKLLER-BYRNES CO., UNDERTAKERS. Embalmers, 27S Rus'li East lOSSj lady aVU. NEW TODAY. A COUNTRY STORE IN RAILROAD town near Portland for less than cost by death of owner; a money-maker; see or ad dress T. Wlthycombe, room 8. Hamilton blk Portland Or. OLD GOLD. JEWELR1. BOUGHT. MADE) over, exchanged; diamonds, precious stones loose and mounted; watches, Jewelry repaired. Uncle Myers, the jeweler. 143 3d. near Aider. MORTGAGE LOANS On Portland Real Estate at Lowest Rates. Titles iMured. Abstracts .Furnished. Title Guarantee & Trust Co., 0 and 7 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE 50x50, with two cottes on Petti grove street, between Seventeenth d Eighteenth streets. Price 2100. Rents yield 16 per cent on above price. RUSSELL & BLYTH x 82y2 Third, Corner Oak. Sale ume c. w. xxewzjEs, acsz. mcn. rtiruis, ume $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 per Dsy AMUSEMENTS. osr Theater Dinettes I. V. T. A1S0CUT19I C. tilti. fratliHl Morrison Street between 6th and 7th. Thono Main 8C8. Tonight and Special Matinee Tomorrow Night Tomorrow (Saturday) At 8:50 o'CIock. At 2:30 o Clock. THE FAMOUS GERMAN COMEDIANS KOLB & DILL. In tho Musical Comedy-Burlesque " I. 0. U." COMEDY-FUN-CATClfT MUSIC 20 BEAUTIFUL CHORUS GIRLS-30 POPULAR PRICES Matinee, 23. 35 and 50 cents. Night, 25, 35, 50 and 75 cents. BELASCO THEATER TEL Fill in (Formerly Columbia Theater) 14th and Wash. 52 PLAYS IN 52 WEEKS TONIGHT AND ALL WEEK MATINEES TOMORROW AND SUNDAY TENTH WEEK BELASCO STOCK CO. Dramatic Version of Bizet's Opera CARMEN BY MARIE DORAN PRICES Night. 25c to 75c Mats.. 25c to 50c Aext Week ""LADY BOUNTIFUL" THE BAKER ,gREAT SPECTAL BILL. Theater always cooL Keating Flood. Mgrs. HANVEY & BOYD'S MINSTRELS Ben Duley. Harry Boyd. De Garro Brothers. Casino Comedy Four. Louis llanvey. Jean Wilson. Grand Finale Sensation Act. Moving Pictures. Baker's Orchestra. Performances dally at 5:30. 7:30 and 8 P. M. No advanced prices for big show all seats selling for Tea Cents, excepting boxes. THE GRAND EDDIE LESLIE THE YALE TRIO MME. CARRIE THE KING8UURYS MME. YIDA MR, FRED PURINTON THE GRAND1SCOPE General admission. 10 cents. Evenings. Sundays and holidays, reserved seats on lower floor. 20 cents. Box seats. 25- cents. THE STAR HUNT'S DOG AND MONKEY CIRCUS THE MUSICAL REEDS REKLAW THE FRANCESCOS GILES W. HARRINGTON JOSEPH BONNER THE STAROSCOrE General admission. 10 cents. Evenings. Sundays and holidays, referred teats on lower floor. 20 cents. Box seats. 25 cents. RACES IRVINGTON PARK RACETRACK Evep day except Sunday. First race starts at 2:15 P. at least 6 great events daily. ADMISSION (Including; srradstaBd) .50c N. B. All cars transfer at Second and Washington streets for track. Fall of Port Arthur GRAND OPENING EVERY EYENING 7:30 o'clock. 27th and Upshur St. Great spectacular reproduction of the famous naval battle and fall of Port Arthur. Can nonade and naval siege conducted by 200 men. ADMISSION 25c. Under manage ment of Major Jack McGuire. Take any Fair Grounds car. Lewis and Clark Observatory HAWTHORNE TERRACE PORTLAND HEIGHTS Now open. Take Portland Heights car and get off atlHawthorns Terrace, one block from car line. No climbing. Electric elevator Most magnificent view In America. S'es beautiful effect of powerful searchlight from top of tower. Open 9 A M. to 0 P. M. ADMISSION. 10 CENTS. DANCING Every Evening: at the SHAMROCK PAVILION. S55 Ustsnur St. Half block east of Main Entrance to l Tho Exposition. Good Music. Good Floor. ADMISSION FREE. 2Co liquors sold. Under sen management. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES. "Rooms." "Roes ad Board." House keeping Rooms." "Sltaatleas Wanted. 15 words or less. 15 ceats: 18 to 20 words. 20 cents; 21 to 25 words. 25 ceats. etc No dl eesBt for additional Isjertioas. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS, except "New Today." 3 cents for 15 words or less; 10 to 20 words. 48 cents; 21 to 25 words, SO cents, etc first Insertion. Kach additional iBscrtldB, ear-half; bo farther discount un der osa iseBtla- "NEW TODAY" (gange measure agate). 13 cents per line, Srst insertion; 10 cents per line far each additional Insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The OregenlaB. and left at this office, sfaoatd always be inclosed In sealed envelope. No stamp Is reaalred on such letters. The Oregoalaa will not be responsible for errors Is advertisements taken through tho telephone. NEW TODAY. A GOOD BANKING HOUSE Gets better as It grows older, and Its de positors usually grow with It. THE OLDEST TRUST CO i IT ANY IN OREGON Invites you to Join the large number of prudent, careful people who for so many years have found banking relations with It both agreeable and profitable. You will like our Speclal-Certlficate-of-Depoilt plan It is always in favor where its peculiar value is known. To be able to keep your money In the bank, earning liberal interest, yet available when you want it such & plan is worth while. CALL. TIIONE OR WRITE FOR PARTICULARS. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON Resources over $1,000,000 109 Third Street. Phone Main 433. BEN J. I. COHEN President H. L. PITTOCK Vice-President B. LEE PAGET Secretary J. O. GOLTRA Assistant Secretary Butter! Butter! Our. Other Price. Prices. Best creamery 50c 53-C0c Dairy butter 35 -40c Ranch eggs 22K-25C 30c Best sugar-cured hams.. He 10c Breakfast baron .... 15c ISc Best of tea, lb 30c 50-75c Lard. 5-lb. pall 45 -55c 55-C5e Remember, Chickens on Satur . day 16c and 17c All 'goods retailed at wholesale prices. LA GRAND CREAMERY. 201 Yamhill Street. Holiday's Addition For Sale A new S-room cottage, all con veniences, full cement basement, stretts fully Improved. A very desirable location. Convenient to two trolley lints. Terms will be given. Lots told oa advantageous terms to hoxas. builders. The Oregon Real Estate Co SSU Third fit Room 4. California "Bliss Lands Homeseekers act promptly. Secure a 20 acre farm of Irrigated lend at 550 to 1Q per acre, price Including water rights one fourth cash. Reached by Southern Pacific or Santa Fe Overland Line, direct to Tulare City. 2 miles from Bliss Lands. Alfalfa, com. grain, deciduous fruits, vegetables, hogs, dairy cattle thrive. Booklet free from Bliss Lands (Inc.). 610 Parrot t bldg., San Francisco. Mortgage Loans 5, Upwards. Real Estate City and Farm. Insurance in AH Lines. A. H. BIRRELL. 202-3 McKay bid.. Third and Stark sts. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. 160 ACRES. NINE MILES FROM M'MINN vllle. 4 mllfti from another good town, on the Willamette River; fine farm buildings, well fenced with good wire fencing, good water system, with windmill; 10 acres bear ing hops, good drying plant; 12 acres bearing orchard; 70 acres grain land; balance pas ture; public warehouse on place, school and church near by. This hopyard produced 20.000 pounds of dried hops for five years; last year's crop worth J 0000. This year" crop goes with sale, with Immediate pos session. Price 510,000. Write for particu lars. Warren & Stater. McMInnvllle, Or. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Eli let, commanding uood view; 650 each. Six lots, commanding t st view; 51000 each. We believe tbeie are tl e cheapest and beat lots on the Heights or Li the city; all front ing on car line; easy turns. AMERICAN INVESTMENT CO. Phone Main 6'jSX. 22j Failing building. 12 ACRES. All cleared, rich land. 3 acres beaverdam (onion land), spring water, within 300 feet of Oregon City car line. - miles south of Mllwaukle; could be subdlvlslded Into lots or acre tracts; price $3000; easy terms; would sell oae-halt for 51600. AMERICAN INVESTMENT-CO.. Phos Main 53S3. 222 Falling building. ACRE- TRACTS WE HANDLE ACREAGE as a specialty, within city limits or outside. Soros r.crrj with terms as low as 510 per month with waur. A. C Churchill & Co.. -lac," 110 2d st BEAUTIFUL HOMES. 7 AND S ROOMS, with all modern conveniences; on E. 3d. between Wasco and Multnomah; conven ient to 3 carllnes; for sale on easy terms. Apply to owners. Parish & GoUrlay. on premises. Phone East 150. 1COX100 FEET. GL1SAN. BET. 23D AND . 24tb. $70(O, provided residence will be built thereon costing at least 16000. Frank C Baker, owner. Hamilton bldg. FOR SALE THE CHOICEST HOMES IN Oregon at Beaverton. 8 miles west ot Portland: 1 to 100 acres; fare 35 cents. Barnes it Cady. BUY FROM THE OWNER; SAVE COMMIS SI on a; several four and five-room cottagN for sale on Installments; some as rent. H 33, Oregonlan. 53C00-20TH STREET. NEW TWO-STORY house, attic, gas and electric flxturea. fur nace heat; rents 535: terms. O 37, Ore gonlan. LARGE HOUSE AND GROUND, EAST Side, close In. suitable for small sanitarium or lovely home: cheap. Phone East 475. SELLWOOD LOTS. J5.00 DOWN AND 55.00 a month; from 575.00 to $200.00. Sellwood Townsite Co. Phone Union H91. FOR SALE NEW C-ROOM HOUSE. ALL modem conveniences; price reasonable. In. quire owner, 731 E. Ash st. ACREAGE NEAR CAR LINE. S MILES from Morrison et. bridge. C. K. Ballard, MUwaakie. Or. FOR SALE CORNER LOT; WILL SACRI flee for cash. Address Box K 31. Oregonlan. DESIRABLE RESIDENCES AND LOTS. West or East Side. Apply forenoons U9 3d st. WANTED REAL ESTATE. COLLINS LAND CO. (IXC.MVE BRING hti-M ..r! ..11... A.t)ir lift Your nrnrtrtir with cs; we aro doing considerable advertis ing, and will extend It further; our facilities are exceDtlonal: bank references. Steams bldg. Phone Maln'2324. WANTED TO BUY OR RENT RESIDENCE with modern Improvements; conveniently near good public school. Address F. C Knapp. Camp Peck. University Park. city. FOR RENT FARMS. 110-ACRE FARM. 75 ACRES HEAVY "nearly harvested crop, all stock, farm machinery; for rent, sale or exchange: 1 hours' drive. Owner, 177 Sherman st. FOR SALE LAND HCKIP. LAND SCRIPS OF ALL KINDS. GUAR AN- teed, mineral lanes Utiso. public land prac tice, iuu&s iza wo.. tears cucg. FOR SALE FARMS. CLARK COUNTY BARGAINS. LOOK HERE! Land, Improvements, stock, implements and crop, very sightly, 5Vj miles to dally train. Now read It: 160 acres, almost level, very rich toll, no rocks; 60 acres cleared. 20 acres half cleared. 10 acres slashed. 140 acres fenced, wire and board. 60 acres swale; beau tiful tt large room houm; excellent well wa ter: creek; large bam. fruit drier; other buildings; 600 large prune trees; another mixed orchard; 10 milch cows and 10 head young stock; 35 sheep: 13 hogs; young span mares and colt; wagon, mower and rake; 40 tons fine hay, 5 acres nice wheat. 20 acres oats, 2 acres potatoes; mile to school. 2 miles to small town. 5h miles to dally train. 20 miles by good wagon road to Vancouver; only 55500. A beautiful little farm. SO acres fine wheat and hay land; 30 acres cleared. 40 acres fenced, two small houses, small barn, stone mllkhouse. 15x15 feet. 100 large fruit trees; 2ij miles from email town, iij miles from dally train; only 51750. 40 acres good level land. 3 acres cleared and in cultivation; 4 acres slashed; small or chard; 6-room house, bam 16x24 and sheds; 3 miles from a town and tv.-o dally steamboats to Portland; 1600; other good buys. JAMES J. O'KEANE. Christ Block. Vancouver. Wash. GUARANTEED AS ADVERTISED 10 ACRES with 0 acres In crop: land lays beautifully, not foot of waste land; live water; fine bearing orchard; nice 4-room house, bam: close to good shipping town; on road close to school. Price. ?700. Terms. SO acres with 35 acres under plow and In crop; nearly all creek bottom; no waste land; one acre of green tim ber; fine trout stream flows through place: good family orchard; good 7 rocra house with spring water in yard; large bam; with this place goes a horse. 5 head cattle, ot which 4 are milch cows; all farming Implements, including wagon and harness; also household furniture; on county road close to school, and 4 miles from Castle Rock. Price 51650; with con venient terms. Call at 730 Chamber ot Commerce between the hours of 9 A. M. and 2 P. M. and 7 and S la evening of Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday of this week and get Information from a member of our firm. Go to Kelso firm to see property. Imus & Wllloughby. Kalaroa. Wash., and Cowllta County Land Co.. Combined. Kelso. Wash. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN FINE 354-acre valley farm, about 200 acres bottom land, about 160 In cultivation; balance low bench partly cleared and In grass; good buildings, fences and orchard; some beaverdam; about 1500 cords ot flr and ash timber; electric light and telephone; close to rail, church and schools; 26 miles to Portland; 545 per acre; terms. S 3. Oregonlan. 67 ACRES ARABLE LAND. 0 MILES FROM corvaills, railroad and school 1 mile, county road, mall route, telephone line, well fenced, no buildings; would make good home for one with money to build; price 52000. Address owner, O 40. Oregonlan. FOB SALE TIMBER LANDS. FOR SALE CHEAP QUARTER-SECTION timber land, 12 miles from S. P. railway, Douglas County; large body of timber ad joining. Apply 375 East Burnslde st. FOR SALE CHEAP HOMESTEAD RELIN qulrhment; will cruise 8 to 10 million of yel low flr. J. W. Derabach. St. Charles Hotel. 6H ACRES OF TIMBER IN COWLITZ County. Wash., for sale at a bargain if taken scon. D. W. Faulkner. Anita, la. CHOICE TIMBER CLAIMS. HOMESTEADS for location. Inq. 70S Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicles and Harness. 100 VEHICLES IN STORAGE, CONSISTING of express, furniture and delivery wagona. hacks, buggies, carts and surreys: they must be sold regardless of cost. S3-S5-S7 Union ave.. between Stark and Washington st. FOR SALE OR RENT HORSES AND VE hlclcs by the day. week or month; harness, raddles and 200 new and second-hand rigs tor sale or exchange. Tomllnson &. Caatl Cay. 211 Washington it. CAMPERS' FINE TEAM. HARNESS. WAG on; a bargain If sold today; suitable for farmer; might exchange for suburban acre age, pay difference. 653 Halsey st. FOR SALE GOOD RIDING AND DRIVING mare; well broken; also rubber-tired buggy. 1166 Thurman st. Phone Main 1217. BLACK PONY BUGGY AND HARNESS FOR sale. Inquire Red Front Stable. 26 N. 15th St.. after 8 A. M. Sunday. CAMPING WAGONS. HARNESS. HORSES For rent and for sale. Hubert &. Hall. 26tl Fourth at. FOR SALE A FINE NEW STUDEBAKER trap, half price; must be sold. Phone East 211. FINE HORSE AND BUGGY. SAFE FOR woman. 307 Falling bldg. Main 3407. Pianos. A GOOD UPRIGHT PIANO FOR SALE; 510o; will deliver to purchaser. Phone East 1532; Monday. Miscellaneous. Miscellaneous. DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? Cover It with Mastic roofing. In rolls, easy to lay; needs no painting or coating: good over old iron, tin or shingles; to; sew roofs there is nothing better; guaran teed: Mastic roof paint and cement wilt stop small leaks. National Mastic Roofing Co., room 2, Hamilton bldg. SHOE STORE FOR SALE NICE STOCK. IN volce about 51500.00; full line, with yell-established trade; living-rooms In rear; rent very low; owing to 111 health of owner, must sell at once for cash, or will trade for In come property at invoice price; no bonus. Apply 220 Oak. city. FOR SALE NEW ANI SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables; easy payments: ws rent tables, with privilege of buying; mod em bar fixtures, cheap prices. Uruoswtck Balke-C'cllender. 49 3d st. FINEST AND BEST-PAYING LAUNCH ON "Willamette River; price reasonable; terms. Address Harry Randies. 405 1st st. Phone Main 4750. ANTIQUE MAHOGANY FURNITURE. carved, and 4 pot beds, bureaus, cheat, ta bles and desks; genuine antiques. 633 wash Ington. SUBURBAN GROCERY STOCK. FIXTURES and furniture of 4 living rooms, on car line; cheap rent. Call 110 Grand ave. FOR SALE 45 ACRES OF OYSTER LAND, situated at Hood Canal, Kitsap County, Wash. E 34, Oregonlan. FOR SALE A, BILLIARD AND A POOL table, good condition. Post Exchange, Van couver Barracks. Wash. GOOD FRESH COW. MILKING 5 GAL lons; choice of two cows, Fralney's rock crusher. Barnes Road. FOR SALE 12 H. P. WEBER OASOUNE engine. Al condition and a bargain. 524 Chamber Commerce. FOR SALE GAS ENGINE MACHINERY, tools and patterns. Address 927 L St.. Fresno, Cal. FOR SALE SMITH-PREMIER TYPE writer, almost new; reasonable. C 73, cars Oregonlan. HOUSEBOAT FOR SALE A BEAUTY AND a bargain. Owner. 100 Sherlock bldg. Phone 5S5. FOR SALE CHOICE JERSEY COW. PA- clflc Stables, comer Salmon and Front sts, ONE FRESH YOUNG COW AND CALF for sale. Inquire at 123 Lownsdale st. FOR SALE NEW ROLL-TOP DESK; PAID 545; will sell for. 530. K 34. Oregonlan. 3 SECOND-HAND SAFES. IN FINE CONDI- tlon. for eale cheap. 54 3d st. GASOLINE LAUNCH FOR SALE. Union 12S1. PHONE FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. TENT GROUND FOR RENT; REASONABLE. cloe In. D 34. Oregonlan. HELP WANTED MALE. ENERGETIC ADVERTISING SOLICITOR. Call 10 A. M. or 3 P. M. 315 Oregonlan bldg. FIRST-CLASS SALESMAN. CITY. CO UN- try; big wages; 215 Commercial block. WANTED BOYS. IS YRS. AND OVER. TO work In factory. Apply Zi 1st st. TOOL SHARPENER. MINE. 4 DAY. HANSEN. 26 N. 2D ST. BOY IN TYPEWRITER BUSINESS, 52.50 weex. iloss & noes, starx st. WANTED BOOKKEEPER AND AD-WRIT-en call today. 110 2d sU BARBER WANTED G UAR ANTEE. 253 1ST St.. near Maauon. WANTED ROOMING-HOUSE RUNNER. 135 North isth st. BARBER WANTED GOOD GUARANTEE. 2bW.34 St. FIRST STICKERMAN. APPLY 291 4TH ST. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER and general office man. must be neat, rapid and accurate; willing to start at moderate salary and give bond; answer In own hand writing, giving references; experience and lines familiar with; permanent to right party. Address Q 32. Oregonlan. MEN. 1000 MEN. For new R. R. construction. Eastern Oregon, ouniusion; years wore; jaoorers. team sters, rock and station men; free farei HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, 26 North Second St.. Portland. ALL DISEASES OF MEN SUCCESSFULLY treated; discharges pofltlvelv cured In from 3 to 5 days; consultation free and strictly confidential; send tor our symptom blank. X-Radlum Medical Institute. Allsky bldg., 3d and Morrison sts., Portland. WANTED TWO FIRST-CLASS HUSTLERS to sen popular article in the city; none but first-class men need apply. Call Saturday, 10 A. M. Baggage Transfer Co., room 10, 6th and Oak. WANTED JUNIOR DRUG CLERK. WITH one or two years" experience; permanent po sition .and promotion for right man; prefer young man who lives at home. A 34, Ore gonlan. MEN and women to learn watchmkg, en graving, jewelers nic; omy prac. scnooi tor Jewelers; money made leara'g. Watchmkg Engrav. School, P. I. bldg.. Seattle. ANY INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY EARN gooa income corresponding tor newspapers: experience unnecessary; send for particulars. Press Syndicate. Lockport. N. Y. GOOD SALARY. EASY WORK. SHORT hours and a profession with a future. Fbr particulars. Newman's Theatrical Informa tion Bureau. 3510 Morrison. WANTED GOOD JOB PRINTER, WITH knowledge of presswork; state wages; none but sober, reliable need apply. Southern Oregonlan. Medford. Or. STATION MEN. ROCK WORK. Good prices, all winter work, free fare. Particulars from HANSEN'S OFFICE, 26 North Second st. WANTED FIRST-CLASS GROCERYMAN, city; cierx in general merchandise. Eastern Oregon. Clerks Registration Bureau. 265 Morrison st. SAILORS WANTED FOR ENGLISH SHIP bound to South Africa. Apply at Sailors Home. cor. 2d and Gllsan sts.; wages $25 per mo. WANTED TWO MEN WHO HAVE GEN- eral experience In working in smelter; must be men not afraid of hard work. H 34. Ore gonlan. Wanted Men to learn barber trade; steady practice; expert instructions, tvrue xor terms, GUlman's College, 627 Clay at., S. F. California wine depot; headquarters bakers. cooks, waiters, bartenders. All wince 3c per glass. P. Loral!. 148 4th. Clay 1503. WANTED ENERGETIC YOUNG MAN OF good address as traveling salesman. Call 10 to 12 A. M.. room 14, 3SI Yamhill st. RELIABLE. ENERGETIC YOUNG MAN about IS years age apply at once, superin tendent's office. Olds. Wortraan & King. WANTED FIRST-CLASS MEN IN PORT- land and throughout state to solicit bust nt. Call or write. 607 McKay bldg. WANTED AT ONCE SECOND-HAND MOV- Ing picture machines, films, song slides. Room 11. 351H Morrison. A BRIGHT EASTERN BOY IN RETAIL store; age 16. 18. Address, with references, B 34. care Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN. NEAT APPEARANCE. knowing city, delivery and general work, at once. 40S Washington. WANTED MAN TO HELP BUILD LOG cabin Is timber. Call at once at 66 Labbe bldg.. cor. 2d--Vash. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO LEARN BAR ber trade: fine chance; some money required. 500 Washington st. . WANTED A WOOD TURNER. APPLY Dcerobecher Manufacturing Co., East 2Sth and O. R. Sc. N. WANTED 10 TEAMS AT TENTH AND Taylor street, at 56.50 per day, to haul dirt. E. M. Skinner. WANTED TENOR AND BASS SINGERS for minstrels. Apply Hanrey & Boyd, Ba ker Theater. WANTED EXPERIENCED MAN TO MAN age furniture factory. Address lock box 17. Newberg, Or. WANTED CABINET-MAKER FAMILIAR with furniture. Call Portland Sprlngbed & Fura. Co. WANTED A GOOD CANVASSER: SALARY to right party. The Western Lady. 147 Front st. EXPERIENCED COLLECTOR AND so licitor for law firm. Address W 34, Ore gonlan. WANTED FIRST-CLASS BOOKKEEPER and stenographer. Address F 23. care Ore gonlan. MEN'S OLD CLOTHING. SHOES WANTED; highest price paid. 50 Sd. Phone Pacific WANTED OLD CLOTHES. SHOES. HIGH est price paid. 160 Front. Phone Pacific 02. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED 150 GIRLS TO MAKE OVER alls and shirts; Instructions given to In experienced. Apply Neustadter Bros.. Standard Factory No. 2. comer East Tay lor and Grand ave. DOMESTICS. COOKS. WAITRESSES. CHAM bermalds. etc: city. Coast. Fair and coun try; plenty of work. Canadian Parlors. 2264 Morrison. Main 1323. HOTEL WAITRESSES AND COOK (MAN), fare advanced. Hoqulam; chambermaid and dishwashers, coast. .Drake's. 2054 Wash ington. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work: must be good cook; two in family; wages 530.00. Apply 816 Lovejoy. forenoon. WANTED FIRST-CLASS LADY REPRB itntativs In Portland and throughout stats; good pay. Call or writs 607 McKay bldg. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS. COOKS. WAlt ers. chambermaids, general workers. St. Louis Agency. 230 YamhllL Main 5413. EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES (YOUNG ladles) in our lunch room. Call after 10:30 A. M. Swetland & Son. 273 Morrison. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY, 343 tt Washington st.. cor. 7th. upstairs. Phone Main 2692. WANTED TWO GOOD ACTS FOR THE Fair. Call immediately at Newman's Vaude ville Circuit. 851tt Morrison. GIRL WANTED TO DO COOKING AND housework. Apply to Mrs. L Frohman, Parlor C. Portland HoteL. GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSE work: good cook; good wages. 67 N. 14th. bet. Davis and Everett. WANTED NEAT. INDUSTRIOUS GIRLS IN left cream parlor. Clerks' Registration Bu reauj 265 Morrison st. GIRL FOR GENERAL nUSEWORK. FAM ily of three; wages 515. Inquire mornings. . 447 West Park st. WANTED PARTNER. BY MRS. DAVIS, for day nursery; small capital required. Phone Main 4044. WANTED A GOOD SALESLADY AT SOU venlr stand who understands leather burning. 324 Washington st. GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK. FAMILY OF three living In flat. 4616 6th st.. comer of Jackson. WANTED A GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Apply 605 East Main St., cor. 10th st. WANTED WOMAN OR GIRL FOCI GEN eral housework. 344 Oregon st- Phone East 2207. EXPERIENCED OIRL FOR CHAMBER AND dining-room work. Brown Hotel. 271& Grand ave. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; small family; good wages. 570 Hoyt st. WANTED GIRLS TO WORK IN BOOK bindery. Howe. Davis & Kilham, 111 2d st. TWO COMPETENT GIRLS.1 ONE FOR UP stairs, one for pantry. 53 N. 18th. Davis. WANTED COMPETENT NURSE FOR FOUR children; ages 3 to 11. 404 Madison st. WANT GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK: two In family. 1196 East Taylor st. WANTED GIRLS. EXPERIENCED SHIRT makcrs and finishers, at 75 1st. A GOOD GIRL WANTED AT LANGE Ho tel. 6th and Washington. WANTED GOOD COOK, st,, comer Everett st. APPLY S3 W. 23D WANTED GOOD COOK. PRIVATE FAMILY. 54 North IStb st. EXPERIENCED CHAMBERMAID WANTED at 147 13th st. HELP WANTED FEMALE. 2 CHAMBERMAIDS. 535; CHAMBERMAIDS Deacn. -u; waitresses Exposition, city,, country; top wages; housegirls and corks; others. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. 343 tt Washington st,. cor. 7th. upstairs. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED YOUNG PEOPLE TO FIT themselves for stenographers and bock keepers; placed 207 In positions past ycar can place you when competent. Behnke Walker Business College, day and night. Catalogue Call. WANTED 100 HQPPICKERS; BEST YARD easy to earn money. Apply to Andrew Kxtj, & Co.. 27S Morrison st. SITUATION WANTED MA I.E. Bookkeepers and Clerks. WANTED POSITION IN OFFICE: CAN give satisfactory references from house was with eight years. Address G. F. Powell. Ea gene. Or. Miscellaneous. WANTED WORK BY GERMAN OF FIRST, class experience in carpenter and cement work: also signs and fresco painting, scalp tor work In wood and plaster; situation pre ferred for factory, company or firat-c!aaa contractor. E 31. Oregonlan. JAPANESE LABOR ASSOCIATION CAN furnish domestic servants, farmers also, all kinds of help. Clay 513. 26S Everett sr. SITUATION WANTED BY STRICTLY SOB er man. of good habits and appearance city or country. L 34. Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED BY ARCHITECT, ral draughtsman, good sculptor, for any de-. oration. F 31. Oregonlan. STEADY POSITION BY speller, professional, parka street). F 34. Oregonlan. BIG-LUNGEO or fairs CARPENTER; GOOD. ALL AROUND WORK rnan. wants Job or day work. Phone Car penter. Scott 5303. JAPANESE BOY WISHES TO WORK AT housework in family or lodging-house. V 34. Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN WOULD LIKE WORK TRIV ing grocery wagon or bus for hotel. T 32. Oregonlan. JAPANESE BOY WANTS HOTEL CHAM ber work or any kind help. P 40. Oregoniarj JAPANESE WANTS ALL KINDS HOT. SS work In a small family. C 34. Oregontar JAPANESE. FIRST.CLASS COOK. WANTS situation to do cooking. 45 N. 1st st. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Domestics. WANTED POSITION FOR GENERAL housework with German-speaking famUj Phone Black 012. GENERAL HOUSEWORK cooking. 864 E. Davis st. AND PLAIN Housekeepers. SITUATION WANTED CAPABLE WOMAN housekeeper, widower's family; experiencfl woman, chamberwork. 230tt Yamhill, Phcn Main 6413. RESPECTABLE REFINED WOMAN A3 housekeeper for one or two: wages 513 per month. M 34. Oregonlan. Ulscelianeocs. FURNISHED CHAMBERMAIDS. WAIT resses. cooks, doir-jr-lcs. Exposition help anybody, city, country; (Japs. Chinese Drake. 205tt Washington. BY A YOUNG WOMAN AS MAID OR NURSE to party going East or South. Tel. Main 2814. Address Miss K. Macdonald. Pertlanl postofflce. COLORED LADY WISHES SITUATION chambermaid, second girl or cook, la small family. 631 Hood st. COMPETENT WOMAN WANTS STEADY day work for Mondays; whole days omy. Phone Main 2435. GIRL WANTS WORK BY DAY OR HOI R In restaurant, lunchroom or bakery. Phone Clay 710. WANTED AGENTS. "GENERAL AGENT TO HANDLE PEER lesi enveloDe. stamD and label molstener In Oregon. Quick seller; used In every of flee, mailing-room, etc.; ean make g-o& money; retails for 51- Send for samp; and terms. Good show for a live- man, W. B. Curtis St Co.. 617 Mission St.. San Francisco. Cal. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL OUR SUPZ rior. high-grada nursery stock; new and com plete outfit furnished free; ch weky. write today for choice ot territory. Adlreas Capital City Nursey Company. Salem. Or AGENTS WANTED--TO SELL OUR HIOH grada nursery stock. Choice territory is Or egon. Washington and Idaho. Cash ad vanced weekly; outfit free. Write at one for terms. Chlco Nursery Co.. Chlco. Cal, LADY OR GENTLEMAN TO SELL NEW AR tlcles; quickest eeller ever put en the mar ket; 55 to 510 a day to hustlers. Inquire at 2Stt North 16th St.. comer of Washington, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN TO INTRO duce and sell self-Ughtlng gas lamps; dees away with matches and gas lighters; se.Is on sight. 603 Washington, cor. 10th. Wanted Photograph coupon salesmen; big pay. Exposition offer. Kemoranai siuaio, uj ADVERTISING SOLICITORS. $3 TO 510 daily. See Allen mornings. 107 Sherlock bldg. LADY AGENT SOMETHINO NEW. OOOQ seller, big wages. 215 Commercial o!. W ANTED TO RENT. OWNERS AND AGENTS WILL FIND IT TO tleir advantage to list their vacant houses or flats with our free rental department. Our vacant house directory has become a recognised institution in Portland, hon dreds of tenants being weekly placed tn suitable quarters. We make no chargs whatever, and landlords should take ad vantage, of this service by calling at our rental department, filling In our Informa tion blank: leave the rest to us; wo wi i secure a dsslrable tenant; we want houses In all parts of city and suburbs. It you have a vacant house, flat or apartment, phone the particulars. We won't allow It to remain long idle. H. E EDWARDS. HOCSEFURNISHER. Rental Department. 1S3 to 191 1st r WANTED BY A YOUNG LADY. TO BUY the return portion of railroad ticket to Omaha. Neb. Write full description of ticket and give owner's telephone number. R 31. Oregonlan. MARRIED COUPLE WANTS 2 FURNISHED rooms, permanently. In private family, must be reasonable; references exchanged. Phons Main 3142. WANTED THREE OR FOUR HOUSEKE3P lng rooms, must be centrally located. Ad dress, stating price, G 27. care Oregonlan. WANTED RESIDENCE LOT IN Ex change for 5 acres land and some cash. Phone Ecst 1546. HOU3E 25 TO 30 ROOMS. WILL PAY GOOD rent for suitable place. J. V. Crelghton Co.. 165tt 3d st. YOUNG MAN WISHES BOARD WITH PRI vate family, convenient to city. Q 31. Ore gonlan. GENTLEMAN WANTS FURNISHED ROOM fairly close In; state rent, T 34. Oregonlan, THREE OR FOUR HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS by adults. J. V. Crelghton Co.. 165 3d st. FURNISHED HOUSES WANTED FOR Vis itors. J. V. Crelghton & Co.. 165H 3d st, WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. THE PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS BUYS all kinds ot furniture, new or old. at 211 1st st. Phone Main 5655. WANTED SECOND-HAND 8 OR 10-H.-P. gasoline engine; must stand Inspection and b reasonable in price. Address G 34. Oregoal-8. WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING and shoes; highest price paid. Call at tho 'Fair Deal.' 62 N. 3d. Phono Hood 517. . -. ,UU AVANTED ON RIVER BANKS at once. Write particulars and price; must be low. Kenyon. 38S 1st st,. Portland. 20 TEAMS WANTED FOR WORK IN C1TT ; wages 55 00 per day. Apply 81 East 11th St.. or phone Union 78. WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT- tle of all kinds. Phone East FOR RENT. Rooms. ONE PLEASANT ROOM. IN PRIVATE FAM lly; convenient to car line. 342 Morris sc. bet. .Union and Rodney aves. Phona East 2474. 1