VOL. XLV.--XO. 13,933. PORTLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 4, 1905. PRICE FIVE CENTS JURY LOCKED IP FOR TWO NIGHTS No Verdict Yet Reached in Williamson Case. ITS DISCHARGE IS LIKELY Rumors as to Vote Among the Members. If Xo Agreement Is Pound This. 'Morning1, Jurors May Bo Al lowed to Go and Third Trial Ordered. After S3 hours of argument and ineffect ual endeavor to agree upon a verdict, the twelve weary men on the WIlllamson-Ges-ner-Blggs jury went to "what rest could be gained In the crowded and stuffy jury room 'last night at 11 o'clock. Seven of the men, so It Is rumored, hold that the defendants have not been proved to have committed- the- crime charged In the In dictment and wish to return a verdict in accordance with their belief. Five men hold the opposite, that crime has been proved by the evidence of the Govern ment, and wish to return a verdict of guilty. One other story has it that the Jury Is evenly divided, six men wishing to convict and six to acquit. Whether or not either of these stories is true, the fact remains that there Is a serious disagree men, and as time has passed, the convic tion has grown around the Federal build ing that there will be no verdict returned. Jury Asks Instructions. Yesterday morning, when court was con vened at 10 o'clock and the jury was brought In upon Its own request. Judge De' Haven asked the 12 men If they had agreed upon a verdict. The jurors, had already been in discussion since tho after noon previous at 2:S0 o.clock, and 'all of them showed the strain of the work aiad the; sleepless night. L..A. Rose, the foreman of the Jury, arose, in answer to the question of the orxirt. and stated that the jury had ccme in for additional instruction as to what constituted the crime of subornation of perjury. . . In -answer to the request. Judge Do Haven read from, "his charge of the day before, in. which, he defined tho crime at length. He then read another statement bearing upon the intent of the parties making the false oaths, and closed his reading by the remark: "Gentlemen, this is, I think, as clear as I can make it to you. You may now retire." Retires for the Night. From that time on nothing "was heard fromT the jury-room until along in the afternoon, when word was sent by the bailiff that the Jury desired its dinner sent In at 7 o'clock. After the meal the jury went again to its work, and not having reached a decision at 11 o'clock, went to bed. Judge De Haven remained at Tils chambers until after 8 o'clock before retiring to his home, and then left word that he "would return for nothing less than a verdict, and then not unless the decision was reached prior to 11. If no verdict is reached, and it ap pears practically certain now that none is possible, tho third hearing of the Williamson case will be placed first on the docket for trial on August 2S, when Judge W. H. Hunt takes up the wrk of Judge De Haven for the re mainder of the land-fraud trials. Will Keep Trying. "I will try the case as many times as there is a disagreement," -was the grim comment made by Mr. Heney yes terday when asked ooncernlng his fu ture course, providing the jury failed to reach a. decision. Although intending to do so until late in the evening, Mr. Heney did not go to San Francisco last night, prefer ring to remain in Portland another day, to be present at the discharge of the jury. Today also will be set the various trials to be taken up when court convenes again after its recess. This was to have been done yesterday afternoon, but upon the request of Mr. Heney the work -was postponed until this morning at 10 o'clock, -when the District Attorney will present the cases in the order in which they are to be tried, or at least the order In which he would like to have them .come. One reason for putting off his trip to San Francisco was the desire of Mr. Heney to see the outcome of the Williamson case in order that he might set tho third hearing down for August 28, pro vided the Jury disagreed and made it necessary. Though no statement has been made, it ,1s the opinion that the 3ury will "be discharged this morning, if at the time court is called no verdict has been reached. Judge De Haven announced yesterday afternoon that the demurrers In the cases of the United States against W. H. Davis, of Corvallls, and B. F. Alley would be .overruled. These are timber-fraud conspiracy cases, which will be set for trial at the session of today. JUDGE HUNT lYUili COME. Has Received No Official Notifica tion, but Expects One. HELENA. Mont, Aug. 3. (Special.) The .Associated Press dispatch from Port land stating that Judge William H. Hunt, of the United States Court, would reach Portland August 28, lor the purpose of taking up the land-fraud trials where they will be relinquished by Judge De Haven, who is to leave for San Francisco Sat urday, was shown Judge Hunt today. He said that It was probable that he would go to Portland, and at the same time stated that he had as yet received no official designation for that duty. In the event that Judge Hunt goes to the Coast, It is expected Judge Edward Whitson, of the Eastern District of Wash ington, will come to Helena to preside over Judge Hunt's court. The work at Portland will occupy at least a month. Judge Hunt is a son of the Secretary of the Navy under Arthur, and after serving on the Montana Supreme bench was made Governor of Porto Hico. Later he was appointed to his present position by President Roosevelt BEAN IS WELL THOUGHT OF Moody Still Considering Candidates for Oregon Judgeship. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU, Wash ington. Aug. 2. No conclusion was reached today In regard to the selection of a Fed eral JuBgo for the District of Oregon. The matter Is under investigation and the Attorney-General In looking carefully over the papers Indorsing various candi dates, comparing Ihem with the report of Assistant Attorney-General Robb. It may be some little time before this ap pointment Is announced, for there are very strong Indorsements on file for a number of apparently good men and It will be difficult to select the best suited for the position. It is understood that the names of R. S. Bean, Indorsed by the Portland bar. Is being seriously considered, as his in dorsement particularly appeals to the De partment of Justice. There are others, however, who ?eem to recelvens much consideration, and it is absolutely Im possible at this time to ascertain who is the favored condldate. if. indeed, any one man is now so regarded. The Attorney-General says no selection has yet been made and repeats that he Is not able at this time to say who will be appointed. TAGGED F0R PORTLAND Ten-Year-Old Arkansas Girl Trav eling Alone. KANSAS CIT1-, Aug. 3. (Special.) Ma tron Shull, of the Union Depot had in charge yesterday a pretty 10-year-old girl, traveling from Mena, Ark., to Portland. She arrived at noon and left on the Santa Fe Jast night Around tho girl's neck was a card reading: "Lucille Wooddy, an orphan, going to her aunt Mrs. C. H. McCulloch, S54 Wil liams avenue, Portland. Or., her future home." Conger Coming to Give Advice. Ambassador Conner and family left to night for the United States, the Ambas sador having two month's' leave of ab sence. Ho will go directly to Washington, and it Is surmised he will be consulted on the Chinese question, especially on the boycott , CONTENTS TODAY'S PAPER The Weather. YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature. 72 minimum, 55. Precipitation, nene. TODAY'S Showera. Southwesterly winds. The War In the Far Bant WItte assert' he has lull power to' "make treaty. Pace 1. President will receive WItte today, all peace envoys Sunday. Pago 4. Japan preparing to tighten grip on Man churia by extending railroad. Page 1. All Russians in Sakhalin surrender. Page t Largo Russian reinforcements In field. Paso 4. Turcica. Russian council debates on representation of peasants. Face 0. Kaiser and King Edward may meet to rec oncile Germany and Britain. Page S. National. Moody admits Bean stands well for Federal Judge. Tage 1. Headquarters for Panama Canal at Ancon. Pace 4. Small prospect of new Chinese exclusion trcs.tr. Page 4. Domestic Passencers to Lewis and Clark Pair stranded by railroad strike. Page 4. Operators In Montana .driven from work by mobs. Page 3. Legislative committee will whitewash Equit able, but Jerome will punish grafters. Page t Louisiana sends her "navy against Mississippi and captures a prize. Page 1. Chicago police chase gamblers on water. Pag 4. Negro desperado run down In Kansas. Page 3. Sport Pacific Coast League scores: Oakland 2. Portland 4; Seattle 7, Los Anceles 2; San Francisco 4. Tacoma 0. Page C Sweet Marie wins match race with Tiverton. Page 5. Tacoma High School boy breaks world'a rec ord in walk. Page 0. Kentucky-bred horses are beaten at Irving ton. Page C Pacific Coast Oakland boy confesses to "part la murder of T. W. Cook at Oakland. Page 5. Mrs. Jones makes murderous assault at Welser on woman she believed had stolen her husband. Pace 7. Timber fires are doing an Immense amount of damage In Alaska. Page 7. Mrs. "Jack Chesterfield" made an arsenal of the bosom of her dress. Page 7. Mazamas box on Mount Hood Is perforated. by lightning. Page 7. Commercial and Marine. Sugar market In firm position. Page 13 Oregon wool selling In the East. Page. 15. New York stock trading in professional hands. Page 15. Russian shortage strengthens Liverpool wheat market, but not Chicago. Page IS. Steamer chartered at San Francisco, to carry grain to Japan. Page 14. Steamer Telegraph arrives safely "from Se attle. Page 14. Lewis and Clark Erpo<loB. Admissions. 22,127. Page 10. Worklngmen have big day at Fair. Page 10. Pupils of Lookout School earn enough money to bring class to Exposition. Page 10. Portland and Vicinity. Williamson Jury reaches no agreement and is locked up for the second night Page 1. "What the road to Coos Bay will accomplish. Page 14. Grammans prominently mentioned for va cant Federal Judgeship. Page 16. Mormon choir Is coming to Portland. Page 10. Wards of Juvenile Court want to go to work. Page 1L George F. Baer, railway wand coal magnate, makes first public denial of "divine right" lie of yellow Journal. Page 11. Charges against policemen heard by Com mission. Page 9. v Woodmen parade the streets. Pace 1(C MTTE'S DECISION WILL BIND RUSSIA Emphatic Statement Ends Doubt Whether He Has Full Powers. JAPANESE HOPE FOR PEACE Sato Confident Terms Will Be Ac ceptable Russian Envoys-Sleet Roosevelt Today Ova tions to Wlttc. TOKIO, Aug. 4. The bulk of the Russian garrison of Sakhalin surren dered to the Japanese July 31. NEW YORK. Aug. 3. (Special.) Be cause of the goneral belief that M. WItte. the chief of the Russian peace envoys. Is not clothed with absolute powers to sign a peaco treaty, M. Karostovetx, his chief aid, tonight Issued a formal statement declaring that whatever decision Is ar rived at by Mr. Witie will be binding and considered so by the Czar. By virtue of arrangements already made, the Russian envoys will be put In cIos cable connec tion with the palace at Peterhof, and they will thus be enabled to communicate at any time with the Czar. This announcement Reared the air a trifle, and. when It was reported to M. Sato, spokesman for the Japanese delega tion, he said It made the outlook for peace much more hopeful. He declared that the Japanese had the utmost confidence in M. Vitte and hlsYJudgment. and express the belief that when the Japanese term .are comxiunicated to the Russian envoys, they 'will not consider them exorbitant. Russians Will Go to Church. This city will tomorrow morning witness a most unique spectacle, when the entire Russian delegation, arrayed in their robes of state, will leave the Hotel St Regis and proceed to the Russian Cathedral, at Ninety-seventh street and Madison ave nue, where It will go through the Russian religious service of singing and praise. This Is in accordance with the ancient Muscovite rite to bgln any momentous work. -Willi prayer. Cny the (immediate? party will be permitted W enter the house of worship, and the structure will be en tirely surrounded by police to insure pri vacy to the envoy. Immediately afterwards the party will start for Oyster Bay. where Baron Rosen, the Russian Ambassador to the United States, will present his chief to President Roosevelt This meeting Is to be unoffi cial In character, similar to that of last week, when the Japaneso envoys met the President and will precede the first formal meeting of the Japanese and Rus sian peace envoys, which is to take place at Oyster Bay on Saturday. East Side Acclaims Wlttc. M. WItte and Baron Rosen ppent today in a sight-seeing automobile touring the city. The Russians were given an enthu siastic welcome, especially through the streets of the lowor East Side, where thousands of Americanized Russians clam ored around the automobile and frantic ally tried to shake the band of the great Russian reformer. M. WItte responded to the ovation by continually bowing and doffing his wlde-brlmmed Panama hat He was highly delighted at. his reception, and took occasion again to compliment the Americans as a "warm-hearted and wonderful people." WILIi ASK FOR TERMS FIRST Wittc Will Act to Learn Basis for Peace Conference. L NEW YORK. Aug. 3. The Times to morrow will say: When the Russian and Japanese envoys begin their conference at Portsmouth next week on a day yet to bo fixed, the first action of Mr. WItte, after the prelimi naries are over, will be to ask for an out line of the Japanese terms as a basis of discussion. Upon the reply to this re quest will depend the continuance of the negotiations. This is the explanation of the apparent ly radical utterances of the Russian peaco commissioner since his appointment, and it Is also the explanation of his repudia tion, of the. way In which these utter ances have been intorproted and extended. KEEP GRIP OX 3IAXOIITJRIA Japan Will Extend the Railroad to Strengthen Her Hold. NEW YORK, Aug. 2. Tho Times tomor row will say: Japan has apparently a fixed and firm determination not to relinquish her hold upon Manchuria, no matter what contin gencies may arise as a result of the pend ing negotiations. At least this Is the con struction put on the hasty and secret preparations now going forward for the building of extensions of the railroad, which' now runs from Fusan, on the southeast coast of Corea. to Seoul, and which it is planned to take across the Yalu for ISO miles into Manchuria. Join ing the Chinese Eastern Railway prob ably at Liao Yang. Rush orders have been placed In the last few days with American firms and corporations for the material of the road. This material Includes 350 steel bridges, with 150 locomotives and 2OD0 cars. The striking feature of the enterprise Is the secrecy that has been observed In placing the orders, and for the dellvcry of the bridges and rolling; stock at the point, nearest to that where they, will be used. Delivery Is to 'be made overland. and, although the saving In time can hardly exceed three weeks, a threefold outlay In the way of freight bills seems not to havo deterred the Japanese gov ernment from adopting that method of transportation. The United States Steel Corporation, ac cording to the Times, has been given the contract for the 350 bridges, mostly small structures, the cost totaling ?500,O0O, while the Baldwin Locomotive Works has the contract for the ISO locomotives of tho small narrow-gauge type. The locomo tives will cost $2,225,000. The cars ordered are to be of steel, there being two con tracts, each for ICO) cars, tho total cost being 52.0CO.000. About half of the material contracted for will be shipped over the Great Northern Railroad to Seattle, and the rest will be taken over the Northern Pacific to Tacoma. From theso ports the ma terial will be transported to Yokohama. DON'T WANT TO BE ANNEXED Corean Delegates Will Ask Roose velt to Intercede for Them. OYSTER BAY. Aug. 3. (Special.) Two Coreans are waiting at Oyster Bay's only hotel this evening In the hope that Presi dent Roosevelt will receive them tomor row morning and accept from their hands a memorial from the people of their em pire. Rev. P. K. Yoon and Syngman Rhee, the envoys In question, assert that they do not represent the Emperor, as he is under Russian influence. They are spokesmen for a powerful society, Ilchln Hoi. which translated means "The Dally Progress." and hope that the President will use his good offices to prevent their little country from being partltloped off or gobbled up entirely by the warring powers in the East "We wish it distinctly understood that we are not representatives of the Em peror." said Dr. Yoon, the spokeman. "for our Emperor docs not now represent the best Interests of the people of Corca. There has been a wonderful awakening In Corca within the last few years, but it ha? all taken place among the lower clafres. The official? are tainted with the Influence of Russia. The people of Corea want tho friendship of the Ameri can people and the American Govern ment The American Government was the first power to make a treaty with tho Corean government, and that treaty made In 1SS0 still stands. The Corean people feel that unless this Government continues to be friendly, the Russians and Japanese wlllt grind them to pieces like grain between the millstones." Tn further conversation. Dr. Yoon de clared that the protectorate exorcised over Corea by Japan was obtained" by trickery through Incorrect translation of the language of the original treaty. Still, as between the Japanese and the Rus sians, they would have little hesitancy In choosing the former for masters, "The Rusrfap- "l.ve eter been the ene mies of our pconJAj' he said. "They tand for .ever g that Jshateful-and. deceitful, and we rejoice that the Jap anese are winning In this war." SCOUT SHIP BADLY DAMAGED Nippon, Well Known on Coast, Rid dled in Japan Sea Battle. SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 3. Advices have been received here by the Mall steamer Liberia. Just arrived from the Orient, that tho former Togo Klsen Knlsha's liner Nippon was so badly damaged by the shells of the Russian warships during the battle of the Sea of Japan that It was found necessary to run the vessel ashore to save her from being a total loss. She was one of Admiral Togo's scouling ves sels, and -was tho first to discover Admiral Rojestvenskys fleet on the morning of the great naval battle. It was while bearing tho news to the Japanese fleet that the well-known steamer met disas ter. Ever sTce the beginning of tho war In the Far aist, the Nippon- and her sister ships, America and Hong Kong, formorly engaged In the trade between this city nnd the Orient, have been doing .duty for Japan as converted cruisers and scout bhlps. From all accounts, tho Nippon can be raised, when she will again resume service on her old run. STHili HAVE NOT HAD ENOUGH Russian Papers Denounce Peace Ne gotiations and Breathe Threats. ST. PETERSBURG. Aug. 3.--(6:45 P. M.) The press generally continues to avoid trenching of the ground to be covered in the peace negotiations, though the Svlet which, neither hopes nor wishes for peace, predicts that the pourparlers will result In nothing but Idle talk. The Moscow Gazette, an apostle of un compromising reaction, declares that the dispatch of M. WItte to the United States is a disgrace and holds that tho only concession Russia can make is to demand no indemnity from Japan and "no peace until defeat and retribution havo overtaken the enemy." The Boulevard sheet, the Gazette, pre dicts a general European alliance, headed by Russia, Germany and France, to pre serve the peace of the world, to restrain Japanese preponderance in the East and to prevent Great Britain from meddling in continental affairs. TORPEDO-BOATS 3IAKE RAID Russian Vessels Attack Steamer, Then Flee to "Vladivostok. TOKIO. Aug. 3. It is officially reported that two- Russian torpedoboat-destroycrs appeared off Chugchlng. on the northern coast of Corea, at 4:4S o'clock this morn ing, and attacked the Keisho. a small merchant steamer. The destroyers fired 60 shots, seven of which hit tho port side of the engine-room and bridge, killing the captain and one boy and wounding two of the crew. The destroyers then ceased fir ing and steamed toward Vladivostok at S o'clock. Tho Kebho was able to proceed and escaped. Position of Rnsslan Forces. TOKIO. Aug. 3. An unofficial report has been received to tho effect that General Lfnlevitch's first army Is disposed near Chungmumcn: that the second army holds the Fcngwha-Pamlenchlen line, and that the third army occupies positions In the vicinity of Taoma. Bodies of cavalry pro tect the extremities of either wing. It Is reported that the Russians are gradually strengthening the forces south of the Tumeti .River, in Northern Corea. The total nurnbir of men Is estimated at 2,000. The fcrues north of Tumen along the lines of ccr-nmunlcatlon are smalL si SENT TO FRONT Blanchard Will Guard Sacred Soil of State From Mis sissippi Invaders. - FIVE ARMED VESSELS OUT Vessels -and Men From Mississippi Will Be Arrested Increase of Fever Cases Effect on Italian Immigration. NEW ORLEANS, Aug. 3. New cases up to 6 P. II.. 54; total cases to date. 432; deaths. 3; total deaths to date. St; new sub-fool. 11; total sub-foci. CS. At Ship Island quarantine Six known cases, four of which are con valescent. Ia Louisiana, outside .of New Or leans and not including Shreveport 31 scattered casi, mostly convalescent. At Shreveport. La., one convalescent. At Montgomery. Ala., one con valescent At Lumberton, Miss., one con valescent. At Suramerall, Mli., one case. NEW ORLEANS. Aug. 3. To prevent possible Interference by Mississippi quar antine guards with Louisiana citizens. Governor Blanchard today telegraphed Commander J. B. Bostlck to take his na val brigade to the state border imme diately. On receipt of tho order. Commander Bostlck dispatched two squadrons of men to the Oyster Commission schooner Ma jestic, lying In Bajou St John, which had already been placed In commission and prepared for the Journey. Fifty men were sent out The Majestic Is only one of five vessels whlch-sviu be used bv the naval brigade. Two other schooners and two launches will also be used. The men are going fully equipped and accoutred and pre pared for a stay of some length. The first destination of the brigade is the Rlgolots. from which place they will disembark to cover all 'necessary points on tbe coast. Revenue Cutter '3Inkes Trouble. Surgeon Wasdln. of the Marine Hospital Service, today wired Governor Blanchard that the cutter Winona has taken to Ship Island alt the boats which desired to entor Mississippi from New Orleans. Dr. Wasdln says the boats could havo re turned to New Orleans, If they desired, and that there Is no discrimination against Louisiana boats. Governor Blan chard wired Dr. Wasdln asking him by what authority boats navigating public waters are'taken to Ship Island, declaring that thoy have the right to navigate all navigable waterways of tho United States, providing they do not touch Mississippi shores during the quarantine. Invaders AVI II Be Arrested. In addition to putting the naval brigade on ships. Governor Blanchard today wired to the Sheriffs and District Attorneys of St Bernard and Orleans Parishes, with a view to Invoking the assistance of the civil authorities to clear Louisiana waters of any armed Invaders. To the Sheriffs he sent this telegram: Yeu will take steps Immediately to arrest all armed vessels and those aboard, found within that part of Lake Borgne situated in your parishes, so that the grand Jury may act. Consult the District Attorney and call upon Commander Bostlck of the naval mil itia for assistance to effect capture. Go with Bostlck expedition through the lake. LOUISIANA TAKES FIRST PRIZE Gov. Blanchard Captures Launch and Sends Her to Port. NEW ORLEANS. Aug. 3. As a result of the Investigation made by the Naval brigade. Governor Blanchard has Issued orders to Captain Bostwick to see that navigation In Louisiana waters Is not In terfered with. Wulverine III. a schooner under command of Lieutenant Armstrong, Is looking after Louisiana interests in the RIgolets. It la stated that a. big launch, the Grace, has been taken In charge by the Louisiana authorities and that the boat and crew will be sent at onco to New Orleans. No serious trouble is antici pated. MORE CASES, FEWER DEATHS Clean-Dp Has Good Effect Serious Effect on Immigration. NEW ORLEANS! Aug. 3. Although there was a large Increase of new cases and a considerable spread of infection, there was a diminution In the number of fatalities today and - the yellow fever scare was regarded as having a hopeful aspect. The authorities have not con cealed their expectation that for some time there will be a dally average of 30 to 5 cases and a proportionate number of deaths, owing to the extent of the main Infected territory, and anything less than these figures will be regarded as a dis tinct assurance that the situation Is still under control. Carrying on a scientific fight of this kind Is a slow and tedious work, but the confidence of the authorities and the enthusiasm of tbe bulk of the public show no impairment With a -view to inaugurating a more thorough cleaning movement and strengthen the arms of the health au thorities In fighting the mosquito, the Mayor called a conference at the City Hall today. Opinions were expressed by Health Officer Kohnke, by Beverly AVarner, in charge of the ward work, and by Chairman Janvier, of tho citizens com 1 m mittee, that, while yellow fever was now known not to be a filth disease and that the most perfect cleaning of a city would affect In no way the fight against the dis ease. It being the consensus of scientific opinion that yellow fever Is only trans mitted by the mosquito, a general sani tary movement will be certain to have a fine moral effect and will enlist the sympathy and active assistance of the public In putting Into effect the precau tions deemed necessary to destroy the breeding places of the mosquito. The re sult of the meeting was the appointment of committees that will take in hand and carry out most comprehensive plans of sanitary work. The inspectors who are at work search ing out cases of illness are having many strange experiences. There still exists a widespread antipathy among the Ig norant classes to making public cases of serious Illness and a great deal of the Inspectors' time Is taken up In run ning down suspicious case3 which are communicated by the citizens to the Board of Health. The announcement that a large amount of money has been deposited here to the order of the Marine Hospital Service sur geons hascreated a falsa impression among a large number of people now out of work, and who are seeking Jobs In connection witfi the movemont to stamp out the fever. The Marine Hospital offi cers have been besieged with applicants for various positions and there is ap parently a widespread belief that the Government is to turn loose a golden stream in the plan of fever eradication. It Is explained that no money Is to be spent by the Government In sanitary work here. The Government Ib not In control of the situation, nor does it ex pect to be. All the funds thaO it will put out will be In the establishment and maintenance of detention camps and In any disinfection of cars or steamboats that may be required. One of the good results that are ex pected to follow tho present misfortune of the city will be a vast extension of the powers now .. lodged In the Board of Health In the matter of enforcing sani tary and hygienic measures. No one seems to have had any Idea until the development of the past two wcoks of the deplorable conditions that have existed In the Italian quarter. Hundreds of people have been found crowded Into ramshackle tenements, some of them built perhaps a century ago, and surrounded with none of the essentials of the most primitive sanitation and hygiene. The district has been a rich field fo- tho planting of epi demic diseases, and there Is a strong de mand that laws shall be passed and en forced to revolutionize these conditions, hot only in the present Infected area, but In other parts of the city. Check to Italian Immigration. It Is not Improbable also that the movement to bring Italian Immigrants here on a large scale will suffer, partly by reason of the terror which the pres ent Infection has spread among the Ital ians, and partly by reason of the entirely unwarranted prejudice which seemff to have arisen against extensive Italian col onization. With the negro flocking to the city, Louisiana and Mississippi planters have had a difficult problem to solve In obtaining adequate labor to till their fields. Thousands of Italians havo In re cent years replaced negroes in the sugar fields of Louisiana, and, as the Italian Is usually an excellent laborer, there has for some time been a. strong movement to provide such facilities In the way of an immigrant station as would divert to this gateway a larger proportion of Italian Immigrants. New Focus of Fever De alops. Much surprise was expressed at the State Board of Health when a dispatch reached It today from Dr. Gremtllen, at Alexandria, announcing the appearance of a case of yellow fever there. Rapides parish had taken extraordinary measures to keep out the Infection and It was thought that none of the fugitive Italians would be ablo to pass the cordon of guards with which sho had surrounded herself. The Alexandria case was traced to New Orleans and that opens up the question of the efficiency of certain quar antines established in the country par ishes. The period of Incubation of yellow fever Is five days and this Italian, there fore, must have got In Rapides within that time, although the quarantine has been In effect for a much longer period. Thqre Is naturally much anxiety among tho health officials to know how many more Italians havo slipped out of New Orleans recently and managed to make their way Into uninfected localities. Dr. C M. Brady returned today from Lake Providence, on the Mississippi River In North Louisiana, bringing information that the Italians who Invaded that sec tion have been completed isolated and are under constant observation. The case of fever ihere Is carefully guarded and every precautlon has been taken to prevent further Infection. SUBJECT OF THE QUARREL Blanchard Says Rights Are Invaded, Vnrdaman Says Otherwise. CINCINNATI. Aug. 3. Tho following dispatch from Governor Blanchard, of Louisiana, has been received by the Times-Star: Baton Rouge. Aug. 3. Answering your in quiry, 'Mississippi's quarantine patrol-boats plying In Lake Borgne and the Sound, which connects tbe lake with the gulf, have taken the extraordinary step of prohibiting Louisiana fishermen from fishing in Lake Borgne and Louisiana boats from navigating channels of the lake and eound. The Mississippi patrol boat has taken action at the Lake Borgne end or the canal connecting tbe lake with the Mississippi River to prevent Louisiana, boats from entering Lake Borgne. Lake Borgne is an arm of the gulf. Its waters are salt. It Is surrounded entirely ex cept at the outlet to the sound by Louisiana territory. The lake and aound. like the Mississ ippi River, are navigable waterways. My po sition Is that, while the Governor of Mississ ippi by His quarantine may prevent Louisiana vessels from landing on Mississippi shores, he may not interfere with Louisiana vessels navigating Lake Borgne and the sound. Strange to say, the United States revenue cutter Winona has been doing patrol work In waters of the lake and sound In the Interest of Mississippi and the quarantine. I have protested, against this to the Secretary of the Treasury and the Collector of Customs at Biloxi. Miw., and Mobile, under whom Juris diction the Winona Is. The Governor of Mississippi has been wired to repeatedly about these occurrences, and. he gives the assurance of respecting the rights of his state in the matter of quarantining and patrolling the waters andchanr,els of the lake and sound. I (Concluded on Page 5.) 1ITEISH FOR IIS1SK ME Purpose of New York Legisla tive Inquiry Into Equit able Scandal. TO MAKE HYDE SCAPEGOAT Committee Will Protect Odell's Friends and Try to Rostore Con fldencc, but Jerome "Will Send Rascals to Jail. NEW YORK. Aug. 3. (Special. An other legislative committee, composed tt the main of countrymen, will spen t!"j balance of tho Summer and tbe Fa'l delving Into life-insurance matters, ets are bolng freely offered that. Mke mcsc committees of Its kind, there will be a groat flourish of trumpets aad an abso lute lack of rseults. Sonator W. W. Armstrong; of Roches heads this legislative body, which Is gHe power to expend $99,000 of the taxpa?-a money. It lias power to Investigate prac tically everything In the life-hwsuran o business, and Is planning a programme which will keep It in session almost u" i the new Legislature meets next Janua Friends of B. H. Harrlman boast that I s alone Is responsible for the inquiry. &" I point to tho admitted fact that Harr -man's close friend. State Chairman a- I ex-Governor B. B. Odoll. Jr.. practi- tl v forced Higgins to permit the law-mike-a to act. They were powerless to do a thing without his consent, for at a. spe cial session the Legislature can onH c slder such subjects as the Governor ommends to It. The Equitable sennd. of course, was tho reason asoigned. f r the investigation, but the committee can. If It sees fit. delve Into the affairs of every life-insurance company In tbe state Real Purpose of Committee. The general belief aero is that the law makers will hold many meetings, heir great deal of testimony that Is untnte' glble to thomsleves and the general -He, and then administer a generous ct of whitewash all around. They will f 1 that overy company Is beautifully c -ductcd except tho Equitable ami tbs.? -1. the trouble there has been due to on per son. James Hazen Hydo. new retire i. while hi successors have shewn remark able honesty and desire to Improve c I tions. In fact, nearly everyone Is eonvicrd that the legislative Investigation is mere ly a carefully planned effort to rest-e public confidence In life-insurance or. panles and their methods. And there no denying tho fact that something taa got to bo dono pretty soon, or a number of the corporations -will bo among tK,a breakers very shortly. During the past three months very few policies have bce:x written in Now York City, and even theso few are more than wiped out by the larga number of lapses, due to a belief tKac money invested In life insurance is moni thrown away. Wall street naturally regards the pres ent state, of affairs with great concern. Life-Insurance companies cave always been excellent absorbers of railroad and other bonds, and. with this market prac tically closed, as It Is at present, evea gilt-edged securities do not bring tJ-e prices that thoy should. Sa, reallrirs that the legislators will whitewash Instai of Investigating, the advent of the sTeuthd from Albany Is accompanied by enthu siasm. Hyde Tool or Bis: Financiers. Tho man selected as the scapogoat for all the trouble, James Hazen Hyde, la preparing to expatriate hlmsolf. as dlZ William Waldorf Astor. He is bound t be the target for large quantities of ve-bol ammunition, but the fact romalns that Hyde, although guilty, is not hI sa much to blame as are others, who. It la generally understood, will escape. Hyde's attacks upon the treasury of tfca Equitablo partake more of the nature c petty larceny, when compared with t operations of his associates. As a syndi cate he bought bonds which bo sokl t the socioty at a profit, but every time fca made a profit of a thousand dollars or so some "public-spirited capitalist" mode ten's and hundreds of thousands. Thes men were also men of experience ansl ability, while Hyde, If he had been bcra. In some other sphere, would never havo risen beyond the ribbon counter of a second-class department store. In all of hl3 transactions he was aided and abetted by men old enough to be hlsfather. but they seem to be lost sight of In the present trouble. Will Protect OdcIPs Friends. In fact. New Yorkers are convinced that more can be hop-ad from In the investi gation sot under way by District Attorney Jerome than by that of the Legfclature For the Albany probers cannot lose sight of the fact that Harriman Is a friend cf Odell. Bankor Schiff Is likewise. Chaun cey M. Depaw Is a Republican t'nitei States Senator, and Superintendent of In surance Francis Hendricks (who never re alized anything was wrong In the equita ble until Its officers got to fighting: among; themselves) Is tho leader of Syracuse and. one of tho strongest of county leaders All of these men must be protected but Jerome Is not handicapped that way. he does not need to protect anybody. Outside of the' fact that it would bo good politics, with election only a few months away. Jerome would persona y enjoy convicting a few of the fhln'-g lights In Wall street and political circles. And Jerome, It might be added, Is thor oughly convinced that Hyde Is not tfca guiltiest man In the Equitable. One of the '(Concluded oa Page 4.)