Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 03, 1905, Image 16

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Different Opinions Regarding
City's Population.
Assessor 'Sigler Declares That Any
....Omissions .Will Be Cheerfully
iJcctificd If Ho Is Xotl-
fled of Errors.
A close tab kept on the County As
sessor's office yesterday Indicated that
not a elngle person called there- to rec
tify any alleged omissions from the cen
sus taken by Mr. Sigler. and only two
throughout the day phoned In to And
out If their names had been Included In
his list, as they stated that no enumer
ator had called upon them. An Investi
gation demonstrated that the names were
properly recorded, and It Is thought by
the County Afsessor that an analysis
of "the situation will show that the per
centage of errors of this kind Is ex
ceedingly small.
He states, however, that he Is perfectly
willing to make any legitimate correc
tion. And says that "If every person xn
the city of Portland whose name does
not appear on the lists of my enumerators
will send that name to me, or to any
other designated place In the city, I will
gladly have that name added to my UsL
All I want Is to have the address of that
person, and aend one of my men to in
vestigate I have no interest in keep
ing the census of this city down below
Its actual numbers, and will do all In
my power to assist In determining the
truth or error of my Hgurea"
.Mrs. Clinton's Contention.
Referring to precinct 22, Mrs. H. M.
Glinton, local manager for'thaR. L. Polk
Directory Company, is convinced that
& glaring error has been committed. She
itated last night that, "I have In mind
a certain portion of the city, in which I'
will agree to make a new enumeration.
That section will be shown to have a
population greatly in excess of that in
dicated by the assessor. In that district
the census shows 446 names. My men
brought In more than 1000 names of heads
of families in only part of the district.
-I am willing to do this and contribute
the work and worry to which I would be
put for the sake of the city which has
ien my home for so many years. I
think I know that I can prove that the
census figures are so far from the truth
that it will be a source of wonder to
the people how so many names could
have been missed."
A gentleman who does not wish to dis
clope his Identity, but who is perfectly
familiar with the district referred to by
Mrs. Clinton, has deposited with The Ore
gqnlan a check for $250, which he says he
Is willing to deposit on a wager, up to
51000 that she is mlotaken in her conten
tions and cannot make good upon her
assumptions as above outlined. This
wager, he says, is open to anybody who
agrees with Mrs. Clinton upon the sub
ject, and Is sufficiently Imbued with the
correctness of her claims ag to back her
Judgment. The records show that the
most votes ever cast from this precinct
were 109, and the highest registration
Was 12?.
Dissatisfaction In Other Cities.
"The same dissatisfaction has arisen in
every large pity relative to the census,"
says Assessor Sigler, "and it Is doubtful
if there will ever be a time when there
is not more or less troublo on this score.
The Federal census of 1650 gave Omaha,
Neb., a population of 140,000. while that
of 1900 showed but 102,000 people there. San
Francisco and Los Aneeles. Cal. Sf. Paul
and Minneapolis. Minn.. Chicago and St.,
jjuuis are sninmg examples or this Idea,
to such an extent. In fact, that people of
rational minds have about ceased to take
the matter sarlously any more."
Upon the baste of 25,940 school children,
as revealed by the school census of last
February, at a ratio of 1 to 4.23. the pres
ent population of Portland Is 109.762, wlIR
out considering the extra territory an
nexed at the last election, and which was
not Included In the school census In ques
tion. Taking the 1804 known inhabitants
of the Mount Tabor district, and estimat
ing the St. Johns region at a few hundred,
the result would tally very closely with
the County Assessor's figures.
Mr. Sigler seems fairly disposed in the
matter, and Is anxious to get at the bot
tom facts regarding the bona fide -population
of this city. He thinks it Is the duty
of every good citizen to come forward and
notify him of any possiblo error in order
that he may be able to Investigate every
feature of the situation.
Victim's Cries for Help Bring Police
man and They Flee.
Two desperate 'thugs, evidently bent up
on robbery, attacked Frank Peterson,
aged 63 years, at First and Stark Streets
at -2 o'clock this mornlns and felled nim
to the sidewalk by two severe blows with
a blackjack. But for the fact that their
Intended victim called lustily for help and
Policeman Price responded quickly, the
footpads probably would have accomplish
ed, their object As soon as they saw the
officer coming, the pair took to their
heels and ran. Subsequent search failed
to 'locate them. Peterson- was badly
beaten, but was able, to proceed to his
home alone.
To Cascade Locks and Return on
; Splendid Steamer Bailey Gat
zert Daily 8:30 A. 3f.
-'Finest of all river trips on the finest
boat out of Portland. Daily round trip
to the celebrated r-ascade Locks, in the
heart of the Cascade Mountains. Remem
ber the"steamer "Bailey aatzcrt." from
Alder-street dock, 8:30 A. M. Round trip
U.50. Phope Main 914.
Every house Is to be equipped with
Gregory's Gas Pressure Controlling Burn
er. A saving of from 20 to 50 per cent
guaranteed. No mantles required. The
light produced is beautiful. Price. 10
cents each, 5L00 per dozen. To put them
on Is like starting a bank account. Jt
has been decided by M. J. "Walsh & Co..
the John Barrett Co.. H. TV. Manning. Gas
Supplies and Fixture Dealers, and the
Pprtland Gas Company, that the Gregory
Sovernor Burner Is the only proper burner
to use. If you want good light and rea
sonable gas bills. Just write, and they
will call and put them on. One hundred
gross sold for Portland consumers.
-Are you haying any difficulty with feed
ing your baby? 'If you are. call on Mr.
?r Mrs. Bobbins at the Mellln's Food Ex
aibit in the Agricultural Bldg., Lewis and
uiark Exposition, and either one of them
Kill be only too glad to give you all the
:ime-necessary to explain the use of Mel
on's Food they will give you a sample
!cr trial, if you wish.
The Meier (g Frank Store's 816th Friday Surprise Sale 1
2000 Women's Shirtwaist Suits
$4.50 to $6.50 Values, $ 1 .48 Ea.
Tomorrow takes place onr great animal manufacturers' sale of Women's
Shirtwaist Suits 2000 of them at a price where every woman con afford
to boy at least two Fonr great lots Special purchases from prominent
manufactarers A sale that again demonstrates the strength and leader-
ship of the Meier &. Frank Store Garment Department An immense assort
ment of styles .and materials Every suit 6f this season's style Linens,
crashes, ducks, chambrayg, and lawns in white, black, pink, grays, tans,
blues, checks, stripes and mixtures Prettily nrade up Fancy strapped,
tucked and surplice effects Skirts are pleated or plain flared The great
est, the handsomest lot of shirtwaist suits ever offered at this phenome-
nally low price All sizes and styles to please every fancy Shirtwaist
suits that we have sola tnousands of at prices ranging jf 1 A Q
from $4,50 to $6.50 each Your choice tomorrow only P t'O
See Fifth-street window displays today Now q word to the wise We ex-
pect an immense throng of buyers after these suits tomorrow There are
200O of them, enough for everybody Extra salespeople and wrappers will
be in attendance, but come early as possible if you want the best bargains.
Don't crowd. Keep cool store opens promptly at 8 o'clock No mail
or phone orders will be filled
The Meier 8b Frank Store
Great Three Days5 Sale of
Lace Curtains
Great three days' sole of manufacturers
odd lots of Domestic Lace Curtains
All grades, best patterns Values from.
$1.50 to $4.50 pair, at prices about
one-half their real value Don't miss
Ithese grand bargains
$1.65 $1.75 qualities of white Nottingham
Lace Curtains, oO inches wide by 3 yards
long; floral borders and allover designs;
not over 6 pairs of any one pat- qq
tern; wonderful vahie at, pair 'OC
i$2.00 $2.25 grades of white Nottingham
and Madras Weave Curtains, plain and de
tached figured centers, with fine lacy bor
ders; 45 and 50 inches wide by 3 yards
long; per pair $1.2S
$2.50 quality white Nottingham Lace Cur
tains; floral borders and allover figures;
50 to 54 inches wide by 3V CI A1
yards long; great values, pair.?
$3.00 and $3.25 white Madras "Weave Lace Curtains ;
Brussels patterns ; greatest values ever offered
$4.25 and $4.50 white Scotch and Cable Net Lace Curtains; plain
centers with cluny and Renaissance effect insert- A'v
ings and edges; greatest values; per pair pV0
Drug Sundry and Stationery
Specials Low Priced
"Wood back hand Scrub Brushes; pure bristles 19
Plain hand Scrub and Vegetable Brushes ...3
Barando Castile SJoafp, 2-lb. bars, 25c value XS
4-lb. bars "White Castile Soap, largest bar '. 33
Silk Toilet Sponges; extra fine quality; great value 12
4-row imported pure Bristle Tooth Brushes, each 12
Polished Japanese "Wood Toothpicks, 10c values, box .-. 5
N. N. Shampoo, for washing the scalp; 25c values, box 13
Violet de Parme Toilet "Water, with sprinkle cork; 29
Eastman's Triple Extract Perfumes, all popular odors;
1-oz. glass stoppered bottles; great value I
Hygienic Ice Covers; keeps ice one-third longer; 25c values..X5
Scissors and Shears; guaranteed steel; all sizes, pair X9r3
Carter's Photo Paste, 45. Thomas' Fountain Pen Ink, 7$. Staf
ford's Indelible Ink, 19. "Wire Photo Racks, 7. Eaton
Hurlburt's fine linen paper in all shades; regular 50c values on
sale for, per box 39d
The Meier & Frank Store's 8 1 6th Friday Surprise Sale
3000 Pairs of Women's "Onyx" Hosiery
Values up to $ LOO at 29c the Pair
Another sale extraordinary of Women's Hosiery is announced
for tomorrow's 816th Friday Surprise Sale 3000. pairs of the
well-known fOnyx" Hose Entire sample line of the manufac
turers, comprising every good style and quality in plain and
fancies Fine lisles in black, tan, champagne, brown, grays,
white, pink and blue Silk embroidered clocks, fine black lace
lisles Allover lace and lace-boot effects Fine drop-stitch hose,
plaids, striped, figured and dotted hose A wonderful array of
desirable styles All sizes You all know "Onyx" Hosiery
There's little need dwelling on their good qualities Values to
$1.00 a pair You can buy one or a hundred pairs to- Q
morrow at the exceptionally low price of pair . lit s C
See big Fifth-street window display No mail or phone orders
Plan to come early Sale will be on tables inmainFifth-streetisle
Ribbon Sale
New line of print warp and Di
den Ribbons; three and four in?
wide; also a fine line of taffeta
and satin taffeta Ribbons foil
and five in. wide; full assort
ment of colors: blue, pink,
white, cream, mais, navy brown
and black. Greatest of all rib
bon bargains.
18c the Yard
Grand clean up of Satin Mervei
ieux Ribbons; v fancy printed
warp taffetas; fine black and
white, ombre shaded ribbons,
purple, cardinal, navy, turquoise
French Faille Ribbons, etc., etc.
Values up to 65c yard ;
on sale at low price of. . 2 1 C
1000 Pairs of Women's Tan Oxfords
1000 Pairs of Women's Black Oxfords
Matchless Value at $1,92 the Pr.
2000 pairs of the newest and best three-dollar Oxfords
make up a remarkable bargain in the shoe section for
tomorrow's 8 1 6th Friday Surprise Sale All new, up-to-date
styles Johnson Bros.' splendid make Shoes,
the superior of most pf the advertised $3.50 lines on
the market All sizes and widths Read the details
Tan Russia Calf Blucher Oxfords, military heel; Tan Kid
Blucher Oxfords, extra low heel ; Chocolate Kid Blucher Ox
fords, military heel; Chocolate.Kid Blucher Ribbon Oxfords,
light sole; Black Vici Kid Blucner Oxfords, patent tips;
Black Vici Kid Oxfords, patent tip, light sole; Patent Colt
and Patent Kid Oxfords, medium sole ; choice of p l
t all the above lines tomorrow at, per pair P Jdf
Lewis and Clark Number of the "American Boy"'
Is ready for distribution to boys holding purchase, cards from our Boys' Clothing Department. "With
every purchase of Suit or Overcoat at regular price to the amount of $5.00 or over, we give one
3'ear's subscription to the "American Boy." The biggest, brightest and best boys' paper published.
The Lewis and Clark number is particularly interesting to Portland boys.-Second Floor.
Great Sale Men's Clothing
Men having garment needs to supply cannot afford to over
look the very unusual bargains we are offering in all styles
and grades of Men's Apparel Comparison will quickly
convince you of the superiority of our merchandise
Enitre stock of Men's Outing Suits, single and double-brcasied styles
in Homespuns, Tweeds, Cheviots and fancy Flannels; very best
patterns; splendid variety
$ 15.00 Outi'g Suits $ 12.35
$ 1 6.50 Outi'g Suite $ 1 3.45
$ 1 8.00 Outi'g Suits $14.15
$20.00 Outi'g Suits $15.40
$22.50 Outi'g Suits $ 1 6.85
$ 7,50 Outi'g Suits $.5.89
$ 8.50 Outi'g Suits $ 6.10
$ 1 0.00 Outi'g Suits $ 7.65
$12.50 Outi'g Suits $ 9.35
$ 1 3.50 Outi'g Suits $ 1 0. 1 5
Men's medium-weight Suits in fancy "Worsteds fancy Cheviots and
fancy Tweeds; all new up-to-datestyles from lead- 9 o C
ing manufacturers; regular $2Q-$22.50 Suits, today. H
Men's Linen Dusters, $1.00, $1.50 and $2.50 each.
Men's White Duck Trousers for $1.00 and $1.50 pair.
Men's Bath Robes, special vaues at $2.50 to $10.00.
New line of Men's "Wash Vests just received by express.
Men's Bathinfe Suits in great assortment.
August Blanket Sale in Progress
10-4 all-wool gray Oregon Blanket; full size and weight; the bet 53.D0
values, for this sale at the low price of V. jsjw
10- 4 all-wool gray Oregon Blankets, extra heavy, 54.25 value, for.... J7
11- 4 all-wool gray Oregon Blankets, $5 value, sale price 4.2
5-lb all-wool mottled Blankets, extra fine quality; best 54.50 blankets on
the market; sale price, pair.. -. 35
f Z1 all-wool mottled Blankets, extra heavy, 53.50 value 4.87
55.00 white wool Blankets. 1J-4 size, great value, pair -C27
6.00 walte wool Blankets, 11-4 size, reat value, pair sat
7.00 white wpol Blankets, 11-4. extra heavy, sale price g.M
All $1.25 Hammocks 97c Eu.
All $2.35 Hammocks $1.95
Best patterns and colorings.
Regular 52.00 Croquet Sets: on sale
today at
4-ball 30c Croquet Sot TTc
Camp chairs and stools at low price.
New line of Automobiles for boy's.
fCe to Third Floor.
Our Great "August Linen Sale" Fs Now in Progress
All our 51.25 grade of full bleached I
Satin Damask Table Linens, hand-1
some patterns, for this sale at..fl.OS
All our . $1.50 grades of Satin Damask
Linens go on sale at the low price of
yard ....l..2S
All finest Satin Damasks at August sale
Hemstitched Damask Table -ioths.
grand values. Z yards long. i.74j
3 yards long, eacn 72.14
Hemstitched Satin Damask -Table Sets.
all finest grades on sale at special
510.00 Sets 8 7.15
12.30 Sets : 9.20
15.00 Sets-....- 10.95
20. 522 Sets - 14.10
Hand-embroidered Taa-. Cloths, 36x36
inches .
53.00 grades $3.45
54.30 grades sso
, 6.00 grades 3J5
7.50 grades '. -. 8.43
Fringed white Marseilles Bedspreads.
Tegular 52.50 val. for this sale. 93.05
64-Inch half-bleached Table Damask,
all pure linen; very best patterns;
great special value at this low price.
yard i". v 45e
72-Inch half-blenched all linen Table
Damask, our best 90c grade, for thl
sale at the unusually low price of.
yard 87 c
Full-bleached Satin Damask Table
Linen, big assortment of patterns;
regular 51.00 quality, now on sale
at this price, yard 74c
Hemmed white Marseilles Bedspreads;
our best 54 styles, for the low price
Of f3S
53.30 colored Satin Marseilles Bed
spreads , 92.6S
$2.50 grades Satin Damask Napkins,
reduced to this price, dozen.. $3.18
53.50 grades Satin Damask Napkins,
on, sale at low price, dozen.. $2.GS
Bleached double ' Satin Damask
Table Napkins: regular 57.30
grade, for, dozen $5.25
Hemstitched Satin Damask Tray
cloths, sizes 17x23 Inches; great
value at 32c
Hemstitched Satin Damask Tray
. cloths, sizes 20x2S Inches; match
less value at 31c
Hemstitched Satin Damask Tray
clotns. sizes 22x32 Inches; great
value at this price . 83c
Hemstitched Damask Table Cloths,
two yards long: unequaled value
at. eacn $i.S4
50c White Corset Covers 29c Each
Great odd lot of "Women's Cambric Corset
Covers; lace and embroidery trimmed;
-s?r very Dest styles, in an sizes;
best 50c values on sale for, each.-'C
200 Women's "White Cambric Skirts, trim
med in embroideries Val and Torchon
? rfnravii m r..n ,:,i.i a i i i
lt H M u R Luuna; j.uil wiuuis auu. icuguisj icuuiai
iuwJvlih Bargains in Children's Hosiery
Misses' fine ribbed Hose; double knee Hermsdorf fast black dye;
. black or white Maco feet; all sizes; reguar 35c values i O-
for, per pair C
Misses' black Lace Hose; sizes 5 to 8; -regular 50c Cf
values on sale at 35c pair; 3 pairs for r vv
Boys' 1 and 1 rib Hose; medium weight, double kmtfe, 1 Q
spliced heel and' toe; 25c values on sale for, pair (J
' Infants' and Children's Sox at special low prices.
Brass Rods 7c Ea.
1000 good, strong brass Extension
Rods, 54 inches longt suitable fcr
hanging any kind of Lace Curtains;
value extraordinary, today 9 '
at, each fcC
Women's fine colored bordered
Handkerchiefs, mercerized novel-i
ties in granti variety; new tc
50c Handkerchiefs, each...V
Fine Swiss hemstitched, embroidered
. and scalloped embroidered Hand
kerchiefs, double hemstitched, mer
cerized Handkerchiefs; If
25c and 3oc values .,
Fine Chiffon Neck Ruchlng. shell plait
ed effects; all colors; 25c values on
sale for igc
Sfr Water Raleigh Neck Ruchlng. fine
Swiss lace trimmed; box plaits with
double edge bead heading; values
to 85c; for, yard 53e
Women's $35.00 Tailored Suits at $17.45
Today last day of .the sals off special lots of women's Tailored Suits at a wonder
fully low price This season's desirable .styles In voiles. Panama cloths, serge.
cheviot and shepherd "worsteds; blouse or. Ja'cTcet styles, fancy gimp and silk
"Trimmed; navy, blue, brown, green, black, and fancy checks; all sizes; suits that
we have sold hundreds of at $34 and J3G each; yourcbo!ce for two days .
at a price that does not cover the manufacturing cost; all Bizes, at $1.45
$34.00 to $38.00 Silk Suits $20.85
Women's. Jilgn-graJe Silk .Shirtwaist Suits In solid colors, changeable silks or fancy
silks; waist and 'blouse styles with plaited or flounce skirts In brown, black, green,
navy, mahogany and fancy; made of superior quality taffeta silks; pretty styles in
great assortment; regular $34 to $33 values on dale today at this won- con q c
derfully low price tfUiOJ
Our entire stock of high-class fancy White Suits, $13 to J5S values, on sale at
greatly reduced prices, linen and lace combinations; embroidered Swiss and Mulls.
China Silkj. lace trimmed; etc; the largest.-showing of attractive styles In the city.
Mall orders will -have our carefnl attention. vklte Salts ea aale at. ., . . .JflJMS
aeO "tt'htte Salts ea ale at 18.33
36-927 White Salt ea aale at.
36-S32 White Salts ea sale at.
949.0Q White Sulfa oa aale at ..f2S.S5
08.99 White Snlta oh aale at 4ft23
ChUarea'a White Svrlaw Net aad Organdy
Dreaaea, 6 ta 14 yeara C50 to
valaea oa aale at half price Secoad Floor.
Choose from our entire stock of women's colored WashiSklrts at greatly reduced
prices. Ducks, Crashes, Coverts, Galateas, In Jan, blue, grays, black and white
polka-dots, blue and white polka-dots, blacks, etc: all this season's very best styles
34-935 White Salt .ea aale. at 38.8G
$1.35, 91.35 valaea, each.
1.83, 91.75 Waah Skirt a.
2JS Waah' Sklrla. each.
XS Waah Sltirta, each
91-50 Wraah Sklrta, each... 88c
3J5 Waah Skirt, enclt 91.85
XXi Waah Sklrta, each
8.TS Waah Sklrta, each'.....