THE 3I0HXIXG OBEGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2, 1905. LL OFERUDRS men and the company have been satisfac torily adjusted, -with one exception. This Is a rule governing the payment of overtime at special rates for Sunday work. "In view of the fact that It has been Impossible for the officers of the com pany and members of the telegraphers', committee to reconcile this difference, It was decided to prepare a schedule of rates and rules which, with only this ex ception, embodied concessions made to the committee. "Copies of the new schedule and a list of the new rates of pay have been sent out to the various divisions, the men on the line being requested to signify their intentions as to acceptance without the concurrence of the telegraphers commit tee. The canvass of .the telegraphers on the system so far made Indicates that approximately 0 per cent of the tele graphers on the line arc entirely satis fied with the new schedules and rates. It Is expected there will be no difficulty In maintaining a regular and satisfactory traffic over the company's lines." ALLED FROM KEl Order of Telegraphers Meets Attack of Northern Railroads. - THE OLDS-WORTMAN-KING STORE;! Watches Cleaned HMd Warranted Oie Year for 75c. New Malnprljf for 75c All Other Repairing; ok Jcrrelry at Propor tionate Price FIrat Floor, Near Larce Elevator. "Different Store" LEADING DEPARTMENT HOUSE ON PACIFIC SLOPE "Daylight Shop LOCKOUT WAS FIRST STEP Washington, Fifth sad Sixth Streets WELCOME, VISITORS This Store Closes at 6 P. M. e a a a a 1 " "'I ,e : ,e . "Wage Scale on Northern Pacific and Great Northern Causes Con .fllct Nonunion Men Tak ing Strikers' Places. ST. PATJL, Minn., Aug. 1. All of the telegraph operators of the Great Northern and Northern Pacific systems -were or dered out tonight at 11 o'clock by Presi dent Perham, of the Order of Railway Telegraphers. According to the officials of the Telegraphers' Union, between 1900 and 2000 men will be affected by the order, Mr. Perham declares that by 12 o'clock tomorrow 95 per cent of the operators will be out. The railway officials maintain that they will be able to fill the places of most of the men, and that they will. suffer noth ing more than a temporary Inconvenience by the -move. ACCEPT SCAIiE OR QUIT WORK Railroads jrect Threat of Strike by Iocking Out Operators. ST. PAUL, Aug. 1. Negotiations .which have been pending between the Order of Railway Telegraphers and the Great Northern and Northern Pacific railroads for some time came to a sudden end to day, -when General Manager Horn, of the Northern Pacific, notified the telegraph ers of that system that the -company's proposition as to the rate of wages It would pay was final, and tney could ac cept It or leave the service. The Great Northern officials took prac tically the same stand toward their em ployes last night, thus throwing confu sion Into the ranks of the telegraphers, who hardly expetced such a move. The only chance of an adjustment of the trouble rests with President J. J. HUI, who Ik In New York, and to whom Pres ident Perham, of the Railway Telegraph ers, appealed In a telegram last night. Just how many men have refused to consider the terms offered by the roads Is uncertain. Until 3:30 this afternoon no definite figures had been received at the headquarters of cither railroad. The orders affect about 750 operators and agents on the Great Northern, and about 1200 on the Northern Pacific. Headed Off Strike Order. After having Issued the ultimatum to the men, Mr. Horn gave out the following statement: i "Mr. Perham.presidest of the Order of Railway Telegraphers, this morning ad vised me that he intends to go the limit with both the Northern Pacific and Great Northern Railways, just as. soon as he thinks such a courpe necessary. "Shortly before noon the Northern Pa cific started a lockout of Its telegraphers because of a strike vote taken on May 27. Strike instructions were Issued July 5, and these with the vote are still hanging over its head, in spite of the fact that during several weeks' negotiations the points of difference have been pretty gen erally cleaned up except the Sunday rule and raise of minimum. The Sunday rule demanded Is -different from any in the United States, and would add to the pay roll of the telegraphers about $100,000 per year. Rates of Pay Increased. "The company's rate of pay Is not ex ceeded, but. on the other hand, is con siderably higher than on most of the roads in the same territory. It has made liberal increases to Its telegraphers dur ing the past 12 years. As compared with 1600. the same positions that existed in that year are paying In 1905 $110,000 addi tional. This Increase relates only to the positions in 1905 which were In existence five years ago. There are now in exist ence over 200 more positions than existed in 1900. These, of course, take the 1905 higher rates. Comparing the 1905 positions with those of 1900, as a whole, the telegra phers are receiving an Increase of annual pay amounting to not less than $150,000. "The increases made May 1, and those agreed upon at the recent conferences foot up about $20,000 over and above the lncomo paid prior to Maj' 1 of this year. The impractical rules and exorbitant demands made by the committee In the first propo sition, and practically repeated in their proposition of July 27, are considered con clusive proof that at no time has it been the intention of the committee to make concessions which would enable the com pany to make a satisfactory settlement. Before actual negotiations were com menced they had fully decided to force a strike. When conferences started on July 12, strike Instructions had already been in force for an entire week. Last Friday we concluded negotiations that were still hanging over our heads. The road was In this position: "Mr. Perham, or his committee, could inaugurate a strike of our telegraphers any time they saw fit. They would neith er accept nor reject the company's propo sition. This uncertainty the company could not put up with, and as a result a lockout -was inagugrated today." GREAT NORTHERN 3IEX OUT Given Alternative of Accepting Scale or Leaving Road. ST. PAUL, Aug. L Differences between the Great Northern Railroad Company and its telegraphers reached a climax to day when nearly all the telegraphers on the Wilmar. Fergus Fulls and Brecken ridge divisions of the road quit their places. The men claim it Is it lockout on the part of the .road, because they will not accept the terms offered them. The company claims that 80 per cent of the telegraphers are satisfied. In a circu lar to its employes the company proposes a schedule of wages which it claims gives an Increase to the men amounting to 520, 000 annually. The men, on the other band, claim this increase amounts to only 57000 or 5S0O0 annually for about 1000 men. The men were asked in the circular to decide whether they wished to continue in the company's service and be governed by its new rules ahd regulations. When the men refused to accept the proposition they claim they were at once discharged. President Perham. of the Railway Tel egraphers' Union, said today: "But one man has failed. Elsewhere they have gone out uniformly. I want to make It clear that this is not a strike but a lockout" A statement Issued by the Great North ern .says. In pari: "All of the points at issue between the WILIj TIE UP WESTERN END Union Strong on Both Roads AVcst of Spokane. SPOKANE, August 1. A. Beamer, su perintendent of the Idaho division of the Northern Pacific, has left for the coast to get the decisions of the telegraphers regarding the ultimatum of Manager Horn. Tomorrow he will close all offices where the men remain with the union. The union is strong on this division and it Is claimed a general tie-up will result. It is expected that the Great Northern officials will arrive here tomorrow and that by noon most of the men on both roads here will be out. Chairman Tanquary. of the O. R. T.. will arrive tonight to direct the fight from this city. ' ONE DIVISION TIED UP TIGHT No Trains Moving in Rocky 3Ioun talns and Wires Down. MISSOULA. Mont., Aug. L The Rocky Mountain division of the Northern Pacific is tied up tight by the strike. Of the en tire staff, all quit on signal sent except two. Train No. 1. due here at 11:25 to night, was brought into the depot by handcar signals. Not a wheel is turning, as it is considered too dangerous to travel without orders. All wires along the road are down, but whether due to interference or a terrific electrical storm which passed over "West ern Montana at 11 o'clock tonight. Is not known. The entire division Is seriously crippled, for the time being, at least. STRIKE ON RIO GRANDE ROAD Trackmen Will Go Out to Enforce Higher Wages. DENVER. August L With the approval of John T. Wilson, president of the In ternational Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employes, an order was sent out today by the joint protective board on the Denver & Rio Grande Railroad to all track and water-service men on that road, who are members of the Broth erhood, to go on strike at 6 o'clock, August 2. The strike Is ordered in conquence of the refusal of the officers of the com pany to accept the schedule presented "by the brotherhood or to submit tho matter in dispute to arbitration. More than 2003 employes. It Is said, are affected by the strike order. The concessions asked by the trackmen, which the Denver & Rio Grande officers refused to make, included an Increase of $10 a month In the wages of ecction fore men and of 35 to SO cents a day In the wages of section hands and rules of gov ernment such as have been given to other branches of the service. The union also demanded that foremen recently dis charged because of supposed -activity in the brotherhood, as they allege, be rein stated. Mr. Wilson ha come to this city from St. Louis to take personal charge of the strike. In preparing for the conduct of the strike, 30,000 copies of a circular on which is printed the correspondence be. tween Chairman Thomas A. Saunders, of the grievance committee, and General Manager A. C. RIdgway and other officers of the road have been spread broadcast throughout the state. B aa No Portland Men Affected. There are but three men in Portland who may be affected by the strike. These are operators working for the Northern Pacific Terminal Company at the Union Depot. These men, however, have as yet heard nothing officially of the strike, and are not liable to be in fluenced unless they decide to .act in sympathy -with the strikers. Being In the service of the Terminal Company, they are not directly con cerned In the strike and probably will not become Involved. TOO FEW OLD OFFICERS Commander Young's Defense in Bennington Explosion Case. SAN DIEGO. Cal- August 1. The naval court of Inquiry which is hearing evi dence In the disaster to the gunboat Ben nington resumed its session at 10:30 this morning behind eloped doors. No one but witnesses Is admitted to the meetings, and no disclosure of the proceedings will be made until the final report Is formu lated, and then, probably, only after sub mission to Washington. It is understood that a portion of this report will deal with the alleged shortage of officers on the Bennington, to which reference was made by Commander Young in a letter to Admiral Goodrich some days before the explosion, in which he said he had "only four duty officers, young and Inexperienced, which Is likely to destroy the fine record we have made for this ship, and to keep up the standard I must have two more experienced of ficers." The Bennington Is again at anchor In the stream, and probably will remain here until the court of inquiry completes Its work, and then will be towed north by the flagship. aa Gladstone Quartz Mill Burned. KENNKTT. Cal.. Aug. L Fire tonight broke out In the Gladstone 20-stamp quartz mill located at the Gladstone mine. In French Gulch, and the plant was to tally destroyed. The burning of the 'mill throws 150 men out of work. Loss, 550, 000. partly covered by Insurance. Ayers Sarsaparilla Mends shattered nerves. Gives a healthy red to pale cheeks. Puts good flesh on thin children. Takes off pimples and rashes. A general tonic. Ask your doctor to tell you about it. iZtiSSz Writing Paper 25c French Dimity Writing Paper, cloth finish. In white, gray and blue tints; 120 sheets In package. Special sale price, the package 25c Envelope to Match Paper Our 16c value; special at. the package 10c Coat of Arm Sex Wrltlnjr Paper, fine cloth wove, fin est high-grade paper. In all tints. Special at, box. ..25c Fancr Crepe Xaaklas, In all the newest designs: 100 In package. Special -at, the package 25c I j- by one of Portland's fceanty spots the other morning and remarked to the "writer, ' I love to stroll 'round by this place. Look at those flower beds, notice how fresh and pretty the roses are, the grass on the slope is a carpet of velvet, and the sturdy shrubbery away over there in the back ground is as carefully pruned and cared for as if it were a garden of rare exotics. It must be quite an expense to maintain such a- place." Hot at all; quite the contrary. Oome around here at sun-up any morning and you'll see the possessor of the premises out plucking every flower that shows the least sign of decay fallen leaves, twigs and every bit of waste is carefully gathered and taken away. It takes but a little effort and time each morning. Notice that place just across the street. It's not nearly so refresh ing, and yet it costs its owner much more to keep it up. He has a man come around about once a week or so to "clean up" and it requires about as much labor at one time as another. And so it is with stores; instead of allow ing goods from this and that and the other departments to accumulate, we are con stantly going thro' the various assortments, picking out remnants, oddments and end ments, slow sellers, etc., which we mark so low as to make it profitable buying for our public Then we add "spice" in the way of the very best sellers and most wanted goods in limited quantities as "specials." Such a system makes it easily possible for the OLDS, WORTMAN & KING STORE to maintain the lowest prices for merchan dise of the highest character. A test will prove this and hundreds of thousands have put it to the test. There's many a saving in today's special values, a few of which are listed below. There's Profitable Shopping for House keepers and those with White Wash Dresses Yet to Make In The Linen Aisle AND The Domestic Shops There's a Host of Bar gains for today' Shoppers. Head: I.INEN TOWELS. Three big special values in hemstitched linen Huck Towels; German make Towels, Ize 19x37 with fancy jacquard borders, plain center, special at, each. . . .23c Towels, size 19x3? of xtra heavy woven fancy borders, soft and absorbent: special at. eacn 33c Towels, size 21x41 with fine fancy Jacquard border, hemstitched; special at, each 30c LINEN DOILIES. All linen fringed Doilies, slightly mussed Our 5 .V0 value: special at, the dozen .63 Our 51.50 value: special at, the dozen 31.15 Our 53.25 value; special at, the dozen $2.16 Our $4.00 value: special at. the dozen 2.73 SHEETS AND PILLOW CASES. Heavy linen finish Sheets, of good wearing1 qual ity; full size, Slx9t inches; special at. each. 54c Pillow Cane, made of heavy round thread sheet ing, size 36x45; special at, each 12 Vic PRETTY" AND SEASONABLE WASH GOODS AT BARGAIN PRICES.. 10.000 yards of snowflake etamlnes. canvas j suiting's, bourettes. batistes and tissue de Solera a great special at. me yard 12 Vic Imported Wank Madrav, with light grounds and small neat figures, for shirtwaists, shirts, street dresses and pajamas, values In the lot lo 35c; special at, the yard lc Embroidered Shlrtvrnlst Front, band embroi dered on fine linen, lawn or cambric Our 53.50 value; special at. each 830 Our 53.25 value; special at. each $3.70 Our 53.00 value; special at, each 83S5 Our 52.50 value; speotal at. each.... ..3.06 Going on a Vacation? Take Along a Hammock or a Croquet Set Perhaps yeu can use one at heme here In town. The prices are reduced. Fourth Floor. CROQUET SETS. Entire stock of Croquet Sets to close out at greatly reduced prices. Now is the time to buy Regular 5 .85 value; special, the set t . Regular 5 1.75 value; special, the set 81.15 Regular 5 2.00 value; special, the set....'..8L33 Regular 5 3.5u value; special, the set S3.4 Regular 5 4.00 value; special, tho set S3.S5 Regular 5 5.00 value; special, the set 3.49 Regular 510.00 value; special, the set S4.75 HAMMOCKS. Opei weave with concealed spreader and foot bar; special at. eacn so a a bimc as aDove. witn pillow and valance; special a a at, each SLarc a a Canvas weave with wide valance pillow, con a a cealed spreader and footbar: special at. each 81.50, 83.00. 83,as te 83.78 Jacauard weave, extra larsre size: snolni - each 83,75 to Visitors Cordially Welcome to share with our patrons every privilege of this great store. Its FREE phones, rest room, writing tables fully supplied with sta tionery, etc, drinking fountains with the best cold running water to be found In America, lavatories and toilet rooms, lunch room for those who bring their "snag and nip" with them, postal facilities, free cooking school, information bureau and directories. Parcels checked free and. If you wish to shop, the coolest store in town to roam thro. Reflned Violet Toilet Am rnoBla. large size bottles Our 25c value; special at, the bottle 15c Flae Silk Ere Sponge Our 10c value; special at, eacn 6c A SALE THAT CAPS THE CLIMAX Women's Handsome, Dainty Summer $3.75 Shirt waists for 39c w r i A LAST GRAND final hours today, 9 to ROUNDUP OF TILE SUM allow full and free MER WAISTS. Special Wednesday Bargains in the Women's Hosiery Section First Floor. WOMEN'S 50c HOSIERY 33e. Bldck Lace Lisle Hoae. all-lace and lace boots Regular value 50c: special at, pair 20c WOMEN'S 33c HOSE 33c. Fine light-weight Blaok Gauze Hose. finished foot Regular value 35c; special, pair... 33c WOMEN'S 30c AND 80c HOSE. 33c. A .lar.e- -assortment of different styles In - Womeh'a Light. Fancy Striped Hose Regu lar value 50c and 60c: special, the pair. .33c A Special in French Hand Embroidered Drawers ONLY $1.97 FOR DBA AVERS WORTH 93JS0. Ladles Fine Drawers, made of English soft finish long cloth, with six-Inch French hand-embroldercd ruffle, daintily hem stitched Our regular 53.50 value; special at, the puir - 81.07 WOMEN WILL APPRECIATE THESE UNDERPRICED UNDERMUSLINS Second Floor An a ex. Ladles' Fine Undermusllns which have been usel for decorative purposes during- our July Clearance Sale. They are slightly musaed and a bit dust soiled, but one laundering will make tnem as fresh, new and dainty as when thoy left the hands of the manufacturer The lot consists of Gowns, Drawers, Corset Covers and Chemise, in great variety of styles; lace and embroidery-trimmed. For convenience and rapid selling we have divided them into five different lots to be sold this way: LOT 1. . LOT 3. Our regular 95cOur regular 51.35 to 51.25 values: to 51.75 values; special at, the. special at. the garment .... COc! garment .... 07c LOT Our regular to 52.50 special garment The Last Stanza in This "Song of the Shirtwaist Suit" to Be Heard Today WEDNESDAY ENDS THE OR EAT SALE Today Should be the busiest of all midsummer days In the Suit Salons with the opportunities lo save that await "Wednesday buyers. The special offers appended are for the one day only. $35.50 Silk Shirtwaist Suits for $1 1.55 In this offering is included all the very latest and newest of this season's smart est styles, most durable and best wearing Silks, andt latest style effects. Among the colorings are blues, greens, tans, reds, pinks and plain blacks and whites. The best values we have ever offered up to 535.50. Special J $ I 1 .55 mm i-mwmr. m. i t '.!.V 4 I The Store That Saves Men Money Offers Mare Savins; OpaertHaltles la Summer Oatattlngs Today. Here's Want "i'ea Need 4 at What Yoh Need to Pay. Annex Sixth-Street First Fleer MEN'S 81.G9 SHIRTS 90c. Men's Golf Shirts, In new and very neat ef fects: 1 pair of cuffs A good .51.00 value: special at. each .. 69c JUST Sc FOR MEN'S 81.50 BATHING SUITS Men's Two-Plece Jersey Bathing Suits, In navy blue with red and white stripes on arms and tights: extra value at 51.50; spe cial at. the suit 90c MEN'S 50e UNDERWEAR FOR 35c. Men's Balbrlggan Undershirts and Drawers, in oxford gray, pin stripes An excellent 30c value; special at, the garment 35c 3c TIES FOR 10c. A line of Men's Four-In-Hand Ties, in a good assortment of pretty patterns Our 25c val ues; special at, each 18c Imported Japanese To-ota. Brushes, extra fine quality Our 12c value; special at, each 8c Patent Pants Hangers Are convenient and keep trous ers In shape; special at. 2 for - 25c Ironing; Wax size cakes of Ironing easy fine polish to sale price, Petrbleam Jelly In large size 1-pound Jars, for burns, cuts, etc. Our 19c value; special at. Jar. . .12c Two Hours Only 9 -1 1 A. M. The mere mention is enough. Extra saleswomen and cash iers will facilitate the selling, and all will be waited on who come between the hours of 9 and 11 A, M., for the sale is limited to two morning hours. The reason for this is plain. So great are the values that did we give jip the entire day to the sale, even with our immense force of salesfolk we would not be able to wait upon the needs of those ho want other things yi the apparel salons. So we must ask those who would share in this great sale to be on hand at 9 A. M. sharp, or as soon after as possible, as the sale closes promptly at 11 o'clock. Prices are cut as never before in all the sales of the year. The collection includes dainty lawns, mercerized linens, per cales, ginghams, madras, etc. Plenty of pretty whites, trimmed with fine laces and embroideries, pinks, blues, pink and white, blue and white, black, etc. Polka dotted, striped, checked, dotted and figured in pretty "Dolly Varden" de signs. Some arc mussed from handling, some may be slightly soiled, but none are in such condition that one laundering will not make 'em fresh and perfect as the day they left their makers. The values run up to $3.75. For two morning 11 A. M. only, we shall T A - choice at, each. w Great Special August Sale of Parasols First Fleer, Annex, Near Blr Elevator. We start today to effect a quick closure of the beautiful Parasols that have excited the admiration of thousands of women during the past month: that bewitching beauty exposi tion of Summer sun shields. You'll need them for weeks yet, bofore the present season has passed, and you'll need them another Summer season; we dcubt If ever this, or any store, w'll have a prettier lot. for these were made especially for Exposition display, and 'twas only by chance they came to us. They've served their purpose with us, and now you may have them at matchless bargain prices. Starting today you may select the 52.00 values for 1.1.53 53.50 values for 83JS9 55.00 values for 3.09 57.00 values for $4.97 3. LOT 4. LOT 5. Our regular 53.75 to 34.25 values; special at. the garment ...93.13 52.00,Our regular 5' values: to 33.50 values: at, tnej special at. the . . .$1.23 1 garment Trim and Jaunty LINEN SUITS With Aliaeat Half the Price Gone. $15.50 Suits for $9.95 Made of pretty, sturdy linens, fashioned In very latest style effects: specimens of ex quisite workmanship. In whites, trimmed with' blue collars and cuffs, and blues trimmed In greens and linen shades. Best values up to 51S.50; special. Wednesday, at 80.93 HOUSE DRESSES AND NEGLIGEES- BARGAINS. Comfortable, pretty gowns for the home worker, and ' so little to pay that It isn't wortU while to make them yourself. $5.50 House Dresses $3.95 In splendid materials, embracing a color Una that takes In blues, pinks, black and white, whites and striped effects. Best 58.50 reg ular values; special lor Wednesday .83.8S Pretty $2 Kimonas for 94c Handsome long Kimonos In dainty lawns and other Summery wash materials, in a color range embracing black and white, pinks, blues, reds an.l greens. In floral and con ventional designs. Oriental effects, etc. Values up to 52.00; for Wednesday only, at a choice for - Mo MEN'S 35c HOSE FOR ISc. Men's Sox, In oxford sray with fancy stripes Our regular 25c value; special at, pair, 18c MEN'S 2c HANDKERCHIEFS FOR 10c Men's Pure White Linen Handkerchiefs with woven borders Our regular 20c value; spe cial at, each 10c CANVAS TELESCOPES. Good, strong Telescopes with leather straps and handle 14- Inch site; special at. each 35c 16-inch lze; special at, each..v... 35c 15- inch size; special at. each -45c 20-Inch slse; special at. each 55c 22-Inch size; special at. each 85c 24-Inch size; special at, each 75c Hair Net, in all colors: special at. each 5c Patent Garment Fnntcurn, in black or white Our lc value: special at, card -Gc Pads Large wax: makes and gives a linen; special each 4c Embroidery Sel.ior Fine quality, nickel-plated; sizes 4. 5 and 6-incn. spe cial at, the pair 22c Another August Millinery Sale Today BIJon" Salons Annex, Second Floor. The first week of August we always In augurate a mtghty clearing sale of Trimmed Hats. Many women have tired of their first Summer Hat and want a "change"; others want a "second hat" to such this sale ;s of the utmost importance: the values are reer less. Instead of Including every Hat in the stocks every day, and thus destroying tho va riety and badly breaking the lines, leaving Us a conglomerate lot of Hats from which to select, we shall take one line a day and mark it at such a ridiculous figure as to insure Its closure. Thus we may feel assured of clean lines and full assortments for overy sale and we'll both benefit: you in buying your Hat for loss and getting ample selection, we In selling out our Summer lines clean and having good assortments thro' the month, gradually running Into Fall styles as they are wanted. It costj us more, but we gain In building- business. This is an all-year-round business. Today's special offering Is made up of Women's and Misses' Trimmed and Ready-to-Wear Hats. $5 to $5 values for 93 cents A splendid line. In navy, browns, blacks; trim med and ready-to-wear style: straw finish and trimmed with buckles and fancy wings NINETY-EIGHT CENTS. TODAY ENDS THESE MOST MARVELOUS REDUCTIONS ON - o Most Wanted Silks :: SOME PRICES ARE CLEFT IN TWAIN SQUARELY. Tae Sllfc Store South Annex First Floor. These specially reduced prices on handsome staple Silks should crowd the Silk Store to day with enthusiastic buyers. Every yard Is new this season, and the most desirable fabrics known in fashion's realm. Look care fully through the persuasive price arguments. Then better still see the Silks. White Pongee and Japanese Silks 37 and 38 Inches rrlde. Our 31.00 value: xpecial at, the yard 74c Our 51.23 value: special at. the yard SSc Our 51.50 value: special at, the yard 9ia3 Our 51.7C value; special at, the yard.. SI. 42 Novelty Suit Silks In Imported and domestic makes. Many new styles and colorings to choose from Our 51.00 value: special at, the yard 50c Our 51.25 value; special at, the yard 63c Our 51.50 value; special at, the yard. . .75a Black Taffetas Warranted, and positively even at the regular price 21 Inches wide Our 51.00 the yard - 23 inches wide Our U.10 the yard 27 inches wide Our 51.25 the yard 36 inches wide Our 51.53 the yard 36 inches wide Our 51.60 the yard 36 Inches wide Our 51.75 the yard unequaled values value: special at. OOc value: special at. 73c value; special at. SOc value; special at. 81.10 value; special at. 51.30 value; special at. $1.-44 What Woman Has Underwear to Buy? The August clean-up sales are planned to save you money. Here" are lots of cool, dainty, well made knit undergarments at less to pay than you'd expect to give at the end of the montn, ana mis is ine nrst August wneit Flrat Floor Shop. WOMEN'S 81.00 KNIT PANTS 55e. White Lisle "Merode" Knit Pants, knee and ankle-length, tights top Regular vr-lue 51; special, the pair 55c WOSIEN'S 75c VESTS SOc. White Swi6s-Ribbed Long-Sleeve Vests; very neatly made and trimmed Regular value, 75c: special at. each 50c WOMEN'S 75c MESH VESTS SOc. White Mercerized Lisle Mesh Vests, low neck, sleeveless Regular value 75c; special at,' each 50c WOMEN'S 81.35 UNION SUITS SJc. White Mercerized Lisle Mesh Union Suits, low neck, sleeveless, knee-length Regular value 51.25.; special, the suit SOc WOMEN'S 30c VESTS 12 Vic White Cotton Vests. V-shaped neck, sleeve less Regtflar value 20c: special. eiu.lSHc MISSES' 35c PANTS 10c. Misses' Whiie Liste rants, knee-length: sizes 24 to 26 Regular value 35c; special, the pair 10c CHILDREN'S SOc KNIT UNDERWAISTS 13c Children's White Knit Underwalsts; ages 1 to 12 years Regular value 20c; special at, each 13 Vic Slaughter Sale of Handsome Black Taffeta Silk Skirts Fashionable Dress Lengths in a clolce of plain or plaited styles; rich black taffeta.s. handsome in appearance and durable in wear. For one Jay only 3 A. M. urtil clos ing time. 6 P. M. Values up to 52..00 will be sold at a choice for 89.03 Embroidery Lessons free By an expert in Fancy Needlework. Shop, Second Floor Annex. Art a a o oa o a o o e a -a OS a a a a aa a a a a a a a a a a a a a a o a aa it a a a a a a aa a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a o aa a a a a a a a aa aa aa aa a a a a a a a a a a a a aa a a a a a a a a a a oa a a aa aa aa a a a a a a a a aa a a a a a a a a a a o a a a a a a .a a ,aa a a a a c a aa a a a a aa a a a a aa aa a a a a a a aa a a a a aa aa a