THE MORNING- QREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2, 1905. i2 DAILY METE O RO LO G I C AL RE TORT. PORTLAND, Axis. 1- Maximum tempera ture. 83 deg.; minimum, CO. River reading at 11 A. M.. 7 feet; change In past 24 hours, rise, 0.2 of -a loot. Total precipitation, 3 P. M. to 5 P. M., none; total since Sep tember 1, 1904, 34.08 inches; normal. 40.20 inches; deficiency. 12.21 inches. Total sun shine July 31. 1905, 13 hours and 10 min utes; possible. 14 hours and 51 minutes. Barometer (reduced to eea level) at 3 .P. M., "9 83 PACIFIC COAST "WEATHER. H "H. a S0 STATIONS. . -T 2. 3 s : - o o ; jj'f P ; Baker Clty. Blsmorck. . . . BoUe Eureka...... Helena...... J 4lp.0010SE I 7(?10.00 8E i 92 0.001 B'NW Clear Clear Clenr Cloudy 58 0.00 S NT SO! T I SjW Rain Kamloops. B. C J 8010.00! . . . tPt. CIdy. North Head Pocatello .......... Portland . Red Bluff Roseburg Sacramento Salt Lake City.... San Francisco 0010.04114 iNW (Cloudy 1)010.001 C!E Clear Clear 88 0.00 4W 92 0.00' SSW sr.lo:oolioiNW S2IO.OOI10IS Clear Clear (Clear 901 T 12E Pi. ciay. CO 0.00124 W IClear 88 0.001' GIN IClear Spokane. .. Seattle 1 72!0.00i -JiNWjClear Tatoosh Island 1 5SI0.001 S1SW Cloudy Walla Walla I 98(0.001 o!n IClear T trace. WEATHER CONDITIONS. Except a few light showers in Eastern "Washington, no rain has fallen in the Pa cific States during the last 24 hours. It Is warmer in Eastern Oregon, Southeastern Idaho and Northeastern Washington, while elsewhere no marked change in tempera ture have occurred. The indications are for generally fair weather in this district Wednesday with con tinned high temperature!?. WEATHER FORECASTS. Forecasts made at Portland for the 2S hours ending at midnight. August 2: Portland and vicinity Fair and continued warm. Westerly winds. N Oregon and Washington Fair and contin ued warm. Westerly winds. .Idaho Fair and continued warm. EDWARD A. BEALS. District Forecaster. Battenbcrg Sails for America. GIBRALTAR. Aug. L The British socond cruiser squadron, commanded by Boar-Admiral Prince Louis, of Batten- borff, sailed today to spend three months in American waters. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES. "Rooms," "Rooms and Board." "House keeping Booms," "Situations Wanted." 13 words or less. 15 cents; 10 to 20 -words. 20 cents; 21 to 25 words, 25 cents, etc No dis count for additional Insertions UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS, except "New Today," 30 cents for 15 words or less; 30 to 20 words, 40 cents: 21 to 25 words, 50 cents, etc first Insertion. Each additional insertion, one-half; no further discount un der one month. "NEW TODAY" (gauge measure agate). 15 cents per line, first Insertion; 10 cents per line for each additional Insertion. ANSWERS TO AD VERT1SEMENTS. ad dressed care The Oregonlan. and left at this office, eboujd always be Inclosed In sealed envelopes. No stamp Is required on such letters. The Oregonlan will sot be responsible for errors in advertisements taken, through the teiepnone. AUCTION SALES TODAY. At the Portland Auction Rooms. 211 First et. Sale at 2 P. M. C L. Fore, auctioneer. DIED. MORRINSON In this city. August 1. 1905. at 730 Michigan ave., Mrs. George Morrinwn. age 60 years. Mrs. Morrlnson leaven a hus band, throe daughters, Mrs. Edward Hyde. Mrs. R. Pierce, of Portland; Mrs. C warn stan. of Hains. Or., and one eon. Warren Griffon. Funeral announcement later. DOWNS Died, suddenly, July 31. 3005. at her home at Orchards, Wash., Ella Downs, be loved daugnter of u. . and L. S. Downs, aged 17 years raontns. BROWN In this clty. Augurt 1. 1905. accl dentally drowned at the foot of Washington St., William Brown, aged 22 years. Notice oi xuncrai ncreaiifr. RIESCHEL In this city. August 1. 1906. by accidental drowning. Stephen Rieschel, aged 16 years. Notice of funeral hereafter. OLLBY In this city, August 1, 1905. Charles E. Olley, aged 40 years, 10 months and 7 days. MEETING NOTICES. NO. 63. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD- AM members pleaae note Big parade Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. Be natri otic and get in line A eplendld flag will De presented to members In line. M. T. WOODWARD. C. C. A. L. BARBER. Clerk. O. E. S. MEMBERS ATTENTION A reception will be tendered the official hostess. Nettle Ransford. P. M.. W. G. M.. at the Eastern Star cotiage. Wednesday. August 2. from 6 to u P. M. All members welcome. INEZ M. RYAN. W. G. M. WILLAMETTE TRIBE. NO. C. IMP. O. R. M. Meets every Wednesday, at 8 P. M., In Red Men's Wigwam, northeast corner 2d and Tamnlll sts. visiting members always we; come. A. Et BUTTNER, C. of It. ORIENT LODGE. NO. 17. L O. O. F. Regular meetlns this (Wednesday) evening in urient wail, iast Portland. Second degree. visitors inviiea. w. A. wheeler, sec XUNERAL NOTICES. HOFFMAN In this city, August 1. 1905, died, at St. Vincent's Hosnltal. at 5:30 A. m. George Hoffman, aged 51 years 3 months and 20 days, beloved husband of Caroline Hoff man, raincr of Jonn u.. George L., Mary I. fa. M., t-mroa J., Margaret E., Ralph L. and Genevieve. Funeral eervlce will be neio xnureaay morning at v o clock. St. Lawrence nurcn. interment .Mount Cal vary cemetery. 21 CULLY Sirs. Hannah K. McCully died at the home of her daughter Mm. a n Croasman. 470 Columbia et.. at 3 o'clock A. M., August 1, 1903. Funeral services at me residence oi Mr. A. B. Croasman at 3 P. M., Wednesday. August 2. Interment at aaiem on unursaay. DUNNING. M7ENTEE & GIXBAUGH. i cessors to Dunnlnz & Campion, undertaker and embalm erg. modern In eve it detail. 7th and Pine. Phone Main 430. Lady assistant. EDWARD HOLMAN CO., Undertakers and embalmers, have moved to their new build' lng. Third and Salmon. Lady assistant. Telephone No. C07. jr. P. FIN LEY A SON, Funeral Directors, cor. 3d and Madisoi i Office of County Cor eaer. Lady assistant. Telephone vNc 9. r. S. DUNNING, Undertaker, 414 East Alder. Lady assistant. Telephone East HZ. ZEIXER-BYBNES CO- UNDERTAKERS Embalmers. 273 Rus'lt East 1GS8; lady as'U NEW TODAY. OLD .GOLD. JBWELRi. BOUGHT. MADB 'over, exenangeo; diamonds, precious stones 'loose and mounted; watches. Jewelry repaired. Uncle Myers, the Jeweler. 143 3d. near Alder, Holiday's Addition For Sale A new 5-room cottage, all coa sentences, full cement basement, streets fully Improved. A very desirable location. Convenient to two trolley lines. Terms will be given. Lots sold on advantageous terms to horns builders. The Oregon Real Estate Co 0033 Auuo MORTGAGE LOANS On Portland Real Estate at Lowest Rates. Titles insured. .vusiracis irurmsned. Title Guarantee & Trust Co., .6 and 7 Chamber of Commerce. AMUSEMENTS. 3ST Theater Dlnclba i. w. t. usccunoi C. Kline rmlfltnt Morrison Street between Cth and 7th. Phone Main 8C8. TONIGHT AT 8:30 O'CLOCK. Continuing every night this week, with a Special Price Matinee Saturday. THE GERMAN COMEDIANS. KOLB & DILL In the Musical-Comedy Burlesque, "I. O. U." COMEDY FUN CATCHT MUSIC. 30 Beautiful Chorus Girls 30. POPULAR PRICES 25. 35. 30. 73 CENTS. BELASCO THEATER Jfh,, (Formerly Columbia Theater) 14th and Wash. 52 PLAYS IN 52 WEEKS TONIGHT AND ALL WEEK. MATINEES SATURDAY AND SUNDAY TENTH WEEK BELASCO STOCK CO. ' Dramatic Version of Bizet's Opera CARMEN BY MARIE DORAN PRICES Night. 25c to 73c Mats.. 25c to Mc Aext Week "LADY BOUNTIFUL" THE BAKER GREAT SPECIAL BILL. Theater always cool. Keating & Flood. Mgrs. HANVEY & BOYD'S MINSTRELS Ben Duley. Harry Boyd. De Garro Brothers. Casino Comedy lour. Louis Hunvey. Jean WilMm. Grand Finale Sensation Act. Moving Pictures. Baker's Orchestra. Performances dall at 2:30. 7:30 and 9 . M. No advanced prices for big show all seats selling for Ten Cents, excepting boxes. THE GRAND EDDIE LESLIE THE YALE TRIO MME. CARRIE THE KINGKBURYS MME. VIDA MR. TltED PURINTON THE GRANDISCOPE General admission. 10 cents. Evenings. Sundays and holidays, reserved seats on ower floor. 20 cents. Box seats, 23 cents. THE STAR HUNTS DOG AND MONKEY CIRCUS THE MUSICAL REEDS , REKLAW 1 THE FRANCESCOS GILES W. HARRINGTON JOSEPH BONNER THE STAROSCOPE General admission. 10 cents. Evenings. Sundays and holidays, reserved seats on lower floor. 20 cents. Box seats. 25 cents. IRVINGTON PARK RACETRACK Every day except Sunday. First race starts at 2:1S P. M.; at least great events daily. ADMISSION (Including grandxtand) .50c : N. B. All cars transfer at Second and "Washington streets for track. lll(llltllllllS The Great Naval Engagement On Guild's Lake at tho Exposition Wednesday Evening, August 2, at S:30 o' Clock Ten Battleships and Cruisers Engaged With Shore Batteries. The best and only place to witness the en tire engagement Is from the LIFE-SAVING STATION. Fall of Port Arthur GRAND OPENING EVERY EVENING 7:30 o'clock, 27th and Upshur Sts. Great spectacular reproduction of the famous naval battle and fall of Port Arthur. Can nonade and naval !ege conducted by 200 men. ADMISSION 25c. Under manage ment of Major Jack McGulre. Take any Fair Grounds car. Lewis and Clark Observatory HAWTHORNE TERRACE PORTLAND HEIGHTS Now open. Take Portland Heights car and get off atlHawthorne Terrace, one block from car line. No cllmbing Electric elevator. Most magnificent view in America. See beautiful effect of powerful searchlight from top of tower. Open 9 A. 11 to 8 P. II. ADMISSION. 10 CENTS. NEW TODAY. A BIT OF MAGIC Credit at the bank can be instantly turned into money by tho use of a pen and a blank piece of paper. There is a magfc In drawing a check, though it is such a common occurrence. It is one of the greatest of modern conveniences, and the "OLDEST TRUST COMPANY IN OREGON" will he glad to afford it to you. A special officer assists new de positors in opening accounts. Call for our General Representative. (We will remove to our pormanent bank ing house. S. E. cor. 3d and Oak sts., about September L) PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF SREGQN Resources Over $1,000,000 109 Third Street. BENJ. L COHEN. . H. L. PITTOCK... B. LEE PAGET... Phone Main 453. President Vice-President Secretary J. O. GOLTRA Assistant Secretary Vernon, Betwixt Rolling Rivers The above arc the words ehofn by the Judges to be used as a head-line for our Vernon adx-crtisoment. and the prlxe of $10 goes to Mr. Charles A Foster, city. We received a great many suggestions for this offer and the Judges had a long, hard Job choosing the one they considered the best, as there were a great many good ones. The Judges were Mr. R. M. Hall, advertising man for the O. R. & N. Co.; Mr. H. C. Whit tier, -advertising man for Olds. Wortman & King, and Mr. A. T. Wing, advertising writer. We feel under many obligations to these gentlemen, aad when they are ready to buy a lot in Vernon we propose to give them all the time they ask to pay for It. We are now going to make another offer. This time we are going to give four prises. The prizes will be for the four best ad vertisements not to exceed 50 words about Vernon. The first prire will be $7.50. second $5.00, third $2.50 and fourth $L06. The subject to be written about Is Vernon as a home-site, or why Yernon Is the best place Jn the city to - buy property for a home or C an Investment. We want all offers in by Friday night. August 11. so we can publish the first one Sunday. August 13. VERNON. BETWIXT ROLLING RIVERS. Lots will be worth In three months double what we arc selling them for now. Don't forget what e say." MOORB INVESTMENT CO.. 151 Slxtk St. Mnla IS. NEW TODAY. California "Bliss Lands" Homeseckers act promptly. Secure a 20- acre farm of Irrigated land at $50 to $70 per acre.- price including water rights one fourth cash. Reached by Southern Pacific er Santa Fe Overland Line, direct to Tulare City. 2 miles from Bliss Lands. Allans, corn, grain, deciduous fruit, vegetable?. hegs, dairy cattle thrive. Booklet free from Bliss Lands (Inc.). 610 Parrott oiag.. ban Francitfco. For Sale Ten room house -with corner auartcr-block. HKxl03; entire property In excellent repair; cement wains, xuu cement Dasement. xur nace, improved streets, sewers, etc.; beau tiful lawn and shrubbery, making desir able home; or room for six flats oz three houses without xnovimr present house; good location lor income property, im mediate possession given. Inquire 415 2d St.. N. W. cor. Hall. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. ON THE WEST SIDE. 100x100. well located oa a prominent cor ner; u good bouses; yearly reatal $10bO Price flO.SOO. 26x100 Nice 5-room cottage; yearly rests SIM: a nice little heme or for income. S1S00. 60x75 A corner, with 2 good "-room house; yearly rent 5463. $10S. 0x75 2 good 7-room bouses; yearly rent $420. $4200. These properties are all rented at reason able figures aad are worthy of taveotlgatloa. DAVID S. STEARNS. 249 Washington St. I ACRES. NINE MILES FROM M'MINN- vllle, 4 ranee from aaotaer gooa ion n. oa the Willamette River; fine farm banding, well fenced with good wire fencing, good water system, with windmill; 1G acres bear lag bono, good drying plant; 12 acres bearing erebard; 70 acres grata laad; balance pas ture; public warehouse on place, school and church near by. This hojtyard produced 20.000 pounds of dried bops for five years; last year's crop worth $0000. This year crop goes with sale, with Immediate pos semSon. Price J10.O00. Write for particu lars. Warren & Stater. McMlanvllle, Or. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Six lots, commanding tood view; $S50 each. Six lets, commanding test view; SI 000 eaeh. We believe thene are tl e cheapest aad be: lets on the Height or Li the city; all front ing on car line; easy terms. AMERICAN INVESTMENT CO. Phone Main 53S3. . Zt Falling building. 12 ACRES All cleared, rieh" land. 3 aerea beaverdam (onion land), spring water, within 300 feet of Oregon City car line. 2 miles - south of Mllwaukle; could be ewbdlvlsided Into lets or acre tracts; price $3u0u; easy terms; would sell one-halt for 41600. AMERICAN LWESTMENT CO.. Phose Main 53S3. 222 Falling building. INVESTORS. NOTICE. $42,50010 flats oa 12th dose in. rents J3S0 month. $20.000 10OxlO. oa 7th St.. rents $320 month. $18,00059x100. on 4lh St.. close in. in come $170. $1.5(M 100x100. 3d and Montgomery. $0000 i houees oe 17th st-. income $S4 per month. SAHLSTROM & PATTERSON. 1C5H Fourth street. FOR SALE OR TRADE SS ACRES. 30 IN cultivation, house, bara and orchard; 40 acres good raw Umber, aae sotL running water, two miles from statloa, O. W. P., will consider trade for good Income prop erty in Portland. Roberts & Wirts. Gresh ara. Or. ACRE TRACTS WE HANDLE . ACREAGE as a specialty, within city limits er outside Some acres with terms as low as $10 per month with water. A. C Churchill Co., -Inc." 110 2d st. BEAUTIFUL HOMES. 7 AND S ROOMS, with all modern convealenees; on E. 3d. between Wasco and Multnomah; conven ient to 3 carlines; for sale on easy terms. Apply to owners. Parish & Gourlay, on premises. Phone East 150. FOR SALE THE BEST INVESTMENT IN the city, bustnest property bringing in 14 per cent clear; price $24,009. terror to suit purchaser. Address Q 39. Oregoalan. SNAP 5-ROOM COTTAGE. CLOSE IN. near car line. 59xl60-foot lot. $S50; $150 cash, balance small monthly payments. Mrs. R. Downing, phoae East 2007. 100X100 FEET. GL1SAN, BET. 2SD AND 24th. $7oiX). provided residence will be bull I threon costing at let 3CCO0. Frank C. Baker, owner. Hamilton bMg. $2CW-HALF CASH. BUYS A 7-ROOM MOD era colonial boaae. doee in; Investigate at once; biggest soap la oily. Owner at 11 N. 3d sc. or 23 N. Park U $2750-NEV. MODERN. HANDSOME, SIX room house on 23d st.; double boarded, fur nace, modern plumbing. L. W. Whiting & Co.. 408 Abtngton bMg. FOR SALE THE CHOICEST HOMES IN Oregon at Beaverton, S miles west of Portland; 1 to 100 acres; fare- 35 cents. Barnes & Cady. $3000-20TH STREET. NEW TWO-STORY house, attic, gas and electric fixture, fur nace beat; rents $35; terms. G 37, Ore gonlan. $500 CASH. BALANCE MONTHLY. WILL buy new 6-room modern houe aad comer lot. near car; owner 420 Commercial btoek. $500 CASH. BALANCE MONTHLY. WILL buy new 0-room modern house aad corner lot. near car; owner. 420 Commercial blk. LARGE HOUSE AND CROUND. EAST Sfde, cloee in, suitable ror small sanitarium or lovely home; cheap. Phoae Bast 475. SELLWOOD LOTS. $5.09 DOWN AND $5.00 a raoatn; from Sii.oo to $sw.oo. Sell wood Towsflte Co. Phone Union 1401. FOR SALE NEW 6-ROOM HOUSE. ALL modern conveniences; price reasonable. In quire owner. 731 E. Ash it. FOR SALE BY OWNEIt-C-ROOM MODERN bouse. 1650; JX) down, balance terms easy. mene union imz. ACREAGE NEAR CAR LINE, C MILES from Morrison et. bridge. C K Ballard. Mllwaukle. Or. FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE. FULL LOT. EAST Washington. 5C50-0-ROOM HOUSE. FINE CORNER LOT. barn. Sellwood. easy terms. Box 561. Ore gon city. FOR SALE-CORNER LOT: WILL SACRI flee for cash. Address Box K 31. Oregonlan. DESIRABLE RESIDENCES AND LOTS. West or East Side. Apply forenoons 443 3d st. FOR SALE SIX-ROOM MODERN HOUSE, small lot. Inquire 313 Hancock, car. E. 1st. rOK SALE FARMS. RANCH FOR SALE OR LEASE 328-ACRE stock ranch, with large ouistde range; splen did for cattle, sheep and Angora goats; grass tne year round; i-room houe. barn and out buildings: some 30 head cattle, soan horses. wagon and farm toolf : ranch. $2000. cash or part on time; 7 miles northeast Langlels; 20 miles soutnweet Myrtle FelaL Real Estate Agent Deyoe. Myrtle Point. Or. T. H. Pea- bod)-, agent oa ranch. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN FINE 354-aro Valley farm, about 2u0 acres bottom land. about 100 In cultivation; balance low bench rjutiy cleared and in grass: coed buildings. tenets and orchard; some beaverdam; about 15G0 cords of fir and ash Umber; electric light and telephone; close to rati, church and scnoois; za mi.a to Portland; $45 per acre; terms. i 3, Ur?conin. LOTS ON WASHINGTON ST. Corner 100x120. price $12,000 Corner. 50x110. price 6,500 insiac lot. vjxiw. price 3.0U0 If you want to make quick money, buy one oi tnesc joie. . WESTERN LAND CO.. 24Sfe Stark SU STOCK FARM. 029 ACRES. FOR $S500: 5 miles norm west from jiorth Tamhlll. Or. All fenced and Improved. Not listed with agents. For particulars, address Charles F. Torrance. Forest Grove. Or. For free conveyance call at Johnson's stables. For est Grove, or Williams stable. North Yam hill. C7 ACRES ARABLE LAND. 6 MILES FRpM Corvallis. railroad and .school 1 mile, county Toad, mall route, telephone line, well fenced, no buildings; would make good heme for one with money to build; price $2000. Address owner. O 40, Oregonlan. JXyC'T BUY A FARM UNTIL YOU HAVE seen our great list of farm bargains. Call on our representaUve at 730 Chamber of Commerce. Read thU week ads. Imus & Wflloughby and CowHU County Land Co. FREE GOVERNMENT FARM LANDS JUST opened to settlement; level valley land: so toae or timber; water aad roil first class. Room 60, Labbe blfig.. cor. 2d and Wath. FOR SALE FARMS. GUARANTEED AS ADVERTISED 40 ACRES with 6 acres la crop: land lays beautifully, sot foot of waste land: live water; fine bearing orchard: nice 4-room bouie. barn; close to good shipping town; on road close to school. Price. $700. Terms. bO gcres with 35 acres under plow and in crop; nearly all creek bottom; no waste land; one acre of green tim ber; fine trout stream Cows through place: good family orchard; good 7 room bouse with spring water in yard: large barn: with this place goes a horse. 5 head eaille? of which 4 are milch cowa; ait farming implements. Including wagoa aad harness; alto household furniture; on county road close to school, and 4 mites from Castle Rock Price S1C50: with con venient terms. Call at 730 Chamber of Commerce between the hours of 9 A. M. and 2 P. M. and 7 and S In evening of Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday of this week aad get information from a member of our Arm. Go to Kelso firm to see property. Imus & WlUougbby. Kali ma. Wash., and Cowlitz County Land Co.. Combined. KeUo. Wash. FARMS WORTH BUYING C7 acres on Southern Pacific. 36 miles out; mostly cultivated; no buildings: 5 acres best oaten land on place; U mile of station; $40 per acre. SO acres, near good railroad town. 40 mile city; GO acres cultivated; hotue, barn, all feneed and cross-f raced; springs at house; orchard; splendid soli and flae view; very desirable; price $30. 40 acres, near good oatslde range: good bouse barn; 15 acres cultivated; spring- wa ter to both buildings; crop, team, harness, wagon, cow. implements and viome house hold goods ko at $1250. 060 acres, stockvfarm. with bottom land for hay; hills for pasture; close to burnt range In Coast mountains; springs of water, running creek; two good houses. 4 barns. ckse to R. R.; a fine place for a stock grower; $12.50 per acre. B. S. COOK & CO.. 251 Aider st. 100 ACRES. HALF IN CULTIVATION. RUN nlng water, good building, :bool, postoftice and stores dose to farm; O. W. P. station Vt mile, cars 2 hours each way to Portland; stock, machinery, crops and dairy oa place; will sell all or farm alone; teraas half cods. balance on time. S. King. Eagle Creek. Or. FOB SALE TIMBER "LANDS. HAVE 000 CORDS OF WOOD STANDING near Portland: want partner to furnish money for cutting; have contract to fur nish 3000 cords at good price; best of tim ber. R 32. Oregonla'n. 644 ACRES OF TIMBER IN COWLITZ County. Wash., for rale at a bargala If taken soon. D. W. Faulkner, Anita. la. 320 ACRES FINE TIMBER. NEAR PORT land; $12.50 per acre. Owner, 105 4th si-. Room 37. CHOICE TIMBER CLAIMS. HOMESTEADS for location. Inq. 70S Chamber of Commerce. TO EXCHANGE. FOR EXCHANGE THE FURNITURE OF modern 5-room fiat, located near Hotel Portland; furniture nearly new and coat $600; will consider anything near the value in Seattle Address owner. X 40. Oregonlan. HAVE YOU ANYTHING TO EXCHANGE for a good roomlng-bowe or a good coa fee lien fry ore? If so. call 317 Featoa bMg.. S4 Cth st. WILL EXCHANGE FOR HOUSE AND LOT with part cash, a good paying 40-room house, centrally located. K 32. Oregonlan, WANTED REAL ESTATE. IF YOU WANT YOUR REAL ESTATE SOLD qulekly we have the buyers. Phone Mala 1876. WE WANT LOTS AND ACREAGE TODAY. East Side preferred. Main 1078. 2S Alisky owg. WANTED A FARM ON SHARES; RBSPON- sIMe party. Address 451 Aider sc. Portland, Or. TO LEASE. TO LEASE 3000 ACRES. CAN BE RUN AS one or two farms, stock for sale or lease. First-class Improvements, parties net mean ing business need not reply. Address. Cobb Real Estate Co.. Roseburg, Or. FOR RENT FARMS. 110-ACRE FARM. 73 ACRES HEAVY nearly harvested crop, all stock, jarro macninerr: for rent, rale or exenawce 1 hours" drive. Owner. 177 Sherman st. FOR SALE LAND hCRIP. LAND SCRIPS OF ALL KINDS. GUARAN- teeo. mineral lanes titled, public land prae lice, coiiins Land Co.. stearca bide. FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicles and Harness.' 100 VEHICLES IN STORAGE. CONSISTING of express, furniture and delivery wagons hacks, buggies, carts and surreys; they must be sold regardless of cost. S3-S5-57 union are., between Stark and Washington st. FOR SALE OR RENT HORSES AND VS- hiclcs by the day. week or month: harness. saddles and 200 new and second-hand rigs for sale or exchange. Tomitnsos & ca: day. 211 Washington tU FINE SPAN PONIES. 7 YEARS OLD. EX ceiient drivers and styiisn; bargain. Phone Uakm 3452. CAMPING WAGONS. HARNESS. HORSES For rent and for sale. Hubert & Hall. 26J Fourth it. FOR SALE SMALL HORSE. GENTLE, good worker. CS1 Thurmas. Phone Hood 57. A 3H HEAVY WAGON. NEARLY NEW. ANlJ pair of Boton backers, call 525 Chapman. Pianos. A GOOD UPRIGHT PIANO FOR SALS: SIM will deliver to purchaser. Phone East 1532 Monday. Miscellaneous. DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? Cover It with MasUc roofing. la rolls. easy to lay: needs no palnung or coatlsr good over old Iron. Un or shingles; for new roofs tnere it nomine better; guaran teed: MasUc roof paint and cement will stop email leaks. National MasUc Roofing Co.. room 2. Hamilton bldg. FOR SALE THREE LARGE PIAN-ORCHES triona, suitable for parxs. concert bails, din Ing-roonvL etc.:, these Instruments the tin est made; car: be seen 3s7Va 2tfth st., near Exposition gait. Penny Wonderland, Pter uacigaiup:, sole agent, ban .Francisco. FOR SALE NEW AXL SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables; easy payments; ws rnt tables, witn privilege- oz buying; moa eru bar fixtures, cheip prices. Urunswlek' Balke-Ccllender. 49 3d st. FOR SALE. CHEAP-FINE FOLDING BED. curtains, wardrobe, large mirror, writing desk and drawers; also bedding complete. Apply immediately to 506 Commercial bMg. COOKS. WAITERS. DISHWASHERS. SHEEP herdern temployer here), 300 hop-pickers; all kinds hotel help, carpenters and men, city work. National Office. 312 Pine. FOR SALE DROPHEAD SINGER SEWING machine, complete. $21; also severaK2d hand machines cheap. Singer Store, l 82 Washington st. FINEST AND BEST-PAYINO LAUNCH ON Willamette River; price reasonable; terms. Addres Harry Randlcn. 405 1st su Phone Main 4750. ANTIQUE MAHOGANY FURNITURE, carved, and 4 post beds, bureaus, chest, ta bles and desks; genuine antiques. e?. Wash ington. FOR SALE HAMMERLESS SHOTGUN AND case; Ithaca. 12-gaUge. hunting coat and pair hip boots, almost new. Q 40. Oregonlan. FOR SALE A BILLIARD AND X POOL table, good condition. Post Exchange. Van couver Barracks. Wash. FOR SALE-OIL PAINTINGS OF MT. HOOD and Mt. Shasta, framed; size of canvas, 24x 36. L 31. Oregonlan. FOR SALE 12 H. P. WEBER GASOLINE engine, Al condition and a bargain. 324 Chamber Commerce. FOR SALE GAS ENGINE MACHINERY, tools and patterns. Address iV27 L St.. Frtsno. CaL FOR SALE SMITH-PREMIER TYPE wrtter. almost new; reasonable. C 73. care Oregoalan. HOUSEBOAT FOR SALE A BEAUTY AND a bargain. Owner. ICO Sherlock bldr. Phone ONE FRESH YOUNG COW AND CALF for sale. Inquire at 123 Lovfnsdale st. FOR SALE NEW TYPEWRITER FOR $35. 13S7 Mallory ave. Phone Union 5671. FOR SALE SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRIT cr; $30. H. E. Edwards. 1S5 1st st. TICKET TO NEW YORK. FIRST CLASS, for woman. D 31. Oregonlan. GASOLINE LAUNCH FOR SALE. Union 12SL PHONE HELP WANTED MALE. CAMP COOK. $C0; FLUNKEY. $30, FREE fare; cook for boat ciuo. about i people, on housebcat. $50. no objection to married man without children; cook. $CU; pantryman, $35 and room; dishwashers etc.; 20 axemen for right-of-way clearing. $2.25. free fare; free fare for laborers on the Rlparia. Lewlston & Eastern Oregon, new work good station work; quarrymen. $2.25; sawmill laborers, $2.25; section men. togging R. R.. $25: many, many others. See ua for the good Jobs all over. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 2 North Second Street. WANTED EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER and general office man. must be neat, rapid and accurate; willing to start at moderate salary and give bond; answer In own hand writing, giving references; experience and llaea familiar with; permanent to right party. Address Q 32. Oregonlan. MEN. 1000 MEN. For new R. R. construction. Eastern Oregon. Washington: year's work; Laborer, team sters, rock and station men: free tare. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 20 North Second St., PorUand. ALL DISEASES OF MEN SUCCESSFULLY treated; discharges positively cured in from 3 to 5 dajs; consultation free and strictly confidential; send for our symptom blank. X-Radlum Medical Institute. Allsky bldg.. 3d and Morrison sts., Portland. WANTED BRIGHT BOY. LIVING AT home, about Id years old. for office work, salary $20 per month; answer In own hand writing, giving age. references and tele phone number. Address F 32, care Oregonlan. MEN and women to learn watcbmkg en graving. Jewelers wk; only prac school for Jewelers; money made learn'g. Watchmkg Eagrav. School. P. L bldg.. Seattle. WANTED SEVEN STICKER MEN; GOOD wages; steady work; only competent men need apply. Address The Wheeler-Osgood Company, Ta coma. Wash. WANTED A COMPETENT AND THOR- oughly reliable stenographer and office man; state references and salary expected. Appty R 31. Oregonlan. STATION MEN. ROCK WORK. Good rvricea. all -winter work, free fare. Particulars from HANSEN'S OFFICE. 26 North Second st. WANTED A STRONG. VERY STEADY and reliable boy to work In factory: refer ences required. Portland Glove Works, iS2 Front st- SAILORS WANTED FOR ENGLISH SHIP bound to South Africa. Apply at Sailors' Home. cor. 2d and Gllsan sts.; wages $25 per mo. Wanted Men to learn barber trade; steady practice: expert instructions Write for terms, Giltman's College, 627 Clay St., S. F. California wine depot; headquarters bakers. cook, waiters, bartenders. All wince uc per glass. P. Loratl. 14S 4 th. Clay 1503. 2 JAPS TO WORK AROUND A MINE boarding-boute. nd cooking. $00 and board for two; jares paid, can at -tt N. -a su WANTED FIRST-CLASSi MEN IN PORT- lena ana tnrougnout aaie to soucu dusi- nss. call or write. 607 McKay bidr. WANTED STENOGRAPHER; OTHER openings; see us for positions wanted, uust aes Men's Clearing-House. 110 2d. WANTED TWO FIRST-CLASS GROCERY- raen. one city, one near by. Clerks" Regis tration Bureau, 265 Morrison st. BOY WANTED. OVER 15. FOR OFFICE work; wages $3 week at start. Address Hardware A 31. care Oregonlan. WANTED TWO GOOD ACTS FOR THE Fair. Call Immediately at Newman's vaude ville Circuit. 351 Morrison. WANTED 2 FIRST-CLASS AND EXPERI enced amalgamators. Apply at room 304 McKay bldg. in forenoon. WANTED IMMEDIATELY INSIDE LEC turer. young man. strong voice, educated, Siberian R. K.. Trail. WANTED AN UP-TO-DATE ARCH1TEC- tural draftsman at once. J. H. Nave, arch! tect. Lewleton. Idaho. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO LEARN BAR- ber trade: fine chance; some money required. 50G Washington st. X 2 ENERGETIC REALTY SALESMEN, TO- asy; good -salary to ngnt men. iks AiisKy Mag.. 3d-Morrison. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS BARKEEPER. Call between 10 and 11. Alder-st. entrance. Arlington Club. WANTED YOUNG MAN. EXPERIENCED In the fur trade. H. Liebes & Co.. Furriers, 2SS Morrison st. WANTBD-CLERKS FOR OFFICE WORK; must be good penmen, quick at figures. P 81. Oregonlan. WANT SUIT CASE AND TELESCOPE maker. Multnomah Trunk Co., foot ot Ban croft ave. WANTED A GOOD PLUMBER TO GO TO Astoria. Apply GaukI & Kline Co., 1st and Bumslde. WANTED FIRST-CLASS BOOKKEEPER and stenographer. Address F 23. care Ore gonlan. MSN'S OLD CLOTHING. SHOES WANTED; highest price paid. 50 3d. Phone Pacific 4(1. A GOOD RUNNER OR RUSTLER WANTED for Lange Hotel. 0th and Washington sts. WANTED OLD CLOTHES. SHOES. HIGH est price paid. 163 Front. Phone Pacific 02. ENERGETIC ADVERTISING SOLICITOR. Call 10 A. M. or 3 P. M. 315 Oregonlan bldg. FIRST-CLASS SALESMAN. CITY. COUN try; big wages; 215 Commercial block. DISHWASHER. READY TO WORK. Washington St.. N. Y. Restaurant. 631 WANTED RUNNER FOR ROOMING house. . 240 Park st-. cor. Main. WANTED A BOY ABOUT IS FOR BOT tllng. Inquire 103 Front st. SOMCITOR WANTED FOR A 40-ROOM house. Call at 200 '.i 1st st. FOR SALE HOTEL SCOTT BARBER SHOP. 7th and BumsWe. BARBER WANTED STEADY WORK. 260 Bumslde. FIRST STICKERMAN. APPLY 291 4TH ST. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED A GIRL TO ASSIST IN GENERAL housework. Apply 104 N. 17th. cor. Kearney. GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; references required. 723 Glisan st. LADY SOLICITOR EXCELLENT OPPOR tunlty to right person. J 31. Oregonlan. A YOUNG GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSE work. Inquire mornings. 200 Alberta st. TWO COMPETENT GIRLS. ONE FOR Up stairs', one for pantry. 53 N. ISth. Davis. WANTED A LADY TO ASSIST IN TAILOR- ing at 221H Alder St.. bet. 1st and Zd. WANTED GIRL TO COOK AND WASH and iron. 227 W. Fark st.; wages $25. WANTED A COMPETENT COOK; GOO" wages; apply morning. 721 Flanders st. GIRL TO ASSIST IN GENERAL HOUSE work. 335 Market st. Phone Main 4443. . A GOOD CHAMBERMAID WANTED FOR the Lange Hotel, Gin ana wasningion. WANTED AT ONCE - EXPERIENCED chambermaid at the Quimby Hotel. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOCSE- work. 155 16th st.. cor. Morrison. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. small family. 570 Hoyt st. WANTED LADY TO TRAVEL; capital required. V 40, Oregonlan. SMALL WANTED SEVERAL YOUNG LADIES TO work at home. M 32. Oregonlan. WANTED GIRLS. EXPERIENCED SHIR": makers and finishers, at 75 1st. WANTED YOUNG GIRL FOR NURSE, ply mornings. CSS Marshall et. WANTED A GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSE- work. Apply 6M b. Alder st. A YOUNG GIRL FOR DISHWASHER. 11th. Call In forenoon. WANTED HAIRDRESSER AND MANI- rure at 320 Morrison st. EXPERIENCED LADY CLERK WANTED at 1S1 3d and Yamnlll. WANTED EXPERIENCED SECOND GIRL. Telephone Main soil. WANTED A GIRL TO HELP IN BAKERY. 315 3d. cor. Clay. EXPERIENCED CHAMBERMAID WANTED at 147 13tA st. HAIR DRESSER AND MANICURE AT Washington st. SOS HELP WANTED FEMALE. COOKS. CITY AND COUNTRY. HOTELS. boarding-houses and fare tiles, to $4u; -bouseglrls for beach. $25; chambermaid, beach; 18 housegtrls. city; chambermaid, city; short-order cook, second cook; house keeper for a gentleman and child 12. Han sen's Ladies' Agency, 343 Washington st., cor. 7th, upstairs. WANTED 150 GIRLS TO MAKE OVER- alls and shirts; Instructions given to In experienced. Apply Neustadter Bros.. Standard Factory No. 2. corner East Tay lor and Grand ave. DOMESTICS. COOKS. WAITRESSES. CHAM- bermaids. etc.; city, coast. Fair and coun try: plenty of work. Canadian Parlor. 226H Morrison. Main 1323. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework: must be good cook; two in family; wages $30. Apply before 12 o'elock 813 Lovejoy. WANTED AT ONCE. LADY COLLECTOR: one acquainted with city: experience pre 'erred. Call 217 Oregoalan bldg.. after 1 o'clock. WANTED YOUNG LADY WHO WISHES to learn photography. Call at Aune s new studio, between 0 and 10 A. M. Columbia bldg. WANTED FIRST-CLASS LADY REPRE- sentattves In Portland and throughout state; gsod pay. Call or write 607 McKay bldg. WANTED DOMESTIC. FROM IS TO 40, IN iamny ot two. itE3 oiin st. university Park. J. W. Gray. Phone Union 6301. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS. COOKS. WAIT- ers. chambermaids, general workers. fat. Louis Agency. 230 Vj Yamhill. Main 5413. WANTED TEACHER FOR COUNTRY school; $45 month. C. R. B. Teachers Agency. 303 Allsky bldg.. 265 Morrison. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. 343 Washington St.. cor. 7th, upstairs. Phone Main 2602. GIRL WANTED TO DO COOKING AND housework. Apply to Mrs. I. Frohman. Parlor C. Portland HoteL GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work; good cook; good wages. 67 N. 14th, bet. Davis and Everett. WANTED LADY TO ATTEND TO A CIGAR ana truit siano; mast be uay and eome ex perience, can sh 6tn st. WANTED NEAT. INDUSTRIOUS GIRL FOR Ice cream parlor. Clerks Registration Bu reau. 285 Morrison st. WANTED GERMAN OR SWEDISH GIRL for general housework. Inquire 304 College st. WANTED PLAIN COOK housework; small family. Phone Main 2737. FOR GENERAL 257 North 22d WANTED PARTNER. BY MRS. DAVIS, for day nursery; small capital required. Fttone Main 4014. , GIRL TO WAIT ON TABLE AND ASSIST with housework: no cooxlng. 305 Mor rlson. cor. 10th. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work in small family and go to beach. Call 560 1st. WANTED EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR GEN eral housework; references. Mrs. Hogue, 608 Spokane ave. WANTED TEACHERS FOR CHINESE Mis sion. Call at 310 BunvsWe St.. or 2U6V& Second st. WANTED A AVOMAN FOR HOUSEWORK good wages. Call 217 Oregonlan bMg.. after & o'clock. GIRL TO ASSIST IN HOUSEWORK: CARE of baby; good home; good wages. 30 1 N 10th st. GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK. GOOD WAGES to right party. Phone East 1712. 010 East Everett. GIRL OR WOMAN FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; family of 3 adults. Call at 246 Meade street. GIRL TO ATTEND BABY. AGE 3. AND DO light housework, week days. T 49, Orego nlan. WANTED A CAPABLE WOMAN TO HELP In rooming-house. 14 11th at., corner Burn side. EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR CHAMRER AND dining-room work. Btowh Hotel. 271 Grand ave. WANTED A NEAT GIRL TO HELP IN dining-room or second work. At 163 12th st WANTED GOOD COOK, 54 N. ISTH ST. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED YOUNG PEOPLE TO FIT themselves for stenographers and book keepers ; placed 207 In positions past year: can place you when competent- Behnke Walker Business College, day and night Catalogue Call. TEACHERS DESIRING SCHOOLS IN THE Northwest should Join the C. R. B. Teach ers' Agency, and be put in touch with suit able opening. Write far terms or call at 308-304 Allsky bldg.. Portland. Or. PANTRYMAN. $35; DISHWASHERS; CHEF. $15; waitresses, chambermaids, pantry', housework, camp cook. Drake's. 205 Washington. GOOD OPENING FOR COMPETENT STEN- ographer. one with experience as public stenographer preferred. A 32. Oregonlan. LADIES". GENTS' WHITE SHOES CLEAN- ed; also nrst- lass laundry woric reasonable. 6SC Lovejoy. Main 6650. WANTED 400 HOPPICKERS: BEST YARD: eaey to earn money. Apply to Andrew Kan. & Co., 27S Morrison st. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. POSITION WANTED BY STRICTLY SOBER man. Hollander, of good babtts and appear ance, knowing the principle of bookkeeping and not having worked In Portland before. G 31. Oregoalan. SITUATION WANTED BY EXPERIENCED young man etenographer: beet of references furnished. Address B 31. Oregenian. BOOKKEEPER WANTS SMALL SET OF books to keep or any extra office work L 32. Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. WANTED WORK BY GERMAN OF FIRST class experience In carpenter and cement work; also signs and fresco painting: sculp tor work In wood and plaster; situation pre ferred for factory, company or flrat-cla&s contractor. E 31. Oregonlan. FIRST-CLASS JAPANESE COOK WANTS position In private family, city or country; speaks good English; has best references; wages $30 and up. Address Y 23. care Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN OF GOOD HABITS AND AP pearance would like a position in Portland which would enable him to finish in business college. H 32. Oregonlan. JAPANESE LABOR ASSOCIATION CAN fcrntab domestic servants, farmers also; all kinds of help. Clay 513. 263 Everett st. SITUATION WANTED BY A RCI I ITECTU -raj draughtsman, good sculptor, for any dec oration. F 31. Oregonlan. TWO JAPANESE BOYS WANT JOBS A3 cook and dishwasher In hotel in country. C 31. Oregonlan. JAPANESE BOY WANTS SITUATION AT housework for family in city.- S 32, Ore gontan. JAPANESE BOY WANTS HOTEL OHAM ber work or any kind help. P 40. Oregonlan. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. WANTED POSITION BY FIRST - CLASS stenographer; seven years' business experi ence In railroad and mercantile llneo. Q 29, Oregonlan. YOUNG LADY. EXPERIENCED. WISHES position as checker or cashier 1a restaurant or hotel. D 30. Oregonlan. noosekeeuera. SITUATIONS WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS, cooks, chambermaids. 'Waitresses, nurses, housework girls. 230 Yamhill. Phone Main 5413. MIDDLE-AGED LADY. NEAT HOUSE kreper. would like the care of flntt-class home for widower. Address Y 30. Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. WANTED BY YOUNG LADY. PLAIN SEW lng to go out by the day. experienced. 500 1st st. Phone Main 1611. FINNISH GIRL WISHES HOUSEWORK IN private family. 341 N. 16th. cor. Raleigh. FIRST-CLASS COOK WANTS A POSITION In private family. 75 N. 0th-Evertt. WANTED A PLACE TO DO GENERAL housework. Call at 633 Thurman at. COLORED WOMAN TO WORK BY THE day. 501 Pine st. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Miscellaneous. POSITION AS COMPANION TO ELDBRLT person by middle-aged lady; good hoav more of an object than wages; best cit references. W 31. Oregonlan. WANTED AGENTS. GENERAL AGENT TO HANDLE PEER less envelope, stamp and label moisten In Oregon. Quick seller; used la every of tice. mailing-room, etc.; can make goo-1 money; retails for $1- Send for samp.' and terms. Good snow for a lv man W. B. Curtis & Co.. 017 Mission sf. S4 Francisco. Cal. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL OUR SUPE- rlor. high-grade nursery stack; new and MR pletc outfit furnished free; cash weekly write today for choice of territory. Aadrtes Capital City Nursey Company. Salem. Or. AGENTS WANTEL TO SELL OUR HIGH- grade nursery stock. Choice territory la Or egon. Washington and Idaho. Cash ad vanced weekly: outfit free. Write at one for terms. Chlco Nursery Co.. Chico. CaL LADIES AND GENTLEMEN TO INTRO- duce and sell self-lighting gas lamps; does away with matches and gas lighters; sells on slgnt. 603 Washington, cor. 10th. AGENTS AND STREET MEN WB MAKE useful souvenir. 2c. sells for 10c; wxmptes. 6c. It. S. Green & Co.. 375 Wells st,. Chi cago. 111. ADVERTISING SOLICITORS. $3 TO $1Q dally. See Allen mornings. 107 Sherieek Okie Wanted Photograph coupon salesmen; big pas . Exposition offer. Rembrandt Studio. iv$ 3d WANTED THREE BOOK. PICTURE OR novelty hustlers; a snap. SOI Dekum bldg. LADY AGENT SOMETH1NO NEW. GOOD miller, big wages. Sla Commercial blk. PICTURE AGENTS WANTED CALL 2S2 street. WANTED TO RENT. OWNERS AND AGENTS WILL FIND IT TO tlelr advantage to list their vaeant house or flats with our free reatal derurtawa , Our vacant house directory has be cam a recognized institution in Portland, hun dreds of tenants being weekly plaeed jx suitable quarters. We make ne charge whatever, and landlords should take a? vantage it this service by calling at our rental department, tilling in our Inform. tion blank; leave the rest to un; we w: secure a desirable tenant: we want nouses In all parts of city and suburbs. If icj. have a vacant houae. fiat or apartment, phone the particulars. We won't allow it io remain long idle. H. E EDWARDS. HOUSEFURNI3HER. Rental Department. 135 to 191 1st st WANTED THREE OR FOUR HOUSEKEEI lng rooms, must be centrally located. dres, stating price, G 27. care Oregoalar. ROOM AND BOARD FOR YOUNG MAR ried couple, permanent residents, best re" erences; mention terms. P 37. Oregonsan WANTED A STORE IN A GOOD RKTAl business locality; long lease; rent not Mgher than $700 month. B 32. Oregontan. YOUNG MAN WANTS PLEASANT ROOM pormanent if suited; walking distance state price. J 32. Oregonlan. S TO 14-ROOM NICELY FURNISHED HOI -1 Reasonable. A Vest Side, today. Phone Ma. 1976. FURNISHED HOUSES WANTED FOR TI Iters. J. V. Creighton t Co.. 1W4 34 a" WANTED A FURNISHED HOUSK. WE Slde: good- location. J . Oregon. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. THE PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS BUT? all kinds of furniture, new or oM. at 211 1st st. Phone Mala 555. WANTED MEN'S CAST-OJTF CLOTH IN and shoes; highest pnice paid. Call at a "Fair Deal." 2 N. 3d. Phone Hood 517 WANTED AT ONCE SECOND-HAND MW ing-plcture machine, films, song sttu's Room 11. 351 h Morrison. WANTED BICYCLES FOR GIRL sff AND boy 12; must be cheap and m get sopair S. L. S.. 401 Kvexett at. 20 TEAMS WANTED FOR WORK IN CIT wages $3 00 per day. Apply SI Has lh or phORe Union 7$. WE CALL FOR DEAD HOItSBS AND CAT. tie ot all kinds. Phone East 22M. WANTED TICKET TO ST. PAUL; GEN tleman. Address H 40. Oregonlan. WANTED ROOM FOR CIGAR AND NTB stand. Y 31. Oregonlan. FOR RENT. Rooms. FAIR VISITORS DESIRING NEATLY Fl U cished rooms at reasonable rates In desir. able neighborhood can nnd same at j43 Harrison st. THE MAYFA1R ELEGANTLY FURN1SHEI rooms, new building, modern convenience. 203V- Stark, cor. 5th. Phone Main 2S7. 485 ALDER ST. FRONT ROOM. FIR-VT floor, private house, double bed and eouh central, conveniences; $1 day. $6 week. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. BATH ANI toilet on same floor; modern In every re srect. 105 East 13th St.. near Alder. PRIVATE MODERN RESIDENCE. WALK lng distance, rooms 510 month ut; pari-T suite, reasonable. 202 10th South. 410 SALMON ST. NICELY FURXISHEYr room, transient or by mnth, very reason able; all conveniences; central. PLEASANT SUITE OF LAKGH rRt'NJ' rooms for man and wife; pnone ana oa t. Phone Main 5560. 121 Jefferson. THE ALDER. 435 ALDER NICELY Fl R- nlshed rooms, convenient ana tatci. wij, free phone; reasonable rates. FOR RENT NICE LARGE FURNISH front room; Hot and cold water; nrst aoar. $50c per day. 30 Holiaday. TWO ROOMS IN A PRIVATE HOME. BATH, gas and phone. 432 jenerson. aeiweec na and 12th. Phone Main 4730. LARGE. WELL FURNISHED ROOMS modern conveniences, walking distanoe. 1$1 14th st- Phone Main 2615. FURNISHED ROOMS RIGHT IN THB CEN tral part of the city at reasonable rates. 193 and lt)3 7th. cor. Taylor. PRIVATE FAMILY HAS FUR.VBHEO room, bath, 787 Lovejoy; waixiag ewwh Fair; take 23d-st. car. NICE NEWLY-FURNISHED ROOMS. 25C per night; one block from car. 10 minutes ride. 160 E. 34th at. NICE. LARGE ROOM FOR LADY OR GEN tleman; phone and bath. 424 Jefferson. Phone Main 5580. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS IN SUITES, use of phone, bath and gas; oa car line: rea sonable. 213 13th. THE SANTA CLARA. 205 lOTH-NICEuY furnished rooms, transient or permanent. Phone Main 3S62. PLEASANT FURNISHED ROOMS IN PRI vate family; bath and phone. 115 12th St.. near Washington. PAYING GUESTS RECEIVED. MODERN, private home, breakfast if desired. 12 ISth. cor. Glisan. FOR RENT-LARGE FURNISHED ROOM, private family; near car Hue. 206 ISth. near Taylor st. TWO ROOMS TO RENT; SUITABLE FOR offices or lodging; over P. O. I. MeColl. Gresham. Or. LADY TO SHARE FURNISHED TENT with lady; $1.50 week; 3 blocks from Fair. 707 Vaughn. NICE FRONT ROOM. $2.50 per week. 307 Pettygrove. PRIVATE FAMILY. North loth st.. near FOUR NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. REAS onable. single or housekeeping. 146 North 16th si. MODERN FURNISHED ROOMS IN TOl"R ney blk.: will rent cheap. Call 2SwH Park street. FURNISHED ROOMS VERY REASONABLE; phone and bath: breakfast If desired. 2v7 4th st. MONASTES. COR. 1ST AND JEFFERSON Housekeeping. $3.50 and up; transient. 25c. 50c. $1. WILLAMETTE, 144U 6TH. HALF BLOCK from Hotel PorUand Rooms. $2.30 to $3 per week. 300fc MADISON. NEAR CITY HALL COOL, well-furnished room, suitable for one er two. NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS; P.EASOX able rates. 129 Grand ave.. nr. E. Morrlaos.