13 sttuation WAjrrKD male. M3eeliaaenas. MIDDLE-AGED FLORIST AND GARDEN er ' wl-thts petition, either" private or cotn Hjarclil; understands business thoroughly la all i'a branches, with -very best of ref erences. Good wages expected. O. H&eff nerv Sg&H Everett FIRST-CLASS JAPANESE COOK WANTS position In private family, city or country: peaks rood English; has best references; wages $30 and up. Address T 29, care Oregonlan. TOUNO MAN. GEKMAN. "WOULD LIKE position In private residence, experienced in lawn, gardenwoTk: also understands care of horses, cow. N 24. Oregonlan. JAPANESE BOT WANTS SITUATION AS bellboy at hotel or club In city. C 20, Oregonlan. POSITION AS BAND INSTRUCTOR. COUN try town preferred. B 26. Oregonlan. A JAPANESE BOT WANTS POSITION, AT general housework. 121 N. 15th at SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. WANTED POSITION AS STENOGRAPH.' er; have had some experience. Moderate salary -to start In with. Address, L 25. Oregonlan. Dres stalkers. PETER THOMPSON. SUITS AND DRESS Jiklrts. beautifully fitted and made. Phone East 3S80. Domestics. 6ITUATION WANTED EXPRIENCED GBR man girt, family cook; wages $30; refer ences. 23014 Yamhill. Phone Main 5413. BeBsekeepers. KVANTED BY A THOROUGHLY COMPE tent and experienced housekeeper, position In hotel, rooming-house or club; best of references and guarantee. S 25, Oregonlan. ItVANTEDr-SITUATION BY AN EXPERI enced woman from the East as housekeeper or cook In private family. Call or addrets 155 Shaver -tit. Miscellaneous. IAN ELDERLY WOMAN WILL GO TO THE coast during August as companion to an in valid or cars for an Infant;. can cook: terms reasonable; references. Address K 25, Ore gonlan. WORK WANTED FOR HOUSEWORK girls, waitresses, chambermaids, city. Ex position, anywhere, any race. Drake, 205 Washington. 6ITUATI0N WANTED GOOD WOMAN housekeeper. experienced; chambermaids, cooks, waitresses, nurses. 230V Yamhill Phone Main 5413. IF YOU WANT FINE HAND LAUNDRY work done, phone Main 6550. 6S0 Lovejoy at. .Ladles' and children's work a specialty. WANTED A POSITION AS SALESLADY, office work or demonstrator. Address F 28, Oregonlan, or phone East 102. YOUNG LADY DESIRES POSITION AS cashier or saleslady. Phone Front 1712. WANTED AGENTS. 'AGENTS WANTED TO SELL OUR EUPE rlor. high-grade nursery stock; new and com plete outfit furnished free; cash weekly; write today for choice of territory. Address Capital City Nursey Company. Salem, Or. AGENTS WANTEL TO SELL OUR HIGH grade nursery stock. Choice territory In Or egon. Washington and Idaho. Cash ad vanced weekly: outfit free. Write at once for terms. Chlco Nursery Co., Chlco, Cat XADY AGENT SOMETHING NEW. OOOD tler big wages. 215 Commercial blk. WANTED TO RENT. OWNERS AND AGENTS WILL FIND IT TO tielr advantage to list their vacant houses or flats with our free rental department. Our vacant house directory has become & recognised Institution 1n Portland, hun dreds of tenants being weekly placed In suitable quarters. We make no charge whatever, and landlords should take ad vantage of this service by calling at our rental department, filling In our Informa tion blank: leave the rent to us; we will .cure a desirable tenant; we want houses' in all parts of city and suburbs; If you have a vacant house, flat or apartment. phone the particulars. We won't allow it 40 remain long idle. H. E EDWARD.'. HOUSEFURNISHER. Rental Department. 185 to 191 1st U SOUTHERN LADY WITH SEVEN-YEAR-old son wishes rooms1 with refined family. one month or Summer: light housekeeping privileges; yard; no Fair prices, k. 30, Oregonlan. GENTLEMAN AND WIFE, SEPTEMBER 1. 2 or 3 nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; give terms ana full particulars, -a. 24, ore gonlan. WANTED ROOM AND BOARD WITH A good German Catholic family, by a young man of good habits. R 25. Oregonlan. FURNISHED HOUSES WANTED FOR Vis itors. J. V. Crelghton & Co., 165V4 3d st. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. THE; PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS BUYS all kinds of furniture, new or old, at 211 1st st. roone Main 36. WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING and shoes; highest price paid. Call at the "Fair Deal." C2 N. 3d. Phone Hood 511 WANTED SECOND-HAND INCUBATOR: must te cheap. Address P. E. Walker. west Portland, Or.; care C u. Briscoe. TICKET TO SAN FRANCISCO. GENTLE man, short, dark eyes. Address E 30, care Oregonlan. WANTED A LARGE BUS. WITH OR without horses. Lange Hotel. 0th and Washington. WE CALL . r"OR DEAD HORSES AND CAT tle of all kinds. Pnone East 2233. FOR RENT. Rooms. 2CJCELY FURNISHED OUTSIDE ROOMS, with ues of phone -and bath; (1.75 a week and up. Ill N. 7th.. NICE NEWLY-FURNISHED ROOMS. 25C per night; one block from car. 10 minutes' tide,. 160 E. 34 th ct 485 ALDER ST. LARGE. AIRY JIOOM. double bed. private home, central. $4 week, $14 month. WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS. BEST Lo cation, permanent or transient; bath and phope. 251 10th. THREE NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS IN private family. 202 E. 10th rt.. one block from car line. FOR RENT NICE LARGE FURNISHED front room; hot and cold water; first floor. 800 Holllday. LADY TO SHARE FURNISHED TENT with lady: $1.50 week; 3 blocks from Fair. 707 Vaughn. FOR RENT TWO CONNECTING BED rooms; private entrance; 2, 3 or 4 persons. 94 N. 10th. THE HAMANN. 13 N. 16TH ST. CLEAN furnished rooms at reasonable rates. Phone Main 1400. PLEASANT FURNISHED FRONT ROOM; modern, central, bath. 16S 12th st. Phone 432. ' MONASTES. COR. 1ST AND JEFFERSON Housekeeping, $3.50 and up; transient, 25c. 50c. $1. LARGE. WELL FURNISHED FRONT ROOM in new, modem house. 765 Irving st Phone OMS. WILLAMETTE. 144H 6TH HALF BLOCK from Hotel Portland; rooms $2.50 to $5- per week. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS AND SUITES, use of phone, bath and gas; reasonable. 213 18th, NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. ELEC -trie lights, bath, phone. Phone Main 3140. FURNISHED ROOMS BY DAY OR WEEK: prices reasonable. Inquire 551 Morrison st NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS: REASON able rates. 139- Grand ave.. nr. E. Morrison. FURNISHED ROOMS. CLEAN. COMFORT able. $2. 3. 3d. near Madlsos. TWO FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS AND I &eekeig room. 75 North 9th. FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT. Park. Ffe&ae Main e7. 481 W. FURNISHRD FROKT ROOM, $3 PRR week. eXT 2C HUt i'OX KENT. Rooms. THE COZY. 13 AND 195 7TH, COR. OF Taylor st Nice large, newjy rerauacu om sunny rooms right in the central yart of the. city. 1 block from Portland Hotel and good restaurants at less than half the price that the large hotels charge, with free baths; we cater to the best trade at lowest prices: Just the place Tor tourists and Fair visitors. Take 3th and M street car. Phone Clay 1712. NEW LANGE HOTEL. European plan: strictly fireproof and mod ern; rates reasonable; electric lights and bells, steam heat and elevator, electric cars direct to Fair grounds pass the door; ele gant cafe and bar In connection. Cor. 6th and Washington. Phone Main 3311. F. Lange. Prop. Bam Baumann. Mgr. THE AUDITORIUM. 208H 3D ST.. BET. Taylor and Salmon. 1 block south uaker Theater Elegant, newly furnished brick building, hot and cold running water In rooms, free porcelain baths, rooms with private bath, electric light, elevator: rooms suitable for two. $1 day. $1 per week up; tourists solicited. THE PHILADELPHIA. First-class In all Its appointments, hot and cold water In rooms, baths free to guests; central location, facing Plaza. Phone Main 2028. J. E. Mlnard Black. Prop. COR, THIRD AND SALMON. ELEGANT OUTSIDE ROOMS. NEW AND handsomely Xuralsaefl, free porcejam baths, fine dining-room, all modem con veniences; low rates to permanent and transient guests. The Lindell Hotel. Mar ket st- bet. 3d and 4th. THE GARLAND. C21 Washington st., between 13th and 20th; new. modern., all outslds rooms; elec tric lights, phone, free baths; &0c. 75c $1 per da)'; restaurant In building. 212 TTH ST., COR. SALMON NICE LARGE airy rooms, peauutui trees, oniy z diock from Portland Hotel. Postofflce and the aters; tourist trade solicited; prices reason able. 1'hone Main 2239 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS CENTRAL- ly located; pleasaxv sxrounflings. Price reasonable. Gas. pbe and bath. 41 East 6th at., cor. Couch Y 95 12TH-LARGE FRONT ROOM. NEWLY furnished, large closet, phone, gas, bath, private family; board it desired; suitable tor two young men. FAIR VISITORS NICELY FURNISHED rooms; private borne, strictly modern; so cents day; breakfast if desired. 165 Morris ft. Union 5512. THE ANGELUS. COR. SIXTH AND JEF- fernon sts. New and nicely furnished suites and single rooms; prices reasonable; frte porcelain baths. 455 BURNSIDE. COR. 12TH NICE FUR nlshed room. bath, phone: private family; very central; near Washington; $3.50 per week. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH GAS. bath and phone, near car. for moderate prices, at 440 10th ct Call from 8 to 11 A. M. ONE FURNISHED ROOM. MODERN. WITH connecting bath; walking distance; pear Belasco Theater. 54 N. 15th. near Davis. TWO ROOMS IN A PRIVATE HOME,-BATH, gas and phone. 432 Jefferson, between 11th and 12th. Phone Main 4739. LARGE. WELL FURNISHED ROOMS, modern conveniences, walking distance, lbl 14th st Phone Main 2615. LARGE FRONT ROOM WITH OR WITH out board; terms moderate. Opposite St Helen's Hall, 738 Main st THE ALDER. 455 ALDER ST. NICELT furnished rooms, quiet and convenient; rates reasonable; bath, phone. WELL - FURNISHED ROOMS WITHIN walking distance of Fair; bath, gas. phone Main 2147. 792 Lovejoy. NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS ON 5 CAR lines, $2 a week; family parties solicited. 1C0 North Union ave. 664 G LIS AN 2 FURNISHED ATTIC ROOMS, six dollar each. Rooms With Board MRS. L. M. COX HAS REOPENED HER house, very desirable, well-furnished rooms, board if desired, 2 blocks from Morrison ar line, 2H from Washington line; con venient to Fair grounds. C57 Fettygrove st. bet 20th and 21st PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION. 17TH YEAR; rooms with board, use of sewing-room: use of library; Woman's Exchange. Address Mrs. E. 3. "Hamlin. Supt. 510 Flanders. THE -LINDELL NEW FAMILY HOTEL Market at. bet 3d an'd 4th; steam heat electric light, gas. porcelain baths; all out slds rooms; exceedingly low rates. 895 12TH LARGE FRONT ROOM. NEWLY furnished large closet, phone, gas. bsth, private family; board if desired; reason able. HOTEL BROWN. 271 H GRAND AVE. Pleasant rooms, single or en suite; ele vator, bllllard-room; transients; both ear lines. GOOD BOARD AND ROOM OR ROOMS reasonable central location, nice neighbor hood. 487 E. Ankeny. BLAKELY HALL. 270 0TH PLEASANT rooms with first-class board; fine location. Phone Main 2030. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH first-class board at reasonable rates. 343 10th st FINE ROOMS BY DAY OR MONTH. MOD era. with board. 394 Columbia. Main 2213. THE OZARK. 223 11TH ST. ROOMS EN suite or single, board; hot and cold water. ROOM FOR MORE AT $0.50 PER WEEK." 202 Clay st. near 15th. Phone Main 50Sft. Flats. FOR RENT 6-ROOM MODERN FLAT. $25. West Side, clone in. part or all new furni ture for sale at Inventory figures; payments If desired; parties going East Main 55t$5. 190 17TH ST., NEAR YAMHILL. MODERN C-room lower flat, all conveniences, yard. Inquire 169 10th st,t near Taylor. NEAT. MODERN 3-ROOM FLATS. INCLUD ing combination steel range. Helsey and Larrabee. Inquire 28S Larrabee. FOR RENT-TWO 5-ROOM. TWO 6-ROOM fiats, modern, 21st anO Lovejoy, $25. A. S. Ellis. Phone Union tSl. MODERN FLATS. HEATED. JANITOR service, hot water to bath and kllchen. 22d and Johnson sts. THREE-ROOM FLATS. MODERN CONVENI ences. Inquire Sevilla. flat A, 225 Market Phone Main 510. NICELY FURNISHED FLAT. 300 PARK. Phone Main 4504 or call 401-4 McKay bldg. NEW MODERN 3 AND 4-ROOM FLATS. Hall st HousekeeplBsr Rooats. FURNISHED ROOMS BY DAY. WEEK, month; ak-o bounekeeplng rooms. Call 705 Vaughn or 761H Savler t. cor. 23d st 454 YAMHILL ST.-ONE LARGE CONVE nlent furnished housekeeping - rooms; ground floor; close In; reasonable. TWO FURNISHED ROOMS. PIANO AND upe of kitchen; -no car fare and low rent to right parties. Inquire 190 Third st $175 PER WEEK LARGE. CLEAN. FUR nlthed housekeeping rooms for three. Laundry and bath. 1S4 Sherman. THREE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FOR rent furniture for sale: reasonable. 53 Lewis bldg.. Park and Morrison. ONE LARGE FRONT ROOM WITH AL cove and closet furnished for light house keeping; central. 229 11th st FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS for housekeeping: prices reasonable. 5S3 Hood st Phone Hood 1691. TWO PLEASANT UNFURNISHED- ROOMS tor light housekeeping; gas. bath, phone. In quire afternoons. 2S3 Hall. TWO VERY NICE. HOUSEKEEPING OR furnished rooms; gas. bath and phone, 573 Main. Phone Main 4000. NEWLY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, sink and pantry In kitchen; private family; central. 29 9th st TWO LARGE ROOMS FURNISHED FOR housekeeping. $12 month; bath phone; no children. 528 Market t. 410 SALMON ST. TWO WBCL-FURNISHED housekeeping rooms for adults, private fasa lly, central, reasonable. THREE ROOMS AND BATH. NICELY FUR nlshed for housekeeping; strictly private, reasonable. 220 Grant NICE LARGE HOUSEKEEPING SUITE. rent $14; one single room, reasonable, 440 Slh K.. cor. College. 45 MAIN ST.. COR. I2TH LARGE SINGLE fcouse-keenm: room; ytvoae. r. sath; cea tnX. Pacffte 11L FOR RENT,- Heekrepteg Rooms. THE OXEONTA. 1ST 17TH ST- NEAR YAM hill New house, elegantly furnished apart Bests, in suites of 2. 3 and 4 rooms; hot aad cold water; gas range In each Uteres; tteas heat, baths; free phoss cs eaea Soor. FULLY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING tents, nice shade trees, week or month, come and keep cool at moderate rent .Lewis and Clark Camp. Mt Tabor Heights. f none Scott ft THREE LARGE FURNISHED HOUSE- xeepsng room. &au. pantry, iwo ceca, not. water In kitchen .bath, phone, lawn, two hoarders. If desired. 4 OS E. 8:1 South. ONE OR TWO NICELY FURNISHED rooms, reasonable; everything new; bath, phone; also. 3 furnished housekeeping rooms. ICS E. 6th. !72 1ST ST. 3 OR 4 NEWLY PAPERED fdrnlshed bay-window housekeeping rooms, $1&0; a lo two unfurnished, (3; respect able people only. NICELY FURNISHED SLEEPINO AND housekeeping rooms, close In. bath. 56 10th. near Stark. TWO NICELY FURNISHED; ALSO TWO for light housekeeping. 15 12th st. corner Burnt ide. THREE LARGE. COOL FRONT ROOMS AND bath, suitable for 4; o1k other rootnii 322 4th st 555 MORRISON FURNISHED ROOMS FOR housekeeping on car line. Phone Main 46SK. 427 SALMON MODERN HOUSEKEEPING suite of two rooms on second floor; central. TWO DESIRABLE HOUSEKEEPING BOOMS, also single room. Take M car. GS7 Irving at WITCH HAZEL. Front and 'Madison House keeping rooms, transient: bath, "electric light FURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT HOUSE keeDlns. At 623 4th st 2 OR 3 ROOMS COMPLETE FOR HOUSE keeping. 492 Market st 240fc 5TH ST. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. SUITE OF Houses. FOR RENT LARGE 9-ROOM MODERN, cor. E. 12th and Weldter sis., for J 50 per month; formerly rented for 275. Moore Investment Co.. 131 H 6th st Phone Mala 10. A NEAT. MODERN COTTAGE. 6 ROOMS, bath and basement, near Steel bridge. 2 car lines, 224 E. 2d st. near Holladay av Inquire room CO I. The Dekum. FOR RENT OR SALE TWO BEAUTIFUL new S-room houses. Willamette Heights, all modem conveniences. Geo. L. Hutchln, 1103 Thurman Jt KADDERLT TRANSFER CO.. PROMPT and reliable piano and furniture movers. Phone Main 16S3. Office, 110 N. 3d st DONALD O. WOODWARD. 240 STARK ST. Rents and Insurance. Phone Main 343. ADMINISTRATOR OF ESTATES- FOR RENT COTTAGE ON MARQUAM Hill. Inquire of owner. MUs M. Bonder. 500 Spokane avc. Sellwood. SIX-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. PORTLAND Heights; rent $10; rood garden, city wa ter. Phone Main 1177. $2S FURNISHED HOUSE OF SIX ROOMS: flowers, fruit trees, water Included. 401 Oxford. Woodlawn car. EXCEPTIONALLY PLEASANT 6-ROOM house: also modern 3-room flat Inquire aft ernoon. 412 2d ft THE ' BUEHNER RESIDENCE. 315 12TH st Full particulars F. W. Torgler, 100 Sherlock bldg. $15 MODERN : near car line. Dr. Darllnr. ROOM COTTAGE. NEW. 01 E. Nelson and 25th. FOR RENT-AN UNPURNLsHED ROOMING house of 10 rooms, by Portland Trust to., 109 3d st 6-ROOM COTTAGE. ALSO STABLE. ON quarter E. 9th and Clay. Inquire 320 E. 11th. $1S-NEW 5-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. 10 minutes' service. Apply 710 E. Bush, Brook lyn car. SECOND STORY OF 4 ROOMS; SECOND and Arthur; water; rent 110. Inquire. CS1 2nd. FOR RENT 9-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. COR. 17th and Johnson sts. Arpiy M Johnson it. FOR RENT -ROOM COTTAGE. MODERN Improvements. Inquire 320 Clsy rx. TurBit&ed Houses. A WELL-FURNISHED 0-ROOM HOUSE, within walking distance of Fair grounds, will be rented to responsible tenant from August 1 to September 1. For particulars inquire E. R. 1 Oregonlan. No boarding house proposition. FOR RENT CENTRALLY LOCATED FUR nl&hed house. 'full of roomers; will fur niture on easy terms at a baitjun. The Amos Mercantile Agency. Ablngton bldg. FINELY FURNISHED NEW HOUSE OF 8 rooms, tightly location. 10 minutes' walk to Exposition; for month of August: no children; references. Box 297, city. FOR RENT FURNISHED 0-ROQM HOUSE. In good location on West Side, handy to cars; rent $56 per month. Parrlsb. Wat kins & Co.. 250 Alder at NICE MODERN COTTAGE. FURNISHED, for one month, sic nelshborhood. on car line, gas range. $20 permontb Phone Union 2249. 503 E. Everett st MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE, FURNISHED, for one month; cheap to responsible party; all convenience; good residence district Phone East 3M7. VERY DESIRABLE PRIVATE HOUSE 9 roomr. good location. 1 block from 2 car lines and near Fair grounds. Phone Mala 3244. NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE. LARGE, chady grounds, fruit flowers, good location, near car. 401 12th. FOR RENT-7-ROOM HOUSE. FURNISHED completely, piano, gat, telephone, etc i 11th et. cor. Alder. 210 E. 10TH PLAINLY FURNISHED 5-ROOM cottage, reasonable; key at comer nouse. Phone Main 6571. FOR RENT FURNISHED. UP-TO-DATE iv-room cottage: good locality on car line. Phone East 74. FOR RENT NEATLY FURNISHED COT- tage: reasonable rent to reliable party, u HO. Orrgonlaa. FOR RENT ELEGANTLY FURNISHED 5-room modem cottage, inquire 333 Davis or 207 1st st TO CAREFUL. ADULT TENANTS, 5-ROOM ccttage: piano, gas. natn. -tus ust Eigatn. near Grant. TWO" NICELY FURNISHED COTTAGES. Hatfield & Smith. 1H 4tb cear car line, rtreet FURNISHED HOUSES. ANY SIZE AND LO catisn. J. V. Crelghton & Co.. lVi 3d st NEW 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. ELEGANT ly furnished. Main 3429. Houses For Rest Furniture For Sale, FOR SALE WELL FURNISHED 25-ROOM Muse at a bargain; full of permanent room ers; rent reasonable. Address iL. ts., room 17, Flarel Brick. Astoria, Or. SIX-ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT. FURNISH ed or furniture for mle; modem, good loca. tion for roomers; four rooms rented; Income $40. Phone Main 30Gs. SIX ROOMS. PANTRY. BATH. CELLAR. ON car line .Weet Side, walking distance, fine neighborhood. Towaaeno, xaxweti . to.. 2S9 Alder st FURNITURE ROOMINq-HOUSE. $400 IF taken at once; v rooms; gooa inrniture; close In. rent reasonable. Phcn6 Mala 3142. SNAP IF TAKEN AT ONCE FURNITURE of S-room cottage, with piano: rent $22.50; Weat Side, lease, inquire :tK Park. EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE. FURNITURE FOR sale: flno residence location: feu perma nest roomers. Phone Frect C7L FOR SALE ALMOST NEW FURNITURE OF 9-rcom nocse, including -piano aaa puusoi. Apply lrrinr. corner 2ut FURNITURE OF 9 ROOMS FOR $300. ON Ave car Iter. ceap Teat; ozer coasMertd. 106 North Union ave. S-ROOM HOUSE. FURNISHED COMPLETE, Including piano; $373. Caea? rest. d la. zsa ia st FURNITURE OF 9 ROOMS. CENTRALLY 1 sealed, well paying. Call owaer. M U it. .EEAVIEW COTTAGE TOR SALK-XXW. oeem architect are. casaHetely faralsaed threagseut; tare becroess water m kHesi tx: tans, grtead MtKMe. See Mis. J. J. GriM. la htmt'er R. M. WBtw. 34 Mc Kay Mic, Ftcoasx. Or. TOR RENT, Sasmtr Resorts. FOLEY HOT SPRING THE WELL-KNOWN superior medicinal qualities of thro springs aiske them a tarorite resort for laralia. aed tae absedaaoe cf game and Cne fU&mg testers It the sporuaan's elystuxn. For analysis at water and full particulars. -S-dtese A. A. Hodlnger. Foley Springs. Or. NECANICUM INN. SEASIDE FIRST-CLAS3 come accommocatiuns. ens ocean view, ana fljwerr. modem convenience, noted for Its excellent bome-cookcd meals. Get oS Necaa Icum Station. Emily Damann. Prop. TEAMS FOR ELK CREEK. Saddle horses and expressing. Goods shipped la our cars will receive special attention. N. D. Bain ie Co Seaside. Or. DELIGHTFULLY LOCATED 5-ROOM COT- tage. ridge, fronting ocean. Long Beaca. near depot hotels. Scott 72. COTTAGE AT LONG BEACH FOR RENT; central location. Inquire of E. P. Swttland. 273 Morrtisa st v6tort. STORE. 23x100, WITH MODERN PLATE glass front, on East Morrison at. li blocks west cf Grand ave.; rent very low. Inquire of Cxltf Bros.. 308 E. Morrison st FOR LEASE. UPSTAIRS FLOOR. 70x100; modern: elevator; Morrison, near Postof flte. W S3. Oregonlan. Of Sees. FOR RENT FOR OFFICE OR LIGHT MAX. ufacturlng purposes, two Coon in brick building, comer 5th and Flanders sis. lovry Bros. Glass Co. , OFFICE ROOM TO LET. SIXTH FLOOR. Commercial block. Inquire room 6C9. Phoa Main 542. PART OF GROUND FLOOR OR DESKROOM sear PostoSlce: reaeonable. 2S3 Alder at OFFICE ROOM OR DESKROOM FOR RENT; excellent location. Apply 411 Ablngton bldg. DESK ROOM WITH USE OF PHONE. Marquam bldg. Phone Main 6307. HALF OF OFFICE. LOW RENT TO RIGHT party. 314 Commercial blk. ROOMS AND LODGE HALL3. bldg., 3d and Morrison sts. ALISKY SUITE OF 2 FRONT OFFICE. ROOMS. 143tj 1st st Phone Main 1433. LOST AND FOUND. BICYCLE TAKEN FROM ST. AT MACLSAY bldg.. 5th and Washington stsi. on the 13th; Imperial. No. Model 501. black (ace, blue rims, nearly new. Reward for return Beldlng Bros.. 45 3d at, Portland. Or. TEN DOLLARS REWARD THK ORE gonlan will pay $10 reward for ths arrsst and ecnvlctloa of any one caught stealing The Oregonlan front ths doors of Its sub scribers. Circulation Manager. LOST LADY'S GOLD WATCH. INITIALS J. W. and small diamond in back. Finder please return to Hotel Armtnus. cornir Mor rison and 11th. receive liberal reward. Phone Main S2G3. STRAYED-BROWN HORSE. BOTH HIND feet white, foretop clipped, hair off some on left fore leg. Reward for recovery, Her bert Buckley, pieone. Or. LOST AN ABSTRACT OF TITLE TO LOTS In Willamette; a suitable reward will be paid If left with D. Alexander. Cambridge bldg., 3d and Morrison. LOST A DIAMOND AN DRUBT STICKPIN, ftbape of horseshoe; reward for finder. Ellas "Trad, care Jabours Animal Show, the Trail. FOUND A PLACE TO HAVE HAIR MAT trcnes renovated and returned same day. Main 474. Portland Curled-Hair -Factory. A GOLD LOCKET LOST ON OAK. BET. 2D and. 5th. Finder return to Louis Dam masch. 211 McKay bldg. Reward. LOST-SILVER BUCKLE. WITH SILK BEL' valued as keepsake. Reward, return to 977 Belmont ., or Phone East LOST PURSE WITH FOUR GOLD PIECES. man needs in money; per cent reward. Cider. ootiVi Thurman. FOUND BICYCLE; OWNER PAY FOR the ad. Write to Cbas. J. Stone. I Front st . HEAVY GOLD RING. MASONIC EMBLEM name engraved tnsice. Heturn to uregenian. Reward. LOST A COLLIE PUP. BLACK, WITH TAN markings. Heturn to WJ Lovejoy st tie ward. LOST PET CANARY BIRD. LEFT TO CARE for by friend. Reward. 28S- Morrison- st SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. PROPOSALS FOR SCREEN DOORS AND windows Office of I Q. it.. -Vancouver Bar racks. Wasiu. July 2J. 1605. Sealed propot- sk in triplicate, win te received here until 11 o'clock A. M.. August 25. 190S. for In stalling screens on door? and windows on one barrack building and one double set officers" quarters at Fort w right Specifications will be furnished upon atn)t- catlon. ibe U. S. reserves the right to re ject or accept any or an proposals or any part thereof. Envelopes containing propo- als should be marked. "Proposals' for Screens" and addressed. F. G. Hodgson, Q. M. EEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED AT the County Clerk's Office up till 10 o clock A. M. of Wedneaiay. August 2. 1905. for re decking the Madlson-rtreet bridge. Speci fications for the proposed improvement are now on flte in the on lc of the County Clerk and are open for Inspection. All bids must be sealed and marked. Ul3 tor atad Ison-Street Bridge Improvement" and roust be accompanied by a certified check of 10 per cent of tee amount Of bid. By order or the County Court F. S. Fields. County Clerk. FOUNDRY. BOILER AND MACHINE SHOP for sale by tender The business lAl'dy car ried on br N. Thompson & Co.. Vancouver. B. C. constating of valuable real estate anil suitable buildings, plant and machinery of modem design, patterns, drawings, stock of merchandise and foundry material. Further particulars upon application to undersigned. who will receive tenders for the purchase Tf the whole cr part of the above up to August 31. 1905. The highest or any tender not aecesfarlly accepted. John F. UcIltwelL As signee, sncoorer. u. c FINANCIAL. LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions aad respoailble firms; easy payments aad strictly coaddaa Ual; also CHATTEL LOANS cn personal property; rooming-houses a spe cialty. NEW ERA LOAN & TRUST COMPANY. 20S Ablngtoa Bulldiag. MONEY TO LOAN. On Improved city property or for building purpose. Any amount on from 3 to 10 years time, with privlleg to repay all or part of ' loan atter one year. Loans approved from plans and money adranced as building prcg itsttj; mortgages taken up and replaced. Fred H. Strong. Financial agent 242 Stark street THE STAR LOAN CO. Any salaried employe, wage-career, caa get on his note, without mortgsgc Coafldeatlal. Month. H-month. Week. $50 Repay to us $13.33 or $6.65 or $X13 5 Hepy to us 0.j6 or 13.23 or $1.03 15 Repay to us $ 4.U) or X2.GU or Lvu ZlU M'KAY BLDG.. 102 3D. MONET ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE, teamsters, etc, without security; easy pay ments; Isrgest business In 4V principal dt- - lea. Tolman. 223 Ablngtoa bldg. Mala 6457. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE AT rates you can afford; money leaned on furni ture. bLxso or personal-property; best terms la city; rooms 2IS-230 Ablngtoa. Red 1726. LOANS ON EASY PAYMENT PLAN TO salaried people: lowest rates; strictly coa fldestUL Employes' Loan Co., room. 716, the Dekum. 3d and Wash. sts. Phone 22 1, CHATTEL LOANS MADS ON GOOD curlty at lowest rates; large amount. THS HEALY INVESTMENT CO. 214 AblagtQW. lfeBs Third St SE- IMMEDIATB LOANS IN SUMS FROM $5 TO $$9 oa all securities. R. L .Bckenoa & Co.. room 6. KasfclBgtse bllg- Phase Clay 73. MONRT LOANED IN SUMS OF $ AND UP a all klaas of security. W. A. Hathaway, ream M, Wasalagtafi aldg. Picas Clay 4U. LOANS ON -FURNITURE, PIANOS AND other secariUes; lowest rates. H. W. King, ream 44 Wasa-lagtaa fc!4g. Fkost Mala OltM. LOWEST-RATS LOAN'S ON FURNITURE, ptaaoa, other secitrtUes. 44 Sherlock, bldg. Pkaae Oar $38. AIm real estate Inans, $e,ee TO LOAN AT S AND PER CENT. Wb. G. Reek, roasa 34T. tbe Falling bldg. PORTLAND REAL ESTATE LOANS, 5 AND 6 per ceac. Was. Deabslm. as FaUlag bldg. MOKXY OX MORTGAGE, CIIV OR SUBUR- cx: easr leratr. W. s. War. U Alisky. Sa faa4s Is sat. ( per, eeat W. X. Tresssw. scsM ,agt, 'Msllsiwsii Co., 44 Ckasa. Ceta. MOKXY TO LOAX OK ALL XIXD45 OT SS- rity., Tim. Reel. xss. a. win nun mc. FINANCIAL. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLR. ANY WAGE-BARKER NEEDING MONEY befor payday can get It froaa us. No com missies, or Interest. In advance: Be mort-a gage or lndorscr required. Repay weekly, monthly or eemi-moBthly- la amounts from $1 upward, thus avoiding paysseat of ths whole amount out of any oae payday, and have six months' time If desired. Nelsoa t Htndley. Sua McKay bldg. THE CRESCENT LOAN CO.. 217 OREGO- niaa DIcg... loans money to rtiiaais tales men, trainmen, motorxaea. ' conductors or other salaried employes, lust oa his note, la sums of $10 to $100. Returnable in con venient weekly or monthly payments. Pay ments suspended in case of alckness. Coan deatlaL, No Inquiries. $50,000 TO LOAN AT tf REGULAR RATES. i c roruaaa Loan osice. i u BUSINESS CHANCES. THE AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY GIVES information on business opportunities In any Use of mercantile business; parties looking for locations, city or country, are Invited to call; only legitimate propositions consid ered. Tat Ames Mercantile Agency. Ablng ton bldg. OWNER OF A BUTTER. EGG AND POUL- try Dullness, having more work tnan ne can attend to alone, will take a partner; $ti5o will handle It and make you $0 to $S a day; experience unnecessary, but references are required. Partlcularr. 21SVi Stark st PARTNER WANTED FOR A CASH Busi ness where owner will guarantee $150 roontn ly to purchaser and furnish bank references; experience unnecessary, but puj chaser mime be reliable; $1000 required. Particulars 248H Stark st. INSUFFICIENT CAPITAL COMPELS. ME TO sell one-half Interest In greatest amusement and money-making proposition before public: can operate year round; fad wherever exhib ited. Cocslderatloa. only $1750. A 20. Oregonlan. HOTEL BUSINESS FOR SALE. 40 rooms, dining-room, barroom In connec tion, doing good business and has well-established trade in best town In Southern Oregon. Address M 24. Oregonlan. CONFECTIONERY. CIGAR STORE, IN ONE or Portland's best suburbs, ice cream anu billiard parlors In connection: If you are looking for a good buy. Investigate this. Address F 19, Oregonlan. TO MAKE BIG MONEY QUICK. BUY STOCK in Great western OH Refining ft Pipe: greatest oil fields In the world. Write met for full particulars. Cot W. P. Fife. P. O. Box 532, Portland. Or. PARTNER. LADY OR GENT. IX RESTAU- rs.ni, taxe run charge ana draw gooa sal ary; worm tsw; qutcx sale tiw. nan in terest $2uO; feeding 300 to 400. Inquire 8U2 Upshur st FOR SALE ONLY HOTEL IN GOOD. growing town, fine trade, train crews take meals; 5 lots, big barn, some email fruit; snap and money-maker. Address M 30, Oregonlan. WANTED A MAN WITH $20O TO TAKE nait-interest In a business that win pay $25 per week: sood ewcurity for money. Call at S3 North 6th st, between 12 and 2. FOR SALE A GROCERY AND CONFEC- tlonery store combined; good location and doing fine business: a! 4 furnished rooms above store. Apply 415 N. 23d st FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN A ONE-HALF interest in a new sawmill with a daily capacity of 75,009 feet Apply to William F. Gosslln 68 flth. Portland. Or. NATIONAL FINANCING CO.. 208 MARQUAM MCg.; capitalization fM.OQO. companies in corporated, capital secured, bonds, stocks, mines and real estate handled. FOR SALE HALF INTEREST IN LIVERY and sale stable: young man preferred: about $9C0; profits $100 per month. Call or address 23 North 14th st WANTED FOR THE STATE OF OREGON. energetic man to represent San. Francisco manufacturing concern. , good opening for ngai man. x .4. ureconian. FOR SALE IN ORDER TO INCREASE stock, owner wilt sell one-half Interest in good-paying cash business; $450 required. AddrtsH p 38. Oregonlan. FOR SALE VERY FIRST-CLASS MEAT market, best location In the city; no compe tition, good fixtures and Icebox; bargain: low rent C 23, Oregonlan. CASHIER IN RESTAURANT. LADY OR gent; will loan $140; security $230: use of money 35 days. $10; calary. $16 week. Main 2341. B 24. Oregonlan. FOR SALE-CIGAR AND SOUVENIR STORE, with complete stock and fixtures, with lease paid UU Jan. 1, 1906; price $250. Inquire fcSlii Thurman st PLACER MINE. OLD. GOOD PRODUCER, with valuable water rights and rich ground; to settle estate, sold at a bargain. X 21. Oregonlan. A SMALL-SIZED GOOD-PAYING RESTAU rant and delicatessen for sate: good reasons for selling. Inquire on premises. 380 Mor rison st PARTNER IN ESTABLISHED BUSINE3S. $!0Q per month guaranteed; stock at In voice;. $400 required. D 25. Oregonlan. PLANING MILL FOR SALE ALL MODERN' machinery; In good shape; well located; will sell at a sacrifice. R 17, Oregonlan. HALF INTEREST IN Al WOODYARD AT a sacrifice price, earning net $250 per month. Write 2S1 Larrabee st. city. FOR SALE ROOMING-HOUSE 14 ROOMS. $650; fine location and a bargain: must sell culck. 302 Madison st $500 WILL HANDLE A 17-ROOM HOUSE; the balance can be paid at $13 per month. Phone Main 5096. FAIR CONCESSION, for woman with $400. Co.. 165H 3d st HALF-INTEREST J. V. Crelghton & GOOD SALOON FOR SALE CHEAP. CEN trally located. Inquire 44 3d st. between Ash and Pine. FOR SALE OLD CORNER SALOON AND family garden, account slcknea. snap. J 36, Oregonlan. $250 RESTAURANT. GOOD LOCATION. DO tng fine business; reason, sickness. S 14, Oregonlan. TOR SALE SHOOTING GALLERY. NEAR entrance to ralr, at a sacrifice. 331 N. 20th street . FOR SALE GOOD-PAYING BUSINESS: leaving city. Address G 36. care Ore gonlan. BAKERY . FOR SALE REASONABLE; good reason for selling. A 30. care Ore gonlan. CASH STORE-$300. FULLY SECURED, wilt make you $30 a week. 24S& Stork st. WELL-ESTABLISHED CITY DENTAL Of fice for sale or will rent N 50. Oregonlan. FOR SALE. CHEAP SALOON. A NO. location. Call or address 204-206 2d st FOR SALE MILLINERY STOCK AND Lo cation. Address Box 321. Pendleton. Or. NICE ROOMING-HOUSE FOR SALES TEN rooms; rent cheap. Phone Main 4S&S. A WELL-FURNISHED 23-ROOM at a bargain. Phone Hood 232. WOODYARD. HALF-INTEREST $450. V. Crelghton & Co., 105H 3d at J. CORNER GROCERY FOR SALE OR change, cheap. 34 North 7th. EX- FOR SALE KNIFE-RACK. 10-FT. FRONT, 50 feet back. SS N. 0th st PERSONAL. PERSONAL VITAL INFORMATION AWAITS young lady defaced by fair from horse. Ad dress, with. date. C 36. Oregonlan. A REWARD WILL BE PAID FOR THE present address of A. G. MItcaelL Notify M. E. Ladd. 402 Waaalngtea st A REWARD WILL BE PAID FOR THE present address o! C. H. He&Iaad. Notify W- J. Byrae. 40S ytasetagtoa st VIS3 MAY LOVELAND A FRIEND IS IN town. Address 408 Bast Eahsea st. East Portland, s. x. uaoro. CHEAP SUMMER READING: ALSO RARE books, at the Old Rook Store. 238 Yamhill st, betweea 1st aad 3d, MISS RAYMOND MANICURING, FACB AND scalp his mage, 1104 ta sc. cor. Wasfllsg tOB. COINS BQUGBT. SOLD: GET OUR RRICB8, lists free, CMs C.. 123 N. Ilia. St Louis, Mo. TURKISH BATHS. 360 ORBGONIAN BLDG.; CesMs au Btiga-t; taates'au oay. aiata iwts. FACB AND SCALP MAS45AGE AT YOUR 4s. Ji ess or. ict.uuu ret Mtm m DR. PAUL CROMWBCL. THS COCOASD saeciaUst. SaaHarratst; 127 Xj BKa. M4 Ufa, MIW XAKI. gmdaaee. of Fisriaac- smt Ota HALT-sOLZD FOR Me AX XOLLA WsvMHi Tarlec, be M aaa 44, - -PERSONAL, LADIES. ATTENTION f The X-Radluat Medical Institute and Saal. tarlum Is on of ths most widely kaowa medical Institutes oa the Paclflc Coast far diseases of womea. During the past years more successful cures have beea effected, by Its specialists than at any hospital la the Pacific Northwest Ladies derive Im mediate relief from Liquid Sunshine treat ment Hundrdes of testimonials and refer-, eaces at our offices. Consultation tree and strictly ccafldsntlat Treatment within the reach of alL Scad for our symptom blaak covertng our home treatment. Private san itarium In connection with Institute, X Radtum Medical Institute. AlUky bldg.. 3d and Morrison sts.. Portland. Or, Telephone Main 2706. Office hours. 9 A. M. to S P. M. FACIAL DEFORMITIES AND BLEMISHSS permanently removed by latest sclentlflo methods: no pain, no dang or, no scars, aa detention from dally duties; wrinkles, hol lows, unshapely nose. ears. lips, corrected; pitting, birthmarks, pock marks, scars eradicated; superfluous hair, moles, warts, red veins. etc removed by electric needle; electro-vacuo massage treatment; largest saost successful school of dermatology and only one In Northwest under the direction of a graduate physician; suite 17-20. Sell-lag-HUsch bldg.. Washington st. bet W. Park, and 10th sts. Phone Main 700. Mrae. M, Vaughn. O- D. D. B. B. M sates. M. D C. M, AZA HOLMES - RIBBECKR. GRADUATR dermatologist; scientific. Xeaturai correc tlonlst beautlfler and restorer of youthful ness. may be coasulted daily free; every affliction of the human face and scalp suc cessful treated; mature wrinkles, scars, blemishes. etc removed. Sanitarium and school of dermatology la connection. Par lors 304 Morrison. Phone Hood 2S2. ALL DISEASES OF MEN SUCCESSFULLY treated; discharges positively cured in iront 3 to 3 days; consultation tree and strictly confidential; send for our symptom blank. X-Radlum Medical Institute. Allsky bldg., 3d and Morrison sts., Portland. PLANT GINSENG, THE MOST PROFITABLE of all crops grown; we can luraisa wiia -or cultivated roots ana eeea tor you 10 svrc with: write for prices: oraer your stock now for Fall planting. Peterson Ginseng Co. Garden City, Mian. . MRS. M. GILBERT. FROM LONDON-ALL kinds of feathers and boas clean rd. curled and dyed; best of work; satisfaction guar anteed. 100H th. Portland. Or. Phone Clay sua. llesldence. zu Harrison. iaia s-tso. MANLY VIGOR RESTORED BY DR. ROB erts Nerve Globules. One month's treat 'men S2- 3 months'. 23. Sent secretly sealed by malt. Agents. Wood&rd, Clarke t o-. Portland, or. SEXIXE PILLS DRIVE AWAY THE BLUES, put new life in your body. Price, $1 a box. 6 boxes, $5; full guarantee. Address J. A. Clemenson. -druggist, 2d and Yamhill sts.. Portland. DRESS SUITS FOR RENT. ALL SIZES-$I a month keeps your clothing cleaned and pressed, buttons sewed on. npa sewea up. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailor ing Co.. 347 Washington, opp. Cordray's. The "Matrimonial Register." 10c. contains de scriptions and particulars concerning several hundred residents of Oregon and Wash, who wish to jnarry. Interstate Introducing So ciety, suite 24. Russel bldg.. 105tf 4th. BOOK OF NATURE." "A SOCIAL LION," "A Modem Lover, "Rosas confession, "Marriaxe In Hlxh Life." "Descerato Love." 5uc each: list free. A- W. Schmale, ZSi 1st SUPERFLUOUS HAIL. MOLES. ETC. RE moved by electric needle; lady operator; 11 years' -experience In Portland. Parlors 248 6th st, near Main. Phone Mala 1109. LOST POWERS RESTORED BY THK great Dr. Larenz Nerve Tonic Tablets; 25c a box. Write or call at Eyssell's' Pharmacy. 227 Morrison st. between 1st and 2d. FINE DAY BUY MEREDITH S UMBREL- las: renalrlnr and recovering: two stores. Washington and 0th and Morrison and 5th. Sole agents for Alexandre kid gloves. A REWARD WILL BE PAID FOR THE present address of G. W. Hasklns. formerly of The Dalles. Or. Notify W. J. Byrn. 402 AVashlngton- WIDOW, WELL OFF, YOUNG, GOOD LOOK ing. desires acquaintance of gentleman 30 to 50; object matrimony, r 14. care uregonian. BALM OF FIGS FOR ALL FEMALE DIS 43 Alder st pnone 31 am BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Ansayers and .saalysts. THE J. 1L FISK ASSAYING OFFICE Greenley and Crawford, analytical chemists and metallurgists. lMi wasnington st MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 208 STARK st Best facilities; prices reasonable. PAUL BAUMEL, ASSAYER AND ANA lyst Gold dust bought SO 1st .st Attorn eys-at-Law. U. S. G. MARQUAM. 404 COMMERCIAL bldg. I make specialty or defeating tax titles. Baaa iastruaeata. YORK'S AND OTHER MAKES: EXCHANGE expect repairing. Cbas, E. orie. 07 1st st. Chiropodist and Manicuring. YOUNG LADY GRADUATE CHIROPODIST permanently removes corns. Dunions, cal louses. Ingrown and club nails; pedicuring, manicuring;- face and scalp specialist. Red 1842. 10 .Benson bldg., cor. atn and Jior rtson. WM. DEVENY & ESTELLE D EVE NY, THE onlr scientific chiropodists; parlors rooms 203 Drew bldg.. 162 2d st Phone Main 1301.. This is the long-haired gentleman. He Is the man you are looking for. FOR CORNS. Bunions. Tired. Aching Feet sea Benjamin; ths root specialist, tin ana starx. Commission Merchants. HERMAN METZGER. PURCHASER OF hides, pelts, furs. wool, monair. tauow, 01a rubber ana 01a metal ana geasrai comnu ion merchant Front st. near Main. Port land. Or. Cash advanced on consignments. TAYLOR. YOUNG & CO.. SHIP BROKERS and commission roexenams. ancriocK bldg.. Portland, Or. ALLEN & LEWIS. COMMISSION AND produce merchants, iront ana uavis sts., rartiana. ur. Carpet CleaalBC. SANITARY CARPET CLEANING, suction and compressed air corooinea; carpets cieanea on floor wltnaut removal, jiain u. uit zih. CoBtracters. RAILROADS. GOVERNMENT WORK, CA- nals. wagon roads, ditches, logging roads and general grading, coast Contract Co. room 10, I, O. Q. F. bldg.. Portland. Or. PALL JOHN A. MELTON FOR OFFICE AND atore fixtures or carpenter irors. aoop Gltsan; phone Main 1787. Carpenters aad Builders. New homes built old ones renewed; prop erty bought ana sola, uoraon. 2U3 -Jtn. v. L. BUCKNER, office, store fixtures, general Jobbing,, contracting. mu storK.jiaia oaai. Ctakroyaat. VAN CORTLAND CLAIRVOYANT, 303U Washington st. cor. Ota. He will tell your full name. age. occuca tion. whom and when you will marry and treat you caiiea tor wiinouc awing a ques tion? will tell "the name of your sweetheart or anything you want to know- Hours 9 to dally and sunaays. GYPSY ZEN OB I A Tells past present, and future. No matter what your troubles are she wilt help you. Room 323 Allsky- nia&, .Morrison ana 3a, WfVXrjERFUL TRIAL READING: SEN dime. stamBed' envelope, own writing, birth, date. Dr. J. Lester, drawer 34. St Louis. Mc- and receive wonderful trance reading. MADAMS JOHNSTON CLAIRVOYANT, palmist, card reader- I give facts rallabU aad Important on all affairs of real life. Readings, soc oe) im sc. near uss. MME. LUCY. CLAIRVOYANT. MEDIUM and healer: readings dally and evenings. 2S3 1st Clifton House. V5IE. BOICE. THE NOTED TRANCE MR diura and. automatic writer; readings dally. SI 7th st. 1 Demttsts., KEY CHURCHMAN, dentist, 334 Marquaa bldg.. 6th aad Morrises, Phone Mala 172. HanMM ad Saddles. sale. saMlea aad' harness ssfrs.. leather and saddlery aaraware. ao-m Jst Ataia saa. THK BRBYMAN LEATHRR CO., WHOLE sale eaaAes'. aaa karaM saCra.. saddlery aariware, leataec oC an klads. 72-74 3li sc. JOKKSON Sc LUTHZR. CUSTOM-MADS, baraess: -wholesale aad retail. J4 Ms st. Jewk, K44es ami. PeJfes. L. SKA3CJC & CO.. PURCKAsWIB 'OF" Misty ai tests ye,' ws ' n: jrrotK st. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Xeatfeer aad XlacUags. A. STROWBRXDGR LEATHER CO RS- tabllshed 1SS8. Leather and- findings: Stockton sols leather aad cut stock; full line Eastern Jumbos. ISO Front st THE BREYMAN LEATHER CO.. SOLE and upper leathers of all kinds; cut stock, findings and shoe store supplies. 72-74 3th. . Fraternal Insurance. -ORDER OF WASHINGTON, foremost frater- di ajcieiy or r. w.; protect the living. J. L. Mltchel. Sup. Sec. 012-015 Marquam bldg. Machinery. B. TRENKMAN &. CO.. MINING SAW- milL Iogginir machinery? hrdnnllc nines. casting. All kinds repaired. 104 N. 4th. THE H. a ALB EE CO.. SECOND-HAND machinery, sawmills, etc. 24S Grand ave. Musical. THE TAVERN ORCHESTRA CAN BE En gaged for afternoon receptions, functions, etc For terms apply to Emll Thlelhorn at The Tavern, or 233 3th. Phone Mala 1396. Marble and Granite. MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENTS: no agents; 20 per cent saved at Weeks", 720 Front, opposite Failing School; take S car. Northwest Vlavi Co. LEWIS BLDG.. PARK AND MORRISON sts. tair or send stamp for Health; Book. Osteopathy. DRS. ADIX & NORTHRUP. 413-10-17 DE- aum Diag.. sa ana Washington. Phones: Office. Main 349; residence Mala 1303. East 102S. Examinations fret. DR. L. B. SMITH. DR. CARYLL T. SMITH. graauates Jiirxviue. .11 o.. 409 Oregonlaa bldg. Phone Main 1242. DRS. OTIS AND MABEL AKIN. 403-4 MAC- leay wag. Tet Clay 778. Examinations free. Taints. Oils and Glass. RASMUSSEN & CO.. JOBBERS, paints, oils. giass, sasn ana aoors. cor. 2a ana Taylor. Patent Lawyers. R, C WRIGHT. DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN patents; infringement cases. 604 Dekum. Plaster Oraameats aad Staff Work. ANY KIND OF ATTRIBUTES IN PLASTER, stan statues, ornaments, etc -la Columbia, Rubber Stamps. P. a STAMP WORKS. 249 ALDER, TEL. Main 110. Rubber stamps, seals, stencils. Rapture Cure. DR. PIERCE'S MAGNETIC ELASTIC trait; perzect retainer; positive cure; book free Address Dr. Pierce. 200 Kearny st. S. F. Safes. DIEBOLD MANGANESE. INNER DOOR 3 incnes and outer door o mcaea thick; prison and Jail work; repairs and lockout opened. J. E. Davis. 66 3d. Sawmills. SAWMILLS DESIGNED AND BUILT, PLANS ana estimates ruratsnea. u. it Hamilton, 474 Manxanlta. st, Portland. Or. Tel. Scott 515V. Second-Hand Machinery. . SIMON & BRO.. DEALERS IN ALL kinds of second-hand machinery, pipe, ca ble, belting, hardware; highest price paid for scrap Iron and metals. 244 Front Main 2002. Showcases. Bank and Store Fixtures. THE LUTKE MANUFACTURING CO.. COR. Gth and Hoyt Phone Main 1403. PORTLAND SHOWCASE & FIXTURE CO.. 348 1st. near Market Phone Clay 1044. Spiritualists. MRS. WALLACE. 23 YEARS PORTLAND'S most reliable medium; all In trouble call and get her valuable advice on all affairs of life, business, love troubles; absent friends a specialty. 247 1st; hours, .9 A. M. to 8 P. M. PROF. BUSWELL. MEDIUM AND HEAL- er, 504 H Washington: readings 23 cents; free magnetic treatments. MRS. C. CORNELIUS, BUSINESS TEST ME- Blum. 145H 0th. room 21- Tel. Hood 1943. MRS. LADD FINNICAN CAN BE CON- sulted. 09 Selllng-Hlrsch bldg. Mala 0179. Storage and Transfer. SAFES. PIANOS AND FURNITURE moved, packed ready for shipping and shipped; all work guaranteed; large 3-story brick fireproof warehouse for storage. Of fice 128 1st C. M. Olsen. Tel. Main 347. C O. PICK. OFFICE 88 1ST. BET. STARK and Oak. Phone 596. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipment; commodi ous brick warehouse. Front and Clay sts. FRED BICKEL, STORES- AT 31 N. FRONT st, housenoid goods and furniture, pianos, trunks, tool chests, sewing machines and all moveable articles at reasonable prices. Typewriters. New typewriters, all mokes, rented, sold and repaired. Coast Agency, 231 Stark. Tel. noi Wholesale Grocers. ALLEN & LEWIS, WHOLESALE Grocery. cor. N. Front and Davis sts.. Portland. Or. BANKS. THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Established 1S64.) HEAD OFFICE, San Francisco. CaL President... HOMER S. KING Gen. Man. of Branches... W. MACKINTOSH Capital paid irp $4,000,000 Surplus and undivided profits...... $9,323,000 A General Banking and Exchange Business Transacted. Letters of credit Issued, available In all parts of the world. Interest paid, oa the deposits. . SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Accounts opened for sums of $10 and up wards. WM. A. MACRAE Manager J. T. BUKTCHAELL Assistant Manager UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OREGON. Northwest Comer Third and Oak Sts. Transacts a .General Banking Business. Drafts issued, available In all cities of thsf United States and Europe, Hongkong aad Manila. Collections-made on favorable terms. President J. a AINSWORTrX Vice-President '. -W. 3. AYER Vice-President ,.R- LEA BARNES Cashier B, W. SCHMEER- Asslstant Cashier .--A. M. WRIGHT Assistant Cashier W. A. HOLT FIRST NATIONAL BANK . OF PORTLAND. OR. Designated Depositary aad Financial Agent of. the United States. ' President. .'A. L, MILLS Cashier J. W. NEW KIRK Assistant Cashier .W. C- ALVORD Second Assistant Cashier... B. FT STEVENS Letter's of credit issued available la Europe and the Eastern States. Sight exchange and telegraphic transfers sold oa New York. Boston. Chicago-. St Louis. St Paul. Omaha. San Francisco and the principal points of the Northwest - Sight and time bills drawn In sums to suit on London. Paris. Berlin. Frankfort-an-the-Maln. Hongkong. Yokohama, 'Copenhagen. Chrlstlanla. Stockholm. St Petersburg. Mos cow. Zurich. Honolulu. Collections mads oa favorable terms. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON The Oldest Trust Company la Oregon. RESOURCES OVER $1,000,000. General banking business conducted. .Sav ing! deposits received. Time certificates Issued. 3 tar 4 per cent Interest' oa short call special certificates.- Call or send for book of "ILLUSTRATIONS." Phone Main 453. 109 Third St BENJ. L COHEN President H, L. prrTOCK .Vice-President B. LEE PAGET- ..Secretary J. O. GOLTRA Assistant Secretary LADD & TILTON. BANKERS ESTABLISHED IN 1859. Transacts a general baaklng business. Interest allowed oa time deposits. Collections made at points oa favorable terms. Letters of credit Issued available-Ha Europe aad all points in the United States. Sight exchange and telegrapalc traasfars sold oa New- York. Washlngtoa. Chicago, '9t Louis. Jeaver. Oaaaha, Saa Francises aad various pts in Oregon. Washington aad Idaho. Meata&a aad British Coluabsa..- Rxckaage os Leaden, Paris. Berlin, Fraak fert Heagkaag. Takoaasaa, Manila aad. Heo iHlu. MERCHANTS' NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. OR. J. FRANK WATSON. Prestdesit R. L. DURHAM Vke-PfmWm R. W. HOYT.-.. , CasMer GBOR85.W. HOTT Assistant Cashier TRANSACTS A GEXSRAL' BANKING , " BUSINESS. United States Beposttary.. Drafts aad letters at credit satraed; avatf : M ia all parts at the warM-w ; Ostlsstisaa a.sp teiaity. " , -