IS THE IQByrN'G OREGOXIAy, THTTR SD AX, JT7LY 27, 1905. TO STOP POOL SALES Injunction Suit Filed Against Fair Association. OPEN GAMBLING CHARGED Bookmaklng and Betting on Horse Races, It Is Alleged, Violate Terms of Lease and Con stitute a Nuisance. To prevent the sale of pools at the Irv-lngton Race Track. Elizabeth Ryan and Irving Real Estate Company, by E. "W. Spencer, attorney In fact, yesterday filed an Injunction suit In the State Cir cuit Court against the Multnomah .Fair Association, A. R. Diamond, Sanford lilrsch, August Erlckson, Eugene Blarler and Edward Blazier. Judge Frazer Issued an order requiring the defendants to ap pear before him this morning at 10 o'clock to show cause why a temporary restrain ing order should not be issued. Qnly two notices were Issued to and ferved by Sheriff Word. These were to A. ft Dramond and Sanford Hlrsch. The complaint recites that Elizabeth Ryan and the Irving Real Estate Com pany, on November 1, 1M2. leased the race track to W. S. Dixon for five years, and thereafter the lease, with the consent f the lessors, was transferred to the Mult nomah Fair Association. In violation of the agreement. It is al leged the lessee Is now using the prem- sfs to keep open gambling houses and places where people resort for SMns purposes, and for the purpose of selling Jools and making bopks and betting on horse races. . It is alleged that such conduct of the premises by the defendants coiaUtutes a nuisance and renders the lessors "able for prosecution and fine, and greatly Impairs the value of their property. It Is further averred that A. R. Diamond is president and manager of the Multnomah Jdr As sociation, and that he and Jan ord Hlrsch. August Erlckson. Eugene Blazlcr and Ed ward Blazier are agents of the Multnomah Fair Association In opening, keeping and carrying on the various forms and de vices of gambling, and have a share In the pecuniary profits thereof. The court is asked to restrain them from making books, selling pools and enticing or persuading other persons to gamble at the track.. Henry E. McGinn and R. "tt. Montague appear as attorneys for the plaintiffs. Whitney L. Boise, representing the defendants, arrested late Tuesday af ternoon by Sergeant of Police Hogc boom. on a warrant from the Police Court appeared before Municipal Judge Cameron early yesterday morn ing and asked until Saturday morning to plead, which was granted him. ADOPTED SOX GETS ESTATE. But Suit Is Brought to Prevent Him From Inheriting $4500 Property. Yesterday a petition was filed In the County Court by H. H. Turner, adminis trator of the estate of Dora B. Davifl. deceased, in which charges are made that Mrs. Lillian a Parrlsh, who formerly conducted a lodglnghouse at 290 Harrison street. Is endeavoring through deception and fraud to obtain control of the estate of Mrs. Davis, valued at about $4500. Mm Davis was the divorced wife of Dr. W. H Davis. Mayor of Albany, and died in this city two months ago. In December, 1KH. six months after the divorce was granted Mrs. Davis came to Portland and made her home at the lodglnghouse of Mrs. Parrh'h. On March 11. 1905. Mrs. Davis adopted Percy H. Kerr, a boy 15 years old. who was a ward of the Boys" and Girls Aid Society. Tlws boy's moth er had been committed to the Insane asylum and his father surrendered him to the society. Young Kerr possessed property -valued at 5500 and Mrs. Lillian C. Parrlsh was appointed his guardian by Judge "Webster on her petition asking to be vested with such authority. With the death of Mrs. Davis the property she left is inherited by the adopted child, and other relatives with the assistance of H H. Turner, of Salem, w-ho is the ad ministrator of the estate, and J. A. Finch, an attorney also of that city, to prevent Kerr receiving the property, ask the court to set the adoption proceedings aside. The petition filed recites that Mrs. Davis was addicted to the use of mor phine, was suffering from an Incurable disease, and did not know what he was doing when ehe-adopted Kerr, and did so at the instigation of Mrs. Parrlsh. The property of Mrs. Davis consisted of a timber claim In Douglas County valued at $2000, a beneficiary certificate In the Degree of Honor for 11000, a piano and other articles. She is said to have deeded the timber claim a short time prior to her death for a conslderatlon'of $23 to a man named Patterson who resided at the house of Mrs. Parrlsh. VANCOUVER. TRIPS. For an enjoyable short ride on the Co lumbia River to Vancouver, take steamer "Undine at Taylor-street dock dally, ex cept Sunday, leaving as follows: Leave Portland at 8 A. M. and 1:30 P. M. Leave Vancouver 10 A. M. and 4:45 P. M. Fare, 25 cents each way. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL RETORT. PORTLAND. July 26. Maximum tempera ture. Si deg.; minimum. 59. River reading at 11 A. M.. 6.2 feet; change In pan 24 hours, none. Total precipitation. 5 P. M. to 6 P. M., none; total since September 1. 1904. 34.08 Inches; normal. 46.23 inches; de ficiency. 12.15 inches. Total sunshine July 23, 1P05, 12 hours; possible. 15 hours and 4 minutes. Barometer (reduced to sea level) at 5 P. M-. 20.S2. PACIFIC COAST "WEATHER. STATIONS. ;i :r gS, Sr n . n " - fl?3? : Baker City S610.001 4lNTVjCliar Bismarck 1 7G0.O0I10jSE Icioudy Boise.. 1 P2i0.00 OINWlClear Helena ' 75:0.04' o'NWJPU Cldy. Kamloops. B. C... SSIO.OOJ S'E it-moky North Head I 56j0.O0jl2IS Cloudy Pocatello i P0I T f 6ISWIPU Cldy. Portland 8410.00 4lNWClear Red Bluff l4 lO.OOi SlSWlClear Rose-burg.... 80'O.OOi SIN (Clear Sacramento-"" ' 70iO.OO16S jciear Salt Lake City 1 (WO.OIlHtX Icioudy San TVn Cisco SSIO.OOilPJW JCloudy Spokane 88I0.OOJ 4jN (Clear Seattl 74'0.00f 4lNTfClear Tatoosh Island 1 SS0.00!14)SW)cioudy Walla Walla.. ' 8t0.O0I 4W IClear T trace. "WEATHER CONDITIONS. During the last 24 hours light thunder showers have occurred In Northern Utah and Southeastern Idaho. The temperature has fallen slightly nearly everywhere in the North Pacific Statei, except la Southeastern Idaho, where It has risen 6 decree. The icdlcatioas ue for sully cloudy HOTEL Fifth and Washington Street EUROPEAN PLAN Koeat, SI.M to $3.M rrr Day AecerdlBsT to Location. J.T. DAYZES, Pres. St. Charles Hotel r CO. (INCORPORATED.) FRONT AND MORRISON STREETS PORTLAND. OREGON Earepeaa Plaa Roots 75c to $2.00 First-Class Restasrant In Connection I TSe 'ESMOND HOTEL ! OSCAR. ANDERSON, Manager Front and Morrison Streets, PORTLAND, OREGON Free 'bus to and from all trains J Rates EnJSKMi 75c to $3.00 Per Day : occasionally threatening weather in this dis trict Thursday with lower temperatures. ' "WEATHER FORECASTS. Forecasts made at Portland for the 2S hours ending: at midnight. July 27: Portland and vicinity Partly cloudy with lower temperature. "Westerly winds. Oregon and "Washington Partly cloudy. Cooler, except near the coast. Westerly winds. Idaho Partly cloudy and occasionally threatening. Slightly cooler. . CLASSIFIEDAD. RATES. "Room, "Rooms and Board." House keeping Rooms," "Situations Wanted. IS words or less. 15 cents; 16 to 20 words. 20 cents; 21 to 25 words, 25 cents, etc. No dis count for additional Insertions. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS, except New Today," 30 cent for 15 words or less; 10 io 20 words. 40 rents; 21 to 25 words, 50 cents, etc 3rt Insertion. Each additional Insertion, one-half; no further discount un der one month. "NEW TODAY (gouge measure agate), 15 cent per line, first invertlon; 10 cents per line for each additional Inwrtion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The Oregonlan. and left at this office, should always bo Inclosed In sealed envelopes. No stamp Is required on such letters. The Oregonlan will not be responsible for errors In advertisements takes through the telephone. AUCTION SALES TODAY. At the Portlnnd Auction Rooms. 211 First street. Sale at 10 A. M. C. L. Ford, auc tioneer. At GUman's Auction Rooms. 413 "Wash ington street, at 10 o'clock A. M. S. L. N. Oilman, auctioneer. At Baker Auction House, corner- Alder and Park streets. .Kale at 10 A. il. Geo. Baker & Co.. auctioneers. MEETING NOTICES. RED MEN meet on Siondays and Thursdays. B P. M., 170 Second 'st. Visitor welcome. DIED. CAIN Suddenly. "at his residence. 445 Sixth street, last night. Peter Cain, aged 05 years. Notice of funeral later. FUNERAL NOTICES. VANDERSCHEl'R At Bozeman. Mont.. July 23 1P03 Charles Vanderacheur. aged 4 ve'ars. be'loved i-on of Jules Vanderocheur. of this city. The funeral will take place todav. July 27. at 1 P. M-. from Dunning. McEntee & Gllbauph's chapel. Seventh and Pine streets. Interment. Mt. Calvary Cemetery. DUNNING. SrKNTEE GIX.BAUGH. i-C-cesors to Dunning X Campion, endrrtakers and embalraers. modern In every detail. ?th aad Pine. Thone Main 430. Lady assistant. EDWARD HOLM AN CO., Undertakers and rmbalmrrs. have moved to their sew build ing. Third and Salmon. Lady assistant. Telephone No. 507. J. X. FINLEY A SON, Funeral Directors, eer. Sd and Madlsoi . OEJco of County Cor cner. Lady asslstaat. Telephone No. 8. F. S. DUNNING, Undertaker, 414 East Alder. Lady assistant. Telephone East 52. ZELLER-BYRNES CO, UNDERTAKERS. Embalmers. 278 Bus 'I: East 1C8S; lady as't. NEW TODAY. OLD GOLD. JEWELRl. BOUGHT. HADE over, exchanged; diamonds, precious stones loose and mounted; watcheA Jewelry repaired. Unci Myerf, the jeweler. 143 3d. near Alder. VERNON Suggestions received yesterday in answer to our S10 prise offer: "Vernon, VenL Vldl. Vld." "Vtrnon Never Stops Growing." "Get Next! to Vernon." . "Queen of Rose City." "Ve,rnon the Beautiful." Grow. Vernon, Grow." "Healthy Homes Vernon Best." "Investment Moore'a Vernon Addition." "Pon't Scratch Vernpn Outr "All Aboard for Vernon." "View Olympus From Vernon." "Vernon the New Paradise." We are enthusiastic over Vernon. o will yu be if you will take a ride out on the Vernon car ana see venron. iee tne scenery aad feel the cool "breezes. Vernon has a gtntle slope to the north from Prescott street to KlHlngsworth avenue and Is level from East 14th street to East 25th street. Vernon it one-half of a mite square. Select the sitot you want to build on, then ccmeto our o'f.ce 1& the Martjusm building and rjtt our tirms, Moore Investment Co. 151H Sixth Street Phase Main 16 v California-" Bliss fands" Small farms for settlers; S2O0 acres of Irri gated land in 20-acre forms at $50 to $70 per acre one-fourth .cash. Reached by Southern Pacific or Santa Fe Overland Line, direct to Tulare City. 2 miles from Bliss Lands. Alfatfa. corn, grain, deciduous fruits. Tege tablea. hogs, calry cattle thrive.. .Booklet free from BUm Lands (Inc.). care Sullivan i Sul livan. Lawyers. 610 Farrott bldg.. Saa Fran cisco. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE Oar rseorCa art eocaytcte as a Tffs rauh astraeta rssEpUr. ts ca. J10KTGA6E LOANS lEcrxirr amstkact tkuht co. Slt-ZLT. CaswiW mi Cssumm. J. W. Ogilbee Roora U, 15V First street. $1250 -wun o-room coitage (reds little repairing) in Stephens addition; walking distance; very cheap- GEO. BLACK PUBLIC ACCOUMTANT 315 Worcester Bleck Geaeral la Ss4tc work. SW a erirlfal aasats aM CUr 2S. PERKINS PORTLAND, OREGON Farst-Clas Check Xestaantat CoBacctrA WHh Kate. C O. DAVIS. Sec. and Trea. AMUSEMENTS. o'Srm Theater tbttOt i. . T.mwuim c. Ktiflc rmitMi Morrison Street betweea 6th aad 7th. Phone Main S68. The CoolfJt Theater la Portland. Exlta on All Sides. Swept by Cooling Breezea. TONIGHT AT 8:30 O'CLOCK. Every Night This Week Special Mat. Safy. "THE FAMOUS GERMAN COMEDIANS KOLB AND DILL la the Merry Musical Comedy-Burlesque, 66 I. 0. U." COMEDY. FUN. CATCHY MUSIC An excellent cart. 30 beautiful chorus glrlr. 30. POPULAR PBlCES-gf sSoSc BELASCO THEATER Jgtm IFonaerly Columbia Theater) I4th and Wash. "REMEMBER THE BELASCO IS THE COOLEST THEATER IN THE CITY." OREGONIAN. , 52 Plays In 52 Weeks TONIGHT ALL WEEK MATINEES SATURDAY AND SUNDAY. DAVID BELASCOS COMEDY TRIUMPH. NAUGHTY ANTHONY 3rd ioNIH BEUSCO STOCK CO. PRICES Night, 25c to 75c Mata,. 25e to 50s. NEXT WEEK "CARMEN." GRAND THE DECOMAS CASTE LL.T Jt HALL 3J1KS CECELE HOBSON THE HERSCHORNS MARTINS Jt MARTI NE MR, FRED PURINTON THE GRANDISCOPE General admlstlon. 10 centa Evenings. Sundays and holidays, reserved seats oa lower floor. 20 cents. Box seats. 25 cents. THE BAKER rVL".Act Theater always coot Keating & Flood, mgra. T. K. KMMBTT. TED McKENNA AND TEDDY," STANLEY AND CARLISLE. ivum. jicutiAi, LAiuiY SUTTON, MO1NG PICTURES. BAKER ORCHESTKA- except boxes. " af "l STAR THE STAR TRIO THE IL4.LLS THE ANDERSON CHILDREN QUINLAN Jfe HOWARD JA3IES PATTERSON JOSEPn BONNER THE STAROSCOPE General cdmlrrlon. 10 cents. Evenings. Sundays and holidays, reserved seats on lower floor. 20 cents. Box seats, 25 cent. Baseball RECREATION PARK. Corner Vaughn and Twenty-fourth. PORTLAND VS. SEATTLE JULY 20. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. ADMISSION, 35c GV?,STAXD- T- CHILDREN. 15c Box tickets aad reserved seata oa aale at box office. Lewisaitd Clark Observatory HAWTHORNE TERRACE PORTLAND HEIGHTS Now opea. Take Portland Heights ear and get off atlHawthorae Terrace, on block from car tine. No climbing. Electric elevator Most magnificent view in America. Se beautiful .effect of powerful searchlight from top of tower. Open 8 A. U. to D P. 3J. ADMISSION. 10 CENTS. NEW TODAY. Holladay's Addition For Sale A nsw 5-rooa cottage, alt con veniences, fall cement basement, street fully Improved. A very desirable location. Convenient to two trolley lines. Terms will b given. Lots told ca advantageous tiroi ta heas bulldera. The Oregon Real Estate Co 6SU Third SU Room 4. S4200 12 per ceat Investment. No. 40 Uaioa are,: win rent for 50 per month. J. L. WELLS CO, B4 Grand are. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. $S230 MONTGOMERY ST.. 2-STORY NEW bouie. tinted walls." furnace heat, gas- fix tures all la; owner nonresident; terms. V 18. Oreroalaa. FINEST VTEW OF WILLAMETTE. 2 LOTS adjoining golf Hakx. with magnificent view of river, only J4O0. Seilwood TOwnslte Co., Union 1491. BY ' OWNER. LESS THAN COST, NEW. modem. 5-room cottage, murt sell, account of rlcknes?; no agents. M 25. Oregonlan. 390 FARMS. SMALL TRACTS AND LOTS Bargains on O. W. P electric llae. O. R. Adcitoe. Lents. Or. Tax Mu Scott car. Sc. $l$00-7-ROOM MODERN HOUSE AND LOT 50x100. H block from car line; easy term. Call or address owner, 123 N. 12th sL $1700 FOR SALE HOUSE OF 7 ROOMS, with furniture; fruit trees, shrubbery. In quire 401 Oxford sU. Woodlawa ear. ACREAGE NEAR CAR LINE. 8 MILS from Morrison C kridga. C. K. BaUard. Mnwackle. Or. X3500 FTNX UNIMPROVED RESIDENCE lot. 50x100; llh su. Nob Hill dlstrtcu Pacae Main 96& FOR SALE MODERN FIVE-ROOM COT tage. MU Scott Lumber Co.. togs aad Division. DssSIRABLE RESIDENCE AND LOTS, West or Efcst Side. Agplr Mreaaoaa 44 3dt FOR. SALE SEC-HOOK MODERN BOOCS, sarvall tou Jjwstes 313 Haacocfc. cr. JC. Ut. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. GUARANTEED AS ADVERTISED 160 acres of excellent unimproved land, with over 600.000 feet of ytltow Cr Um ber; close to Kelso. Price $4 per a cm. Terms. 40 acres of fiaa taniL. oa good road. 3 salles from Carroll ton; lire water; dost to school, and In good comtauaKy; 400.000 feet cf greea fir timber; house, etc. Price only X3oo. 160 acres, with 15 acres under plow; land all ilea nicely; toil very fertile; some green timber; -live water: ISO bearing fruit trees; 4 -room house. 2 barns; la a good com munity. cJo to good school, and 7 miles from Carrolltoa. Freight wagonaeoanect lng with Upper Cowemaa loggias camps pass the property dally, aad will take for years all products raised off tha place. Price 2700. with terms. W challenge aay land Crn. to duplicate the above bargains. 1MUS & WILLOUGHBT. aad COWLITZ COUNTY LAND CO.. ComolneA Offices: Kalama, Wash.; Kelso. Wash. $675 NINE-ROOM HOUSE AND BARN, good plumbing, two blocks from car llae. JliOo 7-room plastered house. Cce fruit trees, one block from car Use. 12250 New 6-rcocn modern house. with furnace aad electric light. J1000 Cosy 6-rooa house, half block from car. 600 Four-room house. !450 Five-room modern house. Coeae out ana we will show yoa these houses. Easy terms oa all. Take Seilwood car and get off at Tenlno st, ii down and (5 a month will buy you a fine lot. SELLWOOD TOWNSITE CO.. Phone Union 149L 12750 ELEGANTLY FINISHED. THOK oughly modern eight-room house, just com pleted, fractional lot. oa Stephens su. near Ladd tract, between E. llth and 12th; splen did location, two car lines oa same block, baa fireplace, furnace, wash tray, paneled handsomely stained woodwork, enameled tiled kitchen and bathroom; will fell for small cash payment, balance install ments if desired, this Is a spit nil J home and will appeal to good taste. Agent at house afternoons from 4 till 5. W. L. Morgan. 313 McKay bldg. , 12 ACRES. All cleared, rich land. 3 acres beaverdam (onlca land), spring water, within 300 feet or Osvgoa City car line. 2 miles south cf Mllwaukie; could be scbdlvUlded Into lots or acr tracts; price S5300; easy terms; would atll one-half for G00. AMERICAN INVESTMENT CO.. rhos. Mala 53SJ. 222 Falling building. ARDMORE THD MOST DESIRABLE building site la Portland, scrrousded oy palatial bomesw with an unobstructed view of our famous mouatalas; the only exclu sively high-class residence property sup plied with bitullthlc Kreets, cemest side walks. Bull Kua water, sewer and gas laid to each lot. Take Washlngton-st car to City Fark and get off at Park are. For plats aad prices call oa or address Gnad naff & Schalk. 254 Stark su Phoue Mala tJZ. PORTLAND JIEIGHTS. Six lets, commanding id view; SA50 each. Six lota, commandlsg till view; J10O) esch. Wa believe these are tie cheapest and best lets cn the Heights or L the city; all front lag oa car line: cavy teims. AMERICAN INVESfJIENT CO. Phone Mala 53S3. 222 Falling building. FOR SALE ONE OF THE BEST WHEAT and dairy ranchea In Big Bend; C40 acres, all tillable; test 40 la soli-great pasture. 540 now cultivated. 20 acre Drome rrsis and alfalfa; cafallisg water piped to house. ba.n and garden; modem 10-room house, bath, etc; large bam. good outbuildings, orchard, 320 acres pasture told with It If Crlted; easy terms. L N. Cusamaa, R. F. D. 1. Wilbur. Wash. J MX; AND J1GOO TWO M O NT AVI LLA BAR gains. clciK to car; ready to move right in; garden and fruit tree;. large lots, nice homes for any one; good terms. (750 to 11500 Several scape near cars la many parts of city; come and see our lists; some monthly installment bargains. Town send. Maxwell k Co.. 2& Alder st. ACRE TRACTS WE HANDLE ACREAGE .as a specialty, withla city limits or outside. ' Some acres with terms as low as Slu per month with water. A. C Churchill U Co., "IscV 110 2d sc. NEW HOME WE OFFER FOR SALE THE beautiful aad sightly home of the late Dr. Herbert Cardweil. 25tb aad Johnson. There are about 2Vi lots with n:w 11-roorn dwelling, built after the Iatert -design and Is now ready tor occupancy. Grind naff It Schalk. 24 Stark st. Phone Main 302. BEAUTIFUL HOMES. 7 AND S ROOMS, with all modern conveniences; oa E. 3d. between Wasco and Multnomah; conven ient to 3 carllaes; for sale oa easy terms. Apply to owners. Parish U. Gourlay, on premises, "'hone East 150. RARE BARGAIN LARGE HOUSE AND 100 xIOO feet ground. Portland. East Side; sightly, convenient, healthy, most desirable; rn than cost; must be sold: terms. John son tz Van Zante. attorneys. 203 Commercial bldg. Phone Mala 3C52. X2250 SIX-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE, close la. East !de. Morrison, rc JIOCO A bargain, fine 7-room residence. D7a Belmont St.. near East 33d; choice roses. Sowers and fruits. C W. Pallet, 301 Fentoa bldr. J 450 CORNER 100X105. 3 ROOMS. PAN try. cistern, cellar. 20 fruit trees; 2 blocks from ca4. also two others. 7 and S rooms, with baths; no ageaU Address 320 Gllsaa street. FOR SALE LOT 30X50 FEET WITH GOOD cottage, renting for $17. well located on West Side; price. US00. - Farrlsb, Watklns & Co.. 250 Alder su FOR SALE LOT 70X50 FEET WITH GOOD house, reating for 320. In southwest part of city; price. $3200. Parrlsh, Watklns & Co 250 Alder su SELLWOOD TOWNSITE CO.. 5 MONTHLY payments win buy yoa a nne lot la Portland's- prettle&t suburb. Phone Union 1401. Take Seilwood car, get off at Tenlno. FOR SALE HOUSE. TWO STORIES. CE ment basement, furnace, electric lights, etc: near Hawthorne ave. car line. Mu Tabor: 12750. Apply 35 1st su, cor. Ash. GOOD 40 'ACRES. UNIMPROVED. EASILY cleared; i miles good tows; $600. Box 57. Rldgefleld. Wa-Vi. FOR SALE FARMS. SMALL FARM TWO MILES FROM VAN couver. Wash., on the county road; excep tionally fine soil; welt watered by ever flowlag springs of the finest water; 22 acres in all. 1C cleared. 12 in cultivation, balance heavy growth fir and cedar; this place has exposure for insuring rapid growths; 6-room house, supplied with modern water system, porcelain bath and chicken-houses and outbuildings A fair condition; water piped for garden and farm use; will sell all or five acres on which Improvements stand, alone; great possibilities In production, or Ideal place for suburban home. E 23. Oregonlan. DON'T MISS IT. I can offer tor 30 days oaly. 40 acres of srst-ciaza early strawberry ana fruit land. H miles from trasscrtaxion; orchard of 00 yellow Newton Pippins, two and tare years old; fine family garden, plenty oK good water, a four-room hscse. cam and other culldiczs. A beautiful home fcr S20CO cash. This is an exceptional bargain. White Salmon una Co.. white salmon, wash. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN FINE 354-acre Valley farm, about 2O0 acres bottom land, about 160 In cultivation; balance lo-r bench partly cleared and la grass; good buildings. .fences and orchard; some beaverdam; absuc 15CO cords of fir and ash timber; electric light and telephone; dese to rail, church ana schools; X mllea to Portland: $45 per acre; terms. 3. Oregonlan. SOMETHING NICE COMPLETE FARM. 55 acre, level land. In cultivation. 700 Winter apples, masern improvements, eiectnc -car. fine roads all year: S miles east of Pcrtlaad: growing crop. chickens, stock and Imple ments; cii water and piped; core acreage adjoining II wanted. 227 Front U FREE GOVERNMENT FARM LANDS JUST opeaed to settlement; lercl valley land; no seoae or uss&er; water ana sou .erst class. Boom 0 Laa&e oldg.. cor. 2d asa was; FOR SALE ON COLUMBIA. TUVER. 70- acre farm; orchard: new hoese; 13 acres In gras- inquire .lla Foster, atsrenson. wash. IRRIGATED LAND, FARMS AND CITY property.- A. C rumtr. 3i oregoeua bldg. WANTED R3SAL BSTATE. WANTED IMMEDIATELY TO 200 ACRES of- Issd. TMtltable for plsatlac potatoes, or ta let seed sctatoes to res pea 1 Die parties on stoares. Address E 24. er ca-U at 10S Frost tu FOB RALE LAND SJCXZT. LAND ICItlPr OF ALL KIXD4L OUAXAX- teed, ssisnrslTaaelt UUed. pvkrte laad m- uc. vorssi xasml cx. wears Msg. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. ONE-QUARTER SECTION TIMBER; HALF exceedingly heavy fir ana hemlock; bal ance very choice piling; less than a mile from N. P. R. R. statia; near creek large 'enough to drive; logglag oa extensive scale on adjoining- claims. U 33. Ore goa ls n.- HOMESTEAD RELINQUISHMENT, 11 acre?, cloee to Columbia. River and logglcg campa. about 2.500.CCO finest yellow Sr. part good farm land. Address S 23. Orexonlan. CHOICE HOMESTEADS. RELINQUISH- menu for pale cheap; will cruise S.UOO.000 to 10,000X00; also choice timber claims for location. P 23, Oregonlan. S. W. K SEC. 32. TP. 3. R. 3. TWO MILES rrom Pituourg. coiumhu. county, or.; win cut about 9.(X.000 fcu Addreos R. Good rich. Tacoma. Wash. FOR SALE TWENTY-FOUR MILLION large yellow Cr. splendid logging chance, tributary to Portland markeu 2U2 Worces ter bldg. V4 ACRES OF TIMBER IN COWLITZ County. Wash., for eale at a bargain If taken soon. D. W. Faulkner. Anita, la. 5000 ACRES TIMBER, WITH SMALL sawmill and planer, tor sale. Write S. N. Steele Co.. Albany, Or. CHOICE TIMBER CLAIMS. HOMESTEADS tor location. Inq. 70S Chamber of Commerce. TO EXCHANGE. TO EXCHANGE $5000. LOS ANGELES. 20- acres alfalfa, corn, pumpkins, etc; plenty water. 1 mile from electric road, also R. -8.; 17 miles from city; want Portland property. Address W 22. Orexonlaa. WILL TAKE OUTSIDE LOT AS- PART. payment for building your house. Waal Bell. 126 North 16th st. iM. FURNISHED. FINE LOCATION for boarders, for Improved suburban prop erty. 553 Morrison st. MERCHANDISE STOCK. SALEM. FOR CITY property, awxw to $io.oco; no agents, a .5, Oregonlan. FOR SALE. Horse. Vehicles aad Harness. ICO VEHICLES JN STORAGE. CONSISTING of express, furniture and delivery wagon, hacks, buggies, carts and surreys: they must be sold regardless of cosu S3-S5-S7 Ualoa ave.. between Stark and Washington sU FOR SALE OR RENT HORSES AND Ve hicles by the day. week or month: harness, saddles and 200 new and second-hand rtgs for sale or exchange. Tomllnson & Caos! day, 211 Washington su FOR SALE-FINE DRIVING AND RIDING mare; also rubber-tired buggy anil harness; $225. 11CS Thurmsn sU TEAM FOR SALE CHEAP: WEIGHT about 1200 pounds. Pioneer Wood Co.. foot of Main su CAMPING WAGONS. HARNESS. HORSES For rent and for sale. Hubert & Hall. 266 Fourth su HORSES FOR SALE ALL SIZES. KTND3 and prices. 201 McKay bldg. Main 2157. Miscellaneous. DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK: Cover it with Mastic roofing. la rolls, easy to lay: needs no painting or coating; good over old Iron, tin or shingles; tor sew roofs there is nothing better; guaran teed: Mastic roof paint and cement will (top small leaks. National Mastic Roofing J room . Hsmiiion oiag. FOR SALE THREE LARGE PIAN-ORCHES- trionA mltable for parks, concert halls, dining-rooms, etc; then Instruments the fin est made; can be seen 3S7tj 2Cth su, near Exposition gates. Penny Wonderland. Peter Baclgalupl. sole agent. San Francisco. FOR SALE NEW AN1 SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables: easy payments: ws rent tables, with privilege, of buying: mod em bar fixtures; chp prices. Brunswick-Balke-Ccliender. 49 3d sU FOR SALE RAILROAD TICKET. PORT- land to Iowa City, la.; description: Male, young, dark hair. Inquire room 33. Hotel Palmer, cor. Park and Alder sts. A BARGAIN. New, tent, size 12x14. 10-ox. canvas, new floor, on Portland Heights; location secured. R 24. Oregonlan. GASOLINE LAUNCH FOR SALE. 10-TON carrying capacity. 24 horsepower engine: will rtil at a bargain. A 10. Oregonlan. SECOND-HAND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS or all kinds at lowest prices, cash or Install-nx-ntjr. Fisher Music Co.. 100 3d su FO .CALK BARGAIN FINE FURNITURE and carpets of S-room house, central: party muse leave city. Phone Main 53 IS. FOR SALE BARGE. 110 FEET LONG. 32 feet wide. Inquire Office Eur Sand Co., 15th and Front sts. ANTIQUE MAHOGANY FURNITURE OF all kind, clocks, brass, bronze and pewter. 633 Washington. FOR SALE GAS ENGINE MACHINERY, tools and patterns. Address 927 L su. Fresno. Cal. FOR SALE SMITH-PREMIER TYPE writer. almost new; reasonable. C 73. car Oregonlan. FOR SALE TWO TICKETS FOR CHICAGO or SU Louis cheap. Apply room 10. ISO'A Fourth. FOR SALE SQUAB-BREEDING HOMING pigeons. 1247, Williams ave. Phona Scott 1310. HOUSEBOAT FOR SALE A BEAUTY AND a bargain. Owner. 109 Sherlock bliz. Phone 553. FOR RENT DONKEY ENGINE. CALL 321 Chamber Commerce or phone Main 2363. FOR SALE THOROUGHBRED FOX TER rlrrs. Inquire 5C4 E. 7th sU N. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED 10.000 LABORERS. LOGGERS, mill and railroad Work. IX you want work cent to Portland: wages. SI.40 to $3 per day and board. Canadian Employment Co, 249 Burnilde sU WANTED BRIGHT MEN AND WOMEN to take exclusive agency for sal of high grade underwear aad seamless hosiery: factory to coasumer. Call 319 Commercial block. WANTED-IN LARGE WHOLESALE HOUSE, experienced bill clerk, must be accurate at figures and have good references; eons other i. ted apply. Address X 25. care Oregonlan. WANTED ABLE-BODIED MEN FOR THE United States Navy; salary $10 to $70: ages 17 to 35 years. Apply at room 15. Washing ton bldg.. corner Washington and 4th. IMPORTANT-SONG SLIDES. FILMS. Pic ture machines for reat; also bought and sold: sony orchestrations, 10c Newman's Theatrical Agency. 331 H Morrison. MEN and women to learn watchmkg. en graving. Jewelere wk; only prac school for Jewelers; mone7 made learo'g, Watehmkg Engrav. School. P. I. bldg., Seattle. BRANCH- MANAGER WANTED. $30 WEEK 1y; experience unnecessary; Inciore stamp for particulars; location not particular. Bartlett 3c Co.. Peterson. Minn. WANTED COMPETENT SECOND BOOK keeper with lumber experience; state quali fications and salary. Wind River Lumber Co., Cascade Locks. Or. STREET MAN OR AGENT TO HANDLE Ex clusively two (iplendld selling novelties dur ing ExpoelUon. Mexican Drawn Work Com pany, San Antonio, Tex. SAILORS WANTED FOR ENGLISH SHIP bound to South. Africa. Apply at Sailors" Home. cor. 2d and Giuan sts.: wages $23 per no. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS STEWARD TO assist management of .a good restaurant; none but good men seed apply. C 23. Oregonlan. Wanted Men to learn barber trade: steady practice; expert Icstractloes. Write 'for termr. GlUmaa's College. 7 Clay su. S. F. California wine depot: headqaarters bakers, cooks, waiters; berteaders. All wtaes 3c per glass. P. Lorati. 148 .4th. c Cay IMS. vVANTED ENERGETIC YOUNG MAN OF good address as, travel s salesman. Call 10 to 12 A. M room 14. 361 Yamhill sU WANTED A FIRST-CLAIM "MAN COOK: one that can taanaga a ktteben: als a dishwasher. 33 N. 18tn sU. eor. Davis. WANTED FIRST-CLASeT MEN IX POK7 land and tbrMgko Mate to solicit, bast nest. Call or writ. 907 McKay M4r. WANTED STENOGRAPH BR. OENT8 FUR- nlsclac saleiseir. e-wer f aags Xm's 0riI-Kw. 1K 3 U WAXTBD-fcOT WITH BKTYCLK. A. H. 4rVswM. Ill 4KH C . WAXTBD AXt JbTXFXRIXKCXD HOTXL KELP WANTED MALE. SALESMEN. TRAVELING AN B3TABUSH ed whelenta house, largest of kind In Chi cago, 'carrying the most complete line of kind In the United States wants 2 traveling salesmen of highest order tor vacancies to cccur August if must be able to approach department store buyers, handle old and sell new trade; established trade, territory in good shape, permanent position tor abl. energetic salesmen; prefer men between 27 and 35 years of age; wilt pay suitable men traveling expenses. commUwlon and $100 sal- -ary. Call Wednesday and Thursday morn ing between 9 and 12. take W car 29th and Thurman. walk 1 block south to 343 N. Srth street. IHItEE HOUSE CARPENTERS. $3. S hours, city; fence gang laborers. $2J0. free fare; railroad laborers, teamsters, rock men. $2.25 and $2.50. free fare. 2 cooks. $60; pantryman. $35 and room; young man to wait on saloon lunch counter and learn bartending. $10 a week; assist ant for hotel storeroom. $30 and board. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, 28 North Second Street. WANTED FOR U. S. ARMY ABLE-BODIED unmarried men. between the ages of -21 and 35. dtlxens of United States, of good char acter and temperate habits; who can speak, read and write English. For Information apply to Recruiting Officer, 3d. and Oak sta., Portland. Or. LUMBERMEN. ATTENTION. We want men fox lumber-yard, sawmill men. railroad laborers, and box factory boys. Also lumber graders. Top wages paid. Write, or see La Molne Lumber Co.. La Molne. Shasta County. Cal. WANTED IMMEDIATELY BALLADISTS. sister teams, novelty acts, chorus girls, amateurs and professional actors, singers, musicians, etc. for dramatic companies. Fair, etc Newman's Theatrical Agency, 35 Hi Morrison. PABTNER WANTED. MAN OR WOMAN: paying, permanent, high-class business, clearing over $200 monthly; $25 weekly salary goes with the business. Walling. 20S Allsky bldg. Phone Main 1070. TWO COLLECTORS AND SALESMAN TO collect on accounts In JCalama. Kelso, Castl Rock; Seaside and Astoria; must furnish bond. Call or address William D. Church, state agent. 121.10th sU. Astoria. Or. NEAT, BRIGHT BOY. 18-21. OFFICE work, $43; another for grocery delivery. Clerks Registration Bureau. 285 Morrison streeU YOUNG MAN TO LEARN BARBER trade: fine chance; union shop; rotne money. 30d Washington sU WANTED -r- STOUT YOUNG MAN FOR helper in washroom at Pacific Laundry. 231 Arthur st. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS CANDYMAKER at the Bonbonlere. 332 Washington su. op posite Imperial. GREAT OPPORTUNITY FOR A PARTY that understands handling agents. 202 Wor cester bide SHOE CUTTERS WANTED BY BUCKING ham & Hecht. 2Cth and Valencia sts.. San Francisco. MAN FOR GENERAL OFFICE WORK, some bookkeeping and typewriting. T 24. Oregonlan. WANTED FIRST-CLASS BOOKKEEPER and stenographer. Address F 23. care Ore gonlan. WANTED 10 TEAMS TO HAUL TIES AND lumber. Address Procter Beers, Orlenu Oregon. WANTED BOY TO SELL PAPERS: MUST live near depoU Apply at News Stand. De pot. WANTED 4 HUSTLERS TO SELL RACING Information. Suite 50-57 Washington bldg. WANTED OLD CLOTHES. SHOES. HIGH- est price paid. 163 FronL Phone Pacific uz. OLD CLOTHING. SHOES WANTED; HIGH- est price paid. SO 3d. Phone Pacific 46. WANTED TEN WELL-EDUCATED YOUNG men. city work. Call 63 N. 6th su. room 3. WANTED RELIABLE MAN FOR PORTER work. Elton Court, llth and Yamhill. . FIRST-CLASS SALESMAN. CITY. COCN try; big wages; 215 Commercial block. WANTED BOY TO STRIP TOBACCO AT Gcrmanla. Cigar Factory. 325 Gllaan su PLATER AND POLISHER WANTED. 60 Grand ave. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WAITRESS. 510 WEEK: 11 WAITRESSES. $3 and $9; cook. $15 a week; 2 cooks. $40: houscgirls. etc. $25 and $30; 5 chamber maids. 2 women for Janitor work, girl for bakery. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY, 343H Washington SU. Upstairs. LAUNDRESS. BEACH, $35; WAITRESS, country. $25. fare paid; chambermaids, ho teh B. H.; waitresses, second work; pantry girls, nurses, cooks; hotels. B. H.. family; town and country, day work. Canadian Par lors. 226H Morrteon. Main 1323. LADIES WANTING EMPLOYMENT please call; many situations too numerous la mention. Exposition and other places. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 343H Washington su. cor. 7th. PHONE MAIN 2S92. WANTED 150 GIRLS TO MAKE OVER alls and shirts; Instructions given to In experienced. Apply Neustadttr Bros-. Staadard Factory No. 2. corner East Tay lor and Grand ave. CHAMBERMAIDS. $20 MONTH. ROOM AND board; Scandinavian girls for general house work. $25 to $40 month. Scandinavian American Emp. Ca, 270 Bumslde sU WANTED TEN GIRLS WITH GOOD VOICES for the Kolb and Dill company for chorus work. Apply between 12 and 1 o'clock. Marquam stage entrance. WANTED A WOMAN COOK THAT THOR oughly understand the work; references re quired; a second girl kspU Apply at S35 Lorejoy su WANTED COMPETENT AND RELIABLE nurse girl for one child; one willing to go tc Coast. 346 Clifton eu, cor. 7th. Phone Main 5016. WANTED HAND-IRONEHS FOR ELECTRIC Irons; the coolest Iron to operate; highest wages; come ready for work. Grand Laun dry. WANTED A GIRL FOR PLAIN COOK- lng In small private family. Very good wages to competent help. 251 N. 21st st. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS. COOKS, WAIT ers. chambermaids, general workers. SU Louis Agency. 230 Yamhill. Main 5413. WANTED FIRST-CLASS LADY REFRE entatlres In Portland and throughout stats; good pay. Can or write 607 McKay bldg. WANTED A GOOD. PLAIN COOK WANT ed Immediately at the Children's Home; none other need apply. O 23. Oregonlan. WA"NTED AI STENOGRAPHER AS SUB for bill clerk; first two weeks of August: Remington. V 25, care Oregonlan. COMPETENT. TRUSTWORTHY WOMAN to care for InfanU Must have references. 100 E. 16th sU Phone East 2541. WANTED TWO NEAT YOUNG LADIES, experienced, as clerks. Clerks' Registra tion Bureau. 265 Morrison st. BRIGHT.. WIDE-AWAKE WOMAN TO OR ranlze and maintain force of workers in Oregon. G 18. Oregonlan. .GIRL WANTED TO DO COOKING AND housework. Apply to Mrs. I. Frohman. Parlor C Portland HoteL GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUKE work: good cook; good wages. 67 N. 14th, beU Davis and EveretU WANTED STARCH CLOTHES IRONERS and operator for body lroner. Oregon Laun dry Co.. 363 E. Oak. EXPERIENCED SALESGIRLS, NOTIONS, underwear, hosiery, etc Apply between 9 and 10. 171 2d st. SALESLADY AND DEMONSTRATOR WANT d. Anton Lehser. Foreign bldg., German section. Embroidery. WANTED A GIRL TO DO UPSTAIRS WORK aad watt oa table: good wages, small fam ily. 344 Salmon: su. A WOMAN TO DO COOKING AND. A- GIRL to help in kitchen. At the Baomaan Ho tel. 412 N. 19th sU WANTED A YOUNG LADY TO ASSIST IN sun teg. Apply Open-Air Sanatorium. Take Oregon. City ear. WANTED COMKFETEN'T NURSE GIRL aad ta assist In second work; good wages. 715 FIaaers. - WANTKD LADT WAITRS60 FOR R.ZS tattrsau 412 Msrrtson sU, bet. Ifrth aad 11 ta. WANTKD A XEAT GIRL FOR SECOND wk- AWr 1 ts sU WANTEDGIRL TO WASH DIUHBC AT KM XectK-Mis. , . r WAITRBM WAT. 4H ALDKP HELP WANTED FEMALE. EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR, GENERAL . 1. u'r ramiiy; gooa wage; ae- eirable place for good girl. Call 773 Koyt su. beU 23rd and 24th. WANTED AT QNCE. WOMAN EXPERI- "" n oaoies to isjce care one baby; SI-, i ?'rk: no Professional nurse wanted. 620 7th st. . WTED-A WOMAJf FOR HOUSEWORK: -e. n . V ; wregonian bldg. after 9 o'clock. W?EDrGP1iJf"R GENERAL HOUSE- &idVprc,rr.2Ccr Eut 54111 st-Mt- SlLv ASSIST GENERAL HOUSE work and care of child. Apply 711 Broad way. GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSE- cr.reaccs reqmrea. 723 Glisan SU WANTED-GOOD COOK FOR GENERAL housework. $20-$25. Apply 235 King sU WANTED EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR general housework. Apply 374 Taylor su WANTED EXPERIENCED WAITRESS AT Llndell Hotel. Market su. beU 3d and 4th. WANTED STRONG GIRL AS NURSE FOR 3 children. $18. Apply 233 King sU COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. Apply 770 Overton sU WANTED-PANTRT GIRL AT THE ZINS- -7 "nuuiiai, iU I3S SU WANTED COMPETENT COOK. APPLY S3 N. 23d su before 2 o'clock. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. AP Ph at 1234 N. 6th su WANTED-A COMPETENT GIRL TO DO Cooking. 205 12th st. WANTED "CHAMBERMAID AT 4m N. 3d st. WANTED DISHWASHER. 3S6 MORRISON streeU HELP WANTED HALE OR FEMALE. 23 WAITRESSES. CHAMBERMAIDS. PAN try girls (some Exposition region). Ante lope. Coast; housework, housekeepers; 3 cooks (mill. $20. childl: farmhands, har vest; waiters, cooks. Drake. 203H Wash ington. (Chinese) RELIABLE MAN OR WOMAN TO TRAVEL for large manufacturing concern; salary $3 per day and expenses: expenses advancgd. salary paid weekly. For particulars address F. B. Cornwall. General Delivers. Portland. Or. WANTED FOR THE GREAT FALL OF Port Arthur spectacular production. 100 men. 50 women, musicians and actors. Ap ply 7 P. M. Thursday. McGuire & Hill, managers. 27th and Upshur. CASHIER IN RESTAURANT. LADY OR gent; will loan $140: security $280: use of money 33 days $10: salary $13 week. Main 2341. B 24. Oregonlan. MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN DETEC tiv business and take position In and out of town. Room 315. 365 Washington sU . MEN AND WOMEN WITH REFERENCES for good positions at once. Room 313. Co lumbia bldg. 1X SELL USEFUL ARTICLE; GOOD PROFIT, ready seller. 423 Chamber of Commerce. 8 to 10. WANT LADY ORGENTLEMAN AS CASH ier; must have $100. F 36. care Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. SITUATION WANTED IN CITY BY YOUNG man who has had experience in grocery or hardware work. Address D 24. Oregonlan. Mhcelraneous. SITUATION WANTED BY A "THOROUGH and practical foundrytnan. temperate habits, age 30. and married, capable of taking full charge of office or foundry: 15 years' experi ence on all classes of work; would take a working interest if so desired and Invest $5000 to $10,000. Address Q 24. care Ore gonlan. MIDDLE-AGED FLORIST AND GARDEN er wishes position, either private or com mercial; understands business thoroughly in all Its branches, with very best of ref erences. Good wages expected. O. Haeff ner. 2C54 Everett YOUNG MAN. OVERMAN. WOULD LIKE position In private residence, experienced ih lawn, gardenwork: also understands care of horses, cows. N 24. Oregonlan. GOOD JAPANESE COOK. LONG EXPERI ence as family cook, with best references, wants position; state wages and particu lars, K 17. Oregonlan. JAPANESE LABOR ASSOCIATION CAN furnish domestic servants, farmers also; all kinds of help. Clay 513. 2CS Everett sU SITUATION WANTED BY MAN AND WIFE to take charge of rooming-house or work on ranch. 234 Madison. YOUNG II AX WANTS WORK MORNING and evening for board and lodging. 669 Commercial st. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. WANTED POSITION" AS STENOGRAPH er; have bad some experience. Moderate salary to start in with. Address, L 25. Oregonlan. Domestics. FIRST.CLASS JAPANE3E COOK WANTS position in private family, city or country; speaks good English; has best references: wages $30 and up. Address Y 25. care Oregonlan. REFINED YOUNG WOMAN TO ASSIST with housework: good horrfe; wages $12 per month. T 25. Oregonlan. Housekeepers. WANTED BY A THOROUGHLY COMPE tent and experienced housekeeper, position in hotel. rooming-houBe or club; best of references and guarantee. S 25. Oregonlan. SITUATION AS HOUSEKEEPER; REFINED young woman with baby 13 months. 3204 Yamhill. Phone Main 5413. BY CAPABLE ELDERLY WOMAN AS nurse, companion or housekeeper in small family. V 24. Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. SITUATION WANTED GOOD WOMAN housekeeper, experienced; chamberbalds. cooks, waitresses, nurses. -2304 Yamhill. Phone Main 5413. ORDER EXPOSITION CONCESSIONS. Ho tel. restauranU store, office, home, factory, any help. Phoner Drake. 2054 Washing ton. DRESSMAKING. PLAIN SEWING. CHTL dren's clothes made reasonably. Phone Main C028. 1077 Mable sU WANTED BY COMPETENT WOMAN. ANY kind of, day work. 3214 Water sU WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL OUR SUPE rior. high-grade nursery stock; new and com plete outfit furnished free: cash weekly: write today for choice of territory. Address Capital City Nursey Company. Salem. Or. AGENTS WANTEL TO SELL OUR HIGH grade nursery" stock. Choice territory in Or egon. Washington and Idaho. Cash ad vanced weekly; outfit free. Write at once for terms. Chlco Nursery Co.. Chlco. Cal. AGENTS GREATEST 23C SELLING Pic ture; new and original; entitled "Pike's Peak." Everybody laughs. Quick seller. Sample copy 15c 1420 Lorlmer. Denver. Colo. LADY AGENT SOMETHING NEW. GOOD ,.i-r blc v-cn. 2IS Coa-merclal blk. WANTED TO KENT. OWNERS AND AGENTS WILL FIND IT TO tlelr advantage to list thenr vacant houses or flats with our free rental department. Our vacant house directory has become a recognized Institution in- Portland, bua dreds of tenants being- weekly placed la suitable quarters. We make no charge whatever, and landlords should take ad vantage of this service by calling at oar rental desartisent ailing In oar later-nation blank: leave the rest to us; we wilt secure a desirable tenant: we want aoases In all parts of city aad subsrfcs; if yoa have a vacant how, flat or apartmeat, phone the particulars. We won't allow tt to remain Ions' Ml. H. K. EDWARDS. BXJUSEFBRNISHEIL. Rental Department. 188 ta 191 1st, C WANTED ROOM. AND BOARD WITH" A sjeod Gerawur CataoHc fa-atiy. by a yot-as MR C goed kabttx. R X. OmceBiaa. WAXTXD-t OR 3 'UNFURNISHED BOUS8 ke(tB tmm. west SMe. by aa ad wife. J aty- OrewotUx-, ' FURNISHED HOUSS WANTED FOR Kara. - J. V. CreigaUn . Co., MCg 3d sC