Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 25, 1905, Page 6, Image 6

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win mu
iWiH of California Heiress 'Is
Decfared Valid in the
Superior Court.
Harry "Floyd, Wealthy Society Girl,
Shocked Her Friends by Mar-
rlage to Man Ylx Worked
on a Street-Car. ,
LAKEPORT, Cal., July 24.-(SpeciaD-Judge
M. S. Sayre thl. morning handed
down an opinion In the Superior Court In
the celebrated case of the Gopcevlc will
contest, which has been under considera
tion for more than two months. By this
decision the 51,000.000 estate .left by the
unfortunate heiress. Harry Augustus
Lyons Floyd Gopcevlc goes to her
husband, lilos Mltroy Gopcevlc ap she
Intended when she drew her last testa
ment on her deathbed.
It was alleged by the relatives who at
tacked the will that Elsie Prltchard. a
friend of the dead girl, had a complete,
an almost hypnotic influence over the
heiress, and used this controlling force to
further the conspiracy in which Harry
Floyd was unwillingly married to Mllos
Mltroy Gopcevlc, a gripman on the Sacra
mento street line who afterward man
aged, with her assistance, to acquire "the
whole estate by influencing his wife's will
before her end.
Husband Not an Adventurer.
This theory is absolutely exploded by
the court. The suggestion that Mllos
Gopcevlc was an adventurer and schemer
is also set aside by Judge Sayre. who
bellevea the romantic story o'f his court
ship and secret marriage as Gopcevlc said
really happened.
Unsoundness of mind on the part of
the testatrix was the principal allegation
on which the contestants based their
case. They went hack to the very na
tivity of Harry Floyd, the heiress, and
alleged she had been ralwd into a man
ner tending to turn her mind Into intro
spective channels and develop a sort of
dementia, which took the form of im
personating characters in fiction. Loom
ing large among these was Dumas"
Raoul de Bragelonne In. thq "Three Mus
keteers," as well as the Compte dc La
Fere and other Imaginary personages.
Amused Herself With Impersonation
Harry Floyd was said to have lived and
moved In these figments of fiction, cos
tuming herself and governing hor words
and actions to suit the character, until
she actually became oblivious to what
was passing In the real world about her.
s Judge Sayre admits that she Imperson
ated such characters, but evidently be
lieves it was only In the way of amuse
ment and recreation, and that it never
became a v controlling factor in her
thoughts. He declares that the was of
perfectly sound mind at all times and
that'the will which she drew when she
lay dying, and which she wrote entirely
In her own hand, Is a sound legal docu.
ment not to be broken by any recital of
facts In evidence or law
The case is one of the most sensational
in the history of California. The roman
tic marriage of the wealthy society girl
to a gripman first shocked society and
her death nine months later won its
Murderer of William Dunlap Will
Spend Life In Prison.
SALEM. Or., July 24. (Special.)-An-drew
Dodson will not be hanged August
11 for the killing of William Dunlap. His
sentence of death was today commuted
by Governor Chamberlain to life Impris
onment. His commutation was granted
axvou the recommendation of Trial Judge
H. K. Hanna and Prosecuting. Attorney
A. E. Reames, who told Governor Cham
berlaln that A. M. Ingram planned the
murder and Induced Dodson to commit it.
.Ingram arranged to prove an alibi in
order to save himself, but shared in the
money stolen from the murdered man!
Dodson plead guilty and aided Jn secur
ing the conviction of Ingram, who was
found guilty of murder in the second
degree and sentenced -to . life Imprison
Thief Touches nt Destruction Island
for Food and Water.
ASTORIA. July 24. (Spedal.)-About
ten days ago a boat and net belonging to
Charles Ossenberger. who fishes for the
Warren Packing Company, were stolen.
No trace of them was found until today,
when a letter was received from the keep
er of the Destruction Island light station;
stating that a man who was sailing up
the coast In a fishing boat had stopped
there. He was entirely out of water and
provisions, and said he was on the way
t to the Fraser River.
The boat was marked "32 W.." which
is Warren's private brand, and has been
identified as the one belonging to Ossen
berger. An effort will be made to 'cap
ture"1" the man and boat when they reach
Puget Sound.
Becomes President of the Northern
Steamship -Company.
SEATTLE. July 24. Howard James, for
a number of years connected with the
Great Northern Railroad in the capacity
or purchasing agent, with headquarters
at St. Paul, and as president of the
Northern Steamship Company, will suc
ceed J. D. Farrell. whose resignation as
assistant to the president of the Great
Northern Itallroad Company and -presl- I
dent of the Northern Steamship Company "7
has just been announced. .
Mr. Farrell stated today that Mr. James J
wouia leave bl. i-aui lor aeaiue wiuiln'
a day or so for the purpose of familiar
izing himself with the -details of his new
position. '
Surveying for Electric; Roads.
NORTH YAKIMA, Wash.. July 24.
(Special.) Two surveying parties are now
working In the -valleys tributary to this
place for the cnstrtction of an electric
railway system. The first, .was started
by J. H. Rose. .. v
George DenaM- has put a 'corps of en
gineers, to work onjils propose line. He
organised the Nartk 'aktoa Valley
Railway" Company today, with a 'capital
ization of J1.OCO.000. The officers - elected
are: President. George Xonald; vice-president,
M. H. G rover: secretary and treas
urer. J. D. Cornett. The directors are:
Mr. McDonald. Mr. Grovtr. George Ran
kin. Alex Miller. A. B. Wood, of thU
place, and "William Carson and N. S.
Rand, of Burlington. 7a. Construction of
the system by this company will be com
menced at once.
John Belshaw Fell Fj-om Train.
BAKERSFIELD. Cal.. July 21. A three
weeks search by relatives for a tracelof
John P. Belshaw. cousin of State Senator
C W. Belshaw. of Contra Costa County,
who left 'bis home in Riverside on the
5th of this month to complete arrange-
mcnts for opening a mercantile business
in Antioch. has been ended by the find
ing of the body in a railway culvert near
An inquest has been held and the Jury
returned a verdict that the deceased
came to his death- by falling from a rail
way train. J
Held on an Arson Charce.
HILLSBORO. Or, July 24. (Special.)
Hugh Brannan and Harvey Ulm were
lodged in Jail today by Sheriff Connelbjas
a result of the saloon or gallon-housebf
Oliver Channlng. of Dlliy, burning last
night. The place burned about 10:30. and
it is said that the men were under the
influence of liquor and had been refused
a bottle of whisky by f the proprietor.
They will be held until District Attorney
Allen arrix-es here August i. The evi
dence is purely circumstantial. ,
Oregon Supreme Court Passes on
Case Where Purchaser Is Delin
quent In Payments.
SALEM. Or, July 24. (Special.) The
right of the State Land Board to declaro
a certificate of sale forfeited when pay
ments have become delinquent for the
time specified by law was upheld by the
Supreme Court today in the case of C. A.
Sehlbrede against the State Land Board.
The court, in an opinion, written by
Justice Bean, holds that when the pur
chaser has defaulted for the time men
tioned, the certificate of sale becomes void
unless the state, though the State Land
Board, waives the forfeiture. No "waiver
was alleged In this case. The decision to
day affirms the decree In the lower court
rendered by Circuit Judge R. P. Boise, of
Marlon County.
Sehlbrede applied for the purchase of
320 acres of land in 1892, making a first
payment of one-third of the price. . He
made payment of another one-third of
the principal and wveral payments ot
interest, but in 1902, when he tendered the
balance due. he was three and -one-half
years in default. The Board refused to
accept hl6 money or issue a deed, and
he brought this mandamus suit, which
was dismissed In the lower court on de
murrer. The statute provides that "if any inter
est should remain unpaid for one year
after the same becomes due, thp sale and
certificate shall be void and all payments
forfeited and all the land shall be -deemed
vacant and shall be subject to -sale as If
it had not before been sold." The Su
preme Court says that this statute plainly
makes time the -essence of the contract.
"The land offered for sale belonged to.
the state. It -had a Tight to' $el it upon
such terms and conditions .a$ It might
deem advantageous! No one was com
pelled to accept Its terms, or to make a
purchase 'unless he -desired to do so, and
If he did. his act was voluntary .and be
cannot complain of the conditions Im
posed. . 4 ."
"Under the law and the terms of his
contract, the court is powerless to relieve
him from the consequences of his default,
assuming for the purpose of this care,
but without deciding, that mandamus
will lie to compel the State Land Board to
issue a deed or patent and deliver it to a
purchaser of state lands who has com
plied with his contract."
Magistrate Allows Places to Remain
Open -Pending Appeal That
Is Taken.'
. BOISE. Idaho, July 24. (SpecIaL)-Re-jolcing
on the part of one portion of the
population and indignation on the part of
another characterize Boise tonight otr
the untimely death of the ordinances
passed Just before election providing for
midnight nnd Sunday closing of saloons.
The ordinances were passed to take the
question out of the campaign, and there
was an understanding among the saloon
men that they would be got out of the
way after election.
Before the campaign closed, however.
Mr. Pinney. Republican candidate for
Mayor, came out in a card In 'which he
pledged himself to enforce the ordinances!
An effort "was made to get the old Coun
cil to repeal them, but it failed. The new
Council and the Mayor were Ina dilem
ma. The saloonmcn had Been given to
understand heordlnanccs would be wiped
out, while the Mayor's pledge had been
accepted by a large number, of advocates
of closing.
Yesterday an arrangement was perfect
ed to relieve the situation. Frank Gallo
way kept his saloon open. He was arrest
ed for violating the midnight ordinance
and the Sunday ordinance. Monday he
was fined 120 in the Police Court on each
J. H. Hawley. who signed the ordi
nances as Mayor, appeared for the de
fense and announced they would take an
appeal. Thereupon Magistrate Locke an
nounced tha pending final determination
of the appeal the saloons should remain
open all the time. Mayor Pinney states
he will not interfere with the order ot the
Magistrate, and Chief Horn says he re
gards Locke's ruling as an order to him
to permit all places of the kind to keep
Invite Governor to Pay Visit.
SALEM; Or.. July 24. (Specials-Residents
of Coos and Curry Counties have
"been urging Governor Chamberlain to
visit that portion of the state, and un
less oflftcial business prevents, he will
probably go to the southwestern counties
about August L
Gunshot Wound. In Head.
SANTA ROSA. Cal.. July 24. Winton
G. Pearce. a well-known Alexander Val
ley rancher, was found dead in bed this
morning with a gunshot wound in the
back, or his head. The case Is believed to
be one- of murder. He was akout 50
years old and married, with. a family.
For twenty -five cents you can now in
sure yourself and family against any bad
results from an attack ot colic or diar
rhoea during the Suasraer months. That
Is the price of a bottle of Chamberlain's
Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Reje4y, a
wdicino that has never beea known to
fall.- Buy u now. it may save life. Toe
sale by all 4rgfsts.
Other Companies Decline to
Ship Flour at $4.
Portland & Asiatic Announces Cut
"ext 3Ionth,, and Immediately
Puget Sound and Califor
nia Are Heard From. . -
Earlv yesterday the Portland & Asiatic
Steamship Company announced that flour
rates from Portland to the Orient would
be reduced to J4 a ton after August 15,
and that the other lines operating from
Pacific Coast ports would declare the
same rate. Late in the afternoon, how
ever, telegrams were received from other
companies protesting against the cut In
rates, although at the last traffic confer
ence it had been agreed by all concerned
that the reduction should be made.
Flour exportation are far irom lively
at present- Little flour is moving east
ward from any of the Pacific Coast ports,
and the Harriman line managers thought
it advisable to cut the rate in tjrder to
keep up the shipments Muring the slack
sjason. The Japanese are waiting for
Autumn to buy much more flour, as con
ditions In the Orient are generally un
settled. The 31.000 barrels of flour which
went out on the Aragonia Saturday is the
largest shipment for some time.
At present the flour rates to Yokohama
and Hongkong are J3 a ton. Soon after
the rate xas rals?d to that figure several
vessels were chartered to carry flour.
The Forndene was the latest. With the
larger shipments going by private char
ter, the liners carried far less flour than
formerly, and the receipts showed It. If
the rate can be reduced to II a ton, and
maintained at that figure. It Is expected
that the greater part of the flour going
to the Orient will go into the holds of
the liners Instead of aboard chartered
The companies Interested In Tegular
flour shipments, besides the Portland &
Asiatic Company, are the Pacific Mail,
the Great Northern, the Boston Steam
ship Company, the Ocean Steamship
Company, and the Canadian Pacific. It Is
these companies which have protested
against the Harriman line inaugurating
the $4 a ton rate.
C. F. Becl)c Holds Claims and Libels
Steam Schooner.
Through petition of the firm of Charles
F. Beebe, the Toledo was yesterday
libeled tor debts aggregating $182.10, and
is now In charge of P. W. Smith, a keeper
appointed by the United States Marshal
last night.
The llbellant alleges in his petition that
the master of the Toledo purchased
goods of him during May ahd June ot
this year amounting to J12.60. This
money being due. the owners or the mas
ter of the vessel would not nar. thoutrh
requested so to do. In addition to the
small amount owed directly to the Ilocl
Jant. he holds assigned claims from sev
eral. San Francisco houses. It Is alleged
tfiat during January and August. 1P04. the
vessel bought goods amounting to $2033.(3
of C. J. Hendry &.Co of San Francisco;
of which sum there remains yet to be
paid T105S.63. In August. UW. the "vessel
bought a' bill ot goods of McDearman &
Co.. of San Francisco, of which there
remains $154.20 yet unpaid. June. 1XH. the
master ot the Toledo left a debt of $113
owing to the firm of George M. Kneas.
of San Francisco, in September, 1J04,
the W. S. Ray Manufacturing Company
had a margin ot 1CG.30 coming to it that
never was paid, and in May, 1904, Baker
& Hamilton of the Bay -City mourned $101
remaining on their books as a memento
of having trusted the Toledo with goods
before the glint of the gold was seen.
All of these claims were assigned to
CharJos F. Beebe. who has brought ac
tlon in the Federal Court. to recover. It
was in accordance with thin action that
the guard has been placed in charge of
the vessel.
The Toledo, owned by Fay Bros., of
Eureka, was recently unsuccessful on the
Gray's Harbor run. Her last skipper was
Captain Lclghton. She Is now lying at
the city levee. Idle and awaiting a pur
chaser or a run.
Said Thnt Wreck Will Drop From
the Supporting Ledge.
With the fall of the water In the Colum
Ma in a few weeks, the wreck of the
steamer Elder will los its balance upon
the rocky-ledge at Goble. tumble over and
go to the bottom of the rtver. Such Is
the opinion of shipping men. who have
been watching the Elder. J. H. Peterson,
who bought the' wreck from the under
writers, has done .nothing toward raising
the vessel. The cofferdam built by Cap
tain MacFarlane while, he "was trying to
save the steamer for the underwriters is
still In position. .
The United States Engineers have been
looking at the Elder, as she has been
reported as a menace to navigation. The
wreck is very close to the ship channel,
and at this point the current sweeps a
tow dangerously near the steamer's bones
unless great care Is observed.
Columhla and Valencia Are to Sail
Tonight With Big Crowds.
It was definitely announced yesterday
that the Pacific Coast Company's steam
ship City of Topeka would call at Port
land for passengers about August 1. The
Valencia is due in the river today, and
will leave for San Francisco tonight,
when the Columbia also sails.
The two Pacific Coast steamers will be
handled for passengers by the San Fran
cisco & Portland Company. This will give
one call from these steamers about every
Hair Vigor
Ask your neighbors
about it. One will say,
"It restored color to
my gray hair:" Another,
"It has checked my fall
ing hair." Another, "A
splendid dressing for
the hair." 2fc
four days. Fully Me passeagers wUlleave
i or California oa the Colombia and Val
encia tonight- "It Is aot expected that any
more steamers will be pat oa this run.
Gazelle's Captain Tells His Side.
As no lives were lost, and as the launch
Gazelle registers but 13 tons net, there
will be no Investigation of the collision
between the launch and a, rowboat con
taining il. T. Colby, his wife and two
Boston people. Sunday night.
Captain C. J. McLean, who was at the
Gazelle's wheel, says:
"iiy lights were burning at the time.
as I can prove by witnesses. If there
was a light in the rowtfbat. It was at the
bottom, where- most of the small boats
carry their lights. It is impossible to see
such a light untIL you are on top of. thi
boat. The people in the boat seemed de
termined to cross my bow. and the man
shouted 'starboard.' when he meant star
board for himself but port for me. I
turned sharply and almost ran Into the
shipyards, as It occurred' on that side,
and not near Ross Island. I tried to
avoid the collision, but they were deter
mined to go across my bow."
High Tide Closed the Wire.
ASTORIA. Or., July 24. (Special.) Dur
ing every afternoon of the past week the
Government telegraph, line between this
city and North Head has been accustomed
to "go down for a few hours, when it
would "clear" again. The cause has been
a mystery until yesterday, when Line
man George New made an Inspection trip
over the railway trestle along which the
wire runs. He found that a grate-cleaner
which had fallen from a passing locomo
tive had caught on the wire, and the Iron
handle, which was several feet in length,
was submerged at high tide, causing the
wire to ground. When the tides receded
the wire-cleared again.
Bids on CclIIo Canal.
The award of the contract for the
Celilo Canal work will probably be made
today by the United States Engineers.
Bids were opened yesterday, and work is
to begin within 30 days of the letting of
the contract. The following submitted
bids: International Construction Com
pany. John Kiernan. Burrell Construction
Company. Joseph Paquet, J. W. Sweeney,
Robert Wakefield, Pendergast & Clark
son, Smith & Jones, Pacific Coast Con
struction Company and Puget Sound
Bridge & Dredging Company.
Movements of Asiatic Liners.
The Portland & Asiatic liner Arabia ar
rived at Yokohama July 20. She sailed
from Portland July 2. The Numantla. of
the same line, sailed from Hongkong July
22, and will stop at Japanese ports jis
usual, before starting for Portland direct.
It is expected that a large shipment ot
gunnysacks is on board.
Marine Notes.
Laden with 11C0 sacks of wheat, the
steamer Czarina cleared yesterday for
San Francisco.
Edwin Orett, assistant general man
ager of the Harriman water lines, was in
the city yesterday.
The schooner Virginia will soon come
bapk from San Francisco, and this time
will load lumber at the Inman-Poulsen
Word from San Francisco was received
here yesterday that the steamer Alliance
had broken her propeller In Coos Bay and
would be delayed lb sailing for Portland.
With a big hole in her bottom, the tow
boat Game Cock, owned by the Willam
ette &. Columbia River Towing- Company,
was towed to the Portland. Shipbuilding
Yards yesterday morning from the. Cow
litz River, where she went on a snag
three weeks ago.
Domestic-and Foreign Ports.
ASTORIA. July .tM.-Omdltioa" of the bar at
5 P. M mooch; wind, northwest ; weather.
Cloudy. Arrived kt 10SO A. M. and" left ' up
at 1:20 P. M. StVainer Northland, from Saa
San Francisco. July 24. Sailed Stearoer;CUy
or PuebU. for Victoria; steamer Roanoke, for
Astoria; febooeer A. B. Johnson, for Gray's
Lebanon Cavalrymen Fall III.
OREGON CITT, Or.. July 24. (Spe
cial.) Fred Vale and Harvey Raw
lings, privates In Troop A, Oregon
Gavalry, were forwarded to their
homes at Lebanon by tonight's train.
While at Oregon City, both men were
slezed with severe attacks of Illness,
making It impossible for them to con
tinue the trip. Vale is seriously ill of
a fever, while Rawllngs is the victim
of a bilious attack. The other mem
bers of the troop Jepartcd tonight for
Lebanon, expecting to complete their
Journey by Thursday night.
"Vew Train Service Is Satisfactory.
FOREST GROVE. Or., July 24. (Spe
cial.) The officers of the local .board
of trade have received notification that
the Southern Pacific Company will be
gin operating its new schedule between
Portland and Forest Grove some time
this week. The extra train will leave
Forest Grove at 12:30 P. M. and return
ing, leave 10:45 P. M.- The
hours are quite satisfactory to resi
dents here.
i. '
W' :
First Sale of 'Wheat 3Iade to Tacoma
3lillers ' Saturday at Ser- .
enty Cents.
WALLA WALLA. Waah July 24. (Spe
cial.) Reports from the wheat fields of
.Walla Walla County are to the effect
that the hot weather came too late to do
any damage. In a few upland localities
where Spring, grain was sown, the damage
may be very alight, but " not enough to
make any .perceptible reduction in the
average ot the county.
Reports from . sections further north
and east are that the crops have been
damaged -as --high as 20 per cent, but it
Is predicted, that the' damage will not be
as great as reported.
The first sale of wheat for the season
in this city was made Saturday for ship
ment to Tacoma for milling purposes. The
price was TO cents per bushel.
No Serious Loss in Palouse.
COLFAX. Wash.. July 2.-( Special.)
Friday. Saturday and Sunday intense
heat over the Palouse country did consld
'erable damage to the grain of Whitman
County. -The average temperature for
the three days was about 105 in the
shade. Early Fall wheat and early Spring
grain was not affected, but the late Fall
and Spring grain not nearly ripened at
that time was burned much by the heat.
The heat shriveled the grain and the
yield of the county will be cut material
ly. Oats suffered moat.
The weather today is ideal for ripen
ing grain. If the present temperature
of 97 continues to decrease no further
damage will be done. The damage is not
great enough to cause very serious loss
to any farmers.
Hay. and Wheats Are Good Crops.
EUGENE. Or.. July 24. (SpeciaD-rThe
grain harvest is well under way In Lane
County, and most .of the Fall grain has
been cut. Threshers expect to start the
last of the week. Fanners as ' far as
heard from report an excellent crop, and
expect a yield above the average.
One farmer reports that It required a
third more twine- to bind his Fall wheat
than he. has ever used before on the
same acreage.
Most of the hay crop has been put away,
and thfe yield was very heavy. A- great
deal ot -hay is being baled this year.
Late Grain "WW Be Cut for Hay.
LEWISTON'. Idaho. July 24. (Special
It Js six days now since the temperature
In the Lewiston Valley has dropped be
low the century markl Today the record
at the local Government station was 103.
with a hot wind prevailing and indica
tion of thundershowers. Reports from the
grain belt are conflicting. Damage Is
confined to late sown Spring grain, which
Is estimated at from 10 to 15 per cent of
the entire crop. The damage Is estimated
at from 20 to SO per cent of this, and much
of the late grain will be cut for hay.
Haln Threatens at Walla Walla.
WALLA VALLA'. Wash.. July 24. (Spy
clal.) The weather moderated greatly tor
day, tonight being nearly normal. Pros
pects are for a rush In harvesting, unless
rain follows, which threatens. - Crews
were started all over the valley today.
Cooler Weather at Reardan.
REARDAN. Wash.. July 21. (Special.)
The continued hot weather has injured
Jate. .grain to a considerable, extent, but
early grain is filling well and has suffered
little. The thermometer registered 93 tor
day. The wind has changed to the south
and it Is cooler this evening.
Horse Heaven Wheat Is Safe.
NORTH YAKIMA- Wash., July 24.
(Special.) The mercury today registered
SS degrees In the shade. The wheat crop
in Horse Heaven Li not injured to any
extent, although it will be Impossible
for a few days to ascertain the extent
of the damage.
Sprint: Grain Is Shrinking
POMEROY. Wash.. July 24. (Special.)
The weather continues hot. All Spring
grain is -shrinking badly. .George Light
has 320 acres of Spring wheat which he
says is losing at the rate of 400 bushels
per day.
Ideal Day for Crops.
DAVENPORT. Wash.. July 24.-(Spe-clal.)
Today was two degrees cooler than
Sunday. Ninety-two degrees was the
hottest record of the day. A breeze made
the heat bearable. It was an Ideal day
for crops.
Melancholy Man Hangs Himself.
NORTH YAKIMA. Wash.. July 24.
(Special.) Fred Jennings, a. farmer and
carpenter near Zillah. hanged himself in
his woodshed Saturday night with a rope.
Distributers . - Allen &
;iPM 9J9 :''
Given Away Free
Them All
Our Beautifal
American Talking Machine
Fro a to Everybody
Purchasing o&
Teas Coffees, Spices
Crockery Glassware
Crettcst :0fer of the Aft
CSp this Coupon ost, bring
k to aay of our stores.
Its value k
$5.00 wortk of Ccspons
toward getting yon the
Talking Machine Free
Bjs, Girls, ai4l Yeu? Ladies
tils is Tsnr Ounce
Cane and! See Us
treat Imtrkxt Iflpririg TmCi.
Steras Everywhere
b 331 Wsshbtfaa il.. ftrtlasi 223 Flrcl St.. rsrilud
I DnpcCllT. HilaSt. AjlKb.SllXMgurtUl St.
I Fkim. 38 E. Sta SL
He left a wife and one child. A will was
left in which he gives all his property, a
40-acre farm and other things, and 530CO
Insurance, to his wife- He had become
melancholy over Imagined financial dif
ficulties. Cloudburst Damages ra Ditch.
NORTH YAKIMA. Wash.. July 24- A
cloudburst in the Upper Natchez Satur
day evening will cause the' Wepatox ditch
to be put out of business for at least ten
days. The Soloph canal; was also dam
If Bxbr Is Cntilnr Teeth.
X icrs sac saa mat oia and well-tr ltd itme&j.
ra. WlcsIoWa Soothing Syrup, tor cblldrea
ttliinr- It aootfcea tba child, actte&s th gasis.
JUr oil aatn. aires vlsd colic and dlarrhoa
M Sixes, l&e to Mo Eaeh.
A. SANTAELLA CO.. Maker,, Tarogs. FIs,
6ERSQX HAST, OufriMsn, Poriiand, Or.
Better than money:
Schilling's Best is as good for
you as it is for your grocer;
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Imperial Hair Regsniraior
Is everywhere recognized as the
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plication is not affected by baths;
permits curling; is absolutely harm.
less: any natural nada produced:
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Sample of your hair colored free.
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Sold by Woodard. Clarke & Co.
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btil Ai trie
If you are troubled with an
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at the root of the trouble at
once. There's deaA cuticle
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It acts on the dead tissue and
removes it? leaving the pores ol?
the scalp to resume, their nat
ural functions. That's a good.,
start towards good- hair a.
healthy scalp. Continue using
Micro and watch the result. It
will nourish the hair bulbs and;
prevent the formation of dandr
You'll be delighted at the leel-lag-
yoHr aealp Ttill have after the
flrat application.
MICRO is .a delightfully -re-.
freshing. delicately perfumed,
dressing for the hair. It- imme
diately allays all irritation of, the
scalp. What a luxury In hot
$1 at All Druggists
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Ail Grocers utd ErustxLit$
Many people allow "false mod
esty" to stand .In the way of taking
Trib. the world's greatest Hduor
and tooacco cure. They are afraid
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Absolute fearlessness will eventual
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The St. Louis Medical and Surgical
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This establishment, founded in. 1870.
the oldest and best-known medical in
stitution in the- Northwest, has cured
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gratefully- testify to our prompt and
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If you have Goaorr&eea. Gleet, S trie
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"We. have a specific, a never failing'
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we give no poisonous minerals, such as
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We likewise quickly cure Varicocele
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cesses or youthful errors, Noetaraal
Leases. Spersaeterrkeea, Preatatarraeea
andall other related troubles as well
as Bladder, Stomach and Kidney affec
tions. Piles, JRectal Ulcers, Eczema ana
other Skte ErHtioB, ...
Consultation aad examination free. "Write
for symptom, blank aad book if you caaaet
Office Hours: S'A. M. to 8 P. X.; Sa4ya,
10 to 12. ,
St Louis SS" Dispensary
Cor. 2d aad1 YamhHl SU Fertlaad, Or.
afySmtU mmdftjmuUi- Art. , SNtr
" J