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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1905)
thb MOKxryg DKEGoyiajf, Saturday, jtji;y 22, 1905. Entered at the Post of See .t Fertlasa. Or.. as seeeaa-ciass matter. JUBfiCSIFXIOX XATBS. rNVARIABLT IN ADVANCE. fBr Mall er ExnresO Dally and Sunday, per year... ....... ..(3.00 Daily and Sunday, six monthi. ....... . 2.00 Dally and Sunday, three months....... 2.55 Dally ana sunaay, per mo-am. ...... .S3 Dally without Sunday, per year......... 7.50 Dally without Sunday, six months...... 3.90 Dally without euaaay, tares mont&s... x.90 Dallv without Sunday, ser month. .... . .65 Sunday, per year...................... 2.00 Sunday, six montns.... ...... .......... x.w Sunday, three months.................. .60 BY CARRIER, Dally -without Sunday; per week........ .13 Dally, per week. Sunday Included...... -0 THE WEEKLT OREGONIAN. -tissued Every Thursday.) Weekly, per year...................... l.W Weekly, six months. ......... .......... -"5 Tveexiy, three xnontns......... ......... . HOW TO SEMJT Bend postofflce money order, express order or personal check on your local bank. Stamps, coin or currency are at the sender's risk. EASTERN BUSINESS OFFICE. , The S. C. Beckwith. Special Agency New Tone, rooms 43-50 Tribune building, tm cago, rooms 510-5L2 Tribune building. KEPT ON SALE. Chicago Auditorium Annex. Postofflce News Co- 178 Dearborn street. Dallas, Tex-Globe News Depot. 60 Main ctreet. San Antonio, Tex. Louis Book and Clear Co.. 521 East Houston street. Dearer juiiU8 Black, Hamilton & Kend rlek, 900-812 Seventeenth street; Harry D. Ott, 1503 Broadway: Pratt Book Store. 1214 Fifteenth street. Colorado Spring, Colo. Howard H. Bell. Des Melses, Is Moses Jacobs. SOS Fltth street. 1 Dulath. Minn. G. Blackburn. SIS West Su perior street. Geldseld, 'ev. C. Malone. K ansae City, Kov Rlcksecker Clear Co.. Ninth aad Walnut. Is Aareles Harry TJrapkln: B. E. Amos. Cli West Seventh street. Minneapolis M. J. Kavanaugh, CO South Third; L. Regelsburger, 217 First avenue SOKtU. Cleveland, O. James Fushaw, 307 Superior ktreet. New Tork City I. Jones Co., Astor House. Oakland, CaL W. H. Johnston. Fourteenth and Franklin streets. Ogdea F. R. Godard'aad" Meyers : Har top, D I Boyle. OmahaBarkalow Bros.. 1612 Farnam: Mageath Stationery Co.. 1308 Farnam; Mc laughlin Bros.. 240 South 14th; McLaughlin & Holtz, 1515 Farnam. Sacramento. CaL Sacramento News Co- 429 K street. Bait iAke gait sXak News Co.. 77 "West tecond street rFraak Hutchison. teuowstoae .. Wyo. Canyon Hotel. kUotM, Ttwwwm Park Assn. iSesMh-S. XL Amaa. X- peeper & Co., 746 FltS. 10f Mfwfeet FraAk Ecott. 80 Ellis; N. "Wneatley tovaWiiiXew Stand, corner Mar ket and Kearney street; Hotel St. Francis Newi Stand; Foster & Orear, Ferry News Stand. St. reals. Mo. E. T. Jett Book & News Company. 800 Olive street. WashiasrteR. D. C I D. Morrison. 2132 Pennsylvania avenue. rOJXAND. .SATURDAY. JULY 22, 1965. IT IS A MISTAKE. The Boston1 Herald publishes a long editorial on the letter flddr.i President Hoosevelt on Chinese immi gration. Jjy BreaWent Wheelwright, of c-lie, PWd CViStnber of Commerce. , fc? .awmum. ,mm&QB the letter as "a ttdftaMmyt LfigjsJty and force." and ftrthltrtU'rt "5jrasf evi("rnrv nf n rhanio ftstttssnkit f jv??prrtekt4n writing: this letter was ways acts upon his conceptions of duty to the public and to his fellow-men. His letter did Indeed carry the Impres sion of dignity and force. But, as The Oregonian conceives, the position was a mistaken one: and It is certain that the deduction from the letter that it indi cates change of sentiment In our Pa cific States as to Chinese immigration Is entirely erroneous. ' It is beyond question that there la much work here that Chinese might do jtb advantage to the country. A mll- kn Chinese laborers on the Pacific list would hasten development in jjy ways, Muefe work, of the kinds les weHl -will long go un'-jne. ttdjilauto ot Chinese, even in the Ld JMthers. v juld produce deep F IMmho samg n s our own working R4fW5pfrM went it. violently. In aHlWBraBLHiys. kV deem th rnn- tentrnent offfr( jbwn people and. the pevf IKe 'cbuntry as of more lm pcrtsnee than the profit that would en sue from newlnflux of Chinese labor. Besides. he .commotion would bo so preat that' It jnaybe doubted whether, on the whole, the progress of the coun try would not be checked, rather than accelerated, even in an Industrial way. If there is any change of sentiment In the Pacific States on this subject. It has been rather in the direction of con tinued enforcement of the policy of ex clusion than for relaxation of it In the opinion of The Oregonian, not one voter in ten In our Pacific States would sup port any proposition to reopen the gates to Chinese laborers, even In very lim ited numbers. So powerful, so nearly unanimous, is public sentiment on this subject, that the suggestion or proposal 'will not be accepted, as a serious or practical question. If any harm can come of such sug gestion, it will spring from the inter pretation that will be placed upon it in the Eastern States, where people may be led to think, as the Boston Herald evidently does, that the people of the Pacific States may be disposed to give up their opposition to Chlnese'lmmigra tion. They certainly are not so dis posed, nor will they be. THE GERMAN SONG FESTTVAIi After the conventions of doctors, and txiftra gists (female), and Methodists, and charity experts, which have come in swift succession, filled our churches and c halls, and displayed their badges on our streets, it is something of a re lief to welcome these Jolly Germans! 2Co slight is intended to the very grave and reverend slgnlors; but here are peo ple on straight pleasure bent. Three days of song and feast and good-fellow-J5hip no wonder, being Germans, they flock to it Here Is one thing they can teach us. and that is how to give time to 'harmony and mirth, without regret or back looks. How do they do it? Are they any less business people than their Amerlcan-Ixjrn neighbors? Not a hit. They work as hard and as long and as fruitfully as the rest Are they as earnest about that? Every whit Ger man thoroughness is proverbial. Tet it is hard to Imagine a like gathering of any other race. How is It then? In the first place, they are musical. W shall watch them sing and listen. and see hw the eyes of- them all a4 flash ac the choruses ring ojit The musks alone would draw thewa. But be- on 2 of" the common Tatherland. They are Germans all. born and bred, with the Old "World blood running In their veins, and the pride of race flowing strong. Americans? Yes, but German Americans none the less as genera tions pass. "Welcome they have here. No place in this wide world is so fit for their meeting as Portland today. How they will enjoy It! MISMANAGED TRANSPORTATION XINE. It has been considerably more than a year since the various transportation lines operating out of Portland were satisfied to a certainty that there would be very heavy t raffle to and from Port land. The Northern Pacific, with its customary enterprise, equipped two new trains throughout and made heavy additions to rolling stock and motive power. Other roads also increased their equipment for handling the big traffic There were plenty of idle steamships lying around the Pacific Coast ports when the railroads began securing the additional equipment they would need for the land travel. Some of these steamers were sicked ud by outsiders having no established traffic connec tions at Portland, and they have all been running to their canaeitv for months. Even had there been an insuf ficient number of steamers on the' Pa cific Coast there was nlentv of time. when the railroads began preparing for tne rush, for the Harrlman steamship lines to secure steamers on the Atlan tic Coast But no effort was made to secure the additional tonnage that was sure to be needed, not only after the Fair travel began, but to relieve the congestion of traffic that eariy in the Spring was tax ing the capacity of very little craft that could turn a wheel on the ocean. Now comes Mr. Schwerln, and, after looking over the thousands of visitors who have innocently purchased tickets in the East entitling them to meals and berth on steamer between Portland and San Francisco, announces that no re lief can be offered them. Some of these first-class passengers, if they are lucky, can secure berths in the steerage. A few others, by paying an extra fare and engaging berths far enough in advance, can make the trip on some of the nu merous small steamers on the route, but the greater number of the unfortu nates are confronted with the alterna tive of waiting, for weeks for a berth on the steamer or going overland. Theoretically 'and by the Huntlngton ian line of reasoning, the Harrlman system Is not losing anything by this general demoralization of traffic and strong bid for the ill will of every pas senger over the lines. Actually, the system will be a heavy loser, for the feelings of a passenger who has trav eled 2000 miles to enjoy a trio on the ocean, has paid for the privilege, and is then turned down, will not be such as to make him a good advertising ageni ior me corporation wnich has victimized him. This old Huntinrton policy, to which Mr. Schwerln and Mr. Stubbs bo religiously adhere, has In jured Oregon to a greater extent than it is possible to estimate. The Oriental steamers now leaving port are running light, an excellent Harrlman reason why there should be no increase in the service. Two months hence there will be more traffic than they can handle. and it will then be impossible to secure steamers. The overflow, then, as in the pajt will drift over to Puget Sound, and a good portion of the business thus diverted will remain there even when steamers are again going out of Port land with half-filled holds. The more enterprising steamshiD men in charge of the business on Pueet Sound anticipate the traffic and provide for it Through good times and bad times they offer shippers a frequent and regular service, and the result of this service is noticeable In the fact that hardly a steamer leaves the port of Tacoma without shipments, lanre or small, from pome of the points in Port land territory. It may be wrong to blame Mr. Schwerln for this most un satisfactory stat of affairs. He nrobn- bly regards Portland with the usual California contempt seldom visits the port which pours so many millions into the Harrlman coffers, and gets away as quickly as he can. when he does come. Mr. Harrlman told us that Mr. Schwerln was to have full power over steamshiD traffic out of this port, "but he also told us that we were to have all of the steamers needed to handle the traffic Either Mr. Schwerln's power has since been curtailed or he Is not carrying out tne promises made by his employer. IJMIT OF WHEAT PRODUCTION. The Chicago market scored another remarkable advance yesterday, closing 3 cents higher than on the day previ ous, and making a net gain for the past three days of more than 8 cents per bushel. Just how much of this ad vance Is due to manipulation and how much of it is caused by deterioration in the growing crops is uncertain. But whatever the cause may be, it is now quite apparent that the European mar ket cannot be stampeded Into follow ing the violent bulges In this colmtry. The September option gained nearly 3 cents per bushel in Chicago Thursday, and Liverpool acknowledged this strength yesterday with an advance of a quarter of a cent per bushel. If these prices can be maintained in this coun try, and Europe continues indifferent as she has for the past year or more. we shall probably see a repetition of last year's business, when the export trade dropped down to the smallest pro portions noted since 1S72. The recollection of the short crop and attendant high prices last year has un doubtedly been a strong factor in forc ing prices up this season, and has made the market extremely sensitive to the slightest whisper of crop damage The fact that our exports (flour Included) last year dropped down to 43,797,000 bushels of wheat compared with ship ments averaging- more than 200,000,000 bushels per year for the Ave years end ing in 1903-01. has caused a number of Eastern writers to express the belief that this country has already reached and passed the zenith of its greatness as a wheat exporter. The figures, of course, in a degree corroborate this view of the matter, for In the worst previ ous year since we began to assume im portance as a wheat-exporting country the exports amounted to nearly 90,000, 000 bushels. It must be remembered, however, that it was not alone the poor cropland high prices at home which resulted in the comparatively insignificant shipments last year; but the 'situation was very materially affected by enormous crops of wheat in India, Russia and the Ar gentine, the three greatest competitors which the United State .has to contend with la the wheat .tra4e. The surpltts from the crops the thre ountri previous experts that Xurope, is. the face of the- abnormal strength In the United States, hammered prices down to a lower level than was reached the preceding year, when this- country ex ported 121.000.000 bushels. The United States last year, as well as thW year. was enjoying a period of phenomenal prosperity, and there was, lri addition to an Increased consumption of wheat a manifest independence among holders of the cereal about selling it except at high figures. The foreigners, on the contrary, must and always do sell, as soon as the wheat is harvested, regardless of the price of fered. It will according- be Impossible to estimate accurately the effect of last year's light crop in this country, had there at ' the same time been a light crop In other countries and higher prices abroad. It is a certainty that there would have been several million bushels more wheat sent out -of this country. The continued growth of pop ulation in this country and the en croachments of diversified farming on the lands which in the past have been devoted to wheat growing will eventu ally take the United States out of the list of exporting countries, but it is hardly probable that the limit has yet been reached. High prices for the past two years have stimulated production, and the new acreage brought in has undoubtedly been sufficient under the same Ideal conditions which were re sponsible for the record crop of 1D01. to produce another record-breaking crop, which would leave a large surplus to be marketed abroad. SHOCKING THE HINDOOS. Bishop Thoburn's closing remarks be fore the Methodist Congress proclaim him a very Abdlel for courage and lone some fidelity to obsolete ideals. Puffed up as we are, fairly gloating with van ity over our righteousness, be says our depravity would shock the reprobate heathen Hindoos; and that we need missionaries a great deal more here at home than they do on Greenland's icy mountains or India's coral strand. "Go you never so high In the Himalaya Mountains." he Is understood to have said, "you will find the Hindoos getting more and more shameless as you as cend: but not at the very summit can you discover any of them to equal America today In sbamelessness." This Is flattering. And, since the good bishop has had many opportunities to observe both Hindoos and Americans, it is quite likely to be true. A modern poet of some lyric fame, has touchlngly referred to the Immodesty of the lost heathen of India In a well-known stanza t The poor, benlcntcd Hindoo, He does the best he kin do: He etlcka to his caste from Srct to li-t. And for rants he mike his rkln do. People who would do that on the snowclad summits of the Himalayas must be pretty bad. Bishop Thoburn pays they do worse still; for the Hindoo this poet had In mind dwelt on the low land, while as you ascend the moun tains, says the bishop, they get more and more shamelcs. He did not go into details, since there were ladles In the congregation, but It would not sur prise one If he really meant that those deplorable mountaineers maKe their skins do for shirts as well as pants. But we Americans are worse, he thinks. Bishop Thoburn did not ex plain just how we are worse, but he said enough to give one a good guess at what he had in mind. In fact, he was probaly thinking how hard it would be to pick up among the blinded heathen, whose Integuments save them so many tailors' bills, exactly that com bination of Impudence arid suave hy pocrisy which America admires In her Chauncey Depew. Or. perhaps, what he wished to hint was that if those Hin doo gymnosophists had the present New York Legislature on the summit of the Himalayas, they would kick the pu trescent mass away Into Infinite Kspace. Let us hope they would. But very naturally and becomingly, the apostolic bishop, grieved most deep ly over the Immodest behavior of cer tain of our spiritual exemplars. "It is the antics of these saintly, but shame less, vessels." he meant very likely, though he did not quite say so, "that would make the entire garment of a naked Hindoo blush crimson." Bishop Thoburn "has seen ministers preach on sensational subjects merely to draw a crowd!" Indeed! So have the rest of us. We have not only seen but heard them; and the bishop may rest assured that distressing as they were to see, they were worse to hear. It has been the unhappy lot of one American con gregation to sit under the "drippings of a pulpit where the Inspired theme was "The Man Under the Bed..' to say noth ing of "Was the Sheet Too Long, or the Girl Too Short?" A number of Ameri can critics have been cheered lately, and spiritually renewed, by the specta cle of a band of evangelists proceeding, to the sound of the harp and timbrel, at the head of several hundred godly Youths and maidens, through the red light quarters. It Is impossible for the bishop to conceive how many of the painted women of the stews were led to forsake their sins by the spectacle of these fleeting, but holy, visitors; but being a man of evident good sense, he can easily conceive how many of the visitors would be Inspired by what they saw to return, on errands less evan gelistic, perhaps, but not less inviting. Away off in India, where he passes most of his time Bishop Thoburn has dropped behind the age. He docs not know that preaching has become, a di vine vocation, of course, now as Always, but also a business to be exploited and advertised like any other commercial undertaking. The successful preacher is a financial success. He .Is expected to save a soul -or two now and then, but incidentally. Th-a moment he falls to draw a paying congregation his call becomes dubious. Naturally, then, his zeal takes any direction which ulti mately leads to the pocket If "The Man Under the Bed" has that trend, why not preach about him? So reasons the up-to-date Boanerges, and he rea sons well according to his lights. If the lights are a little dim. perhaps the preacher Is not the only one to bTknae for it Looking- ahead to June. 1S0S, who Is the larger political figure. Boot or Taft? If John Hay had lived, perhaps the eyes of the Republican party and the votes In the National Convention would have turned, to the Secretary of War. But within the past two weeks Eliau Hoot at personal sacrifice, has returned to the service of his country In the highest office next to the Precldsscy. As each succeeding day finds this Na tion taking a bigger part in the affairs f the family of sattoo. the Secr-Aarr oC State mmt became more promirUat before the nopi. Wherein lies Root's -sTrStrtt? rf kit tsUU he XM lUirrtirt for this distinction? What is his rec ord, private and public? Where did he get his political start? These Questions are answered fally in an. article to be published la The Sunday Oregonian to morrow, together with sidelights on the character of the great New Tork law yer that cannot fall to be oi general Interest If It had only rained the first day. of June, the public would have been spared the Exposition Ice-water story, details and variations of which have been literally sown broadcast over the land. A figment of the Jaundiced imag ination of a yellow correspondent in the first place. It has been hurled back and forth across the continent revised and enlarged at various points, until even its sensational father would not know It If the clerk of the weather had not been cajoled into giving us a fine day for "opening day." our venerable friend, ex-Speaker Cannon, would not have had occasion to wipe the perspiration from his brow and there would have been no fee-water story to tell or refute. And yet poor, misguided creatures, we all rejoiced at the blue sky and bright sunshine in which June and "the Expo sition opened! The Chicago teamsters' strike (after more than a hundred days of'turmoll, has been declared "off." The record of this struggle has been one of lawless ness. It has nearly a score of deaths to Its credit and nearly half a thou sand persons have been injured In the tumult that prevailed durintr its con- tinuance. Not the rank and file of hon est labor, .but a few leaders working In their own Interests, are responsible for this heavy blow to organized, labor Venal, arrogant, presumptuous, these enemies of labor Insinuated themselves Into its confidence, ruled Its councils, levied tribute upon its substance, and wrecked its hopes. The. thousands of honest worklngmen who followed the leaders only to be betrayed are entitled to public sympathy, and to a chance to earn as Individuals a good and hon est Hvlng. In Thursday's Oregonian a remark was quoted from the Open Court, with out disapproval, that most converts In India accept Christianity from interest ed motives. Bishon Thoburn says to day in reply that these converts feel that "they have trained evervthine" bv accepting Christalnlty. Is not this ex actly wnat tne Open Court contended? Suppose, instead of gaining everything, they had lost .everything by becoming Christians: would they have mad the change? And ,yet loss, not gain, is dm uie true convert must expect Jesus. I mr cross have taken. All to leave ind follow th . not "all to gain and follow thee." The bishop seems rather to confirm the trutn or what was quoted from the Open Court. The International Mercantile Marine Company, at its meeting at Hoboken. N. J., a few days ago. Issued a state ment showing for the year ending last December a deficit of J1.H2.008. as com pared with a surplus of 51,797,797 for the preceding year. The president ascribes the poor showing to the contin ued depression In freight rates on the North Atlantic during the latter part of 1901. A contributing cause to the deficit micht also be found In the fact that when the company was Morganizcd it took over at high prices a large number of ancient and expensively operated steamers, which. In comparison with some of the craft running Independent of the trust are very poor dividend- earners. The Milwaukle Council has repealed the ordinance recently passed for the benefit of a bunch of Portland gamblers who had tired of frying to pry the lid off in this city. In addition to the gam bling license, the Milwaukle Council also Issued a liquor license to the knights of the green cloth. Now, In or der that none of the money will revert back to the gamblers, the Council very generously -consents to the selling of liquor. As the prospects -for a grand rush from Portland to Milwaukle for the purpose of buying booze are not very alluring, the transaction has the appearance of being one where the gambler loses and the Council wins. Another millionaire is dead as the re- result of the Impact between his auto mobile driven at a high rate of speed and a poor, old-fashioned buggy, the owner of which had the assumption to have his slow vehicle on the street The event it can scarcely be called an accident occurred on a street In Los Angeles: the victim was M. T. Hancock, the millionaire plow manufacturer. The automobile was wrecked, while the buggy received -but a glancing blow and Its occupants were uninjured. The Providence that is supposed to watch over the foolish was deflected from its course In this Instance and extended protection to the other, fellow. Judge Cameron Is reported as saying that the law "is sufficiently broad to bar any. woman from liquor establish ments not accompanied by her hus band." This startling assertion brings dismay to the mind of- Attorney Held, who declares that "any saloon-keeper would not be safe In allowing women in his establishment" What is to become of our boasted liberties when women cannot patronize our booze emporiums without being accompanied by their husbands? Suppose they are not mar ried? Or suppose the husbands won't go? The outlook for -the ladies is cer tainly dark. At least Russia and Japan, who never have known much heretofore, have found out that ' the world Is round. Japan's peace comrakssieners go west to Washington; Russia's go east to Washington. And they expect to saeet "The great 'heavens, daddy," said the boy pulling at his father's ceat tails at the Fourth of July celebration, "did you' know the world was as big as this?" With the Mazaaaa this year there is & corps ef expert photographers. One of thera slid part way down Mount Rainier Wedaesday. and catae- near losing his life, bat his calleagae held the caaera en the jeering object until it stopped. It Isn't always so ennveai lent to cosaMog pieasere with hsabtess' The e&me New Tork Legislature that refused to ewt Jadge Hooker, the grafter, from the bench, proposes new to investigate the affairs of the XqvtMa Me Life. i 1 Witte is Hlcely t tod that Jajea hc no half-price . lw m ir. harm tm tm OREGON OZONE Oesa h Pellon. Piled. T. K. Hedrlck writes, in the St Louis Globe-rDesBocrat. this choice new version of an old and popular poem: Mary bid a little lamb; Its fleece was slightly soiled; It followed her to 'Washington. And she got the darned beast Whitewashed! Is It possible that the distressingly hot weather in St. Louis can have such an effect upon a distinguished newspaper poet or does Mr. Hedrick mean it? Pos sibly this Is what he -Intended to convey: Mary bad a little lamb; Its fleece- acquired a taint; She turned It into money. And she bought a brand new Bathing suit A standing reward of-J0.50tt Is hereby offered for the name and whereabouts of any river 100 miles or more In length that has not along its shores at least three Lovers' Leaps. Dr. Francis Bond, a celebrated British physician., promulgates and defends the theory 'that cheese Is mors nutritious than meat Hurrah for Llmburgef ! Abas Hamburger! The vexed problem as to the immor tality of the mule has been settled. At Upper Alton. III., a mule has been dis covered which is nearly 70 years of age, the proof of its age being regarded as indisputable. This mule is also a stand ingor kicking refutation of the oft-told tale of old men who hold that drinking, smoking and chewing are not conducive to early. death. The Upper .Alton mule never took a drink of whisky, smoked a cigar or chewed a chew of tobacco In his life. He never smoked a cigarette, either: he Is V mule, and he knows bet ter. This venerable mule Is unlike most ancient ones in another respect name ly, that he did not vote for Andrew Jack son. There is nothing at all boastful about this remarkable animal. Though, according to his biography as related by his owners, he came from Bunker Hill, he makes no claim to having fought In the battle. "What to "do If lost" Is a problem upon which some newspaper writer Is giving advice. The easiest thing Is to go and teach a counjry school for $30 a month and And yourself. Oklahoma appears to be sufficiently civ ilized to entitle her to statehood. A few days ago four men had a quarrel about some books, and two of them were killed. Culture comes high In Oklahoma, but they must have It. It Is of immediate importance that steps be taken for an official revision of the public Idea as to the character of the late (not so very late, either) J. P. Jones. We are reliably Informed that In one of the departmental offices at Washing ton Is a collection of likenesses of our disinterred naval hero, made during his lifetime, more than a hundred years ago. One represents him as a pirate of the Spanish main, such as small boys of Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer's time used to em ulate as long as their provisions held out His complexion, of course, is swarthy: his moustache is fierce, black and droopy: bis long, snaky locks float to windward, and In bis hand he carries a cutlass more terrible than a butcher's cleaver or a Cossack's saber. His leath ern apron, adorned with the siull and cro S3 bones symbol, is armamcnted at the waistline by several horse pistols or maybe they are mere Colt's navy weapons, though, they appear to be full grown. Another picture depicts the late Jones as a Chines: pirate In the thrilling attitude of scuttling a ship. Still an other likeness shows Mr. J. In the uni form of a Russian Admiral, and this Is the worst of alL Now that the bones of John Paul Jones (or somebody who will do Just as well for the purpose) are nearlng our shores day oy day. shall we sit tamely and permit such pictorial as persions to be -cast upon his memory? Nay! Let us arise, as one man. the women Included, children over 12 admit ted free, and demand that the likenesses of the late sea fighter be clothed in the full uniform of an American Admiral on dress parade, engaged In the act of drinking a toast to the President or. bet ter still, singing "Hoch der Kaiser!" Strange Is the tale that comes from Missoula. Mont Yea. even more strange than any of the startlers In the initial book of Mary MacLane. of Butte. Con gressman Joseph Dixon, .o runs the story, has "received indisputable proofs" that the explorer. Cajrtaln William Clark, of the late well and favorably known firm of Lewis & Clark, was married to a winsome Pocahontas of the Nez Perces tribe on his way out to the Coast, a hun dred and one years ago, and that "the Indian" bride accompanied the explorer to the Coast, and, returned with him to her own country, where ner son was born." Perish "the thought! but have we but Just unveiled a bronze statue of a squaw and her pappoose. supposed to be Sacajawea and the joint son and. heir of herself and Totflssant Charbonncau. but In reality otherwise"? Has history been falsified these hundred yean?? This mar velous tale from Missoula relates that the son of the, union called himself "Me Clark." and that the daughter of Me still lives In Missoula. 'But more, still morel The people of Missoula are T&XsiBg a fund to send this descendant and- her children to the Lewis and Clark Exposi tion. Numerous persons have claimed the distinction of being lineal descendants, of Captain Meriwether Lewis, who died a bachelor, and. have sought recognition by the Exposition upon that ground. But this story strikes a new note. The proof of the .descent is emphasized by the fact that "the granddaughter still has a trace of the Clark red hair, her own being sandy." While we cannot accept . the story without further evidence. It must be conceded 'that the IdentiflcatloB is fully as authentic as that in. the easeof John. Paul Jones. "Truly, Oct Ior makes strange bedfellows! ROBERTUS LOVE. Newbcrg Graphic Souvenir Edition! E. H. Woodward and W. C Woodward, editors and publishers of the Newherg Graphic aempaper. are to be congratu lated on the splendid !eue of the souvenir edition of that paper, aaarklag Its 17th year of public usefulaess. Fifty pages of well-printed, and selected xaater, fllustra tioas aad an elaborate froatispiece, .are p reseated. It la not a "been" edition, hat tells frmiikiy aad truthfully of the growth of NewMrg" aad Chebalem Valley. New herg was enly lacerperated K years -age, and now has over cKkeas- One ef the notable 'features ef the-setfvelr edttiea is the page devoted to a beauty shew o Newherg baMea f&eec. ' Swift CeatmnRitr. , Chica News. Tewriet t wslerrtaad year "Wtscm TtmtfcfMr 1 ' Sam Yea. a xsjm two hasp te leave aad k ot east sa tea. MINER SCOTT REACHES NEW YORK XetreyoHtam Advcatarrs of tic Man Who Brake the Traaacoattaeatal Railroad Record He Tells Afcest Ills Doc sad Vlalts tae Steele SxchsAKe. New Tors: Sun. Julr 13. Walter Scott the cowboy-miner, whose special train broke all railroad records between, the Pacific Coast and Chicago, came Into New. York yester day with one thing to be proud of and one thing to regret "No one ever came near that 45-hour record 6f mlpe." he said, "and I don't think any one ever will unless I break It myself on the way home. It was an awful trip, and when I got oft the train the president of the Santa- Fe says to me: "Scotty, you can have anything; we've got, and if you want to go back, from Chicago to Los Angeles we'll take you In 4 J hours.' "And," said Scotty, "I've been thlnk ln over whether I'll take him up or not My wife ia'black and blue from the knees up from that trip East. There was. only four whole windows In the dining-car when we finished and not a whole glass o drink out of." "Was it worth $5500?" Scotty was asked. 'It was worth Just about $40,000 for the sensation," said Scotty. "and It cost me Just about $9000. You know, you can't come through on a cham pagne flyer and keep your hands In your pockets. I spent the first 30 hours In the cab with the engineer, and the better he did the more money I passed him. I didn't give him the bankroll, but he did pretty well, I was the engineer myself when we ran a mllo In 37 1-5 seconds." ... All that is what Scotty Is proud of. What he is not proud of, and resents, is the insinuation that he is throwing his money away. "It's this way," said Scotty. "John D. Rockefeller can have a special train and no one says anything about it but when Mr. Scott has a special train every one goes up in the air and says he's burning up his -money. My wife" said I was crazy, but I earned the money and I'm spending it as I please. I'm giving it for value received. That was the trouble In Chicago. Out there they says: 'Here comes Scotty, the crazy miner, and we'll all get big tips." "Did they? Not on your life. They was all asleep. The bellhops was asleep and the clerks was asleep, the hack drivers was asleep and the hotel man agers was asleep. They expected me to wake 'em up with hundred-dollar bills. Philadelphia ain't got nothing on Chicago when it comes to the sleep line. I wonder If It's the same here?" Scotty bounded to the telephone of his room in the Herald Square Hotel and said very softly to the operator: "Is that gallon of whisky that "I or dered com In' up pretty soon? I've been waltln' a long time." Presently it came in the shape of four quarts. The boy said it came to $8. "There's $10; keep the change." said Scotty. Illustrating his conservatism. "You know." said Scotty. "when I'm four-flushing I buy champagne, but when I'm with folks I can't deceive I buy whis ky, because that's what I like best That's me all the way through." I want what I want an I'll pay Just what It's worth, and then If I want to pass out a ten or a hundred for a tip for extra good service, nobody's got any kick coming. If I see a woman with a child that needs money. 131 give it to her, or a man PAUL JONES' SUIT OF MAIL, Now In New York Worn In the Fight With the Scrapis. To the Editor of the New York Times: Recently, while making some re searches In the Astor Library, I came across the following Item in a file of your valuable paper, under date of Oc tober 31. 1S8S: John Hrslop. who died Sunday- at his real dence. 113 East Eighty-third street. la his S3 year, was born la New York In 1800 on John street. So. 27, near Kajtau. which was at that time regarded as the most aristo cratic portion of the city. HIa father, also John Hyilop by name, was a Scotchman by birth, but had early come to this country, and was a close friend of John Paul Jones, the famous Revolutionary naval commander. It was at the Hyfiop house that this brave old sea flrhter made hl home when visiting. Xew York, and the late Mr. Hyslop preserved fevers! relics which were closely associated with him. One or these was a coat or mail worn by Jones under his outer clothing dur mz the celebrated battle between his ship, the Bonhoraxne Richard, and the British ship Serspls. and la now in the possession of Mr. ilyjiops only surviving son. Afsistar.i unxteo States Bank Examiner Robert Hyslop. At this time, when such great Inter est Is being manifested in the tradition and record of John Paul Jones (aptly called the Father f .the American Navy) U is Interesting to know that the coat of mall whlsh he wore durlns tha.t most memorable contest between his ship, the Bonhomme Richard, and the British ship Serapts Is still, in ex istence in good condition. Its Identify has long since been established be yond question. It is made of hammered wrought Iron and weighs 30 pounds. It Is lined with strong canvas, stuffed with horse hair. E. L, C Yonkers. July 3. 3IY RELATIVES. rve always been sn only child And lived with Ma and Pa. And knew I had Just one Aunt Kate. But her I never saw. Before the- Fair, no kith nor kin E'er wrote nor yet cam near. But now. "da Usber Augustine." My relatives are here. There's father's uncle's niece's wife And mother's nephew's child. With Cousin Hush's rambunctious boys That make me nearly wild. And Great Aunt 'Lisa's" fussy dress " That looks so qualntlsh queer. But. oh. "du lleber Augustine." ' My relatives are dear. Trcm north and south and east and west, Aad "goodness knows" elsewhere. They're' streaming forth -to look ns tip And taks In the b'tr Hair: If ever I've not lonesome been Throughout the livelong year, TVibow, ""da lleber Augustine." "Mr relatives are near. TVs shell the peas and string the beans And. rorty-'leren plea bake, s And wash tha dlsfees o'er and o'er 4 And cttr up bread and cake, Aad sweep and dust and fry and stew. The table set and clear. Tor aow. "du lleber Augustine,". . My relatives are her. -' , Aad. thea it's take them oat to walk ' -Or rtda for saany a alls. . Aad 'seek tha very loagest way The sfeort hours to tsesra-Ue; .Asd take 'ioe this aaabrlarUosae that. Msgaaalmoas appter; Tts time, t-'da lleber AsgiMtlae," My relative to cheer. . "" Waaa eae lot gees, another 'cesses, Aa4 so the. stress flows oa; ' ' I weaker if they'll tMalc ot sae ? Wheat they have,, homeward-gone. Before lie Fair, ae kith rer kin 17 er wrote, aor e'er came. near. . Bat sew, "n Ueaer AagHstlee," I& alaUera t&sy asar. ' July 21. IMg. COUggf MARIS. What a Day Brought Forth. CetaaMa. (S. CO State. ' With the He, eajasettt Kyan T111bbb yfeodtng- agahwt. aay wrt to "aeon" ta pafctic dlscweten aal the Charlestoa evj nasi Oewrfer eonfeeetog that "his serie emariaMert ha anwea away," beta mi the things w te aad the stwe day. tW- psatt Umsn of rails! mBHcy fm dsspoeed to hufotre wbar he at "." U that's down and out that deserves a lift can have it "Why, say; I was in Los Angeles a few years ago, and I didn't have enough money to buy grease for my boots, and nobody had anything for me. So I 'says. 'Some day I'll be back here and make 'em all look cheap. When I -did come back with the goods. I spent it where I wanted to. and where It did the most good. I had suites of rooms In the three finest hotels, and I only used one, just to show them how much I despised 'em. "One day I was walkin along and I saw a lot of swell dogs with collars and leashes, and I saw some fellers chasin a little yaller dog under a culvert where he hid. That yaller dog reminded me of myself a couple of years before, and I made for him. " 'He's for the pound. says one of the fellers that's chasin him. " 'He's for me, says I. "What's the damage? They said it was a dollar, and I threw it at 'em and took the dog. What's he been doln' ever since? Nothln but travelln on special trains and llckln' milk out of a silver pall. He's sitting down in the cabnow, waltln" for me at so many dollars an hour. I wouldn't sell him for $10,000. He reminds me of my self The worthy dog thus spoken of Is Gold bug, Mr. Scott's constant companion. Na ture Intended him to be a red setter, but modeled him on the lines of a daschund. When Scotty and Goldbug got off the Twentieth Century Limited at 9:30 o'clock yesterday morning a crowd of 300 people surrounded them. They came up to expectations.- except in the matter of Gold Dug's collar. That was supposed to be of diamonds, but Scotty explained that he left it in Chicago with Mrs. Scott for safe keeping. Scotty soon went downtown in his cab, intending to call upon J. M. Gerard, of the Knickerbocker Trust Company, who grub staked him four years ago. He did not find Mr. Gerard, but he did find the Stock Exchange. "T never had such a time In my life." he said afterward. "They Just mobbed me. I had to leave Goldbug outside, and I gave a boy $5 to take care of him. Those brokers are fierce. I'm glad I left the main bankroll with the missus." When Scotty returned to the hotel it was time to ask him: Where did you get it? "I got it out of my mine in Death Valley." the cowboy said. "It's about 150 miles east of Los Angeles, but no body knows Just the location except me. Mr. Gerard and the boy3 who .work for me. We've got a ledes about 20 inches deep with the gold In kidneys. In the last year and a half I've taken out $140,009. I've got a crusher there and two men workin for me. They get $300 a month apiece. The ore runs about $S3.0C0 to the ton and has run over $100,000 at times." Scott Is 27 years old. He is smooth faced, ruddy, pleasant squarely built weighs about 130 pounds, and is as lively as a grig. He wears a blue suit, a blue flannel shirt, with a red four-in-hand scarf, and a black felt hat that runs to a peak. He does not wear boots. He drinks, bet does not seem to mind it "I had $23,000 when I left California, and I've got $19,000 now. That's enough for a few minutes." Scotty Invaded the Waldorf late In the afternoon and began to buy wine for two friends who accompanied hlm- QUESTIONS HARD TO ANSWER Philadelphia Inquirer. Can you understand "Why a man who has to pay his -wife's dressmaking and cleaning bills will sit In a street-car with one foot across his knee, so that -every woman who passes him must brush her frock against the dirty sole of his shoe? "Why any woman, who has ever , watched a newsboy or an Italian pea nut vendor make change will slip a dime or a nickel into her mouth while she' Is using both hands to Investigate her purse or bag? Why a man who in bearing and dres3 is to all Intents a gentleman can sit in a crowded street-car with a half cold or smouldering cigar in his hand until the odor from that stub will sicken all the women and most of th men in his vicinity? Why a pretty girl who talks in a loud voice in public places'lmagines that all men who are watching her furtively or openly are lost In admiration? Why a man in a crowded street-car would rather open and shut the front floor for 20 women than move down two feet and hang on a strap? Why a woman will walk seven blocks to save 2 cents a yard on a piece of -silk and then fall to observe that the butcher is holding out the bones and trimmings of her Sunday roast and the Ice man is occasionally adding an extra 5 cents to his bill? Why a man will dodge trolleys, 'drays and policemen in a mad rush to reach his office and then line up with messen ger boys, tourists and other men pre sumably as busy as himself to watch a Are company turn a stream of water on a "tuppeny" blaze? Why a woman will rush recklessly in front of a moving- trolley car to greet a friend and then threaten to sue the motor company because its man almost ran her down? Religion of Jap Leaders. ' Sprinflgeld (Mass.) Union. The Herald and Presbyter furnishes queer facts at least, at first glance they seem queer In regard to Japan's great Generals and Admirals. Admiral Togo, it says, is a member of the Pres byterian church, and probably of that variety known as "true blue." Vice Admiral Uriu Is a Presbyterian elder, and so also was General Serrata. who commanded the Japanese forces In the war with China. Up to the time of the latter's death he was president of the Tokio Young Men'shrlstlan As sociation. Even these names do not exhaust the list of eminent Japanese Presbyterians, as Generals Kurokl and Oku are both members of that church and Field Marshal Oyama Is said to be either aPresbyterIan or a Congrega tionallstT We Get Notice Boston Herald. The Fair at Portland had an extraor- dlnary patronage during its first month, the admissions exceeding the proportion of those at Chicago or St. Louis, although the population living within 300. miles of Portland Is only a fraction of that with in an equal distance of the other .fairs. ThOHghtf Hi Wife. Washington Star. "She Is always thinking ef her hue band's comfort and peace of -mind,' said one wosaan. , "Yes." answered the other; "every evening Just before he comes home she put? the thermometer in the ice chest for a few minutes." , Meses Well Xhows Down Sore. Losdea Glebe. Snail girl, la bea. being read to by aa elder ceete: Snail girt When I dta, shaH I go to Heave. Mary? Mary Ok. yes; IfTyott are. a goedvSjieL S. Q.-I want, te see Xeee. I ska M hter- r ha4 ejtatte a let ahet Mm 4mm.