;i-l 13 THE MOKXING OREGOXIAy, -FRIDAY, JULY 21, 1903. PUSES JOB'S WIFE Rev. R. D. Grant Says Her Advice Roused Job's Fighting Spirit. COMPARES BOOK TO DRAMA Dr. Hoadlcy's Talk on Holmes, Magic by-Professor Carter and Ball Game Complete Chau tauqua Programme. GLADSTONE PARK, July 20. (Spe cial.) Job's wife, -who has been thor oughly criticised for centuries for the advice she grave her husband while he was suffering from bolls, was vindi cated this afternoon at Gladstone Park by Rev. Roland Dwight Grant. Her admonition to "curse God and die." said the speaker, was the best advice that could have been given, as It roused the fighting spirit of the sufferer and; caused him to place still greater faith in the Almighty. Rev. Mr. Grant's presentation of the book of Job was novel. He likened it to a drama, surpassing the works. of Shakespeare, and in presenting It to his hearers he divided lh principal parts of the book into acts, presenting the picture of the meeting of the devil with the Lord, and the subsequent suf fering of Job. His descriptions were vividly presented, especially the part where the sufferer gave way under his afflictions and cursed the day he was" born. Little reference was made to the part Job's wife took In the drama, but all through the presentation of tho tale th speaker showed the contrariness of hu man nature in believing the opposite from that which was told, and claimed that believing the worst had happened suffering was alleviated. In this way he asserted that the consolation of fered by Mrs. Job vindicated her in the light of the present day. Rev. Mr. Grant defined the Bible as a snap shot of human affairs, saying that evil and good were presented with equal clearness. Aside from the lecture by Rev. Mr. Grant, the feature of the programme was the exhibition of magic by Professor Carter, who mystified his audience for two hours with Oriental exhibitions. His slelght-of-hand performances drew a crowd that filled the auditorium. Dr. B.'J. Hoadley, before his class In American literature, speaking of Holmes, said that "Old Ironsides" and "The Chambered Nautilus" 'w.ould rn- main immortal verse, but that the prose writings of Holmes Indicated bis willingness to say "I." However, he had the ability to utter the right word to express his meaning. Receptions at the tent of the "W. C T. U.arc well patronized at Gladstone Park. At a mothers' meeting this af ternoon several speakers of prominence took part, including an address by Mr L. A. Nash, state superintendent of the franchise department of the TV. C. T. U. Another reception will be held tomor row afternoon at 4 o'clock -at which an entertaining programme is promised. The ball game between the Chemawa Indians and the Y. M. C. A. resulted In a victory for the former "by a score of- to 8. The game was raggedly plnyed at times, but was interspersed with a number of good plays. The feature of the programme to morrow will be an address by Dr. Frank TVakely Gunsaulus, president- of Armour Institute of Technology, of Chicago. Dr. Gunsaulus will lecture on the life of Gladstone. Rev. Mr. Grant will deliver a lecture on "Snakes In Paradise." DAILY C!TY STATISTICS Marriage LIceme. I J Marshall. 30. Everett. "Wash.; Maud E, Mlnneker. 20. James Alan Brice. 32. San Francisco; Anna E. Clark. 32. J. R .RUey, 28; Rose E. Weygandt. 20. .. Deaths. At Good Samaritan Hospital. July IS. Mrs. Lillian Ida Boone, a native of Iowa, aged 31 years. 7 months and 17 days. At Good Samaritan Hospital. July IS, E. W. Rlckard, aged 55 years. At Portland Sanitarium. Mt. Tabor, July 17. Mrs. Margaret M. Hughes, aged 48 years, 2 months ar.d 3 days. At Good Samaritan Hospital, July IP. John D. Keough, a native of Massachusetts, aged 21 years. Birth. At Maternity Hospital. July 4, to the wife of George "Warwick Haft, of Mexico, a daughter. Building; rermlta. Albert Dahl repairs to dwelling, Garfield avenue, between Falling and Shater, $100. Portland Gas Company, repairs to gas works. Front street, between Flanders and Everett, (2000. W, Holman, dwelling, Vaughn street, be tween Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth. $1500. Real Estate Transfers. A. H. Baumann and wife to E. WeU ler east half lot S and north 45 feet of east half lot 7. block 234, city $ 3 F Davles and wife to A. Collins, lot 8. block "B." Caruthers Addi tion to Caruther's Addition M. H Olson et al. to li. Meter. 12 2-3 acres sestion S, T. 1 6., R. 4 E 11 E. Swigert to J. M. Fisher, lot 10. block 1. subdivision tract "K." M. Patton Tract , W E. Getz and wife to M. E. Sell wood, lot 24. block 2. Salisbury Hill J H Rathburn to O. F. Batkln, west 50 feet lots S and 9. block 2, Mt Tabor Villa B. Selling et al, trustees, to A. F. Be vans, lot 22. block 6. Laurelwood Park -v TV Reidt et a!, to C. Eastland, east IS feet lot 16 and west 15 feet lot 17. block 318. Batch's Addition Sheriff to O. Shattuck et al. east half lots 7 and S. block 1, McMUlcn's Addition A Harold to E. C, A. Johnson, lot 21. block 12. Good Morning Addition. . Hawthorne estate to J. M. Healy. lots 7 and S. block 101. East Portland.. "W G. Calvin and wife to S. I- Peter son and wife. 10 acres section 22. T 1 S R 4 E ... ...... P W. Sheffield and " wif e "to V. K Paisley, lots S. 9 and 10. block 6. Highland Park The Title Guarantee St Trust Company to E. M. Durham, lots -. 4 and 6. block 5. Lexington Heights. 3,800 1,500 1.S00 300 3.600 125' 73 1.750 2.500 25 7.500 1.300 S00 875 Contest for Uintah Water Rights. SAN FRANCISCO. July 30. A special from Salt Lake says: A peculiar situa tion has arisen in connection with the water rights on the Uintah Indian Reser vation, soon to be thrown open to settle ment under the lottery plan. There is no land on the reservation suitable for culti vation except under irrigation. TVhlle no person can file a claim to the land prior to drawing, and while "sooners" are strictly barred from the reservation, it seems to be uncertain whether the law embraces the water rights. 4 In behalf of the Indians, who will re tain the most valuable agricultural lands on the reservation. Captain C. G. Hall. "United States Army, has made 30 filings on water rights, which are said to cover practically the water supply of the reser vation. Three private GerperatteBg have Axminster Arc justly famous for their long, silky pile, the beauty of their designs arid colorings and their fine wearing qualities. We are showing a magnificent line of new Axrainsters, including Saxony Axminsters Middlesex Axminsters Saronnerie Axminsters . . Extra Axminsters : " Hartford Axminsters Bigelow Axminsters PRICES: Sewed, Laid, Lined $1.44 to $2.20 Per Yard EXCLUSIVE CARPET HOUSE J. G. MACK & CO 86-88 THIRD STREET razz SCKTSCKAX, Pre. tmrnui viHHSfui Earopean Plan been formed and also have filed on the reservation water rights with the Utah State Engineer Owing to the uncertainty of the law, none of these claims for water have been approved or disapproved. The Interior Department, it Is stated, has tho matter under consideration and may pro test against the granting of the claims filed by the private companies. The cud is called "quld In Surrey, Eng ls.nd. Hence, perhaps, a "quid of tobacco. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND, July 20. Maximum tempera ture. 83 deg.; minimum. 57. RKer reading" at 11 A. M.. 7.3 reet; chance In past 21 hours, fall, 0.4 of a foot. Total precipi tation. S P. M.. to S P. M.. none: total since September 1. 1801, 34.08 Inches; normal. 40.17 Inches; deficiency. 12.08 inches. Total sunshine July 10. 1905, 13 hours and 16 min utes; possible. 15 hours and 10 minutes. Barometer (reduced to sea level) at 3 P. M-, 29.03. Humidity at 5 P. M., 4C per cent. (This is not the highest percent et for the day.) Hourly temperatures: 5 A. M., 3S de grees: C A. M-. 57; 7 A. M. 59; 8 A- M-. CO: 9 A. M.. 02: 10 A. M.. 05; 11 A. M, CO; 12 M.. 71: I T. M.. 70; 2' P. M.. 78; 3 P. M-. SO; 4 P. M-. 82; 3 P. M.. S3. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. ? Wind. J5.2. O ip Z IT i o o - z ? STATIONS. Baker City ..I !0.Ol2!NV:Pt. Cldy ..j 84 0.00 4 'S PL Cldy. .. HSiO.OO! 4)SWiClear ..I ftOIO.OOIlOlNWlCloudy . l SSIO.OO: 4 NE Clear . (5i0.O0' . . .. iClear . 54(0.00124 IN WlCloudy ,. O0:0.02l 4'W ,'Pt.Cldy. .1 S3I0.00' S'NWIClear .IIOO'O.OO' CSW Clear .1 84l0.O0i 4:NWClear .. 88!0.00;i2S iClrar .1 10I T HOINWlClear .J CO'O.OOJlblSWICloudy ..i tt!0.00! 4'NE Clear .' 70iO.OOI12!NWIClear ..' 30 0.00'12!SW Cloudy . UOSiO.00! 4!SWClear Bismarck....... Boise Eureka.......... Helena KamlooDn B. n. North Head Pocatello Portland.. Red Blut: Rnufhurr Sacramento. ..... Salt Lake City.. San Francisco.. Spokane. ........ Seattle Tatoosh Island. Walla Walla.... T trace. WEATHER CONDITIONS. Cloudiness has Increased In the North Pa-, clflc States and showers have occurred dur ing the afternoon at Baker City and Poca tello. The temperature has fallen slightly in the Willamette Valley and the Sound Country, and risen at Walla Walla and Boise. At Wails. Walla the heat during the afternoon was Intense, being the hottest day of the season. The Indications are for showers and thun derstorms Friday In the Inter-mountaln re gion of this district with lower temperatures by Friday afternoon or Saturday. WEATHER FORECASTS. Forecasts made at Portland for the 28 hours ending at midnight. July 21: Portland and vicinity Partly cloud)- and probably cooler. Westerly winds. Western Oregon Partly cloudy, probably cooler, except near the coast. Westerly winds. Western Washington Partly cloudy. West erly winds. Eastern Oregon, Eastern Washington' and Northern Idaho Showers and thunderstorms. Cooler. Southern Idaho Showers and thunder storms. Cooler west portion. EDWARD A. BEALS, District Forecaster. CLASSIFIED. RATES. "Room," "Rooms asd Board." "House keeping Rooms, "Situation! Wasted," 15 words or less. IS cents; IS to 20 words, 20 cent.; 21 to 25 words. 25 c-att, etc No dl couBt for additional laserUoas. UNDER ALL OTHER 1 LEADS, except "New Today," SO cents for 15 words r less; 10 to 20 words, 40 cents; 21 to 25 words, 20 cents, etc. Smt tasertlea. Each addition KJ insertion, one-hall; bo lurtacr aucetiBt se der one month. "NEW TODAY" (gauge measure agate), 15 cents per line, ftrai Insertion; 10 ceats per line for each additional Insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The Oreroalaa. aad left at tUs etSce. should always be hsclosed la sealed envelopes. No siaBsp Is required en such letters. The OreroalaB wiU sot be responsible for errors 1b advertises et takes through the telephone. NEW TODAY. OLD GOLD. JBWELR1. BOUGHT. XADt over, excaaaged: dtaaaoads, precious Kones loose and mounted: watches. Jewelry repaired. Uncle SJyerB, the jeweler. 143 3d. near Alder. California-" Bliss Lands5' Small farms for settler. S200 acree af Irri gated laad in 20-acre farms at $60 to f"0 per acre oas-fourth caatt. Reached by Southern Pacific or Santa Fe Overland Ltae, direct to Tfclare City. 2 miles izm Stlss Lands. Alfalfa, corn, grain, deciduous rrctu. vege tables, hogs, dairy cattla thrive. Booklet free from Stlss Laads (Inc.). care Sullivan & Eul llvaa. Lawyer. C10 rxrr&U side. Saa FTaa-ctsco Carpets C TT. XXOHXX8, Mxs. num. maiic. iimi $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 par Day AUCTION SALES TODAY. At the Portland auction rooms. 211 First ri. Sale at 2 P. M. C. L. Ford, auctioneer. At Gllman's Auction Room. 413 Washing ton at., at 10 o'clock A. 11. S. L. N. Gllman. Auctioneer. MEETING NOTICES. MULTNOMAH CAMP.. W. O. W. Meets every Friday evening at East Alder and East Sixth suets. All Woodmen cordially invited to meet wita ns. J. M. WOODWORTH, Clerk. PORTLAND LODGE. NO. 55. A. F. Si A. M. Stated communication ,thls (Friday) eve.. 730 o'clock. Work In the .E. A. decree. All entered apprentices Invited. By or der W. M. L w. PRATT, becretary. ROSE CITY CHAPTER. NO. So. O. E- S. A regular communication this tFriday) evening at S o'clock. X. T Wall Uitnuira bide Br order ' W. M. SARAH B. GUERIN. Sec HASSALO LODGE. NO. 15. I. O. O. F. Regular meeting this Friday evening, at X o clock. Second degree, visitor welcome. HENRY BROWN. Secretary. itneralnot: CES. DAILY Friends and acquaintances are re spectfully invited to attend the funeral serv ice of Mrs. U. O. Dally, which will be held at Fiaieys chapel at i: ii. today, K EYES In thl- city. July 20. IfrlS. at 514 East Osk et-. Mary A. Keye. aged 40 years. The funeral etrvices win be neia at fin ley's chapel at 4 P. M. today. Interment Lone Fir Cemetery. Fnenda invited. DAILY At the Open-Air Sanatorium, near Mllwaukle. on the 19th lnU Vlvla Starr Dally, widow of Charles O. Dally. Ute of Plc.ua. O.. and daughter of Mrs. Mary R. Melllnger. of Dayton. Or. Funeral erv!cts at Flnleye Chapel. Friday, 2 P. M., thence to Crematorium. Friends Invited to chapel femces. unio papers copy. DUNNING. M'ENTKK GILBAUGH. i cessors to Dnnnlng Campion, undertakers asd embalmers. modern 1b every detail. 7th aad Pine. Phono Mala 430. Lady assUtaat, EDWARD HOLMAN CO. Undertakers aad embalmers, have moved to their aew build' lnjr. Third aad Salmon. Lady asslstajtt. Telephone No. 507. J. P. FIN LEY & SON, FBaeral Directors, cor. 3d aad Madlset . Offlce of County Cor aaer. Lady Msbtaat. Telephone No. 8. F. S. DUNNING, Undertaker. 414 East Alder. Lady assistant. Telephone East 52. ZELLER-BYRNES CO, UNDERTAKERS. Embalmers. 273 Uus'I: Easi !; lady asc BUSINESS CHANCES Good opportunities are constantly open to go Into a nice little business of your own. provided you can raise FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS But not having the money your chances are dally slipping past. SAVE 25 CENTS a day or J 1.70 a week and place it at compound Interest with the Old est Trust Company In Oregon, and you will have that sum In five years time and be prepared for the business opportunity which comes to all who are ready to grasp It. Do not be afraid to begin with a small de posit. You will be made welcome. One Dollar and Upward Received. Open an Account Now. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON 103 Third Street. BENJ. I. COHEN.... H. L. PITTOCK B LEE PAGET J. O. GOLTRA , Phone Mala 453. President Vice-President Secretary .Assistant Secretary VERNON The 10 prize offered for a head-line for our "Vernon ad. will be awarded August L Suggestions received yesterday: "watch Vernon!!! That's Alllir "View Vernon's VHid Valus. "Hear Te. Be Wise." "Invest In Vernon." "Vernon: View, Value Verity." "Vernon. Haven of Rest." "Sun-Kissed Vernon Heights." "Vernon. Dreamland of Homes." "Apex of the BeautlfuL" "Vtrnoa. the Sunset Queen." Moore Investment Co. ISlji Sixth St., Phesc, Main IS HERE'S A BARGAIN ! S-room 2-story house. East Side: rooms all Urge; one block from one ear line, two blocks from another; $2100 cah. balance 6 per cent. COLLINS LAND CO. Aft B&ftfaa OpPWHB I0St&fA4VB Mortgage Loans 5, Upwards. Real Estate City and Farm. Insurance In All Urtes. A H. BIRRELL. TrM-S Xe&ar hMc ThW aad Stark eta. AMUSEMENTS. Karquam Graad Theater K.V.LAU4XHTIH Morrises Street between 4Rh asd 7th. Dsobo Mate 868. THE COOLEST THEATER IN TOWN". Tonight Bargain-Price aad Matinee Tomorrow Night Tomorrow At 8:30 o'Clock At, 2.30 o'clock THE FAMOUS GERMAN COMEDIANS KOLB AND DILL la the Merry Marical Cemedy-Barlesqse 66 I. 0. u. 59 COMEDY FUN MUSIC. 40 PEOPLE IN THE COMPANY 40 SO-BEAUTIFUL CHORUS GIRLS 30 POPULAR rRlCES-.-,1..; BELASCO THEATER m (Formerly Columbia Theater) 14th and Wash. THE COOLEST, THEATER IN PORTLAND EXITS ON ALL SIDE3. TONIGHT ALL WEEK MATINEES TOMORROW AND SUNDAY THE PRISONER OF ZENDA 8th Week BeXaoco Stork Company. ANTHONY HOPE'S POPULAR ROMANCE. PRICES Night, 13c to 73c; Mats.. 15c to 50c NEXT WEEK "NAUGHTY ANTHONT." GRAND JOHN P. HILL CO. 4 LAFAYETTE-LAMONT TKOUPE 4 GLENROY Jfc RUSSELL. LA G RE CIA. MR. FRED PURINTON. THE GRANDISCOPE. General admission. 10 cents. Evenlen. Sundays and holidays, reserved seats on lower floor. 20 cents. Box seats, 25 cents. THE BAKER r"S3LAett Third and Yamhill.. ..Keating & Flood. Mgrs. THE THREE RAYS. BURLEIGH CO. WILLY LENEltr. KAY MBRAIN. THE EL YIN G ZERELDAS. LAKUSC, HATH ELD Jt CAUSES. MO1NU PICTURES. BAKER'S ORCHESTRA. Theater always coot and comfortable. Per formances dally at 2:30. 7:30 and 9 P. M. AdmUslon TEN CENTS to any seal except boxes. STAR . ZARA & CO. THE FINNEGANS. ROSCOE AND SUIS. 1CRAET AND BIUDKN. HA YD EN. y MR. JOSEPH BONNER, THE STAROSCOrE. General admission, 10 cents. Evenings. Sundays and holidays, reserved seats on lower floor, 20 cents. Box seats. 25 cents. Baseball RECREATION PARK. Corner Vasgbn aad Twenty-fourth. PORTLAND v. TACOMA JULY 10. 20. 21. 22. ADMISSION. 35c. GRANDSTAND. 25c. CHILDREN. 15c Box tickets and reserved seats on sale at Woodard. Clarke & Ca.'a. Lewis and Clark Observatory HAWTHORNE TERRACE PORTLAND HEIGHTS Now open. Take Portland Heights car and get oS alHawthorne Terrace, one block from car line. No climbing. Electric elevator Most magnlscent view in America. Se beautiful effect -of powerful searchlight from top of tower. Open 0 A. M. to 0 P. M. ADMISSION. 10 CENTS. NEW TODAY. Holladay's Addition For Sale A new 5-room cottage, all con veniences, full cement basement, strssta fully Improved. I A very desirable location. I Convenient to two trolley lints. Terms win be given. Lots told on advantageous terms to horns builders. The Oregon Real Estate Co ESVi Third St, Room 4. - MORTGAGE LOANS Oa rertlaBd Real Estate at Lowest Rates. Titles iBSBred. Abstracts Famished. Title Guarantee & Trust Co., 6 and 7 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. 12 ACRES. All cleared, rich land, 3 acres beaverdam (onion land), prlcg water, within 300 feet of Oregon City car line. 2 miles south Mllwaukle: could be subdlvislded Into lots or acre tracts: price jjwj; easy terms; would -sen one-can xor itM. AMERICAN INVESTMENT CO.. Phone Main &3i3. 222 Falling building. FOR SALE TO MAKE AN IMMEDIATE sale. I will sell at a great bargain and on easy terms my weu-auut couie of 10 rooms all modern conveniences; located on quarter block nortaeaK corner uth and Schuyler. Holladay's Addition, on 2 car lines. Address jno. .Lawrence, iioiei oxford, 6tn and oax. SSLLWOOD TOWNS ITE LOTS, S MONTH Fine corner, 100 feet square, two blocks xrom car line; Three lota, near new woolen mills. $75 each. Phone Union 1491. - SELLWOOD TOWN SITE CO.. Office at Sell wood and at 222 Falling bldg. NEW HOME WE OFFER FOR SALE THE beautiful and slrhtly home of the late Dr. Herbert Cardwell. 23th and Johnton. There are about z4 lota with new 11-room dwelling. built after the latest design and Is now ready for occupancy. Grlndstaff &. Schalk. Stark C Phone Main 392. "BEAUTIFUL HOMES. 7 AND S ROOMS, with all modern conveniences; on E. 3d, between Wasco and Multnomah; conven ient to 3 canines; for sale on easy terms. Apply to owners. Parish & Gourlay, on premises, rnone East liu. TEN ACRES ON WEST AVE, MT. TABOR, all in cultivation, good house, barn and outbuildings; small payment down, bal ance on long time. Mrs. R. Downing. Phone East 2rr. 1H ACRES. HOUSE. BARN. ORCHARD. fruits, garden, cow and chickens; near car line; cheap; owner tearing, n. j. Etkerson. Washington Dice. 6-ROOM HOUSE. CEMENT BASEMENT ami walks, one block from car. South Port land. J1MX). Mrs. R, Downing. Phone East 2007. 200 FARMS. SMALL TRACTS AND LOTS Adciua. Lenta, lis. ur. Taka Ml. Scott NEW 7-ROOM HOUSE. HOLLADAY PARK: owner occupylcr; will sell cheap; terms. pxae tn lfw. or can vm wasco ru FOR SALE THAT FINE LARGE HOUSE. corner of 10th and Washington stc Apply at Tvm. i-ueaner, ai r. si st. 10 ACRES FINE FRIUT AND BERRY LAND. 2 miles east of Mount Tabor: a snap. Jb- quire. -jui ortgoman. qicc. flTOO-HOUSE OF SEVEN ROOMS. FRUIT trees, snrao&ery. uxtuire 401 Oxford st. woodiawn car. ACREAGE NEAR CAR LINE. C MILH trots Morrtaoa ar, bnage. C K. SaUard. xiiwauue. or. $3.100 MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE. HALF blorx from Aruceny car liar, inquire owner. 6 E. IMff sc. LOT 54X100: HOUSE ROOMS: NOW VA cant;, "good buy. ls-attlre cf ewaer. 301. Ore- gonlan bisg. saeeo-FiNE unimproved residsnce lot. 30x100; lSln at.. Nob Hill fUstrtct, Pkose Mala 865. FOR SALE LOT 1. BLOCK 216. HOLLI. day's Addition ; price 39. Address J 13, orecotuas. SIX-ROOM HOUSE. LOT 30x160. ALU MOD- crn imrovemeiV. caea. raoae Red 814. owtmc . DSKIRABLE RJHHDBCSi AND LOTS. WHteraut. AMfrmtMsarwtKK. TOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALS CHOICE INCOME-BEARING property. J36.S0G. brtnglag two pr moath. Three houses and lots near Steel Bridge, oa easy terms. Three lota In Holladay Addi tion, terms to antt. Lot on Graad ave HXG. CO loti In Highland Park, on terms to ault. 1 housea. 13th. near Washington, 14750. brlnglnr $55 per month. Double korue la North Portland for S2450. bringing 00 per month. Houses on Thurman St., fcr 919SO. oa easy terms. 3Vi acres la St. John?, oa car line for S2750. 2 acres In heart of St. Johns, foe 41030. S acre oa car line la Sr. Johns, for $4750. Lots and acreage close la on terms to salt. Apply to owner. W. ReUt, Room IS. Washington bldg.. ccr. 4th asd Washington it. ROOM NEW MODERN HOUSE. E. MADIr son and 29th. 300a 2 lota, each (54x100. sidewalk, sewer, gas and water. E. MadUoo, cor. 30th. J600 and 3700. -Large lot on Hawthorne ave.. and E. 2Sth, 3150U. 1 acre. Hawthorne ave, and E. 40th. $1600. 17 acre on Joonnoa Creek. 9 miles out, electric railroad station on land. $1700. 45 acres, oa Johnson Creek, and O. W. P. railroad. 1 mile from city limits, will sell In 5-acre tracts; station en premises. 160 acres timber. Columbia County. $13 per acre. Liberal terms. JAMES N. DAVIS. Owner, 7 1st st. 1 1500 7-ROOM PLASTERED HOUSE. FINE fruit tree?, one diock rrom caa line. $2250 New C-room modern Souse, with furnace and electric lights. $1000 Coxy S-rocm house, half block from car. $475 Small house, corner lot. Come out and we will show yoa - the? bouittx. Easy terms on alL Take Sellwood car and get off at Tenlno st. $5 down and $5 a month will buy you a fine lot. SELLWOOD TOWNS ITE CO.. Phone Union 1401. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Six lets, commanding- t,ood view; $660 each. Six lot, commanding t Mt view; J10O0 each. We. believe thee are tl e cheapest and best lots on the Height or It the city; an fronting- on car line; ea?y teims. AMERICAN INVESTMENT CO. Phone Mala 53SJ. 2tf Falling building. ARDMORE THD MOST DESIRABLE building rite In Portland, surrounded by palatial home, with an unobstructed view of our famous mountains; the only exclu sively hlgh-claes residence property sup. piled with bltullthtc ctreets. cement .side walks. Bull Run water, sewer and gas laid to each lot. Take Washington-it car to City Park and get off at Park ave. For Plata and prices call on or addrees Grind exaff & Schalk. 254 Stark su Phone Main 332. BARGAIN IN ACREAGE. 13Vi acres on West Side Railroad. 25 mtnutee from 4th and Alder, near station; all under cultivation; watered by spring; surrounding unsurpateed for suburban home; $2500. oniy $5f cash: will pay Interest on price to cul tivate or rent land: will rapidly Increase In value, as can be sold In lota when trans portation facilities have bees Increased. Ad dress D 14. Orezonlan. ACRE TRACTS WE HANDLE ACREAGE as a specialty, within city limit or outside. Some Acres with terms as low aa $10 per month with water. A. C Churchill & Co., Ixfc." 110 2d sC FOR SALE FARMS. GUARANTEED AS ADVERTISED 40 acres two mllea from town on navi gable river; land lays good; soli very rich; 10 acrea cleared; orchard. 4-room houoe; a snap at only $35u. with down. tfi acres, with 35 acres under plow and In crop: nearly all creek bottom; no waste land: one acre of green Umber, fine trout stream Cows through place; good family orchard, good 7-room house with spring water in yard: large barn; with this place goes a horse. 5 head cattle, of which 4 re mUch cows; aU farming implements, lnclud-; lax wagon and harness; also household fur niture; on county road close to school and 4 miles from Castle Rock. Price $1050. with convenient term. IMUS WILLOUGHBY AND COWLITZ LAND COMPANY COMBINED. Offices Kalama. Wash.; Kelso, Wash. GILT-EDGE INVESTM ENT WILLAMETTE alley stock farm. 1004 acrea open pasture land, all under post and wire fence; 700 acres wovea wire, dog and coyote-proof; place will carry the year round 1000 sheep and 50 head of cattle, without extra feed; 3CO acres meadow. If cut for hay would sup port many more; springs In abundance: l.i mile good town; buildings; price only $3.50 per acre, is, s. Cook & Co., 51 Aicer at. . DON'T MISS IT. I can offer for 30 days only, 40 acres of nret-ciara early strawberry and fruit land. H miles from transportation; orchard of &00 yellow Newton Pippins, two and three years old; fine family garden, plenty of good water, a four-room bouse, barn and other buildings. A beautiful home for S2000 cash. This Is an exceptional bargain. White Salmon iand Co.. White Salmon, wash. FOR SALE AT A BARGALV FINE 354-aCre Valley farm. . about 200 acres bottom land. about let) In cultivation; balance low bench partly cleared and In crass: rood buildings. fences and orchard; some beaverdam; about 15C0 cards of fir and ash timber; electric light and telephone; close to rail, church ana schools; 23 miles to Portland; $45 per acre; terms, s 3. oregoniarr. FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE 140 ACRES of Improved land 0 mUes north from Corral lis; 100 acres In cultivation; good house, good water. . on good road and good settlement; will excharfge for house and lot In city to the amount of 2G0O to SZ30O. and balance mortgage on. farm at 6 per cent Interest fTixiner particulars, call on J. i. neiu & Co.. 34 Grand ave. LITTLE DAIRY FARM-SO ACRES. MILE li. xv. station; 15 acres in cultivation: house. barn, woodshed, other buildings; running- wa ter through yard: 2 miles rood fence: or chard; 38 miles from city by rail; 50 acres timber, will pay for place: 5 head young neirem. s sneep, -iz goats; an for )aw. ii. b. uook & co., 51 Alder su FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE 11 ACRES. the best land on Johnson Creek; 40 rods from lents: well-improved, rood bouse, barn. chicken-bouse and creek runs through land; Ihla land win be sold part cash and ex changed for house and lot In city. For terms and particulars call en J. L. V eui & l. a., vi orand ave. THE BEST ON THE MARKET 103 ACRES, easy SO minutes drive of center of Portland. 65 acres cultivated: good house, barn and fencts; strong strtam water across the place; none better It you want a rood farm close to city; mortgage foreclosure; must be sold at halt price, u. S. Cook & Co.. 231 Alder sr. A SNAP 20 ACRES. HANDY TO CAR LINE. 12 acres cultivated, no gravel: good garden land; $5 per acre; easy termn. B. S. Cook & CO.. Z31 Alder st. IRRIGATED LAND. FARMS AND CITY property- A. c. Palmer. 315 Oregonlan DICg. TO EXCHANGE. A RICfl-PAYINQ FARM. GOOD BUILD- !eg. telephone and bath; 75-acre monster crop. fruitA walnuts, all Kock and farm machinery: some furniture: verr close In: Portland residence taken In exchange; bal ance very easy terms, m. Grebe, owner. l,, bnerman st. WANTE D STOCK OF GOODS. REAL Es tate, sawmills, la exchange for Eastern property; give full particulars. Denlsloa Brother. Mazomanie. vv l. WILL TAKE OUTSIDE LOT AS PART payment for building your house. Wahl & Bell, uo ."orUi 1 6th at. WANTED REAL ESTATE WE WANT WEST SIDE RESIDENCES. J3CS0 to $10,000: also busiaeas properties. $5009 to 520.080. Have buyers. L. W. whiting it Co.. TO LEASE. TO LEASE FOR A TERM OF YEARS. SIX acres of land In North Alblaa. Apply to H. H. Northup. guardian. Rooms 39-40 Wash ington nice. ' FOR SALE LAND hCRXP. LAND SCRIPS OF ALL KINDS. GUARAN teed, mineral lands titled, public land prac tice, coiims Lajxa uo.. stearaa DWg. TOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. PILING. OLD GROWTH. LONG. CONVE- nlent, splendid quality; near Battevllle, on Yviuaasetie; uv acrea xor Bex 424 Oregon City. 330 ACRES. CRUISING 12.000.600 FEET. towBialp & south, rastae 4 east. Willamette meridian, c i. Treway. areat, Sfekaae. nua. U4 ACRES OF TIMWR IN" COWLITZ County, -aatu. for ate at a bargaM if taaea soon. o. w. jraKaer. abki. ku HOMESTEADS AND TIMBBR CLAIMS can place a limited BTtreeer Bfea aest-class yellow ptee cUlas. Ia-fSlre 4 Nortfc 9th M. 12 sacTi-otfs or sprcce . rmiM for FOR $XLK TIMBER LANDS. CHOICB TI3CBER CLAIMS. HOMESTEADS for locatlott Inq. TOO usamoer or commerce. TOR SALE. Henes. Vehicles mad Haraeet. 100 VEHICLES IN STOR-.GE. CONSISTING of express, ruraiture ana delivery wagona. hacks, buggies, cart aad surreys: they must be sold regardless of ost. S3-S5-S7 Union ave... between Stark and Washington st. FOR SALE OR RENT HORSES AND VE- Blcles by the day, week or month: harness, saddles and 200 new and second-hand rigs for sale or exchange. Tomllason & Cassl day. 211 Washington st. FOR SALE TWO GOOD DRIVING OR RID- Ing mares, weight 1000 and 1100. well broken and safe. Phone Main 1217. 1163 Thurman st. CAMPING WAGONS. HARNESS. HORSES t or rent and for sale, aubert & Haiu sea Fourth st. GOOD SADDLE AND DRIVING HORSES tor sale cheap. U. P. Stables. 233 Russell t. LIGHT RUBBER-TIRED BUGGY; NEWLY painted. $50. 317 Washington sr. FOR SALE THREE FINE HEAVY TEAMS. 154 North 3th. Mbceftaaeaas. DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK I Cover it with Mastic roofing. In rolls, easy to lay; needs -no painting or coating; good; over old Iron, tin or shingles; for new roofs there U nothing better; guaran teed: Mastic roof paint aad cement will stop small leaks. National Mastic Roofing Co,, room 2. Hamilton bldg. GOOD STOVEWOOD. $2.50 PER LOAD. nearly two cords: bargain In brick this week: agents wanted. Mrs. Howe Wood Brick Co. Teams for hire: five houses for rent. 1200 E. Division su Phone Union 173. FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables: easy pay menu; we rent tables, with, privilege of buying; mod em bar fixtures, cheap prices. Brunswick Balke-Ccllendar. 49 3d st. A SNAP. Brand-new tent. 12x14. with floor. dihes. stov. etc.. all set up. located on Portland Heights; furnished completely; location se cured. M 3. Oregonlan. GASOLINE LAUNCH FOR SALE. 10-TON carrying capacity. 24 horsepower engine; will sell at a bargain. A 10. Oregonlan. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. USED THREE months, cost $150. will sell foe $10O; good as new. X 15, care Oregonlan. 5x7 PREMO CAMERA. NEARLY NEW. with S plate-holder and tripod, cost $35. price $18. O 13. Oregonlan. EXPRESSFURNITURE AND TRUNKS RE- moved, reasonable rated. Phone Union 173. Howe. 1200 E. Division at. FORTY OR MORE UPHOLSTERED SPRING cots, three feet width, brand new, cheap. Address S 15. Oregonlan. FOR SALE BARGE. 110 FEET LONG, 32 leet wide, inquire oxxice star &ana ex, 15th and Front st. FOR SALE COW GIVING THREE GAL- lons milk per day. west ave.. Montavilla car. C. W. Davlp. 34 TO 5-HORSEPOWSR WOOD SAWING macnine tor cost oij water st. Phone Main 4503. 100O LARGE NEW NAPKINS. HEMMED: best quality linen, for sale. 304 Alder; suit able for hotel. ANTIQUE MAHOGANY FURNITURE OF all kinds, clocks, brass, bronxe and pewter. 333 Washington. FOR SALE SMITH-PREMIER TTPE wiiter. almost new; reasonable. C 73. cars Oregonlan. TICKET TO CHICAGO FOR SALE. MAN'S. first-class, via Denver. Address V 15, Ore gonlan. FOR SALE FURNISHED COMPLETE HAND laundry, cheap: laundry for rent. 6S3 Love Joy. HOUSEBOAT FOR SALE A BEAUTY AND a bargain. Owner. 109 Sherlock bldg. Phone 5S5. A FRESH JERSEY MILCH COW. 4 YEARS old. 394 East Burnslde at- Phone East 42. FOR RENT DONKEY ENGINE. CALL 321 Chamber Commerce or phone Main 2363. HELP WANTED MALE. MEN and women to learn watcnmksr. en graving. Jewelers wk; only prac school for Jewelers; money made learo'g. Watchmkg Eograv. School. P. L bldg.. Seattle. WANTED BRIGHT SALESWOMAN. AP ply room 57, Hotel Northern. 12th and Mar- shall, this evening between 7:15 and 0 o'clock. WANTED STENOGRAPHER FOR GENERA al office work In growing business; wages small to start with. Address L 14. Orego nlan. Wanted Men. to learn barber trade: steady practice: expert Instructions. Write for terms. Gill-nan's, College. S27 Clay st., S. F. California wine depot: headquarters bakers, cooks, waiters, bartenders. All wines Sc per glass. P. Loratl. 143 4th. Clay 1503. WANTED FOREMAN FOR SASH AND door dept.; experienced and aggressive, good habit. Washington Mill Co.. Spokane. Wash. WANTED FIRST-CLASS MEN IN PORT land and throughout state to solicit busi ness. Call or write. 607 McKay bldg. YOUNG MAN TO PREPARE FOR PAYING ?iosltlon; fine opening: good salary: chance or promotion. Box. 1553, Denver. Colo. WANTED TAILOR. HANDLE CLEANING and pressing business. Room 03 Falrmount Hotel. Fair grounds. Call at once. WANTED NONUNION BRICKLAYERS. AP ply between S and 10 A. M., room 7, Can terbury bldg:, 3d and Washington. EXPERIENCED SOLICITOR. GOOD TERMS, steady Job. for reliable- aggressive man. Chl exso Dye Works. 408 Washington. AN EXPERIENCED FIRE INSURANCE solicitor, well acquainted In city. Address with particulars D 100. Oregonlan. WANTED ' IMMEDIATELY. INSIDE LEC turer. young man. strong- voice; educated. Siberian R. R. Co.. Trail. WANTED WAGON-MAKER DOWN AT As toria, steady Job; $3 a day and up. Address Andrew- Asp. Astoria, Or. WANTED TWO YOUNG MEN. AGE 20; many other openings. Business Men's Clear-lnx-House. 110 2d. MAN WANTED TO WORK ON RANCH near city. Denlsan News Co.. 326 Johnson St., opposite depot. RELIABLE BOYS TO DISTRIBUTE SAM ple. Inquire 431 Seventh. 8:30 to 9. morning; after 7 evening. WANTED SOME PLANERS AND GRAD ers, and also sawmill labor. Eastern St West ern Lumber Co. WANTED MAN WHO UNDERSTANDS tinning and plumbing. ' A. Mlblstlne, Ore gon City. Or. BARBER, FIRST-CLASS MAN, GOOD wages to right man. Call at once, GS X. 3th st. "WANTED FIRST-CLASS MOULDER MAN on detail work. Washington M1U Co.. Spo kane. Wash. GROCERY SOLICITOR AND DELIVERY man: must furnish good reference. O 13. Oregonlan. WANTED FIRST-CLASS CRAYON ARTIST; must- be the best. Address K 15, care Ore goa4aa. WANTED BRAKEMAN FOR WORK TRAIN on conftrsctica or logging' road. J 14, Ore goaJaB. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS BRICK SETTER, wages $3 for 18,000. at Mrs. Howe's brick yard. CARPENTER. HUSTLER. PORTLAND Ci gar Box Mfg. Co.. Union ave. and East Pine. BARBER. WANTED SATURDAY NONE bet flnt-claM. SIS Williams are., cor. Rus sell. OLD CLOTHING. SHOES WANTED: HIGH, est price paid, 56 3d. Phoae Pacific 4C Y6UNG MAN FOR SOUVENIR STAND; must be a hustler. Apply 5ft N. 3th st. FIRST-CLASS SALESMAN. CITY. CO UN try: Mr wages: 215 Commercial block. WANTED TINNER AND PLUMBER. IN qulre A. Miahttav Oregea CKy. WANTED A COOK AT THE BERLIN" RES taaraat. 504 North 3th at. BARBER WANTED STEADY JOB. 280 YajftMH M. J. B. Curtis. A K3TCHEX MAX WANTBD. 53 N". 1STH at, ear. Davis WANTS D TWO XXFEXIKfCBO WAITERS. JOS- at. ' " HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED A CLOTHING SALESMAN WHO understands the art of dressing windows, writing window cards and be generally use ful; do not want an apprentice, but a man of experience and of sober habits. The posi tion la for a store In one of the larger towns In this state. Adorers D 15. care Oregonlan. TAKE NOTICE NEWMAN'S AMUSEMENT Agency furnishes for "all occasions perform ers, .musicians, singers, novelty acts, dram atic people, private entertainments, clubs, dramatic companies, vaudeville houses a spe cialty. Phone Main 13SS. 351H Morrison. WANTED HONEST HUSTLING ORGANI xers whucan produce permanent business for Fraternal Union of America: best fra ternal Insurance extant: salary and commis sion. F. K. Roose. Supreme President. Denver. Colo. WANTED IMMEDIATELY BALLADISTS. sister teams, novelty acts, chorus girls, ama teurs and professional actors, singers, mu sicians, etc.. for dramatic companies. Fair, etc Newman's Theatrical Agency. 351& Mor rison. WANTED 10.000 LABORERS. LOGGERS, mill and railroad work. It you want work com to Portland: wages. $1.40 ta $3 per day and board.- Canadian Employment Co.. 249 Burnslde at. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS CLOTHING salesman for country: only temperate, ex perienced persons need apply: good wages to the right man. Addreas E 15. Oregonlan. WANTEDA COMPETENT ENGINEER TO .take charge of an Irrigation plant; must furnish best of references as to competency and experience. Address C 12. Oregonlan. WANTED LEADED GLASS MAKER; moauy plain leaaea; permanent posmua. good habits; state experience and wages. Washington Mill Co.. Spokane. Wash. WANTED SINGLE YOUNG MAN OF good address to travel and learn good pajln- business; references. Call 10 to 2 P. M.. Hotel Imperial. WANTED BRIGHT. ENERGETIC MAN. small capital, to take active Interest in good paying business; pay you to Investigate. H 15, Oregonlan. WANTED THREE WIDE-AWAKE HUST lers. 2 hourrf work every afternoon; good pay; 2 months' work. Call 87 6th. Se Sommers. HELP WANTED "FEMALE. LADIES WANTING EMPLOYMENT please call; many situations too numerous to mention. Exposition and other places. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. 243H Washington at., cor. 7th. PHONE MAIN 2662. WANTED IMMEDIATELY BALLADISTS. sister teams, novelty acts, chorus girls, amateurs and professional actors, elngers. musicians, etc., for dramatic companies. Fair, etc Newman's Theatrical Agency. 351 Vi Morrison. 10 WAITRESSES. COOK. INSIDE EXPOSI tlon; others, $20. room near; waitresses, cooks, dishwashers, pantry, laundry: 50 housework: washwomen wanted. Harvest hand bellboy. Drake's, 205 Washington. WANTED 150 GIRLS TO MAKE OVER alls and shirts; Instructions given to In experienced. Apply Neustadter Bros.. Standard Factory No. 2, corner East Tay lor and Grand ave. EXPERIENCED SALESGIRLS FOR COR sets. shirtwaists, muella underwear, para solo and fancy articles. Apply between 3 and 0 A. M., 3S0 Washington. GIRLS IF YOU WANT WORK DON'T FAIL to see us. Over 1000 positions every moath. Cail and register. Canadian Parlors, 22U)a Morrison. Main 1323. GIRL TO DO GENERAL HOUSEWORK IN small family: must be able to cook; $20 per mo. Apply 40 Front St., Thursday or Friday morning. WANTED A WOMAN COOK THAT THOR . oughly understands the work; references re quired; a second girl kept. Apply at 835 Lovejoy st. WANTED A NEAT. TIDY, EXPERIENCED girl for general housework In a eroall family. Call mornings at 630 Tillamook st,. Irvlngtcn. WANTED FIRST-CLASS LADY REPRB sentatlves In Portland and throughout stats; good pav. Call or write 607 McKay bldg. A COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL housework In family of three: German pre ferred. Apply mornings. SS North 22d st. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS. COOKS. WAIT ers, chambermaldi!. general workers. St. Louis Agency, 220 Yamhill. Main 5413. MIDDLE-AGED GIRL. GERMAN. HELP lady In rooming-house and stop with the same In her residence. H 33. Oregonlan. WANTED PLAIN COOK FOR GENERAL housework, small family. S. W. cor. d and Northrup. Phone Main 2737. REFINED. EDUCATED WOMAN TO TAKE responsible position with Vlavl Co.; perma nent. Call room 23. Lewis bldg. COMPETENT FIRST AND SECOND GIRLS, general housework, small family. Apply mornings. 72 North 20th st. WANTED CHRISTIAN WOMAN" FOR GEN eral housework; must come well recom mended. Phone Main 2363. WANTED A DAY NURSE; MUST BE GEN tie and kind, for a child of 5 yeara. Apply at elevator. Brown HoteL TWO WAITRESSES, TWO DISHWASHERS, nice private house, good wages. 874 Sav ler at. Main 59S6. WILLING WORKING GIRL FOR HOUSE work: must be good, plain cook; reference. 695 Davis, cor. 21st. WANTED GIRL TO ASSIST IN HOUSE work: one who stays home nights preferred. Call 501 Jefferson. TWO EXPERIENCED GIRLS FOR CHAM ber work: new-hoteh Hotel Hood, 6th and Everett ets. WANTED EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR GEN eral housework. Apply 374 Taylor st,, cor. "West Park. WANTED YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST WITH housework. Apply after 11 today. 370 Park street. WANTED GIRL FOR ROOMING-HOUSE. Call or address Hotel Vancouver, Vancouver, Wash. WANTED A COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN eral housework. 155 16th 6t, cor. Morrison. WANTED NECKBAND IRONER AND BODY Ironer, Oregon Laundry Co., 368 E. Oak at. LADIES HANDY WITH THE NEErLE FOR necktie work. Apply room 3, 3920 6th st. WANTED LADY STENOGRAPHER. CALL room 17. Washington bldg.. after 10 A. M. A GIRL FOR - GENERAL HOUSEWORK, small family. 252 13th st.. near Main. WAITERS AND WAITRESSES WANTED AT Hood Restaurant, 0th and Everett et: WANTED WAITRESSES AT THE LINDELL Hotel. Market aU et- 3d and 4th. EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES WANTED AT Watson's Restaurant, 109 4th st. WANTED EXPERIENCED CHAMBERMAID for private hotel. 394 Alder st. NICE GIRL TO ASSIST IN HOUSEWORK and take care child. 211 6th st. WANTED PANTRY GIRL AT THE ZINS ley Restaurant, 230 First st. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE, work. Apply 770 Overton st. " WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work and cook. 714 Everett. WANTED GIRL TO ASSIST IN" GENERAL housework at 22 X. 11th st. . ' WANTED WAIST FINISHERS, dale. 508 Marcuam. WANTED TWO EXPERISNCED WAIT resees. 123 5th . WANTED GIRL TO TAKE CARE OF-BABY. 221 10th et. SMALL. GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK. 508. Everett. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED YOUNG PEOPLE TO FIT themselves for stenographers and book keepers: placed 207 In positions past year; can. place you when competes-- -Beanke-Walker Business College, day ami night. Catalogue. Call. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers aad Clerks. WANTED POSITION BY YOUNG. MAN experienced stenographer 1b law office at small salary. 3 13. Oregeaias. GARDENER AND FLORIST A .ROSS grower; IS years' exporteaee ttader gtaso. seker asd. steady worker. B 16V Orgtau A 1 BAKBR, BREAD AND CAKBS, CITY, or cewicy. H 44 st. v "H