Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 20, 1905, Page 9, Image 9

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Countlnr-Kocm Mala 6CT
Kaniclnr Editor Main 626
Sunday Editor-...-.... ...Main 6235
City Editor . .Stain t66
Society Editor Mala 6235
Compoj'.njr-Koom Main CSS
Superintendent Building...... Red 2S2S
Em Side Offlce East 61
MARQUAM GRAND (Morrison, "between Gth
and 7th Evening at 8:80. Kolb and Dill In
the comedy-burlesque, "J. O. U."
SELASCO THEATER (14th and "Washington)
Evening at S:15. "The Prisoner o Zenda."
GRAND THEATER (Park and Washington
Continuous vaudeville, 2;30 to 10:50 P. M.
BTAR THEATER (Parle and Washington)
Continuous vaudeville. 2:30. 7:30. 8 P. 1L
BAKER THEATER (3d and Yamhill) Con
tinuous vaudeville-. 2:30. 7:30 and 8 r. M.
RECREATION' PARK (2th and Vaughn)
At 3:30 P. M.. baseball. Bortland vs.
Orders riven to any- o the following agents
will be given careful attention. All mall sub
scriptions must be paid for In advance:
Long Beach.... Etrauhal & Co.
Saylew Etrauhal & Co.
The Breakers .....J. M. Arthur
Ocean Park a H. Hill
Seaside F. Dresser & Co.
Gearhart Harry F. Davis
2Cewport . . . . . F. H Lne
Collins Hot Bprlncs a T. Belcher
iloffetfa Hot Springs T. Moffett
Et. Martin's Springs Gordon & Weiherell
Gladstone Park William UBen
Win Seu Plant for 530.000. H. I
Powers.- representinc the St. Johns Water
Company, .places the value of the plant
as It now stands at $30,000. and for this
amount the company will sell to the
municipality. The company has laid H
rnlles of water mains, 4 and 6-lnch pipe,
during the past 18 months. A. reservoir
that will hold 200.000 gallons is being
completed at a high elevation. Mr. Pow
ers says that the company will sell the
plant for what it has cost, and that It
does not pay as yet, owing to the amount
of money expended in extensions and
betterments. He also states that if the
company keeps the plant until It be
comes a paying proposition it will not
then be for sale. The charter of the town
expressly provides for purchase of the
water plant.
Will Run on Heavt Dew.-Joseph Sup
ple yesterday launched a light-draught
Bteamer, intended to operate in the shal-J
lows of Lewis River. It is 65 feet long
by 19.6 feet -wide. When launched it drew
three inches of water, and -with the ma
chinery it drew four inches. The little
craft is for Marshal, Graham & Co.,
who nun an opposition steamer to the
Kanun line. It Is Intended to run up
the Lewis River a distance of about three
miles above the point where other steam
ers can go, and bring out the produce
of farmers in that district. The craft
Is a sternwheeler, probably the smallest
oh the Willamette.
Whole Case Is Submitted. Joseph
Buchtel, chairman of the depot committee,
yesterday submitted the plea for a pas
senger depot on the East Side, where
baggage may be checked, to General Man
ager O'Brien. It is in written form and
sets forth that at present therf are more
than 50,000 residents, including the sub
urbs, on the East Side, and that in five
years the population will be 100.000. It
Is set forth that Willamette Valley peo
ple "who come to Portland want to leave
the trains at East Washington street,
and It is shown that suburban districts
are reached directly by electric cars.
Salvation Armt Hab New Hall. The
Salvation Army Corps, No. 4. which for
years had its hall at No. 128 First street,
has moved to No. ISO Fourth street, the
building formerly occupied by the "Big
Four'' saloon. Special services are ar
ranged for next Saturday evening when
Mr. McComb, the noted street pdeacher.
-will conduct a praise meeting and song
Bervice. Major and Mrs. Fynn will have
their farewell meeting Supday at 3 and
8 P. M., and Wednesday, July 26, a "Hal
lelujah" wedding will take place, which
the public is cordially invited to at
tend. Smallest Engine in the World.
What is considered the smallest engine
of its power in the world has just been
completed in the machine shop of Joseph
Supple's shipyard, on East Water street,
by the Inventor. Horace Campbell. This
engine Is 10x4 inches, and is a rotary
machine. Mr. Campbell spent a number
of years in working out the principle
of his engine, and this is the first construct
ed. It operates all the machinery of
this shop, although only a cylinder ten
Inches long and four inches in diameter.
Em. Oehme Criticallt Sick. F. G.
Oehme. M. D., is lying dangerouslv sick
at his home. 178 East Thirty-second street.
The doctor is afflicted with a combination
of diseases Incident to advanced age, from
which it is feared hj cannot recover.
Dr. Oehme formerly practiced for a num
ber of years In Roseburg. He is over 80
years of age, and has practiced his pro
fession for more than 50 years.
. ANcnr Man Injured Woman. Mrs.
Jessie Barnes, who became entangled in
r barbed wire fence Tuesday mornfoig,
while she was intoxicated. Is still weak
rrom tiie effects of her experience. She
was hurled Into the fence, the police I
naving ascertained, by a man who be
came angry at her because she followed
him and screamed the vilest kind of
Funeral or Henry Martin. The fu
neral of Henry Martin was held yester
day afternoon and the interment was in
Lone Fir Cemetery. Mr. Martin died at
his home. SS7 Morris street. Alblna, at
the age of 38 years. Ho was a veteran
of the Spanish-American War, and a
member of Court Webfoot. No. 4, F. A.
Visiting brethren of the court attended
the services.
Where Is C. A. Jackson? The Oregon
Ian has received a letter from Mrs. Ida
Jackson, 83 Franklin street. Buffalo, N. T.,
Inquiring the whereabouts of her son, c!
A. Jackson. He was supposed to be In
Portland .six weeks ago. He is 30 -vears
of age, medium height, slight in build,
fair in complexion, with blue eyes. His
mother fears some accident has befallen
Sjornbero Recovers Slowlt. After
being In St. Vincent's Hospital for 24
hours. Alex Sternberg has not recovered
fully from the wounds he received near
Llhnton Tuesday afternoon. He is still
dased.and the officials have been unable
ns yet to ascertain the exact facts rela
tive to .the accident.
Will "Breno Lunches. The St Johns
Council wyi hold an adjourned meeting
this evening to consider Councilman Ed
wards' resignation, bonds. Marshal Or
gan's little bill, and some other items.
It is understood that each member will
be permitted to bring his lunch, as there
may be another prolonged session.
Caupfire Tonight. Usual campflr in
the Seflwood Park will be held by the
veterans. There will be a big log fire,
speeches, music and a social reunion. Re
freshments may be had on the ground.
Women's Relief Corps next Thursday.
July 27, will give a supper to the old
Notice. Anyone having seen the con
ductor and motorman assault and force a
man from the car at Third and Orant
Tuesday night, the 18th, will be amply.
rewaracu Dy senamg their name and ad
dress to B 15, care Oregonlan.
Gives Rainbow Social. The Royal
Neighbors gave a rainbow social
last evening at the home of W. A. Hall,
of St. Johns. A pleasing programme
was rendered.
Rbbpzctable place to borrow atoaey oa
aiamosds and jewelry. Collateral Loan
Bank, 3 Washington street. Established
15 years. "Lowest rates of Interest.
A Well-Euippkd Dental Omcr la
Portlana for sale. Splendid clientele. In
quire Weoterd. Clarke & Co.
Txx CALtrkbr Rwt&ara&t. 34 BtvtaOu
Fine WncfeeM. ate: teaer. Me.
Blow to Monet Sharks. Mayor Lane
has been analysing the situation with
reference to the salary warrants of mem
bers of gthc police and fire departments
of the municipality, and has ascertained
that out of. ia members of the fire de
partment the salary demands of 8 arc
drawn by brokers, while of 130 policemen.
39 are the vicUms of money lenders. He
proposes to try and break up the per
nicious habit and has Issued Instructions
"to the various employes of the city to
the effect that henceforth they must at
least attach their own signatures to the
nressed with the idea that the small I
pay received heretofore by the two de
partments, especially the firemen, is re
sponsible for the situation of affairs.
Draws Orxf; for Aibwiip. It will be
a long time before the four drawbridges
have to open to permit the passage of
an airship. That happened Tuesday night,
however, when the "Angelus" was
brought down the river from the point
-where ahe landed to the Exposition.
The huge bag with all Its framework
was piled on top of the observation
launch. Princess-May. late at night. Be
fore the Madison-street bidge was reach
ed it was seen that the airship would
not go under the bridge. The launch's
whistle opened Ike way. At each of the
other three bridges the draw had to
open, and the airship arrived safely.
Retail Butchers Delay Action. At a
meeting of the local retail butchers Int
Keller's Hall last night It was decided
to postpone further action with refer
ence to the meat Inspection ordinance
for a period of two weeks pending re
ports from committees appointed at a
previous meeting to confer with the Mayor
and Council. An Injunction suit has also
been brought against the obnoxious' or
dinance by the Front-street commission
men, and it was thought advisable to
await the outcome of this litigation, air
though in the meantime the retailers pro
pose to maintain a vigilant attitude.
Lectures on Africa at White Tem
ple. A brilliant and successful mission
ary from East Africa will speak at tho
White Temple tonight. He is Willis R.
Hotchkiss, ,of the Friend's Church, and
has Just ' returned from a six years'
service in Africa. Mr. Hotchkiss is in
great demand as a speaker, telling of
many experiences In hair-breadth es
capes from both natives and .beasts of
the jungles. Mr. Hotchkiss has been
-wonderfully successful in Introducing in
dustrial and agricultural pursuits in his
field, and soon returns with more helpers
for his work. .
Sues tor Death or Husband. Aldy
Tycer sued the Northern Pacific Com
pany yesterday to recover 15000 on account
of the loss of her husband. Leonard
Tycer. a teamster. On May 1G, 1904, he
was driving across Seventh street when
the team became frightened at the nou
made by a locomotive engaged in switch
ing cars, and ran away. Tycer was
thrown underneath his wagon and was
run over and killed. The blame for the
fatal accident Is placed upon the Terminal
Funeral or Mrs. Mart B. Strouse.
The funeral of Mrs. Mary B. Strouse
took place yesterday morning from Dun
ning's undertaking chapel. East Sixth, and
from the Cathedral. Fifteenth street,
where requiem mass was naid. Interment
was in Mount Calvary Cemetery. Mrs.
Strouse died at St. Vincent's Hospital
from cancer. She was 42 years old, and
had been a resident of St. John's.
Repairing Drinking Fountain. The
drinking fountain, near the intersection
of Grand and Hawthorne avenues, that
has been out of repair for several years,
is being rendered serviceable. Hun
dreds of teams pass this corner every
day. and this fountain is a public neces
sity. A fountain at Holladay Park Is
also out of commission by reason of
having been broken.
Fire Destrots Barn-. Fire destroyed
a barn and woodshed adjoining the house
of J. Albright at East Twenty-sixth and
Brooklyn streets at 10 o'clock last night.
The conflagration was such a distance
from the engine-house that the names
consumed the structure before they could
be put out, doing $50 worth of damage.
To Bedeck Madison-street Bridge.
The County Commissioners yesterday de
cided to have the Madlson-strect bridge
rc-decked, but did not decide under -what
conditions the work will be performed.
Bonds will probably be advertised for.
While the work is in progress, the bridge
will be closed to teams.
Reception at Children's Home. The
Ladles' Relief Soclty will give a recep
tion at the Children's Home, 8S7 Corbett
street, on Friday. July 21. from 3 to 5
P. M.. to the Convention of Charities and
Corrections. All members of the society
are requested to be present.
Articles or. Incorporation. Articles
of incorporation of the Alameda Con
solidated Mines Company were filed in
the County Clerk's office yesterday by
O. M. Crouch, R. C. Kinney and John
F. Wlckham; capital stock. $15.a"O.000.
Union Gives Smoker. Cooks' and Wa ti
ers' Alliance, Local ISP. gave a smoker
Tuesday evening In Drew Hall, 162 Sec
ond street, at which President Gram, of
the State Federation of Labor, and other
prominent union men were guests.
Brings Suit to Becover 11200. Suit to
recover $1209 on account of money lent
and services performed, was filed In the
State Circuit Court yesterday by P. L.
McKenzic against the Southern Oregon
iIinInE & Development Company
Sues for Divorce. E3sle Streick has
sued Ferdinand Streick for a divorce be
cause of desertion, beginning in June.
1904. They were married in Portland
in September. 1903.
To the Grocery Trade. Wadhams &
Kerr Bros.' Store will be. closed this
afternoon from 1 o'clock on account of
Merchants' day at Lewis and Clark Fair.
Federation to Meet. Portland Feder
ation of Women's Clubs will meet this
afternoon at 4 o'clock at the home of
Mrs. L. Samuel, SSI Twelfth street.
Of the North Pacific Sanger Bund
at the Auditorium. Exposition grounds.
Chorus 300 trained male voices. ,
Beatrice Barlow Dierke pianiste.
Sig. Bernardo Beguc, baritone,
of the Metropolitan Opera. New York.
Friday, July a, at BUS P. M.
Sacred concert
Sunday afternooe, July 23. at S o'clock.
A limited number of tickets only.
For sale at
Woodard. Clarke & Co.. 4th and Wash..
Richard Krumpf, 2CS Alder, near Fourth.
Emll Eysell Pharmacy. 227 Morrison, near
Every day increases the Tavern's lead
over all Its competitors as the fines and
most attractive place In Portland at
which to lunch or dine. Its midday lunch
eons have become a part of the business
life of the city, its dinners are becoming
famous all over the country and its after
theater suppers are the popular fad with
fashionable people. Ladies! Don't over
look the Tavern's dally shoppers lunch
eons. Main entrance opposite the Ore
gonlan, Ladles' annex at SOS Alder.
Steamer Jefferson." from Seattle about
July 30. Passengers disappointed In get
ting berths on last trip can now obtain
reservations from agents Frank Woolsey
Company. 253 Oak street. Phone Main
96. See advertisement.
Eastern and Seattle races. Tak.e Sell
vrood and '-Oregon City cars, First as J
Alder. v
YoWcswiplexlon.'a well m your tpr,
Je re4erd Miserable by a egMnsenM
liver. Improve both by ufetoc CarUr'c
Little Uver Ui,
Methodist Congress Assembly
Visits Pioneer House.
"Women's Portion In Christian "Work
and Mission ,f fairs Occupied
the Delegates Attention
, Yesterday.
Morning. G. M. Booth. prldlnr
8, song and pralte rrlce; general
topic, "Our Brethren of Other
Tonguet": 8:30. "Norwegiani and
Dane," C. J. Larson; 8:55, "Ger
mane. C. A Prletlns; 10:23,
Swedes." John Oral I; 10:50. "Chl
nsae." Chan Sing Kal; 11:20. "Jap
anese." S. Toshloka.
Evening.. BUhop David H. Moore,
pretldlne 8. pralte H1ce: 8:15, "The
Church and Reform." E. S. J. Mc
Allister: 6:45, lore featt and clotlnc
exercises, conducted by BUhop J. M.
Thoburn. ,
The oldest Protestant church west of
the Rocky Mountains, that built by Alvin
Waller, a Methodist mlslonary. at Oregon
Uty. In 1S43. was visited by about 100
visitors to the Methodist Congress yes
terday afternoon. Services were held
there, and. Bishop Moore presiding, im
promptu addresses were made by Pastor
J; H. Wood. Rev. T. B. Ford, of Sunny
side, and Rev. A. ?7. Fisher, of ortland.
It was a fitting conclusion to a week of
meetings some time during each day of
which the work of early missionaries In
this portion of the country was referred
The old church, which haa been super
seded by a newer one on account of Its
small fire, was for several years the larg
est public building In Oregon, and was
used for the early sessions of the provin
cial assemblies. On account of Its pres
ence, the first settlement of any size in
the territory grew up at Oregon City.
Yesterday morning the Methodist Con
gress was devoted to the portion in Chris
tian work taken by women. Several able
papers -were read. Mrs. M. C. Wire, of
Eugene, presided, and addresses were de
livered by Mrs. R. C. Glass, of Green
Lake. Wash., on "Home Mission Work";
by Miss Carrie Holbrook. on "Our Women
and the Reform Movement." and by Mrs.
A. N. Fisher, of Portland, who spoke of
the heroic work done by them under ad
verse conditions among heathen.
At the evening service Rev. J. E. Will
lams, of Tacoma, president of the Uni
versity of Puget Sound, spoke on "The
Relation of Christian Colleges to Citizen
ship." and urged patronage of these by
Methodists. Dr. T. B. Ford spoke on the
present worn oi tne .jicinociPt cnurcn.
which under an organized system Is grow
ing yearly In strength. Dr. Osmon Royal
took the layman's point of view on .eccle
siastical matters, speaking particularly
regarding associations.
What the Freas Ac-eats Say.
Kolb and Dill in Musical Comedy
Burlesque "I. O. U." Tonight.
Still they come. The Marquam Grand
Theater on Morrison, between "Sixth and
Seventh streets, was again crowded last
night with theatergoers to see the
funny German comedians, Kolb and
Dill, and their company of 40 people in
the merry musical comedy-burlesque,
"L O. U." The burlesque was construct
ed with the Idea of amusing people dur
ing the Summer months; being filled
-with a series of laughs, catchy music
and pretty girls. The plot of "L O. Vi"
is a satire on the trusts and unions,
giving Kolb. Dill and Dillon an excel
lent opportunity of presenting the many
laughable situations that arise between
these two big factors of our daily life.
If you are looking for an enjoyable
evening- of fun and music, visit the
Marquam. A special matinee will be
given Saturday at 2:30 o'clock.
Anthony Hope's Greatest Dramatic
Romance at the Belasco.
The Belasco Stock Company makes a
tempting bid 'for favor this week In one
of the best plays of our day. "The Prison
er of Zenda." -which has delighted thou
sands of theatergoers in this country
and Great Britain. The play la so well
known that It Is unnecessary to go into
details In describing It- It ha? a rare
beauty and charm all Its own and the
story it tells Is a wholesome and thrill
ing one. The various popular favorites
in the company all acquit themselves re
markably well; in fact, it Is generally
agreed that "Zenda" Is the best perfor
mance yet given by this splendid organiza
We desire to extend thanks to all our
friends for sympathy and friendship
shown In our recent bereavement, the loss
of our beloved daughter. Aimee.
New Torks Chier of Police has barred au
tomobiles from the Chinatown district.
' OF
THURSDAY, JULY 20, 1905 '
All meedncs in FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Twelfth and Al
der sts. Everybody invited. AH meetings open and free.
In Room A. Committee on State Su
pervision. Topic: "Waat Haa the Pab
Mc the Rick to Katir Abeat Iaatl-
In Room B, Committee on Neighbor
hood Improvement. Topics: "The Sa-rlaar
ef Telesrs' HIJP Flenaea et Saa
Fraaelaea Bay."
In Room C, Committee oa Childrea.
Topic: "BtMeat Cre la lutKa
tattoas"! "lafeMtrlal Cmm t DH.
la Roan D. Committee on Vinklag
Wkea Parcaaslag
BeSure Yea SecHre One of Gar Brass's
108 aa 110 Frartia Sirs
M Dfrtrthttfera te- Grace aa4 WufcJ&ct.
From forelsn sounds. No grate or rasp. A trial wilt
convince. Call and hear one played. We -hava
special clerks to shew them.
328 Washlngtoa Street. Bet. 6ta and 7th
Louis Schlessinger Is Found
Guilty on Two Charges. .
Judge Cameron Also Imposes Fine
lor Assault and Battery Tom
Carter Is Sentenced to
Thirty Days in Jail.
Judge Cameron yesterday decided
the charges of practicing medicine
without a license and assault and bat
tery, preferred against Louis Schles
singer. a medium, by a -woman patient.
The court found the defendant guilty
of both, and in the first-named case
fined him $75 and In the assault case
fined him 515. ,
The cases were heard moro 'than a
week ago, but were taken under ad
visement, and as Attorney Crouch was
to be abaant from the city for ten days,
the decision was withheld and rendered
yesterday. Judge Cameron saiJ:
"The word medicine Is sufflciently
comprehenslve to include everything
which is to be applied for the purpose
of healing, whether externally or In
ternally. Christian Science does not
constitute the practice of medicine, be
cause there Is no medicine used.
The practice of h:edlclne. as popu
larly understood. 'has relation to the
art of preventing, curing or alleviat
ing disease or pain. Defendant pre
scribed for complaining witness a med
icine which defendant said would cure
her of the disease with which she was
Schlessinger is aged S3 years, and is
well known all over the United States.
He has traveled extensively and has
many times been in collision with the
authorities. He came here but recently
on his latest trip. He set up the defense
that he could not be prosecuted on the
charge of practicing medicine without
a license, for he alleged thar he did
not accept fees for his work. He admit
ted, nowever. that he accepted $10 as a
present, from the prosecuting witness.
Tom Carter, a negro, did not escape
punishment on a charge of trespass
through the technicality raised by his
attorney, but was sentenced to serve a
term of 30 days in the County Jail. He
was caught seated on a stairway of a
private house at 5:30 A. M with both
shoes off.
Sallle White, colored, was fine 315
for conducting a 'disorderly house, and
Sadie Hood was fined 310 for being a
vagrant. A robbery occurred In the
house recently and the police are trying
to force Sallle White to reveal the name
of the woman who "turned the trick."
Thus far she has refused to Jo so.
Fred W. Fry attached his lines to a
wire of the Portland General Electric
Company and got himself arrested on
a serious charge. He was tried by
Judge Cameron yesterday, and held to
the grand Jury In the sum of 3200 cash
ball. He was unable to explain the mat
ter so that the court was satisfied no
crime was committed, although he said
The secured permission from a company
official. He was unable to produce the
alleged official, but, on the contrary,
several officials of the Portland General
swore that no permission had been
given. .
Charlie Wing Sing, a gardener, was
arrested yesterday by Policeman Ander-J
son xor driving a corse that was so sick
It could Inardly walk. He was placed
under bonds of 350, and the case will be
heard today. The case Is pronounced
by the police to be one of the worst In
recent months.
Fred Huatig haa been smoking cigar-
TralalBs- la Ceaaectfea With Hospi
tal." 180 A. 34 GEXERAL SESSION.
Report from states Statistics:
Tratelag ef Seetol "Workers; Worklng
raea'a Iasaraace. Reports by Graham
Tayler, Amos W. Butler. F. L. Hoff
man, Aleiaader Joaaseo.
Subject: "Care" t the Sick!' "Report
ef. committee aa4 a4dreses by Xatfcaa
WJwr. Kew Tork: Xr. Xonma BrMge,
Dr. "Walter L4Wley, Xe Aaeelec: Dr.
IA K. JDa4. Torjc ac oOmx
61-43-65-C7 th St.
Portland, Or.
Tiekotrt a Rrral
5 10, $20
$30, $50
ettes for a long time, but he did not
know, until Informed by Deputy City
Attorney Fitzgerald that they would
kill any person who smoked enough. A
charge was placed against the lad. and
when he was arraigned before Judge
Cameron, he threw a package of cigar
ettes into the stove and vowed he would
never again smoke one. He was dis
charged. WHERE TO DINE.
AH the delicacies or the season at th
Portland Restaurant, fine, private apart
ments for parti 63. 305 Wash., near Fifth.
Watson's Restaurant, open night and
day; only first-class family restaurant In
the city. 209 Fourth street, near Wash
ington. Genuine French dinner, with wine,
50c. at 93 Fifth street, near Stark.
Crawfish at "The Empire." 192 3d street.
Jfcw Hate on Cement.
Effective August 1 a new rate will be
published by the Oregon Railroad & Navi
gation Company for shipment of cement
from Portland to Spokane and other In
terior points. The Spokane rate will be
23 cents per 100 pounds, a reduction from
tS cents, with minimum carload fixed at
50.000 pounds.
Don't Knock
All the "knocking" of the com
bined forces of the universe will not
lower the High Standard and Repu
tation of the Pianos we carry.
A. B. Chase Estey
Emerson Starr
RIGHT Pianos at RIGHT Prices.
Stelnway Dealers
Ertclcgi. Monday -aad
Tnorsdar. until S.
Fred Press. D. D. H.
0S Dekam Uldr-
DeKoyen Hall
A select boarding horaft
school tor bo j-a. Located on
the prairie. S miles couth of
Tacoma. on Lake Stella
cobra. Pure water, whole
some food, boating- and
outdoor exercise. Modern
buildings. Instructions thor
ouch and personal. Pre
pares for colters or busi
ness life. Fail term opens
September 14. 1803. Lons
dlstaace 'phone to all points
In Oreson. Washington and
Idaho. For circulars and
full Information address D.
S. PULFORD. principal.
South Tacoma. TVaih. R.
F. D. No. 1.
Portland Academy
Aa English aad classical school. Fits bora
and girls for Eastern and Western collects.
Office hours of the principals during vaca
tion from 8 A ZL. to 12 M. at the Academy,
corner of Thirteenth aad Harrises streets.
Tor catalogue address
Portia sd. Orrgoa..
Hotel St: Francis
Special Rates fir the
Summer Months
FhS nfoCBHbos can be obtacd by
writes or wkiag (at oar ezpdMe) to'
San Francisco
Xsrta Hwrca's Xavrjt raMrt. Umw
aw -rieir oC amc, sear fWhhur reefer;
,wmtr. exMltent taMe. all pa4
ik SscUl r.Uc twin ' Foe ar
gofers Mtmh Mrs. J; D. fxttr..LMC
Cool underwear
The greatest
Feifer's Union 5's
exclusive rrnoiesaie cigars ana
z uai xitd
"Didn't hurt a bit," Is -rr&at tkey
T or
wise: BROS.
Dr. W. A. Vila baa Juat returned
' rrom an extended totir o atem
dental Institution and those hav
Ins their dental work done by them
will have the advantage of ait new
and up-to-date methods.
"Examination tree. Palnleu ex
tmctlnr rre when plates or bridge
arc ordered.
FalllBjc bldj-.. cor. 3d and Wash. sta.
Open evenings till 9 P. M. Sundays
from 9 to 12. Or Main 2029.
dk. x. i. xnss.
j Ye Oregon
In the new Hotel Oregon, corner Seventh and.
Stark Streets. Orchestra every evening after
six o'clock.
Mount Hood Trip
EVERT VISITOR to the Lewis
and Clark Exposition should
take thisthe most delightful
or all -mountain trips ia Abb erica
Cloud Cap Inn. ualque and plc
tereceiue. 7060 feet above sea leveL
affords cpleadld accosamedatioas.
Eunualt of - meaatala. eally aee
lb la from this polBt. Stages leave
Hood River Station daily, at 6:30
A. M. and 12:30 P. II.. making;
ceaseeUoa "with O. R. U X. traias.
Round trip tickets, iaclualag
ceaealss trip, oa sale it O. R. 4
X. ticket office. vTMrd aad
Waafeiagtos streets, Portland. Par
ticulars afeeut rates at Cloud Cap
Xaa br writiar
KKS. S. UlXOiTXR. Xaaacer,
Hood Rirer, Ores.
Scmd Tw Ceafe la Sfiiwrp te
JL. I. .Cral. S. P. A. Oreces
Ralkra i XavlcaMew Cw
paa?. WtihiH. fr Sokle
,TaMtsr JLfemt Trap.
saa A-.' M. Tzr
:4jV fr a Sty oetle
xat crrtt Oripsii
. l let, wwir Cv liptj
Short sleeve garmeits
shown In the lightest pos
sible weight lisle nd
balbriggan "
50c and $1.00
Light weight silks, cot
tons, linens, wool and
fancy balbrfggans at the
most reasonable prices in
$ust received
A new shipment of do
mestic fancy hose excep
tional values sold by us at
25c a Pair
Clothing Heuse in the Nwthwesi
looacce, rui uahu, uicui
Don't Crane
Tour neck looking .for better paint than
we supply you -won't and can't find It.
TV"e know the heat manufacturers In the
country, and our product comes from
them. Tou'll find, too. on inquiry,, tht
our prices are not as high as the qra
of our goods Indicates. Every way thi
a good place to buy paints.
Fisher, Thorsen &
Front and Morrison Streets
Are too valuable to play tricks with, f
111 fitting glasses are worse than none
at all. See us for accuracy. j
Clatsep Beach
Finest Summer resort- la Oregoa; Tse.
Sea foods a specialty. The hotet kas in
rebuilt aad newly furnished. Hot salt Wttw.
Pine surf hathlag directly la "trt at tk.
hotel. Strictly first-clan. Asaerteaa' ptea.
For terns aad reserratioss aeVdrs' DAX' JT?
MOORE. Pro erle tor. v" ' "
Nwr ceeusexUoBs. b gliding. wetffaraMMsL
csatalalag- all E&edera es&veateaer ImnsU
rally situated and adjaaeat t tka Itlc a&
koaee; Sae view ef ocean. Tor fartfcer Paaw-
UcwUrj writ. 3- "
Xaw opa tor the so.. . Mocm eBsafnu.
xeUat tafele board, centra Uy loea-tvd. imm
UM1 srralaga ftae sort MMaa mSt
aesirasne ataee ior lamiiiM. Twikt
deac te let yo o& at Xaekaey Qtttm.
8aTtew seeeod tp after HavUs DmL
P. O- adr . IlwaWaeyj" e
gebwab Printing Cc.
4 7X 1TAM itU