4 THE MORXIXG OREGOXIAX, THTERSDAtt .JTJTiY 20, 1905. ESGLEPM SCALED Portland Girl in Party That Makfs Perilous Ascent. TRYOUT FOR MAIN EVENT Professor Kingsbury Barks His Shins in SIideOrer Side of Precipice. Some Hszamas Climb Over Nisqually Glacier. PARADISE VALLEY, Tuesday, via Longmlre Springs, July 19. (Special.) -This morning- every pack pony -was pressed into servjee and the rest of the Mazaraa party moved 'from Longmlre Springs into Paradise Valley with most of their dunnage bags. By far the most perilous trip thus far was made to Eagle Peak, the high est point Jn the Tatoosh Range, rising 6400 feet Into the air at an angle, in the main, of 30 degrees, and in many places 15 degrees. There seems to be no doubt but what those who made this dangerous ascent are thoroughly qualified to climb to the top of Mount Tacoraa. Included in the party were: Joseph H. Amey, of Portland: S. Stokes, of Astoria, Or.: Frank Hart, of Astoria; Miss Agnes PJummer, of Port-, land. No trail, has been made up this steep mountain, so it was a matter of break ing .every step of their way through the brush. The women stopped within 400 feet of the top; but the men pressed on around the narrow rocky ledge to the summit, where one false step would have landed them in eternity. The women were enthusiastic over the hard and dangerous climb, and would have followed the men to the very top had they been permitted. There were no serious accidents, though Professor John A. Kingsbury, of Seattle, had a narrow escape. His alpenstock slipped, and he slid several feet down an almost perpendicular rocky precipice, skinning his shins as he fell. He was able to Rave himself, Jhowever, and made his way safely to camp. Another large party of Mazamas. led by R. L. Gilsan, of Portland, and In ' eluding E. P. Sheldon, forestry expert, of Portland; climbed to the top of the mountain overlooking Nlsqually Gla cier. It was a hazardous bit of climb ing, as the rocks and boulders were I constantly moving and rolling, but all I made the trip In -safety, with nothing , more disastrous to report tiian bruises, scratches and swollen feet. One of the Klser photographic corps narrowly missed a severe accident. He had secured a perch among the Icy i cre'asses of Nlsqually Glacier, lntcnd I ing to slide down for the benefit of the I moving pictures which were to be taken, when he lost his footing and tumble down In real earnest. A rope za.4 about his body, however, and he was quickly rescued. This entire per formance was caught by the moving picture photographer. Chester Washburne, of Eugene. Or.. was the first man to make the ascent" 'to the crater. He reports the crevasses tfull of snow, and the climbing not at tended by unusual dangers. He made the descent In three hours and a half. OYSTER BOARDS POWERLESS Thurston Court Declares Legislature Repealed Act of 1897. OLTMPIA, Wash.. July 19. (Special.) A decision of the Supreme Court, handed down today, putc out of busi ness the County Boards of Oyster Land Commissioners .appointed by the Gov ernor under the provisions of an act passed in 1897. The decision affects particularly Pacific County, where the County Board had disapproved a dozen or more applications for the purchase of oyster lands, on the ground that the lands were natural oyster beds and therefore not purchasable. One of the applicants. T. W. Ham mond, of Tacoma, applied to the Supe rior Court of Thurston County for a writ of mandate to compel the Com missioner of Public Lands to act on the application, regardless of the pro ceedings of "the County Board. He con tended that the Legislature in 1903. by creating the State Oyster Land Commission, composed of the Gov efnrt Land Commissioner and Fish Commissioner and tninsferrlntr to them someof the powers that had been theretofore conferred on. the County Boards, had repealed by implication the entire act of 1S97. The view was sustained by the lower court and affirmed by the 'Supreme Court. County oyster boards have no legal existence. The lands directly and indirectly involved constitute about 1200 acres of very valuable oyster lands All 1VJllAJd. Hill uur. LEVY EXPLAINS RISE IN RATES Northern Pacific Vice-President In vites Tariff Inspection. OLTMPIA. Wash.. July 19. (Special.) The Northern Pacific Railway Com pany's answer to the complaints from. incnans snippers concerning the new tariffs on less than carload lots was received by the Railroad Commission today. The reply -Is from Vlce-Presl dent C M. Levy, who alleges that the new tariff Is a readjustment of rates covering practically the whole of the territory west of the Cascades. Chehalls and other Southwest points have been enjoying the rates corres ponding to those In effect from points where water competition was a factor. These rates were out of proportion to those exit-ting from points where there' was no water competition and the traffic department decided that Tsuch places should all be placed on the same basis. The tariff sheet- is Inclosed by Mr. Levy and reductions made from a large number of places are marked In red Ink. He contends that the reductions by the road offset the Increases and that, taken as a whole, the new tariff uoes not creato an Increase in rates. He believes the new rates are reason able and close inspection of the new tariffs. Is invited. LOOKING FOR LOBSTER FARM Eastern Man Would Invest Capital In the Business. OLTMPIA. Wash.. July 19. (Special.) K. H. Chi Us. of Tacoma, representing .Eastern capital, was In conference with the. State Land Commissioner today in ref erence to securing control of a lagoon in Kitsap Count', where It Is desired to start a lobster farm. Cbitds is connected with a fish and oyster company In Tacoma. He has In terested Flab Commissioner Kershaw In tlve sincerity C the plan and Stn. Ker shaw' ',Js alee- here to use Mn efforts in hftlpinr tbe promoters of the new enter prise jsettwe the land etrd. AsonriUw t tb JTimh Commtirtfloer. ,1tJ has been demonstrated that lobsters will j propagate In the waters of Puget Sound. J. The difficulty about lobster fanning is tb . keep the lobsters within certain bounds, j t SHERIFF REFUSES TO RESIGN Idaho County Officials "Will Attempt to Throw Him Out. BOISE, Idaho. July 19. (Special.) Sheriff Havlrd has refused to resign, announcing he will fight the case. He had been given until 2 o'clock this afternoon to HJe his. resignation and pay over his shortage, the alternative being .proceedings to oust him from office and prosecute him under the criminal law. At 2 o'clock the Sheriff asked for two hours more. Afther further consultation with his attorneys he app-ared at 4 o'clock and announced he would decline to resign, stating the charges were too vague. County Attorney Koclsch states proceedings for ouster of the- Sheriff will be inaugurated In a few days. It Is intimated that the attorneys whom Havird consulted will not represent him In any proceedings that may be brought. AGED INDIAN FOUND SLAIN Supposed to Have Been Murdered by Another Red 3Ian. EVERETT. Wash., July 19. (Special.) The dead body of Dr. Jim. an Indian aged IOC years, was found under the bridge of the Darrlngton branch of the Northern Pacific, three miles from Arlington, to day, with a bullet hole In 'the back qf bis head. Jim disappeared Monday. The trail Indicated that his body bad been dragged B0 feet from a point on the bank of the Stlllaguamlsh, where It is believed be had been sitting when shot from be hind. Marshal Berrldgc. of Arlington, suspects Johnny Price, an Indian, knows bow Jim was killed. Price was acquitted recently of murder In shooting his son. Andrew, and Andrew's wife. Julia. He made threats to kill several Indians. ASLEEP WITH JK IN EX-MINISTER CROW IS PLACED IN HILLSBORO JAIL. Wife in Terror of Man She Sues for Divorce, Who Has Threatened to Kill. Her. HILLSBORO. Or.. July 19. (Special) C T. Crow, an ex-mlnlstcr of the United Evangelical Church, was this morning thrown In Jail by Deputy Sheriff F. T. Kane. TesterdM Crow was served with a process enjoining him from visiting the home of his wife. Just outside tbe city limits. Crow went to the home this morning and the officer went out on the receipt of a telephone. He found Crow asleep In the barn, In possession of a double-bitted ax. Crow's wife has sued for a divorce, and she asked for the property, which she al leges was purchased with money fur nished her by her father, and. as she feared for herself and 13-year-old son. she asked that he be kept away from tne premises. Crow has been drinking to excess for over a year, and when In his cups has been very abusive, threatening to kill his. wife and then kill hlmsolf. When drunk Crow acts very much like a crazy man and he was recently ex amined for Insanity, but discharged. At the time he was discharged, upon his own suggestion. Crow signed a contract with his wife, he to abstain from liquor and she. In consideration of this, was to live with him. He kept his promise for a week, when he visited the Lewis and Clark Fair and came him intoxicated. His brother, who came from Iowa to see him, felt so humiliated 'at Crow's fall from grace that he left on the next train for his home In the East. Crow- was bom In Wisconsin about 47 years ago, and was a man of more than ordinary Intelligence. His first break with the Evangelical Church occurred peveral years ago, when C. C. Poling was presiding elder. From the ministry he went into the wood business and did very well. Ho took to drinking and his con duct has alienated his once many friends. All his personal property has been at tached to certify a claim of Hon. W. H. Wehrung. who is now connected with the Lewis and Clark Fair. Crow Is In contempt of court and will doubtless be permitted to remain in Jail until he Is duly sober. Methodist Visitors at Oregon City. OREGON CITY. Or.. July 19.-(Speclal.) A party of 100 persons, who are attend ing the Methodist conference at the Lewis and Clark Exposition, spent the day at Oregon City today visiting the various landmarks of interest that are so closely associated with early Methodism In the Northwest. Among the places of histori cal interest In this city that were vis ited were the first Methodist Church building that was erected In the state and the residence and graves of Dr. and Mrs. John McLoughlin. While in tho city the visitors were the guests of the members of the Oregon City Methodist congregation. Jorden Is Held for Burglary. ABERDEEN. Wash.. July 19. (Special.) George Jorden, the watchman of the A. K. Wood mill, at Hoquiam, who was ar rested on the charge of burglarizing the company's store, was held to answer to the Superior Court In the sum of $2500 ball. It Is said Jordcn's peculations have extended over ten years. So well trustea was he Otat not a breath of suspicion was ever entertained against him. It Is said other arrests are expected to follow, as he is suspected of having had confeder ates. Stabbed, by a Candlestick. STOCKTON, CaL. July 19. Albino Cas illas, a miner, who has been employed In the Mclones mine In Calaveras County, has stabbed to death his brother-in-law. Bruno. The two men had been on bad terms for several months. They met In a saloon at Morales and got into a fight. Caslllas was knocked ("own. whereupon he drew a candlestick and tabbed Bruno twice In the left breast and three times on the right side. He then made good his escape. Given Control Next Year. VICTORIA. B. C July 19.-An Ottawa dispatch says the Imperial government has agreed to the taking over of the Esqulraault and Halifax garrisons under the terms proposed by Canada. Canada will pay the whole cost of Esqulmault's garrison Instead of half, as at present, but will not assume control of that post until July of next year. CbasBberbUB's CUc. C&elcra a4 Sbtrrheea Thls Is unquestionably the most success ful -medicine In use for bowel complaints, and it la now the recognised standard over a large part or the civilized world. A few doses of it will invariably car an ordi nary attack of diarrhoea. It has been used In nine epidemics of dysentery with perfect success. It can always be depend ed upon, even in the more severe attacks of cramp colic and cholera morbus. It Is equally successful for Summer diarrhoea and cholera l&fantum in children, an 1c the means of saving the lives of ma; cailArcn each year. When reduced wta wete- and sweetened it is jlMt e ak-, wMcb tc Important when mtjlehw Sk to be given to lftl chlHr. Xvery man of a family feeuM keep taw Jn his . "Buy It -now.. Jt mar ttfs. Pot sate by aU Anptftvts. , BIG YEftfl FOR FISH Prophecy by Washington Fish Commissioner. CANNERS WILL NOT GET ALL 3Iany Million Pounds of Salmon to Be Salted, Smoked and Shipped . Fresh Outlook for the Run of Sockeyes. OLTMPIA. Wash.. July 19. (Special.) Reports received by the State Fish Commissioner concerning the fishing Industry on the Columbia have led him to make the prediction that this will be the banner year in that district In value of the output. Fish Commissioner Kershaw does not deal In figures, but expresses the belief that the value of the output will be greatly In excess of the year 1901, when it reached a total of 51.3S6.32S tor the Washington side of the river. The Increase he believes will not be so much In the number of cases packed as ifi the amount of fish shipped, salted and smoked. In J904, the Columbia-River district In Washington packed 179.S13 cases, while 4,S2i,000 pounds were sajted. smoked, shipped (fresh or consumed locally. The outlook for the sockeye pack on Puget Sound, which has been a failure for three years. Is good, according to the Fish Commissioner. This year Is the beginning of the four-year cycle when tradition and past experience holds there should be an immense run of sockeyes. In 1901, the yeaf corre sponding to this, the pack at the period corresponding to the present time was not greater than now, and the run of pockeyes vas not greater this early in the year. In 1901, which was the greatest sock eye year ever known on the Sound, the pack was 1,220,000 cases. This fell off the following year to 372,301 cases, and in the succeeding year to 167,211 cases. The Fish Commissioner, however, does not predict a pack equal to the pack of 1901. He places his estimate at about BO per cent, or about 600.000 cases of sockeyes. The year, he says, will be a successful one. for the pack ers because they are now packing more of the other varieties of salmon than they did In 1901, and he believes the value of the output will be equal to that of 1901. The reason for the falling off of the sockeye run. as compared with that of 1901, Is ascribed by Mr. Kershaw to the operation and existence of the dam In the Qulsnel River. In British Columbia, In 1901. This dam cut off about three fourths of the spawning grounds In the Fraser River, and as the fish return to the ground where they were spawned at the end of four years. It Is his theory that that "run cannot be equal this year to the run in the lass cycle year. Fish Commissioner Kershaw declares that he was Incorrectly quoted early In the season in respect to the enforce ment of the week-end close period by Bellingham dlspp'ches. Mr. Kershaw says tthat he Is using every means at his disposal to enforce the law. but that he has only one patrol-boat and the ground cannot be aa fully covered as If he had more facilities at hand. He does not believe the large corpora tions will attempt to violate the law", and1 did not say that all trap men -would ignore the close period and pay the minimum fine if arrested. He expressed the opinion, he says, that that some of the smaller trap men might violate the law. hoping to be fined only the minimum. He will pros ecute all violations to the best of his ability, and endeavor to have the fine Imposed In case of conviction meet the extent of the violation. O. A. C. REGENTS' ELECTION Horticulturist to Be Employed, and Several Departments Enlarged. CORVALL1S. Or.. July 19. (Special.) J. K. Weatherford was re-elected president. John D. Daly secretary, and B. F. Irvine, treasurer at the annual meeting of the Board of Regents of the Oregon Agricultural College held here today. Their terms are for two years each. Miss Margaret Snell resigned as head of the department of household scl once, her resignation to take effect In July, 1906. The employment of a hor tlculturlst for the experiment station was ordered and the presidents of the college and board and Regent John O. Olwcll were authorized to make a se lection. Further development of the depart raent of mines was ordered. J500 was set aside for additional equipment and Chester Prebstcl was elected as in structor. An Increase of equipment and curriculum In the department of me chanlcal engineering was authorized and the college committee and the president of the college authorized to plan the Improvements. The purchase of six acres of land ad Joining the college grounds and known as the Foster property was authorized at a cost of $6003. President Gatch was Instructed to add to the course- In mathematics and engineering a course in road building and to employ assistance. Is necessary. The degree, of doctor of laws was conferred on Judge W. W. Cotton. Harry BearJ, of the closs of 1899, late Instructor and band leader at the Re form School, was elected an Instructor In the physical department and made director of the cadet board. The sal ary of Professor Fulton was advanced to 51400 per year, and that of Mr. Tar tar to $780. Resolutions of respect to the memory' of the late President BIoss. former bead of the Institution. Benton KUUn, a .former regent, land the late J. AL Church, who died while a member of the board, were adopted. OPTION IAW TO BE TESTED Doubt Has Been Expressed as to the Validity of Coos Election. SALEM, July IS. (Special.) A test suit will probably be brought in Coos County to determine the xalldtty of the local op tion election held In that county last November. That such a suit be brought has been recommended by Attorney Gen eral Crawford, who finds that the validity of the election Is in doubt. The county Judge of Coos County has written the Attorney-General that the notices of. the local option election were not posted 12 days, prior to election day, as required by law. The Attorney-General expresses the opinion that the law If, Mandatory upon this point ana that the failure of the Sheriff to comply with its terms will be fatal. Numerous autheritfee aire cited, sua-psrting the oelnlen. but the Attorney-General aamks that tbere & other autheritfee baling tbt the (aMttre or ngeet ef tK ShsrMC canet bate -the eect of wiatratefc1he tb wwi vcA that if it be sbowm from alt tb V- cumstauees that It was known to the people that the election would be held, the result of the vote will be sustained. Because the authorities are In conflict and the question Is In doubt. Mr. Craw ford advises that a test eye be brought and that pending a decision thereon no expense be incurred In an effort to en- fore the law. MALICE IS "N'OT PROVED. Telephone Lineman Acquitted for Trimming a Salem Shade Tree. J SALEM. Or.. July 19. SpecUL--D. Clinton, a lineman employed by the Paci fic Sate? Telephone Company, was today acquitted of the charge of wantonly and maliciously cutting limb? off a tree In front of the residence of Mrs. D. J. Fry; Judge Burnett Instructed the jury that the question whether the lineman had a right to cut the tree was not an issue in the case, for if the lineman honestly believed he had a right to cut off branches to make room for wires, then the act was not "wanton and malicious." This case has attracted wide attention; as It was expected the trial would deter mine the rights of telephone companies and owners of shade trees. Such deter mination Is evidently not possible 'in a criminal case, however, for the cutting may be done unlawfully, but not wanton ly or maliciously. Pays Fine for Assault. ASTORIA. Or Julv 29. fSn-r!l Charles Hull, the Lewis and Clark rancher, who was arrested yesterday on an information charrlnir him with assault with a dangerous weapon on Tony Anderson, was arraigned In Jus tice Goodman's Court this morning. With the' consent of the plaintiff ' the information was changed to a com plaint charging- assault. Hull pleaded gumy ana was nned zs and costs, which he paid. STUNG TB DEATH BI BEES WASHINGTON COUNTY PIONEER DROPS BEFORE HIVE. David Campbell, Considered an Ex- pert in Handling Honey-Gatherers, Cannot Be Roused. HILLSBORO. On, July 19. (Special.) David Campbell, a pioneer of 1853. was stung to death by bees last even ing while remoylng honey from a hive at the home of J. M. Grear, of this city. Deceased was expert at handling honey-bees, and was generally In de mand for these services. The bees swarmed out of the hive and attacked Campbell on the forehead, face and temples, and he must have fallen unconscious at the very first attack. Two physicians were called, but the man could not be aroused from his stupor, the poison having entered his system. Mr. Campbell was born in Illinois, August 9. 1S44, and came to Oregon In 1853. settling with his father on the Campbell homestead, sir miles south of this city. He was wedded to Agnes Fleming In 1873. Two children were bom to the union. Estella Hoover, who survives, and Perley Campbell, who perished on the lake south of town, the latter part of January. Campbell had Just received notice of the death of a sister. Mrs. Elizabeth Hunsacker. of Prlnevllle. Three broth ers survives William Campbell, Spo kane. Wash.; George Campbell. Laurel. residing on the old home: and Elder James A. Campbell, of Portland, who for several years has preached as a Christian minister. John Springer. SOUTH BEND, Wash.. July 19. John Springer, pioneer and Indian W ar vet eran. who died here last week, was burled July 16 in Vancouver Cemetery. Mr. Springer came to Oregon In 1S52 and resided In Portland several years when Portland was a small village. For years he carried the mall from Portland to Vancouver, residing In Vancouver about .14 years. Of late years he had resided at South Bend. He participated In a number of engagements during the early settlement of Oregon and Wash ington against the Indians. He was twice married. Seven daughters and a son survive him. General O. O. Ash ton. SEATTLE. July 1?. General Oliver O. Ashton.of Boston. Mass.. dropped dead In the Hotel Washington In this city about o o'clock this afternoon from a stroke of apoplexy, brought on by the heat. General Afhlon. accompanied by his wife, arrived In the city Wednesday from a trip to Alaska. They spent the last Winter at Los Angeles, Cal., and came from there to Seattle to make the North ern trip. He had Just returned from a drive and had been sitting In the lobby of the hotel for a few minutes when the seizure occurred. Mrs. Anna Dickinson. GERVA1S. Or.. July 19. (Special.) Mrs, Anna Dickinson died here yesterday after noon after an extended Illness. She was a native of Ireland. Mrs. Dickinson came to Oregon in 150 and settled In Salem. She was 66 years, old .and left five chil dren. GAMBLING CEASES IN PIERCE Sheriff Has Given Satisfaction in a Number of Towns TACOMA. Wash.. July 19. (Special.) All gambling In this county outside of the city limits Is a thing of the past. Pierce County is closed tight. For the, last few days Sheriff Denholm and his deputies have been kept busy notifying all saloon keepers In whose places of business money-paying slot machines were being operated and gambling x tables conducted inai wings nave gone too ir ana au kinds of gambling had to stop. The towns of the county which have been placed under the ban are Puralhro. Sumner, Ortlng. B adder, Wllkeson. Fair fax, South Prairie. Stellacoom. all points on the Tacoma Eastern and others.' Wllkesoa Is a mining town and has a worse reputation for gambling than any ouicr piace iu mc ctnmy ana me refor mation that has struck the town makes every day like a Saa4ay to some. Southern Pacific Improvements. OREGON CITT. .Or.. July 19. (SoecIaL) Workmen for the Southern Pacific Com pany today inaugurated the Improvements that are to be made to the company's main track ana sfdtag. together with the building of underground and overhead team or pedestrian eresatags. in return for the perpetual franchise to certain street rights that have been granted by the city. The tmoravements involve an expenditure of about $9i.o9 and may la dude the butidteg of a new doooc The Srst job tobe uaJ-ertake is tje building of the uadorgrouad toam and edesirtaa erosoter at TMrd street and tbe coms4etio of the South, Sad road to connect there wMX. -rox MJssr TAILS Mtf a wosoooa .la. batea -staas' of .-4r Jtwc ltmri mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmW mmsmmsmmsmMiUmN mPLsmmHmmsmmsmmmmmmEmW o o o o o o o o J mmssilalmms msl o o THE WORLD'S BEST PIANOS, ' PIANOLAS, PIANOLA PIANOS' ORCHESTRELLES AT Entrance 351 "Washington St., Cor. of Park (8th) St. Nearly 20,000 square feet devoted to display, of special art styles and regular catalogue styles of thirty highest-grade American piano-makers, including Chickering, Boston; Weber,. New York; Kimball, Chicago; also the Pianola, the Orchestrclle, Pipe Organs, Reed Organs for parlors, churches, etc. THE MOST VARIED AND MOST VALUABLE COLLECTION OF MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS EVER DISPLAYED UNDER ONE ROOF FREE PIANOLA AND ORCHESTRELLE RECITALS DAILY DON'T FAIL TOATTEND EILERS PIANO HOUSE Corner of Park (8th) and Washington Streets . 5IKRSHIG Aberdeen Millmen Force Oth ers to Join Their Ranks. UNION IS TO BE FORMED Most of the Laborers Now Out Arc Finns Who Po Xot Understand English language Iioggcrs Refuse Reduction. ABERDEEN, Wash July 13. (Special.) While the strike In the mills of this city extended today. It war without any serious trouble.' Tomorrow' a crisis may be reached where the police may be called upon' to interfere, although the xnlllowners, at a meeting- this afternoon, decided to close each mill wherever the strikers appeared and made threats. The striking yardmen, composed mostly of Finns, many of whom, do not under stand English, met this afternoon and organized a union. There were from -KO to 500 present, but not more than 200 signed the membership list. It was de cided to call the association the Mill workers' Union, and only the English language will be spoken, the Finns agree ing to an Interpreter of the proceed ings. It was decided also to endeavor to get al the millmen on the harbor to Join and then force tha xnlllowners to agree to a scale of wages. The xnlllowners held a meeting at about the same time, and the loggers who were asked to reduce the price of logs refused to do so. Tbe mlllowaers then decided to keep the mills closed, at which strikes- hare .been started. At those at which "strikes appear from now on the owners propose to follow suit .and. If necessary, to ciosa every ntM ob the harbor rather than meet tic demands. Tha situation then will be that tb strik ers. If successful la their unionization of . the raillwerkers, will call out .every mlllworker or the harbor, to 'gain their point, even, from mills that are paying the wage asteed for. It was declared by jieveraL mlllownera that they cannot stand the x-alse. as well .ar some . ef the newer xatlls. for tbe reason that their equipment Is not -so xftodernand requires more xsen. The ef fort to ualontee the xalHworkers was unexpected, as an attempt xsade mora than a. year ago to do thisfaUed after a trial, and in February last tse charter was returned to tbe NatIol: Tra4s As sembly. - ' The vote today was for reorganisation and revival of tbe union and to Sght the 'strike to a,flafeli. Tbe cemaittees were aselnted to watch all trains and pre vent tha bringing In of outsiders. This Isera&Hr the strikers started in a crowd of M a went t tbe Anderson Mid dletea w3il. where werk bad' bees re sumed. Tbr attesapted ts take'.out tbe mtea. bedtty?' and saaia' blows were ex changed, when tbe saltt; was shut down to vroM poesfbte bib a From tbe Anders Jk Xtdrifetoa mill tbey preens d to tbe "Western asttJ. sev eral Mocks west, aad a n ciosapMancr of tbe bm to ut w -followed by a FREE EXHIBIT Eilers Piano House vote to go Into the mill in a body and take the men out by- force and blood shed. The owners, after a parley, de cided to close the mill and this was done. Tho strikers then went to the Hart Wood mill and on being- told that tho men who were receiving 51.75 a day. had been let out and that 12 men. would be put In their places, the strikers tiegan to cheer, and then left the' mill for down town, where the meeting in the afternoon was agreed to. Later In -the afternoon a small portion of the crew of Hart-Wood mill, known as the "drop men," went out on a demand of an increase from $2 to $2.25 a day. and this gives the. strike ap pearance of an attempt to Increase prices all round. Tomorrow morning the strikers say they will proceed to the mills on the south side of the river and close them, and also to Cosmopolls, where the big plants of Gray's Harbor Commercial Company is situated. The day following" they pro pose to go to Hoquiam. illllowners say the organization of the union may result in a complete shutting down of all mills on Gray's Harbor, but that they are better prepared to stand it than the strikers. N This afternoon the Undstrom shipyard force was let out on account of a scarcity of timber used In the ships to be built there, and tonight the strikers say they will endeavor to get out the longshore men,, so that the loading of vessels can not proceed. The "West Slade mill force were paid off tonight. Oregon City Surgeons Sued. OREGON CITT. Or.. July 13. (Special.) Dr. W. E. Carll and Dr. C. A. Stuart, two prominent surgeons of this city, were today made defendants In a suit for 55000 damages brought in the State Circuit Court by J. M. Marlln, admin istrator of the estate of 3aggie Goetjen. Harlln alleges Mrs. Goetjen died July 20, 1008, from the effects of a surgical op eration performed by the defendants. They are charged with unskilled and neg ligent professional services. About & year ago a similar suit was filed by the husband of the woman, but the proceeding was dismissed on the strength of a demurrer which recited that the suit was irregularly brought. Great Heat at The Dalles. THE DALLES, Or. July 15. (Special.) Today has been the hottest day of the season the mercury registering from 97 to 1 In various parts of the city. To night Is very hot with" no breeze or prom ise of abatement Tn the heat. ABSOLUTELY We are going- to give away this 938.99 Dlie Cebtsabla Graphepbeae absolutely free ilt our Booth in tho Liberal Arte BaUdls- ea Aa leant IS, 1896. One of those prize winners, you know, at the St. Leal Fair. Call at our-Exhibit or at our-Store for any infor mation that is required and Inspect the machine. e UOOOOHOjOOOOOOZXSV HHHor .HooooHorlo'BlAy ATTEMPT TO WRECK TRAIN STEED RAIL "LAID OX NORTH ERN PACIFIC TRACK. Bent In Shape of Horseshoe by Twia. City Express Before Engine Can Be Checked. SCAFPOOSE. Or.. July 19. (Special.)-. An attempt was made last night to wreclc! the Twin City Express of the Northern! Pacific, leaving Portland at 11:45 P. JL, by placing a piece of steel rail weighing: 720 pounds across the track. The point' selected for the attempt was two mlles west of Scappoose, where the track, has; a slight down grade parallel with . the river. The engineer saw the obstruction- and slackened speed, although close upon It before It was observed. The cowcatcher of the engine picked up the rail, force of contact with which bent the steel - into a horseshoe, and the train was brought, to a stop- -after carrying It about ICO yards. Ashland Adds to Sewei System. ASHLAND, Or., July 19. (Special.) Contractors are busily engaged In building a his addition to Ashland's sewer system, which Is bain? extended through the main business section of! the city, both ways on Main street; up Hargadine. avenue, out the boulevard to Allison street, making- more than a mile of new sewer. Preparations are also being: made to begin work upon another extension of the sewer system in the Fourth-street district. Over 520,000 was spent upon thu mains last year, and the cost of tha work under way at "present amounts t: about 57000. Building for Medical Department. SALEM. Or., July 19. (Special.) Plans have been completed for the erection of a 515,000 building for the medical depart ment of Willamette University. The building will be located on the. northwest corner of the college campus and will be of brick and three stories high. Money for the construction of the building bast already been subscribed. FREE w,thAnas Columbia- Phonograph pn Ge1 LU,.Aits. Next Deer t Star Theater 565-371 7 Washington Street And all the principal cities ef tbe werl& Grrad Frtse Farfs, 1999. DVabsel Trtte St. Leai, 1994. ' ' ' "-' Ceneerts at tbe above, addrece.. (S7f Wae&iiigtea streets every Teeeeey and TlHUKier,. at 4 r. jfc ,