ALL KINDS OF GRAFT Justice Brewer Denounces It in All Forms. TALKS. TO INSURANCE MEN Believes Equitable Exposure, "Will Benefit Insurance Business. Insidious Ways in Which Public Officials Graft. MILWAUKEE. July IS. Justice Daid Brewer, of the United States Supreme Court, delivered a short address before a. large assemblage of life insurance agents in the Masonic building- In this city" tonight- He devoted most of his talk to modern graft, and praised President Roosevelt for his efforts to make public affairs pure and honest. "This has been a year which may be characterized as one of great insurance upheaval." he said. "The Tesult has been prejudicial to the Interests of a cer talncompany, and also to the Interests and business of others. I believe this will result In great benefit to insurance throughout the world. "The moment private pecuniary gain is sought through the advantage of a trust, some one is guilty of grafting. There was never a truer saying than that by G rover CrcrJand that a public office is a public trust. Ttrere is today so much grafting going on among public officials as to startle us. I am not speaking now about the coarser kind of grafting, such as buying votes, paying money, etc, which we all condemn. I have reference to the more Insidious ways in which the one holding public office is not carrying on the .duties of that office "with an eye single to his trust, in prostituting in one way or another that office for his own gain or the gain of his ends. "Take the President of the United States. Along In the Winter Santo Do mingo put Itself on a sound financial foot ing. Suppose the President had acted se cretly and advised his friends to buy up Santo Domingo bonds. Wouldn't that shpek the people of the country? Yet the Government would lose nothing and some would bo private gainers. Suppose the United States Supreme Court Justices would give out Information In advance of certain decisions. Would not you revolt at such a transaction? It would be un worthy this would be grafting. "It requires not merely action of of ficials of the Gox'ernment. but action of every one that the administration of pub lic affairs be kept pure and honest." HOOKER'S FATE IX BAIAXCE legislature Will Vote on Question ot Corruption Today. ALBANY. X. Y... July 19. The fate of Warren B. Hooker, of Fredonla, so far as concerns his position as Justice of the Supreme Court In the Eighth Judicial District, and incidentally his place upon the bench of the Appellate Division In the Second Department, lies now with the members of the two House? of the Stato Legislature and almost certainly will be decided tomorrow. The formal charge upon which Justice Hooker's removal -Is asked alleges that he has been "willfully guilty of corrupt, unlawful and Immoral acts." calculated to bring the office of Justice of the Supreme. Court Into contempt and showing "personal unfitness for that exalted of fice." Final action will be taken on a concurrent , resolution providing for his removal from office. VOTERS IE OPINIONS COMMOX PEOPLE NOT IX NEED OF ASSISTAXCE. Lay Member of Republican Party Protests Against Adoption of Senator Fulton's Idea. SALEM. July IS. CTo the Editor.) Cer tain esteemed Republican brethren, news papers and otherwise, are much perturbI at the prospect of the probable unsatisfac tory working of the direct primary law and are quite busy in maklnc suggestions as to its alleged faults and the way to avoid them. Senator Fulton Is not pleasd at the nom inating horoscope and boldly proposes a remedy, the most amusing feature of which Is his suggestion to absolutely Ignore th law as far as it can be successfully done, by holding a convention of "influential members of the party from all parts of the state and to determine the strongest candi dates whom the party could nominate at tho primaries." Holy smoke! Then the people have no means of knowing who the rtrongest can didates may "be unless said candidates are pointed out to them by a convention of prominent and Influential men" who will volunteer to chaperone the said benighted people through the dangerous mazes and mysteries of a political campaign! But who are the "prominent and Influen tial members" of the party throughout the state who would be entitled to assemble and kindly Indicate to the people Just what they should do at a "direct primary?" It is presumed that under this benign system of selection by tbc annolnted few ror th benighted many, the primaries are to be known as "direct." for the reason that they are to be directed by an Inspired few whose superior knowledce comes fresh from the skillful political bst. Senator Fulton says the state convention which he propose should consist of dele gates chosen by county conventions whose membership should be selected by primaries "their selection should be taken back as nearly as possible to the people." But if the people are not capable of tak ing charge of the matter in the first place. If only those who are Influential- are en titled to express a first opinion as tc the "strongest candidates whom the partv could nominate at the primaries." why ven ture the mistake of "getting back as nearli as possible" to these same untrustworthy hayseeds who are likely to disrupt '"party.'" government and all unless tl)e safe way U pointed out to them by an asemblage of men of "influence"'? The Senator kindly adds that If any man who Is an aspirant should be so unfortu nate as to not be acceptable -to these men of Influence, he could "go before the partj In the primaries and appeal trt the people." But suppose he should, and should sue ceed as against the selection of th influ ential men. would that not Indicate that tb people were wrong, since the object of the antedating kindergarten wa to "determine the strongest candidates whom the partr could nominate at th primaries-? And if an appeal to the people Is to he had to de termine whether the men of Influence, should be heeded, thus admitting that the people know .best, why notTeave It to them in U first place? In other words, why not In a manly way abandon the Idea that the people are need ful only to ratify the findings of a few men .who imagine they are "influential" that th common peopli of this countrr are canable of selecting a set of delegates tft eelect candidates for thirasOves. but are not to be trusted to select the candidates! This lofty but strained conception impll that the average man the man who Is without influence knows a gnnd delegate w-hea he see one and can safely he trust! to eelect him. but that at that potet his perceptive foultIs fall helpleeslr sown with a Mcks!ag thud and he Ja Jo tre lie m to what is repaired to ike reed rufcftje fee than If he .were a Bht- B&zouk running at Urge oa the plaits sf Turkey. 1 il J, time -for us ail 'to cheerfully accept the fact that Lincoln's Idea a vovernm&t of the people, ty the people and for tn Ieoj!e u not to be essentially tSreaded. etca ' though it mtgnt curtail tbe cherUhed priv ilege of some men of "influence." it is not difficult to recall instances la both! state and county conventions where, after J erai ballots without result, a pauie was called long enough for one or to men to marsnal tnclr xorues, Mimeiiaei in one cor ner of the hall, ana. tr&ngely enough, the next ballot decided the matter for all line. Circumstances frequently arise in conven tions where one or two influential member shine with a distinguished brilliancy whose dazzling effects are far-reaching, indeed. An amusing feature of tb- Senator's prop osition. In tact, the amusing feature. Is the suggestion that It Is for the purpose of pointing cut jo the people, whom they can afford to nominate, the Inference being, ot course, that they do not themselves kuow, that they are either really or constructively from Missouri! "We are a government of the people, by tbe people and for the people provided our -Xluentiar men are given the first inning, thus giving us government by suggestion. And the -tjsJeirf" Statesman Is also anxious to emasculate the direct primary law, as serting that "It Would have been wiser If It bad provided for a ctate convention, dele gates to which could have been selected at th6 direct primary In each county and the state convention to have selected the state candidates,' and in the placid contempla tion of such a "direct primary law we caa all the more deeply admire and appreciate the play ot "Hamlet" with Hamlet omitted from it and Shakespeare yet unborn. The Statesman calls for "a conference ot Republican leaders," and says, "let tbe ob ject of this conference be the adoption of a. platform, and If not tbe recommendation of candidates, at least the elimination ot a lot of them from the field!" TCow tbe beauty of this proposition is in the simple frankness of It. Passing by the probable difficulty of determining wlm ar "Republican leaders." how many of then would be eligible to thus chaperone the mis guided people. Just where to draw the line and who would be entitled to draw It, it is Interesting .to know that this '"conference would have the right to "eliminate" such aspirants as failed to appeal favorably to the influential elect In conference assembled! Of course, those curious "enough to delve beneath the surface of this unique scheme to simplify matters, will find It difficult to sup press the conjecture as to what will become of the eliminated unfortunates. Senator Fulton says they might "appeal to tbe peo ple in the primaries." but after one has been subjected to the awful process of "elimination." the right of appeal docs not usually apply. This process of "elimination" has been the corner stone and the key of the professional boss; in fact, "conferences ot leaders have been exploiting the right of "elimination" in Russia for centuries, but Its bold applica tion In this country has been the means of arousing that public sentiment which finally has resulted In a direct primary law In Ore gon and its central feature is being enacted In most of the states of the Union. . Of course, it would be well to have a platform and yet. when we recall that tor several 'campaigns the Republican platform called loudly for the enactment of a flat salary law, for Instance, and that It was successively and successfully Ignored during without annoying difficulty be imagined that J the wheels of government would continue to run and th earth to revolve on its axis, even If neither party should next year be privileged to "point with pride" or 'View with alarm." To be sure. It Is gratifying to a political party to be able to declare platforms, even though, as has been often said. that, like those ot railway coaches, they are mtde to get In on and nut to stand on; but since the failure to observe them has not proved fatal, no special dread need be feared from Just a single failure to construct one. Let us all abandon the struggling effort to render the direct primary law nugatory by the suggestion to "eliminate a lot ot can didates" by the arbitrary exercise of as sumed power or by any other means that Implies a lack of confidence in those who are commonly termed the salt of the earth, and who are accustomed to being impres sively assured that they are the bone and sinew of the land "the most Intelligent and patriotic people on the face of this mun dane sphere." from the day the ticket has been "fixed" until the day of election. In the meantime, however. It Is well to continue in the admiration of the new the ory that a "direct primary" Is one where the primary Is to be directed by a few prominent and influential members of the Varty In whom the right of "elimination" Ic irrevocably Invested. A IAT MEMBEJl. CAPE TO CAIRO RAILROADS! Great Engineering Feat In Land of the Pliaraohs. In continuation of United States Consul Rayndal'8 reports on the Cape to Cairo Railway. United States Vice-Consult Wil liam C Magelssen, Blerut, Syria, trans mits the following article from a recent issue of the Gazette, published at Alex andria, Egypt: A most important link In the line from the Cape to Cairo was formed on Sat urday week when the great bridge the highest in the world-over the forge at the Victoria Falls, on the Zambesi River, was connected. This cantilexer bridge, which thus forms another link in the Capo to Cairo Railway, initiated by the late Cecil Rhodes, crosses the Zambesi for a distance of 650 feet at a height from, low water level to the rails of 430 feet, or about 350 feet from high water. The sec ond highest bridge In the world Is the Viaduct du Vlaur, In France. 375 feet. The bridge was built by an English company on the girder pattern. It Is con structed in three spans and has a "width of 30 feet. The work was commenced simultaneously from both banks of the river, an electric motor cable with a span of S00 feet, the largest thing of lis kind yet attempted, carrying the mate rial from one side to the other. The bridge has ten bays In all, and the rate of construction was estimated at about two. bays a month. The delicacy of the operation may be Judged from the fact that the slightest deviation from a level would have been productive of consider able difficulties. As it is the bottom booms have been bolted up. The Cape to Cairo Railway is an en deavor to connect Egypt with South Af rica by a line 5700" miles long. From the north the railway -has reached Khar toum, a distance 'allowing for the river gap between Assuan and Wady Haifa) of 1400 miles. Jn the south ood progress has been made north of the Zambesi, on the section known as the northern ex tension, from the Victoria Falls to Kalfe mo. the administrative center of Barotse land. a distance of 103 miles. From Kalo mo the line is to be continued for an other 250 miles In a .northeasterly direc tion. It is probable that from Tanganyi ka there will be two lines, one through the Congo and another through German territory. Campnicetlng a Week Longer. OREGON CITY. Or July 13. Special.) The campmcctlng at New Era held by the Spiritualists of Oregon has proven so much of a success in point of inter est and attendance it has been decided to continue the. session until August 6. one week longer than advertised. There are in attendance a number of good speakers anJ mediums. Harrison D. Bar rett, president-of the National Spiritual ist Association, and Harry -J. Moore are among the interesting lecturers. Tallmadgc Perjury Case Dropped. PORTAL.ES. 2C. M-. July IS. The case against Benjamin H. Tallmadge., In which he was charged with subornation .of per jury in connection with alleged fraslulent land entries in New. Mexico, was dis missed today at tho request of AsslHant United States Attorney., S. Medler. Three of the charges against Tallmadge have been withdrawn and he is now be ing tried on a fourth charge,' Preparing. Exchange. First life Insurance director Ttn. go ing to take out an accMent poHcy. Secoast life .insurance director go as I. There's a board meetlx teor-row. NO BELIEF IN SIGHT Additional Steamer Cannot Be Obtained. SCHWERIN IN THE CITY Man a per of Harriman. Steamship Line Says Columbia and St. Paal Muse Try to Handle Heavy Traffic Alone. With first-class passengers going in tbe steerage, a long waiting list for every berth, and both steamers going south crowded to the utmost limit of safety, the Harriman offices in the East continue to sell tickets for the trip from Portland to San Francisco, and R. P. Schwerln, general manager of the San Francisco .& Portland Steamship Company, says the Columbia and St. Paul "will continue to be the only steamers on the run. Having, bought their tickets for tbe voyage several weeks ago, would-be passengers naturally expect a chance to go to California without much delay. The Independent boats are finding plenty of passengers, but the 'majority of those who present themselves at the Harriman office to arrange for berths have already paid their money. Slipping quietly Into the city. Man ager Schwerln yesterday stated posi tively that no more steamers would be put on the San Francisco-Portland run. despite the tremendous tourist traffic which has been expected for months. He denies ' the report from Seattle that the steamer Valencia, of the Pacific Coast Company, will come here temporarily. Mr. Schwerln says that every steamer on the Pacific Coast is busily making money elsewhere now. The tourists who come through Port land must wait their turn, therefore. Tonight the steamer St, Pau will sail for San Francisco, loaded as usual. 3IcCuIloch's Departure Regretted. After a stay of two months In Portland harbor, tae revenue cutter Hugh McCul loch star:ed for Sun Francisco for orders yesterday morning. During the time she has been here the officers have made many friends. The sailors deeply regret that their famous five-oared boat could not be entered against any other crew while here. None of the cruisers which visited here had suitable boats for racing, and the McCulloch's men crossed their bows with raised oars several times, all in vain. Fourth Infantry on Sherman. SAN FRANCISCO. July 19. The United States Army transport Sherman arrived today from Manila, via Hono lulu, bringing the entire Fourth Infan try, one squadron of the Twelfth Cav alry and Companies "2S and 92 of the Coast Artillery. The Ninety-second Company. Coast Artillery, will go to Fort Flagler. Washington, and the Twenty-eighth Company toFort Rose crans. One battalion of the Fourth Infantry will go to Fort Thomas, while the remainder will be at the Presidio until further orders. Bring Japanese to Coast, HONOLULU. July 19. Stanley Dol lar, gf the Dollar Steamship Company, sailed today for San Francisco. Before his departure, he said that he would send some steamer here again to visit all the Islands and gather Japanese passengers for the Pacific Coast, It is expected that the delays caused by liti gation made his experiment with the Stanley Dollar a heavy loss. Weeds of Four 1 ear's Growth. SEATTLE. Wash.. July 19. In tow of a tug. Government Lightship 67 ar rived in port this rooming from Cape Flatten- The vessel has been an chored off Umatilla Reef since 1901. She was recently relieved by Lightship 76. a new vessel from the Eastern Coast, The vessel was so foul that she could not proceed under her own steam, and was drifting when picked up by the tug. Reduce Time From New York. Information was received here yester day that the American-Hawaiian Steam ship Company has made a contract with the Tehauntepec Railway, of Mexico, for the handling of freight across the Isthmus of Tehauntepec The time between New Tork and San Francisco will be reduced from 60 days to 25 days In consequence. There will be weekly sailings from New York for the Coast. Marine Xotcs. The steamer Alliance left down last night with a full list of passengers. 125 tons of freight for Coos Bay and 175 tons for Eureka. In a short time the little steamer Toledo will be taken to Rogue River, as rhe has been leased for work In Hume's salmon fishery. She has been Idle since removed from the Gray's Harbor run. Havingdlscharged 10,000 barrels of crude oil at Portsmouth, the tank steamer Whlttler left down yesterday, having In tow the barge Santa Paula, which brought 7500 "barrels from Port Harford, CaL Yesterday the steamer Redondo. at the Flanders dock, was unloading 117 pack ages of pig Iron. 42S bundles of Jute bags. 150) barrels of cement and 60 tons of structural Iron, shipped from San Fran cisco. Domestic and Foreign Ports. ASTORIA. July 19. Condition of the bar at 2 V, smooth; wind northwest, weather cloudy. Arrired down at 4 and sailed at 11 A. M. Steamer Despatch, for San Francisco. Eureka. Cat, July l!.-Alied teamer Francis 1 1. Leggett, for Portland. San Francisco. Jnly IP. Sailed at 4 P. M. Schooner Halcyon, for Portland. 'Sailed Schooner North Bend, for Coos Bay; schoon er C. A. Thayer, for Grays Harbor: schoon er Ivy. for Coos Bay, Arrived Transport Sherman, from Manila. Tokohama, July IS. Arrived previously St. Helena, from Tacoma and Seattle: Ath enian, from Vancouveti for HongkonxT Tokohama. July 19. ArrtTed previously Queen Alexandra, from San FraaeUec. -to Hlogo Plea for the Cross-Saddle. Outing. The various arguments against the adoption of this cross-seat include: That it Is against the laws of hygiene, that it creates comment, and that the costume necessary to enable a woman toride astride Is not in accordance with "society's ideas of propriety In drtss, So far aa the question of health Isl concerned, there are more professional medical opinions registered against riding in the side-saddle than against the other way of riding, and by Just a good authorities, with better argu ments against It. -Some physicians in sist Chat -no woman ought ever te ride, skate, bicycle, or take any viol eat ex ercise. This rs ridiculous, although soe wokii have, ae doue-t, injured tfaeesselve by riding or taking visleat exercise inadvseedry or InmoAec-ateir. la Its f&vor. It stay be claim for the croee-seat that the position Is a more comfortable one for both horse and rider; the dress is also more com fortable and safer and may be arrang ed to appear the same, and that the saddle Is infinitely safer for a woman to ride on. The position permits a woman to ride further with leas fatigue than she couIdon the side-saddle, to control and cling to her horse better, to get away from tbe animal more easily In case of a fall, and to do many things, such as to shoot from the saddle, play polo, etc much better by reason of her position In the saddle. The danger of the skirt catching on the pommel, the necessity of sitting always too far back on a horse, the unavoidable extra, pressure on the left side of the animal, the certainty of the saddle turning If the girths become slack, and the probable Injury which the high pommel, or horn, would cause to the rider should she be rolled on. are all avoided by relinquishing tbe side-saddle for the man's. HE WAS A MASTER OF MEN Judge Flam Recalls Strong Charac ter of Benjamin Harrison. Judge John D. Elatn, of Indianapolis, member of the law firm of Miller. El am. Fessler & Miller, one of tbe most Important In the Middle West, Is at the Portland, accompanied by his wife. Judge Elam Is an interesting man in very many respects, but the fact tnat he was for a number of years law partner of the late PresiJent Benjamin Harrison, Is perhaps most important. General Harrison, Judge Elam and W. H. H. Miller, afterward Attorney General In Harrison Cabinet, formed a partnership In 1SS3. which continued until 18S9. when Harrison was inau gurated President. The friendship thus formed con tinued until President Harrison's death. In 1901 and few men In the country arc In a position to speak with such au thority of the personality of the dis tinguished Indlanlan as Is Judge Elam. "General Harrison was a man capa ble of the most Intense absorption." said tbe Judge yesterday. "At times he would become so engrossed In a sub ject that he literally forgot his sur roundings and became perfectly ob livious to everything except the mat ter in hand. During such times he Ignored those about blm and frequent ly became almost discourteous to those who came In contact with him. Because of this he acquired the reputation of being cold and unlovable. "There was another side to .him. however, and on occasions he was a moat companionable man. He knew none of the tricks or artifices of the politician, and was never a 'mixer. He never pretended to remember people, when in fact he did not, and was not a great success at shaking hands. His great Influence In Indiana politics wns gained through his recognized ability as a thinker and lawyer of great force and because everybody had an "abid ing faith In his integrity and devotion to duty. He was never a schemer or an organizer in the sense that most po litical leaders are. but the people of Indiana always knew that they could trust him. He was a fighting lawyer who spent much of his time In court and was un usually successful In the prosecution of cases. He was not a promoter nor a business adviser as are so many of our famous" lawyers who seldom see the Inside of a courtroom. He was a great reader and a scholar. He was not fond of dis play and had little personal vanity. As everyone knows he had a brilliant war record but he seldom spoke of It and de tested parading In military uniform. Wtn he retired from the Presidency he was worth probably 375,(00. possibly 00.000 but In the few years that elapsed stween that time and his death he made probably $59X000 more out of his practice, for he received many very large fees. He did not re-enter our firm or any other. In fact he did not open an office but he ud our library and frequently did work In our office. His widow still lives In Indianapolis, although she Is away from home a great deal, at present being in Europe with the daughter, a frail little thing five or six years old. His son Rus sell also lives In Indianapolis where he practices law. but has- few of the qual ities which made his father a leader ot men." Judge Elam has been an Important fac tor In Indiana politics for many years, although he has never been an office holder. He was one of General Harrison's principal managers in the conventions of 1SSS and 92 and was offered an important post under the Administration but pref erred to devote himself to his profession. Although comparatively a young man, he rved twd years In the Army of the Potomac during the Civil War and bears the scars bf battle. Mrs. Elam Is a member of the board of managers of two of the principal state charitable Institutions of Indiana, and Is attending the sessions of the National Conference of Charities and Correction, Judge and Mrs. Elam will leave on Friday to make the Alaskan trip. Both speak In high terms of Portland and the Fair. OLD INDIAN PIPES. Some Meant Platonic Love Between 3Ian and Woman. Exchange. It needs scarcely be told that In the pipes of long ago each feather appended to the stem represented an enemy slain. If one doubted the record of the war eagle feathers, the warrior then showed the scalps of the enemy, which were kept as a sort of a sacred proof of his word. Such pipes were used only on occasions of peace and war. Speaking roughly, the best pipes of the Easteri tribes were In moulded clay, the beat of tfe Western tribes In slate pipe stone taken from the famous quarry west of the. Mississippi. Before the great buffalo and antelope .hunts, when herds of game were driven into a pound, or an enclosed area of snares, it was customary for the Indians to whiff the Incense of propltltlon to the spirits of tbe animals about to be slain, explaining that only the desire for food compelled tbe Indiana to kill, and that the hunt wa the will of the Master of life or "Master of the Roaring Winds." who would compensate the animals In the next world. Tne pipes used for this cere mony usually show the figure of a man In conference with the figure of an ani mal. Others show the figures of In dians with locked bands. This typifies a vow of friendship to be terminated only by death. It -was usually between men; but sometimes be twee a a man and a womaa. In which case the Platonic bond not only precluded but forbade the very possibility of marriage. After that who shall say that (he stolid Indian has no vein of sentiment in his nature? One of the most curious pipes I have seen I bought from a Cree oa a reserva tion east of the refugee Stoux. It is in the shape of a war hatchet, of a metal which I do not know, though I suspect It is galena mixed with clay, the edge belac slurp enough, but the back of the axe being' a bawl and the handle a pipe stem. The edd Haes m Indian carvings and woven work are not "without saean leg. Fighting MlstaX . could read a le ged where we saw notMag but bizarre aarkiags. There were the circular llaes, botlew down, meaning xkHd; tbe crbes. seaalag the cewlng'of the priest; tbe tree, a type tt peace with Hb braAcfces overabseewisHT the a natloe: the 'wavy Mae, 8gnlfyig water; tbe arrowX war. Tbe ordinary Ia4faa ran read a tribal' aooc r chronicle ,f rom obscure drawings en the face ot a rock. "r erasy-coUnd work oa a scriped buffalo sUa. BULLETS FINISH HIM Negro Brute Shot Dead in Texas Jail by Mob. HAD ASSAULTED A CHILD German Colony Which President Praised as - Law-Abiding Be comes Scene or Lynching. Xegro Had Confessed. XEW BRAUJfFELS. Tex.. July 20. (1 A. M.) A mob tonight battered down the doors of the County Jail and lynched Sam Green, a 18-year-old ne gro boy. who attempted a criminal as sault at this place Tuesday night on the 4-year-o!d daughter of William Karbach. a German farmer, who lives near here. The mob could not break Into the cell where the prisoner was kept, so the leaders thrust their guns through the opening of the steel walls and fired three shots. The negro sank to the floor dead, and the mob quietly disap peared. The negro protested his Innocence, but during the day had confessed his guilt to the Sheriff. He had been em ployed by Karbach to work on the farm, and went out to drive home some cattle, the little child following. It was while on this errand that the ne" gro attempted the crime. New Braunfeh Is a little German town 30 miles from San Antonio, in which the negroes even speak German, and which has a state reputation as a law-abiding community. It is also noted for the fact that during his trip through Texas, President Roosevelt made a brief speech In German to the inhabitants, commending them on their reputation as law-abiding citizens. TYPES OF BATTLESHIPS Xevr Models Will Shine In Speed and Heavy Gunfire. Minneapolis Tribune. The Scientific American contains in formation we have not seen elsewhere In relation to the latest battleship designs made by the English Admiralty. These designs have been made In the light of all the experience gained by the Japanese In their war with Russia. It is probable that British naval officers have had larger access to the results of that ex perience than those of any other nation. These new designs must be taken, there fore, as the very newest thing in naval construction. If .the information ot the Scientific American Is correct England and Japan hereafter will sacrifice everything to speed and heavy gunfire. All guns but the very heaviest will be abandoned, ex cept for a perfect swarm of rapid-fire guns to repel torpedo-boats. It la said that the new ships will have 13,000 ton nage and 21 knots speed and will carry each ten 12-lnch guns mounted in five turrets on the main deck. With these the admiralty Is planning huge. armored cruisers of "5 knots tspeed. carrying the same equipment of 9.2-Inch guns. The British are planning no ships smaller than these, except huge torpedo boat destroyers, ranging up to 36 knots speed with turbine engines, and 1000 ton nage. These, it is thought, will take the place of all cruisers and scouts in the future. This Is the natural result of the dem onstration in the Japan and Yellow Seas that faster battleships with heavier guns can keep out of barm's way whtle sink ing a slower enemy with Inferior Runs pat long range. It Is probable that the ex ample of Great Britain will be followed by all nations that desire to maintain serious pretensions to sea. power. The American Bureau of Naval Con struction has been feeling its way for two or three years towards the design of battleships armed only with 12-Inch guns, though It has not ventured to ask for 21 knots speed. It Is supposed" that the dejay In designing the two battleships authorized by the last session of Con gress will result In adoption of this very powerful type. Five American youths in the University of California flunked an examination, but the Japanese, who waited on their table passed the course with high honors. The Japs mnt co. " Please Smile AND Look Pleasant' When a woman savs "I am racked with pain," the word "racked" recalls the days wkeo they stretched tbe tender bodies ot w 05 en on the rack with, rows and pulley until the very Joint cracked. Fancy an attendant sayirur to the tor tured woman, "Please smite and look pleasant." A rA vrl t.Viw wnnun "r-Vet Tar''Vi n?n Is expected to gcalle through her agony and to make home happy. She can't do Ik It is against Kawre. Generally speaking, the racking palos of ill-health ruck as headache, backache and "bear-lag-down palas"are related to derange ments or disorders of the organs dis tinctly (femlaloe. When this conditloa Is restored the general health i restored, and with, health comes beck the smile of happiness. Anr wocaan xo&t retrainher health at home without offensive questionings or examlaaUoas by the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. SMc wonen may consult Dr. Pierce, by Jetter, freo of. I charge. 5uea letters are treated as sacredly confidential. "It affords se pieaaare to relate tbe won derful merits of yoar great medicine, espe cially roar Favorite Prescript toe.' " writes Mr. J. Tfeejr Shine, of Woodbury. K. Jersey. L. Box SSL Xywlte has beea uata it for soaje Hem put. Bariac MCered severely with betra-aowapJas. aching la back, sad iay otber coesplaiBU peculiar t woBec abe was very weak, could not do aay heavy work or wsasuag bat can do all klads of work now. She is scoa to becoeae a Bother bat we do sot fear tbe result (as VeretofereL all dae to your wonder-worker. Favorite PresortpUon." "Tear 'Flesaaat VtlleU' are aha wortk stay Uases taetr price. I hare ueeel feea forbOIoeeM aad stomick trouble, and have foaad tbesa to be all that you dales. They are aar constant coesnaloas eace used, always kept," Glrea away. Tbe People's C9BMR Sense Medical Ad viser Is seat' free oa receipt of steasps to par expesse of mtamt erwv. xae ooox s asses, over im tratsaae sad several colored plates. SesteVn oae-ceat ctassps for tbe psper-baaad. feoefc. or X at i asp i far tbe , Asanas in. T. PVarea, BaCale. . T. Schilling's Best, so far as it goes, means comfort and ease and' economy. Mceybek; at j&x grocer's! HEALTH BRINGS BEAUTY- ills joists; Thousands of women suffer from catarrhal nervousness and exhaustion during the summer months. If you fee! fagged out, begin at once taking Peruna. - It will relieve yoar catarrhal con dition and restore you to health.- If you desire special advice, write to Dr. S. Hart man, President ofThe Hartm&n Sani tarium, Columbus, Ohio. (sss The Kind Yon Hare Always in use for over SO years, and y1- sonal All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" are bufr Experiments that trifle with, and endanger tbe Jiealtb. ot Infants and Cliildr en Experience against Experiment What is CASTORIA Castoria is s, harmless substitute for Castor OA, Fare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. Ife contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The KM You Haye Always BougM In Use For Over 30 Years. , TMC CENTAUR COMPANY, TT MURRAY STSIXCT. NtVYOM CITY. The Best Hot Weather Medicine Y B SALE 7KN M"LHK BOXES A YEAS H PS EVENT ALL SUMMER BOWEL TRMJM.EX Mtanri. r7I?.K7li"-.i i st-.rrd. No failure. YOCAG 3uk troubled with night rmnfcha. averaion to society, wbkh utprive jbu 01 ysnr. mssuutis. u.-isicixas . HIDDLB-AGKD XKJi, vso frKi excesses and strains have lost their aCOTMP FOWXR. BLOOD XXO SKTS DISKASKS, Sypfeilk. Gonorrhoea, painful. Mss4r 'w4cmv. GHeat Stricture. Enlarged Prostate. 'Sexual Debility, Varicocele. Hysroe!, JCW Bey and Liver Troubles cured without MEKCURV 8K OTHBK FeiX DTGS. Catarrh and rheumatism CtTRBD. ; , JDr.. "Walker's method are regular1 and sctentine. ' He uses no p4tt ne trams or ready-made" presarmtioDS, but cures he dfsoass by thorough- asedleal trettateat. HI Xew Pasaphlet on Private .Disease sent fre to' all ssea "who. de scribe their trouble. FATJCWrTS cttr at hosso Tessas, reasonable.- Alt letter .jMrwrJ in. plain enveiooe.' Consultation tree sjd,sc redly confidentiair Call DI& WAITER, 18? First-Street, Confer Yi A Popular Youngs Society Woman Tells How She Regained Her Health. 1117 Woodland Avs ) Kansas Citt, Mo. PerunaDrugMfjr. Co., Columbus, Ohio. GEJTTLBSCKjr': "Pcruna has done me suck a world of good in giving me new health and strennth. tKnt I want to tell you of its value tome. IwasrundotcnancLhad lost my appetite during the warm days of last summer, 1 became thint weak and ner vous, and needed a stimulat ing tonk. I took other med icine, which did not seem to help me, but Peruna built -up mysyslem, infused nevo life, gave renewed energy and re stored me-to perfect health. 1 took only six bottles, and shall never be without it." Ada Baker. Member Hillside Athletic Club.) The symptoms of summer ca tarrh vary in different cases, but the most common ones are lassi tude, played-out, tired-out. run down, used-up feelings, com bined with a more or less heavy, srupia, listless, mental condi tion. Peruna meets all these condl- tionsat thl3 season of the year. BongM, and'wliich has beat, has borne tbe signature of has been made tin tier bis p2 supervision since its infancy Signature of Twenty Years of Success In the treatment ot chronic diseases, ssch as, liver, kidney and stomach disorders, constipation, diarrsosa. dropsical swellings. Brigbt's disease, etc M - Kidney and Urinary Complaints, painful, difficult, too frequent,, aallky- r bioodjr urine, unnatural discharges speedily csrsd. Diseases of-the Rectum , Such as piles, fistula, fls3ure, ulceration, bucom sasl' J bloody discharges, cured without the knife, pais. ,or confinement. . Diseases of .Men "jf BlooVl soisos. srleet. stricture, unnatural losses. im-r-S Cure sruaranteed. : ' emissions, dreams. exhaustlag'draiivVssfc- M Portland, Or i