THE MORNING. OBEGOXIAK, THURSDAY," JULY 20, 1905. MORTON APPLIES AK Cuts Off Head of Jordan, the Equitable Controller. HE REFUSED INFORMATION VestInghoiise Proposes Plan by "Which Policy-Holders Would Own All Stock and Rule the Company. NEW YORK, July 2?. Chairman Paul Morton, of the 'Equitable Life Assurance Society, today summarily removed as comptroller T. D. Jordan and appointed in his stead William A. Day. Assistant Attorney-General of the United States. Mr. M,orton save out a statement in which he said: "The reason for Mr. Jordan's removal was his refusal to furnish me informa tion regarding important transactions of the society which I am investigating." DAY TAKES CHARGE AT OXCE Has Taken Active. Part in Proceed ings Against Trusts. WASHINGTON. July 19. William A. Day, the assistant to the Attorney General, who was today appointed controller of the Equitable X.lfe Assur ance Society, probably will enter upon nls new .duties at once, although his resignation, when accepted by the President, may not take effect until September 1. Attorney-General Moody consented to immediate withdrawal, although -he was -anxious that Mr. Day remain in the' Department of Justice until Mr. Moody's -retirement from the Cabinet. Mr. Day was formerly a special at torney for the Interstate Commerce Commission, was frequently consulted by Attorney-General Knox during the Government proceedings against the Northern Securities Company, and eince nls appointment in the Department of Justice has been 'closely identified with the litigation of the Federal Govern ment against the railroads and against the Western beef-packing interests. INVESTIGATE LARGE DO AX. Morton's Men Seek Information "Which Jordan Refused. NEW YORK. July 19. A. C. Judson. assistant "bank cram'lnerr acting under orders of P. D. JCiJburn. superintendent of the State Banking Department, to day appeared In tne offices of the Mer cantile Trust Company, In the Equit able building; and bean an examina tion of the loans carried on the books of that Institution. He will continue his researches tomorrow. Investigation Intd a mysterious loan of $685..00O to t-hc Equitable Society, carried on the books of the Trust Com pany in the names of James W. Alex ander and T. D. Jordan, trustees, it .is said, is being conducted by the Insur ance as well as the banking depart ment. Mr. Morton, it was stated to night In well-Informed, circles, re oucsted Information from Mr. Jordan regarding this loan, which was re fused. Mr. Jordan declined tonight to discuss bis dismissal. LET THE PEOPLE CONTROL Westlnghouse Proposes Plan to Ma tualize Equitable Life. NEW YORK, July 19. Expressing the belief that the present trustee ar rangement for control of the Equitablf Life Assurance Society may only tem porarily satisfy either policyholders or the public, and that -a real solution of the society differences has not been reached, George , Westlnghouse has suggested a nexv plan for stock con trol of the society, by 5000 policyhold ers. The Westlnghouse plan is out lined in a letter to Paul D. Cravath. an attorney of this city. The letter was made public today. The proposition outlined is that all shareholders be invited to place their shares with those of Mr. Ryan in the hands of the trustees, with power to vote for an amendment to the society's charter providing that the stock shall consist of 5000 shares of $20 each, In stead of 1000 shares of 5100 each; that no person uxeept a policyholder shall be a director; that only one share shall be held by any single person, who must be a policyholder; that at each annual election seven policyholders who have not previously served shall be chosen, and that trustees be directed and em powered to offer for sale at $1000 a share the 5000 shares contemplated by the amended charter to the 5000 larg est policyholders, and in the event of any such offer not being accepted, then to continue to offer said shares to the next largest policyholders until the whole 5000 shares shall have been dis posed of. Depew Is Hurrying Home. NEW YORK. July 19. Senator Chauutey M. Depew has returned from Aix les Bains. says-a Herald dispatch from Paris, and will sail for New York Saturday. When asked a few days aso whether he would Veturn to America in view of the Equitable Society mat ters, the Senator declared that he would not break up his vacation. DEATHS BY HEAT INCREASE (Continued From First Pace) tem was found to' be out of order today and it was necessary to resort to the use of tons of ce. in which the bodies were packed, and 50 bodies were hurried to the potter's field. Storms Throughout State. Throughout New York State severe thunderstorms with rain and high winds served to moderate the heat. In Albany a terrific storm in the afternoou caused a fall In temperature from 92 to 70 within five minutes. There were no prostrations. One man was killed and two Injured in this city by the collapse of a roof at the Burden Iron Works during the storm. Six deaths due to beat and 30 prostra tions were reported In Connecticut. In Boston one death was reported, due to the heat. While thousands of persons left their hmcs in the city, going to the public parks, seeking relief from last night's in tense heat, by far the greatest crowds gathered on the sands of the seashore at Coney Island. Trains .arrived there even after midnight, and were crowded, and it is estimated that an army of Q.d men, women and children, the latter being in the majority, made beds ia the -sand. A north wset Vee s4ew ever the sands. bringing -much comfort to the people. A large f orce of "extra policemen was kept on duty and guarded the sleepers from harm. Animal deaths la great numbers were Tepofted 'today. Cats, especially, have suffered .from the -heat. 200 having -been collected today. . STORM COOLS OFF ALBANY Cripples Electric Plant and Legisla ture Has to Use Candles. ALBANY. NY.,Julj- 19. A terrific lightning, rain and wind storm passed over this '.section-early this afternoon. It was of short duration, but unusually severe, 'ine inermomeicr ieii degrees, from 92 to 70, in five minutes. The street bar service, the afternoon newspapers and many roanufacturlnsr'es-tabllshments-were crippled for several hours because ,of an accident to .thejfplant of the Speirs ,FaSls Power Company. T"wll!ch supplies electricity to the -city. Candles were used in the Assembly chamber where the Legislature was Jn session. The humidity before the storm was high, but fell with the temperature. There were no cases of prostration from the heat. SLEEP IN CLEVELAND PARKS Suffering in -Congested Districts Causes Gates to Be Opened. CLEVELAND, O.. July IS. Beginning tonight the Board of Public Safety has ordered Edgcwater and ' Gordon Parks thrown open to as many people as desire to sleep there. This order will continue during the continuance of the- heated spell. It was brought about through; the alarming condition existing In many of the congested portions of the dly. Extra park policemen, together with a large number of th'e regular force, will be detailed to guard the sleepers. At 11 A. M. the thermometer In the local Weather Bureau observatory regis tered 78. being 7 degrees lower than at the same hour yesterday. t Three prostrations and one death have been reported during the past 24- hours. - WASHINGTON IS COOLING OFF Moderate Temperature and -Shotvers Coming In Torrid Zone. WASHINGTON. July 19. A heavy thun der and rainstorm passed over the city at 4:30 o'clock this afternoon, bringing welcome relief from the oppressive heat of the past week. In a few moments the temperature dropped 22 degrees and to night the conditions are exceedingly com fortable. The highest temperature today was 92. three degrees less than yesterday's record for the year. Showery weather is predicted by the "Weather Bureau tonight for the Upper Ohio Valley, the Middle Atlantic states and New England, and local showers are probable In the South Atlantic states. The hot wave in New England and the Middle Atlantic states will be-temporarily Broken Thursday and then moderate tempera tures are scheduled by the weather prophets for several days. Thunderstorms were general today In New England, portions of the Middle At lantic states and through tho Upper. Ohio (Valley. High temperatures continue In the south portion of the Middle Atlantic states and the states in the Mississippi Valley and locally in Eastern Now York and Western Pennsylvania. Today's showers were caused by the rapid de velqpment of an area of low pressure that stretched over the mouth of the St. Lawrence and across New England. There was ono death and fourteen pros trations, the result .of the heat. Hot All Over New England. BOSTON, July 19. From all over New England today came reports of record breaking heat. Boston, at 1 o'clock had a temperature of 90 degrees. This was 1 degree higher than yesterday at the same time. Rhode Island cities were from 3 to 7 dgrees warmer than yesterday. Pawtucket reported 95 degrees at 10:30 o'clock. Vermont and New Hampshire also reported higher temperatures than yesterday, while Portland, Me., reported a record of SS at S o'clock, which was the highest for that hour ever noted by the Portland Weather Bureau. Breeze Tempers Chicago Heat. CHICAGO. July 19. Breezes Trora' Lake Michigan tempered the heat here today. Light clouds broke the sun's glare and aided in moderating the weather. Nevertheless deaths from excessive heat continued to be reported today. This is doubtless due to the fact that last night was the hottest of the year in this city, thousands of men. women and children sleeping on roofs, porches and fire-escapes and in the streets and parks. Slight Relief: for St- Louis. ST. LOUIS, July 19. Occasional clouds and a breeze reduced the temperature slightly and the .stirring atmosphere ren dered the suffering less Intense. Four prostrations were reported. The maxi mum temperature was SS degrees and hu midity GO. Thunderstorm Cools Pittsburg. PITTSBURG. July 19. The torrid spell was brokeh today by a thunder storm, which caused the mercury to fall 19 de grees In a few minutes. At 2 o'clock the thermometer registered 6S degrees. Three Deaths In Cincinnati. CINCINNATI. O.. July 19. Three more deaths from heat were reported today. A brisk breeze this morning tempered the heat somewhat. Powers' Jailer Acquitted. CINCINNATL July 19. Jailer Ploe- ger. his two deputies and a man ar rested with them on charges of disor derly conduct and assault In connec tion with the commitment of Caleb Powers to the Newport. Ky., Jail, were today dismissed from custodyMhe court holding that the attempt of Mayor Helmbold to designate wher Powers, a Federal prisoner, should be Incar cerated, was illegal, and that Ploegcr and his assistants were Justified slstlng the Mayor and the policemen whom he called to his assistance. Mayor Helmbold and two policemen are now under bonds to the Federal grana jury lor interferons: with Fed eral officers and a Federal .prisoner,, and a contempt charge in the same connection must be answered. Changes on Union Pacific. ' iDENVER. July 19 Superintendent Henry C. Ferris, of the Union Pacific Rail road, has resigned, and E. Stegner. asslrt- am supennienaent or me Wyoming dlvis. ion. has been appointed to succeed him. H. L. Anderson, trainmaster at Green River Station, has been appointed assist ant superintendent of the Wyoming di vision. Five DrowHed In Canadian Lake. SHERBROOKE. Ourhrr. Jnlr TAr Father Cuslclc. active administrator of tne diocese of Sherbrooke, and four young men. were drowned In Lake Palmer this afternoon. Ts Mltfceat cast. IS Norway Resents Proposed De lay' by Sweden. WILL ASK RECOGNITION Commerce Makes International Re lations Necessary Election In Stockholm Shows 3Icd crate Sentiment Growing. CHRISTIANIA. July . (SpeclaL-Nor-way Is .not disposed to await the pleasure of the Swedish government in the matter of adjusting the union crisis. Informa tion from Stockholm arriving at this city today, to the effect that the Riksdag commission Is likely to recommend noti fication that Sweden dissolves the union but declines to discuss details for six months, arouses Norwegian resentment, although such action has long ago been discounted. If the Riksdag vote for postponement until January, Norway will also almost certainly ask the powers for Immediate recognition of her independence, if not fully, at least partially. In order that Norway's Important commercial Interests abroad be not Jeopardized The Norwegian government will not ask recognition as a matter of pride, but as a practical neces sity. Unwonted reserve and much mystifica tion on the subject of Norway Is as sumed by the Swedish, press. It is under stood here that the Swedish official news agency had 'orders to request the Swedish newspapers to suspend discussion of the crisis at present. The defeat at the primaries In Stock holm. Monday, of Professor Warburg, who represented the element which wants to " stand out "In defense of Swedish honor." is regarded here as a jsign that moderate sentiment is Increasing in Sweden. Emigration to America from Norway is said to be normal and not to have been affected by the crisis. Preparing Terms to Norway. STOCKHOLM. July 19. Both houses of the Riksdag have concluded their secret meetings, and a Joint committee is preparing a bill embodying the sug gestions of the different factions for a settlement of the differences between Sweden and Norway. FIGHT FOR MINING COMPANY Sensational Speculation on Berlin Exchange Caused by Struggle. BERLIN. July 19. Sensational spec ulation is going on on the Berlin Bourse in the shares of the Deutsche Luxemburgische Mining Company, which today recorded a Jump of 20 per cent, making a total rise of S3 per cent since June 30. Tho Bourse is much puzzled over the meaning of this spec ulation, which recalls many features of the great struggle over the Hlbernia coal mines last Summer between the banks and the Prussian Treasury De partment, to secure control of tho mines. Various rumors are in circula tion In explanation of the present cam paign. The Deutsche Luxemburgische Is the creation of the Darmstadter Bank, which reorganized ft three years ago from two bankrupt iron companies, the DIfferdingen and the Dannenbaum. Ac cording to one version, another bank is trying to secure control, but another and apparently the more correct ex planation is that the Deutsche Luxem burgische Company Is about to enter Into a fusion with several other con cerns. The Deutsche Luxemburgische Com pany has a capital of 5G.600.000 and 50Q.O0O in debentures. It owns furnaces and rolling mills patterned after the American system. The chairman of Its board of directors is Director Dotn burg, of the Darmstadter Bank, who visited the United States in 1903 to study American methods. ALIENS BILL IS PASSED. Restricts Immigration of Paupers and Criminals to Britain. LONDON. July 19. In the House of Commons today the aliens bill passed Its third reading by a majority of 93. Premier Balfour. In winding up the de bate, contended that the prspssed restric tions were less severe than those Imposed by any other nation. He referred to the American immigration laws and asked whether anyone would assert that the Americans were Indifferent to freedom or looked with unmoved eye on th suffering and oppression, yet their restrictions as well as the restrictions imposed by the British colonies .were more severe than those Imposed by "this moderate and rea sonable bill." The aliens bill Is much on the lines of a measure Introduced in the House of Com mons last year, which, was opposed by the government owing to obstructions. It prohibits Immigrants from landing except at ports where an Immigration officer Is stationed, and only with his consent and after a medical Inspection. Immigrants may be refused permission to land, it they are unable to show that they are Jn a position to obtain means to keep them selves decently. If Insane. If on account of disease or other causes they are likely to become a charge on the taxpayers. If they have been sentenced abroad for an extraditable crime not of a political na ture, or if they have been previously ex pelled from Great Britain. The Home Sec retary may order the "expulsion of an alien on a certificate from a court of law. The bill however, provides that an alien shall not be refused permission to land on account of want of means, if able to prove that be or she Is seeking admission to Great Britain solely to avoid persecu tion for political offenses. Rate Law Needed In Corca. TOKIO. July 19. The Seoul & Fjusan Railway Company, although heavily sub sidized to encourage Japanese enterprise in Cores, trebled the freight rates between Seoul and Chemulpo and endeavored to re coup on the busiest branch road the losses sustained on the main 'line. Threats made by the Chamber of Commerce to complain to Toklo .that this action Is restraining trade has forced the company to make an apologetic reduction fn rates to go Into effect Monday next. - Close of Baptist Congress. LONDON. July 19. The closing meeting of the International Baptist Congress was held at Cambridge today. Dr. Morehouse, of New York, voiced the thanks of the foreign delegates for the courtesies which had been extended to"them- Panama, Gunboat at Cokm. COLON.. July IS. Panama's little ruaVvat. tfee Orteata, arrived acre ys- IN ACTON terday from New -York June 15, by way or .Kingston. Jamaica. VENEZUELA' CLAIMS DAMAGES Sacs Cable Company for Aid Given to Revolutionists. NEW YORK. July 19. The Venezuelan authorities have, according to a Herald dispatch from Caracas, Instituted proceed ings against the French Cable Company for damages Incurred by the government for the cable company's alleged partici pation In the Matos revolution. This Is different action from that de cided against the company on March 31. which resulted in declaring the company's concession null and void, and assessing It In damages for failure to fulfill the terms of Its contract. Cablegrams form a large part of the evidence claimed to be In pos session of the authorities. According to common report, they were taken .from the cable office by an operator. They were first offered to the French legation for sale, but the proposition was declined, af ter which they were sold to General Cas tro. It was the common belief that the French Minister. Charles R. Weiner, left Venezuela for Paris In May for the pur pose of settling the matter, but nothing has come of it, and the long-deferred suit has begun. Takes Throne of Gotha. GOTHA. Duchy of Saxe-Coburg and GothaJuly 19. Duke Charles Edward of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha assumed the reins of government today on attain ing his majority. His state entry Into the capital was the occasion of mych ceremonial. The new occupant of the Ducal throne was received at the rail way station with military honors, and proceeded to tho castle of Frlcdensteln. where he met his mother,- the Duchess of Albany. The formal ceremony of taking the oath of Installation oc curred in the throne-room In the pres ence of representatives of Emperor William. King Edward and ether rul ers, the Cabinet Ministers and a bril liant assemblage of officials and depu tations from various parts of the duchy. - - i Happiest Day or Princess Lire. GOTHA. Duchy of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha. July 19. Prince Philip of Saxe Coburg and Gotha, In his application for a divorce from his wife, the Princess Louise, a daughter of the King of the Belgians, charges her with unfaithfulness and desertion. On the day of the Prince's duel with Lieutenant Matassich-Kegle-vitch. with whom the Princess eloped, she telegraphed to the Lieutenant that it was the happiest day of her life. Prince Philip affirms that he paid her a wed ding portion of S50.0CO and also paid, her debts, amounting to S272Q0. Spain Laid Waste by Storms. MADRID. July 19. A hurricane has al most entirely destroyed crops in the prov inces of Saragossa and Ca ceres, thus adding immensely to the general distress. It has been decided to entirely suspend all work as a protest against the lack of provisions here. AVlfl Take Spaniards Home. MADRID. July 19. The Spanish gov ernment. It Is announced. Is arranging for 'the repatriation of the Spaniards who were imprisoned In the Philippines by the Americans during the war of 1SSS. and who are still In the Islands. LAST OF JHE IROQUOIS Committee of New York Legislature Will Settle Rights. ALBANY. N Y:. July 19.-To devfce the. best, means of distributing which the nation owes the survivors of the Iro quois Indian tribes In the state and to study other local Indian problems. Speak er Nixon today appointed a special com mittee. The committee will visit the va rious reservations during the Summer. and Fall and, report to the next Legis lature. The large sum due the New York In dians was derived from the sale of land In Kansas, which was given them In ex change for the old St. Regis reservation in this state. After the exchange was made, the Indians refused to go to Kan sas and the land there was sold for their benefit. It Is probable that, after ascer taining the views of the chief men among the Iroquois and their attorneys, the com mittee will go to "Washington and con sult with the commission on Indian af fairs. Another subject to be investigated Is the question of Indian citizenship. Many of the Iroquois are prosperous and well educated, and there Is a growing senti ment in , favor of making them citizens and no longer dependent on the Govern ment, i Found Even, on Isle of Pines. HAVANA. July 19. Alfred Buck, said to be the former cashier of the Mapleton. Minn, State Bank, was recently arresetd. at the Isle of Pines under the name of W. J. McGregor, on the charge of de falcation, and will be brought to Havana for extradition to the United States. ST. PAUL. Minn.. July 19. Alfred Buck was cashier of the Mapleton State Bank and 'disappeared about six months ago, leaving the bank's affairs much Involved. He Is alleged to have defaulted for about J50,O. He is a son of a former Justice of the. Minnesota Supreme Court, Daniel Buck. (According to Dun's Mercantile refer ence book. B. A. McGregor is the cashier of the State Bank of Mapleton, Minn.) Lewis' Bank Still a Fraud. ST. LOUIS, July lS.-Judge Smith Mc Pherson. In- the United States Circuit Court, handed down a decision today up holding the fraud order Issued by Postmaster-General Cortelyou, against ths People's United States Bank and E. G. Lewis, the president, and denying the flrmllfvit ffm for an lnlitntlnn tn t-Mtmln the Postmaster of St, Louis from carry- f ing out the instructions of the Post- 3 master-GeneraL Postmaster wyman will now resume stamping "fraudulent" on mall addressed to the bank and to Lewis, and will return It to the senders, t Assayers Receive Stolen Ore. CRIPPLE CREEK, Colo., July II. Six assayers of this district have been ar rested and placed under heavy bonds, upon .a charge of receiving high-grade ore. Knowing It to have been stolen. From a net of books examined In one assaying office it Is known that about $3000 profit was made by the assayers in the last six months. Other books lead the officers to believe that upward of J1.&O.0CQ worth of ore has been stoleiKin the district every year and disposed of to assay officers. Agitation on Itoyal Arcanum Hates. NEW YORK. July 19. Announcement has been made officially that the grand council of New York State Royal Arca num will meet la Buffalo, August 1. to take action on the new schedule of rates adopted recently by the supreme grand council. It was Intimated In connection with the announcement that the supreme body of the order will reconvene Septem ber 5. to take actios on the resolutions which -will be adopted at Buffalo. " ' Drowsed in Swimming Tank. CHICAGO. July 19v Bernard C. Red eal, a wealthy Jeweler this city, was rowed. while swiamiitg I the' pool at the jCfctoage AtMetfc AseocJa ttea bttlWas; ere toeay. MUST SHOW BOOKS Town Topics Blackmail on So ciety to Be Exposed. WITNESSES ARE SUMMONED Mrs. Huntington and Judge Gary Called .On to Tell About Their Subscriptions, to "Fads and Fancies." NEW YORK. July lO.The books of the Town Topics, Insofar as they deal with the book on American society en titled "Fads and Fancies," which was sold by subscription and on which the publishers realized approximately $200,000. will be examined by repre sentatives of the District Attorney's office, no matter what opposition is made to such a step. This announce ment wa3 made today by Assistant District Attorney Gans after he had a conference with Assistant District At torney Krotel; who Is In charge of the investigation of the affairs of the con cern. Mr. Krotel first came Into the case when he was assigned to prosecute Charles IL Ahle, who was arrested on complaint of Edwin M. Post who charged that Ahle attempted to black mail him. Post declared that Ahle at tempted to compel him to subscribe J3000 for a book on New York society. He alleged that Able told him that a scandalous story involving his name was in possession of a New York weekly paper, but that It would not be published If Post would subscribe for the book. The money was paid to Ahle In the presence of detectives and his arrest followeJ. His case is now awaiting the action of the grand Jury, and Mr. Krotel has announced that sev eral persons prominent in society havo announced their willingness to Join with Mr. Post in the prosecution. Their willingness to appear Is conditional, however, on the District Attorney's promising that no questions shall be asked them concerning stories which, they allege, Ahle mentioned when he solicited their subscriptions. When Mr. Krotel examined the books of the Town Topics Company yester day, he was refused permission to In spect some of the entries having to do with the book "Fads and Fancies." He learned, however, he said. that, while the regular subscription price for the book was J 1500. several persons paid larger sums. Among those was Mrs. Colhs P. Huntington, widow of tho multi-millionaire railroad promoter, who was credited with paying $10,330 for her subscription for a copy of the book. Mr. Krotel said today tha( If It Is possible to reach Mrs. Huntington, she will be asked to testify as to tho condition under which she paid more money than the regular subscription price. That the District Attorney Is deter mined to question other prominent persons in addition to Mrs. Huntington with re gard to the subscriptions for "Fads and Fancies" was shown today when sub penas were issued for ex-Judge Elbert H. Gary", chairman of the execu tive committee of the United States Steel Corporation, and Giovanni Moroslnl, a wealthy banker. Justice Deuel, of the Court of Special Sessions, a director of the Town Topics Company, sent a letter to the District Attorney's office today in which he said he had no objection to Mr. Krotel's making a thorough examination of the company's books. He suggested that an interview with Edward Lauterbach. coun sel for Town Topics, might bring about the desired result. The partial exam ination of the books which was made yesterday was by consent of Mr. Lauter bach. A subpena was served on Mr. Moro slnl. whose legal representative said that, while Mr. Moroslnl wa? not at all well because of the heat, ho expected to leave his house in a few days and would do all he could to assist the District Attor ney's office. Announcement was made tonight that among the subscriptions to "Fads and Fancies" were those of John Jacob As tor. Clarence H. Mackay and Senator Chauncey M. Depew. for $3500 each and Perry Belmont for $1500. Mr. Lauterbach had not replied to the District Attorney's request for a thor ough examination of the company's books tonight. A reply was expected tomor row. In case of a refusal. It Is said, the District Attorney's office will refer the whole matter to the grand Jury- - Murderer Is Found Hanged. LANCASTER. Mo., July 19. The dead body of Alonzo Jackson, one of the best-known of Schuyler County farmers, who yesterday .killed his 17-year-old wife in a fit of Jealousy, was found banging to a tree early today with a bullet hole In his brain. It Is conjectural whether he was lynched to avenge the death of his wife or was overcome by remorse and committed suicide. Burled Head Downward In Sand. CHICAGO. July 19. The body of a man burled head downward In the sand was found this evening In Lake Michigan about 30 feet off the end of Indiana street. The body was so tightly fixed in the sand that It could not be removed. After sev eral hours work the bodv was rlearf as far a the waist and the police then W -J .V- . . . All . ' omuiuuiKu uic Ruin. u.iiii tomorrow, THE C GEE WO CHINESE MEDICINE CO. Formerly loctd at 233 Alder St. corner Third. Have Moved To the larre brick balldlsr at S. E. corner of Tint aad Storrlioa SU. Eatraace I62K First St. Ur. C. Gm tt'e. ta Great CfelaeM Doctor. U welt kno'wn. aaa fanous throBsnout the U. S. beeasje his ttob derful and marvcloas care; hire bees heralded broadcast ttirourteeat the lencth and breadth of thU coentrr. Ha treat any and all dleasa wtta powerful Chinese roots, feerbc bads, barks and vegetables that are es tlrelr unknown to medical tcteaee la this country, and throvffc the se ot these harmless 4medles. He raar antees to cure aVtarrb, astama. lass troubles. rheuraatletB. aerrottsaess. stomach, liver, kldaer. female troub le and all private dUeates ThU famous doctor cares wttheat the aid or the kalfe. wltheat uslar poisons or drags. Ki4redi aC tea- Umonlala on ale at Ma of&eex. Call asd e him. Charzes moderate. COKStrLTAnW FXXZ. Patleats t vC the cstr writ for blank and eersvUr. ladeee 4e lUms. Alters she C e We Chfeeae Xedl- aM Ce IK &U Cer. Xarrfees. rarttaaaVOr. Pttxe atevUoa thie peeir. v e) BL00P P0IS0H& The disease that has done more ' v5) "PUTgllV than any other to wreck, rain and lnCrM.! humiliate life, is Contagious Blood Poison. Sorrow, shame and suffering go hand in hand with this great enemy, and man has always hated and fought it as he has no other disease. It is the most powerful of all poisons; no mat ter how pure the blood maybe, when its virus enters, the entire circulation becomes poisoned and its chain of horrible symptoms begin to show. Usu ally the first sign is .a. small sore or ulcer, not at all alarming in appearance, but the blood is being saturated with the. deadly poison, and soon the mouth and throat begin to ulcerate, the hair and eyebrows drop out, a red eruption breaks out on the body, copper-colored splotches and sores make their appearance and the poison even works down into the bones and attacks the nerves. Kot only is the disease hereditary, being transmitted from parent to child, in the form of scrofula, weak eyes, soft bones, weak, puny constitutions, etc., but is also so highly contagious that many a life has been ruined by a friendly hand shake, or from using the toilet articles of one infected with, the poison. To cure this blighting, deadly curse the SSS first begins to expel the poison and build up and strengthen the system. S. S. S. is guaranteed purely vegetable. We offer a reward of $r,ooo for proof that it contains a particle of mineral of any kind. Book on the dis ease, with instructions for home treatment, and any advice desired, without ciarSc- THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, CA, Nothing so far found about the body tends in any way to identify it. FoV "Using Malls to Defraud. COLUMBUS. O.. July 19. William A. Inakeep was given a preliminary hearing THE XXth CENTURY tJTbe highest type of FAMILY SEWING M A C H I N E the embodiment of SIMPLICITY and UTILITY the ACME of CONVENIENCE. Expert vSewing-MacHime Repairs Also sewing-machine oil of absolute. purity and the best Needles and Parts for all machines at Singer Stores. Sewing machines rented or exchanged. At the Sing'er Stores 254r Morrison Street 402 Washington St. 540 "Williams Ave. PORTL.OTD, f OREGO.V. MAD. ST.. ORirGoS" CITY. OR. fGREAT Two Ways The Northern Steamship Co. will operate steamship "North-West" between Duluth and Buffalo and steamship " North-Land" bet-ween; Chicago and Buffalo, calling at intermediate points of interest. Return rail tickets good for this water route on slight additional payment. EUROPEAN OR AMERICAN PLAN. American Plan includes all expenses on one ticket. S.S. "North-Land" leaves Chicago Saturdays. S.S. "North-West" leaves Duluth Tuesdays. For fuU particulars apply or write to H. Dickson. CP. & T.A.. 1 Third St., Portland. ;6r. The Canadian Bank of Commerce Capital $8,700,000. Rest $3,500,000. Portland Branch, 244 Washington Street. E. A. "Wyld, Manager. TRAVELERS LETTERS OP CREDIT Available in all parts of the. world. ""118-Branches in Canada and the United States. . INCLUDING SAN FRAN0IS00 SEATTLE VICTORIA VANCOUVER NANAIMO NEW WESTMINSTER DAWSON (Yukon)' Drafts Issued on Any Branch. Transfers of money to or from any part of Canada by letter or telegram. A General Banking Business Transacted. IN A WEEK sssssssssssssss. Hslfe, sbbbHbS Jdssssssssfl' .... - . Vam ttTl mUtnr7 lastrasUv BOOK JFOR ItEK mailed re la p)ai "wTeurt taa worst, easts at silt la tiro or tires treats eats, witaeat operaBesj." Csr trsarsjiteeL V y caaaet eaU at , writs far attest! Mask. Hems treatrseat swssfc OM rs, ItoS aadTU-S.- feys aad feaHdayz. Is ta 12. DR. W. NORTON DAVIS & CO. Diood must be purified, and nothing will do it so quickly and surely as S. S. S. It goes down to the very bottom of the trouble, drives out every particle of the poison and makes the blood clean and strong. It does not hide or cover no anvthinir. but from the today and was bound over to the United States grand Jury on a charge of fraudu lently using the malls In the propogatlon of an Illegal concern. During the hear ing a telegram was received from In dianapolis saying Inskeep's agent ther had been arrested and had confessed. - SEWING MACHINE LAKES East by Water We treat nceesatally all private aer tous a&d chronic diseases of men. alj blood, atomacn. heart, liver, kidner and throat troubles. We cure SYPHILIS Citaout mercury) to stay cured forever, la 39 to 68 days. We- remove STRIC TURE, -without operation or pain, la U says. We stop drains, the result et self-abuaa. Immediately. We can restore the 'sexual Titer ot any man under SO sy means oi local treatment peculiar to ourselves. We Cure Gonorrhoea In a Week rv Aaetsrs 8f tbls SSStltUtS SX a ' regular xradBatea. have had many years ECrlcIi.C save ewa nna m rwum for IS years, have- a reputation to raaia tain ""M will undertake no cass ualcs certals cure caa bo effected. xnr!trtaka or chares Bo tM. Coasalta. TmfcMti. or.