18 1 THE MOKNIISt'Gr OREGONIAy, THURSDAY, JVT.Y 20, 190X W. F. E. J. L "ILL W1THDR Episcopal Bishop Coadjutor Elect Recalls Letter of Acceptance. ELECTION CAUSED PROTEST Telegram Is Sent to Rev. George B. Van Waters That He Will , Not Accept the High Position. - CintONOLOGY. June 17 Convention of Protestant Episcopal Church. d!ocee of Oregon. In annual session elected Frederick E. J. Lloyd. D. D.. bishop coadjutor. July 2 Protest against confirmation of election by the diocesan standing committees filed by live rectors, al leging that the election had been the result of serious mlsreprebentatlon of qualifications. July 3 Counter protest signed by majority of members of convention sustained election. Bishop Morris certified regularity of election and Dr. Lloyd formally accepted. July 151 Dr. Lloyd advises leading pastors of the diocese of Oregon that letter has been mailed cancelling acceptance. Rev. . Frederic E. J. Lloyd, recer jy elected bishop coadjutor of the diocese of Oregon, after having visited Portland, accompanied by Mrs. Lloyd, formally duns' a letter of acceptance of the place to which he had been chosen, and the highest within the gift of the Protestant Episcopal Church of the state, has wired to -Portland pastors the information that a letter is on the way canceling his acceptance. Dr. George B. Van Waters, chairman of the standing committee of the diocese, received a telegram Monday, the exact language of which has not been made public because the message was of a private character, but Its purport Is known to be as above stated. Tes terday another pastor received a second message conveying the same Information and the news that another assistant for the aged Right Rev. B. WIsar Morris. Bishop of Oregon, will have to be elected by a future convention soon gained cir culation among leading members of the church. Dr. Van Waters stated, in response to inquiry of The Oregonlan. that he did not feel at liberty to make any state ment until the letter Is received, as the matter is in statu quo. There Is a movement among leading members to allow the selection of a bishop coadjutor to wait until assembling of the next annual convention, though it is possible a special session will be sailed for the purpose. July 2 five rectors of churches In the Jlocese signed a protest against con Jrmatlon of the bishop coadjutor-elect . an grounds that his election had been nade without a proper understanding of als position in the church and alleging :hat he Is a ritualist, while the large ma lorlty of members of the church In Ore ton are low churchmen. Protest Against election. The following day a counter protest was made public, bearing signatures of l majority of those who composed the :onvention at which he was elected. In 'hlch the allegations of the first pro rest were denied most emphatically. At .he same time Bishop B. "Wister Morris :crtifled to the regularity of the election tnd Dr. Lloyd formally accepted the jlace. He was cordially welcomed to Oregon at a reception tendered In his lonor at the residence of the bishop and as greeted by clergy and laity in a nanner that left no reason to doubt .hat in the new work he would have united support and assistance. Imme liately thereafter the protestors with Irew their appeal to the standing com nlttces to withhold confirmation and the ncldent was thought to have been closed, K'lth no doubt that the diocese would save the labors of a bishop coadjutor ,o reliovo Bishop Morris of the arduous lutles-Incumbent upon him. Would Accept at Sacrifice. It has been known generally among cading churchmen that Dr. Lloyd would tccept the bishop coadjutorshlp of the llocese at considerable personal sacrl Ice. He is regarded as one of the forc nost clergymen of the Episcopal Church n this country, -is to whether or not Dr. Lloyd Ls a ritualist or a low church nan, those who sustained his election lid not say In meeting the protest against lis choice. They deemed It a question lot worthy of consideration, further than o express their confidence in the Chris tianity, ability and worth of the bishop toadjutor-elect. AFFIDAVITS IN TRAIL SUIT Shows Present Amusements of the Highest Merit. Affidavits in the suits of concession tires at the Exposition who desire the Trail kept open on Sundays' were filed 'esterday in the State Circuit Court. One affidavit is signed by J. A. Gor nan. who affirms that he has been amiliar with expositions for many 'ears. He alleges that the managers of lie Lewis and Clark Fair In granting tonccsslons for amusements on the Trail used the utmost caution: and the tntertainments are of the highest and est class, with nothing to offend any erson. and not objectionable on Sun lay. Mr. Gorman further says that the tuccess of the Exposition will be ma terially Increased if the Trail Is open in Sunday, and also states that because f the notoriety attached to this dis usslon.'Kome persons have begun to ook down upon the Trail attractions vflhout cause, as they are all good and noral. An affidavit signed by Homer Daven lort, calling- attention to the high haracter of his farm exhibit of Ara lan steeds, birds, etc, has also been (led. He states that such a creditable 3i0w of the kind has never been gath ered together and placed upon public ixhibition before, and never -will be gain, and there is no harm for people o see It on Sunday. Settle oh Flfty-Per-Ccnt Basis. ABERDEEN. Wash.. July 19. (Special.) -At the last meeting of the County Com aissloners. County Treasurer Taylor was nstructed to accept from several large andowners In the county.SO per cent of ho face value of their taxes In the town f Westport fronting on the Pacific Vv8. In ese instance & tax of J15E2 had Increased to 5236 by penalty and ln-1 terest and a compromise was suggested by the commissioner at (776. Rebates on taxes have been allowed in the past, but the bondholders at Westport school dis trict protest against the proposed reduc tion or rebate in taxes and declare their intention If a settlement Is made accord ing to the Instructions of the commis sioners, they will begin suit against the County Treasurer to compel him to pay the balance out of his own pocket. The Westport school district was formed out of the Ocosta district and had to as sume Jts share of the old district debt. More obligations were contracted to build a fine schoolhouse during the boom days. Since thett property has greatly depre dated on account of the collapse o real estate values and so small an amount of school tax has been paid that no .inter est on the bonds has been permissible for flx-e years. The bonds amount to 58003. The tax levy in Westport in 1S33 was 66 mills and in 1M 5S& mills, the highest In the county. The County Treas urer has appealed to the County Attor ney for an opinion In the case. CANNON CAUGHT IN CANADA Charged With Forging Vouchers on Utah Commission at St. Louis. SALT LAKE CITT. July 19.-Chlef of Police Lynch has been notified of the ar rest at Lethbrldge. Canada, of John Q. Cannon, ex-secretary of the Utah Lou isiana Purchase Fair Commission, on the charge of forgers'" and uttering fraudulent paper. Cannon is a son of the late George Q. Cannon, for many years one of the first presidents of the Mormon Church, and the brother-in-law of ex-Governor, Heber M. Wells. When serving as secre tary of the Fair Commission, Cannon obtained several thousand dollars by fraudulent x'ouchers. The matter was In vestigated by the Legislature, and Cannon left the state. Warrants were issued for his arrest on March 17. and he was arrest ed last Sunday by the territorial police of Alberta. .It is probable that Governor Cutler will decline to Issue a request for the extra dition of Cannon. In reply to a ques- j tlon tonight, the Governor refused to state what action he would take. REPLY TO REBATE CHARGE Railroads Say They Obeyed Decision of Commission. ' CHICAGO, July 19. Western railroad officials are said to be somewhat at a relative to the announcement that the Government is about to bring suit for violation of the Elkins law by paying rebates to terminal railroads here. It is stated that the Interstate Commerce Commission heard the case last Fall and decided that, while the allowance to the International Harvester Company's Rail road, the Pullman Company's llnei and the Steel Company terminals were not unlawful, the divisions in effect were excessive and the commission recommend ed a switching charge ofJrom 51 to 5XS0 a car. The railroads -accepted the deci sion, took out their divisions and put' In a switching charge of 53.50 por car. GOOD PROGRAMME AT FAIR Chamber of Commerce Has Charge for Merchants' Day. Merchants' day will be celebrated at the Exposition today. At 1 o'clock luncheon will be served at the American Inn to about 200 Invited guests of President W. D. Wheelwright, of the Chamber of Com merce. Following the hour in the dining room there will be a programme of ad dresses. President Goode welcoming the business men of Portland to the Fair. Responses will be made by Hon. George H. Williams, and various others. Presi dent Wheelwright acting as toastmaster. At the conclusion of the programme ar ranged the guests wHl devote some time to seeing several leading attractions of the Trail. End or Bennett Will Case. NEW HAVEN". Conn., July 19. The ac count of the Phllo S. Bennett case, as filed by W. J. Bryan as executor, was accepted by Judge Cleveland, notwith standing objections made to certain Items by counsel for the residuary legatee. With the acceptance of Mr. Bryan's ac count the estate Is now practically set tled, the only thing that remains being the payment of the Connecticut Inheri tance tax amounting to 56132. Illinois Society Meeting. There was an Interesting meeting of the Illinois Society of Oregon at the Chamber of Commerce Auditorium last night. A special musical programme was listened, to. short talks heard and light refresh ments served at the close of the programme. COLUMBIA RIVER STEAMER Leaves This Morning and Every Morning This Week 8:30 A. M.t Arrives Back at 5:30 P. M. The Regulator Line splendid steamer "Bailey Gatzert" makes dally trip up the Columbia to the celebrated Cascade Locks, passing en route the grandest scenery in creation. This Is a trip no vis itor should miss. Leaves- Alder-street dock S:30 A. M.. returns 6:30 P. M. Meals on board. Round trip, 51-50. Phone Main 914. DAY BOAT F0R ASTORIA Connections for Ocean Beaches. Iktah pee Salt chuck wawa Ats Kopet Konaway Sun. The above lines were mng by an In dian brave to his sweetheart long ago, and translated signify: What are the wild waves saying Sister the -whole day long. It was the same old story- Tourists, travelers and lovesick couples are you curious to know what old Ocean is say ing? Take the steamer Lurllno dally, except Sunday, at 7 A. M. from Taylor street dock, enjoy the most delightful boat ride to be had. and If your curiosity Is not satisfied on reaching Astoria you are within easy reach of all the ocean beaches. SPECIAL PANTS SALE At the Brownsville Woolen Mill Store We have gone through our entire stock and have taken every odd -pants out which we have put on a separate table, and for a pants leader we will sell the pick of the lot for only 5250. They are fully worth from 53.E0 to 55.00. This Is a chance to get a good pair of pants for a little money. Brownsville Woolen Mill Store, Third and Stark streets. . K VANCOUVER TRIPS. For an enjoyable short ride on the Columbia River to Vancouver, take steam er Undine at Taylor-street dock, leaving as follows": Leave Portland at S A. 35. and 1:30 P. M. Leave Vancouver, 10 A. M. And :45 P. M. Fare. 35 cents each way. Harris Treat Co. fer tntaks u4 bars. Largest Display of. Souvenirs in the City The Meier Frank Store Portland's Largest and Best- Store Custom Shade and Drapery Work Oar Specialty Best Materials Used Lowest Prices Trunks and Traveling Bags Every Good Style and Size All GradesThird Floor Principal Agents Butterick Patterns Apg.DelinedtorlSc We Place on Sale Tomorrow . $3 All-Over Embroideries 89c Yd. Another one of oar sensational All-Over Embroidery Bargains is announced for tomorrow Just as good values as any prev ious offering; the only complaint we have to make is that we can't say 5000 yards instead of 650 yards Swiss and Nainsooks in - beautiful assortment for waists, dresses, trimming, etc. Latest designs of English and French- Large and small patterns Values up to $3 the ftA yard Your choice tomorrow at the low price C rC Better plan to be here early. NaVQlO RllffS The attention of Tourists is called to J iXQJ an unusual bargain in genuine Navaio Blankets, suitable for Rugs or Couch Covers. Magnificent specimens in all sizes. Values, $6.50 to $30.00. Your choice at ONE-THIRD OFF reg. prices. at Off Third Floor. THE MEIER. fc FRANK STOKE'S 8 1 4TH FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE $ 1 1 Covert Jackets for $5.85 Each New $1.50 Shirtwaists for 98c Each Two great special offerings in Portland's Leadine Cloak and Suit pStore comprise this week's Surprise Sale Bargains A fortunate purchase made by the garment buyer in New York Citv Lot I con. sists of 150 handsome Tan Covert Jackets, fancy cloth strapped. satin lined, collar! ess, finished at the neck with stitched band Leg- o'-Mntton sleeve with cuff A coat every woman can make good nse of, Spring, Summer or Fall All sires Every gar ment in the lot $11 .OO value C G C Your choice tomorrow at, each $ JsUJ Lot 2 consists of 2000 New White Lawn Shirt waists in a big variety of stylesRound yoke of lace and embroidery, solid tncking and row of embroidery and lace below voke. souore voke of lace insertion and tucks, button in back Also black and white polka dot waists, front of six large tucks and clusters of small tucks qq Button in front All sizes Every waist regular $1.50 value ZfOC See Fifth-Street Window Displays Today Clearance Sale Men's Outing Suits Today we commence our Annual Midsummer Clearance of Men's Outing Suits itntire stocK is included Every well-known maker is represented Stein-BIoch Outing Suits; Hart, Shaffner &. Marx Outing Suits; The Washington Outing Suits; Etc. Newest fashions and materials Single Round-Cut Sacks. Double-Breasted Sacks, Fancy Tweeds, Fancy Homespuns, Fancy Cheviots, Fancy Flannels and Worsteds Splendid ST?. $ 7.50 Outing Suits $ 5.89 $10.00 Outing Suits $ 7.65 $13.50 Outing Suits $10.15 $16.50 Outing Suits $13.45 $2Q.Q0 Outing Suits $15.40 $ 8.50 Outing Suits $ 6.10 $12.50 Outing Suits $ 9.35 $15,00 Outing Suits $12.35 $17.50- Outing Suits $13.85 $22:50 Outing Suits $16.85 Men's "White Duck and Flannel Trousers, $1.00 to $5.50 pair; all sizes. Complete stock of Men's Linen and Mohair Dusters; $1.00 up to, each $10.00 Boys' Clothing Boys' Percale "Waists and Blouses, in light and dark colorings; ages 4" to 13 years; great values at 18 "Mothers' Friend" "Waists, in dark blue percales, detachable "waist hands; ages 6 to 12 years 50c values for 39 Boys' All-Wool Knee Pants, in serv iceable materials, dark and light mixtures, extension waistbands ; 75c values for, per pair.... 59 Young Men's Outing Suits, in newest and best styles of fancy cheviots, fancy homespuns and flannels ; ages 14 to 20 years;' great values at $ 7.50 Outing Suits $ 6.10 Ea. $10.00 Outing Suits $ 8.35 Ea. $ 1 2.50 Outing Suits $ 1 0.65 Ea. $ 1 3.50 Outing Suits $ 1 1 .40 Ea. $15.00 Outing Suits $12.65 Ea. $ 1 7.50 Outing Suits $ 13.20 Ea. Second Floor Misses' and Children's Shoes Misses' Tan or Black Kid Blucher Oxfords, all new, desirable footwear; great special values 5 to 8, 92 pair; 9 to U, $1.02 pair; 12 to 2, $1.12 pair. Misses' Patent Leather, One-Strap Sandals: 5 to S, 796 pair; 9 to 11, 89 pair; 12 to 2, 99 pair. Little Gents' Tan or Black Lace or Low Shoes; in sizes 9 to 13; best value ever offered at, per pair $1.22 Hot Weather Toilet Articles Fine hard milled Bath Soaps; popular brands; great a special value today at, per cake , tpC Toilet and Bath Soaps, suitable for guests' rooms, hotels i)p and boarding-houses; extra special at, dozen cakes 4$DC "Bathasweet" Powder, sweet and refreshing, for use after 1 j the Oath, toilet, etc.; regular 25c value for, box 1 2-lb. bars of Barnaldo Castile Soap; special at, per bar Q6 Chamois Skins, all sizes, for toilet, polishing, etc., 15 to $1 each Bath Brushes, with detachable handles; special, each 436 Eastman's Toilet "Water; popular odors; large bottle 39p Half-Price Tomorrow morning at 8 o'clock we will place on sale our entire stock of "Wash Goods Remnants Organdies, Dimities Lawns, Swisses, Nets, Ginghams, Percales, Voiles, etc In all' lengths. This season s best styles and materials in immense varietv; Friday only, remember; your choice at ONE-HALF PRICE. $2 Ruffled Swiss Curtains at $1.29 100 pairs of new Ruffled Swiss Curtains go on' sale todav at a price far below real value-Stripes, dots and figures; best qual ity Swiss with good, full ruffles; every pair in the lot regular $2 value; buy all you want at, pair ? 2000 yards of Oriental Stripe Tapestries, suitable for portieres, couch covers, mantel-bed curtains and porch, pillows; immense showing of patterns and colorings; every yard is a regular 40c quality; your choice at the remarkably low r pnee of, per yard CriC 36-inch Scotch Lappett for sash curtains'; washeV better o than Swiss; many styles; great special value, yard OC The Great July Sale of Fine Shoes for Women Continues All the Week WASH GOODS REMNANTS ON SALE TOMORROW AT $3.50 Oxfords $2.45 Pair Women's welt Oxfords and Blu cher Oxfords, patent leather and vici kid, all sizes and widths, this seasons leading AJL models; $3.50 vaL..'lrJ Women's vici kid, patent tip and patent leather Oxfords, light and heavy soles; also chocolate Blu cher Oxfords, all sizes and widths; every pair Johnson Bros.1 best $3 values, choice during July sale at, J 89 $4 Button Shoes $2.10 J. & T. Cousins' $3.50 and $4 hut ton Shorn for women, patent leathers pnd. vici kid, kid and patent tip, turns and welt soles; all sizes; great special values for this sale at low 1 f price of 1VJ Cousins' $4 Shoes $2.25 J. & T. Cousins' famous Shoes for Women, vici kid with kid or patent tip, hand-tamed lace shoes; $3.50 and $4 y values, for, pair... VO Women's Low Shoes, patent leath er, vici kid and box calf, very best lasts; $20 and $3.00 values on sale for J 1 C the low price of...r I $3 to $5 Oxfords $ 1 .95 Pr. Women's Low Shoes, broken lines of pateat leathers and "vici kid Oxfords, light and heavy soles; Cuban, French and Military keels, nearly all sizes; regular $3, $3.50, S4, and Q .$5 valiKS for, pair. ' One-Half-Price Sale of Children's Apparel Phenomenal bargains in children's ready-to-wear apparel cleaning up stock in a thorough manner Very decided re- ductions on opt best garments Every mother having a young lady to attire should investigate these special offerings Children's Buster Brown Dresses, made in pink and blue, striped Galateas and Ginghams, white linen collar, tie and c Oft belt; ages 4 to 14 years; regular $6 values for pif O Chidren's Dresses, made in striped ginghams and dotted percales; A t l 1 - I jancy cape enecis, racKea yoKe, xnmmea in wnite on Soutache braid, all colors; ages 4 to 14 years; 75c value 27C Children's Dresses made in white pique, linen, madras, and lawn materials; Buster Brown and French styles; tucks po and embroidery trimmings; 1 to 4 yrs.; $3.50 val ? I C O NOVELTY Choose from our entire stock of Children s High-Grade Noyel ty Goats .made in light tans, blue, green, brown broadcloths; blue and brown cheviots; mag nificent high-class garments for children of all lllf Dsa ages; values from $8.50 to $30.00, at nolI-lTICe COATSAT J-Price THIRD FLOOR SPECIALS 35c Basket Telescopes 25 45c Basket Telescopes 35j Japanese Parasols, 15c and.25 German Flags at low prices. $4.50 Folding Go-Carts. .$3.95 $5.50 Folding Go-Carts...$4.25 Kodaks and Kodak Supplies on the Third Floor. HAMMOCK SALE Best $4.50 values, each. .$3.39 Best $2.50 values, each.. $1.65 Best $2.75 values, each.. $2.23 Trunks and Bags on Third Floor. TABLE LINENS Full bleached Satin Damask Ta ble Linen, in a big assortment of new patterns; our best $1.50 values, on sale for a few clays at, per yard -.$1.28 Half-bleached Satin Damask, 72 inches wide, best patterns; regu lar $1.25 quality, on sale for this low price, yard 92 Full bleached double Satin Dam ask Table Linen, handsome de signs, the regular $2.00 quality for per yard $1.58 All our fine Satin Damask Table Napkins, regular $2.50 quality, during this sale at the low price of, per dozen $1.96 All our $3.50 grades of Satin Damask Table Napkins on sale this week at the remarkably low price of, per dozen $2;68 Special Values in Wash Goods SO) yards of fins quatitr breach siagbfuss and striped Madras, venr fet designs mad celorlags: regular 3c valse. on sale tor this low price, yard... 1 OC 4069 yards or Galatea cloth, best qual ity, la aU tbe ladtg shades, yard....................................... 1 4C Heft yards of beaattfai fljrared nets. detteJ Swlsaea, flowvred Organdy ; this, se&sen's ost attractive materials for hat vreatKer and mate? emKitmea; rslar 3tc 41c asd Mc vaJe. on sale at tar prtee T. yard...... st.TC: Men's Hot Weather Underwear Special purchases from prominent Eastern mills enable us to offer the following extraordinary bargains in men's underwear Best styles, weight, all sizes; shirts, drawers Men's Mercerized Lisle Thread Underwear; shirts and drawers in pink, blue and tan; fine finished underwear; every OQ garment regular $1.25 value, for Oif C Men's lisle thread Underwear; fine form-fitting garments; shirts and drawers made with satin waistband; iuii lasmonea rt. $1.25 value, for 'JC Men's .Derby Bibbed Underwear in pretty shades of brown and blue; nne Summer Underwear; all sizes m smrts and 5Q drawers ; best 50c value for ....... Men's fine soft Summer Underwear? white and blue stripe; all sizes; shirts and draw ers; our best $1.25 underwear 95d Men's fine French Balbriggan Underwear; the best hot-weather underwear on the market; all sizes, shirts and draw ers; great values at 7. - "TsSyC u y WOMEN'S KNIT UNDERWEAR. SPECIALS Women's Swiss Ribbed Vests: low neck, no sleeves: plnlc, blue and witte: all sizes; best 35c values &DC Women's "Swan Brandrlow neck, no sleeves. Tcnee-lensth. Union SUlj; white Swiss ribbed: all sizes; regular JI.50 value on sale today at.. SKIS' Women's Neckwear. Sale IatrodnriBg the best bargains in the most "seasonable and stylish neck pieces Every woman is interested White silk Automobile Ties: large and snaall polka dots la all colors; with Persian ends; . . 65c-75c values 490 Venise and Net Top Lace Turnovers: black, white, cream and ecn. In point and square dlvid- ed effects: regular 25c and 35c values for.. 1C Sarah Silk Windsor Ties; white, block, cardinal, garnet, royal and navy; plain colored grounds, with the Lewis aad Clark flag erabroid- 0 ered on pointed ends; great special value.. I "C All-over Embroidery and blind .embroidered lawn. Shirtwaist Caff and Turnover Sets; large A varietv of oatteras: rea-ul&r 35c values for.4C White Batcher Linen Stole Stocks, embroidered, in sky-blue and white; I fancy eyelet uesfgHs; also cuS and collar sets or same smteriai; great -value .....,.i.C .Tmth Embroidered Armenian, asd Real Lace. Stock and CuS Sets; great " variety at ?!- tip te yixM. N S4 .1-