Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 20, 1905, Page 15, Image 15

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Opening Prices Made on North
Pacific Wheat.
Xearly Forty Cars of AVatermelons
on the Market Yesterday Heavy
Arrivals of Other Fruit.
Produce by Steamer. .
"WHEAT Ope-iltiB prices on 1005
crop are anncmced.
FRUIT Thlty-nlne cars of melons
received in local market.
HOPS Bad reports received from.
German crop.
EGGS Irregular prices are quoted.
POULTRY Large receipts move at
firm prices.
BUTTER Front street trade dulL
VEGETABLES Small receipts by
MEATS Better tone to veal market.
The market for old wheat is practically at
an end. Stocks are almost exhausted, only
a few small lots remaining scattered about
here and there In the country. There Is ctlll
some movement toward San Francisco on
former sales, but new business of this kind
Is Insignificant. In the absence of trading,
prices on old grain are nominal.
All attention Is now paid to the new-crop
situation. The market ha not opened up
fully and consequently many dealers are at
ea as to true values. The only large transac
tion reported so far has been the sale of 40,
000 bushels of bluestem In the Palouse coun
try on the basis of 79Vi cents here, which most
Of the -local trade are Inclined to consider as
an excessive price. A few other small sales
were made by farmers to meet harvesting ex
penses. The bulk of the growers are disposed
to hold back their supplies from market for
the present, and buyers do not expect to do
much until all the crop Is In hand, and prob
ably not then. Prices quoted by local deal
era yesterday were around 72 cents for club
and 79 cents for bluestem.
There is still much uncertainty as to what
will be done with the surplus in the North
west this year, and traders do not care to
venture a positive opinion. No steps have
been taken here to provide tonnage for trans
porting wheat to Europe, though one chip has
been chartered for loading on the Sound, and
a number have been taken for San Francisco.
California Shipper Are Flooding This
Never before have so many watermelons
been dumped on this market as at the pres
ent time. Yesterday morning there were S3
carloads on the tracks at the railroad yards.
and Ave or six additional cars came In In
the afternoon. It is needlors to say that
this quantity was far in excess of local re
nulrements, and the brokers and agents con
trned had to hustle themselves to 'find i
shipping outlet. The local market, of course.
went to pieces under the strain, and 1 cent
was the best that dealers could do. Nine cars.
later ' In the day were sold for shipment to
the Sound 'and Spokane.
Receipts in the future will probably not
be eo heavy, as the Southern Pacific advanced
the rate from Fresno $2 a ton. commencing
on the 15th. It Is said there la only 75 per
cent of a crop In the Lodl district.
Other varieties of fruit were in good sup
ply, and moved well under a strong demand.
The (steamer brought up a quantity of plums.
apples, pears and apricots, the latter being
In poor shape. Among the rail receipts were
one car of oranges, a mixed car of oranges
and lemons, a car of peaches and plums and
a car of cantaloupes. The cants were sold
Immediately on arrival. Some others were
brought up on the nteamer, and the market
ranged from $2.75$3.25. The market was bare
of oranges, but three cars will arrive today
A car of Bartlctt pears will be in tonight.
Actual values In the egg market yesterday
were said by the leading dealers to be 22
22 cents. At the same time, several houses
reported sales of limited quantities at 23
oent6. It U probable that a Btrlctly fancy,
clean. frmh egg would bring the top figure.
but a large proportion of receipts lately have
not come under this classification. This fact
doubtless accounts for the range of prices.
Arrivals continue light and storage stocks are,
being utilized to supply the demand. Eastern
eggs were quoted at 2021 cents, and will soon
be out o the market.
A good many chickens came in yesterday.
but they moved off at the former prices. 1314
centB being the very top for fancy hens, and
the ordinary run of fowls bringing 1214(213
Butter continued dull on Front street, and
roost of the dealers felt weak.
Storm of Monday Caused Great Injury to
the Crop.
Germany Is having trouble with Its hop
crop. Rumors have been coming along for
several days that the prospects there were
not good, and they were confirmed by a
cablegram recolved yesterday morning slat'
Ing that the crop would bo from 15 to 25
per cent short of last year. Information of
a more serious nature was contained In a
cable received In the afternoon saying that
the terrible storm which devastated the em
plre had seriously damaged all crops, especial
ly bojxs. Tress d)epatches printed In this pa
per described the effects of the storm In
many of the agricultural districts.
This news had the effect of stiffening the
market to no Inconsiderable degree. Anotehr
strengthening factor was the news from New
York State. A telegram Mid that the ex
tremely hot weather of the past 4S hours
had done Irreparable damage to the grow
ing crop.' scalding and blighting the vines In
many sections. This effect of the "hot wave
was expected by many hopxnea, who knew the
weak and tender character of the New Tork
yards after the cool cloudy Spring.
Reports of lice 1n the crop of Washington
continue to come In. The Kent correspondent
of the Washington Weather Bureau writes that
hops are being sprayed the second time
there and the vermin are well In hand. The
vines at Christopher .are growing well, but
are badly Infested. In the Gig Harbor dis
tricts, the plant also has a good growth.
"The local market showed considerable ac
tivity yeeterdey, and a number or dealers re
ported orders for 1904 hops at 17 and IS cents.
Among the transactions reported were the
purchase by Seavey St Metxler of the 41-bale
Scroggin lot at Sheridan at 17 cent, and
the purchase br Harry Mart of ISO bales at
16 cents.
Veal Mevlsg Better.
The- market for drcspcd veal is In better
shape than It hu been for some time, a strong
demand taking up offerings at good prices.
Still the trade is not so heavy as to enable
dealers to draw on stocks In cold storage.
Fancy veal of the right sire was quoted yes
terday at 7T7H cent, and choice stock at
566 cents. Large sires were worth about
3tt5 cents. The demand for pork was light
and arrivals were fortunately small. Other
line were very dull.
Vegetable ea the Steamer.
About the only vegetables brought up by
the steamer were celery, which offered at $1
a dozen, and green corn, which brought 25
cents. There Is considerable local corn n the
market quoted at 17HG20 cents.
Bask Cleat-lags.
Bank clearings of the Northwestern cities
yetterday were as follows:
Clearings. Balances.
Portland f 654.728 S 52.927
Seattle 1.166.2M 401.3S2
Tacoma ... 601.102 70.163
Spokano 555.257 37.613
Grain, Flour. Feed. Etc.
FLOUR Patents. I4.50Q5.10 per barrel:
straights. $4 4.25: dears, 53.7504; Valley.
J3.e0fif4.25: Dakota hard wheat. J6.50S7.50:
Graham, $3.50 & 4; whole wheat. $4 94.25; rye
flour, local, S5; Eastern. J5.&0&5.&0; corn
meal, per bale, J1.10e2-20.
"WHEAT New club, 72c per bushel; new
bluestem. 79c per bushel.
-BAKL.1SX feed. S2L50Q22 Der ton: rolled.
OATS No. 1 white feed. S29A30 ter ton:
gray. 52a.
iiiLLSTUFFS Bran. J19 per ton: mid
dlings. $24.50; shorts. J21: chop. U. S,
Hills. $10; linseed dairy feed. $18; Acaifa
meal. $1S per ton.
CEREAL FOODS Rolled oats, cream. 90-
pound sacks. $6.75; lower grades. $53 6.25;
oatmeal, steel cut. 50-peund sacks. $8 per
barrel; 10-pound sacks, $4.25 per bale; oat
meal (ground), 50-pound sacks. $7.50 per
barrel; 10-pound sacks. $4 per bale: snllt
peas. $5 per 100-pound sack; 25-pound boxes.
$1.40; pearl barley. $4.25 per 100 pounds; 25
pound boxes. $1.25 per box; pastry flour. 10-
pouna sacKS, z.u per Date.
MAi Timotny. oia. J14&13 per ton; new.
$11612: clover. $&SQ: grain. ISflO: cheat.
Vegetables, Fruit, Etc
DOMESTIC FRUITS Apples, table. $1,503
cots. OOcgJl'per crate; peaches. fi0Qtbe per
crate; plums. 65665c per crate; Logan ber
ries. i.- per crate; wackberrle. 10c per
pound; cherries, 7tfl2hc per pound: canta
loupes. J2.75S3.25 crate; pears, $2.2562.40 per
box; currants, be per pound; prunes. S5eff$l;
raspberries. $1.25 per crate, watermelons, 1c
per pound: crab annles. 50c ner box.
, TROPICAL FRUITS Lemons, choice. $5;
urunges, navei. zancy, per nox;
choice. 3262.50: standard. S1.50S1.75: Mediter
ranean sweets. $2.502.75; Valencia. $3.25
per pound; pineapples. J2.50&J4 per doxen.
ntiBM, sue
dozen, beans. lCMe per nound: cabbare. IS
lUc per pound: cauliflower. 75rP0c oer dozen:
cciery. i per oozen; corn. liHSJ-o per dozen,
cucumbers. 40fi75c dor.; egg plant. 17Htf20c.
jenuce. nouioute. soc ser dozen: lettuce, heaa.
10c per cozen: narsler. 25c ser dozen: seas. 2Gt
6c per pound; peppers. 15c per pound; rad-
isnes. iuui:c per dozen; rnunarb. ltzzHC
per pound; tomatoes, J1.25Q3 per crate;
squun, ac per pouna.
1.40 per sack; carrots. SL25 01.50 per sack;
hert Xlf81?5 r.r uplr. rirllp twr
ONIONS California red. $L25 per hun
dred; yellow. $L75.
POTATOES Oregon, new, 75cQ$I; Califor
nia, new, Kicvi.
RAISINS Loose Muscatels. 4-crown. 7lc:
5-Iayer Muscatel raisins 7l.4c: unbleached.
seedless Sultanas, Cc; London layers, 2-
crown, wnoie coxes or. u pounat, $l.b5; 2
crown. $1.75.
DRIED FRUITS Apples, evaporated 6&
Cc per pound: sundrled. sacks or boxes.
none; apricots, SfetfPc; peaches. 9Q10c;
pears, none; prunes. Italian, 405c: French,
?i3ic; ngs, uuuoroia ciacics. r.c: do
wniie. none: umyrna, zoc; Fard dates. 6c;
piums. piueo. oc.
Butter, Eggs, Poultrx. Etc
BLTTER City creameries; Extra cream
ery. 21tS22V-c ier pound: state creameries:
Fancy creamery. 203j2Uic; store butter, 14?
EGGS Oregon ranch, 22ff23c per dozen:
.asiem. zugizic
CHEESE Oregon full cream twins. tlCJ
11 He: Young America. 120 12 Uc
POULTRY Average old hens. J24B13Vc:
mixed chickens. 12ffl24c: old roosters, fiaioc:
rpuwr roosters. llfifUJc; Springs, m -to 2
pcunas. jOHUiec; i to rounds. 15315Uc:
dressed chickens. I314c; turkeya. live, l&Q
ic; lurxeye, cnoice. U3:c; geese. live,
per pound, 7H6Sc; geese, dressed, per pound.
8S10e; ducks, old, 18c; ducks, young, 15c;
pigeons. J1&1.25; squabs. $:&2Xa. .
Groceries. Nuts, Etc
COFFEE Mocha, 260 2Sc; Java ordinary.
16022c; Costa Rica, fancy. IS 20c; good.
10tfl6c. ordinary. 10012c per pound; Co
lumbia roast, cases. 100s. $1.75; 50c, $13.75;
ArnucKie. $14.70; L.ion, J 14.75.
RICE Imperial Japan No. 1. J5.37H: South
em Japan. $3.50: Carollnaa. 5g6Vrc; brpken
head. 2?4c
SALMON Columbia River. 1-pound tails.
$1.75 $er dozen; 2-pound tails. $2.40; 1-pound
flats. $1.S5: fancy. ISIVs -pound flats. Sl.bO;
-pound flats. JL10; Alaska pink 1-pound
tans, sac; red. l -pouna talis, $1.30; sockeyes,
1-pound talis. $1.85.
SUGAR Sack basis. 100 pounds: Cube.
$5.65; powdered. $5.40; dry granulated.
$5.80; extra C J4.S0; golden C, $4.70; fruit
rugar, J5.30; advance over sack basis, as fol
lows: Barrels. 10c; half-barrels. 25c; boxes.
50c per 100 pounds (Terms; On remittance
within IS days, deduct Uc per pound; if
later tnan 15 days ana witnin 3u cays, de
duct hke per pound: no discount after 30
days.) Beet sugar, granulated. $5.26 per
100 pounds; maple sugar. 15lSc per pound.
SALT California. $11 per ton. $1.6(1 per
oaie; Liverpool, ous, i; iius. 5ib.w); 200a,
$16: half-pound. 100s. $7: 60s. $7.50.
NUTS Walnuts, 13c per pound by sack, lc
extra for less than sack; Brazil nuts. 15c;
nioeru, itc: pecans. ;umDoi, itc; extra large.
16c: almonds. I. X. L... l6Vc: che6tnut. Ital
ians, 15c: Ohio. $4.56 per 25-pound drum; pea
nuts, raw. ViC per pouna; roasiea, c; pine-
cuts, iosj i'.ie; nicKory nuts. c; cocoanuts,
7c: cocoanuts. 85300c rer dozen.
BEANS Small white. 3SO-c; large white.
sac: pinK. 3'.itf3Vjc; nayou. Hiic; umt, oic
Hops, Wool. Hides. Etc
HOPS Choice 1904. 17&19c per pound.
WOOL Eastern Oregon average best. ln
21c: lower grades, down to 15c, according to
snnnKage; vaiiey. ao.ic per pouna.
MOHAIR Choice. 31c per pound.
HIDES Dry hides. No. 1. 16 pounds and tin.
lG816c per pound; dry kip. No. 1. 5 to 10
pounas. ugfi&c per pouna; cry call. ;so. 1.
under 0 tounds. 17018c; dry ratted, bulls and
tuts, one-third less than drr film: eulls.
moth-eaten, badly cut. ecored. murrain, halr-
cllpped. weather-beaten or grubby, 23c per
pound less); salted hides, steers, sound. 60
pounds and over, 9010c per pound; 50 to 60
pounds. Per pouna; under bo pounds
and cows, &&9c per pound; salted kip. sound.
15 to SO pounds. 9c per round; aalted veal,
sound. 10 to 14 pounds. 9c per pound; salted
calf, round, under 10 pounds. 10c per pound:
(green unsaltrd. lc per pound less; culls, lc
per pound less). Fheep skins: Shearlings. No.
1 butchers' stock. 25030c each; short wool. No.
1 butchers stock. 40(j50c eacn: medium, wool.
No. 1 butchers' stock. OOffSOc: lonr wooL No.
1 butchers' stock. M01.5O each. Murrain pelts
from 10 to 20 per cent less or 12rl4c per
pouna; nor niaes, sauea, eacn. accoraing to
size. $1.5093; cry, eacn. accoraing to size. $1
qi.zkj; colts niaes. oooc eacn; goat rJcms,
common, 10015c each; Angora, with wool on,
2501.50 each.
TALLOW Prime, per pound. 3H04c; N6. 2
and grease. .203c.
FURS Bear skins, as to size. No. 1, $2.50
eacn; cuds. mi. naager. aawc; wna
cat. with head perfect. 25050c: boute cat.
r.giOc; fox. common gray. 50070; red. $30
5: cross. $5015: sliver and black. $1000200:
fljkhers, C506; lynx. $4.5000: zalnk, strictly
io. 1. according 10 ize, iias.&o; marten,
dark Northern, according to size and color.
$10015; marten, pale, pine, according to rlze
ana color. iZ.b02r : musicrat. large. 30315c:
large, prime skin. $8010: panther, with httd
60c; mountain wolf, with head perfect. $3.50
63; coyote. 8001: woirerme. J60S: beaver,
per skin, large, $506; medium. $30-4; small.
$101.50: kltr. 50375c
BEESWAX Good, clean and pure. 20022c
per ound.
CASCARA SEGRADA (Chlttam bark)
uooo. Jc per poena.
GRAIN BAGS-Calcutta. 707iic.
ProrlsiOBs and Caa&ed Meata.
11 . ia TnK-t IIUr- 1H VU
ISHc: California (picnic). Oc; cottage barasl
9c: shoulders, ttc; boiled ham, 21c; boiled plc
rf im boneleM. 15c
standard breakfast. 16; choice, 15c; Eng'
llch brtakfazt. 11 to 14 pouncs, 14c; peach
itc salt, 10c icnoked; clear backs. Vic
U.I.. t.i I)"r TJJ. St-c: "20a. lOci lire
. '.k -1 . ... 1nii- Cf . nrtnrfl ntsm: Tire
SVa tuba, OHc: 50t. 34c; 20s. 9Me; IK
jjc; 5a. Pc Compouna: Tierces, 6c;
tubs. 6UC lbt- s. Ji6
SAUWUt ronnza nam. ic V' pouna;
lTVrc; bologna, long, lc; welncrwurst. Sc.
liver, vc, pors. vc: diwo, 0c. awiitiiww,
bologna sausage, imn, iu
ntnirt n r?rkrtrc tvtr K i-rV XI6- half.
tMrriarVu50; beef, barreis. $1; half barrets.
CANNtAj MEATS Corned beef, pounds, per
$. Roast beef JWt. posd. $L; two poueis.
nose; .x pounu. sine. imi. .
poends, none; two pounds. jt23S; six pounds.
Mil. 10c smcked; clear bellies. It to 1,
pounds average, none salt. none smoked;
Oretoa exports. DO to 25 pounds average.
10e salt, ll&c smoked.
mki-ueax ura. geme-ixaaoro.
pounds, r.oae; six pounds, $5-M-
Dressed Meats.
BEEF Dressed bulls. .1C2 per pound;
cowe. 3VJl?4Hc; country steers. 4B&C
MUTTON Dressed laaey, oc per -jenao;
erdiaarr. 4c
vual Dressed. 75 to is pouncs. Bittc;
25 to 200 pounds. 5EOc: 200 pounds and up.
305c. .
PORK Dressed. 100 to 150. C 1J
and cp. 67c per pound.
TURPENTINE Cases. 66c per gallon.
WHITE LEAD Ton lots. TUc: 609-pound
lots. 7Kc: less than 5O0-pousd lots. 6c
GASOLINE stove gasoline, cases, -y-i
Iron barrels. 17c: 66 deg. gasoline cases. 22c;
Iron barrels or drams. 26c
COAL OIL Cases. 20Hc: iron barrels. 14c:
wood barrel. 17c: GSy&z cases. 22c; Iron
barrels. 15Hc X
LINSEED OIL BV. S-bsrrel lots, 62c: 1
barrel lots. 63c; caies. 66c Boiled: &-barrel
loti-. 64c; 1-barrel lots. 65c; eases. 70c
Hops Steady, but Dull Larjre Offer
ings of Prult and Prices Easy.
Dairy Produce Finn.
SAN FRANCISCO. July IP. (Special.)
Thrre Is little movement In California, wool,
as the bulk of receipts during" the Spring
months has been sold. Small parcels of lambs
wool of early shearing are selling at fancy
price, but supplies of this description are too
light to draw upon. Scourers are practically
Idle, but later, when receipts ef Fall wool
Increase, they will resume basinet en an ac
tive scale Wool prices at present are wholly
Local handlers of heps quote spot price for
the 1904 crop steady at 16H0I6 cents, wit a
trade dull, axd 1905 contracts lower at IS
The option market for leading cereals had
a flrroer tendeacy. with December barley very
active The Inquiry far rsnt grain wa fair.
and prices for wheat, baney, cats and rye
were well sustained.
Selected, well-packed trulU eold readily for
shipment on the steamer Queen far Puget
Sound ports at the following prices: Peaches,
50060c; plums. 50060c; prunes. 60075c; ap
ples. $101.50; Bartlett pears, $1.7552. Or
dinary offerings of these fruits were large and
prices easy. Lemons were weak. Valencia or
anges were ccarce and Arm. Tropical fruits
were dulL
Choice potatoes were steady and off grades
easy. The onion market was quieter, as ship
ping orders for Australia hare been filled.
Excepting cheese, dairy products were firm.
Receipts. 75.200 pounds butter; 12,600 pounds
cheese 33.450 dozen eggs.
VEGETABLES Cucumbers. 50c$l; garlic.
?$ec; green peas. $101-50; etring beans. 20
3c: tomatoes. 15060c; erg plant. 5Os0$1.25.
POULTRY Turkey gobblers. lS021e; roost
er?. Id. $4.5005; do young. $4.5087.53; broil
ers. ma!!. $1.5002.50; do Urge. $2.5003.50;
fryers. $505.50; do young. $6.59.
BUTTER Fancy creamery. 2Jc; creamery
teeends. 21c; "fancy dairy. 20c; dairy seeands.
EGGS Store, 17021c; fancy ranch. 25c
WOOL Spring. Humboldt aad Mendocino, 2S
080c: Nevada. 16020c
MILLSTUFFS Bran. $21022; middlings.
HAY Wheat, $6013.50; wheat aad eats.
$6812: barley. $609: alfalfa. $6016: clever.
$7010. .stocks, $307; straw. 30f5Oc per bale
BOTATOES Early Row. 5to$l.
CHEESE Young American, lOHSHc; East
era. 15016HC.
FRUITS Apple, choice $L33; common. 40c;
bananas. 75c$3; Mexican limes. $70$; Cali
fornia lemons, choice $3; common. $1; or
anges, navels. 330&5O; pineapples. $203.
RECEIPTS Flour. 1626 quarter racks;
wheat, 1604 centals; barley. 54S3 centals;
beans. 1I2S sacks; potatoes. 1374 sacks; bran.
635 sacks; middling. 100 sacks; hay. 479
tone; wool. 75 bales; hides. 927.
Prices Quoted Locally for Leadiag lines
The following prices on livestock were quot
ed yesterday In the local market:
CATTLE Best Eamern Oregen steers. $3.25
03.35; good cows. $202-50: common cow.
$1.5001.75; calves. 125 to 150 pounds. $5; 200
to 250 pounds. $3,500-1.
HOGS Best large fat hogs. $62506.50:
HOGS Best large, fat hegs, $6.2566.50:
block and China tat, $5.5005.75; good feeders.
SHEEP Best Eastern Oregon and Valley.
$3.25; medium. $3; lambs. $4.50.
Prices Current at Kansas City, Omaha aad
SOUTH OMAHA. July 19. Cattle Receipts.
2500; market eteady and 10c higher. NaUre
steers. $3.5005.50; "WeMern steers. $3,000)
4.50; canners, $L7502.OJ; lockers and feed
err, $2O04.CO: calves. $3.0005.50; bulls, stags.
etc, $2.0004.00. v
HogsReceipts. 1400; market 5010c higher.
Heavy. $5.5005.65; mixed. $5.6005.65; light.
$5.6505.70; pigs. $4.7505.50; bulk of sale.
Sheep Receipts, 200; market slew. 10015c
lower. Western yearlings. $5.5006.00; weth
err, $4.75055; ewes. $4.0004.60; lambs, $S-50
CHICAGO. July 19.-CatUe Receipts. 10.
600; market steady. Good to prime teers,
$5.4005.90; poor to medium. $3.698525; stock
ers aad feeders. $2.4004.25; cows. $2.4004.40;
heirers. $2.00$lS.OO: canners. $1502.25; bulls.
$2.0003.40; calves, $3.06.5O; Texas fed
steers. $4.1003.00.
Hogs Receipts today, 13.000; tomorrow. 15,.
000; market 10c higher. Mixed aad butchers,
$5.6006.15; good to choice heavy, $5.fO06.1O;
rough heavy. $3.4O05J9; tight. $5l6O06.17fe;
bulk of sales. $5006.00.
Sheep Receipts, 15.000; market steady.
Good to choice wethers, $4.tO05O; fair to
choice mixed. $4.1004.75; Western sAeep.
$4.00055; naUve lambs, $4.7505.70; West
ern lambs, $5.0007.65.
KANSAS crrr. July 19.-CatUe-RecelpU.
10.000; market steady. Native steers. $4,253
5.50; stockers aad feeders, $2.7504.40; bulls.
$2.2504.00; Western fed steers. $3.2535.23;
Western fed cows, $2.7004.25.
Hogs Receipts, SfKW: market 5c higher.
Bulk of sales, $5.3705.60; heavy, $5.7005.75;
packers, $5.7003.60; pigs aad lights, $5,600
5.65. Bheep Receipts. 4000; market steady. Mut
tons. $4.5003.75; lambs. $6.0006.40; range
ethers. $5.1005.65; fed ewes. $4.5003.00.
No Change la Steel PlsOes or Shapes.
NEW YORK, July IB. Leading manufac
turers of steel plates and shapes have agreed
at a protracted conference here to atake so
chang- la prices. For some time past there
has been mere or less .talk of aa advance
of the price of both ctroctural "steel and
steel plates, on account of the prevailing
activity. Some of the Interest represented
at the conference are understood to hare
been In favor of raising price, but the propo
sition was voted down. The more conserva
tive Interests argued that aa advance la struc
tural steel and steel plates at this Juncture
would do more harm than good, aa they
claimed that It would check the present active
demand for these lines.
Coffee aad Sugar.
NEW YORK. July 19. Coffee futures opened
Irregular at a decline of &05 l-16o In response
to lower European cables aad continued re
ports from primary markets on the outlook for
larger receipts. Tber was not a great deal
for sale apparently, but the demand was too
light ta cause any Improvement until In tht
late trading, whea there was corericg by shorts
and come more buying for London account.
The close was steady, net unchanged to 5
points higher. Sales were reported of 47.500
big. Including September, at 66386.75c: Oc
tober. 6.70c; December. 6.O07.C5e. January.
7c; March. 7.100 7.15c; May. 7i507JOc. Spot
RJo. quiet; No. 7 Unvoice-. 6c: mild. dull.
Sugar Raw. fcrsi,: fair refialag. Kc: cen
trifocal. 96 test. 4c; molasses iCr. J'.ic
Keftned. steady.
Securities' Case Again Affects
Stock Market.
Sale'of Union pacific Assets Ex
pected to Be 3 la do on Profit
able Terms Illinois Cen
tral Dividend Ignored.
NEW TORK. July 19. The 'professional
limits of the operators In stocks were strict
ly malatalsed today, but within those limits
J peculation was allowed rather more scope
and the traders enlarged their operations to
some extent. Inducing some more sinking
price movements than yesterday. The lc
creas la the vivacity of the trading was
only by comparUca with the lethargy of yes
terday, and the appearance of the market
.suggested continuing somnolency. Much of
this effect was attributed to the excessive
heat which took the energy out of all degrees
of human activity.
The Increased breach of the market was
owing most wholly to the revived effect of
rumors regarding Northern Securities' Affairs.
The fixed belief that the dividend oa Union
Pacific Is to be Increased to a 5-per-cent rate
at tomorrows meeting of directors had ap
parently lost Its eSJdeacy.aad thea it was re
ported there was to be a sale of Union Pa
cific's Northern Securities assets. It will be
remembered .that these assets resolve ' them
selves finally Into minority holdings of North-
era Pacific and Great Northern preferred In"
place of the majority and control of North
era Pacific which Union Pacific put into the
original merger. Union Pacific's dealre to dis
pose of those arsets hsa. therefore, beea as
sumed and the movement of prices today was
pointed to as Indicating advantageous terms
for all concerned. The who!e matter re
mained In the realm of conjecture without a
word of official information .for guidance.
The acUon of Illinois Central was not ea
couraglng to those who are fccplng for rais
ing prices to follow news of Increased divi
dends. There was room to attribute the re
action from the early advance in that stock
to the manner of declaring the dividend, the
half per cent addition being designated extra,
as on the preceding disbursement. Instead of
being called a regular semi-annual dividend
of 3H per cent.
Rumor was bury with aa alleged meeting
of Erie directors to declare an Initial divi
dend oa the second preferred stock, hut these
also were unsubstantiated. "Pittsburg Coal
preferred suffered from the casslng of Its
quarterly dividend. Gross earnings reported
by railroads for he second week of July
were uniformly higher than last year's slmthu-
The recent more active demand for money
la loaas oa time was perceptibly relaxed, and
the proceeds of lean bills In the exchaxge
market Increased the supply so that the tone
for time money became easy. Rates for call
loans were also Inclined to yield.
The few striking gains In prices were, poorly
field and the market closed easy with a ragged
showing of moderate gains and losses.
Bonds were irregular. Total sales, par
value. $2,320,600. United State bonds were
eschaaged oa call.
aies. Mign. low. Did.
Adams Express
Amalgamated Copper 23.700
Amer. Car &. Found. 1.200
do preferred
S3 62U S2K
Ainer. Cotton Oil...
do preferred
American Express ..
Am. Hide tc L.. pf.
American Ice ......
Amer. Linseed Oil..
30Vi 27
92 P2
225 225-
41S 40H
26 25 Vj
do preferred ..... .....
Amer. Locomotive... 1.400 4SH 4SV
do preferred ...... ...... ..."
Am. Smelt, & Rfng..
do preferred ......
Amer. Sugar Rfng..
Am. Tobacco, pf. ct
Anaconda Mining Co.
Atchison ...........
do preferred ......
Atlantic Coast Line
Baltimore & Ohio..
do preferred
Brook. Rapid Trans.
Canadian Pacific ...
Central of N. J
Central Leather
do preferred ......
Chesapeake & Ohio.
Chicago ic. Alton ...
do preferred ......
Chicago Great West,
Chicago & North w. .
3.600 117S 116; 116U
100 120, 1204 120U.
200 13a 13SK 136
lt lMHi
66H 66H
102Vi 102H
160 100
ICS 1,
114H 11
7.4O0 70U
2.COJ 152H
""coo 44;
100 104H
100 331
""l00 7U
400 20
IWU 1041
53i 53H
79U 70
19 194
300 211
-llin -10
ChL. Mil. & St- Paul. 14.300 1S2H
ChL Term. & Trans.. ...... ..."
161 1S1H
do preferred ...... ..... 3SH
. 1 . 1 tc i!h 1... ...... ..... .....
Cole Fuel l Iron.... 1.600 46H 434 43t
do 1st prtf erred ...
300 391; 3S 33
300 1904 1904 190;
do 2d preferred ...
Consolidated Gas ....
Corn Products .......
do preferred ......
Delaware & HuoVon.
Del.. Lack. A West.
Denver & Rio G
do preferred
Distillers Securities.
do 1st preferred ...
do 2d preferred ...
General Electric -. ...
Hocklnr Valier
..... 10
400 4SU 4SU
20 169T 15
600 3S7 365
SOU 6h
42 41H
47 46U
634 634
.72H 714
174b 174 i
HHncls Central 22.300
International Paper . 900
do preferred
International Pump . ......
do preferred
Iowa Ceatral
do preferred
Kan. City Southern
do preferred ......
:::::: ::::: ::::: S
. 2Z0 I45S l4Si 149U
1.700 163U ICS
touls. & Naahv....
Manhattan L.
Met, Securities
Metropolitan St. Ry.
Mexican Central ...
WOO K3S 824 32H"
ia.lUiJ i-iyt 1ZT
1.300 21H
Minn. & EL Louis...
M- St. P. & S. 8. M.
do preferred ......
"160 122K
00 "
Mlseourl Pacific .....
Mo.. Kaa. Jc Tex....
do preferred ......
National Lead .....
Jft, R. R. of Mex. pf.
New York Central...
N. Y.. Ont, U West..
Norfolk Sc. Western..
do preferred ......
300 37V
fOO 147
North. American .... .....
Northern Pcclfic .... S.SOO 203H
Pacific Mall 3.300 44'
Feansylvaala 13,000 142T- 1424 142H
Pit.. C. C. SL I
200 80
rmwea rurri ur ... ...... ....
do preferred ...... ...... ....
Pullman Palace Car
Readlag '.. 10.000 105
do 1st preferred ... ...... ....
..... so
1044 1044
do 2d preferred ...
Republic Steel
do preferred ......
Rock Island Co
do preferred ......
Rubber Goods
do preferred ......
St. L. tc S. F- 2d pf.
St. Louis Southw....
do preferred ......
Southern Pacific ....
do preferred
Southern Railway ...
do preferred ......
Term. Goal &. Iron...
Texas & Pacific ....
Tot; EL L. West..
do preferred ......
Union Pacific .......
do preferred ......
United States Exp...
2. TOO
309 34
37 37
6,100 1304 129
500 974 974
United States Realty.
United States Rubber 76.6W 47H 43t;
do preferred 2.500 1124 112U
United States Steel.. 17.200 ZiK 34H
Va. Carolina Cnera. . 2.7CO
344 334 344
do preferred ...... 100
do preferred ...... ......
Welts-Fargo Exprese ......
Westlnghouse Elect. . ......
Western Union 100
Wheel. Sc. Lake E..i.
Wlscoasln Central .. ......
do preferred ...... ......
106 105 HUH
. SO
93 96 93
.. 164
..... 234
..... 314
Total sales tor the day. 365.300 shares.
NEW YORK, July 18. ClosJag quotations
U S- ref- 2- rg.l634tD. A X- G. 4S...1004
do cosee 16S41N. Y. C a. 34. 9S
V. 8. 3s we....lM w. PitMe ... 77
4 ee 164 1nt. PssMk 4..166
TT. k. ar 4i recUl4lSL Paotste 4-s... 94
wspu !X2ltUlB PacMc 4.10S
V. S. old 4s reg.101 IWU. Central 4s.. M
no coupon 104 uap. 6s. 2d set.. 9i
Atchison Adj. U 07 Uap. 4H, cer... 32
Stocks at Lamiea
LONDONl July 19. Consols for money.
90 3-16; consols for account. 80 H-
Anaconda. SSiNorfoIk & West. 66
Atchison SSHl do preferred... M
do areferred.. .lOSU'Ontario A West. S3
Baltimore & O..H7Vi (Pennsylvania ... 73H
Can. Pacific 156U'.Rand Mines OV
Chea. & Ohio... 55HlReadlng 54
.-. ut. western. 20H co 1st pref. ... 47
C.U.&SL P.. 186 do 2d ref 4T
DeBeera 16iiSo. Railway 34Ti
D. & R. Grande. 32S. do preferred. ..101
do preferred... S
So. Pacific....... 67
Erie 4Sti
Union Pacific. ...152
1 do preferred.. UOO
U. S. Steel 35 1i
do 1st pf.... S5i
do 2d nref 73t
Illinois Centrar.174
do pref erred... 1031
. 20
.mo.. ioa & T. . 2;i do preferred... 41H
N. Y. Central...! 3,7 H!SpanIsh Fours... 91H
Moaer Exchange. Etc.
NEW YORK. July 19. Money on call- easy..
1X02 per cent; closing bid. 1 per csnt; of
fered at 2 per cent. Time loans, easy: 60 and
90 days. 303 per cent; six months. 4 per
cent. Prime mercantile paper. 4044 per cent.
sterling exchange weak, with actual buslnem
In bankers bills at $4.6650r34.665& for de
mand aad at $4.S47O04.S475 for 60-day bills.
.rwea rates. $4.53HC4.87S. Commercial bills.
Bar sliver. 6Hc
Mexican dollars. 45Hc
Government bond?, steady: railroad bonde.
LONDON. July 19.-Bar silver, steady. 27Vd
per ounce.
oney. 01 per cent.
Discount rate, short hilt tsi ti f t -
three months bills. 14 per cent,'
SAN FRANCISCO. Jtitv IB Rllr v.r.
Mexican dollars, nominal.
Drafts, sight. 7Ue; teleeranh IfV-
-Sterllng oa London. 60 davs. 14. MU- .frhf
Dally Treasury Statement.
WASHINGTON. July 19. Today's Treasury
statement botes:
Available cash balance
Mining Stocks.
KAN FRANCISCO. Julr 19. The official
closing quotations for mining stocks today
ere as follows:
Inha Con x- ... en-;
Andes v OiMesIcan 1.23
Belcher 15(OccIdental Con.. .66
Best ic Belcher.. L20iOphIr 6.73
Bullion 40Overman 16
Caledonia ...... ,46jPotosl ..........
Challenge Con... .lOiSavage
Chollar lC'Scorplon
Confidence S3 Seg. Belcher
Con. Cal. & Va.. L33S!erra. Nevada...
Crown Point . .UiSUver Hill
i-xeneqeer .30 Union Con
Gould & Curry.. .16Utah Con
Hale & NorcroJs 10(TelIow Jacket...
NEW YORK. July 19. Closing quotations:
Adams Con $ .30Uttle Chief $ .03
Alice .34
Ontario 2.15
Breece 25
Ophlr 6-30
Brunswick Con.. .11
Phoenix 01
Corastock Tun... .OS
Potosl 11
Savage 57
Con. CaL Va.. 13
Horn Stiver 1.751
Sierra Nevada... .26
Leadville -Con.. .OdiStandard ..
BOSTON. July 19. Closing quotations:
Adventure $ 4.73Mohawk $ 30.50
Allouez 27.23'Mont. C. Sc. C. . 2.23
Am. Zinc
62-XS'OId Dominion. 23.73
10.00IOsceola. 03.30
16.13tParrot 24.00
29.63(QuIncy 103.00
BInghasi .....
CaL Hecla..
Copper Range..
630.G0,Shannon 7.1:
21.73Tamarack 118.00
71.23'TrinIty 8.13
uaiy wejt. ...
Dominion Coal
14.25 .'United Copper. 31.23
78.00'U. S. llinlng... 32.23
Granby .......
-25;U. S. Oil 10.23
Isle Rorale
10.23tUtah 4X30
22.23rvictorIa 3.13
Mas. Mining...
S.23(Wlnona 11.23
14.50Wolverine 117.00
Washington Crop Report.
The Washington weekly crop bulletin ears
In cart:
The weather was favorable for crona In gen
eral, pastures continue good. The rains
benefitted, late eats, potatoes and. garden
1 - vra is Krowiur rapiaiy ana
promlees o be a rood eron Thm T. t.
crop Js better than the earlv ohm wre hnt
some nave cracjcea rrom tne effect of rain.
Flum. peaches and aDricota are riwnlnr T.w
have appeared on hope, but they are sprayed
welL There are resort tht an Itvm it.
by seme the "army worm." and by others a
cm-worm, is coing carnage la some locali
ties. 11 u tnougnt tbat this nuv b thr,
w. wuinvfra,
that created such havoc with vegetatioa In
tne ruget bound country la July, 1900.
The hot soell of the nmwtlnr irv
opportunely to a close on the 10th. before any
connceraoie amount or injury had been done
to grain. The greater part of the wheat crop
Is In the fllllne stare, and th tt. 1 v.- -r
the past week could hardly have beea better
for wheat fill I nr. Ruit. however u in.
Ing In some localities. Winter wheat and bar
I.v mre rinenlntr ninlrffv mnA t.- v.V
gun In some southern districts. Winter wheat
cutting win oe general in another week. The
outlook continues very favorable for a heavy
crop 01 waeai. oats aad Darley.
Dried Fruit at Now York.
NEW YORK, July 19. The market for evap
orated apples continues firm on short crop
news, but demand Is quieter for the time be
ing; common to good are quoted at 44054c:
prime at 6c; choice. 6487c and fancy at
Prunes thow no fresh feature, being firmly
held at quotations ranging from 3 to 6c. ac
cording to grade.
Apricots are unchanged, with choice quoted
.at 10I04c; extra choice at 11c and fancy at
Peaches are said to show Increasing strength
on the Coast, hut there has been no quotable
change In the local spot situation. Choice are
held at lOfJIOUc. extra choice at loi5104e.
and fancy at 114612c.
juusins remain quiet. Loose Muscatel are
quoted at 4UQ64C Seeded Valslas at 54g6c;
Lonaon layers. $131.15. j
Metal 3Urke(s.
NEW TORK.' July 19. The London tin mar
ket was agcla higher, closing at 145 for spot
and ai43 iso for futures. The demand con
tlnuea light locally, aad. while some deal-
era are aiklC 31.7- far snet svnmt nrrnt-
xicns range irom Jl-i'TJol-WC
Copper was also higher abroad, closing at
lf M M for spot and 167 12s 6d for futures
In the London market. Locally the situation
remains firm, with lake and electrolytic quoted
at J5-315.124C aad cast at 14.73c
Lead was unchanged, at 4.3084.60c in the
local market, and at 13 15s in London.
Speller was also unchanged In both markets.
dosing at 24 In London, and 3.4085.45c in
lEe New Tork market.
Iron closed at 49s 4d la Glasgow, aad at 43a
14d la Mlddlesboro. Locally Iron Is steadier.
ana most ceaiers are asKing higher prices.
No Call for Hop growers" MeettBg.
SALEM, Or.. July 19L Special. Conrad
Krebs says that the announcement publUhed
yesterday that he has called a convention, o
horgrowers to be held In Salem July 20 Is a
niiiur, as ce ou uvuca no call. He ex
pects to call & meeting of growers the lat
ter part ct this month, but has not yet fixed
the date.
Mr. Krebs cays hat after visiting every
hop auction in the Valley he finds that the
crop is In great danger of Injury by vermin
la every section except one that surrounding
New- York Cat tea Market.
NEW YORK. July 18. Cotton futures clceed
steady. July. 10.16c: August, 10.83c; Septe
her. 10.91c; October, lie; November, II. 02c
December. 1.07c; January, 11.11c; February.
Spot closed quiet, 10 points advance; mid'
Cling uplands. 11.01c; do Gulf. 11.35c; sales.
Dairy Fre4ee Ja the Xasi.
CHICAGO. July 19- Oa the ProdacyEx
.change today the butter market was steady;
creamerfss. lC194c; dairies. 154JI6C
Eggs, steady at mark, cases Included. 134c
firsts. 154e: prime firsts, 17c: extras, 19c
Cheese $4f 104c
Weel at SC Zntt. .
ST. LOUIS. July 19. WooL steely; nseiHaia
xrades coca Ing and clothing. ss6: Hgat
ftse. 21f27c; heavy ae. lf 2Sc: t waahei.
Sliding of Wheat Prices Is
Checked by Crop Reports.
Upward Movement Aided by Three-
Cent Rise , at Minneapolis.
Smaller Receipts or New
Wheat la Southwest.
CHICAGO. July 19. Strength In the wheat
market developed soon after the opening. At
the start, the market was weak. September
being off 404c at 624063c Prices at Liver
pool showed losaes. The most Important fac
tor, however. In the Initial weakness here
was that the weather throughout the United
States continued extremely favorable for the
new crop. Nevertheless.' sentiment In the
wheat pit soon became bullish. The chief
causes for the change In feeling were numer
ous reports from Minneapolis telling Of ths
condition of the Spring-sown crop In ths
oaxotas aad Minnesota. Although the ad
vices were conflicting, the majority seemed
favora&le to the bulls. As a result, prices
made a quick upturn, shcrts buying freely
on the possibility of damage to the Spring
crop. The fact that receipts today at St.
Louts were smaller than the previous two
days helped to Increase bullish sentiment. An
other Indication that the heavy movement of
new wneat in the Southwest was on the wane
was the almost unanimous refusal of bids
sent out by cash houses at St. Louis, ac
ceptances at that point, today being reported
as tne lightest for the new crop. Late In the
session, the market here became extremely
strong on a general demand. Induced mainly
by a 3-cent advance for September at Minne
apolis. The September option here sold up to
844c. closing strong, 14c- higher, at S4c
-orn was steady. September closed 4c off.
at 544c
The market for oats was stronsr. Sentrmber
-closed 4c Bp. at 294c
Provisions were steady. Influenced malnlv by
the strength of wheat. At the close. Sep-
temDer pork was unchanged. lard was up
rtC ana riot were a snade higher.
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Orwn. H!rh. 1sr Hmo
Julr $0,844 $0,674 $0,644 $0,874
September 624 .644 .824 .844
December S2Ti .84T4 .52H .SiJi
Julr. old 574 .STX .57U ATK
July, new 574 .374 -57 .574
Eeutember. oia. .55U .33U .S3u .551
September, new. .54 .53U .34 .64X4
December, new.. .414 .484 -474 . .484
July ,
314 .32
... .284 -294
... .294 .304
... .314 -314
...12.974 13.024 12-00 12.95
...13.074 13.10 12.974 13.024
October ..
.1. 7.25 7.274
... 7.324 7.33
October ..
October .-.
.. 7.05
.. 8.00
7.974 7.00
8.024 7.93
Cash quotations were as follows:
Flour Easy.
Wheat No. 2 Spring. $1.0531.10; No- 3, 95c
$1.03; No. 2 red. 884584c-
Corn No. 2. 57458c; No. 2 yellow, 58c.
Oats No. 2. 324c; No. 2 white. 334334c;
No. 3 white, 314e334c
Rye No. 2. 66c
Barley Good feeding, 42t?44c; fair to choice
malting. 47g49c
Flaxseed No. 1. $1,224: No. 1 Northwestern.
Timothy seed Prime. $3.203.25.
Mess pork Per barrel. $12.80 12.60.
Lard Per 100 pounds. $7.1007.12.
Short ribs sides Loese. $7.8037.90.
Short clear sides Boxed, $7.82438.
Clover Contract grade. $12.75613.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, barrels ......
... 25.700
... 95,000
... 5.00O
... 26,700
Wheat, bushels .....
Com. bushels .......
Oats, bushels .......
Rye. nusnels
Barley, bushels ....
Grain aad Produce at New York.
NEW YORK. July 10. Flour Receipts, 20.-
200 barrels: sales. 2400 packages.) Market dull,
hut steady. '
Wheat Receipts. 5000 bushels; sales, 4.300.-
000 bushels futures: spot firm. No. 2 red.
nominal elevator; No. 2 red, 944c f. o. b.
afloat: No. 1 Northern Dulutb. $1,164 f.
b. afloat. The wheat market opened lower
on account ct weak cables and favorable
weather news, followed by a strong advance
on rust news, active Northwest buying.
strength at outside points and covering. Last
prices were 14c14c net higher. July closed
634c; September, 894c: December, 694c
Hops and Hides Steady.
Wool and petroleum Quiet.
Grain at San Francisco.
SAN FRANCISCO. July 19. Wheat and
barley, .stronger. Spot quotations:
Wheat Shipping. $1.47431.53; milling.
Barley Brewing, nominal.
Oats Red. 31.15
Call board eales:
Wheat December. $1,434.
Barley December, 974c
Corn Large yellow. $1.37431.424.
MiaaeaaoIIs Wheat Market.
MINNEAPOLIS. July 19. Wheat-September,
S64$664c: "December. 664c: No. 1 hard.
$L014: No. 1 Northern, $1,084: No. 2 North
ern. $1,054.
Wheat at XiverpooL
LPVERPOOL. July 19. Wheat, July, aoml
aal; September. 6s 7d; December. 6a d.
Wheat at Tacoma,
TACOMA. July 19. Wheat, unchanged; mill
ing; nominal. BIuestemL 86c: club. 60c.
Railroad Paymaster Hcld-TJp.
SHERBROOKE. Que., July 19. Pay
master Percy, of the Oxford Mountain
Railroad, has been heldup by two high
waymen, shot and severely wounded and
relieved of a large sum of money In
tended for employes of the road.
The Portlaad F. F. Williams. Sr. Louis.
F. H. Moon. Saa Jose: F. F. Morse, Lan
caster. Mass.: T. P. Westmoreland aad wife,
Atlanta, Ga.; D. J. White aad wife. Miss M.
White. Atlaatlc City; Mrs. A. M. ValL Phila
delphia, Pa.; Miss S. N. Beach. Eugene. Or.;
Miss G. Beach. St, Louis; E. S. Dumont, SL
Paul; TV. Evaas, Miss Evaas, Louisville;
Mrs. C. B. Suier. New York; C B. Equier.
Jr.. Miss M. Squler. New Jersey; Miss A.
Fletcher. J. G. Fletcher. Llttls Rock; Mre
W. R, Llvermore. New York: Mrs. K. D.
Lewis. San Francisco; E. S. Garrett. H. Hud
son. Seattle; H. S. Clarke and wife. CL
Clark. Butte. ManL; Miss M. J. Stewart,
Cincinnati. O.; W. T. Srauas. Baltimore,
Md.; A. K- P. Hannen. Oakland. Cal.: F. A.
Klnner. Dr. P. Dolman. W. H. Largdon.
Saa Francisco; W. F. King. H H. Davles.
New York; J. D. Hoge and wife. Seattle; T.
J. Schuyler aad wife. Saa Francisco: E. C
Wagner. Seattle; E. R. Bryson. wife 'and
lister Covington. Ky.: W. JL Bartholomew,
East "Oraage; N. Phillips. San Francisco;
R. B. Patterson and wire. Miss G. Patter
son. MUs G, Mercke. Spokane; S. J. Clark.
Philadelphia; J. M. Lederer.aad wife, New
York; W. E. D&ugherty aad wife, U. S. A.:
S. E. Schedlne and wife. A. Abrahams. San
FraacUco; C ML Phipps aad wife. New
Tork; C P. Moerehosse asd wife. Pasadena;
A. P, Johnson aad wife. Miss C E. Jobs
sos. Miss E. K. Johasen, Riverside. CaL;
L. WeiL wlfa and sos. Chicago: A. J. Dla
meBd. New York; H. St, Goer, J. M. Loewe
aad wife. J. C Rosa, Saa FraacUco; C A.
Pride and wife. Chicago; . Elaaa. Saa.
Fraaclsce. ,
The FetichM-Weodsoa J. Mosa. Billings.
MM.t Fraafc Davesport. Heed River: Tracy
jMett. Mahet J. A. Raad. iieeA Hr: Mr.
DttMeyrr-Mles Pardy,. Dudley. MtJw: M. L
Staats. Dallas, O.; M. A. Ford: F. Lerger.
Fargo. N. D.; W. H. Nelson. Mrs. Nelson.
Newberg; H. Chattlefleld Newberg;" E: T.
Harding. Mrs. Hardlngi Gaston: J. Mott, city;
J. P. Patrick. Des Moines: C. H. Ewley.
Hood River; L. W. Chandler. Mrs- Chandler.
Toad a. Ia.; Mrs. M. G. Blaker. Pocahontas;
M. F. Blatekly. Dea Moines. J. Pauly. Mrs.
Pauly, Chicago: J. W. Ackerman. Toledo: N.
D. Crawford. F. W. Moeer. Chicago; D. Hall.
Spokane; J. W. Blaln, San Francisco; George
Murphy. Arlington: William Gawley. Mrs.
Gawiey. Tacoma: EL H. Converse. McMInn
ville; E. E. Unden. Mrs, UnJen. Seat'le;
Chris Armstrong. Pocatello: F. Torham. Se
attle: D. S. CampDeil. Seattle: a. wing.
Franklin; M. Hawson. .C Hawson. Rosthen;
Pete Traman. Mrs. Tramaa. Reardan. Wash.;
G. A. Cochran. Victoria: W. H. Preston. St.
Louis; E. D. Oakey. San Francisco: Mm.
J. G. Preston. Omaha; A. F. Schmidt, Saa
Francisco; E. H. Sherwln, Mrs. Sherwln. Mon
tlcello; A. M. MltchelL Master Mitchell. Syra
cuse; John B. Bell. Asotin. Wash.: F. W.
Schelbe. Kansas City. Mo.: L. S. DImmtek.
Roseburg: N. E. CrandalL Los Angeles. Cal.;
A. R. Cox. Heppner; H. V. Gates. Hlllsboro;
Mrs. A. K. Stafford. St. Louis: S. J. Cameron.
G. E- Graham. North Yakima; T. Moffatr,
Crable. SL Johns. Wash.: E. U Garden. ..orth
Dakota: Alice Davlai. Seattle; R. J. Glnn.
Moro; J. D. Gaxxelle. Mrs. Gazzelle. Miss
Gaxielle. H. R. Glhbons, Mrs. Gibbons Miss
Gibbons. Chicago; J. T. sanrora. coiumous.
R. C. Robertson. Fayette: G. H. Tonre. Pin
Island: C. V. Darknell. St Malres. Idaho; W.
J. Jones. Dallas; J. Weinberg. Chicago: P.
A vary. Corvallls: C. A. Price. Mrs. Price. Ta
coma; J. E. Price. Tacoma: B. F. Jones. To
ledo; B. Blckman. Chicago; Miss Annie B.
Jones, Miss Lucy W. Jonea. Miss Mary Chap
man, Memphis. Tenn.: Miss Tessle Jackson.
Miss Rakle Atkins. Arcada. La.; George Red
ding, Mrs. Redding. Miss Redding. JUnneaapo
lls; F. J. Weed. Columbus; W. H. Carroll.
Honawalt; S. G. Buell, Arlington; Pino Ku
eoda. Asaka. Japan: William A. AVinsbow. Saa
Francisco; S. Steele. Albany: Frank M. John
son. Moscow: H. C. Mahon. J. M. Cook. Eu
gene; S. A. Hewllng, Chicago; B. E. Cran
dall, Moscow: William Eddy. Mrs. Eddy. Mas
ter Eddy. Seattle: J. P. Townsend, E. G.
Townsend. Philadelphia.
The Imperial F. J. Carney Astoria; C M.
Case. Dawson; J. Flmllneon. Vancouver: Mrs.
K. Lougbren, EL J. Sommervllle. Miss E
Sommerville. Miss adle Sommervllle, MUs
Evelyn Sommervllle, Pendleton: Chrle Schmlat.
Mrs. Schmidt, Astoria; Carl T. Gram. Ade
laide Gram. M. C Smith. Mrs. Smith. Saa
Francisco; W. A. De Groot. Los Angeles; J.
E. Barran, Salmej-; Dr. and Mrs. J. S. Gor
don. Ogden; W. B. Allen and wife, San Fran
cisco; b E. inypp. Springfield; H. A. Bonne
feld. Galveston; E. R. DHIer. OakUnd; George
Portor. PhlladelphU; C. M. Case. Dawson: S.
Kuwahoro, Saa Francisco; C. B. Wright, Mrs.
Wright. Seattle; W. EL Kehoe, San Fran
cisco: W. M. Beagle, Pendleton: W. A
Flrebaugh, Portland; A. J. Stelneoerg. Mrs.
steineDcrg. uorneii; A. a. uates. at. uouu;
F. W. Makepeace. Mre. Makepeace. Ander
son; M. O. Lownsdale. Mrs. Lownsdale. L
Favette: C. L. Huston. Mrs. Huston. -Vstorla;
T. W. Harris. Eugene: H. Grotophorst and
wite. iiarmooa; s. g. Jiinaes. san j?raaciscu;
Mrs. H. T. Sranfleld. Pendleton: J. W. Vla-
yard, George Mitchell. Helena; Lynn Caton.
Mrs. Caton. Oakland; J. N. Hedden. Mrs.
Hedden. Scottsburg; Mrs. S. A. Marvin, Mrs.
Yoran. Eugene. ,
The St. Charlea W. A. Burnham. Mayme
Buraham. Zelda. Burnham. O. Burnham.
North Yakima; J. L. Lacey. Downers Grove.
HU: H. O. Relna. Vancouver George
Frakes. Scappoose; Arthur Nelson. Shlckley.
Neb.: A. F. Hauser. Amity: K. S. uartiam.
TV. A. Soule. Haller. Idaho: E. D. Starr.
B. F. Johnson. Prlnevllle; S. N. Poole. Mlil-
dletoa; EL M. Van Avery. I. H. sprague.
L. Beyes. city; H. D. White. Waukesha.
Wis.; J. C. Garner. Lyle. Wash.; L. Olen-
Iagger. Jacksonville. III.: Arcnie uontnao.
Thomas Griffin. Bakerfleld. CaL: H. C
Crause and wife. Blsbee; Buy I. Antrim ana
wife. Salem: J. L. Morrow. Adel; E. JC-
Gilllams and wife: L. Hlrsch. J. Hunter.
Bellevlew; G- TV. Hauser. MrMlnnvllIe; A.
Volkland and wife. Bushton. Kan.: a.
Ttelche Seattle: James Movneban. U. S. A.:
J. A. Datmeier. Park River. N. D.; Fred
Enders and wife. Post Falls; F. N. Kern an
wife. Sallda. Colo.; Mrs. Kate Coster, Ta
coma; Victor Smith. San Francisco; J. u.
Miller. Central la: J. CL Garner. Lyle. Wash.;
H. S. Doren. San Francisco; V. Barron. Van
couver Wash.: G. R. Roberts. Oregon caty;
TV, W. West, Denver; Mrs. E. Stuller. Aber
deen; P. R. Starr. J. C. atanturr. uorvauis;
I. T. Rlckord. T. Rlckord: John Foster.
Chehalls; Edward Oakes. Bellefontalne; H
C Oakes. Monroe: S. P. McGruder. Vane:
Charles Brtttaln. Bellefontalne: Ellas Brew
er. North Vernon. Ind.: Mrs. H. A. Tllden.
Hatton. Wash.; Mrs. M. L. Slaughter. Col
fax. Ia. ; George Vanderhoof and family.
Vale; Mrs. J. Wetze! and family, North
Saatlam: F. Miller. Eagle Cliff; A. L. HalL
Sllverton; M. Lane. Vane.
The Esmond G. O. Res, Athea: E. Thomp
son. John Day; W. Gray, Olympla: L. A
Chamberlaln, Puyallup; J. R. Duff. Chicago;
G. Carlson and wife. Stella: W. TV. Van
Dusen. Boise; Mrs. B. Creamer. Portia; Mrs.
E. Famsworth, A. Farnswortb. Newklrk: L.
L. Decker, St. Helens: L. Payne. San Fran
cisco: P. Stahlecker. Fairfield; M. Shomber.
Tacoma: N. Forrester. J. Forrester. Eagle
ereek; George Douthlt. Carrolton; T. H. Ma
loner, P. McCormlck. Seattle; D. H- Kirby.
George Whaley. Clatskanle; W. McCarty.
Kelso: C. C. Thoyn. Stevenson: C. Skalstad.
Chicago: T. C Livingston and family, MaR.
vllle; George Fox. Hood River: R. W. Sump
kins, Mountain View; G. H. Randto. Leba
non; H. F. Wersly and wife. Eugene: N.
Wereley. Eugene: W. H. Williams. N- A.
Wonderiy. J. B. Robinson. H. Wonderly.
Rainier; C. C. Hzgen. Stevenson; C. E. Todd.
Belllngham; J. N. Watson. Turner; A. J.
Morgan. McComb; Mrc F. B. Patterson, J.
Patterson. Prosser; J. V. Duncan. Salem: J.
D. Cornett, Miss J. Cornett, W. Cornett. Miss
L. Boyle, North Yakima: H. Wilson,. Lamono
gue: W. Jewer. Lamonogue: D. Lalle, EL J.
Hubbard, Fairbanks; J. E. Kllnt. Astoria; G.
Bettman. and wife, Mrs. A. Rosenberg. Mrs.
Lapworth. Everett; A. Asp. Astoria; E. Laws,
J. Henderson. L. Collard. St. Helens.
The Oregon J. TV. Green. Seattle; H.
Eaarleson. city: E. M. Goldsmith. Boston:
"Mrs. E. M. Lundy, Belllngham; M. F. Back
us. Seattle: ilrs. Piutti. Aurora, j. 1.; .
Flood. San Francisco; R. Dummon. .Sioux
City; W. H. Wlthee. Los Angeles; Miss
Helnberlon. Los Angeles; F. C. Page. Wind
stock. I1L; P. De Mott. J. De Mott, Hacken
sack N. J.; Thomas Donovan and wife,
Missoula. Mont,; TV. C Edwards. CL H
Bemford. St, Taul. Minn.: M- G. Covey. J.
H. De Verne. Seattle; S. F. Smith and wife.
Marysville; A- N. Peabody. S. O. Newton.
San Francisco; J. S. Brown and wife.
Christiana. Miss.; E. G. Thomas and wife.
San Francisco; D. J. Reed. Kansas City;
H. B. Ives. Helena; E. R. Fox. Washington.
D. C: II. B. Hall. San Francisco; Henry
T. Phillips and wife. Chicago; B. L. Gor
don and wife Spokane: G. E. M. Aspham.
Los Angeles: Florence E. Zlengenfuss. Edith
White. Alameda: A. Hanson. J. W. Quinn.
Seattle; L- B. Folger and wife. San, Fran
cisco; G. L. Hart, Seattle: A. E. Lockwood.
O H. Howard. Boston; A. M. Armer. Saa
Francisco: M. Lewis. Seattle: N. A. Dexter.
George D. Cooper. San Francisco; T. B.
Sumner. Everett: H. A. Chadwlck. Seattle;
George W. Harrison. Saa Francisco.
Tacoma HotcL Tacoma.
American plan. rUtcs. $3 and no.
Hotel Donnelly. Tacoma-Flrst-class
restaurant in connections
Pir rasfheaed ky aedlcjrts?s
catck every stain and look hopelessly
dirty. Haad Sasoll removes aet only
fee dirt, but also tht loosened, Injured
dtkle, and rmxtorm thm flngtn
tkair nmtural baauty.
Carries the banner oa yields of wheat aad
other gralaa for 1964. This Is the era of
$1.00 wheat. 7S.666 FARMERS receive. $39.
060.000 as a result of their Wheat Crap. Se
cure a FSFJE HOMESTEAD at oace. or 4r
cbase frost soaoe reliable dealer while laads
are selling at present low prices. Aply lor
iafoncatioa to J. N. Grieve. Audltcrlws ag.,.
Spokane. Bte- A is a 7sea.selsc.TMM
laisdy fr Goaorrh oea,
Wc. p o r ax a 1 9 r r a ee a,
WhUes, aaaatsjral dssr
hmuicMttoM. ties of mueoai SM4r
lWMalt.feTaw- Xoa aateiagsat.
geMsy 1H iialsis..
or sent Is slata. w tsseir.
I.9H. or 3 a amss.