THE HOKNING OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, JULY 20, 1905. 11 TROOPS IN CAMP ST EXPOS Oregon National Guard Ar rives and City of White Tents. Springs Up. a DRESS- PARADE ON FRIDAY Saturday the MIHtla and Regular Infantry "Will Take Part in a. Spectacular Sham Battle at Fair Grounds. ORDER OF THE DAT. JULY 26." 9:30 A. M. Concert by De Caprlo's Administration Band, Transportation building bandstand. JO A. M. and hourly thereafter Free morlnr pictures, Nebraska Pavilion, Agricultural Palace. 10 A. M. Washington State Bank ers' Association Convention. Amer ican Inn. 10 to 11 I. M. Concert by Fourth United States Cavalry Band, Govern ment" Terrace. 1 r. M.Xtlpa trick's bicycle ride down flight of stairs on Trail. (Free.) 1:30 to" 3 P. M. Concert by Sher man Institute Band. In illasourl building. 1 P. M- Merchants' day exercises. Auditorium. Administration Band. 2:30 P. M. Grand concert. Liberates Band, bandstand. Gray Boulevard. 3 P. M. .Swimming and diving championship events. 3 P. il. to 4 P. M. Concert by Fourth "United States Cavalry Band, Government Terrace. 2:30 to 3:30s P. M. Organ recital by Frederick W. Goodrich. Forestry-building. 5 P. M. Kllpatrlck8 ' automobile dash down 140-foot Incline on Trail. (Free.) . 8 P. M. Uberatl's Band at Dental Congress reception. American Inn. .8 to 10 P, M. Concert by Sherman Institute Indian Band, bandstand. Gray Boulevard. P. M. Fireworks on lake. 1 P. M. Kilpatrlck's bicycle ride down flight of stairs on Trail. (Free.) 10 P. M. Kilpatrlck's automobile dash down 140-foot Incline on TralL (Free.) Further Information may be ob tained from the offlclal programme. Fresh from a seven-day encampment at Gearnart Park, the Oregon National Guard arrived in Portland last night about 6 o'clock. The Goldsmith tract, near the Exposition grounds, has been converted Into a city of white tents. They will remain there during the three days encampment at the Exposition. There are about 800 officers and men in the 16 battalions now in camp. The soldiers are' in excellent trim and look forward to the jdress parade of Friday and the sham battle of Saturday with much pleasure and anticipation. Dress "Parade Priday. Friday fernoon the dress parade win be held on the Lewis and Clark Boulevard, and 1400 soldiers are ex pected to participate In It. Besides the National Guard there will be several companies from the Tenth United States Infantry. The Fourth Infantry Band, which is filling an engagement at the Exposition, will be asked to mass with the Administration Band In the rendition of martial and patriotic music. The dress parade will be almost as important and as interesting as the opening Jay parade. The sham battle on Saturday after noon is among tho most . important events of the entire Exposition. It will be given on the bluffs overlooking Guild's Lake and the only place It can be seen from advantage is from the Exposition grounds. Nearly J 1000 will be expended in rifle ammunition and the cost of the firing of the cannons of the artillery will be enormous. The military bodies that will participate in the sham battle are tlie Infantry, artillery and cavalry of the Oregon Na tional Guards and two companies from the tenth United States Infantry. It is planned to have the battle start promptly at 5 o'clock Jn the afternoon and last about an hour. DAILY LECTURES ON ART. Dr. Elizabeth H. Dcnia to Instruct Visitors to Art Museum. Visitors to the Museum of Art at the Lewis and Clark Exposition will here after be able to gain a better under standing of the paintings that are hung In the seven big galleries'. Dr. Elizabeth H. Denla, of New York, reached the Ex position yesterday morning for the pur pose of giving dally lectures Jn the art gallery on the paintings contained there in.. She will discuss the various schools and give no end" of valuable information concerning the paintings, enabling vis itors to see the pictures more intelli gently. Dr. Denla Is peculiarly fitted for this Important position. She is widely known as a lecturer of ancient and modern art. She holds a degree of Ph. Dl, from the "University of Heidelberg and for eleven years was professor of the history of art at "Wellesley College. During the past three years she has been lecturing on art at the University of Rochester. She has been further fitted by residence in the various art centers abroad. BANKERS STATE ASSOCIATION Washington State Association to Be gin Its Sessions. The Washington State Bankers Asso ciation wllj open Its tenth annul session at "the American. Inn today. The session will .continue until Saturday evening. On Friday little business will be transacted as that occasion Is Bankers Day and festivities will be the order of the day. In the evening a banquet will be given" by. the- -Portland Clearing-House Asso ciation and invitations have been sent to representatives of Oregon. "Washington and Idaho. Many Interesting papers will be Teady during the sessions. One feature of the business sessions will be five-minute reports from the representatives of various counties in which their financial conditions will be set out. Many dele gates to the convention were in the city last night and more will arrive this morn tng. Boise Denied Special Rate. BOISE. Iak!- July J. (Special J-Tha railways have seeUnea to make a. rate of (W f r Sofee day at the Pejtiann B:b-m(- HON tion and return, stating the regular ex cursion rate is low enough. The Chamber of Commerce will bold a meeting tomor row, and will probably request the Ex position management to drop Boise day. President TV. T. Booth states the or ganization in his opinion will decline to try to get up a large excursion unless the concession la made. He says If people can go at any time at the same price they should not be asked to go in a great crowd. Moreover, the lower rate is need ed to secure a large number of people who feel they cannot afford to go even" at the excursion rate. Persons who can pay the latter rate will go any way. and would prefer to go at some other -time, and the excursion would have, to be recruited quite largely from amongthose who would not other wise raake'thertxlp. Fraternity Holds Convention. The oldest High. School fraternity, the Gamma Eta Kappa, is holding its first biennial convention in Portland this week. The fraternity has been in existence wince 1SS2. The local members are dei'otlng themselves to entertaining the visitors. Monday night a reception was given; Tuesday night a dance at Canewah by the girls of the Delta Iota Chi Sorority, and yesterday the girls of the Omega Nu Sorority gave a trip up the Columbia on the Undine. The Northwest district con vention will be held today and -Friday the national convention. Governor Sarles Departs. Goernor E. Y. Sarles. of North Da kota, and part' left last night for Seattle, where they will remain only a few hours, going to Spokane, where they will stop over for one das-. From Spokane the party will go direct to North Dakota. United States Senator P. J. McCumber, of North Dakota, wilt remain at the Exposition for several days, after which he will go to Eugene to make a visit with friends. H. J. HANDY COVERS HALF-MTLE IN 13 MIN., 40 2-5 SEC. Scott Leary, of Olympic Club, Is Second andF. Galley Third In Exposition Contest. - Fast time was made In jthe half-mile swimming contest on Guild's Lake yesterday af ternqon, when H. J. Handy, of the Central Y. M. C A. of Chicago, made tne. distance in 13 minutes 40 2-5 seconds. This is within 30 seconds of the record made at the Louisiana Pur chase Exposition races in St. Louis last Summer. There wer three contestants, II. J. Handy, of Chicago, and F. Galley and Scott Leary. of the San Francisco Olympic Club. It was a few minutes after 3 o'clock when the starter's pistol cracked, and they Jumped from the float for their long struggle. Handy swam the Australian overhand stroke, making fast time from the start, and soon pulling to the lead. Leary add Galley worked side by side a few feet to the rear. The heads and glistening arms of the swimmers were all that could be seen by the spectators. Like seals they cut the water,, whicn aanced and splashed In a thousand ripples. Handy made the 220-yard buoy In 3 minutes 7 seconds, or 1 4-5 seconds more than the day before. Jtere the men turned, and Handy Increased his lead, while Leary fell behind a few feet- The race back to the start was made in . record time, and the end of the 440 showed that Handy made the distance in 6:38, or 2 1-5 less than the time he made the day before. The 660 was made In 10:09, Handy still Increasing bis lead, and Leary stilt dropping further behind. The lat ter made a bad turn at the last, or he would have finished In much better time than he did. Then came the home stretch. Handy's brown arms worked like pistons, and he made faster and faster movements each time he cut the water. He pulled under the tape at 13:40 2-5. amid the applause of a large crowd of spectators. Galley came in In 14:33 4-5. The St. Louis Exposition record waj made by Emil Rausch. of Germany, on September 7, 1S04, with the time 13:11 S-5, including seven turns. The Amerl- EXrOSITION ATTENDANCE. 17.ZSZ. Attendance at the Exposition .yes terday was 17.233. Features that will attract the crowd-today are the snim mlng and diving contests, fireworks, bankers' convention and music by four bands. can bath record, with 43,.- turns, was made by H. F, Brewer, of" Chicago, at 12:S9 1-5. The English open water rec ord, with three turns. Is held by Rich ard Cavill, of Australia, at 11:50 2-5 Today will witness the mile swim, with the same entries, and diving for distance by J. W. Blase, of Los An geles,' Sidney Cavill, of San Francisco, and Ernest Laldlaw. of Portland. There will also be fancy diving by Professor W. . L. Murray and Sidney Cavill. SINGERS ON A SPECUL TRAIN Tacoma Saengerbund Will Be Ac companied by Many Friends. TACOMA, July 19. (Special.) A large contingent of Tacomans are preparing to leave for Portland tomorrow with the local mucical societies which go to take part in the German Saengerfest at the Fair. The last gtneral rehearsal of the local organization was held last evening under the direction of Professor Herman and was a decided success. There are 42 trained voices in the Ta coma Saengerbund. A large number of friends of the singers were present and all were enthusiastic over the prospects of the .local, society's wiccess at Portland. Owing to the large number of people who are going to the Saengerfest from Tacoma It was found necessary to give this city & special train. It was orig inally intended that the societies from the state should meet in Tacoma and pro ceed in a special to Portland, but accord ing to the present arrangements the Ta coma singers will have a train to them selves. The special Is now being decorated with the society colors, blue and white, and will be ready for the trip tomorrow noon. The train will leave at 12:S o'clock P. 3L tomorrow and arrive in Portland at 6:30 P. M. On arriving at Portland the singing societies will march to Turn Halle, where an Informal reception will be held and refreshments served. Troop ANcrlBg the Exposition OREGON CITY. Or., July 19. (Special.) Troop A, Cavalry. Oregon National Guard, on the way from Lebanon to the Lewis and Clark Exposition, parsed through Oregon City this afternoon. If Safer Xs M(tec Tatta, ,B4 MH M M HUt M tM rtttMlBMO, Xnc "WHmIsW fBStMac Sf-rvst. r iWMnt ,lMMar. Jr. wm&tm ska aktttC whni ta vesta. lUr a. Mis, mtm via 4 eUir..v Mi HONOR TO GOO Handsomest County Building Formally Dedicated. STATE PRIDE COMMENDED Ceremonies at Pavilion Marked With Enthusiasm Large Delegation ofCoos County People Are Present. Coos County furnished an admirable ex ample of state pride yesterday when the building, erected by this Southern Oregon district, was formally dedicated. The ceremonies were attended by hundreds of people, among whom were many- from .Coos qpunty who made the long trip to Port land for the express purpose of being present at the dedication. Although Isolated -and Its products, for the .most LBBk9sSsn'aH ' VBPOTlBBBBBBBBBTBTBBBBsLLri HOME OF COOS COCNTY AT T1IK FAIIt. part, find markets In California. Coos Count' is loyal to Oregon. Pride In Ore gon Is so strong that its people were not satisfied to decorate a booth in the Agri cultural building .as other counties of the state have done, but erected a structure. Coos County has the best exhibit of any county participating in the Exposition, either of "Washington or Oregon. The Coos County people did not make such a won derful exhibit solely because of the spirit of aggressiveness and the desire to excel all other counties; It was made partly be cause they wanted to sec the Lewis and Clark Exposition a- success, and knew that In helping the Fair they were help ing Oregon. The proud but modest citizens from Coos County held the exercises at 11 o'clock yesterday morning. They did not say much about their own building; they let the others do that. Instead, they told of Coos County, of Its resources. Its future, and of their pride in Oregon ana the Exposition. H. G. Topping, of Bandon. presided. President Jefferson Myers, of the Oregon State Commission, delivered an address. He was eloquent. In thanking the people of Coos Bay for their representation at the Exposition. "You have the most won derful county In the state." said President Myers. "You are a big people; your In terests are big. Your little county, miles from any railroad, has done more at this Exposition than any state east of the Rocky Mountains. This beautiful build ing should be maintained forever." Colonel Henry E. Dosch. director of ex hibits for the Exposition, welcomed the visitors on behalf of President Goodc and the corporation. After complimenting the people of Coos County upon their splendid exhibit, the speaker elicited considerable amusement by stating that 20 years ago he was a citizen of Coos County, and that while there he caught the Coos Cdunty fever, and had had it ever since. A. J. Sherwood, of Coquille City, re sponded to the addresses of welcome. He expressed the hlsh opinion Coos County citizens bad of the Importance of the Ex position. He said that Coos County had taken advantage of the opportunity to advertise its resources. Robert Burns, member of the House of Representatives in the Oregon Legisla ture, also delivered an address. He is from Coquille County and praised the people of Coos County for their enter prise and liberality In erecting the build ing. He said they wcro pulling together and in time would accomplish wonderful results! "Coos County greatest resource," said Dr. J. T. Marshfleld. who concluded .the ceremonies, "is her harbor. She needs a railroad to connect with the outside world. She has the greatest amount of natural resources of any county In the state. That her citizens are enterprising is shown by this building, in connection with which I would especially mention In terms of praise Mayor L. J. Simpson, of Marshfleld. Coos Bay Is a modern Venice, with ICQ gasoline launches to take the place of gondolas. It has 11 sawmills, two woolen mills, one match factory, two foundries, an excelsior factory. 12 creameries, a cbndensary. six shipyards, six launch factories, a sash and door fac tory, several shingle mills and lota of good and beautiful women." Miss Bernlce Flemmlng. of Holland, rendered a selection on the piano that was excellent. A piano solo by Miss Eula Howard and a violin solo by Miss N. Barker were also good. Music was fur nished by the Administration Band. An orchestra played at the Coos County building all afternoon. California Cadets at Oregon City. OREGON CITY. Or., July IS. Special.) Travel-stained but by no means fatigued after SS days' tramping across the states of California and Oregon, the Eureka. CaL. cadets arrived' In Oregon City this morning on the way to the Lewis and Clark Exposition, where they will be en camped for some time before starting for their borne on the return trip. The cadets are In charge of Rev. Mr. Clark, pastor of the Congregational Church at Eureka, and they are a husky lot of fellows rang ing from 11 to 24 years of age. Tonight an interesting entertainment was given at the First Congregational Church by the cadets, who will continue their march to Portland tomorrow. The California Invaders were welcomed to Ore gon City by the Boys' Brigade, of this city. under the command of Captain James P. Shaw. Safe to Be Cracked Friday. A large safe, of the latest and ssoet modern, design, will be scientifically cracked at the American Inn Friday af ternoon for tne entertainment of the members of the Washington' Bankers Aseecfatlem, who are In as mien at" the Xxpeettiaa, and Ui Oregon bankers who have gather in Portland to or- ganlze a similar association. The visit ors to the Exposition will be allowed to witness this "Unique sight. It will take place between 2 and 3 o'clock in the afternoon. The safe will be se curely locked and then opened by ex perts from the East. Completes Bohemia Ore Exhibit. F. J. Hard, of Cottage Grove, one of the principal mining operators In the Bo hemia district, yesterday added the fin ishing . touches to the Bohemia, mining exhibit by installing a case of ores from the Vesuvius. Riverside and Oregon-Colorado mines. These ores attracted con siderable attention, as they compare fa vorably with the exhibits, from any of the other states. Mr. Hard returned to the Bohemia camp last night. Gorcrnor Pardee Leaves. Governor Pardee, of California, accom panied by his family, left yesterday for the Siskiyou mountains, where he will rendezvous for several weeks. He will return to the Exposition in time for the opening of the Irrigation Congress, of which he is the presiding officer.- Executive Commissioners Organize. Executive commissioners from many different states completed the organi zation of-the Executive Commissioners Association at the New York building yesterday. For several weeks the commissioners have been meeting In various buildings, with n view to permanent organization at 3ome later date. Yesterday a consti tution was adopted, and the association Is now operating similarly to that In St Louis last Summer. J. A. Filchcr. of California, na been elected president. Wilson H. Falrbank. of Massachusetts, vice-president, and William C Buskett, of Montana, treasurer. Commissioner Richardson Leaves, j CommlssIoner-ln-Chlef B. Richardson and "Mr?. Richardson left for their home j in Cheyenne. Wyo.. on Monday evening. and r-lll not return until the latter part of August. Rev. Dr. Dunsmore. super intendent of Wyoming exhibits, re mains In charge, and is the official rep resentative of the Wyoming commis sioners in tieir absence. Concentrator to Run Friday. Tli Inlflnl n n f fffiA pnniinntrafnp nf the Utah building will not be made I until Friday. It wa3 to have taken place ' yesterday afternoon. Hundreds of Invl- j tatlons have been issued and a large gathering Is expected at the Utah build- , ing when the concentrator begins operation. MIDWINTER HUH IS NEXT CALIFORNIA WILL REPEAT ITS FORMER SUCCESS. Prominent Men of San Francisco Arc Here Soliciting Exhibits for Exposition. Exploitation of the California Midwin ter Exposition to be held In January at San Francisco was started yesterday when Rudolph Taussig and J. M. Cura mlng. president and secretary of the Mechanics "Institute, of San Francisco, opened headquarters In the California, building. Their mission Is to Interest all Exposition people and especially foreign and state exhibitors. The Exposition will not be of the same magnitude as the Portland Exposition but will be on a large scale. It is the intention of -Mr. Taussig to gain the co operation of Northwet states. The Cali fornia Exposition will take the place of the .usual Mechanic Institute Fair held AMERICANS IN AUSTRIA CON GRATULATE EXPOSITION. American residents at Pragnt, Aus tria, sent congratulations to the Lewis and Clark Exposition in a postcard recelred yesterday by President Goods from Flora. 1. Collette, formerly of Oregon. The news of the successful opening of the Exposition had Jost reached them when the card waa mailed. It. Is as follows: The American residents cf Prague, representing a dozen states, con gratulate you and the Exposition man agement on the succesa of the great Fair, and particularly the auspicious and successful opening, details of which ar Just to band via The Ore go&Iaa. As the days succeed each other may the Interest Increase and grow. FLORA L. COLLETTE. OC Oregon. every year. Portland will be used as the seat of operations In securing exhibits and amusement features. Occurring so shortly after the close of the Lewis and Clark Exposition Ihe promoters should experience little difficulty in Interesting, the best exhibitors. It was learned yesterday that the man agement of the new exposition enterprise baj been tendered to Comralsslonec Fllcher, who ba? performed meritorious service as Lewis and dark Commissioner from California. Mr. Fllcher has not yet accepted the proffer, however. Mr. Taussig, who Is directing the ex ploitation, work at this time. Is one of San Francwco s prossinent men and is feeing urged to strip for the mayoral! ty race. The position appears to boUL no aHsretaents for him. kowever. aa4 he has stated fee -will -do his feast to , keea et of trouble, which M the term whereby ne sestgMtM names. . Xtrafca SxlrJMt. Free . nwTtng Heare exMsUlssg. X. ferufcs, Pasc, Agrtewttxral .passes. 11 jj jj CLEVER DESIGNS BOVE ALL creations . in the work of Indian tribes are the designs, weaves and colorings in rugs exe cuted by the famous Navajo Indians. Their artistic A and crafty work stands in a class peculiar to itself. Our stock is the most complete apd well-selected assortment ever brought to the Northwest and were personally pur chased from the Indians and traders by a member of our firm. The many sizes comprising this assortment make them most suitable for sofa-pillow covers, couch covers, floor rugs and lounging rugs. Sizes range from twenty four inches square to five by eight feet MOKI MARRIAGE BASKETS, PRICE ....... '25a MINIATURE NAVAJO LOOMS, PRICE . . . . $.1.25 SMALL NAVAJO RUGS, PRICES . . . $1.75 to $2.50 LARGE NAVAJO RUGS, PRICES $5 to $35 PITTING SOUVENIRS OF NQH0M15H HAS DAY "The County That Counts" Is Slogan at the Fair. BIG CROWD AT EXERCISES Loaded With Badges, Twelve Thou sand Loyal Visitors Sound Praises ot 'Their County at the Exposition, v The County that Counts," or Snoho mish County, was very much in evidence at the Exposition yesterday. There were fully 1200 people from Snohomish County on the grounds and they did their ut most In Impressing upon the other vis itors to the Exposition that theirs was the "only" county In the state of -"Washington. They took as their slogan. "The County that Counts." and "Watch, Ta coma Grow," took a back seat for the darf. Snohomish County sent one jof the larg est excursions of the Exposition, the spe cial train arriving in Portland Tuesday night. The visitors came prepared to give Coos County, of Oregon, a hard tussle for the honors of the day. They were loaded with badges and ribbons of all descriptions which were distributed by the hundreds. A great deal of advertis ing matter, relative to the resources and prospects of Snohomish County, was also distributed among the visitors at the Ex position. The exercises of the day were held in the Washington building at 2 o'clock In the afternoon. The speeches were de livered In the gallery of the building. James E. Gowen. who has charge ot the Snohomish County booth In the Wash ington building, presided- Colosel Henry E. Oosch delivered the address of wel come on the behalf of the Exposition. The response for Ssobomisk Ceunty was made by Dr. J. F. XanalBg, af the Everetf Chamber of Comsserce. He ssJd Is part: "The state of Washtegtoa is et all alike: parts ot .It are better thaa ether parts. Western WasMiigtSH is s&ere xe sourceful a4 better tha the East era part of the state. The gea of 'Westers WasM>ssL kr Snohomish Cemty. There is the favsrsd land, a Paradise la the rsoofe. There is no other strt of tha earth's sdrfeee Ifics It. The Marestap' preaes are the eovaUes fersateg .the serthera asd sovtheni heuMaiMAStcagit and King Counties. Ovr sastenr sswn ary is the Cascade HKHssisiiis. 'which, wfth tlMirhes.vtty ttsaser J.arhWs a stove, their see eaxyeM aa twtM jwrass. thsir sovmx. struma AND WEAVES OF water forming numerous cascades, their snow-capped peaks, form a landscape of beauty and grandeur beyond me to de scribe. "Our western brfundary takes 50 miles of the choicest section of Puget Sound, a most remarkable and beautiful arm of the ocean. The branches and channels of our Snohomish and Stillaquamlsh riv ers are navigable for 150 miles, giving our coast a navigable coast line of -200 miles. Take a look at the Pacific side of the map of the world, remembering that this Is not only the side of the greatest population, but the commercial side of the future. Note the geographical position of Snohomish County, that it is the very center, the vantage point be tween the millions of our own country and the hundreds ot millions of Asia." The music "for the exercises was fur nished by the Administration Band. One of the pleasing features of tho enter tainment was a vocal solo by Mrs. Jennie Houghton Edmunds, of Snohomish County. Mrs. Edmunds is a singer ot wonderful talent and her voice shows both refine ment and culture. She is known as one of the best singers in the state of Wash ington. Colonel E. C. Ferguson, an old pioneer of Snohomish County and a mem ber of the first territorial legislature ot Washington, Intended to have partici pated in the exercises, but being an el derly man bis friends advised him not to speak because of the heat. Mayor Lane Intended to deliver an address of welcome for the city of Portland, but was unavoidably detained and could not appear. Following the exercises, a reception was held In the gallery of the Washington building. Refreshments were served to nearly 1000 visitors, the gallery being packed with people, all afternoon. Mrs. "W. M. Thornton, of Everett, hostess at the Washington building for this week, presided over the reception. Many of the Snohomish County visitors, who came to Portland on the excursion, will remain at the Exposition for several days. The special train was abandoned at Portland as the visitors would, set no definite date as to when they intended to return home. W. M. Thornton, secre tary ot the Everett Chamber of Commerce, is largely responsible for the large dele gation from Snohomish County. For weeks he has been personally at work arousing enthusiasm. Snohomish County sprang something new at the Exposition last night in giving an entertainment in the Audito rium, an exceptionally interesting pro graisme being rendered by local talent from Everett. While the Auditorium' was not crowded it was comfortably flllel. and those who deserted the Trail for an amateur entertainment were not disappointed. Twelve young ladles took part In the programme. Miss Lita Barnettr-a. graduate of the Emersen. College of Oratory of Bos ton, delivered several readings. Mies Berne tt Is possessed of considerable talent. She has a strong, clear voice und her enunciation is exeelleat. She was loudly applauded. Mrs. Jennie HeughtOR Edssunee sang two- vocal selos hut the aaplanee was So hearty as4 continued that sne was obliged, to render encores. Miss Florence -Chase, harpist,, nwbse a decided, Iwnresslsn. upon the andleaee through her pieying ;aa she was sJm eMigfrd t. ghrs en 'cereev ' , The iefttur of the sntertainsnent was- NAVAJO INDIANS THE WEST a series of poses by seven pretty glrlsr from the Sarah Thornton School, ot Ex- pression and Physical Culture at Ever ett. The girls were attired In tho long, wavy Grecian costumes. They pre sented very beautiful pictures in. the different poses. The nine muses were, depicted. Among the many poses wasja picture of Sacajawea. - EUREKA CADETS ARRIVE TODA Boys Will Finish Their 510-3UI( Walk This Afternoon. Several hundred of the citizens oC Eureka, Cai.. are in town to receive thgi cadets' who will finish their SlO-mlle tramp to the Exposition today. N. H. Pine, presi dent of the Eureka Foundry, who has a, son among the cadets, .says that the whole town of Eureka has beenfcglving entertainment for a year to raise funds with which to send the boys on thelc journey- Tho. candidates for positions In the ranks of this small batalllon were) more than double the number taken--an rhosen on account of superior moral ,quall- flcatlons. The boys range in age from 10 to 20 years. Rev. Franklin. Baker who has tried, to; keep the boys of Eureka, from wi!dnes3 by providing them with agreeable enter-st talnment, is with the cadets. They wilf arrive in town this afternoon. Clackamas Exhibit Xs Improved; OREGON" CITY. Or., July 19.-(SReclaLl' By means- of the additional $1880 that has .been made available for the" 'purp?ia by the Clackamas County Court and "tha energetic work of County Judge RyaYjf and other- members of the committee charge, the exhibit from this county" at the Lewis and Clark Exposition Is" daily? assuming a more creditable state. At a. meeting of the executive commit-' tee here yesterday, a new design tor tb-" exhibit, the suggestion of Judge Ryan," was-adopted. It will consist-.of an ar tistic arrangement of the grains; grasses; and fruits of this section, surrounded by" an elaborate electrical display. When completed, the substituted design wllLaf-.' ford Clackamas County a 'most, favoraWe comparison with: the other t competing, counties.? Ragtime Concert at ExposItioH. The people of Portland "will have air opportunity of hearing some great ragimV music at the Exposition next Monday 'if-, ternoon and. evening by the way Cvk .. rlety. Liberal's band has arrange; tbV6 play a programme of choice ra?tia3 wssto on that occasion. The catch v TastiaW are appreciated by the masses' "-sightseers at-all times, and when-plsyea ' fey -such a band as TJberall's afeewid prove ; rare treat. '7 "!?" - " , Salmon. Parsued'by Sea Wolves. r yiCTORIA, B: C, July 19--A oWmc from Cairo ana h. says an inunense.MB tl salmoa is entering the Straits ef ;Jua- Fuca, pursued by a, large aueiber ' at . whales, sharks, dolphins a,nd Mack 8k; I"0TIAD TO KAWAH. The Oceanic 3. g. .Co. aJid' the-PaeMn Mail SB. Co. announce special: eacetmfem' rates, for Heaoiuin via San-yraneee"S- etaMtue Iva dav knr Tinea drives, excursions round JOm InHtad t 3S4 WilMfiirlfU. . n "W - er MS ITarMBttea ft j HDwsou,