THE aiOKXISG OREGOXIA WEDNESDAY, JULY 19, 1905. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF THE OREGOXIAN'S TELEPHONES. Couritlng-Eoem Mi In C67 Manager Editor Main 038 Sunday Editor .-Main C23S City Editor Main 16G Society Editor Mala 6233 Composlng-Room .................Main CSS Superintendent Bulldlne Red 2S2 East Side Office East CI AMUSEMENTS. JIARQUAM GRAND (Morrison, between 6th and 7th) Evening at 8.30. Kolb and Dill In the comedy-burlesque, "I. O. V." BEL A SCO THEATER (14th and Washington) Evening at -6:15. "The Prisoner of Zenda." GRAND THEATER (Park and Washington) Continuous vaudeville. 2:50 to 10:30 P. M. STAR THEATER (Park and Washington) , ConUnuous vaudeville. 2:30. 7:30. 0 P. M. BAKER THEATER (3d and TamhllD Con tinuous vaudeville. 2:30. 7:30 and 9 P. M. RECREATION PARK (24th and Vaughn) At 3:30 P, M.. baseball. Cortland vs. Tacoma. O REG O NI AN AT SUMMER RESORTS. Orders given to any of the following agents will be given careful attention. All mall sub scriptions must be paid for In advance: Long Beach Strauhal & Co. Seavlew Strauhal & Co. The Breakers . J. M. Arthur Oceen Park C. H. IUH Seaside F. Dresser & Co. Gearhart Harry F. Davis Newport F. II. Lane Colllna Hot Springs C. T. Belcher Moffetfn Hot Springs T. Moffett EL Martin's Springs Gordon & WetbereH Gladstone Park William ITRen Pleaded Guiwr and "Were Fined. Hiram Burt and O. F. Grant yesterday morning pleaded guilty In the East Sldo Justice Court to the charge of trespass and taking cherries from the orchard of A. Giese. near Grcsham. They said that they had been Informed that the orchard was open to the public, and when caught they had offered the owner pay for -what few cherries they ,had taken, but tho compensation had been refused. J. J. Johnson, who represented the state. In formed the court that Mr, Glcse. owner, had 'constantly been mis.lng cherries, and that the main portion of his crop for two years past had been carried off by tres passers. Burt and Grant were only two among the many -who had been carrylnff off his crop, and he desired to make an example so that the trespassing on his premises should cease. Justice Seton Im posed a fine of TIG on each defendant. In Memort or Commander Blackmar. The members of Portland G. A. R. posts will hold funeral and memorial services in memory of the late Commandor-in-Chlcf W. "W. Blackmar. who died at Boise, jiext Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock In Sellwood Park. Adjutant-General J. L. "W'ella will issue a department order to the comrades of Portland posts and in the surroundings, requesting them to assemble in the park In honor of Com mander Blackmar. Department Chaplain Henry Barden "will have general charge of these services, and is now making ar rangements for them. There will be sev eral addresses. Appropriate music will be provided. The names of the speakers will be held simultaneously with the regular funeral of the commander, which takes place In Boston Sunday afternoon Favors Annexation to Portland."! believe that the only remedy for the dif Acuity SL Johns Is now in. llnan dally. Is annexation to Portland. and have always thought we should not form an Independent city gov ernment." A. S. Douglas, manager and owner of the SL Johns Lumber Company. offers this solution to the problem that now confronts that suburb. When it was first proposed to incorporate St. Johns. Mr. Douglas opposed It, but rather than antagonize his neighbors, he acquiesced in their movement for a city government and fell In line with them. He now thinks that his judgment is being vln dlcatcd by results. Mr. Douglas is pros ident of the St. Johns Commercial Club. Both Arms Broken. Mrs. N. B. Ken nedy Is confined to her home at 448 East Ash street, with both arms broken and other bruises about her body, the results of a fall at the new building. Belmont and East Twenty-eighth streets. Friday she went to this house, with luncheon for her husband and son, who were at work plastering the . rooms. In the front Is a porch about nine feet above the ground, surrounded at the time with a ratling which had been placed temporarily In position. Mrs. Kennedy went out on this porch, and. sitting down on the loose railing, was precipitated backward to the ground. Her right arm was broken and bruised and her left arm dislocated and wrenched. Officers Publicist Installed. The following officers of MHwaukle Lodge. I O. O. F.. were publicly installed last evening by Deputy Chapman, of Oregon City: Noble grand. C. K. Ballard; vice grand, Arthur Webster: treasurer. James Ji. need; secretary. Charles E. Meldmm: financial secretary. William Sellwood: warden. W. A. Garner: conductor. Henry Scott: Inside guardian, James Hake; out side guardian. J. A. Darling; R. S. S.. Z. Keller; U S. S.. Carl Rlchet: R. S. N. G.. John A. Walch: L.. S. X. G.. E. Shu bert: L. SL V. G.. E. Elmer; R. S. V. G.. R. S. Miller; chaplain. T. R. A. Sellwood. Following the installation, ice cream and light refreshments were served. Funeral of Thomas Iee. The funeral of Thomas Lee, who came from Hay wards. Cal.. two weeks ago to visit his daughter. Mr. J. B. Eddy. 27 Prescott street. Albina. took place yesterday from the undertaking chapel of Zellar & Byrnes, and Lone Fir Cemetery was the place of interment. He was 6C years old. and the cause of his death was heart failure and asthma. He loaves a wife and eight children: Mrs. J. B. Eddy. Portland: Mrs. A. J. Hodge. Canny. Or.; S. T. Lee. Grass Valley. Cal.; Ben Lee. Dejer Island. Cal.: Charles. Milton and Walter. Oakland. Cal. Result of a Brawl. In a drunken brawl- yesterday morning, which detec tives say has been going on for some time. Mrs. A. Crowson. of 1506 Oneonta street, was maltreated by male compan ions. After investigation it was found that the cutting was the result of a brawl. His Brother Dtinc The police re ceived a telegram from Henry Llngschelt, at Helena. Mont., asking them to locate Joseph Llngschelt. who Is here visiting the Fair, and inform him that his brother is dying. "Want Drinking Fountain. Cord Sengstake and others have petitioned the City Council for the erection of a drink ing fountain near the intersection of Has salo and Larrabee streets. H. B. Litt, Fourth and Washington streets. In order to make room, we will sell. Tuesday and Wednesday, 50 high class tailored suits, ranging in price from C0.50 to $42.50. for $15.00. Mat Grade Street. City Engineer Wanrer has granted Thomas Hodson a permit to improve Chapman street, abut ting on lots 7 and S. block 42. by grading 300 feet Great Reduction Sale. Entire stock sold below cost; please come in and look: ladles' underwear and shirtwaists. Man Sing & Co.. 392 Morrison street. F. E. Beach & Co.. the Pioneer Paint Co- screen sash and doors; window glass and glaring. 135 First. Main 1C34. Rotal Arcanum. Multnomah. Willam ette. Oregon Councils will entertain mem bers only at Auditorium Hall, July 20. .Avekarius Carbolineum. wpod pre server: knocks out chicken lice. Fisher. Thorsen Co.. foot Morrison street. A Well-Equipped Dental Office in Portland for sale. Splendid clientele. In quire Woodard, Clarke &. Co. New Indian Motorcycle, 1903 model; winner of all prizes. Jones, 309 Oak St. You can save money at the big remod eling shoe sale. Baron's Shoe Store. Attend the big remodeling Shoe Sales at the Baron's Shoe Store. Tax Calumet Restaurant. 144 Seveatfe. Fins luncheon. Sc; dlnser. 56c LU.UKCKS6 to Fair gds. Stark, ev. 15 mln. AT THE THEATERS What the Pre Areata Say. IS SAME OLD STORY. Big Crowds at the Marquam to See Kolb and Dilh Sever in the history of Portland theat ricals has there been a musical comedy burlesque company that has made the hit Kolb and Dill and their merry company of entertainers have the past four weeks at the Marquam Grand Theater. This theater has been crowded nightly by amusement-seeking people, who have gone home and recommended both the comedy and the company to .their friends. "I. O. U." is the bill Oils week. It is to laugh, and you do laugh. The curtain does not rise until S:3 o'clock, giving all ample time to enjoy a rest after dinner and then see a typical Summer evening's play of fun and music Scats arc now selling for the entire week. Buy them early. THE PRISONER OP ZEND A" Belasco Stock Company Giving Fin est Production in Its History. Packed houses is the rule at the Be lasco this week, where the stock com pany, the best in the West. Is now sur passing all past triumphs In Anthony Hope's beautiful romantic comedy-drama. The Prisoner of Zenda." This is a play which has probably delighted more thea tergoers than any other now before the public, and it has seldom been presented so well as by the Belasco forces. Eugene Ormonde Is. an Ideal Rudolph and Lucia Moore makes Princess Flavia one of the most beautiful and charming stage hero ines ever seen. John Salnpolls, Virginia Brissac. Eleanor- Gordon and all the other popular favorites arc at their best. Sec "Zenda" at the Belasco tonight. Miss Cole's Concert Next Wednesday. The date for the song recital by Miss Alice Bobbins Cole, at the First Baptist Church, has been definitely fixed for Wed nesday. July 26. Groat interest is being .manifested by the many friends Miss Cole had during, her Portland residence, who will be glad not only to welcome her. but to hear her. DAILY CITY STATISTICS Marriage IJcJe. Alva H. Bennett. 20; Ethdyn U Miller. 21. E. E. Moore. 40: BHzabeth Moere. 4 P. E. B. Toung. 20. Pendleton; Emma A. Irvine. 30. Allen C Lewis. 31; Thelma S. Karop. 2L Birth. At 1032 Ohio street. July 4. to the ife ef Peter Welland. a daughter. At 74 Maryland avenue. July P. te the wife of A. St. John ReJnke. a son. At 327 Levejoy street, July 10. to the wife of Schlegel, a Ron. At Good Samaritan Hespltal. July 13. to the wife ef Frank May. of Second and Ceuch streets, a daughter. At 320 Larrabee street, July 14. to the wife of John Alfred Peterson, a sen. At 329 Ross street. July 4. to the wife of Maurice M. Trayle, a sen. At 247 North Fourteenth street, July 16. to the wife ef Loele Present, a daughter. At 320 Weldler street, July 9. to the wife of Albert H. Lea. a daughter. At 335 Sherman street, July 10. to the wife of William E. Evenien. a sen. At 1441 Moody street. July 15. to the wife of John Pearley Fear, a sen. Deaths. At "50 Missouri avenue. July 13. Otto Straus, a native of St. J eh an. Germany, aged 14 years. 9 months and C days. At Good Samaritan Hospital. July 17. Hen ry Martin, a native ef New York, aged US years. At 740 East Thirteenth street. July 17. Jacob Ehlen. a native of Cermanj, agefd 03 years. 1 month and 3 days. At 547 First street. July Ifi. Mrs. Char lotte llyland a native er Sweden, a Red SO years. S months and 24 days. At SL Vincent's Hospital. July 12. Mrs. Lena Douglas, a native ef Missouri, aged 25 years. 11 months awl 4 days. On soew No. 99. Kast Portland. July 16, John G. Wells, a Red SO years. At Laurelwood Park. July 17. Mrs. Kittle A. Acklcs, a native er Michigan, aged 33 years. 1 month and S days. At 411 East Thirtieth street. July 17. Maud Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Barbour, aged 1 year. 2 months and 1 day. Building Permits. A. J. llayseth. repairs to store. Ganten beln avenue, between Parge and Cook streets. $D0. Charles Kadlng. dwelling. Sixteenth street, between Kearney and Levejey, J (00. Thomas Clayton, repairs to dwclHng. Gar field avenue, between Prescott and Mc Clellan streets. J200. , J. A McGulre. temporary exhibition. Twenty-seventh and t'psshur streets. f&00. J. A. McGulre remove exhibition corner Twenty-seventh and I'psbur streets. faQ. Real Ettate Transfers. F. A Catlin to E. F. Day. block 24. J. Johns Addition to St. Johns S 1 S. Gain and wife to E. E. Shearer. lots 7. S. block 14. Sellwood 33 A. H. Heed to A. M. Shlvety, lots 18. 20. 22 block 5; lots 1. 2. 3. block 4; lots . 7. S. Week 3, Carries Addi tion te Si. Johns 2.451 Alliance Trust Co., Ltd., te W. A. Dean, lets 7. S. block 81. Carter's Addition 1.750 W. J. Hawkins et at lo L. L. Haw kins, wett 33 feet lot 1. Mock 00. Couch Addition 2,300 P. H. Birth and wife to H. H. Steln forth. lot 3. Meek 127. Ca rut hers Addition to Carutkers Addition . . . 3.500 Portland Trust Ce. te Meridian In vestment and Trust Co.. parcel land beginning at northwest corner block 8. A. N. King's Addition 2,500 C S. Bell and wife te C, O. Mills paugh. let 4, block 4. "Woodward's Subd. lot 1, Riverside Homestead Tract k 1,650 Hawthorne estate te J. F. Bamferd. lot 1. block 10, Hawthorne's First Addition 600 Hlbernla Savins Bank te L M. Mc Carthy, lot 21. Seutltern Portland. 294 Portland Lone Fir Cemetery Assn. to L. Rasmussen, let h8. block 36. Cemetery " 40 J. Wilson to J. R. Welroer. lata 3. 6. IP. block 6. St. Johns Park Addi tion to St. Johns L350 M. Shlmomura to E. F. Day. 6,30 acres beginning at southeast corner block 36, Point View i F. Seldon to William M. Brooks et aL. cast i of northeast Vi ef northeast U. section is, townthlp 1 north, range 1 west 2.000 FLY ONJHE FLYER Every Saturday Only $2.50 Two Day Tickets. Portland-Seaside Flyer of the A. & C R. R. leaves Union Depot every Saturday at 2:30 P. M. for Clatsop Beach points direct. Only four hours' ride. No trans fers. No delays. No dust. See C A. Stewart, agent, 24S Alder street, about tickets, official information, time cards, etc, and ask for Clatsop Beach souvenir, containing beautiful half-tone illustra tions. Tickets sold at Union Depot. WHEREJTO DINE All the delicacies OT the seacan at fh Portland Rcst&ir&nt, fine, private apart -Bents for parties. 305 Wazh.. near Fifth. "Watson's Restaurant, open night and day; only first-class family restaurant la the city. 103 Fourth street, near "Wash ington. Genuine French dinner, -with iHn. 50c, at S3 Fifth street, near Stark. Crawfish at "The Empire." ISC 3d street. la sever Queetloaed if aaj- pcra I 4 --mir'nlm TO CONVERT WORLD Bishop Thoburn, of India, Is Optimistic. TELLS OF PRESENT WORK Declares That Within the Present Century One Million of Asiat ics Will Accept Christian- Hy Each Year What Bishop J. L Thoburn. of India, had to Kay last night at the Methodist Congress sounded like a Christianizing of the world. He spoke of Borneo, where 0) Chinese were converted at one time; of the men who were civilizing Java, with Its 2S.003.00) inhabitants, and referred to the interior of Africa as a field that was being vigorous) worked. From what Bishop Thoburn says, the American missionaries in the many lands and Islands that lie about the Indian Ocean are more active than the American commercial travelers In seizing an opportunity. Incidentally. Bishop Thoburn says America need not fear an Influx of Chi nese such as happened 30 years ago. even If they were allowed to enter without re striction. He says they have found the open door elsewhere. In climates more congenial to them, and are too busy flocks lng to these to pay much attention to America. Bishop Thoburn Is one of the men of whom the Methodist Church is the most proud. He has founded and built up mis sions all the way from Arabia to Bur mah, and some In the interior of Asia. He Is no longer young, but Is enthusiastic in the faith, and says the time will come within the lifetime of some now living when 1.0CO.O30 converts to Christianity a year will be no uncommon thing among the Eastern races. Dr. H. J. Talbott, formerly pastor of the Taylor-Street Methodist Episcopal Church, now of Salt Lake, arraigned the Mormons, saying that they had not lived up to their agreements regarding polygamy, and that the spread of their faith was a menace not only to Utah, but to the neighboring states. He expressed the belief that there was a good field there for missionaries, and that they atone could eventually save the state from Itself. The general subject yesterday being on missionary work, the morning session was taken up with that subject. Dr. A. N. Fisher spoke on the missionary record In the Northwest, and the general discussion harked back to the early work In this country. The speakers were: J. W. Flem ing, of Whatcom. "Wash.; W. H. Heppe. Portland: J W. McDougall. Albany, and O. W. Mlntzer, Arlington. Wash. Owing to the failure of those who were to have written on the various subjects for Wednesday morning and the further fact that Dr. J. W. Lee. who was to have lectured Wednesday evening, delivered his lecture last night. It Is thought expedient to drop the entire programme for Wednei, day and move the programme for Thurs day up to Wednesday, both forenoon and evening, and have the Friday programme on Thursday. This will cause the pro gramme to be: Wednesday. July 18. Memlng Mrs. M. C "Wire, presiding: 9 o'clock, praise tervlee; general topic. Women's Work"; J:30. "Work of the Wom en's Foreign Missionary Society." Mrs. A. N. Fisher; 10, "Work of the Women's Home Missionary Society." Mrs. R. C, Glass; 10-30. "Our Women and Reform Movement." Miss Carrie Heleroek; 11. "The Christian College In Its Relation te Citizenship." Rev. J. E. Wllllame. D. D. Evening W. B. HoiHnjrtbead. presiding: 6 o'clock, song and praise service; general topic. "Men'a Work"; S:15. "The Era of Or ganized Church Activity." T. B. Ford; 8:33. -Church Brotherhoods." J. W. Efaw; S:55. Cenference Uaymen's Associations. Dr. Os man Royal. Thursday. July 20. Morning Jlev. B. F. Brooks, presiding: 9 o'clock song and praise service; general topic. "Our Brethren of Other Tongues"; 9:30, "NorweRlans and Danes." C. J. Larxn ; 9-35. "Germans." C. A. Prleilng: 10:33. "Swedes." John Ovall; 10:30. "Chinese." Chan Sing Kai; 11:2. "Japanese." S. Yoahl elca. Evening; Bishop David II. Moore, presiding: S o'clock, praise service; S:15. "The Church and Reforms." E. S. J. McAllister; 5:43. love feast and doting exercises, conducted by Bishop J. M. Thoburn. Railway Agents at Fair. The railway transportation agents spent The Bank of California STATEMENT, ASSETS. Loans and discounts ........ Bank premises Other real estate M.Js e L-Cr. account Sundry stocks and bonds.... Government bonds Due from banks and bankers. Money on hand LIABILITIES. Capital paid la gold cola Surplus) and undivided prollta ...... Dividends unpaid Acceptances under Ls-Cr Other liabilities : Due banks and bankers , Due otner depositors J40.157.SS5 19 A General Banking and Exchange Business Transacted. Letters of credit issued, available ln all parts or the world. Interest paid on time deposits. j SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Accounts opened for sums of $10 and upwards. PORTLAND BRANCH, Chamber of Commerce Bfdg. WM. A. MACRAE Manager J. T. 3URTCHAELL. . Asst. Manager NATIONAL CONFERENCE OF- CHARITIES AND CORRECTION PROGRAM FOR TODAY WEDNESDAY, JULY 19 All meetings in FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Twelfth arid Al der sts. Everybody invited. Ail meetings open and free. SECTION MEETINGS, 9 A.M. In Room A, Committee on Crimi nals. Topic: "The SUt ReforaJ atory." In Room B, Committee on Needy? Families. Topic: A Collocatiea oa Cases." In Room D, Committee on Care of the sick. Topics: "Amlralasce Sys tea," "Trtatkt Sick Pwr at He," "Fiaac f Ssty Hate," "Ce-tpera-ttoa." the greater part of yesterday in seeing Portland In special trolley-cars. Some of the members, assembled In Portland to attend the convention, took a ride up the Columbia. River yesterday, returning last night. Today they take a trip to the seashore as the guests of the Astoria. &. Columbia River Railway. BANKERS OF WASHINGTON Convention Will Be Held at the Cen tennial Exposition. The 10th annual convention of the Washington State Bankers Association will be held In the large parlor of the American Inn, Lewis and Clark Exposi tion grounds. Thursday. Friday and Sat urday, July 20. 21 and 22. 1005. The convention promises to be the most successful In the history of our asso ciation and It Is earnestly hoped that you will have at least one representative of your bank present. The programme as thus far arranged will include the following addresses: President's, address. N. H. Latimer, manager Dexter Horton Sc. Co.. Seattle: "Railroads From the Banker's Stand point." Walker Hill, coresident Mechanics American National Bank. St. Louis, and ex-pres!denl of the American Bankers' Association: "The growth of Commercial Centers in this Country and the Relation of Country Banks Thereto," J. H. Cam eron, vice-president Hamilton National Bank, Chicago: "Automobile Banking." Benjamin C. Wright, San Francisco; The Banker's Relation to the Lumberman." W. L. Adams, president First National Bank. Hoqulam: "Interest on Deposits." E. Shorrock. president Northwest Trust &. Safe Deposit Company. Seattle: "The American BajjkcsOJ3aUon .-MolVey' Order." H.-W.Lobb. San FratTW&o. Paci fic Coast .agent American Surety Com pany; "Sdmc Unwise Tendencies In Bank ing as Viewed from the Standpoint of a Country Banker." N. B. Coffman. presi dent Coffman. Dobson & Co., Bank. Chehalls. Under the head of call of counties reports, limited "to five minutes, will be received from representatives of each county, showing the financial and com mercial condition of their respective com munities. Practical banking questions fcr general discussion arc the following: "Shall National Banks Loan on Real Estate?" "Non-Negotiable Bills of Lad ing." "Is the Insurance of Deposits Prac ticable or Advisable?" "Taxation as It Affects Banks." "Shall We Have a State Law Regulating Banks?" "Advanced Edu cation of Bank Clerks," "Care of Time Locks." The officers are: N. H. Latimer, presi dent, Seattle, manager Dexter Horton &. Co.: E. T. Coman. vice-president. Colfax, cashier First National Bank; Charles S. Eltlnge. treasurer. Spokane, cashier Trad ers' National Bank; P. C Kauffman. sec retary. Tacoma. second vice-president Fi delity Trust Company: executive council. (1SH-03). EL W. Purdy. Belllngham. chair man; George S. Brooke. Spokane. J. F. Lane. Seattle; J. A. Swalwcll, Everett; H. H. Turner. Walla Walla. HOLDS HEATED SESSION St. Johns Council Has Squabble Over Edwards Resignation. It was 12:30 yesterday morning when the Councllmcn of St. Johns slammed the door of the Council chamber and went to their respective homes, guided by lanterns. The principal cause of the long session was the withdrawal of the resignation of Councilman C D. Ed warJs. which he had placed in the hands of Mayor W. H. King- before tho meeting was called to orJer. Council man Edwards has sold out his property In St. Johns and transferred his busi ness to Portland. Much to the surprise of the Mayor and the other members of the Council, he arose and withdrew his resignation before the Mayor could read It. Therebv hangs a long tale. The res ignation of Councilman Edwards leaves the Council a tic on the liquor license question, with the casting vote In the hands of the Mayor. It was understood that the Mayor would vote for liquor license. For nearly four hours the CounsII wrangled over this resignation, without reaching any conclusion. Bit ter remarks were made. The Council on the liquor license question stands thus: Against Councilmen Edwards. Brlce, Shields and Leggett: for licenses Councllmcn Thompson. Peterson and Llnqulst. It Is charged that the liquor men undertook to get Mr. Edwards out of the way and secured a buyer for his property on condition that he piece his resignation In the hands of the Mayor. This alleged programme was rarrlcd out until Councilman Edwards JULY 1, 1905 $13,236,173 93 250.000 S3S.S24 53 S01.773 39 5.193,441 SS 625.650 00 .109.250. 35 6.012.771 11 13.777,671 4S S40.157.SS5 19 s -4,eoG,e6o ee 264 00 SS7.378 67 35.593 47 33,769,226 91 J 4.450.000 25 21.259.226 66 GENERAL SESSION, 10:30 A. Mi Address bv Rev. Graham Taylor; "Labor aad 'Charitr.' ' Report of Committees on Criminals; and addresses by Superintendent? Leonard, of Mansfield Reformatory 0.; Judge Hallam, of St. Paul, and- others. GENERAL SESSION, 8 P. M. Subject, " Neighborhood. IaprsTev seat." Report of Committee and. addresses by Mies Montgomery, Dr. Weyl, Mrs. Florence Kelley, and ethers. dropped a cannon-cracker Into the meeting: by withdrawing his resigna tion before the written one could be read. So much time was consumed with the Edwards resignation that lit tle if any other business was trans acted. The Council adjourned until to morrow evening at S o'clock. FESTIVALCONCERTS. Of the North Pacific Sangerbund at Audltodlum. Exposition grounds by chorus of 330 trained male voices. Solo ists: Beatrice Barlow-DIerke. pianiste; Slsmor Bernardo Besrue. baritone, of the Metropolitan Opera Company. Jfew York. Friday evening. July 21. S:15 P. M. Sacred concert. Sunday afternoon. July 23. 3. A limited number of tickets for sale at Woodard. Clarke & Co., Washington and Fourth streets: Rich ard Krumpf. Jeweler. 26S Alder street, near Fourth street; Emll Eysell, phar macy, 227 Morrison, near First street. TAVERN'S MANY CHARMS Entire satisfaction Is the happy frame' of mind ln which patrons leave the Tav ern. Portland's- greatest and most fashion able grill. You will hear everywhere the most sincere compliments for the service. hospitality and style of the Tavern. It Is the favorite resort of smart peoole. Opposite Oregonian building. Concert each evening hy the best orchestra in Portland. MILWAUKIE COUNTRY CLU3 Eastern and Seattle races. Take Sell wood and Oregon City cars. First and Alder. Suit the people, because they are tired of bitter doses, with the pain and griping that usually follow. Carter's Little Liver Pills. One pill a dose. GABLER" ON THE KAMEBOARD OF A PIANO Is a guarantee of the highest type of perfection. We have Just added this FAMOUS PIANO to our already splendid line of Instruments. Wc have many makes of pianos In their various styles and woods. Will extend a' reasonable length of time for payments at no advance from cash price. Soule Bros. Piano Co. Cor. Morrison and "W. Park Sts. EASTMAN KODAKS AND FILMS Kodak Finishing promptly and well done. GIBSON CO. 34S Whlnrtoa St. Fortlxnd. Or. Six of the housekeeping questions are settled: tea ccffr lUretlag extracts and settled for good. Schilling's Best at you grocer's; moneyback. ROBERT C. VOSE 320 Boylston StM Boston, Mass. H IGH - CLASS PAINTINGS MAN, YOUTH OR WOMAN WE CURE YOU The St. XxjqU Medical sad Surgical Dlspn ultt has treated and cured quickly, safely, and permanently thousands every year for the past third of a century. Yen will bats ao relapoo when we pro nounce you cured. Note the diseases we cure: Dlseass of the KIdae-r and Bladder. SterOItr. Menstrual Irregularities. ErnfUeaj of the Skla. Xcxems. ramus or iicaisr oc sneai fart. Flies, Rectal Ulcers and ZSBre. Itapoteacy, Syphilis, Goaerrhefa. Uliet and Strictures, as well as the results of Yoathfal Errors or SeIf-AlBse. Varicocele. Hydrocele. Nocturnal mUtoas. Diseases of the Prostate Gland. and all other maladies oC this kind that are either Inherited, acquired or the results of over-indulgence, or folly. Consultation and. examination free, write for symptom blank and boolc If you cannot call. Office Hours: S A. M. to S P. M.; Sundays. 10 to 12. C4- ! t,r. MtJkalHi Dispensary JL. LUU15 Cor. Id sad YamhHl Bts-. reruaad. Or. HAND iSAPOLIO FOIC TOILET AND BATH DeBcste enough for tb MfteM skin, znd yet efflcaciotzs in reraoviai any stain. Keeps the skis in perfect condition. In the bth fives all tk desirable after-effects of a Turkish bath. It should be oa every wash staad. LL GROCERS AMD DRUGGIST! WILHOIT SPRINGS STAGE Leave Offia CKy aHr. escfC Smatey. 4t -M A. M. Fare tU4. OreffwCKy ode' azt ttooc to Ortfwe Walr rower Os fraot. IT'S THE BEST OF ALI PARKER RYE WHISKEY ROTHCHILD BROS., Portland, Or. SOLE DISTRIBUTORS SMOKE Feifer's Union 5's UNION MADE Sc CIGARS UNION MADE POPULAR BECAUSE OF THEIR SUPERIOR QUALITY AND FINE WORKMANSHIP. THE ROSENFELD-SMITH CO., Distributors Exclusive Wholesale Cigars and Tobacco, PORTLAND, OREGON 3 vi For over WALTER 133 SIXTH STREET 1884 190S HOTEL AND RESTAURANT GOOD! LOEWENBERG & GOING "Didn't hurt a bit," Is -what they aay of WISE BROS. Dr. VT. A. Wise has Just returned from an extended tour of Eastern dental Institutions, and those bav Ine their dental work done by taem will have the advantage- of all new and up-to-date methods. Examinations free. Painless ex tracting Jreo when plates or brldsea are ordered. Falling: bldjr cor. 3d and Wash. sts. Open evenings till B P. M. Sundays from 0 to 12. Or Main 202D. OR. X. P. WIST. j Ye Oregon In the new Hotel Oregon, corner Seventh and' StarL Streets. Orchestra every evening after six o'clock. EDUCATIOXAI. Park and Washington, Portland, Oregon "The School of Quality" MODERN, PRACTICAL, COMPLETE Open all the year. Catalogue free A. P. AR.MSTRONQ. LL. B.. PRINCIPAL BRUNOT HALL I A Protestant Boarding; and Day School for Girls Certificate Admits to Smith. Wellesley and Other Colleges. Unusual Advantages in Music Piano. Violin and Vocal Fine Art Studio. Write for Illustrated Catalogue. For Further Information Address Julia P. BaUey, Principal 2289 PACIFIC AYE SUE SPOUSE, WiSH MILWAUKEE-DO WXER COLLEGE. Milwaukee, Wlsceasls. For young ladles and girls. Full college course. College preparatory, accredited by Eastern and Western colleges and universi ties. Music, art. elocution, domestic sclenca with training school for teachers, gymna sium, boating, bowling, tennis. Beautlfut home with exceptional attention given to health, scholarly habits and social culture. MISS E. C SAB IN. President (Dept. J). CURIOS, Aiitisraities, Beagkt as SeM. Indian Stoce Knives, Relics, Carvings and Idols in lronr. Stone. Brume, etc War dubs. Soean. Row DWtAJf STtWE A1W0W ANB SrjTwraS riaave Body Ornaments and Dress, Ancient Mint Oaai nid Pistols, Coins, SJiieldi. Antique Silver and Armor. k!f. cv-j r- tv tirvJt . . KatitiJsefl,W4MrciutSt.S.F.C2l gfchwab Printing Co. 3MT tTZXK. XXJt.OKAMLZ tXICXS 1TAK.X ITXX1T 4 20 years our Optical Insti- tute has been known to spectacle wearers of the Northwest as "The House That Knows How." REED THE OPTICIAN OREGONIAN BUILDING "You'reNotSoWarffif "When you get under or In front of ai electric fan that mean business tH only kind that we sell and put up. It saves its cost a hundred times over 1 the savinsr of brain matter. Wa hi several sizes and styles, al! good but varied to suit size of room, ditto of pocket book. Call and see them. Western Electjic Works Iso 61 Sixth Street. PORTIAND, OI Phone Main 1696. We are headquarters foi French ranges, oortsblt and brick set; cabinet bat ovens, retlnned and copr restaurant utensils, stee) ranges and cook stoves, rn PHONE MAIN 9SS. LU. TUcs "S" Car. ti H. 13tS Hi Irtiaj 31s. I DR. W. A. HISS. Grille The Portland Do you love rood music? Toa can select your choice from a, port folio of 00 pieces of popular auste of the world, and Professor Am sterdam and hTi Hungarian orchaa tra will render It for you. Everything to eat and drink; and It costs no more ln tha Portland Hotel Katliskeller than elsewhere ln the city. Every weeitaay nitnt irom 930 to u DANDRUFF Faffing "3ty aad was. far tea years cov ered w!tk dandruff soltlocke l&e a dis ease. Have nsedHsUr- days and har dandroZoBaa part of my seals. HalrUdarksraad moea nealthi- aenartrst.. Positively restores eTaaclretiC, steps hair falling, brings back youtnf nl color t trn hair. Aided br HARFDTA SOAP. iMb toys ltcnlag. promotes sse hair growth. Lara A-iuto aaj uj. signature, uax one aaa sign. taUL FrHSiapOffir Ci fee. 2J Hmrfhm Tats to aay of feBowIag drogifets asi mt 56c. bottle Halraealth aad 26c. cake TIsibim Co., Xewarx. J., prepaM. for Me. aa4 1& adr. Free soap act gives by Cragihrts. wttk oet this eEtiro adr. aad 50c fnr TTsUfc Hti Xiase............................. . aesp. Bern ior nucz or sear mr ran mmm Address. WOODAKD. CLARKE CV Fourth aad WsiVitnat Ms, TEETH A S12.M FULL SEX fKJAXANTXXD FOR H.M. afvsotstas. Meaday aad Thursday, nm s. red rreha. D. . K. IsssssssssssWTTMisljmjISftilssssssssssssssssssssssssW "1 'SBBBHBBBBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBE