Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 19, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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Chief Statistician Resigns to
Save His Health.
Says He HasiBeen Repeatedly Inrcs
gatcd. and Vindicated Wilson
Testifies to "His Ability
and Integrity.
WASHINGTON. July 18. The resigna
tion o John Hyde, statistician and chief
of the Bureau of Statistics of the De
partment of Agriculture, was handed to
Secretary "Wilson todav and promptly
accepted. Wlllett N. Hays, the assistant
secretary of agriculture, has been placed
in charge of the bureau temporarily.
Mr. Wilson and other officials of the
department stated that Mr. Hyde has not
been Implicated in any manner in the ir
regularities that resulted in the dismissal
of Edwin S. Holmes, the associate sta
tistician, whom secret service operatives
charged with being guilty of giving to
brokers advance figures of cotton crop
statistics. In his letter to the secretary.
Mr. Hyde takes notice of the fapt that
he will be criticised for resigning under
Are and in defense says there has never
been a time when he was not under fire.
He declares that an organization, mean
ing the cotton-growers, is bent upon get
ting him out of the Government service
and that Ills' health will not' permit him
to continue so unequal a struggle.
There is considerable speculation as to
the probable successor of Mr. Hyde. One
name suggested Ifc that of B. W. Snow, of
Chicago, statistician for well-known farm'
journals and once an assistant statis
tician under J. R. Dodge, chief of the
bureau about twelve years ago. Mr.
Dodge was In charge at the time the
present system of gathering crop sta
tistics was devised.
Hyde "Weary of Struggle.
Mr. Hyde, in his letter of resignation,
said lnpart:
Dear Mr. Sccretarj" Durlnc the last four
years, or sine I succeeded In making- the
crop reports of the department reasonably ac
curate and correspondingly valuable to the
agricultural and commercial Interestfl of the
country, the administration of" the office I
have had the honor to bold has been constantly
under Are from one side of the market or the
other. Five times It ha been Investigated,
and on every occasion I have been vindicated.
In January. 1003, I was awarded $2500 dam
ages In a libel suit against a prominent Arm
of cotton brokers by a Jury of their own friends
and fellow-citizens. These results have been
very gratifying to me, but I have the highest
medical authority for the statement that the
continued light upon me has already consid
erably shortened my life. At the present time
it is an accepted fact that a powerful organ
ization is bent upon bringing about my re
tirement by one means or another. Now. I
do not think the position I hold is worth
the fight necessary to its retention, and the
organization in question is welcome to what
ever satisfaction it can derive from my with
drawal. "lth much appreciation of the uniform cour
tesy and kindness you have shown me, and of
the- many tokens of confidence 1 have received
from you, 1 am, most respectfully yours,
Wilson Says Hyde's Honest.
In accepting the resignation of Mr.
Hyde, Mr. Wilson said:
Dear Sir: I am In receipt of your resigna
tion as statistician of this department. In ac
cepting It. I cheerfully tertlfy to the ability
with which you have discharged the heavy and
difficult duties of the office since you were
first appointed. The accuracy of your reports
has been recognized by the public generally,
and I am clad to be able to testify, with re
gard to the charges made against the Integrity
of the Bureau of Statistics, that no facts have
been brought to my attention implicating you
in any way. I regret that falling health should
compel you to bring your work to an end.
Wilson Has Uetter Telling How Cot
ton Reports Were Joggled
NEW YORK. July 18. A letter is now
in the hands of Secretary of Agriculture
Wilson, says the Herald, the contents of
which have been nworn to, that relates
In detail methods said to have been pur
sued in the alleged falsification of the
Government cotton report June 2. The
communication purports to expose the en
tire Inner workings of the plan. No in
formation is vouchsafed by the Herald
as to the writer of the letter, but he is
said to be one of the men whose connec
tion with the affair is a matter of publlo
knowledge, but whose identity is with
held for the present.
The assertions contained in the letter,
continues the Herald, relate In minute de
tail the precise manner in which the of
ficial report was tampered with; who took
part in the operation; to what extent the
fraud, was perpetrated, and where and
liow the proofs of the charges in the let
ter may be found.
Richard Cheatham and Harvle Jordan,
respectively secretary and treasurer of
the Southern Cotton-Growers' Association,
who, with the active co-operation of
several New York men. have conducted a
private investigation here, are now in
Washington, where they expect to confer
with Secretary Wilson over the contents
of the letter.
That the letter is accurate in its infor
mation is declared beyond doubt. An
outline of its contents has been given to
Morgan H. Beach, District Attorney or
the District of Columbia, one of the of
ficials empowered to take up the inves
tigation, and it was this development that
brought Mr. Beach to New York Monday
to enter into consultation with the coun
sel retained by the Southern Cotton-Growers
Association and take over the evi
dence they had discovered.
They Have Something to Say About
Changing Cotton Reports.
CHARLOTTE. X. C.. July 18. Presi
dent Miller, of the American Cotton
Manufacturers' Association, today
wired Secretary of Agriculture Wilson
as follows:
An extraordinary meeting of the board of
governors of the American Cotton 'Manu
facturers Association is called to meet In
this city on July 20 to consider the proposi
tion of the Southern Cotto&growers Associa
tion and others to reopen and revise the fig
ures on the acreage as promulgated by the
June report of your department. The cot
ton manufacturers of the world using American-grown
cotton have confidence In the re
port of your bureau until such unbiased evi
dence Is produced as win have a tendency to
weaken this confidence. The manufacturers
of cotton desire only the true results and
are opposed to any attempt at coercion of
any character whatsoever.
The object of our proposed meeting Is for
the purpose of selecting a committee, not to
exceed three In number, which will proceed
to Washington prosptly to confer with you
in about the same capacity as other Inter
ests In cotton are sow btlnr represented a&d
we would respectfully request that yeu grant
such an audience as Is craved herein before
any decision lg determined en Tsy yeu tewareW
revising your June report. U sch revision is
contemplated by you. We also rettK that
you name a date in the near future which
will be agreeable to you to receive this committee.
Wilson Will See Committee.
WASHINGTON, July IS. Secretary
Wilson received the telegram of Presi
dent Miller, of the American Cotton
Manufacturers' Association, late this
afternoon. He replied that lie would
see the committee of three, which the
association appointed to send to Wash
ington, "or any other respectable body
which wanted to see him on the sub
ject of the June cotton-acreage report.
He suggested, howex'er, that the com
mittee confer with him before August
1. The question of revising:' the June
report. Mr. Wilson said, was still under
consideration, and would depend some
what upon the decision of Assistant
Secretary Hays, who has been desig
nated Acting Chief Statistician.
Navy-Yard Mechanics Appeal for
Half-Holiday Is Vain.
OYSTER BAY. July IS. A request was
received by President Roosevelt from a
committee representing Columbia Lodge.
No. 174, International Association of Me
chanics, of Washington, D. C, for an In
terview with him here regarding the
granting of a Saturday half-holiday to
the machinists of Washington Navy-Yard
during the Summer months.
The President sent the committee to
Secretary Bonaparte. Informing it that
the Secretary's determination of the mat
ter would be final and that he himself
must decline to make it a subject of re
view. Mr. Bonaparte had decided that the con
dition of work at the yard made a half
holiday impossible at present, and the
men determined to appeal to the President.
Wireless Telegraph Will Report
Progress to Base at Etah Ex
pects to Lose Steamer.
Captain Bartlett, who is to take com
mand of the steamer Roosevelt in the
Peary Arctic expedition, has arrived
here to await the arrival of the Roose
velt. Commander Peary Is expected to
morrow. It is thought the Roosevelt will
sail from here on Thursday.
Captain Partlett stated today that he
hoped to pilot the Roosevelt to a point
300 miles north of Etah in latiudc 83. or
to a point farther north than any steamer
has previously reached except the Fram,
in which the Nansen expedition drifted
to latitude Si.
Their base will be at Etah. which will
be connected with stations further north
by wireless telegraph, so that all move
ments may be reported to Etah.
Captain Bartlett expresses doubt
whether the s'.eamer can be brought
back. He thinks it likely that she will
be crushed in the ice- In that event the
expedition will work back over the ice
to Etah, there to join a relief steamer.
The crew will consist of eight picked
Crime for-Which Schlitzbaum
Went to Prison.
Mute Evidence of Captain's Hard
Fight With River Pirates.
NEW YORK. July IS. What the po
lice of the Bath Beach, Brooklyn, sta
tion believe to be a desperate attempt
at murder, and one that will probably
be successful, was revealed today when
Captain William J. King-, whose home
is in the Bronx, was found near death
in the cabin of his sloop yacht Aglai,
anchored off Bath Beach.
Captain King: was found lying on the
floor of his yacht' cabin. There was a
bullet wound in hie left temple, another
in his right shoulder and his lower
Jaw was fractured. The cabin was in
great disorder, showing that a terrific
fight had taken place. The police be
lieve river pirates may tiave commit
ted the crime.
American Steamer Blown "Cp by
Mine Near Port Arthur.
LONDON. July 19. (Special) A
dispatch to Dalziels News Agency from
Vladivostok says it is reported an
American steamer struck a floating
mine between Port Arthur and Elliott
Islands and foundered with all on
board. No further information has been
Kentucky Issues Requisition for Man
Captured in Oregon on Charge
of Stealing Committed
in Penitentiary.
FRANKFORT. Ky.. July IS. (Special.)
The Governor today lsraed a requisition
on the Governor of Oregon for the extra
dition of A. B. Schlitzbaum. charged with
grand larceny. Behind this is a rare
Schlitzbaum was several years ago agnt
for the Illinois Central Company at Daw
ron. Ky. He asked and obtained a tem
porary transfer to the agency at Fords
vllle. Ohio County, on the Owensboro &
Falls of Rough branch, where the apncyj
also carried with it the agency of the
American Express Company.
Within a short while hereafter a man
named J. W. Boatner appeared in the
American Express office at Owensboro
and produced a package alleged to con
tain $28,000, which he expressed to him
self at Fordsvllle. Schlitzbaum claimed
that he was robbed of the package on its
arrival at Fordyville. The cxprew offi
cials alleged collusion between Boatner
and Schlitzbaum. and both were arrested.
Boatner succeeded In being acquitted.
Schlitzbaum was not lucky, having caught
a two-year term In the penitentiary. He
was sent to the branch prison at Eddy
ville. On account of his education and bright
ness. Schlitzbaum was given a position
with the shoe manufacturing company,
and, gaining the confidence of the man
agers, was made shipping clerk. Here
he got in his work by shipping to a con
federate in the West a large quantity of
shoes. The crookednew was not discov
ered until after he nad served his term
and been dlschargca. it few weeks ago.
Schlitzbaum was arrested In Portland.
Or., and a deputy officer. Is on hla way
to secure him.
Highwayman Holds "Cp Kelly and
Brutally Beats Him.
After holding up W. H. Kelly and rob
bing him of J60 at Lownsdale and Alder
streets at 1 o'clock this morning, a foot
pad assaulted him by striking him re
peatedly In the face. Kelly went to
police headquarters with his mouth
bleeding and his teeth knocked out.
When given aa opportunity. Kelly ex
plained to the hold-up that he had
given him all the money he possessed.
The man disappeared Jn the darkness.
He is described as a tall man weigh
ing 170 pounds and wearing dark
"Different Store"
Washington, Fifth and Sixth Sts.
This Store Closes at 6 P. M.
Powerful Incentives to Mid -Week Buying in the Mid -Summer Soles
A great many changes and improvements are "being made about the store these days. Getting ready for the biggest Tall business in the store's
history as this is the biggest July business by far. "We're working along two lines which really merge into one. Those who have it in hand to
keep the store trim and tidy at all times, and especially at the start of a new season, have taken July to "spruce up a bit" for the opening of
the coming Fall business. Any inconvenience which may be experienced by finding things a trifle upset, however, is more than offset by the
great values which keep throng3 coming. All in all, however, we've the safest, coolest and most comfortable store in town, as well as by far
the largest stocks from which to select. With great values presented every day, it will continue to be the busiest. A few reminders from today's
Today, Last Day
Half - Price Sale !
The bossing of Wonderful
Opportunities in the Suit Salons
Monday we offered our patrons a wonderful chance to save in the
buyinp of a Tailored Suit for Summer or Fall wear. We agreed
to hold the offer open three days. Today ends it. But until closing
time tonight you may select a smart, handsome, stylish Street Suit
at exactly half its worth.
Every wanted material and color is embraced. All are this sea
son's very newest styles, featuring: every fancy Fashion has fa
vored for Summer and early Fall wear. Severely tailored styles
and trimmed effects. Splendid examples of expert tailors' work
manship. The values range from the best $15 Suits in the city at
$7.50 to the handsomest at $50 for S25, with every in between
value-all for HALF PRICE
The Wanted Walking Skirts
for a Half
In the above offering are included all this season's latest novelties, in the popular round
walking lengths; materials of alpaca, cheviot, serge, canvas cloth, etc. The full color line is
embraced plain black, blues, greens, browns and fancy mannish mixtures; regular valnes
from $4.50 to $2S.50. Your choice for today only at HALF PRICE
Children's Coats To Close -One-Half Price
'For today only we shall offer several lines of our nyest and handsomest Coats for
children's wear at half their usual fair prices now marked. It means a loss, but we've too
many Coats for Jnly and if you've one too few, now's the chance to provide and save half.
Serges and handsome mixtures in popular tweedish weaves, Oxfords and coverts. All wanted
Peptiron Pills
Ironlie tee blood, feed tha Buret and train, tost
th klomach, aid dig-ttion. asd clre rw ett, restful.
rMoral tleep. Xte.or$L Prelim or bjmxll of u.
Hood's Pills H
Afttr-dlnser pIU. vnrtr recetaUf eT to
ary to operate. 2. Dmcci or nvU. C I.
Hood Co. Lowell. IX Made Ur Hood It's Good,
Protest Against Higher Hates.
DETROIT. Mich., July 18. At a conven
tion here today of delegates representing
local councils of the Royal Arcanum,
throughout Michigan, resolutions were
adopted expressing confidence In the
principles of fraternal insurance, but
strongly condemning the recent action of
the supreme council providing that as
sessments shall be baped upon the at
tained ages at which they entered the
.society. The supreme council Is asked
to rescind Its action and member? are
risked to defer Judgment until the su
preme council makes known what its final
action will be.
Schwab's Trust Pays Dividend.
NEW "FORK, July IS. The directors
of the Bethlehem Steel Corporation to
day declared the first dividend on the
preferred stock of 14 per cent. The
dividend is payable August 1. The
Bethclnem Steel Corporation Is the re
organized United States Shipbuilding
ft-'c3 "!h151
Kt ifrtM itfl m ilfl
HHHR .-. - J$bH81
5r'Je-i5B SBB
IShkp frPB
Grand Prize
Louisiana Purchase
Exposition, Sr. Louis.
Paris 1900, Buffalo 1901,
Chicago 1893.
For These Celebrated Shoes
Experienced Salesmen Wanted
A Grand Closure of the Straw Hat Shapes
Today in the "BIJOU SALONS" of MILLINERY Annex, Second Floor.
$1.50 Untrimmed Hat Shapes 25c
Another exceptional opportunity is offered the home
milliners today to- supply an extra hat or two for
the long Summer wear that's ahead, 'instead of pay
ing the regular prices for these pretty untrimmed
straw hat shapes prices which run up to $1.50, none
under 50c in value, others at 75c, $ and $1.25 we're
going to close them all in short order at the merest
fraction of their real present worth. A hig assortment
to select from, all wanted colors and popular shapes.
Choose ye as vou will, the choice is unrestricted at
2oe EACH.
The dose is one, just
one pill at bedtime. The
result is a gentle laxative
the day following. They
cure indigestion, bil
iousness, constipation,
for they act directly on
the liyer.
Tutt's Pills
Cure AH
Liver His.
Save Your Money.
Onebox of Tutt's Pills will save
many dollars in doctors' bills
' They willsurely cure all diseases
' of the stomach, liver or bowels.
i vr. r.ii.. a l:
For sick headache, dyspepsia,
malaria, constipation andbilic
usness, amillion people endorse
Sale of "Buster Brown" Stockings
And Stockings for "Buster's yr fpnto
Sister" at the Pair ....
Busier j$Rcffl)
A very clever advertiser over in New Jersey conceived the idea
of advertising a line of stockings for wear of youngsters, boys
arid girls, as the "Buster Brown" hosiery. The general retail
price of the same is 25c the pair everywhere. We have a large
quantity and sbalL open a sale of them this morning at 20
the pair straight; 3 styles. "We have what we consider better
values for the money, other authorities ( t) to the contrary,
howsomcver. But if yon want the 'Buster Brown" stockings,
you can get them here for 20 the pair. Every pair guaran
teed, every pair the best quality of that make. DRAWING
"BctbgmtFabc W3 Cmoc
Buster Brown Hose, for boys; heavy-weight cotton; 2-and-l rib, triple-knee, Offc "Q
double-sole; made from tight-twisted yarns; sizes 6 to 10 -fcVf V-IO.
Boys' .medium-weight Cotton Hose; triple-knee, double soles, 1-and-l rib; 1A f'f'Sl
suitable for girls or boys; all sizes at the low price of, pair A.J v.lOi
Buster Brown Sisters' Stockings, fine 1-and-l rib lisle, very elastic; made from Of "j"
tight-twisted yarns; all sizes; pair -fcvJ' V.IO
f: AN
j: In the
Parasol ShopWest Annex First Ploor
Just inside the new annex, as you step into the new building coming
from the main store, "forninst" the big elevators, your eyes will be
caught by a most remarkable scene of Summer beauty. Our buyer of
parasols, now in New York, .met with an exceptional opportunity of se
curing a most wonderful display of the newest and prettiest parasols
ever gathered in any one convention it. has been our pleasure to view.
No two alike. Think of it! Over 300 parasols, and no two alike. It
happened this way: A celebrated manufacturer made up a sample line
for display at the Exposition. A line to be placed in competition with
the leading makers of the world. Events led to a delay, and the beau
ties never reached the. places they were- to fill in the Exposition show
cases. But they came to Portland, to our store, where our patrons and
visitors may view them, and, what's better, select one for themselves,
at special prices much under the usual. Every wanted or imaginable
color and shade is embraced in the vast exhibit Colors to match any
ffown milady may wish to mate. Novelty stripes, plaids,, dots, change
ables, fancy woven effects, tucked "and corded styles. The very latest
and newest in the popular white linens, plain and English eyelet em
broidery effects and hand-painted creations. Carriage parasols and
parasols for children these in all 1he favored colors 25 j to $2.25.
A superb line of verv handsome Japanese parasols, jmt the thing to
carry when you're goinff to "hit the Trail" or to-the seashore. Hand
seaie novelties in pongees. All at very special rsdaced prices far tfck
week. Nevdfcia, is ptoffMc at from $2.50 to 95.50.
Third Floor.
We have secured from the East an expert cut
ter of glass. All kinds of engraving Jone
to order while you wait. Lewis and Clark
engraved on tumblers, pitchers, etc. Call
and see them.
Souvenir China
A very large assortment to select from: spe
cial, each, up from...................... ioc
Old Blue China Lewis and Clark 10-inch Plates;
special ar. each ..50c
Great Inducements to
Dress Goods Buyers
South Abb ex Firt Floor.
Sweeping Reductions Ranging
From a Half to a
Third on Colored Dress Goods
Imported English Novelty Mohair, In checks,
stripes and changeable effects; Imported
Shepherd Check. French Voile, in grays, tans,
navies and brown: Imported Silk and Wool
Novelty Fabrics; also our entire line of odd
pieces In Tweeds and Mannish Suitings; all
in the stock-reducing sale at exactly half
price $1 grade for Mc yard: $1.50 grade for
75c yard: $2.00 grade for $1.00 yard, etc
Regular 50c values, m neat Mannish Mixed
Suitings; Just the thing for children's wear,
and beach and mountain wear; all colors to
choose from; special only, njg CentS
Of Vital Interest to
Silk Buyers
South Abbcx First Floor.
Spring anI Summer goods must go. Every
yard of Novelty Silks and Dress Goods must be
sold by the close of the present month, and
with this end In view, prices have been cut so
deeply that one rinds silks priced less than
cotton goods or novelty dress fabrics. Many at
half price.
Just 90 Suit Lengths
Silk Suit Lengths, 16 yards to each pattern,
in all good wanted colors, such as navys, roy
als, browns, etc: specially priced, per pattern,
only 18S each. These are worth $16.00 regu
larly. Here are. 1 47 Novelty Suit
In all the newest weaves and colors, every yard
this season's best makes: 16 yards to each pat
tern; specially priced, per pattern, only 513.43.
Sold regularly at 423.00. r
LOT 1 Novelty Suit Silks, July sale, yard, 43c
LOT 2 Novelty Suit Silks, July sale, yard, 78c
LOT 3 Novelty Suit Silks, July sale, yard. 03c
These have sold at $1.75, $1.50, $1.25 and $1.00
per yard.
Special Values to
Interest Housewives
Olds, Wortman & King
Sewing Machines.
O. "W. & K. Sewing Machine, high arm, hall
bearing, drop-head, golden oak cabinet, a
drawers: guaranteed for 10 years; sold by
agents for $45 Our value special, ea.. $24.90
O. W."& IC Sowing Machine, same as above,
automatic lift; guaranteed for 10 years; sold
by agents for $55 Our special value at.
Robes, Shawls and Couch
The Genuine Pendleton Indian, Robes, Trading
Shawls and Couch Covera
Shawls Regular value $6.03; special. ea-.S3.15
Couch Covers Regular value $10.50; special at.
each f&50
"White Blankets Regular value $5.50; special
at, the pair ...$4.58
Tapestry Portieres, fn plain colors, with heavy
cord edge; special, pair. ..S7.50, $SJS0, 12.58
Pretty Two-Tone Portieres, double-faced,
bound edge; special at, the pair 917.50
Tapestry Portieres, in plain and figured effects
and Oriental designs; special at, the pair.
$350, $4.90, $4.50 to &5d
Wednesday Specials in Do
mestic Aisles 1st Hoor
Crochet Bedspreads, Marseilles patterns; two
special values at. each 95c aad $1.18
Fine Washed Huclc Towels, with fancy woven
borders; special at. each ....20c
25.030 yards Fine Wash Goods, in French Ging
hams, Percales, Voiles, Crepes, Etamlnes and
Mercerized Novelties Regular values 15c
20c and 25c; special at, yard 10c
Just received about 3000 yards White Arrow
Head Duck Suiting, soft finish; special, while
they last, yard - 10c
The Wanted Bargains in Sum- ;
mer House-furnishings
Third Floor Take Elevator.
16-lnch high-grade Lawn Mower: high wheels, a
four blades, ball-bearing; extra quality 8i
Regular valui $3.03; special, each ...... 97.00
98.75 LAWN MOWERS 940. J
18-Inch Lawn Mower, high wheel. 4 knives Jq
easy running: especially good for large lawns
Regular value $6.75; special at, each.. 9-130 9t
Twelve styles Garden Hose, quality guaran-
teed; Hose Reels, Sprinklers, Nozzles and
Hose Mender at special prices. ai
m Perfect keepers. Jargo mouthy best quality
Pints; social -at, the "dozen -8Kc a
Quarts: special at, the dozen ......... ...91.0S
Half Gallons; special at, the dzes .HJS
Covered Jellies; special at. the dozes . .So
Jelly Tumblers: special at. the m