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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (July 19, 1905)
VOL. XLV.-3fO. 13,919: PORTLAND, OREGON, "WEDNESDAY, JULY 19, 1905. PRICE FIVE CENTS. DEFENSE WAIVES ITS ARGUMENT Submits Case to Jury Without Debate. NO ANSWER TO MR. HEHEY Judge Bennett Leaves All to Jurors' "Intelligence." COURT THEN GIVES CHARGE At 10:35 P. jr., Jfo Agreement Hav ing: Been Reached, Jury Is . Locked Up for Nlght-and Judge Retires. JURY REACHES NO VERDICT AND IB IiOCKXD VT FOR NIGHT. The Jury In the Williamson- case failed to reach an agreement last night. H being understood that at 11 o'clock the vote stood 11 to 1 for conviction, one man standing out stubbornly for acquittal, while the rest favored conviction. The case went to the Jury at 3:15 in the afternoon and at 7:15 the Jurors asked to have the testimony of Camp bell Duncan and Ernest Starr read to It. At S:15 the Jury "was led Into court and listened to the testimony of Duncan as read by Mr. Heney and Judge Bennett, and of Ernest Starr as read by Captain Sladen. clerk of the court. At 0:30 the Jury retired again to deliberate and not having reached a verdict at 10:35 Judge De Haven left for his home, stating that even should & verdict be reached during the night he -was not to be called. The Jury was then locked up for the night, as Judge De Haven will not permit a sealed verdict to be rendered. If the Jury has arrived at any conclusion before or by the time the court convenes this morning the verdict will be heard at 10 o'clock. , After 13 days of trial, the reputation of three of the prominent men of Oregon was given Into the keeping oi 12 Jurymen yesterday afternoon. When the last tes timony for the defendantP. Representative J. W. Williamson, Dr. Van Gesncr and Marion R. Biggs, had been heard, as well as District Attorney Heney's opening ar gument for the prosecution, Judge Bennett eprang a surprise. He refused to discuss, on behalf of the defendants, the case that had been made agajnst them, or the rea sons why the verdict should be one of ac quittal. The whole contention was left to the Judgment of the Jury, without argu ment. Judge Bonnett, in making this request to the court, said: "May it please the court. I do not feel that the opening statement of the District Attorney was very full or very fair in this case, and In view of the fact that the jury has been here now for 12 days, trying this case, and has listened to all the testimony offered by the Gov ernment, and the evidence and explana tions on behalf of tho defendants, and must thoroughly understand our position In the case from the arguments that have arisen during the course of the trial, we feel that we would not be justified in keeping them here for two or three days more to listen to an argument in the case. Therefore we have made up our minds to submit the case to the Intelli gence of this Jury on the evidence in the case and tho Instructions which your lonor shall give." Yestorday morning, when tho Federal Court convened, those present heard, af ter a few remaining questions had been psked of the last witness called in the case, a short statement of what the Gov ernment had attempted to prove, as told 3jy Mr. Heney. It was milder than those who had followed the trial had expected. Tho defendants were not called to ac count in any great measure for what the evidence of the Government seemed to show them to have done. Invective and attack were wanting. It was, as styled by Mr. Heney. a blrdseye view of the case nd the evidence. Defense Makes 2Co Argument. In the afternoon those who assembled to hear the reply of Mr. Wilson for the defense and the following speech by Judge Bennett were surprised when the latter arose and stated to the court that he thought it would not be justifiable for the attorneys to keep the Jury waiting through several days of argument, and' that the defense would submit its case without further words to the Judgment of the Jury. Judge De Haven asked the Prosecuting Attorney if he wished to make further argument, as he had a right to do under the law. and Mr. Heney stated that he would consent to submit the case and would waive his right to close. Judge Bennett's move was a surprise to the jury and to the court, as evidenced by the fact that Judge De Haven had to order a recess to be taken for an hour while he llnished the compilation of his charge to the Jury, but the step had "been suspected by Mr. Heney and his argument had been shaped accordingly. He gave a, blrdseye" view of the case, and avoided going Into the testimony in order that his remarks need not call for vindication from the defense while at the same tlrac the cause of the Government, should be well placed before the men who would epjde"the case. Hie closing statement J?RHcant in the Jlght of what came, after, when he said: 'Gentlemen, I have now outlined. I think, fairly the case as it stands, and I will submit it to you at this time without further argument, re serving further discussion of the testi mony and the evidence until I hear what may be said by the defense. No one heeded the words when spoken, but after wards they served to show that the sur prise to the general mind was not one to Mr. Heney, who was expected to be surprised. The charge to the Jury delivered by Judge De Haven at .3 o'clock was a com prehensive, fair and at the same-time a direct statement to the men as to what their duties were under the law. The Judge held that it was not neces sary to show that the conspiracy had been accomplished, for, even if It had failed, the defendants might have b:en guilty of the crime, their intenct might have been as unlawful as though they had actually consummated their desires. It was not necessary to show any set or stated agreement. If It were shown by the evidence that the matter had been discussed, that following this the overt acts of Biggs had been done, as argued bj' the Goi-ernment, that the money had been lent and the claims taken up under the supposition that they were to belong to the firm of Will iamson and Gesncr after patent, then the conspiracy had been shown. But if. on the other hand, there remained any reasonable doubt as to whether thhi.had been intended, then the jury should ac quit. The Judge also stated that If two men had "been shown to have entered into the conspiracy and In the minds of the jury the third had been connected by evidence or circumstance, then a general verdict might be returned, but two must be connected with the crime or there was no conspiracy while two might be guilty and one not guilty. Case Goes to Jury. The case was given Into the hands of the Jury at 3:15 o'clock, after which court was adjourned subject to the re turning of a verdict or the call of the Jury. Judge Bennett, In making his ex ceptions to the charge as delivered by Judge De Haven, asked for one covering the remark of the Judge that a verdict could be returned aaglnst one of the de fendants singly, and the Jury was re called while the Judge explained that if he had made such a statement It was a mistake and that the evidence had to connect two of the defendants before a conspiracy could be proved. The Jury then Anally retired. At 10:35 Judge De Haven retired, and the Jury, having reached no verdict, was locked up for the night. DEFENSE CALLS WITXESSES. After Hearing Their Testimony, Mr. Heney Begins Argument. In the morning when court was con vened, Judge Bennett asked that he be allowedHo recall B. F. Johnson to Vrove isora$thtsato tbe nature of the lands In question. The permission was granted by the court and the witness was asked when he had been subpenaed as a wit ness by the Government. Mr. Johnson stated that he had been called a week ago on Friday and that he bad been hero since that time. Judge Bennett asked the witness about a conversation that he had been reported to have had with Marlon Elliott In Prine vllle a short time After he had been sub penaed as a witness. The attorney wished to know If the witness had not stated at that time that he could not be of much uto to the Government, but might heln the defense, that he had cone wr the land with a Deputy Cnlted States .aiarsnai ana naa found mat there was good timber on the Biggs claim. Mr. Johnson stated that he might have had such a conversation and that he did think for a time that the Biggs claim had good timber on It, but that his opin ion had been formed from a wrong hy pothesis. The witness stated that he had started from the wrong point when with the Deputy Marshal, and had gone in the wrong direction, landing on a sec tion of land belonging to the Wagon Road Company which was In reality heavily timbered. He had not discovered this mistake until after coming to Port land. Since then he had arrived at the conclusions told in his testimony of the previous day when he said that the Biggs claim had been timbered In part, while part had been covered with scattering trees and was better grazing land than timber land. The witness was also asked as to tbe custom of Biggs in making the filings and stated that he had been present at a number of instances when such filings had been made and that in each case the commissioner had cautioned the ap plicants that thev could make no con tracts for the sale of the lands. On the cross-examination. Mr. Heney asked the witness if he had been with Charles Graves since the opening of the case and If Graves had not spent most of his time with Gesner. The witness stated that he had been with Graves to some extent, bat that he had not seen Gesner In his company. J. A. Schooling was called by the de fense to show that Charles Graves, the surveyor, could not be found when ho was wanted by the defense to testify as to the timber on the lands in ques tion. The witness stated that he had gone to where Graves had stayed while here as a wltnens, but had found that the surveyor had returned to his home at Prinevllle. "Did you call the last witness to show that you could not find Graves, or others, to testify as to the lands in question? asked Mr. Heney when Judge Bennett had stated that he would not be able to bring evidence as he had expected, to show that the claims taken had been heavily timbered. Th lawyer for the defense said that Mr. Heney had guessed the purpose of his question. "Well, then. I would like to recall Mr. Gesner for a minute." said Mr. Heney and the de fendant took the stand. Gesncr and Graves. "How frequently have you seen Graves since he bits been in town as a wit ness?" asked Mr. Heney. Dr. Gesner said that he had seen him often, but did not remember the exact number of times. Mr. Heney asked the witness if he did not see him nearly every day. to which Gesner replied that evert time he had seen him he had been with someone else. Neither did he know when he had been excused by the Government. Dr. Gesncr being excused, Mr. Heney began bis argument. ARGUMENT OP MR. HEXEY Attacks Williamson's Testimony and Contends He Was in Conspiracy. Mr. Heney opened his argument for the prosecution by stating that tho trial had about reached Its end and that he was glatl. as he knew the jurors would be. While It was generally tnought that argument was superfluous after a Jury had listened to all the evi dence In a case, yet he contended that short argument was needed to refresh the memory or all on the evidence, and to marshal !t in order and connection so that it could be easily understood. The Attorneys were only able to re member what had passed by taking elaborate notes, and it could not be expected of the jury that they would be able to retain all of the points with- Coftttaucs 0i fM 5.) AIRSHIP ANGELUS FLIES OVER HIT Wind Too Strong for It to Re turn to the Exposition Grounds. TRIP PARTLY SUCCESSFUL In MHd Current In Earlier Part of the Journey the Airship Appears Under Perfect Control of the Aeronaut, Man tried again yesterday to conquer air. It 7&s the same old story of partial defeat. He roust try yet again before he c?n -slip the metaphorical harness upon the atmosphere and make It serve him as the giants Steam and Electricity have been brought to serve. For nearly two hours yesterday after noon the airship Angelus hovered over Portland and vicinity. To the casual ob server It looked like a great bird moving slowly across the sky with ease and per fect control of Itself. In fact there was a battle going on every second: a battle against a strong wind which has proved the evil genius of airship inventors since the first. Every inch the brave vessel mored to the southward was an inch to the credit of the contending elements. It it noteworthy, however, that the Angelus bucked the capricious air currents yes terday with a greater degree of success than any previous air vessel. Captain T. S Baldwin, of California, the inventor, is satisfied with yesterday's showing. He will make some dclicatealteratlons and pit his vessel against the wind at once. He has no doubt but that his boat could navigate in any direction under favorable atmospheric conditions. He intends to make it sail under any conditions. Starts on Its Trip. The Angelus made .the first airship flight In Northwest history and the first of the Exposition competition. It was witnessed by many thousands It started from the Exposition grounds and drove southeast bucking a strong wind from the north. Lincoln Beechey, of Los An geles, went up with the machine, and displayed remarkable skill and courago In his work. He also appeared to have per fect control of the difficult monster at all times. After being drifted along an Ir regular southward course for about six miles he tacked east and made & safe landing on & dock at a Willamette River pleasure resort. The vessel was not dam aged to any great extent and arrange ments were made for Its conveyance back to the Exposition whence other test flights are to be made this week. Takes His Course. The airship was unleashed at 2:2) o'clock uiptam .Baldwin bad been awaiting favor able weather conditions for a week past but high winds had prevailed nearly every afternoon especially In the upper currents. Yesterday reports from the captive bal loon Indicated that there was less wind than usuaL The vessel was accordingly overhauled. Aeronaut Beechey took his place on the framework, under the gas bag and the big ship rose gracefully above tho Fair grounds. A heavy rope which was trailed at ballast from the stern knocked a piece of tiling from the roof of the Swiss Chalet as It passed above tnat structure. Beechey drove tbe vessel up 300 feet and then paused for a moment, turned about In a broad circle and apparently finding the air currents unfavorable mounted higher, taking a circular course. The big vessel obeyed Its tall-like rudder perfect ly for a time and In a mild current which was found 1090 feet high answered Its propeller and headed northward. Then came an 'eight-mile an hour breeze and' the vessel gave slowly before It, fighting stubbornly every Inch of the way. Now and then It would gather itself in a spurt and force Its way northward against tho wind. Wind Too Strong. At 3 o'clock the wind Increased In velo city and all hopes that the airship could return to Its moorings were lost. Captain Baldwin and an attendant hurried south ward to asslsjjffie acronallt-irr-iiaakjfl'g a landing. Beechey had no trouble, though in getting down be said the machine worked perfectly and that with calmer air currents he could have made it answer its rudder as readily as a sailboat, .The Angelus Is double the size of the California Arrow, which made phenomenal flights at St. Louis last Summer. It Is .65 feet long by 40 feet wide. The gas bag has a capacity of 16.100 cubic feet. The propeller blades are eight feet long and three wide and are operated by a seven horsepower gasoline motor. The rudder is ten feet long and six wide. It was brought herefrom California by Cap tain .-Baldwin to 'compete for the. prizes offered by the Exposition. Tomllnson Enters Competition. George Tomllnson. the well-known New York airship Inventor and -aeronaut, reached the city yesterday, morning to compete for the Exposition prizes. He broughuwith hlm a vessel of an altogeth er different style from tbe Angelus and will make a voyage with it during the next few days. It Is intended to have a flight henceforth on every afternoon which brings favorable weather conditions. Late last night the airship was taken in tow by a steamer to the Exposition grounds. SHIPPING TRUST'S DEFICJT Loses SI, 1-12,098 in 1904 Through Rate War and Other Causes. NEW YORK. July IS. A defldt of 51.lC.0eS for tho year ended December 21 last, as compared with a surplus of 51.7J7.797 for the preceding year. Is shown In a statement given out by the Interna tional Mercantile Marine Company at Its annual meeting in Hoboken. N. J., today. President Bruce Ismay ascribes the poor showing largely to the continued depres sion In freight rates on the- North At lantic during the latter part of ISM. While passenger traffic has been large, earnings were seriously -affected by tho all-round cut In passenger rates. Cavalry Horse, Roasted Alive, SALT LAKE CITY, July IS. A spe cial to the Tribune from Lander, Wyc. says that the troop stable at "Fort Washakie, 16 miles from Lander, has been destroyed by Are. Sixty horses belonging to F Troop, Tenth United States Cavalry, were burned, and also three mules and considerable saddlery. The horses were large sorrels and among the finest in the Army. TewfiWC TKJE AXGXLTJS TO IMS 9AX8 ATTXX. ITS fXWHT WILL LAY SIEGE TO Japan Lands Army on North and Will Surround the Fortress. FLEET IS OUTSIDE PORT Effort to Be Made to Capture Rus sia's Last Stronghold on Pa cific as Another Argu ment for Peace. LONDON. July IS. (Special.) A Japa nese Army has been landed north of Vladivostok and the complete envelop ment of the fortress is imminent. The Toklo correspondent of the Dally Tele graph wires: "Thus Japan carries the war into un disputed Russian territory on the main land. Undoubtedly, too. a strong Japanese fleet Is outside Vladivostok. Japan's navy' has nothing else to occupy it at the mo ment. "The Investment of Vladivostok Is re garded here -as a strong arugment for peace." SHIPS ONLX SLIGHTLY HURT Japanese Will Recover Five of Those Sunk at Port Arthur. TOKIO. July 18. 4:30 P. M.) An officer who has returned from Port Arthur re ports that the extent of the damage to the sunken Busslan ships was slighter than was anticipated. It has been known that the Russians applied explosives in side the vessels before they were aban doned and the resulting damages were expected to be serious. It has been found, however, that the vital portions of the ships were strangely unhurt. The Bayan, which sustained the most severe damage, has been taken in tow. and the Peresviet Is navigable with her own engines. Both of these vessels will soon be brought here to complete the necessary repairs. Even the Fallada, which sustained the heaviest damage, is expected to be refloated by the middle of August and before this the Retvlzan and PoMeda will be afloat. WANTS TO KEEP SAKHALIN Russian Paper Says .Japan Could Constantly Menace Russia. ST. PETERSBURG. July IS. The Svlet bitterly objects to the cession of the Isl and of Sakhalin!, declaring that, as It com mands the mouth of the Amur River, its possession by the- Japanese constitutes a constant threat to Russia In the Far East STBS TWC CTXT. T and forges shackles from which the em pire could never rid herself. The paper calls attention to the Immense riches of the Island, In oil. coal. Iron and gold, as well as In forests and fisheries. Russian Troops Called Into Service. ST. PETERSBURG. July 18. It Is an nounced that 475.245 men have been called to perform military service during the present year. GOING TO MEET PAUL JONES Battleship Squadron Will Escort the Fleet to Hampton Roads. NEWPORT. R. I.. July IS. The second division of the battleship squadron of the North Atlantic fleet, under command of Rear-Admlral Charles H. H. Davis, left this port today, having received orders to Join Admiral Sigsbee's fleet of warships, which is conveying the body of John Paul Jones to this country from France. Late this afternoon, however, the warships re turned and It announced that they would sail for Hampton Roads tomorrow, to getherrlth the first division, which Is commanded by Rear-Admlral Robley D. Evans. The warships will separate on the voy age and as soon as they come Into wire less communication with Admiral Sigs bee's fleet, the second division will act as escort during the remainder of the voyage of that fleet. The first division will proceed to Hampton Roads. WILL PREVENT LYNCHING Governor or Alabama Calls Out Cav alry Against Mob. MONTGOMERY. Ala., July IS. After receiving a telegram from the authori ties in Linden that the lynching of Robert Richardson, a negro confined In the Marengo County Jail there, was Imminent. Governor Jelks this after noon ordered Major Atkins. In com mand of the cavalry squadron of Selma, to go at once to the scene. Richardson Is one of the two men suspected of the murder of Dr. Froscue, near Linden, a few weeks ago. General Wood Leaves Hospital. BOSTON. July IS. General Leonard Wood, who recently underwent an opera tion at a private hospital In this city, left the Institution today. Accompanied by Mrs- Wood, a trained nurse and a physician, he has gone to the country for a few days. He expects to sail early next month for Manila. CONTENTS TODAY'S PAPER Tbe Weather. YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature. S5 deg.; minimum. SS. Precipitation, none. TODAY'S Fair and continued warm. North erly winds. War in tbe Tar Eoat. Japanese land army near Vladivostok and will befclege it- Page J, Roosevelt win not meddle In peace negotia tions. Page 4. Witte says other powers may be called Into conference. Page 4. Wu Ting Fang's appointment Irritates Japan. Page 4. Japan raises sunken warships. Page L JTorelgB. Police exil Odessa, rebels by wholesale. Page 11. Humored plot to dethrone Czar. Page 11. Kossuth party on strike against Hungarian government. Page 4. .Norway will ask Vnlted States for recogni tion first. Page 4. Both Sweden and Norway prepare for war while trying- to keep peace. Page 4. Natloaal. Hyde, the statistician, resigns rather than fight. Page S. Methods of cotton Jugglers exposed to Wil son. Page 2, President Roosevelt goes camping. Page 3. Politics. Representative Townsend speaks on railroad rates. Page 4. Judge Hooker testifies and legislature will vote on impeachment Thursday. Page 4. Domestic. Travel to Leo-Is and Clark Pair surprises Eastern railroads. Page 3. Peary's plana for reaching Nortft Pole. Page 2. Intense heat throughout Bast slays hun dreds. Page 1. Crime for which Kentucky wants Schlltx baum. Page 2. f Heavy blackmalt levied, on New Torlc so ciety. Page 3. Bandit holds up five mer n Omaha and ts captured. Page 3. Ztegler's wliow will contest his will. Page It. Sport. Giants defeat Tigers. 3 to 0. Page T. 100-yard world record for swimming - broken. Page T. PacMe Coast. Blues are wiped out by Browns in bloodless battle at Gearhart Park. Page 6. Maxaroas may not pluck beautiful flowers in Paradise Valley. Page 6. Aberdeen. Wash., mills tied up by strike of unskilled laborers. Page 6. The American-Hawaiian Steamship Com pany to begin competition with the Pa- ctflc MalL Page S. Advent of twins forces Lieutenant F. Zi. Otis to leave the Army. Page 8. Commercial asd Marine. Heavy offerings of new crop Oregon bay. Page 15. Strong demand for Summer fruits. Page 15. Poor sulphur used In hop-curing. Page 15. Heat reports strengthen Chicago wheat market. Page 15. Boston wool market about to become active. Page IS. Small trading- in stocks. Page 15. San Francisco barley market - stronger. Page 15. First sew crop wheat charter announced. Page 14. Xewts aad Clark SxpoeKlea. Admissions. 17.111. Page 10. Airship Angelas flies over city. Page 1. North Dakota has great day at Fair. Page 16. PerUaad aad VlelaUy. State care for defectives theme of discussion at Conference of Charities and Correction. Page 14. Ma ay petty crimes reported by police. Page 18. CHalea at Deatal Coagref. Page 10. Falls from train and. fractares skulk Page 12. Bex manufacturers sued on the grjund that they have formed a combine. Page 19. New bex ordinance wilt b Introduced la CctwcII to4ay. Page 11. Metbedteta tell how to convert the -world. Page 9. Heaier Davf aport addresses tfee C&a.t&a$ua. Page 11, Jrr 1 WlHHS8B-giaarB4CT 'case reakea arrewseac aa Is teeJte tqs fr rV MjolK. rage 1. SCORES KILLED . BY BLAZING SUN Whole Country East of Rockies Suffers HIGHEST RECORD IS PASSED Sweltering Thousands Flee to Seashore. PEOPLE SLEEP IN PARKS New York Mercifully Takes Down "Keep-Off-Grass" Signs Bu reau Promises fo Helief for Several Daj-s. HEAT AND ITS RESULTS IN IJ5AD ING CITIES. Following are the maximum temper atures offlclally recorded In the lr.rger cities with the known cases of pros tration and death: Max. Temp. New York OS Philadelphia 9S.3 Baltimore 07.3 Washington.... 96 Boston -. 04 Pittsburg 9.1 Buffalo 7S Chicago........ 05 Lincoln, Neb New England.. St. Louis Portland. Or... S3 Pros trations. Deaths. 190 26 50 5 5. 6 4 1 43 13 2 1 3S 5 1 1 20 4 .130 2 None None In the above table the totals of prostrations Include the fatalities. NEW YORK, July IS. An era of op pressive heat that brings to mind with unpleasant vividness the record-breaking Summer of 1901 has settled down over the Eastern and New England States, already numbering hundreds among Its victims and causing" Indescribable suffering to people In this and other cities. From all points tonight .came the story of the hottest day of the Summer, attend ed with frequent prostrations and not a few deaths. Philadelphia reported a maximum temperature of 9S.3. the highest figure offlclally noted. In this city the Weather Bureau's high mark was 95, while In Boston 94 was recorded. The official thermometers located In ex posed places above the street did not, however. Indicate the temperature la which the ordinary mortal moved, and many street thermometers indicated a temperature of 100 or higher, some relia ble Instruments registering 104 and 105. The above- figures by no means represent the sum of human suffering today, as an endless number of victims who collapsed at home, In the office or workshop were privately attended. Today all records for the Summer were broken in point of high temperature, but mercifully tho humidity was correspond-, lngly less.. Only for this the total prostra tions and deaths must have been doubled. Fly to Beach to Breathe. In New Tork the suffering was intense, especially In the crowded tenement dis tricts, where scarcely a breath of air re lieved the stifling atmosphere. Thousands who could afford the holiday flocked to the beaches, but even In the consequent crowds women and children fainted, and men were overcome, making the trip from home a doubtful experiment as far as securing any comfort was concerned. At 8 o'clock this morning the mercury stood at SO degrees, and rose until tha maximum of 96 was reached at 4 o'clock. The humidity was 72 at 8 o'clock, but it lessened steadily until only 35 was regis tered when the temperature was highest. It was a busy day for the hospitals, and the ambulances were continuously' on the street. Early in the day the hot wave Invaded the Stock Exchange, and Its effect was quickly apparent on the traders. Many of the leading operators deserted the floor, and the market became listless and dull. Water Famine Threatened. To add to the unavoidable physical suffering, Brooklyn was threatened with & water famine, while the whole city was startled by the prospect of a strike of the icemen. The water supply in Brooklyn was reported as nearing the danger point, and the water department took immediate precautions, asking that street sprinkling be temporarily suspended and warning householders to be more economical In the use of water. Manhattan, it was said, had no cause for alarm as far as the water supply was concerned. It was different with tha Icq question, though an expected strike today did not materialize. A few ice-wagon drivers stopped work, but deliveries continued. Sleeping on Grass and Pavement. Prompt measures were taken, today by the Police and Park Commissioners to al leviate in some degree the suffering of the public Orders were Issued keeping open throughout the night the park gates and permitting those who wanted to spead the night in these places. "Keep off the grass" signs were by permission disre garded, and tonight thousands of hssh. women and children deserted crowded and stilling apartments for a bed on the aool grass. Thousands of others, too exhaust ed to reach the recreation grounds, slept on tbe pavesaeats in front of their feeaes., Late returns from the hospitals sfeew ten as the total dead from yesterday's litest fa aii about New Vork Vm-b than MO cases at prostration were reported by the peace. Th threatened strike &t lee handlers eCfolwOa a& Page 3.) "'a .