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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (July 18, 1905)
THE MORNING OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, JULY 18, 1905. URGES WEAVER TO PROSECUTE Root's Last Advice as Counsel Against Robbers of Philadelphia. WOULD PUT BELL IN A HOLE Bosses of Machine May Be Punished Despite Reluctance of District Attorney to Act Against His Friends. sincerity of your purpose and In your pluck, anfl I haxv a strong desire that the City til Philadelphia, whose history and good. name, ara so dear to .every American. ha!l be relieved from the stain whidh a corrupt xnd criminal com bination masquerading trader the came of Republicans have put upon her. I Vrlsh you G65 speed la your further efforts. . Very sincerely yours. ELIHU ROOT. In the mldFt of the controversy between District Attorney Bell and the Maytir'a counsel. Sir. Bell today sustained a frac ture of the leg- through the falling of an elevator In an office building. Whether this accident will delay the trials of Caven and Hill is not known. PHILADELPHIA. July 17. As a result of advice received from EHhu Root, spe cial counsel for ilayor Weaver. It is prob able that the Mayor will initiate criminal prosecution against certain persons who are prominent in municipal affairs. Mr. Root advises the Mayor that, in face of the refusal of the District Attorney. J. C. Bell, to take the initiative In bringing fur ther prosecutions, the Mayor should exer cise his right to go "before a magistrate and carry the prosecutions as far as the law will permit him. This opinion was sent to the Mayor today, and was the re sult of a conference held in New York last Friday. Those who participated in the conference were ex-United States Attorney-General Wayne MacVcagh, who Is special counsel for the committee of nine of this city: er-Judge Gordon, private counsel for Mayor Weaver; Jullen T. Da vies and Joseph S. Auerbach, of counsel tor the committee of seventy. The purpose of the conference was to decide whether the Mayor was to take the Initiative in further prosecutions, the Dis trict Attorney having refused to do so. The Mayor and Judge Gordon- last week requested that the District Attorney, in drawing "up indictments against Council men Caven and Hill, should bring the charge of consptracy with certain other persons to defraud the city. Caven Is under ball for violating, his Councilmanlc oath in being Interested In city contracts. and cx-Chlef Hill is under bonds to an swer charges of forgery and falsification of, records in connection with the con struction of the city's filtration plants. Action Against Bosses Refused. At the "hearing gl-cn both men before the magistrate, the name of the contract Ing firm of D. J. McNichol & Co., which is constructing the greater part of the fll tration system, was frequently brought in by witnesses. The members of the firm are: Ex-Insurance Commissioner Israel W. Durham, the leader of the local Re publican organization: State Senator J. P. McNichol and his brother. Daniel J. Mc Nichol. The District Attorney, in refusing to add the charge of conspiracy to the In dictment drawn up against Caven and "Mill nnH in fnlflnfA rHmlnal nfApwl I n fj against "certain other persons," 'paid that such charges based on the evidence taken at the Caven and Hill hearings, could not under the law be made. He suggested that the Mayor take the initiative. Mayor Weaver and Judge Gordon insisted it was the District Attorney's duty to begin prosecutions. Mr. Bell persisted in his re fusal, and the New York conference fol lowed. RooUs Letter to Weaver. Mr. Root's opinion of the question was sent in a letter to Mayor Weaver today. It is dated July 15, and is as follows: I have dlscunsed very fully with Mr. MacVeach. Judge Gordon. Mr. DavLt and Mr. Auerbach the facts bearing upon the determination of your present duty in regard to further criminal proscutlon of the frauds against the City of Philadel phia, clearly Indicated by the te&Uniony already taken by the further evidence which vour counsel have collected. It appears by the correspondence be tween Judce Gordon and District Attor ney Bell that you have caused the evi dence of grave crimes by a number of powerful and Important persons in the City of Philadelphia to be laid before the District Attorney, and that he has been requested to proceed with proper prose cutions for such crimes, either before the grand jury or beiore a commuting mag- fetrate, and that he has practically de clined to do either, suggesting that you should proceed beiore a magistrate as t private prosecutor. The reasons which lead the prosecut ing officer to take the course I shall not discuss. The resulting fact alone is im portant lor political consideration. Mayor Must Begin Prosecution. It Is your duty as Mayor of the city to see that the laws are enforced and. when you tlnd that they are being set at naught by criminal combinations, it is your duty to bring the factn to the knowledge of the officer who Is elected by the people to prosecute the crime. It then becomes his duty to nrosecute and not yours. think you have done what the law requires of you in this Instance, and that, if the prosecutions so clearly indicated by the evidence in your publication and in the possession of the prosecuting officer, fall for want of further action, no jone can justly say that it Is through any fall' ure of duty on your part. I do not thlnx however, that this settles the question as to your future action. Although the law does not require you to prosecute. It permits you to do go. up to the point where the return or. the commuting mag lstrate goes Into the hands of the Dls trlct Attorney. I think. In default of the action which ought to be taken by the public prose cutor, that you should nevertheless ex erclse your right to go before a maris trate and carry these prosecutions as far as tne law permits you to. in doing wis you should, I think, invite the aid and co-operalton of the District Attorney, eiv ing him everj possible opportunity to make the prosecutions and perform the outy tor which he was elected. Good Xame of City at Stake. Crimes committed by men who have political power are often sheltered be hind official Indifference and Inactivity, and then some one has to do more than his duty to secure Justice, and you will not be the first public officer who has done a great public service against the renstance of these from whom the serv ice ought to come. There is more at stake here than the mere punishment of isolated offenses. There is the question whether your city shall continue to be governer by criminals or shall take Its place on the list of American dues ca pable of honest self-government. To sc. cure the tight solution of this question you cannot omit any proper ana lawiui enort. When you have carried the nrocecu tions through the hands of the commit ting magistrate you will have done ev erythlng within your power, and If the prosecutions then fall after coming with in the exclusive power of the District Attorney and the Aucean stables remain uncleaned. the people of the city cannot aouDt wno is responsible lor laiiure. Hopes to See City Free, It is with very great regret that I find myself unable to proceed further with you in these cases. The assumption of other official duties, of which you are aware, will prevent me- I have taken very great -interest in the cases because j, Mve acquires aesoiute cmmk w we LEGISLATORS 3IAKE IT FIASCO Proceedings Against Editor Ward man Must Begin Again. ALBANY. N. Y.. July 17. The As sembly tonight spent nearly the whole evening In coming to the conclusion that Its proceedings In reference to the allega tions In the New York Press of a "big lobby." "boodle" and Improper political influences In the Hooker case had thus far been in excess of the powers given to the joint session. The final decision was that the case of Editor Wardman and his assistants on the New York Press must begin all over again under at least new form of subpena. Interest centered in the report that the Legislative leaders would attempt the punishment of Mr. Wardman for his re fusal to answer questions as to the ex pression of his belief that Improper In fluences were at work In behalf of Jus tice Hooker. No such attempt was made. for the very jurisdiction of the session jffccls of the assault, the men .who were was challenged at the outlet by Manag- J held up In Bricklayers Hall under threats ing Editor John A. Hcnnessy. of the Press, in his refusal to obey a subpena. and the whole matter went over for at least another day. HIPS MULES IN CRATES LAND AG EXT "WEST'S CLEVER BIT OF ECONOMY. . FESS IS TONGUES Labor Leaders Dare Not Talk of Donnelly Assault. LIFE WOULD PAY FORFEIT Chicago Unions Terrorized by the Wrecking Gangs "With Criminal Records, "Who Break Up . Elections to Order. CHICAGO. July IT. (Special.) Fear oi handed assassins, with Its parallel only in the terrorism that was Inspired by the death-dealing operations of the "Mollle Magulres" In Pennsylvania 30 years ago. placed a seal of silence on labor leaders in Chicago today in -connection with the mysterious attack yesterday on Michael Donnelly, and the storming of the elec tlon place of the Chicago Federation of I-abor by eight armed men. While Don nelly, for the second time a victim of la bor sluggers, lay suffering from the cf- Hybrids Make Wreck of First Cages, but Later Arrive In Salem From Klamath County. SALEM. Or.. July 17. (Special.) Putting team of mules in crates for shipment by express Is one of the latest achievements of State Land Agent Oswald West, whose recent trip to Klamath County proved him a man of resources. He bought the mules In Klamath County, led them to Ashland and there found freight charges would be $66, while expreas charges would bo only J35. He therefore engaged a man to make crates for his mules and today they arrived safely in Salem.. West first eppled the team of mules far out on the sagebrush plains ot Klamath County, where he bought them. Leading one by a rope behind his saddle horse. he let the other fellow loose, and thus reached Klamath Lake, which he crossed by steamer, and then started over the mountains to Ashland. Reaching a small stream In the foothills, he found the log bridge In bad shape. His horse crossed the bridge without hesitation, but the fnule he was leading stopped and planted its feet firmly. Pulling, coaxing, whip-' ping and all other ordinary expedients were of no avail. Finally, when about to give up. West eppied an old tomato can by the road side. Remembering some of the sports of his boyhood days. West faMened the leading rope to a tree on the opposite side of the creek and then tied the can to the mule's tall. When the can hit the mule's heels, the fun commenced, the animal lashing out wildly and finally bolting across the dilapidated bridge to escape his unseen tormentor. His mate quickly followed. At Ashland crates were made, the blind folded mules led lntf their cages, the blinders removed and when the crates were loaded on trucks the agent Issued shipping receipt to the owner. When the crates were being hoisted into the express car the mules suddenly remem bered their natural weapons of defense. and In a jiffy their cages were in kindling. Then the animals trotted up street, to the great delight of a crowd who had watched their gymnastics. How the Ashland representative of the great Wells-Fargo managed the matter cannot now be told, but new crates were made and the mules shipped to Salem, to gether with a bill for the cost of new crates. West declares that his mules are a "driving team." and he intends to show the people of this vicinity a team to be proud of. of death during the beating of the Stock yards leader and the destruction of tho ballot-boxes of the Federation election. admitted today they dare not talk about the "affair. "My life would not be worth a snap if I should talk." said Charles Dold. president of the Federation, and candidate for re election, against J. F. O Nelll, the "ma chine" candidate. Dold was the acknowledged victor In the election when the eight men forced their way Into the hall, kicked the ballot boxes to pieces and destroyed the ballots before the assault upon Donnelly. Barney Berlyn. one of the Judges of election, was made to stand with his face to the wall with the other Judges and watchers, while the assault took place. and was otherwise intimidated by fear of summary vengeance. Insinuating that he would be the "next" to feel the force of Internal labor murderers. Berlyn re fused flatly to risk his life by telling whom he suspected ns responsible for yes terday s developments. Foar "wrecking gangs"' arc known to exist in Chicago, consisting of desperate men with criminal records. These men are said to be in the pay of the unions. and whenever a desplcablo job Is to be done, they are ready with their billies an guns. WILL CONTINUE STRIKE. Two Classes of Teamsters Vote Against Ending Struggle. CHICAGO. July 17. Both the railway of Germany. Along the Rhine above Cologne the rain was the heaviest ever known, and enormous damage was done to vineyards, while several factories were undermined and fell in. People In some places had to flee from their homes. At Halle nearly 35 inches of rain fell. The rain was accompanied by ball, and the damage to crops Is estimated at 10 per cent. At Lipslne the wind blew down the buildings of & zinc mine. In which GO men were working. Many were buried In the ruins. Two of these are known to be dead and a number Injured. Artistic Picture Framing High-Grade Watch Repairing Very Reasonable Prices Storm Wastes Paris Saburbs. NEW YORK. July 17. A violent wind storm, accompanied by heavy hall, has visited the saburbs of St. .Germain. Malsons-LafHte. ArgenteuQ and SannosL according to a Herald dispatch from Paris. Eaprmous damage was done, but fortunately there were no fatalities. Many trees were uprooted, telegraph poles brok en and tiles and chimney pots scattered. Some of the hailstones were of record size. A Herald dispatch from Naples re ports also heavy damage from storms of wind and hail near Lecce. Crops were devastated over a large area, and the losses are estimated at J400.CC0. Not Controlled by Germans. LONDON. July 17. It Is authoritatively stated that the reported purchase of Welsh coal fields exclusively by a Ger man syndicate Is Inaccurate. It Is stated that negotiations arc in progress for the purchase of the extensive Whltworth es tate in South Wales, but the purchasing company, it is expected, win be one in which some German will pojslbly be interested. The London Daily Telegraph on July 15 announced that a German syndicate had purchased for XUSa.vJ). the Whltworth estate near Neath. South Wales, cover ing 6000 acres of coal lands, containing the finest steam coal. British Red Cross Society. LONDON, July 17. Queen Alexandra presided over a meeting at Buckingham Palace today at which a new society was organized under the name of the British Red Cross Society. The society will in dude all .organizations In the empire hav ing similar aims. Her Majesty delivered a speech outlining the objects of the or ganization and appealing to the women of the empire to take up the work. In time of peace, she said, the society would act separately from the War Office and the Admiralty, but would be under the control -of these departments In time of war. Ally Baptists of World. LONDON. July 17. The -Baptist Con gress at today's session approved the constitution of the' new Baptist World Alliance, the objects being to promote good fellowship and co-operation among the Baptists of all countries. All unions or associations of Baptist Churches can Join. The executive committee will consist of seven mem bers from the United States, Ave from Great Britain, two from Canada and seven from the rest of the world. Rapid Transit for London. LONDON. July 17. A bulky bluebook tonight contains the report of the royal express drivers and the department stored commission on locomotive transport In NOTHING TO INVESTIGATE Venezuela Considers Judge Cal houn's Appointment Superfluous. CARACAS, July 17. Venezuelans were very much surprised on receiving the news that President Roosevelt had ap pointed Judge Calhoun a special com missioner to Venezuela to investigate the claims of America. The Constitution, the governmental organ, says: 'If the claims of Americans or others existed, they would have been already heard before competent authorities. It may be that the President requires Infor mation regarding the case of the New York & Bermudez Asphalt Company, which is still pending. AH other cases have been decided by mixed commissions In conformity with the Washington pro tocols.' drivers having voted to continue the struggle, union leaders predicted today that the teamsters strike would be pro longed until after the convention of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, which opens in Philadelphia August 7. Department store drivers decided by an almost unanimous vote to continue the strike, after they were informed that the railway express drivers had taken similar action. The railway express drivers' vote resulted In a count of 163 for war and 121 for peace. There are more than TOO members In the organization, and the light vote that was cast was -due. It is said, to the fact that nearly ' half the members of the union have obtained em ployment In other lines. Others who have become Indifferent remained away from the polls. The frequently deferred plan of Mayor Dunne to take policemen off the wagons of the firms affected by the teamsters' strike wept into effect today in the busi ness district. About 500 policemen were re turned to ordinary duties, for a time the business streets and crossings will be guarded by additional policemen. Specially guarded routes to all freight stations will be taken by wagons of the. strike-affected firms. As a pre liminary to the change today, the po lice on wagons in the business district have for a week been In plain cloth ing, instead of uniforms. Want to Rest on Sunday. NEW YORK. July 17. Salesmen cm- ployed in retail stores on the lower East Side, who. year in and year out, work from It to 16 hours a day, seven days a week, have determined to form an organi zation with the object of compelling the police to enforce the Sunday-closing law. They will ask that a special detail of police be assigned each Sunday to arrest their employers if they open their stores. A majority of the employers, it is claimed. who are now forced by competition to keep open seven days a week, would be glad to have the law enforced. TWO KILLED AT CHURCH Breathitt County Man Is Guarded Against Lynching 3Iob. MOUNT STERLING, Ky., July 17. Newa was received here of a desperate fight on Friday Creek. Lee County, last night in which John Muller, of Breathitt County, shot and killed James Crees and J. M. Thomas. The shooting occurred at a church during services. Neither of the dead men was armed. Muller was arrested and lodged In Jail, barely escaping an enraged mob. The Jail is heavily guarded tonight for fear o lynching. .One Landowner Holding Oat. HILLS BORO. Or July 17. (Special.) Judge T. A. McBride this morning opened the July term of Circuit Court in this city. All of the 31 Jurors -were excused for the term excepting sir talesmen kept to to the right-of-way cases, one of which has already been filed. Thls is the case of the Portland & Kehaltrxn Railway vs. Richard Beamish Hhe lessee of the property adjoining town, and belonging to Mrs. O. G. Bar low, of 201 West Park street. Port land, and her sister. It is possible that one more case of condemnation may follow. All the rest of the landholders through to Basks have settled with the right of way committee, "e entire cost not exceeding ?3030. The DIstricfAttorney was given until August 1 to tile indlctnents. John H. Hall, ex-United States Die trlct Attorney, was before the court thta averoiac on lec4 biulMM. BALFOUR SUFFERS REBUFF Decision of Speaker Compels With drawal of Redistribution Bill. LONDON. July 17. Upon Speaker Low thers agreeing that each clause of the re distribution bill must be debated sepa rately. Premier Balfour, in the House of Commons today, withdrew the bill, saying he -would proceed with It at the next ses sion of Parliament, adding: "This course was taken, as His Majes ty's government is not prepared to con cede so much during the present session. Mr. Redmond, who received congratula tlons by cable from the United Irish League, of Boston, on "spoiling England's latest scheme for robbing Ireland," ex pressed the opinion that, for all practical purposes, the redistribution scheme is dead. This also is the opinion of many Liberals, who anticipate that the govern ment will be defeated before it is able to pass the bill at the next session. Mr. Balfour, late tonight, summoned meeting of his party for noon tomorrow to consider the situation. WILL STUDY FOREIGN WAYS China Sends Aristocrats on Missions East and West. PEKIN, July 17. An edict was Issued. yesterday ordering me dispatch abroad or four missions to study foreign political methods. The 'missions will be headed respectively by Prince Tsaitche, who Is of royal blood: Tal Hung Chine. Second Min ister of Finance: Shu ShJe Chang, chief assistant to Yuan Shal Kal, Viceroy of Chi LI Province, and Touan Fang. Gov ernor of Hunan Province. The edict, which Is vaguely worded, or ders the envoys to visit all countries la the East and West and study foreign methods generally. None of the men naaaed speak any foreign language. The four missions will depart separately, on dates yet undecided, xne idea is gener ally regarded as a step In the right direc tion, though It asay prove ruuie. GREAT STORMS IN' GERMANY BKikliBjrs Wrecked by Pleod and Crops Ralaeei fey Hall aad Rata. BERLIN. Jly 17f Uaamally eeavy mlMtonw ar rteected te varteae parts London. The advisory board of engin cers recommends the construction of two main avenues through London. If) feet wide and between four and five miles long, carrying four lines of tramways on the surface and four lines of railways below the surface. It Is estimated that the cost of construction will be 12,000.000. Close of Anglo-French Festivities. BREST. France. July 17. The festivi ties in connection with the visit, of the British squadron to Brest were concluded today. Admiral May. of the British squadron entertained the French Admirals and the principal officers of the French squadron at luncheon on board his flag ship. Vice-Admlral Calllard. on behalf of President Loubet. presented the cross of the Legion of Honor to each of the British commanders. Funerals of Submarine's Victims. BIZERTA. Tunis. July 17. The authori ties have decided to hold funeral services over the members or tne crew oi tne submarine boat Farfadet tomorrow, the removal of the bodies having been com pleted earlier than was expected. The machinery and hull of the boat suffered no serious damage. TUTOR ROBS EMPLOYER Taught Park, Uie Jewelry Thief, Hlgginson's Sons. NEW YORK. July 17. Edward Park. who has been arrested at Chrtstlania, Nor way. In connection with the theft of J13.K0 worth of jewels from the home of Banker J. J. Hlgglnson, was a tutor In the household. One of the banker's sons was recently placed In Harvard by Park, and the second boy has been studying at a private school In Massachusetts under his coaching. Park was held In high es teem by the family and was implicitly trusted. When the robbery was reported some days ago the police at once sus pected Park, and assert that bis photo graph was Identified by a pawnbroker who held some of the stolen Jewels as pledges for loans. Leave of absence from his duties was granted the tutor only the day before the police suspicion fell on him. and he took passage by steamer lor Nor way under his own name. Rich Beggars Reap Harvest. NEW YORK. July 17. Detectives em ployed by the .Charity Organization So ciety have caused six beggars, all prop erty-owners, to be arraigned in the Har lem court. It was asserted- by the officers that the six prisoners had formed them selves into a sort of beggars trust to do tbe Italian feast of Our Lady of Mount Cairo el. which is being celebrated In Har lem's Little Italy. AH of the prisoners were declared to have bank accounts and are landlords. When searched by the police, one beggar had SoSS In bills and a quantity of small coin. Another had bankbook showing deposits of HWl It Is alleged the gang made elaborate plans for their operations In the . neighborhood of the leading Italian church, near which they were caught. They found the Italians quite liberal daring tbe festival and were reaping a harvest. fflan,wblfe $22.50, $20, $18.50, $15 Silk Shirtwaist Suits Today Only $8.95 Quick selling of Silk Shirtwaist Suits here. Those who did not get their share of the "bargains yesterday will hase an opportunity today only. Only 65 suits left; come early if you want them. No 'phone orders filled. No suits sent on memo - randum. $3.50 to $2.50 Waists $1.95 99 Women's Waists of extra fine quality white lawn, a large variety to select from, all this season's? most up-io-uaie si vies, some euiuiumtrry uimmcu, ovuuc iu.c mm , uu uui. ... sold for less than $2.50; then up to $3.50; your choice today $1.95 White Linette Coats Received hy express yesterday and will placo on sale today exquisite Novelty "White Linetttt Coats, exclusive styles, rightly priced. Best $1.00 Gloves FOWNES FAMOUS 2-CLASP MESH-BACK GLOVES, with lisle palms. Complete assort ment colors and sizes; received by express yest terday, perfect fitting glove; best value at 1 50c Ribbons 23c . 5000 yards newest, up-to-datd styles Eibhon, comprising; Dresden, plaids, stripe? and. novelty solid effects; a large; variety of colorings. The best. Ribbon offering this season. Values up to 50c, today 23 5000 Women's Vests Regular 35c at 19c Women's Mercerized Vests, L. N. N. S., lace trimmed, whits only; the greatest underwear offering this season. Regular r. 35c, today 19 (ft $1.00 Veils 43c Murderers Killed by Electricity. OSSIXING. X. Y- July 17. Jarae-4 Breen. (white), and Charles Jackson. (colored), -were put to death today In the electric chair at Sing Sing Prison. Both executions were successful. Breen shot Captain "William Keys dur ing a quarrel In the tatter's saloon In New York City, la September, 1333. Jackson killed Charles' "W. Ttoxbury with a club, in July, 1903, in the Bronx. IN THE VEILING STORE. 750 Drape Veils, lz yards. long, all this season's newesO effects in plain, two-toned, some hemstitched styles; a large variety of colorings. 35c Neckwear 25c 250 dozen women's new Neck wear Tabs, Turnovers in lawn and linen, Venise Lace Col lars, and Collar aud Cuft Sets; regular price 35c, yom? choice today 2'5S ArtNeedlew'rk FREE LESSONS IN EMBROIDERY Portland agents M. Heminway. & Son's Embroidery Silks. STAMPED LINENS AT ONE-HALF PRICE In theIot you will find a good assortment of Bureau Scarfs, Traycloths, Doilies and Center "ieces. white and colored linens. Regular 25c at 12c; 50c at 2o; $1.00 at 50. $1-35 Bedspr'ds $1.19 White Crochet Bedspreads, ex tra quality, full size; regular " price $1.35, for this sale $1.1 $3.50 BEDSPREADS 2.95. White Marseilles Bedspreads, y extra fine quality, full size; regular price $3.50, for this sale ..$2.95 72-IN. LINEN SPECIAL 1.25 Linen Shirtinsr. 72 inches wide. the eorrect material for worn- iXJWj en s waists and suits; extra. special $1.25 " II FOB STRIKE Orders Issued to Northern Pa cific Operators. CONFERENCES STILL GO ON Circular Tells Telegraphers What to Do When Strike Is Called. Officers Still Try Beach Agreement to noon resumed conference with General Manager II. J. Horn, of tbe Northern Pa cific, and with General Manager F. K. Ward, of the Great Northern. These con ferences are expected to continue several days before any final adjustment, or dis agreement results. Granddaughter of John Adams. NEWBURG. N. T., July 17. Mrs. Caro line Elizabeth Monell died suddenly at her home In Flshklll Landing today, aged SO years. She was the granddaughter of John Adams, second President of the Uni ted States, who wrote a. congratulatory letter and a poem on her birth. She was a daughter of the late John Peter Dewint. She first married Andrew Downing, the landscape artist, who laid out the public grounds at Washington. He perished In the Henry Clay disaster. July 28, 1352. She later married Judge John J. Monell. who died some yeare ago. She left one daughter. Pain in the side nearly always comes from a disordered liver, and Is promptly relieved by Carter's Little Liver. Plila.. Don't forget this G. P. RUMMELIN & SONS 126 Second St., Bet. Washington and Aider MANUFACTURING FURRIERS ST. PAUL. Minn.. July 17: Special.) The authorization of a strike of telegra phers and station agents on the North ern Pacific has been formally announced to employes In a circular Issued by Pres ident H. B. Perham. of the Order ot Ball road Telegraphers, and the general com-. zaittee. The circular states that a strike , will be ordered unless the company set- ( ties with the committee, and contains full directions as to the conduct of the men. "When you are notified by your local chairman that the strike Is on. you j will turn your board red, set your sema phores at danger, whether you have train orders on hand or not. so. If trains proceed, they will do so at their own rile Also cut out vour telesrranh Instru ments. Every precaution possible should f be- taken to .Insure the safety of the traveling public as well as the property of the company." . t The clrculanUso states that the Great' Northern Railway will not be allowed to handle traffic that the Northern Pacific cannot handle on account of its strlk Ing telegraphers. The telegraphers' committee this after PoIsoh Kills Beverly Letcher. SAN FRANCISCO. July 17. Beverly Letshc-r. bank clerk, director of the North Shore Railway, and a prominent clubman ef this city, died toalght from the -effects ef opium taken with sui cidal Intent & few days age. Letcher tried to cenmlt suicide because Mary PeanlegteB refused to become his avlfe, and was about to discard hlaa. The Denver & Rio Graad has estab lished tfcretigh .PaHauui standard siee4ac car service betweea Portland aad Denver, le&vter PerUaad at 3:K P. sceadiag sevaa hears ta SaK Lake City secead day aad arrftrtag 1 Deerver afteraeen tot low dey. 'Per rxryUns cdt at 1M Third street. theBabj Mel&a's Food Se endorsed by tbe phy sicians. Hundreds of doctors are Mtag Meilki's Food m their own km flies lor thek own children. If M el an's Food is good for the doctor's baby it ottght to be good for your baby. Let as kaow if yt woeid I&e to try MelKa's Food aad we wiX send yes & saapk bottle free of charge. Established 1870. If KB o most aV. eBeHsv H iinrcsr amaVL eaaaaaaaaaaV 3 N0H9K fSsaaaaaaaaak kasl 1 mm WD 5,0 I I Si P JH We cany a complete line of Ladies' Fur Coats, Stoles, Neckwear, Etc. Our selection of Fur Rugs cannot be surpassed. Call at our establish ment and see out display of HIMALAYAN TIGERS ALASKA WHITE FOXES KADIAC GRIZZLY BEARS POLAR BEARS We Dress All Kinds of Skins and Make a Specialty of Mounting Rugs. LEADING AND RELIABLE FURRIERS OF THE NORTHWEST aCeMa's Fei Is the MIT laftass aatfkest evec ef abe ie XaeeaiMeav : St. Leafc. HR KtXLBTS FOOD CO- BOSTON, aUM. ALWAYS tntertM ysetafal eater to gea.T , i a4ed fclr. Stops sale UM&mc. Feat ttvetsr reaores dxadnaT. A Mcfe-claa kalr-gMWcr dreMiac. keet stir att. sley. Mstaduc Dees set ett akla araaea. m FRt Teed, a Me W HAKFEO. aOAP. kMte tfte seal. kule-eaadraC geraa. steea McMsftv MpHe easrxr nts aad ?roe Sat htlr xrrnrtft. Jxrgo See. bottle, dnatete. Ta&eMtatajrwl&eataaralaaatere. rrn Tea a BHar ' Mr" "-"L- wm wVafi J "hjucfixa. s o ai. tttm tfcta eenaa, taee to aay the foSe-vter rfresdats. sad get a 50c bottle Hu'a Hair beattfc ad aate. eaeHaraa3(e4eatedSeae. beat tar baJr.batB.taOct. bfttk-ter Me.: or teat by Fifta Hay 9ateiattl Ca., Mewk. X. , yaaaea. sal wattft ac awe. xm. vata mt. Xaae. TaWaaW AwwIatT aeeeir Bar gnaenHb afM- SMe ai ataar aaaas aars Saam SaaaiaaW ' aaaaak vVki aaaaav ORYmtG ITOH1NQ SUKf NO REST. ao sleep. ltd, itcMaik, scratefeiag until tbe te&der sbia tmrnmm laf airrf, softs aa fcieeojej. , HarflnBSoap Aided br Skn&eaKb TreitaCirai stvtitbe cafferiBcrUUle om lasUat reHeC asa ateee. aad re wit Is caawfete cars. HaHtaoea at laaalSi lay HirSsa ku aa eqaal fer ckaaar. Imti ttoa. etaatiaaa. daaaraC tW bate-, acibf iaad. Medicated. atfetlc. deoderiaia. ftagrT" "ftSrsatkaf Ttoc Batccm iBEmyCaac? lrae 36c cakea; 3 eakea We.; (feaeaMa; . ft9agUtte. Ke seep la awaieMad Xaaefaetvre brPkae Hr atciaJHaa.a. Krnrk S. J. atcaataf or se6a!B wftaaat WtHHtAXBl CT AKKK- Jf C9