Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 18, 1905, Page 16, Image 16

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Six Scalpers Are Arrested and
Tickets of Seventh Are
Kaihvay Officials Employ Attorneys
to Assist In Prosecution, While
Defendants Retain Lawyers
to Fight Their Case.
The -war against the ticket-scalpers
reached a crisis yesterday afternoon,
and Indications are that the act passed
by the Legislature -will be put to the
test. Yesterday six of the ticket-scalpers
were arrested, while the wares of a
seventh were confiscated through a
writ of attachment.
It has been known for some time that
the railroad officials and Transconti
nental Passenger Association contem
plated a serious move against the scalp
ers, and the activity yesterday did not
come as a surprise to the majority of
the ticket men. The men whose names
appear on the warrants served by the
police officers, and who have been used
to gather the necessary evidence, are
W. L. Middough. assistant manager of
the Singer Sewing Machine Company,
living at 94 East Eighth street, and
Henry M. Wagner, who conducts a real
estato business at 35 Fourth street and
resides at 223 Pine street.
Lilst of Arrested Men.
The men placed under arrest yester
day afternoon and charged with ille
gally offering railway tickets for sale
Frank Bollam. Third and Washington
streets: arrested at 4:25 o'clock by Po
lice Captain Moore: warrant signed by
W. L. Middough; gave bail 5100.
M. J. Higley. Third and Washington
streets: arrested by Police Captain
Moore; warrant signed by Henry M.
Wagner; gave ball $100.
W..H. Stone. Fifth and Irving streets;
With the passing of time several
municipal ordinances have ceased to
be efTectlvc and so far as their en
forcement Is concerned are on the flea
list. Some of these ordinances are the
Ordinance 14.100 Section 87 provides
that awnings shall not be less than
eight feet above the sidewalk. Either
the municipal law Is being habitually
violated or else Portland is populated
by a race of giants. Section 51 pro
vides that all furnaces must consume
their own smoke, and a penalty of
$200 fine Is provided for violation.
Section 07 makes' It obligatory on all
owners of docks and wharves to con
struct wooden bulkheads from low
water to the tops of the docks as a
protection against fires, but an In
spection of the water front will In
dicate that hardly any attention has
been paid to the measure
Ordinance 13,483 Section 5 orders
the Standard Oil Company to re
move a large tank from block 13,
East Portland, by August 19. 104. but
the gigantic monopoly considers the
threat In the nature of a Joke.
Ordinance 7440 Sections 1 and 3
provide that all houses In the city
must bey numbered prior to occupancy,
a fine of $5 a day being the penalty
for violation. As a matter of fact, a
great many houses are at present be
ing occupied without any number ever
, having bcon placed thereon, and yet
the records show the number of ar-
' rests to be decidedly limited.
Ordinance 14.027 makes It unlawful
for any minor under 18 to have fire
arms In his possession, or for any
dealer to sell firearms to such minors.
It Is quite common for young men of
the prescribed age to parade the
streets undef'the noses of policemen
and purchase ammunition from any of
the stores.
Ordinance 14,100 makes It unlawful
for anybody to sell or discharge fire
crackers more than four Inches long.
Whoever drafted this measure must
have possessed a limited knowledge
of the enthusiasm that could be
aroused In Young America on the
Fourth of July, as It Is constantly be
ing treated with universal contempt.
Ordinance 7130 Section 3 provides
that no signs or advertising matter of
any kind shall thereafter be allowed
on .jiewalks. and Section 4 warns
merchants against obstructing the
sidewalks with boxes, both of which
are looked upon from a facetious point
of view by all local business houses.
Ordinance 14.030 limits the speed of
automobiles In Portland to eight miles
an hour. Any person who has become
accustomed to dodging these machines
Is well aware how much attention Is
paid to the Injunction.
Ordinance 14.04& Section 10 provides
that no horses or teams shall be per
mitted to remain unhitched upon the
streets; Section 58 that theaters must
distribute copies of the anti-hat or
dinance among the audience before
the commencement of each perform
ance: Section 67 prohibits expectora
tion on the sldtwalks. and Section 69
makes It unlawful for any person un
der 21 to smoke cigarettes or have
them In their possession. Rigid fines
are Imposed In each Instance, but
there Is no authentjc record or the
municipality having greatly Increased
Its revenues thereby.
Ordinance 8457 makes it unlawfnl
for milliners to transact business be
fore paying $300 a quarter for a li
cense, the penalty for Its violation
being $25 a day. A great many of
the millinery establishments of this
city do not take in that amount all
Ordinance 14.053 Section 24 provides
that cane-rack games, merry-go-rounds
and all similar attractions are
prohibited from being operated on Sun
day. This measure Is of such a sweep
ing character that If properly en
forced 4t would readily put the
Oaks" out of business.
Ordinance 11,352, commonly known
as the "curfew" ordinance. It pro
vides that no child under 15 shall be
on the streets after 9 P.M. during the
Summer months and after S P. it.
the balance of the year. It also con
tains, a clause Imposing a penalty on
parents for permitting their children
to 'run at large after dark.
arrested by Detective Vaughn; warrant
signed by Middough; gave-bail $200.
Hugh Testard, Fifth and Irving
streets; arrested by Detective Vaughn;
warrant signed by Middough; gave
bail $100.
E. H. Ankerson. Fifth and Irving
streets; arrested by Detective Vaughn;
warrant signed by Wagner; gave ball
Charles Billings, Fifth and Irviny
streets: arrested by Detective Vaughn;
warrant signed by Wagner; gave ball
Tickets Are Seized.
In addition to these arrests, tickets
in the possession of H. C Caspary, an
other broker, were seized through a
writ of attachment Issued from Justice
Reid's Court by order of Attorney B, C
Wright and served by Constable Lou
Wagner. Though this process was re
sorted to by Mr. Wright to collect a
debt, the scalpers declare It Is an act
fostered by the O. R. &. N. Company,
through which It will be enabled to
gain possession of the numbers and de
scriptions of the tickets and warn con
ductors on their lines to be on the look
out for them. Attorney Wright asserts
that Caspary is Indebted to him tor the
sum of $75, attorney's fees, the fee hav
ing been earned a short time ago when
Caspary was arrested in connection
with ticket-scalping in St. Louis, re
turned to that city and finally liberated
on a writ of habeas corpus. Wright
declares that a part of the fee was
paid, that there is the sum of $75 still
owing, and that the write of attach
ment followed as a matter of course,
the tickets being seized because they
represented value and were supposed
to belong to Caspary. who does not
deny they sre his property. On the
other hand, the scalpers declare the
process a trick resorted to by the rail
road officials to gain numbers of the
tickets and evidence to use against the
scalpers generally.
"Will Be Bitterly Fought.
That the cases against the scalpers
will be pushed to the utmost Is shown
by the fact that the O. R. & N. Company
and the Transcontinental Passenger
Association have retained Arthur C
Spencer and Dan J. Malarkey to aid In
the prosecution. That the case will be
hotly contested as far as Bollam and
Higley are concerned is made known
by the fact that they have retained as
counsel M. L. Pipes, John F. Logan and
George W. Joseph.
The cases are due to come up for
preliminary hearing this morning in
the Municipal Court before Judge Cam
eron. Great Interest Is manifested, as
the ultimate outcome of the cases may
mean the settlement of the validity of
the law recently enacted, and a victory,
and a conclusive one. either for the
scalpers or the railroad men.
Committee Passes on Applications
for Permits fdr Saloons.
At a regular meeting of the license com
mittee of the City Council yesterday an
opinion was received from City Attorney
McXary to the effect that the application
of Dietrich Sperl to conduct a saloon at
the northeast corner of Forty-sixth and
Division streets should be denied, for the
reason that prior to its recent annexa
tion the district had been voted as "dry."
and in the opinion of the City Attorney,
the license committee had no authority
to thwart the will of the people by grant
ing Sperl a permit to engage In the liquor
business at the point indicated.
L. J. Watson applied for a license to
conduct a saloon at Twenty-seventh and
Upshur streets, but he was unceremoni
ously turned down, as the location Is near
the Fair grounds.
Greenhoot & Cole shared the same fate
with their application to run a saloon at
the northeast corner of Sandy Road and
Twenty-eighth street. The license com
mittee of the old Council had refused to
grant them a permit to do business there,
and when this fact became known the
new committee lost little time In denying
their application.
On account of a remonstrance that out
weighed a favorable petition by long odds,
the application of Luciano & Dlgltlo for
a saloon at 294 Sheridan street, was not
B. Plennlck tried in vain to secure a
license to conduct a saloon at 12S3 Mll
waukle street, as Councilman Wills dis
approved of the Idea. His application of
a week previously had been referred to
Councilmcn Wills and Rushlight, but the
latter was. not present to offer any sug
gestion, hence the committee concluded to
adopt Mr. Wills views and refuse to
grant the license.
The-appl'cation of Olsner & Helzcr. 740
Union avenue, and Cornelius Curran, 7E1
Mississippi street, were referred to Coun
cilman Vaughn for Investigation.
The following licenses were granted:
Wcbb-Franter Company. 329 Ankcny
street; August Erickson. Irvington race
track, and Charles Vogelsang, 21 Alhlna
Transfers were allowed as follows: Da
vis & Fitzslmmons. 287 Alder street, to
Fltzslmmons & Castle; William Cox. 1S3
Holladay avenue, to John Beattle; M.
Schultz. 220 Crosby street, to Herman
Sperling: Sinner & Emmurt, 795 Vaughn
street, to Conrad & Blazicr.
Pharmacists WII2 Convene
Delegates to the joint meeting of the
Oregon and Washington State Pharma
ceutical, Associations, to be held at
Long Beach. Wash., tomorrow and
Thursday, leave the city at 8 o'clock
this morning on board the steamer Pot
ter. Stops will be made at Astoria and
Fort Stevens. Fort Canby. the light
house and other points of Interest. In
cluding the fishing traps and canneries.
When Ilwaco Is reached the delegates
wil disembark and take a special train
tendered by the Ilwaco Railroad &
Navigation Company, for Long Beach,
where the time not spent In sessions
will be given over to sailing, bathing,
tennis and kindred recreations.
During this session steps may be
taken to form a Pacific Coast Pharma
ceutical Association to Include pharma
cists of Oregon. Washington, California,
Nevada and Idaho. Several noted men
In the profession will be present at the
Will Address the Boys.
At the earnest solicitation of Judge
Arthur L. Frazer. who presides over
the Juvenile Court In Portland, the
three greatest friends that boys who
have been unfortunate in getting into
Jurisdiction of the law have ever had
will deliver addresses to the boys to
morrow afternoon In courtroom No. 1.
Judge Ben B. Llndsey. of Denver;
Judge Julian W. Mack, of Chicago, and
Judge Brown, of Salt Lake City, havo
consented to talk, to the boys, and a
full attendance of those who have any
connection with the Juvenile Court or
association work is earnestly desired
by Judge Fraser. The three speakers
have gained National fame for their
devotion to the cause of American boys'
and will be worth Jvearing.
Leaves This Morning and Every
Morning Tills Week 8:39 A. 3C., .
Arrives Back at 6:30 P. M.
The Regulator Line splendid steam
er "Bailey Gabscrt" makes dally trip up
the Columbia to the celebrated Cascade
Locks, passing en route the grandest
scenery in creation. This Is a trip no vis
itor should miss. Leaves Alder-street
dock 8:30 "A. M., returns 5:30 P. M. Meals
on board. Round trip, $00. Phone Mala
The Meier Frank Store
Portland's Largest and Best Store
Principal Pordand Agents for Bntterick Patterns and Pablicntions Angus t DeHnea tor 15c
Artistic Pictnre Framing to Your OrderImmense Hne of New Mouldings Lowest prices
Trunks and Traveling Bags The Largest and Best Selected Stock in the.CHy Thirii Floor
Great Bargains in Silverware, Cut Glass,
Kitchen Goods, Etc., Etc. Basement
The busy Basement Store offers for a few days only a
great array of special bargains in useful household ef
fects of every description Alto
gether we think the bestvalnes
of the year follow Every eco
nomical buyer is interested.
Nickel-plated Chafing Dish, our best
$7.50 value, for $6.14
Nickel-plated 5-o 'Clock Teas, great
est value ever offered at. .$2.45
Cut Glass Sugar and Creamer, regu
lar $8.00 set, for 56.37
$5.00 Cut Glass Bowls for. . .$4.05
Salt and Pepper Shakers, sterling sil
ver tops, for, each 13 d
Gravy Boats with tray, $4 val.$3.27
4-in. Glass Rose Bowls, each... 13
250 of the famous Dover Egg
Beaters. Special at. each . ....C
Medium-size Grlswbld Food on.
Choppers. $1.25 value .0C
1-ga.l. glass Oil Cans, wire "Xf,n
"w rapped 15c value
Famous Acme Flour Slttsrs V
on sale for, each IC
5003 thin blown Tumblers, great
special value at. each...... 4c
5000 thin blown Tumblers, en
graved, great value at Zc
5000 covered Jelly Glasses. 1-3
pint size, great value, doz.s-ic
S-lnch glass Berry Dishes. Reg
ular 25c value, for lc
Rogers'- "1847
Sogers "1847" silver-plated .ware
at exceptionally low prices. Take ad
vantage "1847" Tea Spoons, set of 6..97
"1847" Dessert Spoons, set 6.$1.78
"1847" Beef Forks, each. . J. .51
"1847" Pie Servers, each... $1.47
"1847" Berry Spoons, gilt bowl, for
only $1.33
Salad Set, fork and spoon, set.$2.99
Silver-plated Cake Baskets, regular
$3.50. values, for $2.79
Fern Dishes, French grajT finish, our
best $5.50 value, on sale for$4.37
6-qt. Tin Sprinklers, each 23d
No. 8 Galvanized Wash Boiler. 83i
No. 8 nickel-plated" Tea Kettles, regu
lar $1.25 values, today .- :98
No. 8 Iron Skillets, 45c value. .36
2-burner Lamp Stoves 79
Uraraen Hose at low prices.
The Meier 3b Frank Store
Great Silk Bargains
Four unusual values in silks
for suits, waists and trimming
purposes The best styles, the
best variety, the best values
These bargains worth buying.
Thousands of yards of em
broidered polka dot pongee
silks All colors of dots
Beautiful silks for waists and
suits Every yard regulars I
value Your choice today and
tomorow at the spe- 5
cial low price of, yd. 3v
Mail orders promptly filled.
Two great special lots of Shirtwaist Suit Silks, figures. and stripes'
in immense variety j all the best colorings and combinations;
Silks you are asked to pay $1.00 and $1.25 7'c-fK'7r
yard for all around town; our prices, yd . . . V
Silk-striped Challies in a big variety of patterns and col- 2f
orings; unequal ed value at, yard. .". .
$1.50 Edition of Sir Mortimer 50c
100 copies of the $1.50 edition of Mary Johnston's famous
book, "Sir Mortimer," on sale in book section today at. yvl'
New lot of Painting Plays for Children 29
Special sale of Bibles and Testaments, your choice from our en
tire stock today and tomorrow only at a reduc- Qff
"Photographic Glimpses of the Northwest," regular $1
edition, on sale in the book store for
5000 paper-covered Novels, Summer reading you want on your
1 vacation and outing; thousands of titles; popular Q
authors; your choice -
$9.00 Silk Petticoats $5.89 Each
200 high-grade Silk Petticoats
at a saving of $3. 1 1 on every
one All the very best styles
Made of superior quality taffeta
silk Deep shirred flounce wfrh
ruche, deep pleating with ruffle
or ruffle stitched Browns, tans,
grays, navy, white, red black
Well made, perfect fitting
Every skirt in the lot regular $9
Value Your choice of 200 at
the exceptionally tf C OQ
low price of tp0r
Mail ord ers will be promptly filled
30c Ribbons 18c
Special purchase of 3KO yards of
Satin Taffeta and Plain Taffeta
Ribbon. In a complete variety of
all the desirable shades. Regular
25c and 30 quality, on sale p
at the low price of. yard .... IOC
Entire stock of elegant Persian.
Bulgarian and Japanese embroid
ered Bands and separate patterns
for dress trimmings. Values up
to $3.50 yard, on sale for n a
yard "OC
Oriental Bands, all colors, aljo
Dresden Braids: values up
to 75c. yard
1 2c
$j.25Hdkfs. 72c
Special lot of women's fine linen
hemstitched Handkerchiefs, em
broidered and Tenerlffe effects.
Regular $1.00 and $1.25 rir
values for. each c
Circular Veils in blue, grown and
black, dotted with embroidered
edges. Regular 85c value.... Sc
Mallncs In all snades and p
shaded; 25c values ....IOC
Clean-up sale of Fancy Trimmings
and braids, combinations of black,
'white, green, blue and cream
fiber. Values up to 53c yard, r
on sale for, yard ..JC
Bargains in Table Linens
Full bleached Satin Damask Table Linen, in a big assortment of
new patterns; our best $1.50 values; on sale for a fi ft
few days at the low price of, yard r wU
Half-bleached Satin Damask, 72 inches wide, best pat- QOp
terns; regular $1.25 quality, for this low price, yard Zr&s
Full bleached double Satin Damask Table Linen,
handsome designs, reg. $2 quality, for, yard JO
All our fine Satin Damask Table Napkins, regular $2.50 quality,
during this sale at the low price of, dozen $1.96
All our $3.50 grades of Satin Damask Table Napkins on sale this
week at the remarkably low price of, dozen $2.68
Special Values in Notions
1-doz. box. of Bone Hairpins, 25c grade, at this price, box. . .19
50c Sew-On Silk Hose-Supporters, great value, pair 39
25c Sew-On Hose-Supporters, best value in town for, pair. . ,-19
Featherbone Neckwear Supporter, three in a set, set only. ..5p
Hicks' light-weight washable Dress Shields, 20c, 25c, 30c pair.
"Gibson'' Adjustable ShieldsfoY shirtwaists, 50c, 60c, 70c pair.
Crush .Leather iselts, in black, brown, tan and red, gilt
buckles; best 35c values, on sale for low price of, each.
fomen'sHand Bags in black, brown and tan walrus and
seal leathers; card case and coin purse, at this low price.
25c Ginghams 1 8c
2000 yards of fine quality French Ginghams and striped Madras,
very best designs and colorings ; regular 25c value, o
on sale for this low price, yard. OC
4000 yards of Galatea Cloth, best quality, in all the lead-
ing shades, yard 11G
1500 yards of beautiful figured Nets, dotted Swisses, flowered Or
gandies; this season's most attractive materials for hot weather
and evening costumes; regular 35c, 40c and 50c
values, on sale at the low price of, yard airC
Camping Blankets
90 pairs of 10-4 gray "Wool-mixed Camping Blankets, q f
our best $2.50 values, at special low price of, pair. . . I
80 pairs of 10-4 all-wool gray Oregon Camping Blan- 7(
kets; fine quality, regular $3.50 values, for .. . SrC J
Cotton Camping Blankets, pair, $L25, $L00 and , 75
White, gray and tan Blankets for camping, fancy borders; many
styles and grades.
100 Silkoline-covered Comforters, lanated cotton fill- q
ed; best patterns and colorings; great special, ea..
Our entire stock of beautiful White Suits in eton and
jacket styles Linens, Japanese silks, mulls and dotted
Swiss Lace and embroidery trimmed and eyelet em
br oid ered This season's handsomest conceptions in
large assortment The grandest white suit bargains
you have ever been invited to share in
$16.50 White Suits. $12.65
$18.00 White Snits.$13.45
$20-$21 White Suits.$15.25
$22.50-$24 W. Suits.$16.95
$42.00 White Suits.$31.45
$48.00 White Suits. $37.65
$15.00 White Suits. $11.85
$26-$27 White Snits.$19.85
$30-$32 White Suits.$22.65
$34-$36 White Suits.$26.85
$38-$40 White Suits.$28.65
$58.00 White Suits. $46.25
Silk Suits Are Ail Reduced
Our entire high-grade stock of Silk Shirtwaist Suits at
very special prices for this week; jacket or suspender styles,
fancy gimp trimming or plain tailored effects; flounce,
plaited or full skirts ; plain Silks, Changeable Silks and fancy
Silks ; black, brown, green, mahogany checks and stripes ;
great variety for your choosing and grand values at these
extremely low prices:
$16.00 Silk Suits at the low price of . . .$11.45
$18.00 Silk Suits at the low price of ....$13.25
$21.00 and $22.50 SilkSuits for. ..... . .$14.25
$34.00 to $38.00 Silk Suits for $22.45
$28.00 to $32.00 Silk Suits for $19.85
$42.00 to $45.00 Silk Suits for $27.65
$ 1.00 Vests at 69c
Women's silk-plated low neck,
sleeveless Vests, in cream, pink
and blue; regular $1.00 . fLQ
value, on sale for
Women's 'Swiss ribbed, mercer
ized lisle Ve3ts, low neck and
sleeveless, all sizes,
50c value, for OOC
Women's fine ribbed gauze lisle
Union. Suits, high neck, long
sleeves, ankle length, high ncckr
quarter-sleeve or low neck, no
sleeve; regular $1.25 val..98
35c TOWELS AT 24c
90 dozen all-linen Damask Towels,
red or blue border; best A
35c values, on salt: for 4C
All-linen Crash Toweling. full
bleached. In 13-yard pieces; nm
great value at. piece. VOC
Two lots of white Bedspreads, best
patterns, great special values at 79c'
and 9Sc each.
Ruffled Swiss Curtains
Reg. $2 Values, Pair
300 pairs of new Kufiled Swiss Curtains go on sale today at a
priee far below real value stripes, dots and figures ; best qual
ity Swiss with good, full .ruffles; every pair in the tf ?Q
lot regular $2 value; buy all you want a pair. ... V 5r
4000 yards of Oriental stripe Tapestries, suitable for portieres,
couch covers, mantel-bed curtains and porch pillows; immense
showing of patterns and colorings; every yard is a regular
40c quality; your choice at the remarkably low price
of, yard ,
36-inch Scotch Lappett, for sash curtains ; washes better
than Swiss; many styles; great special value, yard...
$1.25 Cross-Stripe Madras Curtains for 89c Pair
300 pairs of new cross-stripe Madras Curtains to be sold today
and Wednesday at this low price; ecru and dark grounds; 3
yards long by 40 inches wide ; splendid styles ; every qq
pair regular $1.25 value; choice at this low price,.pair. . .0"C
Tapestry Portieres, 45 in. wide by 3 yds. long, floral i e
designs in all good colorings, Teg. $2.75 value. ... a O
Our Great Midsummer Shoe Sale
$2.25 PAIR.
J. & T. Cousins' famous Shoes for
women; vlcl kldwlth kid. or pat
eat tip; hand-turned lace shoes:
J3.38 and' $1.09 values
for. .pair - Cr6iO
Women's low Saoe, patent leather,
vlcl kid and bor calf: very best
lasts; 32.58 an'd $3.60 values; on
sale for the low price of U5
S4 lUTTON SHOtS $2.10
J. -4r.T. Cos sins' $3.59 and J4 but
ton ,Srqm for women; patent
Ieataers aad vlcl kid, kid and pat
eat tip, '.turns aad welt aoles; all
sixes; great special values for
this, sale at low price of $2.19
Women's bHtton Shoes, vlcl kid
wits, kid or- patent tip; heavy and
light seles; all sizes, regular $2.53
and J2.7- values, on sale f a r
far the" lew price of, palr. 1 .'tJ
$3.00 TO $5.00 OXFORDS
$1.95 PAIR
"Women's low Shoes, broken lines
of patent leathers and vlcl kid
Oxfords, light and heavy soles;
Cuban, French and Military heels;
nearly all sizes; regular 53.03,
$2.50. $4.00 and $3.00 rt
values for, pair i.yj
$3.50 OXFORDS $2.45 PR.
Women's welt Oxfords and Blucher
Oxfords, patent leather and vlcl
kid. all sizes and widths; this
season's leading models; .
$3.50 values ?2.40
Women's vlcl kid. patent tip and
patent leather Oxfords, light and
heavy soles; also chocolate Blach
er Oxfords, all sizes and width.::
everx. pair Johnson Bros', best $3
values; choice during f e
July sate at, pair 1.07
MEN'S $3.50 SHOES $2.65
Men's Goodyear welt lace Shoes, the
very bet n&ke. la patent leath
er, vlcl kid, box calf and velosr
calf; heavy and light sles; all
sizes and widths; every pair
standard $X0 value: yoHr choice
at tfcta decided red action. cn m p
Me' .txa and pateat leather Or
fra. welt sole, all slsea; aU er
-eL $3.5 valve. tkls 9
week at, yak-
French, Sfariner (2b Umer Shoes
French.. Shrteer 8c Timer's famous
low Shoes fer atea, taa and pateat
leather Oxferda, very latest
styles; - all sixes aad widths;
every pair regular $3
valae. ehoice thta wek
Fresea. Sariaer & liner's $.
tas, . pate Jeauter, Mac
calf and vlcl kid; all tae atost
desirable styles; complete range
of sixes: 'great special
valuft' at. pair
French, Sarlaer & Uraer's SSIM
Shoes for bm; taa aad black, fci
alt the bt leathers; values ex
traMdiakry fr. tr..-,