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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (July 14, 1905)
THE MORNING OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, JVJjY 14, 1905. TENTS SPRING UP iESIOE TIE SEft Oregon Guardsmen Prepare for Encampment to Last Ten Days. DINNER CALL IS ACCLAIMED "Wrestling With Baggage and Pulling on Tent Ropes Gives the Young Soldiers Very Keen Appetites. 4 SEASIDE, Or.. July 13. (Speclal.)-The Third Regiment, Oregon National Guard, arrived at Gearhart Beach today for a ten-days' stay in camp. Companies B, C, , F, H and K and the hospital corps of Portland arrived at noon and an hour afterward the large field presented the appearance of a canvas city. A detail of men had been at Gearhart for a week getting ready the staff officers tents, and the boys from Portland soon had their homes for the next ten days ready for occupancy. The other ten com panies of the regiment arrived on a spe cial train at 6 o'clock and until a late hour tonight the camp was a busy scene. Companies were being assigned their streets, orderlies rushing here and mere and officers giving orders, but out of all the confusion order is rapidly being re stored. All day heavily-loaded wagons were bringing the camp truck from "the depot and by the time the first contingent had their tents up the bugles called to table, and the way the guardsmen devoured their rations showed their appetites were not Impaired by their journey. The ten companies arriving tonight repaired im mediately, to the mess tents for supper before getting down to the hard work of getting their tents up. Colonel Gantenbeln Is in command and the following staff officers are present: Lieutenant-Colonel Poorman. Majors Baker. McDonell, May. On the Colonel's staff are: Captains Mears. Knapp. Winn, Broslus, Gilbert, chaplain; First Lieuten ants Lebo, McDonald. Johnston. Second Lieutenants Hockyenos, Hibbard, Relt cuspaduer. The boys all arrived In good health and those who arrived first have had an easy time, but tomorrow will begin camp life In earnest. The camp grounds are in fine shape, having only recently been mowed. The drill ground is rough and uneven and will give the soldiers a tasto of real soldiering. ACCOUNTS ARE BADLY JUMBLED Sheriff Taylor Says He Is Ready to Pay All Due the County. PENDLETON. Or., July 13. (Spe cial.) The county officials with the expert accountants who have been at work investigating the books of the Sheriff's office will not complete their labors for several days and refuse to discuss the alleged shortage of $20,000 or (iiscnvc.rpii vftsterdav. District At torney G. W. Phelps, who is conducting an official examination or the recoras. said tonight that it would be impossi ble to determine the exact figures of the shortage until the report of the experts had been completed and sub mitted to the County Court. He stated, however, that the accounts were badly jumbled, and that the deficit would prove as large as at first reported. Sheriff Taylor, speaking of the matter, said: The experts have not a yet made an offi cial report of their Investigations, but I be lieve that the affair of the office will be satisfactorily adjusted. I know that there Ik some money to be turned over on some of the tax rolls and I will not be able to ascer tain the amount until a balance has been made. If the experts find that any money Is due the County Treasurer from me I will make the amount good to that official as Eoon as I am notified. The Sheriff and his friends allege there are no fraudulent features con nected with the case, and that the only possible offense was the unusual delay In turning the funds over to the County Treasurer at the proper time. No explanation has been made, how ever, regarding the alleged shortage of $4000, dating back to the time when Representative Blakely was Sheriff. C P. Davis, who has charge of the tax rolls, was the chief deputy under Blakely and has had charge of the finances of the office for the past seven years. County Treasurer Somervllle said today: I expected the money to be turned over June 21. as I desired to issue a call for war rants. I visited .he Sheriff's office several times o urge the money to be turned over. Deputy Sheriff Davis said he had about 517.000 cash on hand, but no effort was made to comply with my request until the matter was presented to the attention of the County Court. Of the amount $12,000 was delivered to me yeoterday. 1 have reat-on to believe that $4000 of this amount was se cured from private sources. SUIT INVOLVES MILLION Marquum Case Is Now Before the Supreme Court. SALEM. Or.. July 13. (Special.) In the Supreme Court was heard today the case of P. A. Marquam vs. the United States Mortgage & Trust Company, the Title Guarantee & Trust Company and J. Thor burn Ross. The purpose of the suit is to set aside the sale of the Marquam build ing. In Portland, on the ground that Ross was a trustee and the sale to him was invalid because of his fiduciary relation. P. A. Marquam seeks to set aside tho sale, because if he succeeds his right to redeem the property will be renewed. Since the foreclosure sale, values have ad vanced so much that he can easily raise the money with which to pay off the debt. The property Is worth- about $1,000,000. The lower court found in favor of Mar quam. IMPEACH WITNESS TESTIMONY Rellly's Cash Book Shows Sale of Rifle Before Salem Outbreak. SALEM, ' Or.. July 13. (Special.) A sensation was sprung today in the Monte-Wright murder trial when F. J. Lacey, of Portland, a witness for the deferise. was impeached. Yester day Lacey testified that the cash-book kept by W. J. Riley, the gun dealer, did not show a sale of a 30-30 rifle be tween Mv 20 and June 10. 1902. Riley had testified that, he sold a rifle of that kind to Monte eariy in June. The cflsh-book was Introduced in nvtHenee. and taken to the jury-room Svhen the Jury retired. This morning It was learned that In hunting through the cash-book one of the Jurymen fnnnH a record of the sale of a 50-30 riflo on June 6. three days before the prison .outbreak. It is asserted that the entry is in Lacey's handwriting, he bavins' been In the employ of Riley at the time. The cash-book "was used today to impeach Laceys testimony. Yesterday Lacey testified that he found this old cash-book on his coun ter Tuesday, and did not know how it came there. Today witnesses were called who swore that last evening Lacey admitted that he sent a boy to Riley's house to get the cash-book which contained the records of sales in 1902. Riley was a witness for the state, and Lacey was called by the defense to Impeach Riley's testimony. His own Impeachment was, therefore, the more sensational. The trial of Harry Wright as an ac complice of Monte In putting the rifles over the prison wall was concluded to day, but the Jury had not agreed at a late "hour tonight. TELLURIUM FIND IN IDAHO Ore In an' Old Shaft Runs $7000 to the Ton. WEISER, Idaho, July 13. (Special.) News reached here today of a phe nomenally rich strike in the White Rose claim, a property belonging to the Iron Springs Mining Company. While cleaning out a shaft that had caved in a vein of peculiar looking ore was encountered in the bottom of the shaft. A sample was taken to the company's assayer. who pronounced it tellurium. A test was made of it and it returned the extraordinary sum of $7000 per ton in gold. The ore is said to be covered wlih free sold. A hoist Is being1 placed on the shaft and the company will thor oughly develop it. The property Is lo cated In the northern part of this county, about 100 miles from Welser. Evidences have been discovered be fore of tellurium In that section and this find would appear to demonstrate that it 1b there In paying quantities. The chunks taken out were six or eight Inches In .width. VICTORIA JUDGE DECIDES CALI FORNIA WARRANT ENOUGH. Fugitive Bigamist From San Fran cisco Is Allowed to Remain at Hotel In Charge of Officer. VICTORIA. B. C, July 13. George D. Collins fought hard, though unavallingly. this afternoon before Judge Larapman, to prevent a remand being taken to allow of officials and witnesses arriving from San Francisco to prosecute him for per jury in connection with the suit brought against him in the Superior Court at San Francisco by Charlotta Newman, who alleges that Collins married her May 15, 1S&9. and his later marriage to Clarice McCurdy at Chicago was -bigamous. His application for dismissal on the ground that the warrant was defective was not granted, and he was remanded for six days to allow officers arriving to conduct extradition proceedings. Collins was permitted by Judge Lamp man to address the court in his own be half, following Attorney H. D. Helmck en. who is conducting his case. Collins addressed Judge Lampman. advancing ob. jections to the validity of the informa tion upon which thf warrant for his ar rest was issued, and outlining the Califor nia law affecting perjury. He and his counsel held the warrant secured for his arrest was void, as it omitted to state the perjury to be "wullful " They held this omission was fatal. They further objected that it was not shown that the perjury was committed before an official with Jurisdiction to try the case, in connection with which it was alleged to hav been committed; that It is not shown that Collins was sworn, and that it was not shown that the alleged perjury was material, which Is necessary under California laws, while unnecessary under Canadian laws. Frank Hlgglns. acting for the San Fran cisco police, produced authorities to show that the accused could be held on the sworn statement that perjury had been committed, without details being specified, and quoted several extradition cases be- lore lanaaian judges in support, me Judge said he considered the warrant suf ficient to hold Collins, and remanded him for six days. An arrangement was made so that Collins will not be held in Jail but in the custody of a special officer. whose expenses will be paid by him.' Collins, in an interview, said he con sidered the proceedings the work of the conspiracy against him at San Francisco, This conspiracy was the work of a pow erful minority, including both bench and bar. The Indictment against him was secured by the consolrators. because the Judge who presided over the grand Jury' which indicted him was a man who sought to ruin him because he had the Judge Impeached before the State Gov ernor for conduct unbecoming to the bench. Another Judge worked against him be cause he had strongly taken that Judge to task In the Interest of a client, and another was opposed to him because he had upset many of the Judge's decisions on appeal, and the press conducted campaign of calumny against him. His activity In support of the Schmidt admin istration had also prooked antagonism and knowing that he had been prejudiced and was likely to be railroaded to the penitentiary, he fled from San Francisco, President Asked for a "Warrant. SACRAMENTO. Cal.. July 13. Lewis F. Byington. District Attornev of San Francisco, has requested Acting Governor Anderson to ask President Roosevelt for a warrant of arrest for George D. Col llns. the attorney who is charged with bigamy, and who escaped to Victoria. B C. Acting Governor Anderson immediate ly complied by sending a dispatch to that effect to Washington. Collins Indicted for Perjury. SAN FRANCISCO. July 13. George D Collins, an attorney of this city, under arrest at victoria. B. C. was Indicted by the grand jury on the charge of per jury. CLERK ROBINSON SUSPENDED Investigation Under Way on Uma tilla Indian Reservation. PENDLETON. Or.. July 13. (Special.) Charles M. Robinson, clerk of the Uma. tilla Indian reservation, has been suspend ed from office by Major J. J. McKoin United States agent in charge of the res ervation, pending on investigation of the affairs of Robinson's office. This action on the part of the agent is understood to be a result' of the Investigation of tho affairs of the reservation, which is being held by R. G. Valentine, private secretary to Indian Commissioner Leupp. it is understood the investigation is a direct result of affidavits which have been filed in Washington attacking the char actcr of Robinson. Eureka Cadets at Corvallls. CORVALLIS. Or., July 13. (Special.) Sixty-eight college cadets from the col lege at Eureka, Cal-, who are on the march for an eight days' encampment at the Fair, are encamped here for couple of days. Tonight they gave an entertainment at the Opera-House and tomorrow are to leave for the north Thev are making about 16 miles per day The youngest lad In the company Is but 10 years of age. VIEWING THE G. Si E. Harriman Officials the Guest of A. B. Hammond. STRONG RUMOR OF DEAL Members of Party Refuse to Talk and After Visit to Yaquina Start Over Eastern End of the Road." . ALBANY. Or.. July 13. (SpecJal.)-Is the extension of the Corvallls & Eastern railroad across the mountains by the old Minto Pass into Eastern Oregon contem plated? Today a party consisting of A. B. Hammond, nominal owner 6f the Cor- allis & Eastern; A. R. Stickney, presi dent of the Chicago & Great Western, of the Harrlman system: General Manager O'Brien, of the Southern Pacific Com pany's lines in Oregon; the local officers of the Corvallls &. Eastern and a number of Eastern railroad men rolled Into Al bany on the Southern Pacific from Port land, and, without any ostentation or comment as to their object, immediately left on a special train Tor Yaquina Bay, the western terminus of the railroad, which has passed through many vicissi tudes of fortune, and is yet the hope of people along the entire length of Its line and into the proposed territory of Cen tral Eastern Oregon. The party returned from Yaquina this evening at 6 o'clock, and, without stop ping, began the run through the moun tains to Detroit, the eastern terminus of the Corvallls &. Eastern. Members of the party refused to be Interviewed, and talked to no one concerning the object of their tour of Inspection of the old Oregon Pacific property. The fact that Mr. Hammond, In his periodical trip to his Willamette Valley property, however. Is accompanied by men high in railroad circles and In the con fidence of the head of the great Harrlman system, has again started the fire of hope in the bosoms of those who have believed the prosperity of the Valley contingent upon the extension of the road into East ern Oregon. It Is rumored Mr. Harrlman has an option on the Corvallls &. Eastern. The special will return from Detroit ear ly enough In the morning to take the local for Portland. NO LAWYER TO DEFEND HIM Corvallls Saloonkeeper Had Bctrnycd Public Sense of Decency. QORVALLIS. Or.. July 13. (Special.) Because no Corvallls lawyer would de fend him. Jake Blumberg. a local He brew, had an Albany lawyer for his counsel In a trial In which the state was his profxutor yesterday- afternoon. The case against Blumberg was violation of the local option law. Several weeks ago Blumberg pleaded guilty before Justice Holgatc to the same offense and was fined $50. By that token local attorneys, from the stand point of good citizenship partly, if not wholly, refused to have anything to do with his defense, and for that reason when his case originally came up last Saturday morning it had to be pomponod in order to give the defendant time to go to another town for a lawyer. Yesterday s trial was by Jury and the conviction was speedy. The man whom the state alleged bought the liquor of him swore that he got It of another, but Officer Onburn and Fred Ovcrlander swore they saw Blumberg pass the bottle to the buyer and saw the latter pass something in return to Blumberg which they took to be a coin. The fine was 530 and the costs $25 or $30. In the former Inrtancc. though he had no license, Blum berg avoided payment of a fine to the roderal Government. FIRE GIVEN FRESH IMPETUS Mount Hamilton Ranchers Arc Ask Ing for Assistance. SAN JOSE, July 13. An urgent call for help comes today from the Mount Hamilton section, the fire cast of that mountain having- broken out again with fresh fury. It is now burning towards the King- ranch. The fighters are exhausted, and a rancher rode to Lick Observatory from the scene this afternoon and asked them to telephone to this city for assistance. Tho danger to the observatory has long been past, but many ranches that have hitherto been believed safe from the flames now seem doomed. The Gonzales. Crow, Hayes and several other ranches have been burned over. and at present the fire is having its own way. as the exhausted ranchers are helpless. GREEN POINT SAWMILL BURNS Davenport Bros. Loso $25,000, With No Insurance. HOOD RIVER. Or.. July 13. (Special.) Daven -ft Bros. Lumber Company suf fered a lo that will probably exceed J2S.OO0 by the burning of their Green Point sawmill last night. There was no insurance. The mill had recently bce'n Increased to a capacity of 125.000 feet of lumber per day. Large orders are wait ing to be filled, and every effort will be made to replace the. machinery at once. Two hundred men have been thrown out of employment. Rush at Seattle Land Office. SEATTLE. Wash.. July 13. The greatest Land-Office rush ever experi enced hero occurred this morning when 400 men were lined up at 9 o'clock to make filings on the newly opened Gov ernment lands near the Qulnlault In dian reservation, 50 miles north of Ho qulam. Within an hour 300 entries were made on the ?30 available timber and homestead claims. The land is valuable, and for some time numbers of settlers have been liv ing on it without filing. These and scores of others got In line two hours before the Land Office opened so as to be able to enter their papers before other claimants. There were many du plicate filings made, but no trouble was experienced in handling the crowd. Wireless Stations on Coast. VALLEJO. Cal.. July 13. Captain Gearing. United States Navy, of the equipment department. Marc Island Yard, and Master Electrician George Hanscom fro north on Saturday to lo cate the remainder of sites for wireless telegraphy stations on the Coast. A location will be selected either at Cape Flattery or Neah Bay and at Bremerton. When completed, there will be stations at a distance of 200 miles from Bremerton on the. north to Point Loma on the south. Opposed to Admission of Coolies. BELLINGHAM, Wash- July 13. In response to a request from the Port land Chamber of Commerce for co -operation in seeking- to have a new treaty made between the United States and China on the immigration question. the Bclllngham Chamber of Commerce has passed a resolution asking that a treaty be negotiated which will place the travelers, students and merchants of China on the same footing with thos of Japan and European countries, and providing similar guarantee for Ameri cans in China. Strong opposition to the admislson of coolie labor to America was expressed by the Cham ber. Divorce Suits at Oregon City. OREGON CITY. Or.. July 13. (Spe cial.) Kate D. McGuire, of Portland, today brought suit for divorce from Frank M. McGuire. alleging desertion in 1903. The parties were married at Ojjden, Utah. In ltfS6, and the plaintiff prays for the custody of two minor children. Judge McBrlde today granted a de cree of divorce In the suit of Charles Edward Miller against Daisy M. Miller. The Injunction suit of Sarah A. Chase vs. Oregon City was today dis missed without prejudice. Box Factory at Moslcr Destroyed. MOSIER. Or.. July 13. Speclal.)-Care- leseness permitted fire from burning saw dust to destroy the Green & Feck box factory at this place this morning. The loss Is $4000. with no Insurance. The firm Is also in debt for the plant. The flames spread to dry grass and destroyed over 100 acres of pasture. Fences were consumed and only by "hard work were a number of barns saved. . Requisition Issued; for Lawrence. SALEM. Or.. July 13. (Special.) Gov ernor Chamberlain today issued a requi sition upon the Governor of Illinois for the extradition or Hal Lawrence, wanted In Portland on a charge by C. B. Calla- ghan of steallng$150. Lawrence Is under arrest In Chicago. DEBTS PREYED ON HMD CHARLES NICHOLS, OF PORT , LAND, KILLS HIMSELF. Left Letters Jn Which He Says He Had Not Slept for Two Weeks. ABERDEEN. Wash.. July 13.-(SpcciaI.) Charles Nichols, who registered at the Hotel Washington July 1 under the name of Charles Hoyt, Chicago, drank carbpllc acid early last night, and when found was In a comatose state. He died this morning at the hospital to which he was taken. Nichols represented that he was agent for a Chicago house, and also acted as collector for the Troy Laundry of Port land. He remained about the hotel, and seemed greatly worried when asked about his bill, although up to this time he had given no evidence of trouble. Since his death it is learned that he gave a check to the Anhcuser concert hall proprietor. which proved to be worthless, and the thought of arrest may have driven him to end his life. Among his effects were found .letters which proved that his name was not Hoyt, and he left a note to Mrs. Amanda Nichols, of 514 East Oak street. Portland, who was communicated with today, and who arrived tonight to take charge of the body. He left several notes, showing great distress of mind, in the note to his wife he said in part: , Good-bye. darling angel. Baby Amanda. Amanda. Nichols. SH East Oak street. Port land. Or. The swetest angel taut ever lived good-bye I loved you beyond everything eWe. but I was weak. My debts. were more than I could bear. Fonjlve me. darling angel. Oh. how I hate to die. I love you so. I - have longed m for you. Good-byej sweet angel. From yours. From there on. over ten pages were written in a similar strain, expressing a wish in one place to meet his angel in spirit if not in body. The unfortunate man wound up with a statement that he had not slept for two weeks and wanted to die. Nichols Tvas about Syears of age. light complexion and fairly well dressed. His face, on the lower part, was terribly burned by the acid. A Coroner s Inquest will be held tomorrow. Charles Nichols lived at 514 East Oak street, and was formerly Interested In Charles Nichols &. Co.'s cigar store at 10o 'Fourth street. Doctors Save Letcher's Life. SAN FRANCISCO. July 13. Beverly Letchcr. the bank clerk who yesterday attempted to end his life with opium was greatly improved today. Physi cians at the Emergency Hospital worked on him for hours last night and the heroic treatment resulted in his return to consciousness this morn ing. He was removed to a private hos pltal and his recovery seems assured Sharrctt' Investigation Continues. TOLEDO. Or., July 13. (Special.) The grand Jury investigating tho Sharrett murder case, in which Mr. and Mrs. Fred Green are held on suspicion, has not yet finished its work. The evidence before the grand Jnry is voluminous, the at torney? for the defense being permitted to appear before the grand jury. The return will be made tomorrow. Lender of Convicts Still at Large. TACOMA. Wash.. July 13. Of the eight convicts who escaped on the Fourth of July from McNeil's Island, only one. George Wade, who was the leader, re mains at liberty. W.D. McCarty was shot in the leg at Kllensburg yesterday when he refused to surrender to the Sheriff. . C D. Castle was captured nearby. To Vote' on Free Textbooks. ABERDEEN. Wash., July 13. (Spc cial.) A special election was caned ba th Board of School Directors today to be held July 20, to determin whether a special tax of 2 mills may be levied to provide free textbooks for the pupils of the Aberdeen public schools. Fined for Starting Fire In Forest OLYMPIA. Wash.. July 13. (Spc cial.) Joseph Keyes was fined $20 and costs today for violating- tne new stal law in regard to the starting of fires In the woods. This Is the first con vlctlon In the state under the law passed by the last Legislature. Young Woman Sent to Asylum. ALBANY. Or.. July 13. (Special.) MI.h Maggie Craft, daughter of C. F. Craft, of Crab tree precinct, was today committed to the state insane asylum by County Judge Stewart, after the usual medical examination. Miss Craft has been men tally deranged for two years. Chamberlain' Colic. Cholera asd Diarrhoea Remedy The Bet la Exlitesce. T. M. Wood, manager of the White County xews. Bceb. Ark., is . renrescn tatlve Southern business man. who docs not hesitate in expressing his good opin ion of a well-known remedy. He says: "It gives roe pleasure to recommend Cham berlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, having used it myself and In m family witn tne nest results, in fact. believe It to be the best remedy of the kind In existence." Sold by all druggists LAUTH 15 HANGED Pays Penalty for Murder of Mrs. L B. Jones. FEW AT THE EXECUTION XJoomed Man Dies With n Prayer on His Lips, and "Without An. other "Word Uttered ou the Scaffold: SALEM. Or- July 13. (Special.) Without a word of farewell to the world, George W. Lauth was executed by hanging at the State Penitentiary today for the killing- of Mrs. Leonora B. Jones at Oregon City a year ago. "into thy hands. O God. I give my spirit." was the brief prayer the con demned man whispered as the straps were being- adjusted, and an instant later the trap was sprung. The fall broke the man s neck, and there were no convulsions except a few twitches of muscles by reflex action. In 13 minutes after the drop Drs. Calbreath and Griffith pronounced the man dead. "Lauth died a Christian." said Chap lain E. W. St. Pierre, who has been a daily visitor at Lauth's cell for several months past. "He professed religion soon after he was brought to the Peni tentiary, and has been, happy and cheerful ever since. He had no fear of death. I have been with him all tho morning, reading the New Testament to him. He was more composed than I and dreaded the execution much less than I did." There were only 31 persons present at the execution, including seven or eight prison officials. " Several -physicians were invited, but did not attend. making It necessary at the last moment to send to the State Insane Asylum for Superintendent Calbreath and Dr. Grif fith. Lauth's crime was the shooting of Mrs. Leonora B. Jones, with whom ho had been living in illicit relations. Mrs, Jones secured all Lauth's money and then left him. whereupon he shot her and surrendered himself to the police His defense was that his act was due to insanity induced by jealousy. Mnrlon Bar to Elect Delegates. SALEM. Or.. July 13. (Special.) The Marlon County Bar Association will hold a meeting at the County Courthouse Sat urday at 2 P. M., for the purpose of elect ing delegates to the meeting of the Pa cific Coast Bar Association at Portland, August 10. Ashland Elks Get a Charter. ASHLAND. Or.. July 13. (Special.) The Grand Lodge of Elks, In annual convention at Buffalo, today granted a charter to Ashland Lodge, No. 94-1. This makes the total of Elk lodges In the State of Oregon number 12. Fined for Open Sunday Saloon. INDEPENDENCE. Or.. July 13. The cases of J. R. Cooper, charged with keeping his saloon open on Sunday. have been settled by his paying a fine of 25 for each offense, after a plea of "guilty." HZDR WIPES OUT FAMILY C. 11. DAVIS KILLS WIFE, BABE AND HIMSELF. Melancholy-Mad Spokane Man Al most Severs Head of Wife From Body In Sight of Neighbors. SPOKANE. July 13. Frenzied by mel ancholy and continued brooding .over al leged Injuries, Charles H. Davis tonight slew his wife, hi? 3-months-oId baby and committed suicide in his house on the outskirts of the city. Without a moment's warning or uttering a cry the wife and baby had their heads nearly severed from their bodies by a razor in the hands of tho hiband and father. Davis then made three gashes in his own throat and then fell weltering In a pool of his blood in the kitchen. In the brief space of five minutes tho entire family wag blotted out. The tragedy occurred about 7:30 o'clock, and so quickly and so thoroughly did the man do his work that near-by neighbors, enjoying the coolness of the evening on their porches or in their front yards, heard not a sound to apprise them of the fearful deeds being enacted. Mrs. Edwin C. Payne, swinging in a hammock directly across the street from the Davis dwelling, saw Mr?. Davis suddenly pitch .forward from her chair in the front room of her house. This started tne in vestigation. , The position of the bodies indicates that Davis approached his wife from a rear room and seizing her by the hair, swiftly drew the razor across her throat. He made two strokes and her head was almost severed from her body. He then went Into the bedroom, where the baby was sleeping, cut Its throat and carried the body Into the front room, where he placed It beside the mother. He then re turned to the kitchen, where he killed himself. Davis, his acquaintances say, was mor bid and melancholy. He complained that he had not been given the help In saving money a wife should give him. Davis was 31 years old. He was em ployed as a panelraiser In the Washing ton Mill Company, where he got his time last Saturday night, but he had another Job In prospect. Mrs. Davis was also 31 vears old. Mrs. Davis was highly re spected ami. the neighbors say, all that a wife should be. PACIFIC COAST DEAD. Charles M. Coglan. SACRAMENTO. Cal.. July 13. C. M. Coglan. who had for many years hole the position of Secretary of the State Board of Equalization, died at his residence In this city this morn Ing. Coglan was born at sea and was 5" years old. William Allen. ALBANV. Or.. July 13. William Allen, a Linn County pioneer, who came to Ore gon in the early '50s, died at his home In Kaisey. this county. Tuesday. Mr. Allen is survived by four children Ben Allen and Wld Allen, Mrs. Monroe Miller and Jennie Allen. ' Funeral of Mrs. G.W. Dunn. ASHLAND. Or.. July inMSpecIa!.) The funeral of Mrs. G. W. Dunn, wife of the Jackson County Judge, who died at Jacksonville Tuesday evening, was held here today, and was notable for the large attendance and the marked respect shown for the deceased. The county, offices at Jacksonville were closed, and places of business in Ashland were also closed dur ing time of the funeral. The deceased was a native of Linn County, aged 41 years, and was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Miller, old residents of this city. Death was sudden and due to a complication of peritonitis and appendi citis. Three children are left by the de ceased. Fire In a Wallace Theater. WALLACE, Idaho. July 13. The upper part of the Coliseum Theater was gut ted by fire, which started at 7:30 o'clock this morning. The blaze was a stubborn one and required several hours work by the firemen before It was extinguished. The damage to the theater building and to the stock and fixtures is estimated at between iiWO and $3000. Mrs. Sarah John son, the owner of the building, carried $2000 insurance on the building and $1000 on the furniture and fixtures. William Falrman, who managed the theater, ear ned JUQO Insurance. The building occupied by the Royal Cafe, which Is owned by Alex. Muir, of Farmington. Wash., was slightly dam aged by fire and water. The loss Is cov ered by Insurance. Suicide Committed Years Ago. VICTORIA. B. C July 13. The body of Hiram Nelson, a lonely trapper, has been found In a cabin in the forest near Adams River, B. C, by the provincial po lice at Alert Bay. The body was lying in bed with a bullet hole through the skull. It Is evident from examination by the police officers that the body had been lying in the lonely cabin for five years, he being last peen In 1900, when he went to Alert Bay for provisions, part of which were found in'his cabin. Nelson had seemingly become ill and falling to secure assistance, had commit ted suicide by discharging his rifle with a small piece of stick, the bullet passing through his forehead and lifting his skull. FRENCH I IS AROUSED ROW IN" CHAMBER GROWS OUT OF AMNESTY BILL. To Prevent Resignation of Berteaux, Rouvler Kills Measure Duel Is Due to Quarrel. PARIS. July 13. Parliament adjourned for the Summer recess tonight, after an exciting scene In the Chamber of Depu ties over the clause in the amnesty bill passed by the Senate Wednesday, rein stating those convicted of drawing up secret reports concerning the conduct of army officers, during which M. Lasles (anti-Semite) violently attacked General Andre. ex-MInlster of War. calling- him. a "reptile. M. Berteaux. Minister of War. vigor ously defended his predecessor, and stated that he declined to continue bis support of the government's amnesty bill In con sequence of the charges made. The MIn Ister then left the chamber. M. Berteaux" s action aroused such con fusion that the sitting was suspended. and at an Impromptu ministerial council it was decided to withdraw the bill. , On the resumption of the sitting. Pre mier Rouvler announced the" prorogation of the chamber, thus annulling the am nesty bill. In order, however, not to dis appoint the public on the occasion of the national holiday, it has been arranged that the amnesties will be granted by Presidentlai decree. There was some gossip in the lobbies tonight regarding the probable resigna tion of M. Berteaux. but it is thought unlikely. Senator Prevet was severely wounded in the forearm this evening in a sword duel with Senator Delpeche, as the result of a dispute over the question Involved in the amnesty bill. DRAWING N.VVY NEARER HOME British Admiralty Completes Plan of Concentrating Great Fleet. LONDON. July 13. The Admiralty has just completed the scheme of naval re distribution outlined by the Earl of Sel borne, ex-first lord of the Admiralty, in December last, by the addition of nu merous battleships to the Channel, At lantic. Mediterranean and Reserve squad ron. There are now concentrated in nearby seas no fewer than 45 battleships. all of modern construction. 15 armored and 27 other cruisers with their accom panying torpedoboat flotillas, all ready for war at an Instant's notice, as well as reserve vessels provided with the nucleus of crews. AH of these squadrons will be in Immediate touch with the Ad mlralty. The Eastern fleet will consist of three groups, with bases respectively at Hong kong. Aden and Sydney, while another cruiser division at the Cape of Good Hope will form a connecting link. This new concentration has been ar ranged much earlier than had been ex pected. owing to the fact that naVal de velopments in Far Eastern waters per mit the recall of battleships from China stations. BRITISH SAILORS IN PARIS Naval Officers From Visiting Fleet "Welcomed by Loubet. PARIS. July 13. More than 100 Brit ish naval officers from the visiting squadron at Brest arrived here today and were met by representatives of the Minister of Marine and a large party of French officers. Rear-Admlr al May headed the British delegation while leadlnc French Admirals were among those who received the guests who were shown about the city. Presl dent Loubet will give a reception in hon or of the British officers tomorrow. The visit of the British officers Paris is part of the Anglo-French na val amenities, which arc considered significant in connection with the Mo roccan controversy. FRANCO - ITALIAN AGREEMENT Tittonl and Rouvler Will Confer on Affairs of Crete. ROME. July 13. The Patrla, announc insr an approaching meeting at AIx France, between Signor Tittonl, the Ttal Ian Foreign Minister, and M. Rouvler. the French Premier, says they will ex change views on Important questions of foreign policy, and especially regarding common action by France and Italy in the Mediterranean. The paper says they will also discuss withdrawing their detachments of Inter national gendarraerls on the Island of Crete in order to satisfy the Cretans ami the substitution of a Greek garrison. but that they will maintain for the pres ent the sovereignty of the Sultan of Turkey over the island. Non-Committal on Contraband. LONDON. July 13. In the House of Commons today. Mr. Robertson asked Premier Balfour whether there had been any further representations in regard to the international conference proposed by President Roosevelt, and whether the government was prepared to agree to the President's proposal to Include in the sub jects for discussion the question of mak ing private property not contraband of war free from capture .or destruction. Mr. Balfour replied that the -government cordially welcomed the proposal of Presi- "IT SAVED MY LIFE" RAISE FOR A FAMOUS MEDICINE Mrs. Willadsen Tells How She Tried Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Jist In Tloe. Mrs. T. C. Willadsen, of Mann in sr, Iowa, writes to Mrs. Pinkham; Dear Mrs. Pinkham : " I can truly say that you hava saved ay life, and I cannot express my gratitude to you in words. 11 Before I wrote to you, telling you han 1 fait, I had doctored for over two years steady and spent lots of money on medicines besides, but it all failed to help me. My monchly pe riods had ceased and I suffered much pain, with fainting spells, headache, backache and bearing-down pains, and I was so weak I could hardly keep around. As a last resort I decided to write you and try Lydia E. Fink- ham's Vegetable compound, and X am so thankful that I did, for after following your Instructions, which you sent me tree of all charge, my monthly periods started ; I am regular and in perfect health. , Had it not been for you I would be in my grave to-day. " l sincerely trust tnat tms letter may lead every suffering woman in the courtry to write you lor neip as i am." When women are troubled with ir regular or painful menstruation, weak ness, leucorrhcea, displacement or ul ceration of the womb, that bearing- down feeling1, inflammation of the ova ries, backache, flatulence, general de bility, indigestion and nervous prostra tion, they should remember there is one tried and true remedy. Lydia E, Finkhanrs Vegetable Compound at once removes such troubles. No other female medicine in. the world has received such widespread and un qualified endorsement. Refuse all sub stitutes. Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women to write her for advice. She has guided thousands to health. Address, Lynn, Mass. dent Roosevelt, but Great Britain. In. common with other nations, reserved the right of considering what should be sub mitted to the conference. The Premier added that there ha"d not been any fur ther negotiations on the subject. Balfour Opposes Conscription. LONDON. July 13. In the House of Commons tonight Premier Balfour re ferred to the speech of Field Marshal Lord Roberts In the House of Lords Mon day last, in which the latter said that the armed forces of Great Britain as a body were absolutely unfitted and unpre pared for war. and declared emphatically that the choice lay between conscription and some practical system of universal training. The Premier said he could never be led- to believe that conscription could be successfully adopted In England. Morgan May Invest In Belgium. LONDON. July 13. King Leopold"., of Belgium, came to Dover from Ostend. to day for the purpose of seeing J. Pfer- pont Morgan who lunched with his Ma jesty on board the latter's yacht. After a prolonged Interview, Mr. Morgan re turned to London. It Is reported that the meeting concerned the financing of Important schemes for the development of the Belgian littoral. Must Keep Cuban Cities Healthy. HXVANA. July 13. President Palma has vetoed the action of Congress which continued In effect the budget for tho fiscal year ending June 30. His reason for so doing Is that the old budget did not Include any provision for the sanitation of cities. After Automobiling, Riding, Golf ing, Tennis, or any outdoor sports, a bath with Cuticura Soap is most refreshing, cooling, and soothing. For preserving, purifying, and beautifying the skin, scalp, hair, and hands, for irritations of the skin, heat rashes, tan, sunburn, bites and stings of insects, lame ness and soreness incidental to summer sports, for sanative, anti septic cleansing, and for all the purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery Cuticura Soap, assisted by Cuticura Ointment, is priceless. Cotirari Soip combine delkrmte medicinal and etnut Heat proprtIn drrired from Cuticura. the irreat Skla Cnrt. with the purest of cleansing ingredients and tn raort refTethrat; of flower odors. Two Soaps In one at mi a price namely, a Medicinal and Toilet Soap for 2Sc Potter Drop Chem. Corp.. Sole Props Boston. aa-iliilsd J: tt, u Hot to Cars far tbe SUs aad Scalp." AUTO RMS fiiticura YSOAP