...Tills: JlQgj&Bffi -QEGftyXAN; FBPDAX, JTH5L; 14, liK)o.. ISUC ETHICS IS E Mrs. Charlotte Perkins Gilman Delivers Address to Chautauqua. LOVE, TRUTH AND JUSTICE Those Are the Three Great Lasting Principles, She Declares, While Much of Ethics of Biblical Times . JIave Passed. GLADSTONE. PARK, July 1C (Spe cial.) Mrs. Charlotte Perkins Gilman, the poet and preacher, of social reform, demonstrated her ability as one of the foremost American women on the plat form when she spoke on "Public Ethics" before several hundred hearers at Gladstone Park last night. For two hours members of the Chautauqua As sociation listened to her on the grad ual development of humanity along certain lines and its degradation along other lines. According to Mrs. Gilman, certain virtues accorded to the human race in biblical times have entirely dis appeared, while others as important have taken their place! "Three great human virtues still exist, have existed and will always exist," said Mrs. Gil man. "These are love, truth and Jus tice, being the three that humanity Is most In need of." Mrs. Gilman drew here examples from all walks of life, including the part taken in the world's affairs by men and women, and showing how in some ways women were leaders In particular vir tues while men led the race In others. She dwelt on necessity as the mother of ethics, the difference between ethics of religion and ethics pertaining to public affairs, showing that while re ligion changes, public ethics never do. In her comparison of the lives of women and men, the speaker pointed out the different spheres In which the sexes were allowed to advance, show ing that by strenuous contact with each other from boyhood to manhood men were all permitted to grow with the world, -while women from girlhood were restricted to home life, and con sequently were not well versed In life's affairs. According to Mrs. Gilman. the only way to improve the public ethics of the world, and especially of America, was to eliminate personality so far. as it pertained to business, affairs, and for the human race to work together for the good of humanity, claiming this to be the foundation of love, friendship and -unselfishness in public ethics. She took a slap at the corporations and trusts of the United States, show ing their greed for money and the dis honest methods adopted to procure it. On the whole, her oratory was pessi mistic, but here and there she threw out a gleam of hope for tne betterment of public honesty and virtue. Mrs. Gilman's personality was com manding, her voice was clear and she advanced her arguments and-f parallels with vigor. Her talk was noU-tlrlng at any period, and she held her audience- to the last. Great Interest is being manifested at the park in the work of the morning classes In history, literature, -school of cooking, and physical culture- Each of the classes is well attended and the In structors have almost as many pupils as they can take care of. Class in Literature. Dr. Hoadley's class In English litera ture, .because of the number of pupils, has been separated into . two divisions.. His lectures to the classes are especially In teresting, as he deals with only the In teresting periods of the growth of Eng-. lish letters. Dr. J. Whltcomb Broughers lecture yes terday on "A Tenderfoot Abroad" was both amusing and Instructive. He took the audience through the agonies of sea sickness to England, where he traveled with them to the principal points of in terest from a historical standpoint, to the present-day wonders of the English me tropolis. He also gave a short talk on France, dealing principally with Paris, dwelling on the beauty and Immorality of the city. Everett Kemp, the reader for the Chau tauqua, is a humorist of no mean ability. He is attracting larger audiences to the auditorium than most- of the speakers, and the spectators are kept In laughter from his appearance on the stage until he leaves it. The Baseball Game. The baseball game yesterday between the Bralnard Maroons and the Stephens Addition teams was a baseball farce al most as comical as Mr. Kemp's humor. The game was replete with errors and bad plays, and resulted In a score of 1C to 13 In favor of the Bralnard Maroons. An interesting programme has been prepared for today. Homer Davenport, the famous cartoonist, will deliver a lec ture at S P. M., xm "Indian Stories and Stories of Oregon." He will be preceded by ex-Governor T. T. Geer, who will make an Introductory address. Attendance at Gladstone Park is In creasing daily, and it Is expected that be fore the close of the park. July 23, the Chautauqua meeting will be one of the most successful In Its history Programme for Today. The prpgrammefor today follows: 7- 8 Physical culture, ladies; Professor O. Miller Babbitt. 8- 0 Physical culture. Juniors; Professor O. Miller Babbitt tMO Junior Bible etudy; Rev. Howard X. Smith. S-i0 English literature; Dr. B. J. Hoadley. 0 10 Elocution: Professor Everett Kemp. 1M0 Nature study; Professor- Albert R. Sweetser. 10-11 United States history; Profesfor Willis Chatmay Hawley. 10-11 Musical department: Professor Fred erick W Goodrich. 10- 11 W. C. T. U. InMItute; Lucia Faxon Addlton, state preeldent. 11- 12 Domestic wlence; Miss Lillian Tingle. 11-12 Bible study; Dr. W. C Sherman. 1 Music Parson's Orchestra, one hour. 2 Reading, Everett Kemp; olo. Mrs. Viola Gllbert-Femeyhouch; lecture, "America's Place Today." Mrs. Charlotte Perkins Gilman. of New Tork. 3 ,30 Baseball. Vancouver vs. Chemawa. "Music. Parson's Orchestra. 45 minutes. 8 Introductory address. Ex-Governor T. T. Geer. lecture. "Indian Stories and Stories of Oregon," .by Homer Davenport, of Xew York. Premier - Attendance at Aslriand. ASHLAND. Or-. July 13. (Special.)-r The thirteenth annual assembly of the Southern Oregon Chautauqua Assembly began here yesterday with far the largest attendance in its history. The en larged auditorium was crowded with 1200 people last night ct the introductory con cert given by he Pasmores and other assembly musical talent. It was a bril liant first-evening programme. This afternoon and evening Bishop Hamilton, of San Francisco, lectured to large audiences. Trust Says Swift Robbed It. CHICAGO, July 13. Proceedings have THEM been commenced by -theInternational J Harvester Company against Rodney B. J Swift, who recently filed suits charging the corporation with obtaining rebates from railroads, and in various ways ex ceeding the corporate authority. The, suit filed by the .Harvester Company accuses Swift of making false representations to the company while employed by it, con cerning Its rights In connection with cer tain patents. It Is alleged In the bill that Swift appropriated to his own use money and securities to the value of T2S.O0O. which the bill avers should rightfully have been turned over to the company. The court Is asked to order that Swift give an accounting of his transactions and that he be ordered to turn over to the company the $23,000 he Is alleged to bave wrongfully appropriated. FIGHT ON LIQUOR ISSUE North and. South Divide In Elks' Grand Lodge. BUFFALO. N. Y.. July 13. The ' Grand Lodge of Elks voted to repeal two rules adopted at last year's meeting at- Cincin nati, making the decision of the commit tee on laws and the committee on 'griev ance vind appeals final- These "rules left no right of appeal to the grand lodge, and proved objectionable. The proposal to cut down the size of the grand lodge by limit ing its membership was then taken up. A committee on parade prizes an nounced Its decision as follows: Best-appearing lodge In parade, Toledo Lodge. No. 53. first prize of $500. Most unique uniform, single prize, $500, awarded to Cleveland Lodge, No. 18. -Greatest mileage, $500, El Paso Lodge. No. J 62. Lodge accompanied by the greatest number of ladies, $500, Bridgeport, Conn., Lodge, No. 1ST. - Lodge having greatest number In line, nt-ar-by lodges barred, 35O0, Erie, Pa., Lodge. No. G7. Lodge having the greatest number of men in line, home lodges barred, Roches ter firsts Lockport second. At the afternoon session the Southern lodges led a fight to secure passage of a resolution debarring saloonkeepers and J others connected with the liquor traffic from membership in the order. The North ern lodges opposed such a movement. The matter "was laid over. It will probably come up at Denver next year. A resolution to affiliate with the Cana dian Order of Elks was defeated. Loan Oversubscribed In Chicago. CHICAGO, July 13. Subscriptions in Chicago to the Japanese loan are various ly estimated from JIO.OOO.OOO to $15,000.0)0. The known amounts were those received by the Illinois Trust and the Merchants Loan & Trust Companies. The former re- nnrttA nnnrnTlmatilv nnd th jatter $2,000,000. While the oversubscription was regard ed as larger than that of the previous loan, the subscribers were different. This time banks and banking houses predom inated, while for the previous loan Indi vidual subscriptions were more numerous. The banks this time were heavy subscri bers. The bonds are selling at SIVs. The subscription price for both loans was the same 87H. Fatal Riot of Striking Tailors. NEW YORK. July 13. One man prob ably was fatally Injured, more than a score were slightly hurt and hundreds were involved in a riot of striking tailors and their sympathizers today In Wall about street, in the Williamsburg sec tion of Brooklyn. It was not until the crowd had wrecked the clothing factory of Isaac Newman that the police dispersed the crowd. Two arrests were made: New man, the owner of the fa'ctory. is the man who will probably die. He was struck on the head by an Iron bar in the 'hands of a striker. Franco-American Bank launched. PARIS. July 13. The Franco-American Financial Association was formally in corporated here today, with a capital of $10,000,000. The chief founders are the Banque dp l'Unlon Parlsienne and Speyer &. Co.. of New York. The board of direc tors elected Frederick Mallet, a leading figure in finance, president, and James" Speyer vice-president. The directors In clude representatives of Hottinguer & Co:. De Neuflize Sons, and other leading Paris banks, and also Adrian Fleslan. Gordon MacDonald and Norman B. Ream, of New York. Pennsylvania's War on Wabash. PITTSBURG. July 13. Under cover of darkness Wednesday night, a force of Pennsylvania railroad employes tore out the connection between the "West Side Belt Line (recently acquired by the Wa bash road) and the Panhandle tracks in the west end. A stretch of switch costing probably $75,000 was rendered useless and the transfer of freight business between the Pennsylvania and Wabash effectually cut off. Improves Wireless Telegraphy. NEW YORK, July 13. An Important Improvement in wireless telegraphy is an nounced by Professor Braun, of Straas burg, the inventor of the system which bears his name, says, a Berlin dispatch to the Times. The professor has succeeded in directing wireless electrical waves In a single direction. Up to now It has been possible only to transmit waves in all directions. Much energy Is saved by the new invention. Hcbel Arsenal at Tiflis Found. ST. PETERSBURG. July 13. The bomb factory seized at Tiflis, Caucasia, is cpnsldcred an important haul. It contained, in addition to finished bombs, a large quantity of dynamite, nitroglycerine and other explosives. Thirteen persons belonging to the lo cal revolutionary committee were cap tured. A chemist who was Implicated committed suicide. Tie In Chess Tournament. OSTEND. July 13. The afternoon ses sion in the chess tournament gave these results: Janowaki won from Marshall and the games between Marco and Tarrasch, Tschigorln and Schlechter, Taubenhaus and Telchmann. and Burn and Alapln were drawn. At the close of play today Janowski and Maroczy were tied for first place. Condition of Bankrupt Company. CHARLESTON, S. C.. July 13. Bright Williamson, State Treasurer, today issued a circular to the stock holders of the Independent Cotton Oil Company, reporting the company in bankruptcy and giving a statement of assets and liabilities. He places the liabilities at $1,759,953 and the assets at $1,275,315. Will Investigate Paper Trust. MILWAUKEE. July 13. Judge Quarlcs. of the United States District Court, an nounced today that a special United States Grand Jury will be summoned In September to meet In Milwaukee. The Grand Jury. It Is said, will devote itself to an Inquiry into the affairs of the Gen eral Paper Company, the so-called paper trust Riotous Soldiers to Be Tried. HAVANA. July 13. Twenty militia men who took part in the conflicts here last Monday night wilh civilians in the ten derloin district have been held without bail.. The charges against them include sedition and murder. ASKS FOR EVIDENCE Jerome Eager to Get Into the Equitable Fight, BUT HE MEETS OBSTACLES Hendricks Assistant Imposes Con ditions, Which Jerome Refuses to Accept lie 3 lakes Per emptory Demand. NEW YORK. July 13 District Attor nel Jerome today made on unsuccessful attempt to secure from the offlco of the First Deputy Superintendent of Insurance. Robert A. Hunter, In this city, a copy of the detailed evidence on the affairs of the Equitable Life Assurance Society, . taken before Superintendent of Insurance Fran cis Hendricks. He then sent Mr. Hunter a letter, in which he said that he had Governor Hig gins order for a copy of the report, and requested that it be delivered to one of his assistants. Mr. Hunter declined to comply -with the request unless Mr. Jer ome gave him a receipt to show that the copy In Mr. Hunter's hands was the prop erty of Superintendent Hendricks", arid would agree to return It within a reason able time, when requested to do so. Mr. Jerome then sent another letter to Mr. Hunr, In which he detailed all the cor respondence which has passed between himself and Governor HIgglns on "the sub ject, as well as copies of the letters ex changed with Mi. HendricK?. Concluding; the letter says: "I ask that you deliver to me. without qualification or conditions, a copy of the testimony taken by the" Superintendent of Insurance, pursuant to the promise made by the Superintendent of Insurance to the Governor. I will answer to your superiors for Its safe custody and return at the proper time." NEVER RECOMMENDED LOAN" Dcpew's Explanation of Land Com pany's Equitable Deal. NEW YORK, July 13. Senator Chaunccy M. Depew has made a statement to the Paris correspondent of the New York Tribune regarding the loan of $250,000 made by the Equitable Society to the De pew Land Improvement Company on property alleged to have been worth only $150,000, In which he says that he had never advocated or recommended any such transaction, because he was a di rector of the Equitable. Senator Depew further says: "That loan never could have been made unless the official appraisers of the Equi table had reported after examination that $250,000 was only CO per cent of the prop erty's value, such being the rule of the society, and that on such a report the officers of the company had unanimously approved It. "The Depew Land Improvement Com pany was operated some five years before I was induced to become a stockholder. The town had then about 39.000 Inhab itants and many thriving Industries, in cluding the New York Central shops, the connection with several trunk llpes. The company appointed a general manager, who built homes, a hotel, opened streets, extended the water and sewer systems and Incurred great liabilities In Improve ments. "A. few of the larger stockholders formed a plan to pay off all liabilities and provide working capital, but the stock holders were so numerous, a large number living abroad, that co-operation could not be secured, and the company went into the hands of a receiver five years after the Equtable loan. The appraisal of the property has been made- by officers and independent persons, the lowest valuation being $200,000 over and above all liabil ities. "If the Equitable and other creditors will join and take the property out of the hands of the receiver and put It on a go ing basis, there Is no possibility of loss. On the contrary. In the Judgment of those best acquainted with the property there Is a certainty of profit. "A few days before I sailed from New York 1 placed my resignation as counsel in the hands of Chairman Morton, and I am very glad that he accepted It. I have passed my 71st birthday, and I had made up my mind before I reached 72 to secure something of that rest and freedom from Incessant work that has been denied me year after year." DID NOT TENDER RESIGNATION Morton Contradicts Statement of Depew Salary Will Stop. NEW YORK. July 13. Senator Depew has not resigned as a director of the Equitable Life Assurance Society. This announcement was made today by Chair man Paul Morton, of the Equitable, when his attention was directed to an Inter view with the Senator In Paris yesterday, which was printed here today. Mr. Morton said that Just before Sena tor Depew sailed for Europe a few weeks ago he called at the Equitable offices and told the chairman that he would resign as a director and that he. had no objec tion to his $20.000-a-year position as spe cial counsel to the Society being can celled or abolished. No formal presenta tion of the resignation ever had been made, however, and Mr. Morton said he was unprepared to say whether or not it would be accepted If tendered. Senator DepeWs connection with the So ciety as special counsel will terminate on August l.Mt having been announced some time ago that the position would be abol ished at the end of the present month. ALEXANDER TOO ILTj TO KNOW Recent Developments In Equitable Affairs Concealed From Him. NEW YORK, July 13.-James TV. Alex ander, ex-presldent of the Equitable Life Assurance Society, continues very III. He is undergoing treatment in a secluded place In Long Island. It was said today he is in such a con dition that all knowledge of the recent developments in the society have been kept from him. According to statements made, Mr. Alexander does not yet know that Paul Morton Is at the head of the Equitable. Neither has he been Informed of the Ryan purchase and the Installa tion of Messrs. Cleveland. O'Brien and Westinghouse as trustees. The fact of the acceptance of his own resignation and that of Mr. Hyde. It was declared, has not been made known to him. neither has Information been conducted' to him of the return of sydicate money, nor the purport of the report of State Superintendent of Insurance Hendricks. HENDRICKS STORY OF LOAN Marked Property Down to $150,000 and Caused Foreclosure. SYRACUSE. N. Y.. July 13.-State In surance Superintendent Hendricks today was a'sked as. to.-why reference to the Depew. Improvement - Company and Its exorbitant loan from the Equitable Life Assurance Society was not contained in the preliminary report of bis Investiga tion of the society's affairs. Mr. Hen dricks said: "That was. ancient history. "We had gone Into that before. We told them (the society) to call in the loan. We marked the valuation of the property down to $150,00). They kicked on that and we told them that if we made any change It would "be less. They then foreclosed the mortgage on the property, bid it In for $50,000 and they have it yet." Mr. Hendricks also replied to the com ment of District Attorney Jerome, or New York, who had said it was funny that the newspapers could get a copy- of the evidence taken in the Equitable In vestigation when he (the District Attor ney) could not. Mr. Hendricks said: "If Jerome wanted a copy of the testi mony, why did not he ask for it? Ho has. never asked for a copy of the testi mony.' It Ls understood that a copy of the tes timony was sent tQ the New York offlco of the department to be ready for Mr. Jerome If he asked for it. Express Confidence In Schiff. NEW YORK. July 13. Grover Cleve land, George Westinghouse and Justice Morgan J. O'Brien, trustees of the ma jority stock of the Equitable Lire Assu rance Society, have written to Jacob H. Schiff. expressing their confidence In him. Mr. Schiff retired from the Equitable di rectorate" at the time the board rejected the report of the Frick Investigating com mittee. GETS TRADE . BY REBATES METHODS OF STANDARD OIL IN MISSOURI EXPOSED. Manager of Pretended Competitor Betrays in State's Stilt to Oust Monopoly. KANSAS CITY. July 13. The giving of rebates as a common practice to secure business was brought out today in the testimony of A. G. Shires, of Marietta. O., traveling salesman for the Pennsylvania Refining Company, of Oil. City, Pa., who was a witness at the hearing In the state's suit to oust the Standard Oil Com pany, the Republic 01r"Company and the Waters-Pierce OH Company from the State of Missouri. Mr. Shires was manager of the Republic OH Company at St. Joseph. Mo., from November. 101. to May. 1902, and came, to Kansas City In June as assistant manager of the Republic Oil Company. He found the Standard and the National "the only" companies here, he said. He had charge of the tank business for the Republic, the lubricating oil department, and handled gasoline and. kerosene for grocers. He was. he said. Instructed to get after the National's customers. Henry Teagle, the manager. Mr. Shires said, told him to gef certain of the National's customers, and. If necessary, pay a rebate of one-half a cent a gallon. These rebates were paid In cash to customers. He said he never hnfi tried to get trade from the Standard's customers. The rebate applied only to the National's trade. Mr. Shires said he was told by Mr.- Teagle to say to customers that the Republic Oil Company was- an Independent concern. "Did you ever, during your whole em ployment here." Inquired. Attorney-General Hadley. "offer any rebate or any In ducement to customers to take their trade from the Standard OH Company?" "'No, sir; never." "Where did you get the information re garding prices to charge for xll?" "From the Standard OH Company -always." "How did you Instruct your .salesmen here?" "To say that the Republic OH Company was an" Independent company, handling Pennsylvania goods; that It had no con nection with the Standard OH Company, and waa out of the business." Mr. Shires said that, when he was man ager at St. Joseph for the Republic Oil Company, he once had. too much olf on hand and he wired Kansas City for in structions. He was ordered, he said, to transfer the oil to the Standard OH Com pany and did so. He sometimes used the Standard's horses. There was no compe tition In St. Joseph or Kansas City be tween the Republic and the Standard. "Collective Ownership." PORTLAND. July 13. (To the Editor.) Isn't it to the interest of people of money to force its use by some manner of means whereby they can profit at others' ex pense, or what would its worth be? Is It to be expected they will, of free will, give up any chance or opportunity to monopolize or rule, that will help them do so? Isn't this at the cost of those whose opportunities to live and have are lessened by It. and Is It right a few should hold and control the earth, the common heritage, and farm out Its In dustries to the rest at a profit of a free living at their expense? Under Social Ism the mutual ownership and manage ment of the common means of life's sup port would make this impossible, for. all being subject to the same law of life, the need to work to provide Its wants and comforts, with like right and opportunity of the means, all would have to, or go without; as none would work to support others In Idleness In such case. And this collective ownership and management of social means ls the aim and purpose of Socialism. By it the people will be able to furnish and direct the employment of themselves through equal and like Inter est In the means of common support. Then the Individual Interest and welfare of each will be the common purpose of all. the right of self-support and product fif all labor: which will eventually lead to th establishment of a great co-operative commonwjajlb, as a means to the end. Let It be hopeh its day Is near. C. W". SAUNDERS. Cutting Off Strikers' Funds. CHICAGO, July IX The executive board of the Chicago Federation of Labor has abandoned the solicitation of funds on behalf of the striking teamsters. Here after all contributions from unions af filiated with the federation will be re ceived by the finance committee of the teamsters' joint council. Contributions from unions affiliated with the federation have dwindled from J12.C03 a week early In the strike to leas than J1000. The depart ment store drivers made a strong effort last night to spread the strike- Imperial Family Takes Corcan Loan. LONDON". July 14. The Toklo '-corre-rpondent of the Times says: The Japa nese imperial household has taken up half of the Corean foreign loan. Hereafter the Japanese Army of all services will be clothed In khaki. The of ficers, will be distinguished from the men only by their shoulder straps. Coach Yale for Three Years. NEW HAVEN. Conn.. July 11 William L. Lush, of the Cleveland American League baseball team, who coached Yale's champion baseball nine this year, has signed a contract to coach at Yale for three years. I Albany Company on the "Way. ALBANY. Or.. July lX-(SpecIal.) Company G, Oregon National Guard, left Albany today for GeArhart Park. The pompany numbered about 35 men. and was under command ot Captain C. W. IN KILLS TH I HTEH Intense Heat Continues Deadly Work in New - York. RAIN BRINGS NO RELIEF Despite Showers Temperature Rises and Men Fall' Dead rilnmidity Makes Heat Intolerable. Wind Brings Comfort. . NEW YORK, July 13. Thirteen deaths attributed to the hot weather were re corded In New York today. In addition, a score or more of persons were overcome by the heat and are under treatment In the city hospitals. " Despite a drenching rainfall during the forenoon and scattered showers through out the day, the thermometer rose to a maximum of S3 degrees. During the after noon, the drop was more decided than for the past five days, and tonight a strong westerly breeze Is bringing a share of relief. The high humidity and the continuance throughout the night of temperatures varying only slightly from those of the hottest hours of the day. have caused the heavy fatality list attending the present hot spell in this city. A TOY CHURCH. Queer House of" Worship In New Hampshire Woods. Boston Globe. The "toy church." as it Is ortcn called by persons passing through the village of West Canaan. N. H.. Is said to be the smallest structure In the state, and prob ably In New England, used exclusively for church purposes. The dimensions arc 1Sx2I feet. The church ls painted white, with slate colored trimmings and green bjinds. The main part contains three large windows on each side and two In the rear. The vestibule is about six feet deep and two feet lower than the main building. A steeple arises above the whole. The ap proach Is by seven wooden steps,- running along the entire front. -As one enters this unique structure he Is first attracted by the oval celling of hardwood, and In fact the entire interior Is finished in hardwood. The pulpit and choir loft are raised a little from the main floor, which Is covered with a very neat carpet In red and ecru. The settees, fifteen In number, are stained a dark red. A large stove furnishes heat. Double swing doors open Into the vestibule, and there a library of sixty books is located. At the present time Rev. J. P. Frye. of the Methodist Episcopal Church at Enfield. Is the pastor, and holds services every Sunday afternoon. The pastor's salary Ls $150 per year, and this amount Is raised largely by the Ladles" Aid So ciety. The "church has been built nbout twelve years. The main part of the building was located originally In an other part of- the village, and was- once used as a dance ball. The late Mrs. Emeline Bean, a resident ot West Ca naan. Durchased the-structure and had It. moved to .Its present location. At the time of her 'death she left money to assist In making repairs. The "seating capacity is one hundred. Concerning Street Lights. PORTLAND. July 12. (To the Editor.) At a citizen and taxpayer I mot strongly ob ject to the rulings made by the now defunct oW txecutlve board rfgardlnc the report of lights out at nights on our streets. Jiwt as the old City Council did some remarkable things at Its last session, the old executive board ls likewise a painful memory. What "Influence." wan brought to bear upon the ac tion of the board regarding the many "won derful" things it did. the writer leave to the public to suggest. . The Morrkon-?treet bridge and the Tanner creek sewer have thrown some light on the subject. And now come? the order that no lights out on our streets at night shall hereafter be reported out before th policemen on their respective beats have first reported to the police station, and the station reported to the light com pany that one or more lights arc out. The policemen shall then neglect their dutlee and watch for the light If they are started up In "reasonable time and then no reduction shall be made." And this simply means that no light? will be reported out and the city will liwe -thousands of dollars each year, and the citizens have to walk in darknes.1. as many lights will always be out. By what right Is the police department made the serv ant of the light company? Should not that corporation pay Its own light Inspectors? If lights shall not be reported out. say so. but do not make fools' of us by the present rul ing. I hope the new board will take up the matter at once. CHARLES MILLPB. Schlcsingcr Makes. Statement. PORTLAND. July 12. To the Editor.) Wilt you be :v kind as to allow me a little space In your papr In reply to two Items which have re cently appeared there In regard to my stand in k and character, t am unwilling to have representation which are untrue In every par ticular remain unanswered. In your Issue of July 12 an account wan siren of my trial In the Police Court. In which It waa alleged that I had wrongfully extorted money from a woman and a Wo beaten her. I characterise this as false In every particular, for I never charge people for my services, but leave to them what they shall give. If any thing. I have been well know in Portland for years, and In that time many, many peor pie have been benefited mentally and ph id eally through my Instrumentality. A num ber of these people were In court to tertlfy In my favor, but the Judge considered their testimony Inadmissible, hence I have no al ternative but to ask you to hear what I have to say. I never struck this woman, as wltnesrea who were present have testified, and nearly all the money I receive except my living expenses goes to charity. I wan never driven out ot Spokane or any other place In my life, but left on my own ac count and at my own convenience. I did receive- ?10 from this woman, but It was as a gratuitous offer to Induce me to treat her case. lv would have done It without price had sfte claimed poverty. LOUIS SCHL.ESINGER. Meetings Are Public. PORTLAND. July 12. To the Editor.) Ayers Sarsaparilla Mends shattered nerves. Gives a healthy red to pale cheeks. Puts good flesh on thin children. Takes off pimples and rashes. A general tonic. Ask your doctor to tell you about it. J.C.XytrCo., XoweU, Kill. SPECIAL SALE In The Boys' Department A few of the many bargains in the things boysarein mostneedof. This sale should appeal to economical folk with boys to clothe. Boys' Knee Pants Boys' Waists Ages 3 to 16;years, regular SOc This sale, 20c Boys' and Children's Straw Sailor Hats Many different shapes. Great values at 25c, 50c, 75c and $1.00. Boys' Tarns In tan,.blue,.white and crash; regular 75c and $1:0.0 values; This sale, 50c. Boys' Washable Suits In all the latest plain and fancy patterns, in sailor and Russian effects at, ONE-HALF REGULAR PRICE RnvV Sallnr RInii;f II Suits In worsteds, blue serge, cheviots, and fancy tweeds; ages 3 to 10 years; regular $4.45 and $5.00 values. This sale, $2.00 SAM'L ROSENBLATT & CO. CORNER THIRD AND MORRISON STREETS Allow me to correct a misapprehension that appears to exist In the minds of some people regarding the meetings of the National Con ference of 'Charities and Corrections, to be held In this city July 15 to 21. Inclusive. These meetings aro Just as free to the pub lic as they are to the delegates. In fact the conference Is very anxious to have its meetings as fully attended as possible. No tickets of aamlsfsion are necessary and no collections or subscriptions will be taken up nor Is It necessary to be enrolled or to at tend all the meetings. The public ls most cordially invited to all conference and sec tional meetings and It is hoped that anyone Interested In any particular subject will at least attend the meetings on that subject. Full programmes will be printed and dis tributed. The welcoming .meeting will be at the church on next Saturday. July 15, at 2:30 P. if., when the conference will be received by the Governor or his representative, the Mayor of the city, the local committee and the people of the city. Saturday. S P. M.. at the church, the president's address; Sunday. 3 P. M.. at the Fair grounds auditorium, the conference sermon by James W. Lee. D. D.. v n u Wwm F 1 Mr HHfl v Price $1.50 WOODARD, CLARKE & CO FOURTH AND WASHINGTON confinement. Blood poison. i potency tuorougnly cured. N'o failure. Cure guaranteed. YOUNG MEN troubled with night emissions, dreams, exhausting: drains, bash fulness, aversion to society, which deprive you of your manhood, UNFIT YOU FOR BUSINESS OR MARRIAGE. MIDDLE-AGED MEN, who from excesses and strains have lost their MANLY POWER. BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES. Syphilis. Gonorrhoea, painful, bloody urine, Gleet, Stricture, Enlarged Prostate, Sexual Debility, "Varicocele. Hydrocele, Kid ney and Liver Troubles cured without MERCURY OR OTHER POISONING DRUGS. Catarrh and rheumatism CURED. . Dr. Walker's methods are regular and scientific. He uses no patent nos trums or ready-made preparations, but cures the disease by thorough medical treatment. His New Pamphlet on Private Diseases sent free to all men who de scribe their trouble. PATIENTS cured at home. Terms reasonable. All lettora answered In plain envelope. Consultation free and sacredly confidential. Call on.or address DR. WALKER, -181 First Street, Corner Yamhill, Portland, Or and values. Boys' Norfolk Suits In blue serge, homespuns,, fancy tweeds and cassi meres; ages 3 to 6 years; regular $4.45 and $5.00 val ues. This sale, $2.00 of St. Louis. Sunday evening at the church a. session devoted to the Juvenile Court and another to the subject of the treatment of tuberculosis from a charitable and sanitary standpoint, and during the next week dally meetings .at 10:30 av M. and 8 P. if. at the church, devoted to a large variety of most important and Interesting subjects of whjch full notice will be given. The local committee bespeaks for this most Important conference the public attention it deserves. THOMAS N. STRONG. Chairman Local Committee. Will Xot Visit Australia. MELBOURNE. July 13. President Rodsevelt has declined the invitation ex tended by the Commonwealth Government to Miss Alice Roosevelt to visit Aus tralia with Secretary Taft and the mem bers of the family, which was accom panied by the assurance that the party would be cordially welcomed by all classes. Keep the Refrigerator Sweet SUM3IER SEASON GEIOI SEASON. Kill All Odors, Gerrrm and Microbes by lining THE NEW- FORMALDEHYDE LAMP A Certain Exterminator of All Germ Life. By a simple chemical process thl3 lamp generates Formaldehyde, the greatest germi cide and disinfectant. Easy to operate, with nothing- to replace, it Is the least expensive and most convenient and effective means of keep ing: tite refrigerator sweet and wholesome, as It leaves no lingering odor. Adopted by hospitals and sanitariums every where and recommended by the medical profession. JOBBERS AND DEAL ERS SUPPLIED. Twenty Years of Success In the treatment of chronic diseases, such as liver, kidney and stomach disorders, constipation, diarrhoea, dropsical awelllna's, Brlght's disease, etc. Kidney and Urinary Complaints, painful, difficult, too frequent, milky or bloody urine, unnatural discharges speedily cured. Diseases of the Rectum Such as piles, fistula, fissure, ulceration, mucous and bloody discharges, cured without the knife, pain or Diseases of Men Klect. stricture, unnatural losses, im-