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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (July 14, 1905)
THjS 3IOI'INtt OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, JULY 14, 1905. OLDS--WORTMAN-KING LEADING DEPARTMENT HOUSE ON PACIFIC SLOPE M. D.'s and P. D.'s, Doctors and "Ad Men," Welcome and An Beroir. The City is Better for Your Visit. Bon Voyage if you Must Go Come AgainI You're Always Welcome to the "Rose City" and Its Greatest Store. THE "DIFFERENT STORE" Washington, Fifth and Sixth Streets W 0 - " 0 9 ' - . BO e i 115th Grand Friday "Economy Sale" Your Watch Cleaned for 75c New mainsprings, 75c All other Jewelry Re pairing1 at proportionately little prices. First Floor, near big- elevators. ; Welcome to our Free Phones Drinking Founts, Cooking School, Lavatories, Information Bureau, Rest Rooms and "Writing Desks, fully supplied with stationery, etc Check your parcels free. Best free delivery services In the city. The coolest shopping- mart in .fortiana. SOUVENIR HUNTERS "Will Bnc Choicest Game In These Preserve. It's the Open Seasoa, too. Geaerous ChoosInR. The largest assortment and best-by-far va rieties of pretty and unique Souvenirs in the city. All the latest novelties, embracing- spoons, fobs and pocket pieces, post cards, pictures, leather and paper articles, china and glass pieces, Indian blankets, etc All at our famous fractional prices. Visit the Free Cooking School Third Floor. Lessons in expert cake baking given daily from 10 to 12 A. M., and 1 to 4 P. M. Free Embroidery Lessons. In the Art Roomf Second Floor Aaaex. Ifs'Easy to Get Acquainted sThe Official Exposition Guide Only Five Cents Tom don't seed to be a streamer. Get an Official Guide. It makes you .familiar vrlth the Fair and locates everything ia the grounds at a glance. It sells everywhere for 25 cents, bat we furnish It for 5 cents. This Tray With every purchase of 91.00, or over, we kIvc a ticket, which, when pre sented at the Guide Headquarters, Is good for 20 cents on the purchase of the OKI els 1 Exposition Guide. Friday Economy Sale Specials in Women's Knit Under wear and Hosiery Shops First Floor. Women's $1.25 Union Suits for 59c "Women's extra, fine "White Lisle "Merode" Union Suits, with high neck, long sleeves, knee-length, half open front: extra silk-trimmed Our $1.26 value; Special Economy Sale price, the suit. .89c Women's $2.25 Union Suits for $1.49 "Women's "White Silk and Lisle "Merode" Union Suits, with half open front and silk crochet trim ming; long sleeves, ankle-length: short sleeves or sleeveless and knee-length; a; nne garment Our $2.25 value; Special Economy Sale price, the suit 4 1.49 Women's 35c Hose fqr 49c "Women's Extra Fine Gauze Hose. blacK with white sole; also all black; these Hose are imported and are full finished, light and fine Our 7oc and 85c values; Special Economy Sale price, the pair 48c Women's 25c Hose for 1 5c "Women's Fine Black Gauze Hose, with finished foot; splendid value at 25c; Special Economy Sale price, ;he pair 18c Boys' Underwear Boys' 50c Underwear, 35c Boys Balbrlggan Shirts aid Drawers; Shirts with French neck, and Drawers with reinforced seat An extra value at 50c; Special Economy Sale price, the garment 35c Exceptional Bargains in the Women's Fancy Goods Store First Floor. $3.50 Lace Berthas $1.75 A lot of Lace Berthas in white Regular values .51.50 to $3.50; special, each, from.... 75c to 91.75 35cVenise Bands 10c An assorted lot of Venise Bands in cream and white Regular values to 35c; special, yard..lOc One-Half Dozen Women's Linen Handkerchiefs 54c A line of "Women's Pure Richardson's Linen Hand kerchiefs. In heavy or sheer linen, with 14 -Inch hem-r-Regular value 12 He; special, one-half dozen for - Mc Women's 50c and 75c Embroid ered Collars 27c A lot of "Women's Pretty Embroidered Collars with tabs Regular values 50c and 76c; special at, each 27c Friday Specials In the Jewelry and Leather Goods Aisle First Floor West Abbcx. BELT BUCKLES AT HALF PRICE. A line of Handsome Belt Buckles In pretty, artis tic designs, richly Jeweled and enameled; spe cial today only HALF PRICE , SOUVENIR HAT PINS. A lot of Souvenir Hat Pins In sterling- silver, with designs of Mt. Hood, Oregon "Wcbfoot and the different Fair buildings; special at, each.... 36c 65c SCARF PINS 19c A large assortment of Pretty Pearl Ball Scarf Pins, Waist Pins, Cuff Pin. Belt Pins and Brooches Regular values to 65c; special at, each 18c AVOMEN'S 91.75 LEATHER BELTS 91.3S. A lot of Leather Belts made of nice, soft leather, shaped to give perfect flt. In tan, brown and black Regulur value 51.75; special, each.. f 1.38 LEATHER PHOTO FRAMES. A lot of Pretty Leather Photo Frames In pressed designs; small tsize Regular value 35c; special, each 19c Large size Regular value 50c; special, each, 36c Only 5J Hours of Storekeeping Today XI4F .TTniLF. Another forward Step in Modern Mer- CTADF HP THF DFODI F I rlL LMUJL. chandisihg by This" Pushing, Progressive vKL Ul 1 nL KLUKLL "We shall close this afternoon at 4:30 o'clock; in order to allow our 600 employes to attend a talk on "Scientific Salesmanship,' 7 to be delivered by A. F. SHELDON, OP CHICAGO PRESIDENT The closing o doors by a mercantile establishment business session, is of tremendous importance both to a house of this size and character, and its great clientele. This house, "we realize, is an integral part of the mechanism of onr busy city a most important part. It is one of the great pinions around which rapid and important business wheels revolve. TVhen thus business suspends it affects the city's very life as the stoppage of an arterv" in the human body. It is an event of extrcmest importance, then, that could induce this house to suspend traffic, at a financial loss of thousands of dollars, perhaps, in sales. That event is at hand. It has always been the aim of this "DIFFERENT STORE" to surround itself and furnish to its patronage the very best in salesmanship possible to get with good wages. We believe the best salespeople are none too good for our customers to be waited on by. "We believe we have the best in all this Western country. In fact, it is the experience of the writer that THE OLDS, WORTMAN & KING EMPLOYES AS A BODY ARE NOT TO BE EXCELLED IN AMERICA TODAY. But that, even, is not enough. We believe we are in a position to aid our helpers to become more useful, to you. to themselves and to us. We trust you will look upon the recess we shall take this afternoon at 4:30 o'clock as a means to this end; as a move on our part to furnish you our public with better than ever service. There's a science to salesmanship today unknown to our fathers. It has been developed with the years, as. has the science and use of electricity and the art of modern advertising. Salesmanship is today among the professions, and it only lies with the salesman and woman, himself and herself, to develop the talent that in them lies to become proficient in it and stand at the head of their chosen profession, as the leading lawyers, doctors and advertising attorneys stand at the head of theirs. We are going to put the means of accomplishing this end in the hands of our people. We are going to aid them to aid you, to aid themselves, and become even more useful to us. We have secured the services of that eminent scholar, teacher, salesman, lawyer and orator, MR. A. F. SHELDON, of Chicago, President of the great SHELDON SCHOOL, to address our firm and its armv of nearly 600 employes at 5 P. M. today. We have selected this hour that it might not interfere with any other plans or engagements our people may have made for their evenings. We have taken trom our time and from yours for the benefit of our helpers and for ourselves individual!'. We know you will share the inconvenience with us cheerfully, knowing the object of it to be of vast mutual benefit. Will you kindly shop before 4:30 todav and share in the splendid bargains of the day? Three Sensational the Suit Second Hoor. Portland's Largest and Foremost Apparel Stores for Women Another Great Sale of Women's House Wrappers Today and Tomorrow Women's $2-00 Percale House Wrappers 95c A monster purchase from a leading Eastern manufacturer. .Pretty Percale materials, in grays, reds, black and white, blue and white, red and white, etc. Fetching floral and conventional designs, nar row and wide collars, bishop sleeves, flounce st3les, and prettily trimmed in Of braids and embroideries ? values to $2. Friday and Saturday only for xWv. Another Wonderful Sale of Women's CYrfn iVn 7ftr Pretty Shirtwaists Values to $3.75 V-IIUUSC IUI tlC Another of those extraordinary distributions of beautiful Summer Shirtwaists at a ridiculously low price. An opportunity for women to provide a liberal supply of the always-in-demand Shirtwaists at a price that does not represent the first actual cost of material. Dainty, pretty Waists, of splen did wearing, handsome percales, lawns and richly mercerized fabrics, in plain white, blues, pinks, grays, tans and charming mixed stuffs; values up to $3.75. 7Qf' Special Friday and Saturday only at J A Record -Smashing Millinery Event! TOP AY'S GREAT SALE OP Five Hundred Hats, $ 1 .69 Worth Up to 45.00 See Window Showing "Bijou" SalonsSecond Floor Annex. Inspiration born from enthusiasm and ambition to succeed begets suc cess. In our case success begets inspiration. The extraordinary success -we have met with the past season the greatest in all our history in spires us to dare and do still greater things. Today's sale will eclipse any similar event held here this season. It is really difficult to write of this -occasion without appearing exaggerative ; but it is no over statement for us to say that today's values will turn all millinery traditions topsy-turvy so far as local conditions exist. Think of buying a handsome, dressy black hat worth $5 in good American coin for a little stipend like $1.69, and yet that is precisely what you may do to day. Now, every woman wants at least one black hat in her ward robehave you one in yours! In what condition is it! Couldn't you well afford to buy another at the price it costs today, when you know you're getting it for a third to a half of its worth? Here's your chance 500 handsomely trimmed black hats, in a ereat variety of verv newest and latest shapes, embracing the popular and stvlish horsehair braids, trimmed with pretty flowers and two alike). Splendid regular values at $3, $4, $5. oniy ioaay at a cnoice lor Important Announcement Extraordinary! This Store Will Close Today - Friday at 4:30 P. M. READ VHY: OF THE SHELDON SCHOOL OF SALESMANSHIP of the magnitude represented bv the Olds. "Wortnran & Kine Store, for even one hour of the shop plendid Special Sales in Salons Actual Values in Stylish, New Summer Suits up to $23.50, at a Choice for $9.95 You know this store's statements are never exaggerated or over-told. The above is an astonishing statement to make and hard to believe,, did it not have this store behind it. It's true as gospel. Our Suit buyer, now in New York, secured this lot of handsome, smart and seasonable tailored Suits for street wear at an astonishing reduction from a maker who was closing his season and ready to start on Win ter garments. As is our usual custom, we shall share the good for tune of a "good buy" with our patrons. So today you may choose from about 200 Suits, all splendidly tailored, every one the production of this season; materials of etamine, serge, cheviot and homespuns; a full color line, embracing black, blues, grays, tans and the extremely popular and stylish black and white shepherd checks. Eton and blouse styles, of very latest authoritative design. This is absolutely the greatest Suit value we have offered this season, and we advise every woman within shoppiug distance of the store to profit from it. THE SALE WILL LAST TWO DAYS FRIDAY AND SAT URDAY. Mail Orders will be filled by expert shoppers during the sale. turbans, in strictlv hand-made shanes of jetted foliage, chiffon, ribbons, silks, ornaments, etc. But on special sale for one day I (no $1.69 But 5J Hours in which to do' Buying at This Store Today A "Royal" Corset Bargain Cornet Salons Abhcx, Second Floor. Royal Worcester Bon Ton Corsets at ridiculous reductions, several discontinued lines In short lengtns, medium and Ions, made of black Italian cloth, white and drab English coutllle. and pink. blue or wnue ngured orocne: sizes from 18 to 30; but few of a Kind, so you'd better hurry for your pick. Be early. Regular prices J 1.73 to $4.00; at. the pair. ...69c Regular prices $3.00 to $9.00; at, the pair... 91.37 Women's Pine Corset Covers And Children's Hats and Bonnets at Economy Prices Secomtl Floor. WOMEN'S 91.00 CORSET COVERS 57c. Women's Fine Cambric Corset Covers, trimmed with two rows of wide torchon lace Insertion, two rows of beading and draw ribbon at yoke; also lace edging- at yoke and arm holes; full line of sires Our regular $1.00 value; Special Economy Sale Drice. each 57c Children's Hats and Bonnets for Half Children's Hats and Full-Front Bonnets of mull, chiffon, lace and embroidery: daintily trimmed. All are this season's best styles: for Friday Economy Sale we offer them at HALF PRICE. Timely Specials in the Man's Toggery Shop FIrt Floor -Wet Annex. MEN'S 50c UNDER. WE All 20c. A line of Men's Summer-Weight, Jersey-Ribbed Balbrlggan Underwear In ecru Regular value 53c; special, the garment 28c BOYS' 50c GOLF SHIRTS 28c. A line of Boys' Golf Shirts, light and dark effects; one pair cuffs Regular value 50c; special at. each 29c MEN'S 35c LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS 19c. A small lot of Men's Pure White Linen Hem stitched Handkerchiefs Regular value 35c; spe cial, each I9c MEN'S 25c SOX 15c. A line of Men's Light-Weight Summer Sox. In tan. overshot with white lisle Regular value 25c; special, the pair 15c Summer Necessities in House keeping Realm at Lessened Prices for Friday Third Floor. FRUIT SEASON BARGAINS. Covered Jelly Glasses; special at. the dozen.... 30c Package Paraflne; special at. each 10c Pint Economy Jan?: special at, the dozen. 85c Quart Economy Jars; special at. the dozen.. f 1.05 Half Gallon Economy Jars; special, dozen $1.25 MASON JARS PORCELAIN-LINED CAPS. Pints; special at, the dozen. 65c Quarts; special at. the dozen 75c Half Gallons: special ut. the dozen fl.00 Rubbers: special at, the dozen 5c Rubbers, extra quality; special at, dozen Sc AUTOMATIC REFRIGERATORS. Economical Ice users and food savers; perfect cir culation, hardwood, eight walls; special, each, from &50 to $00 COAL OIL LAMP STOVES. 1- burner; special "at. each 37c 2- burner; special at, each 74c CHILDREN'S SEASIDE SETS 10c. Consisting of three pieces hoe. rake and shovel special at, the sel. 10c Today! SPECIAL TODAY TERRIFIC PRICE SLAUGHTER Novelty Suit Silks South Annex First Floor ANNUAL JULY STOCK-REDUCING- SALE. 11,000 ynrds of new 1905 Novelty Suit Silks, the newest weaves and colors to be found in tho world's best markets. These Silks are sold every where regularly at $1.00, .fl.25, $1.50 and $1.75 per yard. You will find them on our special bar gain tables in silk store annex, divided in foux monster lots, reduced as follows : LOT 1 Special July stock reducing sale, onlv, yard 43 LOT 2 Special July stock reducing sale, only, yard 67 LOT 3 Special July stock reducing sale, only, yard 1 7S LOT 4 Special July stock reducing sale, onlv, yard ,93 .SPECIAL TODAY Sweeping Reductions, Banging From a Half to a Third, on Colored Dress Goods South, Annex First Floor. Slaughtered for the July Stock-Reducing Sale. Imported English Novelty Mohair, in checks, stripes and changeable effects j imported Shep herd check; French voiles, in grays, tans, navys and brown; imported silk and wool novelty fab rics; also our entire line of odd pieces, in tweeds and maannish suitings; all in the stock reducing sale at exactly half price; $1.00 grade for 50 yard, $1.50 grade for 75 yard, $2.00 grade for $1.00 yard. etc. Regular 50c values, in neat, mannish mixed suitings, just the thing for children's wear, and beach and mountain wear; all colors to choose from. Special, only, per yard 38 A Half-Price Sale of Wash Goods REMNANTS FOR THE FRIDAY ECONOMY SALE. First Floor. WASH GOODS RE3INANTS HALF PRICE. We will place on sale today a lot of foreign and domestic Wash Goods Remnants, such as or gandies, ginghams, embroidered " chambrays. checked and plaid voiles, mercerized clan ging hams, eollennes. silk mulls, organdies, batistes, etc.: special sale price for one day only at HALF PRICE. . Today's Interesting Fourth Floor Specials $6 Showls $3.75 A large assortment of the celebrated Pendleton Shawls Regular value 56.00; special, ea. .93.75 $4.50 Shawls $1.75 A line of beautiful All-Wool Plaid Shawls Reg ular value 54.50; special, each 91.75 $2.75 Axminster Rugs $1.95 A lot of Heavy Axminster Rugs in beautiful Ori ental designs; size 27x54 inches Regular value 52.75; special at, each 91.85 Friday Art Shop Specials Secoacl Floor Anaex. SOc CUSHION SLIPS 43c. Cushion Slips all ready for the ailing, made of Berlin .linen, five different tinted designs in the showing: border to harmonize with design Our regular 60c value; Special Economy Sale price, each 43c ICE WOOL SHAWLS. FOR 91.00 AND 91.25 WOOL SHAWLS. 60c Shoulder or Head Shawls, made of fine Ice Wool, In cream, white or black with deep, fancy bor ders Our 51.00 and 51.25 values; Special Econ omy Sale price, each - 69c Stirring Friday Specials in Small Ware Aisles First Floor. CARD WHITE PEARL BUTTONS 10c. White Pearl Buttons; all sizes: two dozen on card Regular value 20c; special, card 10c SU3IMER DRESS SHIELDS 30c. Fine Light-Weight Summer Dress Shields: all sizes; white on botn sides; special at, pair. ..10c SEWING MACHINE OIL 3c. Bottle Best Quality Sewing Machine Oil; special, , the bottle 3c SHOE LACES 6c. Extra quality, wide, heavy Black and Tan- Shoe Laces; 36 inches long; special at, pair. . . .6c TOILET SOAP. Palm Toilet Soap: specially adapted for hotels, rooming-houses, boarding-houses, etc.; one doz en cakes In box Regular value 50c box or 5c cake; special 30c BOX, or 3c CAKE 15c BOX BUTTERMILK TOILET SOAP 0c. Jersey Creamery Buttermilk Toilet Soap; three cakes Jn box Regular value 15c; special at. tne box .. Oc BOX WITCH HAZEL TOILET SOAP Oc. Fine Hlgh-Grade Witch Hazel Toilet Soap, for bath, face and shampoo: three cakes In box Regular value 15c; special at, the box 0c 5c TOILET PAPER 3c. Fine. Soft Tissue Toilet Paper In flat packages Regular valut 5c; special, 3c package or 35c dox. 20c WRITING TABLET 12c. Large Size Writing Tablet, linen finish; ruled Regular value SOc; special, each 12c BOTTLE 5c WRITING INK 3c. Bottle Best Qualtly Black Letter Writing Ink Regular value 5c: special, bottle 3c 15c PAPER NAPKINS Oc. Plain White Crepe Pap.r Napkins; 100 in package Regular value 15c; special, package Oc 92,00 POSTAL CARD ALBUM 91.10. Cloth-Bound Postal Card Album Regular value J '-'.00; special, each - 91.19 e o e . 9 m a 0 e