THE MORNING OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, JULY 14, 1905. FULTON INDORSES C. 6. HEGARDT Recommends Portland Man for Receiver of Roseburg Land Office. HELPED BUILD THE JETTY Appointment of ex-Govcrnmcnt En gineer Is Urged B. Jj. Eddy Will Bo Appointed Register. B. Hegardt. of Portland, was recom mended to the President yesterday morn ing for appointment to the position of Receiver of the Rosebure Land Office by Senator Fulton. Since the. retirement of James H. Booth from, the Receivership at Roseburg. .many aspirants have arisen to demand recognition for past service to the party. Mr. Hegardt. it is understood, has not been one of these. He made applica tion of Senator Fulton some time ago for recommendation from him. but It was not until yesterday that his name was sent to Washington by the Senator. His rec ommendation comes as a result of the Investigations made by Senator Fulton, who Is convinced that Mr. Hegardt Is the man for the place. Mr. Hegartit was formerly the engineer In charge of the Government work at the mouth of the Columbia, - where he was stationed to oversee the construction of the Jetty. Of late he has been living in Portland and at the time his name was sent to Washington with the Indorsement of Senator Fulton he did not kow that his application had been considered fav orably by the Senator. B. L. Eddy, the nominee of Senator Fulton, for Register at the Roseburg Iand Office has been Indorsed by Secre tary Hitchcock and his appointment approved. JAPANESE GIRL IS SLAIN Killed by Countryman Because She Would Xot Marry Him. The 14-year-old daughter of S. Takaki, who was shot and killed two days ago in Spokane, was born in this city, and is well known among local Japanese. Her parents were intellectual people of their race, and their daughter was receiving a liberal education. The news of her foul Fonrtrn-Year-Old Daughter of Takaki, Who Was -Murdered. murder was received by the family's friends and acquaintances here with hor ror. The father Is at present superin tendent of the sugar beet fields at Wav erly. Wash. The murdered girl is said to be th first Japanese child born In the City of Portland. She spoke English only and had many American friends. It Is said that George Harna, a man of 25. who shot the girl because she refused to marry him. Is an uneducated Japanese laborer, who worked for the girl's father and thus made her acquaintance. IN THE MUNICIPAL COURT Judge Cameron was driven from the "bench yesterday morning by drippings from defective plumbing o-erhead, and had to hold the session seated In Clerk Hennessey's chair. Tho Court looked quite serious over the occurrence, but the only remark was that the building should ho repaired. so that water could not In terfere with iustice. Several thousands of dollars were ex pended last year on Improvements In various portions of the building In which the courtroom Is situated, but somehow the person having the repairs in charge overlooked all sections appertaining to the Municipal Court, . .Carl Decerning, a youth, was charged with the larceny of a watch, the prop erty of Frank Beaumont. The accused has for some time been In tho employ' of G. JL. Becker, who emphatically de clared his firm faith in the lad, and when Judge Cameron suggested that he would discharge the defendant In case $5 was paid to the complainant, Becker promptly paid. The $5 was in payment for the watch, although the defendant denied the theft, saying that It had been stolen from his vest pocket. Jacob Marghulls was fined $30 on a charge of assault and battery yesterday. Jack Diamond being the complaining wit ness. It was shown that Diamond had Buffered greatly from a Jab In the eye, given with an umbrella In the hands of Marghulls. and had been confined for sev eral weeks In a local hospital. After being acquitted of a charge of vagrancy yesterday. H. L. McCormack muttered a most uncomplimentary mutter regarding ihe court officials, because they ordered him to cease living with a woman not his wife, and go to work. Judge Cameron, who has a faculty for hearing things spoken In his court, quick ly called upon McCormack to repeat what he had Just uttered, but McCormack de clined. He was locked up until the ad journment of court, at which time he was brought out and given to understand, in a few well-directed words, that, when he wished to speak In the courtroom, to ad dress his remarks to the Judge. "I don't propose to have anybody mutter things In my presence, about ruling, or .about anything connected with the court," said Judge-Cameron. Johnson, who runs a -saloon In the vicinity of the Lewls and Clark Ex position, was fined 523 yesterday by Judge Cameron, he falling to appear to answer, after having the case continued for sev eral days. Judge Cameron discharged H. Pfleldner, another Fairgrounds saloonkeeper, al though two policemen took the stand and declared under oath that he had kept open house many mornings until about 1:20 o'clock, when they would appear and order him to close. Judge Cameron said he thought there might be a mistake in the time of the officers, as the defendant claimed it was only 1:08 A. M.. and that he was only open once that late. Pfleldner also declared that a saloon di rectly opposite his has been running after hours, unmolested by the police. He made this statement In the presence of the two policemen, who denied 1L . . . A. Beimel, a blue-Jacket from th reve nue cutter. McCulIoch. engaged In a pistol duel with George Sullivan, a bartender, at Third and Oak streets late Wednesday night and was fined $23 yesterday. Sulli van was fined $20, and Fay Stevenson was finejl $5 for being drunk. She was with the'two men, and was said to' be the cause of the trouble. B. M. Smith yesterday appeared as private prosecutor In the case of Sadie Smith against Sadie Volght, and was much chagrined when Richard W. Mon tague showed by a witness that Attorney Smith recently gave strong testimony against Sadie Smith, his daughter-in-law. In the Circuit Court during divorce pro ceedings brought by young Smith. After hearing much testimony. Judge Cameron continued the case, warning the belliger ents to cease quarreling. Mrs. Volght said. Bhe would immediately move to es cape Mrs. Smith. A. Connelli was fined $10 for using abusive language toward J. C Stuart, a publisher. It was shown that ConnellL applied most vile epithets toward Stuart. Judge Cameron declared the language used was outrageous and disgraceful, and swld that another complaint would well He against Connelli, but none was filed. FOR TICKET -SCALPING. Three Men Are Arrested for Viola tion of the Law. Three arrests of alleged violators of laws governing the sale of railroad tickets and keeping of establishments where tickets are sold were made late yesterday afternoon by the police. All of the prisoners were taken into cus tody on warrants issued out of the Municipal Court at the request of Ar thur C. Spencer, of the legal staff of the O. R. & X. Company. The most noted of the trio under ar rest is H. G. Caspars. He is held un der two charges. One is conducting an establishment where railroad tickets are sold and the other Is selling rail road tickets contrary to law. He was recently found guilty of these offenses in St. Louis and was fined. He came to Portland with Hugh A, Testard, who was also fined In St. Louis, and they entered business together. W. H. Stance was the second man ar rested, and he was booked on a charge of selling railroad tickets .contrary to law. E. H. Ankerson was the last of the trio. He Is charged with the same offenses as Caspary, and he is Cas pary's partner. The office of the al leged scalpers is near the Union Depot All were released upon payment of $50 cash ball. The information upon which the com plaints were issued Is that "William Hanson, who recently reached here from the East, sold a return-trip ticket to them and purchased an unused return-trip ticket to another point. At the time Hanson had trouble over money matters with the alleged scalp ers and caused the arrest of. Caspary and Ankerson. The case fell through because Hanson got his money back and did not wish to remain here and prosecute. WILL INSTALL OFFICERS Commissioner Kllbcy, of Salvation Army, AVill Arrive Today. Commissioner George A. Kllbey, com mander of the Salvation Army forces in the West, whose headquarters. are in Chicago, will arrive in Portland to day. The commissioner Is of world wide reputation among Salvation Army workers, and Is deputy roir-mander to Miss Eva Booth, who visited Portland -several weeks' ago. He is visiting the largo cities of the West in connection with the big changes of hifeh officials of the army In the Western territory and the rearrangement of tho boundary lines of the ar!ous divisions. Owing to the growth of the Salva tion Army In the Northwest it has been found necessary among the army leaders to form a new province, with headquarters In Portland, consisting of the states of Oregon. Washington, Idaho. Montana and Wyoming, and In connection with this the commissioner is Installing Brigadier and Mrs. "W. F. Jenkins as the new provincial officers, the said Installation meeting taking place in Spokane, Seattle and Portland. An officers' council has been arranged for tonight and tomorrow night a great rally of officers and soldiers vIIl take place. The Installation meeting and welcome will take place Sunday SWIMMING CLUB FOR BOYS Judge Frazer "Will Organize One lu South Portland. Judge Frazer will meet with boys of South Portland this afternoon in the vicin ity of Jones' sawmill, on the beach, and organize a swimming club and make ar rangements to build a bath-house. The bath-house at the foot of North Seven teenth street Is nearlng completion. Judge Frazer and residents of Monta vllla have organized two boys baseball clubs at that place And furnished the boys with bats and balls, and uniforms are to follow. This will break upcvil practices which have been going on In that neigh borhood, such as breaking windows in vacant houses and raising disturbances. The boys have promised to stop smoking cfgarcttes and stealing cherries. The storekeepers "who have been .selling the cigarettes to the boys will be prosecuted. A Summer camp for poor boys will be established at Seaside. About 100 boys will be taken there In lots of 23 each, and the camp will be alternately in charge of Judge Frazer, his clerk. Marlon Johnson, and Officer H. H. Hawley. Judge Llndsey, of Denver, the most prominent Juvenile Court Judge in the country, "will attend the meeting In Port land of the Convention of Charities and Correction, and will preside over the Ju venile Court branch. Ti WATCH THE. CROWDS GO To Seaside and Gcarhart Via the . A. & C. R. Ii. The great rush is on for $2.50 two-day tickets fold every Saturday and $4 season tickets sold every day. Train leaves Union Depot 8 A. M. dally and 2:30 P. M. every Saturday. Apply at 248 Alder street or phone Main 906 for official information. Clatsop Beach souvenir book containing SO beautiful half tone illustrations free to everybody upon application at above address. Tickets sold at Union Depot. MEIER & FRANK STORE Toilet Articles "White's Tooth Powder 16 Vestal Complexion Soaps; 3 cakes in box, best odors; box.'.. .. .19 35c celluloid, horn and hard rubber dressing Combs; great value at, each 28 "Purity" Violet Cream, removes sunburn and tan 12 New shipment of mounted Combs, 100 styles; grand values at, each, 25c to $5.00 Graduated Turquoise and Pearl Bead Necklaces, up from 25 Sterling silver Hatpins, beautiful as sortment at, each ... ..25i Stationery Specials Rose Cit Souvenir Paper, every sheet imprinted with a beautiful rose; best grade linen paper, box 506 Crepe Paper, all colors roll....T Paper Napkins, hundred 10c to 35 Just received all the latest shapes in Hurd's fine linen lawn papers. Coat and Pant Hangers, 5c, 10c 15 Meier & Frank Store's 8 13th Friday Surprise Sale 1 0,400 Pairs "Onyx" Hosiery for Women and Men Values to $2.00, 49c Pr. 50c, 75c Values at 32c Pr. Today's stupendous Hosiery Sale Is of great im portance to women and men Thousands of; pairs of high-grade "Onyx" Hosiery at prices far below regular value The women's lot in- cludes over 5,400 pairs of plain black gauze lisle, black allover lace, lace boots, lace boots with embroidered ankles All new, desirable colors Tans, blues, dresdens, French blue, Paris tans, biscuit shades, champagnes, mandarin, green, white and opera shades Altogether the grand est hosiery bargain you have ever been invited to share in AH sizes Values from 75c A g to $2.00 a pair Your choice, pair Men's 50c and 75c "Onyx" Hose 32c Pr. Thousands o pairs of men's imported Lisle Hosiery every pair the famous "Onyx" brand, plain tans, blacks and peacock blues, fancy tans, blues, jacquards and fancy embroidered Hosiery, lace effects, etc.; all sizes, pair 32 See Fifth-Street Window Displavs Today. T& MEIER & FRANK STORE Gf feat Sale of Wallace "1835 Silverware Teaspoons, set of 6....... .$1,29 Dessert Spoons, set of 6. $2.10 . ... Tablespoons, set of 6 $2.25 Regular value $3A00. set. Medium Forks, set of 6 $2.10 Regular value .$2:50 set. Dessert Forks, set of 6 $2.25 Regular value $3.00 set. Sugar Spoons -for, each? 43 Sugar Spoons, gilt bowl 49 Butter Knives for, each..... .43 Cream Ladles, plain bowl o9 Cream Ladles, gilt bowl, T9 Beef Forks, 50c value 43 Cold Meat Forks, each .63 Pickle Forks at, each 49 Jelly Knives for, each ...72 Cake Forks for, each, 98fc Gravy Ladles for, each... 76 Salad Forks, $1.65 value $1.39 Berry Spoons, plain bowl. .. .98 $1.60 Berry Spoons, gilt bowl $1.39 Bathroom Supplies Special Priced Nickel-plated Towel Bars, 15 inches long, each 12 15-inch Nickel-plated Towel Bars, regular 35c values, for. . .28 24-inch Nickel-plated Towel Racks, regular .$1.00 values, for.79 Nickel-plated Toilet-Paper Holders for, each 8& Nickel-plated Glass-Holders, 8 each; Tooth Brush Holder. 12 Nickel-plated Soap Dishes, 19; $1.15 Robe Hooks 98 20 PER. CENT REDUCTION ON ALL REFRIGERATORS Choose today and tomorrow from our entire stock of "Gur iiey" and "La Belle" Refrigerators at 20 per cent reduction from regular prices; all sizes. Best models included. Basement. Handkerchiefs "Women's all pure linen, demi-laun-dered, hemstitched Handkerchiefs, embroidered and Swiss scalloped edges; regular 25c vjil. for 12y2 Women 's and children's all linen Handkerchiefs, -inch hem; regu lar 10c values for 5 "Women's fine Swiss hemstitched and scalloped edge Handkerchiefs, very best styles; regular 40c and 50o values, on sale for 18 Great Sale of Women's Neckwear Women's fancy Chiffon Stocks, bows and accordion-plaited fan effects with a touch of brown, light blue and pink; our best $1.50- tf $1.75 values, for.P Pongee, Rajah and Taffeta Silk Scarfs, light and dark shades, embroidered ends, 65c and 75c values, on sale for low price of rr C Linen Collars new styles. Black figured Silk Keiser Stocks, tailored effects, for wear with turnover collars, also fancy braid and headed styles: 65c, 75c and Afffs 85c values, for C Plain Silk Ties with hemstitch ed ends, Persian, Roman and polka-dot striped effects, $1 and $1.25 values, Ort for this price O-rC New Turnovers just received. 2400 Women's Vests at 9c Each I 'I For today's selling we offer an other great lot of 200 dozen women's vests, mill seconds, at a price rid icnlously low Imper fection in garments is so slight that the experienced eye would have difficulty in detecting it jWhite Richelieu rib vests Low j neck, no sleeves Sizes 4, 5, 6 and a few 8 A duplicate of the 100-dozen lot we sold out three weeks ago yesterday in four hours Your choice 9c WOMEN'S KNIT UNDERWEAR SPECIALS "Women's Union Suits, harid-crocheted yoke, knee-length, lace trimmed. Summer weight; our best $1.75 values, in j all sizes, on sale today at this low price Women's fine ribbed white Vests, high neck and quarter- i a sleeve, all sizes; 25c value, for today at I "C Women 's Richelieu rib Vests, low neck, no sleeve or quar- 10 ter-sleeve, all sizes; 25c value, on sale today at OC Men's Outing Suits for $1235 Each Great week-end sale of Men's All-Wool Outing Suits About 90 garments secured from a well-known maker at a big concession from the regular price- Single or double-breasted styles, fancy cheviots, tweeds, homespuns and gray worsteds AH this season's manufac tureSuits the exclusive clothier would ask you $18 for you can buy here today for $12.35 All sizes perfect fit guaranteed. Men's all-wool Outing Suits of tne finest quality fancy ohevlots, tweeds, homespuns; double breasted styles; suits the exclusive clothier would usk you 520 for; our price , . during this sale 3I3.0J White Military Duck Trousers, on sale for, per .pa,r v.; uo atd White Flannel Trousers of fine cc Crt quality, per pair $J.JU $2 to $3 Wash Vests 89c 100 men's fancy double-breasted Wash Vests, de sirable styles In big- variety; all sizes; regular $2.00, 52.50 and 53.00 values; QO- on sale for, ech OzfC Headquarters for "Waiters' Supplies. Tuxedo or black alpaca Coats, white Vests, black Vests. Aprons, Shlrtfronts, white Ties, white Trousers, white Coats. Cooks' Caps etc Art Linens at One-Third Off Doylies, Center-Pieces and Scarfs of white Linen, square or round, Japanese embroidered on blue or white, big variety, values ranging from 75c up to $5.00 piece; your choice gff today at the big saving of O Leather Cushion Covers, tan, brown, red and green ; . C C J Oriental designs; regular $5.00 values, on sale for. Dresser Scarfs of white Swiss with lace insertion; great yr. special value for today at this low price Laundry Bags of red, green and blue ticking, special 19 Curtain Swiss 10c New Curtain Swiss, dotted, figured and striped. In splendid variety; regular 15c quality, on sale n today and tomorrow at. yd..UC 54-in. Brass Extension Rods. today at. each C Two and three-pair lots 'of Not tingham Lace Curtains, best pat terns. 46 to 54 Inches wide. 3 and 3 yards long; great value at 31.00 Curtain, prr pair .7S Jl-'VO Cnrtalnn, per pair JRS 2-20 Curtntu per pair f l.TS 20 Curtains, per pair $1.79 75c RIBBONS 39c YARD High-grade, fancy print, all-silk Taffeta Ribbons. 5 to 7 inches wide, satin taffeta polka dots and stripes, fancy Roman ribbons, etc This season's very best styles for sashes, dress trimming, neckwear and millinery purposes: 50c n and 75c value, yard 3irC MEN'S 50c FOULARD SILK TIES AT 29c EACH Men's new Silk English Foulard Four-In-Hands, a great special purchase from a prominent New York manufacturer: made of fine quality silk, reversible style, an immense assortment: navy blue grounds. white dots. figures, scrolls, allover patterns: also white ground with navy blue dots, figures and scroll designs; every tie In the lot regular 50c 0 value: buy all you want at..l?C MEN'S SHIRTS AT 63 c E A. Men's handsome new Golf Shirts, plaited bosom: Immense assort ment of patterns: light stripes and figures: also dark gray and blue stripes: one pair cuffs to match; Shirts that bring 51.00 in almost every store !;i town, all sizes, each OJC $9.00 Mohair Skirts at $6.45 Each Today great special offering of 50 handsome new mohair Walking Skirts in bine, black and white, made with I3-gore pleats Also 7 gore with tailored strapping and folds Also 9 gore with panel flounce All this season's very best styles that we have sold hundreds of regularly at nine dollars each. $6.45 Your choice of this lot of 50 today at the low price of, each Magnificent lot of new White Suits just received By Express Women's Long Coat Tight-Fitting Wool Suits Just received by express two great shipments of women's long coat, tight-fitting walking suits-of the very latest mod els and materials Stripes, checks, broken plaids, tweeds and worsteds Some with detachable pique collars and cuffs Weights suitable for present wear Skirts kilted Handsome traveling costumes Splendid variety Prices from $20 to $32 Bargains m Tailored Suits Blouse, jacket and Eton styles in Panama Cloths, Broadcloths, Cheviot, Covert, Serge and Shep herd "Worsteds, in navy, brown, green, black, tan, gray and fancy checks ; blouses fancy gimp and braid-trimmed; skirts flounce-plaited or flared styles. $16.50 Suits for 9.45 $22.50 Suits for $12.65 $32.00 Suits for $17.45 $18.00 Suits for $10.25 Suite for! '. Jlt'll 35-00 Sllits for": 19 25 $20.00 Suits for $11.45 $io!oO Suits for! . .$16.95 $40.00 Suits for $22.85 Carpet Remnants AT LOW PRICES J00 remnants of Brussels. Tapestry. Ax mlnpter and Wilton Velvet Carpets, very best patterns and colo'rlngrs, i to 2-yard lengths, srreat special valueH at 30c up to S1.75 piece. Suitable for Rugs. Third Floor. Women's $3.00 Oxfords $1.89 Pair 900 pairs of women's low Shoes in tan, chocolate, patent leather and vici kid, this sea son's leading models In all sizes and widths Great majority ! of the lot regular $3.00 valnesToday the greatest Oxford J bagains of the season at this exceptionally tf 1 Q low price P 400 pairs of women's lace Shoes in patent leather and vici kid, heavy or light soles, this season's leading styles, all sizes, $3 values, yonr choice ... MEN'S $3.50 SHOES $2.79 PAIR. 900 uairs of Men's tan and rjatejat leather welt Oxfords, sizes 6 11 ; every pair standard $3.50 value ; your choice to- tf y 70 day and tomorrow only at this unusually low price. . -7 - Big shipment of "Women's white canvas Oxfords just received; all sizes and grades ; white Oxfords for Misses ; colored canvas Ox fords for "Women and Misses ; white canvas Shoes for "Women, Misses and Children. - $1.89 to $12.00 Trimmed Hats at $4.98 Each Sweeping reductions in the millinery department prior to the departure of the buyer late this week Entire stock at the most tempting prices of the year 90 high-class trimmed hats, turbans, Maxine Elliotts, broad brim sailors, etc., wing trimmed, flower trimmed, m aline trimmed; handsome crea tionsAll this season's headgear Up to $ 1 2 A qa Choice today at this marvelously low price $ 70 $30.00 Hats for $10.00 Each Choice of 70 magnificent Pattern Hats; Paris, London and New xork models; beautiful creations for dress and evening wear; the most attractive headgear m the city ; values up to $30 each, on sale at the ridiculously low price of. . New Silk Pongee bailor Hats at, each $1.50. New arrivals in Duck Hats at 25 to 2.50 each. $ 1 0.00 25c Wash Goods 15c Yard 1500 yards of beautiful new fancy Etamlnes and Voiles for Summer waists, skirts and suiting: v.ry best patterns and colorings; regular 20c and 25c quality, today at, yard IDC 1000 yards of white mercerized Walstlng-, very prettiest patterns and ef fects, that have sold regularly at 30c and 40c the yard, on sale i today at the very low price of, yard JOC Imported India Dimities, In large assortment of new styles, and j extraordinary value for this sale at, yard... ..1C Burnett's Vanilla T Pur. Twul