Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 14, 1905, Page 15, Image 15

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City Creameries Mark Prices
" ? Up One Cent.
Conditions In the Err Market Yel
low Crawfords Arrive From
California Melons Plen
tiful, but Firm.
BUTTER City creameries advance
quotations 1 cent. Front etroet prices
EGGS Good demand for both Oregon
and Eastern.
POULTRY Nearly all. lines clean up.
FRUIT Car of Early Crawfords ar
rive. Melon In full supply but firm.
VEGETABLES Cabbage eeld for
Northern shipment.
MEATS Veal In better demand, perk
steady and beef and mutwn dull.
HOPS More -satisfactory undertone
to market.
The butter market Is again eomewhat mixed.
The city creameries advanced their quota
tion one cent yesterday, but on Front street
ao change was made and ln-fact the market
there was quoted even duller In seme quarters
than usual.
One of the city creamorles led off -with the
new price of 224 cents and the others soon
followed 6ult. though orae of thom did It un
willingly! The . leader In the movement re
ported an Increased demand and a falling
oft in cream receipts as the cause of the ad
vance. Irs competitor had no such report
to make, 'declaring the local trade was still
slow and the jpply of cream no shorter
than In previous week. Reports from the
country certainly Indicate a drying up of pas
tures and a decrease In the upply of milk,
but as a butter man stated It, "the drying
of the grass Is reducing the milk, but in
creasing Its richness, which make the avail
able supply of cream as large as It was be
fore." At any rate, the market has jjono
up a peg and la likely to stay there until
It advances again, which will probably be
about the first of next month.
On Front street there is no material dif
ference In the sire of stocks. Some firms
are carrying less and others more than last
week. All unite In pronouncing the local
movement slow.- The surplu Is still being
worked off on the Sound and now that the
San Francisco market has advanced, it may
be still easier for local dealers to market
their excess stock In the North. Front street
quotations on -fancy creamery range from
20621U cents with oft grade selling down
to IT1; cents.
Straight Car .Received From California
Melons Abundant "but Firm.
The arrival of a car of Crawford peaches
relieved the rtraln on Front street caused by
the scarcity of orchard fruits. Some of the
lot was,' -overripe, but the -majority Was In
ijne condition. The fruit brought 85 cents
to SI .a box. A good-sized shipment of peach
plums came In from The Dalles and cleaned
up quickly, at 73ftS5 .cents. A few email
lota of other local fruit" were received.
.Four Cars of Fresno watermelons were re
ceived and three more will be in today,
some of. which, were in a wreck. The melon
market Is firm as the hoU weathor In Cali
fornia did much damage to the crop. A
car of --cantaloups that reached town in
the morning was sold as fast as the crates
could be delivered. ,,
The sale' Of Of -a car of Flat Dutch cabbage
for shipment to the North was reported. Ear
ly wlnningstadt cabbage was more plentiful
and was quoted at 11U cents. Other vege
tables were unchanged.
Chickens .Sell Readily.
There was a good demand for chickens yes
terday and the large receipts sold oft well.
Hens brought 124C13 cents. Springs weigh
ing 114 to 2 pounds were quoted at 16 cents
and were. In strong request. Broilers brought
from one-half to a cent less. Fancy dressed
chlckons jld at from 1 to 2 cents over live
ones. Young ducks of the proper Hire were
firm at 15 cents and old ducks were worth
about 13. The market for geese is quiet
when the weather Is warm. Turkeys move
well when, in good condition.
Veal In Better Demand.
There was a fair demand for. dreeeed veal
yesterday at 647 cents, but the knowledge
that there were plenty of calves in the coun
try that uhlppers were only waiting for a
chance to send in prevented the market from
kshowlng much flrmnoss. There was inquiry
For good solid pork weighing from 90 to ITS
ounds. or a little over at 74 cents. Drefeed
mtton and beef are very dull.
Hop Market Is Steadier.
The hop market was quiet yesterday. A
few small sales were reported, but there
"war no life to the market. Growers are
not showing" the anxiety to dispose of their
goods that they did a short time ago, doubt
less being influenced by the likelihood of dam
age to the home crop. This withdrawal on
their part has given more fteadlness to the
market than it has had for some time.
Very few dealers will -confess to having or
ders, but .thos-e who do report that it is
very hard to fill them.
Conditions in Egg- Trade.
The egg market was quoted steady in
some quarters yesterday, and firm in others.
Oregon eggs were not very plentiful and
generally .said at 2L cents, though some sales
at 20 were reported. There !? still a fair
supply of Eastern eggs on hand and more
available. They are quoted at 20 cents.
Bank Clearingi.
Bank clearings- of the Northwestern cities
yesterday wore as follows:
Clearances, Balances,
Portland $741,405 $93,678
Seattle . L30S.40 301.116
Tacoma 542.048 94. 864
Spokane 467,931 52,103
Grain, Flour. Feed. Etc
FLOUR Patents. $4.50 5.10 per barrel;
straights $4 4.25; clears, $3.75(24: Valley.
$3.004.25: Dakota hard wheat, $0.507.50:
Graham, $ 3.504; whole wheat, $4 4.23; rye
flour, local, $5; Eastern. $5.805.t)0; corn
meal, per bale. $1.90 2.20.
WHEAT Club. 82S3c per bushel; blue
stem. SOfiOOc: Valley. 85c
BARLEY Feed. $21.50 22 per ton; rolled.
OATS No. 1 white, feed, $29 per ton;
gray. $29.
MILLSTTJFFS Bran, $19 per ton; mid
dlings, $24.50; shorts. $21; chop. U. S..
Mills. $19; linseed dairy feed. $18; Acalfa
meal. $18 per ton.
CEREAL FOODS Rolled oats, cream, 90
pound sacks, $6.75; lower grades. $506.23;
oatmeal, steel cut, 5Q-pound sacks. $S per
barrel; 10-pound sacks, $4.25 per bale; oat
meal (ground), 50-pound sacks. $7.50 per
barrel: I0-pound sackg. $4 per hale; split
peas, $5 per 100-pound sack; 25-pound boxes,
L40; .pearl barley. 54.25 per 100 sounds: 25-
pound boxes. $1.23 per box; pastry flour. 10
pound sacks. $2.50 per bale.
ax -Aimotny. $I4Q1g per ton: ciover. n
612; grain. $11012; cheat, $11 312.
Vegetables, Fruit, Etc
DOMESTIC FRUITS-Apples. table, $1,503
2.50 per rwx; new, $1.5031.75 per box; apri
cots. f0c$1.25 per crate; peaches. S5c41
per crate; plums. 7S85c per crate; 'LcEsn
berries. $1.25 per crate; blackberries. S&
10$ per pound: cherries. 7124c rr pound;
cantaloupes. $2.75 Q 3 crate; pears. $2.50 per
box; currants. 6c per pound; prune. 5060c;
raspberries, 6c per pound, watermelons, 1A;
2c per pound; grapes. $2 per box.
TROPICAL FRUITS .Lemons, choice.
$5(f6; oranges, navel, fancy. $2.5002.75
per box; choice. $202.50; standard. $1,509
1-75: Mediterranean sweets. $2.50 Q 2.75 f Va
lanclas. $3.253.75; grapefruit, $2.30(53 per
box; bananas, Sc per pound; pineapples, $2.50
per dozen.
FRESH VEGETABLES Artichokes. 50c
dozen, beans. l4c per pound: cabbage, 1
lUc per pound; cauliflower. 75690c per dozen;
celery. 90. per dozen; corn, 20325c per dozen;
cucumbers. 400c per dozen; egg. plant. 174c;
lettuce, hothouse. 25c per dozen; lettuce, head,
10c per aozen; parsley. 25e per dozen; peas. 2
5c per pound; peppers. 25c per pound; rad
ishes, 108512c per dozen; rhubarb, 14 24c
per pijad; tomatoes. $1.7594 per crate;
squash, 5c per pound.
ROOT VEGETABLES Turnips. $1,230
1.40 per sack; carrots. $1.2301.50 per sack:
beets $11.23 per sack; garlic. 124c per
ONIONS California red. f 1.23 per hun
dred; yellow. $1.73.
POTATOES Oregon, new. 75c$1.10; Cali
fornia, new, $1.1091.25.
RAISINS Loose Muscatels. 4-crown, 73c;
3- layer Muscatel raisins, 74c; unbleached.
eeedJes Sultanas. 6?ic; London layers. 3
crown. whole boxes of 20 pounds, $1.83; 2
crown. $1.73.
DRIED FRUITS Apples, evaporated 60
64c per pound; sundrled. tacks or boxes,
none; apricots. 10llc; peaches, flfclo'ic;
pears, none; prunes. Italian, 4 03c; French,
243c; figs, California blacks. Be; do
white, none: Smyrna. 20c; Fard dates, 6c;
plums, pitted. 6c.
Bnltcr, Errs, Poultry. Etc
BUTTER City creameries: Extra cream
ery. 224c per pound: state creamerler:
Fancy, creamery. 174 214c; store butter.
EGGS Oregon ranch. 2021c per dozen;
Eastern. 19tT20c
CHEESE Oregon full cream twins. 11
114e; Young America, 12 ft 12 Vic.
POULTRY Average old hens. 124lSc:
mixed chickens. 120124c; old roosters, 9I0c:
young roosters. ll12o; Springs, 14 to 2
rounds. l.4'16c; 1 to 1 pounds. 16154e;
dreet chickens. 1314c; turkeys, live. 18
19c; turkey, choice. 20224c; geese, live,
per pound. 746 Sc; geese, drepeed, per pound,
9i?10c; ducks, old, 13c: ducks, young, 15c;
pigeons.. $lgl.25; squabs. $262.50.
Groceries, Nuts, Etc.
COFFEE Mocha, 20028c; Java ordinary.
18p22e; Costa Rica, fancy. 18 20c; good.
lOfelSc; ordinary, 1012c per pound; Co
lumbia roast, cases. 100s. $13.75; 50c, $13.75;
Arbuckle. $14.73; Lion, $14.75.
RICE Imperial Japan No. 1. 45.374; South
ern Japan, $3.50: Carolina. 34c; brpken
head. 2?ic.
SALMON Columbia River. 1-pound talis.
$1.75 per dozen; 2-pound tails. $2.40; 1-pound
fiats. $1.85: fancy. l14-pound flats. SI.S0;
4-pound flats. $1.10; Alaska pink 1-pound
talis. S5c; red. 1-pound talis. $1.30; cockeyes.
1-pound talis, $1.65.
SUGAR Sack basis, 100 pounds: Cube,
$5.65; powdered. $5.40; dry granulated.
$5.30; extra C. $4.80; golden C, $4.70; fruit
tugar. $5.30; advance over sack basis, as fol
lows: Barrels. 10c; half-barrels. 25c; boxes.
50c per 100 pounds (Terms: On remittance
within 15 days, deduct Uc per pound; If
later than 15 days and within 30 days, de
duct Vic per pound; no discount after 30
days.) Beet sugar, granulated. $5.20 per
100 pounds: maple sugar, 15018c per pound,
SALT California. $11 per ton. $1.60 per
bale; Liverpool, 50s, $17; 100s. $16.50; 200s,
$16; half-pound. 100s. $7; 50s. $7.50.
NUTS walnuts. 13ic per pound by pack, lc
extra for less than sack; Brazil nuts, 15c;
Alberts. 14c; pecans, jumbos. 14c; extra large,
15c; almonds. L X. L.. 16ic; chestnuts, Ital
ians. 15c; Ohio, $4.50 per 23-pound drum: pea
nuts, raw. 74c -per pound; roasted, 8c; plne
nut. 10124c; hickory nuts. 7c; cocoanuts.
7c: cocoanuts. 35690c per dozen.
BEANS Small white. 34-4c: large -white.
34c; pink. 34334c; bayou. 44c; Lima, 6ic
Hops, Wool, Hides, Etc
HOPS Choice 1004. 16919c per pound.
WOOL Eastern Oregon average best, 193
21c: lower grades, down to 16c. according to
shrinkage; Valley. 25627c per pound.
MOHAIR Choice, 31c per pound.
HIDES Dry hides. No. 1, 16 pounds and up.
1616sc per pound: dry kip. No. 1. 5 to 10
pounds. ll15c per pound; dry calf. No. 1,
under" 5 pounds. 1718c; dry salted, bulls and
etags. one-third less than dry flint: (culls,
moth-eaten, badly cut. scored, murrain, halr
clipped. weather-beaten or grubby. 23c per
pound lew); salted hides, steer, sound. CO
pounds and over. ft10c per pound; 00 to CO
pounds. 8469c per pound; under 50 pounds
and cows. 8g9c per pound; salted kip. sound.
15 to 30 pounds. 9c per round: salted veaL
jound, 10 to- 14 pounds, 9c per pound; calted
can, Eouna, uncer ju pounds, ioc per pound;
(green unsalted. lc per pound less; culls, lc
per pound less). Sheep skins: Shearlings, No.
1 butchers stock. 25630c each; short wool. No.
1 butchers stock. 4050e each: medium, wool.
No. 1 butchers stock. 008c; long wool. No.
1 butchers' stock. $1(51.50 each. Murrain pelt
from 10 to 20 per cent less or 1214c per
pound; horse hldvs, salted, each, according to
size. $1.5003; dry, each, according to size. $1
1.50; colts hides. 2550c each; goat eklnt,
common. 10615c each; Angora, with wool on.
25ffl.5( each.
TALLOW Prime, per pound. 3Vi'?4c; No. ,2
and create, 2'3c
FURS Bear skins, as to size. No. 1, $2.50
ffflO each; cubs, $102; badger. 23630c: wild
cat. with head perfect. 25050c: house cat.
561 0c; fox, common gray, 50070; red. $3
5; cross. $5fi?15; silver and black. $1008200;
fishers. $5f?6: lynx. $4.50&A: mink, strictly
No. 1. according to lze. $lfl2.30; marten,
dark Northern, according to size and color,
$1015; marten, pale. pine, according to lze
and color. 2.5O04; mukrat, large. lOJflSc;
t-kunk. 40Sf50c; civet or. polecat, 5010c. otter,
large, prime fkln. JfltflO; panther, with head
and claws perfect. $203: raccoon, prime. 309
50c; mountain wolf, with head perfect, $3.50
(25; coyote, G0$1; wolverine. $6QS; beaver,
per skin, large. $506; medium. $304; smalL
$101.50; klt. 50075c.
BEESWAX Good, clean and pure, 20022c
per tvound.
CASCARA SEGRADA (Chlttam bark)
Good. 34c per pound.
GRAIN BAGS Calcutta. 707&C
Provision and Canned Meats.
HAMS 10 to 14 pounds, ISHc per pound;
14 to 16 pounds; 13t-c; 18 to 20 pounds,
13&c: California (picnic). 9c; cottage hams,
9e; shoulder!1. lc: boiled ham, 21c; boiled pic
nic ham. bonelCHS, 15c.
BACON Fancy breakfast, 15e per pound:
standard breakfast, le'ifcc; choice. 15c; Eng
lish breakfast, 11 to 14 pounds, 14c; peach
bacon, 13c.
SAUSAGE Portland ham. 18c per pound;
minced ham. 10c; Summer. choice dry.
17fec; bologna, long, ltic; welnorwurst, 8c;
liver. 6c; pork. 9e: blood. 5c; headcheese, 6c;
bologna sausage, link, 4c,
DRY SALT-CURED Regular short clears.
9?c ealt, 10Uc icnoked: clear backs, SVso
9-jic; tubs, 9",c; 50s, 9Tc; 20s. 10e; 10s,
lOV1; 5s. 106e, Standard pure: Tlerceo.
8-4e; tubs, 9Vic; 50s. 9t,c; 20s. 9Vc; 10s,
9"-ic; 5s. 9?ic. Compound: Tierces, 6c;
tubs. 6Vc: 50s. 014c: 10s. 6ic; 5s. 6Tic.
PICKLED GOODS Pork, barrel. $18; half
barrels. $8.50; beef, barrels, $1; half barrels,
CANNED MEATS Corned beef, pounds, per
dozen. $1.25; two pounds. $2.35; six pounds,
$8. Roast beef flat, pounds. $1.25: two pounds,
none: lx pounds, none. Roast beef. tall,
pounds, none; two pounds. $2.35; six pounds,
none. Lunch tongue, pounds, none, two
pair, 10c smoked: clear bellies. 14 to 17
pounds average, none salt, none smoked;
Oregon exports, 20 to 25 pounds average,
10c salt, liajc emokctE
LARD Leaf lard, kettle-rendered: Tierces,
pounds, none; six pounds. $8.50.
Dressed Meats.
BEEF Dressed bulls, 102c per pound:
cows3U04"ic: country steers. 405c -
MUTTON Dressed fancy. 5c per pound:
ordinary, 4c
VEAL Dressed 73 to 125 pounds. 6407c:
125 to 200 pounds, 405c: 200 pounds and
up. 304c.
PORK Dressed, 100 to 150. 707jc: 150
and up. 7c per pound.
TURPENTINE Cases. 89e per gallon; bar
rels. S6c per gallon.
WHITE LEAD Ton lots. 7Uc: 600-pound
lots. 7c: lets than 500-pound lets. Sc.
GASOLINE Stove gasoline, cases. 23c:
Iron barrels. 17c; 86 dec. gasoline, cases, 22c:
Iron barrels or drums. 26c
COAL OIL Cases. 20c: Iron barrels. 14c:
wood barrels. 17c: 63 dec., cases, 22c: Iron
barrels. 15"c
LINSEED OIL Raw. 3-barrel lots, 62cr 1
barrel lots, 63c: cases. 6Sc Boiled: B-barrel
lots. 64c; 1-barrel lots. 63c: cases. 70c
Break in Cotton,
NEW YORK. July 13. The cotton market
showed weakness, with trading fairly active
and some excitement -during the late after
noon session, as the decline cached ftop
loss orders. The closing was within a
couple of points of the lowest, and barely
steady at a net decline of 30036 points, with
October quoted at 10.5Sc. or $3.75 a bale
lower than the high figure last Monday. July,
10.46c; August, 10.46c; September. 10.32c; Oc
tober, 10.5Sc: November. 10.62c; December,
10.65c; January. 10.69c; February. 10.71c;
March. 10.75c; April. 10.S0c; May. 10.82c
Dairy IVoduce In the East.
CHICAGO. July 13. On the Produce Ex
change today the butter market was steady,
creamer-. 160194c: dairies. l&01Bc.
Eggs, steady. 13c; firsts, 15Hc; prime 'firsts,
17c; extras, 19c
Cheese, steady, Si01OHc
Restraining Influence at Work
in Stock Exchange.
Careful Inquiry Throws Doubt on
Authority for Rumors of Divi
dend Increases, Circulated
on the Previous Day.
NEW YORK. July 13. The vigorous re
covery of yeeterday from the effects of the
sharp speculative liquidation of the day before
aroused brilliant hopes In the minds of a
professional element that the stock market
was to feel the benefit of the Improved tech
nical position resulting from the digestion
of profits and would be prepared to renew
the advance without serious obstacles. The
results, however, disappointed thee hopes and
offered an admonition that soma restraining
force exltts upon any Immediate, renewal of
unmeasured speculative operations.
What the restraining force may be does
not appear on the face of development, but
It Is conjectured in the neighborhood of the
Stock Exchange that the banking authorities
would be willing to secure a restriction on
the amount of fund?" borrowed for the pur
pose of speculative commitments In stocks
unUl other Autumn requirements on the
money market are better defined.
The market started off with something like
a rus htoday In continuation of the buoyant
movement at the close yesterday. The strength
thus shown was promptly taken advantage
of to realize profits by professional traders
who aecured holdings on the decline of Tues
day. This Impatience to turn o-er profits
was In itself discouraging to those hopeful
of an extended recovery.
More careful Inquiry served to throw doubts
on tho authority for some of the excited rumors
circulated late yesterday a to an intended
large distribution of surplus assets to North
em Pacific and Great Northern stockholder,
although It was sought in connection with
those rumors to revive' the whole series of
rumors regarding plans for a readjuttment
of Northern Securities holdings. The most
effective response today was In St. Paul and
Atchison. The response of Baltimore. & Ohio
to the Increase In its dividend rate was also'
a disappointment to the followers of the mar
keL It ir to be sure, according to nu
merous, precedents for a stock to react on
the publication of the news which was the
motive for its advance, but the immediate
precedent of the uninterrupted advance of
Reading after its dividend Increase had
aroused hopes of a new order of things. The
effect of the dividend action on Baltimore
& Ohio was seen, however. In Pennsylvania
and Norfolk & Western, which enjoyed a
season of etrength.
The July iron statistics failed to show any
of the revival of which there has "been talk
in stock market circles. In connection with the
recent strength of the steel industrials, but
the contemplation of prodigious figures of the
half year's production and consumption made
an Impressive lesson of the vast expansion
In this Industry a&i of the far-reaching In
fluence of this fact on the industry of the
whole country.
Weather reports from the crop regions sup
plemented the good effect shewn yesterday
from the Government crop report. The sus
taining Influences proved unavailing to hold
the market against the pressure on It and
last prices were near the lowest of the day.
A large proportion of the total business of
the day was done during the first hour.
The Japanese nnds were strong on ac
count of the Miocess of the euhscripUon to
the new Isssue of 4Hs. The bond market
as a whole was Irregular. Total sales. $2.
826.0J0. United States bonds were unchanged
on call.
Adams Expresn
Amalgamated Copper 56.900
Am. Car & Foundry 2,600
High, Low. bid.
"do preferred ......
American Cotton Oil
do preferred
Am er I can Express . . .
Am. Hd. & Lth. pfd.
American Ice
American Linseed Oil ...
do preferred
American Locomotive
do preferred .. .
Am. Smelt. & Refln.
do preferred ......
Am. Sugar Refining.
4,000 49H
111 1114
1154 H5H
8.200 117
800 119; 1194 1194
3.700 139H 13S4 1S4
Am. Tobacco pfd.... 200 97 3
Anaconda Mining Co. 2.100 10SH 10SH 107H
Atchison 34,400 8n 834 HGi
do preferred 1.100 lCJi- 1024 12
Atlantic Coast Line. 200 ICO 160 160
Baltimore & Ohio.. 43.600 115U 1HH 1144
ao preierrea .
Brook. Rapid Transit 11.000 704
08tL 00U
Canadian Pacific
4.S00 152U 151H 1515
Central of N. Jersey
Central Leather
do preferred
Chesapeake &. Ohio.
Chicago & Alton
do preferred
100 46
ywx 105
'3.100 54U
Chicago Gt Western 37.000
Chi. & Northwestern 2.900
Chf.. MIL & St- Paul 99.100 1S24 1794 181?i
Chi. Terra. & Transit ...
do preferred 10-5 40
C C C & St, X,
Colorado Fuel & Iron 300 47H
Colorado & Southern. 100 27H
do 1st preferred.... .....
do 2d preferred,... 300 38
Consolidated Gas 3,000 190
Corn Products 100 104
do preferred
1894 189
164 1H
V" zii:- -Is
Delaware & Hudron.
JW ISU IS94 153
Del.. Lack. & Wert. 1-00 3S5
Denver & Rio Grande 700 32
do prererr-d HO T
Distillers Securities. 300 414
Erie 19.900 47S
do 1st preferred.... 2.100 83U
do 2d preferred.... 1.S00 Ti
General Electric
Hocking Valley
Illinois Central
12.600 1704 19SK 367
International Paper..
oo prerrrea
International Pump.. .
do preferred ......
Iowa Central
200 S4 $04
do preferred , ......
Kansas City Southern 500
do preferred 2.900
2i 2-8U
Louisville & Nashv.. 3.800 1434 14S4 14S4
Manhattan L 600 165U lc. i
Mci. occunuw ..... 4, 4ia) JvJ 2
Metropolitan St. Ry. 10.700 1274 123 -I
Mexican Central .... 1.200 22 21K
Minn. & SU Louis
M-. St. P. & S. S. M. 200 1234 123
do preferred
Mlseouri Pacific .... 3.100 994 931
Mo.. Kaiu & Texas.
do preferred 400 G 63
.-auonai iac soo 4..U 45
Mex. Nat. R. B, pfd. -100 374 36; 37
New York Central... 6.700 3484 1474 147!
N. Y., Ont. & West. 400 :.2?i .VrX
Norfolk & Western.- 17.000 86i 63 S6
uu i'lTTi ri j m ...... ...... ..... , Qjii
North American 300 99 CS4 9Si
Northern Pacific .... 11,400 203 ins inc
Pacific Mail 500 44 43U 43t:
Pennsylvania 70.300 1434 I42H 142!
People's Gas 1 . 400 1034 iftsij 1041
- C k. & L, . T6
Pressed Steel Car... 700 404 40 305:
do preferred 200 944 944 94!
Pullman Palace -Car. 200 240U 240 239
Reading ............. 46.700 107U IO64 104S
do 1st preferred ...
do 2d preferred
Republic Steel 000
"do preferred l.fpOO
Rock Island Co 30.400
do preferred ...... 1.000
Rubber Good! 200
do preferred
St, T,. & S. F. 2d pfd. 800
St. Louis- Southwest. 100
do preferred
Southern Pacific
do preferred ..
iefeoo cr4 ws;
300 3174 1174 1174
Southern Railway.... 11.100
do preferred 100
Tenn. Coal & Iron.. 13.400
Texas & Pacific 400
Tol.. St. L. & Wect. 100
do preferred 100
union Pacific ..
do preferred .
.... 97.100 130i 3284 12S4
U. S. Express...
T7. S. Realty 400 904
U. S. Rubber l.loO 434
00 preierrea
U. S. Steel
do preferred ..
000 110
44.100 344
Vlcg.iCaro. Chemical 1.100
504 4 4
394 394 334
ao preierrea ......
do preferred O00
Wells-Fargo Express
westlngbouse Elect.. 400 1674 1674
v rirrij union ...... .HfJ
Hheellng & L. Erie. 100
Wisconsin Central... 400 24 234 234
do preferred ' COO 52 31 31&
Total sales for the day. 760.200 share.
NEW YORK. July 18. Closing quotations;
V. B. ret. 2s reg,1034jD. A R. G. 4s.. 1004
An ennrwin 1ft;(V V f? CS 3Via.
U. S. 3s reg..,.103HNor. Pacific 3s... 77
do coupon 104 iNor. Pacific 4s. ..106
U. S. new 4s rer-132H5So. Pacific 4s... 934
do coupon 13:f4jUnion Pacific 4s.l0.4
O. S. old 4s reg.104 IWIs, Central 4.. 94
do coupon 104 iJsd 6s. 2d series 99
Atchison Adj. 4s 97 iJap. 44s. cer... 814
Stocks at London.
Txixnov. Jui ia. Consols for moner.
90 5-16: consols for account. 904.
Anaconda 54!NorfoJtc &. West. $9
Atchison 89 I do preferred... 96
Hn nr,f,rri1 ..initHnnlilrin tc. West. 54-.
Baltimore & 0..11Si:PennsylvanIa ... 734
Can. Pacific 1564 Rand Mines 94
Ches. &. O
35U!RadIng 54 U
C at. Western. 204
do 1st prer 4H
do 2d pref 44
So. Hallway 314
An nref erred... 10 1!
C M. & SU P.. 184
D. & R, Grande
32 i
do preferred-
So. Pacific 664
Union Pacific. ...133.
do 1st nref . . .
do preferred... 101 4
do 2d pref . . . .
4 4
l . s. Meei Mi
Illinois Central. 173 4 " do preferred.. .1054
Louis. &. Nash.. 153 j Wabash 20
Mo.. Kas. Si T.. 294 do preferred... 42
N. Y. Central. ..132 .'Spanish Fours... 914
Meacr Exchange, Etc.
NEW YORK. July 13. Money on call
steady. 2024 per cent; closing bid. 24 per
cent; offered. 24 per u:ent. Time loans,
firmer; 60 days. 3634 per cent; 90 days.
34 per cent: six months. 4fj4U Per cent.
Prime mercantile paper. 4f?4U per cent.
Sterling exchange steady, with actual
business In bankers bills at -S4.S6S0JJ4.8GS5
for demand, and at $4.83104? 4.8515 for 60
days. Posted rates. 54.S34 ?-S6 and
f4.S74a4.SS. Commercial bills. $4,844-
Bar sliver. 594c,
Mexican dollars. 454c
Government bonds, steady; railroad bonds.
LONDON. July 13. Bar silver, steady.
?T?;.1M tvp niinr tnn,v 1 Si 1 U Mr cent.
The rate of discount In the open market for
short bills Is 14 per cent; the rate or dis
count In the ooen market for three-months
bills Is 1 13-16 per cent.
SAN FRANCISCO. July 13. Silver bars.
594c. Mexican dollars, nominal. Sight
draft. 5c: telegraph drafts. 74c Sterling.
60 days. 4.S54; sight. 44.874.
Daily Trc3ary Statement.
WASHINGTON. July 13. Today's Treas
ury statement shows:
Available cash balance S131.9S9.700
Gold 71.364.131
Freights Arc at a Standstill First
Arrival of New Grapes But
ter Market Is Firm.
SAN FRANCISCO. July 13. (Special.)-The
reaction following the recent, upheaval In
the local grain market continued. Wheat
and barley speculative prices had another and
more marked decline, with nothing more
than steadiness at the close. Cash barley
was easier on receipts of 1000 tons, but cash
wheat and oats were sustained as available
supplies were light. Feeditufis were steady.
Heavy receipts of hay are expected soon.
Grain freights are at a standstill, the high
prices asked for cereal preventing ahlppers
from paying asklnif rates for vessels.
The new feature of the fruit market was
the first arrival of Sultana grapes of the
season from Fresno In fair condlUon; with
ales at $1.4011.50. Fancy wrapped peaches
and peart, plums and gravenstejn apples were
in. good demand for shipment on tomorrow's
steamer for Puget Sound ports. Such stock
was in moderate supply and firm, but the
market was overburdened with poor frultp.
which sell low. Lemons and Valencia or
anges were In better supply, but prices were
well sustained.
Receipts of potatoes were larger. Fine
River Burbanks were in good demand and
firm. Small Salinas Burbanks sold at Jl
Early Rose and Garnets were easy. Onions
were generally easy. Receipts of tomatoes
were heavy. New Lima beans sold at 5fic
Strictly fancy butter and eggs were firm.
Lower grades were dult and easy. Cheese
was weak. Receipts, 65.400 pounds butter.
50.400 pounds chees. 28080 dozens eggs.
VEGETABLES Cucumbers. 75cgl: garlic,
2463c; green peas. 75c $1.25: string beans.
Ifi2c; asparagus, nominal; tomatoes, 35c
11.25; egg plant. 50c 8 1.50. .
POULTRY Turkey gobblers. 19821c: Toast
ers, old, 4.5065: do young. 46.5067.50; broil
ers, small. 41.50fi2.50: do large. 42.5O&3.50:
fryers. 4565.50: d6 young. 5586.50.
EGGS Store. 167317c; fancy ranee. 224c.
BUTTER Fancy creamery. 20c: creamery
(econds. 18c; fancy dairy. 19c; dairy seconds.
WOOL Spring. Humboldt and Mendocino, 23
J30c: Nevada. 16tf20c
MILLSTTJFFS Bran, 421621.50; middlings,
IIAY Wheat. 488 13: wheat and oats. $Sff
12; barley. 46g9: alfalfa. 6S?10; clover. 57Jf
10: stock. 4587; straw. 30630c per bale.
FRUITS Apples, choice. 41.25; common.
40c; bananas. 75cf3; Mexican limes. 47fl8;
California lemons, choice. 44; common. 42:
oranges, navels. 4333.50: pineapples, 4283.
POTATOES Early Roie. 50C&41.
CHEESE Young American. 104611c: East
em. 1B&1S4C.
UcatsofrommCIHqEM102 cmf shr nhrdldluu
RECEIPTS Flour. 24.617 quarter-saoks;
wheat. 13.153 centals; barley. 20.346 centals:
oats. 1S13 centals; beans. 2571 sacks; potatoes.
4427 sacks; bran. 5703 sacks: middlings. 253
sacks; bay. 783 tons; wool. 253 bales, hides.
Metal Markets.
NEW YORK, July 13. A continuance of
the speculative excitement In the London
tin market left prices there at 143 12s 6d
for spot and 142 12s Cd for futures. Lo
cally the market was strong In sympathy,
closing at 31.50e31.624c.
Copper was also higher abroad, closing at
66 2s 6d for spot anfl 66 7s 6d for futures.
The local market Is said to be attracting a
little better demand and prices ruled firmer.
Lake and electrolytic are quoted at 15
15.124c and casting at 14.75c
Lead was a shade higher at 13 12s 6d In
London, but remained steady at 4.50 g 4.60c
In the local market.
Spelter Joined In the general advance
abroad, closing at 24 5s. but was no more
than steady at 3.35!?5.40 In the New York
Iron closed at 49s 4d In- (Slasgow and at
43s 44d In Mldleaboro. Locally Iron was
unchanged. No. 1 foundry Northern Is
quoted at 16.256 10.50c; No. 2 foundry
Northern. 15.50 Q 16c; No. 1 foundry South
ern. 13.25035.75c; No. 1 foundry Southern
soft. 15.256 16c; No. 2 foundry fjmthern soft,
14.759 15c
Dried Fruit at New York.
NEW YORK. July 13. The market for
evaporated apples continues firm on bullish
crop advices. Common to good are quoted
at 4 4 to 54c; prime at 6c. choice at 64 6
7c: fancy. 74c
Prunes are without quotable change,
prices ranging from 33 6c. according to
Apricots, show no fresh feature. Choice
are quoted at 10104c: extra, choice, lie;
fancy. 12 15c.
Peaches are In moderate demand at recent
prices. Choice are quoted at 10&10Uc; ex
tra choice. 104104c; fancy. 114 612c
Raisins are quiet, but with supplies light
a moderate demand Is sufficient to Impart
a firm tone to the market. Loose Muscatel
are quoted at 446V4c; seeded raisins, 54
64c: London layers, 4161.15.
Ixmdon Wool Sales.
LONDON, July 13. Offerings at the wool
sales today amounted to 13,124 bales. Bid
ding was active and the buying was much
freer in all sections. Americans aecured fair
supplies of superior greasy, merinos and fine
light cross-bred. Prices were well maintained.
Wheat Market Depressed by
Prospects of Large Crop.
Price for Cash Grnln'at Kansas City
Breaks Three to Four Cents
ns a Result of the
Free .Movement-
CHICAGO. July 13, Weakness In wheat was
manifested on Initial transactions, the first
quotations of September being .oft 42i8Hc
at 85He to 85;ic. With practically nothing
to change the opinion that prevailed yester
day that a, large crop of both Winter and
Spring wheat was forthcoming, sellers were
much in evidence. Weather conditions were
favorable In moat partu of the country. With
no apparent support, the weakness of the mar
ket deepened as the session progressed. The
extremely liberal movement of new wheat in
the Southwest gave fresh encouragement to
bear. Receipts today at Kansas City and
St. Louis were 325.000 bushels, compared
with 45.000 bushels the corresponding day a
year ago. As a result of the free movement,
the price of cash wheat at Kansas City de
clined 3 to 4 cents a busheL Option prices
hero were materially affected by this sharp
break. At 844c the September delivery" here
touched the lowest point of the day. During;
the last hour of trading prices made a trub
etantlal rally on covering by shorts. The
general undertone, however, continued weak
until- the close. Final quotations on Septem
ber were 4c oft at S348S5sC
Weakness In wheat Induced free liquida
tion In the cam market. September closed
4c down at 544c
Improved weather and weakness of wheat
caused considerable profit-taking In the oats
pit. September rlojed 43Sc lower at 304
In spite of the weakness of grain markets,
provisions were firm the entire dar. SeDtem-
ber pork closed up 5?74c. lard was 74.cM
higher and ribs were up 5c
Opn. High. Low. Close.
July 4 ,894 4 .8t4 4 4 -884
September , .854 .854 .844 -S5
December 854 .854 -844 -854
July (old) 564 -564 .554 .564
July (new) 564 -54 -554 .56
SepL (old) 55i .554 .54S .354
Sept. (new) ;334 .554 .544 -54
Dec (oW) 4Si .484 -4S4 .4
July 32 .324
September 314 .314
December .1 314 .314
May 33 .334.
.324 .324
.304 .30
.314 .314
.324 .334
12.474 12.524 12.474 12.524
12.65 12.75 12.624 12.7U
October 12.70 12.824 12.70 12.774
July 7.024 7.05 7.024 7.024
September 7.124 7.20 7.124 '.174
October 7.20 7.25 7.20 7.25
July , I-?5
September 7.724 7.774 7.-4 ,7Js
October 7.774 T.824 7.774 7.824
Cash quotations were as follows:
Flour Steady.
Wheat-No. 2 Spring. 41.1031.13; No. 3. 41-03
31.10; No. 2 red. 91002c
Corn No. 2. 5646564c; No. 2 yellow. 5S4c
Oats No. 2. 324c; No. 2 white. 344c; No.
S white. 324?84Uc.
Barley Good feeding. 42g44c; fair to choice
maltlnr, 47fr40c
Flaxseed No. 1. 41.25; No. 1 Northwestern.
Ms pork Per barrel. 412.53tfl2.GO.
Lard Per 1C0 pounds. $7.0247.05.
Short ribs sides Loose, 47.557.65.
Short clear aidesBoxed. 47.7533.
Clover Contract grade. 412.75S13.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, barrels 22.7CO 10,000
Wheat, bushels 23.000 11.300
Corn, bushels 263,000 216.200
Oats, bushela 163.700 2S1.400
Rye. bunhels 1.000 ......
Barley, bushels 20.100 1.100
Grain and Produce at New York.
NEW TORK. July 13. Flour Receipts,
13.400 barrels: exports. 8200 barrels. Sales
41CO packages. Market dull and unchanged.
Wheat Receipts. 1000 bushels, sales 4.70O.
000 bushels of futures. Spot, easy; No. 2
red. 41 elevator; No. 2 red. 974c f. o. b.
afloat; No. 1 Northern Duluth. 41174 f. o.
b. attest; No. 1 Manitoba. $1,124 f. O- b.
affoat. With few exceptions', wheat was
weak and heavy all day except In the late
afternoon. Liquidation and short selling was
Impelled by bearish crop news, fine weather,
easier cables and Increased Northwestern ar
rivals. A final rally left the market only
414c net lower. July. 04V46054C closed at
044c; September. 80 3-lftQ904e. closed at
8&Sc: December. S9c4J004c closed at SO 4c.
Hope Steady.
Hides Steady. "
"Wool Firm.
Petroleum Quiet.
Grain at San 'Francisco.
SAN FRANCISCO. July 13. Wheat, strong
er: barley, steady. Spot quotations:
Wheat Shipping. $1.5031.55; milling. $1,374
Barley Feed. 4181.05; brewing, nominal.
Oats-red. 41.15fll.30.
Call board nales:
Wheat December. 41.-4.
Barley December. M4e.
Corn-Large yellow. $1,37431.424.
Minneapolis Wheat Market.
MINNEAPOLIS, July 13. Wheat July.
41.044: September, 004c: No. 3 red. 864c;
No. 1 hard. $1.104: No. 1 Northern. $L0S4;
No. 2 Northern. 41.05U.
Wheat at Liverpool.
LIVERPOOL. July 13. Wheat July, nom
inal; September, (la 04d; December. 6s &4d.
Wheat at Tacoma.
TACOMA. July 13. Wheat, lower; blue
atem. 86c; olub. 80c
Price Quoted Locally for Leading; lines
The following prices on livestock were
quoted yesterday In the local market:
CATTLE Best Eastern Oregon steers, 43.25
Sir 3.33; good cow.. 42 2.30; common cows.
41.50 1.75; calves, 125 to 150 pounds. 45;
200 to 250 pounds. 43.50 4.
HOGS Best large, fat hogs. 46.256.50:
block and China fat. 45.50 5.73; good feed
ers. 45.50.
SHEEP Best Eastern Oregon and Valley,
4363.23; medium. $2.75: lambs. $4.50.
Prices Carres t at Kansas City. Omaha and
KANSAS CITY. Mo.. July 13. Cattle
Receipts 6000; market 5c lower. Native
steers. $4.25 5.60; stockers and feeders.
42.73 4.50; calves, $3.255.50; Western fed
steers. 43.75 3.25; do cows. $3 4.25.
Hogs Receipts 6000; market 24 3c
higher. Bulk of sales. 43.474 5.524:
packers. 43.43 5.32 4; pigs and lights. $5.43
Sheep Receipts 4000; market steady to
shade lower. Muttons. $4.50 5.70; lambs.
407.33; range wethers. 45 5.70; stockers
and feeders. 41-50 5.
CHICAGO. July 13. Cattle Receipts
9000; market steady. Good to prime steers,
45.43 6.10; poor to medium. $3.75 3.30;
stockers and feeders. 42.50 4.40; cows. 42.65
4.75; heifers, 42.25 5.75; canners. $1.50
2.60; bulls. $24.15; calves, 43 6.50; Texas
fed steers. 44.25 5.10; Western steers $3.70
Hogs Receipts today. 22.000; tomorrow.
17.000; market steady to strong. Mixed
and butchers. $5.35 6 3.70; good to choice
Downing, Hopkins & Cot
Established 1893
Room 4, Ground Floor
heavy. 43.433.63: rough heavy. 4505.25
light. 43.453.70; bulk of sales, $5.4583.60.
Sheep Receipts 14,000; sheep and Iambs,
steady to weak. Good to choice wethers,
45.40S5.90; fair to choice mixed. 44.509
5.23; Western sheep. $4.75 3.90; native
lambs, 45$ 8.40; Western lambs. 46 8.30.
SOUTH OMAHA. July 13. Cattle Re
ceipts 3200; market slow, lower. NatUe
steers 43.72C5.50; cows and heifers, 433
4.63; Western steers. 43.25 4.73; canners.
$1.7302.85; stockers and feeders, 42.73
4.50; calves, $3.50423.53; bulls, stags, etc,
Hogs Receipts 8300; market 5c higher.
Heavy. $3.33 5.40: mixed. $3,374 3.40:
tight. $5..0.45; pigs. $43; bulk Of sales.
$3.374 03.40.
Sheep Receipts 6300: market strong.
Western yearlings. $5.75 0 6.50; wethers, $5
65.75; ewes, $465; lambs. 46.7307.73.
Mining Stocks.
SAN FRANCISCO. July 13. The official
closing quotations for mining stocks today
were as follows:
Alpha Con 4 -07'JustIce
$ .06
Andes 21
Belcher 10,
Best & Belcher.. 1.30
Caledonia ......
Challenge Con...
Con. Cal. & Va..
Crown Point
.OOlSeg. Belcher. .
1.45Slerra Nevada
.13 Silver Hill....
.S7l7nlon Con....'
Gould & Curry
.20 Utah Con
Hale Norcroas 1.53Yellow Jacket.
NEW YORK. July 13. Closing quotations:
Adams Con $ .30Llttle Chief $ .03
Alice 30 Ontario 4.00
Breece 23'Ophir 7.23
Brunswick Con.. .03Phoenlx 01
Comstock Tun... .OSjPotosl 11
Con. Cal. Sc Va. 1.40Savage 83
Horn Silver....'. 1.73 Sierra Nevada... .30
Iron Silver 3.15SmaIl Hopes 30
Leadvllle Con... .OOjStandard 1.25
BOSTON. July 13. Closing quotations:
Adventure $ 4.88'Mohawk 4 49.63
Am. Zinc.
27.23;Mont. C. & C. . 2.00
S7.23:01d Dominion. 24.30
9.00 Osceola 01.00
Cal. & Hecla..
Copper Range.
Daly West. . . .
Dominion Coal
Isle Royale...
Mass. Mining..
20.00 Tamarack . . . .
13.73IUnlted Copper.
Sl.OOjU. S. Mining...
9.30'U. S. OH
20.00 Victoria
Cause of Sugar Decline.
SAN FRANCISCO. July 13. A reduction
of 20c per 100 pounds in all grades of sugar
has been announced. The cut Is attributed
to the weakness of the raw sugar market,
the price of that article having recently
dropped 14c per pound.
The decline In raw sugar has been In a
measure caused by the excellent prospects
In Europe for a large Increase In the beet
eugar output, and the crop, which forms a
little more than one-half of the world's out
put, will come. Into the market In August.
Coffee and Sugar -NEW
TORK. July 13. The market for cof
fee futures clcsed steady at a net advance
of 5810 points. Sales were reported of 38.
500 bags. Including: July at 6.75c: August
at 6.80c: September at 8. 85 0.03c: October
at 6.95c;' December at 7.157.20c: March at
7.3037. 35c; Spot Rio. steady; No. 7 Invoice.
Sc: mild, steady.
Sugar Raw. nominal: fair refining. 34c:
centrifugal 96 test. 4c: molasse sugar. 34c;
refined, quiet: crushed, $6: powdered. 45.40;
granulated, 43.30.
Optimistic Outlook In Iron Trade.
CLEVELAND. July 13. The Iron Trade
Review this week begins the publication of
a series or interviews with prominent men
in the Iron and steel world on prospects of
business for the second half of the year
and the first half of 1906. The interviews
Indicate a moat optimistic feeling. The Iron
Trade Review In its summary of material
conditions this week reports that while plff
Iron prices are somewhat lower, thero Is
more Interest In these markets, while In fin
ished lines, particularly rails and structural
material, the heavy demand continues.
Wool at St. Lonla.
ST. LOUIS. July 13. Wool Steady: me
dium grades combing and clothing. 2631c;
light fine. 2127c: heavy fine. 1822c; tub
washed. 3242e.
Marriaxe Licenses.
John Sugar. 30; Helena Racz. 19.
Harry O'Brien. 31, San Francisco; Mary
O'Shaughnessy. 21.
George E. Olmstead. 37. Sacramento;
Ellrabeth E. Green. 34.
Henry E. Farmer. 36; Mary Schafer. 35.
At 460 North Twenty-second street. July
11. Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry
At Good Samaritan Hospital. July 11.
George R. Redlfer. a native of Missouri, aged
22 years. 4 months and 17 days.
At 665 Water street. July 10. Leo C. infant
son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Good, a na
tive of Portland, aged 1 year. 8 months and
25 days.
At SO East Sixteenth street North. July 11.
John Welch, a native of Mineral Point. Wis.,
aged 6S years. 9 months and 2S days.
At 723 Hawthorne avenue. July. 12. to the
wife of Peter Nemlss. of 3494 East Burn
side street, a daughter.
At 083 East Fourteenth street North. July
1. to the wife of John Peter Smith, a daugh
ter. At 801 East Tenth street. July 3. to the
wife of John Barbock, a son.
At 440 East Market street. July 10. to the
wife of Charles H. Davis, a daughter.
At 111 East Twenty-eighth street. July 4,
to the wife of Chester M. Hall, a son.
Building Permits.
Ell & Rost. repairs to dwelling-. West Park
street, between Salmon and Main. $35.
F. R. Zimmerman, dwelling. Multnomah
street, between East Twenty-first and Twenty-second.
William H. Wilson, earn, corner Mllwau
klo and Maple streets. $100.
M. J. Pollock, dwelling. East Thirty-seventh
street, between Hawthorne avenue and
East Clay. $600.
R. L. Adams, dwelling:. East Fourteenth
and Linn streets. $1000.
F. Hastings, dwellln?. Alblna avenue, near
Killlngswarth street. $1000.
Charles Ekstrand. dwelling. Idaho street,
between Virginia and Wisconsin, $1000.
Real Estate Transfers.
D. Goodsell and wife to W. Cava-,
naugh. lots 0 and 10. block 4. East
Portland Heights $ 300
W. L. Gardiner and wife to L. S.
Gardiner et al. lots 6-9 Inclusive,
32 and 33. block 11. Northern Hill.. 1
C. M. Butler and wife to E. P. Cald
well, lot 1 and north 16 feet lot 2.
block IS. Mt. Tabor Villa 6,000
G. C. Durham and wife to W. E. Gets,
lot 24. block 2. Salisbury Hill 950
College Endowment Association to A.
Gagne. lota 3 and 4. block 21. Col
lege Place.. 175
E. S. Fault to R. C. Kaiser, west
half lot 12 and east 124 feet lot 13.
block 3. Mead's Addition 2.230
H. Marco to S. Marco, lot 2. block
119. Graver's Addition 1.000
H. E. Noble and wife to A. E. Nlck
les. lot 6, block 17. Lincoln Park
Annex -. 1
M. E. Swlgert to J. H. Neff and wife,
lot 3, block 2. subdivision D," M.
Patton Tract... 350
E. L. Young to Portland Trust Com
pany, lots 4 and 5. block 15. Flrland. ' 1
Sheriff to Phoenix Land Company,
sundry lots and block First Elec
tric Addition 61
E. S. Fault to R. B. Richards, west
374 feet lot 13. block 3. Mead's Ad
dition 2,230
L A. Webb et al. to A, White, lot 4
and north 31.9 feet lot 3. block 6.
Pleasant View Addition 1.550
S. F. WTilte to L. C. Heldebeck. lot
6, block 2. Dent's Addition 350
D. Evans and wife to J. Hartman. lot
1, block 2. Evans Addition 650
J. M. Strowbridge and wife to B.
Hagedorn. lot 1, block 82, city.... 31.000
Chamber of Commerce
E. V. Sellwood to S. C Crouch.-lot 3.
block 60. Sellwood
W. Pole and wife to N. I. Croxford.
lot 5. block 15. Lincoln Park Annex.
E. L. Clarke et a I, to J. H. Brown,
part blocks 1 and 2. Ramona
Sheriff to H. Rosenfeld et al. lots 7
and 8. block 257. city
C, Dixon and wife to E. M. Mays, lot
24. block 14. Cloverdale Ex
M. Donovan to A. A. Whltcomb, lot
7. block 183. East Portland...
R. F. Patton et al. to M. Patton. lots
5-S Inclusive, block 6, M. Fatton's
O. H. Ashley and husband to J. K.
Graham et al. lot 6, block 4. Dunn's
4 J.llll.n
G. Shearer and wife to J. b. Harms.
lot 3. block 59. Sunnyalde Second
Addition .
E. Henderson to D. A. Morris, west
two-thirds lots 5 and 6. block 22,
McMlllen's Addition
The Portland A. B. Stlckney and wife. St.
Paul; G. Wallts and wife, Omaha; Dr.- II.
Sueve and wife. St. Paul: S. C Swift, San
Francisco; M. Schoenwald. New York; J. P
Cooper and wife. Chicago; H. E. Blood. New
York: A. W. Meyer. Chicago: A. C.
Churchill and wife. Newberg; J. E. Gardner.
Watsonvllle; Mrs. A. H. Harrison, Miss F.
Moor. Seattle; Mrs. J. F. Forbes. M. Forbes.
R. Forbes. Butte; A. P. Williamson. Paxton.
Cal.; T. T. Goodwin. New York; W. L.
Stonebreaker. St. Paul; M. Brandensteln and
wife. San Francisco: W. Stowe and wife,
W. E. Guerln, New York; J. F. Flege. San
Francisco: J. C. Hill and wife. F. D. Brad
ley and wife. Salt Lake; D. H. Dorman.
New York; W. W. Ersklne Miss Ersklne.
Miss Gibson. L. Eaves, Mrs. M. R. Smith.
Miss Doyle. Miss M. R. Ayden. San Fran
cisco; Miss G. Bushfield. Miss Robinson. Jer
sey City; Miss Duffey. New York; W. O.
Van Blarcon. Fall River, Mass.
Tfie Perkins A. Hodges, Prlnevllle; H. E.
Wecker, San Francisco; Mrs. J. W. Norris.
Mrs. J. L. WInans. Seattle; T. B. Montgom
ery. Goldendale; B. J. Ellis and wife. Rear
don. Wash.; Imus E. Wllloughby. Kalama.
Wash.; Edith Cushing. Warm Springs;
James T. J. Colllson. G. A.-Jackell. Dawson;
E. J. Bestlck. Detroit: C, E. Stevens and
wife. Seattle: J. N. McLean, Walla Walla:
C. H. Richardson. Pasadena. Cal.; J. W.
Spauldlng. Spokane; E. N. Hlnecllff. Colfax;
A. O. Drumhuller. Spokane; J. N. Tabor
and wife. Wallace; J. T. Davie. Spokane;
Charles Miller and wife. Forest Grove: Laura
E. Walker. St. Helens; Marv L. Small. Los
Angeles; Mlna Netherton. Gallatin. Mp.;
F. H. Colfltt and wife. Albany: H. E.
Schmidt and wife. Seattle: Dr. McCutcheon
and wife. Tacoma: J. T. Peters. Tho Dalle:
Charles W. Maler, San Francisco: A. J.
Tracy. M. D.. W. B. Williamson. William
E. Child. B. Bllderback. Boise. Idaho; Mrs.
M. C Nye, Prlnevllle; Mrs. J. B. Morrison.
Woodlawn. Cal.; C. W. Henderson. Ft.
Wayne:. H. Cowle. Minnie R. Collins, Se
attle: T. L.ttlehales. Dilley; J. R. Westfall
and wife. Bozeman. 5Iont.: W. P. White. Se
attle; R. G. Fishers and wife. London. Ont.;
Robert Harsha. G. B. Myers. Seattle: C. L.
Hubbard. Dallas; B. Hamilton. San Fran
cisco; E. G. Hunt. Aberdeen: A. S. Bliss.
Indianapolis. Ind.; S. 31. Downer and wife.
Miss D.-iwner. Kansas City, Mo.
The Imperial F. J. Smith. Caldwell; J. W.
Lewis and wife. Minneapolis: Andrew San
dogen. Lewlston; W. L. Bradshaw. Th?
Dalles; Miss H. L. Cousins and maid. Horace
Cousins. Newton; F. R. Tolson. La Fayette;
H. G. Van Dusen. Astoria; H. O. Mitchell
and wife, Klamath Falls: John Paris and
wife. Farmland: L. W. Ortley. Almore Ort
ley. San Jose; Mrs. A. Pepes. Alvlso; S. A.
Keystone and wife. A. Patterson. San Fran
cisco; W. H. Rose, Tacoma; J. E. Shreve.
Glendale; Mrs. S. P. Sturgls. Cressy Sturgis,
Pendleton: A. J. Johnson. Corvallls; Mrs. E.
C. McKensIe. Sumpter; R. N. Williams and
child. Walla Walla: Mrs. Mary Stanton. Spo
kane: Lena Murashi. San Francisco: W. W.
Ramsay and wife. Mayvllle: J. Garden. Cal
gary. Conn.; J. W. Watson. Vancouver. B. C;
C. W. Learner and wife, Irene Learner.
Orange: Br. Charles McCutcheon and wife,
Tacoma: M. C. Carr. Hayward; Miss Lange.
San Francisco: H. A. Fleager. Chicago; G.
M. McBrlde and wife, Astoria: L. E. Hooper
and wtfe, Salem: Mrs. C S. Kalb. Spokane:
Mrs. A. B. Bailey Hlllsboro; Misses Gal
lagher. Ida M. Marshall, Essie Marshall.
Augusta Menke. San Francisco.
The St. Charles Luther Harrington. La
Fayette: Frank Howell. Aberdeen1: Victor J.
Miller. Stella: Leon Glrod; E. H. Smith. Chi
cago; J. Scales: C. Hill. W. L. Glenn, Hill
City; A. Bosler, Lebanon: C. A. Belknap.
Chinook. Wash.; A. D. Ooodfellow. Salem;
John T. Pope; Va! Wheeler, Columbia
Quarry; A. M. Asplnwall. R. C. Asplnwall.
Brooks: Mr. and Mra. F. Kaln. Frisco: C. A.
Soney, Woodland; Howard D. Goodfellow,
S,alem; 11. H. Heyes. John C. Mellvllle. city;
Millard Gore. Kalama; Herman Hofllch. Al
bany; E. P. Huff smith. Glenwood. Wash.;
C. S. Johnson and wife. Wasco; Charles E.
Grove; J. H. Haner, Prlnevllle; J. H. Ward;
J. W. Howard. Ashland; A. R. Leavltt. city:
E. J. Taylor. Arthur: J. W. Tyner, Ochelata.
I. T.; J. J. Wilson; C. a Stanford, city; Mil
dred Yates, Ella Cuttell. Mrs. S. A. Duffe,
Spencer. la.; H. C. Miller and wife. Os
trander: A. D. Hasklns and wife, McMlnn
vllle; Sarah Ewell and son. John Doe; A.
Ely Bend: A. A. Marks; S. O. Allton. Ta
coma; H. C Ktng, San Francisco; H. W.
Davis and wife: M. O. 'Warner. Eugene; W.
S. Mulllnolx. Walla Walla: R. J. Moses,
Corvallls: W. B. Scott and wife, Jasper: F.
J. Horback. Kelso; D. Chutt. U. S. A.; Mrs.
Y. F. May. Tacoma; G. A. Jones and wife.
Corvallls: G. A. Cox. Palmer; E. L. Brown.
Latourell; Herman Hofllch. Albany: F. T.
Kirk. V. S. A.: 31. W. Espy; W. H. Bray,
city: Fred MacFarlane, Kalama; A. Barr.
Latourell Falls; Mable Harris. North Yaki
ma; E. W. Fowler, Eagle Cliff; H. C Rob
ertson. Wasco; E. T. Wallace, Mist; E. A.
Soney. Woodland: Mrs. Joe Mee and family.
Mrs. J. F. Jlorgan. Marcus; G. A. Taggart.
Rainier; F. G. Lotterer. Ft. Scott; J. E. Mc
Goran. Spokane: Mrs. Johnstone; C. C.
Sating an dwlfe. Mary Morgan. Heppner; J.
Shartnghouse. Rockwood.
The Esmond H. N. Frederick, J. J. Has
sell. Hood River; Mrs. C. P. Young and fam
ily. Mrs. F. McCulIoch. Oak Point; W. H.
Mclvor, Drain; O. C. Wysqng and wtfe.
Canton; J. R. Jordan. St. Louis: J. G. El
liott. Altoona; F. Snyder. Glendale: E. L.
WInans. Hood River; E. N. Hawkins. Se
attle; X. S. Clark. Duwamlst: F. Davidson.
Newport; G. N. Boyles, Kelso: L. Fluhrer.
Mayger; J. W. Maurer. J. Mohrback. H. C.
Scannon. White Salmon: C. Wilson. Astoria;
F. L. Wilson, Deep River: S. Q- Miller. Ho
qulam; S. L. Parrott and wife, Dundee; H.
P. Edwards, Miss Edwards. Eugene; L. M.
Beaman. Shanlko: D. S. Brown and -wife,
Peoria: Miss H. Bush. Ladu; J. Hayburn,
Miss Hayburn. G. Jenkins and wife. St.
Helens: G. J. Gilbert. Aberdeen: N. Cooper
and wife. D. Dansette. Hoqulam; J. H.
Myers and wife. San Francisco; F. B. Snow
and wife. San Jose; A. Ros. Franklin; F. X
Steck. P. Campbell. Snohomish; T. W. Claw
son. Texas; S. Adams. Astoria; B. Lauter
bach and wife. White Salmon; C. Black.
Eufaula; A. L. Morgan. Rainier: F. Metzger.
Gresham; F. G. Earhart. A. E. O'Connor,
lone; W. Gray. Olympla; L. B. Weller. San
Francisco; F. A. Goodwin. Corvallls.
The Oregon K. Newman. San Francisco; J.
P. McCormack and wife. .Salem; D. F. Wright
and wife. Brooklyn: W. H. Garlock and wife.
Cleveland: J. M. Hughes. New York: M. J.
Dunn and wife. Berkeley; Letltla Leonard.
Miss Olive Coneveax. Miss Alice Coneveax.
Mis-. Delia Thomas. St. Paul: Miss F. Long.
Jefferson; G. A. Davis. Spokane: M. Smith
and wife. Chicago: J. R. Westhall: J. H. Sln
enlr. Philadelphia: A. Hambach. Seattle; W.
J. Kelly. Chicago: Mrs. T. Jenkins. Lcs An
geles: S. A. Keystone and wife. San Fran
cisco: G. S. Babcock and wife. H. Haclon.
31. Valley; C. W. Booth. Milwaukee; S. H.
West. St. Louis; E. W. Howard. San Fran
cisco: F. J. Kolman. Milwaukee: C. J. Al
len. D. C: A. E. Osborne. San Francisco;
C. J. Brewer and wife. New Richmond; Mrs.
Emma Stone. Dr. E. Stone. Mtai C Stone.
Emma E. Stone. Napa; M. S. Jeffans. San
Francisco: W. K. Powers. New York: H. I.
Boone. Albany: B. H. Harris. G. A. Hoffman.
Seattle: Mte A. Flndlay. Miss B. Shaw. Er
nest Shay. San Francisco: H. Hart. Boise;
J. N. Welst. EL C. Hales. New York; Mrs. C
E. Davis, M. G. Davis. Buffalo.
Tacoma Hotel. Tacoma.
American plan. Hatca. 43 and up. '
Hotel Donnelly. Tacoma.
First-class restaurant in connection.
Instructors Close Convention.
PORTLAND. Me., July 13. President
Carroll D. Wright, of Clark College, and
Professor Herbert E. Mills, of Vassar
College, tvere the speakers at the closing
session tonight of the 75th annual conven
tion of the American Institute of Instruc
tion. The selection of Walter E. Ranger,
of Montpelier, Vt., as president of the as
sociation to succeed President Keyes., of
Hartford, and the re-election of the other
officers, constituted the most Important
business transacted today. Invitations
from various cities, including Montreal
and New Haven, for the convention next
year, were received, but no decision "will
be made until next January.