Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 13, 1905, Page 6, Image 6

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Governor Mead Scores Gover
nor of Minnesota.-
Acquisition for Dcssio 31". Allen Was
Refused Without Giving Wash
ington Executive Oppor
' tunlty to Be Heard.
OLTMPIA. Wash.. July 12. (Special)
Governor Mead today addressed a warmly-worded
letter to Governor Johnson.,
of Minnesota, In which he reviews the
Minnesota requisition for Ida M. John
son, granted today, and the Washington
requisition for Dessle M. Allen, denied
by Governor Johnson, last April.
Governor Mead sets forth some of the
telegraphic correspondence between the
two Governors in relation to the Allen
matter, from which it appears that Gov
ernor Johnson dishonored the requisition
on the ground that the papers failed to
Include an affidavit showing the perpe
tration of tho crime charged, and be
cause no reason was given for the delay
In making the application. It also ap
pears that Governor Mead's request for
an opportunity to correct the technical
defects was In effect refused by a sum
mary denial of the "requisition. Governor
Moad says in part:
V.'lth tb recital of the record of these two
ca?es. I nubmlt to the candid Judgment of the
people of the two states Interested that the
people of "Washington have a right to com
plain of tho injustice puffcred at your hands.
Owing to the brief time occupied by you in
consideration of this matter and the objec
tions you have urKi. which could have been
easily overcome, I feel that the State of
"Washington wan practically denied a hearing
In our efforts to extradite a fugitive from
Justice in your etate.
I presume the only alternative lift to me
1b to protest against this eort of treatment,
which I shall continue to do whenever requisi
tion papers isnued from this office are i sum
marily denied a hearing, practically refused
and no opportunity Riven to meet your view
of the law in extradition cases.
Federal Grand Jury Finishes Taking
of Testimony at Boise.
BOISD. Idaho. July 12. (Special.)-The
taking of testimony by the special grand
jury investigating timber frauds closed
today, and It is exacted the Jury will
close up and make report tomorrow. No
Indictments were returned into court to
day, but it Is believed four or Ave will be
voted. From what has "been learned o:
the nature of the testimony, the Govern
ment appears to have been tracing trans
actions with, .which George H. Kester and
F, "W. Kettenbach. the Lewlston bankers,
have been connected.
The cases under consideration by the
grand Jury today are those of residents
of .the vicinity of Asotin, Wash. In at
least four cases it Is alleged, final "proof
was made on timber claims In North
Idaho by Asotin people, who then trans
ferred the claims to Jackson O'Kecfe, of
Asotin, he In turn assigning them to
George H. Kester and F. W. Kettenbach,
prominent bankers of Lewlston.
The Impression that Kester and Ketten
bach -will be Indicted Is based on the
manner In which the jury traced the
deals in their finality to them. The grand
jury heard the last of the testimony in
the pending cases today, closing up all
proceedings that w.cre jeopardized by the
statute of limitation.
It is possible that later on additional
indictments will be returned In cases of
more recent origin. Among the witnesses
today was Jackson O'Kcefe, the alleged
go-between in the Kester-Kettenbach
deals. Others before the grand jury were
Joseph H. Prentice and E. H. Dammorell,
Edgar J. Taylor, of Cloverdale, "Wash.,
and E. Taylor, of Asotin.
Seattle Statesman Will Use Chicago
Appointment at Stepping Stone.
, SEATTLE. Wash.. July 12. (Special.)
Seattle friends of James Hamilton Lewis,
appointed general corporation counsel of
Chicago by Mayor Dunne, who have kept
posted on his career In the Windy City,
state that Lewis is really attempting to
force his way Into Congress from a fairly
safe Democratic district In Chicago.
Lewis has always wanted to go back to
the National capital. During the two
ears he was there he was treated to
widespread newspaper notoriety and this
has always been enthusiastically received
by Lewis.
A special dispatch from Chicago today
pays the appointment of Lewis as- cor
poration counsel carries with it the right
to name 33 assistants, ten of whom will
be classed as assistants corporation coun
sel. During the Dunne campaign Lewis made
a number of characteristic speeches for
the Democratic candidate, and -even then
he confided to friends that his purpose
was to seek re-election to Congress from
an Illinois district. The new appoint
ment Is not likely to swerve him from
this determination. The fact that he went
to the Kansas City convention as a soli
tary' boomer of tho Lewis candidacy for
the Vice-Presidency indicates Lewis will
take care of his own political fortunes In
the Chicago 'office.
There Pneumonia Seized J. C. Bush,
Who Denied His Brother:
BUTTE. Mont. July 12. Eugene Bush,
of Kansas City, Mo., has appeared before
the courts here, laying claim to a portion
of the estate of the late Charles Colbert,
who died in Butte several years ago.
With the presentation of Bush's claim a
remarkable state of affairs was disclosed.
It appearing that J. C. Bush, a brother of
Eugene BuBh. hadrcpresented himself as
the sole heir to the estate.
J. C. Bush at first denied his brother,
but finally confessed his Identity, ac
knowledging his attempt to secure the
whole of the estate for himself. Suffer
ing from pangs of remorse. J. C. Bush
fled to the mountains, where he was
found this morning, suffering from pneu
monia contracted from exposure.
Hay, Wheat, Oats and Hops Give
Great Promise
ALBANY, Or.. July 12. (Special.) The
hay orpp of Linn County Is greater this
year than ever before, and thousands of
tons of hay will be shipped away. In ad
dition' to the extra acreage is the yield.
It Is unusually good. Hay Is selling for
$4 and $5 ioose, and $6 and 57 baled low
prices even for the opening market- Hay
ing has ben In progress for some time,
and this week will see the crop cut and
In the cock. Most of It will also be In the
barn or stack ere the end of the week.
Never did wheat In Linn County look
better. Binders will begin moving the
yellow grain this week, much of it being
now fully ripe and- ready for cutting. The
aphis "mentioned" early in the Summer
during the rains have all disappeared,
leaving no mark behind. The output of
the county will not be much larger than
In the past, for the acreage Is not much
larger than usual, but the yield is the
greatest in year.
Threshing will begin the last of July or
the first of, August, on the Fall-sown
grain. Three or four weeks later work
will begin on the Spring grain, which Is
looking fine where sowed early enough,
but that sown late will ripen pretty close
to the ground, making binding difficult.
Oats are looking fine, and will be a
fairly heavy crop. The acreage Is not as
large as In some j-ears, but the yield Is
One of the bumper crops of the county
will be hops. There Is every Indication of
a full crop better than last year. No
damage has been done by the lice, the hot
weather coming in time to put an end to
the ravages of the little pest. The few
yards that were Infested wlfh lice have
been sprayed, and the crop Is not affected
In the least. If we have warm weather
until picking season Is over, the crop will
be a full one. A prominent Albany hop
grower today estimated the output ot
Linn County at about 150.000 bales.
Spokanc Mcn Are Waiting for Orders
From Headquarters.
SPOKANE, July 12. No operator has.
gone on strike here, either In railroad or
commercial offices. The dispatchers here
are waiting for Instructions from head
quarters. About Northern Pacific offices
there Is a rumor tonight that the diffi
culty between the road and Its operators
has been settled.
Eastern Promoters Ask a Site, Power
and Subscription to Stock
in Concern.
HOOD RIVER. Or.. July 12. (Specials
Hood River is considering a proposal for
a $1,000,000 cotton mill. E. W. Tarr. of
Boston, accompanied by Dr. A. LeRoy,
superintendent of the Information depart
ment of the Portland Chamber of Com
merce, was here last night and presented
his plans to an open meeting of the Hood
River Commercial Club.
It Is aeked that Hood River business
men furnish a 25-acre site, free water
power and subscribe a portion of the
stock. It Is expected that the greater
part of the stock will be taken In Port
land. A committee of the Commercial
Club has been appointed to inquire fur
ther into the matter and to see if the nec
cs&ry site and power can be secured at
a reasonable figure.
Right Given to Another.
BOISE, Idaho, July 12. (SpcclRl.)
Judge Beatty has decided the condem
nation suit of Headrlck. & Balllle vs.
Larson & Greenough against the plain
tiffs. This action was. brought to con
demn ivnat Is known as the Morning
tunnel, which penetrates property of
the plaintiffs In reaching the Morning
mine. (
Recently the defendants instituted
condemnation proceedings -and Judge
Beatty appointed appraisers to assess
tne damages. Then Headrlck & Ball
lie commenced condemnation proceed
ings covering the identical tunnel, the
purpose being to secure" joint use of It.
Having given the defendants a tunnel
right the Judge holds that he cannot
Krant an identical right to Headrlck &
Beat Guard and Escape.
SAN FRANCISCO. July 12. Two mili
tary convicts, a negro and a white man,
attacked their guard at Fort Mason,
felled him to the ground with a rake, and
seizing his rifle, beat him Into insensi
bility with the bayonet and then made
their escape. McMurray. the white man.
who Is under a ten-year sentence to Al
catraz prison, was captured by Lieuten
ant MacArthur. son of General Mac
Arthur. The negro, whose name Is
Shepard. is still at large, and the police
are hunting for him. Guard Montzner.
who had charge of the convicts. Is In Fort
Mason Hospital. Tho surgeons have
grave doubts of his recovery.
San Francisco Attorney Says He
Could Not Get Justice in
California Court.
VICTORIA, B. C. July 12,-Attornev T.
D. Collins, wanted at San Francisco for
bigamy, and Mrs. Collins are at the Drl
ard Hotel. In this city, fugitives from the
San Francisco police. Telegrams have
been received by the local police, asking
them to arrest and hold Collins for big
amy, but the police have not done so. as
bigamy Is not an extraditable offense.
Chief Langley. of Victoria, has wired to
San Francisco to this effect.
Collins came north overland. In an In
terview given here Collins said he knew
he could not be extradited from. British
Columbia for bigamy. During 16 years'
practice at the California bar he said he
had made powerful enemies, and had
personal troubles with Mr. De Young, of
the San Francisco Chronicle. He said he
was the victim of conspiracy-, and would
not get Justice in a California court, so
decided to come to Canada. Collins rode
as far as Portland in the same sleeping
car with Governor Pardee- He distin
guished himself by eating a $13 dinner
and tipping waiters and porters with sil
ver dollars. When the passengers learned
who the woman was they cut her. and
she was greatly distressed, but cheered
up after the big dinner.
Brunswick Bills at Vancouver.
VANCOUVER. B. C. July 12.-The po
lice have arrested Francis Grazlnna.
charged with" uttering bogus bank bills,
a number of which have been passed.
The notes are of the New Brunswick
State Bank of New Jersey, said to have
been out of existence for many years.
The prisoner Is believed by the police
to be one of a gang engaged In circulat
ing these bills in tho British Columbia
Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea
This Is unquestionably the most success
ful medicine In use for bowel complaints,
and It Is now the recognized standard over
a large part of the civilized world. A few
doses of It will Invariably cure an ordi
nary attack of diarrhoea. It has been
used in nine epidemics of dysentery with
perfect success. It can always be depend
ed upon, even in the more severe attacks
of cramp colic and cholera morbus. It Ls
equally successful for Summer diarrhoea
and cholera Infantum In children, and Is
the means of saving the lives of many
childrrn each year. "When reduced with
wate- and sweetened Jt is pleasant to
tak?, which Is important when medicine
is to be given to small children. Every
man of a family should keep this remedy
In his home. Buy It now. It may save
life. For sale by all druggists. -
Factions to Disappear in Re
publican Party Affairs.
Roosevelt and Antl-Rooscvelt "Will
Probably Be the "War Cries on
Nntlonal Issues out Not In
Local Elections.
SALEM. Or.. July 12 Special.)
That there will be a new line-up In
Republican party affairs, or possibly
an almost complete obliteration of fac
tional lines, is generally believed and
frequently asserted by men who take
an Interest in politics. That the old
line of cleavage Mitchell and antl
Mitchell has already, or must soon,
disappear. Is acknowledged by all ex
cept those few who refuse to believe tho
testimony In the land-fraud cases or
to accept the verdict of the jury.
Though it is admitted new lines must
be found, if there are to be any lines
at all. no one seems to have any defi
nite Idea of what the new alignment
will be. There seems to be no figure In
Oregon politics around which shattered
forces may rally no name of an Ore
gon political organizer that may bo
adopted as a factional designation.
There are those who declare that
under the direct primary law the main
tenance of factional lines such as have
existed In the past will be Impossible.
They assert that the people never have
favored factionalism, but under the old
convention system, where one crowd
secured control and named tho ticket,
there -as nothing to do but stand with
one faction or the other. As a rule,
the faction that controlled the conven
tion named the ticket from top to bot
tom, and the yellow dog of the pre
vailing crowd was preferred over the
best man in the defeated faction.
It is asserted that this Is no longer
possible, for the people will pick the
best men In the primaries, and there
will be no pre tiling faction. No one
or two men will be able to name all the
candidates. No man can build up a
political machine, because undor the
direct primary no man can "deliver the
goods," and therefore can make no
promises" that will carry weight. Any
man who wishes to do so may be a
candidate and have a fair chanco of
winning, regardless of alliances form
ed or not formed with political man
ipulators. The new method of nomi
nating candidates. It Is said by some
men who have thought upon the mat
ter, will obliterate all factional lines.
But there are those who take a dif
ferent view. .A prominent man sug
gested a few .days ago that although
the old lines have been broken, new
ones must and will be formed. The
new lines, lie says, will be drawn upon
Ideas and not men upon principles
and not plunder. He finds some indi
cation of this in the discussion that
has arisen as a result of the land-fraud
trials. He finds that there is one
group of men who took offense at the
vigor with which the Administration
prosecuted the land-fraud cases, and
ha.v been assailing the Administration
ever since the prosecution began.
This group of men Insisted that the
prosecutions should have been left In
nSe hands of John. Hall and Mr. Hency
should not havo been Imported from
California to take charge of the case.
Angered by the Administration's
course In that particular. they havo
fouiVi fault with nearly everything that
the Administration at Washington un
dertakes to do. They oppose the
Koosrivelt Idea of tariff revision, take
tllngs at his Panama Canal work and
criticise nearly all his Important acts.
There is another group of men who
are bellevars In Roosevelt, his policies
and his manner of accomplishing d
slred ends. Out of thhi situation. It Is
asserted, a now1 ilnc-up will be found,
with those men wto. are opposed to
Roosevoltlan idoas on ojte side and
those who support Roosevdltjan -ideas,
on the other. It Is predicted, there
fore, that In the next campaign the
candidates for the United States Sen
ate and for Congress will be Roose
velt or anti-Roosevelt men, and the
people will line up In support of one
faction or the other.
So far as the election of a United
States Senator brings National policies
into the Legislature, the new line-up
as indicated would have Its influence
In the selection of candidates for the
Legislature. In the primaries there
would be Republicans In favor of supporting-
this Administration and others
opposed to it. but after the ticket had
been named all would be plain Repub
licans and support the nominees of the
This theory of a new line-up would
vary according to the issues. In the
nomination of county candidates there
would be local Issues which would form
the dividing line. Retrenchment, pub
lic road Improvement, salaries of coun
ty officers, courthouse building and tho
other questions that come up inevery
county, would form the Issues to be
fought out in the primaries. The ques
tion would not be whether the candi
date for County Judge or Commissioner
Is a friend of one political manipulator
or another, but whether he stands for
good roads or bad ones, reduction of
county expenses or extravagance. In
crease of tax burdens or decrease.
Each county would have Its own local
In the nomination of a Governor, ac
cording to this theory, the line-up
would ajrtln be upon Ideas and not
upon previous factional affiliations. It
Is averred that when the aspirants for
the Gubernatorial nomination go Into
the campaign they will have to declare
the principles of state government for
which they stand, as for example, the
question of appropriations, railroad
regulation, franchise taxes and other
subjects which come to the attention
of the Governor because of his veto
Candidates for Legislative nomina
tions would find themselves confronted
with similar questions, and before a
man could be nominated he would find
it necessary to tell what he thinks of
amending the local option law. creat
ing a new county, enactment of fran
chise tax laws, repeal of the direct pri
mary law. abrogation of the Initiative
and referendum and Normal School ap
propriations. IiAUTII IS TO HANG TODAY.
Murdered Mrs. L. B. Jones at Oregon
City About a Year Ago.
SALEM. Or.. July 12. tSpecIal.)-Super-Intendent
James, of the penitentiary, has
everything in readiness for the execution
of G. TV. Lauth. tomorrow at 12:30. Only
about 20 men have been invited to be pres
ent, and efforts will be made to conduct
the execution with as little public atten
tion as possible. Superintendent James
has permitted no Interviews with the con
demned man.
.Iiuth murdered his mistress. Mrs. Le
nore B. Jones, at Oregon City, about a
year ago. His attorneys have made every
effort to save his life.
This will be the third execution at tho
Penitentiary, the other men hanged here
being Charles Egbert and Frank Gug-lielmo.
Portland Men After Apparently
Worthless Islets.
ASTQRIA. Or.. July 12. (Special.) W.
S. Chapman, of Portland, has made a
filing In the County Clerk's office, under
the timber and stone act of building-stone
claims on Bird Island and Crescent Rock,
comprising about 20 acres each. The rocks
are located below the line of high-water
mark. In the Pacific Ocean, about one-half
mile north of the mouth of Elk Creek.
At the same time TV. E. Mulhollan,
through his attorney, W. S. Chapman,
made a similar filing on what Is known
as Haystack Rock. The latter Is also said
.to contain about 20 acres, and Is located
about one mile south of the mouth of Elk
The object of "locating" these rocks Is
a mystery, as they cannot be reached by
boats nor on foot, excepting at the most
extreme low tides, and have always been
considered absolutely worthless, except to
look at.
Everett Sa'sh Factory Burns.
EVERETT. "Wash.. July 12. Wheel
Ihan & Weidauer's sash and door fac
tor?, owned by F. A. "Wheellhan,- was
destroyed by fire this evening. The
loss Is $60,000. with insurance of $35,033
or H 0,000. Forty men were employed.
The mill will propably be rebuilt.
Wheellhan Is In Seattle. Over $300,000
worth of property was menaced, but
the wind was fortunate.
Indicted With Harry Wright for
.Providing Tracy and Merrill
With Rifles at Penitentiary. .
SALEM. Or.. July 12. The jury In the
case of Charles Monte, jointly indicted
with' Harry Wright for murder In the
first degree, under the direct charge of
having furnished convicts Harry Tracy
and David Merrill with guns, with which
they effected their escape from the Oregon
Penitentiary the morning of June 9. 1&J2,
brought In a verdict tonight of murder In
the second degree. The Jury had been out
since noon.
Monte and Wright were accused of hav
ing scaled the prison walls at night and
placed guns in the prison shops, where
they were found by the convicts In the
morning. As tht; result of the outbreak,
three guards. Frank Ferrell, B. F. Tiffany
and S. B. T. Jones, lost their lives. Wright
Is to be tried tomorrow morning.
The verdict against Monte was evident
ly a compromise. The prosecution made
a strong case against him. showing that
Monte bought two 3K ritles from W. J.
Rellly. in Portland, a few days before the
outbreak, that he was In Salem a day or
two before the break, and that he made
admissions to other men that he aided in
secreting the rifles In the prison foundry,
where Tracy and Merrill could get them.
Monte has served two terms In the Oregon
Penitentiary. Wright Is also a confirmed
criminal, having served terms here and In
Indians to Get No Liquor.
OLTMPIA. Wash.. July 12. (Special.)
A letter to the Attorney-General from
Superintendent Charles Buchanan, of the
Tulallp Indian Agency, reveals that the
Commissioner of Indian Affairs has In
structed all Indian agents in this state
to see that the state law making It a
misdemeanor to sell or give Intoxicants
to Indians Is strictly enforced. The occa
sion for the order ls the recent decision of
the Federal courts to the effect that an
"allotted" Indian is not a ward of the
Government, but a citizen of the state In
which ho resides, and therefore the Fed
eral status such as the one forbidding
the sale of liquors to them are dead let
ters so far as "allotted" Indians are
Superintendent Buchanan asks for ad
VlctT:Sfno the methods of enforcing the
state lat In this particular which the
Attorney-General will furnish.
Offer of the Southern Pacific Unani
mously Rejected at Mass Meet
ing Called Last Night.
FOREST GROVE. Or.. July 12. (Spe
cial.) At a mass meeting of the citizens
tonight. It was voted to protest against
the extra train service which has been
offered by the Southern Pacific Company.
Senator Haines read a letter from Gen
eral Manager O'Brien, offering an extra
train each way dally between Forest
Grove and Portland.
The hours offered were not satisfactory,
and It was the sense of the meeting that
the new service should Include at least
two round trips dally. Prominent mem
bers of the Board of Trade spoke against
the proposal, and the motion to reject
the offer passed unanimously.
Yearly Meeting at Newberg.
NEWBERG, Or.. July 12. (Special.)
At yesterday afternoon's session or
the Oregon yearly meeting of thn
Friends' Church this year's officers
were elected as follows:
Presiding clerk. President H. Edwin
McGrew, of Pacific College, recording
clerk, Mrs. Mabel H. Douglas: reading
clerk, Mr. F. A. Stuart: announcing
clerk. Hon. John S. Richie.
The conditions of the church were
considered yesterday as shown by the
statistical reports, and were seen to
be very encouraging.
At this morning's session both the
general and special epistles from the
present yearly meeting of London,
England, were read.
Church Convention at Ccntralia.
CENTRALIA. Wash.. July 12. The
Southwestern District Convention. Church
of Christ, has been In session here this
week In the Christian Church. All-day
sessions have been held and the conven
tion will end at a late hour Thursday
evening. Among the most prominent
men present ls the Rev. G. K. Berry, of
Portland, who has delivered several im
portant addresses.
Big Hay Crop in Polk.
DALLAS. Or.. July 12. (Special.)
Polk County farmers are harvesting a
bumper crop. Prices for Io)S3 hay
range from $4 to $5 per ten. and con
tracts are being- made for baled cheat
and timothy at $7 to $8 per ton.- As
the oat crop Is light this year, farmers
generally are putting up a. large
amount of hay.
Umatilla Sheriff Startled by
Report of Experts.
Of the Amount, $12,000 Is at Once
Made Good by Popular Demo
crat, Re-Elected to Office
Last Year.
PENDLETON. Or.. July 12. SpecIal.
Pendleton Is wild tonight over the sen
sational report that the office of Sheriff
T. D. Taylor Is short between $20,000 and
$21,000. News of the alleged shortage was
given out by members of the County
Court who have been In session this week
for the purpose of examining the reports
of Clark and Buchanan, experts employed
by the county to Inspect the county rec
ords. The experts have not as yet com
pleted Inspection of the SherIfT3 books
and while the exact shortage cannot be
ascertained a member of the County
Court states the rumor Is essentially
Sheriff Taylor this afternoon made good
$12,C:0 of the amount as soon as he heard
of the alleged shortage from the District
Attorney. The Sheriff has not had charge
of the books himself, his chief deputy
having had full access to the money re
ceived In tho office during his term of
office. Mr. Taylor was unwilling to make
a statement regarding the deficit tonight.
District Attorney G. W. Phelps and the
members of the County Court will com
plete the Inspection of the office tomor
row, when more llsht will be thrown
upon the affair. It Is certain that part
of the reported shortage dates as far
back as 1S97. when Representative William
Blakely was Sheriff of Umatilla County.
Taylor was re-elected Sheriff last year
by a majority of 17C0 over the Republican
candidate. C. A. Barrett, of Athena.
Slain by Japanese Jjover.
SPOKANE. Wash., July 12. Mamie
Takakl. a Japanese girl 14 years old. was
murdered In her parents' home at Latah
about 3 o'clock this morning by George
Hama. a Japanese, who boarded with the
family. Going Into the girl's room. Haroa
shot her four times, then went to his own
room, shot himself twice and cut his
throat. Both were dead in an hour.
It is understood Hama wanted to marry
the girl, who had been promised to him
by her grandmother, but the girl refused
to marry him. and her parents also op
posed the match. In a Jealous rage he
murdered her.
Horse Kills Jnckrabblt Charley.
RED LODGE. Mont.. July 12. A well
known character of Carbon County.
Charles Bennlng, .better known as "Jack
S. rabbit Charley." has been killed by a
horse falling on him while riding across
country in the Upper Clark's Fork aVl
Bennlng was christened Jackrabblt
Charley after being snowbound in a cabin
In the Upper Clark's Fork Valley one
AVInter and living- on jackrabblts for
months, until able to get relief. Bennlng
was a well-known newspaper man.
Governor Sarles- Comes Today.
SEATTLE, Wash.. July 12. (Special.-
Governor E. Y. Sarles and the North
Dakota party which will visit Portland
next week to be present on Dakota day
at the Exposition will reach Seattle, to
morrow. With his party he Is offlcially
to welcome the Hill liner Dakota. Miss
Flemlngton, who christened the Da
kota, Is In the party. Governor Sarles
will leave here Sunday afternoon for
Portland and- his party will remain in
that city until midnight. July IS.
Apsley's Mania Is Suicidal.
ASTORIA. Or.. July 12. (Special.)
John T. Apsley. a fireman at the Hume
mill, was today committed to the a3y-
J lum. Apsley Is a native of Illinois. 30
years of age. and has been afflicted
with melancholia for several months.
A short time ago he attempted to-cut
his throat.
United Copper Declares Dividend.
BUTTE. Mont.. July 12. Mayor MacGIn
nls has received a telegram from A. P.
Helnze. vice-president of the United Cop
per Company, declaring a stock dividend.
The dividend Is on common stock, and Is
one-half of 1 per cent, with an extra half
of 1 per cent, and is payable July 31, to
stockholders1 of record.
About Food.
Improper food will drive unpleasant
facts home sooner or later, but even then
,lhe change to proper food gives Nature
a chance to rebuild the wasted cells and
restore the bounding health and energy
that make the real Joy of living. Simple
food. If proper food, will do this. ,
"A number of years ago I had grip for
eight weeks so badly my doctor gave me
up to die when Inflammatory rheumatism
set In. I got over It. but was helpless for
work In both body and mind and It seemed
I couldn't live. I gained slowly- In physi
cal strength, but my mind kept weak and
I had a terrible pain In the back of my
head, with constant twitching of the eyes.
The doctor told me my brain was affected,
which I have no doubt was the case.
"I couldn't sleep, some nights only got
three or four hours sleep and all the time
felt so tired and worn out; my mind would
be so confused sometimes I thought I
would go Insane. Two doctors said my
condition showed the first symptoms of
insanity, and as medicine did not help me
I concluded to quit doctoring and try
change of diet instead, bo that Is how I
began to use Grape-Nuts.
"From the very first I began to gain In
flesh on the Grape-Nuts I was so sur
prised, but the most wonderful gain was
in my brain, which became stronger and
the pain so much less, and In a short time
Instead of the terrible distress In my
head and the awful Insomnia my brain Is
now clear and strong, sleep sound and
wake up refreshed and vigorous. I want
every brain workers who Is run down In
brain or body to give Grape-Nuts a, trial."
Name given by Postum Co.. Battle Creek.
Now for the reason.
The brain and nerve centers In this case
had been depleted by disease and the soft
gray filling partly used up. This cannot
be replaced by medicine. That is abso
lutely Impossible. It can only be replaced
by food containing' Phosphate of Potash
and Albumen. That Is the only way on
earth. But If the body will not properly
digest the food containing these elements,
the patient remains ill and probably gets
The mission of Grape-Nuts is plain. It
contains the elements Nature demands for
rebuilding and refilling the delicate nerve
centers and brain centers and In a predl
gested condition so that the weakest will
mako use of and digest, the food. It Is a
positive and dependable agent of surpris
ing character.
lxK)k for the little book "The Road to
Wellvllle" In each package.
Rheumatism does more than any other dis
ease to rob life of pleasure and comfort. It is so painful and far-reaching in
its effects on the system that those afflicted with it find themselves utterly
unable to enjoy bodily comfort or any of the pleasures of life. Some are
bound hand and foot and suffer constantly with excruciating pains, swollen,
stiff iointe and scles T beea Rhznmatism for two
often &?torted, crooked had bccn under the treatment of physi-
lxmbs, while others have cian3j and tried everything recommended to
intervals of freedom, during me, but all to no avail. My knee and elbow joints
which they live in constant -were so stiff that I could not use them. I was un
f ear and dread of the next able to do my household work, and was truly in a
attack, when, at the least ex- pitiable condition. S. S. S. cured me after using
posure to damp weather, or t for awhile, and I unhesitatingly give it the
-r. ;.-i,-:f. rtf credit it so much deserves.
fte&Sm Sta.A.,E.I,ivpool,0. MBS.M.A.DECEER.
The cause of Rheumatism is a sour, acid condition of the blood, produced
by food lying undigested in the stomach, poor bowel action, weak, kidneys
and ageneral sluggish condition of the system. External applications, such,
as liniments, oils, plasters, etc., do not reach the cause and can only give tem
tem of all foreign matter. It cures the disease permanently and safely
because it contains no harmful minerals to derange the stomach and diges
tion. Book on Rheumatism and any advice you wish, without charge.
The Canadian Bank of Commerce
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M A C H I N E the embodiment of SIMPLICITY
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Also sewing-machine oil of absolute purity and the
best Needles and Parts for all machines
at Singer Stores.
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402 Washington St. 540 "Williams Ave.
Conrel ST trtlOOKFOB milled" beTluS
'Tare the worst case, ot pllea to two or three treatments, without operation
Cure guaranteed.
If you cannot call at office, write for question blank. Home treatment auccesafai
Office hours. S to 5 and T to L Sundays and holidays. 10 to 12.
Offices la Van-Noy Hotel. 62"r Third U
cor. Pine. Portland. Or.
. and thoroughly restored to vigorous health.
WORRIED AEE. Have you VARICOCELE. HYDROCELE? Under our method we
cure without surgery.
VITAL DECLINE, commonly called lost manhood, ls a sure sign of vital decay and
weakness. Master the weakness now. Don't let false modesty
ruin your health. Come to us at once and be quickly cured.
BirmiJS ls quickly and safely cured with a thoroughness unknown to other meth
ods. Xo mineral poisons used.
POISOXED HEX In the first, second or third stage are. purified and made clean In
blood, tissue and bone promptly and permanently. Cure guaranteed.
PILES AD RECTAL ULCERS are painlessly cured to stay cured without surgery
or Interference with occupation. Our positive guaran-
tee In every case.
GONORRHOEA AXD GLEET quickly and permanently cured without stricture
and other complications attendant or following.
STRUCTURED MEX. A positive, permanent cure by our safe, painless method.
without the knife or the slightest Inconvenience or loss of time!
SELF-RUIKED ME" are saved from the terrible consequences of ignorance and
fully restored to bright, vigorous manhood. Every case guar
Offtee Hours t 8 A. 91. to S P. M.j SaHdaya, IB to IS oaly.
St. Louis Scirnd Dispensary
Car. SeceBd asd Yamhill Streets, Portland, Or.
porary reiiei. 1 ne Diooa muse De cieansea ana puri
fied before a cure can be had. S- S. S. attacks the
disease in the right way it neutralizes the poisoa
and filters out every particle of it from the blood,
stimulates the sluggish organs and clears the sys
Wa treat sucecsafuUy aU private nw
tous and chronic diseases or men. alja
throat troubles. "We cure SYPHILIS5
(Without mercury) to stay curea ioreverw
In SO to 60 days. Wo remove STRIC
TURE, without operation or pain. In U
w ton drains, the result of self-abtu.
Immediately. "W can restore the sexual
vigor of any man under BO by means 04
local treatment peculiar to ourselves.
We Cure Gonorrhoea
In a Week
The doctors of this Institute are a!
rejtuiar graduates, have had many yearf
nrlll undertake no case unlsaa
certain cure can d euosicu.
Diseases That Wreck
Men's Lives Cured Promptly
and Permanently
FRAIL HEX. We give you new life and -vigor. "We build you
up and make you strony with a strength that
ySES PAST 40, who And their vital powers waning, quickly