Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 13, 1905, Page 3, Image 3

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Cotton Men Appeal to Presi
dent for Investigation
to the Bottom.
Beach Getting Further Evidence for
Grand Jury Others Guilty Be
sides Holmes First Charges
Made Five Years Ago.
NE"W ORLEANS, July 12. President
X Brittln, of the New Orleans Cotton
Exchange, today addressed the follow
ing letter to President Roosevelt:
Th recent exposure In the Statistical Bu
reau of Cotton, Agriculture- Department, ha
developed a situation which In cotton trade
circles for many months past haa been so
strongly suspected, from apparent indication,
as to amount to a positive conviction of
wrongdoing. And now that the exposure has
been publicly announced a feeling: of Intense
indignation prevails throughout the trade in
terested in fair dealing by reason of the de
partment having been used by a clique of
corrupt speculators to promote their individ
ual and selfish ends. And that It should be
known who have been the beneficiaries, the
corrupters and the corrupted as well.
"With this end In view I am directed by
the board of directors of this exchange to
Address you direct and invoke your good of
fice in having a searching investigation car
ried on until the whole matter Is probed to
the core and the results given to the public
I beg to assure you our people here are
already profoundly Impressed and gratified
with your continued disapproval and con
demnation of Impure methods in government
affairs ar:d your unyielding disposition to dis
miss from the service unfaithful agents and,
therefore, anticipate your good efforts In re
sponding to this appeal.
Cotton 3Ien Believe Others Besides
Holmes Are Guilty.
ATLANTA, Ga., July 12. President
Harvey Johnson, of the Southern Cot
ton Association, after hearing the re
port of Secretary Richard Cheatham
with reference to the investigation of.
the Bureau of Statistics at "Washing
ton, today authorized the following
statement for publication:
The charges preferred by the association
have been fully substantiated, and the inves
tigation of the Bureau of Statistics along other
lines will be vigorously pressed by the as
Eoclatlon. "VVe will not be content to let
the matter drop where It is, as we are satis
fied that others beside Holmes should be re
lieved of further connection with the de
partment. President Roosevelt has already taken ac
tive rteps In the matter and still more Im
portant disclosures may be looked for in
the near future.
Made Charges In 1900, but Was
Called Down..
WASHINGTON, July 12. A new "and
interesting phase o'f the cotton-leak In
vestigation was developed today
through the publication of the letter
of Walter C. Hubbard, president of th
New York Cotton Exchange, addressed
to President Roosevelt, in which the
writer declared the members of the
exchange had been "greatly shocked"
by the recent disclosures of venality in
the Department of Agriculture and
requesting a full investigation of the
methods which led to the corruption
with a view of preventing the possi
bility of recurrence.
That letter is believed here to be the
outcome of recent correspondence be
tween Secretary Wilson and Mr. Hub
bard, In which the latter called upon
the Secretary to make him a. public
apology because he had some years
ago called the Secretary's attention to
alleged leaks, and that no notice had
been given the suggestion. The Sec
retary wrote a tart reply In which he
Informed Mr. Hubbard that he owed
no one an apology In the light of hav
ing done his duty to the best of his
ability and that, when ho got anything
that looked like facts, he promptly
cent it to the secret service officers to
hunt down.
The case to which Mr. Hubbard re
ferred in his recent letter to the Secre
tary occurred in 1900. On December
20, of that year. Mr. Hubbard sent the
Secretary certain papers showing that
a Mr. Sterbcrger wanted to sell in
formation to a New York cotton bro
kerage firm, claiming that he could get
It in advance from the Department.
Mr. Wilson immediately turned the
matter over to the secret service of
ficers, but in about a week Chief Wilkie
reported that "it looks like an at
tempt of Sternberger to bunco the New
York firm." After allowing two months
to elapse, and not hearing further, the
Secretary, on March 26. 1901, called
upon the secret service officers for in
formation as to whether they had made
any discoveries. On the following day
Secretary of the Treasury Gage replied
as follows:
The action of this man who wanted to sell
information was done with the hope of b
lng able to sell Information, but as a matter
of fact his efforts to obtain the advance in
formation failed, as he received no assist
ance from the person In Washington upon
whom he depended for information.
This report of Mr. Gage was trans
mitted to Mr. Hubbard by Mr. Wilson
the next day. and the matter was al
lowed to drop. But In January, 1902.
Mr. Hubbard complained of having
been advised that Southern ginners
were sending to the Department re
turns of their ginning operations bear
ing date of December 22 or 23. "and,"
said Mr. Hubbard. "I am unable to un
derstand why additional returns from
ginners should be obtained, since the
result Is to be published." It seems,
however, that the Department of Agri
culture had not called for any ginners'
statistics at that time, but that the
circulars had been issued from the
census bureau.
In the same month Mr. Hubbard
wrote the Department of Agriculture,
asking for certain information on cot
ton, but the Secretary, in the course of
;a sharp letter denying the request,
written under date of January 11, 1902,
"We take the srround hnr Vmt nnth-
llntr sroes out unless it irnps t
whole Deonle. W huvA no fvnrWo."
I' Mr. Wilson today permitted the ex-
lamination of tne correspondence In or
der to show tnat, as far back as five
years ago, he had taken prompt action
to discover any leaks In his office.
Beach Will Get All Facts for Grand
Jury's Action.
WASHINGTON. July 12. The investiga
tion that will be made by District Attor
ney Morgan H Beach, Into the charges
that there has been a leakage of Informa
tion In the matter of preparing the Gov
ernment cotton statistics will be far more
exhaustive than that conducted by Se
cretService operators at the request of
Secretary Wilson, of the Department of
Acting Attorney-General Hoyt has com
pleted his examination of the papers
transmitted to him by Secretary Wilson,
and he thinks there should be further and
detailed legal inquiry. With that end in
view he has committed the entire matter
to Mr. Beach, who intends to complete his
examination of the case. He has taken
up the subject as prosecuting attorney,
and in all probability will assist the Gov
ernment when the matter is brought into
the courts, an outcome of the investiga
tion that Is believed by Department of
Justice officials to be a certainty.
Expense will not be spared In gathering
evidence of the methods alleged to have
been employed by Edwin S. Holmes, the
dismissed Associate Statistician of the De
partment of Agriculture, and in exposing
any accomplices he may have had In his
operations. Mr. Beach will have the
benefit of the labors of Secret Service
men who were employed by Secretary
Wilson, and also of the best legal talent
in his own office. Working in the case
will be a number of men who ferreted out
much of tht evidence in the prosecution of
postofflce frauds. It is planned to con
duct the examination secretly, on the
grounds that it will be much more effec
tive. It has not been decided whether
the case will be submitted to the grand
jury prior to arrests, If it is found that
arrests are warranted, but It is not be
lieved this will be the procedure."
Netv York Cotton Exchange Appeals
to President for Action.
NEW YORK. July 12.-The New York
Cotton Exchange made public today the
following letter:
The Hon. Theodore Roosevelt, President of the
United States, Washington. D. C.
Dear Sir: On behalf of the New Tork Cot
ton Exchange I want to say that Its members
have been greatly shocked by the recent dis
closures of venality In the Department of
Agriculture, upon whose report they have de
pended for accurate Information on the con
duct of their common business.
I beg to request that a full investigation be
made of the methods which led to the cor
ruption, with a view of preventing the possi
bility of recurrence, and that the guilty onea
be adequately punished.
Official reports should be above suspicion of
publication In the interest of any persons for
tneir individual benefit, and as president of
this exchange I wish to put Its members upon
record as utterly opposed to such culpable
On the line of common honesty 1 ak you for
your most emphatic condemnation and action
upon the practices which mak legitimate
Dimness impossible and put the members of
our body at the mercy of tricksters and
With great respect, I am, yours truly,
President New York Cotton Exchange.
Judge Grosscup Would Broaden It
by Interesting Whole People.
PUT-IN-BAY. O.. July 12. Five hun
dred representatives of the Ohio Bar As
sociation, Including many eminent Jurists
of the state, assembled here today for
the annual session of the State Bar Asso
ciation. The feature was the address on
"The Corporation Problem; the Lawyer's
Part In Its Solution." by Judge Peter S.
Grosscup. of Chicago, who spoke in part
as follows:
The great corporate problem before the
American people is not how to wipe out the
new domain of property represented by the
corporation: nor how to hinder or hamper
it. nor how to take It over into National
proprietorship; nor simply how to make
those who have already come Into Its pro
prietorship deal fairly and benignly with
the peqple. as the great proprietors in the
monarchies of Europe might' be required to
deal fairly with their peoples.
The great problem that confronts the
statesmanship of this. day. like that which
had to deal with the public landed domain.
Is how to peoplelze the ownership of this
new domain; how to widen and deepen the
popular stake In this new possession, how to
swoop forward Into the age that Is to come,
losing nothing overboard from the age that
Is passing, but with everything aboard so
really republlcanlzed that inthe public mind
there will be no feeling that under our laws,
and undnr the practical opportunities for an
Individual career that our laws are sup
posed to furnish, the field Is not open to
all alike.
It Is not the appetite of the men and
women of America for food that creates our
problem What creates our problem in that
under present corporate policies the Instinct
of Independent manhood, the Instinct that
characterizes us as a people, finds no field
for exercise. And what confronts us Is. to
find a way that will, with reasonable secur
ity open to this Instinct the whole domain
of Industrial proprietorship.
I do not expect that way to be found In a
day. or in aslngle measure. It Is not or
dained that a people shall go through a
great crisis so easily. I do not expect that
the way will be found by the men who are
called the party leaders, or that immediate
help will come from them. Party leadership
Is timid. Men In PreMdency and Senator
ships and Governorships are men who think
many times before they take any step that
might separate them from the prevailing
public good.
What I am at. and what 1 ask
you to Join In helping along. Is to set
In motion the public opinion that lies be
hind party leadership. When the deeper
Judgment of the nation Is reached; when
the vested interests of this dountry come to
see that their greatest security lies In hav
ing all about them neighboring vested In
terestsa proprietorship that reaches out
and out until, carrying reasonable security,
it is within the reach of all; when the men
who toll for wages, without abating their
appreciation of their present protective
agencies, come to actually wish for an In
dividual share in the country's property;
when the country wakes up to the conscious
ness that benevolence is not the only thing
that Is human; that Just dealing Is not the
only thing that Is human: but that indi
vidual ambition to get on in life is human
also; that the wish for a career is human;
that Individual independence Is human; that
some share In the world's Inheritance from
nature Is human: when the spirit that In
spired the pre-emption and homestead laws
peoplelzlng the domain that ell to our
fathers revives us. dealing as we have to
do with the larger and more difficult domain
that has fallen to us; when the public mind
and honor have been lighted up. ways will
be found, abundant ways, to Infuse Into this
new property domain of the Republic, even
though embodied in corporate form, the
widespread personal Interest and Individual
ity that alone gives to property its fullest
utility as an agency for good, and alone
saves to private property Its place as one
of the republican institutions of the country.
Passengers From Canal Quarantined
HEW YORK. July 12Twcnty-flv
passengers of the steamer Alllanca, which
arrived last night from Colon, today were
transferred to Hoffman's Island for ob
servation. The examining physicians
found that all these passengers had
temperatures above the normal, and It
was decided to detain them, owing to the
prevalence of yellow fever on the isthmus.
Czar Changes Whole Plan of
National Assembly.
Oligarchy Which Really Rules Rus
sia Adopts System of Class Rep
resentation to Hold Power
Through Landowners.
ST. PETERSBURG. July 13. 2: A.
M.) According to a statement current
here last night, there has been another
radical change In the programme for a
national assembly, which will Involve the
supersession of the whole of Minister of
the Interior Boullgan's project by one
based distinctly upon class representa
tion, a system against which the Moscow
Zemstvo Congress took a stand. This
new project. It Is said, will be considered
by the Council of Ministers under the
presidency of the Emperor, reinforced by
the Grand Dukes and a number of high
court officials.
The Emperor's conversion to the class
representation project Is attributed to the
influence and party leadership of the land
ed nobility, the views of which were
placed before His Majesty in an address
presented by Count Bobrinsky, president
of the Constitutional Conservative party,
and Count Sheremetleff, In behalf of
what is denominated the "Patriotic
Despite the popular Idea here as well as
abroad that Russia Is ruled by the bu
reaucracy, it is nearer the truth to say
she is ruled by a small oligarchy of
Grand Dukes and about 30 great noble
families who have access to the court and
who make the bureaucracy their tool.
With class instead, of general representa
tion, they say they can control not only
the members of the nobility, who are ex
pensive landowners, but the peasants who
live on their estates, and. thus buttressed,
the bureaucracy will have to protect Its
own Interests.
The Emperor himself is the largest land
owner, owning more land than all the
peasants of Buropean Russia, and over
33! palaces.
One Story Makes Motive Political,
Another Personal Revenge.
ST. PETERSBURG. July 12. Private ad
vices received here from Moscow say that
the slayer of Prefect of Police Count
Shuvaloff Is a student and that he made
an unsuccessful attempt at suicide after
taking the life of his victim. His recent
arrest was due to his participation In
political agitation.
ST. PETERSBURG. July 12. The mur
der of Prefect of Police Shuvaloff, of
Moscow, who yesterday was assassinated
while receiving petitions, according to
the latest information, was Inspired by
motives of vengeance on the part of the
assassin, who laid at Count Shuvaloffs
door the responsibility for his recent ar
rest, though there is absolutely no evi
dence that th- Prefect personally had
any cognlxance of the affair.
Showed Incapacity In Managing Mu
tineers of Potemkln.
ST. PETERSBURG. July 12. The
Nashua Shisn says that Rear-Admiral
Krugcr will leave the service on account
of alleged Incapacity in connection with
his treatment of the situation created by
the mutiny aboard the battleship Knia'z
Potemkln, at Odessa. The Admiral prob
ably will be court-martialed. At the Ad
miralty he Is known as one of the "court
Admiral Avellan's "promotion" to the
Council of the Empire is definite, as Is
Admiral BlrilefTs appointment as Minis
ter of Marine.
Czar Will Issue Proclamation From
Old "Capital.
ST. PETERSBURG. July 12. The SIovo
positively announces that the Emperor
will travel to Moscow where, on Wednes
day, July 19, he will issue a proclamation
summoning the representatives of the
people to the Isllnsky Palace. Kremlin.
Some of the officials of the court already
have gone to Moscow to make propara
tlons for the event.
New 3Iutiny In Xavy Threatened.
REVAL. European Russia. Julv 12 Tid
ing apprehensive of a mutiny, the authori
ties nere nave oraerea the sailors of the
Russian cruisers Mlnine ind Kremlin to
be relieved of their arms. Serious discon
tent has been manifested among the
crews of the warships, owing to the qual
ity of the food supply. The officer who
is held rcsponrtble for this state of affairs
has been placed under arrest.
Potcmkin on Way to Scvastopol-
SEBAETOPOL. July ll-In pursuance
of Instructions from the Russian Ad
miralty, the Knlaz Potemkln Is on her
way here, having left KustenJI. Rou
manla. during the night. In tow of the
battleship Tohesme.
Pacific 3rail Xo Longer Controls
Traffic of Isthmus.
NEW YORK. July 12. The contract
between the Panama Rallrnnrt rvTm-
pany and the Pacific Mail Steamhin
Company, under wfilch the latter has
tor years enjoyed the exclusive priv
ilege of handling freight on the Pacific
side on through bills of lading, ter
minated today. Hereafter all carriers
will be on a parity In respect to transit
facilities on the Isthmus.
Mr. Bristow in his recent rennrf- n
the Panama Railroad rpcnrnmnnrioH
that if the Pacific Mail Steamship Com
pany withdraws its present Panama
line, an eixort oe made to induce some
other comnanv to establish a flmt-rl-isa
service between the Important Pacific
Coast ports of the Lnlted States and
Upon excellent authority it can b
stated that the government does not
anticipate that the Pacific Mall will
carry out its threat to -take Its vessels
rrom ine nnama-san a rancisco serv
ice, nor does It expect the abrogation
of the contract to affect In any way
the shloment of merchandise from
York to San Francisco.
Robert M. Morman, Newspaper 3Inn.
ATLANTA. Ga. Julv 12. Hoberf xt
Morman, of Tennessee, formerly Washing
ton correspondent for several Southern
papers, died suddenly on the street here
today. He was about 35 years of age.
Of the Various Vsts for Culinary Pur
poses of the
Manufactured by
(Established I7S0.)
Will Be Given By
(Domestic Science Dept. Boston T. "W.
C. A.)
Seventeenth and Marshall Streets
Will Be ContlBBcd for Three Days
Ixmrer. Thunxlaj-. Friday aad Satur
day, at 10:30 o'clock la the Homing
aad 2:30 o'clock la the Afternoon.
Samples of Miss Burr's preparations,
such as Cakes, Pudding, ilerlngues.
Fudge. Souffles. Ice Cream. Bavarian
Creams, etc will be served at each
A special free lecture for the children
will be Riven on Saturday morning-.
July IS. at 10 o'clock sharp, when Ml?
Burr will make and servo cocoa, fudge
and chocolate ice cream. Every child
attending this lecture will be presented
with a little eouvenlr.
Artistic Picture Framing High-Grade Watch Repairing Very Reasonable Prices
Ten Deaths in Xcw York and Six In
Philadelphia Scores Fall
WASHINGTON', July 12. Hot weather
prevails over the greater portion of the
United States, according to reports re
ceived at the Weather Bureau tonight.
Apparently, there is no Immediate relief
In sight, except through the local thun
der storms In several scattered sections.
Throughout the West reports Indicate In
creasingly hot weather. The humidity Is
high all ox-er the Atlantic Coast from
New England to Florida, and the pros
pect Is that it will continue so two or
three days. Iwth northeast to south
In Washington today the maximum,
temperature was SS degrees, the same as
yesterday, but some relief has been ex
perlencd through local thundr storms.
There were a number of heat prostra
tions here, but so far as reported none
of them has resulte fatally.
Headquarters for White Linen
Suits Coats Jackets
Pure White Linen Pure White Linen
Another big express shipment received yesterday, and will be placed on sale
in our Cloak and Suit Rooms. Come, here today and see what luxury there is
in our coal,, comfortable, stylish, common sense, taitor-made, white linen gar
ments. White Linen Suits White Linen Coats White Linen Jackets
Prices Range From $4.50 to $25
25c Ginghams 10c
A Great Bargain
New 25c Zephyr Ginghams
At 10c
Today we place on sale 16,000 yards
Zephyr Gingham, all this season's newest
patterns, in fancy plaids and stripes, medium
and light effects.
(Goods Will Be On Sale at
8 o'clock Sharp
Art Needlework Store
Portland agents M. Heminway & Sons'
Embroidery Silks.
In the lot you will find a good assort
ment of Bureau Scarfs, Traycloths, Doilies
and Centerpieces, white and colored Imens. HH
Keg. 25c at jsy2g; 50c at 20c; fci at oup
I r
Fifth Day of Torrid "Wave Drives
Men Insane.
NEW YORK. July 12. Undiminished
heat and humidity marked the fifth day
of the torrid wave that has afflicted New
York, and tonight there is no Immediate
prospect of relief.
Ten deaths and nearly three score cases
of prostration was the record of the day.
At noon the mercury stood officially at
S7. the highest point of the day. It was
much warmer than this on the streets.
Some of the victims of the heat were
rendered insane by their suffering. In
Brooklyn Daniel McCarthy sought relief
by drinking carbolic acid, and died imme
diately. Jerry Lane, a coal passer In
an up-town hotel, went mad In the boiler
room and attempted to brain, a comrade
with a pitcher. .from, which they had been
drinking Ice water.
Many Prostrated by Fierceness of
Sun's Rays.
PHILADELPHIA. July 12. Six deaths
and more than a score of proseratlons
due to the high temperature of the last
five days were reported in this city to
day by the police.
Norwegians Enthusiastic fjSr Crown
ing jjanisn I'rmee
CHRISTIANIASorTvay. July 12. The
proposal to mxe Prince Charles of Den
mark King or Norway Is supported by
those having the power of deciding, and
also woultr'be enthusiastically received by
the majority of the Norwegian people.
Kaiser Arrives In Sweden.
GEELE. Sweden. July 12. Emperor
William and Prince von Buelow, the Im
perial Chancellor, arrived here on board
the Imperial yacht Hohcnzollern. They
will meet King Oscar tomorrow.
(Continued From Prnre 1.)
$1.00 Chamois Gloves 59c
"Women's 2-clasp, best quality Chamois Gloves, white and nat
ural color, sizes 52 to 7; regular price $1.00, a great bargain
at 59
85c Lisle Gloves 59c
"Women's 1-pearl clasp English Lisle Gloves, Paris point embroider-
in white, mode, navy, brown, tan and gray; regular
price Soc, a great bargain at t9
25c Women's Neckwear 17c
100 dozen "Women's Neckwear, linen embroidered tabs, embroi
dery turnovers and lace trimmed sets, a large variety to select
from, white and colored; regular price 2oc, at , . XT i
25c Ribbon He
250 pieces all silk warp print
Dresden Ribbon, 3 to 4V inches
wide; a large variety of color
ings. 35c RIBBON 17c
150 pieces all silk fency
glace chiffon taffeta Ribbdn, 5
inches wide, all the newest? col
orings. 10c to 15c LACB'4c
10,000 yards cotton ,Torchon
Lace, 1 y2 to 3 inches" wide, all
this season's patterns; regu
lar price 10c to JL6c, for this
$1 Bedspreads
"White Crochet Bedspreads, hem
med, ready for use, full size;
regular price $1.00, for this
sale 69
$1.75 Bedspre'ds
White Crochet Bedspreads, Mar
seilles patterns, full size; reg
ular price $1.75, for this
sale 1.48
85c Table
Linen 68c
Bieached lable Linen, 66 Jffl
inches wide, assorted pat
terns; regular Soc, for this
sale 68
$1.75 LINEN
Bleached Napkins, all pure
linen, full size, assorted pat
terns ; regular price $1.75, for
this sale $1.49
Poured From Northwest Into
Harriman Coffers.
Hlggins remains unmoved in his .leter
mlnatlon not to brlns any phase of the
insurance question before the present
extraordinary session of the Legisla
ture. He reiterated today his belief
that such an act on his part would bo
Should Have Got on Inside.
NEW TORK. July 12. In pentcnclnsr
Emll H. Xcumer. an Equitable Life As
surance Society clerk, to the Elmira. Re
formatory for an indeterminate period for
complicity In the robbery of a policy from
the Equitable Company's vault?. Justice
Foster, of the Court of General Sessions,
today commented on other Equitable
losses. He said:
"Your methods were very crude and
bungling. Jf you had. Instead of collu
sion with an outsider, colluded with an
insider and thereby had your salary raised
to JoO.000. and then divided with the other
man, the result would have been hurt
ful to policy-holders, but possibly you
would not have been at the bar of 1tis-
9 tlcc."
Xeumer gave the policy to Samuel Lob
ley, who borrowed money on It. and who
Is now In Sing Sing for the offense.
State Senator H. B. ITackett.
SPOKANE. Wash.. July 12.-Horatlo B.
Hackett. of Philadelphia, member of the
Pennsylvania Senate, died this morning
on a Northern Pacific train near Glade,
Franklin County. Wash., on his way East.
John T. Foster, Inventor.
NEW YORK, July 12. John T. Fos
ter, one of the most famous Inventors
of the United States, under whose di
rection the first gold pens were manu
factured In New York City, and who
was associated with Walter Hunt, tho
man said to have devised the first mod
el of the sewing machine. Is dead at
Arlington. "N. J. He was S5 years old.
Professor E. S. Wood, Harvard.
BOSTON. July 12. Professor Edward S.
Wood, of Harvard Medical School, a fa
mous expert In examining human blood,
Is dead at his Summer home at Peraza,
of cancer of the intestines, aged 58 years!
Reduced Cost of Operation Accom
panied by Increased Traffic Due
to Development The Great
Northern's Good Showing:.
NEW YORK. July 12. (Special.) Th
Harriman lines In the Northwest are
making record, earnings. The Union Pa
cific main line Is said to be carrying to
day the heaviest tonnage in its history,
at the lightest rate per ton per mile of
actual necessary cost In Its history- In
other words, the immense Improvements
made out of earnings in the past four
years are showing direct results In both
the volume of tonnage and In the cost of
carrying It. The standardizing of the
equipment, carried out last year under
the personal supervision and under tho
direct orders of E. H. Harriman. has
proven a successful experiment. It is not.
of course, in full completion It will take
at least seven years to bring It to a. full j
completion, une oa engines ana cars or
the systems will have to go to the scrap
pile before the "L". P. standard" Is every
where on all the lines. All the new equip
ment is standard, and all possible repairs
are accomplished by adapting the old
equipment to the standard parts.
This Summer tb.e Northwestern rail
roads are going to eclipse all transporta
tion records on this continent. This is the
Judgment of Roswell Miller. Julius Krutt
schnltt. James J. Hill and Jacob Schlff.
who. presumably, gets his Information
from good quarters. The Hill railways
are looking forward to far the heaviest
transcontinental traffic in their history,
both In freight and passenger business.
All these lines are after the Lewis and
Clark traffic and are getting It. So are
the Soo Line and the Canadian Pacific
Build Hopes on Northwest.
The Harriman railways are building
their hopes upon the Pacific Mail traffic
and the business into ana out of the new
sections of the Far Northwest. There
are stated to be over 00.000 acres of land
tributary to the Harriman lands and pro
ducing freight of one sort or another
which last year produced nothing but
trouble. This Is the kind of thing that is
making the Harriman lines. The Utah
and Oregon development, even though It
Is not carried on by the Harriman people
themselves. Is going to have an immense
Influence In swelling the" revenues of the
Harriman railways.
The grouj) of railroads that centers at
the Twin Cities Is showing relatively the
best results from the operations of the
last six months of the fiscal year and from
the work of May. and June. The Milwau
kee and the Great Northern arc con
spicuous. The former shows an Increase
of nearly $300,000 for the 11 months In net.
and one of $369,000 In gross for May, sav
ing nearly the whole of It In net. The
Hill railroad, always a consistent per
former, shows the magnificent increase of
$531,000 for the month of June. For the
yar this railroad shows the record In
crease of $3,031,000.
Soo Line's Great Earnings.
The Soo Line and Canadian Pacific are
other good ones. The former, with its
net Increase of over $300,000 and its gross
increase of over $1,703,000. or nearly 30
per cent. Is better than the Hill railroad
In percentage. The Soo Line, In fact. Is
the wonder of the hour. It was only a
few years ago that the wlsacres of the
street were wondering what In the world
the Canadian Pacific was going to do
with the Soo Line. It seemed a helpless
derelict. There wre no prospects on the
road. It had never paid dividends, and
most critics agreed that It never would.
Now It Is pnylng 7 per cent on the pre
ferred and 4 per cent on the common, and
is practically certain to Increase the rate
on the common within 12 months.
This Is the accident of railway gam
bling. The Canadian Pacific admits that
the purchase of the Soo Line was a gam
ble pure and simple. It was hoped at the
time of the purchase that In time the
road would earn Its charges fairly well.
The stock came cheap, so It was taken,
more to keep other railroads from buying
It than because the Canadian Pacific real
ly wanted it. Now the Soo Line Is lead
ing the rest of the country In percentage
of Increase In earnings.
Infant British Prince. ;
LONDON, July 12. The Princess of
Wales was safely delivered of a son this
Makes its presence known
by many signs, glandular
tumors, bunches in the neck,
cutaneous eruptions, in
flamed eyelids, sore ears,
catarrh and wasting diseases.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Effects permanent cures.
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or ij years, and
Is so harmless we
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same. Dr. L. A.
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AVe can unve yon 25 per cent on tho
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Fourth and Yamhill Y.M.C.A. Bldg
Flavoring extracts are gen-,
erally fictitious or .weak; Schil
ling's Best are true and full
Btrength. Your grocer's; money back.
Positively cured by these
Iattle Pills.
Thej also relieve Distress from Dyspepsk,
Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. A per
fect remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi
ness, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongu
Pain in the Side.: TORPID LIVER. They
Regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable.
maU Pill. Small Dos.
Small Price.