Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 13, 1905, Image 16

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Tomorrow The Meier (& Frank Store's 8 1 3th Friday Surprise Sale
10,400 Pairs "0iyyx" Hosiery for Women and Men
Women's 75c to $2.00 Values for 49c Pair Men's 50c, 75c Values for 32c Pair
Municipal League and Saloon
Interests Drift Apart.
IJoth Sides to Controversy Claim
They Have Majority of Council.
Leaguers Stand Pat. Against
Attempt to Repeal Law.
The City Attorney holds that under
the provisions of ordinance No. 14020,
known as the "anti-box ordinance," It
would be unlawful for a restaurant
havlnu a license to sell wines or
liquors, to serve a banquet at which
beer or wines are served, except In the
main dining-room.
He holds further that it would be
unlawful to serve a private dinner
party without reference to the sire of
the room. If the same be not in the
main room, as the ordinance makes It
unlawful for saloons or restaurants to
maintain private dining-rooms.
"The ordinance distinctly prohibits
maintenance of any separate entrance
for ladles or other class of persons,"
said City Attorney SIcNarj". in answer
to an Inquiry yesterday upon the sub
ject. "The Rathskeller in the Port
land Hotel would not come within the
inhibition of the ordinance," he con
tinued, 'owing to the fact that hotels
are exempted In this particular.
"It would be unlawful for any per
son not doing a hotel business to main,
tain what Is known as a 'Rathskeller.'
feparate from the main entrance or
place where business is carried on.
I am not prepared to say whether or
not the ladles' grill In the place known
as the Tavern would be considered a
(separate apartment from the main
dining-room, owing to the peculiar
construction -of this resort. I have
not been in the same. If It should be,
however. It would be unlawful to sell
liquor therein, or to maintain it for
liquor-serving purposes."
It begins to look as If the chasm
separating the local liquor interests and
the Municipal League Is growing: wider
and wider, and that no definite results
can be expected from the conference
that took place last Tusdeay in the
Mayor's office between the two warring
factions over the operations of the box
ordinance. It seems to be quite cer
tain that tho Municipal League is go
ing to stand pat on the proposition, and
It was hinted quite freely last night
by those prominent in their councils
that they are masters of the situation.
The issue now seems to be whether
the Municipal League will be able to
control the City Council, 11 of whose
members It opposed at the recent elec
tion. The liquor Interests claim to be
in a position to repeal the present law
entirely, while the Municipal Leaguers
scoff at the idea, and assert that the
liquor men will havo their hands full
to secure even a bare majority in the
Council, let alone the necessary two
thirds vote of Its members, in order to
pass a new ordinance over any possible
veto of the Mayor.
Both sides are preserving- a state of
armed neutrality, and unless the unex
pected happens during the interval of
the next meeting of the city lawmak
ers, the prospects are more than flat
tering for a battle royal between the
two rival elements.
History of Ordinance.
The inside history of the present or
dinance is in itself interesting to a high
Jegree. It was originally demanded,
so the story goes, by tho Municipal Ab
sociation from the late Council at a
period when the Matthews machine was
laying Its ropes to catch the Municipal
League vote for Stott and Reed for
Sheriff and District Attorney, respec
tively, against Word and Manning. The
measure was drafted by the liquor li
cense committee of the Council, com
posed of B. D. Sigler. A. K. Bentley, L.
Zimmerman, Sandford Whiting and A.
F. Flegel, and a committee appointed
by the Municipal League, consisting of
W. W. Cotton, O. P. M. Jamleson, Miller
Murdoch. W. J. Honeyman and W. L.
Hotel Was Protected.
It is asserted that while the ordi
nance was being drafted the Idea pre
vailed of protecting the Hotel Portland,
and with that object In view a man was
(sent to measure the Turkish room ad
joining the rathskeller of the hotel, so
that an ordinance could be drawn ac
cordingly, and it is claimed that tho
dimensions of the Turkish room cor
respond with exceeding nicety to the
160-square feet provision of the ordi
nance that is now prox-ing such a dis
turbing element in certain quarters.
The second section of the ordinance
provides In effect that meals and
drinks may be served in dining-rooms
containing not less than 160 square
feet, but the first section contains a
clause that liquor can only bo
old in the main dining-room, and in
no other room or side room, and Mayor
lane construes this feature of the
Tne liquor men claim that they are
not contending in any way for a closed
hox. The controlling influences of the
liquor interests apparently recognize
in it an evil the regulation of which is
so difficult that they consider it better
to eliminate it altogether, but they
srenuously object, after conceding this
point, to the radical provisions of the
present ordinance, which, they assert,
would absolutely prevent the mainte
nance of any booths or alcoves, no mat
ter how open or public they might be.
and which also prohibits private dinner
parties, and practically insists that if
any person wants to eat or drink in
any place that serves liquor, they must
do so in the main dining-room.
Only Heal Way to See City Is by
Observation Launch.
Today the superbly-appointed yacht
launch Princess May begins the ''observation-car
rides on the river." Ten
miles along Portland's picturesque
waterfront. An hour and a quarter
you'll never forget.
Everything of interest pointed out.
Music. From foot of Stark street, 10:30
M. and 2 and 3:30 P. M. Comfortable
lions. Fare, 50 cents.
If Babr la Cuttlnr Teeth,
tzse tsat old and well-trtel rtES47,
purs Soothing Syrup, for cnllOrea
3the th child, set tens th gums.
curta wla ooltc &4 larrbo.
The greatest movement in Women's and Men's Fine Hosiery ever known in local retail circles is announced for tomorrow's
great 8 1 3th Friday Surprise Sale A stupendous pnr chase of the f anions "Onyx" brand of hosiery that for genuine
valnet style and quality has never before been equaled Few retail stores throughout the length and breadth of the land
can use to advantage such ah enormous quantity of one line of merchandise in addition to their .regular stocks it again.
demonstrates The Meier (Sb Frank Store's supremacy in buying as well as selling Its matchless facilities in always securing
and offering the world's best merchandise at the very lowest prices We expect the greatest outpouring of economical
buyers ever experienced in 81 2 Friday Surprise Sales and have planned to serve everyone promptly and satisfactorily The
details of the women's lot follows: 5400 pairs Women's "Onyx" Hosiery, plain black, gauze lisle, black allover lace, lace
boot, lace boot with embroidered ankle All the new desirable colors; tans, blue, Dresden, French plue, Paris tans, biscuit
shades, champaignes, mandarin, emerald green, white and opera shadesA bewildering array of the prettiest hosiery shown
this season in plain gauze lisles, lace lisles, embroidered lisles, striped effects, plaids, etc., all together making an assort
ment where every Individual fancy can be quickly satisfied Sale starts promptly at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning No
limit as to quantity, you con buy one or a hundred pairs All sizes Extra salespeople, cash boys and cashiers in attend
anceBig Fifth-street window display gives you the best information regarding styles, values, variety,
etc. Values from 75c to $2.00 a pair No mail or phone orders filled as the crowd of buyers that will
respond makes it impossible for us to insure proper attention to orders A pair
Men's 50c and 75c Hose for 32c a Pair
In the Men's Section, near Morrison-street entrance, there'll be some lively selling all day tomorrow Thousands of pairs
bf men's fine quality half hose to be sold at about half their value Every pair the well-known "Onyx" brand of imported '
lisle thread in a mammoth variety of styles, patterns and colorings Plain tans, black and peacock blues, fancy tans, blues and
jacquards, fancy embroidered hosiery, lace effects in tans and black Every father, husband, brother, uncle and son should
anticipate his hosiery needs for many months to come If business permits your attendance you won't
have to look far to find a lady friend that's already planned to be here All sizes in the lot Regular 50c
and 75c values, your choice tomorrow at this low price, pair
See big Morrison-street window display today or tonight Strangers in the city will do well to take advantage
Art Linens at One-Third Off
Doj'lies, Center-Pieces and Scarfs of white Linen, square or round,
Japanese embroidered on blue or white, big variety, values
ranging from 75c up to $5.00 piece; your choice T jr
today at 3 Oil
Leather Cushion Covers, tan, brown, red and green ; r e? 9
Oriental designs ; regular .$5.00 values, on sale for. . VJC
Dresser Scarfs of while Swiss with lace insertion; great
special value for today at 430
Laundry Bags of red, green and blue ticking, special 19
Handkerchief Specials Today
"Women's all pure linen demi-laundered hemstitched Handkerchiefs,
embroidered and Swiss scalloped edges; best 25e n
values, on sale for the low price of lSrC
"Women's and Children's -inch hem all linen Handkerchiefs, f
best 10c values, on sale for, each . PC
50 dozen "Women's fine Swiss hemstitched, scalloped-edge Handker
chiefs, very best styles; regular 40c and 50c values, q
on sale today for, each . I OC
Fancy Kimona Handkerchiefs in great assortment; best
10c values on sale today at each OC
Sale of Women's Neckwear
Women's fancy Chiffon Stocks, bows
and accordion-plaited fan effects
with a touch of brown, light blue
and pink; our best
a- nrr i i
i, for. $1.23
$1.50-$1.75 values.
Pongee, Rajah and Taffeta Silk
Scarfs, light and dark shades, em
broidered ends, 65c and AXkr
75c 'values, on sale for. . . .He -7C
Black figured Silk Keiser Stocks,
tailored effects for wear with turn
over collars, also fancy braid and
oeaaea styles; b5c, 7oc a9
and 85c values, for frt C
Plain Silk Ties with hemstitched
ends, Persian, Roman and polka
dot striped effects, .$1 and q r
$1.25 values, for OVC
Embroidery Turnovers with deep bands for complete collars and
narrow pointed fronts to wear on the neck-band rib- q
bons or on stock for protectors; best 25c values, for. 1 OC
Tailored Suits Low Priced
Blouse, jacket and Eton styles in Panama Cloths, Broad
cloths, Cheviot, Covert, Serge and Shepherd "Worsteds, in navy,
brown, green,, black, tan, gray and fancy checks; blouses fancy
gimp and braid-trimmed; skirts flounce-plaited or flared styles,
all sizes. The very best bargains in Portland today at the fol
lowing prices:
$18.00 Suits for.. $10.25
$22.50 Suits for S1gj
$28.00 Suits for $15.85
$32.00 Suits for $17.45
$40.00 Suits for
$16.50 Suits for $
$20.00 Suits for $11.45
$25.00 Suits for $14.25
$30.00 Suits for $16.95
$35.00 Suits for $19.25
Men's Outing Suits for $1235 Each
Great week-end sale of Men's Ail-Wool
OUting Suits About 100 garments
'secured from a well-known maW at a
big concession from the reenlar
Single or double-breasted styles, fancy
cneviots, tweeds, homespuns and
worsteds-All this season's manufac
tureSuits the exclusive clothier would
ask you $18 foryou
can buy here today for P 5 5
All sizes perfect fit guaranteed
Mf2I"!o?1?Jli0Ut,n? SU,V of tlnc fl"t quality
fancy cneviots, twee-is. homuounx- UVtz. '
breasted styles; suit the Sw!SsH"e rChu
would ask you 520 Jor;our Drlce clothier
during: this sale. ..... . . . ,P" $ 1 3. 65
WMtc Military Duck Trousers. on'VaVe for. per
Wliite Flannel" Trousers'of nne" ' "1'e BJ)f"
quality, per pair $5.50
$2 to $3 Wash Vests 89c
100 men s fancy doublo-breasted "Wash Vesta de
sirable styles In big: variety; all sizes: rcjrular
$2.00. $2.50 and 53.00 values; JL
on sale for. each . o9c
Headquarters for "Waiters' Supplies. TuxeJo or
black alpaca Coats, white Vests, black Vests
Aprons Shirtfronts. white Ties, white Trousers.
white Coats. Cooks Caps etc
Carpet Remnants
at Low Prices
500 remnants of Brussels, Tapes
try, Axminster and "Wilton Vel
vet Carpets, very hest patterns
and colorings, to 2-yard
lengths, great special values at
50 "P to $1.75 piece.
Suitable for Rugs. Third Floor.
Curtain Swiss 10c
New Curtain Swiss, dotted, fig
ured and striped, in splendid
variety; regular 15c quality, on
sale today and tomor-
row at, per yard "C
54-in. Brass Extension f
Rods, today at, each C
Two and three-pair lots of Not
tingham Lace Curtains, best pat
terns, 46 to 54: inches 'wide, 3 and
3Vo yards long; great value at
$ 1 .00 Curtains, per pr. $ .78
$1.50 Curtains, per pr. $ .98
$2.20 Curtains, per pr. $1.58
$2.50 Curtains, per pr. $1.79
Men's 50c Foulard
Silk Ties at 29c Ea.
wren's new Silk English Foulard
Four-in-Hands, a great special
purchase from a prominent New
"York manufacturer; made of
fine quality Silk, reversible
style, an immense assortment;
navy blue grounds, white dots,
figures, scrolls, allover patterns;
also wliite ground with navy
blue dots, figures and scroll de
signs; every Tie in the lot regu
lar 50c value; buy all Q
you want at &C
See Morrison-street window.
Men's Pleated
Shirts 63c Ea,
Men's handsome new Golf Shirts,
plaited bosom; immense assort
ment of patterns; light stripes
and figures; also dark gray and
blue stripes; one pair cuffs to
match; Shirts that bring $1.00
in almost every store in r
town, all sizes, each Q3C
75c Ribbons at 39c
Hlgrh-grraJe. fancy print, all-silk .Taf
feta. Ribbons, 5 to 7 inches wide,
satin taffeta polka dots And .stripes,
fancy Roman ribbons, etc This sea
son's very best styles for dashes,
dress trimming; neckwear and mil
linery purposes; 50c and 75c
value, yard JVC
Women's $3.00 Oxfords $1.89 Pair
1000 pairs of women's low Shoes in tan, chocolate, patent leather and vici kid, this sea-
j son's leading models in all sizes and widths Great majority
I of the lot regular $3.00 values Today and tomorrow the
j greatest Oxford bargains of the season at ri 1 Q Q
this exceptionally low price P 1 O -7
500 pairs of women's lace Shoes in patent leather and vici
kid, heavy or light soles, this season's lead- d 1 OA
ing styles, all sizes, $3 values, your choice tpl0r
MEN'S $3.50 SHOES $2.79 PAIR
1000 pairs of Men's tan and patent leather welt Oxfords, sizes 6 to
11; every pair standard $3.50 value; your choice to- tf 7Q
day and tomorrow only at this unusually low price.
Big shipment of Women's white canvas Oxfords just received;
all sizes and grades ; white Oxfords for Misses ; colored canvas Ox
fords for "Women and Misses ; white canvas Shoes for "Women, Misses
and Children.
New White Linen Suits Second Floor
Hundreds of attractive new white Linen Suits just received; plain tailored and fancy embroid
ered novelties in three-quarter, box, half-fitting and Tourist coats; the largest and best showing, in
the city at prices ranging from $7.50 up to $42.00 suit. Let us show you.
New White Skirts at prices from $5.00 to $12.50. Second Floor.
Women's Knit Underwear Specials
"Women's Union Suits, hand-crocheted yoke, knee-length, lace
trimmed, Summer weight ; our best $1.75 values, in tf
all sizes, on sale for V
"Women's fine ribbed white Vests, high neck and quarter- q
sleeve, all sizes, 25c value, for 1 -rC
"Women's Richelieu rib Vests, low neck, no-sleeve or quar- 1 Q
ter-sleeve, all sizes, 25c value
Interesting Book News Today
5-volume, cloth-bound sets Authors, Mead, Carey, Cooper, Optic,
Holmes, Doyle, Corelli, Kipling, Reid and many fl tC
others; great special value at, set V vIV
Helen's Babies, special, 25p; Little Prudy, special 35
50c Book Specials Two Van Revels, The Intrusion of Peggy,
Mr. Munchausen, Not On the Chart, Dream of a Throne
and many others; great value at, each VC
Newest Fiction The Breath of the Gods, The Van Suyden Sap
phires, In the Arena, De Profundis, all at, per copy $1.08
$ 1 2.00 Trimmed Hats $4.98 Each
Sweeping reductions in the millinery department prior to the
departure of the buyer late this week Entire stock at the
most tempting prices of the year 100 high-class trimmed
hats, turtfans, Maxiiye cEUiotts, broad brim sailors, etc., wing
trimmed, flower trimmed, maline trimmed; handsome crea
tionsAll this season's headgear Up to $12 rf A q q
Choice today at the marvelously low price of P O
$30.00 Hats for $10.00 Each
Choice of 80 magnificent Pattern Hats ; Paris, London and New York
.models ; beautiful creations for dress and evening wear ; the most at
tractive headgear in the city; values up to $30.00 C 1 ft f(
each' on sale at the ridiculously low price of 4 I UUU
New Silk Pongee Sailor Hats at, each, $1.50.
New arrivals in Duck Hats at 25 to $2.50 each.
65c Silk Girdle Belts 42c
2o dozen "Women's Silk Girdle Belts in black, white, blue, green,
brown and tan; with or without buckles; all sizes, desir- Af
able styles; regular 50c and 65c values, on sale" for .IC
2Q dozen Hand Bags with coin purse, black, brown and tans, M
walrus leather; regular 85c values, on sale for, each C
Souvenir and Novelty Hand Bags and Purses for women, misses
and children; the largest and best showing in the city. Leather
Goods Department.
Bathing Suits Low
"Women's Bathing Suits of navy
blue Mohairs, trimmed with
white check, sailor collar and
Dlue braia, an sizes; regular .i
value, for this sale at.. $3.15
Children's Bathing Suits of blue
or red Flannel, white braid
trimmed ; great value at the low
price of $1.08
"Women's Bathing Caps, fancy
plaids and checks, rubber lined,
35c value , . 22
"Women's black and white Duck
Bathing Shoes, great value.l95
Second Floor.