THE aiORXING OHEGOXIAN, TUESDAY, JTTLY 11, 1905. CHILLS TIE MAYOR Dalrymple Throws Wet Blank et on Public Ownership. HIS REPORT NOT PUBLISHED Glasgow Man Tells What Ho Thinks of Chicago Mayor's Pet Scheme, but It' Is Received Coolly. Cause of Coolness. CHICAGO. July 10. (Special.) Mayor .Dunne has heard from James Dalrymple. The Glasgow traction manager, who came to Chicago a month ago at the request of the city executive to advise iirregard to the municipalization of traction lines, has sent a preliminary report, and his views as to the compatibility of municipal ownership with politics in Chicago are said to be depressing to Chicago's municipal-ownership Mayor. In fact, it Is admitted, that the report is in the nature of a "wet blanket." Mr. Dunne does not call it a "report." He styles it a "communication," and shows no enthusiasm over Its receipt. In view of the parting remarks of the Glasgow man, in which there was so little solace to the immediate municipal ownership advocate, the Mayor has de cided to be cautious in making public any letter from him. "While he himself has abandoned the immediate municipal operation plan for one of municipal con trol through a private corporation, he de clines to take any chances on handing out a letter which might prove a boom erang until he has carefully studied Its contents. The unobtrusive entrance of Mr. Dal rymple's "communication" into Chicago and the Mayor's office had an exact par allel in the equally unobtrusive exit of Mr. Dalrymple himself out' of Chicago arfd the Mayor's office.. The Mayor wel comed Mr. Dalrymple to Chicago with a loud fanfare of trumpets. He went to the depot to meet him, he personally con ducted his guest to the Auditorium Hotel and he placed the Glasgow expert on bis -right hand at a banquet the night after that much-advertised man's arrival. Afterward Mr. Dalrymple became well acquainted with T. E. Mitten, superin tendent of the Chicago City Railway Company; with Marshal Field and with other magnates closely connected with the traction companies. The Mayor then developed a .sudden frigidity toward his guest, and, when Mr. Dalrymple cut his three weeks' visit short and went home at the end of ten days, there was such an enormous amount of pressing business at the City Hall about 6 o'clock in the after noon, when Mr. Dalrymple's train was due to leave for the East, that the Mayor was unable to go to the depot to bid him farweli. Mr. Mitten, as It happened, was on his way to Buffalo, and he supplied the Mayor's place in speeding the parting guest. here, whose awakening from the sleep of fancied security is the Imperative need of the hour." Hedin's description of the apathy of the people seems only slightly overdrawn. The King and the Crown Prince are said to have succeeded in inspiring the aristo cratic and military personages who have hitherto made up the war party with the conviction that there must be no war, except in the event of a wanton a'ttack by Norway. Surprisingly little Interest is manifested in the forthcoming report of the Riksdag commission, on which hinges the question of war or peace. The report is expected this week. CROWN FOR DANISH PRINCE Norway Offers to Make Prince Charles Her King. LONDON. July 11. The Standard's Chrlstiania correspondent says that the Norwegian throne has been offered to Prince Charles of Denmark, second son of Crown Prince Frederick. Prince Charles is the husband of Princess Maud Alexandra, of Great Britain. ALU BUT ONE DEMOCRAT OUT Denver Offices Handed Over, but Treasurer Holds On. DENVER. July 10. The Supremo Court today denied the petitions for a. rehearing in the cases of the Demo cratic county officials ousted by a re cent decision of the court and moJI fia.lits original order so as tt ullow judgment to issue from the Supreme Court at once in all the cases. Later Bailiff Watson, accompanied by the successful Republican contest antr for the county offices, appeared at the Courthouse and demanded that the Democrats vacate. All complied without protest with the exception of City and County Treasurer Elder, who sail he could not. In justice to his bondsmen, surrender his office and possession of the books and funds until the court order was made by the Supreme Court separating the city funds from the county funds, as he maintains that he is still City Treas urer. Tomorrow, contempt proceedings will be Instituted against him for the purpose of securing a guiding order from the court. HOW SHALL HE "FIRE" KELLEY Governor Hoch Seeks Way of Re moving State Treasurer. TOPEKA. Kan., July 10. After an all-day conference with his advisers. Governor Hoch has not yet decided what to Jo about requiring State Treas urer Kelley to vacate his office. The Governor's legal advisers told him there was no law under which he could require the Treasurer to give a bond of 5500.000 to repay the old bond. Tlie conference then considered means of relieving Kelley of hie office. Governor Hoch may bring action in the courts, but this would be a. long process. There is some talk of calling a special session of the Legislature to bring impeachment proceedings. Statehood Convention in Oklahoma. OKLAHOMA City, July 10. A gen eral statehood convention will be held in Oklahoma City on July 12, which will be attended by 200 delegates. Con gress will be asked tojrrant both ter ritories Immediate statehood on terms of absolute equality without regard to the claims of New Mexico and Arizona. CALLS SWEDEN TO ARMS Sven Hedln Says Norway Is Prepar ing to Attack Her. CHICAGO. 111.. July 10. (Special.) The Daily News' correspondent at Stockholm cables as follows: War between Sweden and Norway, with the Norwegians as the aggressors, is de clared to be an imminent danger by Dr. Sven Hedin. the well-known explorer, who has addressed a strong appeal to Swedes in America to come to the rescue of the fatherland by raising a naval-defense fund of $5,000,000. Hedln asserts that the peo ple of Sweden have fallen into unbearable apathy with regard to the union crisis, and require urgently to have aggressive patriotism preached to them by Sweden's sons and daughters across the sea. Norway, according to Hedin. is realizing Sweden's indifference and unpreparedness, and is preparing for attack. It has made all Its plans for falling upon Sweden when it deems the psychological moment has arrived. "Fellow-countrymen In America," says Hedin's appeal, "Incredible as It may sound, received my solemn assurance that Norway at the present moment is our country's single enemy. It is armed to the teeth by lana and sea with borrowed foreign capital, secured on the pretense that it was wanted for railway construc tion. An alliance with you, an alliance of sympathy and substantial support. Is the only alliance Sweden needs. No matter how light your financial contributions, your -vigorous initiative would have a powerful effect on your drowsy kinsmen DYNAMITE WRECKS JOINTS EXTREME MEASURES ADOPTED BY KANSAS PROHIS. Three Saloons at Iola Blown Up by Explosion Which Is Heard, for Miles Around. IOLA, Kan.,Jjily 10. Three saloons in West street were wrecked with dynamite early today. Much damage was done to other business property in the vicinity, and the loss is conservatively estimated at 5100,000. J. E. Thorpe, the owner of one of the saloons, was injured, but not seriously. The dynamite was exploded apparently by some temperance reformer. No arrests have been made. The wrecked saloons were known as the Red Light, the Blue Front and the Eagle. There were two distinct explosions, each of terrific force. Besides demolishing the three saloons, the explosions damaged the Palace shoe store, the drugstores of Camp bell & Burrell and Cowan & Ausherman, across the alley in the rear, and shat tered dozens of plate glass windows- in the business section. The explosions were heard at Humboldt, nine miles distant. The Mayor has offered a reward for the perpetrator, and called a special meet ing of the City Council to consider the situation. There has been much agitation in Iola recently to close the saloonB. which have run openly in violation of the prohibition law, and Governor Hoch had been appealed to to aid In closing the places. EXPLOSION WORK OF MADMAN He AVrltes to Newspaper Betraying That He Is Dynamiter. IOLA. Kan.. July 10. Iola Is quiet again tdfflght after a day of the most intense excitement as the result of the blowing up of three saloons here last night. Conservative estimates' of the damage resulting from the explo sion place it at $100,000. The Mayor has sworn In a largo number of deputies, wno xne patr tiling the streets tonight. That the outrage was committed by an irresponsible person wis maJo clear tonight, when a number of Iot ters were received by a local newspa per from a man' signing the name C L. Mclvln. who is in hiding in this vi cinity.; The tenor of the letter indicates that the writer is Insane, and that he blew up the saloons here last night. FUNSTON'S FATHER ARRESTED Accused of Inflammatory Utter ances, He Fights Policeman. IOLA, Kan.. Jul 10. E. H. Funston. ex-Congressman and father of Brigadier-General Fred Funston. was ar rested here tonight charged with In flammatory utterances. Mr. Funston, in talking or the explosion which blew up three saloons here last night, said the occurrence would have been avoid ed if the officers of the law had done their duty in enforcing the laws. Funston resisted the policeman who attempted to arrest him and a fight resulted, in which the policeman struck Funston, strapped him to his buggy and took him to Jail. Later Funston was released and he swore out a warrant for the policeman. The policeman charged that Funston came to town with a Winchester and a revolver, that he bought some cart ridges and had them in his buggy when arrested. Funston is a radical au enforcement man. His hearing was set for next Saturday. SUE EQUITABLE DIRECTORS A GENUINE SACRIFICE OF FINE PIANOS The Costliest of Chlckerings, Webers, Klmballs, Stecks, Hobart M. Cables, and Others, at Almost Half-Prlce. Artiitic Picture Framing High-Grade Watch Repairing Very Reasonable Prices Pianolas, Baby Grands, and Also Parlor and Church Organs Included in the EHers Sale Some Prices and Details as to Terms of Payment. It may be - little warm for purchasers to care to bother as to the whys and wherefores of this midsummer sale; suf fice it to say that In order to retire cer tain Interests that have been associated with us in our' California business, we have determined to pay them off Imme diately after the firm name has been changed there to "-Eilere Music Com pany. ' and which we expect will be done wunin me next rew days. Since the announcement of. this sale, buyers have nartlcinated In this moneV- saving opportunity far and near, but we have still on hand some of the choicest and most costly Instruments ever shown in Portland, manv of them Individual de signs, specially selected and manufactured ior our great world s rnir exhibit, which we are now holding in our down-town salesrooms, 251 "Washington street. We ha-e now over eighty different styles of the various highest-grade manufactur ers. Including Webers, Chlckerings. Stecks, mmnaiis. iiazeitons. . Hobart yi. cyanic. Lester. Crown orchestral, etc., etc. These pianos, as well as the regular catalogue styles, are Included in this cut-price sale. A Few Sample Figures Among the oianos offered will be found strictly first-class cabinet grand upright pianos, standing four feet, eight Inches high, with full-length, duet music desk. Boston fall board and three pedals, the third a soft or practlcepedal. for J257. and the plainer styles for 5236, which is almost half price. Regular 5275 and 5300 styles for JIGS. 1157 and 5146. Ttnns on these should not be less than 525 down and 510 a month at these cost firices, but to make quick work of it, any nstruments below $300 In value may be had on payments of as little as S3 or IS down and 53 to 56 monthly. Please near in mind tnat this stock is the choicest and very latest. Just out of the factories, and of the vers finest and highest grade manufactured in America. Lach Instrument Is accompanied by an unconditional guarantee, giving virtually five long years' trial of a piano or no sale. Remember that each and even niano or organ in this sale offered for factory cost goes now for less money than regular dealers ordinarily buy them for cash. Quite a Few Used Ones Tou will find here now some fine sauare Davis. Emerson. Durand, Fischer and oth er makes for sale at 5S. 537 and 565. re spectively; strictly up-to-date squares. worth 5100. 5110 and 5135. respectively, at the lowest estimate. Several second-hand uprights and used organs for a mere song. The pianos now marked 5115 are beauti ful, brand-new 5273 uprights of well-known New York make that have.never been sold East or here in the West for le3s than 5233. and other instruments will go for still less money, though all are good, reliable pianos. Seven of These Now $212 We offer seven strictly high-grade, fan cy, seven and one-third octave pianos, full swinging duet music desk, revolving lockboard. with three pedals, the third a Mft or practice pedal, for 5212. which Is less than half price. A fancy figured Bra zilian mahogany case for 524 more money. Larget cabinet grand size, thoroughly re- 1 1 - V. t n ..11 ..... . ,,nr4fh nlsnn. In Inches high, wlth'latest duet desk, rolllngrv JL fall beard and three pedals, instruments that we guarantee cannot dc oougnt m Chicago or at the New York factory for less than 5325 each, will go during this sale for 517S. Rosewood cases for 522 still less money. This Makes It Easy With the exception of three highest priced styles, .the cost of which slightly exceeds 5350. and on which terms of pay ment will not be made less than 550 down and 520 a month, all pianos are for sale on payment of 515. 520 'or 525 down and at the rate of 56, Pi and 510 a month, accord ing to make, style and design. Since all prices are based on the actual cash cost, those taking advantage' of the above-nnmed easy terms, will pay Interest on deferred payments at the rate of 8 per cent per annum. And Yet Another Offer We personally guarantee the price and quality of every Instrument In this sale, and any used piano bought of us at this time may be returned to us within two years, and we will allow the full amount paid toward any hew Kimball or Weber or Chlckerlng piano. This sale is now In progress at Ellers Piano House. 3J1 Washington street, in our "quarter block of fine pianos." and If you have any possible use for a piano or organ, come at once and do not delay, for times are prosperous now and many will take advantage of this opportunity at this time of year. At these prices and terms we shall convert this stock Into money or paper within a very few days. Store open day and night till stock Is closed out. 20c, 25c, 35c Wash Goods at 8c Another Great Wash Goods Sensation This greatest offering includes all this season's newest, iiR-to-date Wash Goods in check voile, embroidered dot Swiss, batiste, eolienne and madras; light, medium and dark effects. Goods Will Be on Sale at 8 o'Glock Sharp 20c, 25c, 35c Wash Goods at 8c $25-$35 Silk Shirtwaist $1.50, $1.75 WhiteLawn CUTTING IFF SLICES Scott Special Reducing Record Time to Chicago. IS AHEAD OF SCHEDULE State Law'Off leers Confer on Mode of Procedure. NEW YORK. July 10. Attorney-General Mayer. District Attorney Jerome, Assistant District Attorney Gans, Sam uel Untermeyer and Edward Lauderbach held a conference today and discussed af fairs of the Equitable Life Assurance So ciety. Mr. Jerome said, after the meet ing, that the matter was taken up only in an informal way, and that no definite conclusion was reached. Mr. Tntermeyer, chief counsel for James H. Hyde, will sail for Burope tomorrow for a two months vacation. It was stat ed tonight on good authority that the suits to be brought by the Attorney-General would be against all the directors collectively and not as individuals. From present indications, even if the suits arc started within the next two weeks, and it is expected that it will take that length of time to prepare them, they v.ill not come to trial before Fall. Mr. Jerome said today that he had not yet received a copy of the testimony from State Superintendent of Insurance Hen dricks. Ex-President Cleveland, James O'Brien and George Westlnghouse. the Equitable trustees, met in this city for several hours this afternoon, but had nothing to make public of their proceedings. There will be another conference tomorrow. Acting In Hitchcock's Place. WASHINGTON, July 10. In the ab sence of Secretary Hitchcock and As sistant Secretary Ryan. Frank L. Campbell, Assistant Attorney-General for the Interior Department, has been designated by the President Acting Secretary. Root's Appointment Announced. WASHINGTON. July 10. The formal announcement was made at the State Department today that Ellnu Root, of Now York, has been appointed Sec retary of State. Santa Fe Has Already Beaten Cal culations by Nearly Two Hours. Train Will Reach Chicago Six Hours to Good. DENVER. July.10.-J. P. Hall, passen ger agent of the Santa Fe railroad, to night announced the progress of the Fcnit focial since It left Trinidad. Colo., at 3:43 o'clock this afternoon. From Trin idad tu La Junta, a distance of S2 miles, over a. heavy grade, the time consumed was one hour and 27 minutes. The 203 miles between La Junta, and Dodge City, Knn., was made in 194 minutes. Deduct ing a three-minutes' steu at Syracuse, a division point, makes actual running time between these two points 191 minutes. The train left Dodge City at S:29 tonight. Mr. Hnll states that the special left Dodge City one hour and 45 minutes ahead of the schedule, and that he felt assured of further cutting of the schedule by rea son of the fact that the train, after leav ing Dodge City, almost Immediately en countered the best roadbed the Santa Fe has In this section of the country. Up "With Schedule at Albuquerque. TOPEKA. Kan., July 10. The Walter Scott special, on the Atchison. Topeka & Santa. Fe railway, reached Albuquerque at 9:2; this morning and left at 93?. Santa Fe officers here report the train practi cally on the estimated schedule at Albuquerque. Srf Suits at $14.85 Women's Silk Shirtwaist Suits Black, brown and navy taffeta silk, also fancy striped, some black and white, shepherd check, made in the very latest style with stock collar and four-in-hand tie; regular price $25.00, $27.50, $30.00, $35.00 at $14.85 Shirtwaists at 95c Women's Waists of fine quality white lawn, a large variety to select from, all this season's best styles. The fronts are trimmed with rows of tucking, Hamburg insertion and point Swiss embroidery; regular price $1.50 and $1.75 at 95 fcj 10c to 15c Embroidery $1.00, $1.25 All-Over 20c ta35c Embroidery official to advite the Secretary whether. In his opinion, a criminal action would lie against any of the parties named In the evidence or In the report. I carried out the instructions of the Secretary and fur ther told him that the Secretary desired to have his opinion on the matter as soon as possible, and asked whether that would handicap him in Ms efforts to maintain a prosecution If the Secretary gave a report of the Investigation to the newspaper men I jv.1I f T - n. I I - 0 . 1 I matter. . "Mr. Beach replied that ho did not want one word to be made public until he had time to go over the matter and satisfy himself as to whether or not an offense : had been committed and a prosecution could be maintained. "Upon my suggestion. Mr. Beach called up the Secretary of Agriculture by tele phone and advised him of the fact that he did not want publicity at that time, and that hu would communicate with the Secretary as soon as possible. On Friday .af tern oca. between 2 and -Z o'clock. Mr. Beach called upon the Secretary In person and returned all the papers and stated that a prosecution would not He. The whole question was presented to Mr. Beach, whether an offense against the law had been committed, and whether. In his opinion, a criminal prosecution could be maintained. Mr. Beach, when shown the statement of Mr. McCabe, declined to add anything to the statement heretofore given out by him. Insertion 5c IN THE LAOE STORE White Embroidery Insertion 1 to V2 inches wide, all new goods; regular price 10c to 15c, a great bargain at o Embroidery 68c ALL-OVER EMBROIDERY Just what you need for Waists, Dresses and Hats, newest designs; regular price $1.00 and $1.25, a great bar gain at 68 Insertion 10c White Embroidery Insertion, Vz to 2y2 inches wide, all this season's newest designs; regular price 20c to 35c, a great oargain at 10 15c Linen Initial 85c Table Linen 68c $1.25 Bedspreads 95c Handkerchiefs 10c Reach Chicago Soon After Xoon. LAS VEGAS. X. M.. July 10. The Scott special arrived here at 12:3S and left at 12:42 P. M. A schedule has been arranged east of this point under which the train will readi Chicatro at 12:23 tomorrow aft- 1 crnoon. in 45 hours and 35 minutes "from Los Angeles, Instead of 4S hours, as called for by the original schedule. Still Gaining Time. TOPEKA. Kan.. July 11. The Scott spe cial left Emporia at 1 o'clock this morn ing, two hours and 45 minutes ahead of schedule time. Less than a minute was used In changing the engine.- Xo more stops will be made until Topeka is reached. The. track is clear between Em porla and Topeka. Life IasHraBcc For twenty-flvo cents you can now In sure yourself and family against any had results from an attack of colic or diar rhoea during the Summer months. That Is the Pr,ce of a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remed'. a medicine that has never been known to 'fail. Buy It now. It may save life. For sale by all druggists. Two and a Half Hours Ahead. NEWTON". Kan.. July 10. The Scott special on the Santa Fe Is running two hours and 30 minutes ahead of the sched ule time. PROSECUTION IS IN DOUBT Law May Not Cover Case of Cotton Statistic Fixers. "WASHINGTON. July 10. In view of the discussion regarding the circumstances at tending the reference by Secretary Wilson to the United States District Attorney of the cotton-leak report for advice as to whether or not criminal action against Assistant Statistician Holmes would He Solicitor McCabe. of the Department of Agriculture, gave out the following state ment: , "About 1C A. M., Friday. July 7. under instructions from the Secretary of Agri culture. I called upon Mr. Beach. United States Attorney for the District of Colum bia, taking wlth me the Secret Service operative who had made the investigation of the reported leakage on the cotton- crop report. The Secretary Instructed me to place al the evidence in the possession of the department and the original report of the secret service operative in the jhands of Mr. Beach, and to request that 3IA.Y PROSECUTE GUILTY. Attorney-General Inquiring Into Cotton Statistics Scandal. OYSTER BAY,- July 10. It Is re garded here as not unlikely that crim inal prosecution ma result from tho Investigation of the cotton report leak age in the Department of Agriculture. While no decision to institute criminal proceedings has been reached, the sub ject is being considered by Attorney General Moody, who later will take the matter up with the President. Today we place on sale 200 dozen "women's unlaundered, all pure linen, plain, hem stitched, hand embroidered, initial Handkerchiefs; regu lar price 15c, a great bargain at 10 Itf THE LLNEtf STORE Bleached Table linen, 66 inches wide, assorted pat terns; regular Soc, for this sale -.'...68$ $1.75 LINEN NAPKINS $1.49. Bleached Nirpkins, all pure linen, fnll size, assorted pat terns ; regular price $1.75, for this sale $1.49 White Crochet Bedspreads Mar seilles patterns, full size; regular price $1.25, for this sale 95p $1.00 BEDSPREADS 69c. White Crochet Bedspreads, hem med, ready for use, full size; regular price $1.00, for this sale 69 Greatest Assortment Bathing Suits Special Prices been filed leading up to the dismissal of Mr. Holmes " The, Secretary added that he had given 'consideration to Mr. Price's re quest, as presented through his attor ney. William M. Ivlns, of New York, "to withdraw the unjust, offensive and unsustained charges and Implications." and had reached the determination to take no further action In the matter. He said he would not communicate with Mr. Price or his attorney in any way. Deadlock Over Hooker Case. ALBANY. N. Y.. July 10. The pro ceedings of the two houses of the State Legislature today in their extra, session to act upon the charges against Supreme Court Judge Warren B. Hooker not only wa? almost without practical result, so far as actual progress In settlement of the case Is concerned, but the possibility of a deadlock developed over a technical point. QUARREL AMON'G GAMBLERS AVIIson Says Ho Will ot Be Bluffed by Price. WASHINGTON, July 10. That Sec retary Wilson Intends to take no step backward in his report of the cotton leak Investigation, was evidenced to day by his statement that he was not afraid of any libel suit which might bo filed against him by Mr. Price or oth ers mentioned In the report. In fact, he said, he would welcome such action, because It might be the means of de veloping some facts not already uncov ered and which it was desirable to know. 'This Is a quarrel among- gamblers." he said, "brought about by the dissat isfaction of some of them in not get ting what they thought was due. I have nothing to take back. As the head of an executive department of the Government, It was my duty and my right to give the public the result of the investigation by the Secret Serv ice agents into the charges which had Catarrh Whether It is or the nose, throat, stomach, bowels, or more delicate organs, catarrh is always debilitating and should neTer fail ot attention. It is a discharge from the mucous mem brane when kept In a state of inflammation by an Impure, commonly scrofulous, con dition of the blood. Hood's Sarsaparilla Cares all forms of catarrh, radically and permanently It removes the cause and overcomes all the effects. Get Hood's. INVISIBLE BIFOCALS SHUR-ON "SHUR-ON" EYE-GLASSES We can are yoa 25 per ceat on the bWotc kIsmcx. Oregon Optical Co. 173 Fourth Street. Fourth aad YawhHI Y.M.C.A. Bid EXCLUSION LI 11 FARCE KKEFE TJBIiIiS IiOXGSHOREMEX ANT CHINESE CAN ENTER. of graft from the ranks of organized labor win be found In annual trade affr"" ment. Sympathetic strikes can. find no suitable apology for their existence during the life ot any trade agreement or con tract. Mr. Keefe congratulated the delegates on the encouraging prospect of the asso ciation, which has reported a: membership of nearly 100.000. Russell Appointed Minister. WASHINGTON. July 10. Formal an nouncement was made at the State . Department today of the appointment i of AVilllam IV. Russell, of Maryland. ! as Minister to Venezuela, where he J succeeds Mr. Bowen. Mr. Russell was formerly secretary of Legation at Ca- j racas and was sent from there to i Bogota as Minister to Colombia, where j he has been relieved by Mr. Barrett. . President of Union Advocates Fed eral Control of Insurance and Annual Trade Agreements. DETROIT. July 10. In his annual ad dress delivered at the convention of the International Longshoremen. Marine and Transport "Workers' Association, which opened hero today. President D. J. Keefe characterised the Chinese exclusion law as a farce In so far as the protection of American labor Is concerned. He said: The United States census will demonstrate that any Chinaman who wishes cannot be excluded when he desires to enter the United States. Let us ask Congress for a law that l honestly Intended to protect Ameri can labor rather than a patchwork that means nothing but an endless expense to the government. Mr. Keefe argued that the convention should recommend Government control of the life Insurance business. He de clared that a system of Insurance could be 'profitably conducted on a basis of J10 per $1000 of Insurance. Regarding "graft" he said: The great weapon for the extermination MORE TEAMSTERS WILIi STRIKE Action of Chicago Expressmen Stirs Up New Trouble. CHICAGO, July 10. Five hundred addi tional teamsters will go on strike Wednes day morning if the Chicago Cartage Com pany, organized by the city express com panies, attempts tomorrow to deliver goods to the boycotted houses with non union men. This was decided tonight at a meeting of the Teamsters Joint Coun cil, after the Department Store Drivers Union had threatened to abandon tho strike unless the united drivers employed by the city express companies quit work If their employers made an attempt to work with nonunion men. Ice Spoils Labrador Fishery. ST. JOHNS. N. F.. July 10. The Lab rador fishery Is reported to be a complete allure, owing to Immense Ice-floes block ading the coast fleet of over 200 schoon ers, which are unable to get north of Hamilton Inlet. "EL SIDELO" CIGARS MADE AT TAMPA, FLORIDA," OF ALL HAYANA TOBACCO by CUBAN WORKMEN "QUALITY TTCXSV' Distributers - Allen & Lewis PORTLAND, OREGON i 9 9 99 99 9 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 9 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 1 4