THE MORXIXG OREGOXIA, MONDAY, JULY 10, 1905. 6 Entered at the Poftofflce at Portland. Or., as Becond-class matter. SUBSCRIPTION KATES. INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. (By Mall or Express.) Oally and Sunday, per year. $9.00 Dally and Sunday, six months R.00 Sally and Sunday, three months 2.53 ally and Sunday, per month - .85 Dally without Sunday, per year 7.50 Dally -without Sunday, six months 3.00 Dally without Sunday, three months... 1.05 Dally without Sunday, per month 65 Sunday, per year - 2-00 Sunday, elx months 1.00 Sunday, three months .00 BT CARRIER. Dal'y without Sunday, per week 13 Dally, per week. Sunday included 0 THE "WEEKLY OREGONIAN. (Issued Every Thursday.) "Weekly, per year . 1-50 Weekly, six months o "Weekly, three months 50 HOW TO REMIT Send postoffice money order, express order or personal check on your local bank. Stamps, coin or currency are at the sender's risk. EASTERN BUSINESS OFFICE. The S. C. Beckwith Special Agency New York, rooms 43-50 Tribune building. Chi cago, rooms 510-51" Tribune building. KEPT ON SALE. Chicago Auditorium Annex, Postoffice News Co., 178 Dearborn street. Dallas Tex. Globe News Depot. 200 Main street. San Antonio, Tex. Louis Book and Cigar Co.. 521 East Houston street. Denver Julius Black. Hamilton & Kend Tick, D0G-012 Seventeenth street; Harry D. Ott 1563 Broadway; Pratt Book Store. 1214 Fifteenth street. Colorado' Springs, Colo. Howard H. Bell. Dos Moines. Ia. Moses Jacobs. 300 Fifth street. Duluth. Minn. G. Blackburn. 215 West Su perior street. Goldfleld, Ner. C. Malone. Kansas City, Mo. Rlcksecker Cigar Co.. Ninth and Walnut. Log Angeles Harry Drapkln; B. E. Amos, CI 4 West Seventh street. Minneapolis M. J. Kavanaugh, 50 South Third; L. Regelsburger. 217 First avenue South. Cleveland, O. James Pushaw, 307 Superior fctreet. Xir Tork Clfcr L. Jones & Co.. Astor House. Oakland, Cal. W. H. Johnston. Fourteenth and Franklin streets. Ogden F. R. Godard and Meyers & Har top. D. L. Boyle. OmahABarlcalow Bros., 1C12 Farnam; Mageath Stationery Co.. 130S Farnam; Mc Laughlin Bros.. 2-10 South 14th; McLaughlin & Holtz. 1515 Farnam. Sacramento, CaL Sacramento" News Co., 429 K street. Salt Lake Salt Lake News Co.. 77 West Second street South; Frank Hutchison. Yellowstone Park, Wyo. Canyon Hotel, Lake Hotel. Yellowstone Park Assn. Long Beach B. E. Amos. San Francisco J, K. Cooper & Co., 740 Market street; Goldsmith Bros., 23C Sutter; L. E, Lee. Palace Hotel- NewB Stknd; F. W. Pitts, 1008 Market; Frank Scott. SO Ellis; N. "Wheatley Movable News Stand, corner Mar ket and Kearney streets; Hotel St. Francis News Stand; Foster & Orear, Ferry News Stand. St. Louis. Mo. E. T. Jott Book & News Company. S0C Olive street. Washington. D. C. P. D. Morrison, 2132 Pennsylvania avenue. PORTLAND, OREGON, JULY 10, 1005, LEHTATIONS OF A "SCIENCE." There is a class of economic questions which It is useless to discuss in their relations to conditions In any particu lar country on abstract principles. That is to say, there is not much in the science of political economy, so-called, that is universally true. A tariff policy -good for one country is not good for another. And a tariff policy good for a country at a certain or given stage of its history and of its development Is not good for it at another stage. Every thing depends on the time, the siage of development, the general circum stances. It is this truth, Ignored by those who set themselves resolutely against all tariff revision in our country, that ultl mately will confound them. During the eighteenth century Adam Smith, having carefully observed the conditions that prevailed in Great Britain, wrote n book admirably suited to his environ ment, and the book met with success Then men undertook to erect the prin ciples of that book into an universal law. irrespective of environment. They called the result the science of political economy. Then others theorized on these commentators and their succes sors upon them, until the most practical of business problems has been lost in a metaphysical fog. deepened by appeal through the misty and cloudy and eva sive terms of party platforms. The sub Ject Is. in fact, a practical one, in which a. priori meories can avail mile or nothing. There Is competition among nations and success to one or another comes chiefly or solely through a comprehen slon of existing conditions and capacity to take advantage of opportunity. At the same time the play of forces in the present world is so wide and so power ful that this problem is more complex than at any former time. Political economy, therefore, as a dogma. Is as absurd as would be a dogma which taught an infallible way to manipulate the stock market. One community, such as Rome, may do well by robbery; an- j other like Great Britain, when she en Joyed a monopoly of minerals or. metals and manufactures, may flourish upon free trade; a third, like Germany with her sugar policy, may find her advan tage in attacking a rival by export bounties: -while a fourth like Japan, may thrive by seclusion, as did Japan, so long as circumstances favored. No one can say. a priori, what will succeed. No nation can with safety follow the policy of another; for there are innu merable facts, incidents, circumstances and combinations in the life of one of them not common to the life of all. A consequence is that no nation can pursue in its economic policy one unde vlating course. What may be good for a nation at one stage of its career may not be good for it at another pretty certainly will not be. Everything in human society is in perpetual flux. Our ancestors were wise, and they acted in accord with the conditions of their time. Cicero said: "We must ever hoia our ancestors in-honor. but we must not commit the absurdity of supposing that if they were dealing with the condi tions of the present time they would act as they did when dealing with the con ditions of their own day." Here is a statement for those who Insist that our country shall "stand pat" on the economic policy now stand ing in our tariff legislation. The whole matter rests on conditions subject to adjustment: there is no fixed principle in it, never can be. Theories of protec tion or of free trade come to nothing, tor each nation acts according to its own interest, or what it supposes to be such; and its own interest depends on a multitude of circumstances peculiar to Itself modified, indeedj by certain laws of Industry and trade common to the world, but liable to new applications in new conditions. Nothing is more cer tain, than, that our tariff system In many ways favors and supports monopoly and tends to enrich the few at the ex pense of the many. There Is no con tention for free trade: but the system ought to be subjected to revision and modification. THE DOCTORS. Five thousand doctors are to be In Portland this week. We have all kinds of doctors doctors who are learned In the devious ways of the law; doctors who minister to our spiritual wants, if we have any; doctors who visit us with the Indescribable agonies of the den tist's chair; doctors who reach great eminence through the pedogoglc art; doctors who look out for the welfare of our horses, dogs and cuttle; doctors who ameliorate the ailments of all mankind on the no-cure-no-pay plan; and doctors who earn the pleasing sobriquet of "doc" mainly through the fact that they invariably wear a high silk hat with a short ill-fitting coat But these doctors are the real thing. They, are descended from a long line of physicians from Esculapius. who dis covered medicine (perhaps), down through the doctors of the Inquisition, who Invented surgery, to Dr. Harvey, who was the first circulation expert mentioned before the days of newspa pers and to Dr. Osier, who said tha"t all men over 60 might as well be chlo roformed and who thinks that all space- writers under 60 ought to be chloro formed. These doctors are the "regu lars," who physic us and bleed us (lit erally, never financially) and prescribe for one another a code of ethics that Is the admiration of the whole profes sion and a profound mystery to the rest of the world. But no matter. Every doctor understands-it and is sure that it is a fine thing for every other doctor to observe. It is a universal maxim with all doctors that publicity shall be avoided, and that is why you never see their names In the paper. Or you rarely do. Only when some sensation-loving reporter, taking advantage of the reti cent modesty of the typical doctor, chronicles under shocking headlines a life-saving exploit or writes ribald poetry closing with the Irreverent lines: Then fhall the world be born again With Dr. Large attending. All this In mere pleasantry. We trust the doctors may understand a Joke, though we are not sure about It. We may Jest with them and at them, and even ridicule their wonderful ethics; but all the same we like them, respect them, admire them, and admit that we could never live without them. It is a noble profession, with many noble men in it. As a class, the doctors are high minded, conscientious, and in the full est degree efficient. It would be com monplace to point out the advances made In both medicine and surgery during the last half century, for in that time medicine has come to be a real science and surgery both an art and a science. Patient Investigators of bacteriology In France, Germany and the United States have added Im mensely to the sum of human knowl edge in the past quarter century, and have done more than In all previous history to arrest the spread of epidemic disease. Sanitation, hygiene, the broad principles that underlie the health of communities and states, are now well understood, and the individual is made safe because the public may be thor oughly safeguarded against pestilence of any. kind. The doctors have con quered smallpox, diphtheria, yellow fever, the bubonic plague, and all but one of the dreadful scourges that de vastated the homes of our fathers: and they seem now on the right track In the systematic, relentless. Intelligent, and heroic w;ar they are waging against tuberculosis. Typhoid fever, pneumo nia and scarlet fever are robbed of much of their terrors, for where either was once likely to prove fatal, now they are very likely not to. Who, then, has done so much for his fellow man as the doctor? Who else has lived for him so self-sacrlficlngly. and died for him so uncomplainingly? Who else so rejoices with us in health and cheers, comforts and cures us in sickness? Who else is so certainly our mentor, friend, companion, and welcome guest? None. So we are glad the doctors are here, and -we commiserate the forlorn condi tion of the many communities through out the land from which so distin guished and valuable a company is missing. WHEAT CItOP NEARLY SAFE. Dispatches from the principal wheat centers of the Pacific Northwest printed In yesterday's Oregonian, bring the bighly gratifying news that the ab normally hot weather of the past few days has been unaccompanied by hot winds, and thus far the grain crop has been comparatively uninjured. South of Snake River the crop Is so far along as to be out of danger, except for late sown Spring grain, which in that region seldom cuts an important figure. Even the Spring grain has had more than the usual amount of moisture and has se cured a start which enables It to with stand a protracted spell of dry weather. It now seems almost a certainty that Oregon, Washington and Idaho will again harvest an Immense crop, at least as large as that of last year, and per haps a record-breaker. The output of the wheat fields of the three states for the past six years has demonstrated that farmers have been securing better average yields than were recorded in the previous seasons. Naturally there have been years when climatic conditions have been so nearly perfect that a large acreage under the most careless kind of farming, would turn off an immense crop. The in creased yield of the past seven years Is not so much due to unusually favorable climatic conditions as It is to a more careful system of farming. When wheat began to rise above the old -40 to 45 cents per bushel standard which made the business less attractive than it now seems, there was corresponding In crease in the value of wheat lands. This advance was so pronounced in many parts of the Northwest that the own ers of the land were forced to work it well up to the limit of production In order to make the returns on the actual value of the land as great as they were -when they were taking small yields of -40-cent wheat from land that was not in great demand at $5 to 510 per acre. The crop of the three states for the past seven years has varied from 30, 000.000 bushels in 1899 to nearly 47,000, 000 bushels in 1901. the year of the rec ord crop. The average for the seven years has been nearly 38,000,000 bushels. The theory of some farmers that the climate is changing, and that the wheat receives more moisture than it formerly did. is not verified by the records of the Weather Department: but it is un doubtedly true that the more careful cultivation of the soil, enables it to re- tain, moisture for Jorxsrer periods thanjfor admission to a crack Canadian. ax - It would when the ground was merely scratched over and the wheat plant was left to shift for itself. Even the light lands which soak up water like a sponge are turning off bet ter crops than they ever produced un der the old slipshod methods of farm ing that prevailed in Oregon and Wash ington ten and twenty years ago, and In the foothill districts In the W'alla Walla country, crop failures are no longer known. It is. of course, too early for estimates on the 1005 crop In the three states, but. If the late-sown Spring grain comes to maturity with out serious setback, we shall harvest a crop that will equal and perhaps ex ceed the record-breaking crop of 1901, and will add to the wealth of the grow ers nearly 535.000,000. WHERE IS THE CRIMINAL SAFE? While attempting to supply himself with provisions and ammunition for a hiding-place In the mountains, east of Mount Hood. John Hoffman, suspected of the Woodburn bank robbery, was captured by the Sheriff of Wasco County. At the time of his arrest he was wanted for no particular crime, but was taken into custody because of his suspicious actions. He has since been identified by a number of persons as one of the men who held up the paying teller of the Woodburn bank and es caped on foot in broad daylight with 53000 In gold and paper money. The man is a daring and desperate criminal, and It Is to be hoped that society will be protected by his confinement be hind prison bars for a long term. To the person who has not considered the matter fully. It would seem that the deep gorges, dense forests and rocky cliffs of the Cascade Mountains would furnish an ideal refuge for a fugitive from Justice. That is evidently what Hoffman thought. He probably found a secluded place where he ou!d store provisions and fortify himself so that capture would be almost impossi ble, or could be effected only at the cost of many lives. Hoffman built his hopes upon the infrequency of travel in the mountain fastnesses, the oppor tunities for hiding and the almost per fect defenses that could be easily made. He did not figure upon the sus picion his presence there would arouse, the attention he would receive, and the necessity of communication with the outside world in order to get provisions. Before' his hiding-place had been pre pared his actions aroused suspicion and he -was arrested. The man who mingles with the throng in the city is the one who finds solitude. He can go and .come at all hours, and, though thousands pass him by, none know of his presence or care who or what he is.. He might live a week in a great city without hearing a salutation addressed to him, and no one would ask whence he came, whither he goes or what his occupation may be. Food is plentiful, shelter to be had almost for the asking, and suspi cious actions escape notice. In remote and thinly settled regions the first man he meets tries to "swap" an acquaint ance and Inquires about his affairs. His very presence excites curiosity, and If he lives without working it is a fore gone conclusion that he is dishonest. His own desire to know what Is going on in the ivorld leads him from his lair i even though food be plenty In his lar der. Once standing in the presence of a few of his fellow-men. he feels the scrutiny of their gaze and manifests his uneasiness. Even man he meets may be a detective, and he betrays himself by his guarded actions and words. In his mountain retreat the eyes of the world are upon him and all his deeds. Compared with the solitude of the city. the solitude of the mountains can keep no secrets. THE CAFE TO CAIRO ROAD. Song and story have from the begin ning of time paid high tribute to the men who go down to the sea In ships. To them no land Is distant, and they "have drawn the world together, and spread our race apart." But the ex p Jolts of the world's navigators are no greater than those of our industrious Napoleons who are spanning the world with railroad steel. There are plenty of men still alive who can remember when the project of a transcontinental rail road was regarded as too visionary to be given serious consideration. The building of a number of these roads had taken place before Cecil Rhodes" one of the greatest industrial "dream ers" that the world ever saw, first made known his plans for a "Cape to Cairo" road in South Africa. There were still vast unexplored re gions in the dark continent when that great empire builder began to interest British capital in the stupendous task. and the possibility that there might ever be rail connection between Egypt and the Cape ports of South Africa seemed too remote to be considered se riously. Cecil Rhodes stuck to his work as long as he lived, but he passed on to another world before he could wit ness more than a beginning of the great task. As this road was linked with all other Rhodes enterprises In the dark continent it was one of the factors In the great struggle with the Boers which cost Great Britain blood and treasure in enormous quantities. Industrial de velopment, once begun in a land so rich in resources as South Africa, can never be stopped, although It may be checked, and today the Cape to Cairo road Is being rushed to completion as fast as men and money can push it. A few weeks ago there was completed over the gorge at Victoria Falls, on the Zambesi River, the highest bridge in the world. The railroad will cross the river over this bridge at a height of 380 feet above high water mark. The completion of this bridge will make it much easier to rush supplies and ma terial to the front, and the work from the south will make much more rapid progress than It has in the post. From the north, the line has already reached famed Khartoum, a distance of 1400 miles. The line, when completed from Cairo to Cape Town, will be 5700 mils in length, and embraces some of the most difficult construction work to be found anywhere. Now that we have many transconti nental railroads., the trans-Siberian road is practically completed, and the Cape to Cairo road Is an assured fact, it is probable that there will be renewed interest In the not Infrequenty dis cussed Pan-American railroad to con nect us with the rich countries lying to the south. Nothing could be encoun tered on the Pan-American route that would be more difficult to overcome than some of the construction problems that have been solved by the English engineers, who have made such a good start on the Cape to Cairo road through darkest Africa- Twenty Victoria Chinese have applied tillery company, and. although the British militia act states that all British subjects over IS years of age ye eli gible, the militia commander refuses to enroll the Celestials. The British Army and Navy Gazette says that: "The British army as It exists Is In an in choate, formless and unorganized con; cltion. and it Is not adapted as yet to any definite need that presents Itself to us." Tlje offer of the Chinamen might contain a suggestion for straight ening out the tangle, for Chinese Gor don found among the race some excel lent material for putting up to the enemy a front that was anything but inchoate, formless and disorganized. However. Victoria society is not yet ready to receive the Chinaman as a militia man, and some method will probably be devised for keeping him out of the ranks. What is the matter with the Trail? The concessionaires say nothing at all. yet they complain that attendance Is not up to expectations, and they want something done. If It can be done, the public certainly hopes that it will be. The Trail is a valuable and Inter esting feature of the Exposition. In deed, the Exposition could not well get along without It. Many of the shows are good, others are really splendid, a few are bad. and some are indifferent. As an amusement feature, however, it fills the bill. It compares favorably with the Pike at St. Louis and the Mid way at Chicago. The Exposition man agement Is just as much interested in making the Trail a success as are the concessionaires themselves: so they may be certain that all reasonable consider ation will be offered them. The Fair being an assured success, there' would seem to be no good reason why the Trail should not also be. Slowly but surely real estate values are crawling back to the high notch reached during that era of speculation which struck Portland in the early eigh ties, and again ten years later. Fortu nately for Portland, there Is no boom on at this time, and the property that Is changing hands is backed up by an intrinsic value that will safeguard all investments of purchasers. Notwith standing the marked advance over the ruling prices a few years ago, values have .not yet approached the figures warranted by the buslenss, commercial and Industrial growth of the city. Port land has more than doubled In popula tion since it experienced its nearest approach to a "boom," but the bulk of the property has failed to show such a striking advance, and prices will ac cordingly stand a considerable raise before they become topheavy. John L. Sperry. who has just died in Portland, was one of those rare men who reach the end of an honorable and useful life without making an enemy; yet he had courage, individual ity and personal industry in an unusual degree. Mr. Sperry was a pioneer, and was well known throughout the state. He was an Indian War veteran, and there made a good record. He was Sher iff of Umatilla County during the Nez Perces Indian outbreakand acquitted himself with fidelity during that troublesome time. He had lived In Port land during most of the past twenty years, and. though he had become an old man. he was everywhere regarded as the friend, eounselor and guide of young men. Mr. Sperry's death will be widely mourned. Thomas W. Lawson's remedy for the Ills the "system" has imposed on the public Is to "sell every share of stock and every bond back to the frenzied financiers at present inflated prices." It is Mr. Lawson's theory that the pluto crats will then be holding the sack and the people will have the money. In other words. Mr. Law son proposes to reach the goal of real values through universal financial wreck. That might cure, but It might "also kill. But sup pose the frenzied financiers also decide to abandon the ship and themselves turn bears? Everybody would be sell ing and nobody buying. As the broker of the bears and sworn enemy of the bulls. Mr. Lawson would be out of business. As an exponent of high finance in its up-to-date form. Bank President Devlin was not a shining success. It has developed since his trouble became public property, that the Santa Fe Railroad was dependent on his cool mines for fuel and freight, and that the rebates which caused that line so much trouble In the courts were paid on coal from the Devlin mines. When a man possessing the advantage of a liberal rebate over all competitors is unable to make a success In business there Is something radically wrong In his make up, unless, as Is perhaps the case with Devlin, he squandered the money secured from rebates In pro moting schemes less profitable. Eleven steamers carrying passengers and freight have arrived at Portland from San Francisco since July 1st. and seven have sailed from Portland for California ports. Of these eighteen steamers, four were under the Harrl- man flag, and the others were operated by independent companies. In spite of the large number of steamers on the route, extreme difficulty Is experienced In securing berths on the vessels unless they are engaged well in advance. There is a golden opportunity for a steamship line operating large and speedy boats to establish on the Coast route a busi ness that will not cease with the clos ing of the Exposition. The experience of the crew on board the lost submarine boat Farfadet will have a tendency to make that branch of the naval service very unpopular with the men who are called on to handle this modern auxiliary of the fleets which float on the surface. The Ingenuity oft man In the days of the Spanish Inquisition devised many methods of torture which were intended and did, make death a most welcome visitor to the victims. Few. if any. of those old nerve-racking devices, how ever, could equal In terror the slow death which the crew of the Farfadet has been facing since last Thursday Ninety-nine degrees In the shade ought to have made some of our East ern and California visitors feel quite at home. Even San Francisco has just been reveling In a temperature of nine ty-elght degrees. "If you catch them. we.'ll hang them." says Russia to Roumania relative to the mutineers. Russia always did enjoy the pleasant end of any task. The gamblers who are making Mli- waukle famous may yet run afoul of JLtae law. OREGON OZONE N Don't Worry. What's the use to worn? Let us take It easy. Worry only spells us trouble. Makes our dally burdens double. Makes us old and wheezy. What's the use to worry? Never any reason. Grit your teeth If bothers hit you; Crack a smile 'twill better fit you. Any place or soason. What's the use to worry? Why. there's nothing in it Save distresses and delusions. Contradictions and confusions: Better not begin It! Mr. Hood Why Is It that rents have gone up? Mr. Shasta Because they have been raised. I suppose. "It was pretty hot In Portland last Sat urday," remarked a visitor from the East. "I bought a glass of beer that was rather warm, and when I protested the bartender explained that his Ico had gotten 'overhet. Now wouldn't that' fry you?" In announcing the fact that a daughter of George W. Smalley has accepted an appointment as stenographer to Charles W. Anderson, a negro collector of Internal revenue for one of the New York dis tricts, the newspapers close the Item with this information: "Miss Smalley Is not yet 27 years old." Truly a highly Impor tant position for one so young! A lady who writes syndicate articles for the Sunday papers insists that "all brides should go to housekeeping undor their own roofa" Is this a positive push for the boardlng-'house industry stated In a negative way? The bark of a tree Is not so loud as the bark of a dog. but the tree lives longer and has less trouble. "It must bo a source of great satlsfac tlon to a poet." remarks Cheerful Charles, "robbing death of more or loss of Its sting, to reflect that all the news papers in the country will reproduce his best-known pooms for about a week after his death. Thus e-von death has its com pensatlons." The Cub Reportor What do you con sider your best joke? The Veteran Humorist The fact that you have asked me such a question. The Playwright What do you think of my new play? The Critic It's pretty hard work. The Poet Why don't you try your hand at poetry? The Novelist I have. Verdict: "Tried and found wanting." Mountain Coolness. Says Mister Mt. Rainier To lovely Miss St Helen. " 'Tls good to have you here You're sweet as luscious melons." Says Miss St Helens sweet, "I'd like to have you know, sir, I am not here to eat. But to watch Tacoma grow, sir!" Little Johnny Loney Boy. (Republished by request from "Poems All the Way From Pike.") O Little Johnny Loney Boy, I'm sorry for you, sot You have no home to stay at. and you have no place to go: You have no ma, you have no pa, you have no little sis. Nor even any maiden aunt to warm you with a klse; You're just a little loney boy. Without a single childish Joy: I'm sorry for you, so! O Little Johnny Loney Boy. I sometimes wonder why The dear good Father of us all, up yon der In the sky. Has left you here so lone and drear. without your share of folks. Not evon a baby brother boy to pinch and tease and coax. You're just a little loney one. Without a chance for any fun: I'm sorry for you, though! O Little Johnny Loney Boy. I'd like to take you home. If I had such a place myself, who al ways have to roam! I'd like to take and tuck you in and watch you while you sleep. Or tell you tales of Candy-Land, where polly-wollles creep. You're just a little loney lad. Without a soul to make you glad: I'm sorry for you, oh! O Little Johnny Lonoy Boy, I think you're kin to me! Come, let us roam together; you can sit upon my knee. And tell me mighty mysteries of child hood's yearning heart. While I can tell you lesser ones of man hood's sterner part! I guess we both are loney boys And need each other 'stead of toys: We won't be sorry, no! ROBLRTUS LOVE. Hns Unci Wide Notice. New York Evening Post. Senator Mitchell being what he Is in Oregon politics. It would probably be hard to exaggerate the interest which that state is taking In his trial. The Oregonian which had commented somewhat freely on the case in its early stages, has ap parently been "caught up" by some one of consequence and charged with prejudg ing the case. Such an event may be in ferred. at least from the way In which It now attempts to Teduce the other side . position to absurdity. "An Open Switch?' was the title of its leading editorial last Saturday. The trial not named it say presents the culmination of the political life of Oregon during a period of 40 years. "The Oregonian can do nothing now but print the tostlmony. It can make no com ment. That may come later. At present it will say that In the history of ecclesl astical theology there Is no subject of more Interest than the relation of St Paul to the Roman law and to Greek philosophy In its Alexandrian dress.' Here follows the better part of a column on the career of St Paul. The next leader Is entitled "Is tho Subject Remote? "Matters of current Interest a trial Is in progress here the newspaper may not discuss." It begins. "These matters must wait It will not do for a newspaper to have opinions. Just now. on the main mat ters of the current time. Let us look, therefore, into subjects of historical and of permanent interest. Let us inquire Into the historical grounds or reasons of the celibacy of the Catholic Christian clergy." We presume that the persons at whom this bit of Irony Is directed will feel Its point Tho Oregonian has surely given them comment as far as possible from the case at Issue. Speak foh Yo'self, John. Los Angeles Times. The next time young Alfonso takes a trip let him come to Southern California. Nearly everybody here can speak Span ish, and we'd give him the time of his Jjlfa- lyiORE COMMENT ON MITCHELL CASE" Extract from a Vast Volume of Comment, la Walch the Verdict of the Jury Is Generally Accepted a Righteous. "Too Many Private Prosecutors." Gervals Star. It is not surprising, after all the pub licity and damaging testimony that has been given, to have a verdict of "gullty as charged." There have been too many- private prosecutors. Evidence Overwhelming. Davenport (Wash.) Times. The evidence of his guilt was so over whelming that his acquittal was Impossi ble. The blow Is a terrible one to the aged Senator, and he probably shared the general opinion that no Oregon jury would ever convict him. Punish the Guilty, High and Low. Hillsboro Independent. This war against the lumber thieves Is all right and should be pushed to a finish until every man guilty with crime Is made to suffer, no matter how high he may stand In social, financial or National fame. One thief Is no better than another. If there is any difference, the smaller hould be given the preference. Verbatim Report "Was "Unfair." Roseburg Plalndcaler. Every tfme the average citizen scans the columns .of The Oregonian or Tele gram for a report of the land-fraud trials he Is heard to remark that so one-sided, prejudiced. Inconsistent and unfair Is al most every article bearing on theSe cases that the unbiased reader is at once tilled with disgust and suggests the need of a fair, conservative and reliable newspaper In Portland. No Man Is Above the Law. Corvallls Gazette. No man Is above the law in reality, and no man should be allowed to think him self superior to a power which governs his fellows. Tho same law must govern the high and the low-born. There can be no two sets of laws relating to the same offense one for the patrician and one for the plebeian. On many-sides comes the expression, "To bad!" etc Yes. too bad! But the pity of It all Is that a man so high in public life should prove guilty. Of his guilt there Is small question In the minds of most men. Splendid Effect as a Precedent. Albany Democrat. The Democrat has no desire to help hit Senator Mitchell because he Is down, and certainly would be more inclined to drop a tear because a man of his three score years and ten being in such trouble; but the case is one which rises ahove person ality and takes on a National principle which needs to be established ana vindi cated In the Interest of better government The conviction Of Senator Mitchell will have a splendid effect as a precedent and the country may look for tetter 'tmng3 in politics. Guilt Ts Stamped Against Him. Chehalls Bee. We don't suppose that Senator Mitch ell Is guilty of any worse offense than many another member of 'Congress, but this fact don't excuse him. Thero Is a a tional sentiment against graft In what ever form it may appear and Senator Mitchell unfortunately for himself is one of the first big public men to be reached. It would be to his credit and for Oregon's good If he resigned from the Senate. He may use all the techni calities which the law gives, but guilty Is stamped against him and his public usefulness Is at end. How His Friends Feel. Scio News. Senator Mitchell has a host of friends. In Oregon and elsewhore. who would much rather have followed him to the tomb than to have heard this verdict, "Guilty as charged." If they were paying the last "tribute of respect to their friend in following his remains to the tomb, they could say "He whom we loved and de lighted to call friend Is no more, but we cherish his memory as a rich heritage because he was an honest upright man." Now. disgraced and dishonored, his friends of the past will speak of him. If speak they must, with a feeling kindred to shame. Make Crime Contemptible; Washington Standard (Olympia). It is a matter of congratulation that the finding of the jury has been in ac cordance with the facts, as clearly proven. Crime.. In high places has been so often Ignored or condoned by those In authority, that it has become fashionable. If not entirely respectable, and cer tainly expected that opportunity Is not to bo rejected for feathering official nests. A few convictions of this charac ter will go far to make crime contempti ble. While there Is a sympathy at tlme3 for those who have prostituted high tal ents for gain, as Is shown by the recom mendation for mercy, it should really magnify the enormity of the offense from Its far-reaching nnd contaminating con sequences. Truth Prevails. Weston Leader. Withal, it is well for the public good that Mitchell was convicted, since the facts brought out at the trial leave no question In an unbiased mind that he knowlnslv aided, and for pay. the Krlbs land steal. Thurston's glittering plea could not blind the Jury nor the public to his old friend's fault. Wrought by a master hand, this fabric of defense was nevertheless torn to pieces by Heney with the single weapon, truth. The Jury might weep for the broken old Senator, the aged and tottering hero, In courageous defense of his last ditch; might admire him for his post victories, or revere him for tho good that he has done; but It re membered Its duty to a great people to which he In a moment of temptation had been faithless. And so we say that It Is well. The verdict Is In line with the great awakening in this republic the cru sade against graft of every sort in which Theodore Roosevelt Is the leader. Stain on Oregon Wiped Out. Polk County Observer. The outcome of the Mitchell trial will go far towards wiping away the stain on the name of Oregon, placed there by the widespread practice of fraud In connec tion with, public land matters. The ver dict of the Jury proves to the world that the people of Oregon do not approve of wrongdoing, whether the wrongful act be committed by the humblest citizen or by men high In authority. It proves that public morals are In a healthy condition, and that crime will not bo pardoned nor condoned merely to shield the name of the state. Oregon will suffer no disgrace In the eyes of the Nation, now that It Is known that her people do not sanction wrongful appropriation of the public lands. Mitchell has probably done no more than hundreds of other Senators and Congressman have done that Is, practiced their profession before tho va rious departments In cases where the Government was Interested and accepted a fee for It. The only unfortunate featuro for Mitchell in his caso in that he got "caught at It " The Senator's public ca reer is at an end. While he may fight on in the higher courts in a frantic effort to clear his name of, the blot upon it, the people of Oregon have passed upon his case, and the verdict Is "Guilty." This -Is the verdict that will stand in the minds of the people, no matter what future results may be reached through legal technlcali-.tleK Oregon Hews to the Line. Aurora Borealls. It was a sad case, but It might hava been worse. As It Is. Oregon goes on rec ord as hewing to the line and.lejtlng the chips fall where they may. It shows that equality before the law Is not a myth and that there are men who will do their duty first and set all other re gards aside, which is a very encouraging sign and cannot help but exert a whole some Influence everywhere. End or Republican Rule? Seattle Times. It is predicted that the conviction o Senator Mitchell, of Oregon, and the prob able conviction of both Congressmen from that state, will end Republican rule In that commonwealth. Oregon ha3 never been a very strong Republican state any way. It will, therefore, bo no surprise to tho Nation if she should become perma nently Democratic for many years. 3Iust Be Accepted as Righteous. Polk County Observer. While the charges against Senator. Mitchell were direct and specltlc. and while all tho circumstances seemed to be against him. It was hoped that when: the case came to trial he might be ablo to make good his oft-repeated protesta tions of Innocence and put his accusera to rout; but no such evidence was forth coming, and nothing remains but to ac cept the verdict of the jury as just and righteous. Guilt Clearly Proven. Jefferson Review. The Review was loth to believe In th guilt of Mitchell, and Is sorry to chroni cle his conviction, but his guilt was clearly proven to a jury who heard all the evidence, and who gave the defendant the benefit of every doubt, therefore the recommendation of leniency was wrong. That Mitchell Is a poor man financially, and that his last days must be passed In sorrow and disgrace, is his own fault, yet one cannot help, but feel sorry that such is the case. ' No More Than Jnstice. Dallas Itemizer. After a hard-fought legal battle of two", weeks. Senator Mitchell has been con victed as charged. There is a general feeling of sympathy, but nearly all agree that he. got no more than justice. The case will be appealed to a higher court. No matter what the outcome, his personal Influence, and the power of the Mitchell ring are gone to come again no more. When will other politicians learn that it pays best to be fair and square In all things. His Conduct Deplored. Wasco News. There are few men In Oregon wift rejoice that Mitchell's conduct has been such as to make It Incumbent on a jury to bring In a verdict of guilty. Still tnere ought to be none, though we presume there are some who regret that hl3 crimes have at last met their reward, regardless of the position he holds. Political conditions In Oregon will prob ably Improve, but tt Is useless to hopa that a sharp watch will not have to be kept -on affairs and men In places ofi public trust Criminals 3Iust All Be Punished. McMlnnvIIIe Telephone-Register. Sorrow for the man strangely mingled with rejoicing that the criminal in high, places must account to the people for his wrongdoing. This latter Is the real point gained by the successful prosecution of Senator Mitchell. Too often wealth or po sition secures to the criminal Immunity from the penalties which the laws Im pose. Seldom does It occur that the pun ishment meted out to the high official la at all commensurate with the greatness of his offense. Even In this case, the rec ommendation of clemency can be justified. If at all. only on the ground of the iU health and age of the defendant Justice Demands Retribution. Catholic Sentinel. The downfall of an able man. whose? day on earth Is already far spent. Is not an occasion for Jubilation. There Is some thing unutterably sad In the spectacle of, Senator Mitchell, standing before tho court waiting for tho sentence which a verdict of guilty will bring upon him. However, laws are useless without suffi cient sanctions, and justice demands that retribution follow fast upon deliberate transgression. Those among us whose po litical aspirations havo not been realized may console themselves with the reflec tion that they have escaped the power ful and persistent temptations whlcU wrought the downfall of Senator Mitchell. Betrayed His Trust. Oregon City Courier. John H. Mitchell was one of tho smaur body of men entrusted with great author ity. He betrayed his trust and place himself In the position of an attorney selling out the Interest of his client. Our Government Is lenient In fixing tho penalty for such offense. Other coun tries have made like offense punishable by life Imprisonment, banishment froroj the country and some have been so severe as to Inflict the death penalty To have acquitted Senator Mitchell when the evidence showed him guilty would have been an invitation to of flcials of high standing to continue la this course of fraud and graft. They? now realize that the law Is not a dead letter. Guilt of Others Does Not Excuse. Harrlsburg Bulletin. There Is no doubt In the minds of tha people of the guilt of Mr. Mitchell, and In fact his defense was very weak. hl3 attorneys relying more upon sympathy" than upon evidence of innocence. Those high In office and possessing greac wealth are no more excusable for dis obeying the laws than the poor mart wno toils for his dally bread, and tho penalty which follows the conviction of Mr. Mitchell should be metect out to him without regard to his age or previous record. He Is guilty of a crime against the laws of the Nation, and ho should suffer the penalty. Others are just as guilty, but that does not ex cuse him In the least. Roseburg Plaindealer. The verdict In the Mitchell trial camo as a thunderbolt to most of the people, of Southern and Western Oregon at least, who had carefully followed the case and noted Its progress day by day. Owing to tho failure on the part of the Government to prove that Senator Mitchell received any fees direct for service before the de partment at Washington, and the testi mony of Tanner, the Government's star witness, that Mitchell had repeatedly re quested him not to mix him up in any department business for which a fee was received and had no prior knowledge of receiving a fee for such service, led the public generally to believe that the ver dict could only be for acquittal, while the more pessimistic seemed to expect nothing more serious than a hung jury- Just how such a prompt verdict for conviction could be arrived at In this case Is unex plained, and even this does not lessen the old suspicion that the whole thing origi nated through factional prejudice and amounts to little less than political perss- i cution.