Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 10, 1905, Page 10, Image 10

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    THE liuITG-'OIlEGOXll, MOCTSlY, JULY 10, 1905.
Conference Will Be Held Third
Week of the Present
It Is a Deliberative, Xot an Execu-J
tlve, Body and "Works for Full
Individualism in the
Social System.
Among the many notable gatherings
to be held in Portland this Summer
none is likely to attract more atten
tion than the Charities Conference,
which will be held in the third week
of tjils month. The attendance will
be large and brilliant. This conference
has always drawn crowds, and the fact
that it has not met on the Pacific Coast
since 1SS9, when San Francisco wel
comed It, will be an added inducement
for its members.
Probably there will be about 1000
here in conectlon with the meetings.
The high-water mark of attendance
passed Into four figures at Washington
two years ago. and last year's gather
ing at Portland. Me., found nearly as
many registered. It is the hope that
the session of 1905 will go down in the
annals of the great organization as the
best In its history, not only in the num
ber present, but in the Interest awak
ened and the quality of the papers and
A Deliberate Body.
The National Conference of Charities
and Corrections Is a novel institution.
Jt Is a deliberative, not an executive,
body. Composed for the most part of
men and women whoso dally lives are
given to carrying into practice the
principles which it discusses, It makes
no rules for their guidance and draws
no inference from tnelr experiences.
Xo resolutions are passed at its meet
ings favoring or condemning any sys
tems of charitable work, and every par
ticipant in its sessions is left unbound
nt their close, free to do as he pleases
with the Information he has gathcre1.
"What its speakers have learned in the
years that are past they tell to others,
and a free and easy comment exposes
fallacies or adds valuable data to the
contributions. To quote the preamble
to the few rules of procedure that form
the constitution, the conference "exists
to discuss the problems of charities and
corrections, to desslmlnate information
and promote reform. It does not for
mulate platforms."
Doing a Vast Work.
Negative to activity as Its constitu
tion is. however, the conference has
done and is doing a vast work. Orig
inally. It was part of the Social Science
Association, from which it separated
when its field of discussion had widened
fo much that the need of an independ
ent organization was evident. The con
ference celebrates its thirty-first
birthday this year, and In its lifetime
has witnessed many changes in the
methods of charitable and correctional
Many of these changes have been
the direct outgrowth of its delibera
tions, and a little study of Its history
would show the reason why its older
members are its optimists. For the
newcomers to Its ranks are zealous.
They see the misery all about them and
ache to euro it out of hand. But the
veterans look back over a third of a
century and remember that all the evils
of today were pressing when the con
ference was born, and many more.
Some of the things they discussed 30
years ago have disappeared. Others
arc being reduced to the vanishing
point, and will be gone Jn good time,
when the world is reacly. Evolution
is the theme of the old fighters. They
believe in it. and have no more potent
argument to restrain their eager col
leagues who aro in haste to bring on
the millenlum.
Individualism Its Effort.
Out of the apparent diversity of
aims seen at a meeting of the confer
ence, a unanimity soon appears. These
men and women, famous many of them,
energetic workers all. have a clear con
ception of the matters they aro dis
cussing. One of the clergymen who
preached a remarkable sermon before
nn annual session some years ago,
summed up the aim of this body when
he said that it desired to "secure a full
individualism for the social system."
That was before the expression of
I'resldent Roosevelt's motto of the
square deal, but its meaning Is the
isame. To give every man a chance and
to fit him to make the most of his
chance. Is the end in view atthese
The good of society as a whole is
the scheme of all the discussions. The
undesirable elements of mankind are
classified and studied with a view to
their betterment or elimination. One
classification, arranged by a former
Fecretary of the conference, shows
clearly the scope of subjects that come
before the meetings. First, the delin
quents, including the adult criminal,
gulUy of either felony or minor of
fence, and the juvenile offenders. Sec
ond, the defectives, handicapped in the
strugglo for existence through loss of
reason because of insanity or feeble
mindedness, through loss of a sense.
either sight or hearing, and speech, or
through epilepsy. Third, the depend
ents, whether from service, as soldiers,
Bailors and their families, or from mis
fortune by reason of disease, deformity
old age. poverty or sickness, or from
the fact that they are children and aro
in orphanage or improper environment.
or have parents who are incapable of
caring for them, or who have abandon
ed them.
Opens a Vast Field.
That classification takes in practical
ly all the classes of persons whose ex
istence and problems this conference
discusses. It opens up a vast field, for
not only does it include the criminal.
the poor and tho suffering, but neces
sarily it takes in the variety of institu
tions that exist to care for such people,
How best to manage these institutions
so as to cure these evils in the end.
and to relieve misery at present, Is one
study of tho conference. To go deeper
and seek tho cause of crime, poverty
and suffering, Is another. To lift up
society so as to prevent the entailing
of present evil conditions upon poster
ity. Is the greatest of all.
The president of the conference this
year is a Western man. Rev. Samuel G
Smith, regent of the University of Min
nesota. Dr. Smith is an Englishman
by birth, but came to America early
enough in life to graduate from Cornell
College in Iowa In 1S72. Ho entered
the Congregational ministry at flrs.
but has always Been prominent in
charitable organizations. He was seven
years a member of the Minnesota
State Board of Corrections and Charl
tios, and served the same term as
nrcKionnt or St. Paul s associated char
itles. Twelve years he Was prof
of sociology In the university of v.
he is now regent- He Is very p..!.
among the members ofthe conference, i
and will make an excellent presiding
AXXUAIj meeting to be held
One Hundred and Twenty-Five of
tho Professional Journals of
America Arc Represented.
This forenoon at 10 o'clock the American
Medical Editors" Association will convene
in annual meeting In the parlors of the
Hotel Portland. This organization com
prises the cream of medical journals of
vAmcrica. the editors of which participate
In the proceeding. Membership at the
present time numbers 123 of the picked
publications, out of a total In excess of
00 Issued throughout the country. At
tendance usunlly reaches about half of
the total membership, and the Portland
gathering will have from 60 to 70 per cut.
Should the session today fall to conclude
the business of the association, an ad
journed session will be held tomorrow
morning, at which business affairs of the
organization will be discussed. Officers
for 1K3 are: Dr. Harold N. Mover, Chi
cago, president: Dr. James Evelyn Pil
cher, Carlisle. Pa., first vice-president:
Dr. O. F. Ball. St, Louis. Mo., second
vice-president, and Dr. Joseph MacDon
ald, Jr., New York, secretary and treas
urer. The programme follows:
President'? address. Harold N. Mover.
M. D.. Chicago. 111.: "Medical Editorship
as a Profession as Distinguished From
Medical Editorship as a Prop to Prac
tice." James Evelyn Pllcher. M. D., Car
lisle. Pa.: "The Medical Journal Trust
and the Independent Medical Press." F.
E. Daniels. M. D.. Austin. Tex.: "Medical
Journalism as It Is." John Punton. M. D..
Kansas City. Mo.: "Problems In Medical
Journal Advertising." W. C. Abbott. M.
D.. Chicago. 111.: "Abstracts of Original
Articles and Society Reports." Daniel H.
Craig, M. D.. Boston. Mass.: "Facts of
Interest to Medical Journalists." Samuel
F. Brothers. M. D.. New York; "Advice
to the Editor of the Other Journal," Will
iam Porter, M. D.. St. Louis. Mo.: subject
unannounced. Surgeon-General Walter
wyman. M. D., Washington. D. C.: "Th.
Personal Elemont In Medical Journalism.'
William F. WauRh. M. D.. Chicago. III.; J
"The Medical Journal Outside of Medl-
cine," Walter LIndley. M. D.. Los An
geles. Cal.: subject unannounced. Joseph
MacFarland. M. D.. Philadelphia, Pa.;
"Personal Journalism." T. D. Crothers
M. D., Hartford. Conn.
The social event of the Editors' Asso
ciation will take place this evening at th
Arlington Club, where the members will
gather around the banquet board at 7:)
o'clock for a monu of edibles and pro
gramme of Intellect that will prove one
of the features of the week. Dr. Henrv
Waldo Coe has been chosen toast master.
and the following speakers will respond '
to topics to be suggested: Brlcadler-Gen-
eral Robert M. O'Reilly, Surgeon-General.
United States Army; Surgeon-General
Walter Wymun, Public Health and Ma
rine Hospital service: Dr. Louis Mc
Murtry. president-elect. American Medi
cal Association; Dr. Andrew C. Smith,
president Oregon State Board of Health;
Dr. Henry O. Marcy. Boston, and Drl
Dudley S. Reynolds. Ivousville. Kv.
For nn enjoyable short ride on tho
Columbia River to Vancouver, take steam
er Undine at Taylor-street dock, leaving
as follows: Leave Portland at S A. m
anS i? 5 M aV "-o- er. 10 A. M.
and iAo RM- rc. cents each way.
, ,
San Jose Sends Delegation.
The delegation from San Jose Chamber
of Commerce will reach the city thta
morning 55 strong, and will visit the Ex-
position and the citv for several days
Reservations have been made fir the
oartv at tho Portland, nnrf twii i 1
lilt vamuiiiiu wynurs win oe unaer
the -Rings of the Portland Chamber of
Commerce and of the Commercial Club.
The party Is directly in charge of Paul
Shoup, district freight and passenger
agent of the Southern Pacific at San
No definite arrangements have
made for the entertainment of the visit
ors as yet. tho plans of the Portland hosts
being held in abeyance pending the ar
rival of and consultation with the visitors.
trip. $100. Office 249 Washington street.
Phone Main 22. .
When weak, weary and worn out. Hood's
Sarsaparilla Is just the medicine to restore
v-ouai nicamsnm uompanv's 1 new company or one having onlv small
steamer Cottage City. July is. Alaska and ) mileage at present has succeeded In nZ
return, via Sitka. JC5. The palatial steam- lng a large bond issue It will I n
VrJS- Vi,,nS.a5 afe ! other of the magic oneratlonr , El
iJT l-ZTA JfJISJ J7s- r?s S7 JJ- TiCL . SS I I
Chosen Manager of Columbia
River and Northern.
Shows First Step Has Been Taken
Toward Carrying Out the Plans
of the Hill Interests in
the Northwest.
Appointment of Marcus Talbot, as
manager for the Columbia River &
Northern Railroad, and The Dalles,
Portland &. Astoria Navigation Company,
is believed to be the first step toward
carrying out the plans of the Hill in
terests heretofore so successfully con
cealed while In the atage of preparation.
There Is .strong reason to believe that
the Goldendale road, with its independent
organization, may be used as the means
of accomplishing for the Northern Paci
fic the objective toward which have been
directed the genius of executive officers
and counsellors building a water grade
line down the north bank of the Colum
bia. Physical difficulties of constructing
such a route are slight, although some
portions of the line would necessarily
entail expensive rock work, but the most
protracted difficulties will probably be
the opposition to. be offered by the Harrl
man interests, the great competing trans
continental system.
Engineers at Work.
Engineers of tho O. R. &. N. are at
present engaged In making a survey of
the eight and one-half miles of right
of way owned by that company on the
Washington side of the river opposite
Cascade Locks. Frowning cliffs of ba
salt Tlse almost perpendicularly along
a large portion of this narrow ledge at
the base of the mountain laved by waters
of the great stream. It Is understood
that the Instructions to those engineers
were to complete surveys for clearing a
right of way 1(0 feet In width from the
water's edge, which would prevent th
Northern Pacific or anv other eomnnn
securing trackage through the gorge
for a time at least. This Is taken by
railroad men familiar with the situation
as Indicative of the progress made In
plans that the opposition system feels
must now be blocked by decisive steps.
"Distinctions are pretty finely drawn
In operations of big railway systems."
said one railroad official estenlay. "and
In my Judgment the Columbia Klver &
Northern Is the company that will build
the line down the north bank of the Co
lumbia from Lyle. and also In the other
direction to a connection at Wallula with
tho Northern Pacific and Washington fc
Columbia River.
"Will It be Northern Pacific?" The or
flclal repeated the question reflectively
and went on: "Well, it may not be op
erated as such or become a part of the
system even In name, but there are con
siderations entering Into the situation that
make It almost certain a subsidiary
company will build the line, although
the financial houses that take the bonds
will be those with whom aro deposited
eecurltles of the Hill railroads.
North Bank Line.
"That a line Is to be bulk down the
north bank of the Columbia is no longer
doubted by any well Informed railroad
tT. .U "" """ea ?"ro!,a
where a locomotive T can haul tVe neaS
J tonnage that yields largest mvKs?
Immense sums have alreadv been ex-
pended by the Northern Pacific In mak-
' l". 1 w"?aU,?,,?,s a?d thc. on,y polnt 0,111
fj "JSf "Lf e1 has
1 JeTKM?e flf for bTid'
the ?,Umb,n: wh,ch Tn rl"re as
' ?" confm'lon as the rest of the
"ne. 'rom Vancouver to Eastern Wash-
Lnder the agreement in existence and
supposed to be sacredly regarded by
Northern Pacific and Harrlman officials,
which was entered Into at the - behest
of capitalists owning majority Interests
In both systems, the North pi
bla and Willamette Rivers in competi
tion with the O. R. &. N. That explains
why secrecy has been maintained as to
ownership of the D. P. & a. and for
equally pertinent purposes the construc
tion soon to be authorized will h on.
nounced in the form of Information that
hand of finance that has mad i
Hill rank among the shrewdest of Amer
ican financiers."
Bonds Floated Abroad.
From another aource It Is asserted. thai
the bonds for projected building In Wash
ington to run trains of the Northern
Pacific and Great Northern Into , Port
land over tracks yielding revenue to
owners of stocks and bonds of those com
panies, are to be floated abroad. Lord
Strathcoma. of the Bank of Montreal,
a close friend of James J. Hill, Is now
In London and it Is claimed his mission
Is to close details with large British
bankers for the entire issue contem
plated. Developments demonstrate that when
the adjustment was made recently con
cerning Idaho territory mere was noth
ing included cither In reference to a line
down the north bank of the Columbia,
or entrance of Harrlman trains Into
Puget Sound cities over tracks of the
rival system. It Is therefore probabln
that the sudden decision to clear a right
of way long neglected Is to form the
basis for another adjustment In which
it is hoped to Incorporate more satis
factory terms concerning features that
are Important to both companies.
It Comprises Leading Physicians of
Kansas Citj St. Joseph, Omaha
nnd Cities of Middle West.
First of the large delegations to arrive
in Portland for thc annual convention of
the American Medical Association was
the special train party of the Missouri
Valley Medical Association at 7 o'clock
yesterday morning. Including 123 persons
from Kansas City. St. Jowph. Omaha and
Intermediate points, and Including special
cars of MsconsIn and Minnesota parties
Charles Wood Fassctt. M. D.. of SL
Joseph. Mo., managing editor of the Med
leal Herald. Is- the active manager of the
Missouri Valley delegation, and says that
thc entertainment accorded the doctors
en route was of a character to sustain
fully the good reports that have been
heard concerning the hospitality of tho
people of the Northwest. This spirit. Dr.
Fasnett says, was especially manifested
by the local profession of Spokane. Seat
tie and other points along the road.
Arriving here at 7 o'clock this- morning.
the doctors will remain here all the
week In attendance upon the sessions of
thc society, the majority remaining over
to take in the Exposition. They expect
to return home by various lines of travel.
Among many names prominent In the
medical profession of thc Missouri Val
ley enrolled on the Itinerary of the spe
cial appear those of Drs. R. C. Moore and
niece. W. O. Bridges. Omaha; A. A. Ash
by and wife. Red Oak. la.; J. M. Knott
and family. Sioux City. la.; J. O. De
Bord and family. Omaha; S. F. Sanders
and daughter. Holdredge. Neb.; C. S.
Chamberlain and daughter. Cincinnati; C.
A. Dannaker. William Frick and wife. T.
J. Benttlc and wife. A. H. Cordler nnd
wife. John Punton and wife. Kansas
City; Charles Wood Fassett. St. Joseph:
F. M. Dally nnd wire. liclolt. Kjin.: II
B. caffey and wife. Pittsburg. Kan.; I. N
Pickett and wife. Broken Bow. Neb.: II
B. GasA-r. Plattevllle. Wis.; N. R. NIel
fon. Milwaukee: A. R. Sheldon, Wiscon
sin; G. R. Bllckhahn. St. IuK
(Continued From Page 1.)
ladles whp will gladly accompany them
upon any expedition they may desire to
take around the city. Tomorrow evening
they are expected to attend a reception
at thc American Inn.
Wednesday morning they will accom
pany the gentlemen of their party on a
trolley ride to points of local Interest.
and In thc afternoon, from 3 to 5. a re
ception will be given them In thc Oregon
building at the Fair, In the course of
which they will be escorted over the
grounds. In the evening they will be ac
corded private receptions. Mrs. R. B. Wil
son. Mrs. K. A. G. Mackenzie. Mrs. Will
iam Jones and Mrs. H. W. Coc being the
hostesses upon this occasion.
Another trolley ride is planned for
Thursday morning, nnd at 2 P. M. the
visiting ladles will start from headquar
ters In the Concordia Club for a carriage
drive, stopping nt 4 o clock at the rest
dence of Mrs. E. DeWltt Connell. where
a reception will be given In their honor
on the lawn. The same evening they
will be given a reception at the Oaks by
me c:ty iieuicai society.
Friday they are expected to take a trio
up the Columbia River. leaving here at
S A. M. The ladles headquarters will be
open evcrj day from 3:30 A. M. to 5 P. M
Real ones, at Singer stores. But hr
deal with the manufacturers. The Singer
vimiuuy w mum-ill una responsible
its representatives are always at hand to
Look for the red S.
3S4 Morrison st..
MC Washington st..
W0 Williams ave..
Portland. Oregon
iXaJn. Sl Or ex on. Cltv Or.
Dr. McMurtry Describes the
American Medical As
Research and Progress Are Its Aims
and Thousands of Physicians
Throughout Country Benefit
by Its Accomplishments.
"The American Medical Association is a
post-graduate college at which men of
National attainment gather annually to
exchange Ideas and to discuss the results
and findings of their year's work and in
vestigations. It has no politics and many
of the members will return to their homes
after the sessions without knowing who
has been elected the president of the as
sociation. Its object Is to promote the
science and art of medicine, to unite In
one compact organization the medical pro
fession of the United States and to ele
vate Its standards."
Dr. L. S. McMurtry. of Louisville. Ky..
president of the American Medical Asso
ciation and therefore the dean of this
great National post-graduate college of
eminent physicians and surgeons, sat last
night In his room at the Portland Hotel
and told of thc alms and objects of the
organization. After long search the man
who will wield the gavel during the con
vention to be held In the city this week.
was found In one corner of the lobby sur
rounded by members of the association
Interested In thc coming meetings.
Tells or thc Profession.
"Come upstairs." he said when told he
was about to be interviewed. '"We can
talk better there." He led the way around
Innumerable turns In the corridor and
opened the door.
"Now." he said. "If you know how to
turn on those lights I will let you do It.
I have not been able to find any button
to push."
The lights on. President McMurtry set
tled is his chair and told of thc history- of
the organization and what It stood for and
had accomplished.
The American Medical Association.
said the speaker, relapsing Into history.
was founded In 1S46 and I3 thc largest
medical association In the world. Last
year It met at Atlantic City and the year
before that at New Orleans. Since Its
membership is made up from the pro
gressive medical men throughout the
United States the meeting places are
chosen is different sections of thc country
In order to give the members In each dis
trict an opportunity to attend while at
the same time the members are given the
privilege of visiting the different sections
of the country.
"The object of the association is to
promote the science and art of medicine,
to unite the medical profession Into one
compact organization and to elevate the
standards of the profession. It Is an as
sociation to the sessions of which the
medical men of the Nation may come and
learn of the advance made In the year
through the researches and Investigations
of the men who have attained high place
In the ranks of the profession, men or
National and oftentimes of worldwide
Its Scientific Work.
"Its scientific work Is carried on in
12 sections representing the various spe
cialties and departments of procedure.
In these different sections the men en
gaged In scientific research present the
results of their Investigations by writ
ten essays or papers which are discussed
by those attending the congress.
"The medical profession is the most
progressive of all for the reason that
medicine Is not yet ranked among the
exact sciences. At these meetings the
methods of treatment and operation and
of procedure are discussed and presented
to men engaged In the same lines of in
vestigation and practice.
"The association embraces In its mem
bership all of the progressive element
of the profession In the United States
and Is In effect a great post-graduate
college In which the men of attainment
In the profession meet to exchange Ideas
and results.
Diffusion of Hcscarch.
"For the diffusion of Its researches the
association publishes a weekly journal
which hns come to be the foremost medi
cal publication of the world. The asso
ciation owns valuable property In Chi
cago where the Journal Is published, to
gether with other medical publications.
The Journal has a weekly circulation or
35.000 copies, tho subscriptions being dis
tributed throughout the United States."
Turning from history Dr. McMurtry
chatted pleasantly of the work done by
the association and of the difference be
tween the physician of the pioneer days
and of the present time. The associa
tion, the speaker held, was responsible
In large part for the advancement made
by the medical profession of the Union.. It
kept alive and fostered the spirit of prog
ress more than any one agency, as It
brought every man of progressive ideas
close In touch and hnrmony with his
Old Methods Gone.
The old-time of the man who studied
a few short months In some office and
then went forth to cure all Ills had
passed and In its place had come the
specialist, the man highly trained to do
some certain branch well, the man who
knew his subject as thproughly as it
might be given In the power of man to
understand. Thus It was that the asso
ciation had done and would continue to
do much excellent work for the advance
ment of the profession. The association
was a college from which none could
ever graduate for It would ever hold
new things to be learned ami taught,
new Investigations and discoveries to be
made, new results to be achieved.
Eastern anJ Seattle races. Take Sell
wood and Oregon City cars. First and
Fitgcr Found Iilttle AVind.
The German ship Arthur Fitger ar
rived in port at 7 o'clock yesterday
morning, and will today begin dis
charging cargo at the Greenwich dock.
She brings cement and coke from Bre
men, and has been 144 days on the pas
sage. Except for the usual rough
weather In the Cape Horn region, the
Fitger did not find enough wind, and
made a slow, uneventful passage. She
Is the first of this year's ships from
Europe, and Is the only sailing vessel
on the disengaged list here.
Hotel Hamilton. San Francisco's newest
hotel. Steam heat and telephono In each
room. Centrally'located. Rates. $1 and
upwards. 123 Ellis .street
jjj Odd
H Men
Iicadlnp Physicians In That Par
ticular Line Gather in Portland
to Discuss Papers.
The American Association of L.ife In
surance Examining Surgeons, one of the
organizations that convene annually at
the same place as the American Medical
Association, will meet In annual session
this morning at 10:30 o'clock at thc Im
perial Hotel, and the afternoon session
convenes at 2 o'clock. Officers of the as
sociation are:
Dr. Denslow Lewis, president. Chicago.
111.; Dr. Henry W".' Cook, vice-president.
Richmond. Va.; Dr. Charles H. Harbaugh.
vice-president. Philadelphia. Pa.: Dr.
Frank B. Cross, vice-president. Cincin
nati. O.: Dr. Henry W. Dewey, vice-president.
Tacoma. Wash.: John Guy Monlhan.
secretary-treasurer ad interim. 50 Will
iam street. New York City: Dr. William
F. Amos, assistant secretary, Portland,
The programme follows:
Presidential addrcj. "The Medical Exam
iner and Ills "Work." Dr. Denslow- Lewis,
Chicago. 111.
"Requirements for Special Instructtons of
Medical Students in Methods of Examinations
for Insurance" Dr. W. B. Cluness, San Fran
cisco. Cal.
"The Influence of Heredltr in Life Expec
tancy" Dr. John Xevln. Jersey City. X. J.
"The Relation of the Medical Examiner to
the Medical Director" Dr. II. T. Inse. Mobile.
"More Uniformity In Examination for In
surance" Dr. J. C. Twitchell. Portland. Or.
"The Relation of Rectal Diseases to Life
Expectancy" Dr. Joseph M. Matthews, Louis
ville. Ky.
"Appendicitis as a Factor in Life Insur
ance" Dr. H. C. MarxmlUer. Cincinnati. O.
"Women as Risks" Dr. Mae II. Cardwell.
Portland. Or.
"Little Things' That May Influence an In
surance Risk" Dr. E. E. Maxey. Bolr?. Idaho.
"Doflcienctes in the Routine Examinations
of thc Kidneys" Dr. G. Kolteche& ChicajfO.
"Life Insurance for Xephrltlcs" Dr. J. II.
Brlstow. Portland. Or.
"The Medical Examiner in Relation to Ac
cident and Health Insurance" Dr. Samuel
Horton Brown. Philadelphia, Pa.
"The General Appearance of Persons Exam
ined for Life Insunrfice. Independent of the
Formal Examination" Dr. M. Beshcar. Trini
dad. Colo.
"Suppurations In the Temporal Bon? and
Their Practical Relation to Life Insurance"
Dr. John F. Bamhill. Indlanapoll-. Ind.
"Ignorance of Sexual Hygiene and Life In
surance" Dr. G. Shearman Peterkln, Seat
tle, Wash.
"We Can Do Better Work for Our Compan
ies. Do They Want ItT' Dr. William Moore.
Jfew York, .V. Y.
"Collision or Collusion?" Dr. William F.
Amcc. Portland. Or.
"The Value of Life and Accident Insurance
to the Medical Practitioner" Dr. Wlnslow An
derevin. San Francisco. Cal.
"The Recognition of Drug Addiction in Life
Insurance" Dr. T. D. Crothers. Hartford.
"Japaneao Methods of Life Insurance"
Dr. C. W. Sharpie. Seattle. Wash.
Paper are also expected from Dr. Fenton B.
Turck. Chicago. III.: Dr. J. R. Wetherbe.
Portland. Or.: Dr. W. C, Cox. Everett. Wash :
Dr. W. S. "Watts. Teoria. III.; Dr. C. J.
Smith. Pendleton. Or.; Dr. K. E. Heg. Seattle,
Wash.: Dr. H. B. Buck. Springfield. III.; Dr.
Charle Lyman Greene. St. Paul. Minn.
C. W. Cochran and family, of West Su
perior, Wist, are visiting at the home of
T. H. Cochran, in this city.
Frank D. Hobbs. Register of tho United
States Land Office at Salt Lake City. Is
In the city, visiting the Exposition, ac
companied by Mrs. Hobbs and their
daughter. Miss Edith.
Mayor William Glassman. of Opden.
Utah, who Is also editor of the Standard
nnd of the Examiner, of that city, ac
companied by the 16 Utah young ladles
whom he Is entertaining at the Exposi
tion, composed a line party at thc Belasco
to witness the performance of "The Con
quest" last evening, as the guents of
Manager Sackett.
NEW YORK. July 9. (Special.) F.
Got Something Else, Too.
"I liked my coffee strong and I drank
it strong." says a Pennsylvania wom
an, telling a good "story, "and although
I had headaches nearly every day I
just wouldn't believe there was any
connection between the two. I had
weak and heavy spells and palpitation
of the heart, too. and although hus
band told me bo thought It was coffee
that made me so poorly, and did not
drink it himself for he said it did
not agree with him. yet I loved my
coffee and thought I Just couldn't do
without it.
"One day a friend called at my home
that was a year ago. I spoke about
how well she was looking, and she
" 'Yes, and I feel well. too. It's be
cause I am drinking Postum In place
of ordinary coffee.'
"I said, 'what Is Postum?' '
"Then she told me how it was a
food-drink, and how much better she
felt since using It in place of coffee or
tea. so I sent to the store and bought
a package, and when it was made ac
cording to directions it was so good
I have never bought a' pound of coffee
since. I began to Improve immediate
ly. MI cannot begin to tell you Kow much
better I feel since using Postum and
leaving coffee alone. My health Is bet
ter than it has been for years, and I
cannot say enough In praise of this de
licious food-drink." Name given by
Postum Co., Battle Creek. Mich.
Take away the destroyer and put a
rebullder to work and Nature will do
the rest. That's what you do when
Postum takes coffee's place In your
diet. "There's a reason."
Get the little book. "The Road to
Wellvme.'ln carh packar-
Chunky chaps who
mourn their figures, and
lanky ones who feel
laughable, dislike to
order new clothes. They
mistrust the tape-liners
who measure their ex
panses. Stein-BIoch tailors have mas
tered thc science of fitting every
style of figure. That is why
Stein-BIoch Smart Clothes
Trill fit men of every size and
3 shape to perfection.
Write for "Smartnest," an edu
cation in correct dress, which also
explains the wonderful "Wool Teat
and tills you where Steln-Bloch
Smart Clothes aro sold In your city.
Wholesale Tailors
130-32 Fifth Ave., Tailor Shops,
New York. Rochester, N. Y.
J. Holman and wife, of Spokane, regla
tered today at the St. Denis.
CHICAGO. July 9. (Special.) Orego
nians registered today as follows:
Auditorium J. C. Orcutt. Portland.
Morrison G. F. Wlttmer. Portland: A
E. Butler. C. E. Gill. Independence.
Kalserhoff G. H. Robinson. Portland.
Windsor Clifton R. G. Jacobs. Portland.
Palmer House J. M. Callaway. Astoria.
The Oceanic S. S. Co. and the Pacific;
Mall S. S. Co. announce special excursion
rates for Honolulu via San Francisco, in
cluding five days' hotel expenses, car
riage drives, excursions round the Island
and trip to the volcano. Full Information
at 234 Washington St.. C. W. Stinger. Agt.,
or 24S Washington St.. J. H. Dewson. Agt.
Stomach Diseases
Discord. Injurious Drugs
A Harmless Powerful Germicide
Endorsed by Leading Physicians.
Send twenty-five cents to pay postage
on Free Trial Bottle. Sold by leading
hot senutnc without my sicnatuxc:
WitiTf roR fnzt BooiatT oh Rational Triathiht
or Disease.
The Pacific Slope
People of the slope know a
good thirje when they get it.
Gratifies and sat
isfies and never
Its quality and
faultless flavor
won for It the
Grand Prize
at the St. Louis
Sold At alt flrst-clAM cafes and by Jobber.
WH.LAAHAN t SON.Baltlraar0.Hd.
A Living
, If we were to assemble all
those who have been cured of
heart disease by Dr. Miles'
Heart Cure, and who would
to-day be in their graves had
not Dr. Miles' been successhL
in perfecting' this wonderful
heart specific, they would pop
ulate a large city.
What a remarkable record
a breathing, thinking, moving
monument, composed of human
lives, that for which every
other earthly possession is sac
rificed. The Miles Medical Co. re
ceive thousands of letters from
these people like the following:
"I feel indebted to tho Dr. Miles'
Heart Cure for my life. I desire to call
the attention of others suffering as I
did to this remarkable remedy for the
heart. For a long" time I had suffered
from shortness of breath after any
little exertion, palpitation of the heart;
and at times terrible pain In tho region
of the heart, so serious that I feared
that I would some time drop dead upon
the street. One day I read one of your
circulars, and Immediately went to
my druggist and purchased two bot
tles of the Heart Cure, and took It
according to directions, with tho
result that I am entirely cured. Sine
then I never miss an opportunity to
recommend this remedy to my friends
who have heart trouble; In fact I am
a traveling advertlsment. for I ara
widely known In this locality."
Manager of Lebanon Democrat,!
Nashville. Tenn. j
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure Is sold by
your druggist, who will guarantee that
the first bottle will benefit. If It falls
he will refund your money.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind'
ated by use
wonderfnl aphrodisiac. Send for Circular. De- I
pot. 323 Market St.. S. F. All dmirgBts sell it