Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 10, 1905, Image 1

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    VOL. XLY.-XO. 13,911.
admiral m
Cabins Stripped of Valuables
by Mutineers, and Blood
stains Everywhere.
Survivors of the Officers Tell Terri
ble Tale of Slaughter and Cru
elty Aboard the Battleship
While In Kebel Hands.
KUSTENJI, Roumania, July 9. Admiral
Kruger this afternoon boarded and took
possession of the Russian battleship
Knlaz Potemkln, King Charles of Rou
mania having: sent instructions to the
commander of the Roumanian squadron
that the vessel be delivered to the Rus
sian authorities without raising any diffi
culties. The torpedo-boat which accompanied
the Knlaz Potemkin, however, left for
Odessa without surrendering, declaring
that she had not mutinied, but that the
Knlaz Potemkin had forced her to follow.
Admiral Kruger arrived with his squad
ron this morning, and, after exchanging
the customary salutes, intimated that he
had come to arrange for the transfer of
the Knlaz Potemkin. Admiral Kosllnsky,
commander of the Roumanian squadron,
boarded the Russian battleship Tchesme
and Informed Admiral Kruger that King
Charles had ordered him to turn the ves
sel over to the Russian Admiral. The
formalities of the transfer were completed
this afternoon, and Admiral Kruger
boarded the Knlaz Potemkin.
"Wild Disorder on Shipboard.
The Associated Press representative in
spected the Knlaz Potemkin after the
withdrawal of the Roumanian guard.
Despite the efforts of the Roumanians to
get things In ship-shape on board, the
battleship was In a state of wild dis
order. The officers cabins were stripped
of everything of value, and bloodstains
were everywhere. There was sufficient
ammunition aboard the Potemkin to have
enabled the mutineers to make a desper
ate resistance.
It is said that during the last few
days the vessel was navigated by two en
gineers and an officer with revolvers at
their heads.
All of the sailors wished to surrender
with the exception of Maiuschenko. the
leader of the mutiny, who resisted for
some time, and wanted to blow up the
Seven officers were prisoners aboard the
Knlaz Potemkin. Thoy were in a pitiable
condition from ill treatment. They de
clare that Matuschenko himself killed ten
officers of the battleship. All the papers
and books belonging to .the vessel were
Others Refused to .Toin Mutiny.
It appears that the decision to surrender
the Knlaz Potemkin was made when it
became evident that no other vessel would
Join in the mutiny. The crew of the
battleship seemed to be unaware of the
surrender of the Georgi Pobledonostsen.
and expected that she also was cominrr to
Kustonji to capitulate to Roumanian
Twenty sailors from the Knlaz Potemkin
have applied to the Russian Consul here
to be sent back to Russia.
The crew on torpedo-boat No. 257 were
given lxilf an hour in which to surrender
or leave port.
A considerable number of the crew of
the Kniaz Potemkin surrendered to the
Russian squadron, alleging that they had
acted under compulsion. The coal supply
of the mutinous battleship was nearly ex
hausted, but there was ample food on
A Russian priest after the transfer held
a service of purification on board the
Kniaz Potemkin. sprinkling the vessel
and her flags with holy water.
Admiral Kruger's squadron. which
brought a crew for the Knlaz Potemkin,
aijQ4 with Jjgr for Russia this evening.
Officers Sentenced to Bo Shot and
Cossacks Routed by Lithuanians.
VIENNA, July 10. Dispatch 6s received
here from St. Petersburg state that 21
officers of the Russian army have been
courtmartialed and sentenced to be shot
within the last few days for refusing to
obey orders to proceed to Manchuria.
They sot up in their defense that other
offlcors who were possessed of private
fortunes had succeeded In evading the
orders to go to the front by bribing the
officers of the General Staff, whose duty
It was to make the assignment of officers
to proceed to the front.
A Lithuanian regiment refused to carry
out an order given by a brigade comman
der and a detachment of Cossacks was
detailed to place the revoltcrs under ar
resu When the mounted troops tried It
they were tired on by the Lithuanians and
a sanguinary encounter followed, which
resulted in 200 Cossacks being killed or
wounded. The revolters were finally
placed under arrest in barracks.
Sub-Licutcnnnt Compelled to Navi
gate the Potemkin.
KUSTENJI. July lO.-Following orders
received from the Roumanian government
the Knlaz Potemkin has been formally
transferred to the Russian navy. Admiral
Krugor 6ent a flag Lieutenant on board
of the vessel and notified the officers in
command that he was ready to transfer
the Russian crew to the battleship. This
was done, the Roumanian flag hauled
down and the Russian hoisted after the
usual salutes had been fired.
-n inspection of the vessel revealed
everything to be In the wildest rvmftislnn
All the supplies had been exhausted, the
officers' cabins had been Irvntrf thi
money taken from the ship's strongbox
ana cverytning portaoie or value carried
For the last three days the vessel has
been navigated by a sub-Lieutenant who
was kept at his post by a guard with a
revolver at nls head. It is declared that
all of the mutineers wanted to surrender
at Odessa, but that they had been cowed
Dy ineir jeaaer. Matuschanko. who knew
mat ii no was ever captured by the Rus
sians he would be nromntlv hnnc-od.
The crew of the Potemkin was sent Into
the interior today and the mutineers
were given an enthusiastic reception.
Three tjunior officers of the Potemkin
who had been forcibly detained on board
of her after the munlty. were released
nere ana are awaiting orders from Ad
mlral Kruger. Their swords were re
turned to them before they were sent
on shore. They declare that the muti
neers were resoectful to them nil tho
time that they were on board, but that
tney were kept under surveillance all of
or me time, mey are apprehensive as to
their treatment when thev cut back to
After the surrender of the Potemkin the
Roumanian officers hnarrtprt InrrwAn hnut
267. which has acenmnanlpr! tin. Trmttln-
shlp on her wanderings. To their sur
prise mey were torn oy the men on board
of that craft that they were loyal to
me v--zar; mat tney had not mutinied, and
that thev had necomnanled th hattlo.
ship under compulsion. They asked that
they be given coal enough to see them to
Sevastopol. The Roumanians feared a
trap and demanded that the tnrnidn.hna
cither be- surrendered or that she leave
port within half an hour without taklntr
on euner coal or supplies.
After consultation, the men In Mmmnnrf
of the torpedo-boat dcided to return to
a Russian port and sailed, declaring thnt
they were going to Sevastopol. It Is under
stood mat tney had only coal enough on
board .to last -six hours.
Jews Marked for Slaughter.
ODESSA. Julv 10. Aetlnir nn flrivlon f
the police, who have carefully investi
gated the Situation, the flnvirnnr.r.nnrl
has directed that elaborate precautions be
taken to prevent a massacre of the Jews
of the city, which is understood to have
oeen planned for this week. There have
been 17 persons arrested s!nri vMioniav
charged with affixlng-TeTmarks to the
nouses oi ncn Jews.
Governor Tands Determined That
Vice Shall Be Extirpated in
the Capital City.
that no more rambllnrr liMnuc .m
Issued after August 1. when ail existing
licenses eXDire. Governor Tart
Federal district. nnnnuncM that )
determined to extirpate gambling In this
Mangled Corpses In Mud.
GUANAJUATO. Moxlrn .InK-cil., .1,-
proce-ss of cleaning streets of debris
caused bv the flood mnm hio
bee found. Most of the corpses are man-
Kiea Deyona recognition.
The Weather.
TESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, 88
dee.; minimum, C4 dor.
TODAY'S Fair and moderately warm; north
erly wln3s.
Retaking of the Potemkin.
Knlaz Potemkin 1b turned over to Admiral
Kruger by Roumanian Admiral. Tage 1.
Leader of mutiny Paid to have plain ten ef
flcera with his own hand. Page 1.
Seizure of Island or Sakhalin gives Japan a
powerful lever in peace proposals. Page 2.
Choice of Muravleff an plenipotentiary mU
with disapproval at St. Petersburg. Page 2.
Japan will oppose Chinese representative at
peace conference. Page 2.
4 Criminal.
John W. PrlesUy. had of old Philadelphia
family, in Jail on charge of anxm. Page 1.
Fraud order Issued against People' National
Bank of St. Louis. Page 4.
Mobs of whites and blaekH fight In tenement
district of New York. Pai;e 4.
Prince Augustus Adolphus and bride glen dem
onstrative welcome at Stockholm. Page 2.
Gambling prohibited after August 1 In the
City of Mexico. Page 1.
Great Interert aroused by the Christian En
deavor Convention at Baltimore. Page 3.
Epworth League Convention pas-w resolutions
condemning statin? ft Smoot In Congress.
Pago 3.
Prematura explosion on Pennsylvania road
near New Cumberland. Pa., kills olght men.
Page 2.
American Hebrews pay tribute to memory of
the late Secretary of Statf Hay. Page 1.
racltic Coajst.
Chinese doctor, formerly of Portland, stran
gled with lila queue at Bay City. Page .
Walter Scott, the cowboy Croemin. starts on
record-breaking run to Chicago. Page 4.
Mrs. Mary Van Horse murdered at her home
Mn Bakersfleld. Cal. Page 4.
Pacific Coast noores; Portland S. Seattle 1;
Lo Angelea 7-S. Oakland 2-4; Tacoma 6-4.
San Francisco Page 11.
Results of Eastern baseball games. Page 11.
Companies of Oregon National Guard have
practice shoot at the Butts. Page ft.
Steel bridge draw does not open for two hours.
Pace 5.
Freight agreement made for Puget Sound Ori
ental steamships. Page K.
First of 1005 fleet from Europe now In port.
Pare 5.
Portland and Vicinity.
Senator Mitchell will niove today for a new
trial and for arrest of Judgment. Page 12.
American MedlcAl Association ready for con
gress. Page 1.
Charities and corrections will have big con
ference. Page 10 .
Convention of dairies and pure foods. Pag 7.
Ill health causes suicide of former Portland
man. Page 12.
Sermons In city's churches. Page 5.
Mayor Lane says Grltzmacher "sit on th
lid." while he Is looking for' a police
chief. Page 7.
Dr. McMurtry. vrldnt of the American
Medical Association, tells of Its objects.
Page 10.
Maxamas, Appalachian and Sierra. Clubs -will
climb Hood and Rainier. Page 4.
LewU and Clark Exposition.
Admissions, 7177.
Dr. Hlllls preaches strong sermon at Expo
sition on "Fruitage of Others' Labor."
Pace L
Dr. Newell Dwight Hillis Deliv
ers Brilliant Sermon at
Exposition. .
Asks That Mercy Be Shown the
Souls of the Autocracy, but
That Xonc Be Granted
Their Bodies.
Sunday services in the Exposition Au
ditorium wore largely attended vaster-
day afternoon, every available seat on
the lower floor being occupied. Rev.
Newell Dwight Hillis. of Brooklyn,
preached one of his characteristic ser
mons, and several musical numbers were
sung by Mrs. Rose Bloch Bauer and the
quartet of the First Congregational
Dr. Hillis proved himself to be one or
the mots forceful speakers that have
ever occupied a. Portland pulpit. His
style Is vigorous, at the same time clear.
and eloquent. He speaks in an easy.
unrostralncd manner, and uses words that
convey a definite Idea to his auditors.
The impression that he created yester
day was a most favorable one.
Rev. Ergad P. Hill, of the First Pres
byterian Church, conducted tho services
and delivered the Invocation. The music
was furnished by Mrs. Rose Bloch Bauer.
Mrs. A. T. Bushong. Miss Leonora
lusher. . H. Boycr. W. A. Montcomcrv
and W. T. EIIiotL During the services
the first psalm was read responsivcly by
tnc minister and the congregation.
Fruitage of Others' Labors.
Dr. Hillis spoke of .those men who "en
ter into the fruitage of the labor of oth
ers." He drew a vivid picture of various
examples of this class, showing how men
and nations of one generation had for a
heritage the fruitage of those who lived
in former times. Dr. Hillis also spoke
or tne rush and bustle of modern life,
when little thought was riven to fhnn
other than of a business nature.
"There Is no time todav to idle. Men
die in an hour, or 40 minutes, or mnvh
SO minutes, of heart failure, ana tho'
minister races through the funeral
nervlces in IS minutes. We go on a trot
to tne cemetery, and como home In
the electric car. Evcrybodv is In .i
'There are a few men who stand
easily as leaders in their generations.
we make a great deal of these oc
casional men. and journey now and
men to see where they labored.
In the course of study, we find that
for many centuries there were men
who had ideas on tho solar svste"m.
Each one had a new thought or two, !
and these thoughts all converged to a
point Then came Jsaac Newton, and :
he drew these converging lines to tho
point In his groat law. In the midst
of his wonderful and inspired guess, he
could not hold his pen. and called for
his frlonds to come to his side. Ho
knew that he had entered into the
fruitage of the labors of those who
had gone before.
The Assembled Ruby.
"There Is a man in Oxford who took
thousands of little ruby clinninc-s.
mlnod by the workers in the ruby
mines. He selected those of the samo
color and hardness, and placed them in
a cup and fused them vith electric
current. He produced what is called
an assembled ruby, worth $300,000, and
he entered Into the fruitage of the
labors of those who mined the stones.
"When the great day comes, and the
final books arc written, many names !
that arc now considered too obscure i
will be brought out Into the shining i
light. to take place with the names ;
nf f i,o ...i . . , . 1
of he great men who entered Into the
fruitage of their labors, for great men J
have been shouldered up by others of
whom we know but little.
"The Russian fathers sowed for
blood and revolution, for crime and re
volt. Certainly the children are en
tering Into the fruitage of their labors.
Russia has been downtrodden, her peo
ple cannot read, and there are more
titlo deeds in Oregon than In the whole
empire. The fathers have been sowing
the seed. (
"Not long ago a great Russian busi
ness man hurried to the court at St.
Petersburg, and demanded' audience
with, those who were discussing the
terrible crisis into which the country
was being plunged. lie had a plan for
Ve will have printed small nam
phlets containing a brief -history of the
French Revolution he said. This
book will picture to the . people of
Russia the horrors of that mighty con
flict, and will turn them from their
Could Not JScad Boole.
"So tho srovcrnment decided to order
90.000,000 copies of a little book that
would describe the horrors of the
Revolution, when a smart man said
'What good will 00,000,000 books do our peasants-who cannot read a
word?' The books would do no good,
and the plan was abandoned. The Rus
sians began to enter Into the frultaea
of what they sowed when they put a
stop to learning. .
"It took three revolutions and -(50.000
soldiers to secure for England her
three greatest institutions of liberty.
It took many years, also. How long
will it take to do the same work in
Russia? They have been sowing the
seeds of ignorance and superstition,
and they are entering into the fruitage
thereof. We ought not to condemn the
peasants of Russia. Remember the
spirit of 1775. Don't you suppose we
would be nihilists if we lived in Ruslsa
today? I think we would, for her dco
pie have been downtrodden. May God
have mercy on the souls of the auto
crats of Russia, but no mercy on their
Late Secretary of State Endeared
Himself by Acts in Beliair or
Hebrews in Roumania.
NEW YORK. July 9. Jews of tho East
Side thronged the synagogue of the Rou
manian-American congregation in River-
ton street today to honor the memory
of the late John Hay, Secretary of State.
After prayer by Kabbl Radin, Congress
man Gotdfoglo. delivered s. eulogy nr. Mr.
Hay. v4ry-""
Resolutions were parsed declaring that,
by his acts vlFbehalf of the oppressed
Jews of RoumShia, Mr. .Hay had cndiored
himself in the hearts of all Jews and that
In his death the Nation had lost a great
statesman and the Jews a sincere friend.
Jews Meet In Memory of Hay.
PHILADELPHIA. July 9. A meeting in
memory of John Kay was held In the
synagogue B'Nal Halbcrstam today by
Roumanian Jews. The attendance was
very large. The principal speaker was
Rabbi B. C. Ehrenrelch. who spoke of
the greatness of the late Secretary of
State, and the services he rendered to
humanity in his famous note to the pow
ers In behalf of the Jews in Roumania.
The rabbi said the only true way to
show gratitude for what Secretary Hay
had done for them was for the Jews to
become American citizens.
Where Romeo Is Snid to Have Met
the Beautiful Cnpulet.
VERONA, July 9. The houe in which
Juliet is said to have lived, and in which
she is said to have received Romeo, has
been Fold at auction. The bidding began
at $13. and tho house was finally bought
In by the City of Verona for $2500.
Intense Heat at Spokane.
SPOKANE. July 9. The tlrst Intense
bent wave of the Summer rtruck Spokane
ana Eastern Washington today. At i
'clock In ne afternoon the mercury reg-
tJ".,,0' ?" min'
down town streets. The leather Bu-
.aa nporta :3 degrcC9 as maxlmum tem.
House of Delegates Will Be
gin Its Sessions
Prominent Physicians and Surgeons
or the American Medical Asso
ciation Arc Gathering: for
Interchange of Ideas.
Attendance at the annual convention
of the American Medlcnl Association,
from tho beat advice? obtainable last
nlcht. will be In excess of 130 and
may exceed 2000. Thin k probably the
largest number of delegates to any Na
tional body that baa held lui ession In
Portland up to this time. Delegations
from Chicago. Minnesota, Wlaconrln.
Connecticut. Massachusetts. New York.
Missouri. Nebraska. Iotra. Kentucky
arti-ed yeHerday and several special
trains are due today, bettldcn a large
number arriving on special trains. The
exact number here cannot be told until
registration In complete at headquar
ters. This week Portland entertains the phy
sicians and surgeonri of the United State?
affiliated with the American Medical As
sociation, among the most dignified and
highly scientific of the organizations
having large membership that annually
convene in session for discussion of sub
jects kindred to the profesfion and in-
tercnange Ideas as- to how higher alms
may be attained. Today the first meeting
will be held of the house of delegates,
the governing branch of the association of
the country, composed of about 10) mem
bers, who act for 120.000 doctors. Dr.
John H. Musaer, of Philadelphia, will pre
side over the house of dolegates, which la
to hold IU session today in the Chamber
of Commerce, Dr. Musair Is the retiring
president 6f the association and will wield
the gavel until after the president-elect.
Dr. Louis S. McMurtry. of Louisville, Ky.,
Is Inducted Into office.
Preparations for Entertainment.
Elaborate preparations have been made
for entertainment of the visitors, under
dirccton of the City and County Medical
Society, of which Dr. Henry Waldo Coe
Is" president: Dr. William H. Skene, vice
president; Dr. J. A. Petit, treasurer, and
Dr. A. D. Mackenzie, secretary. Recep
tions at the American Inn. at the Oregon
building at the Far. at private residences
thrown open etpeclally to welcome the
men who palliate human suffering and
correct ills, an evening at the Oaks, and
a day on steamers ploughing the waters
of the Columbia and the Willamette.
Never before have such complete arrange
ments been perfected for anv cntherinsr
in Portland, representing an expenditure
of 523,000. of which six physicians and
nine' private citizens of Portland cava 5M0
each and the remainder was subscribed
In smaller sum.
General sessions will be held In the Ar
mory. Tenth and Couth streets, where thy
great uruiroom has been transformed
Into an auditorium, headquarters office
and exhibition palace. Two-thirds of the
space has been utilized for the auditor
ium, with a raised platform built at the
north side, faced bv 1600 new wooden
chairs, set In a semi-circle, to which Is
added the SO) seats of the balcony at that
end of the big room. The west end of
the room Is given up to the postoftlcc, a
headquarter: registration and Information
bureau, with tables provided in the open
space in front, where cards that mu3t be
filled out and handed in with credentials
may be executed. There are 12 windows,
at each of which will be stationed a re
sponsible clerk to discharge the various
duties of this department.
For Sectional AVorlc.
Space between the headquarters and
postoffice at the end of the room and the
seated section Is occupied with a score of
booths, display racks and stands, at
which are exhibited medical preparations,
surgical Instruments, publications and ap
pliances from the largest institutions en
gaged In these particular lines.
For holding the numerous sections
Into which this body Is divided for more
effective .results, the Atkinson School
building has been secured, and nil seats
removed and replaced with chairs. In or
der that the sections may proceed sep
arately, but nil bolng contiguous, so that
delegates may receive the benefit of di
viding time between the respective sub
jects In which particular Interest may be
Tuesday morning the first geenral ses
sion will convene. Dr. John K. Musser
will yield the gavel to his successor. Dr.
Louis S. McMurtry. at this session. Judge
W. A. Cleland will welcome the guests to
Oregon, on behalf of Governor Chamber
lain; Mayor Lane will speak on behalf of
the city; Dr. George F. Wilson as repre
sentative of the Oregon State Medical So
ciety; Dr. Henry Waldo Coe, for the Mult
nomah County Medical Society, and Dr.
McMurtry will then deliver his opening
address. Tomorrow afternoon 13 sections
will meet In various rooms of the Atkin
son School, to which they have been as
signed, while the sections on general med
icine and that on surgery will meet one
in the main auditorium and the other In
the ballroom on tho second floor of the
Receptions Are Planned.
Tomorrow night a reception will be
given the guests by the general commit
tee at the American Inn. at which a. mu
sical programme will b rendered, and
after its close the entire party will be
taken to the "Carnival of Venice," on the
Trail. The committee having this func
tion in charge is composed of Doctors K.
A. J. Mackenzie, Andrew C. Smith, Henry
Waldo Coe. George F. Wilson, A. J.
Glesy, William Jones and E. F. Tucker.
Wednesday evening will also be devoted
to receptions. Dr. and Mrs. William Jones
will keep open house at their residence.
731 Flanders street; Mrs. R. B. Wilson,
widow of one of the pioneer physicians
of Portland, who held a prominent place
among the medical men of the state and
Pacific Coast, and mother of Doctors Holt
C. and George F. Wilson, will open her
home to the visitors, at 631 Hoyt street,
and Dr. and Mrs. .H. W. Coe will enter
tain In honor of Dr. Murtry, at the Ore
gon building at the Exposition, from 0 to
11 o'clock.
Thursday evening the City and County
Medical Society will entertain their
guests at The Oaks. Tickets to and from
the resort and for admission will
furnished to members wearing badges
at the depot of the Oregon Water Power
& Railway Company at 8:15 P. M., at
which hour the cars will begin leaving
for the resort. From S:30 to 9:30 a re
ception will be held at The Oaks Tavern;
luncheon 3 to 10 P. M., and musical en
tertainment from 9 o'clock to mldnlgnt.
There lias been provided a high-class
musical programme In which Mrs. Ro?c
Rloch Bauer and Mrs. Walter Reed will
be heard, and the quartet composed of
W. H. Boyer, H. W. Hogue. Dom J.
Zan and W. A. Montgomery. Mustc
will also be furnished by a good band,
for vhlch a splendid special programme
has been arranged.
Auxiliary Societies to Meet.
In addition to the American Medical
Association there will take place during
the week the annual sessions of a num
ber of auxiliary societies embracing dif
ferent branches of medical and surgical
research. Among these are the American
Otologlcal Society, American Life In
curance Examiners' Association, tho So
ciety for the Study and Cure of Inebriety,
and others.
There has been involved in prepara
tions for the convention of the American
Medical Association an enormous amount
of detail work that has been shared gen
erally by the leading doctors of Portland.
This work has been performed without
publicity outside the profession and In
a manner that bespeaks for the associa
tion one of the most successful and
pleasant occasions of its history that
will make their visit to the Pacific Coast
memorable. Following arc the commit
tees of the City and County Medical
Society, having the arrangements In
Dr. Andrew J. Glesy, general chairman.
Invitation committees "Practice of
Medicine," E. E. Cable. C. E. Hawk;
"Obstetrics and Diseases of Women."
William Boys. G. O. Jefferson; "Surgery
and Anatomy." E. H. Parker. R. C. Cof
fey; "Hygiene and Sanitary Science." J.
J. Panton. William M. Campbell; "Opth-
aimology," G. Bruere. J. P. Goray; "Dis
eases of Women." J. D. Fehton, C. C.
Holltster; "Stomatology," A. H. Chance.
L. Buck; "Nervous and Mental Diseases."
W. T. Williamson. William House;
"Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery."
H. Rand. J. C E. King; "Laryngology
and Otology," Hicks C. Fenton, M. Kirk
patrick; "Pharmacology," H. I. Keeney.
J. A. Pettit; "Pathology and Physiology,"
J. Sternberg, W. B. Holden.
Committee on arrangements Richard
Nunn. chairman: E. De Witt Connell,
vice-chairman; Edna D. TImms, secre
tary; George B. Story. William F. Amos,
A. Tllzer. E. D. Johnson. A. E. Mackey,
C. Gertrude French. J. K. Locke, J. H.
Bristow. J. O. C. Wiley, A. C. Panton.
J. R. Wetherbee.
Reception committee Ex-Presidents S.
E. Joseph!, (1SS4). chairman; H. C. Wil
son (1SS5), G. F. Wilson (1S30). George
M. Wells (lSDl). Andrew C. Smith (1S93),
F. Cauthorn (1S34). O. S. BInswanger
(1S95). William Jones (1835), K. A. J.
Mackenzie (1S97), E. F. Tucker (1S9S),
James F. Bell (1SS9). Andrew J. Giesy
(190O), Harry Lane (1001). Charles H.
Wheeler (1002). Robert L. Gillespie (1903),
James F. Dickson (10OI).
Committee on refreshments S. C. Blo
cum, chairman; R. J. Chlpman, W. R.
Coffman. W. B. Wright. XI. C. Strick
land. S. H. Sheldon. J. M. Short. Edward
Deidrick. F. M. Taylor. J. R. Barber, J.
N. Coghlan, Theodore Fcssler, L. A
Shane. I-idles" committee. Woman's Medical
Club Viola M. Coe. chairman: Mae H.
CardwelJ. Mario D. Equl. Ethel Gray.
E. E. Van Alstine. Sara M. Hill. Eugenie
Little. K. C. Manlon. Kittle Gray. Jesse
M. McGavIn. 2Iary S. Parkor, C. Ger
trude French. E. D. Patton. E. C. Pohl.
Edna Timms. S. Whiteside. Amelia
Finance committee Harry F. McKay,
chairman: E. P. Geary, secretary: R.
C. Yenncy. Richmond Kelly, George
Ajnslie. A. W. Moore. W. H. Boyd.
"Committee on music and decorations
F. -GulIIctte. chairman: M. G. McCorkle.
secretary: E. N. Crockett, J. A. Gilbert.
A. H. Johnson, W. B. Hamilton. M.
Fried. R. C. Wajker. Leo Rtcen. G. If.
Committee an badges R. J. Marsh,
chairman: Alan W. Smith, secretary:
W. I. Cottel. Emil Pohl. L. H. Hamilton.
A. D. Mackenzie. Hugh Mount. Curtis
Holcomb, J. C. Zan. j". S. Stott.
Committee on printing C. S. Hosmer,
chairman: Charles E. Hill, secretary: E.
J. Labbe. E. A. Sommers. W. . otnuen,
George R. Whiteside. Oscar Do Vaul.
Committee on place of meeting W H.
Skene, chairman; E. H. Thornton. A.
D. Walker, J. T. Walls. Major Ebert, U
S. A.
State and district committee George
F. Wilson, president Oregon State Medi
cal Society: Charles J. Smith, Pendleton.
Eastern Oregon District Society: V. Love,
Grant Pass, Southern Oregon District
aVIvcs of Visiting Physicians Are
Guests of Local Ladles.
Elaborate preparations are in progress
for the entertainment of the ladles ac
companying the members of the American
Medical Society during their sojourn
here, and all day tomorrow the ladles'
headquarters in the Concordia Club, at
Sixth and Aider streets, will be at their
disposal. Here the visitors will find local
Head of Old Philadelphia Fam
ily is Now Held in Jail
Without Bail, ,
John Wesley Priestly, of Textile In
dustry Fame, Kept Up Expensive
House Without Apparent
Means of Support.
PHILADELPHIA, Pa., July 9. (Spe
cial.) John Wesley Priestly, head of
an old Philadelphia family which for
half a century ha3 been known
throughout the country on account of
Its connection with the textile Industry,
is in a Camden, N. J., Jail, said to hava
been leading for years a most amazing;
Jekyll-and-Hyde existence. Mr. Priest
ly is accused of supporting his family
In luxurious style on the proceeds of
money obtained through burning prop
erties which previously had been in
sured, and to have perpetuated frauds
on life insurance companies as well as
in connection with the death of his
Mr. Prie3tlys means of support have
been a mystery for a number of years.
Though apparently the fortunes of the
old Priestly family were waning, and.
Its head l)ad no business conectlons
which would bring him in an Income
sufficient to live as family traditions
dictated, he continued to spend money
Lived In Elegant Style.
Ho maintained an expensive estab
lishment in a fashionable suburb. But
so old and respected was the family
that, despite this apparent incongruity,
no suspicion attached to the man until
The specific charge on which Mr.
Priestly Is held without bail for the
grand jury Is that he set fire to tho
woolen mill of George Shimer & Co.,
in Camden, July 1. The motive al
leged is that he did so to permit a cred
itor of the company to recover through,
insurance the amount of the firm's In
debtedness to this man. The creditor
suspected of having done this is a v$ry
wealthy woolen manufacturer.
The Shimet tire Is almost an unim
portant Incident in the host of revela
tions that have come from every side
within the last week. The Fire Under
writers Association of Philadelphia haa
sent to Prosecutor Lloyd a list of seven,
manufacturing and business establish
ments in which Priestly had an Inter
est, all of which were mysteriously
burned. Insurance being collected.
List of Seven Fires.
The Chief of Police gives the follow
ing list of the seven fires:
April 18. 1S81 Weavlns mill at Susque
hanna avenue and Marshall street; law $5030,
Insurance J11.0C0.
September 25. 1885 Weaving mill at 1724
and 1726 North Howard street; loss $3000, In
surance 45000.
March IS. 1800 Weaving mill at 1310 and
1314 North Lawrence street; loss $14,000. In
surance $23,000. This place was saturated
with raeollne.
July 0. 1S0I Same place; loss $27,400, in
surance $40,000.
July 18. 1801 Same place; loew $5040. Insur
ance $46,000.
November 8. 1 SIM Factory at 2024 and 2028
North Tenth street.
March 16, 1A05 Bowllntr alleys run by his
son. James P. Priestly at 3544 and 331G
North Seventh street.
L. F. Fouse, president of the Fidelity
Mutual Life Insurance Company, and.
Francis Rawle, attorney for the Provi
dent Savings Life Assurance Society, re
lated an attempt by Priestly, through an
assignee, to collect $50,000 life Insurance
on his brother, James II. Priestly. A3
Mr. Fouse tells it. J. W. Priestly ob
tained policies of insurance on the Ufa
of his brother aggregating $100,000.
Insurance on Brother's Life.
He paid the premiums. James H
Priestly died In six months and the com
panies Investigated berore paying Tho
money. The result was the declaration
later in Court that James H. Prt'estly
was feeble, given to intoxicants and an.
Incurable Invalid at the time he appeared
before the medical examiners. Some of
the examincra swore ho did not appear,
but was Impersonated by an able-bodied
When the companies refused to pay,
the insurance policies turned up in New
Tork City, assigned to Charles A. Fur
bush, since dead. Furbush and Priestly
were good friends. They occupied jointly
a mill In North Lawrence street, which
was burned twice. There was insuranco
in both cases, say the underwriters.
The Priestly family founded what 19
now the Croft establishments, one of tho
largest in the United States. John Wes
ley Prlestly's last jtextlle venture on
his own account. In 1S34, ended In a fire.
Since that he has not been regularly
attached. selling textile machinery and
supplies part- of the time.
Members of Wild West Show Ex
change Shots With Trainmen,
WHEELING. W. Va.. July 10. Tele
phono messages early this morning from
Clarksburg and Burnsvllle. W. Va., tell
of a battle between excursionists from
Clarksburg on the Baltimore & Ohio train
and cowboys, members of c Wild West
show. One of tho cowboys was ejected
from the excursion train and his comrades
came to his rescue and opened a fusillade
on the train. The fire was returned and.
Joe Johnson and Mexican George, a cow
boy, were killed.
Several excursionists were shot and se
riously wounded by the cowboys. The ex
cursion train bearing the wounded Is ex
pected to reach Clarksburg at 3 A. M.