12 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, SATURDAY, JULY 8, 1905. MEETING NOTICES. OREGON LODGE. NO. 1. K. OF P.. will hold a special convention, tonight at K. of P. Hall. Marquam building, for the Installation of officer. EUGENE H. DARLING. C. C. E. D. CURTIS. K. of R. and S. FUNERAL NOTICES.. COLE The funeral services of the late Ed win W. Cole will he held at Finleys chapel Sunday at - P. 31. Friends and acquaint ances Jnvlted. Interment at Greenwood Cemetery. SMITH In San Franciwo, July S, 15)03. Mary I Smith, aged CO years, wife of William S. Smith and daughter of Mrs. H. Cason. Funeral will take place July 8 at 2 P. M. from F. S. Dunnlng's chapel, corner of East Alder and East Sixth streets. Friends Inilted. DUNNING. M'ENTEK & GILBAUGH. tc ccssors to Dunning Campion, undertakers nnd embaliners. modern In every detail, 1th and Pine. Phone Slain 4S0. Lady utslstaat. EDWARD HOLMAN CO., Undertakers and embalmer. have moved to their new build ing, Third and Jsulnion. Ludy assistant. Telephone No, 507. J. P. FINLEY & SON, Funeral Directors, cor. 3d and Madisoj t Oflice of County Cor oner. Lady assistant. Telephone No. 8. F. 8. DUNNING, Undertaker, 4U East Alder. Lady aoslhtant. Telephone East 32. ZELLER-BVRNES CO., UNDERTAKERS. Embalmem, 273 Rus'lr East 1088; lady a't- -CLASSIFIED AD. RATES. "Rooms," "Rooms and Roard," "House keeping Rooms," "Situations Wanted," 15 words or less. 15 cents; 10 lo 20 words. 20 cents; 21 to 25 words, 25 cents, etc. No dis count for additional Insertions. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS, except "New Today," 30 ccuts for 15 words or less; 10 to 20 words, 40 cents; 21 to 25 words, 5Q cents, etc. first Insertion. Each additional Insertion, one-half; no further discount un der one month. "NEW TODAY" (gauge measure, agate), 15 cents per line, first inertlon; 10 cents per line for each additional insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The Oregonlan. and left at this office, should always be Inclosed In sealed era-elopes. No stamp is required on such letters. The Oresronlnn will not bo responsible for errors In advertisements taken through the telephone, NEW TODAY. Your Money Safe. Invest your money in University Park lots where no robber can steal it from you, where no bank officer can gamble it away on the stock market. Money invested in University Park lots will grow while gold coin in the tight box will stand still. Remember that the Oregon end of the great bridge over the Columbia River will rest on University Park. Re member that the manufacturing, wholesale, jobbing business, along our water front will make a demand for skyscrapers at University Park in the near future. Remember that Uni versity Park is the very center of that vast city now springing up on the Peninsula between the rivers. Uni versity Park is a business, social and educational center. It has the Colum bia University, which brings a cul tured class. It gives employment to all in its mills, factories, docks, stores and shops. There is a big demand for residences. Real estate is changing hands rapidly. Money is being made through advances in property values. There are thousands of persons in Oregon and "Washington who regret that some friend or foe did not kick them into investing in Portland real estate years ago. Within two years another wail will go up from those who let pass the opportunity to buy a few lots at University Park. Prices of lots range from 80 to 330 each. Terms, one-tenth cash, balance on monthly installments. No interest on deferred payments if paid when due. Prancis I. McKenna, Room 606 Com mercial Block. Agent at University Park Station. Sixteen lots were sold in this addi tion in June and 11 new houses start ed. Intending homebuilders should see Holladay Park addition before buying elsewhere. It -is the swell residence district of the East Side. Everything is new and - up-to-date. Sewers, gas, electric light, water mains and concrete sidewalks are all in. Holladay Park Addition is within easy walking distance, but has fine car service. Price of lots ?550 to $900 each on easy terms. The Title Guarantee & Trust Co. 6 and 7 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Oregon. Sunnyside, East Main, near East Thirty-fifth street, attractive, mod- large attic, full basement, gas. Price only $1800, on very easy terms. The Title Guarantee & Trust Company, 6 and 7 Chamber Of Commerce. Holladay's Addition For Sale A new 5-room cottage, nil con veniences, full cement basement, streets fully Improved. A very desirable location. Convenient to two trolley lines. Terms will be given. Lots sold on advantageous terms to home builders. The Oregon Real Estate Co 8S Third St,. Room 4. r 1 Larrabee street, only a few blocks frnm t.hp Stppl 'Rrirlp-p a finp lot ? , M-mge, a nne lot, OUS 100 feet, overlooking Tiver and harbor, The Title Guarantee & Trust Com - pany, t ana v unamDer 01 commerce. FOR SALE $8500 Good modern house. Irving st,. 1 f,,riv V,5?A HOLLABAY PARK ADDITION AMUSEMENTS. Marquam Grand Theater Direction N. W. T. Association. C. HEILIG. President. (Morrison St., bet. 0th and 7th) PHONE 3IAIN SCS. This Afternoon ! Tonight At 2:30 o'clock At S;30 o'clock Special -Price Matinee s Popular Prices Prices 25c, 33c. 30c. ! 23c. 35c 30c, 75c, THE GERMAN COMEDIANS KOLD AND DILL In the Musical Comedy Burlesque "The Beauty Shop" 40 BEAUTIFUL CHORUS GIRLS 40 MUSIC AND MIRTH. Same Bill Next Monday, Tuesday. Wednes day Matinee and Night. BELASCO THEATER TEL. Mill 311 (Formerly Columbia Theater) 14th and Wash. MATINEE TODAY. Sixth Week Belasco Stock Company. The Conquest By Phil. F. Rogoway. From Eva Emery Dye's Popular Novel of the Same Name. SPECTACULAR PRODUCTION BIG CAST Lawt performances of the Sacajawea play. Regular Matinees Saturday and Sunday. Prices Night. 15 to 75c; matinees, 15 to 50c NEXT WEEK Beginning Monday, July 10. "A FOOL AND HIS MONEY" EMPIRE THEATER Twelfth and Morrison. Two Performances Dally. Matinees at 2:15. Etenlng at S:15. All this week the Empire Stock Company In the great emo tional comedy-drama. "Lost in London" ADMISSION ALWAYS 1 O CfcSTS . BAKER THEATER Vfif Keating & Flood, Managers. THE THREE KUHNS. LIZZIE WELLER. FINE AND DANDY. JEAN WILSON. ROBERT NOME. BURNS AND WILSON. MOVING PICTURES. BAKER ORCHESTRA. Theater always cool and comfortable. Per formances dally at 2.30. 7-.30 and 0 P. M. Ad mission 10 cents ti any feat, except box-!-. Ml EICEUEKCE 1 UKAHU lUKICTItlS Tins BUCKEYE TRIO. 5 MUSICAL HEWITTS 5. MARSHALL AND LORRAINE DALY AND HKKOI.I). ROBERTS AND DE MONT. MR. G. H. SHONE. THE GRANDISCOPE. General admission 10c. Evenings. Sundays and holidays, front seats lower floor 20c Box seats 25c HOLIDAY TUC CTA F EEST IK STEPHEN 1TTZPATRICIC & CO. FRANK MILTON AND THE BELONG SISTERS. MACK AND WILLIAMS. JENKINS AND O'NEILL. FRANK SELEH. MR. JOSEPH BONNER. THE STAROSCOPE. General admission 10c. Sundays, evenings and holidays, front seats lower floor 20c Box teats 23c . KIRALFY'S CARNIVAL of VENICE ON THE TRAIL. THE BIGGEST HIT OF THE LEWIS AND CLARK EXPOSITION. 300- PEOPLE -300 5100.000-INVESTED- $100,000 ADMISSION. 23 CENTS. Lewisand Clark Observatory HAWTHORNE TERRACE PORTLAND HEIGHTS Now open. Take Portland Heights car and get off at Hawthorne Terrace, one block from car line. No climbing. Electric elevator. Most magnificent view In America. See beautiful effect of powerful searchlight from top of tower. Open 0 A. M. to Si P. M. ADMISSION. 10 CENTS. NEW TODAY. SOUTH ST. JOHNS SOUTH ST- JOHNS SOUTH ST. JOHNS The most sightly tract on the Penin sula; level high above the river, per feet drainage. Hydrant water piped to every lot. FINE VIEW OP RIVER AND PORTLAND HARBOR. Lots 50X100 Feet Price $200 Each Small cash payment, balance on very easy termSv The Title Guarantee & Trust Co. 6 and 7 Chamber of Commerce, PORTLAND, OREGON. ILLUSTRATION NO. 17. "THE OLDEST TRUST COMPANY EN' OREGON." RESOURCESOVER$1f000,000 In January. I0u2. a life insurance company iuuk. unc 01 our special certificates of de posit, payable upon ton days call for th sum of 510.000. 1 1 thus secured u llouM In vestment for a portion of Its reserve, and this money Is still on denosit with m. There are other lift- insurance comnanlr In the country that might with advantage . ........ v ...... ..... ... piivuiu Uf K'OU to confer with their officers or send them full particulars together with our book of "ILLUSTRATIONS." PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON ltd Third Street. Phone Main 453. BEN J. I. COHEN II. L. PITTOCK.. B. LEE PAGET.,. J. O. GOLTRA.... ...... . . . ..President . . . . . .Vice- President - .Secretary Assistant Secretary talllOrnia DlISS LanOS ; .cmaH rarm8 ror ettiers..2o acres of im. ; a,ed lan ln.tl-acrf iaz "l to J' jr j Pacific or Santa Fe Overland Lln direct to luiare city. 2 miles from UIM inds. Alfalfa, corn, grain, deciduous fruits, vege table, hogs, dairy cattle thrive. Booklet free from Bliss Lands fine), care Sullivan & Sul livan. Lawyers, 010 Parrott bldg., San Fran cisco. $500 will buy ten fine level lots, 200x125 feet, a few minutes walk from Peninsula Station. This is a bargain. Pine place for small fruit and chicken ranch. The Title Guar antee & Trust Company, 6 and 7 Chamber of C6mmerce. . nfifTOR "Western Washington; on 1 "1 vrv occount retiring from pracUce, tvlll sell (K practice, house, office, lot; outside income, $40 monthly; is 1 S&o Factory street, near Thurman, two lots 50x60 "et. eacn. Pnce 1300. The xiue uuaraniee c ircst vompany, o iianci 7 Chamber of Commerce, NEW TODAY. FOR SAL'E-30 ACRES. SYCAMORE STA- tlon. on O. W. P. electric line; running water. Address O SS. care Oregonlan. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. 573. 4-ROOM HOUSE; $323. 3-ROOM house; $325, 2-room house, corner ioi; 5000; 4 -room house; 5723. 0-room house and barn, corner lot; 5675, 6-room house; 51000. 0-room house. All the-above may be had for a small payment down, balance monthly: $5 down and 53 monthly will buy a fine lot. prices from 575 to 5200. Our Sellwood office Is open Sunday morn ings. SELLWOOD TOWNSITE CO., PHONE UNION 1491. Offices at Sellwood and at 222 Falling bldg. 2730 ELEGANTLY FINISHED. THOR- oughly modern eight-room nouse. ncaring completion, fractional lot. on Stephens st-. near Lad J tract; splendid location, two car lines on same block, has fireplace, furnace, wash tray, paneled dining-room, handsome ly taalned woodwork, enameled tiled kitchen and bathroom: will sell for wnall cash pay ment, balance installments If desired: this Is a splendid home and will appeal to good taMc. W. L. Morgan. 13 McKay bHg. ACRE TRACTS WE HANDLE ACREAGE as a specialty, within city limits or eowce. Some acre with terms as low as 51 per month with water. A. C Churchill & Co., "Inc." 110 2d at. LOTS NEAR NEW WOOLEN MILLS. WE have only 5 of the 573 lots lert; tney arc going like hot :akes. SELLWOOD TOWNSITE CO.. PHONE UNION K01. Offices at Sellwood and at 222 Falling bldg. FOR SALE-EAST TERMS. OR EXCHANGE for other property. Hood River. lO acres good, improved fruit land; 7 acres In bear ing strawberries; 6 Inches perpetual water right for land. Address Sunnyalde Farm. Hood River. Or. CHOICE BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE ON the line of the railroad in City View rark Addition to East Portland. Also. 2-acre tracts north of Sellwood on the track. Call on or apply to R. B. Knapp, 7M Chamber of Commerce. RIVER FRONT PROPERTY LARGE WARE- howr on east side of Front at., bet. Morri son and Madison st.. for rale; 50xlW feel; two floor; property paying good Interest on amount asked for It. Inquire of owners, "SS Northrup st. W0 ACRES SCHOOL. LAND AT SLIGHT AD- vance over state price In heart or Jarre Irrigated district; half tillable: near rail road survey. A. C. Palmer, 313 Oregonlan building. CITY PROPERTY. 70X70 FEET. FACING Willamette St.; a new two-story frame store building on it; the building W 30x00 feet. Inquire at 402 Willamette sL, Eugene, Or. 5200 BUYS LOT 30X100 ON E. 0TH ST. N.. near Beech ru. only 13 minutes' riae rrom Washington st. See owner for a bargain. Address K 02. Oregonlan. FOR SALE 3-ROOM HOUSE. WITH MOD- ern improvements. See. Mrs. Howe about It, Union 173. Two farms, one sawmill will be sold reasonable. FINE HOMESTEAD OF YELLOW PINE timber claim relinquishment; house and well; In apple bell; 5200; opportunity. S 70. Oregonlan. 52230 FINEST MODERN 0-ROOM HOUSE In Portland; every convenience. Including furnace; on car line; easy payments. Phone Union 1491. FOUR LOTS IN TKEMONT. 2 BLOCKS from station; fenced and fruit trees; price .5125 per lot; cheap. Address CIS E. 14th. 200 FARMS. SMALL TRACTS AND LOTS Bargains on O. V. P. electric line. O. R. AdCitou, Lents, Or. Take ML. Scott car. 3c. 2 LOTS. 2 BLOCKS FROM WILLAMETTE Station.- bt. John iiiw. rencea; easy terms or rash. Owner. 505 Madison Ft., city. FOR KALE CHEAP-FOUR FINE LOTS ON Flsk and Princeton sts.. University Park. Inquire of J. H. Mills. Su Johns. Or. GOOD LOT. 25X75. "S" CAR LINE. CON- crete walk, macadamized street. $330; terms. Watt. 410 McKay bldg. FOR SALE THOROUGHLY MODERN house and lot. Holladay Park. Inquire owner. 318 Falling bide. NEW 7-ROOM HOUSE. HOLLADAY PARK; owner occupying; will sell cheap; terms. Phone East 1400. ACREAGE NEAR CAR LINE. C MILES from Morrison ft. bridge, c K. B&liard, Mtlwaukle. Or. FOR SALE 51500: ONE BLOCK OF S LOTS in Pattens Addition. 'iU Washington at., 1. Vanduyn. s DESIRABLE RESIDENCES AND LOTS. West or East Side. Apply forenoons 449 3d st. C-ROOM COTTAGE. FULL CORNER LOT. easy terms. Phone Kiuu C75. FOR SALE FARMS. GUARANTEED AS ADVERTISED 5700 buys a nice little home of 40 acres with 0 under the plow, all rich soli without a foot of waste land; fine bearing orchard; good 4 -room house and barn; live water: close to school and only 2 miles from town. Terms. 51500. with V; down, takes a fine IC-acre farm, of which 20 Is bottom land and un der plow; all rich land; live water, houvs and barn. 300.000 feet fir timber. c!oe to cbool and Kelso. 550u0 buys an Al farm all stocked; 14S acres with 50 acres under plow, balance f,-tdcd to pasture; land lays nicely; rich roll, live water, fenced and cross-fenced, large bearing orchard, elegant 7-room dwell ing, two large cattle barns; with this place goes 3 horses. 30 head cattle, of which 10 are milk cows, 10 hogs, harness and wagon, mower, hayrake, plows, harrows and smaller farming Implements and a fine crop; close to Kbool and good town; reasonable terms; greatest bargains of two land com panies; will not be on market long; write or come ut once. 1MUS & WILLOUGHBY AND COWLITZ COUNTT LAND CO. COMBINED. Ofilces: Kalama and Kelso. Wash. GUARANTEED AS ADVERTISED S9XO. with one-half down, buys the "fa mous Coweman proper:-" of 4SO acreo, of which one-half Is bottom land, with 159 arrr under plaw. balance second bottom land seeded to pasture; land lays most beautifully; all black loam soil; not subject to June overflow: live water on every 40: fenced and cross-fenced; large bearing orch ard: -legnnt S-rora house; two large barns; scboolhouse on place; well, adapted for di versified farming: come or write for par ticulars Imus & Willoughby and Cowlitz County Land Co.. combined; o fliers Kalama and Kelso. Wash. ONLY 533 PER ACRE. For an SO-acre tract of a tran berry and fruit land , mile from White Salmon; the land Ilea beautifully. Is level, rich, deep ublrrl gated m1 I. This land Is easily worth 550 per acre and will bring that within six months; we must have some quick money, and offer this tract at that price for oniy 520 day. Act quickly If you want it. Send for our book on White Salmon Valley. White Salmon Land Co.. White Salmon. I Wash. 90 ACRES OF GOOD RICH LAND. C miles -ast of Oregon City; 45 acres In cul tivation. 30 slashed. 15 timbered; no waste land: good pasture and fences, bearing or chard, fair buildings, fine spring and well, school on mile; land lays nne and has ex cellent crops, with Implements nnd crops. 54SOO. J. A. Moehnke. Oregon City. Or. A SNAP W ACRES WELL-IM PROVED, IR rigated ranch, clme to Proer; new li-roem house; river "front; fine orchard: will trade, lor 3. 1 or 20 acres near Portland or Ta-" coma. Portland preferred. Addrees C G. Raker. Prower. Wash. FOR SALE STOCK RANCH OF 320 ACRES. not in nana ex real J. C. Saellenbaum. estate agents. Address C5 Union ave.. North, rile to Box 54. Gates. Portland. Or., or wrl! Marlon County. Or. 33-ACRE FARM AT CANBY. OR.: WELL Improied; g"Od building; good orchard and Hrawberry field. 54000. Dlmlck & Dlmlck. Orecon City. Or. FOR SALE 100 ACRES PATENTED LAND, with over 3.0u0.t00 feet finest yellow pine, t mile from White Salmon River from store at Trout Lake, Washington. P. O. Box 4C0. city. FREE GOVERNMENT FARM LANDS JUST orened to settlement: level valley land: no stone or timber; water and soli first clas. Room C6. Labbe bldg.. cor. 2d and Wash. 52.50 PER ACRE FOR WHOLE OR HALF taction of land In Benton Co.. 1 Va miles from R, R. station: good grazing and fruit land, well watered. Owner, 10" Sherlock bldg. THE OWNER OF ONE OF THE NICEST 200-acre farms In the state Is In the city; if there is a buyer here for such a place call at 212 Pine st. 2 WHEAT FARMS LOCATED IN MORROW County. Oregon, for sale or exchange for Portland property. Call 10TH 3d st. SACRIFICE SO ACRES. GOOD BUILDINGS. 12 acres clear. H. Muenster, P. O. addrees Lewlsville, Clark County. Wash. POR SALE TIMBER LANDS. WB LOCATE TOU ON TIMBER CLAIMS. Central Oregon, or noxaesieaca; nne Taney, good water. See us; If not good, your money back. Room 6. Hotel Sbanlko. Sha nlko. Or. TIMBER FOR SALE 180 ACRES FIRST- dasa spruce and cedar; Pacific County: ? mile from tidewater: tributary Columbia River. Karl Johnson. 1233 Franklin ave., Astoria. FOR SALE 1C0 ACRES FINE TIMBER. slightly burned, 33 miles from Portland, on Northern Pacific Railroad. 522 an acre. Apply to J. A, Williams, Yacolt. Wash. 140 ACRES CEDAR TIMBER: FINE LOCA- tlon for shingle mill. Ira I. Everson, port. Or. FOR SALE LAND SCRIP. WHAT AM 1 OFFERED FOR GOVERN- ment privileges for 3000 acres lo ca table on any public lands In the United States except timber and mineral? Address G is, Oregonlan. Portland, Or. LAND SCRIPS OF ALL KINDS GUAR AN teed, mineral lands titled, public land prac tice. Collins Land Co.. Concord bldg. CERTIFIED SCRIP FOR SURVEYED OR unsurveyed lands. W. u. Howell. 53s Chamber of Commerce. TO EXCHANGE. DENVER LOTS; A I -SO 100 ACRES OF land, within 4 miles of Denver Poftofflce. for Portland or Tacoma property. Call on or address "Owner," 620 Chamber of Com merce. Portland. SOLID GOLD WATCH TO EXCHANGE FOR horse and buggy. What have you B 92. care Oresonlan. TO LEASE. WILL BUILD. BRICK BUILDING ON F.V rorable lease for stable, laundry. orage, factory, etc., on whole or part of down-town quarter block. Address P. O. Box 270. city. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WE WANT WEST SIDE RESIDENCES. 52000 to 510.000: also business properties, 53CoO to 520.UO. Have bujers. L. W. Whiting Co.. 4 oS Ablncton bldg. WANTED TO RENT FARMS. SMALL FARM. SUITABLE FOR CHICKEN ralslng; must be reasonable and handy to car; give particulars. P 12. Oregonlan. FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicles and Harness. FOR SALE OR RENT HORSES AND VE hldca by the day, week or month: harness, saddles and 200 new and second-band rigs for sale or exchange. Tomllnsou & Cael day, 211 Washington st. LOT OF SECOND-HAND EXPRESS. GRO cery. furniture wagons, trucks, surreys; sac rificed for cash. 20d Fourth. FOR SALE FOUR HEAVY TEAMS AND 1 fine 1200-lb. single driver. 134 N. 6lh st. SAN FRANCISCO VETERINARY COLLEGE Next session begins Julr 17. MtsceUaoeous. DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? Cover II with Mastic roofing. In rolls, eaty ior lay: needs no painting or coating; good over old Iron, tin or shingles; for new roofs there Is nothing better; guaran teed; Mastic roof paint and cement will stop small leaks. National Mastic Roofing Co.. room 2. Hamilton bldg. FOR SALE NEW GASOLINE LAUNCH: compromise stern: - bz feet long, beam 4Vi feet. 3-H. P. engine; seating capacity. 12 persons; would trade for automobile. Q in), Oregonlan. Phone Scott 3334. FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tablt; easy payments; we rent tables, with privilege of buying; mod rn bar fixtures, cheap prices. Brunswick Balke-Ccllender. 49 3d st. GREAT REDUCTION TALE-ENTIRE STOCK to be sold below cost; please come In and look; ladles' underwear and shirtwaists. Man Sing & Co.. 3S2 Morrison si. AT HALF COST 40 NEW YUM-YUM COTS, mattresses and bedding. J. Landlganan. 1S4 Sherman st. . FOR SALE SM ITH-FR EMI ER TYPE w riter. almost new; reasonable. C 73. cara Oregonlan. A PERFECT GEM OF ONE KARAT STEEL blue diamond at a bargain. O 91, Ore gonlan. TUFFTS COPPER GENERATOR. IN GOOD repair, at a bargain. Room 10. Washington bldg. CANARY BIRDS FOR SALE: FINE SINO ers. 330 E. Lincoln. Take Sellwood cars. TWO TICKETS FOR SALE. LADIES' AND gentV. for St, Louis. Mo. X SS. Oregonlan. FOR SALE VERY CHEAP, NEW HOME drop-head sewing machine. 131 N. 13th st. FOR RENT DONKEY ENGINE. CALL 32 Chamber Commerce or phone Main 23C3. FOR SALE-1 LADY'S LIGHT SIDE SAD dle and 1 gentlcmanV. C62 Kearney. FOR SALE-TWO FRESH JERSEY COWS. 123 Lownsdale at,. West Side. HELP WANTED MALE. BOY. GROCERY DELIVERY. STEADY. RE llable. city experience: 540 month. Clerk Registration Bureau. 203 Morrison st. WANTED AT ONCE. MAN TO PUT UP and take care Philadelphia Kltson coal oil lamps. C. A. Bell. 272j Oak. WANTED EXPERIENCED ELECTRICIAN as manager for power and lighting plant. Address L 78. care Oregonlan. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO LEARN BAR ber trade; some money required; union shop. Call 50tt Washington. WANTED A STRONG AND RESPECTABLE boy for general work. Apply to Lewls Stenger Barbers Supply Co. ANY PERSON TO DISTRIBUTE OUR SAM Hej; 51S weekly, steady. Mgr. "Empire." 4 Wells st.. Chicago. III. WANTED COMPETENT WOODTURNER and bandsawyer. Call at 972 Macadam st. Phone Main 1200. v WANTED TRAVELING SALESMAN TO take staple article of hardware as side line. N S6. Oregonlan. BARRETT'S DETECTIVE SCHOOL LAST class for this term; reduced rates. 201 Allfky bldg. WANTED EXPERIENCED MAN AS SHIP plng clrrk In furniture store. Address S IX). Oregonlan. WANTED SHOE SALESMAN. LOCAL Ex perience. Clerka ReglMratlon Bureau. 283 Morrison st. UNION BARBER WANTED TODAT; FINE chance for good extra Job. Call 50d Wash ington st. WANTED MINER WHO THOROUGHLY understands handling machine drills. D 92. Oregonlan. WANTED YOUNG MAN OR BOY TO learn ttarchlng. Opera-House Laundry. 332 AWer t. WANTED FIRST-CLASS BUTCHER; NO other need apply. Oregon Market. 151 4th. WANTED A GOOD ALL AROUND PHOTO ' grapher. c. Aine. Jr.. 5th and Alder ats. School of telegraphy and electricity; pupils wanted: positions wanted for grads. 3034 1st. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO LEARN THE1 oarDer traue. iia 1'oweu cor. k. zist t. WANTED SAILORS FOR EUROPE. APPLY at Sailors Home. cor. 2d and Gllsan st. ERRAND BOY. ABOUT 16 YEARS. WITH wbeel. Marks Shoe Co.. -1 Morrison. OLD CLOTHING. SHOES WANTED; HIGH, est price paid. 30 3d. Phone Green 478. WANTED TWO BOYS. WELL RECOM mended. Apply Immediately 383 Stark. FIRST-CLASS SALESMAN. CITY. CO UN try': big wages; 213 Commercial block. WANTED MAN TO DO GENERAL WORK In creamery. Call 420 Washington. WANTED A STRONO BOY TO LEARN cake baking. Apply 114 Russell st. AN EXPERIENCED HELPER IN CANDY factory. Apply at 104 jr. 5th st. WANTED FIRST-CLASS PHOTOGRAPH ansto printer, boi uexum bldg. WANTED MAN TO WORK Inquire 323 Ablngton bldg. ON FARM. BOY WANTED. STEADY FACTORY WORK xronu cox. jjavu. HELP WANTED MALE. FIVE PAINTERS. PLAIN BRUSH HANDS. who can go up to paint R. R. bridges, etc.. 52.75 a day. free- fare, company work; grad ing camp blacksmith. 53. free fare; 5 con crete hovelers.city. J2.rS, 9 hours; 3 sawmill laborers, night wf k. city. 52; rigging rust ler, 52.75; buckers. 52.50; swamper, 52.25; rawmlll hands. 52. fares paid; farm hands. 530: bay hands, milkers. laborer to build R, R. fence. 52.25, free fare; quarrymen and laborers. 32.23. WE WILL GET WORK FOR ANY ABLE BODIED MAN WHO IS BROKE AND WANTS WORK. SUCH AS WE HAVE. WITHOUT A CASH FEE. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 20 North Second St. WANTED FOR U. S. ARM Y ABLE-BODIED unmarried men. between the age of 21 and 35. citizens of United State, of good char acter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For information PPly to Recruiting Officer, 3d and Oak sia.. Portland. Or. WANTED AT ONCE. HUSTLER CAPABLE of talking business to business men. to so licit sign work and advertising; good sal ary and commission to man able to get the business. N 91. Oregonlan. WANTED 10.000 LABORERS. LOGGERS, mill and railroad work. If you want work come to Portland; wages. 5-1.40 to 53 per day and board. Canadian Employment Co.. 249 Rurnslda st. WANTED SWIFT COMPOSITOR AND GOOD Job printer on country weekly: mngle man. sober. Industrious; state speed, wsges want ed and reference Address Express, Klam ath Falls. Or. WANTED AMATEUR AND PROFESSION al actors, singers, musicians, etc., for dra matic companies, vaudeville circuit. Fair, etc. Newman's Theatrical Agency, 331 H Morrison. ABSOLUTELY THE BEST OFFER EVER put In the Northwest field for high-grade canvassers for The World's Work. Address Office, Ml, 738 Mission St., San Francisco. CaL MEN and women to leam watchmke. en graving. Jewelers' wk; only prac school for Jewelers: money made learn'g. Watcanskg Eagrav. School. P. L bldg., Seattle. WANTED ENERGETIC YOUNG MAN, single, to travel and learn good-paying business; references. Call 10 to 3 P. M., room 14. 3S1 Yamhill st. WANTED BOY 17 OR IS YEARS. OLD TO learn horseshoeing trade; living with par ents preferred. Boyd &. Hogan. horseshoers, dth and Burnslde. A FIRST-CLASS ENGINEER AS SUPERIN tendent: experienced In the construction work of ditches and power plant. Address B b'X. Oregonlan. California wine depot; headquarter bakers, cooks, waiter, bartenders. All wlnea 62 per glass. P. Loratl. 145 4th. Clay 1303. ANY Intelligent person may earn good Income commanding for newspapers; experience un neceMary. Press Syndicate. Lockport, N. Y. Wanted Men to learn barber trade; steady practice: expert Instructions. Write for terms. Oilman's College. C27 Clay st.. S. F. WANTED FIRST-CLASS MEN IN PORT land and throughout state to solicit busi ness. Call or write. C07 McKay bldg. WANTED ALL-ROUND CLOTHING SALES roan; good reference; permanent. Clerks Registration Bureau. 2ri3 Morrison st. YOUNG MAN. WINDOW DRESSER. LIMIT ed experience. 530: fine opportunity. Clerks Registration Bureau. 2C3 Morrison st. WANTED LIVE MAN THAT CAN SELL life Insurance on salary and commission. Apply 320 Marquam bldg.. 10-11 A. M. BARBER FOR SATURDAY; C5 PER CENT. 224 Taylor st. CRANEMAN. Burnslde. 5100 MONTH. CALL 270 WANTED BARBER FOR SATURDAY. 514 3d st. HELP WANTED FEMALE. COOKS. WAITERS. DISHWASHERS, chambermaids, wanted nt 312 Pine st,; some good petitions open. Call early. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS. COOKS, waiters, chambermaids, general workers. SU Louis Agency, 230. Yamhill. Main 5413. WANTED EXPERIENCED IRONERS. electric irons, cool workroom, best wage. Opera-House Laundry. 3-"2 Alder st. WANTED STRONG WOMAN TO ASSIST In housework: no waehlcg or cooking. 209 10th, betewcen Taylor and calmon.( WANTED REFINED YOUNG LADY AS housekeeper for a gentleman. Call after lu A. M. 2341, Morrison et,. room 10. GIRL AS CHAMBERMAID AND WAITRESS In family of two; prsunal reference re quired. Call at 431 Morrtion st. WANTED GIRL TO ASSIST IN HOUSE work: take care of child. 307 3d. Phone Hood 493. 31ust sleen home. WANTED CASHIER AND CLERK IN cigar store. Apply bet, 2 and 0 P. M., L. Richard. 2S3 Burnslde. WANTED GIRL TO ATTEND CANDY nnd lec cream stand. Call bet, 9 and 12 A. M. at 520 Burnslde st. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL GOR GEN eral housework, good wages. Apply at 33'J Hartman. near 10th. WANTED A YOUNG LADY THOROUGH In manicuring, halrdrejslng and shampoo ing. 4093 Morrison. WANTED YOUNG WOMAN FOR HOUSE- work in small family and assist In care of child. 200 Park st. WANTED WOMAN FOR GENERAL housework In small plain family; good pay. Call 727 Savler st. GIRL COOK WANTED GERMAN PRE- ferred. Wages 530- Call 21st and Jackson, Portland Heights. WANTED GIRL FOR LIGHT COOKINO and housework. Apply mornings only. 35 N. 17th. cor. Couch. WANTED A GOOD GIRL TO DO GEN- erul housework, small family. Call morn ings. 730 Hoyt st. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; 31UST sleep at 'home, -itiite utn. cor. Jackson; ref erence required. GIRL TO WASH DISHES AND MAKE HER- relf useful In small boardlng-notue. 3d2 Washlnsion st. GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; two in family; no cmwren. Apply forenoons 81 Northrup. WANTED MANGLE HELP AND IRONERS Apply Star Laundry" Co.. union ave. and E. Ankeny st. FIRST-CLASS HAND IRONERS: ALSO gtrla for mangier, brand Laundry, l.th and ju!mby us. WANTED EXPERIENCED OIRL FOR GEN- eral housework; no children. Apply 5C3 Hoyt st. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework. 15 Lovejoy st., N. E. cor ner 22d. GIRL TO COOK FOR TWO IN FAMILY and help take care of baby. N 02. Ore gonlan. WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; good home; no washing. C02 Kear ney st. WANTED LUNCH-COUNTER WAITER AT once. Hood Restaurant, cor. 6th and Ever ett. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; small family. C05 E. Burnslde. cor. 20th. GIRL WANTED-STEADY FACTORY SEW Ing, power machine. 40 Front, corner Davis. WANTED EXPERIENCED SALESGIRL ON Fair ground: Japanese Baxaar. Call 144 0th. GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. family of two. Call 3040 E. Main. LADY CLERK WANTED. CALL AFTER 10:30 A. M. Swetland c Son. 273 Morrison. WANTED GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK: NO children: wages 515. Apply 367 10th st. WANTED A GOOD GIRL OR WOMAN FOR housework. Call 217 Oregonlan bldg. WANTED GIRLS FOR FINISHING OVER alls and shirts In factory at 75 1st, WANTED JAPANESE GIRL, work. Parlor C. Portland Hotel. LITTLE WAITRESS WANTED AT DELMONICO RES. taurant, 2011, 1st, Call early. NURSE GIRL WANTED AT ONCE "The Lovejoy." 623 Lovejoy st. AT WANTED A GERMAN GIRL FOR LIGHT housework. 425 Tillamook st. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK IN A small family. Call 303 1st st. WANTED COMPETENT -QClxsn AddIv 213 N. 22d. GIRL. HELP WANTED FEMALE. SPECIAL. 13 waitresses, new place. Exposition. 55 a week and 5 per cent and uniforms fur nished free. This should equal 510 to 512 a week or better. Passes furnished. Come and get your name down. None but com petent waitresses need apply. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY, 343 i Washington st-. upstairs. PHONE MAIN 2802. ladies Wanting employment please call; many situations too numerous to mention. Exposition and other places. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 343H Washington st., cor. 7th. PHONE MAIN 2C92. MARRIED WOMAN WITHOUT CHILDREN to do chamber work In hotel at Fair grounds. In exchange for housekeeping rooms; tips-. McCoy. 304 N. 26th. cor. Savler. WANTED FIRST-CLASS. EXPERIENCED second girl, good wages, references required. Call between 9 A. M. and 1 P. M 95 North 20th. southwest corner 20th and Flanders. WANTED A NEAT GIRL TO TAKE CARE of baby 3 years old; one that can speak German or French and do some sewing. Elton Court. 11th and Yamhill. GIRLS, lfi YEARS OR OVER. WANTED TO operate spinning machines; good wages. Portland Cordage Co.. 14th and Northrop sts. Take "S" street-car. WANTED f! PRETTY GIRLS FOR HIGH class vaudeville act; experience unneces sary: long engagement; big salary. Call room 11. 33fVs Morrison. GIRLSIF TOU WANT WORK DON'T FAIL to see us. Over 1000 positions every month. Call and reglater. Canadian Parlors, 22UH Morrbron. Main 1323. WANTED NICE REFINED COUNTRY GIRL to do housework In small family; good pay. kind home, with privileges for good girl. 426 Morrison. WANTED NEAT. WILLING GIRL AS elerkr Sundav work: exDerlence unneces sary. Clerks Registration Bureau. 265 Morrison st. WANTED A GIRL TO DO GENERAL housework; also woman to wash and Iron by the day. Apply 752 L6veJoy St.. cor. 23d st. WANTED FOUR PRETTY YOUNG LADIES In the chorus at the Cascades Theater, "on the Trail." Apply after 1 P. M. Manager. WANTED-FIRST-CLASS LADT REPRE sentatlves In Portland and throughout stats: good pay. Call or write G07 McKay bl"g. WANTED GIRL ABOUT 10 YEARS OLD TO assist In office of wholesale house. Aturwer In own handwriting. F 90. care Oregonlan. TWO GIRLS FOR DINING-ROOM AND kitchen work; work easy! Call at once. Hotel Northern. 12th and Marshall sts. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work and cooking; must he experienced. Apply morning. 414 7th. cor. Hall. WANTED GOOD GIRL TO DO LIGHT housework. Call at the New Grant. 2d and Grant sts., room 17. AVANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work: good wages. SSS E. Taylor at., cor. 29th. Call mornings. GIRL OR JAPANESE. GENERAL HOUSE work. adults; must live at own home nights. 320V- 7th. GIRL TO WAIT ON TABLE AND ASSIST with housework; no cooking. 395 Morri son, cor. 10th. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK MUST be cook; give references: wages 50O montn 313 13th st. WANTED NEAT GIRL FOR GENERAL housework; email family. 257 N. 22d.. cor. Northrop. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. DENTAL WORK FREE THOSE DESIR Ing to taki advantage of the Lewis and Clark Dental Congress and .have dental work performed free by men of authority In dental theory and practice, who will demonstrate for the benefit of dentists only, are requested to call upon G. H. Not tage. chairman clinic committee, COU Ore gonlan bldg. WAITERS. 535; HARVEST HANDS. FARM hands. cooks, ocean hotel pantryman, dish washers, waitresses, city. Springs, ocean. Walla Walla. Hood River: 30 domestics. Drake. 203 i Washington. Black 1933. DRAMATIC FEOPLE IN ALL LINES FOR reliable traveling theatrical company. 349 Fargo st. riANO PLAYER FOR RELIABLE TRAV ellng theatrical company. 349 Fargo st. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers nod Clerks. YOUNG MAN, CHRISTIAN SCIENTIST, desires position as bookkeeper or cashier: willing to accept moderate salary to start; references furnished. R 91, Oregonlan. POSITION WANTED. YOUNG MAN; HAS had 0 years' experience In retail grocery business; reference previous employer. X 91. Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. JAPANESE LABOR ASSOCIATION CAN furnlah domestic servants, farmers also; all kinds of help. Clay 513. 2tJS Everett st. MINER WOULD LIKE TO GET ASaESS ment work to do; will go to any part of the Kate. C. Tayne, 431 E. Ankeny st. WANTED TO TAKE CARE OF LAWN OR to do general housework In exchange for board. O SO. Oregonlan. BY EXPERIENCED MEN. TO DO GAR denlng or florist work; best of references. Phone Main 3528. CAPABLE YOUNG MAN WORK' OF ANY kind: goud bookkeeper. Excellent refcreneca. Y SO. Oregonlan. BY MAN AND WIFE. WOMAN FOR HOUSE- work. man general work, city or country. A 02. Oregonlan. INSIDE PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING. 30c an hour. G. F. Buck. West ave. N.. Mt. Tabor. JAPANESE BOY WANTS SITUATION FOR general housework In city. O 02. Oregonlan. JAPANESE BOY WANTS SITUATION TO do cooking In family. 270 Davis st. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. YOUNG WOMAN WHO WRITES A GOOD hand. Is accurate In figures and understands bookkeeping, wants a position: city refer ences. Address Y 00, care Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED-7LADY STENOG rapher desires a situation: can give refer ence. Address S03 E. Taylor st. Housekeepers. CAPABLE YOUNG WOMAN WITH BEST references desires position In widower's home In Portland; no objection to children. H P2. Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED REFINED CAPABLE woman, housekeeper widower family or rooming-house. 2?.0l Yamhill. Phone Main 5413. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS. COOKS. WAIT ertt, chambermaids, general workers. St. Lout.1 Agency. 220-4 Yamhill. Main 5413. WANTED BY EXPERIENCE MIDDLE aged woman, opportunity take charge of rooming-house. T SO. Oregonlan. WANTED POSITION AS HOUSEKEEPER by English woman of large experience. C IX). Oregonlan. SrrUATlONS WANTED iem ale. Nurses. POSITION WANTED BY EXPERIENCED nurse; best of references; prefer the care of Invalids or Infants. Phone Main 332S. Domestics, WANTED YOUNG WOMAN FOR HOUSE work in small family and assist In care of child. 200 Park st. Miscellaneous. RESPECTABLE WOMAN WITH LITTLE girl wants place at Coast or any resort to work; private family; give particulars. Y 01. Oregonlan. WANTED AGENTS. IMMEDIATELY. LADY OR GENTLEMAN with fair education and good address to travel and place sample stock for 31Inne apolls firm; 520 per week and expenses; must be willing to hustle. Call room 12. Hotel Deutsches Haus. 42 "4-4 4 N. Cth st. WANTED AGENTS. NEW. CLEAN PROP osltlon. Call forenoons, room 37. Russell bldg. LADT AGENT SOMETH1NO NEW. OOOD ssller. big wages, 213 Commercial blk. WANTED TO RENT. OWNERS AND AGENTS WELL FIND IT TO their advantage to list their vacant houses or flata with our free rental department. Our vacant house directory has become a recognized Institution In Portland, hun dreds of tenants being weekly placed in suitable quartern. We make no chargo whatever, and landlords should take ad vantage of this service by calling at ou? rental department, tilling In our Informa tion blank; leave the rest to us; wo will secure a desirable tenant; we want house In all ports of xlty and suburbs; If you have a vacant house, fiat or apartment, phone the particulars. W won't allow it to remain long Idle. " H. E. EDWARDS. HOUSEFURNISHER. Rental Department. 1S5 to 191 1st st. WANTED ROOM BY LADY EMPLOYED: central; mantel bed; use of phone: gas. bath; with breakfast not to exceed 512 per month. Address with particulars. C 91, care Oregonlan. WANTED 3 OR 4 ROOMS WITH NICE private famllj- for housekeeping; furnished or unfurnished, by young couple: perma nent occupancy assured. Address K 91, Oregonlan. BY A YOUNG WOMAN. EMPLOYED. ROOM and board, with strictly private family, on East Side, within 20 minutes walk of Mor rison and Grand ave., or on car line. B 91. Oregonlan. PERMANENT IN BUSINESS CENTER BY gentleman, two nicely furnished rooms and bath connected, or smalt furnished cot tage; state price. Address H 91. Orego nlan. BOARD AND 2 ROOMS WANTED FOR gentleman, wife and S-year-oId daughter. near carllne; permanent home d wired with refined people. N 9. Oregonlan. WANTED SMALL FURNISHED COTTAGE. cither beach, for season; rent moderate. Ad dress CJ ito. care Oregonlan. WE WANT FOR VISITING CLIENTS FUR- nlshed houses. 3 to 12 rooms, J. V. Crelgh ton Jfc Co.. 1053 3d St. SWANTED 5 OR fi-ROOM HOUSE, PER- raanently: furnished or unfurnished. Ad dress J 91. Oregonlan. FURNISHED HOUSE FOR 3 MONTHS; give location and rental. B Richards. Ho tel Eaton, city. WANTED 5 OR u-ROOM COTTAGE; FUR- nlshed. I'bone after 2. Main 3034. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. THE PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS BUT3 all kinds of furniture, new or old. at 311 1st st. Phono Main 5G33. WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING and shoes; highest price paid. Call at th "Fair Deal." G2 N. 3d. Phone Hood 817. WANTED TICKET TO ST. LOUIS; LADY, young, tall, black hair; price 510. Address C 02. care Oregonlan. WANTED TO BUY A BAKERY OUTSIDE of Portland; state price. Address P 91. Oregonlan. AVANTED TO BORROW 5100O ON IM proved city property for 3 years. Phone East 1329. WANTED 51C0O FOR 5 YEARS AT 6 PER cent on Improved city property. D 91. Oregonlan. WANTED LADY'S TICKET TO MINNE apolls. Address Parsons. Oakvllie. Wash. WANTED IMMEDIATELY. A gentle horse; must be cheap. RIG AND Ml N. 10th. WD CVLL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT tla of all kinds. Phone East 2233. FOR RENT. Rooms. THE COZY, 103 AND 103 7TH ST., COR. Taylor, one block south of Portland Ho tel, two blocks from city Postofflcc. most central part of the city, within one block of good restaurants; from Union Depot take M car and get oft at tli st- ana South Portland or Jefferson-st. cars on 3th st. and get oft at Taylor st. and go two blocks west; free baths; Just the place for tourists and Fair visitors. Phone Clay 1712. THE PHILADELPHIA. First-class in al Its appointments, hot and cold water in rooms, baths free to guests; central location, facing Plaza. Phone Main 2023. J. E. Mlnard Black. Prop. COR. THIRD AND SALMON. THE KINGSTON. OLD ESTABLISHED and reliable Rooms. l'JOVi 3d st,. adjoining Baker Theater, centrally located, brick building; rooms suitable for two, 51 day; $4 week up; cars pass the door direct to Fair grounds and depot. Phonn Red 832. ROOMS REASONABLE FURNISHED housekeeping rooms or single rooms; elec tric light, baths and phone; walking dis tance from Fair grounds; on Thurman st,; no objection to children. Phone Main 1006. SUITB AND SINGLE ROOMS, ALSO PAR lors: day, week or month; private home; suitable for couples, or gentlemen; bath, gas and telephone: modern; convenient to both cars. 7 N. 20th. .Call mornings. OREGON. CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR BUREAU. Personally Inspected rooms In Christian homes fur tourists. 211 Commercial block. COR. SECOND AND WASHINGTON. HOTEL NEW BELMONT NEWLY FUR nlshed. clean and absolutely respectable; rates 53 per week and up; transient, 75 cents per day and up. 1st ut. Mrs. L. ZInsley. Proprietress. LARGE FRONT ROOM, COOL AND VERY comfortable, furnished, suitable for family of two or three, two blocks from Post office. 207 Park st.. near Taylor. FURNISHED ROOM EVERYTHING NEW ly furnished. In a new cottage: 52.30 per week; permanent. 120 East 8th St.. cor. Alder. TWO LARGE. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, one with running hot ana coia water, gas, bath, telephone. 2S0 13th st. ONE LARGE FURNISHED FRONT ROOM for rent for 2: 515 per montn. inquire iuVj 2d St.. cor. Ash., room 3. MOST BEAUTIFUL ROOMS IN THE CITY ut the Bristol Hotel; 51 per day up. utn and Washington sts. ONE LARGE ROOM. BAY WINDOW. WELL furnished for housekeeping; cenirai anu con venient, 220 11th st. NICE NEWLY-FURNISHED ROOMS 25C per night; one block from car, 10 minutes ride. ISO E. 34th et. THE JULIAN. 207 7TH. NEAR JEFFERSON Room, single, en suue; raies 10 parties. Phone Main CtSlO. DESIRABLE ROOMS: HOT AND COLD water; walking distance to Fair. 667 Ir ving St.. M. car. 255 11TH ST. BEAUTIFUL GROUND sj large sunny rooms; ground for one tent. Phone West 701. STRANGERS WILL FIND PLEASANT and reasonable rooms at 206 Harrison st, S car to door. NICE FURNISHED ROOMS. $2.50 PER week up. 3t$ Park at., one block from Washington st. NEWLY CLEANED FURNISHED ROOMS, permanent and reasonable; bath, phone, gas. 431 Main st. FOR RENT NICE LARGE FURNISHED front room; hot and cold water: first floor, 300 Holllday. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, bath and phone. 770 Hoyt st. Phono Main 4201. ONE LARGE. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM, also elngle rooms: phone, bath. 300 Alder, near dth st. SUITES OF TWO UNFURNISHED ROOM3 with gas stove. 51.75 per week. 3S2 East Yamhill st. THE HAMANN. 135 N. 1STH ST. CLEAN furnished rooms at reasonable- rates. Phono Main 1400. LARGE. LIGHT. WBLL-FURNISHKD rooms, right downtown, 50 cents. 43ft 2d. cor. Ash. 414 JEFFERSON. COR. 11TH NEW HOUSB. new furnishings, nil modern; reasonable rates. THE ALDER 135 ALDER ST.. NICELY furnished rooms, convenient, quiet and cen tral. THE CASTLE FURNISHED ROOMS. 373 Washington: private entrance on W. Park. TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. Market st. Phone Main 3350. 519 FURNISHED ROOII FOR TWO LADIES: 51 per week. Phone West 2047. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT AT 181 13th at. corner Yamhill. FURNISHED ROOMS, CHEAP; CLEAN, close In. 203 3d st. 4