Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 08, 1905, Image 11

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ifi. Talbot to Succeed H. C.
Campbell in D., P. & A. and
Columbia Northern.
Appointment of the Seattle Steam
ship Man, First Move to Be Made
by Recent Purchasers of
tho Allied Companies.
Marcus Talbot, formerly assistant gen
eral agent of tho Pacific Coast Steamship
.Company at Seattle, is to succeed H. C.
Campbell as manager of The Dallees. Port
land & Astoria Navigation Company and
;tha Columbia & Northern Railway Com
pany. Mr. Talbot has resigned his position.
Mr. Campbell said yesterday that ho had
received no notification of the appoint
ment of his successor, but that he Intend
ed to take a trip jiext week.
It Is expected that the reorganization of
the. two companies will begin next Mon
day, when Mr. Talbot is to roach Portland.
Since the properties were sold, several
.months ago, presumably to tho Northern
OPaclno. tho appointment of a new man
ager has been looked for at any time, by
Mr. Campbell as much as anyone else.
Mr. Talbot is well known among steam
ship and traffic mon here. . He has a wldo
experience in the passenger business.
Tho fact that a man occupying the posi
tion of Mr. Talbot comes to Portland to
take charge of these allied companies is
evidently the first move in the plans made
by the purchasers.
Every sign in the traffic world has
pointed to the Northern Pacific as the
ibuyer of the two companies. The an
nouncement has never been denied. Tho
reason for the purchase was obvious. For
years the Northern Pacific has wanted a
water-level grade Into its natural Western
terminus, Portland. By coming down tho
north bank of the Columbia, this grade
is easily obtainable. Then the crops of
tho Inland 'Empire can be hauled to the
natural shipping port at a rate equal to
that charged by the Harrlman road.
Just what "will happen to the present
organization of the two companies is what
every steamboat man in Portland wants
to know today. It is generally expected
that the boats of the Regulator line will
continue as before, and that the agree
ments with the other steamboat com
panies regarding division of territory will
etill obtal.u
Comerlc and Tottenham to Load In
Portland for Orient.
The British .steamship Comerlc. Captain
McGill, was yesterday chartered by tho
Pacific Export Lumber Company to carry
lumber from Portland to Taku, China.
At present the Comerlc is in the coal
trade, running from Puget Sound to Nome
and other Alaskan porta. She will prob
ably reach Portland about the ralddlo of
August. She should carry 3.O00.O00 feet
This makes the third steamer now un
der charter or loading for this company,
the Sandhurst being here, and the Ilford
expected before tho end of July.
It was reported yesterday that the
British steamship Tottenham. Captain
Mann, had been chartered by J. J. Moore
& Co., of San Francisco, to carry lum
ber to China from a Coast port, presum
ably Portland. The Tottenham Is now
In Japanese waters, having taken a cargo
from Tacoma in May. She was christened
Brlnkburn some time ago. but resumed
her name of Tottenham with a change of
owners two months ago. She is some
what larger than the Comerlc.
First of Fleet From Europe Is In
the Columbia.
ASTORIA. On. July 7. (Special.) The
German ship Arthur Fltger arrived In
today, 142 days from Bremen, with a car
go of 2300 tons of cement and 400 tons
of coke for Portland.
Captain Dertker reports a very pleasant
voyage, although some rough weather was
encountered off the Horn. Not an acci
dent occurred during the passage, and no
vessels were spoken.
The Arthur Fltger is the first of the
1905 fleet to arrive from Europe. She
comes consigned to Girvjn & Eyre. The
Bardowle left a few days before the Flt
ger, but has not been spoken. From now
on sailing vessels from Europe are due
at almost any time. "While the Fltger
is listed as a grain vessel, it seems more
probable that sho will find a lumber char
ter unless sho lies here until the grain
chartering seasons opens In the Fall.
Several sailing vessels have been fixed for
lumber In the lant fow days, among them
tho British Pythomcne. which laid here
several montrp. The Fltger will probably
not reach Portland before Sunday.
Xcw Coaster in the River.
A steamer that Is expected to prove of
great value to Portland merchants arrived
In the river yesterday afternoon. She
is the Doe steamer Newport, which will
run from Portland to Eureka, stopping
at Yaquina, Coqulllo River and Coos Bay.
The only other steamer on tho Eureka
run, the Alliance. is Jammed every trip.
The Newport will provide a new freight
and passenger schedule for points which
are difficult of access by water. She will
reach Portland today, and will leave down
Saturday night.
Cruiser Umbrla Icavcs Today.
At 5 o'clock tlilj morning the Italian
cruiser Umbrla leaves down tho river,
bound for sunny Italy, after a long stay
in foreign waters. One of tho visitors
on board yestorday was British Consul
Laidlaw. who, clad in the inrignia of
the King's wrvice, paid an official visit
in tho morning. The Umbrla's guns were
heard for the last time in his honor.
McCulloch to Stay In Columbia.
After remaining all Summer In Portland
harbor as an Exposition attraction, it
Is more than probable that tho revenue
cutter Hugh McCulloch will be pormanent
ly attached to the station at Astoria.
The revenue cutter Perry will thus be re
lieved. It is said that tho McCulloch will
be better able to go to sea in any weath
er. The men on the McCulloch were paid
yesterday. 52.S16.S0 being distributed for
June wages.
at the result. The Telephone has been
idle ever since built. For several days
men htvo been at work placing her In
condition to run, though the greatest se
crecy has been observed. It is known,
however, that in a few days sho will be
out on the river. f
Gamecock Hauled on Beach.
The men who have been working on
the sunken steamboat Gamecock In tho
Cowlitz River came to Portland yesterday
and reported that the boat bad been
hauled upon the beach, and that but 15
inches of water remained in her amid
ships. She Is as far up as she can be
hauled, and on Monday will be pumped
out. The hull Is In good condition, but
the house was damaged by the lifting
power of the load of wood she carried.
Load at St. Johns and St. Helens.
On Tuesday the .steamer W. H. Kruger
left San Francisco for Portland for a
lumber cargo which will be loaded at St.
Helens and St. Johns. Her last trip was
to Dutch Harbor, and It Is probable she
will soon -return to that run. Taylor
Young & Co. handle her here. It 1? ex
pected that a number of Fair bound pas
sengers are on board.
Launch Lino to Fair.
Nearly every detail Is now arranged for
a river ride schedule to the Exposition
grounds. A number of launches have
agreed to leave the city landing on
schedule time whether passengers are on
hand or not. The obstacle heretofore has
been the float at tho Fair end of the
line which is controlled as a concession.
Marino Notes.
'Tho June receipts at tho Custom House
totaled 552.470. The annual statement is
being complied.
The German ship Niobe is expected to
finish loading lumber at Iho Eastern &
Western mill today.
"Word was received yesterday that the
Portland & Asiatic liner Nicomedla ar
rived at Hongkong July 5.
The Hopkins yacht El Primero reached
port yesterday morning after two days
at Astoria and on tho Columbia.
President G. D. Gray, of tho California
& Oregon Coast Steamship Company, left
by train for San Francisco last night.
On the last trip of the Rcdondo to
Portland the first mall was delivered to
the new Blunt's Reef lightship, Capo
Mendcclno. The sea to calm, and a
small boat was used without difficulty.
Laden with 2SO0 ton." of wheat, shipped
by the Northwestern 'Warehouse Company
and Kerr, Glfford, & Co., the steamer
Euroka. a transplanted Great Lakes
craft, will leave down for San Francisco
With H passengers, 100,000 feet of lum
ber and a goncral cargo the AUIanco ar
rived in port yesterday morning from
Coos Bay. On board were 520 cans of
cream, and also 4S5 sacks of glue stock,
made from the residue of whey in cream-erica.
Telephone Awakens tho Echoes.
"Whoo-oo-o, I'm going to run pretty
soon." sang the big whistle of the long
idle steamer Telephone yesterday after
noon. A little steam had been raised in
the boilers, and the waterfront wondered
Domestic and Foreign Ports.
ASTORIA, July 7. Condition of the bar at
5 P. M.. smooth: wind northwrft. weather
clear. Arrl-ed down at 8:30 A. M. Schooner
Jennie Btella. Arrived at 10:50 A. M. and
left up at 2 P. M. Steamer Newport, from
San Francisco and coast port. Arrived at
1:45 P. M. German hlp Arthur FltKer, from
San FrancUco. July 7, Sailed Barkentlne
Chehalic, for Seattle.
Lots of 'good pianos to rent at Ellen
Piano House. Terms 53, 54 and 55
Pharmacists of the Coast Will
Hold Session,
Lending Members of the Profession
From Oregon, "Washington and .
California Will Gather at
Lewis and Clark Fair.
Pharmacists from the entire Pacific
Coast and from nearly every state In
the Union, will begin to gather In Port
land on Sunday for the Lewis and Clark
Pharmaceutical Congress which will meet
In session at the American Inn, July 11
to 14. inclusive. A particularly large at
tendance Is expected from. California.
Washington and Oregon.
The congress will be thoroughly repre
sentative of the pharmaceutical branch
of the medical science", many of tho most
prominent pharmacists In the United
States participating. Preparations are
being made to entertain the visiting mem
bers during their stay at the Exposition.
After the disposal of the attendant
routine business at the meeting of the
congress, numerous papers treating phar
macy In its various subdivisions and
phases, and prepared by authorities, will
be read. A general discussion will fol
low the reading of the papers.
May Form Coast Association.
It in understood that the Oregon and
Washington State Pharmacy Association
will present for discussion and approval.
plans for the organization of a "Pacific
Coaat Pharmaceutical Association." Such
an association Is believed to be desirable
since it will not only bring the various
state associations closer together, but
will prove beneficial In many other ways.
Among the papers to be read at the
congress relative to the history of phar
macy are the following:
"Source, Supply and Purity of Drugs
and Chemicals." Lyman F. Kebler, Bu
reau of Chemistry, Department of Agricul
ture; Charles H. LaWall, Philadelphia,
Pa.; E. L. Patch. Boston, Mass.; "Phar
macy In the United States Service."
Georgo F. Payne, Atlanta, Ga.; "Wom
en In Pharmacy," Mrs. M. M. Gray. Chi
cago; III.; Mrs. J. F. Flshnar. Chicago.
HL: "State Boards of Pharmacy and
State Board Examination." Wllhelm
Bodemann. Chicago, 111.; "Price Cutting
and Competition." S. A. McDonnell. San
Francisco. Cal.; "Histological Pharmacog
nosy," Albert Schneider, San Francisco.
Cal.; "The Manufacture of Pharmaceut
ical Preparations," A. C. Zelg, San Fran
cisco. Cal.; "Sale of Poisons and Poison
Lawa and Regulations," J. H. Flint. San
Francisco. Cal.: Pharmaceutical Juris
prudence." R. II. "Wiley, San Francisco.
CaL: "Toxicology, Experimental Phar
macology, and Related Subjects." Albert
H. Brundage. Brooklyn. N. Y.; J. F.
Kent. Brooklyn. N. Y.; E. H. Barttey.
Brooklyn. N. Y.; E. E. Caldcr, Brooklyn.
N. Y.; H. M. Simmons, San Francisco,
Cal.; "Retail Pharmacy and Storo Man
agement." H. P. Hynson, Baltimore. Md.;
"Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Organic and
Inorganic," F. T. Green. San Francisco,
Cal.; "Pharmacy and Dispensing," C. S.
N. HaHberg. Chicago, III.; "Pharmaceu
tical Legislation," James H. Beal. Sclo,
O.; "The Manufacture of Synthetics,
William J. Schlcrfelin. New York City:
"Drug and Food Analysis," W. D. Blgc
low. Bureau of Chemistry. Washington.
D. C; "Vegetable Pharmacography and
Materia Medlca," L. E. Sayre. Lawrence,
Kan.; "The Manufacture of Sera and Re
lated Products." Charles T. McCHntock.
Detroit. Mich.: "Vegetable Morphology
and Taxonomy," Henry Kraemer. Phil
adelphia. Pa.; "Entrance Requirements
to Colleges of Pharmacy," W. M. Searby,
8an Francisco, Cal.; "Standards of Pur
ity." W. T. Wenzell. San Francisco, CaL;
"The History of Pharmaceutical Titles
in America." M. I. Wllbert Philadelphia.
Pa.; "Statistics of Pharmacy Degrees,"
W. L. Scovlllc, Boston. Mass.; "Bibliog
raphy and Notes on College of Phar-
By A. A. G.
Down University Park way some
thing is the matter for they're "seeln'
things at night." Not bogles exactly,
but apparitions moro weird balloons and
Yesterday news came by swift runner,
that being deemed more expeditious than
tho telephone service, that on the preced
ing evening. In the dead, vast and middle
of S:30 o'clock, at University Park, a
moving object, like nn airship should
look like, had been observed to move as
If by design toward Portland, following
a course abovo the river at a height
which topped the hills by many feet.
It is a perilous adventure to penotrate
tho wilds of McKenna street, by way of
the St. Johns carline along toward Quit
ting timo In the evening, but I accom
plished it by alternately sitting on fat
ladles' laps and clutching frantically at
the torture-strap. Tho street-car service
down the pennsula is run on the publle-be-damned
theory, and if the public does
n't like it It may be damned anyhow.
At lone length the car reached the
destination from which I hoped to find the
Commons Hotel, where news might b
had of the airship that had passed in
the night. There were three of us who
alighted from the common carrier and
struck off blindly Into the fern-fringed
suburb. We found a group of very small
and typical barefoot boys, who directed
ua to "the great big hotel," that being
the local Idiom for designating the Com
mons House. At that place we met up
with Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Commons, a
certain Mister McKlnley and others who
declared to us that they In truth did see
at the hour already designated, a strange
sight, to wit. a balloon or airship, sailing
high In the heavens toward Portland. Bo
lng still skeptical, I suggested tho Bigns
and omens we are destined to see In the
latter days, purchandc. It was nothing of
the sort. Then wo soberly discussed the
possibilities of kites, meteors or belated
seagulls with their fore and aft lamps
trimmed and burning, but they still In
sisted it was still day enough to see
aright, they said and nothing short of a
balloon or airship could be made of It.
Whether It were manned or not they could
not say, but of this they were certain.
It Balled, and It sailed until it was out of
sight behind the firs which pin-feather
the heights. And no more than this could
we learn. Tho reader would weary of
reading the harrowing details of the re
turn of this scientific expedition, but suf
fice it that we did return having seen
those people who had seen something on
the fringe of night which filled beholders
with awe. Was It a "tramp" airship
violating the rules and regulations of the
Port of Portland? Is Is a guess. You
get two and something else If you solvo
the mystery. Vancouver, B. C, fakers
please write.
Fifth in d Washington-Streeti
Psoras, $1.90 to S3.9 Fer Dy
Acecrdlnr to Loeatloa.
Zlrst-Clasa Cbeck-JBetlaaawl
CcsnAeted With Hotel.
J. F. DAVIE S, Pre.
O-O.-DAXia, Seea Xrwu
St. Charles Hotel
European Plan Reeas 75c to 92.00
First-Class Restaarant In Connection
Front and Morrison Streets,
Free 'bus to and from all trains
: Rates 75c to $3.00 PerDay
raacy Degrees, J. T. McGill. Nashville.
Tenn c -Sodree and Supply of American
Plant Drugs." J. U. Lloyd. Cincinnati. O.;
"Source. Supply and Purity of Imported
Plant Drugs," Charles LaWall, Phila
delphia, Pa.
Papers on Pharmacy.
The papers that will bo read relating
to pharmacy on the Pacific Coast are as
follows :
"The Cascara Industry in Oregon," J.
Lee Brown. Marshfield. Or.; "The Econo
mic Plants of Oregon." Edmund P. Bhel
ton, Portland. Or.; "Custom-Houso Assay
ing," W. T. Wenzell, San Francisco, Cal.;
"Adulteration of Drugs," L. H. Dawson,
San Francisco, Cal.; "Women Pharmacists
on the Pacific Coast." Miss Josephine
Barbat, San Francisco. Cal.; "State
Board Recognition of State University
Diplomas," Miss R. E. Shaplra. Berkeley,
Cal.; "The Pharmacist as a City Chem
ist," F. T. Green, San Francisco, Cal.;
"The Pharmacist and Politics." J. J.
Crowley. San Francisco, Cal.; "The N.
A. R. D. on the Pacific Coast," W. B.
Cheatham. San Francisco, CaL; "State
Board Examinations," John Calvert. San
Francisco, CaL; "Organization of Pacific
Coast Pharmacists," J. H. Flint, San
Francisco. Cal.; "Educational Standard of
the Pacific Coast Colleges of Pharmacy,"
W. M. Searby. San Francisco, Cal.; "The
Collecting and Marketing of Home Drugs,"
F. A. Week, San Francisco, Cal.; "Tho
Pacific Coast Pharmaceutical Press," G.
T. Ketchcsan, Portland, Or.; "Some Char
acteristics of Arsenical Poisoning." Haydn
M. Simmons, San Francisco, Cal.; "The
Cultivation of Cinchonas on the Pacific
Coast of the United States," Albert
Schneider. San Francisco, Cal.; "Fluctua
tions of Market Prices of Drugs and
Chemicals on the Pacific CoaBt," Mrs. N.
R. Case, San Francisco. Cal.
The Denver & Rio Grande has estab
lished through Pullman standard sleeping
car service between Portland and Denver,
leaving Portland at 8:15 P. M.. spending
seven nours In Salt Lake City second day
and nrriving in Denver afternoon of fol
lowing day." For reservations call at 124
Third street.
PORTlAND, July T. Maximum Uftvetfr.
ture. 83 desr.; minimum, 06. Rlvef reading;
at 11 A. II., S.0 .feet; change lhjsfeaat Sjt!
hour, fall. 0.4 ota foot. Total precipitation i
5 P. M. to 5 P. M.. none; total since Bert:,
tember t. 1004. 33.08 Inches: normal,
inches; deficiency, 11.07 Inches. Total uteiv
shine July 6. 1003. 13 hours and 87'mlmrtes:;
possiDie, io noura aoa ai qudiuh.
eter (reduced to sea. level) at o c.
Baker City. ...
Boise'. ...........
Kamloops. B. C.
North Head
Portland. ,
Red Bluff
Roscburg. .......
Salt Lake City..
San Francisco...
Tatoosh Island..
Walla Walla
SO 0.001
72 QAi
80 0.001
72 0.00
80 COOf 81
84 O.OOI 4
58 0.00
83 0.00
HOiO.OO 10
nolo nnlio.xT
locVoof s(nw
8810.00 141W
84 0.00! -UN
76 0.oo 12 mv
OS O.OOJ12iri
N Clear"
ivEIKain u
W Clear
N IClea"
TW Clear 'y
SW (Clear
i;ier -j
Clear ?r
Fair and warmer weather continues- In tha
Pactflo States. The temperatures In the in
terior of California were this Afternoon
again above the 100 degree mark and at Rfid
Bluff a maximum of 110 degrees wa
The Indications are for fair aniUcontinuaja
warm weather la this district Saturday,
probably becoming cooler Sunday,
Forecasts made at Portland, tor the SS
hours ending at midnight. JulyS:
Portland and vicinity Fair andcontinued
warm. Northerly" winds.
Western Oregon and Western Washington
Fair and continued warm. Northerly wtod.
Eastern Oregon, Eastern Washtnston ajha
Idaho Fair and warm.
A Few of the "Perfectly Satisfied" Users of the Great Majestic Hotel Ranges, Where They Are Well Known
Wash., June 28. 1905:
Country Club, Port Blakely.
Hazel Lumber Co.. Hazel. Wash.
Rainier Beach Lumber Co., Taylor's
Allen & Sons. Littlo Rock. Wasn.
.The Washington Portland Cement
Co., Baker, Wash.
Hotel Washington, Seattle,
Hotel Butler. Seattle.
Green River Hot Springs Hotel,
Green River Hot Springe.
The Summit. Seattle.
The Lenox, Seattle.
Rainier Club, Seattle.
Seattle Athletic Club. Seattle,
The Rathskeller, Seattle.
University Club. Seattle
Firloch Club, Seattle.
Washington Agricultural College.
Pullman, Wnsh.
University of Washington, Seattle.
Wost Seattle Club House, West Se
attle. Vashon College, Vashon, Wash.
Rice & Curtis, Arcade Lunch. Se
attle. Seattle Central Hotel. Seattle
Mechanics' Cafe, Seattle.
Elks' Cafe. Seattle.
Williams Hotel, Seattle.
Marks & Asmussen. Seattle.
Arctic Resaurant, Bennett, B. C.
Tumwater Saloon, Seattle,
45 Mining Co.
National Hotel, Seattle.
Manca's Cafe. Seattle.
The Richmond. Seattle.
Treadwoll Mining Co.,-Alaska.
Louvre Saloon. Seattle.
John Huggard. So. Tunnel. Seattle,
Steamer Prosper.
Steamer Protection.
Steamer Rosalie.
Steamer J. R. McDonald.
Steamer Townsend.
Steamer Utopia.
Steamer Bay City.
Steamer Majestic.
Steamer Alice Gertrude.
Steamer City of Seattle.
Steamer Delta.
Steamer Flyer.
Steamer Empire.
Steamer Dode.
Steamer Farallon.
Steamer Geo. E. Starr.
Steamer Hayti.
Steamer J. H. Hannaford.
Steamer Hemrich.
Steamer Michigan.
Steamer Nora.
Steamer Lucas.
Steamer Sampson.
Steamor P. 1L Kelly.
U. S. Steamer Patterson.
Port Orchard Route.
Steamer Centennial.
C. & O. Steamer Line, Wenatchee,
Ship Theobald.
Ship Seminole.
Ship Wilson.
Bark Kate Davenport.
Bark Hayden Brown.
Bark Hunter.
Schooner Bartlett
Schooner Frances Alice.
Schooner Robt Searles.
Schooner Surf Duck.
Ship Dlrigo.
Steamer Dlrigo.
Bark Alaska.
Bark Northern Light
Schooner Roj' Somers.
Schooner Mary Bidwell.
Barkentlne C. C. Funk.
Tug Albert.
Steamer Francis Cutting.
Steamer Florence.
Steamer Grace Dollar.
Barkentlne Leslie D.
Steamer James Eva.
Schooner James A. Garfield.
Steamer Sequoia.
Steamer Dawson City.
Steamer City of Dawson.
This cut shows a CUT-A-WAT view of one of the ovens of the GREAT MAJESTIC CHARCOAL IRON
FRENCH HOTEL RANGE, and explains why so many are used in localities where they have had a chance
to prove their superiority, not only In CONSTRUCTION and MATERIAL used, but the saving of FUEL, heat
ing large quantities of wator, lasting qualities, and making everybody "PERFECTLY SATISFIED."
Trace the "arrows" from the firebox, "K," to the right, across the top of the oven, and notice again
at "D" that they are going downward in the back flue of the oven, continuing, strike against the DE
FLECTING PLATE, "R," causing them to pass to the front of the bottom of the oven, passing on. are
seen at "D," having traveled tho same as the heat docs, all around tho oven, and can be seen passing
out Into the back flues. The, RANGE having absorbed all, or nearly all, of the heat produced In fire
box, "K," are now ready to enter the chimney, which chimney must be of such size and dimensions aj
described in our catalogues; so that you can save enough fuel to pay for your RANGE In one year, over
any other CONSTRUCTION, -when running to the full capacity.
The public is cordially Invited to visit the HOME OF THE MA
JESTIC at the Lewis and Clark Fair, and examine our line of MA
and PRIVATE FAMILIES, either great or small; also a full line of
OVENS. DISH WARMERS: In fact. EVERYTHING that goes to make
up a FIRST-CLASS KITCHEN. This, we believe to be the largest
stock ever exhibited by any firm in the history of the RANGE business.
There are Ave sizes of double ovens, and four sizes of single evens,
with the same CONSTRUCTION, that may be combined into "BAT
TERIES" to an Indefinite length.
These RANGES aro carried In stock by an EXCLUSIVE agent In
every principal city in the United States and Canada.
In answer to request from principal agencies on the Coast - for
names of users of HOTEL RANGES, tee following list has been re
ceived, and many more to hear from:
Ship Tacoma.
Steamer Bay City.
Steamer Encinal.
Steamer Aloha.
Schooner Louisa D.
Steamer Taku.
Steamer San Jos.
Steamer Queen of Yukon.
Schooner Honoipu.
Schooner Beulah.
Bark Amy Turner.
Barkentlne Omega.
Steamer Morgan City.
gark Willscot.
. S. S. Brutus.
Ship Occidental.
Steamer San Pablo.
Steamer Rival.
Steamer Pasadena.
Tug Astoria.
Tug Hunter.
Schooner Pioneer.
Barkentlne J. A. Falkenburp.
Schooner Sparrow.
Steamer San Pedro.
Steamship Indiana.
Steamship Tartar.
Steamship City of Pueblo.
Steamship A. T. Warren.
Steamship Belgian King.
Steamship Aztec.
Steamship Columbia.
Steamer Charles Nelson.
Steamer Manauensc.
Steamship Glenogle.
Steamer Dispatch.
Steamer Townsend.
Ship Reaper.
Schooner Volunteer.
U. S. S. Sclndla.
Schooner Sehomc.
Steamer Robert Dollar.
Schooner Orient.
Steamer Ruth.
Schooner Abble M. Dearing.
Schooner Churchill.
Steamer Rainier.
Steamer Irrawaddy.
Steamer Lakme.
Steamer Centennial.
Schooner Queen.
Dredger Catherine HeaW.
Steamer Newsboy.
Steamer Resolute.
Schooner A. B. Johnson.
Barkentlne Gleaner.
Bark St. Katherlne.
Schooner Lucy.
Steamer Whltesboro.
Schooner Commerce.
Schooner O. M. Kellogg.
Steamship Samoa.
Bark Undaunted.
Schooner Loulf.
Steamer Wyefield.
Steamship Verona.
Barkentlne Encore.
Schooner R. W. Bartlett.
Steamer Port Stevens.
Steamship Numbers.
Ship SL Nicholas.
Steamer Mandalay.
Steamer Alliance.
Schooner Forester.
Steamer Onward.
Schooner Sailor Boy.
Schooner Henry Wll?on.
Steamship Clilco.
Sohooner Melancthon.
Steamship Zealandla.
Schooner Mary Gilbert.
Steamer Florence.
Steamer Noyo.
Steamer Albion.
Steamer J. W. Scammel.
Steamer Santa Ana.
Schooner F. M. Slade.
Schooner R. C. Slade.
Schoner Irene.
Schooner Alvena.
Barkentlne Lahalna.
Steamer Charles D. Lane.
TJ. S. S. Wyoming.
Bark Chchalls.
Schooner Alumna.
Schooner Occidental.
Schooner Occidental.
Tug Relief.
The above list of names of users of
the Majestic Charcoal Iron Hotel
Ranges was snt us from Seattle, along
with the names of over 5000 perfectly
satisfied purchasers of the family
size of the Majestic Range, which
latter list can be seen at tho Muck
Hardware Co. or at tho Majestia
Building at the Lewis and Clark Fair.
Bellingham. Wash.. June 27, 1505:
Mt. Baker Shingle Co. (3).
Fldalgo Island Shingle Co. (3).
Phillips & Nugent Shingle Co.
Geneva Mill Co.
Equality Colony.
Stoamcr Neptune.
Hotel Laurel.
Gallagher Restaurant.
Ship Ivanhoe.
Hotel Taylor.
Samlsh Shingle Co.
B. B. &: B. C. Ry. Co.
B. B. & E. Ry. Co.
Charles Lind. Contractor (3).
W. R. Moultray, mllL
Nooksack Mill Co.
Schooner E. K. Wood..
Maple Falls Shingle Co.
Cayou & Reed. camp.
Morrison &. Wright, camp.
Manley &. Sons.
W. A. Dawson, logger.
Hoel Vcndome.
Rosario Straits Packing Co.
Winner Shingle Co.
Acmo Lumber : Shingle Co.
Pacific American Fisheries Co.
Wlckersham Shingle Co.
Whatcom Bakery.
Phillips & Abbott, camp.
Bolcom Lumber Co.
Nooksack Mining Co.
H. H. Jamleson, camp (3).
McKay & Co.
Hotel Byron (2.)
Vienna Cafe.
Oxford Cafe.
Creamery Cafe.
Royal Cafe.
Hotel Bellingham.
Lawrence Shingle Co. (3).
Blanchard Shingle Co. (2j..
Crookshank & Son (3).
Melrosn Shingle Co.
Sliver Beach Shlnglo Co.
Alexander's Restaurant (2).
Howard c Meal. Restaurant
Normal Dormitory.
McLeod : Butters.
Great Excelsior Mining Co.
J. L. Johnston Mill Co.
Eclipse Shingle Co.
Mobile Restaurant.
William McCush. logger (2).
Larson Lumber Co.
Lake Whatcom Logging Co.
Baltimore Restaurant.
United Shingle Co.
Steamer Islander.
Steamer Buckeye.
Lydla Thompson.
Steamer Bellingham.
Ingels & Dfckerman Mill Co.
Bell Creek Shingle Co.
Hannah Block.
Port Stanley & Rochedale Co.
Carlisle Packing Co.
Livingston. Mont, June 23, 1S05:
Albemarle Hotel.
Opera House Restaurant
Park Restaurant
Hattle Murphy.
Mrs. Josle Kline.
Livingston Hotel.
MILES & ULMER. MllesvClty.-Moot.
Juno 29, 1903. V'
A. W. Kumle, Lelghton Hotel, Miles
City, Mont
Clara Head, Restaurant, Miles City,
Alice Brown, Restaurant, Miles City,
Mamie Shumer, Restaurant, Miles City,
Grand Restaurant, Miles City, Mont
Mrs. Bush, Miles City, Mont
Mrs. Shore, Boarding-houso, MHestClty,
Mrs. Bement, Boarding-house, Miles
City, Mont.
Mrs. Gaylord, Boarding-house, . Miles
City. Mont.
Mrs. McConnell, Boarding-house, .Mfl&s
City, Mont
R. V. Swank, Restaurant, Miles City,
Sam O'Connell. Rosebud. Mont.
DAVIS. SMITH & CO., Tacoma..
Wash.. June 26. 1905.
Mrs. Kittle Berry. Old Town, Tacoma.
EL E. Balr. Stellacoom Sanitarium.
George H. Copplngcr, Little Falls.
Mrs. Mary Dewey, 3M South Eleventh,
Golden Gate Hotel, Nome, Alaska.
Mineral Lake Inn. Mineral, Wash,.
B. Mussgen, South Tacoma. "Wash.
Mrs. M. A. O'Connor, Knnaskat. Wash
D. A. Weaver, Olympla. Wash.
Louis Zorn, Hoquiam, Wash.
Capital Box Co.. Tacoma. Wash.
Lewiston, Idaho, Juno 29. 1B05.
Hotel do France. Lewiston, Idaho.
Grand Hotel, Lewiston, Idaho.
Gem Restaurant, Lewiston, Idaho.
Model Restaurant Lewiston, Id&ho.
Cove Restaurant, Lewiston, Idaho.
Paktce Restaurant, Lewiston, Idaho.
Home Restaurant Lewi3ton, Idaho.
State Normal Dormitory, Lowiston,
St. Joseph's Hospital, Lewiston, Idaho.
Fort Lapwal Indian School, Lapwal,
Cottonwood Hotel, Howe & Clougb,
Cottonwood, Idaho.
Rookc Hotel. Cottonwood. Idaho.
Ahsahka Hotel. Surprise Bros.. AhsaH-
ka, Idaho.
Asotin House. Asotin, Wash.
Franklin Hotel. Summit. Idaho,
ARTHUR C. CURTIN. Helena, Mont.
The Lewis and Clark Jail, Helena
Sister. Hospital. Helena, Mont.
Mr. S. D. Martin. Helena, Mont
The Ming House, Helena. Mont
Big Indian Mining Co. Helena, Mont,
Charles Foreman, Wolf Creek. Mont
Grand Central Hotel. Helena. Mont.
C. F. Ellis & Co.. Helena. Mont
W'hltlach Mine. Helena. Mont.
Montana Club, Helena. Mont.
Our EXCLUSIVE agent for Portland,
Or., the MUCK HDW. CO.. Second
and Morrison streets, only lately be
gan to suggest and offer for sale our
hotel sizes, and can only show a small
list In comparison to other cities
where we succeeded earlier In finding
a man who was NOT AFRAID to offer
for sale this class of high-grade goods.
Mrs. H. H. Chase.
A. W. Martin.
Mount Hood Hotel.
M. J. Janey.
T. J. Moore.
Klondike Mining Co.
Rosa Morganthaler.
Mrs. F. T. Montgomery. -H.
G. Piehl.
Lucky Boy Mining Co.
Blue River Mining Co.
Baby Home.
W. S. Ladd (dredge).
U. S. Lighthouse Tender Manzanita.
Larry Sullivan.
Ship Sargent
U. S. Monitor Wyoming.
Alger Logging Co, (two).
Waverly Golf Links.
Portland Club.
Dennlson Logging Camp.