Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 07, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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Thirty Injured in Trainwreck
on Great Northern. -
On Way to Medical Convention, They
Hasten to Aid of Fellow-Passengers
Seven Cajrs Burned
and People Scorched.
ST. PAUL, July 6. AJbout 30 people -were
injured, one seriously, in the wreck of the
Great Northern westbound flyer at Spring
Brook. 21 miles east of Williston. N. D.
Seven cars were burned by a flre which
broke out immediately after the wreck,
presumably caused by the explosion of a
gas tank under the smoking-car. The
mallear and the special car Jollet, con
taining Dr. Frank Billings, of Chicago,
and a party of physicians on the way to
Portland, did not leave the rails and were
unharmed by the flames.
The officials of the road here say that it
was a miracle that numbers were not
killed, as the train was running at a
high rate of speed when it left the rails.
According to their report, there was no
spreading of the rails, and they are un
able to accdunt for the accident. As the
cars left the track they partially up
ended, but did not break In two.
Most of the injured suffered from burns,
the flames spreading so rapidly that many
were scorched before they could be re
moved from the wreckage. Dr. Billings
and the physicians in his party at once
took charge of the Injured and dressed
their wounds, pending the arrival of a
relief train from Willlston.
All of the Injured were able to resume
their Journey today except C. H. Strieker,
who is reported to be in a serious condi
tion. He was in the baggage-car, on his
way from St. Paul to Boise, Idaho, and
was badly cut and bruised. All mail and
baggage was saved.
The list of less seriously Injured in
cludes: Dan Farrell, of St. Paul; D. A.
McGregor, of St. Cloud, Minn.: Ed
Grant and wife, of Williston. K D.; J.
J. Loomis. of Grand Forks, mail clerk;
Poy C Bailey, of Minot, X. D.; Thomas
Doyle and wife, of Ottawa, Ont.; J. IV.
Boyd, of Minneapolis; "William F.
Thomas, brakeman; Frank Lyons, of
Rugby, N. D.; James K. Harvey, of Ray.
N. D.; C. C. Johnson, of Ray, JC. D.; E.
J. Keygler, of Odessa, "Wash.; Martha
Windier, from Germany, on the way to
Spokane: W. D. HInes and wife, of Dev
ils Lake, 2C. D.; Engineer G. N. HInes;
Mrs. HInes. face and hands burned very
badly; Joseph Sullivan, of St. Paul;
Mrs. Addle Peters, of Columbus. O.;
Miss v Annie Mulvihill, of Ottawa, Ont.;
Mrs. Mary C. Lewie, of Danville, la.;
Harry L. Thomas, brakeman. of Minot;
Ed Edmonson, of St. Paul; W. H. Le
gan, of St. Paul; J. H. Kavanagh, of St.
Linievitch Claims Crushing Victory
and Capture of Positions.
ST. PETERSBURG. July 6. General
Linievitch. in a telegiam to the Emperor
dated July 5. and confirming the defeat
of the Japanese .at Sanvantse. when a
Japanese battalion was annihilated, says'
that after the capture of the position and
the flight of the Japanese, the latter were
reinforced and resumed the light, but all
their attacks were repulsed.
The Russians captured considerable
quantities of supplies, and held the posi
tion until ordered to. retire. The Japanese
losses. General Linievitch says, were enor
mous. Many Russians were wounded in
such i manner as to prove that the Japa
nese were using dumdum bullets.
Captain of Garonne Puts Them in
Irons and Threatens Shooting.
SEATTLE, July C Russian Tefugecs
being taken from Shanghai to Odessa on
the Seattle steamship Garonne became so
riotous between the Chinese port and
Singapore that Captain Robert Lawe.
master of the ship, was forced to place
the ringleaders in Irons.
Upon arriving at Singapore. Captain
Lawe appealed to the Russian Consul to
have the more turbulent of his passengers
taken from the ship. His request was
refused, and he promptly purchased
enough rifles and ammunition to arm his
crew. Then he clapped more of the dis
turbers In irons, and. subduing the rest
by a show of arms, continued on his voy
age. Reaching Odessa, the Garonne found the
town in a state of siege, and accordingly
went to Theodosla, where she arrived in
safety, according to a dispatch received
today from Captain Lawe by Frank Wa
terhouse, owner of the Garonne. '
Take Up Charge of Using Dumdums.
Japan's New Demand.
ST. PETERSBURG. July 6. General
Linlevitch's telegraphic report to the Em
peror charging the Japanese- with using
dumdum bullets will probably be made
the subject of a communication to the
powers protesting against the violation of
the Geneva convention.
Among the Liberals a story is being in
dustriously circulated and believed that
Japan, at the Washington peace confer
ence, will demand that the treaty of peace,
if concluded, shull be submitted for the
ratification of the Russian people. In order
to insure, its observance In case of a
change of government.
Perry Fund for War's Victims.
TOKIO. Thursday, July 6. (T P. M.)
The Perry memorial relief fund for suffer
ers in the war contributed by Americans
and Japanese realized 10.300 yon.' This sum
was presented yesterday by President
Smith, of the Memorial Association, to the
Minister of the Imperial Household. The
presentation was brought to the notice
of the Mikado, who enthusiastically ex
pressed his warm appreciation of Ameri
can sympathy.
Refunding Hawaiian Debt.
WASHINGTON. July 6.-Presldont
Roosevelt has approved the Issue of S6M.
000 of bonds by the Territory of Hawaii
to refund the gold bonds of the Republic
of Hawaii, Issued under an act of the
Legislature of June 13. 1S95.
Rosen Goes to Washington.
BOSTON. July 6. Baron Rosen, the new
Russian Ambassador, left this cltv to
night on the Federal express for Wash
ington. Standard Attacks Anti-Trust Law.
TOPEKA. Kan.. July 6.-The Standard
Oil Company has filed an answer in the
Supreme Court to the ouster suit brought
against it by the State of Kansas. The
answer denies everything alleged by the
state against the Standard, and In addi
tion, as its main argument, attacks the
validity of 'the Kansas anti-trust law.
If the court again declares the law to
be valid the case will be appealed to
the United States Supreme Court.
Hezcklah Hall Finally Captured for
Murder in Virginia.
CHEHALIS. Wash.. July 6. (Special.)
Hezeklah Hall, a Virginia murderer, was
captured at Toledo today by Marshal
Charles Lyons, of that place, assisted by
two townsmen. Hall is wanted for kill
ing John Grubb. at Jonesville. Va., June
23. 1P91. He admits his Identity and says
he shot Grubb three times, alleging the
latter was attacking him. Sheriff Urqu
hart and Deputy Schllttlcr drove to To
ledo and returned with the xjriwner at
midnight. "
Hall came to Toledo last July and had
been about there and at The Dalles, Or.,
since dodging officers, as he knew he
was being shadowed. Today he and a
relative named Dave Smith went into
Toledo and got drunk. Marshal Lyon
watched them, and after they went out
into the edge of town and lay down to
sleep, he captured his man. One hand
cuff was slipped upon Hall before he
awoke and a big 38-caliber revolver taken
from him. Then he made a desperate
fight for liberty, but was overpowered
and an eight-Inch knife taken from him.
While driving here Hall, who if 50 years
old. told the officers he had killed eight
men. but three were Indians in Oklahoma
and he didn't count them. He wa? a
guerrilla during the Civil War. Sheriff
Urquhart regards the capture as one of
the most Important ever made in the
West, owing to Hall's criminal record.
Marrlao Wcen.
A. F. Runkcr. 30. Xfw Rock ford, X. D.;
Lydia It. Merswchmldt. 2S.
Thoma- E. Jenlclns. Sy; Suie Griffith, 30.
Ervin Thorpe. .10; Laura Nvlrj 30.
J. C. TVairner, 30, Anacort, "tt'ash.; Mattle
Fowler. 21. t
Frank S. Sobey. 22, San Francisco; Charlotte
J. Mllot. 21.
C. M. Fieher, 21; Elva B. Mays, 16.
At 312 Main rtreet. July 5. Mrs. Eva McKay
Robinson, a native of Oregon, aged 23 years, 7
months and 1 day.
At the Belvedere Hotel. Portland, July 5,
Lewis A. Iofboro. a native of Jackson
Center. Ohio, agod 60 year. 10 months and
16 days.
At 009 East Tapgart street. July 2. Ivan L..
Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Adams, a
native of Portland, Or., aged 6 months and
27 days. Remains taken to Salem for Inter
ment. At 2H7 Tillamook street. July 5. Harvey B.
McClure. a native of Ohio, aped S7 years.
At Oi0' Overton street. July 4. Rebecca
Haydon. Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. TV.
J. Clarke, a native of Portland, aged 10
months. .
At Good Samaritan Hospital, July 5. Ora
May. Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. F.
Jones, a native of Oregon, aged 2 months.
At County Hospital. July 3. William T. Hol
tusen, a native of Wisconsin, aged 49 year.
At St. Vincent's Hofpitat, June 30, L. B.
Sommers, aged" 72 years.
At Good Samaritan Hospital, June 3. to the
wife of Walter J. Turner, jl Mist, Or., a
At 6.12 East Twelfth street. June 3, to the
wife of Richard L. Rhodes, a daughter.
At 40C Clay street. June 23. to the wife, of
James P. Rintoul. a daughter.
At 690 Kerbj street. June 2, to the wife of
Henry Backen, a daughter.
At Eact Fortj -first and Holgate avenue.
July 4, to the wife of B. J. Town, a son.
At 131 Mead street. July 1. to the wife of
Glenn James Winchell. a son.
Building rwrmlts.
L. and F. Sedgast. shop, Garfield avenue
between Mason and Skldmore; $70D.
Lewis Peterfon. dwelling. Wheeler street be
tween McMillen and Halsey; 2100.
J. A. Currie, dwelling. Spring street between
Sixteenth and Seventeenth; f4000.
JC. J. Lungreen. dwelling, Eant Fifteenth
street between Lexington and Mllleri SS00.
Dais? 3. Miller, dwelling. Halght street be
tween Shaver and Falling; $1000.
Real Estate Transfers.
C. G. Briscoe and wife to W. A. Stone,
74 acres. Sec. 31. T. 1 S, R. 1 E..I 1
J. B. Lervy and wife to A. R. Draper
and wife, lot 1, block 207. HoV.a-
day's Add . . . 1.200
C Lather and husband to A. P.
Cornwall, lot 0, block 7. Cloverdale
Extended 1
W. M. Freeman and wife to J. A.
Freeman, lot 6. block 25, Alblna
Homestead 400
F. O. Northrop et al. to H. C. Smith.
lot 5. block 3, Saratoga 1
A. Goodnaugh and wife to L. A. Cro-
Xut. lot 4. block 17. Columbia Hts.. 5
The Title Guarantee & Trust Co. to
J. Granskog. lot 7, blocjk 21. JC. Ir-
vington 125
M. Hansen and wife to Thomas Howe.
H)t 8. block 1. Tabasco Add 800
M. C. Angersteln to J. MoDuffee. W.
J.i lot 1. block it, Hanson's Add... 350
J. S. Keller to J. G. Keller, lots 1. 2.
block 212 and lots S. it. city 1
E. Hohson ct al. to G. Rasmu?en.
.75 acre, beginning at N. W. cor.
lot 10. block -"A." Park Vlek Ex. . . 1.500
F. 1). Chamberlain, truktee .and wife
to A. Nelson, lot 11. block 41. Al
blna 700
J. W. Smith to L. C. Smith, lots 4,
5. block S. Holladay Park Add 7.000
M. E. Swigert to L. K. Swegle. lot
9. block 1. subdivision Tract "K."
M. Pat ton Tract 1
X. C. Strong and wife t L. Russell
et al.. lot 10. block 7. Kenll worth.. 1
J. Burkhard and wife to S. F. White.
part lot 4. block 125, E. Portland.. 4.500
L. Russell and wife to T. B. Wilcox,
undivided half lot 10. block 7. Ken
llworth 10
A. Harold to I. F. Swaney.'lots 33,
34. block 3. Willamette Add 15
A. J. Powers and wife to A. G. Mc
Clane. parcel land beginning 000.0
feet W. of S.E, cor. Sec 10. T. 1 S..
R. 1 E x.350
H. H. Crosier and wife to A. Scott.
lot 6. block 1. Crosler's Add. 650
The Title Guarantee & Trust Co. to
E. M. Saunders ot al., lot 2. block
21. First Add. to Holladay Park
Add 650
E. J. Hogan to T. Colbertson. lots 6.
tt. 12. IS. 10. 17. block "B." Grand
View soo
O. M. Oliver et al. to public, sundry
lots In Edetvdale 1
D. W. Hoelbing and wife to M. L.
Torrey. lot S, block 70. Carter's
Add 1.000
F. M. Spooner to E. Leech ct al.. 10
acres Sec. 20. T. 1 S.. R. 2 E 1.000
J. C. Christiansen and wife to S. A.
La Gasse and wife, lots 1, 2. block
15. Capital Add 1
J. G. Whltehurst to A. Whltehurst.
lots 4. ... C. black r.. Roremont Add. 1
D. Goodsel and wife to Victor Land
Co.. lot 22. block 7. Columbia Hts.. 1
A. Horger to J. F. Cordray. lot 10.
block 11. Dunn's Add 1
M. H. Smith, administrator, to E. H.
Wemme. S. i lot 4. block 1. city.. 16.000
Direct Primary nnd the Scnntorship.
SALEM. Or., July fl. (To the Editor.)
In The Oregonlan this morning there Is a
discussion of the probable effect of the di
rect .primary law upon the question of elect
ing United States Senators, and it is sug
gested that the Legislative candidate who
pledges himself to vote for that man for
Senator who receives the man votes at the
primaries will be sure of success.
Let us suppose that there are two candi
dates for the Legislature from Multnomah
County. One candidate pledges himself to
support that man for United States Senator
who receives the largest vote in the state
at the Republican primaries. The other man!
says. I am not answerable to anybody out
side of Multnomah County, and I shall sup
port for Senator that man who carries th
l&rgest vote In Multnomah County without
reference to the vote in the state at large.
Other things being equal, does anyone sup
pose that the man who takes the latter po
sition will not be elected?
The direct primary law will not obliterate
factional lines. Multnomah County may
strongly favor a man whom Clackamas
County bitterly opposes, and the represen
tatives of the two counties going to the
Legislature to represent their constituents
cannot harmonize upon the favorite candi
date of either county. Thus, working at
cross purposes, these two Representatives
will be faithfully representing their re
spective constituents, and either one. or
both. Is safe In defying the sentiment of the
state at large, so long as his own constitu
ents Indorse his course.
Whatever effect the direct primary law
may have In other ways. It has not, ap
parently, made the Senatorial problem any
Jess complex, C S- 3.
(Continued From Page 1.)
and pensions of public school teachers
reported as follows:
One of the most striking development! of
recent years In connection with city schools
is In the exacting nature of the requirements
for teachera. Such requirements are becom
ing more and more- revere. The idea that
any high school graduate can teach school
has quite generally been succeeded by the
conviction that no person, however well edu
cated generally, can properly teach without
special preparation for that duty. The high
er standards which are being InMsted upon
for the teachers must lead logically to better
compensation. The Inadequacy of the sal
aried in eame cltlta, after the training that
la . necestory to secure the positions, has
been usfd successfully as an argument for
their Increase, and In some cities it has been
admitted where financial reasons have stood
In "the way of granting the advance.
The fact collected relating to salaries rep
resent c5 per cent, of the cities and towns of
SOCK) or more Inhabitant.
uch cities and towns In the United States
number 547 and employ nearly 1CO.OOJ teach
ers. From 492 of the, or 00 per cent, salary
data more or les complete were secured,
and for 467, or k5.4 per cent, complete reports
were received.
The total number of teachers and supervis
ing officers in the 467 cities and towns was
92.S02. Of this number, 70.230 or 75.0 per cent
were teachers (not Including principals) in
elementary schools, and all except 15ou of the
latter number were women. That i to nay.
the women teachers In the elementary schools
constitute 74 per cent of the enttte number
of persons employed either as teachers or In
supervisory positions In connection with the
schools of these 467 cities. High school teach
ers (not Including principal!) make up SC25 or
8.6 per cent of the whole number, and prin
cipals of elementary schools 6213 or '6.7 per
The average salary of high school teachers
(not Including principals) was 41046. the aver
ago for the women being $?03 and for the
men (1303. This large difference Is due to a
considerable extent to the fact that such a
large per cent of the men are In the cities
of 200.000 population or over, where salaries
are high an compared with those In the city
of average size.
The average yearly nalary of principals of
elementary schools was 11163. the average for
women being ?970 and for men $1542. The
greater percentage for men is to a considera
ble extent due u the fact that such a large
portion of the cutlre number of men are In
the lrer cities.
The average yearly salary of the teachers
la elementary schools was $061. the average
fc-r the women being $650 and for the men
$1101. More than one-half of the men teach
ers In elementary schools are In the three
largfrt cities, with population of 1.000,000 or
over New Tork, Chicago and Philadelphia
where salaries are relatively high.
The average salaries of all the classes of
teachers for all the cities decrease steadl'y
with the decrease In the size of the cillra.
The tendency of rec-nt jears has been to
make the requirement for teachers In city
ochoota more and more ievere. The candidate
without experience, unless a graduate of the
city normal or training school, stands small
chance of securing a cit position. At the
same time the salaries offered are low, but
to offset this In a measure provision bi made
in many cities for a regular Increase with
each year (or perhaps two or three) of service
for a definite period, the increase with satis
factory service being practically guaranteed.
The school authorities can unquestionably
hire teachers for country schools for ?25 to
f30 a month, or even less, and pay by the
month for only the lowest number of month
desired, but such a policy is a sacrifice,
not of the Inteicsts of the teachers primarily,
but of that of the pupils. Experience In a
teacher add as greatly to the value of the
services rendered as In any skilled occupa
tion. A movement towards establishing a minimum
.fttlary law by state enactment has had up
port In several states, and in Indiana. Mary
land. Pennsylvania and In WVst Virginia,
such a law haa already been adopted and put
Into operation.
The teachers of long service, from Informa
tion gathered by the committee, constituted
a considerable portion of the total number.
3 5 per cent of the men and .6 per cent of
the women having taught 10 years w over,
while 10 per cent of the men and 4.5 per cent
of the women had taught 30 years or over.
Of all the teachers In 333 cities of 8000 popu
lation or over. 51.7 per cent had taught les
than lo years.
Hardly a beginning ban as yet been made In
the United States towards creating a system
of pensions for teacher. In making this
statement the committee desires to emphasize
the distinction between a pension system prop
erly so-called, and all the various arhemes
of mutual aid. Including retirement funds
and old age stipends that have been organ
ized, and are maintained primarily by the
teachers themselves, and at their own expense.
In this matter the United States, which might
have ben expected to go far In advance of
other countries If 'the general Interest In
public school education alone had been made
the basis of prediction, has In reality fallen
Various Topics Discussed.
Professor Frank M. McMurry. of the
TeachTs' College. Columbia Ln!verslty.
discussed "Co-operation of L'nlverslties
and Xormal Schools in Training Elemen
tary Teachers." a N. Henderson, pro
fessor of psychology In Adelphl College.
Brooklyn. X. Y., talked on "Co-operation
of Universities and Xormal Schools
Training Secondary Teacher?." Robert
A. KIssack. of St. Louis, spoke on "Draw,
lng and Constructive Work In Public
Schools as Shown by Exhibits at the SL
Louis Exposition." "The Teaching of Ap
plied Design" was discussed by James P.
Haney. director of drawing and manual
training In Manhattan and Bronx public
schools. Xcw York City. Professor Jcmn
B. Smith, of the Xew Jersey Agricultural
College Experiment Station. Xew Bruns
wick. X. J., talked about "Some of the
Commoner Insect Pests and How Children
Can Study Them." "Teaching Biology
From Living Plants and Animals With
a Projection Microscope" was discussed
by A. H. Cole. -f the Hyde Park School.
Chicago. Miss Florence M. Hopkins,
librarian of the Central High School. De
troit. Mich., read a paper on "The Meth
od of Instruction In the Use of High
School Libraries."
"The Music of the American Indian"
was described by Miss Xatalle Curtis, of
Xcw York City, who sang religious, cere,
monlal and cradle songs of the Indians.
J. J. Duncan, school inspector. Pine Ridge
agency. South Dakota, spoke on "The Xe-cessltj-
of More and Better Equipped Day
Condemns Secret Societies.
Gilbert B. Morrison, principal of Will
iam McKinley High School. St. Louis, de
livered an address on "Secret Societies in
Secondary Schools." He said:
The committee, after carefully reviewing
former Investigations on secret societies In
secondary schools, report that these socle
ties should be discouraged for the following
Because they are unnecessary In high
schools; because they are factional and stir
up strife and contention: because they form
premature and unnatural friendships; be
cause they are selfish: because they are
snobbish: becnuse they dissipate energy and
proper ambition; because they set wrong
standards of excellence; because they art
narrow; because rewards are not based on
merit, but on fraternity vows; because they
Inculcate a reeling of self-sufficiency in the
members; because they lessen frankness and
cordiality toward teachers; because they are
hidden and Inculcate dark lantern methods:
because they foster a feeling of self
importance; because high school boys
are too young for club life; because
they foster the tobacco habit; be
cause they are expensive and foster habits,
of extravagance; because of the changing
membership from year to year making them
liable to bring discredit and disgrace to the
school; because they weaken the efficiency
of. and bring politics into the legitimate or
ganizations of the school; and because they
detract Interest from study.
Secret fraternities are especially con
demned In public schools which are essen
tially democratic, and should not be breeding-places
for social differentiation. The
committee believes that all legitimate ele
ments for good, both social, moral and In
tellectual, which these societies claim to
possess can be better supplied to the puplls
tinousp tiit choal at large la the form ot
Ehe Was Told That an Operation Was
Inevitable. How She Escaped It
When a physician tells a woman suf
fering -with ovarian or -womb trouble
that an operation is necessary, the very
thought of the knife and the operating
table strikes terror to her heart, and
our hospitals are full of women coming
for ovarian or iromb operations.
There are cases where an operation
Is the only resource, but when one con
siders the great number of cases of
o-arian and womb trouble cured by
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound after physicians have advised
operations, no woman should submit to
one without first trying the Vegetable
Compound and writing Mrs. Pinkham,
Lynn, Mass., for advice, which is free.
Miss Margret Merkley of 275 Thjrd
Street, Milwaukee, Wis., writes:
Dear Mrs. Pinkbam:
"Loss of strength, extreme nervousness
shooting pains through the pelvic organs,
bearing down pains and cramps compelled
me to seek medical advice. The doctor, after
making an examination, said I had ovarian
trouble and ulceration and advised an opera
tion. To this I strongly objected nnd decided
to try Lydia E. Pinkh&ft's Vegetable Com
pound. "The ulceration traickly healed, all
the bad symptoms disappeared and I am
once more strong, vigorous and well."
Ovarian and womb troubles are stead
ily on the increase among women. If
the monthly periods are very painful,
or too frequent and excessive if you
have pain or swelling low down in the
left side, bearing -down pains, leucor
rhcea. don't neglectyourself : try Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
literary societies and clubs under th anr-
tlon of the faculties of the schools.
"Some Features of Music Instruction in
the Schools of Xew York" were presented
by Frank R. RIx. director of music Xew
York public schools. Frank H. Collins,
director of manual training. Xew York
City schools, spoke on the "Aim of Draw
ins in HIght Schols."
They Crowd Denver Buildings nnd
Hear Thrilling Speeches.
DEXVER. July 6. The seventh in
ternational convention of the Epworth
League was opened today with three
simultaneous meetings, which taxed to
the utmost the capacity of Coliseum
Hall, Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church
and Central Presbyterian Church, the
largest auditorium in this city. Fully
20.CO0 delegate? - and visitors have been
attracted to Denver by the convention.
With a single change, the programme
was carried out to the letter today.
Bishop Isaac W. Joyce, of Minneapolis,
was slated to preside at one of the
opening meetings, but owing to sickness
was unable to be present.
The chairmen at these meetings were:
Bishop Joseph F. Berry, of Buffalo. X.
Y.: Dr. Stephen J. Hcrben. of Chicago,
editor of the Epworth Herald, and Rev.
Melvin Taylor, of Quebec.
Governor McDonald. Mayor Robert W.
Speer. Representative Robert W. Bon
ynge and others made welcoming ad
dresses. and responses were given by
Rev. H. D. Atcheson. D. D.. Dubuque,
la.: Rev. H. M. Dubose. D. D., Xash
vllle. Tenn.: Rev. G. F. Salton. Ph. B..
Ottawa. Ont.: Rev. W. S. Matthews. D.
D.. Berkeley. Cal.; Rev. A. F. Watklns,
D. D.. Jackson. Miss.: Rev. S. D. Chown.
D. D.. Toronto. Ont.: A. E. Craig. D. D..
Ottumwa. la.: Rev. T. X. Ivey. D. D.,
Raleigh. X. C. and Rev. I. Tovell. D. D.,
Toronto. Canada.
At the three afternoon meetings ad
dresses on "Evangelism, the Supreme
Xeed of the Hour, were made by Rev.
J. F. Stout. St. Paul: Rev. John
Handley. Ixsng Branch. X. J., and Rev.
John Stansfield. Indianapolis.
"Young Life in the Church" was dis
cussed by Rev. W. L. G. Brown. D. D.
Kingston. Ont.: Rev. W. F. Packard.
Hannibnl. Mo., and Rev. C. K. Jenness,
Berkeley. Cal. Rev. Fred Winslow
Adams. Schenectady. X. V.; Rev. Rich
ard Hobbs. Strathroy. Ont.. and Rev. J
H. Young. St. Louis, spoke on "Soul
winners. Their Equipment nnd Work."
The principal speakers at the evening
sessions were Rev. Mark Guy Pearse.
Iindon. England; Bishop Eugene R-
Hcndrlx. Kansas City: Professor A. C.
Knudson. Meadvllle. Pa., and Rev. W.
A. Quayle. Chicago.
"Methodists need a great awakening,
something to rouse them to a lasting
sense of their vast duties as Christians,"
said Bishop Joseph F. Berry, president
of the Epworth League, today. "Our
church, as well as other churches, is
so permeated with the spirit of com
mercialism that the spirit of Christ Is
crowded into the background. Thirst
for wealth and social position seems to
have a strong hold on the minds of our
young people and heroic measures are
necessary to keep them from being swept
away on the great wave of commercial
ism. I am optimistic, however, and am
hopeful for the future."
The league has now about l.C0.0 mem
bers. Bishop Berry said, and Is con
stantly growing.
Many Topics Discussed and Junior
Rally Held.
BALTIMORE. July 6. The second day's
session of the 22d annual Christian En
deavorcrs" Convention was presided over
by the Rev. George B. Stewart, of Au
burn. X. Y. William Shaw, of Boston,
delivered an address upon "What Chris
tian Endeavorers Have Done."
During the afternoon there was a con
ference in the Associate Congregational
Church of officers of all state and local
Christian Endeavor Unions, under the
leadership of General Secretary Von Og
den Vogt. at which the following sub
jects were discussed: "The Federation
J of Unions: Independent Unions:" "Fin
j anclng Local Enterprises;" "Functions of
' a Local Union; "General Problems."
The afternoon session of the convention
was devoted to a Junior and Intermediate
"The Brotherhood of Christian En
deavor" was the keynote of the two big
meetings tonight, one held in Armory
Hall and the other In the Lyric Both
were largely attended. In the absence
of the president. Rev. F. E. Clark, Rev.
Ira A. Landrith. D. D.. professor at Bel
mont -College XashvUle. Tenn.. presided
Hodges XXth Century Fiber Floor Coverings are the most
sanitary carpets of today. Clean, odorless and so pliable
that it can be doubled up without fear of breaking. They
are made in many distinctive designs and colorings, adapt
able for any room, and are thoroughly reliable. A glance
at the prices quoted below will convince you of its
economical price, which includes sewing, laying and lining.
ALL FIBER CARPETS, 50c, 65c and 75c YARD.
6 IT. x 9 IT., PRICE $ S.50
8 IT. 3 IN x 10 FT. 6 LN., PRICE. . . .$12.00
9 FT. x 12 FT., PRICE $13.50
and Introduced the many speakers from
many lands.
Telegraphic greetings were exchanged
with the Epworth League at Denver.
Rev. George B. Stewart, president of the
Auburn Theological Seminary, presided
over the exercises at the L.rr!c, at which
30CO people were present.
Want No Bible In Schools.
CLEVELAND. July 6. The reading of
the Bible In the public schools was de
nounced" in thc report of the committee
on sectarianism of the Central Confer
ence or the American Rabbis, which
closed here today.
liargcst Tannery Sold to Trust.
TITUSVILLE, Pa-. July 6. The Queen
City Tannery, the largest sole leather
manufactory. ws sold ' today by Lucas
Beebe & Sons, of Boston, to the united
States Leather Company, for $1.5WX.
The Irk!n-P. "W. Smith. Aberdeen.
Wash.; Miss V V. Gale. E. M. Store. Los
Angele; J. TV. TVlllIams. T. J. Kins. Junc
tion. Or.: J. N. Chambers. Albany. Or.: J.
A. Roberts. Springfield. Or.: J. N. Burgess.
Antelope. Or.: TV. Hedges. Prlnevllle; Mrs.
J. M Johnson. Arlington. Or.: P. H. Jones
and sister. TVclser. Idaho. TV. I.. Vander
pool. l.on Davey, Dufur. Or.; B. K. Lnugh
lln. The Dalles; Mr. TV. M. Sutter. Frank
C Peterson and wife. Springfield. Or.: T. J.
Nwbl!l. Independence; M. Maynard. Sum
ner. Wash.; Ed Oraves. Meteor. Or.; M. V.
Morse, wife and child. Cincinnati. O.; A. D.
Sheldon Olympla. "Wash.: C. E. Santo. TVln.
nlpeg; A. McDonald. McLeod, Wash.; Fred
Howett and wife, Aberdeen. Wash.: Frank
Woods and wife. Kent. Wash.: A. D. Shel
don. TV. O. TVeller. Mn. C. J. Adams. Olym
pla. Wash.; J. J. Errlngton. T. C. Hamilton.
W. A. Burton and wife. Loomis. Wash : TV.
Faull. L Ros- and wife. D. J. Hansberger
and wife Dallas. Or.; Andrew Beyrle. wife
and on. Los Angeles: Marlon M. Murray.
Claud Murray. Mrs. C. E. Murray. Dllley.
Or.; Frank M. Sullivan. Butte. Mont.: TV. F.
Buckner and wife. Mrs. Newsom. Salem. Or.:
C. C- McCralg. San Francisco; TV. A. Am
brose. TV. L. Moore, C. E. Housmer. Bend.
Or.; M. J. Henrj' and wlf. Vancouver. B. C. :
H. C. CofTman and wife. Seattle; Will M.
Peterson. Athena. Or.: U C. Merlweather.
St. Louis. M.; W- A. Abernathy. Alaska:
Ray Waters and "wife. Miss Ellen Chandler.
Grant's Tass: B. Klrby. St. Louis; Charles T.
EnMey. Hood River: E. A. Ballard. San
Francisco: N. Stoddard and wife. Perry.
Or.; M. M. Ellis, wife and daughter. Dallas:
James Stoddard and wife. Baker City: P.
TV. Byrd. Spokane; M. C. Gregory. Rose
burg: Mrs. M. A. Baldwin. Albany. Or.:
TV. M. Sutton. Springfield. Or.
The Imperial N. Ford and wife. Central!;
Mrs. F. Sommervllle. Edmonton; F. C. Deal
and wife. Percy Tit. Melville Tatt, Van
couver; E. V. Gardner. New York; B. M.
Taylor. H. E. Cren. Mrs. G. C. Austin. Ward
Austin. Margaret Soholt. Seattle; Roy W.
Bltner. Pendleton: J. P. RowMn, Baker City;
A. W. Gelsy. city: A. McCartney and wife.
Seattle; R. B. Hood. The Dalles: C. E.
Dlmmltt! and family. Walla Walla: Dean
nUnchard. Rainier; Dr- T. E. Moor. San
FrancIco; Benjamin P. Hanson. H. M. Han
eon. Butte; Margaret M. WMmer. Gertrude
TVldmer. Seattle; Mm F. G. Kellogg and eon.
Tacoma: M. E. Lalsen. M. Maynard. Sura-
i ner; I.. G. Slebr:. Blooming ton: A. U. Emer
t son and wife. San Francisco: W. A. Easter
I and wife. Aberdeen: John D. Olwell. Med-
ford; F. C. DHlianl. Eugene; j. uarrtg-
ary. Los Angeles; E. B. Dunbar, woir Creek:
C. H. Chapman, city: Pat Crowe. New Tork:
H. R. Xeal and wife. Boise; E. E. Ptraw.
Cois Bay: F. A. Mason. Lancaster. ta.; P.
W Clark. Spokane. Wash.
Tho St. Charles H. Short: D. McKay. New
Tork City; If. Ettlnger. Marshland: E. L.
Blackford: L. Leonard. Clatskanle; A.
Church. Ilwaco; R. B. Galbreath and wife.
The Dalles; M. H. Beach; C. E. Gordon.
Dayton; W. M. I-acey. T. Bebee, Thoma
Cralne; E. H. Kocher. Hoquiam; C. H.
Given. Salem; B. F. Carmon and wife, Mc
Mlnnvllle: M. Irwin. La Grande; Miss R.
Soles; William H. Oakley. Kelso. Wash.:
L. H. Melg; I. TV. Durrell. G. H. Focblg.
Pendleton: J. C. Elliott and family. Da
mascus: L. P. McCubbln and wife. Lostlne;
Mrs. W. Ij. Freeman and son, Washougal:
John Braskmayer. Eugene; T. A. Boyd. Os
trander; George Freeman and wife. Marsh
land: C- M. Bonney. Hubbard; F. F. Foster.
T. M. Hudson: J. C. Miller. Centralla; W. S.
Tilton and Wife. Hood River; Howard Hutts.
v-1-o Wnh. ; J S Bnyer. T. c. Ummon.
m jsrK
JL vis A J
"Just soap," is good
enough for some, but most
women insist on having
Pears'. Ask some girl with
a good complexion why?
Sold by lhtslz anils, boxes,
6 FT. x 9 FT.,
8 FT. 3 IN. x 10
9 FT. x 12 FT.,
Olive; Boyer. Cora. Boyer. Condon: George
McNerney. Oshkosh. Wis.; H. Harvey and
wife. Ashland; Joseph Erlckson. Qulncy:
T. Hunter. Lobo; Elmer Field. Mayger;
Budd Coffey. D. C. Gates. Cecil Gatew. Rob
ert Baker; Charles Woods. Mrs. H. J. LIs
sett. Olympla: O. S. Phillips. Spokane; C.
E. Payne. Kennll, Cal.: George Wlshman;
J. R. Snyder. Eugene; Charles G. Nolop.
Mr. Allen. Ashland; TV. S. Markerell. Clats
kanle; E. C. Naftzger. Gardiner: H. M. Sell
lnger. V. S. A.; J. A. Frlsbee and wife.
McMInnvllIe; G. W. Ives. Castle Rock: W. O.
Cook. Eugene: Gus Hedmann. James T. Fos
ter;. F. TV. Raymond. Lewlston. Idaho; A.
Quality versus Quantity
One reason why Pommery Champagne maintains its popularity
with those who demand the best of wines, is that the Pommery stand
ard, of quality is never lowered in order to join the race for quantity.
TV. guarantee a cure in every case wo undertake or. charge no fee. Consults
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We cure the worst cases of piles to two or tiree treatments, without operatloa.
Cure cuaranteed. "
If you cannot call at office, write for queetlcn blank. Home treatment successful.
Office hours. 9 to S and T to i Sundays and holidays. 10 to 12.
Ottices in Van-Noy Hotel. 624 Third at.
cor. Pine. Portland. Or.
Blood poison,
potency tLoruugnly cur
' o,u:Nti ,uut
potency tUoruuffQly cured. No failure.
YOUXG HUX troubled with nignt
hashfulnesa. aversion to auciety. wnieu
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IIAAL.Y rOWEK. . ...
BLOOD ANU SKIS DISEASES, Sypn.MIa. Gonorrhoea, painful, bloody urine.
Gleer, Stricture. Enlarged rrostate. Sexual uebllity. Varicocele. Hydrocele. Kid
ney and Liver troubles cured without JIEHCUItV oit OTUElt foisONLXQ
DRUGS. Catarrh and rheumatism CURED.
Dr. Walker's methods are reg-uiar and scientific He uses no patent nos
trums or ready-made preparations, but cures the disease by thorough medical
treatment. His New Pamphlet on Private Diseases sent freo to all men who de
scribe their trouble. PATIENTS cured at home. Terms reasonable. All leUers
answered in plain envelope. Consultation ire and sacredly confidential. Call
or or address
DR. WALKER, 181 First Street, Corner Yamhill, Portland, Or
PRICE '..$10.00
FT. 6 IN., PRICE. . . .$13.50
PRICE $15.00
Mc.Ke.llar. H. t. McKellar. Oakland Cal
H. Ubrey and wife. California: G. D. Will
iams. Grant's Pass: J. Berquest, Oakland,
Cal.: George M. Kollch. San Francisco: Dan
G. Baker. Gardiner: J. C. Axtell Woodland:
John McLean. Mrs. P. G. SmithClifton- TV.
H. Cochran. A. C.'Stlth, F. Fourtellot. Pay
ette. Idaho.
Tacoma Hotel. Tacoma. ,V
American plan. Rates. $3 and ujx n
Hotel Donnelly. Tacoma. V
5"lrst-class restaurant In connection.
We treat successfully all private ner
vous and chronic diseases of men. also
blood, stotnacn. heart, liver, kidney an if
throat troubles. We cure SYPHILIS
(without mercury) to stay cured forever,
in SO to 60 days. We remove STRIC
TURE, without operation or pain, in li
We stop drains, the result of self-abusa.
Immediately. We can restore the sexual
vigor of any man under EO by means at
local treatment peculiar to ourselves.
We Cure Gonorrhoea
In a Week
Tho doctors of this Institute ars an
r-g!iar graduates, have had many years
expertil..o. have been known in Portland
lor 15 years, have a reputation to main
tain will undertake no case unless
certain cure can bo effected.
Twenty Years of Success
In the treatment of chronic diseases, such as liver,
kidney and stomach disorders, constipation, dlar
inoea. dropsical swellings. Bright's disease, etc
Kidney and Urinary
Complaints, painful, difficult, too frequent. milk7 of
bloody urine, unnatural discharges speedily cured.
Diseases of the Rectum
Sueii as nlles. UalUia. Uaaurc. ulceration, mucoua and
TJ bloody dlscharses. cured without iha icnxfe, pala ot
Diseases of Men
uieei, auuiaiv. Uuniural losses. Ira-
Curo guaranteed.
emissions, dreams, exhausting drains,
deprive you of your manhood. UNFIT