Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 07, 1905, Page 3, Image 3

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Will Succeed John Hay as
Secretary of State..
Conferences on Way to and From
Cleveland Result In Acceptance
Without Reservation New
Secretary's Career.
NEW YORK, July 6. It can be definite
ly stated that President Roosevelt has
offered the position of Secretary of State
to Ellhu Root, and that Mr. Root has
President Roosevelt arrived at Jersey
City at 9 A. M. He boarded a Pennsyl
vania Railroad tug and was taken to
Long Island City. He left there for Oys
ter Bay .at 9:47. Paul Morton and Ellhu
Root, who accompanied the President
from Cleveland, left the special train at
Jersey City and returned to this city.
Root Accepted Offer on Return Jour
ney, From Cleveland.
OYSTER BAY. July 6. Mr. Root board
ed the President's special train at Jersey
City, just before it left for Cleveland.
Tuesday afternoon. All phases of the
situation were considered carefully, but
at that time Mr. Root did not indicate
definitely that he would accept the port
folio. On the return Journey their conference,
interrupted by the mission on which they
had gone to Cleveland, was resumed. A.
formal tender of the Secretaryship of
State was made to Mr. Root. His accept
ance 'of the proffer, announced today. Is
believed to be without reservation.
An Appreciation of His Remarkable
Life Work.
(Review of Hevlews. Harper's "Weekly and
"World's "Work.)
February 15. 1845. Ellhu Boot was born ia
Clinton, Oneida County, New York, hie
father being Oren Root, for many years pro
fessor of mathematics In Hamilton Collece,
where Ellhu Root was himself graduated,
payinc for his own education with the money
he earned teachlnc echool.
In the determining influences of early en
vironment, no young man could have been
more fortunate than Mr. Root. All through
his boyhood, there were associated with him
men of character, eaholarshlp and culture.
"Dr. Upson, for many years chancellor of the
"University of the State of New York, was a
member of the Root family from 1601 to 1SC0.
The late Dr. C. H. F. Peter, astronomer,
mathematician, botanist, master of a score
of languages, was at the Root home for many
Ellhu Boot's early training-college prepar
atory, college and law school courses was all
acquired In small Institutions, and the ben
efits derived from this very fact. Mr. Root
now speaks- of aa Inestimable. With regard
to the statement that he had never failed
In nn txerclse In the entire four, years of hl
college course. It Is related that th class of
M of which Mr. Root was a member had
worn the burden of the physics recitation
eo lightly that when examination came they
found themselves In an .unpleasant predica
ment. Under yje leadership of Franklin Day Locke,
now a leading lawyer at Buffalo, X. Y., and
a friend of Grover Cleveland, a tcheme was
evolved by which the class hoped to pass
the examination by what they had "up thir
eleeves" rather than by what they carried
in their heads. The examination was so
brilliant, however, that the college faculty
became suspicious and threw It out. Ellhu
Root at once went to the college president
and offered to be examined on any part of
the book or the whole of It. and take his
marks, accordingly. The offer was accepted
and Root passed.
One of Mr. Root's classmates says: "The
only circumstance that Impressed me most
regarding Root as a college student, was
an essay read by him In his sophomore year
on 'The Disadvantage of Being Rich." The
essay was In the nature of an argument to
prove that the rich man's son is compelled
to meet much greater obstacles In his life's
ftruggles for success than Is the poor man's
eon. Boot maintained that If the rich man's
son Is able to overcome surh obstacles and
achieve success, he Is entitled to much
greater credit than !f the poor boy who
overcomes poverty, and succeeds. Root was
the youngest man In our class, and we thought
that his eay was well written. He Is not
by nature a fine speaker, and he has won
his euccess in this line with hard, conscien
tious work. He wrote prize essays year after
year, but won no prizes."
When Mr. Root arrived in New York nearly
40 years ago to study law. Mis assets con
sisted chiefly of a diploma from Hamilton
College, for which for many years the col
lego authorities have levied a tax upon
the seniors of $5 each, and a Phi Beta Kappa
key, a token of high prholarshlp. In those
days. It Is told of Mr. Root that as he often
studied in his rooms until he was too tired
to undress for bed. he devised a costume
suitable for day and night. When he was a
young, etruggllng practitioner, his living cost
In the neighborhood of 15 cents per day. with
infrequent uncertainty as to . whence would
come the next day meals. Then he became a
great corporation lawyer, earning renown In
cases especially requiring a vast amount of
thought and research.
As one of the counsel for the defense In the
famous Tweed litigation some years ago. Mr.
Root was severely attacked, and in this regard
a friend writes: "Mr. Root's connection with
the Tweed litigation was forced upon him.
as a client who had come to him In his
earlier days was involved. Mr. Root felt
bound to protect this client's Interests under
the law. and o was drawn Into the array of
lawyers on the defense. Mr. Root has said
once and again, that he did In the Tweed
case no more than to urge that not prejudice
or public outcry but the law should control
In the trial and In the punishment of the
offender. Ae Mr. Root was admitted to the
bar In ISC", he could have had no Phare
whatever In matters prior to the Tweed break
up." Mr. Root, while less aggressive than Mr.
Olney, is quite a "fighting" lawyer, and in
trying situations his unvarying coolness has
stood him in good stead. President Arthur
appointed him United States District Attor
ney for the New York Southern District, and
he could have had his choice of honors under
his friend. President Roosevelt, then Governor
of New York. Once Mr. Root tried for office
that of Judgeship of the Common Pleas
bench of New York but he was defeated at
the polls, largely because of his connection
as counsel for one of the Tweed ring. Mr
Root became known as a stalwart Republican,
and for upwards of IB years his name was
among those prominently mentioned as the
prqbable Governor of New York, but he was
ne-er nominated.
In the S-immer of 1S99. when Mr. Root's
law practice was bringing him an Income or
J6O.O0O a year. President McKlnley urged him
to accept the position of Secretary of State
for War. Mr. Root hesitated between a pat
riotic call to duty and his devotion to his
law practice. His enemies promptly attacked
him on the charge that he wa regularly
retained as counsel for the Sugar Tru5t. but
to every attempt to draw him out he did
not answer a word. On entering President
McKlnley Cabinet. August 1, lm. the
new Secretary found the business of his de
partment nearly In hopeless confusion. Sec
retary Alger had for a year and during the
period of the Spanish-American war. prac
tically Ignored the General commanding the
"United States Army, who had been left for
months In comparative idleness at Army head
quarters on the floor below the office of the
Secretary of "War. The Adjutant-General, on
official subordinate, had In the meantime,
been issuing orders to the Army "by command
of Major-General Miles" orders which the
latter never knew about until he read copies
of them in the newspapers.
"When Mr. Root assumed office, his first
official act after opening his morning mall
was to -summon Adjutant-General Corbln. and
the two Immediately, called on Major-Gweral
Miles. Difficulties were toon adjusted, and
something like harmony prevailed over the
contending factions. Mr. Root set himself
with energy to his yblg task of taking car
of the campaign against Agulnaldo and his
followers, And the business connected with
the dispatch of the new United States Army
to the Philippines and Its euccess in accom
plishing Its mission. Is recent history.
Mr. Root showed executive ability when he
worked Jiard 'or the relief of the victims of
the hurricane in Porto Rico. In helping to
start Cuba on the road to self-government,
and In Interesting himself and others In Army
reorganization. In the creation of new regi
ments and In the general work of his office.
Secretary Root has ehown himself to be a
friend of civil service reform.
"When Prescldeni Roosevelt took office, he
retained his friend and fellow New Yorker.
Ellhu Root, to succeed himself as Secretary
or State for War, and Mr. Root came to
be known as the President's right-hand man.
Mr. Root's ultimate decision to return to his
law practice was received with deep reget.
Mr. Root lacks what the politicians call
"warmth" and "approachaWeneff," and he
lias even been called cold and Icy. He is
quiet, unostentatious and moves with the
quickness of an athlete, although he takes
no special exercise beyond playing golf. His
public papers chow statesmanship.
Does Great Mass of Business on
Train and Ferryboat.
OYSTER BAY. L-. I.. July 6. President
Roosevelt and his Immediate party
Russian Paper Denounces Mu
ravieff as. Unfit.
Head of Russian Mission to Peace
Conference Will Start About July
"20 Mikado's Address to
His Envoys.
.ST. PETERSBURG. July 6. M. Mura
vleff will arrive Sunday. He will receive
special instructions.- from the Emperor
and consult with the various Ministers,
ixnru root of ew york.
reached Oyster Bay on their return trip
from Cleveland at 10:4S A. M. The Presi
dent's carriage, which was to have met
tho train, had not arrived at the station,
and the President entered tho carriage
with Secretary leb. The President had
scarcely gone 200 yards from the. station
when he met Mrs. Roosevelt coming in an
open cab for him. He stepped from Mr.
Loeb's carriage!, entered the cab with
Mrs. Roosevelt, and drove directly to Sag
amore Hill.
The trip from Philadelphia after the
Cabinet members had left the train to
return to TVashincton was without Incident-
The President had as guests at
breakfast ex-Secretary Elihu Root, former
Secretary of the Navy Paul Morttm. Attorney-General
Moody and Secretary
Loeb. At Jersey City. Mr. Root and Mr.
Morton and Mr. Moody loft the President's
party. Attorney-General Moody will go
to Massachusetts, where he will spend his
vacation. He will be absent from Wash
ington until about the first week In September.
Tlje President and his Immediate party's
trip from Jersey City to Ixng Island
City was made on the Pennsylvania tug
Lancaster. On the trip around Manhat
tan the President and Secretary Loeb were
engaged in disposing of a mass of ofllcial
correspondence. A crowd of several hun
dred people had assembled at the Long
Island Station and extended to the Presi
dent a very cordial greeting.
and will leave with his suite for Wash
ington probably about July O), but the
date is not absolutely fixed.
Russia has "not yet received information
as to Japan's attitude toward an armis
tice. . The Slovo today severely criticises the
selection of M. Muravieff as one of the
Russian peace plenipotentiaries, declar
ing that ho has neither the ability nor
the temperament to conduct great nego
tiations. His rise to the position of Min
ister of Justice, the paper affirms, was
not due to his faithfulness to the ideals
of Justice, but rather devotion to the ar
bitrary methods which are executed
throughout Russia. The Slovo recalls
"the deplorable Incidents which marked
M. MuraviefTs connection with the Hart
man affair in Paris and The Hague Con
ference" as reasons for expressing the
opinion that negotiations under his direc
tion are sure to be accompanied by many
It Is generally understood here that M.
MuraviefTs selection was extremely dis
tasteful to Foreign Minister 'Lamsdorff
and that it was the Emperor's personal
President Spends Quiet Day Before
Going to Convention.
Mikado's Speech to Japan's Depart
ing Peace Envoys.
TQKIO. July C The Emperor gave a
farewell audience and lunch to Baron Ko
mura, envoy from Japan to the approach
ing peace conference at Washington, and
the staff of the Japanese Peace Commls-
OYSTER BAY. L. I.. July C.-Aftcr his
return from Cleveland this morning.
President Roosevelt passed a quiet after
noon and evening at Sagamore Hill. He
look a horseback ride and played tennis,
but received no visitors.
A Mory became current in the village
late in the day that Ellhu Root was to !
spend the night at .Sagamore Hill, but
the only foundation for it was that Mr. '
Root had left New York to Join Mrs.
Root, at their country home. )
The President will leave Oyster Bay at i
11 o'clock tomorrow morning for Ocean i
Grove. N. J., where he will dclU-er an
address in the afternoon before the Na-
tional Educational Association. Immedi- 1
ately after delivering the address, tho ,
President will start on his return trip to j
Oypter Bay, being scheduled to arrive
here at 6:30 P. M.
' Catarrlets
Believe ,Nasal Catarrh, allay inflamma
tion, soothe and heal the mucous mem-
Drane, sweeten and. purity
the breath. Beat gargle
for Sore Throat. 50c. or
51. Druggists or mail.
Made ky
Jt's Good,
Give instant relief in Sonr Stnmsrh.
Heartburn, Nausea, all discomforts of
indigestion and dyspepsia. Pleasant
and economical. Medium size, 25c.;
Large, $1 ; Pocket, handsome aluminum
bonbonniere, 10c Druggists or mail.
C. I. HOOD CO.,Xowell, Mass.
Admiral Whiting Will Retire.
WASHINGTON, July 6. Rear-Admiral
R. W. Whiting, having served for 42 years
in the United States Navy, will relinquish
command of the naval training station at
San Francisco and be placed on the re
tired list July F.
Cherry Pectoral
When threatened with
consumption: it con
trols the cough, allays
inflammation, soothes,
heals. Cures early cases.
When far advanced, it
sometimes cures, always
Tutt's Pills
Cure All
Liver Ills. ,
; DoctorsTSay;,
Bilious and Intermittent Fevers
; which prevail in miasmatic dis
tricts are invariably accompan
1 ied by derangements of the
Stomach Liver and Bowels.
The Secret of Health.
The liver is the great "driving
wheel" in the mechanism o(
man, and when itis out of order,
the whole system becomes de
ranged and disease is the result.
Tutt's Liver Pills
Cure all Liver Troubles,
How many ice cream
cones do you eat in one day
at the Pair grounds?
One enthusiast telephoned
Hazelwood yesterday and
said he had consumed 11 in
one afternoon.
He said he reacTin j-ester-d&y's
Oregonian that 21,247
ice cream cones had been
eaten in the Fair grounds
July 4.
He didn't want anyone to
think it tooklT persons
to eat . 21,"247 "cones. He
could eat 20 a day.
Two 3roung women gig
glingly inf ormed -an attend
ant that they had eaten nine
They .bought their 19th
and 20th and departed, bub
bling with creamy cheer.
We happen to know that
one young man had to slyly
go to a friend to make finan
cial arrangements before he
could buy any more ice
cream cones for his girl and
He said his girl wanted a
cone every tune she passed
a Hazelwood stand. As
there were 18 stands, he was
fighting a deficit every few
Only 10c real Hazelwood
Ice Cream in a cornucopia of
crackling cooky; the Ice
Cream is so good you eat it,
dish and all.
We Are Sole Agents for Young's Famous $3.00 Hats for Men.
& JT-J
Hare you tried a cone?
How many do 3-011 eat?
sion. today. The Emperor delivered an
address as follows:
"The President of the United States, be
ing grieved to find that the war between
Japan and Russia had not been brought to
a close after the lapse of more than a
year, and being Impressed with the urgent
need. In the Interest of peace and human
ity, of terminating the conflict, has sug
gested that the two governments appoint
plenipotentiaries and ause them to meet
toother to negotiate peace.
"We were compelled, contrary to our ex
pectation, to resort to arms, despite our
vAJwaioui. aoiaing wjsn ror peace, and. if
In conseauence of tho m-iiii-, . ',.
of our opponent hostilities could be
orougni to an end. nothing would be
more satisfactory than such consumma
tion. "ACCOrdinclv Wl at nnra
suggestion of the President of the United
States, and we hereby charge you with
wie mission or negotiating and conclud
ing peace. You should Hovnto vn,i.
with all your power to discharge your
nn?sion ana mane every effort to secure
the re-cstabllshmcnt of peace on a durable
Terms or Japanese r,oan Adopted.
LONDON. July 6. The negotiations for
the Japanese loan of 3150.000.000 with the
Famous Friday Bargains
Today we offer 15,000 yards
Regular 20c and 25c
At 7c Yd.
All this season's choicest fabrics, print
ed Batiste, Silk Check Suiting, English
Voile, Check Voile and Printed Organdie
light, medium and dark effects.
Today .we offer 12,000 yards
Regular 20c to 30c
Linette Suiting
At 9c Yd
Suiting, just the fabric needed for skirts
and vacation suits, in navy blue, -with
polka dots, red and green mixtures, also
plain black.
50c Black Hosiery 33c
Women's fast black Lisle
Stockings, Richelieu ribbed,
with drop stitch; regiilar
price 50c, today 33j
50c to 75c Ribbons 33c
3000 yards all silk warp print
Ribbons, ombre, Dresden,
plaid and self-colored figured,
all this season's newest styles
and colorings, 42 to 6 inches
35c Vests 19c
Women's Mercerized Vests, L.
N., N. S., lace trimmed, white
only; the greatest underwear
offering this season; regular
35c, today at 19
Today and Tomorrow
"Nemo" and Smart Set
50c Tan Hosiery 33c
Women's tan Lisle Stockings,
lace boot, new patterns in all
the. new shades of tan; regu
lar price 50c, today 33i
35c Ribbons 17c
4500 yards satin taffeta Ribbon,
4 inches wide, all silk, good
heavy quality, in all the new
and staple colorings, includ
ing black and Avhite.
$1.75 Skirts $1,17
1000 White
$1.75 Values at
Women's White
Cambric Petti
coats, deep ruffle
trimmed with
embroidery and
two clusters of
fine tucks; a
great Petticoat
bargain at
20c Neckwear
At 10c
1000 dozen Women's Neck
wear embroidery turn
overs, embroidered repp
turnovers and lace trim
med stocks, white and
colors; regular 18c and
20c at 10
Remnants Vi Price
In the rush of our big sale's many Remnants
have accumulated. '
We Will Rush Them Out Today at
Half Price
Remnants Ribbon, Veiling, Laces
and Embroidery.
tobacco monopoly as security were prac
tically completed today, and the terms
will be signed this evening. The Issue
price will be SO, the Interest 44 per cent,
and the loan, which will be equally di
vided between New York. London and j
Germany, will run for 20 years. The pros-
pectus will be out July 11.
tractive of the many beautiful islands in
the Casco Bay, for the use of the plenipo
tentiaries. The island is 20 minutes ride by steamer
from the city. It Is owned by the United
States Government, and modern fortifica
tions occupy a part of It.
PokotllloflT Will Aid Peace Envoys.
WASHINGTON. July 6. In an author
itative quarter It was learned today that
In addition to those already selected. M.
Fokotilloff, Russian Minister to China,
has been ordered to the United States, in
connection with the peace negotiations.
Pence Conference Will Avoid Crowds
and Is Offered Island.
WASHINGTON. July 6. While the place
of the hot-weather sessions of the peace
plenipotentiaries has. not yet been select
ed. It Is learned that Portland. Me., is be
ing regarded favorably. Bar Harbor.
Newport and other well-known resorts
have been considered, but are objection
able on account of the crowds and the
social attention which would be shown the
members of the conference.
PORTLAND. Me.. July 6. News that
Portland Is being favored as a place for
holding the Summer sessions of the peace
conference was received here with favor.
It Is planned here. If the conference Ip se
cured, to fit up a hotel on Cushing's
Tsland. one of the most exclusive and at-
May Meet In New Hampshire.
WASHINGTON. July 6. It is strongly
Indicated here that some point In the vi
cinity of Portsmouth. N. H.. Is receiving
serious consideration as the meeting
place for the Russian-Japanese peace en
voys. After they have met and organized
In Washington the plenipotentiaries, it is
Intimated, will be taken to Oyster Bay
on the Mayflower, and after paying their
respects to the President, will be con
veyed by that vessel to the New Hamp
shire coast.
Galvanizing a Dying Strike.
CHICAGO. July 6. Continuation of the
teamsters strike today seemed to depend
upon the success of an effort to obtain
contributions to the strike funds. The
teamsters joint council has appointed a
committee composed of 230 striking team
eten empowered to stop every union
teamster in Chicago and ascertain If he
had paid his weekly assessment of XI to
support the strikers. According to the
decision of the Joint committee. If the
driver refused to pay a part of his week-
i ly wages Into the strike fund he would
I be compelled to abandon his job, and a
striker would be put In his place. A spe
I clal meeting of the Department Stores
I Union will be held tonight to take a vote
on the question of calling off the strike.
The removal of police guards on wagons
has been postponed because of protests
from affected employers.
Five Killed in Mine Explosion.
UNIONTOWN. Pa.. July 6. As a re
sult of an explosion early today at the
shaft of the Taylor Coke & Coal Com
pany, at Searlghts. Pa., six miles west of
here, five men were killed and four in
jured, one fatally. Two of the dead were
negroes and the other three were foreign
ers. The accident Is supposed to have been
caused by a premature explosion of dyna
mite. The men were found at the bot
tom of the shaft, which is 94 feet deep.
The works are located near Searlghts,
Pa., six miles from Brownsville.
Telephones for Philippines.
MANILA. July 6. The Philippine Com
mission has passed an act granting to
John I. Sabin and Louis. Glass, of San
Francisco, a franchise to construct tele
phone and telegraph systems throughout
the Philippine Islands.
(John I. Sabln Is the president, and
Louis Glass, vice-president and general
manager of the Pacific States Telephone
jc Telegraphy Company, the head offices
of which are located in San Francisco.)
Mnrtlul Law. Ends In Formosa.
TOKIO. July 7.-(7 A. M.) Martial law
was abolished today over the whole of
Formosa and the Pescadore Islands.
Great Mid-Summer Clearance Sale Every Article Reduced
This store is teeming with bargains of amazing proportions. Our entire stocK of spring and summer wear
greatly reduced to maKe room for our fall stocK. Everything offered is the best of its Kind obtainable for
the price, as the reputation of this store is strongly built by the reliability of its merchandise. TODAY
the bargain event of the season taKes place. Read every item carefully. THREE HUNDRED NEW TAILOR
SUITS AT EXACTLY HALF PRICE. This great offering of 300 Strictly Tailor-Made Suits, manufactured of
the most popular materials, in a variety of new and exclusive styles. These are values worthy of your
earnest "attention.
$30.00 Suits $15.00 $37.50 Suits $18.75 $45.00 Suits $22.50
$35.00 Suits $17.50 $40.00 Suits $20.00 $50.00 Suits $25.00
$1.00 Belts 53c
Beautiful assortment of Satin Taf
feta and Peau-de-Soi Silk Belts,
in black and all colors.. Regular
Price, $1. Sale price 53
$1.75 Bags 98c
Absolutely this season's most pop
ular Belt Bags in fine seal leath
er, in tan, black and brown. Reg
ular price 1.50 and 1.75. Salo
price 98
60c BacK Combs 38c
Fine line ofboth Back and Side
Combs, in shell and novelty of
plain and fancy shapes. Regular
price, 50c and 60c. Sale
price 38
$1.00 Hosiery 69c
The famous "Onyx" line of reg
ular 1.00 Hosiery, in a variety
of exclusive styles. Sale
price 69
$1.00 Kayser Glove 79c
The genuine "Kayser" Glove; the
extra quality sold here and ev
erywhere at 1.00. Sale
price 79 6
$2.50 Reynier Glove $1.87
Those who know good gloves know
the Reynier. This is an oppor
tunity to those who appreciate
good gloves. Sale price
50c NecKwear 37c
A large stock of beautiful, turn
overs and stocks in linens, hand
somely embroidered. Regular
50c. Sale price 37
25c StocKs 19c
Pretty line of Shirtwaist Stocks,
in white and colors; a few are
embroidered. Regular 25c. Sale
price 19
We have taken our entire stock a stock as comprehensive as any in the city, in
cluding as it does all the finest grades of imported lingerie, genuine hand-embroidered
effects, and the best qualities manufactured in America, the highest down to the popular
priced, hemstitched and trimmed with lace, embroidery and clusters of tucks, the finest
grades to be found anywhere for the prices asked, gowns, corset covers, drawers
chemise and skirts, all at the reductions quoted below.
$ .50 Garments 5 .40 .75 Garments S .60 1.00 Garments S .SO,
2.00 Garments $1.60 4.00 Garments 3.20 6.00 Garments $4.50.
All our exclusive styles in this season's most popular
effects in lawns, linens, mull and cotton, from the most
plain design to the most elaborately made, at exactly 25
per cent off, as
1.50 Waists Sl.lO
2.00 Waists $l.oO
4.00, for $3.00
6.00, for 4.50