Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 07, 1905, Page 16, Image 16

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Max Bailey Figures in it' as
One Testifies That Mrs. Sucss Said
She Would Rather Live on
Bread and Water With
Bailey Than at Home.
At the trial before Judge Sears yes
terday of the divorce suit of William
Suess against May L. Suess, the co-re-Epondent,
Max Bailey, was a conspicu
ous figure In the testimony given by
numerous witnesses. They saw him
at dances with Mrs. Suess and at her
home when her husband was not there.
The litigants were marired In Port
lapd on Christmas day. "1894, and have
no children. Suess Is employed as a
sawyer at Inman, Poulsen & Co.'s mill,
and receives a salary of $175 a month.
The evidence showed that he provided
liberally for his wife and owned a neat
home in Feurer's addition. There Is
no disparagement in the ages of the
parties, but a certain degree of incom
patibility. They quarreled frequently,
and Mrs. Suess took advantage of the
absence of her husband at the mill
nights to go out with her friends. At
dances Max Bailey was her most con
stant attendant.
A witness for Suess testified that on
one occasion she called on Mrs. Suess
and was unable to engage her in con
versation. The next day she met Mrs.
Suess and learned that the reason she
refused to talk was because she had
Bailey hidden behind a lounge in the
parlor at the time.
Mrs. Ella Bartlett. who is a sister of
Mrs. Suess. and her husband, H--W.
Bartlett. both testified to having called
on Mrs. Suess at 327 Salmon street, at
the residence of Mrs. Kyle, another
Bister, since the divorce suit was com
menced, and found Max Bailey there,
lying on a lounge.
Miss Kate Ilannegan was an inter
esting witness. She once llved at the
residence of Mr. and Mrs. Sue'ss and
went to dances with her afterwards.
They were good friends. The witness
knew Max Bailey and met him at
dances when he paid attention to Mrs.
Suess and accompanied her home. On
one occasion the three went boat-riding
Jtogether. and Mrs. Sucss took a
seat in the boat from where, as she re
marked, "she could look at Bailey."
Miss Hannegan also -testified that Mrs.
Suess confided in her that she loved
Bailey and hoped her husband would
get killed in the mil so that she could
marry Bailey.
Several witnesses gave testimony
that when she went to the coast, Mrs.
Suess posed as an unmarried woman
and did ,not want to be addressed as
Mrs., or to receive letters so addressed.
E. E. Thomas, a brother-in-law of
Mrs. Suess. testified that she told him
she loved Bailey and would rather live
on bread and water with Bailey than in
a good home furnished by her husband.
Thomas said he told her if she would
supply the bread Max would probably
furnish the water. Thomas further
testified that about a year ago Mrs.
Suess told him she was going to San
Francisco after she obtained a divorce
from her husband to marry a man
named Mattoon. Various other wit
nesses testified, including Miss Nellie
Coucher. Mrs. A. Coucher. Joseph Fay.
J. H. Turner. Delia Krantz and James
Peterson. They all knew Max Bailey.
The trial will be resumed today. J.
H. Hitchlngs appears as attorney for
Mrs. Suess and Ralph Dunlway for the
heart of the greatest grain-producing 1
region of the world in the Mississippi
and Missouri Valleys. This morning
President A. B. Stickney. of the Chi
cago Great Western, will arrive In
Portland from San Francisco, occupy
ing a private car and accompanied by
a party of friends, to remain several
There was a time when the system
of which Mr. Stickney is the execu
tive head was not quite so secure in
the enjoyment of traffic as at present,
but the Independence of its president
was always such as to Insure that Its
existence must be reckoned with, and
no American railroad official played the
game for business more skillfully. Sev
eral rate wars have been precipitated
in the grain states that other lines
charged to President Stlckncy's ag
gressiveness, but in all of them he
seems to have been uniformly success- j
ful In winning his point. i
Why Blaze of Bed Light on Hood
Was Not Seen.
George M. Weister and E. H. Moore-
house have returned from their Mount
Hood trip, where they went to set oft
the red fire on the night of July 4.
They made the trip successfully, car
ried 50 pounds of red fire to the hlgnest
point of the mountain and lighted It at
exactly 3 o'clock on the night of the
Fourth. While it was not noticeable
from the Exposition grounds, many
people who were In town saw the light
distinctly, and from The Dalles anJ
Hood River it gave a brilliant illumi
nation of the mountain. Both Mr. Wei
ster and Mr. Moorehouse are convinced
that if it had not been for the severe
gale which was blowing on the moun
tain at the time, fanning the flame of
the fire down and out Instead of allow
ing it to blaze up and show a broad
surface of light, that the illumination
from Portland would have been en
tirely satisfactory. The lights of the
city and Exposition grounds were
easily seen from the mountain top and
it was easy to distinguish the illu
mination of The Oregonian building
and of the 1935 sign from the other
lights. The searchlights, which play
at the Fair grounds each night were so
plainly visible tnat the long flash of
light across th,e sky which they make
could be seen moving about as the
lights were turned. Mr. Moorehouse
says if a powerful searchlight was
placed on the summit of Mount Hood
that it would be seen for hundrcJs of
miles around the country and prove one
of the greatest advertisements for the
Pacific Northwest which man could
Annex to Juvenile Court Is Under
As an adjunct to the Juvenile Court
Judge Frazer is planning the organiza
tion of a Juvenile Aid Association, the
purpose of which will be to form boys
into clubs of various kinds, and to break
up gangs of boys which encourage bad
practices and lawbreaking. Baseball clubs
will be organized, and swimming and oth
er sports encouraged under proper con
trol. Recently 52 boys were arrested for
swimming who had no bathing suits.
They explained that they had to walk
four miles to reach the free baths, as all
live distant at th North End and
if they had bathing suits there was no
piace to aress ana unuress. Judge Fra
zer has arransred to hold a mpniinr- with
the boys Saturday, and to have a house
erected which they may use in dressing.
Edward Holman, who Is at the head of
the Free Bath Association, has subscribed
ou ror tne purpose.
Similar arrangements for swimming ad
vantages are to be given the boys in
South Portland, who are too far away
from the public baths.
Under the supervision of the Juvenile
Aia Association, wnich is to be formed to
co-operate with the Juvenile Court, about
100 boys who cannot afford an nntlnr- will
receive a week's vacation either in the
mountains or at the- coast this Summer.
It is planned to take about 25 boys out
to the camp, when it Is established, for
a week, and then take a similar number
for the next week, and so on for four or
nve weens.
Wife Seeks Divorce.
Bertha Arllla. Wertman has
W. Wertman for a divorce because of
cruel treatment. They were married In
.rennsyivania, in ltoi. and have ono child
who is with the mother. Mrs. Wprtmnn
charges her husband with having struck
ner in tne face with his fist, and falsely
accusea ner of infidelity. Wertman is
Indian Boys Run Away.
So eaeer were Oscar Rnvri nnri rtwrine
Blllideaux to be in Portland and attend
the celebration of Redmen and to see
the ceremonies attendnnt unnn the le
velling of the Sacajawea monument, that
tney ran away trom tne Indian school at
wnne me two young Indians were
standing at Third and Yamhill streets
taking In the parade, thev were seen hv t
policeman who Immediately placed them
under arrest and took them to head
quarters. There they will b held until
tne arrival of an officer from the school
when they will be returned.
Council of Redmen.
The Improved Order of Redmen meets
in weat vuuncu waay una ior one or
more days hereafter at ITOJj Second street;
to cnange the state regulations to con
form with the National rules lust r
vised. The business will not be of miinh
wider scope, but on account of the great
number of vlsltlns: Redmen !
Just now the Council will devote Itself
to tne entertainment of these besides. Dr.
H. L. Henderson, of Astoria, will preside
at tne council s proceedings.
Head of Chicago Great Western.
"Stickney's road." is the familiar
way in wnicn people in the Middl
West refer to the Chicago Great West
ern. wnich radiates from th mot
traffic center of the country Intq the
Guard Arrested for Xot Paying for
His Board.
It Is believed that Guard Dudley Bea-
mer. of the Lewis and Clark Exposition
staff, will not be prosecuted on the
charge of owing a board bill of 56, for
which he was arrested while on duty in
the Mining building late Wednesday night.
It is thought the matter will be adjusted
out of court.
When the case was called before Mu
nicipal Judge Cameron yesterday. Dep
uty District Attorney Haney stated that
It would have to bo postponed until Sat
urday. MjJor McDonell, commanding
the Exposition Guards, took upon him
self the responsibility of producing
Beamer in court, and the guard was re
leased on his own recognizance.
Guard Beamer was arrested by Ser
geant of Police Baty. commanding the
first relief at the Upshur-atrect station.
and not by Patrolman Raney, as pre
viously published. Raney escorted
Beamer to headquarters, as a matter of
accommodation, after Sergeant Baty
had made the arrest inside the Mining
"If any mistake was made, it was
made by me," said Sergeant Baty yes
terday. "I went personally and served
the warrant on Beamer. I have had
much experience in military life, and It
Is absurd to say that I took Beamer
from duty without first seeing to it that
his place was filled by another guard.
The arrest wa& not known at guard
headquarters at the time, for Beamer
begged me to keep It quiet, saying he
would borrow the money to pay the
board bill and perhaps settle the mat
ter that way.
"After a guard had taken Beamer's
place in the Mining building, I took
Beamer to the Upshur-street station
and asked him if he wished to go to
headquarters In a wagon, or to ride on
a car. He preferred to take a car, and
to accommodate him. I detailed Patrol
man Raney to escort him."
Italian Officers on River Trip.
An executive committee composed of
S. A. Arata. F. C. Pozzl and G. Savlg
nanl, entertained the officers of the
Italian cruiser Umbrla by n trip up the
Columbia through the Cascade Locks
and back yesterday on the Bailey Gat-
zert. The officers from the cruiser who
made the trip "were: Commander Cav
Carlo De Luca, Lieutcnnnt G. Manzoni,
Lieutenant C do F. CInstano, Second
Lieutenant Gulseppc R. Briscia, Second
Lieutenant Fillppo Alberlclli. Captain
Alfreda Luzzati, Sub-Lieutenant Raf
faele Cada. Accompanying, the execu
tive committee as guests were the fol
lowing ladles: Mrs. S. A. Arata, Mrs.
Marie Allman, Mrs. Jennie Wagner,
Mrs. Jennie Anderson, Miss Elsie Glan
ninl. The officers were greatly pleased
with the trip and took many pnoto
graphs of the scenery while on the
The Meier & Frank Store's 812th Friday Surprise Sale
900 Jap Silk Waists
Values to $9.00 for $2.98
-rsffh. -via r
Today's remarkable offering of high-class Jap Silk
Waists we expect will attract a record-breaking throng
of buyers to Portland's Leading Cloak and Suit Store.
900 of this season's prettiest waists in an immense
variety of styles to be sold at a price where every
woman can afford to buy at least two of them The
grandest, most timely bargain in Slimmer apparel
ever offered by any Portland store Styles include
fancy round, square and pointed yokes trimmed in
lace, silk ornaments, tucked, shirred, Spanish drawn
work, cluster of wide pin tucks, box pleats, etc., or solid front of lace in
sertion, lace and tucked cuffs, button front and back, white and black in all
sizes, 32 -to 44 inclusive If you want cool, stylish, serviceable hot
weather dress waists for little-money this is your opportunity OA
Wise women will plan to "be here early Values up to $9 for P O
See big Fifth-street window display No mail or phone orders filled
Boys' Clothing Specials Today
Boys' washable Russian Blouse Suits in Pink or Blue Charabray;
sizes 2y2 to 6 years; well made; pretty, serviceable styles for
Coast and vacation -wear; regular $1.35 values, on tf 1 fQ
sale for this week at the low price of .' V
Boys' washable Russian Blouse Suits, plain or Eton collar styles,
Light or Dark Blue Chambrays ; ages 2A to 6 years ; tf l q
best $1.75 values, on sale for this low price V OK
Boys' washable Russian Blouse Suits in Blues, Pinks, and linen
effects; ages to 6 years; our best $2.25 and C 1 Oft
$2.50 values; on sale today at this low price P -0
Boj-s washable White Kilt Suits; ages 2 to 4 years; very pretty
styles ; .great special values at these prices
$1.50 Values for $1.19 $2.00 Values for $1.46
$2.25 Values for $1.89 $2.50 Values for $2.05
"American Boy" Free
With every purchase of Boys' Clothing to the amount of $5.00
or over at regular prices we give one 3'ear's subscription to the
American Boy, the biggest and brightest of all boys' magazines.
Every boy wants it. Second Floor.
Third Floor
200 Hammocks, 36x88 inches;
pretty weave and coloring ; up
holstered pillow and curved
spreader at the head: great
special value at Sl.Zb
100 Hammocks of the highest
grape, size 32x82 inches; beau
tiful designs and colorings;
curved concealed spreader at
head, throw-back pillow; deep
valance, etc.; our 07
regular $4 value. ..
S-ball Croquet Set. oiled balls and mallets,
arches and book of rules; reg- ei
ular J2.C0 value, for I. JO
Men's Stylish Gray Suits for $20.00
Our third express shipment of the popular gray overplaid, double-breasted suits arrived
yesterday About 30 garments in the lotHandsome shade
of gray, stylish pattern, beautifully made up, best of trim
mingsSuits the exclusive clothier asks you to pay f
$25 for All sizes Exceptional value at
Men's Blue Serge Suits $15.00
New shipment of double-breasted navy blue Serge Outing Suits,
fast color and pure Worsted ; cool, stylish garments that every
well-dressed man wants; suitable for business or "best"
wear; Suits of equal grade cost you $20.00 at fl 1 IT f(
the exclusive clothing store r JVJJ
Men's fancy Worsted and Homespun Outing Suits, all the new
est patterns and styles in great variety. Prices range from
$7.50 up to $20.00 a suit. Second Floor.
Men's white Duck Trousers, best quality, at $1.00 to $l.o0 pair.
Men's white Flannel Trousers at $5.50 a pair.
NewWash Vests in great variety, $1.25 up to $3.50 each.
Headquarters for Ten's Panama Hats, $3.50 to $15.00 each.
Men's -and Boys' Straw Sailors, 25c up to $5.00 each.
Street-Car Record Is Broken.
Cars of the Portland Consolidated Rail
way Company carried GO per cent more
passengers Tuesday last than were car
ried by the two street railway companies
on the corresponding date of last year,
and fully 20 per cent more than on the
first day of the Fair when the entire
population of the city seemed 'to have
turned out to witness the street parade.
While figures are not given out it Is un
derstood that more than 200.000 passengers
were handled during the day and the only
line on which cars were run later than
usual was that to St. Johns, extra cars
were held In readiness on other lines, but
went to the barns without any necessity
for making a trip. It Is a record of ln
terurban traffic that will probably not be
broken for a long time.
Studying Civic Improvements.
Professor A. Van der Xaillen. Jr., of
San Francisco, who has been making a
tour of the Northwest studying condi
tions pertaining to civic improvement, will
depart for Seattle and points In Washing
ton within the next few days, but expects
to come back here with his family before
returning home. The professor Is deeply
Interested in the subject, and has Ions
been prominently Identified with kindred
matters in San Francisco, having at one
time filled an Important position on the
Board of Public Worlcs of that city. He Is
greatly pleased with the general 'outlook
In Portland, and agreeably surprised at
the remarkable -growth of the municipal
ity since his last visit in 1903.
Do ot Xejrlcet the Children.
At this season of the year the first un
natural looseneBs of a child's bowels
should have immediate attention. The
best thing that can be given Is Chamber
lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Hem
edy, followed by castor oil. as directed
with each bottle of the remedy. For sal
by all druggists.
Art Dept. Bargains Today
Mexican drawn-work, hand-nrade Battenburg and Cluny Lace
Pieces in Scarfs, Center-Pieces and Doilies, all J DmS
are slightly soiled; your choico at CC
Cushion Covers, stamped in pretty designs for outlining q
and embroidering, 25c values, for this sale at C
Lace Shams and Scarfs to match, handsome styles q
50c values for 39d; 25c values for
"Mount Hood" Pillow-Covers, ready ior use, green or fed AQf
back with painted picture,65c value, for r-rC
Knit Underwear Bargains
Imported Swiss-ribbed low-neck, sleeveless Union in
Suits, knee length, all sizes, best $1.50 garments. .. r I O
"Women's low-neck, sleeveless gauze lisle Vests, drop- ffs
stitch or Richelieu rib, mercerized, all sizes, reg. 50c C
Women's row-neck, sleeveless open-work Vests, best q
25c values for low price of, each -C
Women's jersey ribbed Pants, in black and white, knee A 1
length, lace trimmed, all sizes, best 65c quality C
75c Ties 35c Each
Special purchase of Men's 3-in.
wide Moire Silk Four-in-Hands
the real Summer tie, stylish,
serviceable, in black, white,
blue, navy, green, tan, grajs,
lavender, helio., brown ; very
latest effect; every "tie worth
75c; at 3 for $1.00;
your choice at, each. . .
Men's fine lisle Web Suspenders,
the newest colorings and pat
terns, made with calfskin ends;
immense variety; best
50c values, on sale, pr. . .JC
Pine assortment of Men's Walking-Sticks,
in plain and silver
mounted handles; values rang
ing from 25c up to (ff
$5; your choice, ea. f xH
July Muslin Underwear Sale-2d Floor
Thousands of pieces of dainty lingerie at July prices The newest and prettiest underwear
sold here costs no more tbari' the ordinary garments of
fered elsewhere These values must interest you
Women's fine cambric and nainsook Corset Covers, trimmed In fine Em
broideries and lace edgings; insertions, clusters of tucks, beading and
ribbon: madeiwlth blouse fronts; tucked and trimmed backs. Great
values at
S3e vhIuck ZSic Sl.eo value 70c
r0c vhIhcji 3Pc 1K and 1J50 valne 07c
75c vnlues 8flc fl.73 aacl JtCOO value $1.22
9X50 value on ale for S1.0S
Women's white Petticoats, made of cambric. mu.MIn or lawn: wide umbrella
flounces: trimmed In fine embroidery: blind and eyelet effects: torchon
and Val. lace cdsrlngs and Insertions, separate dust ruffles: fitted
waistbands, etc. Note the low prices
J2-T.0 a art 3.00 value SI. 59 5.06 and f&OO value
3-"'0 sad 54.00 value.... 2-T. 7JVO to. 318.00 value 35StS
Special lot of women's fine cambric, nainsook and muslin Gowns, trimmed
In fine laces, edgings and insertions; also embroidery edgings and In
sertions; clusters of fine tucks, be idlngs and ribbons: high, round, square
and -necks; full lengths and widths.
7T.c valHe for ne $1.50 and $1.75 value 1J2
f 1.00 value for 78c S2.GO and value S1.60
1.25 value for H7c 2.75 aad S3. OO value $1.83
$4.08 to $6.06 value oh ale for tke-lorr price of S2-8S
Women's tine cambric, nainsook and muslin Drawers, trimmed In fine laces,
embroideries, clusters of tucks, beading and ribbon; great special values
at these low prices
75c value 6f)c $2-0 value ...S1.SO
$1.23 valHe Sc $X0 aad $35 value $28
$1.58 valHe $1.21 $3-16 value , $2.75
Barsala la Oar Eat I re Stock ef DraTrer.
The Meier (2b Frank Store
Women's Tai Lisle Hose, 50c Val.
Three Pairs for $1.00
2000 pairs of Women's tan lisle Hose,
allover lace and hoot effects, all
sizes, 50c values, at, fl
three pairs for P w
"Women's tan Cotton Hose, medium
weight, double sole, 50c fl l ff
values, at 3 pairs for P
Women's tan and champagne lisle
Hose, dropstitch -with horizontal
stripes of brown shades, Q (
best 50c values, 3 prs. for. V vU
35r. d.Oc HOSIRRY 25r. PAIR
"Women's black lisle Hose with ankles
cuiutuiucicu ill uamiji ucaigup , iiun,
blue, yellow, white and .black; all
sizes; best 35c and 40c t
values, on sale for, pair JC
"We continue our great special sale of Women's black lace lisle
Hose in allover lace and boot effects ; very "large assortment ;
fully 75 patterns; every pair stand 50c value; your
choice today, three pairs for $1.00; pair OJC
Clean-Up of Dress Trimmings
Odds and ends of narrow Braids, zig-zag and plain effects in blue,
brown, green, black, white and red, also. narrow Per
sian Braids; all are ridiculously low priced at, yard. .. C
Appliques in white, black, brown, champagne and 'blue,' Persian
Bands on self and linen; wonderful values at this Q-
low price, yard
Narrow Novelty Testing in natural linen bands, self-embroidered,
Dresden Braids with pull-string; grand values at, yd......7
Short lengths of wide fancy Trimming and elegant Persian de-
"signs, values ranging from 50c to $4.50 the yard; f Pjm
your choice at d ce
"Tryune" Neckwear Supporter, just the thing for supporting
lace and sheer collars; practical, and every woman
can afford one at, set
picks' light-weight Washable Dress Shields, can be left in the
waist or suit when sent to the laundry, all sizes, 20c, 25c; 30c pr.
Double-covered Silk Shields for thin waists, best quality, all
sizes, 40c, 45c and 50c pair.
Women's Neckwear Bargains
That you don't have the oppor
tunity to buy every dayAll
new, seasonable goods Values
we know you can't equal in town
Blind embroidered Washable Swiss
Stocks in white only, assorted
flower designs; regular A.
50c value, on sale for 'rC
Whit Venise Lace Shoulder Collars,
large scalloped patterns; regular
$2.25 and $2.50 values, no
at this low price y
"Rajah" Silk Four-in-Hand Ties,
cardinal, scarlet, navy, royalt
green, brown, black and t Q
white, grand values, ea. . . .
Pompadour and Net'-Top Tjace Collars, in cream, white and ecru,
with; or without -tab ettects; our oest docanci ouc 2?C
values, on sale for, each
New black Chiffon and Liberty Silk Ruffs, the latest effects;
great values at $1:75 to $5.00 each.
New line of Japanese hand-drawnwork Turnovers in Or
white and light blue, each v
Jap drawnwork Cuff and Turnover Sets, 50c up to $1.00.
$ 1 .25 Handbags at 95c Each
50 dozen Walrus and Seal Leather Hand Bags, with coin purse
and card case; black, tan and brown; most stores Qft
would ask $1.50 for style of equal grade, today -rOC
Alligator Leather Hand Bags with coin purse, green,
gray, blue, tan, brown; best 65c value
The largest and most complete showing of Silk and Leather
Belts in the city. Every pretty style is included. Prices to fit
every purse.
Folding Go-Carts
AT $3.95 EACH
1905 model Folding Go-Cart. reed back
13-Inch rubber wheels, automobile
gear, rear spring; green enameled, a
perfect, easy running, convenient lit
tle cart. Regular 55.00 Qm
value. Sale price
1905 model. Folding and Reclining Go
Cart. extension foot rest, best reed
back; handsome cart of the Ci
best make. Reg. $5.50 value. .r. J
Boys Coaster AVagon. 32 Inches long,
wheels 12 and 14 Inches, with brake.
Easy running. Regular c --y
J2.00 model for 010
Boys Automobiles and Wagons In
many atyle3 ami grades. Third Floor.
Bargains Around the Store
Allover Embroideries Worth up to $1 .75 for 89c Yard
White and Colored Silk Chiffon, Great Valne, 25c Yard
$20.00 White Point d'Esprit R.obes for $10.00 Each
50c Lindsay Hose Supporters 39c Pair
50cBlqck Mesh Veilings for 38c Yard
50c and 75c Chiffon Drapes on Sale for 39c Each
Women's 75c German Lisle Hose 49c Pair
Misses' 1x1 Ribbed Black Cotton Hose 17c Pair
40c Mousseline Ribbons onSale for 23c Yard
75 c Alligator Handbags for 47c Each
25c to 40c Swiss Embrofderied Handkerchiefs 1 9c Each
25c Silk Taffeta Ribbons for 17c Yard
Women's $30.00 Silk Shirtwaist Suits $19.85
Women's $2.00 Lawn Waists for $1. 18 Each
New Silk Girdle Belts 65c up to $5.00 Each
65c Silk and Lisle Vests on Sale for 47c Each
6Qc Silk GiMghams on Sale for 39c Yard
Short Lengths of Fine Laces at Very Low Prices