1& THE 3IOKX1XG- OKKGOXIAX, FK1DA1,. ,TUJL,I 7, We want to emphasize the fact that we arc now showing New Fall Carpets Fall stocks usually arrive late in August; ours are in now scores of new- patterns, fresh from the loom. We have secured a large percent age of" strictly private patterns designs confined to us by the man ufacturers, and not shown by any other house in this city. EXCLUSIVE CARPET HOUSE J. G. Mack & Co. 86-88 THIRD STREET ran. XETSCKAX . rre. tmm us wumktm tmvn, ntruii. utm Eoropetn Plan AUCTION SALES TODAY. At Gllman's. No. 413 Washington street, at 10 A. M. S. L. X. Gllman. Auctioneer. By J. T. Wilson, at salesroom. ISO First street, at 10 A. M. J. T. Wilson. Auctioneer. At the Portland Auction Rooms, 211 First street. Sale at 2 P. M. sharp. C. L. Ford, auctioneer. At Baker's Auction House, corner Alder and Park streets. Sale at 2 P. M. George Baker & Co.. Auctioneers. MEETING NOTICES. PUBLIC INSTAL- "LATION Portland Circle No. 53. Wom en of Woodcraft, and Webfoot Camp No. 65. Woodmen of the World. will Install their officers Jointly thlf (Friday) evening in W. O. W. Hall. 10th and Washlng- ton streets. All are welcome. Refreshments Rill be perved. JOS. HOWELL. A. L. BARBER. C C. Clerk. MULTNOMAH CAMP. W. O. W. Meets every Friday evening at East Alder and East Sixth strets. All Woodmen cordially Invited to meet with us. J. M. WOODWORTH. Clerk. PORTLAND LODGE NO. 55, A. F. & A. M. Regular communication this (Friday) evening, 7:30 o'clock. Work In the M. M. degree. All Master Masons arc invited to attend. By order W. M. I. W. PRATT. Secretary. HAWTHORNE LODGE NO. 111. A. F. & A. M Special communication this (Friday) evening at 8 o'clock. Work in the E. A. degree. All E. A. Masons welcome. By order of the W. M. C. E. MILLER. Secretary. ATTENTION MEMBERS OF COURT CO LUMBIA. NO. 2. FORESTERS OF AMERICA. Your presence Is urgently requested at our meeting tonight. July 7. Installation of offi cers and other business of lm:ortance. Re freshments will be served. GEO. A. JOHNSTON. F. S. HASSALO LODGE No. IS. I. O. O. F. Regular meeting this (Friday) evening at 8 o'clock. First degree and installation of of ficer. Visitors welcome. HENRY BROWN. Scc'y. ROSE CITY CHAPTER NO. SC. O. E. 3. A regular communication this (Friday) evening at 8 o'clock. K. P. Hall. Marquam building. In stallation of officers. SARAH B. GUERIN. Sec. FUNERAL NOTICES. M'CLURE At residence. 20" Tillamook street. July 5. 1905. Harvey B. McClure. aged 57 years, beloved husband of Mrs. Rebecca Mc Clure and father of Mrs. J. L. Beans. A. L., Nora and George McClure and Mrs. H. L. Walkup of this city and L. A. McClure of New York. Funeral sen-Ices will take place at residence Saturday. July S. at 2 P. M. Interment Lone Fir Cemetery. Services at grave private. 350DGSOX Friends and acquaintance are re spectfully Invited to attend the funeral cervices of Gertrude E. Dodgson. which will be held at Flnley's Chapel, at 2 P. M. to day. Interment Lone Fir Cemetery. M'KAY In this city, on July 5 1003. at the residence. 312 Main street, Eva McKay, aged 28 years. 7 months and 1 day. Re mains will be shipped to Scappoose. Or this morning. July 7. 1005. at S:30 A. M. Puneral services will be held in Scappoose at the church today. July 7, at 1 P. M. Friends respectfully invited to attend. In terment in family plot at Scappoose. Or. " DUNNING. M'ENTEE & GILBAUGH. uc eMKrs to Dunning & Campion, undertakers and embalmers. modern In every detail, 7th and Pine. Phone Main 430. Lady assistant. EDWARD HOLM AN CO., Undertakers and embalmers, have moved to their new build ing, Third and Salmon. Lady assistant. Telephone No. S07. J. P. 1TNLEY & SON, Funeral Directors, cor. 8d and Madisoi . Office of County Cor oner. Lady assistant. Telephone No. 9. F. S. DUNNING, Undertaker, 414 East Alder. Lady assistant. Telephone East 2. ZELLER-BYRNES CO., UNDERTAKERS, Embalmers, 273 Ilus'l; East 1088; lady at't. NEW TO DAT. MONEY SAVERS Of whom there are many in the City of Port land, and the States of Oregon and Wash ington should remember that "THE OLDEST TRUST COMTAN1' IN OREGON" RESOURCESOVER$1,000,000 IS THE PLACE TO DEPOSIT. WE PAY 3 PER CENT ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS And from 3 to 4 per cent on certificates of deposit that can be drawn at any time by gixing a certain number of days' notice. Send for our book of "ILLUSTRATIONS." PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON 109 Third JStreet, Phone Main 433. BENJ. I. COHEN... President H L. PITTOCK Vice-President B. LEE PAGET .Secretary J. O. GOLTRA. ....... . .Assistant Secretary $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 per Day AMUSEMENTS. Marquam Grand Theater Direction N. W. T. Association. C. HEILIG. President. PHONE MAIN S68. (Morrison st., let. th and 7th) TONIGHT AT 8:30 O'CLOCK Special-Price Matinee Tomorrow at 2:30. Continuing Saturday. Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday Nights With a Special Matinee Wednesday. THE FAMOUS GERMAN COMEDIANS KOI.I1 AND DILL In the Musical Comedy Burlesque "The Beauty Shop" 40 BEAUTIFUL CHORUS GIRLS 10 MUSIC AND MIRTH. POPULAR PRICES Matinee. 2.1. 35 and 50 cents. Night. 23, 33, SO and 73 cents. Seats are now selling for this and next week. BELASCO THEATER K-Sll (Formerly Columbia Theater) 14th and Wash. TONIGHT ALL THE WEEK Sixth Week Belasco Stock Company. First Presentation on Any Stage of "The Conquest" By Phil. F. Rogoway. From Eva Emery Dye's Topular Novel of the Same Name. SPECTACULAR PRODUCTION BIG CAST Story pt Lewis and Clark Graphically Told. Regular Matinees Saturday and Sunday. Trices Night. 15 to 75c; matinees. 15 to 30c NEXT WEEK "A FOOL AND HIS MONEY" EMPIRE THEATER Twelfth and Morrison. Two Performances Dally. Matinees at 2;15. Evening at S:15. All this week the Empire Stock Company in the great emo tional comedy-drama. "Lost in London" ADMISSION 1 f pevrg ALWAYS 1 WSNTS BAKER THEATER hfif Keating & Flood. Managers. THE THREE KUHNS. LIZZIE WKLLER, FINE AND DANDY. JEAN WILSON. ROBERT NOME. BURNS AND WILSON. MOVING PICTURES. BAKER ORCHESTRA. Theater always cool and comfortable. Per formances dally at 2,30. 7;30 and 0 P. M. Ad mission 10 cents to any feat, except boxes. VAUDETHLE T14V f.DAMD EirCSITIOI MB EICEUEKCE 1 - VJitAAi AXIIUCIIKM THE BUCKEYE TRIO. 5 MUSICAL HEWITTS 3. MARSHALL AND LORRAINE DALY AND IIEROI.D. ROBERTS AND DEMONT. MR. G. 1L SHONE. THE GRANDISCOFE. General admission 10c Evenings. Sundays and holidays, front scats lower floor 20c Box seats 23c HOLIDAY TUC CTAQ BEST II ATmCTIOKS lilEl JlAK TAUOETIUE STEPHEN FITZPATRICK & CO. FRANK MILTON AND THE DE LONG SISTERS. MACK AND WILLIAMS. JENKINS AND O'NEILL. FRANK SELEH. MR. JOSEPH BONNER. THE STAROSCOFE. General admission 10c. Sundays, evenings and holidays, front seats lower floor 20c Box seats 25c . KIRALFY'S CARNIVAL of VENICE ON THE TRAIL. THE BIGGEST HIT OF THE LEWIS AND CLARK EXPOSITION 300 PEOPLE 300 5 1 00.000 IN V ESTED-S 1 00.000 ADMISSION. 23 CENTS. Lewis aid Clark Observatory HAWTHORNE TERRACE PORTLAND HEIGHTS Now open. Take Portland Heights car and get off at Hawthorne Terrace, one block from car line. No climbing. Electric elevator. Most magnificent view In America. See beautiful effect of powerful searchlight from top or tower, upen a A. m. to S P. M. ADMISSION. 10 CENTS. NEW TODAY. FOR .'ALE 30 ACRES. SYCAMORE fiTA tlon. on O. W. P. electric line; running water. Address o care uregonun. MORTGAGE LOANS On Tortland Real Estate at Lowest Rates. i iu rs insured. ADstract furnished. Title Guarantee & Trust Co., 6 and " Chamber of Commerce. DOCTOR Western Washington: on a-svvi vl aceount rotirim- practice, trill sell wu0 practice. houe office, lot; outside income. $40 monthly Is only physician. Price. $2500. Address Doctor, Box V SI, Oregonian office. NEW TODAT. Your Money Safe. Invest your money in University Park lots where no robber can steal it from you, where no bank officer can gamble- it away on the stock market. Money invested in University Park lots, will grow while gold coin in the tight box will stand still. Remember that the Oregon end of the great bridge over the Columbia River will rest on University Park. Re member that the manufacturing, wholesale,ljobbing business, along our water front will make a demand for skyscrapers at University Park in the near future. Remember that Uni versity Park is the very center of that vast city now springing up on the Peninsula between the rivers. Uni versity Park is a business, social and educational center. It has the Colum bia University, which brings a cul tured class. It gives employment to all in its mills, factories, docks, stores and shops. There is a big demand for residences. Real estate is changing hands rapidly. Money is being made through advances in property values. There are thousands of persons in Oregon and Washington who regret that some friend or foe did not kick them into investing in Portland real estate years ago. Within two years another wail will go up from those who let pass the opportunity to buy a few lots at University Park. Prices of lots range from 80 to $330 each. Terms, one-tenth cash, balance on monthly installments. No interest on deferred payments if paid when due. Prancis I. McKenna, Room 606 Com mercial Block. Agent at University Park Station. Holladay's Addition For Sale A new 3-room cottage, all con veniences, full cement basement, streets Sully Improved. A very desirable location. Convenient to two trolley lines. Terms will b given. Lots sold on advantageous terms to home builders. The Oregon Real'Estate Co 6S4 Third St.. Room 4. California-" Bliss Lands" Small farms for settler. 0200 acres of Irri gated land In 20arre farms at 550 to $70 per acre one-fourth cash. Reached by Southern Pacific or Santa Fe Overland Line, direct te Tulare City. 2 miles from BHs Lands. Alfalfa, corn, grain, deciduous fruits, vege table, hogs, dairy cattle thrive. Booklet free from Bllrw Land? (Inc.). care Sullivan & Sul livan. Lawyers. 610 Parrott bldg.. San Fran cisco. ' Mortgage Loans 5, Upwards. Real Estate City and Farm. Insurance in All Lines. A. H. BIRRELL. 02-3 McKay bldg.. Third and Stark st. FOR SALE $8500 Good modem house. Irving st, west of 23d. FRANK E. HART. 105 Sherlock bldg. FOR SALE RKAL ESTATE. 52750 ELEGANTLY FINISHED. THOR- oughly modf-rn eigni-room House, neanng completion, fractional lot. on Stephens st-. near Ladd tract; splendid location, two car lines on fame Mock, has fireplace, furnace, nash tray, panejfd dining-room, handsome ly stained woodwork, enameled tiled kitchen and bathroom; will sell tor tcnall caoh pa menT, balance Installment,' If desired; this is a splendid home and will appeal to good tate. W. L. Morgan. 513 McKay bldg. ACRE TRACTS AVE HANDLE ACREAGE x a specialty, within city limits r outside. 'Some aercfl with term as low as lo per month with water. A. C Churchill &. Co.. Inc.." 110 2d M. FOR SALE EASY TERMS. OR EXCHANGE for other property. Hood River. 10 acres good. Improved fruit land; 7 acres la bear ing strawberries; 6 Inches perpetual water right for land. Address SunnjYlde Farm. Hood River. Or. CHOICE BUILDING 1X)TS FOR SALE ON the line of the railroad In City View Park Addition to East Portland. Also. 2-acre tracts north of i-ellwood on the tiark. Call on or apply to R. B. Knaf, 720 Chamber of Commerce. RIVER FRONT FROPERTV LARGE WARE- house on east side of Jront sc. bet. Mom ton and Madison sm.. for rale; 5Oxll0 feet: two floors: property paying good Interest on amount asked for it. Inquire of owners, 763 Northrup ft. FOR SAKE -AT EVELYN PARK. ON MT. Scott carllne. 3 lots, with 30 fruit trees; planted with petatow water main In; best of jM1 for garden. J. A. Barrette. Gray's Croislng. C40 ACRES SCHOOL LAND AT FLIGHT AD vance over state price In heart of larce irrigated district; half tillable: mar rail road survey. A. C. Palmer. SIS Oregonian building. CITY PROPERTY. 70X70 FEET. FACING Willamette st.; a new two-story frame store building on It; the building Is 30xCO feet. Inquire at 402 'Willamette St.. Eugene. Or. FOR SALE 10 ACRES MT. TABOR. NEAR car line; email payment down, your own time for balance. Mm. H. Downing. 631 Commercial St., Alblna car. FOR SALE 3-ROOM HOUSE. WITH MOD ern Improvements. See Mrs. Howe about It. Union 173. Two farms, one sawmill will be sold reasonable. FINE HOMESTEAD OF YELLOW FINE timber claim relinquishment; house and well; In apple belt; J 200; opportunity. S 7lt. Oregonian. FOR SALE ONE ACRE. MT. TABOR; good house, fine garden, $1500. Mrs. R. Downing. iWl Commercial st.. Alblna car. 200 FARMS. SMALL TRACTS AND LOTS Bargains on O. W. P. electric line. O. R. Adcitcu. Lents. Or. Take Mt. Scott car. 5c SELLWOOD TOWNSITE CO. LOTS 53 down. 55 a month. Office at S'llwood and at 222 Falling bldg. Union 1491. FOR SALE THOROUGHLY MODERN hous4 and lot. Holladay Park. Inquire owner. 318 Falling bldg. NEW 7-R005I HOUSE. HOLLADAY PARK; owner occupying; will fell cheap; terms. Phone East 1400. ACREAGE NEAR CAR LINE. 6 MILES from Morrison et, bridge. C K. Ballard, Mllwaukle. Or. BARGAIN 10 ACRES GOOD LAND. SEVEN miles East Side; price 51000. E. J. Gelfer. 205H Morrlron. FOR SALE 515O0: ONE BLOCK OF S LOTS In Patten's Addition. 270 Washington ox., I. Vanduyn. DESIRABLE RESIDENCES AND LOTtS. West or East Side. Apply forenoons 449 3d st. FOR SALE FARMS. A SNAP 50 ACRES WELL-IMPROVED. 1R. ri rated ranch. clo?e to J'rosser; new 9 -room house; river front; fine orchard; will trade for 5. 10 or 20 acres near Portland or Ta coma. Portland preferred. Addrees C. U. Baker. Frosser. Wash. SMALL FARM; ALL IN CULTIVATION; 7 miles from Portland. j-ultaMe for chicken ranch. Inquire of owner. 353 East First fl near Weldler. FOR SALE STOCK RANCH OF 320 ACRES, not In hands' of real estate agents. Address J. C Shellenbaum. 65 Union ave.. North. Portland. Or., or write to Box 54. Gates. Marlon bounty. Or. 35-ACRE FARM AT CANBT. OR.; WELL Improved: good building; good orchard and strawberry field. 51000. Dltnlck & Dimlck. Oregon City, Or. FOR SALE FARMS. GUARANTEED AS ADVERTISED 5700 buys a nice little home of -10 acres with 6 under the plow, all rich soil without a foot' of waste land; fine bearing orchard; good 4-room house and barn; live water: close to school and only 2 miles from town. Terms. $1500. with down, takes a fine IGO-acre farm, of which 20 Is bottom land and un der plow; all rich land: live water, boute and barn. 500.000 feet fir timber, close to school and Kelso. 5000 buys an Al farm all Mocked: US acres with 50 acres under plow, balance seeded to pasture: land lays cicely: rich oll, live water, fenced and cross-fenced, large bearing orchard, elegant 7-rooni dwell ing, two large cattle bares; with this place goes 3 horses. 30 bead cattle, of which 10 are milk cows. 10 hogi. harness and wagon, mower, bayntke. plows, harrows and smalltr farming Implements and a flee crop; close to school and good town; reasonable terms; greatet bargains of two land com panies; will not be on market long; write or come at once. 1MUS & WILLOUGHBY AND COWLITZ COUNTr LAND CO. COMBINED. Odces: Kalama and Kelso. Wash. GUARANTEED AS ADVERTISED $3000. with one-halt down, buys the "fa mous Coweman property" of 4SO scree, of which one-half Is bottom land, with 15a acres under pi aw. balance second bottom land reeded to pasture: land lays most beautifully; all blsci loam soil: cot subject to June overflow; live water oa every -10: fenced and cross-fenced; large bearing o 'ch ard; elegant 8-room houe; two large barns; rchoolbouse on place; well adapted for di versified farming; come cr write for par ticular?. Imus & Wllioughby and Cowlitz County Land Co.. combined: offices Kalama and Kelso, Wanh. 1050 ACRES STOCK. FRUIT AND GRAIN farm. Southwestern Oregon, near coast and projected railroad; no snows; consists of timber, prairie and bottom land; ZOO acre Umber and $150o worth tanbark on place; 3 barn and house; fenced; 75 acres been cul tlated; good crop of oats-, corn, potatoes, torn atom and melons now growing; 60 head cattle, span of horses and farm Implements go with place; all at 15 an acre; half cash. A. C PALMER. 315 Oregonian- Building. ONLY 535 PER ACRE. For an SO-acre tract of strawberry and fruit land mile from White salmon; the land lies beautifully. Is level, rich, deep eublrrl gated solL This land Is easily worth 550 per acre and will bring that within six months; we must have some Quick mosey, and offer this tract at that price for only J2o days. Act qujckly if you nant it. Send for our book on White Salmon Valley. White Salmon Land Co., While Salmon. Wash. P0 ACRES OF GOOD RICH LAND. 64 miles east of Oregon City; 45 acres In cul tivation. 30 slashed. 15 timbered: no waste land: good pasture and fences, bearing or chard, fair buildings. Ane spring and well, school one mile; land lays fine and has ex cellent crops; with Implements and crops. 54SOO. J. A. Moehnke. Oregon City. Or. STOCK FARM BARGAIN. 700 ACRES, well watered. 100 acres can be Irrigated, controls miles of range, postofflce at ranch. 512 per acre: Improved Irrigated farms. 520 to 530 per acre; several exceptional bargains. Enterprise Realty Co.. Enter prise. Or. FOR SALE 100 .VRES PATENTED LAND, with over 3.1'OO.li-Xt feet fln-st yellow pine, i mile from White Salmon River from store at Trout Lake. Wartilngtoa. P. O. Box 460. city. 52.50 PER ACRE FOR WHOLE OR HALF nct!on of land in Benton Co.. I? miles from R. R. station: good grazing and fruit land, well watered. Owner, 107 Sherlock bldg. ONE LARGE FURNISHED FRONT ROOM for rent for 2: 515 per month. Inqulrs 40H 24 at., cor. Ash., room 3. TO EXCHANGE. A RICH-PAYING FARM. GOOD BUILDINGS, telephone and bath; 75-acre monster crop, fruits, walnuts, all Mock and farm machin ery; some furniture; very clos In; Portland residence taken In exchange: balance very easy terms. H. Grebe, owner. 177 Sherman street. DENVER LOTS; ALSO 160 ACRES OF land, within 4 miles of Denver Postofflce. for Portland or Tacoma property. Call on or address "Owner." 620 Chamber of Com merce. Portland. EXCHANGE FOR CITY PROPERTY 40 acres; 25 In fruit: one of the flaett In the Valley. If you have something good call or address L. J. Shell. 146 Clh su WANTED REAL ESTATE. WB WANT WEST SIDE RESIDENCES. 5000 to 510.000; also business properties. 55000" to 520.000. Have buyers. L. W. Whiting & Co.. 405 Ablnicton bldg. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. WD LOCATE YOU ON TIMBER CLAIMS. Central Oregon, or homesteads: tine valley, good water. See us; If not good, your money back. Room 6, Hotel Shanlko, Sha nlko. Or. TIMBER FOR SALE-160 ACRES FIRST class spruce and cedar; Pacific -County: ; mile from tidewater; tributary' Columbia River. Karl Johnson, 1253 Franklin ave., Astoria. 140 ACRES CEDAR TIMBER; FINE LOCA tlan for hlngle mill. Ira I. Everson. Wald Or. FOR SALE LAND SCRIP. WHAT AM I OFFERED FOR GOVERN ment privileges for 3000 acres lo caiable on any public lands In the United States except timber and mineral? Address G SS. Oregonian Portland. Or. LAND SCRIPS OF ALL KINDS GUARAN teed. mineral lands titled, public land prac tice, Collins Land Col. Conccrd bldg. CERTIFIED SCRIP FOR SURVEYED OR unsurveyed lands. W. G. HowelL 5"W Chamber of Commerce. TO LEASE. WILL BUILD BRICK BUILDING ON FA vorable lease for stable, laundry, storage, factory", etc.. on whole or part of down-town quarter block. Address P. O. Box 27B. clt. I'OU SALE. Horses. Vehicles and Harness. FOR SALE OR RENT HORSES AND VE hlcles by the day. week or month: harness, addles and 2ft) new and second-hand rigs for sale or exchange. Tomllnson & Cans I -day. 211 Washington st. LOT OF SECOND-HAND EXPRESS. GRO cery, furniture wagons, trucks, surreys: sac rificed for cash. ZOS Fourth. BLACK MARE. S YEARS OLD. 1100 pounds: safe and sound. Lock wood's Sta ble. Burnslde. cor. 0th. GOOD SADDLE AND DRIVING JIORSES for sale cheap. U. P. Stables. 233 Russell t. FOR SALE-FOUR HEAVY TEAMS AND. 1 fine 1200-lb. single driver. 154 N. 5th st. SAN FRANCISCO VETERINARY COLLEGE Next session begins July l. Miscellaneous. DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? Cover It with Mastic roofing. In rolls, easy to lay; needs no palming or coating; good over old Iron, tin or shingles; for new roofa there Is nothing better; guaran teed: Mastic roof paint and ceneni will stop small leaks. National Mastic Roofing Co.. room 2. Hamilton bldg. FOR SALE NEW GASOLINE LAUNCH ; compromise stern; ISVi feet long, beam 4Vj feet. 3-H. P. engine; seating capacity. 12 persono; would trade for automobile, tj fx. Oregonian. Phone Scott 3554. FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables; easy payments; e rent tabic, -with privilege of buying; mod ern tar flxturea. cheap prices. Brunswick-Balke-Ccllender. 49 3d s. GREAT REDUCTION 2ALE ENTIRE STOCK to be sold below cost; please come In and look: ladles underwear and shirtwaists. Man Slag & Co.. 302 Morrlron st. STOVEWOOD. EQUAL TO TWO CORDS OF woad. 52.50 per load In stovewood lengths. In any quantity. Mr. Howe Wood Co.. 1209 Division. Phone Union 173. BEAUTIFUL NEW HOUSEBOAT. FURNISH ed throughout and ready for occupancy. In cluding launch, float and rowboat; cheap. A W. Or-gonlan. FOR SALE SMITH-PREMIER TYPE wrlter. almost new; reasonable. C 73. car Oregonian. CANARY BIRDS FOR SALE; FINE SING era. 530 E. Lincoln. Take Sellwood cars. TWO TICKETS FOR SALE. LADIES AND genu, for St. Louis. Mo. X SS. Oregonian. FOR RENT DONKEY ENGINE. CALL 321 Chamber Commerc or phone Main 2303. FOR SALE-1 LADY'S LIGHT SIDE SAD dle and 1 gentleman's. 662 Kearney. FOR SALE TWO FRESH JERSEY COWS. 12? TowRdnle t . West Side. HELP TTAXTXD MALE. SHIRT IRONER. 515 A WEEK; WOODS men. sawmill hands; second cook. 5S0; hotel butcher. 560; all kinds of kitchen and pantry work. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 20 North Second Street. WANTED SINGLE YOUNG MAN OF GOOD address who can leave town immediately to travel and learn good-paying business; others need not apply. Call 10 to 12 P. M.. 2bOH Margin t. Take U car. MAN WITH ENERGY WILLING TO WORK and take charge of a legitimate paying busi ness ; must have some capital; a good chance for the right man; references ex changed. P DO. Oreronian. WANTED 10.000 LABOKERb. LOGGERS, mill and railroad work. If you want work com to Portland: wages. 51-40 to 53 per day and board. Canadian Employment Co.. 249 Hurntlde at. WANTED SWIFT COMPOSITOR AND GOOD Job printer on country weekly; elngle man. sober. Industrious; state speed, wages waul ed and reference. Address Express. Klam ath Fall. Or. WANTED AMATEUR AND PROFESSIONAL actors, singers, musicians, etc.. for dra matic companies, vaudeville circuit. Fair, etc. Newman Theatrical Agency, 35li Morrison. TOUNG MAN WILLING TO START AT 50 per week that has had experience In ship ping and receiving; must give good refer ences'. Give phone number. T 00, Ore gonian. ABSOLUTELY" THE BEST OFFER EVER put In the Northwest field for high-grade canvassers for The World's Work. Address Office. SOU 73S Mission sc., San Francisco, CaL MEN and women to leara natchmkx. en graving. Jewelers wk; only prac school for jewelers: money made learn'g. Watchmkg Engrar. School. P. L bldr.. Seattle. WANTED ENERGETIC YOUNG MAN, single, to travel and learn good-paying business; references. Call 10 to 3 P. M., room 14. 3S1 Yamhill st. A FIRST-CLASS ENGINEER AS SUPERIN tendent: experienced in the construction work of ditches and power plant- Address B 6i. Oregonian. EDUCATED YOUNG MAN TO TAKE charge of machinery exhibit at Exposition. Address A. B. Cone. Block 4. Machinery Hall. Exposition. WANTED-COOKS AND WAITERS. HEAD quarters Mws Encampment at Gearhart. July 13-22. Apply Cnaplalc Gilbert. Armory, 0 P. 51. WANTED SHOE SALESMAN. LOCAL Ex perience. Clerks Registration Bureau. 205 Morrison reet. California wine depot; headquarters bakers, cooks, waiters, bartenders. AH wines 5 per glass. P. Loral!. I4S 4th. Clay 1302. ANT Intelligent person may earn good Income ccrrtFOcdlng for newspapers: experience un necessary. Press Syndicate. Lockport. N. Y. Wanted Men to learn barber trade: steady practice: xpert Instructions. Write for terms. Glilman's College. 627 Clay St.. S. F. WE WANT AN ACTIVE REAL ESTATE man; living salary and commltolon added; good chat.ee for live man. V SS. Orrgonlan. WANTED FIRST-CLASS 5IEN IN PORT Iand and throughout state to solicit busi ness. Call or write. 607 McKay bldg. WANTED ALL-ROUND CLOTHING SALES man. good references: permanent. Cleks" Registration Bureau. 265 Morrison st. ONE-HALF INTEREST MANUFACTURING builnesf; large profits; live hustler wanted mote than money. V 00. Oregonian. YOUNG MAN. WINDOW DRESSER. LIMIT ed experience. 550; flno opportunity. Clerks Registration Bureau. 265 Morrison st. CHEF. J20 WEEK: ALL AROUND COOK. 550. and kitchen help, waitresses, chamber maids. National Office. 312 Pine. WANTBD-PARTNER WITH 5350O CASH AT World's Fair; besides will pay you salary of f50 a week. K M. Oregonian. WANTED AT ONCE. JLN TO PUT UP and take care Philadelphia KItson coal oil lamps. C. A. Bell. 2724 Oak. WANTED EXPERIENCED ELECTRICIAN as manager for power and lighting plant. Address L 7S. care Oregonian. PHOTOGRAPHER FINISHER WANTED TO finish, to do amateur and professional work. O 0 Oregonian. WANTED TRAVELING SALESMAN TO take staple article of hardware as side line. N So. Orrgonlan. MAN TO TAKE CHARGE OF REAL Es tate office; salary moderate. Address E S$. Oregonian. WANTED EXPERIENCED MAN AS SH1P plng clerk In furniture store. Address S 0O. Oregonian. WANTED A GOOD MAN; MUST UNDER stand market business. M. C. Mace. 151 4th it. WILL THE YOUNG MAN WHO CALLED with his sister at 141 Seventh st. call again. WANTED A GOOD ALL AROUND PHOTO grapher. C. Aune. Jr.. 5th and Alder sts. School of telegraphy and electricity; pupils wanted: positions wanted for grads. 305H 1st- LADY CLERK WANTED. CALL AFTER 10:3O A. M. Swetland & Son. 273 Morrison. W" ANTED SAILORS FOR EUROPE. APPLY at Sailors Home. cor. 2d and Gllsan sts. OLD CLOTHING. SHOES WANTED; HIGH es price paid. SO 3d. Phone Green 47S. WANTED TWO BOYS. WELL RECOM mended. Apply Immediately 3C3 Stark. FIRST-CLASS SALESMAN. CITY. COUN try; big wages: 215 Commercial block. WANTED-FIRST-CLASS BARBER SAT urday. Apply 31S Williams ave. WANTED RUNNER FOR THE BRISTOL Hotel. 14th and Washington sts. BOY WANTED. STEADY" FACTORY WORK 4l Front, cor. Davis. BARBER WANTED 31t, N. 2D. HELP WANTED FEMALE. COOKS. WAITERS. DISHWASHERS, chambermaids, wanted at 312 Pine St.: some good positions open. Call early. WANTED STRONG WOMAN TO ASSIST In housework: no washing or cooking. 2j0 10th. beteween Taylor and calmon. WANTED REFINED YOUNG LADY" AS housekeeper for a gentleman. Call after 10 A. 51. 2343 Morrison c. room 10. GIRL AS CHAMBERMAID AND WAITRESS In family of two; perianal reference re quired. Call at 434 Morrison st. WANTED GIRL TO ATTEND CANDY and Ice cream stand. Call bet. 9 and 12 A. M. at 520 Burnslde st. WANTED 1 PRETTY GIRLS FOR HIGH class vaudeville act; big salary. Call room 11. 3514 Morrison. WANTED A YOUNG LADY THOROUGH In manicuring, halrdresslng and shampoo ing. 100 4 Morrison. GIRL COOK WANTED GERMAN PRB- ferred. Wages 530. Call 21st and Jackson. Portland Heights. WANTED GIRL FOR LIGHT COOKING and housework. Apply mornings only. 35 N 17th. cor. Couch. WANTED-A GOOD GIRL TO DO GEN eral housework, small family. Call morn ings. 730 Hoyt nt. GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; two in family; no children. Apply forenoons CO I Northrup. WANTED GERMAN OR SCANDINAVIAN girl; general hou.ework; good wages. 415 Larrabee st. WANTED MANGLE HELP AND IRONERS Apply Star Laundry" Co.. Union ave. and E. Ankeny st. FIRST-CLASS HAND IRONERS: ALSO glrM for mangier. Grand Laundry. 17th and Qulmby sts-. WANTED-A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; good home; no washing. 662 Kear ney st. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; small family. 655 E. Burnslde. cor. 20th. WANTED COMPETENT SECOND GIRL. 211 Preltman ave.. 51 1. Tabor. Phone Scott 1S02. WANTED GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK: NO children; wages 515. Apply 307 10th st. WANTED GIRLS F6R FINISHING OVER slb and shirts In factory at 75 1st. EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES AT HOTEL Pendleton. Pendleton, Or. HELP WANTED FEMALE. COOK. 540: SWEDISH COOK. 535: RES taurant cook. 510 a week: 3 pantry wom en. 525 and 50 a week; cook, 8 to 10 A. M and 4 to S P. M.. 525. , Night waitress and cashier. 53 a week: 2 waitresses, same place. 58: 3 waitresses, different places. 58 and 57 a week; 3 kitchen helpers and women to prepare vegetables etc.. SC a week; dishwasher. . Id. Shirt Ironer. 512 a week; woman to work la dye house', no experience. 513 day; waitress, country-. $23. See party here. 4 chambermaids. 520; second girl. 520; women to wash paint work, etc.; hotel, 5 IS and found. Cook and downstairs girl. 3 family. 52; many houseglrls to cook and do general housework and some to assist. It you wish employment call at HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. 343H Washington St.. cor. 7th, upstairs. PHONE 5IAIN 2602. LADIES WANTING EMPLOYMENT please call: many situations too numerous to mention. Exposition and other places. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. 343H 'Washington sc. cor. 7th. PHONE MAIN 2602. AT ONCE. SEVERAL YOUNG LADIES TO enter hospital training school; between 20 and 25; In answering, give personal de scription, previous occupation, etc. Win lock General Hospital. Wlnlock. Wash. WANTED FIRST-CLASS, EXPERIENCED second glrL good wages, references required. Call between 3 A. 51. and 1 P. M.. JJ3 North 20th. southwest corner 20th and Flanders. GIRLS. 1G YEARS OR OVER. WANTED TO operate spinning machines; good wages. Portland Cordage Co.. 14th and Northrup sts. Take "S street-car. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS COOK. GOOD wages; references required. Call between U A. M. and 1 P. M.. 05 North 20th, southwest corner 20th and Flanders. GIRLS IF YOU WANT WORK DON'T FAIL to see us. Over 1000 positions every month. Call and register. Canadian Parlors, 22U& Morrison. Main 1323. EXPERIENCED SALESWOMEN. NOTIONS, fancy goods, hosiery, underwear, skirts. Jackets, waists, etc Apply bet. 0 and 10 o'clock. 171 3d st. YOUNG LADY HAVING SOME KNOWL dge of typewriting for clerical work at Exposition. Columbia Phonegraph Co., 371 Washington st. WANTED NICE REFINED COUNTRY GIRL to do hour work in small family; good pay. kind home, with privileged for good girl. 42tf Morrison. WANTED LEADING WOMAN FOR DRA matlc company; flrst-claes. engagement, good salary. Newman's Theatrical Agency, 351H Morrison. A COMPETENT" GIRL FOR GENERAL housework and cooking: small family; good wages; refertnees. Call 295 W. Park. cor. Columbia. WANTED A GIRL TO DO GENERAL housework; nlso woman to wash and Iron by the day. Apply 752 Lovejoy St., cor. 23d st. WANTED FOUR PRETTY YOUNG LADIES In the choru? at the Cascades Theater, "on the Trail." Apply after 1 P. M. Manager. TVA VTPrnVtni'S'KK'TTFrPPTTlR COOKS. WAIT- ers. chambermaids, general workers. st. i Louis Agency. 230Vj Yamhill. Main 5413. WANTED FIRST-CLASS LADY REPRE sentatlves in Portland and throughout state: gcod pay. Call or write 607 McKay bldg. WANTED GIRL ABOUT 16 YEARS OLD TO alst In office of wholesale house. Answer In own handwriting. F 00, care Oregonian. WANTED A GOOD SWEDE OR GERMAN woman or girl for housework. Call 217 Oregcnlan bldg.. after 0 o'clock. TWO GIRLS FOR GENERAL HOUSE- worx: no cooKing: to assist cniiaren; one to go to Coast. 23." Grant st. GIRL TO WAIT ON TABLE AND ASSIST with housework; no cooking. 303 Morri son, cor. 10th. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK MUST be cook; give references: wages 530 month. 313 13th st. WANTED-NEAT GIRL FOR GENERAL housework: email family. 257 N. 22d.. cor. Northrup. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN eral housework. 715 lovejoy St.. N. E. cor ner 22d. WANTED GIRLS IN MANGLE ROOM. Apply American Laundry. 12th and Flan ders. WANTED A COMPETENT GIRL TO TAKE care of baby during day. 81G Johnson st. WANTED MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN AS child's nurse. Apply 535 Couch st. WANTED GIRL TO ASSIST IN GENERAL housework. Phone Scott 3223. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK IN A small family. Call 560 1st st. GIRL TO ASSIST IN HOUSEWORK: small family. 55 E. 10th N. CHAMBERMAID WANTED. CALL AFT er 0 A. M.. 714 N. 0th. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED 60 YOUNG PEOPLE TO TAKE A course In bookkeeping or shorthand, day and night sessions; a good position Is worth tho price of tuition. The demand for cur graduates 1 far greater than we can supply. Had 20 calls within past two weeks; let us help you: it will be a sure road to success. Call and have a talk with us: catalogue. Behnke-Walker Business College. DENTAL WORK FREE THOSE DESIR Ing to take advantage of the Lewis and Clark Dental Congress and have dental work performed free by men of nuthortty In dental theory and practice, who will demonstrate for the benefit of dentists only, are requested to call upon G. H. Not tage. chairman clinic committee. 600 Ore gonian bldg. SITUATION WANTED MALE. WANTED POSITION BY FIRST-CLASS steamer engineer and machinist: experience In erecting and operating and driving auto mobiles, gasoline launches, dynamos, etc. 26S Oak Ft. WANTED BY INDUSTRIOUS MAN AND wife, a position in charge of logging camp; both good cooks and experienced. Address 51 SS. Oregonian. JAPANESE LABOR ASSOCLVTION CAN furnUih domestic servants, farmers also; all kinds of help. Clay 513. 263 Everett st. MINER WOULD LIKE TO GET AS5ESS ment work to do: will go to any part of the state. C. Payne. 431 B. Ankeny st. FIRST-CLASS JAPANESE COOK WANTS situation In family; wages 530 and up. T. Frank. W S9. Oregonian. WANTED TO TAKE CARE OF LAWN OR to do general housework In exchange for board. O 9. Oregonian. CAPABLE YOUNG MAN WORK OF ANY kind: good bookkeeper. Excellent references. Y St, Orrgonlan. GOOD JAPANESE BOY. SPEAKS ENGLISH, wishes situation; all kinds of work. 231 Burnslde st N. FIRST-CLASS CHEF IN HOTEL OR RES taurant: strictly sober; beat references. R 90. Oresonlan. INSIDE PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING. 30c an hour. G. F. Buck. West ave. N.. Mt. Tabcr. AVANTED WORK BY STRONG BOY OF IS; place for advancement preferred. Phone East 1165. SITUATION WANTED-JAPANESE COOK In family, housework, any place. 270 Davis st. GOOD JAPANESE BOY WANTS A PLACE to do housework or help cook. A 91. Ore gonian. JAPANESE BOY WANTS SITUATION FOR general housework in city. S S9. Oregonian. WANTED POSITION BY GARDENER; CAN give references. H 90. Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. YOUNG WOMAN WHO WRITES A GOOD hand, is accurate In figures and understands bookkeeping, wants a position: city refer ences. Address Y 00, care Oregonian. nousekeepers. SITUATION WANTED REFINED CAPABLE woman, housekeeper widower's family or roomlng-hous-. 2304 Yamhill. Phone Main 54 13. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS. COOKS. WAIT era. chambermaids, general workers. St. Loula Agency. 2304 Yamhill. Main 5413. WANTED BY EXPERIENCE MIDDLB aged worsen, opportunity take charge of rooming-bouse. T SO, Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Housekeepers. A RESPECTABLE. MIDDLE-AGED LADY wishes position as housekeeper for widower or housekeeper in rooming-house. Phono Clay 603. 512 Savler st. YOUNG WOMAN WISHES SITUATION, housekeeper In good home; no objection to children. E 01. Oregonian. WANTED POSITION AS HOUSEKEEPER by English woman of large experience. C 00. Oregonian. t Domestics. WANTED YOUNG WOMAN FOR HOC3E work In small family and assist la cars of child. 200 Park st. A GIRL WANTS LIGHT HOUSEWORK OR waitress. Call 224 Halsey at. GIRL WANTS LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING work. X SO. Oregonian. Miscellaneous. EXPERIENCED GIRL DESIRES SITUATION care Invalid. Norwegian glrl.t assist cham berwork. 230i Yamhill. Phone Main 5413. FIRST-CLASS COOK WANTS POSITION IN hotel. restaurant or flrst-class private fam ily. C 89. Oregonian. WANTED BY WOMAN WHO SEWS WELL, work with flrst-class dressmaker. Address F 91. Oregonian. WANTED BABY TO TAKE CARE OF. AP ply at 140 N. 10th st. WANTED AGENTS. WANTED TWO LADY OR GENT BOOK OR photograph canvassers. S01 Dekum bldg. LADY AGENT SOMETHING NEW, GOOD seller, big wages. 213 Commercial blk. WANTED TO RENT. OWNERS AND AGENTS WILL FIND XT TO their advantage to list their vacant houses or flats with our free rental department. Our vacant house directory has become a recognized institution in Portland, hun dreds of tenants being weekly placed in suitable quarters. We make no chargo whatever, and landlord should take ad vantage of this service by calling at our rental department, tilling In our Informa tion blantc; leave the rest to us; we will secure a desirable tenant; we want houses 1c all parts of city ana suburbs; If you have a vacant house, flat or apartment, phone the particulars. Wo won't allow is to remain long idle. H. E. EDWARDS, HOUSEFURNISHER. Rental Department. 1S5 to 191 1st st. LADY EMPLOYED DURING DAT, RE flned. wanto nice boarding place, 7th et, or 6th st.. not far out. use of bath. gas. phone, modern, not to exceed $7 per week. Address at once, with particulars, to J S9, care Ore gonian. WANTED ROOJI BY LADY EMPLOYED; central; mantel bed: use of phone; gas. batR; with breakfast not to exceed $12 per month. Address with particulars. C 91. care Oregonian. WANTED 5 TO 7-ROOM HOUSE FOR SUM mer; well furnished and located; two In family: good care taken of nice home. Ad dress L. W. Garstone. Hotel Eaton. BOARD AND 2 ROOMS WANTED FOR gentleman, wife and S-year-oId daughter, near carllne; permanent home desired with refined people. N S9. Oregonian. YOUNG COUPLE WANT FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; modern conveniences; close In: permanent; state price. E 90. Ore gonian. BOARD AND ROOM FOR MAN AND WIFE of good acquaintance In city; permanent If desirable: after July 15. D SS. Oregonian. BY TEACHER DESIRABLE ROOM. BREAK fast. dinner, with refined family; perma nent: give phone number. A S3. Oregonian. WANTED SMALL FURNISHED COTTAGE, either beach, for season: rent moderate. Ad dress G 00. care Oregonian. MAN AND WIFE WANT ROOM AND board: permanent; close in; state price. D 90. Oregonian. ROOM AND BOARD IN COUNTRT FOR ladv with 3 children. Call at 207 1st st. WANTED 5 OR 6-ROOM COTTAGE: FUR nlshed. Phone after 2. Main 3504. WANTED 3IISCELLANEOUS. THE PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS BUT 3 all kinds of furniture, new or old. at 211 1st st. Pbona Main 655. WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFE CLOTHING and shoes; highest price paid. Call at ths "Fair Deal." 62 N. 3d. Phone Hood 517. WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT tle of all kinds. Phone East 2233. WANTED TO BUY SMALL MILK ROUTE. Apply Q SS. Oregonian. WANTED SECOND-HAND ICE BOX. 131 10th st. FOR RENT. Rooms. THE AUDITORIUM. 20S4 3D ST.. BET. Taylor and Salmon. 1 block south Baker The aterElegant, newly furnished brick build ing; hot and cold running water In rooms, free porcelain baths, rooms with private bath, electric light, elevator; rooms suitable for two. 51 day, 54 per week up; tourists solicited. THE AUDITORIUM, 20S4 3D ST.. BET. Taylor and Salmon. 1 block south Baker The aterElegant, newly furnished brick building, hot. cold, running water In rooms, free porce lain baths, rooms with private bath, electrle light, elevator; roomd suitable for two. 51 day, 54 per week; tourists solicited. THE PHILADELPHIA. Flrst-class in all its appointments, hot and cold water In rooms, baths free to guests; central location, facing Plaza. Phone Main 202S. J. E. Mlnard Black. Prop. COR. THIRD AND SALMON. THE KINGSTON. OLD ESTABLISHED and reliable Rooms. 1004 3d st,. adjoining (Baker Theater, centrally located, brick building: rooms suitable for two, 51 day; 54 week up; cars pass the door direct to Fair grounds and depot. Phone Ited 832. ROOMS REASONABLE FURNISHED housekeeping rooms or single rooms; elec trie light, baths and phone; walking dis tance from Fair grounds; on Thurman st.; no objection to children. Phone Main 1066. OREGON. CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR BUREAU. Personally Inspected rooms In Christian homes for tourists. 211 Commercial block. COR. SECOND AND WASHINGTON. MOST BEAUTIFUL ROOMS IN THE CITT at the Bristol Hotel: 51 per day up. 14th and Washington sts. NICE NEWLY-FURNISHED ROOMS, 25C per night; one block from car, 10 minutes ride. 1150 E. 34th ft. 327 WEST PARK NICELY FURNISHED rooms, with use of bath: prices reasonable. Phone Main 1351. DESIRABLE ROOMS: HOT AND COLD water; walking distance to Fair. 667 Ir ving St.. M. car. 16S4 10TH PLEASANT ROOMS. WITH RUN nlng water, with or without board, by day, week or month. 255 I1TH ST. BEAUTIFUL GROUNDS, large sunny rooms; ground for one tent. Thone West 761. FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED ROOM; suitable 1 or 2 gentlemen; all conveniences. J 90. Oregonian. 52.50 PER WEEK; LARGE ROOM. SUIT able for two. private family. 2S7 4th at., near Jefferson. STRANGERS WILL FIND PLEASANT and reasonable rooms at 266 Harrison st. S car to door. FOR RENT NICE LARGE FURNISHED front room; hot and cold water: first floor. 309 Holllday. ONE LARGE. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM, also elngle rooms; phone, bath. 300 Alder, ntar tith st- SUITES OF TWO UNFURNI3HED H005I3 with gas stove. 51.75 per week. 332 East Yamhill st. THE HAM ANN. 135 N. 1STH ST. CLEAN furnished rooms at reasonable rates. Phone 5la!n 1400. 454 YAMHILL ST. ONE NEATLY FUR nlshed room, reasonable; close In; nice lo cation. THE ALDER 435 ALDER ST., NICELY furnlshtd rooms, convenient, quiet and cen tral. 52.50 PER WEEK. NICELY FURNISHEEK front room; J3 for 2. 329 Oak st., near 6th. THE CASTLE FURNISHED ROOMS. 372 Wasbirgton; private entrance on W. Park.