Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 06, 1905, Page 14, Image 14

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    14 .
Democrats Wonder What Will
, Happen if Senatorial
Vacancy Occurs.
Possibility of Senator Mitchell Re
signing Arouses Speculation as
to Democrats Who Slight
Be Chosen.
Uneasiness .rules the Democratic camp,
because Governor Chamberlain is about to
leave the state for a month or more while
he revels in the joys of Elkdom and per
mits the reins of government to rest in
tlw hands of F. I. Dunbar, Republican
Secretary of State. The Democratic pulse
is beating more 'hurriedly under the in
spiration due to the remote chance of the
appointment of a Democratic Senator,
and Jealous eyes are fixed upon the Gub
ernatorial chair lest it be shorn of its
Democratic influence at an unexpected
and critical time.
The rule Is uncertain, it is admitted,
but then It is argued that the Republicans
are naughty people, and would do any
thing to "do" a Democrat. Therefore they
would take a chance at cheating the party
out of a possible Senator if circumstances
should shape themselves to give the op
portunity. If Senator Mitchell should re
sign, or If the Senate should ask for his
resignation, or any other accident happen
to empty the position he now holds, and
the Governor should be out of the state
and out of reach. It is feared by the Dem
ocrats that Secretary of State Dunbar
would use his constitutional right as de
facto Governor and name a Republican
to serve for the remaining time left Sen
ator Mitchell.
Prominent Democrats in Line.
At least six men In the ranks of the
Oregon Democracy are being mentioned as
possibilities for Senatorial honors, pro
vided the opportunity for their appoint
ment should arise. First, perhaps, comes
the name of Colonel James 11. Raley. of
Pendleton. He has been at the head of
the Eastern Oregon wing of the party for
many years, and has stood high in the
councils of the clan throughout the state
for as long. During the serious Illness of
Senator Mitchell a few years ago. he
"was mentioned very prominently as the
choice of the Governor for appointment
had the need for appointment arisen, and
it is probable that had Senator Mitchell
died at that time, the Eastern Oregon
lawyer would have now been Senator from
this state.
C. E. S. Wood, of Portland, Is also on
the list of ellgiblcs. No one doubts that
he is qualified for the position, and could
meet the calls falling to the duty of a
Senator, but. It is thought, his radical
Ideas on many questions place him under
a handicap in the race, should it be run.
He was indorsed as the candidate for
United States Senator by the Democratic
party at the last state election.
Friend of the Governor.
John M. Gearin. of Portland. Is a warm
friend of the Governor, and has been his
able supporter and lieutenant, and is also
named as one who would receive the seri
ous consideration of the Chief Executive
of the state.
A. S. Bennett, of The Dalles, is also in
the running, though it is thought probable
that his connection with Senator Mitchell
in the land fraud case just finished and in
others yet to come would influence the
Governor against his appointment, not
that such connection affects him here, but
that It might cast some shadow upon his
.influence with the Administration.
W. H. Holmes, of Salem, ono of the
fathers of the old-time Oregon Democracy.
1? another who is made bright by the
reflection of probability. Mr. Holmes is
an old-time Democrat, a lawyer of the
"Willamette Valley, whom everyone knows
and who wields influence with more than
his party following. He. too. is spoken of
by those who seek to name the lucky man
that might be.
John H. Smith, of Astoria. ex-State
Senator from Clatsop County, and one of
the Democratic leaders from his section of
the state, is also close to the Governor
and stands under the shadow. Many
think he would trot well In harness with
the other Senator from Astoria.
Judge Thomas O'Day. another of the
Portland possibilities, is now in the lime
light, and his friends, many of them, look
upon him as a man to be favored by the
Governor, provided the Governor should
have any favors to bestow.
Besides these are many others through
out the state who are being mentioned,
but these" are the ones who seem to lead
the ranks of thoso. who might be measured
for the Democratic toga.
At the age of 25 years. William O'Brien
did not know a skyrocket when he saw
one. At least, that is what he declared
to Judge Cameron yesterday, when ar
raigned on a charge of violating the ordi
nance regulating firecrackers.
"Do you mean to tell the court that you
have lived 25 years and yet do not know
what a skyrocket is?" queried Deputy
City Attorney Fitzgerald of O'Brien.
"That is exactly what I mean to tell,"
was the reply.
"Your fine will be ?10." pronounced
Judge Cameron, without a moment's hesi
tation. Sergeant of Police Taylor was the ar
resting officer. He said O'Brien was en
dangering life and limb when taken into
Others who celebrated the Fourth of
July In a manner displeasing to the city
officials were Theodore Berg. Eddie Wcl
lan and Edward Ding. The latter is a
Chinese boy. All of these defendants arc
Toy cannons were their playthings, and
the scene of their sport was at Second
and Alder streets. They were having
great fun, when along came Policeman
Riley and pulled the whole bunch. He
carted them oft to the Central Station,
where they were booked and released.
When the youngsters appeared before
Judge Cameron, it was immediately de
cided to send them to the Juvenile Court,
as they were too young to have sentence
passed by Judge Cameron.
R. Crampton, who was arrested by Po
liceman Price, failed to appear, and hla
bail of $10 was forfeited. He was taken
Into custody at Fifth and Alder streets
for discharging a revolver, loaded with
blank cartridges. He was another Fourth
of July enthusiast.
Apos Polos, a Greek, was the only per
son arrested July 4 for selling explosives
contrary to regulations of the ordinance.
He was arrested by Policeman Riley "at
Third and Alder.
He appeared before Judge Cameron yes.
terday and pleaded guilty. He explained
that he did not know Just what the law
was concerning firecrackers, and that he
did not purposely do anything wrong. In
consideration of this. Judge Cameron
placed the fine at $5.
A Fourth of July incident not down on
the regular programme occurred late in
the afternoon, when a clash took place
between Mrs. James M. Jordan and Mrs.
Minnie Ball. Children of the latter en
tered the Jordan yard at East Forty-third
and Alder street and caused the trouble.
When Mr. Jordan came home the row
was In progress. He was angered at it.
and is said to have informed Mrs. Ball to
go home. There may have been some
superfluous talk, in fact It was alleged
that he called Mrs. Eall "an old hen."
This "was too much for mortal to bear,
and when Mr. Ball reached home and
learned of the affair, he swore out a war
rant for Mr. Jordan and had him arrested.
When the case was called yesterday, Mr.
Ball was not present to prosecute, and
the case was dismissed.
James Higglns, of Spokane, was called
to the stand to testify in the case against
E. T. Sprague. charged with the theft of
a gold nugget from the Klondike exhibit
on the Trail at the Lewis and Clark Ex
position. Higgins declared that he saw Sprague
take a nugget from the exhibit, slip It
into his vest pocket, change it to his
trousers pocket and again to his coat
When arrested, Sprague had the nugget
in the pocket of his coat, and was locked
up on the charge of theft. Sprague claims
he was given the nugget In San Fran
cisco, by a friend.
Sprague is employed by a sewing ma
chine company, and worked at the Fair
exhibit for some time, he states. He
positively denies the charge of theft, and
says it is a case of mistaken Identity of
the nugget. The case will be hoard again
this morning.
Judge Cameron yesterday demonstrated
that he does not propose to tolerate col
ored thieves in Portland, neither to per
mit them to dictate to him or to annoy
citizens. He fined Lizzie Davenport J50
on a charge of vagrancy, because it was
her second appearance before him. and
lined two other women $10 each on a sim
ilar charge.
After hearing the evidence. Judge Cam
eron asked whether the two women ar
rested with Lizzie Davenport wished to
leave the city or be fined.
"I don't want any one to tell me when
to leave town." Replied one of the women,
whereupon Judge Cameron fined her and
the other.
Judge Cameron's act was commented
upon by policemen who were present
They were highly pleased, for negroes of
both sexes have been swarming In from
all directions for several weeks, and have
become very insolent in the Xorth End
districts. It was common talk among
them that they proposed to renew their
activity here, and to demand more liberty
than formerly. Many of them have been
very insulting to policemen, and some
have even threatened to have certain of
ficers removed from the beats for Inter
ference. Lizzie Davenport was originally arrest
ed by Sergeant Hogoboom and Policemen
Sloan and Daly, on a charge of robbery
She was accused of taking J0 from Fred
Williams, but when it came to a show
down, he refused to prosecute, and that
charge was dismissed.
W. M. Davis appeared as counsel for
the women, and appealed the Davenport
Governor Chamberlain Grants Free
dom Upon Recommendation of
District Attorney Manning.
Willard Hill, a young man from As
toria, sentenced in March last by Judge
Hogue in the Municipal Court to six
months on the rock pile for living off
the earnings of a fallen woman, was
released from custody yesterday by
Sneriff Word, Governor Chamberlain
having granted Hill a pardon on the
recommendation of District Attorney
Manning. Hill's sentence would have
expired on September 11.
After his conviction in the Police
Court. Hill appealed to the State Cir
cuit Court, and endeavored to escape
punishment by marrying the woman.
Judge Hcgue objected and the mar
riage ceremony was not performed.
Failing In his attempt to fix up the
case. Hill withdrew his appeal, and
was resentenced by Judge George.
While working on the rock pile Hill
endeavored to create trouble for J. F.
Johnson, one of the guards, by mak
ing a statement that Johnson had writ
ten to Hill's brother in Astoria and re
ceived money from him. Johnson was
to use his influence to secure a pardon
for the money he received. Johnson
denied the story.
Iiopa Astoria Kloshc Klutawa Kopa
Salt Chuck.
Spose Mesika Tikeh Klatawa Siah Kopa
Astoria. Tikeh nanich Hias Chuck Co
lumbia. Xanlch. Hias Stick Hkts Stone.
Hyiu Sammon. Tcnas Xanich Salt Chuck?
Hylu He-he. Iskum Smoke Boat Lurline
Slnamox. Hyas Watch. Kopa Taylor
Oehut. Spose Tikeh Wcght Kumtux Wa
Wa Tenas Chickamln Lope Tahkum Tuk
amonuk Pe Klone Tahtlum.
The above is Chinook Jargon formerlv
spoken by the now almost extinct Indian
tribes of the Northwest In their inter
course with the traders and trappers and
translated .signifies that If you desire a
delightful daylight ride down the mighty
Columbia and view all the scenic beauties,
take the steamer Lurline dally except Sun
day at 7 A. M., from TaylQr-street dock.
For further particulars, call Phone Main
3Icrchants "Wanted.
Bowman, Eldrldge & Co., the new firm
of manufacturers and wholesale cloth
iers, want to arrange with one progres
sive, reliable merchant In each town in
Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Alaska
to take the exclusive agency for the
pure wool Oregon clothing. We can sup
ply the trade with any quantity wanted,
and will also furnish free of charge a
large sample book, showing over one hun
dred samples from which special single
suits can be ordered. These samples will
be ready to nend out about July 20. Ap
plications for agency and samples should
be sent in at once.
Merchants visiting Portland are cor
dially invited to call at our wholesale
house, corner of Front and Ash streets,
opposite Flelschner, Maj-cr & Co.
For an enjoyable short ride on the
Columbia River to Vancouver take steam
er Undine at Taylor-street dock, leaving
as follows: Leave Portland at S A. M.
and 1:30 P. M. Lea-e Vancouver. 10 A. M.
and 4:45 P. M. Fare. 25 cents each way.
Hania Trsak Ceaapaay
Ifi headquarters for Trunks and Bags.
The Meier & Frank Stored Great 8 1 2th Friday Surprise Sale Offering
900 Jap SilkWaists, $9,$222
The king-pin bargain in Women's Ready-to-Wear Apparel is announced for tomorrow's 812th Friday Snrprise Sale
A remarkable purchase of 900 Japanese SDk Waists, all this season's leading styles, at a price less than the actual
cost of the material aloneOur Cloak Chief, Mr. Ludwig Hirsch, now in the Eastern markets, has made scores of
grand "buys" in days gone by, but never has he secured a more timely bargain than this phenomenal lot of high
grade Jap Silk Waists which we offer for tomorrow 900 of them, and rain or shine we don't expect to have a one
of them at 6 P. M. Styles include fancy round, square and pointed yokes trimmed in lace, silk ornaments, tucked,
shirred, Spanish drawn work, clusters of wide pin tucks and box pleats, or solid front of lace insertion; lace and
tucked cuffs, button front or back; white and black in sizes 32 to 44 inclusive We can't commence to tell of this
immense assortment of attractive waists You qan see about 40 of the styles in a large Fifth-street window today
If you want cool, stylish, serviceable, warm-weather dress waists you should plan the house-
work so as to be here bright and early in the morning A money saving opportunity no
woman can afford to pass by Values up to $9.00 each--Your choice at the low price of
No Mail or Phone Orders Will Be Filled Second Floor
July "American Boy" Ready Today Second Floor
Boys' Clothing Specials Today
Boys' washable Russian Blouse Suits in Pink or Blue Chambray;
sizes 2J2 to 6 years; well made; pretty, serviceable styles for
Coast and vacation -wear; regular $1.35 values, on fQ
sale for H vO
Boys' washable Russian Blouse Suits, plain or Eton collar stj'les,
Light or Dark Blue Chambrays; ages 2V to 6 years; tf iQ
best $1.75 values, on sale for V
Boys' -washable Russian Blouse Suits in Blues, Pinks," and linen
effects; ages 24 to 6 3Tcars; our best $2.25 and l QQ
$2.50 values, on sale today at p 1 -JO
Boys' washable "White Kilt Suits; ages 2 to 4 years; very pretty
stjies; great special values at
$1.50 Values for $1.19 $2.00 Values for $1.46
$2.25 Values for $1.89 $2.50 Values for $2.05
Remnants of
Curtain Materials
at Half Price
Remnants of Cretonnes, China
silk, Silkoline, Denim, Burlap,
Tapestry, Velour, "Velvet, etc.,
in all grades and lengths. 3d
floor. On sale to- T T:
day at .72 "HCe
Cretonnes and Sateens In light grounds,
with floral patterns; all colors: dark
grounds with floral and Oriental designs;
big variety. 30c quality. ii.
Per yard 1C
15.() yards of the best quality Silkoline;
light and dark grounds; 200 pat- Q
terns. Per yard c
Superior Muslin Underwear
The Greatest Values of the Year
Women's fine Cambric and Nainsook Corset
covers, trimmed in fine Embroideries and Lace
Edgings; insertions, clusters of tucks, beading
and ribbon; made with blouse fronts; tucked
and trimmed backs
35c values 25c 50c values S9c
75c values 69c S1.00 values 79c
$1.25 and $1.50 values 97c $1.75 and $2 values $1.22
$3.50 values on sale for $1.98
Thousands of pieces of the newest and daintiest
Lingerie reinforce the great July Muslin Underwear
Sale today Every garment at prices that must be of
great interest to every woman in the community and
especially those who have underwear needs to supply
Get your share of these grand bargains Second Floor
Women's White Petticoats, made o Cambric, Muslin
or Lawn; wide umbrella flounces; trimmed in fine
Embroidery; blind and eyelet effects; Torchon and
Val. Lace edgings and insertions; separate dust ruf
fles: fitted waistbands, etc.
$2.50 and $3.00 values $1.69 $3.50 and $4.00 values $2.69
$5.00 and $6.00 values $2.59 $7.50 to $10.00 values $5.98
Special lots of women's fine Cambric, Nainsook and
Muslin Gowns, trimmed in fine Laces, edgings and in
sertions; also embroidery edgings and insertions;
clusters of fine tucks, headings and ribbons; high,
round, square and Y-necks; full lengths and widths.
76c values for .. 59c $1.25 values for 97c
$1.00 values for 76c $1.60 and $1.75 values $1.29
$2.00 and $2.25 values $1.69 $2.75 and $3.00 values $1.83
$4.00 to $6.00 values on sale for. $2.98
Women's fine Cambric, Nainsook and Muslin
Drawers, trimmed in fine Laces, Embroideries,
clusters of tucks, beading and ribbon; great
special values at.
75c values 69c $1.25 values 98c
$1.50 values $1.21 $2.50 values $1.89
$3 and $3.25 values $2.39 $3.50 values $2.75
Bargains in Our Entire Stock of Drawers.
White mull Yokes, square and round
efrects. fluted ruines. lace
Mousscllne de Sole Collars, made of
silk bands, applique and . Q
heads, 75j values rzfC
Black Juny Ruchlng Stole Ruffe with
liberty jdlk ends, regular c OQ
f3 values for 5? 1.10
Croam and white Net Top Laco
Stocks, also beaded and fag- - p
oted styles. 63c values JOC
$1.25 BRUSSELS $1.11
100 rolls of our famous "Windsor"
Brussels, the carpet that can be
washed with soap and scrubbed
without injuring; the pattern or
coloring- In any particular; great
variety of new patterns; we've
sold thousands of yards at $1.25 a
yard, and without one complaint
ever reaching us. For this sale,
rewed, laid and lined, yard... 91.11
900 rolls of hotel Brussels Carpets,
in an Immense variety of service
able patterns and colorings: regu
lar $1.30 grade: sewed, laid and
lined at the special low
price of, yard
$1.50 BRUSSELS 98c
100 rolls of the celebrated Cordova
Brussels Carpets to be offered at a
greatly reduced price. The makers
In order to advertise their product
more extensively have permitted
us to make this concession for a
limited time only. Fourteen of the
newest patterns. Oriental and
three two-toned greens and one
two-toned red. ten magnificent col
orings; a Brussels Carpet that fur
niture and Installment houses ask
you to pay 51.50 and 51.60 a yard
lor. uur price, sewed, laid
and lined, yard
Great July Sale of Groceries
Victor Flour; none better at any
price; 50-lb. sack for Sl.2."
1-lb. cans Royal Baking Powder:
great special value at -toe
25-oz. K. C. Baking Powder 20c
1 lb. Schilling's Baking Powder.. 40c
1-lb. jar L-Ibby Sliced Beef 2Tc
s-lb. Jar Armour's Sliced Beef..l.c
1-lb. can Llbby Corned Beef, 2
fcr 25c
2 cans Veal or Ham Loaf 23c
2 -lb. cans Chipped Beef 25c
x-lb. can Lunch Tongue 20c
1- lb. can Lunch Tongue 35c
Pint bottle Blueing 5c
Van Camp's Pork and Beans,
2 2-lb. cans for 25c
3 1-lb. cans for 25c
3 cans Van Camp's Soups 25c
2i-lb can Duchess Peaches 20c
2"4-lb. can All Gold Peaches 20c
2-lb. can Amazon Peaches He
(Jucen of the "West Corn ....Sc
Army and Navy Corn Se
2',4-lb. can Alamo Tomatoes 7c
2- lb. can extra Peus ir.c
1 box No. 1 Macaroni for 40c
1-lb. can ground Chocolate sc
10-lb. sack Graham Flour 25c
M. Sb F. Coffee
Best Mocba and Java
lOOO pouBdH of Meier & Fraalt'a
famouii Mocha and Java Coffee
The quality Kfocer ask you 48a
pouad for. Buy all you
traat here at, pociad 25c
10-lb. sack Cream Rolled Oats... 40c
10-lb sack Wheat Flour 30c
10-lb. sack Cornmeal 25c
10-lb. Hack Rye Flour 35c
10-lb. sack Farina 35c
10-lb. sack Steel Cut Oatmeal. . .45c
10-lb. sack Pastry Flour 30c
Package Olympla Pastry Flour. .20c
Package Olympla Pancake Flour. 20c
Package Olympla Wheat Hearts. 25c
2 packages Graham Crackers.... 25c
Nabisco, all flavors 23c
CoopeVs Olive Oil, quart jjl.00
C & B. Lucca Oil, quart 63c
3 packages Saratoga Chips 25c
2 Jars McLaren's Cheese 25c
Log Cabin Syrup, M gallon 63c
7 bars Victor Soap 25c
Quart C. & B. Vinegar 25c
3 packages Jcll-O 23c
Jell-O Ice Cream Powder 10c
Durkce's Salad Dressing, per bot
tle, 10c, 25c and 43c
Royal Salad Dressing 25c
Red M Soap, per bar 2c
11 bars Standard Soap 25c
Powdered Borax, can 15c
1- lb. crn Shrimps 10c
2- lb. can Shrimps 26c
Eagle Milk, can 15c
Pioneer Cream, 3 cans for 25c
Oregon Grape Cream. 3 cans.... 25c
Baker's Premium Unsweetened
Chocolate, can 33c
1-lb. can Baker's Cocoa. '. 45c
Lea & Perrlns Sauce, per bottle.
25c, 45c and S3c
6 lbs. Archer Gloss Starch 6c
2 packages Knox Gelatine 23c
1-1 -or. Jar Queen Olives 23c
14-o Jar Hcinx' Pickles or Chow
Chow for 23e
1 lb. Llpton's Teas 65c
Llpton's No. 1 Teas 75c
6 bv. Riverside Gloss Starch.... COc
2 packages H. O. Oatmeal 25c
, .20c
. .25c
. . .5c
Postum Cereal, package
Fig Prune Cereal, package....
2 packages Grape Nuts
1-lb. frame Comb Honey
2 cans A. Roche's Sardines...
2 cans Los Ileros Sardines....
3 cakes Wool Soap
1-lb. can Minced Clams, 2 for.
-lb. can Minced Clams
Tapioca or Sago, package....
3 cans Baboltt's Lye for 25c
18 Lbs, Western
D. G. Sugar $ 1
6 packages Chip Matches 25c
G packages Press Matches 23c
6 packages Searchlight Matches. 23c
Hires' Root Beer, bottle I3c
Walnuts pound 13c
3 cakes Bon Ami for 25c
Hand Sap olio, cake 7c
Daisy Brand Summer Sausage. . . ,30c
Gallon Tea Garden Drips 85c
Bulk Cocoanut. pound 20c
3 packages Seeded Raisins 25c
3 packages Crystal Salt 25c
Phone Private Exchange 4.
Men's 75c Ties 35c Each
Special purchase of 200 dozens men's 3 in. wide
Moire Silk Four-in-Hands the real Summer
tie, stylish, serviceable in Black, White, Blue,
Navy, Green, Tan, Grays, Lavender, Helio.,
Brown. Very latest effect. Every tie worth
75c ; at 3 for $100 ; your choice, at yc
each .. . 3?C
50c Suspenders 25c Pair
100 dozen men's fine Lisle-Web Suspenders. The
newest colorings and patterns, made with
caLrskm ends; immense variety. 13est
50c values, on sale, pair.
Fine assortment of men's Walkipg-sticks, in
plain and silver-mounted handles; values
ranging from 2oc up to $o. Your J
cnoice, eacn
.54 Off
Knit Underwear Bargains
Imported Swiss-ribbed low-neck, sleeveless Union in
Suits, knee length., all sizes, best $1.50 garments V 1 I O
Women's low-neck, sleeveless gauze Lisle Vests, drop- OF
stitch or Richelieu rib, mercerized, all sizes, reg. 50c. C
Women's low-neck, sleeveless open-work Vests, best q
25c values, for low price of, each ZrC
Women's jersey ribbed Pants, in black and white, knee A
length, lace trimmed, alt sizes, best 65c quality C
Children's knee-length black Drawers, fine ribbed, all
Sizes, 50c values, for the low price of
Art Department Bargains Today
Mexican drawn-work, hand-made Battenburg and Cluny Lace
Pieces in Scarfs, Center-pieces and Doilies, all J p
are slightly soiled; your choice at 2 riCe
Cushion Covers, stamped in pretty designs for outlining q
and embroidering, 25c values, for -'C
Lace Shams and Scarfs to match, handsome styles- i q
50c values for 39; 25c values for V C
"Mount Hood" Pillow-Covers, ready for use, green or red AQ
back with painted picture, 65e value for -7C
Linen Scrim pieces with hemstitched border, stamped in design
for cross-stitch and Berlin embroidery, 12, 20, 2-i- J gff
in. square, 18x54 in., 18x45 in. ; reg. val. 35c to $1.50. . S
Millinery Clearance Sale
Our entire stock of Women's, Misses'
and Children's Millinery is marked at
quick-selling prices A positive clear
ance of all stock on hand before the
departure of the millinery head for
Eastern fashion centers Natty new
summer headgear of every description
included, Paris and New York Pattern
hats, polo hats, turbans, Moxine El
liotts, picture hats, walking hats, tail
ored hats, lace and lingerie hats, white
pique and duck hats Misses' and children's dress and out
ing hats Baby bonnets, etc. We can't commence to tell
of the great array of bargains that await you Hats for
Coast wear at very low prices Second Floor
Bathing Suits
Women's, Children's
Second Floor.
A complete showing of pretty and service
able Bathing Suits for women, misses and
children; all the best styles in flannel and al
pacas; all grades. Bathing Caps and Shoes.
All sizes. Very large assortment.
Bargains Around the Store
Allover Embroideries Worth up to $ 1 .75 for 89c Yard
White and Colored Silk Chiffon, Great Value, 25c Yard
$20.00 White Point d'Esprit Robes for $10.00 Each
50c Lindsay Hose Supporters 39c Pair
50c Black Mesh Veilings for 38c Yard
50c and 75 c Chiffon Drapes on Sale for 39c Each
Women's 75c German Lisle Hose 49c Pair
Misses' 1x1 Ribbed Black Cotton Hose 17c Pair
40c Mousseline Ribbons on Sale for 23c Yard
75 c Alligator Hand Bags for 47c Each
25c to 40c Swiss Embroidered Handkerchiefs 19c
25c Silk Taffeta Ribbons for 17c Yard
Women's $30.00 Silk Shirtwaist Suits $19.85
Women's $2.00 Lawn Waists for $ 1 . 18 Each
New Silk Girdle Belts 65c up to $5.00 Each
65 c Silk and Lisle Vests on Sale for 47c Each
60c Silk Ginghams on Sale for 39c Yard
Short Lengths of Fine Laces at Very Low Prices
Straw Sailors for Men and Boys 25c up
Gas Stoves, Oil Stoves, Steel Ranges, etc. Basement
Ice Cream Freezers All Sizes Low Priced
Principal Agents for Butterick Patterns