12 THE MORNING OREGOXIAy, WEDNESDAY, JULY 5, 1905. EFFECT ON THE' SENATORSHIP Possibilities, or Probabilities, Following Conviction 'of Mitchell. MAY GOVERNOR APPOINT? Year May Be Taken Before Supreme Court Finally Acts, and It Is Within Custom for Senate to Demand Jtcslgnatlon. Has Oregon one United States Senator or two? Will the Democratic Governor have a chance to appoint a Democratic Senator to 1111 the two yers yet to run In the tenure of Senator Mitchell's term- of office? How does the jury. verdict affect the status of Senator Mitchell? "What will be the next development in the polit ical drama of Oregon? Many questions are being asked today about the effect the conviction of Senator Mitchell will have upon the office he holds, and speculation is rife as to the outcome of It all. A verdict of guilt un qualified, to all Intents and purposes, nul lifies tha credentials of a Senator of the United States when that guilt holds in it betrayal of the public trust and assurance of crime committed. If that Is so, it is being asked. Is it not, then, true that the office of Senator is vacant by virtue of the conviction of Monday night, and can not Governor Chamberlain appoint a suc cessor ti fill the two remaining years of the convicted Senator's term? May Draw His Salary. Senator Mitchell will yet continue to draw his salary as a United States- Sen ator, and it may be that he will continue In office until his term has expired. Until Judgment haa been pronounced upon him and has been executed, there Is remaining a barrier In the way of those who have their eyes upon the Democratic Senator ship of Oregon. Senator Mitchell today holds practically the same position in rela tion to the Senate as he Has at any time since his indictment and during his trial. He will. In all probability, continue to maintain his present status until uftcr the Supreme Court has passed upon the case. Until judgment Is passed, he is a Senator of the United States, though barred by custom from attendance upon the sessions of that body. On Monday morning the convicted man will once more face the bar of justice, when his attorneys will ask for a new trial on grounds of error which will at thu time be presented by them. Since the error alleged has been once covered by the ruling of Judge De Haven during the progress of the trial, it is safe to pre sume that the motion may be denied. This being done, the court will probably set aside a day for pronouncing Judgment, while the defendant, as announced by Senator Thurston, will give notice of ap peal to the Supreme Court of the United States, and will, within a short time speci fied by law. file a writ of error with the Supreme Court asking the consideration of th.- case by that superior tribunal upon the points of. law set forth. While the Supreme Court, under the law. is not compelled to grant a stay of proceedings and of judgment as regards the lower court, yet it is practically cer tain that it will be done, in which case the Senator will receive no sentence, or at least such sentence will not be enforced until after th? decision of the Supreme Court has been given. Law Governing Case. The law and the rule governing the cir cumstance, as expressed by a prominent attorney yesterday, is this: "Section 1007 of the Revised Statutes of the United States relates to writs of er ror generally, but does not specify when they shall be a supersedeas'or stay of pro ceedings: but the Supreme Court of the United States promulgated rule 36 of that court by which a supersedeas may be obtained by merely serving the writ with in the time prescribed without giving any security, provided the Justice who signs the citation directs that the writ shall operate as a supersedeas, which he may do when no security is required or taken. In re. Ciasen 340 United States 200. 1S3 United States 176." These remarks in plain English mean that the Supreme Court may, upon the liling of the writ of error by Senator Mitchell, suspend sentence or stay the execution of sentence if it has been pro nounced until such time as the appeal has been heard, and may require no bond to be filed. May Suspend Judgment. It is presumably certain therefore not only that the case will bo taken to the Supreme Court, but that judgment may be suspended until the appeal has been decided. These suppositions being true, the Senator will remain in office until after the case has been passed upon by the court, unless outside influences are brought to bear upon the case. These may come from the Senate itself, or per haps from the President. As long as the case is pending and there Is a chance for error to be found and a new trial ordered the Senator has a chance of being held once more in nocent in the eyes of the law. But the Senate, is a body Jealous of its honor and its dignity. It may therefore, in view of the conviction and the evidence, ask Senator Mitchell for his resignation in order to show its disapprobation of the actions proved by the verdict of guilty. The Senate, however. Is Republican arid would naturally look askance at any move that would add another Democratic vote to the .roll. So it is doubted whether or not for the sake of putting Itself upon record it would ask for the resignation and open the way to an appointment bv Governor Chamberlain. Neither is ft thought by conservative people here that President Roosevelt would attempt to in fluence the Senate to take such action un less it desired to do so voluntarily. Even should the Senate make the request. Sen ator Mitchell is not forced to comply. Case of SenntoV Burton. In the case of Senator Burton, convicted under the same section of the law for practically the same offense as Senator Mitchell, the questions at issue were argued before and decided by the Su preme Court within a year after the date of the trial in the lower court. It is possible, and since the Government is here in earnest to finish, it Is probable that the Alltchell case will be before the Supreme Court in an equally hort space of time, and Jf that be so and the decision of the lower court is sustained, there will yet be a year to run after judgment has been executed upon the Senator. This would still give Governor Chamberlain an op portunity to appoint. With this remote possibility, already the names of Colonel James H. Raley. of Pendleton: J6hn M. Gearin and Jefferson Myers, of Portland; A. S. Bennett, of The Dalles; W. R. Bilyeu. of Albany, and others are appearing as timber to patch ROXBURY RUGS Roxbury Carpets have been standard for thirty years. Their wearing qualities and attractiveness are pro verbial. We have received our full line of Roxbury Rugs, including the handsome two-tone reds, greens, and blues, and some especially fine Orientals. -m They are worth seeing. SIZES 9X12 .. . $24.75 - . SIZES 7X9 ... . 513.50 " J. Q. Mack & to. 86-88 THIRD STREET tmm m YxtwtTfi nurrs, ntruii. iimi European Plan ..... $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 per Day THE BEST WAY TO Sire t accommodate t. C. 3. 10 and the Senatorial chair during the time of Republican vacancy. Future developments will shape the puzzle and time may solve it in a manner not yet considered. i Complains of Crowded Cars. PORTLAND. July 3.-(To the Editor.) I wish, through your valuable publication, to state a grievance. Yestetdaj-. with some ladies. I took a trip to Cascade Iorks by the O. H. & X. train. On boarding the train for the return trip we found It packed with pnsjengers. who were compelled to stand In the aisles and vestibule. I went through the cars until I camn to the 'tour ist." where I lipped the porter to set seats for my wife and friend, They had hardl sot seated when the Pullman conductor, in a most rude manner, ordered them to va cate. Baying: "I cannot have my passengers disturbed by people coming in and occupying seats in this car." It. seems to me an outrage that persons who pay for Accommodation should not get them. There van no excuse for the railroad company. If n person pay, flrst clasg fare he or she in certainly entitled to a neat and falling in one car. should be allowed a seat In any other which had seats not taken. If this Is not so. then let th railroad people look after the Interests or their patrons by putting on sufficient cars and not have their passengers herded to gether like so many cattle. subscriber. Tin Plate Scale Itcnewcd. PITTSBURG. July 4. A rettlement has been arranged between the American Tin , Plate Company and the Amalgamated ' Association by which the old scale is ( continued, with the limited output re moved. A MACHINE lOR WOMEN. Should be the best obtainable. The Singer sewing-machine 1b acknowledged the light est running, most durable and convenient j oi iiiiv. miuk iur nit,- rcu a. i 3M Morrison St., I 402 "Washington sL. C40 "Williams ave.. Tortlnnd. Oregon. Main St.. Oregon City. Or. It Is tio longer necessary to take hlue ; pills to rouse the liver to action. Carter's Little Liver Pills are much better. Don't : forget this. 1 I i DAILY METEOROLOGICAL ItErORT. j PORTLAND. July -Maximum tempera ture. 79 deg.: minimum. 50. River reading at 11 A. M.. fl.8 feet; change in past 24 hours, fall. 0.3 of a foot. Total precipitation. 5 P. 5t. to 5 P. M.. none; total since Septem ber 1. 15)0.1. 33.0(1 Inches; normal. 45.$4 Inches; deficiency. I1.8S Inches. Total sun shine July 3. 1005. 15 hours and 42 minutes; possible. 15 hours and 42 minutes. Barom eter (reduced to sea level) at 5 P. M.. S0.0S. Is :3 ' to 5 S3 w,nd r 2. r 3 o STATIONS. 3 Esj 5 I IS 5 : Baker City. . rsio.ooi 'N Clear (Rain Clear Clear iCUar iPt. CWy. Clear 'Clear Clecr P- CWy. Clear iCIear ICIear iCIear ICIear Clear .Clear (Clear Bismarck Boise Eureka Helena Kamloops, B. C North Head.... Pocatello. ...... Portland Red Bluff Roscburg Sacramento. Salt LAke City. San Francisco.. Spokane Seattle Tatoosh Island. Walla Walla. . . ' 70i0.1o:34NW ; S4o.oo:io nw .' SSjO.OO. SIN .! 74 O.O0jl4.NV 84(0.00 . . ; .1 5R!0.00l34NW l 82!0.00!24;SW . 80,0.00 10 NW , 10010.00 4'N .. SSiO.OO! S'N 102 0.00' VNW . i 84 0.00 10N .J fl4IO.O0i20'W SO 0.O0' 14 'SW . ' 74 0.00 12 NW . i 0'0.K) 81W . 8K!0.00i 0'W WEATHER CONDITIONS. No rain has fallen during the last 24 hours In the Pacific States. Tho temperature has risen in Northern California and remained nearly stationary In Oregon. Washington and Idaho. During the afternoon a maximum temperature of 10G degrees occurred at Red Bluff. 102 degrees at Sacramento and 1)4 degrees at San Fran cisco. The Indications are for fair and continued warm weather In this district Wednesday. WEATHER FORECASTS. Forecasts made at Portland for the 2S hours ending at midnight. July 5: Portland and vicinity Fair and continued warm weather. Northwest -winds. Oregon and Washington Fair and con tinued warm weather. Northwest winds. Idaho Fair and continued warm weather. EDWARD A. DEALS, district Forecaster. C W. JCXOTTLES, Mxn SEE PORTLAND Is byTa!Iy-Ho, Cabriolet, Boulevard Wagon, or Landau. X'HONE MAIN 222 bNITED CARRIAGE z. ccmiT . 25 people. Ilta and U3BBIS0N Sti. CLASSIFIEDAD. RATES. "Rooms," "Room and Board." "HoufC kerplnz Room," "Situation Wanted." 15 words or 1c. IS cent; 16 to 20 word. 20 cents; 21 to 2.1 vrortl-. 25 crntf. etc No dis count for additional lnertiont. UNDER A I.!. OTHER HEADS, except "Nev Today." 30 cent for 15 words or le; 10 to 20 words -10 rents; 21 to 25 words SO cents etc.-flrt Insertion. Each additional Insertion, one-half ; -no further dUcount un der one month. "NEW TODAY"" (cause measure agate). 15 cent per line, flirt In-ertlon; 10 cents per line for each-additional Insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed cure The Oregonlan. and left at this of flee, should alwnjs be Inclosed in sealed envelopes. No stamp Is required on such letter. ine Oregonlan trill not he responsible Tor rrmrs In advertisements taken through the telephone. AUCTION SAI.' IS TODAY. By J. T. Wilton, at -saloscwom. 1S4 let tn., at 10 A. M. J. T. Wilton. Auctioneer. At the Portland Auction Roomt. 211 Is et. Sale at 2 P. M. C. L. Kord, Auctioneer. MEETING NOTICES. ORIENT LODGE. NO. IT. I. O. O. F. Regular meeting this (Wednesday) evening In Orient Hall. East Portland. Installation of officers. Visitors welcVme. W. A. WHEELER. Acretary. WASHINGTON LODGE. NO. 4. A. F. & A. M. Stated communica tion this (Wednesday) evening M o'clock. Hurkhard tMg. Work M. M. decree. All M M onr.ilallw In. vlted. By order W. M. J. H. RICHMOND. Secretary. SAMARITAN LODGE. NO. 2. I. O. O. F. -Regular meeting this. (Wednesday) evening at S o'clock. Initiation and Installation or officer?. Visitors welcome. M. OSVOLD. Secretary WILLAMETTE TRIBE. NO. 0. IMP. O. R. M. Mets every Wednesday, at SP. M.. In Red Men's Wigwam, northeast corner 2d ami Yamhill fW. Visiting members always wel come. A. BL BtTTNER. C. or R- ARBUTUS CIRCLE 273. W. OF W.. will Install with Portland Camn 10? this even- Ing. July 5. at their hall. Selling-Hlrsch building. Members of tlrcles ami camps welcome. COMMITTEE FUNERAL NOTICES. BGGLESTON In this cltj. on July 2. IW6. Motile A. Egglesten. aged 41 ean. 3 months. 15 days. Funeral today ednemlay). July 5. U05. 1:30 P. M.. from 301 Knott st: 2 I. 51. from Church r the Good Shen herd, corner Vancouver ave. and Sellwood st. Friends respectfully Invited to attend. Interment Lone Fir Cemetery. LOBDKLL In this city, on June 29. 1905. at 40 7th St.. Albert W. Lobdel. aged 7 years. 3 months, in da) a. Funeral today (Wedneday. July S. 1905. at 2 P. 51.. from Hoi man's Chapu). corner 31 and Sal mon sts.: thence to CrAnntorlum. Fnendi respectfully Invited to attend. ADAMS The Infant eon of Mr. and Mrs. I. I.. Adams. 000 Taggart St.. aged 7 month. Funeral will be held In Salem, July 5. at 10:30 A. M. ! CLARKE July 4. 1905. infant daughter of j Mr. and Mrs. W. J Clarke, aged 10 months. ; Funeral will take place today at 3 P. M. !from residence. 009 H Overton st. Inter ment. Lone Fir Cemetery. JONES July 4. 1905. Infant daughter of ! Mr. and Mrs. R F. Jones, aged 3 month. Funeral will take place today at 1 P. M. from residence. North Seventeenth and Front streets. Interment. Lone Fir Ceme tery. LARDER In this city at the family resi dence 389 East Couch street. July 3. 1905. Herbert H-. son or Mr. and Mrs. L. Larder, aged 4 years and 28 day. Friends aad acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral services, which will be held at the above residence today at 2 P. M. Interment at Lone Fir Cemetery. BOETHLIN-Frlends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral servicer, of Florentln Boethlln. which will be held at the residence of John Zwahlcr. Columbia Slough, at 2 P. 51., Wednes day. July 5. DUNNING. M7ENTEE & GILBAUGIT. t jc cesMirs to Dunning- Camploa, undertakers and embalmers, modern In every detail, 7th ; and Pine. Phone Main 430. Lady as!stanL EDWARD HOLM AN CO.. Undertakers and embalmers, have moved to their new build ing. Third and Salmon. Lady assistant. Telephone No. 507. i. V. FINLEY SON. Funeral Directors, cor. 3d and Madisoi 4 Office of Coanty Cor ser. Lady assistant. Tclephose No. 9. F. S. DUNNING, Undertaker. 414 East Alder. Lady assistant. Telephone East Si. ZELLER-BYRNES CO., UNDERTAKERS. Ei&balsaer, 27S Kus'l; East 18S; lady as'L AMUSEMENTS.. Marquam Grand Theater PHONE MAIN SCS.' (Morrison at., bet. 6th and 7th) TONIGHT AT H:36 O'CLOCK Continuing Erery Night This Week With a Ladles and Children's Matinee Saturday. THE FAMOUS GERMAN COMEDIANS KOLB AND DILL In the Funny Musical Comedy Burlesque "The Beauty Shop" An Excellent Cast of Principals. 40 BEAUTIFUL CHORUS GIRLS 10 MIRTH AND MUSIC POPULAR TRICES Matinee. 25, 35 and 5Sc. Night. 25. 35. 56 and 75c. Seats Are Now Selling for the Entire Week. A HINT Buy jour seats early. BELASCO THEATER wxJilf tFormerly Columbia Theater) 14th and Wash. TONIGHT ALL THE WEEK Sixth Week Belasco Stock Company. First Presentation on Any Stage of "The Conquest" By PhtL E. Rogoway. From Eva Emery Dye's Popular Novel of the Same Name. SPECTACULAR PRODUCTION "BIG CAST Story of Lewi and Clark Graphically Told. Regular Matinees Saturday and Sunday. Prices Night. IS to 75c; matinees. 15 to 50c NEXT WEEK "A FOOL AND HIS MONEY" EMPIRE THEATER , Twelfth and Morrison, Two Performances Dally. Matinees at 2:15. Evening at S:15. All this week the Empire Stock Company In the great emo tional comedy-drama. "Lost in London" ADMISSION ALWAYS lO CENTS BAKER THEATER vnf Keating & Flood. Manager. THE THREE KUHNS. LIZZIE WELLER. FINE AND DANDY. JEAN WILSON. ROBERT NOME. BURNS AND WILSON. MOVING PICTURES. BAKER ORCHESTRA. Theater alwajs cool and comfortable. Per formances dally at 2 ;-V. 7 ..TO and 0 P. 51. A'd mlrslon 10 cents to any eeat. except boxes. TlUECTlilS TUP ftPANTl ttrOSmflJ THE BUCKEYE TRIO. 5 MUSICAL HEWITTS 5. MARSHALL AND LORRAINE DALY AND HEROLDI ROBERTS AND DEMONT. MR. G. II. SHONE. THE GRAND1SCOPE. General adm'ssion 10c Evenings Sundays and holiday;, front seats lower floor 20c Box seats 25c E0UC1T TUC CTA D BEST :X ATIUCI1Q.1S I ItC O I AlY Ti'JCHIltE STEPHEN FITZPATKICIC A CO. FRANK MILTON AND THE DE LONG SISTERS. MACK AND WILLIAMS. . JENKINS AND O'NEILU. FRANK SELEH. MIL JOSEPH BONNER. THE STAROCOP. General admlsMon 10c. Sundays, evening and holidajs. front seats lower floor 20c Box seats 25c . Lewis and Clark Observatory HAWTHORNE TERRACE PORTLAND HEIGHTS Now open Take Portland Heights car and get off at Hawthorne Terrace, one block from car line. No climbing. Electric elevator. Most magnificent view In America. See beautiful e IT oct of powerful searchlight from top of tower. Open OA M. to O P. 51. ADMISSION. 10 CENTS. Baseball RECREATION PARK. Corner Vaughn and Twenty-fourth. PORTLAND vs. TACOMA Two Games Today. 10:30 and 2:30. ADMISSION. 35c. GRANDSTAND. 25c. CHILDREN. 15c. Box tickets and reserved seats on sale at Woodard. Clarke & Co.'s. NEW TODAY. WANTED. Three thoumnd a err nontlraber. nonmlner al unappropriated public land?, any part of United State!, what hae you to offer? State locatlt-n. a-lvnntagw and price. Ad dress G S. Ortconlan. Portend. Or. SAFE BANKING There Is no method of banking money more convenient or profitable, for Ion or short terms, than our Time, Special or Coupon Certificates of DepoMt. ISSUED IN ANY A5IOUNT $50 TO $10,000. RATES OF INTEREST. r., TO 4 PER CENT. YOOR MONEY IS SECURE Every Certificate- of Deposit with the "Old est Tryu Company In Oregon" has over el.W0.O00 behind It. Call on us o. send for our rook of "I LLUSTRATIONS." PORTLAND TRUST OttlPArtY OF OREGON 105 Third Street. BENJ. I. COHEN. H. U PITTOCK... B. LEE PAGET. . J. O. GOl.TRA Phone Main 453. President Vice-President Secretary Assistant Secretary MINNIE R. CLELLAND "Was awarded the money yesterday by the Portland Homebuilding Company to build a house on her lot at Univer sity Park, purchased through that company. No plan ever devised by man for procuring a home on easy payments is equal to that of the Port land Homebuilding Company, room 606, Commercial block. Investigate. Holladay's Addition For Sale A new 5-room cottage, all con veniences, full cement basement, streets fully Improved. A very' desirable location. Convenient to two trolley Uses, Terms will b given. Lots sold on advantageous terms to horns builders. The Oregon Real Estate Co SSV Third SL. Room 4. 1 California-" Bliss Lands" Small farms for settlers. 9200 acres of Irri gated land in 20-acre farms at $50 to $70 per acre one-fourth cash. Reached by Southern Pacific or Santa Fe Overland Line, direct to Tulare Oty. 2 miles from Bllffi Lands. Alfalfa, com. grain, deciduous fruits, vege table, hogs, dairy cattle thrive. Booklet frre from Hll.-i Lands (Inc.). care Sullivan & Sul livan. Lawyers. 610 Parrott bldg., San Fran cisco. MORTGAGE LOANS On Portland Real Estate at Lowest Rates. Titles Injured. Abstracts FurnUhed. Title Guarantee & Trust Co., 6 and 7 Chamber of Commerce. nnPTOR Western Washington: on L,uv',Urt account retiring from practice, will sell practice, house, office, lot; outside Income, $40 monthly; is only physlclan. Price. $22CO. Address Doctor. Box V SI. Orifgonian office. FOR SALE Good modern house. Irving at., west of 23d. FRANK E. HART. 105 Sherlock bldg. $8500 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. DESIRABLE RESIDENCES AND LOTS West or East Side. Apply forenoons 449 3d st. 6-ROOM COTTAGE, FULL CORNER LOT. easy terms. Phose East 675. . FOR SALE REAL, ESTATE. GOOD S-ROOM HOUSE. WELL LOCATED. West Side, lot 25x100; $1750. $3CO cash, bal ance eajqr terms Five good houses. 3 fine lots. West Side, rente $5 per month; J1U.0OO. easy terms. Fin quarter-block 20th and Stark. East Side; $225o; $500 cash, balance long- time. A beautiful quarter-block. East 20tn; $1350. $200 caxh. Fine new 5-room cottage on car line, mod ern; $IC50. $50 cash, balance $15 per month. 20 acres-, near Lents, very nne and el$htl, no gravel, will make- a fine home; $2uw, $500 cash, balance 3 years. 0 per cent. Five acres, near Lents; $400. '$25 each, $25 every three months. 20 acres, near Lents. 14 In cultivation, house, barn, orchard, good crop; $3000, !; each. CHARLESON & CO. 310 Allsky bkSg. Phone West 31. ON THE WEST SIDE. 100x1 CO, well located on a, prominent cor ner; 5 good houses; 3 early rental $10H. Price $10.S00. 25xl0 Nice 5-room cottage: J early rents $lSO; a nice little home or for Income. $lSCo. 50x75 A corner, with 2 good 7-room houses; yearly rent $43S. $4fts. 50x752 good 7-room houses; yearly rent $42o. f42Co.. These properties are all rented at reason able figures and are worthy of Investigation. DAVID S. STEARNS. 219 Washington St. AN IDEAL LITTLE HOME FOR YOU 104 acres black loam soli, lu acres In cultiva tion. 70 acres nearly fenced. 100 acres smooth enough to cultivate, rest fine pas ture; running water, well, 5 to 10-year-old orchard, variety; 4-room house. Jjarn. 3 root houses, woodshed, chicken-house. Inclosed chicken yard; 3.000.000 feet fir timber, on river; school, store, postofrice: price only $1200; don't let this opportunity slip. JAMES J. O'KEANE. Vancouver. Wash. $2750 ELEGANTLY FINISHED. THOR oughly modem eight-room house, nearlng completion, fractional lot. on Stephens St.. near Ladd tract: splendid location, two car lines on tarse block, has fireplace, furnace, wash tray, paneled dining-room, handsome ly stained woodwork, enameled tiled kitchen end bathroom; will sell for small cash pay ment, balance Installments If desired; this Is a splendid home and will appeal to good taste. W. L. ilorgan. 513 McKay bldg. ACRE TRACTS WE HANDLE ACREAGE as a specialty, within city limits or outside. Some acren with term- as low as $!' per month with water. A. C. Churchill & Co.. "Inc.." 110 2d st. RIVER FRONT PROPERTY LARGE WAKE hotxe on east side of Front st.. bet. ilorrt son and Madison sts.. for sale; 50x100 feet; two floors: property paying good Interest on amount asked for It. Inquire of owners. 7S-I North ru? st. CITY PROPERTY. 70X70 FEET. FACING Willamette St.; a new two-story frame store building on It; the building Is SOxCO feeC Inquire at 402 Willamette sc. Eugene. Or. $1100 FOR NICE 3-ROOM HOUSE. WITH half-block, good garden, on Clackamas ave.. bet. 23d and 21tn. Sellwood. Inquire for G. M. Rlnkcr. box ISd. city. FINE HOMESTEAD OF YELLOW PINE timber claim relinquishment; house and well: In apple belt; $200; opportunity. S 73. Ortgohlan. SACRIFICE. OWNER GOING AWAY SIX room house yarn, corner lot. Iron fence. E. Everett st.. good location. Phone Scott 3013. 200 FARMS. SMALL TRACTS AND LOTS Bargains on O. W. P. electric tine. O. R. AdCttcn. Lents. Ur. Take ML Scott car. 5c TWO LOTS. TWO-ROOM HOUSE. FINE GAR dn. trees and flowers. $.150; terms; mut be sold at once. O. R. Addlton. Lsnts. Or. 100 FEET ON WASHINGTON ST.. $40,000: cheapest baslnss property on the market. Sahlstrom & Patterson. 1454 4th st. FULL SIZE LOTS ON CAR LINE. 20 MIN utt' ride. $l.Vi to $200; $5 per month. Sahls trom & Patterson. 165? 4th st. FOR SALE THOROUGHLY MODERN house and lot. HolUday Park. Inquire owner. 31S Falling bldg. $2050 LOT 30X100. WEST SIDE. 1STH. near Lovejoy; part cash; fine property. Phone Main 366. ACREAGE NEAR CAR LINE. 0 MILES from Morrison at. bridge. C K. Ballard. Milwaukee. Or. FOR SALE-$1500; ONE BLOCK OF 8 LOTS ln Patten's Addition. 27U Washington St., 1. vanduyn. FOR SALE FARMS. GUARANTEED AS ADVERTISED $700 buys a nice little home of 10 acres with 6 under the plow, all rich soli without a foot of waste land; fine bearing orchard; good 4-room house and barn; live water: close to school and only 2 miles from town. Terms. $1500. with H down, take a fine 100-acre farm, of which 20 Is bottom land and un der plow; all rich land; live water, house and barn. 5O.C0i feet Cr timber, close to school and Kelso. $50o0 buys an Al farm all stocked: 143 acres with 50 acres under plow, balance ereded to pasture; land lays nicely: rich soil. live water, fenced and cross-fenced, large bearing orchard, elegant 7-room dwell ing, two large cattle burns; with this I lace goes 3 horses. 3o head cattle, of which 10 are milk cows. 10 hugn harness and wagon, mower, ha rake, plows, harrows and e mailt r farming Implements and a fine crop; cloic to J-hooi and good town; reasonable terms; greatest bargains of two land com panies; will not be on market long; write or come at once. IMUS & WILLOUGHBY AND COWLITZ COUNTY LAND CO. C05IBINED. Offices: Kalsma and Kelo. Wash. GUARANTEED AS ADVERTISED $01. with one-half down, buys the "fa mous. Coweman property" of 4S0 acres, of which one-half In bottom land, with 150 aires under pljw. balance second bottom land seeded to pasture: land lays most beautifully; all black loam soil; not subject ti June overflow; live water on every 4; fenced and cross-fenced; large bearing orch ard; el'gant S-rnom house; two large barns: schoclhouse cn place; well adapted for dl vtrsined farming: come or writ for par ticulars. Imus & Wllloughby and Cowllts Cnunty Land Co.. combined; offices Kalama and Kelso. Wash. AN EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNI"! Y ON account of recent death of wife and desire to 30 with daughter to South Dakota on July 20 to live with her. will sell my farm of 160 r.cre at Cowlitz. Washington, with crop, stock, etc.. at a great sacrifice; per fect title guaranteed; good plank roads to Chehalls and all towns nearby; two miles from postofflce and telephone and rural free delivery with box at door expected soon; tome and see. Francis Dean. Cow litz. Wash. ONLY $35 PER ACRE. For an SO-acre tract of strawberry and fruit land "h mile from White Salmon; the land lies beautifully. Is level, rich, deep ublrri gated soil This land Is easily worth $50 per acre and will bring that wlthtn six months: we must have some quick money, and offer this tract at that price for only 520 da. Act quickly If you want It, Send fOr our book on White Salmon Valley. White Salmon Land Co.. White Salmon. Wash. A FINE DAIRY FARM 270 acres, all good soli; 75 acres heavy crop, good house, two barn's; railroad sta tion on place; convenient to Portland; 25 head cattle, mostly milkers; 4 horses, har ness, wagon and hack, farm Implements: lta acreajn onions, worth, when gathered. $500 per acre; orchard, spring water: price. $20 per acre, and low price for crop, stock and Implements. B. S. Cook & Co.. 251 Alder st. STOCK FAR5t BARGAIN. 7G0 ACRES, well watered. 100 acres can be Irrigated, controls miles of range, postofflce at ranch. $12 per acre; Improved irrigated farms. $20 to $30 per acre; several exceptional bargains. Enterprise Realty Co.. Enter prise. Or. A SNAP 50 ACRES WELL-IMPROVED. IR rigated ranch, close to Prosser; new 0-room house; river front; fine orchard; will trade for 5. IO or 20 acres near Portland or Ta coma, Portland preferred. Address C. U. Baker. Prosser. Wash. $3400-SJ ACRES. 40 CULTIVATION. NEW 7-room house. ne.w barn. $400 worth stock and Implements, orchard. well. springs, school. li miles electric line; terms. 4G3 E. 0th. near Ca rut hers. FOR SALE STOCK RANCH OF 320 ACRES, not In hand of real estate agents. Address J. C Shellenbaum. 05 Union ave.. North. Portland. Or., or write to Box 54. Gates. Marlon Couniy. Or. FOR SALE lftJ ACRES PATENTED LAND, with over feet finest yellow pine, -a mile from White Salmon River from store at Trout Lake. Washington. P. O. Box 460. cltj-. $2.50 PER ACRE FOR WHOLE OR HALF je-ctlon of land In Benton Co.. IU miles from R. R. station; good grazing and fruit land, well watered. Owner, 107 Sherlock bldg. 15 ACRES. $2000; HALF DOWN: CONVE nlent to Portland on car line: good build- lngr. young orchard, garden, furniture, cow and 50 hens. Box 73. Beaverton. SACRIFICE SO ACRES. GOOD BUILDINGS. 12 acres clear. H". Muenster. P. O. address Lewlsvllle. Clark Count?. W4ah. TO EXCHANGE. EXtHANGB FOR CITT PROPERTY 40 acres; 25 In fruit; o3 of tbo finest In tha Valley. If you have something" good call or address L. J. Shell. 14a 0th sc. TEN ACRES. 7 IN FRUIT. 4 MILES FROM Vancouver. Clark County. Wash.; will sell or exchange for house and lot In Portland. J. V. Crelgaton & Co.. 165V, 3d st. SECOND.HAND TALKING MACHINES OP all makes, bought, sold and exchanged; bar gains In second-hand machines and records. 190 3d st. TO TRADE LANDS NEAR VERNONIA. Co lumbia. County, for team, harness and wagon. Address John G. Prtngle. Vernonia. Or. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WE WANT WEST SIDE RESIDENCES. $2000 to $10,000: also business properties. $5000 to $20,000. Have buyers. .L. W. Whiting & Co.. 40S Ablnzton bldg. FOR. SALE TIMBER. LANDS. WB LOCATE YOU ON TIMBER CLAIMS, Central Oregon, or homesteads; tine valley, good water. See us; If not good, your money back. Room C. Hotel Sbanlkp. Sha nlko. Or. WE WANT PROPOSITIONS FROM OWN ers for the sale of timber and farm land. The larger the proposition the better: no middlemen. Collins Land Co.. Concord bldg. FOB SALE LAND SCRIP. LAND SCRIPS OF ALL KINDS GUARAN teed. mineral lands titled, public land prac tice. Collins Land Co.. Concord bldg. CERTIFIED SCRIP FOR SURVEYED OR unsurveyed lands. W. G.v Howell. 53S Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicles and Harness. FOR SALE OR RENT HORSES AND VE hlcles) by the day. week or month; harness, saddles and 200 new and second-hand rigs for sale or exchange. Tomllnson St Casal day, 211 Washington st. LOT OF SECOND-HAND EXPRESS. GRO cery. furniture wagons, trucks, surrejs; sac rificed for cash. 2tW Fourth. BLACK it ARE. 8 YEARS OLD. 1100 pounds; safe and sound. Lockwood's Sta ble. Burnstde. cor. 0th. GOOD SADDLE AND LIGHT DELIVERY horses for sale. W. P. stables. 230 Russell st. FOR SALE-FOUR HEAVY TEAMS AND 1 fine 12C0-lb. single driver. 154 N. 5th st. SAN FRANCISCO VETERINARY COLLEGE Next session begins July 17. Miscellaneous. DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? Cover It with Mastic roofing. In rolls, easy to lay; needs no painting or coating: good over old Iron, tin or shlnglSs: for new roofs there Is nothing better; guaran tee!; Mastic rcof paint and cement wilt stop small leaks. National Mastic Roofing Co.. room 2. Hamilton bldg. FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables: easy payments; wa rent tables, with privilege of buying; mod ern bar fixtures, cheap prices. .Brunswick-Baike-Ccllender. 40 3d st. STOVEWOOD EQUAL TO TWO CORDS OF wood. $2.50 per load In stovewood lengths. In any quantity. Mrs. Howe Wood Co., 1200 Division: Phone Union 173. GREAT REDUCTION SALE ENTIRE STOCK to be cold below cortt; please come in and look; ladles underwear and shirtwaists. Man Sing & Co.. 302 Morrison st. FOR SALE SMITH-PREMIER TYPE wrlter. almost new; reasonable. C 73. care Oregonian. FOR S A LE 20-CAN DAIRY. BEST PAYING dairy In town, or single cows. Box 6ti. Ful ton. Or. i FOR RENT DONKEY ENGINE. CALL 324 Chamber Commerce or phone ilaln 2363. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED 10.000 LABORERS. LOGGERS, mill and railroad work. If you want work come to Portland: wages. SI.40 to $3 per day and beard. Canadian Employment Co., 241 Eurnslde st. WANTED SW I FT COMPOSITOR AND GOOD Job printer on country vcckly; single man. sober. Industrious; state speed, wages want ed and reference. Address Express. Klam ath Falls. Or. WANTED AMATEUR AND PROFES3ION al actors, singers, musicians, etc., for dra matic companies, vaudeville circuit. Iralr, etc. Newman's Theatrical Agency. 331 -j Morrison. MEN and women to learn watchmkg. en graving. Jewelers wk; only prac. school for jewelers; money made learn' g. Watchmks Engrav. School. P. I. bldg.. Seattle. YOUNG 5IAN WHO CAN FURNISH $2000 bond as assistant manager for new enter prise; state what business experience you have. Address F SS, Oregonlan. 5IILLWRIGHT3 WANTED TWO FIRST clawi millwrights, on zawmlll construction. Falls Cltj . Or. Call 736 Chamber Commerce. Wednetlay. 10 A. M. A FIRST-CLASS ENGINEER AS SUPERIN tendent; experienced In the construction work of ditches' and power plant. Address B H. Oregonlan. ACTIVE. EXPERIENCED YOUNG MAN for general work In grocery- Apply after noon only. Bulllvant's Grocery. 401 Jeffer son at. WA NTED M AN ACQUAINTED IN CITY TO drive laundrj wagon. Applj' In own hand writing with references, Opera-House Laun dry. California wine depot: headquarters bakers. ccoks. waiters, bartenders. All wines 5c per glass. P. Loratl. I4S 4th. Clay 1503. ANY Intelligent person maj- earn good Income corremnamg tor newspapers; experience un necessary. iress Syndicate. Lockport. N. Y. Wanted Men to learn barber trade: steady practice: expert Instructions. Write for terms. Gtiiman's College. 627 Clay st.. S. F. LOGGERS. MILLHANDS. FARMHANDS, laborers, others work. See us. U. S. Em ployment Co.. 103 Morrison. Main 1322. RATCHET SETTER. $2.50; PLANERMAN. $; mill and yardmen. $2; others. Lum bermen's Labor Bureau. 205 H Morrison. EXPERIENCED SPECIALTY SALESMEN wanted: new article, fella to merchants; ex clusive territory. 572 E. Oak. Portland. WANTED FIRST-CLASS MEN IN FORT land and throughout state to eol'clt bust nets. Call or write. 607 McKay bldg. YOUNG 3IAN. WINDOW DRESSER. LIM lted experience, $50; fine opportunity. Clerks Registration Bureau. 265 Morrison st. WANTED EXPERIENCED ELECTRICIAN as manager for power and lighting plant. Address L 7S. care Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE. me money required; fine chance; union shop. 500 Washington. WANTED TRAVELING .SALESMAN TO take staple article of hardware as side line. N SO. Oregonlan. MAN TO TAKE CHARGE OF REAL Es tate office; salary moderate. Address E Orczonlan. WANTED EXPERIENCED QUARTZ MINER Must understand mining thoroughly. K 62. Orezontan. WANTED TWO BRIGHT BOYS, 16 YEARS old, act as messengers; miitu know cltj-. 252 Alder. WANTED-A MAN TO RUN EXPRESS wagon. Address with references. H eS. Ore gonlan. YOUNG) MEN OF GOOD APPEARANCE FOR responsible ponltlons. Room 301. Allskj bldg. School of telegraphy and electricity: pupils wanted: positions wanted for grads. 3054 1st. WANTED EXPERIENCED PLAIN COOK wanted immediately. 484 Biirnslde. cor. 13th.. TWO BOYS. 16 YEARS. TO WORK IX store. Apply thUs morning before 0. 171 3d. OLD CLOTHING. SHOES WANTED: HIGH est price paid. 50 3d. Phone Hood 1SC2. WANTED GOOD SHORT-ORDER COOK. Merk's Restaurant; cor. Morrison and 3d. WANTED SAILORS FOR EUROPE. APPLY at Sailors Home. cor. 2d and Gllsan sts. FIRST-CLASS SALESMAN. CITY. COUN try; big wages; 215 Commercial block. WANTED A WAITER. APPLY COLUM bla Hotel. 1st and Clay sts. YOUNG MAN WANTED FOR CIGAR store. Apply 135 4th st. RUNNER FOR ROOMS, GOOD PAY. AD dress G S3, Oregonlan. HELP WANTED MALE. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. Certificates of stock, lease and fixtures of Oregon" Mercantile Co.. Portland. Or., for sale at $3500; fixtures Include complete Lampson package system and modern, up-to-date store and window fixtures, dry goods, shoes and ladles ready-to-wear goods handled at pres'ent; men's furnish ings. clothing1 and shdes could be added to advantage; present business about $75,000 a year; rent. $150 per month, with lease IS months to run; size of storeroom 50x100 feet with tine basement; merchandise not for sale, as we will move same to our store at Spokane. Wash.; This Is abonaflde op-portunltj- to start Into business with a new stock, good will and an established trade of $75,000 a year, which can be In creased materially. Do, not answer unles.- you have money and mean business. Wlr or address the Oregon Mercantile Co., Portland. Or. itAN AND WIFE AS FIREMAN AND waitress for sawmill company, $G5 and found; woodsmen, railroad laborers, kitch en help, others. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, 20 North Second Street, WANTED MAN BETWEEN 25 AND 35 years of age; must be energetic, intelli gent, and have some business experience. Address, stating age. also names and ad dress of references. Q SO, Oregonlan. WANTED SHEET METAL WORKERS (tlnnera and cornice makers): no union: wages 50c per hour: steady work. Applv Puget Sound Sheet Metal Works. 1318-20-22 Western ave.. Seattle. Wash. WANTED SINGLE YOUNG MAN OF GOOD address who can leave town immediately to travej and learn good-paying business; oth ers need not apply. Call 10 to 3 P. M.. room 1. 3S1 Yamhill st. TRAVELING SALESMAN FOR OREGON; taple, line; entirely new Inducements to trade; high commissions; $25 weekly ad vance; permanent to right man. F. C -Farley Co.. Detroit. Mich. HELP AVANTED FEMALE. LADIES WANTING EMPLOYMENT please call; many situations too numerous to mention. Exposition and other places. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 3433 Washington St., cor. 7th. PHONE MAIN 2602. AT ONCE. SEVERAL YOUNG LADIES TO enter hospital training school; between 20 and 25; In answering, give personal de scription, previous occupation, etc Win lock General Hospital. Wlnlock. Wash. GIRLS IF' YOU WANT WORK DON'T FAIL to see us. Over 1000 positions every month. Call and register. Canadian Parlors, 22ti Morrison. Main 1323. WANTED A WOMAN TO GO TO THE Beach with family of two as companion "and to assist with work. Call at 104 Aber nethy at. WANTED FIRST-CLASS LADY REPRE eentatlves In Portland and throughout state; good pay. Call or write 607 McKay bldg. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS. COOKS. WA1T err. chambermaids, general workers. St. Louis Agency. 2SOI5 Yamhill. Main 5413. GIRL AS CHAMBERMAID AND WAITRESS In family of two; personal reference re quired. Call at 434 Morrison st. WANTED TWO NEAT GIRLS.. ICE CREAM parlor; willing to work. Clerks Registra tion Bureau. 265 Morrison st. WANTED GIRL TO TAKE CARE OF TWO children and assist In housekeeping. Apply at once. 0O North 8th st. WANTED A GIRL FOR CHAMBER WORK and wash dishes. $5 per week with room and board. 105 7th st. WANTED YOUNG LADY TO ASSIST IN bath parlors; experience unnecessary. 234W Morrison St., room 10. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; good wages. SS3 E. Taylor St.. cor. 20th. Call mornjngs. WANTED 1 PRETTY GIRLS FOR HIGH class vaudeville act: big salary. Call room 11. 35ta Morrison. WANTED A GOOD GIRL TO DO GEN eral housework.- small famllj-. Call morn ings. 730 Hoyt st. A FIRST-CLASS COOK WANTED. TAKE charge of kitchen In private boarding house. 231 Gth. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED WAITRESS. Apply at once open-air sanitarium: take Ore gon City car. GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; two In family; no children. Applj' forenoons. 604 Northru-?. WANTED GOOD NURSE. WHITE OR colored, to take care of twins. Call at 331 Davis st. WAITRESS AND CHAMBER5IAID; WAGES $25. room and board. National Hotel, Front and Yamhill. WANTED A YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST IN housework and take care of child. Apply 211 Gth st. v GOOD SEAMSTRESS FOR CHILDREN'S sewing, must cut. fit; $1 per day. 605 Davis, cor. 21st. GIRL FOR GENERAL OUSEWORK: MUST live at own home nights; references. 320"a 7th st. WANTED GOOD. STRONG WOMAN FOR general housework. Rlplej-. Telephone, West 2040. WANTED YOUNG GIRL TO TAKE CARE of two children during daytime. Call 5S0 5th st. GIRLS WANTED STEADY FACTORY SEW Ing power machine. '40 Front, corner Da vis. SCHOOL GIRL. DAILY". TO CARE FOR children; reference. 005 Davlj, cor. 21st. WANTED EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR GEN ?ral housework: no children. 565 Hoyt st. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK IN small family to sleep at home. 461 V2 Bth st WANTED TWO GIRLS FOR DINING room and kitchen work at 104 N. 7th. WANTED REFINED. MOTHERLY WOMAN I to care for invalid. Phone 5Iain 2000. A GOOD WILLING GIRL WANTED TO help with light housework at 450 5th st. WANTED GIRLS FOR FINISHING OVER alV and shirts In factory' at 75 1st, WANTED WOMAN TO TAKE CARE OF rooming-house. 311 Everett, st. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work and cooking. 161 14th st. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK IN A small famllj'. Call 560 1st st. EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES AT HOTEL Pendleton. Pendleton. Or. A STEADY GIRL FOR ALL-ROUND WORK. 321 Davis st.. cor. 0th. WANTED CHAMBERMAID. AT 510 FLAN ders St.. corner 15th st. WANTED GIRL AS DISHWASHER. SSOf Morrison st. COMPETENT SECOND GIRL. 404 MADI son st. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED 50 TOUNG PEOPLE TO TAKE A course In bookkeeping or shorthand, daj and night sessions: a good position Is worth the price of tuition. The demand for our graduates Is far greater than we can supply. Had 20 calls within past two weeks: let us help j-ou: it will be a sure road to success. Call and have a talk with us: catalogue. Behnke-Walker Business College. WAITERS. HEAD. $40. OTHERS; CHEF. $'W. restaurant. $15: dishwashers, farmhands, sub urban home. $20; cooks. 20 waltiwass. house work Drake. 205-- Washington. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. SALESMAN. INSIDE. RECENTLY FR05 the East; experienced In drug, cigar and gents' furnishing lines. R 60. Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. WANTED POSITION BY A FIRST-CLASS steam engineer: 12 years' experience erect ing and operating mine and mill engines, air compressors. d-namoes. etc.; good steam fitter and electrician; will go anywhere. P SC. Oregonlan. WANTED BY INDUSTRIOUS MAN AND wife, a position in charge of logging camp; both good cooks and experienced. Address M SS. Oregonlan. JAPANESE LABOR ASSOCIATION CAN furnteh domestic servants, farmers also; all kinds of help. Clay 513. 26S Everett sU A JAPANESE BOY WANTS POSITION AS dishwasher or houseworker In the hotel or boarding-house. B SS. Oregonlan. GOOD JAPANESE BOY WANTS POSITION to do cookln? in family. J S9. Oregonlan.